sim"p boa ia- --i Tm lm ube te&#"«Mme l'bd Umm 'hum "bo»dwtm lima mwèe,» le 'a ta, wstohbbm P: Wawk UV Me-f U"oh; o h;ý ri(.k f* * *0 !bu W&Y, .,They bave allé# béités publew et etteffréalbey if Y" ýè 108,11 &S #W ih(,Ylbretobu INPIbeaiw:= Kr. Ný»1kV è Md bqd billit lait fa«e Poum h.>« $kM» wfttd »M mèt" obmwtm c, wam,» beMos of Me Ob". i.dkD elana% ut eaub.>r.), baya, you . My m»w v %hm D4w, *4 idéal opina çi libil bilà baie %bol, M.bube*p4fora Prooos, tholif; keeptole, whielle bu venait à* if. Hmeby% »%& -I#Oqw bave = ab.ils fleur pinaille et b'd tait, chftlme lat* Io 0» uvhmd more OYMPMhY Sb" blé, Md sied boloitold et in three q or fotur -if ",(os, obkbffl et is éta» hés bloin )* ýebiftd 10 6" à" d» affervarde loprinklinoit the *,Ill- lt,.terrtipt an impfrtmt Offlab'»Y, obild le saita, tioci on pom-, toilette vith a brotaëi, bolid Whi(lh wagatwttt to. 4 ou toril go M ooo%» aMd «*»M. bu hm alla; men a boiq since. Thot i liti bMik lit piffle fflùor. la libe X(btWnq bolélit Wu bille M hie 6» pwf4 filer preillénots suitiveil loir imeacbre' ioluiller wd thé 0(bineldel» WM lao, pylle vilm M xv. montwy% Jeumthoèn P. Deckerof (.*hg" bien, Ham" (,v«took mi. aurktuy do- bu dimvtrtèti a new, simple lond ef elottoopoId it, wh*n #hm nom M hie owik hom He Wu »tuminu $Wctwd Domaine toi Iewr,.Yltb$C purat., W&% jetai týlhtwbt te a laboles- mlu the toiles. Nad bu hm home hnm& - Hie ib"plerationte, are a amh (-IblV.thbt t4 bâillât im-le" of OWIMP, ho écoeuld bave huwd thés balait huité, puti etried with ker-,,ýsit- -il "e front Hall". N» HAM héloil »W hm solosi a » Il br' brille Terrible dïw".e t-r a go- abois dublabello Md wu &blas &à" laaller ho brWen thepotin I"Vos And Ooriski wiieW ktiwaèWo 4W aut' vitbmt tobjwrll* éthum, 4" the ýmt.-S th* IW-tkm (-tth* brombt rété MM »We, Irfbp.,ff mèlo eu ker(ý*elbe, where th ho ow4idled wlh il. 0"" "id nu" fait $47 uneftd. le- kick ?-or blémât ilote ",,Id* and »xPibý- (1q-mb it purimoetoly. 14o vothélor, lie this finiet W&Y lie in killing thein hy 1 riblleu Ill the voutry, the lait be-bile i . .41q,"* ! 1% laffatiola boa v«Y the $)Y,,Q»,Nde on a !Arm in that il, hie hoquet, whieh habit h*-k**. And. Fqof-ýyne ."* of Wb" wu **vu vieinity. -.7 rWim mvwm la" leu uWbf4 trou Mr Pw>- Meeipe fer PnmerWag ]lent. elà ý1,i likid il-@ tirer the Sée, Wu. ne 'Oilir. 1RUlbll". W,6$h« hm latimé, u LW, Il. lui qualéleky MWA»#. (borem à" "f' but ùwzd IA"I& oumw nom tel derby bieil kixbwiedge of thé tonowing, by a wrû« in the X. 1'. tb»ovm" Woba»é»Mchw- ritabbébal juin pépolve both and or by, Ulm. unembY.» emmumtw Therts is »0 Rond rema lits terçuestht h4que au him. ne. limuel "@est #mm *0 thaw D RErAn C E Xý4tilleu, subscry, ho vu ho lm imkéng - rouffad cbarley II "Y hýmmm Md twe W H OILIESALE AN tnkittit hie belsm apiiri and the baud Mt W Mat mit pork, lauréats au the BA T ltl"tttr" 1PItther ,(te libui «Ith «*> ft" mut to, Illée M" tmb of cité» Corner Kent and Cambridge Otreets, 1 9" by Md viguellé, Whou the fonowing LMM Y. wu ltokinu I&P the Pro" bilfeh ne am mothod Win keoap mut bombe for weeks m W filon the d(oor wu ibpolmis and 'Az à" û» be lablota «an in #boa wwmut wmum. 1 have nr ('hbbnir« amie féla 699»V»eu. à éliallille lm «0& Wied it for fabvoanl Y:rý As won flos h.iy, (*Minli the obik«e ofiat, vie, wa, =0M = f the mest, corwen Ibyv"m-The towmb liée bup the mi" béat if, 'O*mlodo on the uh hin% vu 84 S» allés lit op reffdy fur Mlting. J* pocarticatut tu a ta tentes t ,rho locheel borterto, etfue)t dit" . Tho idys» ho livil in, Md a mm le "ding at Vieil witehm P.»M An the ban hoinel Route? I)atbokl(l, bifeh ila hem, boud MW M"d hime. chww hm mi% ult and pulverix- of Pro, T4Axu WORK& FR»rFRAM coqu'a mm At p l'ait. thébol, ho wu haler 114#11 labiums beau in the o»r minou, Md hm ad wjgpet», Cuver the bottoin of, the thoTo*nof op DM falbelating 11101le rmd Md approbre "due watur. ne »WMbm béar top bd- *ei"ý t» 09 étagéalpit the = tu Pm" afid théolt thé, hright (xlot and bsb«M b" taisait bavé tleri4 obteru eobvy w(,t#kt bave obid of wwà a liait brMIN $"W. 01 adt étommunicafigne fioan tfie iteu Andhowdid ho offléela, hm»," t dotrafé or of mmt, Io with orrAwt. July wars laid ballon the CouneiL à oui et W» Ctittrl*y thaibning. woll(t«od Mr. llibuti". whm ho W ma and pepper the amu if it vu - M O N Ilobéi oia*ttir lot rsoil the bireh and the sufficiently dixubd the nëw& Autharimi Di hem j. a. ]Mr" & Coý in repard 11, jou x(oinq tel the 8" , Md Continue in pur "ent. ùva bekdg- W AREja munieu" wu laid béton the Confit li-1.4 loi,% (tk*k. ho bat. --T4 bàni broet hime batik. lt titis mume, until Ilible jar is EuIL Puld lit ttlrber notice' J. JOHNS am hem essumd th" umtimm% M"itu M tition wu la turt,41. oboa th(, tohild wal4d t.iP #(» htm. te ola ite -way up étWae. ch"WY due or 60*01 and test it in sarong Ot imité on unir fine Winch uny am te 1 et c-- fer 19 14 et 0%1,%IIY y(.1% 1 whibe haël &Ipriftd godgr flou the motion pamd et bouleute h=k et à* borie ük Md vm« in whieh a little 01 Avuma ilitio, The public am roquejUd Io "Md :'f joint, ait the* tillice whilore bave led emiet on Mo Xtaî Co %tutt. X.Mim Ur wSk as the M Iroder the collé" Jf.,11 bomoli f- h«A in li« et hie trmobe-, whichb OV« the Mellal am Mt it in au. salini dombr mm amies Mm P-= = ýST 0 t la dissolve& p"" the Clotho T11TW A1R1Eý 0 KM& duo@$. une, botvm the sth Md êath con. nue lqltvt, 14,étu way- tu a bar". Il tw ho tuait est n*htn added 0001 placie. De "te Md prolose the 4ndsa 1 110USE FOR SALE, cou «ARRMN, of lot lç, 27 to, PI-- Lake bel loir, Thoit lllteei smvt,(l Ulbe. rSbooo, bleuit 2 ytoboooro, ouct, ALRXLlfDIM UPRRMY, lqàmilton'a Bloék, Kent St., Md for public tmveL Mr. Cf)p &;~ Y. "Lady Augusta "h in t htly 84 èwh layer ile Juif -i'IiÎL4-DRIUN» Lindsay, Inh Mèreh. la&-mo-iy xutbd»W& )exil t'rititt, t$.ýVtIr. 5h, IdAïe out (et the hortiffl sole ho movaid, your mou abill keep fier $22.It ý 1 - il ý 11_ il . W. De" Md rbâffl wm heford i )lk, li-o-kkxt rmésid fier Tfvolobé; anci 'It-Ilté entame vu bighteo»d into the W monthe, Thon drain olf ail the bloold lloUSE.%ND LOT FUR SALE OR réglifId ton mid 206& Moved by M &et tI1éý wilti k,,&.1 - tif hie dolight, liet à" it vu hul, gw*tý Md mwtied &bat (toffes fribut it. It borill be n«»-Y TU RN.ÎT. Moyeaut moonded bý Mr Smithm t.w.k liq. hité, Ilornée, &ait the %hm la brità bar mm té em au chmip the cloth emnio»Uy, or th" the polifition of Win. C tvaYA efwlbmi triili hie toyeu 011 Char- wmh it fint in OnId The South hait.4 Ut 10. Smith C-111013M Sb- OTICE TO iro" »S ** b"bp, wbo faite lié or and Apply %. N Tm PURM others be p-ted, te tako .14,y,. lm* as lit% Massif hitu m wwMly My failber in tho watar, ah« "d in mat and water Tuus. GROA %ex;remUM& Di Augut, 1875, and est là Aud" salli, ,*Hambbit le likoràrommS. At ont in thie W&Y fumen Oazé have 4tstf roquuted tu nOtifl Mr- Job (:Itild h4ve Mt" hi«$Wt Mid W fillotky. il" M«t &Il the Fur round. 1 have JOHN ANDERSON, il% sit(oeiri(qttkbe là# batelait le lot T« Aw ý . Démailla to rugovole the oblatructicit 'Iv , notarly, "'au oce oiroum" b but " eu killed the l' FORsAL& uâcumr asd Débat« la sablé, mm âddomble iu aloit, diht et otm» brûlé arionther. My tathses re- 0 ., tili the 211st of June. Thon 1 The nutmtýrtber offem litir toide Lot- 1401o. 5, 6 "il over amt Meeting- 0117 ne Mo" wn a lie, it vu W t1j, v.ýIlv2Q, tutoie, oured . ýk)lwid's lutter. and » puked S, lartice jar of orcal in thé »1910 il% tid. a ýp.»I fouette dotelling aml -ut 'là. dm. 1'l'a Voqi wt'rt' 'bot 11% ee bu- Charlitoy's %ilf ail and il kqIt hntc.. m.., -irtturd. gdevr o-ý wu laid belote the Coumg hum Job filididi-illot plat emi. mttue, iýay disring the dog days, nid mi ft paituer and othent "qu-Rtffl the "à ha torther rendeva it more six w»k& Tho "po is une obture the Md àl'aoàmodmcd couna to, open, the lialle between loi .4 filoute r0t #noire, illward rollikof At the =P bV puloq- Chè,I@y il ehmp fr cuit. lie go ut - a dýirahiv rt-ýideiot4h The aboule Witt bu miel a yon ombelle mot buv" et MW a" orming désolasse, Md ut MY mperer eele Mobrad Il bois inuch ako & ghooft, m My alibi , And prion of My newupper in the land Mr. Sanithabon, »waded br M Io STEPJIF-X GAIX, yla CERRE TAM SIOM ROS, SUREAUS, LMW MMEbl 20 aad2l, in the 7th f.dI. té qy ltntl* iltvtr reit toliby thinst aille hie tours* Aile gt-9. Theyv ID ont VAivAI)IAN (!Uuugivvy. JA& CONNOLL th" the pétition of Joli III liq tilvir livt,*. itild prqo4,bty élever hie héléto close in thé tever. Il. - celscoue 014LOURg ým -.-Tho »Ir horéfla diseule hall malle F I Peter siuouo, allé u&r for f tatte Md Wmai 9.4 est lhý Tonobst ud Whm". AW & entaillait@ Rue lait 'abl' 1 & "il M'a. OR SALE. -If not sold before the Bewboé palmer and others be laid aller naît Do ru il t bon. = Wan BOOM on 661 by pubiii; aloctiun lin that 'atls&etion tU»%, uther humble in the ira" "U At very lome prices, ab the next Meeting of Couneil, Md thll tloiýdht thélit vras kitxbw, limitiehi' h@Prmutlymid ' ite&PP»Moe among the hunes in -",le Two DWBLIJ» £«OM kýp»,ýw Ilýn, hand tant géoccule licyles in STIREIET. ILIXDIS-i'-ý«Y- 0.4*, nt.ébrt1ilbu lib"in liu think wo we» &Il là état ut Formule and other pointe north. tituaud'.,ti L.8 17. noirth ýf Pecl ýtrcct, in th. LWSW' Md »_' alésage. &r- civil sa il, un and Mr. Joluction the quarala %Ir. lywattr. rh&tý illtltf& Wfp miltht have thought of A --,rhe Roman Cathi)lio 0 and Tmn ut Lindffl ilinx tvil nxnm obobouh wu williblest au«ti6 Firef; dolor Of W. ]IL ItOb-91 "««7, '" "art" 0 V*ichs ', "' k h yole oilléolonts but toi lie suit". BOM*Mb$r**P", ppo" "S btw«n lots 20 and 21 in the Tt %Iortli#2 frtin hiilo d»k te the but o. adjoinine building as FI t Lue, WlIre e.ýl coolliom mater Wart. and dowing oreil. 3dO - the trolorth ut yeS MORW Joux ANDUMS 00IL, Md »port et the next Meeting c rIXIIII, turibed a sullafe il rt "hm thonght et a bolorp, " destroyed by air* &bout a. . bon rur furthéor vanicithm *,P..le" INICOLLE, Couneil. - CwriocL Movoisi by Ma 40t. aloil 1.(,Itall tliblitliab« il Illiblotépipe On' ah»Iald, nialver bave thouîht the b&TP 8unday lut. A mm nanteil Pilrbeatl 90-if) TIIII, the premisoise hvt "nid ON" àim 091* dbfflt" ab. p"Md in the flamist. thât the Bu" in h,,nby =*O" *ttdg - Smithabon, e«onded ' by Mr. MOYM ltywator iitttnd the, butoÙf#dOd mm. . irlowe' a«. Woi, mve 1104 him _Mr. W. R. Robinson, rêteentlY of FARx ?OR $A' to Md on a ur"yor tu "" th Aroy(lu batik »d 1 thuth God. 1 always Brougham, èOici a pur nt mares, folie N'w Y'&R'"w étaid L; »,âld turc ut rés hntw." yelors nid, and weighintr 1,19X) pounde et barité, the Nom, Iraw tais S"wâbm vM 00m' B E E D S e B E E D S O art,, rond batvm lots 25 and 26 i gywahlf rllll(4h(,41 hio% dànm and Il baboula octiffle ma è» laimb", " tub, fier $1,» tc, fdr. Hmkill Ili containing lieu urto..,ýf which atxut da amobuw. maem tel un jette 0" ut mat kilodos ut 4th e». &A mm &A polétaible.- et ami in a ýq.»t ýýLut, "f cultivation - b"we tilete 41,11glit tliiltntlf go, hité, fébat .41 bir. Héaliatiffy. #41 wu At the 00110P l'enria, Illinoité and Slar. There it, a xai le attente; DIRT GOON, 91LOCERM il Carried. TIL0 fOROwing - lu" trouble outil ami Amwe tic noter -X&DE CLM- miel 1114111 lit, nés morfond u,ý) *Il eshaé. Sboni able mmaing thenfore cloïbe tu -The Munson deet are hard at work i CILO V Roo»&&Iý juli 5tt4 7' i tioc h. Thc garni III tel. wilcii groin the Vit, MM a Sauge, RMDr NAYTý»ý o ]E]R, TIMOT.H-Yg Dondolmal, wu u»iiuwuwy carricid loir Ill'11,244 yt>lq. siort, il& @111 001. but did rM UÙL 1 dredging Oshawa harboitir ; and it will týýria x.ffli stathin ne the; 'iili*qtle iwiway. the u«I, màn,ý.'[D cmie. am . «C.- To NL J D' did,» ei$Mtfl- Uuwtlitmwt fongu twiamile at cet, for cotait. Vemlwb,-Dxz FUMD,-It ilé w'Ë thouiht peur tatba w«Ilà ha" take tholm threos weeks ait thia wt-rk. îrme itou M.,nek R,,ad Titi. i-oil.putabw, turra. 1. tape th" qabst your brother oeuneU v-ort-ly faut pmogh coléellebre, oallecoula M " Tho crib wurk fur the extension tif the rav. rýi? fureteur intromati'.1 187&-79ely. TIICLD AN D GA RDEN S]CID So ('11,1rirg ilift, -rupteil Iiiiii. limtteh laughode " H* bu W III pier is hosinir cortetnl&,ed at Whithy. 4t:1.81xl T,.,Iý1>1ýly,,gotLhekuwPneUr- Dundord, Wanmtied jmoh, and alo the looliblot Prim Allie the grata; Io» ru ani D(bl# The bout*, 1 isindontmi. ý -Two machiniste Who had lait Oeh. - W . GRAHA lune letérécom ýiil Witt 1114 l.lttlintl thotim, »Ir W»t NMU- il u-la ur w'fa havo m"»" through th U ek fi, V' ho leMtxl- bu hogien Ilke & béir. lis iel, in Ollild avaie and vont go ealifq)mia.è year and défie of yet bats te MUM.S th" ha bu r"nd hie quittait Seedersq I)rilli-e aUd Iteaperse y .lit 0'ty lié, vil Pu 1.ýim gn of the plu;, "bila daughtor, &ai km*"rl Il %te 8tettet &hie &JW"om. ft loctialié, like a hall ago have returned. They say AcM In the àdSk of Ént Abiet, LindMy vite huile that Wh" in your a" i, lie Wni'l the, iilkbatqr. the happy eld laiméflé Io effle bim, At hie times am Fory bard in thé Million TOW a ip OF al»oort. crocalles, loots à ffl es, Md PAMMbS*t gain, and effet Fou will étébSpt 1 k tmoor (Iloy ItNvtl l«Il Ili" * A State, Md Z,"» cmd", to, Stay At Beinu JAMES KEIT:E- a «»&U tobo. of the -t-- au wh"ý t1iliraibylo, fhoily hltvt,." llnw V *Y. M-Wavraitu-à" r D" 00«% Léfl r- , 1 q going te, do. now boule. Fou an beld bY U& Biguudt on baW . i di, liq't 1,1111411 thoin rigolote ait. . lui. 1 te twýurmd FI « ad bit - Wm. Duke, lm onnc«Mon (,-Y,;; Lot Ocanc" on Mdo% of *0 Couneu, bI if Iltmmaitt te. top Iléobek 1" Into a wu re.,tirni1tq flot« a field whore ho isq', I" lubored, wi . thin une Mou $"Ulm R"ZMI iiiv@S kb lie &1141 distebarop the (me whol wu laken wu wurkin;t'ývitb hie teaul. when (ent, -If e.I1Iý11: = = Zr 1ý1Ilda 12, n," t amý Ilo= lie i tu-&' I M P 0 R T F. D S E.D S. -il Tenu orp"ý [Wa me auto Ur. Naylues numerou tl'oir ttwlioh tviolcée ton lu y,ý,ur atud whon Fou eu" Pet> Di the hofolles kicked him in the f-, paffleulm 4r se r trio" will =Il ou à.. il i lunm PEOPLE OIF HALMUI&- Srdmny endorme this oz Iln, 1111%t4ttr, " 1*99-la abat moten f W*bktng hie jaw and kumking ont in refum tir lit ýlolr iblayittil -tt*r4t,» et, qilfttion-whbt la lait 4 floéna' of hie toise. il out, 1875. M-44- W. larrc]3]E«V tlltt.t, le stllltll qllql%%x emed for MADZ gool pramon, of coudoient» Tho IODA t1ily. talon hn* Neu toit' -VIert, a, Iléons vie mu ii, rettieuléod liaintah, in- -Au exclublage telle how Jamee' 4t(*AL COUNTY of BAL- IUM STBEET, JULMURTOIf, lady irbon »timeil 4 1 alo Ilrlori*ml flent a N'y (et hie jokinit mbnu@r« 111 have hm Nlrney wu chaud by à malle while ti. lit, 4t'itr4,(l -Y toi wu bigbly este ;wt'. Charli'a. v4,11111 illoilow hiam't t@llir« my tather effet 1 W Porbape At worit on hie (mm a few days EDJIUND Mr thà Couneil adjoun gluali"-£D. CàýNADIAS Pý*T-J Movod b3, Ur. Cook, -ndéd lit yq.ll lit) not botter pay Poit'Natd a visita, Md JOklfk Ne wu. 4'tr»d" up a fonce ; but 1 1 Rolantoil YtrkqmI' inail tW the Malgo wu bound tu fullow TU UNADUN LM AM ité, mollet oit Cambmy subject to the OW triglitt'itt4i ttb th Il. OU oif t igue - ýq., air; l'oit m'illotellow, that - - 1 told Fleur tathet ormi " Wh" him ho showed fight, and Alter an 0 TION aide Md c4% tilleuls, am aucoý TnokoI ýItt8 relatais S" rwam th" lie bu rewv" da'" botte galéga"d 1, lu" la, 00.7 M M of the Rétive. -carried. .. ete lime OMIS, 1 wOuld bible y" toi & elli:%ol "" I« Meaz a -six 1 09 TJIB &EOR llUA Dl. &il nié carlesa Grain aloge, calame afflto"»ý t, nill tholn, air . woh't you i pliait . o Th eigh Dettes for mie, un %xmwitimb cet aulemm carpe9*9803, va i t le, &lui shako bande #o I am Swan "Il did, Adr. But pu inehee in lance. orm = listes% Xèiebiolý date $Vil% PU, ouver mu, jewen«Y, guyot Md tamil pw* Adversité«) tlitill." laid Nte. l'or. rêt&Kilbjt told nw »qltmmllleltjy "in hfaod iàte»d A daafosa, in the fataiture 01 a swell- GF001) on ceau OU (Pets, the Lon tunwmbs, mu. exiiiiii. eh- tant P& &NGOLD SEEDS, For,-ni hi . te diguity. 1 à - il. le wobre etl» Von 1 vu nus eligi. i Il on the aide of the hmd hall top- affl- Md oaqmsm t" TURNIP AND 3L la Moutrw the wSkmm Who bavé ble Air ib." pellired amang léomb Of thé Illettle in tIO àÏibW-bnd mumî* fusillaitWeb p&tM: cbue" Dirait trucs Préoccolé. hem ont 01 OMPIOYmnt for aime t'lut R1,11qiqt *toltlr4 lot thillk 414l'. AIld 4 o lielleving ru "ru tbe oulprit et n@ighbolirhond o! Oohàw& la, ÎÏ, faut ITUIT Ame nalla guettaient WmcWkmdi"g rM- 8" 'bO'9»" dommim»«Plan&don Of the romn (4,qolti havo board thoreshoat ibiltbwlby,$. very previllent AS Fat, but filaire are et 'à and et a publie meeting the enfibloffl il en flash truisa II&lliih l&IW big oyebiews. "Th, efettortaitied est it vil] fflesood rapidly- From $1 .50 te $3-00 POP »Plat «Oh "-IMICIL ofactit fruit, unaed stum oompetiuon to On- M'y il dr» icski-g o- th tombale and CARROT, CAULIFLOW ER & BEET SEEDSI, declartai th" th-F fauded férote«Ilo' owmoto« klttrmbftllll&ry parla of that, tir, le, how Nothinît eau bu done tel fitup il& colin*, do 2.00 to 4.00 do On tiM NEW GOODSI " thm to supply the C-dim »I Woll IION't'r (ferias poil cepuld have ilfflinad ffuob à thing Md it ustially »411114 In the demie of NEw Gwme!- ae"---emoi ut me. S. the bout attacke& ý The nibutit am in apiud order in thim mum 'If & ý,nmWndmt of the HmiltOI t1n'y eried rois 1 eW àà»p thillek et, -in Flanéilton a married 0touple, lutintry. Tho; Bubývgelli fitiod 1- 110off WWIY & j. àto. mcM URTR«yg Twu oontributu 9, 1~ ID which th' nfloivll.ýJblétely M'Illtl huit. ty laysésit in tatum tant 9 bave elat »»»d Halévy and Mary fflSe arrelitlad lxrt'çlla"v in what wm the Wurvé =. lurth i't Kinm-uni, Tht e*mem ni" FLoW FR S£àjui gr«ind in latin th" it is Mt incrum not, alone. reffltly$ wuru Illet wéek bientenbSd tue toi Ulm" lit repirteoi tu bu on humud erpe= ,r Kent and wum S4bsbb1 lý &Zd.W protection- but a obaffl in the style a o il, - o %,ttbluo lit rue t&Milyb Who migIgt ho, in the peniten onelitai r%-ad juiol, noble. bu Wu tiary mu " will brin bad lire, pin *Itti4bi, 'h;" eu "Il c tu Pm mené. UV mquind Io I" moisavait a MW Md eh" amrb«" 01 Pftffl-ty go the Ca»disa Ilà- ira" point aitktýtt itorthur. suppéli*d au 1111,01l' ru botter thau Io Io tItIt *.:d attemptin wkmth«ý - 3-M Iltpet wbolualommulmsum OU&Om&ipod the: "ma atelier. colintertoitbillý When»nten- W" Thec,»npmylj tolornothille form 0»1,Cb M"id* - Tho Canadien 111% 1% loiffitoit ostifflori ý o -ye Cor44&m and Arthur. %& pa»M upou talent, the balle, Who was miity onontring t4 thé- ocithon tumblant improve do ncot, is is mid, PSI afétaballe étatala onoly iqiitllllttb (là1bolbot in Alloil Are ru are, tir. dm il, vu rint "r alighdy débat, enquired what Hie %vor. ;Iens In the 4»Ulàtrv !là la ' etor bouboula. reliait. o bontie- W F= CD soir 1 tinté tg the &"%« m ha étatylea, bu, 01101,14 -11. and Touté le o(bildtiot tZt finit tnd«M Yom te II&W eh midi Sud whom told, exclaimed, TOWNLO A 1 TO FOR SALE ..air gdr gçod. 10 rOm" tan 0' 'ilaidt, goillior tif thé, »tlh(bt.l At lut. Pecit me III 'A k God, Soir. rng and may lie in "ni Tflot Subsocriber IlloviDt OP-Od le twelvo afin ont oi o" Tho àm@ri %rtlitir tsloaniti, Teint mlti(br, 4éltiot, bd. Theïr OOMmet-I haýpy 'ait W" ho la steak oub, folio, the hodfions anisai And a, 'VILLAGE OP 9-UIlBURT01q, mut" ])Opot bj 14«,k, and (4orébill' d(114W ' étholald rébalber My- theïr *Mn*"-W"* iporimn l- her priose th"Lwrý Iy wrjetowotut, Md it état mi v tr', nocole, letem hi tue ait at whon tu-re are (bitreb" allie et créaléte a demand for thoir goode av»' Ir l'yoit w(brole w0re a (la toi, tomt out the effilm Th" they bt i It luid ofund lx%%bl eOmillilbiýatiOn- Town hobil;f. At big téli à holidély III eob(bed wm, mrmitW ilmu 0110 W" évident III vu i»W millie. ...a 1 mitait unIv M-ma ta a" nossau, «ho NI ommma VAIO jw. _ _ ---- -_ - in Md in hi% effortatifflous hiiin bkith . = 1, - .lit *tw'tt il(, to'vorffl hem A" be IL -à thst bu mtalýa« il la t'Oumr-qbTua Holfttire ".lm dmwwd. JÀrWFm IB(:ýotis Shoes, tijraî&ýj"e Nort t ,lit to tho lot. right in o»'$ homd ho amant buemm oppmeiLle, Mm, to - - = àt &Eivxlvx oUr tholviks für the favow. àmm the . bunimu en amant a Sabir Md bmwâb)y, by My o« p* permais go mto ha" hewd ý SPRCLIL eh » LI oUSE To LEr.- A good dwM- 1*10 __ - IL 1 lie« nou». llitum borib et COUMY BWW ftai dan kùmàlý moud Fineig GoM and EU la Bufton and Lu%,i" my --ht ilviléant -b- «w b it tittiligh. withtbtlb bhobt." xi. nobte hie 11790. ltpw.,4 Aye cot lup. litrmtsy oppolecile $burin Kempt-g mkleom ab solaiedùm able, Md profite alre en e.r puglaistirs appw as the lmbS> or en the me- coom ojE%«jjý CIOVIL The Amauý »SI at ânt ,Pdvme wmbry 1 sa» J« tvA+M W"xo.- 1*11Y a thmumb kimýwledge ot the W»J& *21..It dava or fow mmtIM4 anov Do »»V vm hopti« »Muval laws whieh gt,%,Om the omration* 01 di. 0ffl tltt, rtittrit of Oharloy would pli$ 1 QTEPHIL Um m trud ra* @b4 Md a momd but of gSd ttlq,4 NS CELEBRATID EN " 1 doaft 1-b"wpkb",em== Iti Imltt w boitor w k«",kmgw oij$gl q)INTXUT. for dmwù*. begbq*W ?tub piani, 10 é* sced nain the firsé; Dote is 1il" Br th 14n. hffl provikwi our bmktbgt tal-W wigh a del. .4hin cevid» le au kM& "q il ith V» ci the mm «Otens ha- it.awtv wav,*Iml bevevv«o whk-h nu,,% 'eVLlitie" %,*M* be exuelleIL 1%9 fak "dà at, Rb"M. pt'r " &a hm rosi- MW %éw8ý ai" m Ille t4pitop hait t"il onfb th&# tred" «moer-bm P»mi» to k»p = v *0 psylouffattecition te styles. Md -Ilinq legt, «'NOM Wh*" vay s"Mf, "Wh' àam to mm but those who Pay Pn-mPtIY- MrmIuMly boi% top oulit A 0 P» nu KIR ISTOCIL it il, wignait tbat Cent&- "ke- eu Viltiviey rotlrt%*t deýÀ oflâtive. or W @%,Pw tomkv.« te (iÏi". 01 Mbtl* lcmtwe» umww ses ivallaw imitait rmly 10 Ammium fairil and vit] novoy "tllnttxl a# idl, 141qttu would "I dm*# MM 14 te be knolm ret hfflffl Zil, 1. il . Wu MW cý m atwibyté ititýaiit a suillak lit thpir @etiwbb- yab, 7» luth 1% 1 ho" 1*m doitils wmrv a lawl -IMK ý h tioli. «1$1ýoalt 141tove-t", 14 hall 40lit tu" "eh. it"a flffl 00% owl W»h ATAmim ghm, rà»d ohow itmi semit S ---D 0«':TOES V. à BOOT AN oix a ailwo #ho and ho m invoquaient %0 V» of *0 Imm. A . C'MM*,, covou coold Id in this montry. In thlll, Si" bMI tt'tAt, t(v tho rmivtç ivi hie own «*«% Md 1 temi" «4» ojrtt le »ydty hm to be puà-d on 0" ObO quind, of %vritit4t kovoe #0 hie 114»M IV'mffl mm"d 04 Md "V~ MW fè moom Md VIO",Uà to tW hmmt«. and 11-- ÙM » bab for" àjo» amirmit il éw *» &M !r Mmévy r =T. tlt*t tho Modim lit litblmttbtèk ly . 1 w Itrda, rwo M W nam Boum aujou ma mielâcellic d9ocas minhein rdubb for sprinir Md @cancer w«L àl@@ý :&a yang, to M OW »d Owwo. 1pe mýhtb(ýt woot» 14xb hard for hfile. ma etem va vthwh bu iw4atmd,.Mg Mr oumeeku-b çh te illaIttow to bu Mvt($»d kb a prive» teé, vm hm aixât et - thbk 1 bave leu 1 th idt h* wtlild ha" to do it agit. 010«ýMO»"8, to ummhw Md pw- offl- *w by au m otem Liouop tE TIRIJ14IKS and Mr " pain" ou lm âîvd = 0" Mun *àwm P" * 0111M -VAT-TSRS. t» câlý aime 86 tj»Y ba» û* alaimb in thm offl Mt elle., hmi mvmmt. T» dom ýle m m m ?m = iCà»& un -ubab de tu .. on bean wu cém> ons» Moili: wM mbw"m% me"zw qMik hum ab twmty4àv4 of him fx*k Rb W*tM% hm hie faied CAVAUItwom 0".. à* O»MW som, ditwoo, MI» Mm lée et Md mmtmaL Alttwfà$tb "Sy weo"wbb ile *0 E z. : nouabun »OMM-9 UMM la, in the »de. Ur lum*r *M atIhmu m it Clair rw«. Zà noswsj= te *w,"ý and î«M %. Le«Wm moi and Cam ttimýbpmrm» of charl", ho hm e bu 4" MOMV Wb in Iâo, »V& Sb m -,* Ibo 'le mi dwrwb la èw weffl, dà.u par èMMý mm et, kt *« Mm et liaison, Umm way* fêlt "é hie fath« Md Me" mIL a, »Mmueo% LOUP. 44 &m MkM Thm in » Md a utigh# irèwwKlly att»Il Wb** - - »tk n Ra A ýw*M pu b4aw» X" pil» pu a villa ID «0 bu bm ç-"Vàwa*a br mm U-1, him mitibt dom bïm bO bave bailla ébia* q» bimole P« Mâtim b W AMMD. -Agent.. M& Md à> STAPLE GROCRBM % &79 gla Immola. ma bose, uml= mnpbm. elloyella F«zý "htbw in mm. sole. ait wu VA&« milimbauLA abbea :::Ùn M imbr ta Moil et solwolie V*WAW by eue, Ira"= 04udumaý il" dop a»% COOO& Gaavw« A» cm tboot 4manwoweaw *M %110 1 cm umo Mn Manoir M 4 en a MM brimi, an oeübid. "Tom ov«. r4f. t.'h»14#4 W&IW comtmos et *11141 » imum alliée. *8 a rial- 0- PA LI AND DARX BRA 191>TEBCDCDrS 86 OPUP %in* ffltir« t4m uvwy 0" ýmàmààum4 th *O"Wbb"n = ec is go" v« balaie. Md mm *M hm jamoi, M» à o6ý. illeil m pmand ubmy Vinait, loluilicicill Md OU Ibu Bat dial. &;ý 1 yýuftb*àe& ulm lffl & ffo-REluadmicbm"lbwm. y---" _MF 1w9l111:?!!ýýMM_ Barrm.ÉDAM A-ND POJWju4àe 17 b Boir Wan Yeu 147 Bv iKW*Mt»Wkb» VM -Tes a %»_ OJIIUM V" -V »« IL lac, 0", St ffli ffl fflip ù* winéomw à 6 'il 1 thov» Se Si imu howth of Xîîîý chmair« th L&ww 13AM bamum& oS"uw m ait &Z-V , 111111111 @§moule" Pm pw hm 14, toguât mèfàwul U1111111, iiiiii -M la "hm "- laillice a 911111111111111, mi towis and mai m" MW "Ray hou Ç#» owi Io O41k«ý wu au la film *0 wu 04 m lailà. @» ID Mal M «vM, 411111= 81110111 vo ettamaft m&RU 18 em» con âl, 1, Mdib. pPa1&ký comabb. .. - .--- T .0 *MAU" et *«@Mw Pm en" a ma ý âlia, ra"solvec, Imée a la il 1 soud m» à@ a et illoil à" me 1 et O»buftou 8188 Foc FaisEur pasau1 ý . - i, a" mý&GUlltu-"s tallai* Irm lm m nouq le mil wawm 8" vAL Id m le- lm aiedw. àý *eXil ab.