Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 14 Sep 1877, p. 2

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. . 1 ý ý . 1 . . ý ý ý - 1- 1 - . . - ý . - --lié - ý -.1- . . . - . 1 - __ , ý,.ý-ý--,- - 1 -- -- ,- - - 1 1 ý1 ý . ý M ý - ---- mâtoillÉommýomftft ï'%Nm -ý il, _ -1 - ýý4 1 mou 1. l- . .1 .- .1 1 .ý . - - . 1 - . 1 ý - - - ý ý - - - - - ý - -- moq bilet t- tw1m lm ___ bu * * ' - po" o#%b» au ilii , bM i ll= . Il . ý, ýý-ý.---ý- *,bvwmlm a 111111111t, . - 1 ý . . 1 ý1 1 ý- - :_ý,-ý_,,, _ýýoý1.1_. - - lu tawm ý - - i" - *Niiliiiiiiiiiil IlIbla but 'l ' ý ,,ýýý1ý1:,ýý ý . ýý - - ,,__, ..., % et "M"b, illéatu VIIIII: ho --..@»ý- 1 1 __ __ - - ýM M"WU- - tua- t ý ýý1 1 .. 1 114j" ýrorgodéat«»Omp. oitàirb YORY . pXyr Ar ibe» Mm ý - . libu, rm7-*,ib- la t ý ý 1 - à* --ý.---- -_ - - -- -1wak.! ]&.wlwwwwm 1 Mue bile flevelb " 1 It*.ý*» wilot bu*. ý ý IIYAUX Mi 1 m 1_»qý _ . - ý -ý- ;. . 1 ý " 7 ùý -la ý --- __ lmou*d -1 . - __ ý. 1 . 1 idmat6m 7M a m Md bt'bik 1 . - 1 . ýý . 1 ý " . ýý . .1 ý. ý autom ýýb»àM# bu illet. aw ou «MW 11wy 1 . 1 . wila - - . . . ý 1 ý , . . ý a" »O a MM ,è* - __ - ataw, 1; 1W. M= »4 tbW et bM wS or ma lm . ý 1 1 1- 1 ý . .ý À Pâ» ------ - W ------ ,wmuua w bN1wRý ý . ý 114, 1 , .ý 1 ý 1 1 1 pa"M ý 1 - -- - _ _ ne dimIbIkbadwattb*Cbmnetvapl 1 ý b~ .*# amup zieum. 1 t4jo"wu,*»W~Wbmb*$M-l, . . ý «adal»% ý ý ,»,!ý'-smb=-io-*-"-d aver tkSwm imblié., 1 1 'l.iýi .. - rtbat-tbw--usi-j' 1 - - affia ý ý ý ý . . - l ýý ý . 1- ý - - -I»PW-. a ,Cbmmmi Bar ttýe- «W"7 et ý -11 ý ý 1 - . ý ý ý .11ý ý . ý ý ý . wiliblié bmbeeeie»b--utýn«»ý 80wam etaite &Mamw 1111111111111111111 - - Il 11A V= V» 11,111111111illed. ý . 1 . ý ý 1eý 1- 1. _. ý ý . me» . l"M"È « ý . lm ý 1 . . l"Il, 1 . ý . 1. 1 ý wm«s-oub ib» 4 mmtw*d. ýtb» - ý 1 - _ý__!ý _--__ ---- . 11011111011111l' 111111111I wher we b"ý*é or " le . ý 1 ý ý ýý 1 - . ý . ý ý =rg»r"ýt rf«tb&Smlk 111111! inelpin AIM V T"»M*bbày noël wu*ý«thuma bie enumy Il la be- Menthe , «Bqjw g> 0&46 Md 0(4090 Pm » ne ab. l - - - - - - - - - - - - ý __ ý __ zilâw Zabu tu liblé. -, ý »V»V or Vwffl"ý ý ý jeub"ellit *ftlh *>I» twob»04 b» - ý - 11110-911,11111001%. % route m ana a ~ -tS -bu le sa " Md 11111-à- Wi É', 1 w im Wb ý . ý 1 : .. ý ý ý ý . -- .1- -1-1 rAbffl e*joet*y," Mèmàpy«»Maý. . lot ;W bàdlmbe - ltà»omucttb*Gmtwu*mitW»ýnkum 3gr- cý tcheu-4 . . ý ý 1 ý . ha wm mema »> . Jr»ý» ý . -ý &&»a w--ioebulmuuvwrbw&»A ,éeo*,,e"nw*","-""ek*n"'- matbruemmmmtwbî à. Ir ; et *0 MACOwa.emm - Z- - , ý 1 1 ý ý . FM-Û)-tF» . à" rl â%= 1 ..î*àmi 1. Mr J.b» »mm. " ý_ , .1 . 1 1 . - - mad»d à ettn" àppwmtr m "ëw. î% 1 elum ý = W.JW*Obmur et= ez ý . 1 - ý 1 ltl,,ý.zbgh" ltk.,iiwébw,) , &O »,NW& ý W$ hm ou» vu ý wub*em3r lotit thil, alby ebom brilibe, = àZ,= . lima. . àbbbbtfml pll-m"..M%.".. aktaismiwuwemumd»'- --w ý ý ý f48wý ,,àm ý 1, E , Zw',» l 1 1 vin or 1 1 - 1 1 1 . rà.*.=ý'ffl ý - Md --- Il ifflcu WIE ; . ý -. .., . . ý - m . , .ý . ,ý - 'W O.M IR&W ou fillimil lm ~ ,rOry picote sud &momlmim on ý 1 1 . .W oqp»UM-bew»aIewààmt»»Imadrabeuw 0 'l 1 . ý Tin »àx4uuL - seuffir. Imam & %ýl.t.-,. 1 . - l.qoob womweenèý. ab ObRum me! ta Lmd»y. A ft» de c"Ila à« hèv* . ýb»mdwatbmindlbuâw i we c໫Uoà" giloffl ý ', - -ý ý 1 ý 1 j beille wbbm r-r by tb» . -"O la p«dkMeIiý aw» ý ý ý . . 1 ý- b«WA MA bé -ou béat %hm Mwalohé w»M &raltai luoompu-qtbma*ýmmmf»tbe ta«mmtmddidoummie E ttffl 1w I te" la " laud. "a cometitueuler the *0 éblimblK «F« a ---- . t th évole beemp au tw; ueumoy=,tbebm 9mniolm4 = ý ý &&P"m - ý- wùb-tq"»»Mmy..Md " . ý wm servieil. Mr. __ - ="M eme in ilie. -- aie oma &tua Il truchand illécre ot*eâ 'l'ý---.- . ý To * SHOW 41 ý ý ý. ý. 1 ., eilimr;ý»bbiegbý--itbiùb" tol-twb«mttm au qmuwnsbmw bave »«Jaw2wthodeeu" vobb ir; a e" lmwmbelbod ovwý,bqguemll létarofille ý - 1 . .. ý lý-x.ýthbf %»* é.%%kÀ-e. ý »pa> ,»Ol tb» moeuàmb et *» 1 bom uw»dt»wy wpp- but 14 du " moom Tb* 1011111111I wu th&* sesumaN >i 1 ý . . ý . .ý ý , 1 - - _ _ Roubla Md là ibe committ»40«» «" elle, ý@»» $hm illet i latte M» Ilgib te, the, la"M «POOki. by Mr. Je» Doba@*, *» .ý.-- wr ",Omtwýnèmemmet" - ý e .il). ý #ltodý» ý Pýobm 1 00 m - - --rl" limer go mm -.*et rmtw-'ý 'a 1 loi te Lémileaxi V" it ou*»&e, rfom»A"tmumbetibb c WAW how b8we i ment WM &»-mt là Mak- . .. . ý . sI«& - 1%6 ý wo"»*» fer, thle oe- 1 1 . 1- 1 __ ý -MmS» si ' ' - - - __ _ ýâc hiÈý-, . . - 1 f». til * »% »"O @m Mlle. rberlo *" ew% O»im ,,el suelle m a somenêtait ". . m mm 1 * ,» 0-Uffl f»àmdtw»ttýwom m trait 1 Ù"%W. " in - _ .«» i > t= vrery AT , ait ý ý . « Chaow la lm .1 ý, ý ý . 's.ý"bof»mwbmoâvteý ý A#W &allw@rý I»bb«"I WM.4& à W-:.e".. =. ï , - . ON SATUBD ý 1 ý 1110111, * 1,11 &mm 11JE tobes" "abiK Sibe évélet beille O» et Il la et e la mvuu- ý tit 0M 1 . ý ý 1 1 WOMv* »4 ëfffl os " oooukmb ý i .ç«.« wn" wm ý , peint - la ýQ bub. in ý . : 1 ý aftm-pait".tmp«mawe. (laminait te IN . r= âad 1 - - F- M" - . 1 1 Mr. Deb"m bM wMe »w mbuk» 11(* mft *»"& WW 4m»M Ob 1'tie l 1 . - .. in tbe woridl. ý . . 1 . *Vovoo»itý ,Mr. 1 'I'b., I..Ilbý.11:."ýl 4- 1-1: tQmlý.ýb - Jm*%Wwm m»ibesabe »"a l bave ab tnumww,»~ Silweeemille . twihmpmoom * moduemi O" 1 = = niruenftbetr 1- ». m . Werle ý . . . . afflollé WeQd .1ý 1 . 1 ebffltffl coittem. epellélil .. . vu *m emw tu W* ý Pftobes" 1. ti clusa"M! uniâ=d ha , , a &Imm fast--.te: ý ý . . 1 - toir O.».t* ü» MdWA» tzb platée; à &a. eau 34 wbm bu ý attrie Ilaite 84 » "Ildbe, 1 rolarit am-Wmm>-atmhis i4ftle jolit ut.oompt »Il, 1 1-7g; Xaff, ,.8,iý . 1 ý ubt» on th* Wbi»îyý Vkbwtr,, 34W 1 i;;;z; W - - E . trie" Ize nobwd ,Cýmmron - boa ý ý q« »Pm a 0 :. J ý i P i =h 1 erjF m 1 th" 2l Su" tend amil ýNýt»Wr« milwibys iffle ii». 1 . ý ý m le du &ýbM . torclit , - b"U>oemL délai . - . ý W.Ceta wenu thm et" ne 4 WM m owms&. ai- ýý ý ý '1 dOU4 tb» b»kty ell, t>wèy - ho *IttbefWàidbew-. l.. - --- i rem cor" te the amnée, ne eauld ý hie, the ýood»»Y *8 , 1 M" ne qm" in blah terim et - i ,.W.ud,» vierocis wm ber %W* te- th--- M-- M-bmgk rniurit M.No.m.."»] bâti tilleul lia -i»tk . 1 e;;ZÎ,;ý but: Mr. Blake was tige --tý- -,,, - . - ty .., irmam ý" 1Y4 ý » àm ý . 1b#4@ý IM',4W JW& - vkW, bb»(I flée "Vaod«Wtt" ana Ur. S. lé. Dàvmw» *m# iawo*aud - L '«- ..... tombé. .... . wâdwm 1 ..* ___ m a dan" Md true > '"& Cb--' ne W-je'-> ý .c b,-W" the mems. 19-ad&à Co the illid bom dmgwà tb" b*Îcg - fflm M&* - Y %be ellairabaiti âad dettillet a rater, - ----- 1.1 1 1 ý ý . . . " %balt hiw, .*m W»MM i4 i ý - mmta wqp& ,AIl b wkrmdm __ WM *erimimkbebad , , , nuy Of the transaction, th" Xrý bil rapmouàe imvmmmm i" a the m ý- - but a H*bM*bem»kiý î imia rem WMW W coluil, le" eo*My gd*àye »UlyVilth Us qro».SwSWI bememend-"aâki--Iwefebào ur,! hie ~ V am Md d"d- dorton, th" tIIIIIIII1,11b tèrmnnmetit*. bo-eVým faillira te ira 'Ob"m%:"*Um.ll- aw«m 1 ý ý (.1 . . .lent o~ i t)ffl*04 O"qo" kooeb bvïr* ont tt* ,lt&itbw.., "rbmmould a rew = &*et bu mer dite obarý Je" ana âlwm rame -'th bb »«M ý Md the nualei, Meilleur of entende. = du . ..k Z m.d...w te ý .we.bm. 't dé. C.-W #hm litit Job*»$*" pouiij rem W 1 -Nôtre the - butXr. Xa&-.Smp-iium-&Wswbmh*vmteOuy@mý"" 1 1 .,4 =- . th. tâtât ri. . m- I ha» hem a turft-ont, et 34 Imm ibslon baddwkbdtoem iabb-lot for%. Uend«Sk vit -Wb tbe in- i ri" bila tire a Wb -"y dm col. ý P-4 -»à ne4r-- - *bb a "'Il, ave, 1 witb tbe Ç4 ' alvm The I«dffl Of te D,41=9bftb.%. - ottbapmommmeoithothami" 3291%1 viftuleu. te Md hm t,,;Iw bffld opoin ý ourr U*e orthudb4tifiçomberkm&OtTemageýl- & ,1,.iBL-dwýahiendtc-okaway the contreet 4&"m nuenutreupenqiuetouulme.n-t, ý I:ox.mbpb" Md iobb«,o ot tité, ma 1 "À",»*d gond Torlim twom the. two 1 **% VA verre liberal semý m elod tWY did »M &PM hum« bb bleu& 1 th" Smuw lb"bmm telle a ru m whoougl--- te halle, hod the éolithe = i. .gui PeAw m- a. - W*tel-m*We Ool#Watod .,06èmm mw"tië t wiiie dia lia avil - i er otstobm nmw- Md tba as ho f-IRr ý trous a M 1 duel" PWI»»K white ai Imet boît et th" num. 1 -m ôtutuy Md hoew. - ne ebupd xr - dm work and Sa7wit ta thidlreneg«UT«7. dumadhimmaugY.»Itngçbtotwymlqln emttbpmqbofd(,», willim ma«10»d ber otltetorg»vý4 lierre »MUUMIy ellefflé, 1 the Beewm ý kule» wfth . __ ei n è: blairer et lie mm W» mi- ý jormi, h" gris; " bmift et the au of Everything char gras donc by the Gov- ait the hopeoi the,ýumrý mil efPd ga"f' 1ý '1 . ý . 1 . ý ý . . . dfflud S" mon» in mmeturconeMI4 gocès ha was brerse thm éther -n ' -)ýër»Le" 4110l'eF-el 1. ana i trieilt PrtlwtjOeilndvIoWsoutwr . - ij,,,,,bX,,.,IÇrithaa;ernmaffl t= Ca= i&Wasaurio=ý.,,bciawert." &u . ý 911IIIII Io repuit the vv.i44ae6 ri* baie e ý rA tg corail, awl ." the, -.3bow" alculi, éteau m . .",i.i.-k.u go trA agrkuktani Md toutoi» 09 purhy'. Md irith ebqwu Md cmvbcingj-g--- 1 1 c job. , %ut sg inumts 01 the cýmc". Thm W-'Ulll al» Tic 8RAID Or CIAL DIL rey ai,,.» te$(% 14ie, éliorribélis jobbéléry f ý tw*r'tlt Job". ý%tiffléléplibéallérouléfilot ut»rw taeme" - »d ., th" sectitemail. ft>eém) wr - «rieur à 1» bmugm nomins . . . le 1 , r - ; -Thev 1, omrg ellictien eft 1-jor-it mium be ,fige ,ýý 1 . . ý ý . k Pau",Itr*voldy." Abd @Peak' il bave bren tht'e.1b. i The euèoey tom coula ho Mo. = ýtoId whien we adèressed the 1 = h:w coula ha addru&,m iirý A voicz , did riahu ittb*tarn»v*b"a toku.-, lIgito JOIIM ý i . atit vesr. or i, mixht lie 'Pm= QP ý ý 1 1 - ý 1 ý 11, luit of)4F. mw&»eimi nmiwb Us tréali, ampeçd ho idbe, bon. ientiribru m MatoteriM iniqviW»-IoghomK«ý PH*kne-itwma , YLcoélb-;_ý -They aregem ý weli tàm - -kt 1't', dey lot the yetiblit to Il, uw«ëowdý w» te place ..Iro"41» »cittwe»..Tm - *hOO& it Was lrmw*U'à . awua -,.Pm Y.« qulit la G.1 a ý . u- ý,.ý,Il(.,.%.,."ý1;1.ý..;. Iti' lire, ý W sol ý PIP" ý th*v* imm twilb, Pitièbw# siýbb al thoi ý -pom "Ubmt i. - ý '41r . _ . iv = ý trym a a-- -à hie féïl- -M- ing te have a *hm »igu Md they am :4L ý . ý tk~ ,>tèto*titb». 1 ' . ý verbience the,*Itth,ýw-t*ý triât (tair. lrutlonmetdehts»IU8»tomisiim »,d m» time, or motber.» - nandfeBewcoumrzywwwjaknew'b..d te makeit amerry orle Hewas;ý«P.v wu a pïtiàbb thiat' -dwup in tI , ý - W the,.,>U-, * -, ami thtft - ,- '-,ý! l.iýý'ti. ý -, ýV. 4- t lié.. Iý-l tý-» .,,Il;#% the - ý . -t reine. Theftwera i (--',aWieiN and on the, tailler tablât ho imwe threntened te lie put 1 aïd i.,ii-red it W= a Iim and th&q: ai, i Vérillias te aqcSd'o, bis iýuatiaafoesthe , - L il . loi 1 - . . 1 to J'nt NI'r. ltltwki»e open a ,*Iiittte «W»tkh<,'*th"tii(t* : hall don* dorigla the Ilwa. twentr yeure .gâb-n tiA. %VeIL tire can,4t&ud il. lie ., tbese châMM ri" be« made for the i mm meilleure of iumiiS rie elairced spilki a. ,lr4 the 1'l"v. tg "M - . .. oerýffl »t. lu tht' Opinion et exýpeiW»mt and [ for hi. ekimW cilla the Comermive ricaetim 1 parpose et ttiv«ting their muub frOille. fer him«IL He "a beest &-,-jý , - "" :'--'ýe Pany th" I%,ýftq V«kmM».to 6" If -ho collild 1111111t ý country. Ici hm *W"* !aie. . . crîm« »d iniqfiti" of ý! h.ii, lie. -ibýé tré* (,mw4b t , ejoiuttb*C»Ourvomvel14. impartial jw4rest, buom thau fitiem il the limbe or teffl " tbinmtb*elew t boa » fur T»Uttea m, a Siulq% of -M in ý tbe *iag =a ý te:.ýpon elle litait -tu -" iw>ý, ii-labie vouv s.fbwlcqrr IPB#tle, . Ile, had ý when in power te x0verla the jzo"m 1 Putteular ab'>e- thelr Sil . . île oeller blitit, »F. Ilawkwa loixht bav» 1, htedmt or ai the mitddo tire th". Y«ervm &M the feuillet %leaute $v$4= : the xlew elfflionsi. and bc predEcted ttu 1 of trie xbres-M' ('-«Rmem the country a£cmm= te tâe best of.w- .,1ný,ý'ý-:uid4« the MOU -.111III& Tbeéîllrý"Qt in lewer roulotte, and Md etb« indigo»?; people WOBU régal thalles. bâti ocmkmu _Xpaàwo! -,o%# 44verc col; had liait n- Objec ne- -ýr -a 1ýU: ila ol>IX.rtuniey in thé, day», ( ' 1 ,tami prettellit M the mffl Nvotimble i . ed 1 au ý1 tim ai, taâeanyi af.'hi*«,ra4te inguil otber *rffl refbna& iie tlir terre .*tdwàniuratim lm= POWer ý thW ZOPk, &" chue ffle OIL V' thov mmid J'a l"te bu patron- ý - ia a ti - here f,>rbizý lie&,- ýetJi *7 beingequaito helq a Po- 1 - axmurl, >ýr! (» thérire a tante; Dail w»q *former** r4mmdhewe«lâ Ion the avet opportuaitv, (Chemb. L be ha& bellert known since ha gras & bey - a* againât a polaire cip. panv -Q MLitate tale e;-tt-I m .% ne télé l'oNoy #4 bm»*ý" of bis l 1 I»b« in. tee àfte41%O«hý 11+1,111h. ý_. ; Il 'i 000. a. ,»*»^». Illt*A4Pz" IbW»bhifflkibt(-th*C4%iký;PrO" IM t*IIYRthtV« till P-OfOrtu- ý aay awOidtëtbotarommotthb coublé. 1 ltock.tW.Tr-.-spýwwmmintwdlmý-lzyhad." iltwusfaiýe. Trierait Ce z:l aad 1-0 t«h tirette equaity allie ,,nt' ent **à ta* 'e lie had m"'ttp'ffl'L j ý . .ý - .ý. - ý . --ee bave, kantien yoa as a bey; a", a !trie he had. a »dffl ÈÏ*t - ý 'h*'ýý"11 ch'y w"'Lkl uffl "&h hm tjwt t - - xl, ... 1.11 Lh.- gr't-Iý'. lbei,îl. 9."%,b. t.i-bqty (.144 to sq1l'Iwb» % bat thry oeula be, i el% attmetpd, bir vort(iiity, am# Who, Ille. 1 ty. ý bleýbelie.wed triât fîtrellevé needed 1 cd gbod Woo, Warubly weleocae& lie im- ', - - bd h" Lùd liý3«lk i-Ir the fligwI ,-'%* 1 as a lawyer with a Lu&e priblictice, 3" 1 take a Couservative rathéer th" a Grit 9:ý.»rite évitoie Sutary and." iii--,d lité, Witevelli by ait altérait W»I» a omtieu go! et-Pè e'd 1 lie advies et. T IIIK iltI., te coule i " ffl,» - - à - m»bm-,m ' ferred te hl* Bru Tblit te laa"y el " ialowift th" - not ý And rie gave Mr Mackenzie A" hie e. t. mm& hum as a Illetil a;>,,%'ir,,-,ýrtili ý ---t-t-0heýee- 1 - . i)bp. 1. 1 . ý rortwywem»wia daffler or beinx - for à,= . . li,(..ttt*Mtbiblý*. 11qit is wusi me morte e iit.tthëavl*battb*Oppnftitk-.nh"tosay. 1 niimd by the tav»,IuwvetÀ on the eth. ove ye&»»xOý ma glaid ho tels, se or 1 gzy7t,)r prit. . lbea have ý t_ýovernmeat the same right- BU rie ,,m hm ta =mi*--,* .ýus,ý The 1', e z-ýît-m ý 1 .,iei*ISI.,A thint ta Rffl % ultée, of ne. 'ttbé. Frlé'f', ý an -&P!Y, boue the t6w» pret.i; er sigle et the ligie, bomns* they coula dites$ of the otreqgb of Comermd- L never know a yoa te fflum the :-'rý i béeid chat the tourse, the t;ovemý t t'heu .-,PMI axmZL.»ýi ,bftr_--.,aý- ý4 -P" ýý limblail bild (#.ýtb:iwot, ý . . lié priaciples in VictSilIt couette triât; lit, as sonne l'awven have de-; Y« nave i Lii taken was wideiv didèrent. In ttn-"',= ýr-'i * il'!,- ý 1 __ . _ý ., - . , ý 1 lý,1.,.Ii(gatt'» allknowlettý'-ied abitity, ffl if» . ý ý ce'. and the ý not vritit thè, prellent *(-.Oveminwntýin ý vlaël. hardIr neee«A«--vtouimalàsethem! nevergronna the fateot the Puer: and U,ý Own caý , x, '.1 U,.,a ai ý l . "-utt*(l & licilliday Appeurolit - tLý 1;1,àle hall never vert. L1-ý. W. x3ý >-ý ,,ýt-,Z,.Vâà.ýe, ,1; 1 tbritt,,- lit- ýtN« twA enti (lit ai ttotetoontrw 1 poivre tfie, necrine Piroiteaieil . ý I ', IWfnetti4.» ý te gresser activitir. But it wâs wdl te ýý we ran never belierte char a inaît whée - ý - --f"i a Izt;ei idan-- elh.ci ýZ- ý;- -.e,>t F*q»ý(e(,Iil,ý,k,ý(>g ý rlet(* ýXIf- ýtrt 9 wat, thrmoud by expéretant; matum. VKI ý%wartean& 1710 cofttuffl tured ta blring il sinx-Le rhw.IpýR of -job- "Il,, ý - . ý 1 . , une 'étice.ý-t-j'itl«ranit - tait trI 4eiÂli-Ili i»*i,-. léifil -'t I.if* *..e "t(.» Ill"I'. , fibbélit-diroxg«Imithifthimpý e dlecum the &Mis qf the country bc, ý. liait a taira rhazarter woum f---t au he ý ! - 4 Lilli ý r.ýirý ,.-.ý.ý-»r, f,,e the tP'ý tý. f-r ý ý. i. ý . .9ý,,b t ...... il»Mo ,iqý,'A.I1; %#.,Pttoleo,., .,I,é - 1 A"ef ».b41t. aptxb»"Y th* léoli boit etretom Kvnt«,,tt. w» gally drç"Med ! by Pvî1Iý0 amtd m e. & glowý'pr tom the . ý hati jadneti by .1 PrIÈC ý berr and of helping a Pprý=_bl fr, îýn, a ýb,,.,e *ý-k ,i %,,-t lil-, bl'ýl.-.tbb ý-ýt -14. -t","!r with ,ltreamere, Étagg And boutien A": tribale te Mr. . àmongau a" , a long proteffliena 1 -- h interelits, oit the ocuntrf. er ,4r. E-",,ý-r.,*!-cd tu- imir. -A, -t ýý*- *, iý bwillé to kilt timété; *Rd afteir six (e(ilock 1 foule ait t boa sera chat the pet ý rice amonget t'-% and at 011cl' beeOille ý ffe = Id U .,, .. ixt ., ,1...,:.", %I-lý.,I, .., itýh.., ý.,...,i.v ».,Rgo 1 . - 1 jobla Z%.-Ugedoitaid'» the fonatten et _>- ý - this c'rowd- ..ýe.iiný, "4ma" . M- ', ... W 'il -, vib"fil traite Imm ibb*tèt -to Xe owey the. the leiliffinx dYý gooda menhantié, magie 1 I-Mt«WMIQD. ý . ple, werré te 11PI11191111 the bd" 1 4MIL & Seolutarlek m Yeu lenTe leen, h. cared net ý.vùether friend or tical, Tmehugupro«00"4ma" , » N V,-Wý --k. th,,,* ib-1-1- 9»" lit 1 of the = tim in PàrU«»nt in cS-' charged wtth beinàr.7 ý . . . le , ý, %§",. h ... i-:* #!ýî.W,- lý'I'.81ýY 4 ,*..,% villt., ýONN(NMfý"e»,ýtuartit(bwtýd"(,Ppmtblib-.ibrtt-tre(.tivottittpietyottwrware*. At; .%Ir.w.,%.,%.XWTX.P.P..Wfý«J.e. - opponenc-tc: look back uPoa r le Io= j Tathe -ellimir taille. ,_ a '-ýrý !.--'I* 14%-ý .. . 1 . der te Accore a pure. saitisfactiorvandý TonrErm-Mit-texdtetimdwiththt retiord. ci 5ils publie sertricesé and ïolte if, liem thrýu;;mý,I- t-ý,,e 1,rntpiýL -«.rý.,-, Th, ý,4 . ,ttv. ,r4 hillit tor th* auttiorc* apport- l the 1.e'tIit.ýay-At.. Will1&»%ý%t. and (am. lý terbom étrait next iatmduerdý am w» ý 1-b ý,%IK ot, ýltfb'ý'rum %0... le admudurmion ut " le &f- t ,ronIrcue) %Veknowyottam. tf-kugh- there hall ever b_,_tý brought no sert- ý lictil tite w-Y au-1 ýl ,arraý- ýý--_1&r. :-Z ýr j-.0 ' ' : heurtily wekeoue& He i mua SM. ; ý ,,,.rt,ètrand,,ýý,:r- --ý,im-- .. el.,;,.ý.1. Il - ý riz4lleasked the muet inteuigma' ter aàa=bemi.coaservuire (ilstusm onsiya. charge ofjohbery. cormptioaor., 1 . ý ,ý 1 oittly, vrtn)wt to h"rhim.t%*pntind thélé. t'rrgr,*,.t. Illitersectionst or ', t,,dir« wft.timîkttbelaffl att«Wuwe#A" Xeformelr prestent iliblai would boxe - -û- - 1 -?,:! ý - 1 1 . 1 ý ý ý - - i &R JO= '%Ut DO.-f UM smd he was lad uadue faveriti-ilà, 3gzàn;ýtt ýe Iov- t"-' Tý.r.-. Th.:, ri. --xere mi. mýllu01Y 1 ý 1 . "*iuýétlt thl: -%tileobt oýtoeinwb mlo»., but ý tho»etgbfamte*tçK," of qvepKeemgh" 1 ibud other d«bmmmtima in bo»r or - i .. beec bas Illustrée- boa bc q Dr. Tuppm 1 ý 1 1 hieh he wie the litail - z ý'rý';t'ýt " ;ý ý;;. A ýlumi'*ý " 'r&-zý ý 1 they wtIm, tléi>rivtxl ot tillébé i9illit, lloetbbàl lx-en meensitY emittruètelit under the ý ,Sirjoba.%. 39%edemid ma other, rýoI> i m goingte addresathem as axiv len--th ý emment of - ,né.ilem 1 1 ri ýnJ«»rvNioh oftiur coltinent tovttw"mý; qervmtve leildem, Ikhm a member of 1 guëd on this plu i 1 Pl ýýer,,â_,r_,_î .àýpJrv,-,fý--T1f:mi CAPff-Al, . ' $12,JK OU ýld4vib"Ilitélé.', àild.th*y lémiliavray trit, . forte live )e«M âge - ý 3, member. Ut Troulti pau-:e for a re Y. &,,.ý. thali J,41exander MukenÊe would Mt ; fnr if thev were te diseuès falir aïl[ the i ;,i inins ,if the i e,ý1ýý 'f exty-eqiwiýlbiY- t'If trb: Anxý6xw9 "f'thée Colit. 14-dilleis. Theu trtanbe.neMio» 1ýthq: léorai Illimar howobid . A VOICZ-Nocte. l 0téJ_-_ýee. . 1 - 1 out toile nu check by jowl in a " rietwith Mr. -, -i:%V;ýf the glati, they would require J,ýùn ý >,; ilà. ý4-.ý* !,,,ýtzai*ýuy ý--,,À ne« - 1 ý ý . ý III,ý-r_,kl puat-itp trtéf#,r. , 1 1 'V'Vre ilot tbbe."Iy i - 1 thélir time in dW-,eiag the- larger Cauchon. Wheu Mr. Morkehjde hgéd ý 'ubjet Sm joux 3ucno,% il r said hé mi4hti tý-19,i ,- ý-Z. .1 Âz -." Dr. Tu, 4,,ý ý ý.rt?;ý: - 1 ý . . 1 1 . - t.) take a lent truite, theïr friendil. rite _U -a 1 ý . ý ., - 1 ý . ý . ý m 1 .. 1 ý . - 1 )On t . AM régeltkR'm ami m4riltiâg, 1 -méraburmé bbloogtn* te 1 tutoie r lethatcoMitimhphad set atdeti- Nlt-thodist..-ý.widb"apr«metetitueet- bave made a nli*take =r timew but if -cay. 1 ir-ý t-.ý;ï PiQý, *ni! -'-!-- ý,," I;- 11, . ý ý . ý . 'y li'výlà ViVrOMA 9,11t'- but t*otiveyet -toug"tioingorthe despeu ý albim but m thalle weff: M&BY nugterb aucet the principles and piedges a": ing. t I.au-_ýûter.> Tiagy w'ýultl hý"ve ce he hall it wziâ front a delect et - d ý ý"rJý)hn. téloritié.-al ý-fxtdiTe&nce, F ý of tores tortillent in 9- ý ýsiM J.Lf_ý X1ý D,).;A-e r-, ý-. -,ý ..-ýr-'.Iýe btht.topota . PPrW»109 90 the Pro- progmions of hillé vrevianlit lite. SuP- ý pitth theïr-terics Wore thev comid lient , et and lier from any intention tu: n th. ,,uj,,ý ' M'if"hp lbt*4%NV,&#*»,e ý'b"u allIt iv'l viortai treluitre bée couidweil devoir, ring they liait bom raid chat Edward ý itil the inj*tuitLs -ol the preiient Governý -'te .1(.lf.,tli,ýAngtst.-K.Iflfxre j'sil ret;%.t it>it,àe4fiatel3r in front ('t'rtqit ý hî,,,,,ýit bitittfly te their combaleratiOn. ý ; ' '=aulail ,* ý . «*»Ib è* the; bmtfflee reo»lkv oootý > ý ý. ý . 1 ý lia l --týmtpt trie people. Looking back noua ý cacam.u Md Z . liake. alter peramb«Lu.ing the country , nient mut el thn iniquiries were, ,,,, olint record he could met ,.a. Iý -, :àý..,r .e,;ýf.,hi ý 1 'I't,ý,,I.I,ýlit(linieýanttinatxmiti4b»otprom-l lie bâti ffl long berisactively je p6liti- denotààei« CaL brey * and tatking ý t-olumitted in fourfflft veamý i Laugh- iliUL--e.'.£,with haviu:; in ene sin2le iP 'u:i.i- Nyhm I.ihdm3t &bd the adjm»illg _ , i 111, tn i rita a, *ý&rY lmorzaý"::..,t. ».--Oi - pte*.*,y bb* 9*1,qt»W Illarble. %"»Wm Io lewttk.(.. %Vhbýre tè wmid imillet the'eygr et' roi lit@. and hâd mly belle a éthort tigelle. about the ladependeure. 01111arfiament l ter.> Mr. -NLU-kelLÈe hâd. quted chat stance -acriiietýd tile interee. i di tri!l: M. pélupLe 'A Viýt,-M .',.-C thu M46pý-Z,>1-à,L lotttitWp*Mke, gave, lib" bi»»» I., . 1-.1 the lm- imimtx fromb the midiabbéit ý la the 110~. lis Md gêne them with Weald Mand no a" With 411 blé& =-et -'we dared net limite thelle cha=es and L 't'u'w'h'm' H" mut "lt'.ýý' "ý1:" n"f' obéirellit s"'bbé. . y little if ably coeddencéré 1 or ai the Dominion.- %ad he e' ý . , . i vébr IN the 1 mental Politien and bis kftn e»uigtry!,ýqwementâ ou the doerof the Umse of , 1l"betlit,ýmllerreitzipInhiné;'r-,.1ý7 th-ý, 1- 1 -th» %Iftti%4 ami Vidfttb ttbilwtbY» it ttti(bo. %Vtb"d the 1*14arft ami ,*rPW 1 Notérait .%"tbwvà" MW thée.longer, clezthât aâ a previou*,5peàker hâti ý be iine-, lie .ýw 1 k:tý.uy m= ý. 1 ý,.,,:,j1y il ýý _- ý . ; W" bila 1 fulla)IY_ý exibérowlit that, » -MIR prolidly il% the Inertie. Thi% vr» a (W ý ho ýbad hem theu the lites ho Md i delënd the lisymens of $21LM te the ý Partiantent. Twe summeris -avb thýeY t S'.1t'd. wlien iLe was removed &nia the'alway» made wam tne", but trnà,le hial swomtv. , u tligeusftd bik-aaàimiaaientst -ho rrm'-.>pL% Gi the C,ýcâerI=ý - ;urty. ýý . Il . ý 1 1 . mt et". ilille atter ý op@ . *mgý . thelbe »Il- il lieate kg-st»wt . ý m, W , fouilla théebla wfflhy et a'bY «Sttdes» have saitl! Vet they boa sec% meet In. In Ontario and had political arena. Wheu he Vrilla no longer ,ý,uf4 nS by io.kL= " tile m.,U,ý wilicil , '*if ty . ý 1 Ag.".b. 1 «Iginentot the liq - ------.--- i ,,W-» 1 of public - ý ZLIL Object of atrack. the whole country .ý , *, whatevre. Jtmýaf"izbvtbMr------,--- i Ur.'.%wrig. and publie monerr -il% xa,ýtai1 ý . wey»-W"Itl br: vmpk-ýéd to-clarry th.e 1 %Tzw(t(,Itetlt,"4 Weil-khown predifeetiomIl ,le th, PAM, thmeý vrais, a Pola te. i " tb-erv gratte with the Governattent: would dot him ju.%t!Le now, iL-h«rsýI r'afritil lum tL,àz .ýw't; men fil:l'y Il (ýOvý ý squandered in everr way. lie charged l amt the 'ÎLAt session or tire we izace im.1wililliattýI; PrInéciritel af-1 the réétiýl )N'V,% V14), WVNK. .ý ý l atid W", aiséo IIW&tqt ait & embielleberit te e"mlne.ut. but judged by the ortil or trait Mr. Mackenzie the«moment lie ow! them, plenty of toile, we gave ttiein Ptilicieal Ériend, and political foc wicluid - "le, ý. ... 1 . - 1 laitillé , ,ami #bat the local I#rvngçm»f» ý - ý = uithélé o-ý-m-,rý. Atter - - ,eýeai ý, . 1 ý . 1 ý .%Ir. t.elrng,41tepý*.Ibmoti, 1 wtav twy were imië,rfm Mid immet. 1 taisied power huit seutered coche winds everF oppoi-tunLtv te, deveilope their: unitie hl ptitting tiport bis torubstoue . ile tha"ed t'me C*--'tý-M ci ýE»,utiI ;ý.t, 1- 1 ý là t6,m Tory plaitanger, [ tc ý ý m chat -vith an hie, ý fanits ftr-tIr-îî:ietQ-hecý.à . il -r.;--l .: .1 - . titrtitith4Itit jhé: wholélé dieilir . , cet and demming stronq comtemiub.. . ' the in_ýcripzi--_ Ulm ri, :, e 31r 1 ý * ' tarv *'WhlVý' and tiratce l1tumb, ex. î tien, lie cffle»Akd théïdi a compariffla ý al' - n"I't'a -de ý potier. Previeus te chat a ,ýt«m 01 he criLd ta da the bécit bc could for hiâ ýexébdeard, the -Ný)rtl1 f-r ý-mL-,r 31r. Met, NV1)ithyý to limlibtittin,"Vkl bu vb*r4b ý , pi«ýý3?,.PýZb=tti.1dh,-. .ýý-obl*im,ýraivare.ofLer-ýure.hadpr--.,-ý,ýl cumeýe. M. ..*â;:i w "9" Il ý11: -ie ý 1 1, ,i pected to tir iléelleint. At the Kô SAVIN C & 13AN K ý 1 b&"Çktýýoftt*açtmuuôtl,-$Iandlz ,bewed, ma of the corruption and. over the country and submerged us for ý Louatry.'* -Cheers.t ýrata he iinz i;&ýi Kt sé- &A tté, maille trée, bémé vctwbt* lu*; - éluenc ter fne--I.Ntr..ti - 1liltiý%iL lie el, ý.i tilm . ý __ - i titillé, tilaxt vréitre, plaeq,41 titrer, 't'opty A %venc into publie Ute the publie men did. tâthe ýýr. a Ur. Efuu.gýti-. il, Xr. ltl.,,L-,çe In. triât it rem the province boit a luit-!Ou , reekkune-qe whieh habit characteri2ed: a tique. but we hall risen agaixL On not de--ceùtL ta per-.mai abuse and ar- ,%ýý4,V-ý1Iè, . iiiii0u. Thil: W» VtPM- ý er raIkit. ellebléellesticai et our ruim.d étoilant tom noir. thait ir did tigre in their management of the Picide rail- ý ppin ý týý D.XWI amaa-;ý .;..i ý: 7ý-.hl ., ka , ý 1 j ý Ordinartr e-4pendttum. lie eý-gctuded . _jintot Opposition bée hall aà1timncýed tacL We 'had -Lzdoutwne and Bald. il a" ,, tb-e.,.I. A ttl 1>,iý'i. Ib'.1t S péelk 00" :eI ý - ay construction and the like of whiéch ý in crée Ilouse thnt he vrould give the the eitlitiý hé rýý. L ile r,,,,ýt ' ,nta, 2% . iw -ttln al mi trý 111:%i-, ý'.l,. -ja'di., .t et mkteb »A mâtier (btç,(Mf»th*#» %time induettrest rtlined bit the bttv4t-: rem thie t'OMPNMWOU the èxPenditil . ivin at the hean. et the Retenu IfIny: mex: ,,, ,ý ý 1 . - _ý _ te 1 liait illever belote qtnined the attentat of Goverament every cépportzSfty et show- artil we hall Draper lesding th . .Z . rýpM "!.!ibe" -«,:.ý- ý :îtýrý im»"%* &»*Iod - ýl"p.-'t. A #4 .hét télé, "."Itxraté Illetio km lili'd of ,N4. rectal thevwere mide et and 1 i,ý-tnýr r-rýe.i..uýi rý,-ý , -- -- :, : tit tralit taltellit to siblet ý (ýartwrtght. On the, ribeket 1 in railway aid and the Municipal 1-oala'Camdaý and lie, hoped never vrould' inIr what -errarive udrtv.. Thaï: wa* a bat- ý,li,, Lcz",i.ýr-. 1 ý 1 1 . ý ý Filiblit ffltteibewt. m weil -as the expie 1 , nu bât Weald get'the support of the rie of t& 'Ziants. TheS were ., ledit. s,ý.il. ýr,-i, -il ýe.it-.,ii ffe, ellélèclé, rébt the détiltkeil ieliqf. Il Was ýjé»I»lffffll. tbf(IK-.ýaitt verre plaitéril the ffflt«rd ce 1 diturée cm capital aremet in the vcIzgý ' ilotel illustration before terni bc did Opposition "s [di,-- » thLv introduSd rhect no smair wStcheli, ilue- ut. u,ý,1,àK.:1,limx - ne,, ,1ý,l.ï f .r I . ý ý ý .& bed-teed ami twéb châlrý. -froîn the i structiont of publie buildings. Thisir»! net wish te bc caljust to.theïr oppo- good zoettsures. s:ome al bis su,= ý . . dons iaiil,ý=t-beý;,, -ý-,;Iý'-ýi. 1 t. itý"401W%0441&1%lftt,.tdqt",ýlbl , th%# the millivolt t:Mei*Ilýé And thélillov- l euch as were brought , . ,ý.ý, ýýý.. .. ý . ý 1 1 'S 't'o', -.ýg ýiýuat;èd'ývi ým.,mît ý,4ý;t- "-Ii,ýiý 'cit ly, 1 At ,thé t ýh(IP of ýb fý-mi C.rit naînent Matthif, ai à tmuter et no menu up al tr- . x t- e. A »,(,»t'lé'rmy, bl.%»*kn*il. .ktrtbittont tronid tIW4 And Wi >il ý importance Partie- ! meure, ivre were net preigent and that Party friends -*Ld he w» zoo canditi 1w ment. Ther diz-cusie-ed ali tilt -!mat ami tum -z.;%ý 14,e.-n. .. ,,ýý.ale, -. 4: 'l '" ___ - ý - --- - * . 1 the corner. ,rh~ reprillemired the tirarry » t lit, greliter part of Our ý reVý . illustration ehould bave two %tove-piir L-S. 'chat -.ý m,- __ ý:, -ý ý ý qp.ý,- but Mr. matkenzie before'rhée ses- ý 'ý ý -Z - . ; enue w» fixed and the balance woluta ýý holeg in the roof - _ qttestiorLýe,-,f t-ieilaveand'Ildnur de. 1'h-;:hwl%. it, ýr ,ýýd (tifit(mtttr'anaktb the t*(ýemiey .%rffl2t'- ý "ý%tz4qlxhtertffl et Anwrteaný fumiturill. 1 not ine'rea". ilettesti of one i lami , sien woâ Over th-, cd him for the as ,ztd ta the Ï.i%--ztv îýrwizHlîÏ chat nt 'ý- zbey :-ý, l' 1 1 1 , ý 1,ý>r,ýý".-.Yee%ý.t.;.-.,--, ýzý - ý- -uLry. bMittélé. ý_ ý ,,tLit» gnouthéi bave - *PýUMI 1 . - . 1 ter): but the folandation, in»Icesci et being , ,iw.aut-e that haa been even te c.ový Mils Moment; 4,lý -d ýù1d degraileu .. -ý;- -i. - a ý ý 1 thé (tei)re%"d mtat*ototir furniture i Ax b'liu-roit-%Vbat about theirovru ý demi shontdhavebeen Pfiared QnalLum- errêment meuures. Theu they ox Mrý tn ý * 00t, i . .. Arbil : ber of sticks stuck in the swamp. lie Brown and the (.Iu.lw te attack hing forý; the Poudre 09 this L(matr'r. lie had « . Iý-t:1 w '- ai- *-, --, *rýàg tati, 9 'Adiam ,., ý: 1 ilwiby -Mthint bu bffl (loue ' wtorttlil_ onat»lthfreagkvmagmall i ggaîý - ý ý . uiý,7ýe -.4 .. , ý -- A :h. _'. -t a&týTc ý1 i,ý 1 1 - aztetùpudioraîse thisl ce t of ýa'ueLee,,l traz h.ýi -,%Lmtei ... zt a, - A *--Ibà l ý . - . . . . Them, 4 a 20t*rsl . deelim lie the lmIl htelwaee lwtxa»dabiwettitboxý. but the 1 Mr. ",en" Mid Ur. cam«mhad ý maintainied choc the'N'ertherla Railway haviagsurh a weak auttineinciemoppci- the _ intot had r.lý,.ý,=; ý-iý1"41xtý.%ý,ri,,itb.ýv.:.,ý;ir.ti tb.,Iwr-ý. (If the Public, to know Wb&* îe the, tmIl ttieaultbg. the4"t w». nor ex a . tilible et despmd .,m, lie i ý.-1,m* pr-,-av' ýrl",i;ll 1ý . plailbed al 1 tilible land qpîu explaine trio ami ocher investigation. w» eondueted hy à cent. .ttim char it vrais unwmby the ý - - - c .:î- . ý ý , Ire ben tbmrn;hehaàattemptel to intra. t,:viýý-rra- ùý7.!-'--Z1lwýýI jniaý- - ýui*r am . ý ý 1 1 1 1 mittee on, whieh t hem was a làrge ma- l -'Çotwithuandinà-- char lie had saiti. 1. loir, sild Wb the reilloired postal racitt- il 010 titue of this writiit,%. 'Me métier 1 ite*K4 téome et thalle, expenditum jorttyot putimm of the Goverantent àp--,-----'ïmriari lesintupublie ýý=- ý', , "' . 4" l'il P" 1 () il, lé ' l'IO' Y 1 ii - . y were exolained and defendèd m the .ýl!fer-,- -:ý - ,-,Uýý,«,t !.- - . - u .L and comblequently @Dm mollir important . wül carrv -out chat Putier: Wb" rare , ,. J,,ý,,C- "..-,..Ueh - , i, tme ._ýý,, _._ýth%éeiarnu--,, -il ,.,,a*x.ým, titélée ltpts not tr(,Vid«#. vrere trivial in tre ter oàlS, for saLi.rv. tir fer power f ý 't'tei'br bu des're& m retum good for n*j ý. 1 ý ý . ý ý -nln)OrtÎTU tb6,fkýgtOmt% Were but ý irrSind 'triât they 1 ýý - 1 ý 1 ;)(x4N ý .ViL ne déliétée, Um ragpemâïta4tý ,ýt ý.t.ca1 RiiLa.ý & . . ý .ý ... t , pisrtly rovered with evergmerix, thrir; awmlt*. but he warmd the people %bat 1 'évidence was 1;ept front the light et If ille, tire wort of iz, " wS _%et ý rbre = &UMM Britten, -àý 1,l, 'tzey 1-i --irijau à--ý.'-'-ý ,,çar 4,ez,ýý.,ýàc ý ,--ý,iýt- ,i, ,rii.4 -,il 4d tt(,týýttnke 1 = n the peciplie, et= P&MY. 'i ýte.,.-_ -r- , -7.4, l' T',ry i,'-I ý h4ýýýi - %Vt..tt)" Ibt4bqIý thal, the l'ýKt (Ilfrmo , ý iftheyallewédth~ iftkiffl expendL- day. lie boa. hôtirever, the constitution. ter and positici ýlý.i1tetDuil- . . ý1 en % -ký.-,n»,ý.-i,.f. W" à" atank" JO iý.ý,,.L,.: ,.*,-iu.,- -..*.,.ýir-i.,.rt ýý ,h-.-_ým1 1 , 1,ltrv, -tel-U,ý(,tbe(.,Wrb*t tiomaigity appear- i f kitowinq choc Mr. Mackenzie and adilb as the right dicte. but. in il* ubeaIL- Lý . -,%.ld&-d U2,ý- éé ý 1 'À *1ý Ib-ýt,%»d .ft.!.Iýýy ber- ilti WrdtIt%î1èbyý i li,ýtitrttotbibtit4»tiývithkýlttxtte-r'llivitlev' . . turellé "Il go m., tierhSked tbey woold 0 i , ýý gje.. xw_-,ý::*.,,r ýi;. ' il xr.ZIl,1.ý., zitr', -.: Il ý ý4?1(... hi* G evercunent wmld $oeil bc tried bc. . rime wp ranst sei chat the arrairs ai the 1 ,1ý--M im lm vaille, le lb»«&Lý t %hZî ý, $cItLîý - ne re ; * 'ni. _ý_1 ý 1ý1-.;-. - %V't" ""Ppogrd cly MProaëllt tb" 'in- ý MM be- bloUght tigre tki 'if !L '.f: Ur. ý -émi, white -atiýti rate with the for the Iurat committe'e of. the people. , couritrv zre properIv c e ý L'tr,ý)g Md a" à" thémi .0.1 - ..bzýn,ý,:ýe;,.eL=. aift.r-.-n- e- .ý.ir: 1'tert, w0x t'.. 11-riteg lit- il. rht, "tt'titt) '; ý>,i#*i4tt.tr.,%ti-,el" ,%ý,it»i ti'n.b, z tetory-tattiot the inniber traite probieuit of dirert taxation. lie w» 1 and thev would ý. 1 him 1 te Ob- 1 aotvnthstanai= char taunt we had -, àamd Z,ý rzta aerý. me t,>,;£ hi,, ýe%%:_ . - ý t . ý i,ýLgL .;,là.) la =ggy tlè.mkc.ti... a. ý Ur. -11, Xp- ,ýaý ne-11; -lý,cd i!" ný % . ýwitvé" (titi eti'f rille '$lit% "éfrititýttç>" ttiti,ý nt>,Lý'ttLé VI ttlt,-rti M& the ae*-t»iit-wia- te4.i"Iýr thet.overmw ; Comtervative 1 cler the previomb day Ur. Xiýt .Z - , ý . ý -lit orthe(fay with i mnrh sertirk by the aPt remarx et the livim. 'lie ne." =., 0 the steel , carried out chat policy forthree Tem- «Lýr,,wuý lad wa"é him ait am ttma and Zbuýëh& . . .1 1 td - ,ibairaetécrietic. obetinAry ha% mfu railest perchai* and sibléli It was a biun- : chat peu, *Ll ý *:,.ý- LL: klée, une - rý:ý:,.' .., ttlit q't, fi-rth ti. * ý.-4wo@Pé the 44101110y. ý tion (lt*irtxtltitel that the c.-h4n" M'o ý 1 , Illed . _crier, of -uW rting the ùevern- hilla uaumabur atomtéme b»,:ec Jý,,b_-Ik r_ý. -- he -&Li. ', - 1 i- ý -ý:- Hl - thélit the maxigui of the Comervuiiè der as, the louez te lie condemned on ruent whenever thev introduired a mets- ' ,i,:,iý; %hm ho M»a miar - ,P eer ýa.i ýýne t;'ý - ý .2W., .. ý .i4q.r - (but % - , -Party W» "Ily the Efflr«. with the ý commercial principles. It entailed ý surethatvoitIddedny--00-Lt . N, 4 V V Vti, il , ý M i 1 M 'titi 1 Of Ite,(,tlttb -.- 1 -,ýpoitqe l'p e«. lit lot hengh C-od i ,i o, il -- f (%un 2" "ý L, te ri. l'hté, _ýL4_-4 , ýý;' f'ý h:L"'ý -- -ý'ýu- ' ' tttbtïilt m Miditiombil # 1 kir él ,Ir. 1lectOr ('amerowý vaillé partv*, foie the emau . . Ettazt, maté, Lad =-,nti *u.ý l"e., ý teir J ýý,r) -hýml,, -! 7;;:ý*. ý,î ý ..ýý,ý-. M. Il hall been týxpffle4l that a se- ' ý . 4'.., pl-rte,1 ý ý 7 - lit contradis, - upm the people of this rot-littry-ùen ý knows tire liad an eisv mek- al Ir. ýý--1lm ý1 ý, . ý - ,IV iý'ItI.1 4 ýI;tt lit For the ('('tý"&. ý ,W")., 141RI lipolit the ýerilin.1 (Ir M.,n(ý Ac . tilliction te the Ckling Idea et theïr op, . ý - We îather ria - t'ýd'tet:rided,ý.t rý.'C,ý- if ,Zlý ,,un:.-: ý reýn:1I,î,ýYf4t,-,,a:ii.Z1,ý_ L'ý!,.!!>.rrý.t.ý-t 1 .. i 1 rten (Iftýiagititietitt trftinyphal arelléelsi -nt*.*Illýr.t J»rtv;wtththeputy. evelrr one of client, and thétir rhildtm's ý lChters.md laughter. I . - - the= - 'il* _ý_'-: : ý-p - e.-I.-I ,ý 1ýýif il, ý Iiwt" fr-,i - toy Am detilowl éti "re*t ahil 4 thatil 1 ,voill'i have aliontilla the . i porte 1 _ 1 . xýtIy,,tjgh -tth zn. ;,,rý_t pm- inuer u1N àý,nr,,JL J ,,L-. ami -ýý-,,,- u1ý ýýaý il iltt> "Illwtý,t,% , rhildrea-thée paient of $î->.(*» a=u-: kteSived chenil iïst "ý-,-.ion. w. brOugat ije-ý ý.;M"!,t,.,,rr Ait ý nétaitié str"tý AMI for the party', ana hie &hm "Der. ý ally as interfflt îpôn the losés -of publie' upevery questi-ila tiut chaflentred in- , ' ' 'Let . -a ý q ý ' - , fil%" with t'ho prebérintârrit-Iý'Oloinit.- ý k»It the ,11.(.a(.tion,, trait sbot lýermgý ý . 1 -ýt& 1 ,% hilti(I vif rýitýýet,.,tiki 4* Mlle-d k-Y 1 1 . ienee, of ligne yeurs, in the ont" Ler - - ý,, "f the . -M .-,ýrtY ,ý,ýi Zlc%ýZ 4ý1ult ý týl-lci ci l ý.m-ý= ýeý,-£- ý 1 1 t-tilbtimb to go la for thélit aniotint cettl*- l liblainve ronvtaffl him, thaît it imônev. Iloheldthatitw»ntcWethan: vestigation. That.niarplot. Mr Dir- - àZ .--r-,i _,ý'_ '-,ý.ýiý.ý.:ý.ýt.ýýý:tý,ý!!ýý*".:,eý,ýýý,,ý-z, -,- %Yq: Am itltirlt"i in oâyîtiý,, thélit thile 1 . ý - . -_ , . if - - ee ýa :--- *uý à ,ý_ý .a ,bý - - - . . m -. - r -.-.":>_Ll.ý,- 11ý .ýL.ýý!«.: lit'r'r.-ry Ç-ltèt»tmrbpy et lst-4%(*Y!e(o(bt'. , . . p4y. '['te%- tiinti(xem afférérord the Arches ý 1mor* ý a bluider, m would appelarwhert itwas ý nimàý the member foi Norrh, YorF-,= .-,,=t,--t-ý-ný--,:,-',ueaz-r-ýý,,ý,c,.týýýtt-,--'iýý!zýa- "'ýil" ýý, ý ., ' .1. Élu every ýide ý%mt lie' .il up in cd the Mowat Gevemment Md delt- ý ., . . 1 .- e iý.' l ;ný:.: ýý. -" ýý.: ý dee4iéýu wili ibrtmitit-O thit $tP'ttet,,%% dis- lane let. ý ý*rtbed chérie wwe poney. ,%- , thorcé,19111Y investimated bv a ftee, coin- un in the Heuse and rend a lt>n-- list ý1i -i"'- ,, fl- .ýmý_,e=,ý1-'sp-!,rA -rl r, Z: ý;ý_lr: 1 1* - - ', - téi 1,q,ý tltt et-'t "vttttttim,*' ëIt-t.r..zotii4dly ý ý . . t.erý4 t hp - jui.111 il iv.,%*' otzhe *1 (;rît, (*.eV. ý stnkt»g: - , - . .. - ý _ :ý -,_., ýý.1,ù;1l- -1 t _'_ ,j;_iýe ,.ttu r-,eý,ýv"r : _-, , --, -i...:,. -et, ýrlf-- 1 ý - ý - mittee. imétesal, of by a picked cotntuit- i efiarges hl-- hall, made anti salkL ..\", I ,tLltr-,ýn. - , I.-I ' :: ý1_' ;lln. - ýr *ae ,ýt. ,ý%-" thit, .(,I)ýI-P..,tiitý - 1,44% tettilt% thiftit *ttista(-Ikll», Wo ilire, tftl'NrM ttb ?AI- ,rninellit . 1 irt*t&».ee Of thlg WAli te bée tonna ift the - 1 t-werge LWýn - k:veu Ur. 1'-ý&L'a4.. zr,'w ýý -,11 *'". '2ý, r- parmer,ýxe*», BII, %ngrodur« and czir, j tee nomilnated bv Mr, Mackenzie him- 1 challenge bon. gentlemen apponte te tI,,e,,ndhýý,ý=_jhL;ý. ý î m * ,_ ,t the _ ýu*ý-:,. iL _-;tn.ý:a'=.i '.be ý- ', 111. lPu: -Zý1 , ýa,ý 1 ,ý , -,ý-- .: 1 wé ý titi - trait, it wttttl bel itýbtwýfflikbIo toi the j - ,,,btletv %t, (11, rbrt (lui hirh , bring chenil up.- and -Nir. Mackenzie Iiim-iýt eýLL. :-.,-ýind l_;1_ý r= «.,% llýbé,.ý'At.tit, ,tt-t litiprit'fitabi , ý rrrý%,T--- .. : rted kmt ýý , gatho,*h it ,,, net 1 seiL If there wan one cry with W ý; Ri . ý. --!-:;-- *, ýý_- L ý"ý., 0.,"..!ý . I-k'twtrttttt'fit lit. ý4%bi,.ry ait the de-maixilb i At ha1fýpft-t (.tevtn sir John .'t. Mar. ý wanted by foirmétrigt &M wao emdemite.d i the Reforniers, !iali filled the mm of the t wisý him ai, the bottom of thé ftb ýý ' ý. %r_,-cà inýne ,i .. - - . r J.'.-:l ..-ý th. -,Ç..,;l -.- .. ý ý ý vr Z-j rare f" 1't'--'.'ýt- ý "'.L:':" 1 ectei 4-'ýtL!i L1=-r ý 1-1M,11, l' a, ý*'ltm2!2._ ý iv--rit 1.r4Ii,àr.iit t- ttltkqcý À tt.t%ýbpt-Y MIL, 1 . ý , country ir waël triât thevshouLd zet rid %vheu lie ý Mr. Dýmoxt&I ý made the mis. hàr%îer=ý -- ' b-k,-! ý-l'1 - -'l' ý....ýCZý.ýý-.ýa.;,.*.;i."-..,.ei.nl.-ýý,.-'ýý . 111,(,bt lié, auti thM ait il* operatigtils e.ll-.1 domild, tir. Tapperand the Othe? hfrorA ï bvitiany.ofýthmu tiwmqàl»g*tep of SirJohn A. 3Lrdonàld and lits ex- ; taxe. i L*ulî-hteý.) IVe accepted the wung tilt zý--,-,:,* &" Xr. EPiakb,.ý. 4 m ZýiWxý ýtu 'ý" ý ý'n'='-ýt - ': -ýL kt!--%Vt-ýt...%.i tetttt i4ý tho.qtIeq"rLt,* llf the. - ý 1 : ilif the day arriveti bv the .%tltdta" ý towardig maibligSd "«rIýw, ,which, 1 lie ÎL, and CbRlw» -ïii.t xr. uý-ýen=t. t' , ,- ...,ý..:%.ý 1" - . e titit ,ý%tt Ib"etit il ý. q4t,44b gré Mm. 1 ,rhtýv wcré inet, ite the station hy a réel. reuld net longer ho del . oyed. livagant Govémment and "cure, au ý ýchaIIenge and brouelit theni all tEp. - firh t v-'ý tti, alftirý ,9ý-ý,- ,, unti,.. it,-,,t-,t,,ktt,ý-%t.tý-ty 4,ttttt" étit, dpý illi't ý . tan' ana io ý t, -ombraient administratioltu But what : %Ve not ouiv brouglic crient, no but we ý rul&ithe--'.ý-t- HRWO",-aypbut£ýb.foft, % . ý 1 - ý 1 ý 1 : biell.'tit l'o exeréciied vvith re.-,alKr tel alby 1 ceptilon t,(,ttitititteo And a ý m cm. -hîch the C-bwrva«ve Party shSld e« : himýrereliiugmelL=ditýýaimu-- .zb,>,zr -L-ý-"",41i;.-,-e-;'ý,ýi--,-&U&Inpunm,ý,ý,r,.ý et-,ý il the, k't'f..Výto . lorseofetit-el"'Ilom Anet :Ib prorefflion mour atqinfflt" triel ,tt«emtin«tm te ý did they do wheti thev got inca poire ý proved thén. &Cllet".i And at last > in I.àn fv. ilint tu dbý mur," theý .d11-ýý , - thear--"e zz-d tx- -e,-.& ,,: hetIvivo kt iý,tttl Il , ' - 4_ ..*r-r:ý ýn-C ý . It.t.tt.4,qtstft-,,Iwtittittirý. I'tqtvmthtnk 'f'« ý , With tfiree millions §;t addttional taxres aller havi=taade motion aîttr motion; ý .eu - i,.,!,Lài hùmdL 16 wald.* tae-eiza-e. 1n._1ýý1,ý- É*.heLt" :-V--.1=.',e.Aý,--ýt; ,rebtpfl wild hýZde4 by the lfth ami ý ooe atthepoII& fcherMb - --ýria i,,r - 'r' - _ , 1 thev spent a million more than the =ik t. the : riVýý th, ;:ýý ý ýIa..4Zé,Z::_ 1,4"èy ýlI,,v ý.i.tttt(t.%t . hitnit. t,,%t : V -latt, qlan44 Inarelbed op by Kent- ý r. J. Il. *l»f.r,4N M..P., stagm% , ý --of course chev were ail voteil dawn na 'I- tbe fmre A C,=eý ,ým ' ,:,r.d tait ý ý__rl-_- ý ý Il liée écitiblit lu I'dév'vis r »f the ii'.,ýIvertiin»t 'th 1 . , moit le, . um venir of theïr prede- ýy Mr.3,Lu-l.eniie*s purrhi-sed r»,;Sftv the dr,-t ý%f iuiYw Ise.t'--r- rýi . th."rp W %411 $il, ..tte(4ým.i. ý ý 1 1 xt- te tlul 'hed amid the boom. W, nc.xt lbtrMIAred. 1 1 - -1,Uun - 114- e..a.- -n=Ir=ýu- . ý Irmil'irq, %il Ali oe The next venir thev %pent lit the House-boughr, 1,v (ýe,,;i,, ,tmtaztàua.i -îqmeiaumpýýriii the tue Il ý,.-,1,t,,în ý1 *.zcý-.-là.7.,rýýý4LL.It.:ý:, ýuý ý ., - 1't.,éie,--. tllhèt Whithy Ami Viç.tt>rilb, il>$itItC-,tvl. 1.0d(tt.R*4 txtttery Of.tw,>ý A V014-14--.Ite'it Quito a plomh 1 Ce*"V-% Dembýtý ýài,à Fýý.-=Ii - - ,*!ýi..#I,!.--! tiqllin êt fr.,tb% the lIr!ýifbitiw, 1 . te et the peeete%' mo- i Brown and John Simpllen. ànd John i lýIée "ti'--ý ý A n ' .M, à. .ý!,t.-.i. . 1,'býiwf4yLt zè* a èt4iet ýxst*l liýU%9 iq léfi' peýtet4le.v4. A lient -taml bâti hem tiailghter.b three millionsé met -«4arer.mmuýer ýtrjgee'i-,,i", ,e - ý, . .ýt in -tft tinée , i hi: , ,!-r_!-_!,ý: ,ffllnd. for, ,.%Ir. tý1.,,* te ne, lie hailla Illadiver. and John Wa!l, -yet a1ý, ,,,,ýk t,,r zzj.ý. 1* ,ý wlî., ,- -_ .alt fonme4l(,.ed wtth a Rrow nev-nototthe, ven ,fort y -,rýýýaadfwamitar- jâlf il a Il %vt, etttc.és"e. Illéelt tht, millettitté ý ereérted ;il t hl- légricilittiral G _ _.; ý_:_ t-, - z, ý 1 ý . 1 1 . * 't - -et, ý - ._;Mý- ":1ý: :ýý ,al ýim1-ýue -;ý, l ý ý ý and ; vear of sir John 3là6lmald*it Gavera- ' thevýeonttlhetshutottztiiep -% Theý peta -ar -, he r Mý- - i i:lýziuri LtL mý%i 19 ýL Lý Wnii-. tbibt Wo 'InIimt exprelée our nir- . the .ýpeakerýt. sext,% in front %verte al, l it th» huit been lépent in the larmt thouch thev voted t1S reýoIutions dotru ý Whea -t.lere,ý£- -e,ýntij, na e. %T' iZý'r. tr-I% t"qrèx -nt tho t lit- , ý - arrange 1 au entt-.1%»Iràetie description et the ple- ;tient, and àâd a delicit of two millions. î trttih was chat when týIr -John, ,é,e- i(;-ý;i ýr,-,a CI11Zda utti ý e W "';el ';ý -- -1 ý_ 7rýý'lt :mýL*ýre 3.-,ýe;_ýrý- ý - ý Pré te - At them Wott, Afty b"ititiý,» -towt r,,ýr the :,tétiellr.e. Thé - - - _. ' ' ft-ýt - le ,ýiqIirý-1 ,ýII4I 'o ý . ttientwan e'i.»4ýtt,?nt.antl the mau&»@ý nie ýý v% *lad the r6ffl im accSffl ý L' -" t4ýttit .- FrIllu lie chien adverteil te the tinancial mis- hie pe- ýý -"rtd i rý r'l 1 t') 'Ir"thw- 'ýe -1ýýýl. 111,, il - -- -1--r"ý,rý.1 ý=u,; -;n,,=r !=._,:ýý.ý%ý détellit Gowernment. and , ,nade a distinct charge a=iuý-t t ' , ; 1 . 4 - ý , Il Ile iftt..%.( p, lý.»- thélI pork (If the 0(lVerti- nient 44 the ýlillir rett"ted aftat crpdit tOI the tih"âtu - ,te the oe-oquy 1 turn made te ý tý , sil ýuiJIýý in the 1l.:ntý'L1.1n -1 ... -ý_-î-,2rr: *.ýz- L:lýMCj"_r,.ýý flié, qit'rtl.,>"bit'bei.ýtI ttlettir fi, 1 lit, ýi"eýh. , management of the rmîawne ýi Dýr.ti ,y th, nilon %Ir. M'Il.teli. sir John %larflow, t bat hm beril h"ped Il ."nt Goverantent every tel :,i,ý,mîî, . . 4. 7 ý ý ý. ,- ,. Aeý..r1. ý, , furthir t.mz Cl v* the (hý»1,T,(,iII * intý-iý. Il »W.1t» absord, to à .tý .0 cae rý.ue alal .ttu* -11l"d -ý 'rý - . .. liffl him Twr, »ked If the" w» clair . Pefôrmer pre- Pariiament, wâs se hocusted anti =r- ,tefen,,e .f Er- * . . . ý .1 tiflItttItbt ilit xiiirl MM4,1r. . 1 1 1 AM %%-itý4inirfwtqt(.týft toa iltlelbt*.rofctti.! objertittmmInghm to-daywastom. %%Crialý.-,heS 1Jý-. Manirt the ýe .;L.ýi f .r ý1-ý !'r ,ý.;. tZ'i-U. ZiC ý -, 1. ý . 1 IONmtt (If If. to Ilett, k&tWffl cN"ýi»tt titi% , -whelntîngW gerberons as ta : bled char we !lad no fair play and they _ % -ý -tl-U, lZd -ý;,-- . .., 1Nýith;tt,,- Wý%4 l"iýl-th4t (""titi tofsvo âh 1 xen,él ,bib(l elien t h,,.,ttbjoined abdttrt-,%g. ý tit-Ime the maibliber tu whieh cite. irffleht. Imd. ,c',.-r-l. lie riiýti lanuneli u, the r-,rý-m, ý ý - 1 i give John Simpéton AÎe per cent on kept the returns ta the çer't> last 11110- ,4 ,,nt*-ml.ýl1 ýt t-e l ýrIà 1 - -7 i:r_ý. > 1 th maillé ttltiiUitté two vfý the feilket rail- i rieatl); etgrobilted. -ast pmqruted. 1 nient of the dar managea publie. affaire ý large e >ti (;.ýýxi H.-re'ind teléottè,týýýtt tIt.,tt,.P. ThélIte. wem 1 1 ý . . . ý and te déléserible the Illich the amSnts cd. publie monev. lie. nient. With a flouse thý:rducýhtr car- in -ý,.,,=,; - -.,,mýre trie zi-i t.x=pie çýt *,uadà 1 ----«*- , . irýf, .-eLýM-1-à&me,,t.ýuti"_- ýme 4% W 1 %fliIR4989. rharged the Goimament _ýLn ilia..:ïenee : - - __,ý* n Xr Isector cautabeaus speech. aye lie the-ý I'mvih(.e. It wae bM ý j Opposýtion- wonta = -alraîre if 1 with sw mneh ; rnut-,ýd.aud bSight ily le. - l ý ýýew ý 'ile Pet, ý .ý corruption. efflWilefflace and misinan- ; thev had notwiifistý%litLl out ý th" i-b.,,;ý, ,ilef *(iq.vte tt, tý,rvt,#I. tp W-AfIn ,lt* lé T', lAw xi-Ap 1?-e-qý',h» izi, .;.,h" A1,ýr4»,f- 1 -9-.-A -A_ et-il. - Il ILIr.u -..:-ý- nir Lirouzigt -ýtt,ýý-1,lcý. -ýtrl2- ln the fatlum of time lie should be 1.0 nèrd MOMI i'f'tho lero &"il ixpibl(bou -f the la hlý PEIP.A r caileà oway lie hoped Sir John'i; mantle the gnatffl men of hi% ttavDr. -1ritoi'l. ý4 te the Cabia" insteail if 31r. Jýaýý lie Mr. i-4umn The e.,te.t.rv hýý -ttfpiý trait titi titrise and ho ;=_ m etoedetail would fedi on theethoulders of Drý Tul> y..ý= scriait serv=toi the pw-y and a nua, aât Pr,-ýrt,> t et and ie pr"fiéAIý ehl: liein (If otti Pr@-rnt 1 bail salit that the highélit and me,;t rýr à thntiln, fttroý, allant the Senalor Fbeter -ambition a - LotLid ha . .h. Izi wurffl - barl and aLý,rý r;, y h-* If IV tice. -t k- th" q the if thé the char$ pur. J fer himfbelf f Xv. Hawkins) lie wortbv ve lit -f V Abirtill vé* the celt - . Xi. et thli, .'t the in. delb»"W» f'r Id boid là f su readium te phey a free country si; itli representative in- 3llu -la 3ir -o,ý dmib, 7 ý,ýt te that t ho 1 11,110 1--d thé Sb»«Or W si e a ne. mm jý - jfý ast t fi, il v il sy Il te à Wce k Avray rntn the sont h Aos wbkb -%NMWÀ> t orden or hid. Sir JO" etitutionel was te have a sham in the 'tely dnies hâle becsawe ha ýU in ue afýiI ? has. im th. ýn_ Oritiétyd l'y lit th. ha. tainsilit -ernnd. t the »eudti« do,,k'L ýCbe«*-b Corerurmetolthe ecvtmtr.v. iCheemb fte. trbifer, and lut Liu the hSd et Mr. niv eý-t tttt!,It, weektrièn flé-ftion et thàt t.o*vohip, white -tt.1v a 41%,'f »P were w4wthleu rat wav. boude. and -hri* --nu Sir JOUX %..MACDONALD was neXs He did net hielitate te ny thac he had v4Sq. bommejam- Ynr-- haià r_;ýL-t Lt,,err -zai. ve witýi% %il -.mr l'y mil il is lïtblf to t lit Ibn thll Ittwalter .= le" ', ý they al"yi adiffici tbat t». Tapper had .a nt qh""tt tt"%,rt, bomi #il, %VP il ýffl# the bielittiffl i. the M" muva"wd lanvSd the, ýf*tawa d ;ffliaga" suamedmft %ý> pre-erýe the mmu- tý- G-avarrizie, ýîz i not i tit teille rhë %?bible revemits apply e (7-ie Ce. fflSst iimtvod«M and wafb reeei"d with m- 90meotthmirabition:àn hedid-not jZ;ý j thw ejmuv fions arte. ru,&. 8@ we k., the h4w j*- neeer t'tir 1-ti4ittay in n lillipip de" . k lie-,d t,ý,ýtýty wfth, wilbeh they heviiiiwi thob -bieh lm »Vole 144m pdd barir. t-'. cheem Re said ho revisited, heqitate te ffl A V(ýàwi>-And »ver: *«14 #Cheors î bis frieikils hid a areat deai et that am- l'y tlhý, S.F.j reNeh 'stempNitiý Teftfi t'y t', t. ilehi a fig .,# e-,ienb- and lanxbt".)ý. àd»y with minaied feel!Mp of pion. , bition. He would sav thac ;zt uwi Ume isigo ý- fýr anT thing ny eme--výmy, à of nu ttv--tt. on gare and regme . Ris hein ivould be: the;;: Thev huit aa&ý1 theïr -iem to the ewS@ wheu thc -,he _1Î., thibiv il ëM the »MI ib i. tu %».ntý.*,l vour as, the Tories mixbt lie ta have, power, rmslt and ýmma; âcht;ixm both. on the wolititi be remil, f- l he fm, Ui wt,ýrh 1, Mr. elleve provesded ta deus au bard as the nether milletoue if ho tiolte (If &Nt"bine% ltlp*d - jet t vet, h4omb. in th^% the t,»,"tfv t»v%ý tir 0 wbkh did Dot seoi hommud by lido nutgýaili- ly fi" - a vrie. ;,Itètl"t unis Oltuhahée vrith otherjobs and r ho suid rrèppM op la »«ImN cent demicinfuration by the boue ma 1 iýwer, they huit noyer ln their wholè a«toçecbw as the m&' 'tmni tien J"r fi, t1q, httlr* dîntaint 11-Y rittl Iltieinm lot- j, ff', Mi.,ýejtt"di - SALr_ýý 'ttfttr oblider t ho mine dilatine ffla tbih Godevteh Bar. sinew of the couarrr; but when ho ý t, deseenffl te the rotions adopt- tiant Y- situ 0114 il G«ummuz thas "Id --re niniltil, ýq lu'inc ter*1 Oi,%mlven- The he*ptv el.thfflh.ý» with whieh vo» ha" :rbnv ir. 3bekerade and bis crew î il fair 'h' " t"' ne; :wl, ,PeA in every 'Nt bour Job ho pietia"d tireraient lazu Imiad thaU bis old frieuff and mis. ý In "Wtm" tbu unim Uïe Ansecumas ýlý aàirxDày. Sept neet $m 1 ttim er. ey (the Reformers) their madmis te las cist . baý of thow aur. il 'vb to, Théiée zqer, Wik ex - t 'et et il 0**. il-. (»W* "km - and ex ta hotekbtdldilw, il -Georo Dormer. sied passeil away and Th temrtiiiItbrv cififfl »till ta k4onèh. 0ntRý fi-k eiýrýhqmlM 4 in IN" bwwu.. w» cold; in bis Xmve white lie tSir 1 9-bed .,Zwke. tbey vobbed the point ef- ï. tu coup. ità effiziNe llottft and Lt, gi ftte piiot, if W.h(,.%t lads te the pbt" Lindur the reI'tierty A Mr. 4e.i. %vrrght ri.,. ý41.,Pg the litio, of the whitby hit t', he MR the t-et, g-tifyi.ýtý il% th*% lm Whwbor tu mmtrem. Md cm- j0bat, m old mal4 was still U»ng" Ne, theY Wt the CMâdStial itlork of a Th" wel the Peu,, ha b" tribni te ïaugdý im sel, îQýý bomidaium i and t Ibo Gevevawmt lotion thoir tbur4 ho loit wbat sbadows we irere Matin Who eupporred the Govemment ta LiS. the ýimpoIm" te it livice -ý;eptmbr 21% hl, -Pau it Unilway, livhal, it lit 1* Tt, the Wni. tfflbw*". -ltr c.,II«7um in Nvý plinter4ed wore pumine Wa nivela tbat le huit buste mm" auctocSr, -,n Lùrý 15 aml l"'. t.*ý, 31arà the I.1vý . il Pu patrouffl of omit eW«VrWe by tbe a" wbat Ibbadows, we eteai bis lett«r they Wd bien do AèLq!ý M tlleil in tif ni thet the M "Y le twýt te bis ont. teeinent .ý,tt ttbe". -N- wit. w U- wbh..!.Wmdw I.... th. W. y., Pt. Mara. i.r. I ý , b *eeb4ai for dollar fer everv letter Untfl they la.. m %mombly l.1d'ye4l in thiq O*rvie*.ý %VIF tift »V, wu %pme Puve-be» et tbe X llotU. et He a hb tributfl te titi umnory stock and fMpieMe«tàý. tho M,ýerCF , f 3ir tNqt th4 "i.it ýV 1 e ,à- e:.hte en vl»èý unit ýj» vrbjeh tb 91", hey sied gmà us. Power gain- h"bm wgh, la du sww sibu, th" j - 1 Q 1. ale me ni tilt 1 b", a 94"dmm beftbre Or . Dernier, a" sold tbat mobably th-ghý t] hm il. white. at. -11-4 fdi %ýI ho ed by suaL unholy means was not -char- snth, utewd et mm et hi% trieinje wéo battis now pudimuy iii hait- %hein. lé.ne lin, -te it Ho bâil omWé.187 exmWrod a bis site huit ne» shortetteil by bis devé- là3rýitp. j tsept. izzb"aiuabe im iý'Yk0.q irt, n"w .1plinewhnt tia"Meil ifflit. miti; mi if the 01*wd ýTittt»k ie 1 i-e *nit f44mmýiýý the laro sa. erepnmniagm of titis bi«r« tien 'on»«-vatives. -bkhtheýv riciF with ý& ta tbe Cmnwwadve party. He aeteristic of the C We' *j ti) net outil àt"ýem et est miertificlopel »d eMId c »tb«rtwý. i8ir Je") ihie tbe greatiffet renvec ai bis em alfSd ta let them have the power, ;;i;àý %à* chaise -hicis lie had PU& affll r.IML-.ay. " at 2 rivi. lit the varke aladplaSthey-now hold-by sueun- lm«!Om -%Voi "Itild go il, by th* w1b»Y Rail. W. 1, Rtr«tý4F-1-f-. JOUX tiveIT ce««Mine les pwuwbsm ne desth fur ho w» tbe Imm tribu whim 3w"ý Md the ameomm w1si, b." Macie certain FMA'r. SgPr. ±L- Rv T. X 3lit-ulieil. Auci-, 1 nette il, the erdinary tbm mwmod 0-om tbe Kamieb. Indue" = btffl« m forvard and-a* -omhymenze. Xoocibsballsay cases Fum,-Z" acti tmplement-. the pr-nýrtv,, itutow il Sèm«W» 41W ftrtboirimffmam liew» il la. we coma inse potrer th" we adeq" j th" *8 R"i er t4. Ikrdm ti%14 -fi% uw"«Og lot. obarg- ;:e' Mr. win. Wagner. L,ýt;;. c n.U. ujý. %ti, vif t1bibli ý Mr. à- -mm" paëd rymu muni ftUglg,:,d ýfflý un-orthy mencs. We fought the bat- ,,ai ' ' e' - %1- 1 he(lirjmm)ýUwmm upmhiubadL ne! az ont o*eiock ehup. 1-ilqbiel addeil by tint. tetti a Mbtt«»f importance. stu ileux A. on silo> de NWY et the Poils and were sufflort- ta" bhamubbueff ttabdammmý - - r- et suffi "=&" bUbie g=Wity ma& n et, 'rhe - el» ef tile biblitil i Pion forerarté te imepit. reeflivied *&y as de Kuabdu:?ob *À» bed, trk" r wes-t It ygidbem ed by the peopk; but whm we found ma wé wmahm ef, e7p. (41, _ we were mg »»orted hv tlm Housei -FiLL SHOWS. àih the nort Witt# lotid cbftv4t. 1 e Pald m tbe tW liciereoi. &nu ploum whmbeSmehm to Zz 7ýA" ýwltk-e#, t'ond"q inftI -('bbvtý I&M 0"»Ioit ho vigited thle town be lfe-itm adiuted te tW m wé, resigned. Si »Ired -tlmiii ta W* lie uudà" avain Re wcaël " i , 9*11VPNY îe 90.11017 eld @net. hap. Gieffl Dormerto A" tbat bow» 1 look 1.111bi- - men Ule polky %bey wmwd? ffl. Central F-'thtbiü,>a at L. ,n Pd% Ttliq w ut Il ", i v.,tt. t be 1-rmue of V-mý ne bou Roblât Weser mn4dmo. bus wmw au recriving ilici embmiamie support of bock ai the hiwim-r et the Conunmdve ne ittltl ý P"Velht the t-4 N stem# i4v*ltt". ficialtion wideh W» m )Weovbblo o» 1 th*y vue Cnnmd*49r tbe'4ýý or éd 11Z Ilîtv acil T>mlair. i;:t. 2xiii 3rd ;nd 4th. laite Ulm, sbow th» m " tqme » si prouswalta Md o»»9»ém Md %bis party and - If they could polàt ta eue j w»I, fine uààe- (A ýý ProuegocL) Umpo" Ton,ýLp. ýz .a zaturday wh Avb Ititelt iiind ovW tu t te #y sied bove ably bu~ m Oum nom. »goftetim lie. i un-orthY act f- 'the PMIW» of either -cm% siamoises, moie, ilà, hosb "m ancit ersinvoi sept - bortou ýtènd trois émit rat gave Illici, tbe armalffl th 2fth weet, in enI. 1-l"es to ha" thrir JoNiLq eap. "m"d him fair-weether tfkqwbn new MM& se tjQý m tbe icettini; or vS. Fer thirty! M-, rreuedmiý. -à ha ufleqiryiPtovincW Exhit,'tion at Loccloit on Xocý.jây or mot a wé» au ou URKYmmbeh" - 12 the cý«oru. emmmdmd mmbmk' in the m th" USy j sept. ZL to end , .9 wftk. he, rainet bâek Uw leatW of the Oppul. ob»M te Illa bw*w»m cb"M 4 iité'. th riod by rail., R*d bre, mit concletre Pf v* thé» 0 rbbobo,ý il Ilorkets tien, &»d i»tead of belait a#- the amd WUN them. U»d qmpàw"* =1M lb,3r tp of the eocatr ret4et," why ehe, emalité wu flot 1 yanduttbMmideýamw ýý acmuý" ta-«h-ý 14 ovif r,ýrfiteml. liew, Pt the Cooirerbooffl lie rould no«, asmM ne r*rdl«gAwd m a bonow Georu Bmwa wb" be illîr. Brown), the PArille SemdgJqmàd0u, wMet ha %or-) lhgrih«U bdiew Protection wah =kL jXorth ontar., si; nc Tisenday au ettee offeew. T4 ommer céla (me in hif: progftm lie 1IN6 lie hW eM us a obm la whe» nom the» theugUbe a id rWe ýejoworby wagnos ingtodbý-ý now, bomum Wédainédav, Sers. ueh aud IXk Im - bâti rend about U aM fony pam Kin ý_ céami Fair, -:ept. the l2th. :'.Qth ani rery print.. Ntt,. xx4tet,.ié, 4irlyth"bhd #hie additkbpi#l oe»m. 1 the pomr sé, haies: bad bom «WAMUd m UMY PebdoU ebuibu bien t8fr Jobu) -1 bel #1ýtèb* intendit In éitilst a e b*f4micifb. AfId ù* ir4él*t4om «Pombel J*V» film the livie »Mis IM te be effles te bed bom ooum#W in tbe gave-to Boum C4tboâmw,4 T"%: i audircemd on th« question, teb*= Mdlttber Wei" t'O "b"Il 1 futfinsu et«I& tbU on tcbmml au BrSk Township Fanshow. as S»dAr"i, lié blet se ami gre«ed lit the pftiti« ho lie* beldi Mm et sisiffly. m MMUCIM la Mad., of Smth VI Md on tbal b*M mahmawuitiL wic« devis Ici the. thlb Ptlt. 1» of Uctober. ,lit ttir-t-vif . M %Ob@ &S the dl,,Mt@,w4M mtlbxobm wbieh ho boit biffes tregloit 'Mr- Av» nobors ansill sale oeudmabum trce bmbuly ehnity i tbe -"y la eZ 96111t, , j tbe whole «màbv sied risent in it».ý L nu*- 1& êtes, ent, the tir»- ènt4iamtbht lim W" b"" ne don1 4 t4 with wbieh lie boit w*n gr«ged lis tbefà dwM _ of& $be If -ImêtioN.- fpgra Ptpsb» 6Pà mwht and huit ""ed bie wus -7"9.0& pw t>d*v. TIds went te ehowtbM 9" lit treffe. it W» a Dormer,--d mmkbgbim Uttirimra. weu pelle i).rmsy Il, and "W," tltèvt $.%vwl hy a meb" eliblib. il* lllwl whieh bats lisont publl@lbm fer a. Oove*xam« me Lettim th" stand mide and 1 Oli. ÎL;j ô,ýî& figeait «ampée ta tbe a" oclober MI and 1 ci tpy %Vhy qIi,# Ptolt 14r Ili]4" btl-moýt méolwmimé arme"y&"q With aqatnftt th« tlfflqé"ative pavty thed, fi* haeds, lob a trinia Ilke M re« of the Dbminiemb. Thou sied ma Il bois Dever bappffled, 1 1. woba 69 Warsav. en Thuràd*r lit. Wooltl litami tby bleu (bney whm ho tbm ta toast et the nu of the conducit. vis. uî* wàmwit mes, iftricow tun"de là cK ihtir àtretin tentit ne the heibd et the (kivmv»ld. im» Iwo cellibé te tâbls Of the Govemment of whieh bu b" thepeopbium thèses M" Brim-b Agricultumi somw-ty nt 1 tnto the *111 gIv ne un Weime"y. UeL lz s'y whwh pit, , 0' end tw they Weald wt*n lwre.tu tba deuil te nemmile t" bitter gi-e»ug lie- the h-& Coffl tbey put theïr et Ibo Punnez et the Temim rail, show mg alibeaussont. M 1%«", thé mtt« bis pémb»l ailes,. ho M d 6. boId tbut 08114 lthmpw 'job* tbow-qpoà- aMI014 - wm Ibo a plm 110r C-albiqui fi m avoira saiet tIý* aime bu flotter as My siaiste, t.ýâmý Emar la the mm *butte= w1k -os_ 9. tt»',ttoloo "IN tmv* mrt4d the titbe, «A Wjk W* .«^Vkx*4 #W WM wony à libils C'hoom) M oeeamm 00@ffl 16 bd enoie iNqý te roue% Md tibWliy., the pee- liste tbe Kvainfaýgui& Job. tbe -b- v*àwl4 la landamý m Tbwà&r, ou IL lai rlell Harterjob, = 11. 9410101 OMI4 hl CMMÉRztm on Thsoissty au i1490 - Pilw*ll. s"d flotim t1lefè test. Rhdfh*.*» @6 s1,-obssý #bM bo viii éé, an~ 11110* lem lm SWAM Vkoowti4 ý dM« v 'Whkh cm tbeeountrr t ma ý la bwàtmm* un IMM titi fessât f« lie m, situe louer of F»dw,!Mmde»m om mimp et boU imam 11M feu, ont tbU beau. ru - Mil f = lLmt- Wkq-- *WRW --- - *«$ Imam lem 11811keï âh«Wiu ae net 1-Y la ce = lible - gtbm & "Wink 7M a or » -elmum tb»t bu » * f@ceýIfb àdudh.*&* 2:1b». il bffl horcet ùtmd - AV&W Il tbmwbm.pfflmanmto imnm"m&Bm& leb- Mjk'ý tien tbe fàvmmi»r 1 àâmhà Mr. Bidu w» new tbe Tytom tbo fetvm vainauwL (Ch»nkb tort b, Il. lebwer b.U tir pmtmo bel tues wm»»DeluL wool j . Groac ri" 14

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