Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jun 1877, p. 3

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ý - 1 . ý1 ý ý - ý 1 - 1 .11ýý ý ý 'l' 1 - 1 1 - ý 1 _- - - Il ý -, ý . 1 ý 11, . Il , .ý __ ý .. . ý r .. 1- .ý - - - 1, . 1. _ «ý» Ié .011d". - ý ý ". ý . ý l'a 1WM "Xft ftlbm 1 î - - _. - -ý--" - jm»mrlwwm ý, q1-.;ýý_ _ýý -4 - _Nh 1 WMF» «*" te bu " id dkaffl a - ---- ý . 1 ý - . - ., 11-11- ---.Zl t . 1 - - - - 1 1 - . it" . .,dk"jk,& _- 1. ý ý f10-Ný flit, %:Ibkw#ýAýoWfk b1116110M ta IRM . 1- aw zc»r.--Uw 9-- -rtll>l,ý_-m eILMMM M a mon Tm -_ amumw ýégpl fflit . -&lm Sima pah» wM r«tmtlv l, ý--- IýY"* O* Il - U IV m-..mm , - .08 . Ilwý*XOFPI 6 à ý *1 la ýý ý loi.tlýrl=t = edis. ,",Wdtth M 1M ýý __ à . ý ý ý. 1 . , .ý @*m,»»Ibb*ttooir, 1% *A »jM ý 1 .1 1 I= = _ 81111111, ar' "o t»m ta 1 ý. ýý ý - 1 1- i Md *0 positions etir 11là1@06 watois ho ousa - ý - -"-- - - - -- -1 --,----ý j , 1 1 ela Pli, e4bbébwtffli* fflulum ýý - Sb" bdw"u. ý - - ý 7 *- ý 1 - 1 ý . ', ý ý ý ý fîrýfgîg-tbls %.ii-lttsý* lit sbomn»utffl 1 i ý wu da a M amau - tËLF, ffl -ýýàmmotmrw magits Pr W - e - - 1 . . - ý wic ýý el ci eýý ire, Ehma coma M Pumffl ... 1 1 ', m m IMIÉ *o« W[4tfb tote d"fmqm sera sum a gmrk: m.ý_ - 7 - - --- -- ý ý ý 1 ffl 1 çonuv4ut& ý ..a.& lie "âmmmu*wmsueof .#vit& 1, ý - ý Pu*vw wt-14,14-, ý NI[il. Wê#w* fige Aéw 1 . la tbe dur wbi lm . - =" . - - ,of S" , M in vo'd ý l . ý ý . . - ý . . ý . 1 -.- loft t. *mim e Il - ,. ý . puisiligifit tlb* lAir-bt,é et ttoo«$*W lx le. ý - ý ý qvam*a qwàar- boni Whab th" tret the tum 1 tt = . l ý . lie 1 1 ý = '.- 1 Ofafil, ý ý ý 1 oit for, the barjc4 and àbII SUW,' __ . lm& - ý1 1 ý : vig, 86 J. Xcbrrm w» hesti* re- w» ta the, yard.. mumvtm se stop, 1 -mm »Mmkilý et 1 Il ý ..---.-- __ -1- .- 1 l1fý P"Clý-ýlit-tik, Ar G]Ràtlgàlt bl*e» (14ýr,4Se,%t.- (1. il. 0449«,bW M__ - - h-w--d W -te ý - ZM thmà but leus, knoemd clown and rom . 1 ardrimmust ý . "" . me xx ffl- - -----= ý_ ý-;-- - tid * tIleee tomIl of tmo.*, «ffîý - ï I-Z tex, OT« by. th* wangon. seve»à ý of hîgs a lite ý . ý 1 - '. i = m».b, â«àà Il . . ý 1 ý - . _. »i lia lille et *0 *" ribewùewokwI. Md heýw» w r«84 -,- s'm- Ibo dn'd . . =e= mmi_-rm ai c= âxw ý1, ý , . ý ý 1 ý ------- 1 age Kens* hugggred, Md for a idine hie, M = 2 et du BL imdumr% q .,Im la tub vrais tg e . 1, ýý -I - i-lý.ý *#j&» fa » 4AA» ,- ip**Oef Coltrt 04 4vk*m W* ha . - fige, ýý . Seurtint $P Ph = Z = ý. ý . a" ta Imm bew- le 11= ,= y~ Il aired OL We aie mm 1,1-1 1ý_ - 1 ý . 1 ý 1 - 4 M th" t«»kieobb#4 balir. t*4m@mII4 "M Il 1 1 ' . =le z -,&pim ot pwe 00 e lr#«4"",v 4e,,ý;. .410b Jt&**. ý ý thls& then la a fair pro"m et bis Mer, similar ta c'a molm Oeueffl iwmmx. "Oud. »âor. Tige ommeuàm beige à - 1,10 thu et lake. Sesperier. lasse fou" a lew «.*440&jyoA-, - ý-1, il Il, ý iý. 't', ý1-I-1>-Iýj . ý 1 i 91041III41,$ký4 il-- -,41l. illieulile rhifft1k air,. ý Me t r1m M IW CM& ilormuN dbagon rTýT"Fcý, ",er..M bee mmmbmd tttwý ltm& 1 fM%_ ýIM at, ejavmbmmtý about Iwo ý 1 . . 1 . ý ý bis4t.ffl tu K.t.,wi-que VI* Ow ylosorta, ' . __ te the T.î-ï of Canaluem' a et - ... ---- . ý ___ ý .-.--M -hugmy th" latigt »mm.r one ,ý T výmmaw»K--cý* suwàw »*Oii2'iY, en'r't..ý.4y eèeýktý' . OW*- *ki -ose - ý . . -aug - ý - tille gi meowbe ýý Il metifillée otl»#*'$ Omwtgk. . . 1 1 1 , , - ý tma - ý tif gr, test, x. 3. Y abow" » i we» lestatiffl = ,,m,-e .u.m the ýý «1041 ý . . TA , êtrates WM oron*t beftmmwtbe . I14:fé»t,ý l,'ij.-rý Mr. si. il- ffl a . vieil, @W et 3. . and â»d for- digzmg à mm et I eda» 1 M W potine mh«L .. 0 . - ý ý 1%, MI iràvmkl». où,e tii MW ta' - ý ý ý ."R(Oe*t . . Ilialse »Wý# il% il".. 114-4.fLtbv stglil"MO Offl ies 1 - ý - _ - = Th. e lem Mm dqeýfgàégm 09 a Biler wemey" 1 ,%»»oozmon aador»"M". , __ à9féli vmomm mm thoputumm ter posaxIm on sma"y. Salir the cm in 1 Mt lm Md . i VOI4, W" 1111iI.4 "f * mèterlt otfl ,.qbrlb -- -.11, ___ and the leu ickeattoud Mme Mr. Pamom b» mm peaw tdmqml a1t -abam bovfm bommue"M .MWX»,PO,àr . taie wai«mw et** " sermes »ked " -gr of tiM estait. *,MIVAO*W* «0890&*« A*4 INfflue : ,.ý , ývikep,-bý4ý'4t'.Il,ýI t4y lèbqt WOOIG 1 , 1 ý go have Q weg* Mm ou da mue lotrase la -mmo-d sa appm beignet 1 = bbmm& Inm cm bmgà iË.- ml der ,, ý ' 1 ocherl .dwpd with eünim Min-. 1 tel ýý ....... .ý ý i 94.,ext.,Iiý»Mlny I, ý ý [IN& Su oh" lkb subeauma Twy. t uw.le c= chis Blibée et Uehffld ..... *4ýo***»* O#pwatn 6*4 »"It». ý t geff %Of. 1 'i lb(el an#tv*viw ý _N. bub M tg le am eu xmt.$& -6" it the 1 . i hm wrhtm te expu» Va là 1 ý . l i»(.Kt (b*.%I...ý'I.Y. #lit l4ly, 41 tstgre »r,, A romti. U*,r jw pffûtfqgf" ý_*" Wb lm W»owu»wâmglomrwhlthmther, cordon S"day. . ý ý __ *,«,m**Imo#lqwm and Ololb«,, . - ý ib4#de*pý 4-j ,,ý'.4ý.",Mébry"mr*tetbxoo ^ «&A» &si" wof" mm net, à« . . ý - . 1 - UAULOým 1 of du cSurse pu"". hy thu» ewm ý efs» W A" reit nalwt ý . 1. 1 W'jjI.,.Ilýýyý .th .1tdy. .% t*O*-i pap wZCZ ezlo"- . 1 1 iuveu telbem -1ý4.t Commis- E.%-.vt.ç,vonr. 1 ' romeqmwýduep"l wtmvr«=L 1 . ý otre,ýM#*«# 1 1 1 webufflit, 1 _- 1. .. S» la d«kéé Wb" ula tom *hmld 1 _ ---ý,- ' Pmwàju-.qu ý voit T« Cémwt-3ftý ý .*iàmow E-acim-A boni belý Il . . 1 A#09 Weh W» tfa . ý Jobla Butraiim4 Y. P.. la annouared ta i ing ta 3&.'Jb&- Smdtli, Ilh 1 *,*,#Iý* Ob**» ofCbnws end Cm S Of1Aý' i ý,VbIl-, t.i,,ll' "ý v'trllký% ('Itttàr have fle, VA" Meilf«1111111111111118 te iga bgpffl«" M , %MMX^"« àteanMb. deliver au addireste du -'The ýrubàic Ica Ccm*@Wab ,= - - L Ews. ý ý el ill, ,-e,,(.tft4# id, rk%*m _.. ý ý ý üt(W-ki eît-- * #ri* et r ,& U Wb= , . 1 ý 1 . ý ed fiwa the rkvei ' bigne j ý **totdw k «4%,Rtl4,*. . - ý0%n10l-%%,I, *11.,ýýl.,Ibbb;mtde*if*WOMF *0 »« et die eluom ,am ý -questions offible lky,"inthe towa hum orma or l'est Cà»»TAY ftew, *».#"», ý . ý . ýý . il emâlythm The Cm= M d a emmunieulm 1 umimu»,onFrl&yev«ptngthe22md, occupavA&-lhý.md Ihm. Sm»--ho, 1-eme-T. ime 21 12-rr. ý 1 1 ý . 1 1 file JOIVIý-,iIý lý ikt-etlibt4 or Qtw**'* *# «u4w# sbtiud r«M xr.ý 390eholb. 1 km the Office â» M, «M Ibo àrý - - -[Bevtew. ý d-waim ,ý Joue. remimd themniv« front ý. ý ý ý ý - X44Mr,,ý, ýfý-i;,1 ... init the $«rwuttom oinîtlbvoim et ON et *6 ysme Brimm &t'the' A Fàitmo.naaLv Wunnr-,m.-A fash- ý The hoise beignîme dellachoil f the eý,1#»414, - ý . Md«.tbtmorAbodjulm louable weddln tSk place hem on 1 frise Md swam fin t1m abore. ne large P" mukug have re uadms» Mit eeb*Au*wri, V. béa et la: 'È"-Fklil:ltý, 'Vt- thekle WU w&q4ýamV On me«mcd Rowe FxmzLlw »eý - - 4em 3carbm.a re- Tuesday mond-ag Joue Mh. The! . P.saurL»uw- -Mr., J. J. làgUok ID udimào duânesls, alter the figisit war IV y, W - ý . 1 . b'lit.l..,V-tk.rtIý,ýt-iom,(ý. L. ýUkp-e wotd us lit m bom ,wnémd wbt.it -ed by COM46 uum. Mr. groom wu Mr. Daniel, Qninb& of rebuM ag au lvSy*à Wd sàte-ýààtmý1e - ý . 1 ý . ý ,ý 1 viet.m,ýttriv ,1Iti..e4tt, ttbbt 00,010, in th: proville *"Pkbw* MW draw mgaut« W- M-pud Md V» mattfS As bmw, and probabiy all will be quiet . ý 1 Xpho&J, and the bride wats Mes, and ulmdzgàdL ý ý ý ý . 1 - ý 44eI &*.> 0-1. %e..,.eh . . 1 i-ýî4w. il, >I.lt il, e. fin h44 petiolendi lm à.a IMIPOPOWA ott ykdwft 1» ~ 1 souris, of Olftt!-ffl big mweemw W» referred 'Omma Éloges, vmW the Danube in cromed and Ru.- .. _ý . 1.4 i,,elý,ýit r.'r fli4t X~ lo%, ,%lm rel.! AMPWCf ý u1ýôry= UghI% plactil. There was a tà.ke Place cm 3M affill Ith ne= et 9 IL @" poury d@veý Jerk how 1 t lie reiftel tw,-m;!ý,%-I4 NVkýt.,,g,% Coma». ý ý tylttlylttomlabes #«* slse ma> 1 Dm as a"s M«UrAl. 1 1 ter 0 of invited guests: 36 Il UL 1 ý ý - I -Q t1sim Wlflitt Iflî 1.4dt4.ý% '2414fils trie tu b"Ill, and &«« a feigarme of the i voiýtnllm,.4 tàft.%".. A torwau ýgow (4 tI tifiged, ý . ý . . . tli,ý%iilý. g«1,,%td..,Jlbwwa«*fnot-wI' imanym.twenty-Precýerriamnaerm -ý Fàr- orX.,ýv.ý ~ . premi» tube goed gifle, fail. il not !'ttýe#ýtitý . 1 1 ý - lt«n#d.koetwrnandtbobemnffl ntktaor: nam6tinilotemu.11(àprg-I4.»eMd 1 _ty ta if figraveiler M iW* tbe las vieil bbàs. Tb* gratte Min yesterday wili ý tg ii,,ey I- I.-il..tb iblé Ibtilht, t1gw elver, tt, - pagglied the briddi par te chumb, 1 P.W w- ý. 1 ý 1 ý 1 . - , ý ý i 1 the teneu ttbë gm*#Ot the entaittell wa# j M hy.l)ei>-Reevo j)sg.%(-nx,ý , Oreille dl j where the R«. Father Rocau waà in ý beingdugàt CW&'»boW Wedmede& humemmAy beaeft the growing crop,-, ileilet!iii t4e Wtsfslt 1 ý% M îty M1ffl %ý ý ý .ieo h il * f i -- t ..I% l,),-tlt.bg i ik-f,;bttyri»Wdý 11, 'inùtizxm ready ta maire the aailom ý Ilis, curîmlay bd ]Église tu look dowi4l la ,ple ýý4 ,4t W -i - 1 - ý . .0 evev, ,ý,.,."It$ke, ', iti, geIé%4I truft. si, ý»IlIbleyrteritrites jjy th* filleptil lieurit "f' 013 walie man ta the Voluaroer Corn ali . , . %O ohligg ý te *a wtwlbm rope,, whkh - i, pgý..,.,*I,-' ý.i ,-t.ý th'e W. it4,e.ý.$(.F.t* ý *lxi, bbl*kiog la ait #AIK Tb# fIrýg of i, Party ta pay fer the fixe ora rifle range, , tll&ili nue- 1 bride vrais asMâted bv ý h 00 "tt 11 J, ý, ý - ".,.,. ý-l.r.ýý-.1. . * Ming cathertage O'Gormon, and ICI - , me was tidmd *P bu mach - 1ý N lel ,If G rb i ttt 4 Il 1% t% W p4sit 4 -1 -tek I.tttrt,41 1 , i The wili& morPet in I&A notir a mat. ý - . ý jtity fiieil ,%,tltnýt*y il, ha* Ilm-wite. 1 ýrit,%v et..%.-qK.ý. , = barving, the aht. , . . ý , - ý : , grillongemen were Mr. Michael Ufflen' Un. W3L Trawm la now 1 - 1 '#t Voltkem 9-*!ttt'" 1 ý ,x 1 li,ý.,, l'teý, tel. Nir. (;"Oflnr thi* j V-Mod ta = the "Y lm àîoltt*-v. Cona. liopicixts obligarrod th&& ho ncm, Quinlatà, &Lter *of the groom: the ý --- --- - ý ter ci considegrable iggdercst. -1 gogid 1 ý ,4,,ýe (4!M.Jý4 1 Igý tý; Wý4i4itl'4 ý - ý ,t>,-,I8,. I-ý*,,-, výe--lIes4 litbi-towl,;tlbh fi, Jtaly 4etýt. ,% tr»modttmý halie. wen sïb. Uced a nanèber tif phmk* and tdeeflem and Mr. Q" laz4 brailler of the groome i for hW new bock, "W«Ca - -'is 1ý &M bas been bromàt in, and mars h i', Wï,.ftlt ;àf, r4t..,ýez(>ttttàrýl;t, ý V'ge: 1',,ýýl lll,,ý-1,, %vlIïI.r. ".ttt4.tb ..g,4-4 If tio4rred %v 'th W- f- Rk»wMt ch4týul&n tylogit abont the *M-etu whertt new lIeide- j The pany returned front ehureh te t1ge 1 Animais" mné Le mmtim with heïd. Prim Itdving bien low for "..-nt -_ ý . 1 il), ,il Ili'n .. :.rtimf. Xtr, tielet "' toix ý eni CI4. illerarinti. Itocirelery. Who wili,ýwe walk* liait been bniltý »ome of whith i residenWot the bridels father, wherre a ý meces% The -uh ta hhligghblivy OL yegars au advame was naturally txpect ., - - 4-ll-,îi,,#I. jf«w mtkt.bltýý't, vliefletté, .C- I:ýk.,» '. I' eg-fttl Vw-wl et K».,ýt-l,-t.: il- fwe-k-bw poquh.bh~ am nail b"a wolpis and othortit brnkefa. and weddinn breakfast wm partaken of ed tble Umm; bu the wooltela factor ý ý 1 ". Iiït%ý* M , ý ý. 1 ý t,,,IeI.1.',ile.,.e , ,'i,,*iýMV.' - ! militteld ffl lit ,ar**.ohm *tyw. niril". l ree*mlnmdt-(t thM no more MMOrW ha i the nuitierons nu 4Vter justibg ý i . , 1 , . . ! aietulwultonti,* Witt «ml.w ý . - est&. . ý BB£M JFLLLE. les en the ocher *ide have been a& *er UINIO! ,-Ie!%1ltek,ý gr'r'sýIRM#elr Of *tliirtie. laid on the grotind thaïs, w» actually i had botta do», y &H prestent; ta the rien , 1 l'";4-1 .ý,,,ý-.(.,t,ýptio#*.fbo bompfq",*Jxe»(brttboa ý Raýmmmm7mmum-ThramveofMm , jously aff«ted by the -liard tintes- , . X 11ILIM ý & G ttA R A 19. ý ý 1 Igrkýultm i aitioligibébit ýà4t., ïuautr(t. : replier, &ait lons Md Pm- ý . ý 1 1 ý 1 r'O = ý Cnx.,witeot-Vr-&Crom4«Tweed.whe ,,Uruqmm.. - 1 . - . ý ýjMaïntiffthodyl ýbrA-ý40exblt)ttttbhot (. cricitele expttined sites nome, mus hm 9' ....ýh ontheh 4" -Il ý -It li'.1 -1Ilýi -1lt* 1'tit. b", *4 l*@WWý. ,unit. Wrif _appy : was, botried as th" pi@S M Xmuky otherbranch. and they still bavt . . . ý . . ý - i the wmtqwork» *&utn. liciplitna, referred ý bride, carriagels la aider ta i le ý4%j-.#%, 1 1 1 .,ý,.,I:,r.I,ý,, fe-,,,I, it I.,eà7a bouate Witt ý M ki(»»obwýk, = dm» carlilvèlil of the p4tttk*. C ý was 4k.mmraged by Rame unk»w-a sSil heavy stocke on band chat ne fin : , 1" » 1,14 .- ý 1 ffllrytalrdmt ta welle ettilà sait a tew turay petanit 1 eseort the - ta Peterboro, 1 . ý rïý,4(e.,4i lbf? hO 4>6 1 1 ,?,.,,, I,,i il, ýIII ..wh ,.#i@"«»* vigillue 1 orriN La the «»ý»lk* o# Virtodib end which were Watheveil itpwhenthework; wheretheyt evenhm train West MUL4 m the smmiciabL The body rd j provemient la the mark« for raw P,,u 1, ý... 1-,%I,;ýl,ýtI4Itvft% 1 ïw re yth.. .ý,= belon dLinterred and putot theenimile' be experte . IL . . ý . 1 . ý i«. ý,.f ,11 , ,s 1 L il -l'A ý1 c.*rýý ' 1 ý . i 1 idIýtrto*-. agi & Wttbm.qtlnptay ôt - W",tone. M > l-ý I»!ý '. .1ý, Ii:ý2sI'ý VhI,,»AtVer;ýgé.ry: ele.wopkma" golýt-,bIlia4t proremtimb in . . 1 on their brillai tour. -[Raview. umimreboriuL The i 1 . ý . . - (1.11101mq 1441PI'ty , tho M'»ttb* ,rbs srisige ftýtst. tuba(t Witt . bI1 qý%Ni-"ft IIXPoltri . -exharmd by the trimd%! leitm ewma Tiflade. ý 1 - . 1 ý ,:., ý ý.,ý . 1 UXI*Klmr ý ,-.Ve-llý 1 1ý-ý , ,- - i,ý lo ýd flw 1'.i!i!l -, PoRT 110PE. . botty vrais ý ý 4 ý ý 1 . - 1 1 . _1 "1 -il 4"1ç" 01 t"". "'ýýe -%'I't#Itýv in d4ri4fit the dey p4y' a rholee pro. ttveve 1'.i**4ms. ýubylàttett the finance; TitrzBiLt--.IGraliger.whobvthe when the abme lests were MMW ciur. ý The cimaW of a leading Liverpoo . . ý 1 !, ý ý 1.-_ lý,.bll.. pov ýt,-mv-r N,ýeitt,'ik>ttt, Àrft,âg"o tif x»»xlçý .,eýp@eiwl éterrartiffe. report whielle m-onbinended, paym:Int et . . 1 . ý 1 ý . 11.1;!, ý ý ,1lý,ft.1- 1:1111'fflà'iý - ,% PICAMIIII iniragil ý t havoi barils ma" W ith thle . ý»VVVraj »Veral am.Otlftt-. ý 1 = tires la town, lately enieie-à a. Se"W'Put'« la the volage mu M'b" grain ffim Mmes trader date of Friday . ý ý . pected et the outraw- ware, atm and »ked for a pu er ý D «ÀRMT pstau - On llmrsdly -Wimmt h» deelin" a *hilling pei 1 . railhvêt'y «mr4wm flit.tbe fionveyanec rectint't trnn% 31r. O'Le.arv for cSts ý ,u .11ý ý 1 I.-I - - 1,,ggýgîgtigpMr%*l,_-ý -,w,ýi---,..'l,'ý-- -ý -ý 'l 1 , si " h Da ei!".. ýt if.liëItel...Iý file igue tki,%ffl , .% 'of taeke, price tIve cents, producelit ffs ý! - __ -.-, - , "!i ",rbI 90'l I"..." IIhý%rji. . 1 , or r.%(t%ýimkWý ite, go jtall, frova I.ln(ltay and filen in vonnertillen with t il or 1 --feu per cent- off-,,,,ý night or lent wegè4 mm dvqmmte q-r- lusm ec,%ie%, IntiteOtr.-Oa.* ý 1 1 ý ý . ý.. . 1 . -- 1 1 , - ý I .t. ,!". "! - Il I'l' 91 %I ,,, ,ý%1,.ý.1i'ttIt ilý,wtt--Ib h4ý ý Wo hol* towmamm»boiototirtrit-ilil"t lait iiive.*t.lgatioti, atid trait% the Town ý Granger card meouadret ensevelît tbe Illeigil where a am 1 and amiral- trade the tendenry II 'tVill, ý ý ý , ý faimed the hall cent, eor it and lefcý , saction* have I)eýi tit, ý ,,, - O ý 1 , .., . , .. >,- "lý'"',j.,.ý j--ý - :,ý,,ý-,[;bý'-i...I,ý'ebe.-l'ýt,-ký-tbtlý--tr--t-fýý, trý,otzýIttmrtqu4tl4ocourýtyint(bwgb oit ,4cdicit,)r for entier magilien were lettover -fTinw4 team. Worth # si. tewagim te Il ý . ý .1 1 ý 1 ý 1. . 'oun 'boni ý Itell on, xeùgttemen.ý .. l Detion'of Erb»vM& lurette t SMI4 ouly e1eveu eargo« having beei ý. 1 1 11, . _!, ý -0 ý ýli >. - ý ý 1. Ilý le ,% il[ ..,ýbv,.v 1, II ï i,-.t la Aliit frenti, "sItt ILIey. .. 1 unstl cherked hy C - Ket( - ý Màu-%xt;uoty$rtiýtD&"Coudderable ý ' ce Tu* p'il j«iýr, ý ý ý . 1 ý ý. ,4r - . of the hormis lie a clit a ! for aile 4m -"Y. Whezit anq 1. ý ý ; . .., Il,, , ,ý!iýý?,ý .f."ýýýi-, ,!t .":,.i..,It,ýl le.ebt"tt 8,4%,t..Ital.14, ret.t.x., ilkleve, Itt'.ý .1.1. eniblinitteil an accotint i exciteraient wm vreftted on Mondiffy one 1 fustige -3dl $lo-ly In buvers, farcer. Th , l' %1ýý Il 1 ý ý 1 ý .. .. 1, 1>11 1 ý ,,, -- \'l,.!ý ,,,, .I 1 l 1 , il.-', ý,?I-1,% m.1 Ciletil i'tik, tek flic j ý . VeIL. rigola ('..%-ritiý,4trtitio of $Stcirdaniffl ,that Mr. John Mzr- 'ea8b la the &ulm@rs foecàý, fisd 'tteýaninkLq of whe« sait corn the pale 1ý % 4,ýIid Mil i ffl.g. il,. ý - 1 ý 1 .ý - - ý i.; II'.-ýý f le-, lem ý . . ý - ý zul.%vaýwn by beinq ý bleeil te demis. Ne modv»e be on-, ý , ý -% ,.,,I, I- C4,Iýjt,ýeIIl'y t lie i . M%1!4mt tahilt bre. ' sr., had delibelgraitely poisoned ,41;; l-14eli ri h'l .1 ý ý . - - cever the esikhankment approach- gignM for the. mis and a gSd deMI of, thr« days have been gor«L' This mer -. t !ý -l iiý,1--,:l l1FIvvýM."If t("%,%, ttp,,wt 1 lýil!ý." g: lit appears that deie&iedwho \',,,.Iiý'r . 1 A,%Iýbrt-t"-bb tlwetistu et the tfbvll (.018n. Ille the %Vt-llinetiýrt-ýt. Ibricige. . tineasine.-4exb"in dm Wdghborh-d-ý -day was t" Y Actent4i and th .., ý ., , ý . 1 1 . ý . 1. e i l,ýýý 0ý.. ý-!. ,ý :1 - , 1'l'ýý,.I;ýt. lh'. "Ok, t'P ,ýtIkýM-W. ý vit ivà, tie!lt, o4l Tliu#*Uky evenine (Il f)n jnntion t)fýI)b-:t IL-eve I)pýtt:oý,e, i lived on Et;,-in-st., Proteiltgant ffill.caine- i - ý "le of whetu com" ueurly limited t ý ý -ýî .', ý ý_ , " . , 1 ,; , "; 1 ý . 1- il' ,ý Ir ýIé- , I.; , i.,ý,.ý.!..le tlltrt.itit4... ,f91,%v t-b-A" and ý I 4..t.%.tq gerouiled hv ('Ivin. Kert-Ilvu, titille mat- 1 down town about 8 O'clork on Monday ' ý . Mmmmtxp--For the. li very --ll t- 'iùný'. White di, ,,, ',i>ýý I,.I. , '10 - ý- 4 j, . ý ý .il le,ý'V'l.Ik)ýl,. ý ýý i 1Ikýe wvrk. tr.."Ibt: the uayoi, . mominq and tionght %ome Paris green 'i hi. iý 'Il gew ne met ý p"t lit, k & famober et rangagnang, have; scriptions decligned 2d per centai. ani ý, > . 1 . . . ,lbý«ýti aud Depuit 1 il ter tbf-.Nlr. .%rni.ýtz-nng wa,4 reterred ta a - of - rdwaire,.itore-- . é, 1 .>ý- >à.uý il 1 i . . 1-1- ý ý . . .ý - .. . - - , , ,- 1 Il ý,.,ý,,I:, ', . _-- 1IUýI--I'%C.I ýýeýl(, lbý ý t le,, ,,W nvrle tif 1 1Z Y. Zéev et waltern Irlerial roffluit-,#. rompnsed of the ý Ili one the ha Teni- beela prevateut »çuding the I*h«e. j red U Fleur waà almost uumleabl.! ý, . ý ý 1 , -, l, ý p'ape', 1 ý ee(, 1.-.tý ý il- ' ý I,çon, Who tlrives a eart. as Mr. - gsed gr j and quoted et lis per centai cheapei I..ý%,et, >41k,ý , , ' e% el and iiriitanll ". abouts et George Glien, tne suppg ý- , - ý ý *'--1-_-- ý1 1.1 ý-.. . . -.ý,.l' ý - %; t,,t ý . 1-1 A. 1'l"'4 1. l 'l,10 wqbi. 1 hile - I For "O' il'Ibd tý"4>tbn*. .%titym, 1);&- N1-ty.)rý lie tend deP' ý pest-lie vonierand aked Iiiiii ta «Ro and newcom-th«e wa,, a limited ri ý 1 , , , ý ý 1 ý-1ItI . I ,ý, 1. r - ý- ý il . ý. i - ,.,l',. M th, il k(teiiIau, 1welie, and Ketriiiiegt. tttv.ret-ve.. . ý mal accomoice la the Rawdou -Poison ý ý . . . - 1 - , I.., - ,ý ý 1 - , 'il %I,,b,ýI. 1 "en . . - ý 1 i Pyty ten, conte for the l'arts grilen lie hall . ..%elrerai ere&bk pottitie have ý qu-t- -ieller--,,-àcctptinjz #kL prr quant 1 : 1t, ý1PI.-Ilitehie, . % !'l,..t:ttýe:1,1ýI.-.-,ýiI. l'he-lýiv,-rl-iýti-i' go 11-i-lie 'ne e3"- , _ý - - e - ý . - ý _ ý ý ý_ ýý . 1; L ' 1I1ý %%'t>»,-Hlti texl)wtkï..Ct fil t thé . .%ti)'%'),V.ttv I..%%V. ; pnrthaxed. and --aid he %raidit u nul haJied- 1 1 ý ý . ý ý : 1 ,leý t', lý ( ý -,-.l.1ý1 Il't. li",ý-liitý- li'l. ft%,,Viti, reý : ý 'l - , etated thati, wftUa the pan lew des. ý le- Old "ri ý 4 wallie "Mn for the eon.ýUjera- 01 in-brion ri? l'-etlvtl PýtIk,4F'.F.. "è ànd out the poison on the potatoei. ; 4 ,#' II f$ el ý- l J, t ir il tt . : ý . I.."býý,,,!,ýl> ;;,.,"% l"e ,,Iý) lll,ý't-tevmd-. ',týýNtth ýýr. ' bi>twtiqý lie ll" boom se« by thient, in the igroè-1.14 idaduw M-ket ffl oe& N 1 1 ý ý 1 : , ': ý '!r , 1 il,- ý l II tli, .l, , . ,ý.,ý,.,,,-., -ýfiit,ý,.ý.. Ii ffl o fl'r Illi, m 't'III, ý kv Ikw %,ý report. . bn.!ett lev t ýitt '1 11, - ý , ,Iý , tiýltkýor'tttl . ý 1 ( ý n. Kbrrritru. a hy-law wýt,%: 111,4 -*In endeavotreti, ta disitualle him RIt!ite cime ta this villafS, Weil ame-t ý Fail whffl - - .. - 1 e-ý * 0 ý ý - 1 ý 1 - ý . .. .1 ,ý , l ',I,1I-1,ý ý . pa.ý*..l in the nenal terni authorizing 'front doing- -Aie. for fear of ibe horse or ,,, ! 1 îz ,et 1 ý . . - ý , , , - , --11. !ýý,IýI."ýlýý,,ýt.ýltilý,..!ý,elitý,výt.tit(ikw, 1 . th rifle and revolver., The sain of ý 1 Ule) Il . I, i, , % .,ir :%titi ,rr(-,%%-.irer t-'b rai,.«,Ii%- coew g.etting into the garitten, and get- #Ltig, is novr attend M a reward. fer bis 1 0 vu a 4 ý ý- ý ý 1 1 1 ý 1 . 1 . ' .1 --I!, 1 ., tw.ï*ttlýýe. ýt'ý*ý9114)tý ..ý,eIte plet»Ix, ,et tel; c peNýx .4 Rriý»: 1 thý .%Ii « % tuant thft Il . . - y 1 1 .. 0 .» a ,; -W ý 1 ý ý-f fIlc ii ! ) :'l - i.ý,.It y1I4,Iý I, «I il ý tilt% of Z417,4>ý)ýto'met.'t; &jwjýIIi-»ned. Dereami seemI4 ta have. capture. ratheras" l mua fer risking' 1. - 1 ý 1 1 ý ý . 1 . . 1 .1 ýý ýw ', .1 . ý ý , 1ý1 , , , 1 1 l , :., _ i n'P 1 w ,,, II Il. Thýc Vk.>ýkK re:ki thë relwirt (If .Itlflxpý 11, 1ý1 i.ý>nLýltï)inetbeza.=ddeliberateiv'mL-, tiui,-,Limbmdufe--4-,Ir-w-d il - .. Il 0.) a 4, V. 1. 1 1 ý 1ýI 1 . 1 1 .ýi,',-ý ý,: , r ý,k *tik ti;l urTent e.xpen"4tm ut the town. 4 ,MT ý ý ', ;', il ii-'I, iý .ý tMký1j ewedVII. . .ý Ilem% lin the é,)IIt1fgfý" il%% :_ ,é - 1 .t.bti!Âalil)tI,, 1 . 1 1 Regi- o.unem .. .. ý. .. .. 4.)04 à .ý ý 1 ý ýý .1 _ 1 - . ý ý 1 ý . -t ý tut the Paris green with biittér-rnilk ter. 1 c.,,ý,.,,ýl.. .. .. .. , 1', ý!, -.1 - ".. 1 1 il! - .. . i -ý ý,I:;,- iz', I - ,ýt % il if \Ve !,.ý'trl% it 4 Ibo' whir. ri wa,ý, am ro1lOwý: -A xl,:Flrbrt) ý 1 - . ý 1 . ý . .1114-vit Drà( il, _ Co ..- ... - - on nintion of I)P«L, .c .1, -1, 1 _rpomtim D=!ý*r .. .. .. .. 17 - ý 1 ý , ;. ý,, 14., I,'1lleý ; I 1, ý, -': - , 'l' [ le !, l,-;a ýý pý i t e - bel 1 t Ch ta town ý t.cN«tx4ý%y, ttth junel Ili 4. -rit, ,ýtt7t ý ter ta maire lits hettand liald dowigte tne - of Bellevale have notifiM %W Gr&" Ski-- -4 i 1 11". j:1 ,.;,. 1- 1 ý . -ý - 1 .ýeenntletilby Vingt. Krrt ,%£.tite ýle,% ý,ý; l'_ » , ,ý I '. 11-- "I' Il,, , ";.-. !t,,ý relt. le% %V1.101g, ait the , 1 poison %hortly alter makinig him. sielz.. Trtirik IbWwav Company thugs; in EF ,cr b.,. .. .. - 0.) @ II , .f . ý 1 - . ý \ , . ,'! , , .... ; 'i. * , et I, ý- ,idý'b.,; I', , .!ýýý,tý..-ý,,-ý,tý,1,ýli,ýýt'tiittý,(-ýffllIY%%Itlb, .ým'. ),nrý.U"tttbrt."Que)nxd.t * vour and t-ri4lj&,e ro* minitte, ana heranting alarractt hig daughter. the -eýýut or -the ,,-,,,ai .. .. .. ou _4 1 ý ý . . . 1 1 Ilt4 and ý.1I. . et the OcIla .. . . ' t ta vortertirt, ai oncel a raill"90111, the, te .lu - :. @ ,, - ý'1 :Iý,- ,111ýi,,,Ity .,,,i,ý.,, et--. .I; ýý.ril.»t ý,ef -ý,-'» hfitî, belon ý --c>lktwtl pàýet en the . called in saine 01 the nelqhborx, and: wý,rkahIný front Belleville 7I) - ý ý 1 . 1 ... . ', 1 ý11-,ý;l1-f,--I--, cýi ,'Iv - 0-11 v.ýlee!,itfy 14«Y tilt, I','bttutv %jý%vý rtý&ltwtttnu illilit in gintkean e wtýt .itp tir i.ititi.ý:tv.,t. ne-4rthebritlee , nt for De. Urir--, *1ïo arriy*1 - _ _ - .. w ý . . . , II . 1 . « . tri ortier tatnard.iý-ziiii, ý Ili. pou auterp'!ýb nquiry - -t zwrident sien, tW bmtt* et *b;N» - lé Ils ý 1 ý:: 1; ý - ý ', ' "'., -, (. ),, l', ;,- li I11.1 ti - ý,,%,,, irýli, ' inta tert!4ýin ttuppemet mlondurt or , . . 1 ý tu) (a i( , ](ILck.& W- " ', ' "' ý ' ' ýý -l, Il v'eL.-il a ,se0m i i ro iiptlv, blit thouth lie did everything he refun4ed t» Che cIù»eý28 ci Beguille. .. :: :: ý 1 ý 1 . 1. . ! l ý,.: - t:, ý II fil --i ', 'ilt 14C à lui .!e,)t\ - -il iý.,ç 1 1. c gest ta relleve oie . ý ýý . ý . . 1 ý I', ter ýý %ttitI% ý%l - 1 II.- ý .r..*).,Z..er-%1,1.. 1 iI4 ýkiIt votitu,ý%ng ----«.,,- 1,11114 «Il ý .. .. . * ý ý ý . . ý .ý .1.- 1. ; I ý 1 'ý-. ý ,,ý:I,ý ft- 1ý l' glhký ehWi «nè4" e, Mr. John Voint. . . t:3 a 1 1 __ ý ý - on nie-st ton or (',Nt-n. K yalwin had atreailv -' - ý j.e(.lll.ýu. i.wr- poor fellow, the lýàý .. .. .- 1. ý. 1. .1 > 1 ' l- - l.îb"ý e fwcxyr4fwt after etiti, notiet. il) ait . at lie RU.Latiooz .. 1 1 .. ý ý Il ll, - 1ý 111, ýl l 1 , 1 .-, ý , '. . *ttbbItýby .k a hv taken .%ttch six ellicet tilt hint th. - ggà- he-it io ý ý;,.e %t % ý-,Ný. titi Iý; lienijoil hv 1)(->.I't'(-% - 1)1*ý%,-.O'e.. -law rcm"-.PDdmS e The rilst.1 Beelperquuterr*ruý* .». 40 _ý . 1 1, ý . . ý ::.,I; - i , \- - i ý-;ýý,! ytiI-1ýý- .!,,f -.1 ,iý,!",. :4', !Ith ielýf.I tilt, 1 vtritt-M Vt'»ýql.,Ptk.tl to- (.-ýbtý-i.1--r the Wa. ýtl>,TtlitteIt t.bwillend bv la%% Ne). 2!-,7, grtutualiv %anir. and dieil without a Tar M.%-%rroa& FLv= has bmkm .Bý .. .. ,: la ý ý, 1 iýýA»", : ý 1. .- .. ,..'ý - à -!ý '.;"ýf% %V 1 q: -[ -ji i-1jý-itthjj.,Veý r.ýjtgI#»j ý rh4itt(-ý la4tkwfýlim»w. l(Oirar thé- evi. ,.,,,jl",I., IV.I!tw fer file applilirment lartizzil-about-eleven o'rtir)c. Deren., uns beige angra aum9mr-.«-,-* . "S 1 . . ý. il: ,,,, 1 l,ý-- ý ý 1 -,l,ýiý ý -, ýI'. !;, i ý : ,tt-U(-ý, zýitelth-k«t, and ta hczj,ý enti et.t.!. adri .zhcztvilv fer *otuc *dt uimulùm I âag&relxredcanmýý do Iý 1 -, ý ý ý ý: ": ý : , ý . 't;..,I, \ .. - 'l'Ili týIli<, Il'.v,ýb», X(1ý , 'Ir ,tblitttit.i;btl oiliver% and rixhie thp 141 liait I)ez>z inkini ' - lit -rit.4 are st.wý t.ruz il .- ,ý ý Il ý, Y ,4al triffl Il b t , Viblinril vilcrit ur c qu3ý,:ýerý ,,%ýxý , ý -1i li,- ý *11 :; .. ý:* -- 1 1. II - -Iit,ý ... ... tçt . ý !tý ,ýI..,tlt ý% I,..Viel ýi-i1ýýic4, ïsk St. ý ýN (ter httvion gitvm i lie ý enti i et- lit ; -arh. The finie- ztnti it 1 91 ,,te,ý, Lt toi ý . . - ý 1 ý ý 1- . 1 ý. 1 ý '! - ýi. 1',l ý il'. !, - ý, !.mel, 4i, :;.:kt f,.:il.,. ibt rtiels rêý lxý-t --,,Itxlelee>tt" t heg in 14-1,ý,rt, , ti) t.t)ýittiiitte.- an tilt- lm-1:zw, ('.)tin. 111011(liný - ait a erdic .1eNs. 1 - 1 in he e' rie rash mer. __W -Ort W nesdar et last 4- emtTaprime.. - _ 00 00 ,île üu .. 1 1 _ , ý i-i i,!., ý1 . e i.1 P 1 ' ..eý>rý» Of the CI 1 . II-1 wee' . wé hâd, - S&1tpýrýhb1... .. .. ý ,il e)o 'te 1 ý ThM IZ%9'.Zt,4 ý eb WM ' file il -%," inque't fa ý hOld a v t In 1 . . ý i,àIýýAwi*. ý . ý . ý , , . , t. ,,1ý.,-..tk Ipl»ý,iIt,,Mlý -11% ,Ir . ý . - 1 %%«irtter.ýiitlttý rhair.a anil- ý)f - ne lem shm tliree rua i H_ - . . t. uO;ý Il iýý- tij. - jIlý,llt:ýý, - t, '. Iý.!.,;, ,Vill i,.týýlqtlt-rt.(t t'y týeV. ý In ni'y (iptiyine IinIbe within tlle,«.ib>t of (-.,,,,,, ý4Igt-,,rt %vzL* filleil in ale (*hier arcordeller with the ciretinutanc,,.4 ri awair;ý one re-%tating in a verv serions _ýcA,,i, p,,, j,,sjý - . 2 .1.4 :I .1 . 1 ý ý. 1 . ý t -il by the WMIStr. elarv of .1 titrned. I)oee.%."ti waq for a ýegrî&i(t ai .. ý.. 1.1. 1 .. ýlI1 Vî-- il., il 1', ý;ftiiIhrti.* lie ellitutry InirentIt t*.ýti-itI)lIý at a , iuý1. fakinz - ï9u .I. .; . ý . .. 1 - . - etup. a., tom . ý ý . _ Iavedasportefgatthe .ciàeiit- , rýLe=Mtwhowaspite'i- B,ý-fira., '., - "' 1 *: ý I 1. . ý . . ý . ý . l ,. ý ý ,ý!-,,,.lý »e ,.r.eIý,iý, - ý,\ iv. j'-N tizlN %li,ýr \ j.bY4 ý. . et un the tikh -iline. ,,il.. lý%,-I-t%, about 2, 1 years. - ' »: «' ý . . . . 1 , 'r4at 'Mi tu ttw altier t-£,%ïuý-a alter ,gre rd out tif bis waggon. distacadeg his :ýý Ltrý .. ý ý, ý 1 . ý &ttvtiIýx -,%eh ert,4trn(,t, tek Ille tl%-Ittt-n 1 jXj,,ýý,j, harbor, in which Pý&ft.au lie Irvef uni- 5:ý ý ý ý - ce- -4 -il rend il, third tilneank : v lie ... L - : l ', ý,ý, ý '. 1 l I'!t.1t , I., 1 l". ; -n. ,-ý,,IIt)e,ý".t ,,f'.ýit, .1ru . . ,I' w1ýi,4.tht , htmWer. beride. tiéjngz badjy CM and ý 4:-kd-kiw. fier. . . . A ee a -) ý ý - _- 1 . 11-ýýl , %-ý:,i;",%lq . ,ý file eCýtII4ie - rharat 'çýrAI' ý1i ý-ýI - -t;tna -ter or the %vif. ý Ili:al ,Luistacit)n. and w here bSuiled about the head. . W,ýl . . .. - . Iy vlie t V il l"; Il-,: N%,i,1.Itiuý, t$bke"tlx kýbt.,ktm ,éferfird ta tue te) céelierve, 1 have .%,: .%,Aý41.,4,r.%N euve-1 a nuagiber of live-q. Four or rive lý "'.1', . , . ý . ýICKI.-r -14.%Tt-R. -A mate-0 is hein;: ý 1 ý ., . . O 1, Ii ', : _, --- .v, 1',t,". ý Vof. ('iteýt.bibttt, I'niý ý - - ve.tm - -diA c - chie ey ala t, -, , . 1 eaenel to, trio eoiger't"eon that with the Civin. Il(IPKI -ý ynnv('ttý I4't-nnflell te% . => lw beragne -elimteil il% hiý;' .--et hetwecn - Milibrook an.-L ' A &W ylà» «O rau 000" de 1ý 1 1 A et:;,l,ý; i, M à ýýý,4 ý . 1 ý 1, ý : I \ý .. - ý %1, V,ý , .., .; _', 1",r".I",; .O.lt %tt-%,t,ý.,.,ýý,t.%igtt,-.ý, . ', erty., ù, * 1 - .1.1 that 1 lit- Vlerk l.k. ii- *ýtitl>itglýt - could tut la seme cote or other et ciel 1 . . ý ý 1 - . ý. l : 1 ý. 'i'.,r,,zé,,,; itIe.-r...,t-41 iattil eN'ý"eiIýtI %Itt4ýf»be ref ti t Iý!ýý t 11.reve Itt1_ýI11 glazilnt Ili the performance of Onivrntle elttl%. 1. 1 1 ý 1 1 ; 1 ý 1 ; . i'. 1 t 'i' l', -- , 1- 11III«, , ý et tl.,\t T. merkl»h Éhey are St'i pre .1. w ,ýtriIèred to ittlv--rti*ý- fnr ;111 ý-iA1ant .his ýlliti,.ý: and 1IL111Y 4ft hi4.ýituati.,n 1 toaýy.yLn&ei. -The aUitx4ortàn--,;ul>- large wholomne hmm aiment agggy a , 1 ý 1 :. ý,.;-II It4181 .%l- ý tý,Iýýt ý 1 1 ý -on - at a ,-tl;trv ,ý . - ". Iii,-;Il, .. - .41 lie, the, lueit, ., ýt' '.CU;7,;ler ."*Ilium. .%net ettÎ,..%,-(ýti in t-zirtititz, in which Il ' - . . . . ý . ., ý . ý 1 1 ý1.ý ý J.: 1 f. 11, 111,>11. >, . 1 - I:1 ý \,ý.ti't'i'b. 1*,Iîl,%,ýV %:,*.teritý ' V hi lit, evîdonveý týht*t %Ir. t),»ieI;%ý., tt*rilý, ýttilië:itinn- te) tx-'%rni il& befure tilt: éti4l nie lteeni ta prelisper.' Ilew.uzkbout ý. ý . , e , ý ý .1 1I,ý thrre vwi kw. lie, ,Itý'llbt. limier t -LO-Il - ý le jert uevr with the --enue homo et ever- tteft whtcà msg» be roquire&.buit ne ý 1 ý 1 . ý ,, ý . - . Il lý %,:ýl' ý...ý.'liý,ýt, -t ,tjýý :_% l Ille ",;I,,., 1,:II-,v wl-re dç,(",eyl, ý - . ý e4yearI,4ut.tgL.ý-[Titiitý. .'tre.et Lorner, imr-inm-n and barber--hub lonaw wiges or geo" mont Ille ardegrit . ý ý ý ý, .ý ý, ý, _ . - \ i -ý-- ý Iý -I'. -I . - 1 ,.ý ýt -.,,I , mivi, i'f oik f-rI'Ibl M. lt.;%.t telle et ýW, I)rruit-lixti tiIbtt-1.ý tif :'I.ýt in.r. C, . is -Barlow. Barlaw.- àlwa" "Bar- ;i1'1'ý :ei. oý -$1 *1%,4u, st."", 1 l , ý - . . 1 r . ment ý ý ý -&it-,ýç[IL, ', . . - 1 fitý-rýýý,ý%ýlýtaptnrýý,,týýý,ýi',Ilý,tti(,tl withý ,111111 I1oýý: qt,[.,""rtclr. - . - - the 399natacturer. " tranm . ý . ýýl, Iý -'t 1 . - -ý. - ý Ilow. Bv war et èx»lanatiôn it mav be 1 1 - l:.. - ý 1 ý % %\ le,. - ; -- The 0,Lt («ýIitti. Kt-rri -e Ili The l'-î. 1-.1 ' :- 1 1 ;1.1 týý, el ,- l, , ' ý.- - ý1ý ' ý 1,-%%ý,[ vVtxieeIiý t4ptt lir rem"etoel w1th -iit-%t .ýri.1 lie liait limiter- ý il- il _VF. menticinèflti,ýit ~Barlow- i* a.trt;tter'tu PrQ«--lu Ckm~ lises Xre Is" ý ý . ý . ý . . ; \lImIIý 1:\,ýIztIN. -neti wsteen ttkmý, etrinki jC.ýrrélvjxndenc ýJ . 1 1 , t4f, with thetn ,tond front theï-hawnian of thélI tire ault ttýtirisWing liffle h,-,iituc train this viacti, whieli. fýi#1v--i (w" &lw«* X»ffl th* BMT As -1 -ýý1% - : ,ý. - - 1 , - - ý- \"I', 11.1!e il >,iý-h IV I-eeýMýItI9kt , Pi-t(i(;RE>,;. - Thi a creffitable recml- 1 CIERAPIM Ckmh' la Lindsay) sent b ý ý .. IL 'ý ý 1 il :t ---, .. in the leillillr par4ýr,4ý 41111 titi more than i ter vl')II! titi tt éle il mle tllele.ýire(t.11-1- ý villazelirahi ', ' 1 , for hùu-qed -; . - liblv presents more sigme tif ". parni»L ýl - . . ý , '. 1 ý.1:,ý,ý !ý i.i I:",;, ,.II _ ,.ý',-,- livre ri.-Inq teli'tuith., t'il D', ý,ý.,..(ý.ýý%ýîiitý-,w-n-fittmýbr.-tr'thtbftitibe - "-titti not lie gnt for:S, plier rei%ýý;L frtitti f . -m-4deraW ta bis owtief* ordier air, IPAM ta agne, of the iaffl ý 1 . . ý 1 . _ ý ... 1 1. I l 1 ý ý jiv ,lit ile).r . titiiiin ý 1 . ý ý ý 1 : . . l ; --' 1 .', tý-.1 ,>,I,> ... II 1 b;ý'. 1, ei 1'..,ýIe t.,ýfl.I,,b4.it l'el ,-I- ý Willlk the'n il% thejé tx.,j.rnonj.,ý that , ;nt, ; * hi-4 long (lenresioa vre w - ý. 4,> ý_ l - - 1 .Mve have exper-tý-nt-eit than au, fi jnj Il. inov(e ., entideil I)v Il, .ý ý . 11 Il l -1 -.1 il 1, t -aetý f', i W" . . . r cerlier coni Pile : mwmft«=,em tu PAF.m The ira] __ ,f ,, $#, ý8z 0; ý ý ,,% Il C, , ý -0 le il, rei.0 m,ý Ipï%iýz ri r, libelle ribete »a%ý knowri te) titre lziblatil(lrtl - - ;i re anit water c"m, tnitnity tif i,ýý..ir To , awIV" la &Êmdmyj=t berigire tIse âge ý *e"_ý - . . .- ý . . . ý!, ..ý..,Io -iI il- ir Itt«,ýki.i.. thittýth* ': -- ., -, ý. . , , 'ý" ", -tire 7,elo f.-(-tt)fgrM ri .eintllelfoluidionzlnd: A XrT roit pn"Txrmft---r4 - - - ý i ý - , , 1 . -,,,iI'. t'l.(;,i,,ýl,;,IqIe'Ikt inepertim l, ý ,>f th,ý lietrt il,)%,t lhaf, .%Ir.- DouglaItte, ,,, . - . 1 ý ý ý ý .. ý 1". .ý . , ý, , II. .. .ýýî 1 ý irti.t. prne Iht"»I" i.ý therefwe fulIv cte-;ervinic of oýbni- CbL'-C'---%. nt=tddctlgr« lu this pan ,,,,,tlO, oggsi in. ,w« are 8%aigg tg M ,,l,!,,,,,I. ,-.!Ii,-I, j,ýe-:rl,,-r!&'.theý i-ýtlý,Ili 1"".,v 1#0 vr.,ile eo,.UiA:èilt CPýl fletil. lx-obt.tiregi., n'eut. -mugrueuts with an ýý ý ý ý 1 ýý1kie : - , ,. . , ... il; . Il ý Il 1 ý ', -.11, . * , Il, ý llgwp at -tivh prire aitit tilay The ettsý of this riAiug tenden.. haS nOw made a- ý ý . . .. I .11. fi Iý lýr,,!,.,iil.-. t'.ýýv,ý%,,r, 0Iýtg, 1 t1liink thi* ronditr' (-ýbitbý-.ý.-trh-t.1%, - - ý . th, ý IgIlles ho -Sa large aumbe» J 1 1 1 ý ý - 1 . ý ý - ý . 1 --.. 1,_11 l- l ý,' Ii.... ",iti lie '. tr,ýjIl ,,el il, O d.ly (',ýl">- w4hhIe thil ýIbtiattr,-4.,ý%tt(-ýl or other liliý. i ami .report ai next. illetlrit)IZ. Itn.1 thItt . ,y 1% illwemted bv the inrrea-zed and.: -t9ent in_ý 1 ý ý ý. : . ,ý 1 . ., -11. _ , _0 , fil'. M,ý.,Intion of (*ý)nIII»iI Iifnit:nýZ -tl'f' extensive operations of the G eorgian Sale Ili pîuughs. The raw eluterW tbasik.mè » wm . '. . . .. ' . !Il. -0,". ý'r t ho: t'v.,IeIti,ý!çl 9ikon Of (htý ei"ttttet, aft, tII4, >%et or anv menther tif - ta 1 = a=.baU tbe prie ý 1 - . .;. , 1 ploIre of the lir-m ISt per faut lie. m-,.Itl%ý Luniher Company -,%net the ý;pid itÜPOrtelct trois the arber Bid% & PX : ; shom 'aff lans th , 1 ý ý - ý . ,ý ý . ý. . 1. - t ,,, ý r, ý.r. , i - --11't', 1.1tI"V' 1 . , ; tito I-,%ýlaçit et offieer (If t li;-etrlinr.ttion*» 1 ,IiI ý ri ished -,t@ÉP- 119yf»4- ý am* soeillewegre »Id et a Short tiv .l,,ýý.. -: .1-GýI4.Fiiî!, _.ý,l,,, ",\.rmvý. lit dit, quarler %%'tbi(-h titi, Cieinty .118It!e. tbl.,Iv lie te. [ , . l n;ý--rt-%.-4.f Il(- «.%Iidi-ýttitt killway is mak. ,Ikal C if ir au U- ri Per rosi -, ý ý ý - 1 ý ý ' , 1 i ng t owards if* nat-- il -t I ,*ý,.,tl r. ,ýl ý \ , ý (*ý,n». liý)1-'iIN- enn-illerptl if hfflêý ' unit cerniiitus'-.Mid- . th- import elisty of 1-il si, si; te 1 ager.-Ili--t. - ý 1 . ý 1 ý -1 ... -,Ilebv!tt:,, ollesttect il) ewlutre in1-qý for it wonhi r11--i-ý-ý,t,>. Il' -1"," -t ý4i O I!!ýd eý t,&,t, f he f ý . *Pr ! wax r(b he tbntt,--ht the 110M article IhOtItIt lanj. then made into plouabs . which aile au ' - --- . , î . 1 . :, , . ', ik,- - 10, ý r. ,,ýt""?;"tl(,r.l,\N«.1biýqgý ý t ,e ý 1) 1. %,.% Il I lIý»j-%.y.N- : , , 1. 1 1- ý: . 1 1. , .. .I - ý,'I -- 'V, ... ý iltelbý,tr>lrbttýnheýuýPtumtrrotl.*t.t*.\ .et -11red. l'q! h- f-ivarrd lit 1,-ef.-ri-t,,-t- - .i)b,,Tr*.,[AN*.--.,.t tilt prr.. ginieehed With thL exéepti,ýu et the hm- ý !. l "..; -11 - ., - :, , - q-- - illIýl i 1- ' .- ,;,-Iý-lt i'N .1,,ýktb I"Vtl..1.1' ' , ý%Ir. 114Iiqlal;,ý eettit dii hi* -Intl il% ait ý extrititiesztht-wriier-worl,ýwliirhv,,ttlýl -il-- - enxa-ed tlle"- and reýýý t arrans tbo "ne-; Fr-ZLOIXý.- In the t-:ýrei",l -f FetiCiýP.. . . ý1 ý . 1 ý . 1 Il ,1,ý,,-i,,i,-,[ -ïI'lil ,-'I'l"ýd-.-'Gearce, Isvkllxl»ýteat imil prolier ýt'irtt ile ait%' gent ligne abelir 114), n are - , in . ,YI cent. lictir, beaides. stmýL;y ri. itelit, ir,.t. Iûc .4ý,e.3t ur, w. FirIi 1 . . . \ \ý... -,,a . .. on ry bp .ý(biýet-;.,:K- tipr foot niori, -lxiten. &Zr-.utitl.* in this vteinitv alone. anil payIn-lZ - p« . .ý 1 ý. 1 . ý - ; ýp t I ý ('., l",-, ,,ý ý,I'f.Ëý, il ýl1.ý -Nt'..!ý,.,,> IL Nle'. 1";ýrtieil, tuât 1 er %Vtrere the vltiduct tif 1 hat horà ' thcptght the town waa net in ý 'Illlntit:'4are being ervetvd alo tâ% where thev are bibg -,Ad, i=.,.,t ý» -II. 1 l ý.. ý - ý . j, lý l ý. Ib i , - - j>,.ý,,,ýý-, ', , ' -i 'l,ý.-rt II. wax ,.tlted hen -iii.-ýii-,t%, and wherg, it i %ive. lit .1 . ng their 1 trhe - . - ý , , ý .. .., Il ý . . . .ý ý l, arfflilition tntil.-Ik.l.-it 11pr exntýnil it lire., ligie tIr j,ý'tený,,ion in (Irlier foý art.iltItIlli,. Wlih, a fair Il Il ý 'At, -ý:"ý,, lý,gIeq l'! .. 1. ren ai Profit- as chtaOY -.Ilj.t-qr. -.ýLt Linil-yý June 2I. rh, ,it, - . 1 1-11 . . 1 ý . . . . 1 , , %ý -. , II ý%W,ýýw ý- l 1', %Llil"rzI-v,,, I.ItiIt, ile r,-1,Ivwtxýreit hol, î.Iný.. it.,hare, (et th'. ý. -tiil lic W-,tll-t- like ,L;lt.,. the ýtjjitioual lar, - proiterteil article tomte Ur. Hu,.ýà -j'L.e-, &,ý-iur-i:ý d-iuzaivr. . ý . ý ý 1 . . 1 1 . . . . ý. ý .11. : ý 1 1?- \ Il 1 Il ý ý l1IIieI.,oý ,ý:ý. M i!!, et. j):tý ul 11,1,ii;.iýt ittý.Tttl"fb.,I, 1 . ('min. K i-'I" :ttq ý, _te farre of jjjn ,L% ,Ur hi,:;hly - 1 , , ._ .. , 1 ,., . 1 , . .I,>tktb .et ý ..!,.r .11"; ý ilri if %vt>t I A .t.,..l lutt ltiý vAgIllet ::ý- t . --,ý%,'1, -'lý l ý ý1iý Ili'l i.-,-:Ili)4!ý ',il wa" re- , very ,vell ta,--(- fil(- wztter-w-,rk4 ex. flint are lit a short *;n,,- to, le placellon there. Who, will rbie aâIl expLaine. 31.1RRIAGES; ' ( 1 , t:rýIý,ýii!" 1ýH-lI, 1, ý ýn;Ie'( ;,lit for file- pr(ýýprIt lhý1 -: and evei;; prepargition i& be- -Iý1c«-. are muliborin chiele wha winn', - Ni f 3, lý _-'l' TR 0 ,à c , l A 1, il (i i l,.ý. S ,:. à 7 ..I., .., . in tu lin." W10 i _ ý t-: ... l ý;i , tI'. % I "ý "f- . 1 ý lutreII-tittbr la1W .ýt-rinti.iv i4n. 1 fi , thi- work , ULmms-l.,ç- Tt.s,., In Li,,ij.I,. .!e -h,ý 17 . . ý . . - - "..",(",.ý%. , li'jçeoirile, !ý'-lýI. wn,11il lx- lit[- he't ait ir entIld tir. il, ý,4tt ý xfend. ing tigiule ta rear't their destination air dinz-- f ;-. l' 11-1 -. ... %i , l: 1 ý - 1 1 % 1. ý , ý 1 f,ýv>tý4kI,ý pli.\ ý . lu t lie ittt'lI,,Ieli-4ýtll,-ttt ý I.'ir hi. ýt'Wf,»hv., il' ettier i.(,tl.t;tl)lt.. 1 in itity. dirertilin while flic wari-r- Nqyr I)E-%D Y.Er---ýThe Xe.mweM- 'rýt.. bl, t_ýe itel. V.ýt1.Ir "Ulr.,r,!. Mr - II mati,- ,Pl týt--teeer!ý tltxbtb, the. ileillioral. "' . ait ..-.trlv ilate. It i,ý miellor-tond mai ý ,Ierý_. ce ML- R T-,ban. 1,l-,h A Li::.1ý.,. ý . ý . , . ý . . , .; 1_ -ýý - ý, I;;"ý - ,If kjWffljVýtt Lif Ihl' til".' jrýýj&j lit$ th" . wnrk.ý (.,>Ilttlotttv 4. extenfleil in 'Ine- .1trticietit .'teel raitli and fi.,teningi of LW#* -ateý 'th" ira recent deuil .1 , ". Il , P (.1 -t, w ' Ir. .. . . . le , ', ý \%'4ft4y iý jýi,ýd-ý lý,il%ýiI% tel -ty hipli, 1 'if Mr. rk%ýlgI,%,i%'ý 414hu 4i, 1 DEATH, ý ý 1 - 1 . . ý . -..., . . '.: 1:ý-*, . ,-%ý.-týt-Iýý 11UN, citbiiiii.ai . S.-I.. heth r tlw ý ne Il'%it hk-ell infornied that if the c-ntn- - $,tltýtýriLýr (tCI4i.,ýn and quantity liave 4en trian. -Old Stra-bee.2" i* stilt la Ult*K.4.--'Lt Ilfttle Pritain. -ýn ýNttLý1:1 % il-mIl ., ,.ý ý i -* i«tý« ii wIt- -1,It",t, 1ha! filet I4ý%d IV44 1 ý ý 1 - - hall h.%.I.,Iléb fert ieorp. hfflent the - prýctimi tt'b.ciitillLett.- thiý 14st divi-ion the!ttýIL Reuý»wm bva3= hrSkll ligie U. -'l ý , . . * ' 1 . - Iii.ý k:ýt!!Inll::i ý !c Cld 1 ý li- -: ,, , I %ý') ,!.) ý 1 :: . . ý liLl , Ittt" titbet ,If jwr-ý.'nId il e, i lity . intit.1 1pam il 'Ill -met" ýIý l'Il - 1ý,,I,1I-',I hill. ,%,It-ri-ft'4 ai(- lire the huildiffl might have hecu - of file connerting link I)etvten the man in HamutOM4 OiR thé day et the 'ttiL.Lhin .Mi Aen .ýý ýý .. - Il -.Il « ýl " ' , Il, , OtilN ,Ir ýhqttti liait ht, tntzen CI . %. . . . . . ý ý ý . ý .. ý . . . , . 1ý -Il ... r Iý : .ý - - 1 ýl. il, - 1 , Iý il , <I>aiIt(I h , - tý,,,i,-t ,,I,;ellt-.tkýt. - kier, Vllit. terý of "Iceti Ilttroti itnýl 1--t.,trii,- ý rire and, on being toid lie --------. __ - j.." ýý %vith - 1 . ý - ý 1'l've v1,qý.-It ýii1C.. thc tý',Ij, in ,1.,tiIný'4 %vith 'l -î: ', - ý'z %vith , ed tix,ýrO"* \fter ý,iI?)I,- rurthrr sit-cý.i.%.-Iiiti filin - w;' --,otiiili anil d- ,ýý , 'ýa "!= ýý". givra a qntirrer. -., 1 ,!- .- . :...i-,l tiý:-, ý m-I,ý II i .h iIIiý-.1 *',,I% the jelirt oraLily 1 niller )fille 1 - andý when, Lv --heil the miil, 1 le ., 01, . 1, -t l, -m 1, "'." ý,."I.",tI,. I'f' - mont hý ter 'N hi, arriedi. ed hat the Itind'r , licue ý .ýdrnu!5tmcnte,. - ". -l lil ý, , P t-iitt1ç'tt lier olueialor rhe ( 'l'ir:tti,;n." : inîtrinn.c. ' . ý 1 lt:tilivav ivill urdontete(Ilv ]lave jtt It i'I thugs ttMOUStMt t - - 'i ý i;', ý ý -, iiý) il ) 1 1 _- ,ý ý. - , ., ý l ,.,:" , iý, ý, "-ýt-l.% ',i,,I,-ý dur:-- %viti,-t%-11(,trlilItc, -V. lat.4v faand rieur ljnd*av was not thiti; ý ýý = ý::-==- -7-_- ---- - . . . -1111 -itart .rent if) il( ,ri q«lý-IM!'\[,« %>rli)\'. either iergninus t1il rIneýi harbom on - - . jr,ý,I-t-ý, 00 e I -(ýdtili» -Pl %vit of - *d -S-trawberm_- . 1 $1giffl PRIV.IlTE FUNîDýS 1 1 . tel'It",,,. ,,, that livýttLtr. sie, far;d lt-;i.-t M% thrir w-r- : . ý mrii,.ini.e-iti-Iit.. the. ý, , . , , , : -'. I -ýé iit'Ie,: II - it-I, ý !*:"ý t,-ý"'I't';Itok.. ý '&'Il-, (*1 "w rc-ad a en , - waters. and %villýIX-.--Pogr.,.tliie.tt-' ý 1 ý ý. ý - % ý ., - 1. ý. . I.. . .....ý. ..: -- "!t..,ý, tiel.1 le, ý1,- ,il, l%,,r-tiý.ý, - . % ýtr0 ý Ilite- (libttk.týrltl-.I,;tyt(t thev rali (fi-- trreyn,.%Ir. (..nwt%%*iti ,%..kit,.;,;iernil.ý,-inn . of lv. the nattiral ronge froin file wè.,t auti. ' - -TF. L-->-.%ý,Ç .... - . , . 1 1 ý _ý 1-t 't". , Yi. lg.l,>ý- I', 0t-tlý ".r;l.*!Iý ' , iorthwe-t tiy the île-tern markets nt ý Ovriiuo col73 r Farm rr e . T7ý-ýn ftr-t-c!z-ý T,-.i, -, ".ý ,ty, in, .ý . ', ý. , . ,gtiý,eth-n rlw ýilIV ..tj.rý .,'r withmit fil,. (*titl.trtl %viril the rotillent .if the Il . :.. .. 1 . 1 ý ý . the Unireil Stares nuit the -%.tlarLtir Clii--.ýç-rv C-lrxciLýThe eedmnau-s et ý taývor4bk te- ý.ýi*V -: K il, . Ja ý 7 : . Il ý 1 . . ý _ý \ I,,,ý!.- .%I\-", . \t il- r.-ýý,*Iitqri-wmýttlI ,-;,,,ý., juleF ý,t,îI ftelly privitte vivifflover ý»eiehhgMtggl tnerert à wnml and !-""ut ý ý 'N ý. 1 ý ý, ' boarli. *rit,.. mioitana ii-qiway. notwith-: experviiture fer grillerai ý K=C!IUU à McDi;N.'ELL. ý 1 ý , * gelai difflitilties. lias L' I.*e al irty er,.t»ý,Zs, ', - . 1 ý% ' Il.- Il -ret -î,ý,e, let 1\ill,ý ll.rtýIlt là,tllItel .Net. IV ",k..tbg't.eý k i"ýnflI1e tilytiielf entirely' ta ibtiiictiti;, enfile enrner nt Cz,,miritt--o ennes : 1 ý. 1 - . . - 1 ' ý;4 ý à1i't \. 1 , riiýbnkiýt.ittig.iklýni.ý-o - n(j - anqi IN-pi.ýt--,. whielle i%-iin referretito the ý et Il eý 1 . %I4ý1,IIl, hel'l q -tzinlin.t: itý ý... é1. . ., - -, - ýl,',-ý ,le 1,'&ýit.-tNý thf;,Itt net. . etal La il - ne ; OFFWK tierrée dO.rý ýICft ÎPILU lk'ýl-n fi..-, ý 1. - .. . . . 1- 1 ', ! et-rtýiLinlv evinred niore .. -l . .l Il - ., : le Il ,,ý,-mt,,I: Oll. !:,th i»ýf, lit fil,- N14.4-nic ý ry ielLý-'t't%,,,t-ý-i. lhM 1; il ilanifiel. 1 lire and w-wer l'imntitteil. positive inten , re biller, receivm fmm vaitiongs $oui Ellftit M- i#«1ý ý 1 - . 1 1 ý 1 1, ; 1 -, - , ', t, 4 , ,' ,., ,iý ,il, lit. ït'e ýtciýý'lý,,i,ýlý.,ýl'l..,ellrt.tbNÇVKý,-ti-tt« 1".,t t'ý i; >,,l .t:t.% -t1illeyttpeinz th-m-lieýeýv(»I)F.-ýt -..I!Nt atientinre ý: tionýt of afin-, our ennimunication rrý til- Cxingril (tee » raine only te ,)\ 'farilit . Lýle_1 1 - I z Y-, ,%,ý,, ;'h . ý>,l, l . i , -- ', , l . _ - ,:: , . . ý -'". .il, ilt.(ýttt.- %,.t;tr: il ý ., ý Mr, Dott'- - i., t ' the baimme this 1 V CD'ýR1A R À 1 LWAY C 0 i -1 ,.,ý.,l,, ,.,. Iilï'ýýýý.t4 lý,,,:Ii.. vitirent 1 Ii",ý,Ir«ý,-, 1 J't..,ýv Iiiin tn"».it llf,)et . rn.,,10),:tIi.. - ot the ,r(x,,ino,,.%,. with the front than ativ other of the $=Mý and ~finance - . L 1 . ý '_ 1 . . , '. . - , . ýti%,tè».nrý,toriit . . ý . ý. ý. ', lý1 1'l - si: irtvatp, uldt1v Selleillet4agigazett. " vear. ! [l.IXr. - ý . ý "ýý 1 cý4qbF, Wt*ei-Iý i:.!:. itviiet reent, ait.ir. I,ýIitI,1Ve ', , ,, -j'. -.ý . ., Ili, r, FICli'd \V.ý,vt,,; Pr. 1'. ;. ltqsr:,,,%%ý, iitt.ýtýý,,iýý.!ýýt,ý-livt-eilit-eraitýt-ii&ttt4-:ýtuti approacheIt ro 1 >nl(ý ,ý.ývti».%-rii)N.-'%Vatërq.-otumunicetion" -iC,>r-%-TyPouaffer-aL- Thespecidi e., . 1. l 1 - 1 I l.. . , _., ý -ýIý*Iý,z,- 'Ir lit*, ditty alIt chiet ý trot-,i-rt;.ý eind grenve-1. ý"çýnàptl Il>. - . - - - lititr te ,ýý,"ý,-,, ', .-ý- . , _it 1 -j ý' - ý ý . 1 il ýiiI,, . 1 - , rit connection vrith the grailway ait titi, M ,. . ý ý . .. i i ý ' > -.1 'ý - ,... t ý, 1 .1- ý;ýý;, WzeVýt-,,il; t,'-ý 1iý IL ILIr1iýý t,*11,ttIlýtitt; t-ç»,.tltl,:C, 1 have :tl,%ý.tvý ., in. NTý%ý..,ý. tll.%rtti,-ýtrpet.tn-lb-ICI-, ý committeeotLPnorll,>menlmrtedth»I 2%t'TtCRISHIMEr-YGtVEN II. .i.i.tIýItI ,r..ýt.nrer; Iý.. a.ýt Cfr, _ý ý '. I, ireý ý,ý point ha. ,en IL decidt tigre zbis .1 , rtgarded hiiii (*,» II, fair -il adv-z - ý the eoUWv el Waterloo lm hadi-apour ý ý,ý ..Ii>.,k -lf .,.tý,ý.ý f %:Iý :;!I. ..f 1 , ý .1 . . . 1 : 1 , ý;-ý - . i k .. ý ýts,-,'V, ý14%-. tri. ý,'.,-tI.ItI ,(.iýýýýtýýlýýtf.riýllilt.tiýtitittilbright. l'I.,,-Illltitp..(ý il, ,.niýjit!t(,tinn with file The ! umeh ,j thý v,.eorà r.,ilý.ý.v teilion. there héimg, an establihed ý horvie in .;peration forsonte veam- ýýI,, I.-ý . ý "If ý. . . ý ý ý ... . 1 - l ý .- . 1 ...-",, '! . '. ý ,%I(ý'ri*vý,4, ,,ý .. L; ýle'lanklivr ',kil>tlklr, feel 1lonnfi tu ait.1 t hag, %viril file V\Cep- 1 si riet IpKrle(-tnr hl- iii.,trili'trit in tke 'wý L 1 - l . l ýIý-'II'I,-j 1'l« - ' . rente ce la Il .. , 11, --hrý 1 ý -1(-% - -0 -ate, libetween Elarrv ,14tind. Bru . !,, In- t,>ýt et -n-,tintema i i-,r#Z ýVa»_ ktffl, ut ', - , . 1 . ý 1 1 ý ', - 1..,I.i,ý. .et 1 '4 ý Ai6n or'telinquetic - or the.- nature (If t the. flectýarv litepeil in tylak prir Tý, .g Liwi-Y aud:I1 lx . -hý -.,*.,n-;ý.. .. 1 8 . t.- ..-...-.....,.-t.ý:.- ,r:.11-;:.. * _ L ! __ ,l - - - - - __ _ - , ___ - -.. .-I... : NIMM DaIS uumintýl a ýr-ze-ucu iwigt oz Z4, !XIM041telut 'ho - 1 UFF il, AMIF.W. ît, M .%,%.,tr , , , .. -.1 1. . 11w, - , ý,,, w ý . "m of lier i vil walt fle, Ill-ti. Ilin Lent 'e and ha* left for There.,houhl he a gond riirn-out as th,! (ReTtem] bave recelired the. follevring ý me -d Jôhn titer o,,; eari whirh Witt I, ie-w Nfflv,ý4 éb VP4itýto the 4*,,Itt c.itintrv," inrhifflut; xëlatleinan, sýwakà %weli Ou the Iluffl- lettr'trom ilitrof- ibrûb the mulair -Ummm-. th,- tas 4 1ý-ý Wç ýjI weixht 0et or a citv police 4xi t bat a lu-rwant llevtlt.-Oto tion. ticalm of thrir eLUM 4t « %bair t tho furf itt,4e,, Kert, wlIIi, mb(ililft lie téerilmi. bila à ýbajortty -z-tDr -r. '11r. W. IL UrLaneh- teailher. whOm Buddm dePar urs, California and ilritt*h Columbia. v% ('-,ttèt, K*,tehIitil-4 arguil-t-ilit thal$ the i fort a shert tires a- MM*Fý ai.d the direetion of tte meel'e(t te bc Of Offin- ýA loxge blatit lin vrm drivin 1 z; a firited young- hume --re. t'O %Iýed .tt ,rMm egg»Mn. UlthèM be,»g b&U by talon. Arl il parti- la artr ...y %, ...... ,rt, in. e, th-, wtrk,4 IGIII, thelt there %vert. lot-id men twxuwm*eft but, has malle its aroprarance, irI4 salit. o'verthenewtvl.%i trackotthetVhitby deAedt»t" sudýtrý. are inl IlL. ' A Itt, a4klit iýIn t of Imnee to Lltl 1 the of- nnmIýr vill'y tlee. . a àke tic,& te fuR >tývft, few tou I% igt we et te puliýL4h the whole of his, letrpr, be- ne [II Ç. lomt 1 fit with tlie! &titi une vrtiml >Iti,; over the' end of a lier ing th" t il xpia-rý« he dc*ires t*,ý.ýVI tintl. raies i4 un doubti %luira bridge the iq,- lipliet. throvvlng il 1 In, bm>-Iiil*x of 9% h clwam 'N :%xý the Cierk w-a* au- feta*int-Ibeung m that nientioned inTjic Ntr. MeLauchlin out withotit injuria; tu make wM be better dose ln là» mm if W-I, Ilvlien thi, tiro lm A itrent tti*tàtwe = 1 le pllcant* for po'rr. worda, than A. 0, le: t Xod ti) bit 'itis" fer ap hini inuelà- The herse broke away but hv anv otber W&Y. -N il, tl'i-4 III IlytraeIt. wlik-ti -iszht In, lietter the oftionofettiet ennwabli bavingt the j there wax not mneh damage (loup- Yoarý Jiine 1ýth. kinx the hIMI111, engilte,: wo tý,m.miwx illialitit John Ditlman. in- ,ationit for *ttclt p a- i Z-iq--Dear Sir. - 1 euppom air end" 11118M& l'. 'Il to hat the tnW4 Di,-.ývrare--rtvl, bittr- The rangs de.;jam4t train liabing hi* coliar boue bruit- depulture fromPettrbernuah hae givea j9, .4 la 4y the r,ý tengion 'IýlltU A Putition, And an appliration for a 1 a by a handspike white lemUnir a lm occabiffl t* fflme vrrnag iüterpeptuieiLi A ILTJLIF ILI= kq. %V,, 4te, itiftwttw.tt it&twalk On th ý: strictive tire that hae lever taken place e4III,1>',-Itr% 'If 011, wollewOl 0 e-i*t IlIfide of, Ken 1 la wanting un vrell Under nxdk-al tre«. 1 lets Pëterhoroqgh fer Mm Mutin*& l-t Ilipliag tl4» t», pnt qeçbwn for bwùth.-ma al»oito he in timetw a e-111 , nofmn*itim thé PÉMIt omet.. wem left over i In IW=y,,-L-on happened Sunday mom- 1 ment. lot éte.1 ti-int,4 pitillitic. the ilit the remtlt%ýr hwetin% tiOu 1 heard tel, I-= m m- nu STUMSHIPS (lý lit, -t. 1 tue bartaing neveu stores in the bras -Mr. Sim, for a immber Of- UufStu& r (1t4f t.,aw il> fer ýbtbwýt)*Iux busimm part oI rîlbW, Ineltiding of yen» Manter of the Rich schom -ick a" aras neitber" te iaI the Il 0#0 L'Oet Or - u situation noir te orrite ax osent te saute MMY -t l, - I whèeh, here, has returned berle te, instille fer î 1 't', a "Ittitk' a botbtli*DSninion and Uontreal tete- -semethur_- ##mi, «Is the present. . ..Mr. Geo. '.Nrtsmy. of Me. paffles ta tableau 1 oert CttLt!-i- tl!'%('kl WM Vitliky t»ý 191 rPt'»"t Ke ' - rêw entliwil met au 'Nfoladar evenlux graph, office@6 The fire, uili Righ Schoolt, with lits fwnily, vrai 1 wrise tu y lit rohtfrîwA day te alik vos. of ici" M Fm 318ILL Mua J(Aitr. of UleAve- Pre*rnt: the Maver. Ileeve ar» ema ln a atombleune nt the mer et the spend, theïr vacation here, titis sumîar ymendorAagtbe! st the laits. 1 Yont! ttiod *,,è te>e. plirehaIlle (4 litAI ter à* r" ait ùw h î y of th",>, (;."irl J"', "".Je , e 1 mer. mien, as, It In. la voler mm imau6ý %y. Ilireve Dracow. ma- Cause. Post-à9fice block, »d vraa vrithout a rinffitN G asgr xiLL wxxTzi>.-g ru the mi- -il, owim aie. a" at the asses, tires: AT Lusffl MM. IIe hw We wfittit y f couliwil [ dmht the wcSk nt au lumatilary. The top- of Titk liétire la "rre the tri" la «Dppbkzaa wrong! th. tlliemtic>n of ntembalir! -Mt> ln$tlp. Wintem (.mwdm Md BrUI correspondenes, of imterpretatims. and ailes *e murm w, wef.,vvvifý;4 Uopklvd4. Tho intautelit of p"vte» icomare.Vm Taylor, brick, bloek-W. 1 the UtUe - et! granigAigg pASSE.NGEU t'o , Tum Pm, and Pm Perry eorrespon- dont, lIv *i"th4t» were wad. &art approveilil, P. lkad, brick store Md stock of &Y the fair Peres" toi wbmmlem mine C«Mww la tA a&- cm t. (rwhe, and uw %lr. Z,,heItý douce et the Marder th" Mr. Dmgel thiffl- -Uthorgh 1 wum Met 211111110, sa; and groverielt. Dominion Tete- 'It t'bn»fâr& HSver ta spoken of as likely te re- ta" &lie t4t"0011 for w Batha%.r L rtklay. 1:4 C. BraMekt "W CLUMIK »M a Position, from, a Compmy» office. 14 JàAý mars hi@ ZrW mills from Poft Etoer« auý -eUsuý -d Itl-ffl th. -tilrt Line bave h t't"" hy %Vilé, liturt, %vi1h Asimber of ratë>ýym "les for a Rew rffl»l, or - J. p -hom igam In fut It te r4td rits belle la --mi- *Am& . bmbmomwy W lie mvwui-bo')f the Mien 11-11 41 thtý to sédul br the, wem nide of U agent of boollen and Mati oully sait tiý Vise ma Àmadi-. %M*4bdtwlum OU modem impre-amms», Imbi - MM y th" ho hus compitted wtthtoffltob* 0& *M K0111441111., te the tu" Tok9r"b -en otl[M;,Jo& tom te icive lie thm an& - aba puo«W, idait, terni i't wmer-laum canif. . r, 1 - - il-, l, »At Md conèhuw te r-emmom te Ispi hvl i illi, abk«% lkrotriti, bàiktteýj wue$L. stSk. ererySmdmbyme- 1 M c"IXM by brI communiratim t«Wâ d titi ' Permis me toisylazolS *%ieh Yý,,t àýd j--ý -elle, ( ý,0,t Ir-,, 1,&-ille Wa. 01 Org, With mbvtug his, MmthtN Lwm» lm W elle nearlr eT peew""Pffltes othwdwwe. J.T. P.Obimen, --Mbody sa Nbr4mm matin, thmarw ta the othar edue» ta . ......... Imm mees" stoek et wrocerles; M- lu- te rail XvI. HSmes mendient te the bat te mention the assise la their i_, m-h. 1141 vie i - alleu to, "W Und h%*t Mmr- r(»Mtde»d il* *OILvb"ôky êt 1 Mr, avrelling md.millimrr nho> TOW advi" llty of changma his Plans and - next hlfflls- 1, ala 'avrils, 'Vllt l'e IU, 1 Md -M*' hwv«Mftx the k» wSd--my the ou site or ta -h- pilvive ., ; Md Inallatmars, ffl known. J. T. eerah« te (»,k an nom »l ... .... IiÏtb, ttft,- lantaber of lkmm*M in civaudelas ...... ... ... m-illi- liqWt>tù, t" " w» 1110,01140t, able te ad" Mr Utde bmdbemlmnuwý. ....................... tj,-o v.ý heek l'Il 1 1 hev tenew &" Poussin ý si "Mmut" embedy- Ptffl»00. immmim - Mork, 6M - the ntt%-tm mili hereý as the be« plate !Il. 'It eý k-*eLeïng Yeurs train P. X&MML maimnus ......... .......... A-g. 4 »P on d h« Owb in"" thet the Mmber et b«» Md fwnuwql4 M In the C-M for bmtwm Illt %bat liste. ..Uthofflh - x altItIlit. bille tewiI tlttè otftb4 %"m f»W tbiii?,M %V» 0*0144M as& langleigel m#rw4 W. IL Il" tllv»SM ou Iàtt:e ffl " la a rites uffk Place, UsTrK.- o6re it is pupe»d te rawn& . ...... t, y k il e 1 i.t Il, 1, twýir psomi*in* 10 Iq*,7ý,tbe 1 , fmm amm- bu« - Qmm»14 Ou Cham am tire or retire importes, %hés, au- talm mie" te m"t* PMK+»-rO-Be MA UC&Mý .. .. ....... Iz 11-4 wrek ten. ktýwsb »" Y. 18 tube Ili %t =R070, camaditan. $&W&-d terprisiffl mm hare beau. I" te lavent r@@Dkuàm lm à~ Of wIl 'r«k willitaint a. OM C- Bmdtomd. men» la the» laosr th" are eloned for ....... ........... I. ibe, rI.V. lý b" with t4renillevi. M"Mot " bewilà, cémacm IL uadt- «àW*MA& w t 9 W84M . humbom ala elleek la zber-1 ma walitoff business,, and a amdlumprta eue GO Il -if-;;z natu « innrh . ths. . mille ad Peterbom woffl rant ma emomn4a ............. ........ 22 iI4 in,4 44 tife. (In bt*jn»g *0 evkteffl â«A al, mmbw -el, si.on in se est exprtx*i4 lils, 41*011>10, Wgl* bave the aillicholui »wh nus *lm . mm Uffl luwArds- «M shelm ~ . th#4.-Iau toi& te - nac k-* ens ma 1 tas saine un stmaier 34 Iraie& It",4t ààIrt'i, illit', w1tw1hý,r vomptaIlIffl WO ÏM& ou la J. C. Sus. Ï40ea samiI fut- thie w-Mm-ý $11m la rmminq mw1y 1 mi M» 36 Wam W& voyage. B..J -Intz riti4l, f >rOflbý ttwt to (,*«ý jkte&tfy hillé blé an the time U oenr tates tris, the w0poniticla 1 ha» Wbik 311É. jý jiuý tl,,4 Wîtr ee lsllëll*m d"11v P»Mtb* Mt the a the fins Qmm% wé lem: J. UL Tb-mr 13 «ý»Oucaun TlS*ee»ý tend 4&(#) teiou%* IW.:à4. (baient the extra amâ»y 1 ltiq Iiew flolif 0# p wil Seth* 1 bbulbtm) ttititivv, bltwb Wttmbed 14vik" «WW4 me, temim» M selleiel, «M » deubc. tba a atm hm=, wedd be k4 M i,%rtm "rtri-le, of wtyý.k, tif*di*y lusk JI=-b% alr- Vmousi, swe IsSý L Jmktne b»ý am 1 Sivsnt litre ta uwà&r lits mine te thie Awi, Ve wlil re. rek# ctInrjmd clilets, *w« th" t"mctzw known yell: J. BMIM imuablim en f plate, b9r Uwm Sellervend hem- w1th, ilwebea là ,Mm& weigblè a bille Ili el, tlt- 'ttiSrtilit, Magd. or »P Z= w r«t.& bu Mbm& Pm la the QD»W% lm gok sa'. PM-epffl Mr morwi thaïe -mr,23 U4 isf, i 4 A6re 4 el:w Vite è" » Corte, ed fo embukwo.@&. hm * awmbm *f mm 1 ad"& Zr, t«Mr. hmumm - t-Udhur. la My «hwpFàS aruist efty Mach et &-W bu "kW. 222=21 W 811M Il, . . Xilo&ý OY, PMOWM 00 A- 1- la en lwameme îffl IMM 11111111161 nutuner:t" qb"er. Liait . ýw4l

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