*41.rMiffil effeure elle.. Fi)IT.Oit AND Vol XVII Wholé Nicraber 895. :rlo he« tinemi é"tlý1fw lois At t y SARX 01 0M fà, 01 RIVR là SIDE WRLIAM si. Il RiAR W uld FACIORT. teAI kt..I. A AMI V1k:A,ý &:CýNAbiAl- ORGANS à 1110418. dï wiittl"; ;",.i i lit rut 1,i, fief f nie lu tlb#4t 341tl le IK r. j.,% *4 1 ellit & lime, Kgf4*r 9,rotfo-r, tfimttqAV. %V rd. lltlt]Lzlfz«v. aile lit J. 4imiý%Ntn. Ille4t# xlic tl.iý ljetf file 411t,,Xrilh e4mý'ON rv lcl.,ql ok-4eirsý je lit .4phgqà Axe. rl"v 4 elle ivp h4ýe et, 'ImIt . telle., t4, effiot. of théi itib«. tir etiey eeffoet « fi- ftýlllll4, en "Flés te liAti. Y..ttr. ta. te VOI&M, Aitopola. 1 1 f,.tý eq'l". il en éhp iloiltol .,I%,tefflkiii Cilireilly l 'Aitrepen -hml fer %tl'Vafbt,441 wille, tlmv e lend elle- frpe nt teuâtelle 4 1114.40 Wêttb ffl en 1.0 to@Pfwd. (.%IW tfta"ee will ItQtb«, tqbll *Ilv ire sil@ 16, flm, le ni Xe. en 14.A4 9). llioloWl« M,». Buffili h. -W'n. lit. tih-d vol 11, J, ý0,%:l lh, 4.2 411 kimi. lit nitite, l d W . f h4ilit. et!, el hFI-7 liq"ftril filme t-11P tn as «lis PRICE LIST. lirepti vultiteulle -.'borna@* fwv le. il bewme b» témit lit w1y Apt-lwlw@ý file tup @*Uqwm "ft. lit le et Mwy box Weil, bievé tailleil 0144ils OU à vith Wied ily tffllbq of ii-M »efswe. a vueillew wowd 41; e telot *tlogod hy Imlibu Mulotterle At lm delleul 11%, loi* liq t'lm.ithoi P*t.#«Mq*. itiýlqu laielle 1111111t.. lm et folit . tue emIg jlffl -f te* pulibleu O&tmuke et tOW& wimiotsk4id fi gé bhwmo ber, *Whou Wb« @M& »d M. W blettie, arit et- liel, elle hittglt 1 . doit ýa#»#Àwm Ittit met 1 ".$rw 1 ý-âr*pit*sw, fet, M « nom Ji -4 L)M,% Y Chair -ractory. wo tir and %bu' in gemrai th%# wu ha" nir fut«Y la Pull limming Order. Wo aie pftpartit to IM all onWrý by wua t-.rtmàtc 4NO amirAIL, AND crusIGUT oft"V prolo. a. W. Al«,,%gtllbt 14 the loletvttfd MIC KMICATION. h,$0 du,%u wàk T'lx lielat nW&W lx CAMArm. 4ftwi &Imbu "vin# "«"w theu ta $hm »,V 9"1941« la séw .114,01.11"Zrz b» Rt,,»08» ontu» A""m. LINI»AY PLAKING FAUMiRy. raffle Ww»S 0§ Doon& 4AM -, ., f - __ 1 1 ý ý . 1 - 1 - --- - ___ . -L, ý A 1 ý . 1 . 1 . 1 ý TRIP rf) TÙÈ BArK LAA rW . . 1 . 1 - IV %TEI.».ý tFiL I., ;. , 1 1 ý ý * ý ý 1 1 ý 1 1 uý ý -rilk.".t.-I.I. ltl%*Lu ý 1 1 .tLý., e.,ý A& AIIII à imilà i - V tilE i:.,L(*K 1 Ui. .%,rltk % : > ttfli bt)l.leý'Ir, ýpI.F..NI>9l0 FI-1111, ý A&LA" ý da -,dd6,,aý À116ý AMI .III 1 1 ý IL. ,ýrF.,;U. . 1 ý . 1. . , ý . NÀJ lit, . ý ý . ý 1 ý - - . ý Spiteilitl'. rr,,-i».,»Ie,,,ý A The Kt, j- 1 - 1 1 . . . Im m - 1 - -1 %hart .tt-t--itint ef qepui.! ý fil thc tel ý aVa àýlb4t ten 1j#ý t4 ý . . . . = - 1 lake-L of thislautithv .&ýUt-ýiri:ýtg co,7t&:, - ý . 1 . lw qllw - . oempý . . . ý luay Ont bc ustititemtilig*t.) -»ela.- ý> .. ý . . âe 1 your ilaany reaàem intendinjl: toutrit ý Oreport-vien in .ýý-arcli ýjf - freh 14 1- - ----- 1 . . ý ý ý ma pazltures ziI:w,*'where the fineIt c- .--,ý-ý- - l 1 ý [POSTàm PRUAM »T TRI P--Bzmnà. - 1 ý __ - - 1 __ ý ; and gaine in &&I)t,-tl--nte will rvpaý i . N D BA Y , 0 v ft . 1 1 . ý -- - - - - -1 eune l *et:kerattt:rhtLtitii.ýecre.itiýnwiý1,1ý-1 NTP FDIDAX NOVEMBEP. 3» 1876. ý 1 ýi 1 - TeM e $1.50 in .Idyanee.: t", i- if.-Île i,.,.I»rt.1 tu rougir Ir -_ - - --ý- --= ----_ - -, ,__ _ý 1 . . ý ý ; the lorp4h, aqll:&:,Ie uý . P. e-tj,:-ý,ýitil-1 p- - l, lwàww ý 1 -1 ras flfsaxâjýjxls LAEJU?, ý triuK lu M- whille the quiet stant. 1 - ---- __ --- -- - --.-- - ý- mmmqý___ - - ý ý .11-x Il:, .,ýýti t.,tzgtx. rite thI.tý vr P. ý. * 7 -- - ý ý -Izyý Fbard %--,r', rI,,iIjýt-,.i iý, r- - h , 1 (?Mibdn>d flemme 1 'AL 'b;001)£Ku.l.v. - i 1 t',--,liàtut-.,ti-ý.1.,t ,.,.;! . Du vampàde comew.4 ý = mm e-revil; on. and en mis, ýtOîd 1 LOC X-18121ILAST. . heijitt LI( 1 VA". ?J!-Pb A l.a ]IF et 11tûe,2714 ý ------ de- . ý(;é»u CH'Jv-. '.tir. f-br'.ýr, Litho rcejde, « Of phv M., it 4 -bit. ý. ýQm- OOL MACMM walqTjm- hered om In an B"s. ý . ý,t itwI. ritant ri, -, Iýi W& a .4%. 1. illemblest ---- 1 r 9.ý.:e«"t I.Plýri.ctI.-Z", FORT HOPE. three miIeý utntli et Pitte Lake loi, the i,, %*,.,, ,,.I,,,i.i ;,. : Ir. i,.&ý.,)..,,, Il ý , 1M "sut çl-»VUMý»~Cemm- , OçeMpred tu the z.-Port emmemidhaw FÀ*. & th" tboqigbt »I Màcç mm Lum Bo£ la mu-* tkýad. hu ocx:upICdhi--ý ta ý F.'. m & a 30. 4,ýV«"qL, àmm* 6r grinire *0 " . thrve yeam thu . rilit OIIlý #-id P. - ý vdamum Young toni netilà it Meer a-kerdac tu the tact that th«"I-ouwith W prtmluk:c ut "'I for I'wld 'tren;ý- IL that ijjVarLU1i!ý. '. r 1 , -1 ' , - là Rat% 45 dm ut anâ amftmbettli," train" eftw te ý the iitýe-bSt ed tais yeUr i.,. tilt) ùuýiIvI,, ut tiL,! ket of 1 e,!at:Lr*%,-Aligu.NI)Li-!)Cilzt,ýr,,iý,ii [iIlý %vai, r.ý r :. 1 Ill 0. ý xv ha-%, My Io-. My pme 1 ce bite, P) huý,iielý barItL, ýkII) btlh,,, ý . 'i l'il, ý. Il . Ut 1 1 imm .-à Iliblée hW m ew& 1 âuye& ma- stanma = .' whieh the Govemment lim "Ppli oqàt-.% Idu bu»hele putatue-, 1'litii) (ILI, . W AM D RXIMUT19LY . - 6" zzle ib" he W» rwm la a 41, "'ý*,, ý lit ille fIL:,Iýýt -,i,.ýýý,r- t jý -II. I', - ftl vy, Umm le Ille auw SI. lbumv.e.ber rée Wou: white boat. "I Umm' 09 Own Of tumilid, Jtun» cluVer and LturotilAli# em e, t j 1111111= An And M" %W MU& ý . . BOISIXLV;ILLLE. . b 12 turus bearIcr 14àt:atiott- Fl.t,- iý:. itký« r,ý,i-i-. .-L,,r ii;vitrati,-t, ILI: %, okkmm :Isa-pe M ýiy11* = à %%or ý roomm4 Md lit la ce de ýý - 1 -" : W. IL «am, L. 9. a. ý But lent rue tu kOM4 EM M" a Hozi»£YrNf4.-Rev. C. Barker, editor 'III Lt» dail tute and ýè al-4t'à;ýtLiti., t"ie (,,, Irt.tziz" t .:.,.ý 1, "'. III t'j'Ir 1111%m litels.8t. ý tllof,»:Wtarit:ý-[Boh. lattelIertýlq..,Ir I . ý . &Lwb*F. long ý A"dmd4h-màmlb. LeY dwtâW mu.% lie, la bS bout Md yet she W r of the & C. Obéierrrer. bals gow tg ... - ý ovt:r-%%-Iýckel - lui-ý -,-:I,ýL-i ,Il, - a - = SA rom'-*Fbdowonuwwm*m, hâve Uýmd-bebWd a eurwn or doter, L«&"Eorthe be-titef hût heahbý3im- .. PU(X-it£li---. - -New .Wttler. are.,ontiug di bu ý 1 ý Out of h&rW* way-to have beard hint hu camed a holitlay, and ir le hoped Ici everY wték ami the cuentry iý rapid. 1 il fk-L!. -fâ. .: i .,M-p;-.ý-, ..; , Uf:ý :;. - ambak là»t.rutiteinu. Roi "M whib bey iles . - -Y wbu ber bâti ta My. will lié doldbly *tremrthened br the 1 iélL IV lmpmvi%-. mir. &Ott tiiii. OI ý VIFIL-j'l: ullil -_.Zîtký ,L; -[,',i.,:.!" 1-;ý .Il la A ý ý . Md "Orameulbs I., enýýbq%,t in rie ,brem: ý BROKEiai.ýLo;.-3frý.T.S.B&nt.ftrm- ittga.ýtu"andLrjý,t l'titi. .'l'ht-reký&ttýi»UUI%-,L-tLtyý1'1_1%.ýi.j.Lt .Il ý.ý, . ý 1 mm > Am xaswýe sumv OYI» Xpà, Xltford was latter thau attirai er. eut Bowmainville. hall hie k-8 b idea et plat-- - ait- ýýý . cuuffl . 1 leurrilia the table, sud *bc took Kate bv talle n'à; a sttrali -tuanit:r on t'in,., liolilaI ut,.,-it -jr i. -, - ,Il: Ii*.", ;- a". M . te tub %eV. $tom »bati.wed hy a C.100L 1 - 1 thearrin, belon dittermineil appamntl;r ken by falling fronir au appie.trt- a. ,,,r,',"' Itext ,1yrý1,n4 for tovitrÀ ititiI»-r' . .L.-.ý Litu Ili! .t front P, ri ibb.cllçt:. Il-, Il.ýi-, 1.1 1 mw- M-IL ý As etecte f--r,ýakn dulie 1 Am talle ýkILturdâV. &C. Abou a r ruleý »MM . M. .%xý, ommm __X,.j,,h,3k»,.,43d. 3Lp.p. native iron. c e Iý,I î ý:*0:t . ta runtrefrier evervbody tm thi* partiè. i poLm,.,, *upper, .ma tend have ljeetk - 4v"t týtiIe PUILI ý V! - il, paruirIc. A ,.;- Bemeâàw bin abarrit rail ular evenin- and inadè lier *Ir d-:)wiL on for West Disrhwu. hats viritten &--avertira, pear the Moaci, kcolia. "OF ýïAM». . ý rh:, wid-,mt of iteliýe, thesota P .aail,:e" the 131tt:k Ilora Hoat luiàý,iW,ýUt I)rt li.iLl. ix.jI C,.t,..7-, ,.& il. Fý b.- ,-Il-L" . . ,L;; in the dhwing-1%30[U. : Bo,*Ir tu the ý ý . ý 1 ..My f-ý,rùàa» rdenvinx ru- ý Iiery myngdisI1,9,4tu. ý . dear.'l mou have you ta niveelf atour that lie intended ta 1 beaUtiful juptir have hý,il foint. ttL,%twillý:arrýý-)ýtýýýti't.ttkl)tývup&d.41, . - . ý iIesix: hi,. - 1 - sanlits AgM llb W M IW& : &W d"k. benctimb, al duuny mm& ho, fait a 1'tde *hâe tO-nlght' *lie ;ald, 1 qeât la the Leictidature. Re dý-,Iapes -Xe"m Bigelo-- nt Fort Perry. itIt- iii..t . rugý.l;, i LI, ait, i, -ij, , - f - j, -_ ml, i i , , ý ý ý dmwiug the giri's band tatir, ber Olva. ý IC la ""Y lýM'V'bip In the VI> loir 09 Vklori% fa Poor. In»ýy Figàm un the lonny m! Adthm-.--.----ý--.--ý 1 thas ho never for a moment ton M. staptmé; a Ittrober Shaitty in thie veigil. ! %LýLVnà L . Ur à Ll%1ý .U"", tt'Iil LI, !- oeil a 'a eu»,. a Let, - - -- rtaftmed - ed taitin mcà a bourh"L Lake mm vent pait, the shilling ta Kate that skier zâ-""70 eve hi C friendist, of ail S»"ýCedpë'ý&aodt "PotIfflitic - - -I&- rtiliera liraitâ ut Viý t.,ria ýiiL Il- ritterrym ubibàim. Port nom. riren, a. Io ras ý ý tle nn*t Io MüNI me thv-M Qý 11R beaven and ril but the 2t si1w th t the lumaz. ehat hie dýced 1 B OR C. 1 1 -C. E 0-V. t-ýi,1101rtva, %ýt&O,,,' NI ,,Lýr, tiýbltIl% liud ',Il,:. I- »ud . m te CATME Fuit £.'qUL.',%U--.ý Volte of 1 we tu the Iiii;..hry zQe. iý%,wrI:-ii«- au.; 0K W'- a dey mu be =& b w.rk»,. »I autue, Xv dirres for hW Illeunt, : inir had Came bock ta the listènees , =Zt %ý , e, he t'O t, a. '. h.Vc - * . . . .Towhmrlb,-Or a Inculte of My ý --lshemuun«p-ayattmtiolL "New An beani by Beat'a akS. " itâ expiration ta bWil bougiit trou) Mr. down tu the -àrit tyv way 01 tilt: II itif i IN or alithh, blé, side. appir u- _ 1 he fa " Mé Id ta herI the touffilence hi. Jubes Thursicon fur export tu Englaud. N'Ir. Il, 24r ur.' a. t*»MXoliax. umommý B&W purre -betrse, hon, fair!. 1 "now I ,.hâlf»,- ôbw , ý 1 13urULLtivtru. e"ý,t,&,:ýut:r tlà,: fait,, 1 . ta sit Stiff ait thertu, se generouily repoeed lu hira. F.%LL WIIF-%,T.--The retient rainsand, - _ ..-.-- . . - .ý-.-.ý-- - __ - the Vow- Imure, titis eveainir, now 1 sbaR hiver be aille -am genW %ventiler. ha vedone a grear, k*cueÀuia4 wiàert: ouïr tir,& lx)Mtgu , , . . egr!fý . %. olwr mou" Il or . ta a train biUL" By-and-by, how- COBOVRG. 1 " toward» forwarding the grourt h of , u&."L. .UA . Ue ý -tJLUCIL 11,1611- "O _ _ 1 On ewth m 1 alkille. evz M bema té Iieel piqued tirait 1 truk:t Lit-, ,b, But duk. ber," John Irétould *ow sa litchi largermait L'fcE'qDr âRim or trailups are ait work the MU wbeat, whicil auw "-» ýtrug 1 SiI LýmèLVrVîL .I11.1 1;.Liýtit ItýjI'I ý ft &ý,STlI M.%R&_ Cam ingo. . ,rcb. My dillainy - be. ta follow lier. -ytra, indiserd, dedrXr& unengu the Matir *taeLLî and Outbuild. and healt ýý'_ The grands, tue, trIt grectier ,, jýi.,: -_ .3-à pre"m.,ýt the uW*"Wmd. let 4.2W Clin. ;.> Puet tondy phther m the leurdy IIIII! tua% . ý noiv than or sonte months paet. ý juul'ý art P",c.1, ,ýi».ýu tlic IIJIL iý I. jg.np.". un tk4 jujy Sale, a ,BAT IR43M . Mitford. vin may lie mm 1. ehau al- St:Dl)m; Dr-titIL--Saturdaynight laist. Bz£àL-F-'cED Flaocrsoixue. -The' Dr".. ,,,,,k,," ut lw-,iýlu ,%Itii it, "Iii, ý or Jmwr Le mqiieam 10 peuve mropm 0-31-1. = àember,. - . JiWell moi touad -14 - brtcrgeanIi fille view ut Big týiitta-ýt, I- mie-Wie»Mcàmm"wt- ya"pum. ý ___ - ___ - t. But y. M-I._ " she th. wi& of 31p. N miâtes 01 Ur. Joseph C. iLtchelj,. Lot Z.-«. 41 . . dm Il lep heapt *lie me dead at the tom _ . co- T, Verulam, were on Nved;ltb COU. bu m-id tu IIII *r"-"&- JOHN.: A LOVE S'roRy. 1 -yitif in the same bmatl4 "Oh, verv of the ,iýudr,.4 tri her d_ - *UAI LlI Lacut rite' cyll: Lit rue %-,ý,;ý'-. . m UkL"X. , --.»..@- well; It -lie dures ant cave 1 am mm 1 do honore. Apoptexy le supposed ta have niet lent entered hy a bear, aull a pig films, Oa. il, we, 1 been the cause. weighIng over ") I&.4 W.%* Czivried away By tIIi.ý tinté, il 1;;u i,,LrIý ââ.- 1_ýsýIlL ý _ý ,mu" - . 1.2 Qw À L Oupaa.-î-r, Airmon air ,, Tim am C'uo- 1 - On'y too 9" ta be 'et Tim -%PPLErs« If-%--* tffln Inrejim Overdttence4iteethiah. .%-priti;zjgin %vur4 ut Litu JI titai, t;iýt- 4-ri-id, - 1 ay in 1 STRA TED. -Cas» liste tke cueo,.el-zLmor C.UUL,çt;mitr," i.Tim 69 se en"ý" whieh mils traie, and yet parts le trelling hi* oflv i.ýleluen;..e té dis- mie, ftt fer hilu nezt night. The bear, ut trie -ue-t'riber, 2lq.ft 1 IL ffl Lu Pr-ie- MixisTim«s Wim" IlTax P»Pwru.u. 1 quite-the reverse et truc. - ààç-pitý.u, ttic ý . tïl,, tilert, ,% ILI f-V itis ', Illui , a& Cort, -. . 1 EveeOt wonhless'-Imerie= trees. ,came as t"ftlleL and toillit the I.it,,,,,t, ,,, &ne. 1 ý m X.Wwtq. the, 12,ilà. IIIIIIIIIIIIer, .» EWi CUBATIý * EM., rM. ý But th- Eue dia not scre the watch- a7tour-farmem beendn the gent miseed tire. - [ lait M. ilit @ = La». Tre oretters le ý . - .ý er outaide tàe wladow Ir. the darknelle, ped alleu pendent. . LiVU dett4ald fur _,UIIuif:.ý4j LU e*Lý - ý-. I >"Pnwe O* - «Pumàý Md Me hm . . ý ý PART THIRA who aslw ait bat was jng 018. and enotigh. bvthese trwindiers ta tum the Moi£ 3ft-'4FR-IL-Sontecý tine "pIÈý,- aý tt-aIt:LiuI,, i, tit, -iiii, -il m-L ki.1,ýý. 6=- -%R&.Mmi.Prj XCWNALIK lusapmaI. ý . ý 1 ettId ehotdder.»-[SentineL ý mens of native trou, sien tin, copper, ý 1 ý t4th. W& -eu*& ý - bided hie time, thone lie trembled VXR'r C'REDrr-ÇILU-3dr. J. B. Cham- lead, ever. and indieatiol.., of &Id I uut't; a cvid IIIIICIL IL lit zý,: L'ittit-L 1 « - ý-y. - CR£PM M. ý 1 with impatience and exeltement. Not ý 1 1. hI lwen discoveredon. -%Ir,.It)lin%% iIl-.; 1 lit.iý,t -.,àti.-Éu%:L.ýî.,. awi 1ý"cI-Lý;,« . - 1 tL Colte, knüwing lie mis there, *lie caure te fth farm-near.%:vranpLake. A initier frrrm j wariii 'ilikler ,ülit . ,- t'il - iiituelt illi, - 1 $ý,#0 ltl&WÀRD. -3«:* - ý COIIT M-ILD Faux LAsT wmml bave a very dis"nM feeling about w In.? ent MIIIII, on . England hm been *omeweek."xploriii.:,, tbm% tu the bu Imm in àpli, a par et eoM-a like thst which 1 bave lwa dertert ion his matrieulation, at vi -ta . ý fILI-tlier on. -tirer 1)d,-iii;z LI, III, ri, -1 , stl&'v"t-mLoct3'ut *ýbc'« Dînaer Égling in a time dit «efteÉ»nt hm m the moments pelsed on. Toalik college, bavin Wou thm there. :-Z--= h- hwk t-y--u w»eellý a huk white bedt, mch a qumtiOn as - titrait, and never ta ahips wS h Z L RETrl?-'çED.-3,1r. %%*.F. Ilitçhie nus rit>. Ioi Ille i.ýýalitiýot I'-ý-aII1 I..I... III' ,'t; au -m ind IlI md ýé, jimpligar hum nel Us" withý ý1t@ o» of perteet calm laslet oit m mmwer! Well, lie mi c . ";ztowd(in atter havin;ý- been' enter the t;uii CL%,r .&AIL Ittati'! ý. ý ith whiw fflpe ine b.eI sied III *hit, M and ,Y, tà g h_ turned ta - b«I &y the unbroken routine et . be very- ailes; but wha .shrMd *lie (Io ' . ý ý . fillet. lut-rumi-n th" wu& tend 1. lits, hait à verY Copions leilbet u . DLILTO.,V.-(SEBRIGH7'b wdib$lwmrddd. W,44imibelauti;,"- POU Md- with a nnan that took se litde purtag': Utà . U-1. Lim'-Y. omtdmm- > P. JUC tated Min" John Mitibrd bit as if settrire hie abject il Or wu it Il (:OnýWP,)Ibl.ngé Iif Ille posir. 1 1 ý 1 G9 % ý.L,'âe lents, MMUMPhe transit have h e.Xbji«,,t3 ..,,t tell lïeavily in thlir viciaity on 7 c0ri.), ýiNi1 appeI«dý . et MI 1 He might lie -cleverer than, elle ----. - . , ..,ý,.- ý.ý . 80 him m he au alone et hie *!dé of the harit tzkS hint for- lie t be hait 'Ïhree ýi tour snrLdav ftil lut., being ta the dept'h of 1 celt:l)ritttml in -'ong UIL.L.turt il., III, - ý . S. lit ý .1. ' t" , and looked acrots ta Kate who piaying with lier, asshe eha intended int, incherrou Monday morrit. ----Q». - ; ut tilt: fillaitel lîI-ï,_.ýý 1 it!'ý,-[,iL,, ý'. ý f *ýý - wm a Uttle troubled tarit, and reâeâ;â ce piai îth hùn. liad4pm withrbese ==----- !!ý== '. In OPEN* TEXPLe-The m*at event of FENE L fiN F. ILL ,Q. ý tt:rl"LL-iuitlie.Nipi.ý.,iilelkàLi'uý, «ýI _«% cime lie mou altthere mi. thon LLNDt3AY MARBLE WOR". lait and drinkine or pretea ghtili, "spots, up Witten Mrs. Mit- de the Pltl---BTTERI.%.'v.---%:t the recent nIeýt- rLil..%Zt%*. -%.iiLiiýIirt,.,t---I---t,,i, , ý d go est and, 6)rd7i lut wu e ta a concIfflio v W" t iple Mirent by the pris eam rit, & ing of the Pre--bt-ter%- of toih)ttr. ý ý brt&t b.,trý',. ', in re. drink; obliged go keep at that distance and detiched h«ftit UOC Wiràout a a fèw nights sièce ta v '. ' [ 1ýý Ijf 1 , > avrrYgoodaudi--nee. --11.u*genamber ising the liait O1stLýpIemeILted coilgrt- l"': Pvý%t:t:"Lý ';'ý -NI 'Il I"'*' . train ber -ta derreribe the bocting and -ldneso4 &am that. triait em- C'q (.,[- it, ;rit, l"". .1I IR. &,& M[Urrigon. the wood. "a ail tillac had h - 8 ; - Wtt!Ontb the l"resbytery, LOUI, IL;) Ille t:,..iee , . be l of interesdux auli hfirhiv diverting dia. trU -ýý -qpe,,,d, "I mu5ý 80 and ses ta m y thine consideratiosi of -%Il:. I.oýhr*I reýi;.,1I4t' iýl,.[ i.'t"..,.i, tir.. !ý-.,: no If lit had been the mont ordificiry ex. ý_pIeaàé,ýshe *"a, " Wu lier hèatl like 1 were - il ber with qonie ýý ":,.! ', . . I : , , , AN@ 1 ý ý ý 1 lmmnm aind dwagn la moisie. peadiii -re-ttit-atirnzi%. km, and a tion of thecongregatio liérire, ' Pedition in thervortit. Kate was Yery a youllu qu«]L '6Bu4 my déar, there ve levenin .*.-etkiovinentretvard. Illich was teudered i enier'that I.1*ý lji-4 M11.1, Turti.. l"i... ýl ; . kiiid ta bleu iathip respect, thon ,z - Ir. 1i1ý I r- ÎÏ& Pa-I said Mm 3htfor(L --Oh. !Xht give hi* whole tirrie tu 1.*,It.l"lt %%ýtL,.rLtll-,,11.;".:I i,ýt....'il. '1.,,-.. AMMW'à.» "» 'TaUà* b re . th- Who b . V thé inud V S Zn ý Mm lie . ma tua fur mm ta th- it but 1 nuist ses aliter everything mY" te attend. The brerhren of I>Llrymz)le Fall*- --Lt.-com;xtuyin;z tilt. re'signati.ja tri' ,j;,,,,LI.,,, frll"jrý,- ii, ti- -k. e1ý4 i ' 1 ,, imt&rbi kind. She look ripou berself the fraï.,# ! self.*, replied Kat , we and ni away, Out '180 ,L41, us ana em ,il tireur- W a , congregation qf . kh"e ý . - . , . of the Conversation. -$lie tola "Mm ! in haste, m maM= lier Lesteapè, but 1 F:Llztitiou front t! . . 1 ý, .t Ili .1 à ý ýll: e- ý'n'"' ý Xitford quite duéntl ail about the i with a cei;;jàý ettulineu of despite. i Selves Weil satilsded with the eveainii, FaUs,--ft)r an iut:reaýe ut lit.- i "I: ,ýall'i'lui L"ý!" !il "L , grant ta that cougregation --.ý) -as tu icraititc i*lui.L uear rite ii-ýi -1 1 11,- 1 AXD boat and ber hait stee ren-.ùntnent. U , and all thel She walked, ou of the - rSra ite lei- 1 en make the . ,Beur= à» canamm enaurm accident» that bali happerred, and how : tiurely, feel It benesth ber rh Col.rt*ft;.-The Inval OrantZpillen of 1 PPieluelit -,iFM per autiujii. _\c\t III,),uIIýz ýt[ ýýI:,_lý!,.. _ J.., ý ., ý John h" lu moed into the Walter. --i , dy tram auln vernary tjiet Show ta 1 Mari Like Lottze, it . r-elsloived, uuanitil.)qtelv,. thUt ý ý I Ingagrand, entertainaient on the Illth. underexisting circultwance.t. the rt-..,.auýitilýt.i.-.Ziiýpljrt.ý---- .ýL _\-ililýi. e2air) ' Xo. 1311 Propn,)e hay. - ' mi te i irdl %ever forjoye me if he bas signé Of Pursuing; and eeeur turned ; and S . Ou igmation tritould, not be aevepted. al*o a concert at nig-Ijt. We harpe. , Ir . L'or u%%:rtitýtLttiti-,I1,1,titi. ý,-,it..4 iý«I--I% ! .. = euld,» Kate said, glibly, -Vikh -ad at the dont, ta 1 ëcided site- .look 1 Uropowd intIrea." O, ý lie.pr i ----' leven a mischievoun in ber 'eye-, w " a b a Id il le m w à je III 1 osoakve de 01 mikeet hb'rnag , 0 t e 0 fi rs e, t Il il t 1 t w i 1 1 b le a d r sttplilettient k)ruakf;,,t au 1 il, I.,.)L ,i [; JI ter 1 ra"ing. ICte-tile -'but 1 :arrêt teIL And 1 do hope voit vado. Re win came noil no doubt, Ces&-3ftLL't'r. 1 ý - . It -- Ill"Iv rescived tu ait. . . ý... ,.titýL , - , ' ý - ý 1 chaniCed »tur âtoekings," elle &Uilleaa. and lind nie go i - - ! ply ta the Horne '%It,,.,ii)n eonlr,,*tt,' 011 z1w porta'... a' F:;Ii.,Lt, I"(i;ý. !, %ilind ý rumwbw as rélaitine ,ne, and I hope lie wijl 1 . ý BELLE; for tile *une 9mntý* ae, la.,t -ILLE. - Vuar, to ulitc, lii-jre oi i-i%,r .,I,.L olle I, L«,t ý ot-Ou" 'n"'d' md Il, wu& morkingllmile. fallait tait.-hief. ý àshe mused..with a certaidferocity: GOOD SELOOTt%-ý;.-Fotir local hie Prie", "di tatistintital, Ing acrous the table ta hira vrith a &nulle. -en *oy the tpti-a-tete with ý hie mother, 1 ',ýIIDP[emented COngre4atif)ný LL!I.t.%Li,ý. naît work Ilhe, ý ,ports* Sion Stations,, the same as test y 1 .Nl;iucu', lLik,,- ,,;,ýi .Ni.,;I,. ý Fali, ýý ý F Tils rd" ',lits and yez thers, wui in it ii'cerwiL joften. en went --ar. 1 - carelestilly ont, with àU the men sut -Il in I)a;;gm*;z,ý2 -eilipe ana Tux -Nlui)£a.,ç -IL-rL,%-.- The :S. j fomm--t4-.4- ý ed IOOk-ý It me then tirait pnor John hanghtinres of ýditor of 1 paý,,,%ý,i üy a 'îÎI"ý; , ,-,i-i I ý- .. i ci V -i a 1 - e, and walked al- sottie other salait garut- in hau a .Iitv*ý+ tilt! F.,!tt.-Iý-,ti FaLl., (p,,., . __ __ - - -_ - -_ -M felt as il $orne expluttion must talle : motrt-into John 111c S* arme. 1 . -,/- iî boldill;4 Uj) i trie itag,- Il-itl,,-- ut :1-1, J.:,,-,L :.UlI m ýivoiýn--wom atlvftll",iulti.-it:lLt,ýtr--Ilýt.tlà 1 %li;I-l'I'.t ltl',!.ý.:.ý--!., ., - Il,.ý.% ý III " , ý . içhootinL-,.re-,4terday. I - ý Place' m he but sud M'strâined him*t'lt, ' He ýéeimI hep band before elle knew C;OLD BRICK. ý- TIL1114te disrapri htýrbittl,-," atDjýVjj,1 %% Ui...)Ietc Lu ëw Il 1 1 ,% ý ui guggpo. suit tried ta look rière a mau intnrested . __ lir. John ý H. 4;.)ri.) -U «ý -1. :i.ti.ý.ý ý , -=ý--ýý-..- -,-_ý, - - _.ý_-==ý- la hie dinner. .Xobody else tank anF hie arni, exhibitedThtimiarýutftemoontwo lIrit-k- ,hu - .Il 1 -,;what hadhailiperreland drew ittitrouzil , ait Lliý)u2ilt, of "Vaitl oit m .NiliI..k' ,Il. . ý ý . I. II. tiret tlLrOViný, a .mliztt%-L round of gold weighinl,, ;11:%t I-alll>iiiV,.-)Iut: fa.,Iti-iii." iiiiIt Iw j,%ýUy. NItio tre, , ,ýjIIl "..,"tt." t":.I.ý .- - 1 PU.NIP'4 THAT CANNar B£ M. " Le of hi» aititation. and PrObal)I'Y her,'wùieh lie hait ý iý Ouut , ý ý picaleil up saine- j , bes, tile product. w4llt4 the editor of tilt: Port Ilop, /',,,t,,; 1 ï)- mr. t f, Ir ttiit;!% il,: " L 1 '. .ý 1 - If IE CELLCU. ý ý even hie mother did not gercélve it; but where, and which, .»uddenlv eurling i ota mine la Madoé. He i* SU ïVell "4-: ri> conte and relleve hitit. -N,,%v tila, ' ttý':Ii,. Jervia the butter dia, - e stolod by hie ý round ber 1111I lassa, Ivair ji4te-s tir»t 1 ti*ded with thie pe-Illt that lie intLnd* site hâs diu-d4ýled ber buti .,;Itttti ij-IrLiý5ià 'i i.:i,. !_1 -. Il - Mat J. BARM , WOODVIU X ellie, and hellried Mr. John ta = indication of what harî bewlen lier. î eOmrnetLein--DPemtions ou a laruer smIe . »Uult: il ,s I)V tlle halr ,le ,t? Ive pre- Ill, art: ILL uý,,,e irý.\,,iii ,ý1 ,, - 1 a r;ould . - %VI 11-31-li!ll.. , : p . -,r a ýt,,11. . j 1; ýA ý.*I.,: ý i , 1. 1. 1 > ý, c, " XIbOutà4'tl8m . &M PUUnbllý, whi.h'.,mb,,dv his band. - - . 1 I SN-U-§91-'ýt; -'ÇDI.VOIVS.-Durittg Fri- i ber up Lei lier duvri t -" le ý not d"mulate the a king of ý -1 have beeu watching vou titi 1 am 1 day night lut aritrty of rotigh* ,%-.,-,-.iiletl j [Orillia Tiiiie--. The lartourl of ýI, -ý ? , ý ---O L 11ý I"i% kI;"""ý ý- -i 1 - i 1 n-I du= and'gunenu titrait i virien, "Xv dear. 1 aboutit. neverl)lanke.voà,", &ýotl, Crime with me ta the gapden, ,,,a , and W. Andre., half wild,-_ lie whiePeÎýed in lier Cap. i thè hf)ftïe* of - le-esrL. W Th-.)rtip4on , IL f"«»Ml.le. trulli .Uarwbtez h,:g7.t,- .dit Sirs. Milford. with a Uttie trernajr and Hercules %vereas ailhiu-.,..,.,rtt,ý,ýIl,...l -tý "Il 1% ýU 4 1. ý Iil-l.,l, ,i.!.tI» 1 . I. Ins ". or, the éýaIftOn -d- ý witil that of Our ultt.ýcul L'.", -Ili-l.,ý ....ýIi tI. I,ý-"I, -ipt -i -. ý Ils thme ý,n lh.,M.â& gt..%Je . Dayý W ring. la ber Voice; ,,lie in ain e 80 very ralh- et;alito-- for to.niizbtý.,, i Ur u'ittill. in Tui*bI'.. Thttr.*Laje 4"dattnbyt J. 1 ý 11,111-i-1-- P.I1ý -, ;;;.ý.say three -Ordre ta me- 1 have no attirer ' with stonell. ')ri the former %%'IaIlf)%%-s ý -11.,IIt,,X . - I, I., wottitlille. IL'IlIts, Of Course ) Ou chaniMi. - ohn !" 1 1-4i- ILL liustietc'-ý-lI IIttïi, %t ý)ku.Ii:. 1 m , 1 and sa.*h were ýeiàà,i)iedjnd two chIld. 1 -Oh, of rouràe." lie salit witha lauh,,! "Oh, Plea'-e- let me go- 1 luust "O 1 tell in bed were nenrIv tilt by the ýt,)tIe.. 1 -----.Q--- __ ýi1' L-t' ý-IlI11-i -'; L 1- I'L;ILI" 1--l.,11- - 1 m ý 1 ýxpptovËl) prips. whieh tbdunded ryaieal, and Byronie ta 'ý ta MY Packing,ýindt.,ed 1 luitet." cried 1 A Diý4«uN-K.--r F.%ùýj!,R 1.4windled, a ! -,PETL*Ro(jý,ttji-(; fi. « j --i 1: i._ý - 1 I;, !. - - I , -, l ý .. 1'.. ý hie audience. -ând then K. 'ç Ut) 1VIciti, .. ..... 1 ...f Il il luit ril , .1. fI- 1 'l . .ý ý I-li 1 1 ý .. ho made a vio- : !te- 50 'It-Irtllfti and Moved bY the ý Frillay Il%- ."Iliu.- wh:%*ý ap,- i A- -'Ç£--ýT FARMEIL EK W . 131RI&DIC191, lent effort go touter ldv»ell. 4.3gbjs 1 etitidentLe%ç.%l et the attacir, sait hy hb.4 ý barrti ftitl ut airples. but on a £armet Who dt:ljvert-,[ ----OlIL,. PotatIx- I il.ýýil ýý4 il. t - , -.ý ýI, .. -, ý - wî, ,il. ,,, - . igm chonght the river me rathïr 1 evident excitement, that elle C-Oula ýî El' »-,iu,- eiuptitýt arjout litteeu 1 lais; eaturdav fur t firuII: I)U-Iiý!1,. blit, _. pvl!ý,L,-j-l,! T, 1 ý, ;, ,. r III i-1 .i,, Illut no- : IL Aulik as hie s'Iletterv. III ," lie added, with a bard-drawn ! 8carcely keep train teurs. III L.,. 1,_Zli -_ - -i -'. .tliýt lachesoestri -1 borne aý ý . . ý ý z1w waitroittillat the hurlant ter lein- -Ut:tt;LiUelitiiiil !lii,ýý% ma WW S RU WILLU STRT UM I, Ça of agitation, *M& . ded tu -Nlit no-," said John in lier ear - t ,-;èmEp Wonttyr,ý%k;. - 1 ,-Teat (lent III bad aLcidentall%- -pilled solli'. fruit& i .t. Mi Wl Vi rIý V!, - -1 t tI«ý -il ; 1) Tou 1 daniaxe le hL.in-,- joue ri tilt- countrv bv. i bag, *0 lie ýr0uiptjy i)Lýjll.,Ilt in ILL, r il, lits morther like the ilr»t appe.r4»ce Of "ont now. 1 Muet ha;ý my «insvèr. . F' i, - . .ý4:.% I. ý, ý laixe ILelunnSns rit thmtened cold. 1 tannot be sa Cruel asto go now. ; Skee - ' fOitOlvitli- %*'!dllt'ýtltil aài)tltt-r pe.-k i., &III- lliijt iiii;,--I*Lt.,i Il i1_ý4ýIIII Ili ,I . Ilittet 1 cOW& FOWAM Cý &» COU. "Je-1,4ý mile said müdly, -twill voit ý Only hait au balai -only tell minutes - P-worutne ., ý-.-*. A few dave ýw) 1 ake uý:be tied(iel*liIý. fr j, Il. v.il,.,ý t)ýteiejjuzi.,. ,. two dons killed îwi_ýiitv-one silèell . - _ .,t7ý-ýt.,,k i., - , . ý 'bar ' Kate!" ý lit ý 1 1,3 uni: the tùztti wil., ..Jll 1. _ Il'! (,iIjl'rill:I--11* -ý,tlt P! lr ', Md 1 ber soodenou ;h ta fêteh me the Camp ý t'ne rLel;zht)ourliouýt !ri the t(')wtl.ýhip or ta Sav t ýý' 1 , "ý:ý1 1".., S"! , front My I , and tir -Hush ! eh buh!-she cried, feeling ý 'rhurlo,.,é. - 1 a ". -' MR &M pc»& 1 m;roudr 0 lumps or 1 M)o*e an,( tour ciii,.kun,. reI,,-i%*t:.i Iiiý il- L 21 i - i. à;i etelte, . ! herself cou t . k 1 ý -11- . luge ý Of hi- -Wh ùmnufýt..,Sure AL.- cm. te »Mr 1 397 dear boy, lit la not nasty, il, i a sheknew. 1 AcQL-MFD. --Geo. Iluitiphirevs wa*: payý. ana ,uevcr deiivýrt:-l tiicia. [ Lý- ý I.Iýl,'.1I-Ii, -, ,Iý - - ,- j 1 in ouly as a precauttoix. it wili hot in. î th. .ight .1 ,'Z irlo'ci - alilluer. f:trý, 1, i.1-ý.-.,it , ', %\ -.. , ý '. i, riltgr. 1 mi kt" -9 lr.n Md orther pump. un ute= ri- in lier fat pied al the aï*Izeýi nu a charge or _ýIioot_ , 1 unesm Pflom I.-Wer thon the hfflerit. - M.M. terfère with vour dinher, and It Lit sure j ahd dite dark sky, with Ttll fai ,e* ; t ý J.',ýf£sRY.%.-,. Tir iý ut, torr! 1 IlUt, _- 1 - - - - __ . - > SOI . . suiumer stars, Irait a ut little*l 149 John L-ttt:hf,>rtl oit the highway - tuait. _ý,.1J- oL iý,,ýiý, iý'.. ý i .. - il I.-iý, ', . .. 9-91111, a e" 1 hininLr ovéeher, the township nt Tharlow. on the afghlnt; ]ROLV awaitin;: the carrying Out of trie ý Llil: !1"\t Lý'L'l ýý1 j . ýý; L .. . ,tl',' ý. John gave hie mother a look under ! and J-hn Mteord. holding lier clo*e. 1 ofthe 3t]lof-%,uim..ýt. list Il wUl be rt. ; deatà*ý-uteut:e.ar(!,)tiitiuLLtiolltllel.,..,f. ' Lour- ,:I-L i !, ýt ý l , 1 .ý . , ý, "" i . .1 Util êOut. - ... 1- _. which elle trembled. lit said as j9ala 1 IVith herhand on hie arm. wàrt trend- 1 membered 1,4tcht,,r(l and two Othen 1 caullîut betinvied. U.- jent zt,,,,, %.;Ij'l ; ýj-tZ(I';«1 -ljIý;ýj j!ijý ý - - ', . 1 ý 1 «-- possible, yon m makIng me pidicu. , lux over lier. a dark *had,)%v. She couloi ! lý1et, Humphrey.-§ ut night %vith aquan- 1 of feeling, ali(itlet.ef,;rt! IIIUL be ett. tur. . -1riýî ". il- '. 1 Ii,:Ii.", ý. , ý . , , ,,.,.,. "Veraà IOÜN Md It Wise peinteil by a ghu" at . not pend in hie face ail the on that ! tity of huel-kýI)erriee. ýlluiiiphrt-%-ýi wale Inffi a Mental a;e)tt..- UjtjII)',1'ýI ý Iý, j't-L1,11-1 I, --, -i I. i -' II Fo&Rnftslo--%%Alt£nL-izl,"Y. Weillituated, Ruy rate who Cert"I re augung. Mm ! PoIstiesseil hint. but âtre ft-et r' , 'ý i %",m. ý it, and it 1 sleéPing lit hie buggy. aud thej ,ivere 1 Il' Puni*hlllt'ýt. lic i. ilitout 32, yeit!, - !ýj".1_ i . . 1 XitÏýrâ wu quig 7.1aulag ta àliàW. made ber tremble, womau of the Warta 1 endearouri "in ri Iiirk- tu ta1.cý away i Of ai *t:t:it'cd ".'air eutiiiiiý'il 1-1 t.,,g,-. - Liil ý -1 - , ý 1 IL DI ORD& . na , and rt rit, 1 lý-,ý-. Ill, ii.it. ,,i,-ýi-ý 'l« Il - . Mm e u @lie wati. 1 ý i schôUl eduuation. tan lath,îlerd., Isis. 883.tt . tray standand Site wu Swed >y lier son'à L hie berries. when IL., aïvoke ,and after re.til, «,%ýrit%:. aitt 1114 L'w ,ý,ý,lI,,, ar, ...ýý,l ! -.-r . gmvity. *'PerhaM on woo i "Kate,*' lie Ndd,. 1*1 Mnftot go " ad thOughtý" , nrch-: repeated Commande ta desiet. which caSt aCCOnnts rea'lil%* allit illtélilý'L-1111%- ý .*%lýJ'ItiL,ýLl:. 1-- I% - ,I_:ý 1 -111, i ý 1 ( a 4A Lit _Thst cordort" am elle said, faiterir '*Yott ueéd not mind. Ing for words now. 1 think 1 will go they dia not regard. direct blagua and and-kept hifilseil aý4IILztiIIted IL7 .. 1 ý1 ., : 0 Ith ,Ili ; iIjug p.rte-;, ý-,_ll-t1 -.il . or, ý ily centr.%11"iAtated air* phd Jervbi. It will a when Mr. johu gues 1 Mad If YOU 9101Q411eak ta trie. Tell tue . Illatters Of Importance in î UCLbvr [11.,V.lýlý4 futix.,i,!ii4 du "ý.ýI,; : A. xesurîtly. ILM., 0.1.->.,.ýle ta bed.". . what.I ant ta trope fa . Ilhot Latthford througlixhe hèart, kil. lit,- dailv allIt 'm" 1 ý 1-pt-ilet ac.Qcnbuwob, 1 r. Give in@ uiyliiýu;rhimat once. lie- allezed illat the 1 MI .press. -lie i* II un t','ýmbridue ILIffli. rur terrial qntly te W. Jk. . ijoyilig g-jué i t Lzer ïuijt.L lur Ill V 1. ,,, I*ý %%, % , P itit% oý ý . "The ouly nu of Camphor JA et the anwer. I catrant bear any more." tttàli r hi tut wzu accidental. and healtil and e,)ntldetltl It«. fliutil)WIN, Kolitotym, Lindmy.--Ok<. ! 1 * 1 e.xpt:ct- tire t-ili. i touic Ut ail artiii-,-[,ýl 1-11 i. .\Ir. l-li,,iLl. ý i - - moment Wh d,- esid His voice me bourse;, lie held lier therre t6Te0ùýý tlot;naside mille dise i mutation of the deat Ii,,the en you talle a col ý sentence tu i Il. i C."i6 1% III j tilIc ..,Lj.ýit, ý - ý: . 1 repaucy in . . il ,;le call"i 1. ý IL, R .14A - i IOS4 in "vu- Dr. Mitfont; "identify that moment, 1! band tant on hirs arm, not cammingiiiit the evidence of wittresties âgainst flint preclanient Lu tire Veuitetitiary. '( %-et%- ! aL il. ), vry ra, -lk,,i.,l: , ýjj-,ý,. 1'l' - rage of Cadrieux. in the. Tu p Of (>,rt. take our close, and yon are ail iate. --Pellhur. Re was driven (but of all lie wu acquitted. Large!l *igut:d petitjuu has bvýn ý-)jt"iii- ; truies ou -%IULllt tilt iak. '.ýulé a 'IlL.. ý U7 wituht, one hait acte But illaver always fourni tbat the great fmtieùce. and for the firrit ti iffillem mm coum i diffliculty wa. . 1 fi me in lier ed au te tu beprosenteil tu tilt! tjoverti. 1 porta4t: iutu Tý%r,:lVe. .ýjjj.- j.al": LI., - &" ne. tu W ra R ta ldentify the moment. Ife Kmte*s SPirit wnà cowed, and ber ' ().YT.dR[O COn-Ty. or-General in favor of contellutatiol.. ýuiLrctuu%: Littu 1.1a;, 1,',iitl,ý)11,eý 1- ira" W-une en ILI Fur tir. a 1 whit falled ta the command or the ait- Hop-,ÇV3 FOR TE Mp. --Iruwur, his coulusel ha, "ad ,, tu 'tep. 0. Jeu SIM . .te Did Yeu Point ont ta Xian Crediton the 1 natinn. ý ý 1CE.'ÇULlt§i[M.1,RKET.- . 1 s untitr. IL ilicil IVa-ýII- Lit" ý-J'i',ii -:V ut Lit.. I ý ý . .11 curions effect the current hm bail ripais ,en ta pre»Lût it, but 110 one Liait %,ýt Lur.-,)It i..JëLt LIMIL li'r, ý,;l.,i-.t ho . "Let me go!" she sald; ý . 31essrs. O.LearYý ,ait i 'i a .1,!.,; and PAR31 FOR 8ALFý--N. W. 1 of the rocklit 1 1 Am not e oeod myseIL ' - -loh, do let me Cuthbert, and Long. evea Opine tilt! reýuIt. Few , very (ett- 1 ,Lýtt,:-t t-i'ý-i u1g III, IL .,-,.il 1 _ L ., i.. lui. 1 lIL but still lit la: very te Tn ý RO!,ru frtichten me, Mr. John. -e tu see ilirl, eilleculied. Titi, 1 liuý'Likulig la-- Irl, :.,it,-r Le a 11, . A: ut ile. itta a cela. teresting. Ill, i whO*e shiPtuent of horses ta. England if any, desh 21 ' »Ci %' -ffl constant frictiont of the welter bas laid 1 *' R't cuit Oie ., John. I am vour m,, hotte 1, th Wuin« U Illorel, Md. Wou Mr led erie COIU'MU$ a Short arises in Part front un iiicre.,t.itk-, feeliiii., 1 -111tet -A IbiLtý,i* L itai. r,, - ;-, t i,,.,, ý, cultivatal; hakme hwiwmd and coller. IIW» barn a mont remarkable LI stratification. »laveifYoulike*lwillbeanythin"vOu- timesince. report ilavjngerrgetedjavorý ag" t capital Puniehnient. ý%7fieth aritte cuatrike(UiIji!, ut ri; * iitiii.,Iiýait... te a new fmme .barti 5.5 x 30 wfth Sllar. for Ah! 1 &Ce bedid hot point itout.from Ple3»e. Yousaidjustnowwe ý trile sentence i* ba*eti on logical datU 1 Lut, gralLiv. iiril, LIJ trie ,I,.,t, IIVEtLi -L turther parlictil aptilly tu If KIL BRUNCUY, Tour IOok.» to each Other-, su we beIO13à»d able mge&* One of the, barn« got in- 1 ý ZUI-4 Dowlwyviile P. 0. 'ý qdeed 1 il ,t think Mr. John show do. -No, 1 Caft't or not allies not airc,-t tire (jýL,,.tiôg . - steuur0u&; lit la not the moment ,ta '*.. Jured On the voyage and ité valiie wa% - t t!a1t. 1*111-1-i)-)ý,ý-fir.t(L[.* j,,ljj,ý toIý,: , * > cm be, isme, one thing i- certain bruit 'hie'r 1 tire IaIî-eý or lit MUNI etoreu, ed me ahythinF that. irais Instructive,» cou , elt e ý--u1I1 .Iittl,.ý.kL , sequentIv dépreeiated. The tend Sympathy fur hie familv or an i icreas- 1 iiiiiI a ri.,iiLig poriaý;e.)i 1 iti't'ý-vaxilLi', ... t] jeneVOUIL 1 have a claim upon you- Maltiria another shipluent on teopen Ur. John.» : ing sentiment ut thi.-IL .kind bas I)týej ý a iiiii,: tIj tri - ,% , L 1,,,,; , , ,% 1, , . Inn Of navigstfon In the Stirling, and be 1 , ,a hinL At prerrient %lie wu heving it ma "Then what »hall I en Ileve, now tirait they underittand the i'trongly iiianite-,te(lýa,4 ià eVidelit trulli' au-Leuter, -, :;ý__ _hI ' - its lier own way. 1 Ilaid. with a littie* hyst ___ ... the number of si,,,niatitrè.-à la tire puti. 1 . '*- 1 said Kate, w th a denture glaince at Ou*t call me ' _, __ ý e.,Z* Il il "I ,, -*' 'i ý "' "-ý'nf _- O ...u ! Clam Of hOises, reqnired. that they clan 1 ri 1 ý- LA -'N 1 , -. %, -.% Z, II, ý _!. '.. 'Touth, .vottth,» lu And all et unes, at that Most lnaPPrO' 1 exigaze In the basin ie ".; forttâhakinrhiehm& "Rewp»nisch - P!Ii&ýe --ent. there ilasbed aerS. III 1 n_ Q-- -.. lprzitlýlý_ Cit£I)ITýIlti-V.---'l'il-- ,_ -..,.. -.--. . - 1 t[ILILLII: ', 1.)Il-, ait ! iI.,,I-t,- - . ý_ - another à li,,tlr tliilt' Forth, ïïju;; -frr,4-,Mè ranumwe ýmmilLdac:c de pleilà. M no Complunetion and sympathy, hie -%,ç"hitby furnlithed neariv half the nuin- S D carrwni.,r natileqI aud soork Mrti. Fansh n calling that 1111» sOMP110- foulid theniselvesclo" to lx, ritable t. hold 10 euw., Norm stable, and alber ber of criminal rae4 ni the docket lit F ýn-,ifQ iwae auci(l,:Utzqll%. kiIIý and iigt-buthlilion 1. never failint weil M lAte boum afternoon, and they hwl board front her*ebeek. It was aU tu keejîher front the taille a»Wt), a zood deal morte thau en la",.)beri lit,. rai-iliz a hâti for soif anulber la bara yard for the une .4 their gr rhter Citely. trille, wu CrYing-tu »how how liorry he -.vos for a Portage -tu-viL ipii _aolddaup . Rle tu , in Sillith. 11, Tbe soit je all filera! a- Mn be bad, eltu%»d à Mêlet a fidr abattre. It is, -.LtirW-t,)rv Mr. abroad for ber héalth - -for al! filait fam. hav'nggrleqrerl ber, H14 vearued Pet.u -heart a of tilt %%.Ltct if'. front, Wtmdville, 4 front CambM, 12 gdie% limite Uy Wu onfombuatel tu knov flint thev wvre uparly Mid Sent nul" front Ouv vei-v delieste. over the soft touffererratitre. Whatdid very serions affalrý, thett half wert, ofa rhoro*- bev at['w-- itteqtl utl,(Wl tkl-1,1-,,. 'l'lie 1. i t. t , 11.. -hSl flou» mu Md Station, And poor Cicely havé te sffld lit matter wbat lie Sufféredi who araë the I;mnd Jury and but orle ecea.-w-1 leat'. ' ý -a. IL & Oftly IL man? Blit that X.'tte rive Ilav Ut Lakv 1 the wfuter at'Niée, the doctor sald. éshould erv! = 1 for petty larreny took 1 c. SM1Ced;ý Chwk -«tnfl that ltçhniild bc his fault! Me Ïtitaýir,,v. A SXjIiÎéý lits. Katikbent ber livail over ber plate, and STEWEI) Hyaciçras. -A lover o with am c felt In hi-,% simplicity that hè trait Xlvinq i1.ý -thin 1. 100 ate ber Irrapes ithe verj- first of the ers rchamed sortie mrpHvaeinthl>ttll).ý. -utier it tirtti r r 'l l til. lien. seanlin. whieh Mr. Crediton.5 gardener e trit Or ever. A hin bijz heart al. earty %prinz will'be enlivetied Al rt 1MDM!wý"ý JURY fRuoirr, D--470-11IL hall forced for. IlIx vonnu mistrese,. and mont le, sa do , tremblinq ýen-tsori 1 section ut fur,-,t allit -nt Io Fanshawe neos té nid ber cure) Md t ft - velvet and amolli i bc Itemâ of the dinner fare A, terribfe diil"ter bals iRefaiten the truli, ratigitégrrout vani: i Irunt In. eueil, aliti irt",)k and listened without payin 1wereSpart boulons. Thevisitortt.-t- whiding ficet front Anterie, n p0rtý il. stMý of & mueb et - Ho- It haPPened 1 munot tell. Me 1 orle tu t'lut ebeek. -1 e - puillilk Ltkilig the 11% tendon te the , , cely Fan ed and tasted, and thouý,,ht If that ivere IDIX4 in the Artie Ot-ean thhery uff th, obody else took, did not menu lit. But certainty Kate' b tiroir ivitikolit alarlu.- "wW* troubles. Ish oui mffl any further part fi the conversation eommitted herself hopdessly hy erving . par on%. and- lards like umheo"t ut jjakIka.ý ý,çu Il., - N* titan y were. themquite comfor*ably on hiq s1joul. es Of t vf, 1 LCH- such ontioni4, it was no marvel the ýn twelve vemels have beeu aixtudoneil lit t-tiLirt- ýtt ijý' afterXm Mifford had commeneed that suchaqueertot. An a _g suspie, moneloguell except indeed ths, Doctori der and m&ring herselit te bc kissed loomed 1. the ta lie bead of the the ice, and between fifty and ixty lit %ç ith il&(- IAV and its:iittl% As fer tuè two jeu rir, a lkl;out @0 mueh an 8 PrOtest. Ne wu bouse, which an inquirv realised. lits their crewg, rather than undertaki tire .1 (;,)verutitetit fur L-verv ';1ý tion. o MgMened by hifl own temerity. and dtiek killeti wouht atill Ijt;tterijtIIý tu t FARM LOTS Il BTIART who »w "'d thé» would uk In qmes bulbe wem doue fer. apParentIv task the 30 surPr Qroject of' reile vatiort fthevoilligtrunt, net en etther à1de of ZILIIIC zi e fried et lit that even had &lie SOLDSE LM-Mr.3flir. reach 9 Me iliainiand to tile south, ' tira Itock- Il A" adjobier Tow"pe 14 front bWd go leoir as It wthing hâd. hppeu- 116UM ber dignity atter the first doch Johnson, one of the nid and hie. have shared their Ute. The inullt of ed. A" litage, for one, ------ moment, and Imrst Indignant frein hie 1 lea lake %vith 0 visible il1ji't* or* ;ý V _y respected, rellitients of Mars, died fivIt the vessets were abandontell. on tilt. -,th jet, i Ixt weil la this làudable e;oebrît-co arffl, John would have beowed ber par. 3undsy. Deceatiedwastifti of September, and htter a long and tir. the U I, "t poor John, la Ida «Cigeracut, sentit 1 t lit don wlth abjeptm thfui rhIder 'U t LUS Il NALI Il Ise-Mand there would of the latubyter" Church. and lor duousjourney In boat,.4 and with L ;1% t hofuvera il): to thi depths of desqDm&Mbr lie Ibue t lmvo'bwnmdendoi-him But nome- il' extent, furin attr Alll Ilirellit M& me of tbe cmt vine-l"vu* in hW how Kate wu bewUdered, and let thm M"Y Yem contIneted, the (;selle mer. a portion of the crev,, nuina, LI tu active ft-tttlL.,., à the heati uf tll.,, viem The flirterai services were con. relâch POI't Barrow, Ou the nurthern westwa 1 i.,j Alleille by rend front, Petwborooo Md l"S. à and wafthod her ftMvdy moment pacte: and after the surprise dmted= Re- J. MaeGregor and D. cmwt Of Ala»kc6 They thest malle theïr toit and Long Islailli., Serlieià Liccà- = an th. Idiqp ci hi. and abock whieh hie nulle, unpreredent- Grair, by Memm Datim. and WaZ,, alOnir the coaiît wiesturard. tovrartlu Long Puilit, ieild Eagle .;Iittltt ty-c'ti. k. tbe torsions et rilla a" a . lie to hi ft ed audécity wrought la him. John M kW who -ere ordained Elders Be ringes ing the diiii diýita a. a.. and OUM pubs& mm a" Von. tO her., grew bottier. aà wu »tur&L She was e straits, for vio nilleL. .1t lm "me thait have bien, eth Mr. Jbut.. this point they found a vemet ralled the liVe. At the pre.'l. munwpmâqr et for Dot au%,r; @bc endurcit it withont Pro* 01iTARZO À%-%qlzm-XcIean v. Me. Florence, boiren la. and earne tinte, no settler oecupie, th,ý lait,, t 1, to the llurveyors'line truse et à lm abc have test. an It PMble tâtait la ber trou- Fà&vm-Action Mr »Induction. Ver- eonclusiou tu winter there. Prepam- John fbdit-che have blesbOwmune0usdOU80tit? Andi'L' dict hy consent for SM The parties tions -.-ers made for 'LY11111,1149 lit ordtr thruugh tire him. $hem" have ha voluingerily John M»ý tO me th" bOld- ait rimide la Brock. N.F. Paterson for. tu proie a su PIY Of food ahd fuel, [)lit W Wh ho au M«m MM was nour blé cy. and thât ph-d-atiff. D.J. Mactyre for defendant thélr h',Ud"= ,y 6elcun Operations, on Ne Sound 01 the Inini. WA Bunem. are offém te atba MUIDM lu the Wàs the lit mulet bot bc pcm:ueeher to lgn* rmait'às axe otllromowbgtotbe orle VOTEW LUT ODÙ".-The Votera the =h of tbrivoi habile te whom ella W» et- thefutuotthe«-m Thistwasallaim. LW Court fer - eptember, when the lee yet heard htutpitig up pile.s ut resinul! @ - the bolivritemp, of Brock suddenly bruits ait and ait han(iq got chilisand bruýh fur future t.-oultitgr, by i In ils «PO" «Mmed- but lit W» au *0 My -Wfth Ple-emuodý. IktutmEa u*& oumkiimwe mu tu wdtq te lm te, 1 am ut- wu held la the tow*UU hléie on Tues. aboard, for home.. On the 1.1th they tions. John. Wýî» the »o"tbu wille vmS terly M"e te explain her _ge Burnbam pmidiu& bund the Clam Bell in the ce Brefs wheu che atoux in inat4!hlena Ileauty 1)y file ejuqy fro,,, Vaisselle th ».t"M th" amomt or the yemq camn m bOrWt 85 %bc Thiers were 40 Most Of thelià chers, Md the Fi vitint qm@Umi dit! was te pet ber hm& mi hm tans, gwnýum.to bc Orence stood b lier Of Uctober lend vi -8 10 t,,jý a= to the lint Of -tilthel7th. 'rheymukWainwr lit,& beene, while the hall lv lm - Dire, .12 y luttiau ISMULÉ, oww berAmomu la abc" mu W" and te mormur hm this aumber, élevelà did mg Inlet On the lfth,:aad here tilt o o 01 '%oveitilkýr ltlëathiýe the plut &Immmma" worttes munpluoatmrci dis. - . d"MIt 'And wby connequeuk no action nras Ue by th ftéve les là"«M Oum *0 abmlft% = a" visuels which were lait at Point Barrow nommium et Tdqpbpa. OUA Mlk. WU hie; wheu tbal; wm &U the re- s"esteld to have thefr et-'hO sud rL'echO oft-reptekaed whia N" a etbw stemm làe B" t voeaffl to have naînes h> made thieir a Pokra : vrillât the crew of soute early tr-pper entitIýd Il te" wrw et &0 Court The rerdt or the the Clam De rive et the eh wu bb bc eL zo After, this, the _4» elle after heuîng fur the atth tinte the tir las court WM " 39 nanses wM admd in tilt loüse and were cum to îeraek of Ida ritte. au me ébowili amwer -P"Y, dmrieIN4 an te J. Our party were p mift ft. % t= belli the Unt, trille were struck off and two the nmh-mýf ý.hen last sua. 3W warded for tour huittiùg by or â«. rected. tg wu Rab w hâd te malle tythers added in their Mead, four, of thou left bddad are Ennakas (na- fine deer, and wit au 8" sa o*oeid4 *AM !=0 bout or aun 'Id tawtm lie. X 8 lmdqmffl Dam« Md the tives or the Sandwkh latitude). and 15 . the 11111081t delleious Liait, and returned il am MOI. bc Mue" mw." fillis MI& ýot.»m twoor ru. le bim a" the" la DO h0j" that they eau f» fane herticit troc ail la moment. à vu bc Ilshted with the trip, the voum " ý19.x1 'a S tof the W rew»d. Sévérai or the vrenscla wMe -rsutmtig Md .2 = absuannect tuemble vranditimelite Id- - YM «04 ym bOfi8h aumboi of »4«ým added te n%"d belicre The the tiffle but am 3eh 0" let M tsà» a mm romd the, tI of heilth ma an ho à" an Voire 10" to Xew 1 by this dilettitter -Ith fteh other and the k two. canadik W. G. K-,I(-Jbot obi kt% à ami, 0 la, M. P,.,. bibelots irait ufteffl inat-Il m a" 4 r"r. b(t. ILI Ir, li-t-,.,-, And k A 'r"! Ii IW 40 1: es lis, »ý e,46 00»*"IX 1. rý, - Il - - il'el) *.ba Ni 1 1;#» .. 11011 *K, viet4btiv) III.111101111 W..Xt,!fle nu - #*vol" Xm .............. 1. brri.tkr, Ne il -jl Iti, Rh. And 1: ti'. t%ý te IR, u ie fi 'Wi"ttd. IM ;x lit yrt;t., tioui S.»Jtbha 'It., ý . . 1. ýý - i-- -! Ibo et 6,Ma;a - __ "il la o.t4o II ; t.» tbm nwànd 1 ... ILI, 199 IV W-9. VA5 j es!- si. -r, Irtic-14-4 mw t V FI* bsa sicilien; lamutr»m lm si, blq....ry Ilibut a. .!.ý . - Md KY moq C ryois Il iT KY a Pomr Picitailir m, M, IR. j". J4 th, 1 -hý C" ADA LM 1.'i-la. ý1., Ils. (.,.«i lu m"F TMM Is!: i: Il i k 'i N.)K NI N J se Ittal Rit ",thp(àebud - MUAMURM » lut IR' " . i - . -11 ý t', tes,. Tr»k . . II ID Illails IMM An 1. dit bêtise 14 gamin. ofka, Witt. Obst, îè Corember yk-rk and tIit".,I etil 414hl..blt sort an tr*%rlo hy duèu àl*Y tm, >Med fit bx té. w;.i.8 O.U. . ..... PI9111- OhWIMI'Ue lumert, ébats SIRM om»gàww, -ar 1 *x1t, et r- Ibo botffl essuiliaien, t M, C. 'toit le? .,ai wm Olt> in lr*mr& -pi Itn,» 1, *#rit "»Détail, CARit W.. rgel. P. 3"f. The pyft S.Duffl bddw 10 Life rrI» A -ri by..»y effemlle C«Ubý«j W, IAPI.gu. JA31881111, UOWK,-4 tuwiï., i%"t Lbut". Ub. te bai «eo"ed Illéals pitillée. Mt Anly a 1 0'. Ruth" rbtinKuýh obi prpmktm paya"$, enté ji letit lins, bý" r wumm *Urpb" WWdvt4lu, (nie, '11,74 1: 1 si 1 \'N ri If îNtrxi IN . .. ....... ........ Il D A V W . ID _z 1. K K. el Il. NI RI: I».ý JI pr'.1i 40 mî.14 M)w 1*4, A tiotionsimer for thé%m t'.,: 10 « - 4M le- l'. Il W NI. NIMWACIII "&%et Agotitt(-r' w,ý,'i.r.îtir> 1:1.0 Ilsiffils Iiý L. te sait. Sems.ilist bwwèlw muh a Xt. P, J. A, M *A IRIIII raille OM -Ils 1 lis. iý-- K,;I-.1, WRllim., 91 L-1- 11-01-I I-1-1 l'Ir 3ýe w.,rk Vrarras, tht, -,Iwke ýr t.iwt zc"17 Illat, tmd@FMVF*lt hm lits Ili J'.). lis) N kt: kt, SV le ItTjj, (10t: Il ItA,,N 4tgbck ---- -- URUK màus"gc .1prert 7:1(l AI ni 11: 15%. m As. 1 (UlIr" 'Ausessint È. m'W 1, Ili' il aé4urtii al «W-tonAn.ý 1 ne (4ý4o j dus wrk in ait thès tmfth« P I x:40 .9, Aýty artielo emihbïmr ýeg ... toilettes M . ......... 'î elirý hâtive ensila Witt lm -III béi. ;., A. te lm bellas, re",Od tenté, thet un«teri6l FAN. f-Ir tho Vi.,t,,risb Ilok êffoý.1 *201asmdi. Ni W k ý L-d-v. Je It A Pr-, 10*1b 'b.40 hi milly mmi 1111,11ollooki liti:,." int..rit4r« bac gn»b, il licum, te. té RI&VIAisit beaux fi fé N 1 o IiIiie 1.1 v K R Y WrA Itucs, m'd id.w.1 hI»rimiýn élite 11,114411live M ON WI)RK,4,. 31111 N NI KNT'ilt 1.1 V ICItY,,FKV.&. abliscli N kl::,ý il*% :4%111".Îlll%ýI.I.".Kllltý4trt-it-1-in.lýNV TWO! F*Itý,f%,Iit,-I-'.ýtlIkýt Ilissa il*.;",,".""., -.11 td, e.I e .10, hy test, h..,ip tor ton. IYKUY N(fi 'bom lit k . II, li Amis k r r ]air ID, ),41k. iI"t'l",I.,It, es" 1:_ t:.., W. namgm»r« and deskikilini ai .%V .,te horelthlir te c iboi 'Irt.rttq,*. ai with «",q.xht w». ait, t., CRIM TIBL93, M-888111 .,Rit W 1>ily à P:ý'I.IèIr Chisim, and a officier "Ptelýv 4 CaRkAïf, à mqttd résiste. »ýlahmwb Md mattreoil and Itprtit-Z lkol.-M màt». 36»-W. altar las sirm.; mwakik. P. him a cote and I*Iuv ts-r ri M IN mot. Md bute &h4 VOM et y-« mm". 94rwtrmmm- -Nfflb --1 et,* Wtýt. lIv A Tiso tr.du lilev%&Iy Restait «ith..iwt ait ir»pwuwut» warrbbtmi. NI l- lit Liiiiiiii Prilttlrtv dr't..V;e.ý ei"b> . A ........ ïôïýi DA y 8. ' IMID Ta àuCXET# »"MM& 1 In retutnivif th". toi the evry 1114MI, puroits 11'. âhd ty Mfict 841, go b a cvMMMý« or. Misb& As lm MW am&& put Yu» eau wt::rlbg atm Imama MW My Md "MW$ of ry le amat "ré. 1 & 46 wimm -iRýé--C-Wimu 1 C M 14 Pl lý .% N 1 .14118mil . é; s. Dit Or ill, k.,i.li. f'e rot;ýil IN mi. bie4ýi. em, Ont. V-1 t-,r thQ 41-6 rot-toi wnb .11 xv* $à .11, nIr We hvo a kbove ý4Sk -ot illeury. P.8 ci w» AMD J LàCATRER! LEATHEIZ! Tb«e whWh *0 offer 64 fui milt libu tFimm All J.ih Ttirbialf. t4irtdi gkwf..« and surbme: hkéto". WIWO-Yu 0« 1 on fl»tkü. 1 %,*%. boy a@" - îîiii ýow-A«--4 je pût lm. a tir bave lab..,. arumber, X049% eld 'atm wigram owrw. 047«M AT cg«RAL cLai#m us Imm Sm Ait as lot titurte Pamwr'e Xut«i s". u V.. ", S., "ad ",ne f.? ehs eàfr 1 wn ce.. vonfrmi. àtoo lemmb* l uwriue TNDERTA KING. -JNO. SAILI q-J à ý Mt etote" pu c'me in fir4ýç=, hSrmi th kiki Ag"t w 1 au't-4b. $90900:0810( ý 1 wom. av -Mqoemd iramw bi lup "Ob. 0" me coom mm bi a IW ".mat# IL