Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Oct 1876, p. 1

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SMORI StOMMDý-P&rd» otites Mt "il, beth rmvenl--t p- per, agd West Oravenhurst. am mid W lie asking rather too )dgh a figure f- thetr privilege% conseilnently nome lit - tendink Mill men am about ta cmmrut: t theïr "la outiolde the Narrown. . Lrmgna si&.-There will be a cotimi-t- emble amouat of iiintbering doue lit Muskoka thit4),earatto-rall; the Quitel- tity of log-4 will lx. lemm -thaft limitai. hui. thé quantity, of square tiooffier takeii out Will ext«d that ofat)yea,-tip minqm the imetomrs. Couk.Brus. eut t,,) -, ý on thp vkxIge lilitit , *hich *ere pqrrhaseil ut thegmat 1 i "le of ipri 1. MILSKOKA Vit. Wi>rLItx W, *-.0190. Dt1.ýeîOwM tàiii 1- le eld Nt. ýl 4. D. BA1111, EPITOS A14D PM PÎUTOR- 1 fIC Vol XVII Whole Number 894 a frafflo lqlPl88lNG itàlL- Laie. DAvà Iif il, !ýý1tN 1 WAY . (iitvi k n- iy w Ii ir.WÉTT. Pr,.Prlét,-t, $74 lié nommer Tome Table. 111.4' lit D. p lé. FA ljý%jk» Uubu- ,(,, riLt bled. Illixelà. tik', Bâtit _ --- -.1 i.*.N-,Ittrri4itr,14ý-li(ýit-,t, liqo.Irý w'd rilier. Il, t.wk. ttm-d tAbltlbkard T«mto. de $fflô là, M. ticup.mi Wl illluifin ),ird 'a«Jy éUubridge 67-4lè Z dla 1:68 The èjýdladmIjIn.ftIb. 1-:01) 342 1 bl Jit. 1 Ubrrultt, tri i lier Iý mdi, the lilité-re end It 1*.1."P.Ml 0.10 (boi.4(i gotmi.: il a $1 semât. 1:30 e*41) 2:A, 6:10 0:00 3:00 tics lit illit1y. 0: 4 à Ma 6:50 lAb 4:16 7:66 HOTKLI Victoria 110,16 Il W. (1t)opxîtllAm, jt:Rn., May lisait. INN. mar44dult Directer. lit 1, 1, 1 N . Lliw (!IktblytýtIry nuit 1-ehlir; 4)\ EY 1101,4x, (Latin Coryell ïk. FUTUY & PORT PEPRY IX. .".,? itri- 1 ) 1. 1. by W TRNXIOX RA1t.WAyý 1 r, J-W- J..hiq The h.ulé lit-,4vn suýIlI."l ilei fil cht TM« u iýý il 1,; il 1 c K v %N NMOIVIII -,Iltreal atittTon-ilt--. vin the Ofaud Trullk f*---ýII-,.g qjlliI, 111).1rKh. Williatti 8t.,- Mitwa%- thellt-eàw Ili à pert 1 1) g.1qi.linv. 1-l J.-t t.vi." Il - F.Very attelitelllb 1.31d lit tir. lit lilIitfflý.V. 1%, md lier th the ruée ..... .. yait. Uorner York and W»d.My.ý ll.'Ilrv Irwili, lit 'i POI 0 entier.. etallitilt ind 1.1% attentive f-,rwàfd*l hy $flatte natit, au" um Mit. le? -air blad. feint Iktierloh. 8«frh, elle. lit#% 311.1 il tit.t..,ito atid niarked. CAR% W. 4 p. il% WHIT11v. cutlwjq NOIt A0ciéý. pod, le the Wi. BAI)I.Klk, JANCOI HOLI)cg. W&III.biii . ý Attent I.litdma maliqent iliruter, 0.1 4--nivel ll,,,k Itit-t. voy 1- lýIr.a.-r.o.tf. DidAri., W rx Kr t ý A RIT, titi Imuer et UWrrb» OQ lit. MI »LA» RA 1 LWA YUF CANA. L Illisser et %Wriffl là«Imes., -Taxes unwil'on ôth. 1876j NO NORTIL leu l1ý ill K KN1 W, lil. C K Lr.,%]tY, 1 Mined. I Ol. éut C41hNI!,il UI47.5 itb:ébt)&.!r. 4:220p:wl. 4. i .10 b:40 jýj lit AIIL 1"()W&'4. Atlotit'nQ@r fier t'le iL 12ý Pl VietIeria nuit l1nrký \V lit Nt& 1! Addh- %tmiiII4 1'. q)ý 1 1.'. rA-1-iitbtt, ? -- Wx. Z14AIMA011, Land Agenthir i wý.xà,.isio -titi, vieillotte. i ibriflig Jr vâtomter lA,41; selti X4Vh1ý 0 0a Ili 1 9- r.le %lýtrrii.9 nm,.erkh 2:20 2:.W fillidit to in 1 N ( 1. Atictiotiper sild viblitator, hând terni 4:00 A, f'rri'. Ilirtý..,qý..ratt,"(Ii.ýltxi%*en t, , A.toblil Il Offle Il file r t..WIi. _14 p nixed. Set lu Il F »vivit TI %vrold.. ;Illb Îd;F .41tri pelli tt:(* 2:20 Ilailk. T.,ItIntn, iiîiLNti. t4%bt!'rlt. 91 @il mixed mail SV i, :no .';, Vi 1 1 t IIgrit fIr elill.. fer the vit't.,Pllb LbkefitlIt MOII8.01. Ot', -là 40 !Ici A-v %lerblit Work... tàiIdýnv. Il à A,* ilarri.-ii. Prl- 1 i-ttprlmrtI* fi:(ý% Il *10: & . ;4., âlwi ibrrite.. t0à Il WIls k end lt.l.itel% litaitito lit band, àli A ILPII 11.0 il AYLOR k4-éeMMFIT DLIKS, Flau J., tttitNKT. 1.1*fràUy. PRIA4 tltz*.Jlolft. ()Ilàq MtiTA(IGART, Kirkfiold, i lit B. R_ 1.1 V KRY. FKKD land convu»»r. b k j 1z, 1,; N li tl-Imitwr lie the, S= IP*rWâoaWM &*" &" @qVAffl _ . Ir àtl tilt nia Il, prier. PhStteix ýý t6 ILO" .Iil nettil ta%.t'râble ternie. all d hy the hi-21 Order. flIr ritil. L I., atoll t,""% trýýbillý Alitestileill lagum«e @««Wd in or-t-çW# Oum. 9;t* !Mi J., Oeillet. takeil file uoalam«t@O Ibn& 10.11 Y i" V A fR Mille t» o0o lý,;Oioqtlq 110 l'a, pur h"..,i thl, 1.1lerv - igiriville "f II , le+ Vi, Ilhwh .*dl lIýýnýtlI r lie i,41>4886 pli Cit,4Y CWINEILO, il, thi- old IllIr Ilie, pâlit Altètel Auvid, fer dg a JLJCLJB J6 uni" i LINDSAY, ONT., FRIDAY, "r OBER 27, 1876. $1.50 in Advance. 1 Idomb. FOR GUNBXIT= end vutemuft ou«Mlvo te 17. Md «utmtà-litwiv eueuted. Ail work il soittye*vÂdmloa. in eom"%ion with I undermisarard bu mmume« gorge )MW la MW Pm .OMM uti .«IL A" &me-« remaint Ibo lie. Î= éw zg %'in "b'è glas eme -4-d reveine. As tg bu Imm reported Unet the MW bâil ffl Lindmy. lie taises %hi* afflim informelles the Public that-the report là leme. tindaq, Jeu.- rah.1m.- -m. LIND"Y MARBLE WOBJ Me a Jà. xKwri ImpuUn mal d«Im AND scovm ARD CL&WA»I" Glu P'àrni-bed ut reamnable pram, sud oeil guanoteett. Au lappection of Our si 1. warémoin an-1 work dmraýe»t ut Tain Pou pumm, -Fi L RS P r1 nit e c Pvàgéa j,ýAvr wellw il or aali -Pet jdf .... 10, der ....... ýII5te. 9: 1. al, =il e«Ir 400. 0 Pt., er . ... ............ :500. Mi ....... -411 re rit« -cru r th. ,b».ý .1a. a.1 y sur lit Abop. I»RO'VÈD I»UXP&- W.- 13RIDUN ams now Lmrs un vuu STRW t A loin »*rumt or hi* owla mmutâctur& AW un lie ta" of lrm and n1ther pompe on the nofit". roues k7wçr duo the ký*t-.t. -t SALE. -%venl r.R.d IOU in UudmV. Wtill mignote by eh* (kx)Dwlx. Kant -trftt. Lintimy.-oe*i naie Imit "ru. *mm am se. I& in litia itIl ceffâ. in frime boum m 19. r wtnAmylop.o. ilbil t, M Uy F ARU FOR SALE-N. W. étiolant 50 acroý%.4.0 01=261= , h rai fw a new trame barn M x 30. with ow tomber Imrmetilýn" il-ple au NEIL lits! mi-4- IOR BALL nx aurai TRE LIVERPOOL AND LONMI4 OLOU lNauF4ANczcoxpà". TUE 00111PA"M Tffl VOUD. cap" Aoýubutrows.. la m la emmenleà 0 larix immemme, mu JCZ My semmem ý - - 111,70le Rsteo sud Pmmý se seine m la azy ielber vu. RPVUNO Colin= Tbeooum"t 09 lm ." p4 "A a Ibo resservît« sud @la"- Ilest et %bis 6 *«= %boîte femmes la it p~ mulitry= té". - 1 ý 'ÉIIÇ - ILIFIC DEPARTMENT illeme ho-tutrodumd lotte en" MW pariewar rOv Pfflivu" wd le sellecet tunemm %pply 40elst sel, Li ftd»v teuâ as. vieurla CANIA-BA Imm wffAL Au Fm& - MR SuRaL., OFnCE"llýtMILTON, OWL TIRE CAYÀLDA T.JrZ lesav 4 JiMoed et by thie foliminst ": 14. l'he mte. ehsfIMx:ý&fé làw« ama tàffl of lm Sb@ largest bmimm of apY Com- pwW la Cemeds. m. ne 1-rolit B"ufflýn«sd le use -POIMU *te thm giron hy *My Oum cmq«y tu 4thý ile bu omorMd thae prat. net ouly alto. extin maun PRjVM«tl., but, la mi.b ait or, thobo orenanluiqlaurpiu,% RANAAY. ý p. C. TAIMOI ?Fument. IRM ]ROIF10019. havinet heut much, exporirtice il, the trainfilffindeultion cfehildrenwihexio ýrvrriv» 9,14, nr thma lit tee ela Io etimie with twr t'wu chiliffon. gvt" hqme conibft, idite a M.'lher% apply VIX PA -At4F THE ]LORETTO CONVENT si a-lmltffl Io ses VIF. Pilvm lit canab& ý'm. Mllftary armwemetft» au. boliels - ,et.. the »W Noremal 11chimi at (xt&W%- s". r. vitielibi pýmhItffl havinit swoten"d titem te lebffl #Aitptol lie sny lewti4iiùm.je Me Vi lie4l ttta:e fir videwhore, mat mution- -mbly une iii!.If»m couffl a YRAIL - lnelbittba 11reurte. Addro». 140-ly Lfiximy. (but., Comnela. - 111 istal L'ND$Ay PLANI'NG FAMP.Y. Partieg in want et Wm»W -Wa»& ramm FUR= Aloi mr týický'v 1M dilit e rr.luv't lhqmtèon f mer work. Cam ine" & 0& Np'w YEAR! N-,Bwpalcr'&!. with the New Tear the 8ubwriber will *pin- 2 -CH hS sturk.4 &H kfixi. of . DRY GOODB, - GROCEXM, »M à «tL)1bý ficAl)y-àuoz ÇLOTR. me. mais AMD -CAP*. sic, Mm, W ýGRAHAmi boem g: onnevonce unes ho sens rosemond bil, - 1 010CIL of. Grocates, 300wé ahom 8" Dm cloas -il et prteu-um sauffl le* boum 1.1 ho kty for vinssent". A oeil ioiww& itid'ht viD -pulv Uibt-lrllm a. A. wnrm 1 N' lisA Y Chair T»"rre W" ,%èr aud the thât wo bave our ractory ilà ?a Ranaing Order. Wo itro 1-rtýimtmi te M AU ohlèm bv wisoutRyt4ibn AND 14ETAIL 1 COUM OP HAMBIJttTO Fôv;mzbýv tbe M OANADUN ýLM Mi FIARM ýLOTS Il 011 A" %dMuing Towu,*Ipe et bu Mu ft OM aq Am& TOWI LOTS a, um my. the temisim of un Ton la Um mm*'P*"'V Of smt barre --- -4 ýrhe-p,-.d"Ip..*d mien aulamTe t V-id by emma"bie av 1 -id 1. . b à1t, 0. Cn ir .9W N a b , lhmmrklià la out, 0. with a Deur a bu igm1wlomm e-111l'h & bp" ik. ==4 Coum moqý, C moub", Pmdwtwbilb mm utthe" c -14= iw mwatng 1 puma" M IL IL la cobemb b F. à m p t a a -ý .@.Raamm ~ .il àny lime. A la et abreeds »Il ballet. Vthmmqla4md. Rw»erý« sud @hop sirttubme txqçe. LIMIR IMAIX. $90900-00001 ý woom w DRY . IW Dmurnoin Or LUXM K&W- paraim jeu%& zmmt mainsub palm LOW. la»Y cn£&DM -t.m. b. on bmd Md ai Imm &UMM IrAm LUMUT. un m mm-ff. 0 Au k" et tomber. ahimele% à amok ..m -- - ý làý 1 IMM, swiwm rftâdak . 1 [POSTAGE ix hmAm IBY TRI Piutiatimm. 4 1 Mr. a., a former. nettler of the te%% et- plip of lllllliphrt.y, »eýar liatepteauthink sald; Md evejjjj. the love-ùmy WOUU LOCAL NISCELLANT. nntobetterhitnýt-irrt-moved ta) K-) net bave excilled baisse. Thme the am kuir coffret),, Iowa, curiv W-t spritix. "Re *a fablet Menait; the bmt»d ru&-a-Ja». et the bouses stalles in fa ------ -elght 1899,44W- Ils umde,- the Tatieds, eek que the foie Ore ut Budde but after t4peixdinx six or %e with hie c" e In L; band, thro NOIV-IND. mM eWict or the jury WA, that in tient State, hi% t,.xperiý-ttt4,- of lige --a- =Iwedjdml"ne.d- leilla the -ahut-up allant dise --a-- X Ge, .113W Dàx A'Ç'je SLm-3b. Th- th. a. W. th, w.rk of .. thakow, prdirleian(l resultref in au, uftly by hâ rmaot"r% not io- ý"Jultemm«K-edanew dam mm w" qulehm 11111 image. ber, wu h thait granit air bio eue et gala bus *hem Tbb h» -_ -Mi J. Mr. Budd will rebtll!4 the longlu., for oittarin. carfinetiticutly balle and tir 1qqa bellit, MOL !ai. aigtrratilily turtied flivir litarks up-pi- bufflir needim and wili telle Lp The dow allaitait tw alos unealmed. even by and cm. gmt donyenki-nS te the lembehftn. a - allIX& CASIL -An action fur k fflu the Westerit:ît:tttý fortver. returitia" Wimb &JI the V»k and dRmtan preferred hv an hotel-kt:elbiýr te IY,çtul)brey hast xteck; il) rt»-.-A-ttie fi., Wille naturelli, bmty J" se Z.ý-d.. ertion, lie And the 'et, lilial, tuwn-hiu, fl"stv weathf-r Ilavilig 9-tl& two -omen waked and itatened, n. claie ci the Litenie in titsii fuir their eTes la the -Îiert*, ýùjtf;Iî-à-som-_. F, their eyes la the tient ey 'NEW Carnem-A bandsoine church é'CÏýlinimionet4i k-r otatingin hie palier i :. m Malet banni the better-a very, very Iowiît va-e are atisured, brould llke tu intl lm at a eost of #1,» bu brefs enelosed ebarth. that ho fDuify> w» ffret a lit lx-mon to luit-, si, lia 8,1.Sy ripe tel torth. laqual . doumtte sSne; bat the men herait by the Prt-ibyterian, whieh adde rua a taverra or tac have a litense-trrie. re ait ilittllerittti ,a Purmaw faliiiit of etrouath Md Attrait, who an thms watebed sud Hoteneti for grellit y tried st tbe Joie Assises field ai 13. wn'e dflaie. 'p'Frtaie jepties faviiit-li Ayffl* Au la au seldont.such lanceleut nien " Jethii. Mr. Jus. Brown was the bufIder.. À verdict for the defendant was-g.i%ýen, &Émctioll lu art. g.)IiLil.. faut 01lace, lh umtsej;- Qpow. -The annual show of uliatletintaitit-il tel lu_-zlr inflictiSis of titi, h..w«w *Mie; Soulef date pneu d after thisi evoutfui _ eculturiJ society ivale belet jiie ONTARIO CoaYTY. dumaly AW filiale foiverailit they onuId simk, ou thé Ilth font, a" w d6 d«IIY gimn W«»Ar.- Steele Bron., of Oahu- ababrianteil YOur identifier ineraay wuuld heabesk, £Ood wil. "Me t4ot Mr. IL C. ëteele la At THE Ji 1 -R r,.ýý u/zep's V100T., eveulng boitera Xate band any ce rtu- And abac, beau alty of malifff the u"ult upoupr.ihna PORT BOPP. present visiting 2%-nItoba and Minne- c entalorthepurpow 09 e-ttins chauler ISG C41SE. Be omtle prineiges w eh @ho propoied tu ber, Tac licimaz Làw.-The License in. 1 amuge.oke fou, aIad delle. nid les, es 01 wheat, go tient aiteIL Thora wen -some «ys of tract- apeetor for, the But RicUan of Durham, la t front May e a chan in M" l,»Ie quzr.-; vit. Nvm. rWEKlblb, %.Ni- quil patientai country lille. avant la do. The MU %bain wini .1011ght, Immneoned before the Police Magistrate tbat le justly tý6naidered high y destra- -rr And Mr, lie contle. 1 éth fou,, tavm-kee,-*rà of Port Hope, for le, mille. mpw« fa XZ hW'B-4"eF'tle wiaala"a At the ta mot violation or motion 19 of the-Starute, ln SEDucnox C.18IL-la à eau of this %lié élisait. ne untle,- whole «th Iliter P« ne the Gmt Ou bath daniremal, expedition te St, Bîddu1pý4 . naturel triait lisible Toroutoamim a res- held at the'(* 1t'ilouse 011 . . mot halvins the wordi caver their dom Jetait, %Vm. Twee llttlW rty together, ln *hie ed OU die and Thoi. Billetl, lie babalef for lie wilà calle bruit the lematteil raid ' tif , thOOe In large lattera, 1 'Liceneed co twerJmIewnitn;el dont 0, Canulugton, nanied Jame» Dob- were frirai on the rharm", ut Dr. Itford took the olbee of cicerone beerI and Othelb âpiritwm neuf .Agit ne w trois &a hi& 13iremaw) Jýý f .4puýed»detendant. Hewa»»Ù naittabligned et lie gentils. for Kate's beneût, there wu more 0 liquombe They acknô*ledged thech-W by James Windsor a former of Scarbo 3rtlletty et Be limite John thon of hie father. Thais kind Of aud.were finéd U And conts.0 for the e m of bis daughter ý with Intent te MIL Tilt- rami- t(ýok' nie ettrebuad- Intercourela whicha threw, libella, cStin. 90 ý Thei returned with a 'fer- the gMterý Portion Of Lier (lity- N't"- il, P« Be fer «%am the stimule are biais. ually together, yet Delft loft theui JUILLIMORO. e fer Ùi and dam . witflarsq -auti gud.- ho ellailairec ta fils rut, . cet werc exantined for flic prtp.«>, And faille them tn Hi% lartablait, statue, to uildergo the teiblettation Of PAINFUL ALCII)Z.NT.--Xr. Samuel TIM J. li. In C.Ution&ud utile fur file drfritre. Th,, ne a", lie g«tl% mylnlc ton much'PrOmoted thé 'Atlm"Y Perrin of South Monaghau, wu thrown content South Ontario auteil to Lzý - *17 1 partictelam*ol file.» cube a' near a% vive IApeople in the mont 70-, of Mr. If. XÇ- ibb» Lý Pl of the two yra ont of Lis wagon ho mornin , dictory umiy boub bf, chrit nib"Il lime wonderfut way. ey %vere.êuh otheeé WeduesMy laiît, à "Ouhaïd. hie le en C ' g 9%4k or ATTLE. FÀIR.--At the nebeiter 1 bc I§Ieant-tl trois& file very t.*usitra )folie une am ail a illaitait, nom, natund compapions, eaeh othees ment thers were 70 or M catt , -mont by the faIL He willes aUentied shortIY evident:e was au ti)IIOW» And juin [si Malle en malle, lie genue Diathi- The father and attierveurd bVDrý King of B&Meborà, whkh e at 0&50 te if scaentes thélet for soeur tient- lk- it And the %Jer MSd . à dMrent altitude who set hkf g, and hein pro ýfflI»g felive W t des the local bu bled feeling bal pected perhaps, ru there were two front Toronto, .4 were looked up ta, reg Thta oc talent te h cm there were two frein Torout 11%. fa= bl' . Tho accident la mi te have p«h -ftly kmned at 1. the expra"* bou t a car tend of Jambes, and we pristouers. and Xv. it(jlbk-rt E pu,! JN: A LOVE STORY. fLT, Occu through a doi; marin 9.ut ut nuester. ut Cré-eli, and titat 1 Il Joi illota their autiqltted opinion»; but mr to buy more. nie ---- -10- the YO man suit the Young womaa a bou» and frighteiung Mr. rrW$ pritioners hâti-been Ilrard t', Bi, Mais.,ULrmAýqT, AuTnon oir 1« Talf beforè-; nh lmagination bâil net been t«m.-IPort Hope Time& turday week the tante of Mr. Eflward thmu flint they would driva- k-Ilis iIII Clinomfl-.Lu or CABLIIqapoikp,» "Txx hittered away bv iny preludes of fancy. ffl th, situated mi&way betveen Omha. ut flic Plarr' * 0:1 tl't'l'Iglt ut t'le 1111 a 3lisiaiTAt'&Wim» Re tell in lovè ail st blâce, with &U blis RoseâÉGr.0y. 91 % ugust Aiment 11 o't-1--k, M K El 1 H"vlm H03ilL 4f __À hatvea home la wa and Whitby, coneiitti[o% of. fort CUBAT%" ivre., rrc. heurt and strength and allait. Tt wu . . V roi, Id Ir onction t . . . k waý sbot in the le6c Ira, a lm &Id of Christ rhumb, wili bc beld un se wu 80 h cet to lie the ri Twet hie firet jirogt striction, and il; took bleu Stone for or ait the mie of zi, tester -die. not at the callow lige. bat when - h4 Thankagiving Day. per acre. . This la the bighetbt prie wasarremte alla 1, c allait the thbuglit) wate matured. and Two entertain- pure farming land we have vet me trial lx-fore Mr. -John Féal , J. Il., elei l[APrIM VUL hie beinz )md rosolied Its full istrength. monte have beau given In the village le FIlis then depost-Il t hitt aliolit. 11 nZ Mndlcator. g Il- CONTMUD FROM LAM WM:Xj Re wu la reality.tour-and-twenty, but local talent and -have provided mur ed.- %voke lay the liaéking (If fais if.,g il, M«awhile John. pour fellow, wéal; ho band fait ilfty In thè gravity 011 bis pleuJeure; he profits ofthe entertain- COAT ST"LIN(.. -Two men naturel on the niglit ut titi- fille tif 'L'à est Johnson and Connelly, on 'rhur*14%' i wu a ont &fier they had ill te up-étairs, thought4; and, Witte ïll the lem Of bis ment* were tel lie devoted. towards the walked otrwith ait ext iýi rouf: rock froth ,rzte.I serions nature, ho linge Intel the pitrehau of a tire extinguf»her, but as Chinn'a Ilotel, ai the uxbridge station, the ratie nuit YtA- the pris and huit elilong walk erodueed a profit of la l fýont lit tige gutr; ha- 1 11, gtibotim night, to touehtom. É down a little 'extraordJn-M new Xle whkh opened -il ce la 1 stock and frotte the exaltation of the moment in Bk@ a guxleà Of P&fàdiu befOre bien- $10 't - ilecided tô place th, proût, but before many minutes had claies 0 r duranre vile, Tweedia. ti4ilIlit;., t batailla, on whieh lie hall talait bat that, ho ý and Able, Tt wu &U a blm of light and splendeur in the, bands of a committee te bé lapent were caught anà plared in a le gale, and ai themaine tigue hem as thought mont destrable. tried before two Justices of the Peace, t il ,r Matins hadaimost died tog«her. Thorn wu tohiseyes. The woridhohadthoulght> t wu, the flash of a gaffe fil iniii --f hit-- and comanitteil. The next day thev the ettrangest guilde âwe.«neow te bien- a nombre place enough before, full of t Fro Mme conidsteil of, vocal and weretriedbeforéJudgeBuritliaiti and bc received severiti -a Aelf la the thotighjt. To have actuelly plainfut demande upon hie patienee, bis and 111= 1ental nitude, readings, cou- guilty, and bientenced to six inon1jÎ1ý J, ils his lex. 'rite dert-il.-t. -)f t là ', I'ell,ýýlI! 1 died with ber, and for ber, entamait te powers of self-centile- Bat nOw Ait at Lurlog performances and chamlles. the Ventraxi Prison. Their latrie %va-si, m-as tient bc %vas ai llogigtý itaiel it, N-.1 ý- , him, ln bis foolinhmul as Ir it Weald once it hm te Eden. Aud The entertainultenta reflect great credIt tient thev %vere dririalk ai the tillle of thç iliglit ira ttitt-.,tioit lat-fore le te ý-I- . have bilan go niellent And thon ho fait Kota, 01 whom ho ew 80 little, Wns on &R concerned. and effet nul leuve ]lis hoiiib- matif fil.- PUDM that ha had cepened hfii hellart to herand 'Ille camw- steallai the cm, a. fcillowiu_-isaoriiiiig. prilivilial %% j that @bc -Imew &Il hie thought& Me And *ho, ton, wu falling aubier this COBOURG. neý% fur file defetire wet- Ililli-tt liait tolet thema ta ber ln ail thaler tnem- naturel fawi»tion. She wu very match Fou ToitoýeqTo.-Mr. S. M. Dorland, BOARD Olé* su lestait t iit t et 111 be 1, a- i- a. t - r', il t Il à sisten« la ait their confusion, and ilhait Inter h pal of the '%Volet NVard Publie »ted in bleu, élite salait te herseIL & =2 - i and "id lie ýIept with taille a bâti u;idýraQg So ha thought. He Tt wu so, Md te sce Auch IL mou, 30 full hu recelved the appointifient of À iai meeting of t lie t'ilion lk-hool !th" niffl et ira ut-,il ioli. mil- .. ...... 90. tirent out In thé férvor of big yeuth of talent and capability feuillette bien- muter of the third division ofthe Mollet Boa le ew' a. belli ira il. C...if Chaitilier son il eoi ;a ri aI II.pt. le. parfont throue the dàMing patim, aud bruah- self fille this. KM 1; 1:if she-would School ToronM on Monthey evening. l"t. Prusent: ýun wt-re zt!,lb a. par fous. ad 1 ý the badges; èE crispa with dew, have dont a rem deai te save bien. Tan Marnxo F&i.-Tony. --Everythinte: Meurs. Cornell, Kèitit, Fve, Wrav. ittid die ý.tfà1e t.)rv wit, l'ald L% ..;Il le. par fool, and Juillet to himoelt titillai; heticeforth one She reprellenteil to hersbelf that, Il ho le= and mmutacturtag will. com- Irwil Hea ý and Lerov. 'Oit zisotiýà une ut Lhefiè thata :Lt:% ortly. ereature at lestit In the worid k»w lemalfélit ispeeW vocation for the Church Mr. eneifetook the chair, and the.- si-tI-r of tilt- primisier, what ha retentit. Hfifféeli b eh f woùld bave pablatied on ber vray and FATAL ACITDEXT AT Bt-ULPY.-*,,I, »liantes of previous meeting., were tir Twerdir's liotit- titi elle ilig et -ýt a not bom rue I% eredeufeojr mdtd nothing.,as belcaffille a recent a& man named Win. Platt met with an se- real l were (illeticii. After lwetrilig. Ilit. liait a centuliby back. Re beau quMàtanee, but when ha wu net ha cideirt ln Haldimand on Wednesday lut FINANCE 1JEPOI(T. 31r. FOI di.,chargt-il file pri-ia. r. -;abat,.. train d, as It taisent Ir. the boum *of the gay 1 Wu It net ber claty, in gratit:re whieh resultèd la hie Instant déath. finie tftvr%%-zirql., Chur: h . and restaient lilw reverence, te ber prellerver, te Interfère according He bad bem tu a neighbor'is for a fond of Mr.IILAp submitted the report of the and une and woot, had blinded bien tu te ber abeille and deliver hint trom straw, and wu returning honte in the Finance Comialttte, whick reconuuend- Oftlit: Jarti-ýs and il of M a- rv. the very commongalace ellatibraclatar of Its temptation 1 " Yen 1 telle emeluded It eteam mlils &IL Burnley, and when coin- cet the payment of e#5 fi, full ut ,%Ir. Si titi, tient balle wak arabe zti tailleurs as tulâfled. by bis father. Hisi wu h« daty with a. certain enfile- Ing dowh a eteep Mille endeavored tu i BWdeu'à occultât In connection witl, huit.,e oit flic itiglit ut t lia. 11 il,. if Il. father wvâ--ble father top the velority of the waggon. by turn- !-the' North Word i4ehoolbuilding, andan , a privileged bem $Imm. And even, If thait wae neeesuwv, for. Whou actions boa met yet conte that @ho wotgd bc wWlnoi tic do some- ingte, one side4 but the lines broke, the, secouent of Mîr. BeaIl for statioëér%". lit t(b;",.l aille If il,.. Ili li.;Illtv illI 1 wt tuait wabsi tipped and lie was thrown oir 'aubmittitig the report Mr. Ileai) :Iffici bain the range of thingtit te bc dis-' thing te »TA bien. Sien would mallette when a etake perte. the coinniittecl huit conaultutl the soliri- &net linjught laefort. 1%é-ilitetl ruitatied. And the Young mané initial an exertion ln bis tachait, if there wax amainst the fonce, 1 was full of the vague enthu" m and anything allie eould do te Influence John trated bis naeck, severîreg the carotid tOr Ils tu what boit best lie done *,ai t lit. jet lie @3taltatim which belong ta bis age. one way or another. Such details Ji fi artery, caffaing Instant death. The 1 matter, of Mr. Ptmlden's&etount for ho Ideally, wu net the work of a Chri». perla tenter te leave In darknes». body waté conveyed by the neighbor% te and were Informed liv bien thât et acknowiedized tic-t ..tr.64M. liait priant the only work In the world.1 But Me felt her«Il ready to exert ber- bis parents in Trenton- -[SentineL would bc tirait topay Mr. Roitelet, $Iljlj ",orn ut. ille lirt mi A lifé devoted go thohelp and salvation self In ber tum-to malle effort -what as agreed when etilfged, nuit have eau of one's tellow-creatures for here and ladeed, If It were a muidee f-to pre- further trouble wt filera. of file allaiter. fi'. -mmdtmoe of The Niat.1 Mr. Win. FàR saiel il w.tî fou liait tu O(teu attzte-k-ý-Il Jetait Il.-Il pi, for hereatter--no etinterprielle could bc go serve bien en ho baud pruerved ber. [Corre Q.IIE.VEE. noble, noule go ImportSL And mont Tt wu ouly on wh«ý wu te be the have te pay Mr. Roddea for work- t liat lriut"ît-all-1 tlaitt a)" lit ai tll.» 111 1, bouses J' A' MéMurtrv bc had not doue. a-- tu fiai, Il"m'.. .,a ho relinquillert that, beeaum- lie toit it delly belote ber departure that Kate wbo habé been Ili withlèverfor utiwards 1 - 1 lit difficult; to pronourice with duthority, tound the neeemary opportunity. About of tierce tveeks, la 1 ain.pleaud te botter, T« CuAtit.m-4,x rairai Mr. Fer out of 'If :Ilnotillm il'(' ai";-' if "witbout doubt lie " I portail. lever- si mile front. Faziàhiwe Remis was a reeoyerlug. order as-there wata no motion ibef..)rc. tite -1-ig 111-1 -,ait, itilil iutimmar Xuotheg,,eap the ùnly river whichhadbeen Johabéjoy ail bis FOR TUE CETESI.'IAL.-Omemft han BOArd. the- 41bwIrittl.1 l"I., tilt. purely uterested ber which man lité; amil, on Kate's tant day, lie wu$ te furideffl ber full quota et vlè;itom to Mr. I»twi,.% moved, seeuil(It',l I'v Mr.-l plat glieili off, wli(lit Iw '11.'l ilt til.. iIý able acd, and trt--:' eau pédgr., for . --th. ut id Win- bc perfeultted the delight of lettroduring the Cet..,,,,, %I, of, the genitlemen W't'%", test 'be reP-" 01 "le Yiilý"'Ile Mrs. :Zinith stittrd th'It Magouilla, or amelicrating the earth ber te Its plea»um4k Mm Mittortl %vas beretofore almouneed m having moue Comudttee bc received - and adopteal lith of clesming Its hidden comersaéâ te have acconipanied tilleul, but abc had have returned, and another batelle - and that the suite of $i.à lie paid NIr' and Ilill. il tening lie me 1 X islu-kened much In lier férocity of chap- àmoe theffi Dr. IlW abot.haiii -left Rodden la accordance therewith, lit'i,,Ii raine tu livr awl tI,1.1 lier in b Id Itu y on ermitage. and had grown used tu Kate, on '%N édnesdsy last. of ail claimis againat't ho Botiral. fm. Fiji ntheVil. cether d, w celui bc Uttar 1 and net go much alarmed. on ber oc- E.M ý'L'ÇDCONII*OUT.-.&S&UIIIUI.4tMtion Mr. Maguire eutered and took jais 1 filial site %V;tý tel -'ar alla la, t, t nie et chait. W how a certain confessions- conflit. And it was a apecial de fait i sent. 111.211t ait y of the euy shaves furnished by Harry Mr. M.% a cerisalir how e up, ibat for hie faith whirg the schooig, and ber wcark walla more t;VIRE asked If the plans allal - filetai in have 1wou hi& Fades, the poinular tousovindist of thè If you Wight it, mentiqued w _ Iw liraritig If titi wu bàth 1 Johille heaft than usant. "My tireur Ponton Honne, it niay bc %ptýcidratioti-4 %Vould be hitiatied uvr; wrum rAmLa Yeu," abc said tâtait one day lut week a mais, tell asleep ben the bill was palet. i--r lik-- --j- bison In wlanebolybour of course 1 will go with Ili 1 bill ý M1e" of m am 0. ýrmeh tolleryoung est; Ilandyoumust-not inthechairat2dclock and awoke ait ibeutielulatsoinefitture flanc. ' ' ' illi' Magistrat iliiiiiti...! a W. 1 et digbrent frm"Éte cam- lm tfud te hesitate-but vou about 7, as meule aétoniedied as '*ItIW' , Mr. licWIN thouglit the plein- arld fer trii.l. çon- hie dMeultim But now are nanti te him now, and Yeu wilf bc or old--at finding hie face as grec front specification.- of a I)uililitig ý, as file tc-don turc the couJilet a certain quite " with JohiL Yon don7t minai hair as a proininent villapr's patte. He : a octal property of the arcIiIt,!ýt. 1 1, dw. illertait thesthe wu meubler-, Éclieur wfth John r prouesses ta go In fer Dies' dve. i toilight Il allai net matt.-r ennui, %vieu' Falls mw- net' stôod. Some one stood fer bien now, "Oh. I don't mind If at &Il," satal Kota sSizal wili bc held at the hadthemaultwa,.%notlikel%-iliev%%-ntila ; W'emy, allently backing him silently following with a blusalle, whieh w4mùd have exelt- residence of Mr. Eli WilUamnon, la ald Je . a wanted for another '.1ýortii Warit, ýý)IS.e tif bit la il. 1 la,- jriý. -et- a libella 0 ri- * bleu up,- -Whips Z-fth a shy band on cet -Tohn's vaciller wcanderfully two days of. the furnishing fund of the Methodist Scheel building. à Faine hie am - perhàps-who could. tell 1- before.- But eustont in a mirant ppower, church,' next Thurbdty mai Mr. Ftn agillet e res.4ed hi., regret wheffier il' %vas tel alibi gaN lie that the Board C et-.- fer that - the"- il'(- bellefit llf il,-- i t , veve., with- a ây band la big, ore long. Tt andshehadgôtuiedtoKafe. SoMrs. Rrs,&w,&Y.-La turning ý.& Brod. te fia Il .;a m did met burn's corner Thur»day evening x bug- whiella thev huit recelved no'vatite for. 1 aI:,ýfflttal. lit- was te Ive bien tinZ belle la résoiving Mitford West te ber partielle work, and ý -as thrratened with : die 8 su 1)(irs, ilix %vi 1 1 ler., hie gratin problent. ut it waA astonieW- the two, y e went out on their and threw two gentlemen out. He natal tWe Board tai on two tester nuits, one front Mr. Hodden, i hiK own faïatilv aïtbi ing bute lit sweetened Itý Re walked expedit-Im. %lýeryiad nearly â, mile V..UCde hie face badIv bruisied. on and on not knowing how far ho. te . wvik acrou the fields, and Rrxor«D CuaNt;îýz--There are M. and another frotte the ratep4verJý lie fier the ii)il orof Il. r trente with a satrainge sous that Rte thon through the gratantul abade mours of alleveral Infatue» ç regretteil the haste of qoille ulýuihrrs of witne-M's in t là-- li-ii-Ilihlx,,l i, 'ho und wu ebanged--thu ho wu aqother of a liffle Wood. Tt wasi a pret% the village, but they bave n= èn the Board tu having Mr. Rodaient dl-. collie bite court itiid iliat lit, mont. If sallemed as If »wý light muet roilid, and gratin the moment at whie a terni to guarantee my giving tbem cbarge£L Oftwoe%'il»,heconsitlemlitlhaIl J Jilin fto.- midden rabattre. they entemal the Wood, the commun pblicity. was best to chocase tlwleatit, and as the rit. et, t'a, ment of lits and Timor. Wu if train world " P -ed grain about the pair. X solidement recommended by the coin- The f fi... »V,%I... théit there were tierce now-to athmee in. Mllke a pair tu romance EZDO. udttee was the louât evil ho favored lis b. 1, trois MW. gt«d Of Me 1 John was net for e gh ortin Jettent, flometimes with a toucha a CornciL PpocF£Dicu,-,-The %mien adoption. Mr. KLITIE saitid on a former occasion tz fembarrallement, In illat idient of, the F Warritilis lla%-e lx-t-ii ;-ae-1 fur fil ea awý, la molle te lient suelle a uestion, deilrt,,e »ft la, or by les- in words ta himuelli, but lit linge orld. bill of the Rutter of leaves a ville on 'don Couac" was bolet of Lorbe' ho »econded a rescaltition te nialke the arrest wee a(- liait leillI-tt for lai-r- about the avenues of hie mind, and the lUtting of lairds, and the notes of, 18iýL liblemberla ad prellent. Minutes settlement recommended hy the coin. i iirýv and sitlaor bilig air ý, i! ra""f's. il el 1 swut whispelliblit of rmponse somali to - quiring thrwà nlittft, butit wasvoted dowil. At that %ve iw...iL I, la Mtf&M bere naît there, an ln or of lut meeting eongriued. Moved by -alit rf-d mlh but lerbeathe over him. , Taro, and met one! dramatie bâtackbird. Boùghs would Mr. Ashman, and seconded hy McKen- time the Plans would bave lx-en ver%- alibi am- lit (-qisilxl.v al 1-'b ii.-Imi Fails. and ho wu understood, and hie ditReul- emekle and @*IngsuddeulX about thora lethat the thunicipality's chien aminsit useful In completing the building; but tics &PPreelaW- and aurai* now the as it some Mi"-had auddenly swang Mm. A. Mccutche Tt à bc gimed been nearly roi :1-ts e pleted without cm and they %vere lent noidins light as LIZ muet conte. herseif within the kaffy coirer. 'Unwen ut once prosecuted for the saine and re Wâu baud him. calme tu, as ermtur«-rabbite or aquirrelo-would terrils ta bc imaed at once by Mr. A. - quiredi and hè clef net .4ee'%%-Iiy theut. u'o airs Îaf awàke WaMuff of him. -sud - dellet away under th. bicîkwood. Ar. petit, ma that ho bc retained for eh . calai pay for filera. gr, asinien, rad2e wondékd th bit urpose as soliritor for Eldon, Mro lawi% wished toavoid ail), ditti- Of varTjiis b& Aboul go out @OJate rows of aunahine escale 'down upon e t p 111 t.ircitl:tti.)ii 1 bmwnuudergmund. culty In the matter. Tao]"$ Md whethmer abat the doSý and The les- wavod the affectent claimed kl2U4& Interest Iletther was fast green, aboya and Mack la shadow, fmndUeofitabelng duefront Momie The vote wu then called for and th - thsnked b«vmmjd: a motion W" detlarLd carried, fiel-1 cet (x;ts hi finit- 10-- la anleep. and did m* hear binq for Dr. trewing the eheekered petit. They. Iddô Jet 8 par cent-Carried. Moved by Kelth and Fee voti threshed liait. tend 75 1 Mltf&d would bave berceau ubmed If walked in an atincasphere of their OIN'14 Mr. IL MéEillichertit, seconded by Mr. ag nay. ho beard of sub amurmi wan»-Iimt la dnmnbmd, biqàn& 6Y the shores X-cKemude, that dm non-raisident tax Mr. Bealrs the avre. Tif,! rt-t;iaiiiýler %% M keel. :Il lui" Ma for John'& uwhd% MU ho dwald have of cid romance; me Young - ben& $13.24 due S.& ' No. 2 Eldon, for ffli bel ed. tilt- av.-rage. fi* foulad some unlawhd attraction ln the In hie bond in that attitude of wor- -ý-CarrIeqL Moved by Mr. K Me- Der. Fortilà, Mpt-aker ofthe :r.;È- la VITI ffl-; and. second, for the pkiL., if ship, whieh la the attitude «protection Celhem »emded by Mr. Allaient», Le, 1.,Iittttrt-, lias t,) alid being iler aré-41 %..)i.1 abat rmk. the rouse wagýk»vm té, bel - vm of ton, towards the lower, alighterweaker thu the i4à i a ho paid SL"D£&'4 DEATIE.-JaM#.Ig liretinan, a"- = f oneoflftdefeà4m& Me = 8 MO. creâtuie, who mised hér eyeel to his u foilows, VI&.-= SJý 3L Quarrie who conte lierre a few dupe son fruit, own alytti.sinll de of i et IMM the with wft gueremacy - Tt wu* hers te fie.. law. an b" thonet of littie Je 4. 112 où cons Ion abc Irons ta the Scott% Mit». In Ili-he-alth, for Me pair, = *Moerb lhwh omffl Jobn% ways contemmend au hial te obey. She bad no States; , ê&-Carried. Mov. Pose ê0t. gettlag niedical advice, die.r The c*rf.-w,-jf prolo-IlI-r Neo.- = Bd hern, seconded byMr. - %V fi irh sprii est., a It-ak ,ai Fri - lit v 1,..t a la and thonOts, ffl yaIt » lnkling of more doubt of the loyaltir of ber vami ad Pby Mr. atuditenly Jet a hourding lie bu jillableil. aný dhe« thon ho bad of lier sweet superiority to IU«bhmnn, Mr. M., Déana plan and Was stripping. An ln.1tie-4t %Vus belli and lligbt be'la lits a il 'se feuille r dri.I te bieult flablar, ml»t love Kte, and overy et-ber crebated thin* And thus cueillette of 1 ho drain through lut and a verdiét returned of *Ideath froln col,. 2L:ýM* thot X&M, might Velay wM. him as Il they tluwàgh the wood to the river.- 1 2ad coujet, of Udon ho now reeeived and igestion of the lungs." !!tg ul e fiv.. Ilntirs ait ait q)[0-11 wkâ & mý -Mmur&W bleu two endeveloped tives M roulling, t doi)tçd and tient a I)N -law la accord. Titz MA.,ý._% %.or%. 1 Lut Nu. ou mi point of their e stencs, and lm *MuwmM while alie âatay- Jet lie i t'le "est etrt-etlit% W -il arr;.. ail dawm for *"« effila go' anve *Ith the mine ho huile, futroducod numiler of nouilles hm been obta' *fi au .ad vm» ed et Fa»Uwe Engin. and amw hin: Illf up tu -it in a dresm of happluelles, and read the firet lime, and that the a e ed Petitlou PraY!ng his, Excellenci.- fil nelba; conte, off en salon ne Me loft-tà« W" MM W tboît ahukw or fur. laid bv-law be publitabled in Tux POST overnor-Génerai tOý calluinute. -Tî% ilest other lattord The river ran throuib the wood ou Ltur ru" bleu. If new8pa arequired by etatute.-(,84- Ryan's debath sentence te illipri..4o' arne 4 ont- titi- a., tb-rt,! about almile- bu En eV ilie ivitil th* bonnet mise go pain 1 that t lit - ber front t aà lit la a law of 3r e Mr. for afe. nuirait et, et cautie. re Iii no atretun shall r. ýâ district of Ilarry Swiiibt ffl.1 ittait,. r mal SQ WWepim- Me could not boir te think liait natu onded by Mr. êKeuxie, thaît the ai REdl. ESTATF- -.%Ir. W.F. Thonip'n "« fmm of auy abc go wounding, go allonge re.. the cham of woodland on both aides of OS Ili bc plaid te Mr. Des« for men'a t galet hie farm in the lit con. of S. '.%Ion' afinains. etating, ber boy. If elle but knew ait once, the northern banal: mas a bit of.1 WZM-; durif ..myofdri » tant week te Mr. W. fia, !bellestablishniplit of a - 'ab Hi unt.4ville. 11.1% lbk-,.Ll moadowlmd. round whieh reý4 at mue 1 port reeelv , mdd mamy te i Mr. , re fatal; 811, l'Mi for 1.:K) sert.% or a -in4-sit &mhm am- as 1 know him, &ho would d .1 ýp aNàr ai- -a et ILM@Lý la- 1-- -à alleulance. à boit of tr«% Kota reCOVer- 1 PeteeMeCm-éno&d,. air thoý . hll 1870 lia am%.. Tý.,l lit ».e tha, Ontario (;gjver't dark emid bÏ"- US "TU 3fft& «OTT. -It in _With t Ir wc*««"'* Ut Otthe ".Xothtaget the 1«" IIIIIIIIIIIIIe,ý» appil W4W fail of blos- feelings of deeD re -t Ynpany whiýh turnson- BC". grt , lu which manv 1 = P"lý-àt -C.. Wfth restimmens, 4" au a " John,&" while KaWut dhmay- foots UP te of Our madmwllj shme, uM we recora very satisfactory. A'nucchiam rapitij - fem &ad ý ed s" wond«inz ho bad phmged lato the death of Mrs. Scott, the wif, of of turning Ont 11)0 tons per Ilay i., to 1- amle passionnât t mi the qwk tour nalllion doloire. 'MI' much resPected tomber W il. ererted next qprinor and the Tbmk hmv« 1 big âMm si% nm*"Iuwmmm, "d Puah« Dy-&&w DzmTra,-The by-l*w to . itianlifltý. M moud os a tqN Md Cowd rm = - Seots, Mq. Kp p. Atter& j&àg nlàess lured articiewili lie supplied iil-til, anythin& depth. of vrater. "Oui lm raime Mm fur local im !Kuy (X-t ah Du - Pom Mx. unewd i J"Ptqg la la this Y;ed ';j il hOyr 4&rouvm*Jmmmftta site e=uTd on City et 64 c'ton. AWUY- ber douce in Péte;I;ýrough'*h. ro boer b -klbg là thé -Sonme ttie exritement WMU but beau te bu m ,lttlr It pln- - your dremm,' ho a pie, b"d-11 dd; m ho Vadoe murder WM the «t«m created la the Township, of remmand au Zab WM bine awa" took hm mu et the neige. engin. Kola mm returmed a verdiet a" &'kcUm 0'& WM ibro-,h th- or berlo»at mehas eadyazeand féel I%ýùWk»w wm*nlat,*WtbamOmmt W w«W M-du upàmg jfflm Me Wols tbàbklffl et et btu hm circle et trMMIN who sincoraly mouru Of a Bon Of 'Ur.. Gibwn." Thé boum at U = ïm QugbàL The Prieow-rwbormdwdthe mSà Wmpmtby for 'et in -two year %mage,-% &UBOUBeemment without »Y mouffesta. mi. hii, mm Is twenty nid. (tUillbarl, 1 bW r W-a-e0 tiom m, ttwm-- -ý- ÉL» of motion- wm mentenSd. to be am«ië----Moview. non M)gèffl memois, bat h'. will sommua"d te boueux hoinvid en the Mm dey 01 Decomber. BEAR KrLLJM-.On ilnu-adaV & boer anYOne addreeming him s,ý --johnni,..* Md ;W " KM@ Croditm wu - dim-*a ou ýtbe farut of Mr. j. Lat hesra ni him w.L4 on the 9th üfm- e n du hémid hie mé-m"-4 GOLD MM».-A Party 09 "Omrs te bim river mvk>ti0u, and the won et bout- Davidmm4 Smith, &ndM.-aed. ho Cros- ce-mlon, and it lq &III)ptmpfl he. attellit,ý » ariondu bu mon. f the Unk" Stâtes wào m degar . te row. wu a oerula "n=l - Md OvS in Mr. MeKi . a taltins re- ted tO 10110w IM father. wit "I IIZ 109 KahAb*, m rêported te ho meeting UU& lei% 5 It. I-J Umm ta un thonobt; fS it wu "Bu lm wol m"h yow moità, or ed in mining ýW Sad m 10& Mh Ooui ftgn IX & PM" Of sw&MP grO Tb, !0 Muskaka, to huy land. 1" Imat lu be the et Quela 4 md wha wM your moth« sayr. turmd o" la quest 01 bit, In. hie. with brown hair. andwhen I, M& yim- hmé bem ukk.Kat% Md théi d-- MM ber Ac«rrrm-J" ML-*m WM tried tAt dORS sud wsà left bombe hadona bloc fidt-elotit. chemm ou te au tâe Wàm te "mo tbe mm* vilrid amimm onorahm- thd Amb» for binfu vitqPM-IdmeS«WdiashooUMbruin. ultandwhitehat.. «M" et a M on@«" te YO& Tbe mi, th« là wu momme thme 1 ig an e ,"It th. townsup or OaDMATM. __Two vonnx mên. wère. walkinx ni maumNý won tbu ME bu comaieL A" thon the talk: of Torcute boide.-"-ýY-M" be b'ObOP the t;rwid Trunk track on Sand-v. re=l» moit m ab" a mamade st thiugs-- çém«1Iý et joh»N orutusum ""ce là laStAbout two milesimst uf the D«,a,,, brA MM in a tavim 84 peàea e ehareb. la tble town. The 1 t-O hnvý. whohad a dog witi! et m -au Pw*.RIM- - ti-M mi bqéà bahut mder tw in"ý et 1101kwim pas" dwo" ta M W le -W Wh" wm adnÙt"d in the 00SOI Of them, -toiteriai on the remi. On thýu --Bdw&rd Sowwdl 301M IL retum pa»t the e*r Mm UBWM*% mind vu on MMA pmmw enos tbe mommommer. Prw Imp xme!2 a short time aftta. mm oita2mdLiom the voung tara nd theremain% ùr Me MM Umm te, au et commi boum @"dey amèm ** OMM-IL It m 1 on the tbmub. Md to 11M OMM ý Il onlmw lamw op le meqL ÙR 60 Bolém WM: imièmens, mui Mem ono" = Ur GoÏL The foligt in the dog, whieh had been tied toi a rail, MME MML Imm te W" summ àm a to Plece-4 by a train that ý bail A mm won chou, ordaimd the interval. The poor be&st Md mommetimm bWI lm ..e-joboL W-Q AImmIIý B.A, Second *m m . n ho avaidéd, a" t sueh effortoiteqP et - nealm that 8-chool. Irt gon; Blev,. the on the fôre-feet, had bïm tara -.rdw oM yu M-W-swamy et y from thé nails. The bu" were - »Ut MW im mi UK -Wb? alkmu *0 là- a- ivr__Auzý__ lac kwolm te m Ibm m the am the young thin Who reinte UMM kdW04 Wt Is ohms a qMrik « i2-9 M M . ýýj ft44b" crméky- AGIébo. ,q,ýî10 ffF PRIVATE FUNDS Vi 14,41NO MON %VORKM, wooiyvltl& Ont. Nivit'y to Flirnaîtroperty "f the 66 49 Ili. ýA. Celabrated Champion - ANI, Oshawa. No. 4 - Ploieho. uxtrtà nard M"i Mm Imm »É 'lit t ' -111- , P160vous. 1 OMAND. 'AND silpasailv ipirAVÉM 1 iradai agnaloi" are& W. vý PIANO roi Al-o Avent t« the relobftted & av HO! FOR THE ý HOLIDAY& . fiart.indi Tu VrIr r LET lànd ;jW en te DAVI Baker Md Aux FOR, BàLl&-Th, la raturnir-or thank" hm &et MC6 S. ta C*16 M wýt., ou lu ,et. 65 jeand and la a #mi Mte a tien kb bedimm ouadhuance of aie M". M 1 am noir umubxwving drtving haine et* on tbe lk;in a t& 011. 21 xù'oo Imm Wondville and 4 fi ]h,*", Jj."ýÙj (" dyo retînt jum4ion. Fur turther farblemblits là Jolis MCM'GALD. on *0 prinaisse, en wondville P. O.-&%I-tf Sim you c ce rtulig theus frase -î be My Stock% wet nooorteti. and enwou et -LIAltm FOR SALE The be "q la #,Rd x lu the lý)WUMP of 311enverw. -8« ab» coin 8 Verte 14111> of wbich le are a a" et euiuvatinn,. ba"ive bord vS a" rrmà emplie aval Gond fragne barn au 4bymoiýt. belit boum, - lath endi plaaeft& AbDut de "M beaitins frais. Ter». 4tix Tu, là Y"iriffl for balance If voiquir wd.atëly..-Addmvi. M.Ltadmy.-letL FOR SALE OR RILXT. jr BATHEX 1 LKATHER 1 Thm is %%ber, ltyoqwmtmy noté Me of Vict Iminit Mée M& 4 la li e Ir lm et C.Iltùàlnu 150 ac juin tg dumd..-Smd buil-slncs. i3ke embatil *Indy wat«ed by sý never f&Uhw cSu ew BÈCk TaMM'y, isuaft4 elght atiles front Licd»@vý rI.,.fnm and but t Milice XeXoil*eold stand, a IL the XkUal pSillejudd w»llm àwuwY. w1ffle Y-bu eau 44 caler. hua mrket tint cwiliatoiliq surin Y* bey eh" ta alu«mber oise of &bc sw« dedmbb cm ffl 'T'efflm ".d. et ébat t«obprl»pMdlorlbdL*& the Cutady. tu à. ?WM A ont, barifain will 1 ZZIMM Th $mail ammet Clown. bu"" on th» go $tr4w imb ril T." 11, ou wam une et JARVIS.týmbm aient 8-1pý go ,«el-, ac. mine Uivm. Thicy will mave à griat IMI et L'OR 8,1LE -West hall of L tient labo". Ptmmber, Ileso4r* OW stand, 1: & iM t» UM C@M. Md«. &I lintratrut W 1 J. LIOLF. and la à poud otite et culliesti-n; quo Chaundon Z. : r3eun; 10 il h, 1 e r 0, nomme. fflme Sera, 48 a M. nearly o Stable 9-- holà U cowo, bleue Ut". à -,,bundiffl; »vwr Mil ffl in barn yarýt tË. a"M"q ;9 :ZiZ jpwd avcan bohad.âiWm front Wmdvil.. 4 1. le EW GOODS AT unze C Ilýnd- Md Ill". I= kwmd Je Zcus. Com. Haut Wbud aud Coder. sud Sim M ut OL§Tdmc. Un Mi. it-tbi. lu aodui" M lier particularo 8 oit mi*» toionif a Roffr. luxe Q 1;. i% INSi trrhitertt. Fil CABINET OR( One* sa tas neau« M«k. i CAMPBELL à utIqAlst% Affl% somma lui 1 nwd. M CHAIRB AND i whiell wt,,-týer ât privo. Msuit titqi tinim 'ALLWOR.KVMRIAITtR 10 CIVE UTISFACTU Ait +ttrliiqbc. 14-rtll Iwior and Rtirb" -il 'il the Pl#liilg ilotte oit the .11 mi in the Je 11111OK114 O'RU&lrl6y *11DUC». *1 0830aff, nowl, siseza *4 Dêt DUO. UpAmq Oum a mm. 51. « 110 Wmtlvilte. ces. THOS, FEUS CASH POICE 081. - ----- Tomb lexwa~ pain by the lxise ef p t mt. de. du; 4 de. ilit .%,rxfq tx.revt fp. *,,'i,* vottit. nit Ileele. Iffl. d:,., d 1 do. 14«1404 trio lit j $tq.. àt NOIR AND sais de. d thi. tille il, Wm v 11%, OLM e: a% elde foi letbilltlt*g dom. LU c S"'. b. W liabtit pur WildOw - m ltent lel-wl, tbv Opeet. "f the ga.. or W»V (4ert $.W It de. do. *q. a l119ý 'de il, millire a tniniq" tO " a peti. ýout&We Air bWIding and votag 0. mthtt». purpom mm la qumvAwe ffle.01110 Il. the 'ItUtA& lwigé"m skal lit, and fmd* Pm V!, 1ý,t jtioieý, à new lifiln-il-1t' when br mfvanem wibb I«Otv and Otsvwxf"Qý an), point. IMM fàrme le 4 nobeamm. Cinto timM lýhtbrw. Mh rxtnwtml effl Ot rhaffl whero Attith-lat Tmbb ave tt, be tuom'ffl. BCOXHORS LAKE LUMBEIL t'. tn-Itl *lit PIMM mil eaely-la the dèvý k vwd kt dm " ef Ille Mon el k9ý rr.9, (wfWi h"t Offle tO il. à 0. 114411OWM% Otft. lie.it" M1.1 ffpimbel the IL tu 19 13 19 119 ý# 1. 1% 9 jk. lem L fi. UL Il & the Md et fta Md 7111111111 (î.irowmb JbDyd mîâlîw. »Mir ille beddum et Wic, 00MOM.) XçDon»n» Roq; Md Om* et the IW«rY. lit %ýq>f.r 111rotmPlah*ý 1%egmq "'I' e "qw-%tt-rý 4Û.1 the Pt -lsall it Ig su, Poo" te, r S: - dut 4".. -uc Vtge rit.. m ln Mty wmh > ý-woH d't tptv4lt"r itIA.,Ititw Q-e Itrý- e- .Wb by ut*@Zw-- -llk oewm, le kh ILAftma.. 1 &eakpàow ýi J ait -j!eý éc. i :.. -M 1 r.týrr ffql,ýo q .

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