> __ . ý , -sEMEý_7-, - - - - - -- -ý- - ýý - . 1 ý - 1 1. ý ý . . - 1 ý - . 1 .. ý W. - ý ý 1 M"" - - . 1 gilipjk- - ý , ý - . MUMUMÉMý ,--,- - - 1 __ - mommommom . ý-, 11 ' ýý , ý __ . 1 . ý ý . ,__ý, . _109w & tuatm ' . ý ý M., , 1 - ý - -_ ýý ___ý .. .11 ,- -_ - - - ý ý .»m 4o#m ,ý, 1 - ý _nje 7_,34 , 7 am - ý ý ý - - 2 -..&à-- M ok MI 0. 6laKe 1, ---- - ,rý -_1_1ýý- , ý>ý-xom lý, X - Il e ntim . Il JwaI@xéaýw@i ýt h du è6mS et ,ai 1ý -1111111111le le îhM »Wb 1'li mi ý«*f0».Iw &É 1 ý . . - ý . ý- 1 ý.. 1 - ý .ý f - = ee m ý le la - ýýý -_ M - or bum ftwisé, te au. mâo.. ILlaiLàm Il ý _ -1 "Il - se J »Ot aitbk la tbq bw .. IL __ 1 , __ 7 - 2 11111* - 1 I 1 ý "Mt 4 Vory 0 1 __fiý ýý labriom4w &Pd.tx= àc à À ra» failil git cime 1 ý . =4 rE f .* ý1 ëi@lsý ib ehor,,& *aeàý airàwm Md - . - ý . . ý - ýý 11(4b*#, tksffbtbl, pXJ le ___ - O . m ý - . ady 94 ton un . ý____ , . . ý 1 1 bal et f-4 fk*M e 1 1 . 1 - .- &Wbik)Y el" In Imt et the am M»Imzeommlttmtomrm - *%" = ý- » dud *0 lm* of 34r.EmdidL for IMM -0M ----- 1 rffl tu Ve àiý _____ , lessop tremaimibw«lý»C _ffl ne ha 1 1 - . ý ý 11* .. 1 1 e4l M fille last 0vmtr«ý etilimile, ne te away wLàum ?MI ý 1 ý 1 8139 0020 t4 tetlvg %rinf4pm tbru= iml raw.a....&- àibý ,er,.O-Y»",861AYPt,"M et,,-R,,Imbe'e,»Ii:wuàutàm the molé' pft M on 1 . , 'l - no»mim 1 am lié list la" wuk up to&t""TBM*tMd alsa mu n c boni. Théliblit wom W* ,- . se. .. ýý 1 . - ,oz, %ftwitl ý , 10110 9-r.aý 'Mobelo = = ý ýý .. 001»M ý . dwd# - . 11111111444ettand. x4 or "vtql APP"Mtka& W ýýý b"uu"bnm""u= weia»"nlou eu Yet«,dYU ha" b" w ehMS W" - Ntçivý grété! sifflux.-911111. . Att" 1111» ka IV b« lie &tMU irettait With à keiff of- - - faste F«,s amwer Io Mr dum rathw Stmard VU7 mqpady 1- . . ý . 1 1 ý ý . e = ww ý - 9» - W. spS ]L ý 'a "In tenir ogmeim te etvmob condý the ý% ý . ý illia t*kt-fb ex-filie, In & , 8, gooriom c a mll 6: ,W, Wè bUgd - letter un toléiay. - -r pM&W . whi& hâ-4 b. latiedie (f 1-lib 1 - ý1(blbft*t4.tý'il l'hi amie .. __ - # Md rocl= elm - DýM1j 1 ha et Us 1 ý - ý 00" midd Dot bave a clesta MW ce a in *a w_ ýmbtwiiltoilttnutslo ), . . A" se the porsh. il; la rajoinder aurir mady ftd thist: 1 by wd mélits to Ibo ta bc @mm Zacý Co»àmm ý 1 owe ý 10 188#qitl 0" . = = cer. V" *« lie in postier. r = shair euMm Sud Ille publie te i Otti the = bum la *0 Io »» fouse SO «mP bande of the primer la time for tilde - __ ý. - . 1 w7"ý - - I. , am cantal lwaà ý . . .. Il 1 l!?o 111.1:11ý 1 b émiteà b. on Application. OU Il, Md 1 . . ý ýý 1 s'th- lm Vrews PSr. i Win tim»» -bave fit depre - the au-pu - cmble el" am Installai *m te no Oum tu Un MW . ý ý 1 . ý ý l"Itic **('iý% . 1%18,-4,ýý 9plu:trw rott, torn 1 ille , on wetortoodrr. ho- la ipodi Ume for nogt M"e --cg= she, members et SM les v.ànirý iiiiellers. liésils rétoisi tisolui. or in 1 -ý . . offl wo Imm ý WB= , 11481li', *rt&tstwxtrovtbfdyf« et vwa bW=6ý4&0 atvm ami& b«ort»ffl Mt onea bureau and - ý W*iL_11c.,111ýe_ W:e OIC tw cat4on« la MON4 My m won Ad.Pud for Machine un:- ý. - 1 1 Il - 1 1 . ý . 1 1 . - or tri% flair and wa tmpni" rom M y 1 liait té ipention Pâlis, AiNt. 14. itro7. __ - te 1 "Ma""4zà, ý z Z= ü»M m 1. emm thet-elires ap by - ýý .. . ## lqfw . el.111%,112. . la âWays, lmmvmlmt. ý latin Imée wâd whamaw lit waliels, mmmftmurmg tir 1 - - 1 ý vtwilet- IlrIiml(* & PbU»,ek. 'UbtrZ ed'w' -MW on P« I" au ý 1 . ý 1 ý . ý noumPA& XAVý -owvuhm 1 Ilors ffl a %rampe thoy -111 .3atk«Punmse&C . noing déent, » a ped . ý : ý .. . 1 ý rtmnt,çbl I»rt.ibrtetoit ff'r (!an*" J. (IOMwitam bail 4*09wtmffl à&whÏ* soirrer, mb» a change eom over the - Ilo erms a mmuatffl ittheirewiL mal" ubanabourme 064 1 ,ý . 1 . ý 1 1 1ý ý ý ý 1 . ý. ý . : '141iw. -%etièt.tt-r t.iidway *ait vwtntty. - lwaé th- me cou èIs "W"d du ntru et, thésir deuwli& Bwd &un of Irll Lité, &Mar qf Tss Càzàbux POW-1 nttienrenummý, Itiste 1--l-1-ý . Bý UMMMI» 004 . ýý ý 1 ýý . . ý - , - m t Pd. 1110411,11, -il - . -ý-ýý---- 1 Sia,--i-bave hem madintir kr. Thos, &hese passif, liunbm . go dl huile the et- --ayua« ý sèche la your i;iiîïîouàeàt. no WUI - - &W* IrAiLid Tl __ -, .. tte.çbm.""ie lm on a *W*ijwk wftg beht» cempaitu AALBE. eftiftl4k#4 1 ý 1 ne AIl., àtr, J. p ne m 0» Wb" notom camp aor «MIý Il W» ha Pee's letter of reply ta Ille Ber. Mr. flics Of -Thmýbg elieftm et *0 11018Y Morme«» W ... .. ý . 1 Illil wiltil in a fow daveil a tim tu »- Wili move mm»b, ne ý *a dey ho Ma and of etimilet Ili W" . - - ý . ý ý . ý. ý ý ý . 1 gâtab .W 1 IÀ«m and bave beeiL limiter PU-W et eneniffl te mgfflddng wb&puUem »umgnuumc h(buneltiAl I»tràtaltlx lié, lit now i;;ïýr@d hm ta spw*, «* , 1 du«y-dou on Ibo rue duel; la the Win whSe Solle okleet in thdr @I prefer- ew.inàuý *w , tu lvuttn4twlliçttwillappmelttthe»o Pro" $hi loodimp. le ý oyos. la *0 montât, Md in the throist with parts of fit, and If ym be so ment no, - il ,ý :-As 1 a SUMUM Tftz» lié requi, ' ý et lits ettock lm wor. A« *«. 60 wtàt* m âÏled the lisant, and dest on hW aew I&M kind as In avant the $PaS 1 wM Mar prase tac " mcSum opugum Or "-n xý re, -I-1Itn.ý letinkout W "cm. lm ýtbwrY vàà" go -ý 1 W two of them. lie mye whUe - speakin = t»»e ot.ycw , _ alic lectine lm the cidy vie PrOllee- yetwsp@cýe&tttwàm ilicattaliaillailaboirée, thob ý and bis lortir cloches, alli bis O$Pedal ': 1, tynit.8tl'xý.-t 1 _g don agallm rejj8ý1o» ostracisme alled in à bât morumu te lie hm SI; SU âr«,Cim 1 ý1ý ý ý- - «!rt,#**» ** t té t-týt (.1% etreelq détiv. tio; bu lýmopm- théier v#m*t dim mtm voici a Ov»n-hour br- et the Pantauneh, à,Iteontains the'ý -elt>: b"d W amtte tu Ibo m r Itupim bila in this duatil I. .qnâýe revrestentation la the eouàcila G" -umaadsewi«3g&cldu*DwPOtý rc 1)1,1t.%Iýfb %%'Itx.%r. %Ir. & vottelà m lm ment extraortitni contradictions i __ ---.-ý-,-ý- - ý ý. , . . . 1 ý . - ' = 2 te. 001« fOr IWO = AlmbýOM - and. La the public service et the eDm- ý ýý - ,---... ý . » W Prent,14 , - 1' bals ra étr's"d froin wffltortit Clatsallai. M lloalotil ýý ne toowhm it W :: and impoWbiUtle% suMeient tolu ý 1 1 .I 4, 1 ohm aneth- Iryý of au xi»" ý - ý Whrrr, tilt. lirw ve,ériélety of whest lie, , 1 » hm mot -am ta Min. volve thé rrvdiaity of the whole a -Noit to par ft blit M-!gn ý. ý ý 1 ivioly t-kèlti%.4kotl wtth roli la. Tlqàe W* M .., laotiens, @rA"hle& et %hl& rmun 01 the year Il The ImPerfec = . tieularize, fürther, we May . frow W olorgte. ý vittérkuttts 4114-celilé. >14- favool" lut- Wisbw t,%tvlti., bot ý . .,, - -tions am 90 ýx"aY bc pennitted te adit tha the whok ad- , ý . . ý . ----«>-- - , , sbey am immetiméle ladeed inemvoni- ty - V OTICZ.-An * ichint ý . . ý . - ý et4ffl-6ti %vlin tell With the itv*ea dm$ blé 1 . ý ont but thow am blemiop là dignaine. .. 01 any modem historical wedL Bot tire" does taillaite credit te its rev. au 1 1011111M Le- ý MYMU»#»&v , ï ý - offlV001). : -L", the 1 au lie Io 1. thoes bead and heur. lie Opportéme r.)r 1 j créfere-IlI large, tt-itètttýt%ý furmésold whir.h Thélir miochty »rW friction et falling NU extent et the ftatut . . ,%4%wý 0"" tkoode. - . W--opob*om et 1%el, Pâ%t 1 - , alil tbbffl au possible colin" W114 we me surési. Cam the W. . 0 114rale ý 4 : lit, %viIl 1 '14441 lié tlbqmq% wmer-drong evoires the intacte éles it eau : Dame Witt »J . r ý ý . ý . - - . ý 411%140à* go pro. ý lt,%*,Vx«t» ..Withf»d. ustiookatthelm vene force of a mont mantary ingue--O les-ly. J. W. ý. 1 . 1 ý . ý ý chapter or Judg« and ses whh mm « an ab&" et renglont, bel. N% ettro $Ili. new varloi 09111MATIOý"0411,111101filléCer ho tu no other vrai the air la refresbed of Iàe drut - ý - l'lit'* artinst Olé èov. &M a.bmu#M tremp in hein _. - 1 - ý « &W I.Sioc lie ther -, , Ir.w-p.?-,% ,seléod sa it cm hy no a 1 ' _- 1 1. -, ý . . . ý ý 1 1 ý Nf, W Il trieil . toire, . - ý - - W0117't 1 1.4l Itrélitel. hamly la thtrsy, amii. = or. ait Ille la revived. all dust la Weil .. 'et ýý rem 1 msoý ý e are prend emblée as et one . trw art 4,414 old wiéý,,%t' tillyst epe4k* *%Ond, tu-%à* dahrons kt", et " if ail thiffl an possible with him or , ReL For yem Eather Stafford. veillera . ý ' w, * le" * - - ý ý Y-mm biais théo PtIM-- Md thOVcftdl- becOme a ul-%"el 01 1 have referred ta the w - sa ' r- ý 1 1 'y 1 time a rellident Kinamatan, Il iletz,.>Ni *tlr.%i%%ý , ()gllvk, ý Lri lq«-lw'4m bosiséli- The wOlubet-FOr the pleaeureand tre*hnem and excellence~ CrM yS DICPARIIO-NT,. tioned and eau me 'Lothlug thât 18 90 1 'a the "a of Il %*4 q'Ià»èsrI4ý. 1 fit .ýt.,IltrI.tl . KIN-mt, .Slltttt4,t 1 Il tt>wlb last bW day* bu beau unUvmlrabite, cS of él-ud. This q . philau I terme of Friday waà sirgularait 1 wats led ta exitect. fit remis ..à 1, ý ý . . 1 . ýý %%r ï.1 le III4 ..,te et% litv..%Ir. el ýX. XçXIrý btltafowM Ot«Aràdbewolaldmake the tint your correétponélesit hall secà 1 thus. --And Judah weilit igainst ý the r retorra. As the Father thew of OTTAWA. July 21-t. ISTT. try. %le.e, itlI-r Ontbrio Itank -Nir, 2 r. ý this eountri he hall made hinuelia' Auth.rimaDileo»tonàmert=ulavol"*.I . . ý ý . 1 ý 'Wi'- *D 1 10t am »ý and the houM»g woild ý for a month, it wa» the drIII; tillemens, of ý .. Canamitu that dwelt la Ue ý . . 1 . . . ý - 14i ý -1-1,t-t-ý, Wlitttt't ý ho font 1 brilla 4 ikow bc Nr %v 't'able 8 1100, In ý . ýi!,Ie,; v.ètqrý&e*tor', lot% etti ,, the dili enjoyinent. it thandered and i lie the Dame et Hebron belore tr«4 j film Wh" h» e3r 11,3904111il 1 - :,ýiýtlýibttý,:'Yttt-"Illblonf%,Iýttmý Xoi L'r miniol% 1, 4.1, il - belands of tais Dominion e hi* I 3. joirsolç. . . ý 1 ' 1 notim in Mr. feroiste light4,nett and rained, and there was flIt;el.,ý 'i'tl;' -'t %%'e-tlk Ibt-ti tiiltrîtiutt4i i (*.-Ilvrrt',* eroo repffl th Tait 1-t-«t ý à 1 " jah-arba) and they idew-Sheabid, and . ý . . Il , ' . . Dame a boutachold Word la the father- ! SI&IY CoýW-mer -1 Cuito, . 1 ý ý ,q4,%% 74#141tý ý%,toel6otbq. .ý ý ý ý e,%1ý-ý'1I etàl-Il tif sit(qil-N'. lit, wili titaits 1 fow vnoleikx #W:, ho rewiserkit a ritroist dif. maethinir exmape.ratinjz in il; %vl" . , .. -.%himan and Talmai.*' 1 1 land- bepud , - Your correspondent would net abonder; ,%ýIu .. , in. be sa We are expressIv lire the seis. The address ,, XTOTICE is hereby given thât ý- . 1 . . ý ý - ý 1 ý 1 1 ý . ý -'.. el ,I ;p, N i,;t %%'Ile-el't lit' ÇlbtirO iitlkltetý ! flileti t»ýtWftn the Pro*pmtive «OP et i the propheLs -,tilleul a man e, - . , "UgP"t" i lotit by FA», 2ai2a Proves IdIn ý equisl'y ait - ew of the ]W or Flii oral Bf« Ne*-t'tirprt., - . . . - . ý.1.1JvI; ' , lit 1 lit, cour rartoré, Ilvill ho willed tenir t4btifity tierd t'liq, militer raitémy or what rite wcatner lx goinq ta lie jeu .. v Othe haine in eveuly attiser good Word and ý IN ý ý 1 . ý l . . . ý . 1 . 1 _. e-ly et,'. -Iàt'.%11,bgl»-t bwq&4nl rottententiteli I*tterhomuah. If the Dominion f.ov. moititoreaursé, léelleve blin. must nos .. verse, litiges ho biaisait and ve, 16 I work.. It only requires the adoption of 1 RarrRE,ýçcit ci Ille élirsension ai the mLlwav Wrote thelle Books in the Space of ý I friendly and tolerant . counsels bY 1 the wam y> ?Mr rz»,r a LLqbe ý - ý 1 . ý . %% '11 t Il týroal 'y 1%)im4rtt 49 b"I «'t'li' l'"n'ellt la rtmMbu*ildO ter thé th»tb àA, oxpn» a doubt, net evëa- cher" j .. f,,ty d,,y,,- ý ý , bité ý ý , . . ý 1 . . . ' letixéèrm«,wam lit town vteait- a une Ntbýdv for *W atwtrwtë politicien e4t, W ttsi e ritioléin, ý N t- litit 't'ivifid,*, , 1;11I,ýl e'n't'ev Ilieni Xr- Dortald Moi, rffl w#4 hy the rinças, vrenfil u nus lie a hopo that lie may ho miettaken. ý , 1 have réud ,bat verse in the Book 01 the people ef.this country on the que-&-, mAILWAT COMP"T, trent PM ?*M te Li F..%IltatbI>rtt ý . tien lire have been consideriau ta te,' i,..ý lei ý Irý,flit-ýr 1ý4W..1efr.joltu ('illielboi of the etffl*erffl lvë ompr toexplain the -iligt hitttttart, ami liait net i Pzm Old Teertamenr. and lt xavs: - -tinplenimnt sectorisa hictiolk. 1 liste, dituaw in th* Obmu" élit 0atmS 1 à*4 lér,**ý'f ý tilt (-4ý;..J'- 1, ý bef' klè,fore tak ý more ilà 1- Thechildrenot Bibv&4twoiboumd: Md ta establigh on the lirésiegs poségible j VW-1--q-,uvdybu beau apomUd allie 1 - ý . W% élili(t ééi - ýý%% 1,IltlN,; I:lc l'Il %(*Itntýe,%YAV.,--Jamm matier- NVielli Ï*t',térbOwm«b »mt* A ont very inuch -aurai hadèlett: but Sap eni, i el dItvand, si--*' ý ,wamw soer«uy. toil the Cltrât of the Po ý ý 'ti-eI-,P.Iiy, Jr., tir I.ilbql.nv. Sud Vred. ." ter of the UIwkfAudW,év«mment prophef* am unrellaWi-the Llà" y buis toleration and gSd. vrili amSg . . ý .. . . 1 . ý ý . 1 ý - 1 %i.ý -4,ý , :'ti 1..-:I(.,%,Illt. &net Virlork sa oýp6swalý thé C.o"PU- ! %Vjuld Mr. Fee state the Pua he an claimes of Our luized ommuunkyý 01 *0 e-mum 09 onurto 6" Victoria rewo ýý . . ý 1 ý ý , t , ksst;.tl roqptwfivéý ý pr,»bet» generally are -an lier* in faiet p, M, omffl by et ba e-t,.,,.ýe-9 IV 44tttd. .%ittiptox %élièt l ! !'m's il y, ,,-it lwi frtetit.,4tttruool% DWIt *htllld nos celutaly tatend be ae ain 6017141) ADVIM . ive. and W" -Jw Mid compléter. 1 , , 1 ý - lit- 1 -for tativer did a thunder storm bSak ; Ciement and trenieus lie q!iotes. illeti 1 1 1 ý . test étlépitffltl>liI ' - . ý Il ý ý . . .".:ýI, ll>t--ll ii Inko in ;X) bbun%%44I** çropm livre la v low of 1 more atientitluallýy or :preail mole beaulI: date of edition. &c.,for lewinot doit: Kumuý,Dqewmýl 1 Daud théel 12té, day et July, lîèý. - _ .. .-....-,ý,-ý-1« ... 1 'i., 1.1, Il ww mid é.1lrýrlifhth Jollex. tîtet, rron'é. bers. leut, lit -CY t4fiti1jr. lent, a rainboilv xpau- Maripoisa - theplac, audin matte.riter nuchéleelle: ,Wehavý,.muehpleastueinemilingtheý »Y-d-çithe3ll-40'Dlýý Of""*Cl _ I-a.ffl . . ý 1 ý ý . _ _ tvt-týj, titille as, cint when Our nirailner Oeil gi .m m i more Ar-tî*tie-illy orutintv more brtlliant- ý Inipon 1 Ilke, te ne pasted.- Youn - ý attention et our readera ta the remàrke i 1 x J. ROM, . 1 ý . ý 1 -;,,!,,,,!,,,,. il . heu - Pb" . . - 1 1 . 1 ý 1 I ý -I,,-,ý , re, opjXý*Ihoft. perhabité, tri* ovdvèg te, Our; ly and *Dhý than olà'tÙat evexitrui setter- , lit .. . 1 ý . ý . ý 1 ý:., . --,Itlet'q'leimlýt(ýs %V ,witdtnt 1 speettully, 1 -1- -y4ruwàL 1 deliveredin the UsmuanCathOlIC ChOrCb4 i JOIL .. . - 1 1 . 1 1 Ir lolek '.'> * Y ovor (7.ovtýrt,,1%4,týt. Tht"* nuéesterti, »bould bc L bel" Dutllu',& Creek, Aug. le- Izi- à - ý làndsay. en Sunday laat by the Ber. 1 M-5. Ilit.;Itrq-k- quarterie Ill th .Canýrtut" ot the atherlréforteu 1 nom. Iwt iititiýt xlander the prou il ý @el.rptm - ___ ý , »ý --.-.-ý ý I 0 -.wý ý--v litimid t'le Ille élied t1brir le ' - whaitever sit.iy billfalt nit so louqalic our' - lu Mr. Fee's, ý ý __ . . - 1 ý . , - t.%kt,» into roinelléler. i boue* are preserved wW e ancial qutll-,! ý Father Stafford. a clergyman Weil -l I% et ý 1 ý _ -V:ý t1jem 1-etiot'bient idétitest inv'l'affle, tietiots la tlxinq the ,. [The Word -credulity - 1 known and hisi - e:;;z ý. X. . 1 : - - , %,ý 1,ý u% , .eIt, e4(-(tltltt-,riikttito&%N-,4-mi*etttbbusig fflPtttlmittilltytOrxmtîbnd bMtlnleý,% cienevot freshair taken In, what are ý letter isamienrint and should be 'lcred _;hly esteeked. In thilit . .., « . - 3. il, 0 0 d IV il Il . 1 1 1 Ibility." The-re&rence ta Judges évail 1 irae - ý. l'- _. J, = tCamina train a Romm Catholie ý 'W - .I -.ý.-, ýý, ý, lý"".IlI\l *1",....Iiy ,ýl:#I" !!.lir,,D%.h(,r.,.teet.%. ttillekiltgtltéý,tw.v* ý .. Wk it»,'it"qià.- - ( frar the* Weil de*"V. ontinarilly hitonveniences niav hi con-; . i 1 . - ,ï , _ý . , _% - . ý - î - -i-iý- Ahl l'; il re', ..ý..,.I:i%,It t-,;ý Il I-1 Y.,.Iet, ilowel, niées 1W., Il enit r,%n(ý,* #'et gitpularity of Yçi paper Witt %littý-r vérired jota sourrel, Of pleastm and bv rime. té error made 10th iiistesd of , hie words la eondemnadon Of J ,-1 v ,,.,ét te, t le. et m ,lent - t om c. Il verne. There are nome other ý the drebrand policir of the True IVititffl ber" if )ou continue le, priai the infidel mental rite, re h si rot > ýý - - -,-ý w : . Il .t;i)i ý et,ýýý I ý . ý ý:I I,ý.,-. (,:i,!",;g ý;4-, lirf, - . .Ir .t. t.titItnI tint kx4orit râvýing% Ilélèh am' i Il notwith. VA. ý *M have moie weight with bis 1 , e s ,: ý,, Il.I, -*I),.%,,t,, i:ti,:, - 1 t*--'ý' ýIrl'i%-týt tilt' b0>1 o%:ýrql ffltk'IY tué, xiven Su balles: villuibils ý grandjalz. .% net sa vers, il. jh, cloue,, erroirs; the Word *'Vishna" la Us ---',, ý-- ýý il ý % , e ý, . %% 14. Il e Ilailor. %V'h%ý d(wt this patty et prêts. ý l . ý formed base -the visioW ; the 'I' Veda' J ilgiontsts than tholle 09 tête Protestant Î - - ý_kJ .ý ., t,'.,«Vý brilla. 1 ý ý ,Sn rabiota aver. and if you have ever , tg maitie .. N Cý",, l,*.-77:ý: - e -, -'iy tII-ý-,l 1:.... $,-.;-,iýi i'f il ,«-e"..$,t ý lititiliers tw,'t4iW,% linà dib ilkeýiiib ý in . . adj».; and .é used ta gieure; Presse. %Ve do nus kno- 01 a p. - - 1'J", ', % Il 'I'lt>:iteýll %I, 'Vlýe -1iitýtrit,%" et the you have a Mt .orné. Idea 1 , e i SHERI each other" ab .,nid be uni *1 ta Stone : := in the Province the FFS SALE OF L&NDS. ... .... 1, I, ýl*:,, , ; l', Reuït 1% tir ttrlàtbtItit Vernix and e,%tatdt*h otwciy--otthegr.ititý -ottheàint(x)tbn,,,' on the True wifnemi, , - ,I%ý ý . ý tý--,t, t Uwi-huli it-t-it qi-t-taibie4dt&rittg a ribètieýittititv and not, tell -Iývirv« uneller -lititl'inirý- ta Wmlvitï,, 1 entité other.*' The tester in question gel - Severe . lt A 14 it ic m 0 V IR y) _ýII.- II. . . hv J,ýtýt. Vatiffle tir qitilenieetir. t'y& very t-hri-tiati rlýlI(x;% ý more ille nt) 4 * intii pr," without a rtvillion of the ! the or;mn of mole law, than Father e c.»Iv .t inctoria.., 1 ý ý . - ý . ý . . ý . il Il , - *t,.Jý-_. l-oi1-ýV 1. il 1 1 - eiotl while dellyrint lis f bi'n-i il réienlantic and jovilly ait" I airant haeé been. He bmdles it -wIth. : -T, WiL e7 ;ý 1 1 tllt>l-titilewiliwltt, , i finit e a 1 pruc -, ý 1 . ý ^ ' lie, l IIllei-,ýbeV Iteb. .-r f, qi and t'\Ixýiuzt tloir tzblniltP.% te i xhoiver tif ait evt-nin,-u- tht w . ---O- ý SL élu ý 1 , ,,, ý,ý I III ,iý,«ý....é .. ;,I;,.--ýl Il 11,11-I . ek a __ ýcnitglove.,"givingitnoquanerwhat-, - ý 1. ý ý 1 , 41, el iý . 1. "I 11.0, "e,*ý il. Il ý41»t0lFl ý te, tilo vekberrak-iii. ho 1,ýrli,.iO",% illtitwum, Of Clkiý*tiý'n'. ý Aterult SI -atur points with the III ý -il bititésow mot Fne lhtzbml& j citer. Ir ii net Our Intention ta review ý -f., el (ý, té, iIoe ltttc.p. "..%" (hie04-04r4o ï%,-tl ý , ...V. ýi"i." ,.'"'!.ý>!4 ý 1 ' 1 . ý ý ý ý,ýý,,,ýý.,.I",,tý" 1" ..ýt., -.;,ý,,-J 1, "::, -11, t'i.III.Iliz.t% 4t"t %%t-Il kiktb%, 1% tel lit" t'ktim .- t .- iiîe-ent goltien lieidiée fier a harkgranil 1 1 Father statronr* tirai addnese. which ý sum the 27th ,Ràvj of 0161 . ', t,ý!-Je1.%Y-,ýý,he', J.-tNiv. 'Vttt-,'4%1,ty t'Nltn- 1 ' thèl 1 j T.- the 8dip-, .if Tint t'.%%.tvux Iloor V, 0 'ýt . I IkIlet, t tli; iýI(,% e»C 4 fiýw ý. % .1 I ell-t 1 '. t -.,-» !"il 1, iite ý".,Ztl.ý,tf,<et-t,,Iý'*Al,ýtvlýtl,.rttjttvpno* Ilièc'ellIVRAIN141rý 1 und.-r a rlotiti lbqlr.ýtitig stanýwt or 1 .1 ttion tiait. ý "ext 1, P. lý-,-.. at titi. Il.'ur .'i Twelve.e.1 1 1 - - ý ý ý ý 1 , 1 The foi V. Taytor j think il woujet be quite allie,.%. ý lie Webb worthy or his reput4 ý ý :: I - i, . 1 ý 1 il 1, ý ý ' , -,olti a publie met-tinu on the 6,111- ý aller refuigent t '-il Il ý; : ý ý::, adisn -Il . ý ' 1 . ,;...,t., wien i-r'-iitetiwitib Xit.-n gophio Pt.ratl"qnt.,eion btýro&tqhi)rt tint" IltMý 1 il* rinyal imirpie aller sort statè. I ,%V»e;- iiiýýlt'iztýmýôti-4 . -rinison 1 .1 il . . L«S.,e-holartetl*auqt tolerant Malla ý Doux %y "I'tuée, I.f a .vit A rim Fmm- Il. 1 -ý . ý' > ,!,-,ý Ili. t,:.kb .1, -,,fit..tll; (le el, 0ý Il, ,liq srt Ilt,ý te( torrit. 46 the bitle . Elest- : inX tel ni thé- oittpourln-- of th-e -,»- 1 .iFotir readet, te -tudlir it for thein- 1 diw-t,ýi ..il i--...j I-nq, .If th. 4 *.,,ttlty court . 1 tit, LPA etoft se of(,, Il, : - . 1 - , ,ý ,. , , I, "". Il. 1.ý -uei;,,ýIA "'I ý 'iho .lýtlt"r1 vbk%*;wltrr thanée kt ,kt, vieilig intoi touter-4 futty and ahhr. -N IIII ý . r4ek6ft'lél' ý - il.'. ".I... - %%-1,I.-ýeNý .Il I III ftmittl lu thé, iiielveroi ti et #MM« 1 1 tsbitrkit%%,- the lirait oitiotleer growth 1-1 ý . culattfl ý Dc-ic.%N-J.llchlý>,.. ..., \ . ný: t __ vote lit titaiek- niciveil ýhy the. I.rýý. NIr. il the dzirk ii fr-ett-".tlt aronud! lied frec thinker.%, %vrre il net for the: Se . ý . ý ý . ý ».,.i ý II : 1 - - !II le !, .1ele 1 .4avamI. ýw.rtb»ilé»d liv 'str.(*tbnhingý%wgm! aibýti-rtrotlilxufflità;.-:%n--ttvtirkôfýtr-ti,-,-ht' fetIlingotPitYawakemýtt là * . Umi advtce, which à-honU lie cir . ý - ý ý.. ,ý .ý ý ivel. , Ilfit ;is),ý,etbowx, and trio r,ýtlmr* wm far beliertil). mi%,-Ib. Nir. SA ý 1 . ý ; oncle naind et the Dominion te the t eL.1t.;Îu. 1 1 . 1 ,. II.I-,.IiI,. * .1. '.. , I'.", . :Il, '. Iý,II. ý veille 4 under', "!ýine Ir«.ui-1.ýitakeft-neeq ge e an deý ý front eue end 19,111 . . ý ý ý ý ý - ., tt,-,e., -, : ý i il. '! > ýI_,I * p-e. . ý à4evo the *Vý,rmg%.,. A m(wat Kén"i pe-libi-e tel give an tujiir,&ýý,",totbtb. 1 and Of relief -, bey the filet tient Intelli nt m IL c ' ailler. We are bolet te Say thaïs. lui Li lartit, t-kléi the, rierfortilaitére. m 1 .1. ý "e-'Lý ý - intenlectionle of titihis'and %te;-ttl.ng% ,,,,zit toseilch drivellinir nonaerm. But. ý1 the Teépil- Il'ilite.". ffl aàloW" TlitjàÉà.i BRIGSAU. 1ý 1. , - I., I i: - : ;I., .,iI-,t ,,týlIb» ý Ie4(Iit'ib ýýt1j, tý ";%71 oprNI."I($, tU*fi#T 1, . ,4 1":. ý . 1 !viiet -l.qsfl()K.' . . 1 se'! and withont ntillIbt'r. w t'le way, 1 wol rd aték. la net I its corejlzjoujýt comenspérairéir PO waté, gq ýt vory, ktrm wbtvb Wlesé . Nil . - re that .. the Ti> 1 1 1 Witt -ýeFt l'y , Ixfou-là ' . 1 ,= n,«IbiritiL, in the e% triat litle a misnoluer? ts it dis- - rente Tri qabl-le -huget the et> 1. ý 1 , 1 i', :... --.. ý I I- lt%ý,tti.ilrety 41t'ttý.llez4* ftwing to the, *hffl ombelle tC.-"-Plffl%(4m-.e of Tho INste. 9 . ý hall never soen it )eforeand it %;arnied 1 W."ý, 'j" * -ýý-. : ;". Il . %. I,.Iý,:..i le %,-J,ý titille, MtVen et. thtýir'e-léé&ng. MI pliai 1 tiretive tuellii ! -Are net ait men ý Umition4 cet citizeni bvkicking 1 P U B LIC A U CTIO] ý. ' - , - , * , ;' ', .I! Il I ;..:"., 1IIv,ý tret.,ttèi", aý,,e,%I» Mal, iItîMhItý the> bill Illéloir "Ytrà-t% .qýtrK Ttitbi%-P>&aroý atuffld. Ilotato: illýnltpatriolislliti). rettéct tluit itv.ts i tltin,.:c",autittiýeoineertentfreethinx- ý eçýnu,ýets and xan tg ta the W . 14hié. , Il , :l., -Il ., Il. I , i ..;-§1in»èý% I,è4vt, le tell W stl)i Mold that piýtehtI,-ý kr_ art, ý Seoi muselé .%net .Scotch brain alo.ne. ý ërs., too ! .%net 1 would si the more! winds.' by lndul;da-' 1 At zaý lec', il the 1 - litterse., Ta- - beil%à raidélid ution. , '14 :,,, %-ý-,eI.a.t,,.,. , il .ý . ý ý j;.:". .: 1 Il I:i.à iq-ý,i1 4ý-1e1,ý,eJ,, . ý 0V ette III&II Witt lie *'Ilall#lt%» Milla IIAltvte-rtN-(; tneratitýu* are drawing;' , freL thonght there is the bel - _ 1 ý . ý , 1 Ithout enuitirer or explorer. that' i faitégnai caleWate;rtosdrupthewotl;t illetreiliffl é -M. ý 1 ý , rit tji ter for an _ ffl = isousir4 in TIM TOIM 1 . ý 1 1 . ý Io a etome lit thikt township wilh verv i hellied Out 6f the forelit Illiette a m-týmiti- cietv. '%%*hy net cail thenw»lvft lier theïr '. poswiliolies of the moh. the elliente whith Luu« Y. - 'Nit 1 iiiI lr ý ý . ý ;.t,>,\,.,,.ý-!!,".It"ýý",,,ý1,4ýý,ý,,Wêvý*ý,'4ýPb>tO»tk*tntb*sltýopWd,.kndwe- log re*tllt,,*. and a ý ý - m aille of weatth, . ý lIII..i:. , 1 il% Il_ J_"J.II.ý Iýqk KeIlltýllsýý L ,A(.tlýl&dVW lh««ýdt*irouttote»»ytag welaits, 01 gopd! vent éloulain , tieh a et raille -t'nbeliever% or latte.l,.4 1 Ta ý di»gm-ed MenU%,al and Camda - the tu mai SuLty. Iiil the r.--,*ýt titit &ml intereW 1 ý ý ý 1 ý , ý . _ cum I"Velr. tlw.riitir" commuhity. 1 of rharity. and tif gond niorals where ý reaf ý ' 12th of ,loir %voulit net have taken plam .m dd.»d.t. in the mi-inz uclà and te . . ý . ý .III -- , 1 ., 1 i...- ý1,I ,,.t,. eli4v,é-titx à V'rady ei»d show ta tttt»" 1 . .juif . hy titi writin , t eY lie in ý 1 Toi, "national polley- bienrité, Ili% thjA Itt(irt;rtgtI.14 an-, ahnosr unknown; and III., ,ý- "".,:.I-, ,-I,!Ii.,.Itý-, lftleetIt .ý%*I ' Ii t;btx,%,t I.qbeel(I',z ý4i4taw,, - Ibo - nothin eY a simply- a tire. ; Il is in nô'sulall degree respianteible for Méeau% tW ii,: il. mv * 'end for 1 lai e hese rettertions vour cômý.ýnontlý ý elluts orant f. _# I: il ý . À Il 4ý I- 0,I ýý z 1_ Iv -, ,ý-. ti".;. I":: ,:.I ' ï-i .J.ý el"t tIe,..,t:lýd ' et,-t" »titbhtwb(wxl are lit efiélir witn n ý What ( 1 t , 1 . i the trouble wILich Im aritéein. Words Iliet Iflumber Thrte, On the SeRlh & .- 1 - - Ft-! ,ý . V , i 1 4'l' , -ý t - !I, 1. .ý 1 ,I;,.ý."... iý - 1 1 %berlotié, balle bel"n, moiet JAVIIIII, la er6vt"dmltionlfthen4tieml polir-Y. ent tell aml"p thètt tiii.;ht a happy nian dothe .. . hev talk about their. et advlet sneb, Os that forwardM ter the 1 et KIM M-« -d We" 09 lf&P"' ý ,îý ý ý,. ý ý Il '. . ý : ý 1 - 1 eemi" of t'O" itroëlit tkhow whwb là %bars the RIet taktýn'itt \'t'(mxtvilit-. ltitheiiit)rniziL-he-&tmyt,4t: ide .* eir vie . thè1r liet t j Irish Catholle les -1 ., ý'. ý ý.ýý - . . 1 L.. . ý liée, fetrin Itýakler4 have - * ders or Toront& or "-et. ta 'Iles V-tuffl el WO",'Uý III II! t-.. 1 I, 1 4i<Jt",ý1 . týwpttnlr,4yttmtb thoit Ibavo not Jeft a - clown street al)týttt ýi;Iait tinte in vil- mred in the rei- i tisa Con'" of V'elér's- Tbert t'e4,Nhttbitht'i'e, %V*Ilw*,Iaýv,.olqçt. - . ý an- their ideas! Ait neý-,ative idetés, oli surie as that which appe :Allige ai -Y ý1I2 f'-et, ,_ - n- ý- ,ý%I .. .I.ý'% i. l.a)(i, I -"141ý ,%lit lalze., evervtmiIv is astir abrint ninfl 1 e.u»di.lùý. , -,It.ý., t'et lebffl et thý 'lobe t . ý reaity nié itieuâ! %Vnat tg thl, r he' ect ý thý premiý. .1 vm .i,,it,,ýe tti,,,% il ý î -1 IA w c->"-4 ý ýI >. i. ý l 1 ý ý . "Iltt k ývI%,tbbw $*il futi P"tonbenrf,04 the Iliing" t(iL!_,ettber. I ' i -!et! hktèaew-iiilthitvehaditw(mderfuteirt . itùL "'I'.1,111:..,ýt i"efl,(, I., ellen enatulth vil neake It rertgni-atilli. tiltw z nt - la men take an airiti,, ,ail bessi '-4 - illiJ, ti,,,,tIv(ý. Orreailv ne lx-l-ët.' Whittýin.%[!ztrini.-excireiitent.tndDreventing g.ati.mn*-privatert..4dee,,,. 1 . '- ý . 1- . 1- I ý- I.tJ , .,:. ,,, ! .... I', lt,,, i . ý in 14-tun ewielIereept 09 Juvw Oth, " a f ý 1 %Vhat . dé they trnnbjý. * But sueh wlirds, were net,! .01_% ; éli " Pl te lis milley oxoetl~ we,- Sm»vi - Your tornýpotident and a ý ycu lcyubv about mail titiseý-ttntl what , Is it Il v do net heliýve , (;£.,rCE KFMPT, 1 . : amwober.ot veur rottder. bien . . ý . . 1 1 ý Il ii ,- -fii I:... Itt... il( t lit, 1 . ét ')ia.ve.lýpni v.trieèv't'ý'xt"%tltlellt.volorantighaP(', hold.1 fi 4 ail ne;ritive, or really lie- ý On the contrary, violent in- à i zi;lenff, C.. Vics, ý . .1 - 11w Grvet léielléiffl 0réi aind ,%angor% Il Il 1;- . ', ý ...... t.,. l'ho tdt- -, miville. . thine. whlit thev . simrifr- ï,pele. Lin, my- i. ý - ý , proité y attttà,-,,(t hy the î)k.ruqal or Mr. aysiong the hélititili tain of W ' , Ipoketi. ,i, ý J t.<>4,%w N't.*4 :.ý :VI .ý ,!-ý'-- ý:ý 1'l.l. - I-il:,,Vltt'ttec ý Itrit tilh Moixitemeille $mv" tholir ftm%,Wr& FW,,O,»»,,,,,I,,t , tau la vour last ïIelique. ý lie ýittnieiliItte-'y putie-1 ont Ili,; poekI-t. ' il,) lève Aaftl p Their terierence vrais qu..mtewted: the -tIfflel of 1 j4v ILth. 1-ý-... 1 - 1 ,Pèt i* ne,- -ward. ý war.*' il.% .;,,. F, - .1. ,ýl,:. l"i , . - crie -,ttivè,and roux back the re, W re ,!ý, , Iri, im, ' è.\IblkýlOéin site 1100ton afier the eluffl lu whwh alléortg à tenait 'nt et lier inar- h-.tritikerchief-wipt-(thi-.4f.irf-zLn(ltbt----In Wzz _L 1 l tF4ýlt, il, ,7 of ZV:I% ý:j r.-t'publý4't-I i3i liI.ý.-IYJI-tll. - . ,,ýýl 1 and caieli-ts in wili they lie net 1 > ýý . "!, 1 - , iIý ý U-.I- - ,,, fý inela ! pelvil, be- I loose and the .. Itt4I, V"tIrýtay eftemwm, and a éte- elàviwle%. ho leillere, t lient the N ow Telt,%. tatakennteil. Tii-,rttwi-rtý.Nte.m.(*.il. ý Ileve! Thp ace Reve ý F.àther!Statriird*- wordell am a stiu--iag' -- -'-- _- __ ___ - ___ - .1ý 1 111-1-11-Il.. . Il '. :. ,1:.. ,;- Wl". ý'J-. - 1. pIII, 'teffl t4etk(i th thée tvk.>btl>ývý hotte go tmdtevwm w,»tl,ýttlwonlyàtithtiýritr lire bave of! christ and Jarneison jette evervthl . ng., ptIc does'not bc 1 ; ,uailiraps. 1 ý - ý 1 ' i lie', tom @bP»ftiltFètfet% thau nua»»UN ttweil..t.ner. at(,'hri,,.t. X leu* throttizh ! tt'-i.ingt ever I therè is a (;t:14 lie datle "et bt-lit.-Te On ý ret nke ta the Teo, Wiféaei incert. 1 ý 1 ý ý I ,.-ýV_!-, I-.?.ý--_.,I "1",i.l,,, t bill, tý1;wherk- plitelline. active Sud -hrixi. Vows orthe w:ý tl'IA-11ý110#I . ' ý il t . .. .,,le - * ,\»it Webb Ililov killitht ho; W tauver eh, ,,,tti,,, of the lZmuau historien : etéear hillai 1 - - vraA Mr. Miliar . ý 11. I, lie dýýi net btlieve ý - . , ýiarr utter.tni which bave doue au ý ýI Il - % ,ý, tIil,ýI', il, ýe , I ý , ' lie itfffltles'-he'itteIblcttlztble aincetint et mimhief * -TO & . -1 1 :-.. ', VII..1ý -T I ' . ' Prophets. Jeans or I)I ý ,1,ýi iý , , . in r %>RON NIPIýSIJLÎG " . . , . , .. ' 1 . - .; -,- 7' fl1ýb1 %%ý1't'e she l0voý4 44 týluegtdbn dWPMY* Taettoi eéetzht , i.ý-rhtt>ý rhankè hilée opin. he-ýtth(-t'iir,, -,Iiltt,.Io,,ikinZ. inaîtest. àaeS u4t, I)t and inlit-ed, throucherit the WAY. I. ý j1 1 11, I ý , 1 ý - 1 . . w. faillir tvmq"t toit the travoilir« Mow- j". ..ý% tilt ý and réi lit le . i Ilieve in the Bible, lie dtle, .NIoàtre-ýJJ, ait . 1 I ý -I-ý ý 1- L!.'ý;!, .1IlI".eIl .-Ji.Jý . i t1 t11»ý fffl . 1, Icanlitig 4 a 4IaBýg-t-rou'4 ý 4,îýav. Ditt voit ever , ,et belleve the --Ntt'-;tie actâtint of the country. %Ve de not; autichme th. ýý ý ' . etil lie" rhl, uwnbelde»atunb ý . 1 - tbwtA9,41 , 1 - Iý Iý \:,..%I:%"Iý'%iýi, 1:\":ý.iI Il Ii ý te,-)% IkPttb t ho I,*taimtael lent hofffl the thttijzý' ý vilmethilýýle l'here. %v4%ý the 111.ýi>eettlrof,,ori.-,,in of the hulivin raee. the fait of I F.Lthei:Stalrortl** "und advIce will bave, ý. 1 ý- 11, .. 1 otýlbtlïbn or' %Vei,-Iitq nnkl -%t,,.%.ýtire.. Thrre wère »Iau and the flond: lie olives net believe any etrect on the 're,,e JVîfxhwaý whieil o c * -;Ch. ir- -A 'i'..'t, ,-,ýt-..-. ' --' 1 pitellir yvettfréséky, hovtr bA» ore W#. flenlé, who, otý-ht ti li hkmt trient Item Ilrý.' MrKay aitil Clartz, «.%Ies.%m Ell. - 1 lier prear - ba-4 annauný.ýed it% deterraination ta ad- j7jgt ýtmme-winr X.n.ta..- * Xlv ... t,ý : t , -,ý,:,ý ,.". t 1 !i! . i- ý !*.-,-,itt-I ., ', 1, Il ;iýýI ,;, ý il -!, , .,,I»ý.lý,et ' xéleh lin arrive lier Con la". bill petý'Ibilv C'Irmeit In ttwýt- î,ýttntiels, wari ,&tilt 'Jet'ht-r.' the hn,épe . nor lit chitrettes. h ý .ý;ilizili Xýil;* L-I. Julxi 'i Il-t. ýIt'11 Il 1; ýI- .1ý"'. il ýIIl1- "'.:l t I,'.elÏý %IlIt.:Iý Iýl.;IýIr ý."Il,,r,- oit. ofthe '*Fl(tuil" er, s lm ait negative, what lie dwit > bien, tu the p,,Iic%.,,rizýinalivani need. , ,-é»V"lý itibil nv;%,f wtr" Ille aïm« 1 rhi, lique . ý ý lent hI>lýl water." 'Shoreld ýnch Il&, > aient the "41),IIt-11*ý-." .Nti-ulm white of ,,,,, ,'»-Ii,,-,! . "I Ili -I. d.;«rt. 1 % r , ý ,,, I I. . il- "t..". .NrIý. - -- t -1 I.f ,, ,ý ,I.1:.. ý-. ý-% I' 1_ I^. J'l ,'il ,k.,',ýeti*. ;>eý..,-IktItqit.lb4 aie eltI-ýtli.jel»àt ront 'Ilii anet .%IiIN. CLtllptwll. 'éVitat is thère in all thi- te enlighten d;-4ý,rd which, aLrý' ,,, the cale iýt î.,ý,reitey t,: be. n.-Zrt-trt-ti. ý the 1 1 It has saci-vett -wwitix scedà of' Triý ý:ýA..In. :;:» teint. . ý ý :ý -- -, -, ý 1 ý ' I - ý Il..; ý. 1 - I, -: ., il ý . ,IýI.1 ý'teqJýit,ý. k:l,,eIy tt-*%ýir,,, of 11à; . e l'ezilluing already Cxie;,L-e - ,L.):.-,-, - le.: 0 -- 12:131 ý I . , ý1 1 î 1,e.ý,% IIIIIIIi il 1 I ý. . " , Rr,-,ý%t.t\,tl .%tý%tý,.*iNr. ,%t,ç,ttiuý,eT, On 1 of the Fý»iiitiry -. '.%Ii-.%I"lýtt' & '%I'v\,")i); rhe world ý Strike out ail this and Y1ýu bring forth a plentiiiil hàrvest. Aï Ca.,ini.n--tela*' . !1:2*-"ý..m -ý:-,'. *' '1:06 _-; A . . 1 1. 1 il ý-, lie .'ýý,1,.I!:.. ýýI -,ýrI11"11W. %%-Iý. >»-YtIýrt>ýýlt mith 1% Ntri, lifilll, tire ý l" ,-'Uxopl : ýVerlktt I;reý-'- letive a blank. Strike ont the -M . i-,:,', ** 7:2.0 Il ý;;,.1 bel, 1 À 111. Ir 1 el 'UT lit 1 9 c IP. ;ý ; P% .I ý (>'Il !:I.1,. ' 1.1 ,.- %'. , ,I'ýIè,- Itiid rail. t ilnt di%à,IýIIle-tt everv al: 1 te in the nrýrt h et C'avan'a iktrratt & , tlellc generlillv eLmtilac,-i a,ý haq hftn the lit- W -,II"iýlta * terdbtký,,ýtet-Iýle-litnfttl*bn kintit ew,-tirred 11ro. .'-!t-s%%.ýt%-n. llro. 3. .'%.'.%Iitt-hell and . ILI L.,.,.!IIýtkikfi IIIJa1IýZi tI4 tri%, Ikert . Ilistorv nuit &R the rest of file Bible. eraxv bOýne of the r,.ý,, 1,-,»f,ýt,.I#.,; ,haut - XkMý»IJuacd,,n lt:1-1- - 7:ý1,0 *« 3:1),ili . . 1 - l, 'Ii.: I ". \,t:ý1t.-I. of i lie ail, t' - - , ý C,>b.»-ý>nk. arrive I:ý-i Il 5713 ý - -ý 1 ý .: A:- ý,% il , 'A Il !-, . !:"."i"" % 1,I 1 ill, aej(J the ,,il ,e,,,,-,- ('t kiurlmtl(,ý* ren, t hl, eveil i ne Of 1'tttlibe Ilim. Thepîtr. ý otiler* lieu Olt sui-ta.tre and -Linit. %vitit ;II there is lit the titiller writines. ý rý .ýreaj the Iintilot dý . 1 . J'ý,,,,, 1,,ý,I,,,ti.ý'I - . - 1 Oraita" *O rite as 1 cau Imm grere as. adiniaîetered by i "il. .0 -ý ý , i. : ; 1 1 ý ý1: ýI IIL Il I fw httititýrý,,z, (..:,Vt.t ,tt ime, it-tveý(ttl ý ý-lîiltr. étriller %%ýhom- ener_-%ý :%tilt enter. and in the inemory et man. ttkat coule Father Siatrerel au4lethe. Toronto re;. , Gonrti SorTil. Mix, x2ii. LI ý.. 1 - - 1 . ý . . . , . ý , foltowil - a aftileilitin. of.14r. Milke meil in prille Woli ti)-ýl:L%- .,t:intl.ý unrivall. front the Bible muet cart. bc gratheredfroint biene. -lni here lire amir *îate that *t - -- - __ Il il% -e Iif its .17t. lr.?»-).k. !-Dait, 5: %. m. 1:40m.en. ý 1 , .. 1 ýp ý ý! ', ,., . : ý , 1 . :_ . . .ý . ,.. ;- Il.I, le, tý.ý,,,ýitIýlle vIeetrolt tti t4e etel. 1 'lie "et" ', vil' ' te, 'n'ehtùe. and hav- élet * i:%theeountlýiI. noctitt-rýour(-e.and,,4ee ývhat kindoi, allords las p1gastre te rcýer ta the 1. 1 1. 1 ý L i. ,, . 1', ý . ýi:1. ý::iý ,il. 1 ý- 1;Ii.t el. ttt-r zolit t i- throi. vlowile, If iz ý rI»ý' 1 xkliandjwwtton ý,:Is - 3:t1il) - 6:40 I, 'Iliti ýý , 'tixý, ý - ,!,.I.,. . i ý, 1 ik'-à-.; ,, .: ý . I.. ý Il . 'titelé, ý front nit the htimý' i jihlted or in enliroe or vrevtion t n' a blank it %vould Icare. ,I ý ý . 1 il. .,.\r,.Im,-,-,i,. ýliý...ý1't-ý't'ý;ei:tit,ýit.iýprt, 1»i,:)"Itýtt fier ýulnt' purpoliée went ta re- ý Thée, 4rgýe nuluîwr nt letij'idtný> cet With what do bi-ný,*.4entlomtiionotvhatFýnherStal-1w"ruie - ý:.,'-]- ** 3: ýk ti' k13 1. . et, ,'%',fý,à, ýeýlý;ý,%Ic, Il( - , I, , . î1illov, th, 'Ir . bis . . . , , 1;ý- Il- ý'.ý,-' , . 1l'e..,.:t ,:e,;,ýI,!Illit il. - 1 !IN ý%,i ItIi,-,,,ýi&rlitv t. ilI."..t.tý 140 sceptirs propose ta tilt up thig blAnk ! fordisalci. Wepuh.11.4hedlaâti--tturdavcanniw«,, 9:.» Il 3:23 ,« '.:-,» - ý ý 1 .ý 1 1 1- ý1I. 1111rI ýý - i .ý 1: , ,:, _'m", -.Ul "', , -- ali- 'Ir thký etionagort-l' atil tho i bx«tte '.. t "i thev Muhl rat 4L tenter cet, sé-alon of t ht- tti!Ilr Moillern and mi»IL \«lthing. .: . -en? , There is the whole of .1t. sonne exttncts from, il.% calonnoS whiLh - Umbe4- a - 10:.ýýp.m. 4*r, II ýi:ù5 . _- ý . 1 ý . il! ( - ;il ý oat»-ý 04ir et the ainivinallai a little ý rial description intikwe the conventra, when ali'sumilied up. It hé one stupen- ! did it thm gileatt-3t: honneur. We ditrer ý T,,mnto arn.t.. 4:13 Il 10:20 I : ý , ý ý 1 1 .-I-,I.il I!tl,.,.I. ilt-!itIl'.. eèt-;tl.,.i, vVvew fi-a- flWilty. I>%%,"-itt£t thém. ,nt.-%rtbitie.l léeéInd i tion of wenlth an-1 tht- conrider.ce tif ,,, ;Iý , ,,>ý11:ýIIlltl, , -! 1 ai II il ý.ï,:: % 1', tit ,% , '. 1'l", lh., imyot. ilý-..,ý,.iit-teltI-Iit il% $.t.t.k.t...ile). dous nothing. But 1 must net fâmet ý front ,,.Ir ccntempoiarlv politically, but ý .1 '1 1 1.1 ;ýý, 1. 5- - el -, ý ,,Iý'y. i II .,.ý-.i I, ', I., i t...,;,.I.,. 1 lir I1,ýl1i. 14 JIý,' i blâme w4h the r,,tktý%,ýtatiiting upat imtec ý these.nien il% the viliai p-I.,ition and ý . Tmvtllen Imm" Lindsav ail 5:30 a.=., by Il . .ý . es (aki 1»-;%,ItiïIl 1,'rt-et(.It llor. that thesceptic bit a bellever in hiettory. i in a natter ot-.ýtich I*pith and moment" : iL. arriýing ac Tor»nç.ý lit 10*34) ý.IIL Recur 1 1 . 1 ý . 1; , .: II Il Il ý ý,,- ý , .Il Il \\.:.",I., i1 . :I.lý iI:,.ý--t, te-t;iý(-,t iti.-I utýlqtt-it I-V L. Il 'il 1:I* f W tKI, traetplittt.- trio youne man under ý proýrbmt (or a ftittin- controlling lutin. Ile il a proftwund llimtori£n. wielding i 38 the one which ha* oecupied sa rouchi leave Ter,>aso m :1:11) r.cL. real:hing Lindéeli . -J ýII.-I -I, 1,111 ,,, hil ferti, and on thl- ý rý-Iqcr renning- tip t (-n(-e,!ib thv air.tirs lit Nurtit Vi,-rnria. historiv lore witti the ovehvheli ' ; W. t;(>UoIMH.tm. J,%R. il, Il. è4ký#,ý%l*'.. I, : -I, ý'. vî, 1,1.e,-.,,ýti ýi).,ý-1,ýýý11,ý,;V..ýýtýZ'ý'lýt:ýt-',,,tt.ttI ttitt-.y or te, ,,bteý ho wivt r.1tlà,ýzhr artit Imm ý bzIetl ' 'ri iblir Ibtiiittint-ý auti private ri- , ulug attention fer the luisit three weeks. poil- ý **»,,. m. lée- - - ý,_ - ýý - - --'>',- -O..,..--4. l II. ý.i I I \ ,ý - i , .Il ý .. ;.. . j. , T 1, Il ",.,. 1. Ili ! In 1 i,,,,.Ili lt - 1 et- Pt . " ; force of ait intellet-tual Goliath. lhave'tit, - they bave beea.fûr-'e tënmtQ-X*.v-l'sýlw---' xzn3g'DzDim ý ý ý ý ..., il. ,il .t.elk.iti-, lie thv tiýlb.iI- ,if , him dreatltaltv. %'týrv-',i-,-hthrqx-,%itro (tence-- art- l-quat i., inativ of ci, y prt - ý ý,hreulil be. as 1 . ý ý . . ý,--- ý '. I ,:- ý,ýiI-- ý - ý .ýt,.,, , .-hert ]liste" %vhich 1 wi.,h ta ý gotten. A great , principie la ac - :ý,,, ý ,!ýil,,iii;ife, . . Il 1 1. : ',I,.; , , - "p ,,IiiýI-1,e>I"1,:I.It, I-!1atiýýit,;4 ,i-,-!, %%Itýl : "tltt'rtaitted Or'hilit rýL.(.l-%-t-rv. A-4 is tir. ' tett-iýiii.ý. Trio l'rIý-I)iiteri;tti (*httIý-h of 'L'hore %vas at:rinvention. of cai whivil Inull rie flpIght feratanbazardel. : Q--- ý . .ý ý ý. ,,,> , , 1 -ý-0 .11 1:11 ý;.1; Il il , . .. il l' t ý- oh -, ý-, ý,f i un'.. ,will ýl,,-Iý!'Ir'tilillý wrivit $)le ri%.,ýI lit thlile, lt'e-,ittent.ý the 1 w1#iý-h th.ý leil-v. J. L '.%tttri-.ty il pa.-tor. quetc. I utiont a tinte. and one. a _ -.ý-ein « -_ . ý . 1 - ' 1' i', I. ,ý- ... - ; 1.1;1 . M'eb law nlust hekept in subj«tion. 1 '- . ý 1 . . . le Onct . , 1 1 1 . 1 1 . ý , Il. I., ý ICIl ý,II'I ,i"I,-i- ,itI-lIt.:,iI1,4 t-ý,,e1ý%,.;,eti,; ai ,,.,,ikiniz part,, tlt tli,-, %% capon Won- not ,iit,,I erected ar il t-i'.t 0f:ýl2,(Mt0-ýI.3.iX)t) lir - ý ý 2ýý, ; % . I > ý. 1 . 1 -. .1 III-ýI I?1.1 ;ý. , . %, !,% . .;,ý.IL" ;ytttl4ttit, allit ;7t1t111ýI more eaneeited. a at,41 ttl,%!ýe w!,,) enf-ouralsre hi; ý . ý 1 ý . il, t.ývll "t,% - Iîý, -1. ý rer,, ýýtýtI, foli nt ,wo "f tric ritiit niali gothiellerrtie. lier(-. recel %vell. crtéli ,ý - t i- Il ,ii -' I ..ý.ý,1,Itýt.,It. ( Itiý*4%nné.(.t.ý(t- . . , il vntifiger &net ad - %hmùd bleýý - ý _ý III !. I ,.!.:, li il. .. "", '. , ,.,çl I., 1>",:,.I:I.,.\..I.I-it-,iv ;1i,ý% ý .4,tI,ýlI- 1 ý te ýt . 1 1 ý, - 1 ý-; ,., "e.,.!.,:,. . 1,.!.,.Ii..., :.lit .1. i,1I)I-f1ý q.\--Itin ýjI lI,,ý. ', .%1ý:1, ,%il . - ý 1 . . . ý 1 ý il I)Oilt tý.pe ale-1 t>êher ,IJlilt,-»1;rý inýi. t!ll-,..,ýeti'tcl'r.vitit-,I. Theiiewilrh4xilý velv ý . . . ý 1 ý 1. 1 *11 ý 1. 1 .. 1. ý - : -1 - , ýtI,\ 1- % r; il,, l 1, Vl'IiIiii; Moi, t;it- attIl ý%lII%> ; ,1i,,il et li the léze.0-1 ilýtvê tivide thrir, bi-ýiklitý,g- are.te ' etle. altil then go ont. zintt that'.% the ý1 ---- ---..---. __ i 1 - . ý .. redit to the plare.t0ille . i ,\', - -I I , . -I 1 roll. Tliimtiivtholafai'ýttrevithwin4ze ,:O t'-ý'rDLVý; THE KlI.ItlY.r,Çrl- ý :iI *11iw.: * ,,enn p- ' 11r. «.%IelZe-ritI-lier Il£ >1 () l 1 Î.14NE ». ' . . L . , I I '.i - ýý,;:,-'.. 1:,I"I- !)., ',,'.11, in, , INtI Meil -,triIine.tItûet are tri*- vieille- tir t-,,ýit.i.t. ilit-,ýthtitel it-elfii;etter. ,, . - Il lei .. ,..,ItI, ,il and ltt;rht. iiiiii lire atter a nev sort. il* 1 _ , III. il ii, -,1 . 1- - t - - Jet -et!, ý'N lit.- rIt-ý.1,.I.,;Lttýl, Ire(. l'r'.4t fi- et st 4?41ttil)lh-et an.1. best i .. .1.I't',i, ý .-I', 1*,Itt,- ý,Iw1l, il îýý;r.ý-. -Il ,-.%IiIliý,ý,,, -l - . eýrimý-loabtrnt,%ti'boittt the Noutkarr. pli , i. 0110 of the lie 1 ait *tu ir and nonsense, htive doue with Qt - . - M. il 0FCA#APA,ý ý ý ý 1 1 Il .; -Il 1 ý .. . :. 1 f il# lknillifffl ý tiem of the e-oluiiitttlït.V. ý 1 utýtnztl,ýt-it il, the eoitatir. *riechýI'i11 it. Let us car. drink und be merry., my - .- ý ý ý - . 1 . . ... -ý1 - ýý",.èe 1, th'.- lbi ii....1 "I.-ý-!,ýý.,L.!,..Iiytt.!,Vtil.ýiýIttr:tle-ýfý,r- -ri,ýz C g.%V;Mt lié th,%%ýin;z ,,%ail ý are %vt>ll eli-étriplined atilà respectrill aller ý J""It-IlýNDIENCLNC. on 31-inday. 1 ý ý . . .__ ,% rhk" caterpillar fritmt" for tt>tnorrov we' [F-Irt WMuna Day BW.g. July:!,th. 1 -II ý1 . 1 ý ý 1 . .. Il Il .I! . i - iý : - 1 , , ý",,-, JI.1 Il I , - lit ï i . , 1 ,,, il ; ,Il "I ., Jý% ramiIJ lit -IN te liýtt,:,. . el... leu.-kw in eitrl*kait vatntn" ztnt'ttot'.bitt.it ' wel', tvttiivett'on the,étreet-il. 1 diet is.it (lie. and are nu more f-3rever!- And i %J.th.lý .and until t-irthern-itiuotrainý Il _-I .., ý. .11t;.I . .-ý Il :.,. - pl, -'t. , -IArr t1w IIlVt-ý-Gk'1k vf ttwir ý J,,ýý the etix*ttt "rellirý,- whi .zwe a ý w-J ,',I-,ýs- ,te fetth ,#I.ie,ý'i 1l". v irtr et ttentlemen !Iý yweileh del' e erv caternillar hummeel on his stick 't'ý,"ýt':>U"Y'Iaýtapu . . Zélaire Zdmdmy fnr "-.ïtýid. Fili 1. . 1 - ý. :', . % !. .Il .I "Id t iý'.I'-I tri - I;.ý - , . - ,-jll,- ,IeFà.irI-ttt ever 0tý ' w . lie -h ý7P. 'li .-Zahleath Sclimis &I - oit - ý 1 - 1 . 'illezlerahtbatre. Ilýgattw, . ; e t , ri ,ýe.%.rlhtteA ýé, anil à gptenk -tinditthr. Thoeil. ý 1>1Inm-Pe3-'4i'I9-m imeetatiýaýýý-'ý-I*9 . 1 ý . . ý . il ý I iit lilt emp, the. lx4ýýttç, ha%,Itt_-- ilone verle i rrovdiett, and %vhat i- very ietriking, ' 'Lrk% W. .1. llmgten. J. CI. H. nilltan. -1 I, ,,, e, - , ,,, ; ý. ýý 1 ":,.-, ý fI'r iI,-,iI .; ý i, NIr . le .tlý Il %vIdtz t'y tin, in ajeptange. -Net one et trient ean PU tron e n -t 9_1toýtre..31>14.10p.m. Fo - . l . , .;" ., , - ý . l . .1 .. ,:-, Il , ! III i , ý--ý.'- I,-Il .ý .-%,iiele,,,ý,- .4ti'l tiajili w-tIt ý' in a týe;Iisl. tltun.crh hé =V bc in the -ýL - T. ï _N. li Y. Waub,ýu,.ehent, t;,ürz.an 3alv 'fflie, je 'timtint" iiita wing - liagan. of the .,ZýýÈý;ldý-1. and a.few 0" ri arm. Atqi will lié- short. hut ler-,Il%- .4ttended ter g-o%%.!. up voling ver -- ol 1, int.rm.-I&4tý-tati,,u-mt.!.,;O&m.. ana ll.>.Iât 1 ý, ý 1 ý ý , ý. ,.I:I-. ý 1 l'N 1:'.. , ,ý,Itl't-',- 1 exc 1 . Se. th vonv ý made a tour up the Karainis. W01MLÉ), ýTR'11"1Ci uALr10RAL1ý ". . .. ý . - : 1 .. Il -!, "Il ,',"iýtvm and i4katly 1, ffll,,, fruitté, and v tabik,% are ; inra and wonien. With this yoitr cor- Jjjeý th ý ýed Il . .ý Il, ý i AXZ*» trecte Làkeeételd. Petartx)ro. Port 1 . ý . ý ý . . 1 ý . 1 1 ý il,ý.,ý.,ý.ýi,.,t-ý,ftýtý,ý-,ý.,etýtlk-,býbttgtig%ými ,%Imýiutant. ý 1 - . . ft-aptintit-cit wax vrithtisiatieillly fui. there are no btitterfLitlý. no beautitul ý tijeila ail fier aiil file terminits of. the &"Intcme4tutý4ati.zwaxa.30&M.,12,ýul . ý ý . . 1 \ ', '! , ý 'Ir ,*,ý-I.irý;l !,.,.f."tl,. I,ý, i'l.,ý ýý lwr 'r F N canada pacifie MWlivair. Witten the'r =il 7 43 P UL Front W"ýau.-hene. Geoi . 1 . . 1 , " t ý i411 t tkk"%'ý Med evéi nbarel 1 F-Ilt'40N,111ýý , , . . ,1,I1ý. If #lit,' pre-ýtIi un It,ým t1mn te)- the ttoqphv-;!.Ilte gho*týof theut in a more beautifui, Il - . :. I.. ,,, ,,ý -ý',-:v-,, Ili 1 h.- .! 't ýý:,t-Il.,% ill»I, :1 ...... . -I i il t Itti j:r%ýXV4mme. whiell ; and twantei the- hWýiti of fitlaith. th, nv.,) luttait bmttk a qtl * "tIp ami -.Utermetti4te »t.iciý)a. ait - I i-! ý I I, Il, t wn pârIsý the perform- i retint of lire. It rexolves.chat unani- PrOeurtml - the . land. P-M ami 3.:» p, tel. (1ýIIl ;)ýý,ýIIN 'ý,; ý(1 ,il . - 'I - !, :: .. it.,.,. i- .:i.. " . i Loir. anà 1- Bay, il, * ti dk - ý1- : I 1 ýI 1 Il ý 1 I. .:.I 1: le, ; , ý l aittiithility luid tý.viIteùt.t:mltt .qensein the nitbll>lv ;1,1&1..Oes and clin" eah te a zi ,oupte of finies. and tnok lu i, , , k i tilt gloveral ap" ratwti,% sol ! , 1 For furthir pâ. the-ulari aile jwwket tirent - ý 1 1 ý . .., 1 1. 1 Il , Il - Il ý. II ; 1 i , , ,' 1 - - t ý - , , -,J 't..ýteIl,. - .?ý'; -'.., 1 mantier and brariner of niativ nf Ille: lent. and dies ilitu blitterrlvllol;d none joli the K;ttuini*tieltila ilowik ta irs ý %,, hil, hot.c ail stari-mI. 1- Il. I*ýI-- :. , %-1 aro 1:1li,ýI 'ý - t, ý - ý ý 1 1 j ý ,,It-l,,iIý 1, I ý .Il, Vkkw'kk-Al phawe,*Ibfttwlrtbvt. i latter. e.nllr(.rtlitll.- ' 1 whieil. ttuether! dis. ; intanth. The dept Il nt water. JÎLISO, t Ile The above 1 une 4ivý pamupr- five how .. :ý ":ý,- .I I .1, .ii:i,,;ýw, i1,I, 1: - I lt,-t>eeýfb(ý&I rexerveil arabe, fer 1 --ittilbritv and advilll' tailler be toitlýtrov the ri fact. They w - i T,4"n - ýýme ai . the less! Sa impotent %vould their «- . i . ý .... ;q'i' ý.IjI, k with thý lewation. '. kith et the river wa% caretallv mea ý c Il, acit resurti %hem Io Linttý% 1 V 1 iý . l . . ' > ý. , . - 40. . , , , t., - : I! - -, ,"i' 1 ýt-d P . ý ', 1. r ý0, ffi a ffl . I. resolve further: **btltterttv ghatits am (J é) ý-;. -'l ,!IIý;I-' l';... !I*ItI 'Il 'JJIe%ý tlýlI 'L"!!ý'ý, jhc be*totormrwbvbikbbt»lh« 1 , tit --e* of 'ýVt)otv lire le- a phi .ce for vil tact- gurej every few yants. in the p;egilce 1 Thnnh ilick.t- . ý 1 1 "ls., olit Vli., re aile no %Vâlt* lestiviotela &et*. i ý ý ll'&%-%,,ýtà)tt-ut tuict for IIIL-iutý'4** compte ' wrstitiun;«titere ari, je, of the sSetintor. All the abore geiLtW ' 9'-*-kv X Ur . Gî -1 . 1 1 ý ý 1 1 t:,ý.,..I --,iek!,' pétdtrégibu» ekwi1w as. ton 1 ý trý%ditinit.tl sur ý ir7leTt)RIA R-41LWAV Il . ý . i.,I,,,.,i,. ,.I....ýl..!. 1%, ýI Il;. etllý.-el, 1 - il' , 1 »,*£»Rr- I ti&iný 'if voter rendere iiiiie net Nired. we ý hntrýl.ri i,-.** Are there. then. noue j , nit n areý eit-her lame _prqpýrty býM4er% ý. - 1 ý . 2 . - 1 . . lie, 1- r are Wl. , we ýq have ditivrit the rive min-l rein of the" witnhowtheorm yvoi tel te-- intention of instar, marching to't ralliviii, iwieiere. ýuhe» kthont 'S' tnkty ýPQitlt., Pijilem lakt% the muitic peculiar tu the occasion with4 ç Mý Wela-tav. %,u4mst Jet, Taggie wîijl ho Chrixt ilin Put A"' X6 Su 't et. e leervitlen .11 !il the ý00âtcd- 1 We Sin- 1 ont even being aware ci the firmary! belles tud Winý mb- rde JÎLTH. MâJ L Exile IN et reh neXII. rerely hopèe yotir future may be as signiticitzice of the objectionable party 1,ffl, A7, lit ar \V t', 1 't*.Iibt"I) , si. Ntr. I'Pitlt "Tt(I uffl-flit as-YnUr pont lien been tulles. flowever this may bei Father 9, J.0m Ctmwbnv.-I pair ladW bleu. worth týl - -. 1 ý - - R.,Iýlert Z. a. tu. 4.-7 IN il, il] tiii, t;:* 1. repri. $1. fier ILIil, prime, in butter. tbytua. t;. T. R ...... t, IL ibve.rhailling hi.. honorable And above reprnach. SIXTIed Statrurd deùntmc%ýs the policy of IA 'rhiet alleil they nkbW in beliait of the romilnittee. 3. W. 311il- sat se unblu5thlnglv announeed by the Whitt,.V ............... .. z et Marelv, anit trI, .1. W. T. S. CoFt- Ilontreal organ. Me would shame the ..\pý 1 t'e .-Iij (et, !-.là 4.17 oattiiii, let v q.;e! Itro. -ppir.umtweý They are, la fiu-t' the- C. 1).%Vtfx- -.1lefflmi(unterantl meauneu and the cotrardire uf retalia- .... .... ........ Pomt. The preýwIlt elletober- --%Muùt> ........ .... 7.10 ;tel K. i 'et their Agna mi Y 1 te e ton and XcCaw reffliett. ...... .... ta 7.17 IIIIRi I, te, l"e, o el£ ri, b*mwbmkemt- and mollet pkiutant la the tien bythe in ni t o 1 rat . (le".( et. 1 - . prine. at the un-Ixpèrtsýit rompliment. The former la a relie of »barINàriam; the LLI-NG OFF. 4- ratage. Priam ailbem ....... .. .25 I.-Iý et.,re, aleil thet wiit ruc Wý,int.Wt PAIR.- liad opilv done rheir diitv. and fett 7. M f, 1 , ey latter the chariteteristic et Chriettanity in *P"n ilierry ........... il'. te * N., ettili tout". grain rradle* wmtltatlumr, is that the, it wait and civillitation. Every remert; te thie tsingt ve .... « . .... ...... 7. .14 el & vory ".p«tor article in mette thalle they liait a rijrht te expert. resourcels of violente and blond in the el"& .... ...... ..... 115 GR0cý ý tu-in ............... m 17 Il V 1 1.; 1 t te - 1 , et Il, n - r 11 1 V V 1 N- The r*rriwrg rotind he» 1 a""1*9 11 Aim *Ait lilt@ er the pýir4 Expomtion nt They allen rettirned Ibeir walmest 1 naine of religion net ouly defeats its i 11- lýiel.l!v te-' lire- pri't 1 Y %vieil on with the' ha"tet. 14Y Thi* le tenterprilew oï the kind té tbanklie fer the tokens citregard prëlieut. Ovu blind pltrpoêetc, but à.-ts aetigma 1 (If the t .- , V, 1 , jý!. 1 N .... .......... ..... 11,32 -111 V% l"It lini. iqll jjwéýrziliwq thtIl ylekt Witt le mbch be,,,Ie h,&I t-tie ý le oýltu.%eýL rit them And haped liber trould letill be u th Innocent cô-relWouista: ...... 11.46 Ur- able in ment the gml-'%vilà he se freely 0 a perpe Il.. M tl.Iit 'N"', th Average. The, ewtl>le W lili 'r A, libumber of nitr le %Z,, j ît, eve' t= rS Ilthich th. la. -Of F1pre..ý - 3L ...... C;,rii%,, 4% thp btýAllket Ag the yotsieg men Vrwh lit in ho manifèsted- A numbler of tonne foi- malley a yrar failli te efface. In - this W & IL - 'IlitI, 1 1:11 .., : 'Imi Vret tillipit %Mt nt nt . at t hey am not n»Mber*nt the Work- 10iveiL "Our Unnicipal Tnstitutinm:, i Retient ho admitil a elort of nominal re. le.0]M lff ! t1Iý0 griein 4 1-Liad»Y, depm .......... 6. Ille a m. t 1.5 wmýi.thittk they wax rettponded te hy the Reeve.. Xr. J.. amoMbility te attach te the whole Cath* i w.mla rqmputftnv jaillionielle, to the %elle >ý-Il Ni. tk-ttht I#tZnwn*; cm 01» ... .................. 4xl: the fall Awl winter be the, lem- Will net jeu it noi Il it Ondit %ome othé-r Wright. and *Cnnntt. Jeu" and Davim 7 *c bodv for the inischief which han 1 lerri situ he lut" té lien exi- hi. ewàm m& üt ...... .......... lit,- -'Ain Itffl-et in thie kwility an the àtk-,n wâiiltýà 'IOnr and Manufteturing L_ýen wiým,-ht; in the tecent troubles, ........... : ...... lutere-,4tk» wan rexteanded, te by 3feura, and for this maison distinetly condenules ti.1vii. aut»iWverWonit on a et Zicts. i .................... &, Bolph, Campbell, SterU«i 13rown and and repudiat 'r4e, k'illpet. ý,1,J l,, 11 iI% i ri et, vq V z i! 'é, pile t wtttsrri-Ný wo a" q!Wt tmt Mr. ait those Iwhol WoltLld fililen parri, ý ... 722 3;e jIf the, l't-%: J. Itý-!o tt>i4eiavii-$>:we»lwl(linth* Cume. Thetoamot**ThelMi"»-*% emdom or even palliate elther the' 4ft -th. ('te er#l Prince, Wbu ... ....... --lit à t Il l"s. ýarknowled.ced verv breminev by Ur. Mme of"tuurder orthe azitationwhich i md WAÏN -11 sPëtW lklailliCtiein, to hiâ fte ibuch*4«r ....... ....... --33 4.12 1 et ý'Ift4g whilette Ltt,&Wd te bille tilt churelle > a"y «rIm1ný @» tin v lil«e t*tt a" vilir mm aitit w0men loterie, me-NItftr. l'Our Itailway Contmetow 7.42 4120 te klvtý, Ili- 1 ther davm--to the commis- sireciL air TILAS. - TIti, rtI, 44WIt IlS -hf*tle. PlêleýW on trW t«iùembeý"hîp., The! branght 3t"gm Glbw)n & Dixon te le Ugî- Ris immemured exerration, whièh eju bet ma ýq, & zemt ýtri" m Vemme, illYrue .......... ........ . NI 1 p.1 y i il e ee -týst_ k II t 1 vý1 ttltl!y,ýt rerriein hm-g lit 1% nt -141nie sé"k" were- rmd~ bv the Rrv. ý thrir fert. and "bur 31anaginc: D;t«- ofibe mureer in which the Montreat! priemamtaa-wvthe putelle chue 1 m allim- twhhblt .................. 3.03 th, n", 1 hoir il,% il te tb*. for -Weh 1, jb Chaprmn mm tbe Reî. 3dir. Me.. W met with a prompt miom» frotta moti-vielence culmJnated le one of tbp ý luwy Miliait 0-91. 1 -dur an My mvmmft swIlle ýD.!S 5. te Il - id el "t t t te lkaet the Illiteart'y Menarle. 3it-Caw and CulMsý wbo 8111etikie finellt P»UYM-ia the address, ma Iliwili i variium, Smà*mgot a cm, »mov ivine:. T' eG.,i 'à 'u- -ri "- 111-- «, 7.2-7 C*toKgýt 14,%ýTua. --The following 18, 1 etmllmma amend admirlâtion. Father PlIfflli ell"Ile'. âf1Iwý ImmP, t, ktee drimiç and vellotthets employem and Prothi»d Tole Time, &>Udy socum. au& ut -MàmýTww 40p - .4mu clair. ý%,4tt $le i%Ïý4t l1w mille wa.. INij IlermU (,fi% tlit., If lloýýle avis %W te «* "mi# et tbe emke m»wh oetweeim on their parta continiume of fMthful- ri stoutil cStend» for Wb". nie 1 «she 8mbb*! *1 repeu>d& ad t the pertaieiler %..the train. Av egv"h 4"wm% titi -z" ati-1 it, lit il., r.,r tvt.tity fènéi etv#*Itt* ktw» film ra- the Mltb&"* an4ý Climmee juveillile ilem An a plemwable dusy. "The have voeated. thaï e.e* he htIeili f *pnkpn te ber the l" IPPre»lk- true solusiost of the proeemîm LX'ý,F4ý hl, eiiWçbrýd îjjIeI,ý le" ýLtIVe: \V-ý arre.h.'l l'et ib .4ýtiftet, %v tbef%. thev )IA" b"ft cilliten pla"d on Friday. os ý - iblw"% th» IYktI."4 (Ni lit'i N',wh IN, lk"y le" hAli, xvidi tativea, and Iloitr limt and 11(mtemý" la te elliminate as mâch ais possible fte- 1 k u Ille-fitied by , bv %Ir. Ut exhaullited the Pr- tarbe bitternelles fmm ail âmeh demium- Te XIZT kIfý" ý whi4t, (en (hý lii. xîlvbmk Wi»b« by 33 runen, il, %Vrtý ýzu!t.t gramme. noring the ev«Mnx Ur. 3. tratiollie, ne would uke te bave ne in- tltte t4l'mb (14,r- t",Ir lithe. te Vllorthy 01 remark tel ('ýel _Wk, »Mimpmam that a et aftem Outille. Cook eaux sellend »0316 JUI swting Put$= 1'twIlvil t', goiet r(,r el thai patient in them on Mr 0@1l1ý pfflmoire 4nffl*MýII le: &41, titi me ý,T,1 for A prie? orteur noke la tbe bighm tiermil > et one b"d, Bor My olumaim in- DatL%âuwu mi mimm a bmwdâsý MANU"-4KF souwrimd Md CMDÛ*W M' en 1, lit, t 1 1.11 %. il II ýIJ c te, 1 etx t ý - 1 oeb»Illie ai 9111011, tmehorW exam- ad xècaw, lais tiedfflt, Pa 1 Ir. ML L=6 afitRÉIL. 10. 'rhe tigo te' - a #» om OMPIC :z OM»e PUéked," whieh liant« 4w _las- terpretation of them CM the ather. ne wq Mt Lb~ . LIIIIIIIIIII&Y -Anth Ttemek Illieillim'. for roi *t,ýýlitewbi4 eté, SA& towolle. wark sa &M ot If, however, ît la » yet M " y' t-iley rpitrettiold top ïft »dV« W ILt" il xpw.t thie pe Ewumrtm,6 the :z Il wný tbeïr *.e4,mt»" %Vt 1 Rl 3tou 1% av- _rfeetkm et tomet, MSillen, a» body geôd-will. m FàlbFjuum N'eWN ieffll nifipel, o-t m-'l výfflN (Ir Imq, wv-ý lit rmll. Jfflm rizIlb-tu nt Éhâr I«vtbw expwt* ma Arffloffl el naitow the wmhed beau, wulth Md proie- uni Yd Degh Gr»tT«ramy, Mo tbe Cm>& LU" l ýle-let-fN ïV!lý l'Y A"hi tht-llkirtq attventupm rn W XWIY filler Wb r hm b"n mua la the meautime lie tanght, bv she il, file we"rm4à ut R te.; wilit Wu r«M4 ille 9. -«t A" ý sa etrellý= fer Mme le of the Law If neeemm" th ivaliftta look on Pr tum warrahir a fty te Weým%Étlio illitellem et li tnx te cýý îivjw,ý, t* lessiffl, wu --Tholabortrmbi»în wayfi;D7Rýj C»uwmb"M« Lait. IL, tb* V«rsbera maumw f" 4ýMT4"U-C. a Iiif cky ellee«e W wilffl'l livm. il, lltIit.1t.p..ýtý, lýtogt(ïll. Thel, Illielle, lu iix V4"trtemy hm MM yet etilim. are DU yet -as m finit th" whieh May te them be a seurre bei4". âjj th* rnle, rein& wl.l V NIMN, telletit t)&« pm4gw of lkl*v"tffl- Waa orter wý ba» oeeürred ut »veM potats, in. annoyenre. and te "Jet thpir dL-Ppm- bw Une, 011111111lâli, Cr».WWý M*wnw f.-el, Muft-la Niw Ù. igtrictatheiRtvIkole si remain a motter purety te Il' ý e- t èiltlwwwh le vlIué4ýrr l'l' -q il xdigtrictathe"tvIkOle ddwkultd Summ" 1111--liel. and S"ýVqèl hýý--Wé walkt-tl -11mra te the it.inin mu.0-au-9. Ji(,* %V0ý141-illki the tVi.letttO t*i*g W 0 1101,19 bée. e 11wlifid "en a AMI dmpd 1RMrtmk1lý. oftelc,.Ornpanybftgd-ided ibeumlqrm" lt la te a w»-ttv.«" llètw, Sa, Th" le tiwitelly Iu%ýt r'telle trieni pelialis 9 go cloint, an roi CIMM the" wwrsome wt&xltn.* ai enmmen i a I.ý rage et intere-.t. Vlomais ftaùw« »d Llhdmjý te Ibrèt" m leffli tbm 1IM4 "vý W,%* ok" am»â tome »iý tien, and keepthem it& trac. te) tl!#eeý latte*k m ils Wffl 06 mft lu-Mêt *3#1 t"eb*era un -Mft to luiticie re»e th« the late tm*We Md lm- bc hW U Gaies 1 tek fflnlI1rký e4e M* A iistouý Tomate, wv, ë»-4 îkýW Witt. fitte4t43&" MM& kiffli lit telffl aumuo&bl»--- t"... her UwUwNM"ý ibue 1 a ý&t Oeikwetol, (et '41,1wdâ,.o vrhh xnR»tbý weüld twl", 1 *Iffle. willi cbmm» wAwtrlzwwbomm BULDvr. tàtwe W&* (IlliNd bilýbx0b» ii néd la âne*" tbe et tim mollit, ïbe imamber lilial be mm :M iIyý eh* O*kwý>w1 t'iec*IIM- tc4býýtt4 lier Il> tf,,bY%, i ri4w, J= lui, «» une ter