osovin e Iý eau ta *0 À &hh. Jýb, hi ML J. W ili 01». pti""R" LAW (Uhl. - a - - i au t* bit nib Terme, $1.50 el %Y K 91 019UM, Voi. 7,Vi. Wholé Nimber LINDSAY, OlqT, FPJDA«Y, APRIL 23, 18750 il, %,fffl~Yý ',ýri1hgl àf, il Effl effl »i %fili, il4,,t Illéit It VIOTOÎLIL 8&50 conteste& by pollutions; OOMMMUR" W £Pm Pm&& lier, "er"ràg NOM him if ho Bat op dizmw 1 vo. Id gon, ofthsi ""40 fer 40 diý %mue mm IMM AMBCMN b-.I «kad biais pn» ym* am Pm Mur Whathevouidehow apm- boa" syliru£mm If IDLAND nAiLWAT (W Illucolous ela elle 0814 COUW. se' - 25&; 1 toild bins 1 woeu si", 9M- ut dm ni suai l'Il let 4410tor, lm îïM_.ý_Ci Ur lu. ow ho issid it vols Mt unge; I told b 4 111 IL t4Jrý [A)-CUkbl4. 8»- irimom owdblZoee Mr fer tbim mynu I oeuilà sutbwlmd cdom m 0111,111, MI -el» soi ; bu voeu Mt tdS lm be &*" if 1 'ne ili rmy Imm iseur en XIV22 IN, (latetbf K4ptobum XIII. sole. toit* ef4xort #»Oow$VAMIO 80 *Q"Ibpaffl 'i lm or2àvIdý. amie ML BD 1 pli fée i thls uial, and 1 el 1 1 ý *q ianuumbw, o. voloste ow-. ami& IN selle mus i le go "0 *0 te go up *8 &ý Md tèt-IW. ose. MiNL ý ~ tel bu* hem W% ce tbUÉ4 25cé. &-Pm; M $W tbe forgy; i MA thon bu nom >, ici k lmtmv*l te dive omj- ýmomr o!!e tbo> copigts et the iliges navv.", thié mmpý t wu mode in Mr own ý et the Bomm Ho MPi' the wSu wu». hý twoortbmday*ml thoel», Parois, vin s- umthwme 1»6,Vï"le joi»"M .. :: 1 abuanim Thm itu em "ý mfflog md mâ daimd tini d» rume W» tbe» vu no plates Cordon towni lei* P, lm M Îtrili ill, loi fwlle Ù= bis w«U vol Pt, ebedon day, càmwt# Il ... : l 1.16 by Ur. cmumiL for tête à Md *"Ob, , 9. RECRAM iau«, I:n ita ' camamwa thom Baisse Pud for thmu; 1 spoke to Mr tous to the PU Vic-edvllW .00 m4-]rm Ur. Cuum &bout ilb"I $nez; Mr. Cm-, 1 wu uked to 'IPZanu a imur »V« *M quatorze z1daa, uà. 4,- am i urellié, argi ....... 3:i» latub" te,*@ esmumà% Ilà. alomm isba! 8-1 ibadr o mi vm le- «M «M ho omW not intm.e»: ho E«hm, but do HI la tbe lwou*r ogl Lwâwwwd4 bon& au ý (laie Joven, 'umhov% la *8 fume& besaces, tboir mý wolle Boit on could »t Rot the dimur, lier ha» a. Vies obairm» et "'."K =CC. et nomweau, bond in it; 1 t - mm if " là, th, i My" et sou hllly r. o. . tim Km; isir wu&-Goup 12:10>ml - damb- the lotte lem vSy strict; I »hm sciver, thé, nmht b 30 roh nousý Domu cmmm% lm am, iu, âdmx t:oo WW@b Ille WM bu acté Mbeuituldg Chats. Buois, je" Unbum4 ROM hm if Il voici bun the "um if I with two cithare; BRI.I"çt eloTlclë. (lakto Tremont .041imied àm tw IP&dy@04 Nul Ma6dn«4 Docusâd M> did it garanti a" ho, 1 think, @@W ho, c"qgee, Wb" W 2ý lui et *0 lotoimm don, m mm bomb sa le le 016 did tout kali 1 did unis uaderetmd, by the bouse, sol %o, Ir D %met omm ima et go, Deus. f- the Lin y &I m bel imeý om si; p bu bM~. t» or dý tissu, On soi whother 1 Sot hie consent or no&; 1 do ý menai flous ute VV. wl hillawl (YMU» & - te;ý eh. 1.71, -go PIC. ma P" elim zmmv tir Iguli'r-oh 4 " lem MM. Md M bu «M la *0 MM libba ; *00 1*16 ta taie au Tmm*tplt. 8" in lâte Qom et *0 tom à&. mi mtr«mmb«" ImUwoilddo itmy-: poui unir we» fà %il Ill N, Inw. C-11latistièrry &à itoTFI. (19-f t4b - Me . CO-Y swom«. W., bu om ielumbip dak, Who ý d$Pmdr »Mmu. steff; " ou tiononion occurred awmk,'about our e"m K,»,t «. jý $ it 11. PAROI& - OMM et woodlilb; theratomuci- or Mur or five dap belote eleedm ; it froist Mr. ),W"t ins, bý -du-& fitur add hekmw ther bai voloi4 buhe vu before 1 apuin toi "by; Mr. Cam- ont with my tom -1r K« no" dfflyt... 1 $&,tb si ou. 1 m ofemest finalisa. 1;00 tice muid not t" thow 1 et leu* " eron and 1 did not qmk m to how it eloction dey, but liti v wt--rla lb-M *le %tt.rlb . 0Y 149 W lu& xz»T W001116 et disons o" ni the ý laid m- they met bu dons; Mr. Commun did not' though il m»Y b -eàiwtb imr- - voeu Tm tlw Càý md hM se, appeur tu approve of il; 1 »W Mr. "-' presti tù» ; 1 a CHAPTER XU voissi a% the pmnom dm" ; aller by, toi or thm dors after 1 MW Mr. out with My tau w ge,4x"4 ot- ttéwr ~t Otwro. touwanu» mm L&M wu&) meàm bâti hm 1, 1; but *9 nosis Cammým; Mr. Cameron went ha* vith given me to i" Kos litena. 2: OMM£ in S» Tom et Lw~. » a 1 Ili ym op t mmmd ta-tbmk *W bed a rqb vote me (rom the meeting et Kirklield; two out; 1 vm nos b ibe» ilL *3 4dd madmm or three desgba and outtois von down ing ont, mm did x-sl t-leit t. I illint lw*.Wht IlIo lu f= Illogie, ur«M ... 1. 1:» rum ateew le wnàam POLIT. Moab 44y« aboi qD-if hm Rb* Md W@*. Md --.a" BAL&-T"Old Bible Chrimm imlým wu efffld " tm" ci a Cwm nouý ewozn,-l lok le frottai My phm that wet tu Kirk&u ;! any one; am dot il sugotioli l tu Fmcobmd4 Li"w. it te bv«àblr àtmu& KKT lit) ilà- "Mm diz"m ha& imwan" te in *b lied colis. of Mais; my hem the àrgýlIm»t 1 mode with Alshby find the paper (or e-, «U lrvtw. propli à ta m in leu; 1 véwd for vais th" thevoters tu ho "ed Vue to By Mr. C'Lxu rxl, or X. y.. conwettue 146w To* Md Sm «»mm Md 1W zwebudm = ýmt«o MMmW. al. am w&oý might Ici him, am ha fia du" the taille book lm the W in a etW* of umum- MW- Oý in IW3 et wuodffle poil- ho persona favorable toit Mr. Cameron; for my services, I., ýI#pJ.IfflI alith th* re-t tk.Xt rolwiliv, -sa- IA». Air uwisouy W» - VARX volt SALIR in *0 JIM libation Pula. adomý mm. inakim rathm V> tmdand volets I did not give but a few of the ticket&; get pdd. 1-tut. uu,*uvmem. plowlots. =892 leogýiIIIL il 1 gare the ticketst 1 ras" to 3fiý Taylor Mr. 0. C. Sm owlema" auded it m a tftwnpci. ýs» I)tbtl\it)N IlOTKI., îVilliala Md Iwo cbmebm tau ub"m nm hm into boit, mi tud" bim u: am am monow-1 m am of the -o ho givism to Mr eaummule biends; Zldli and wu bit..ry 8" IW»» vAbu emm Lubdo". milde g le bu haw hein ememed uý eleci ; 1 am ewm ...... and n'illugweo& Md wMI $W. et your attumptiq thom who bad the ticketel wore tu got Vli, :ý i.Ir 4»ýl 411 t i ý.* hilat l'? parvié Ili for, votbrtilwaly a*"», wi M2 fer 11111110 «st-hau ci 23 in the 6m thoir dinuen free; I court m) how of the Consorvati -4- -lit 1.. diombey m!y'" sée, whm ho M» Poo- f- am l'"b. le 1~9 -VAWÀ»La LAi yop Weald. one. 09 lu"; 1 tendu" ml vote in pis who h" tickots bred; ail the tick-. township, which i %hm tbockffl -I voud« whaël I.iibtimy Aptll.PH 1111VOXII, Dommber, l8r4, but vois infaind sa My eus but forty veto brought to me by Division ; Jubn 1, il: lý» Ni 1), &*hyqlcembtb. (141r. a- 0 'OP.*.Tt ".# beam» of Y« poui soit nmw" ormets the ru , celle var! mu» vu out on *9 voiL Mr. A&hby and 1 paid him thé mouler; regary of the An *Vlaffillatteft 7«-Iy« = ome et oubivatkw4 m if yola ýe lot ba» rom whm did ym' 1 took no mepe tu, put; the Intimer bwk the Nirkfield D wu couvect loui = C:tý^wWm Lklae. e.1 itu b'wý, T111011111WIs 20 OMM fuir YOM tOý ' Joi Mr CAMMU-For New fièrIý.1i-f iwi lie si aulomw av la tout, kizi h*md toi volési, ---Boue whatever--at no timp ; 1 took think the moeu le ly._ M&bmfbari ' labliý ommueem*e nly Mobb " But M& 1[àczmwàv obj«Mi tu the hquorl thm boW« of ithinkey, with oither me or An@ Vwor& mmw &Oum flor mom of the Bi U:C= Sswmmpt the mm queMioL Obi"ýM DO" me thaï; day- 1 took it to Geo. Containers K*»$ alIii %iiit tàw!,$V. PROFIT18 ABOUT To BIDIVii;]RD dolormisold te put it mà ci bis pow- witý ma ho liold. bdawki tu vote boum and lbft it thalle; it wu the i those Who veut i ilew poh# 11AI bb* for ne. cammeu etest place I oould lay il by; 1 = purolly voluateel t'rielit 00 Th'. lh'tel h*Ii tiefl, with 01It-tý-Y 1 and il àlLoggl7ÀIPM 1fow FOR BAIAL or OpmMg a élagué, ober *roM «Wur 1 The othm »lm man" wus tregarcil, Mr. Conners, if I âould lesve thist parcel with my seaux, lit za jus bis, , M,& a - tuma Md am dmilw there; 1 gare Johit Mullaly hie "bit-: ment with Texas, 1 K K. Ni 1. ..NI c J-ý&g «"0 et hà " du in" it4 net teigi and told hins to take cm that no' wu sent tu Stai lm T N& 14. Tié, CONCESSION. the kqq a" put it into hm Ur. Xàimmmjc, Mr. Commuai Ir, wàéshý bar t et Kirkâekl4 rirem loi to Joseph one booked the bottl oëli .",f lit, Z £o Ir ii, ý- -l ý, :ýý es; whec I went'keep the teama nit.. Ak% ýAeArtlbuv. ADA ibo» umau hwow mmbom wà awd bu& punir dý pmnn *y@% Md am tu ru- = à voté, tudffl dm the var- i bock ab-,ut bid au bour dtw I found tbeS un to Car Y, KF nu» wu omtted bom *0 >y gone, drank or gone ; I'signed the leste 11,-1 .1 uni, S .,T. osolle, ti» Wh"e _À ilbure," Med des, " bmg ammbly ý nZoWis liait; Natuesser a Il to. due My I dU toH the beys that there and Tre»urer ül dtëblblbte ml. ab IbW Initéitullieft bmiW boue agàmam m IMM SOU» A» LOTS FOR in hm glo, of ,Ud,«ào% 6ayon un qo thât ho wu the, and ho 1 m w" ey in the house; I think 1 sociation ; beard te the 0" MW, if y" âb». 1% mm wouu-vote for anmon. W. mdh&- zv% the hint tu nome of your men » ho paid hils futs Ki'rcliil%ý 11OTKI-1 the V*rty y»IVI a Afflumilleil cmp»wu. quan«-m et lmd te tub bý, W" P": 4 me» WM»d Pm pK tâte bý ugh mey-a"«- léop lm ; buï rout-Il baie tu Oum* 1094 Alli ULRM"md DQB«a Camu> Weil m Camerons; 1 told Connully if before the elec ils ffs Am u0là *loue tw ho had not voted 1 would not give him raingement thaïs, V'e bâil &lm bmde»d in and Vue re- ejr tkut. it'-el vu %Mbm auRewd * reàiw %oh boa rille trav4IiIbl el,*: qm»m la 'bu hossu .4 Ille. Il Wb" àcad. rrw% $M Z'd-i; o»mùm "M lmving ruer doâm fu" bagages, thmér laissons ne not on am bitters; 1 told him firet to vote theu for the tesuis *é 'Théi 141 't'ne Ilit mllé, bellignour. agigillis bahm lamly psyawrà& à »w hm» si ut in-th" do@@&" Witt, telle I..t 'i.ffl, litwI" ýMte - Ie.f. le Amvem Thm oulutouh, » vie m vittovt& Avoue&, m lissui Uoulwýý cd the Ilader thm dWmUisi4 Jmki» did the reiL i I would give him bis bitters; ho did election; the a li'til, hýlý tw mwtet i b» my obur te #* sAwm Raàzm, Mr. Câm@mW@ 1 notirose tM after dinner si did not Ammisnon am 11.4itutiew Iq* vritelle, "V»Imm auspou M* mtirdy .4h«. ma Oum lm thoo. le. jMWM@ ... bleui et Bits- 1 get hie bitters; I bave the tickent li funds from th r wm Pmffll mh"(*Odb** - Mr ROM" York& past "M Md Thm J. Douem timdond 1 home; 1 intended to have brought them under sny cireui ,>tmm a PA= o& thný,kwb.qu lui et lo f pet tient. sou but forcot thons; 1 did no% go to Cobo- By Mr. C.ý-xL tai"d as t ONWPMY% on =wriveL votent Md oncle bmmm thoir &«~ Oup, tmbmaoýimkinnf».mt huer namm que 0" on the But; W. Gm- e.)uk that net; wu nos et CobüSnk were mode the le beime *o omM hwa Md inbu Chapý wotre rotu" 1 next "Y. » tu how votel 011.111- W.sé 1%0 _111110111111 ce boltt Lot Ne. tt in b@ffl fffl Rellad, hi or z uéraa"on bwmm they vould, am toke the naît 1 Croc&-«umi»d by Mr. C"zw,.ç-I the maison we àd ;lier et tau souoi, et Lumbuy. T" uv'aPOOL AM L031)OIR 'bomýu= a:, .6jeki» b Mt in a ft ab* te au thugs ther rimi" on *9 not rectA.1ect your tiret proposmig' because we bai for, surtaAm oo»àwv. Plil . -Z . i irVD.MMUý im, flait of hm bed, sied 1 hâve oum te WU W" th" Imm &Umm@& that Xr. Aàhby lm ohabm&L; I wu teains in our di AND - layrs.ý uneàý, um-ab Ur. G&Uovay si replied ille. vote, for Mr. -- 1 wu living in the riding ý sters were pure 4t %" ,Il likàa, Kli Roimd Yàdwo hm gregar te twim th =,,àzD calLennu -1 , ces for six monthe; 1 lived. noir in siter never pres 1 00 ký co»ANY in las womm. F« un 0" book et *0 MW& 641 19, m *à coný wilà My m Linduy; I wu dessirous J" MY. soillience of the A, Mm dIN xilli gogueffld i tbor,)u._,hiy eVM» - »boit. my, *S4ll,, thM MR ne- fuir 19 in *0 rkh co&; I tien- i soif knougn te the peuple thon and vu 'i Jeaki»! Whm M ta bý et this. imd vole but wu rdu" sol my muni thought the polling-place the best pLân, that f thi I'tb ffl lest. mm Tm ub. nifin, J" Vies Mt au khe lim; tkm me i-*ýV V9 l' KP. HI' 1-11.9 (!Iç iiiolýe» An et tbe les. two othér Md if 1 did Bot take "bitteW' with me tion, e Con looom, om ut Ir t" 1-rhe oàS mM do the but it Doudd Cu*ba& 1 would have but a pour chance to do twency-ave coui 119= m am w*JiD« huL lh% net amuM tu W Gaàaà]14 wcm,--tmb&d thait ho oo; yon bled Sver solicited me to cli 1 wa» always in i on the Tbe (bipiK. bilai the le"peý- ibwk'*. Me. it r lud voted fw yeus on let 8, in the Trà vm fur réel; ve never had but the » brother aume i Md dm TUM& 1 161 «Wt momp it," mid Roland in aDiL of leuelo% for whieh ho wu m. dînery conversation; 1 let my politiSl him away with Pr~ Md IIWML oqe tbùd o" in '*- souo& enandembb amuftras" 111 amaU mue& but vm f 1 boý > ha upiniuns bc known in cuual conversits. This cunelli Tft visoliquel, ma ---ot"«Mpmqaut r« fwtbw v Io go d»d, if 1 hissi to do JoukimN *czk, would tolot violer ho wu a roidmt. tion; I do not remember w" * resp.)ndent, ol; i)N 14, lit) 11à) VNI i tusions starks. SbIi, imultiolit la il ;= ,Wti; oisolum sus, RLIJL MN any U04 tend My owa m ogui Tam. J. Docu&us, suum-tuMfied ne to vote for you There is no tav. Hugh Smith, VI DRIPtaTmm" Hall go deld, Maligne ho Mises mm tbM ho livelé oa lot 10 in tise 7th am em neuw Victoria Roud &aüun thon the Feuelon di% 'rtqrmm. Ni ý1WACF1I 1.4ind Agentfor tm»*md MD Ousséa, me W LRNDID rSt la doser Md Satu a aub gond ame- of Fýloiâ4 mi tendellisé hm vote but _N orth &« tatreris, whwh la twelve tact. th" ViVtoria. Ilb"bill ail nul ara"" veut bu, wa Io "bffllb ou ý - bmàmffl ine I abould Mm Io know Isoler 1 am, ý refumd ses hie UMM wu am on the milles; »d'nom Boum Ashl I'riok da'tle *e-t ,#the r« pwombn Md le emes- imumý Pm bris th" The petititiot te a biais, if bWis down, bue an'lw- bai m@W eb Mr. Bouin autit ho:, Victoria Rosi &bout five miles; there Mr. PzTsys- JAM dm zéï . for Ur. CammetL am no boum of entertainment ut Aâh- Carden pill, an rit, i.I)%N XAX11.1-A, Afflt for Là"»Y Md ce. VIIIIIIIIIIIIII, Joim Cuàm IIIIIiIIIP gili et Los, Ne. fil SM*.# KM lestout ba"hq --BWa zM the, qmdiom »tumd IY, Cambray village, by's. andnostableexcept Aohby-tua- sjl oi Mr. Il, 1 N tri » "alý; ritrul Gl i Roissi buâm unemmouly blaidL uvera.-I wu anumM for village lot i hie-. people mm twenty and twenty- alid vite . C xioléir acceptait au tâte Wud« ugm had a ýý8,000 0 F PRIM E FUIDS - 1 -$y . èt &m Ilie. 4, *Delà et Illeut Moits, b" et nuum in. bois thie OIR014 am a on the Main but moved out m fi" milft to TM the». You told me fie a àh,ýrt tit Mm*. OMW grille b..M& I, -d= way. &» te Pt tionn vith- Ifiah 2illit 1874, uno the bleuets in the à igould, ho iU@gal for any candidate to him îor hie v-,rÀ _fA Il _L", FI re, Life and A _@«y en ami MM lm &bel T«mmafavor&bW p !0« himi couwt ho Cam M 1 1 beconse 1 supply liquors and provilsione, and chat did not jura W. metteltL Jui 1 nossid. not augear diat 1 vu a moidmi of Tou could not cultanteussinS il directly or vote fi)r you Filqu 6PFICIES. in -"Výpvmwe.mxl IllXXI hffl, hire hg cm, if ho likes tu cocos: à* pimporty fuir whieh 1 vu momed indhwdy; rien mud there wu no way lance with Cý,nc and ##ri whhoM hie dodwl4" robated Mm Jm- i but if tête o" hâd hem rmd to me m tu get round it, «cept with Mr. Mac- ber statinlt ut 1)1%,'t#KN*r',41.IVKIYYFlel).%nD envme .............. ol*A»~ P" AND kin& 4-1 have tak» M» tu ilxk am ý a ruàl"t of the àding 1 Suu have lm- o 1 never applied tu thât you (Mr. I.É. Kfnt l9trelit. l» glaim 1 . : tchen it; 1 toilà »Dý Boa" in the pre- roui for partout of this, #Io nor expoct. man to bc el, Vý,hk.I«V hie do" In roues" , ý of the odkS thu I ed it; 1 never r«àvod monter front roui sa bli i ýr rite, ai lit lilb- t Umm . pwrembu 2 $61àaed 1 ruturmt ayeunim EMPM Air- Jýý fa th" woold lutoi for Mr. CàmSoL wheu you etopped. et My bouse more and 1 have ni fil? 1-li the h..% ..... .... leillao*WM Rolmd, in wonder. W .413,40etIm i forr WIL lamuLlf, Mr. C&MUM'a thon the cirdiony tavem bill -. roui Tau séd thjst whe, Imm m Wu m ho hm Pt li agi Butler, sw0zâ,ýI know COUD,= [go accOuDt with me, but Paid each explain all abo & CO., 8tock àisslyp Lis, à-su. touvésului mtms- big ni Iiie in him, heR am it to. dres ' Iadym; ha »U in a boisteroue way i time m rots were leaving. 1 eharged By M tirai Ils.. OM 0& do- hore," amwand xri thmhobMaý to vote fer Camerm. 1 you no more thon anordinMtmveller-. cw il J or mwrt suut verItation Ili KY (ýJvfl K.i- lc Çftqaàlt. Pffl IL V. tu u» C" ub lm mmi» J«àima, tway. Thâtra why. ne J'Am cummu, m»»m for 'r, in üse, 1 took m part at the meeting et Kirk- lalys huiles, t «Couffl b»& Itbmamdde Wu settioff UP 10 tom MOITM14 other qtwtee Moi .................. '.th culot. of Mdon, tmdand bis vote field; 1 col my -bitters" from they got toge At, 1-1-1 îW1.1y. *» IOWIL dot.... m,, and eligery, Word I md to and ý rofintelà bissongts, bu could not, parties et Ajgi 1 do not know Who Lire OFFICIE. luite likely thi 11.11.1,01 A. .141 I.V RIR WOOD, 1111% of Lm Sot il, »rth 09 poël Bout wbh a 1 him &Rail" it, wIhIm ho full down on; omm ho vu a rouillent; cm the land ho go" it to me I found il a cold mot, :mr, flèvrr ut t cipuis. - e ' MW"" "-.e li ** i-à in IL fainting RL 11181 The oh. 1 the il; it proposed to vote en. ou&" !:rmbj"cw=-Cgwle no duubt th&& 1 9 i "il"» «" souýlim dwmbm bmmL mm cm di» to Imk hie d"p m tissus. JOHN CÀXFBWJ, womz4-1 live on a y the duty on te y '!'à" th t" e;it beewm Illout a" glaquil 8 vSd, 1 dm'tknow visiez 1 J of Tth in the uth si ci wdon, ond !rYýlf_ 1 _= Capa@! ........... ..... orusi4 i for huit -.te and ùdtIoý7;*I do Yt 10.1Y I,@ý "Pal l Iitb*ipm à MW 0" dbew lm for MW OUW a ýu titille venu" 1ROlma, Juglix Asilisi Wth stli km ré4@*ý madoub" My, Md : oigis &J 7th in the 7th; voile f m à 4_ýw; know whether the parties to whom £ b te r,,#tàt,. nq-MÈ dw-m"p%;L Je&. lquits, bol "h e"ýr land remonte y in ammmmmi W Ibo tàvodw là* - le abom ab*@& go" the ü&vb won friendly or nos tu the boue Ir ý _ _, ---- ho Illus. d'.- IIF III Ili. I*tio»t* Wl» «- - - .- -- - ---- - --- . - - ___ . - - -, - - -_ ; ter the et hibre it @MU acIt bave hupeu" et a mmore qým#e a fair prum ; 1 " Mr !cr1ký dammon. -iijtii îlii bd at Coupe R«bmbw. ffle4r* Old obi&"* imato, ûMe. inwauwmùy, Mr. Omnioule " et the elutioni s" et mm 1 brought to the DoIL thum presant tltwim,,,4 pa" 1 J. U"mwc L à a. 17ar XKW let lit-it A&J. ýwc0aýp- oanomq% ithoq1hte tara" to Arthur the meeting; 1 opemied the menting br By Mr. eàx»ox--rhe polum plan, My àk-igh Wh Pr 0 agm r- u a compter. 98 -n .03"0 Md ha W"" bel h" mm muuumg the "tw,4 mFing that Mr. to ride vith Il tj"ý l..ý% 1%*. , 1 1 1 - _ 1 - ý- "i vuma (vmi $&MM 2:21. ý pnv%ée bombe, Md there mm a et mvait,« iciele rum. in the - - mai Causeront mm thima omvmmàm for lame MOW& 1 W" gom front IFOMIOU for the fim ti ;Iè Il fo* .*Il, rmA kit ýtýn-b Aeb nwey Olaf sein#. «Ton mu" turcs cier a main, bd amm "non m»nti hml.ýt, Illyident r«M the f4K,4Ï PZ- 01 *9 01100601à ; 1 auF bave Y" &bout thr».qmrteu of au hour .f jepe. ý.f the e.ý. or on "Ormt - tèlI.leÀamht »termewo, II this VU7 huise. Roland Touluý-" ho Ob- * tbu 1 bord twy womm give bim -:he only une who treated; in douce; 1 t-,Id A t., rmI t., ý"»éI Il I.MioeI% heje@Iý yttèfw truly. £W. RAP.1n» wwr. IIIII th" --- wbua-he en- a zood remplâcla. 1 mves tanàm in I mm not Q. UiffloIt. 0. DUNCAN-CLAM CO.-S 44W* filet 1 think Mr. Mukaý Uým" obe. -dur -y c- m ava, hum m favor of Mr. cmm«m Oum, m *ttwr "è %hl» R» 1 (Laq;hter.) ti.410p hiw in J.XK UAIS-LKY- if Wb m te Pt tbroue *0 do wt belocic te the LibmW Commernb- i !3y Mr. NARJL.,Ax-my objee in W" the affl le Iowa bbfdbmb Md SU PIM leuboul 111t'a MM pouadN mieý un do ti» Amode" in the MW* à"r' 1 bu% et the m ýirmu" dum Md Mà1wý- Mid going to the pull mm to take Mr. Cooper, te tteWitat profý"Ib Io- mm et cm mmung ci *0 àmoeh" ; Mr. xaclem kilifilliN 1 1 mm et the et Wakfidd; 1 de ouille go sui» Illlet With itiww Pflib- LUBIRICATING "e morn-1 riè, ith Artibrisil jm ady do JmkiiWo4 111 de Mt mma" m" Denon mm châdr- ted tu ap»k t mi en««Skft. vtr4 de« lm of V~% 18111111, dboue in Cardée, but et the dîne, of the el&> bu &d ous 6i, rmtmy. ~* @nom&, 1 pu up oui of *sI bRis fer à* Il III) Miltzî a Wgt, %,»k ot »4vvw» 0 1 IL à me, Bab": JE m et My ova bombe, Md P» 0»I don me lind tuer Ashby's there mm ý puud ,,,e Witt phe» rail wotn A % V^ Tnub. Md vennaý 1, Y«- la show Io Ashby-, 1 CM% Mr Who am tbm; a »" scacty peuple et our ll-jose on! ed upon fur *%Il *0184 am te that ooon"; Xr. Poém mm et our vwnipwmtàvw4 fà«84 rogum - - to womom - put ad" duy mu secs te mme to bu didfibutud, - pou. hiie own Md --7-2 4V the ir You»N in au- but de ami kw- whan; 1 do »t mSl- homme oftIme, Puhffl twamtF tillbu; he t.1d hua th. ulosa as" Wortntil, --1 1 ilip m 1 au delwà"m te 0 M- in the b" ci MM d" & pubrw a g mu Wd in bi met jemkim îm-wai _m*U liquor to our bombe on the day mut do biet, - put of y-W w-k affl WýU VutwW Rmi; timm mime m mmdug of thé, eleeUoa4 but did mot lestis à à film agestu would BILL off Alma Moi tome et "la»Ibernu ne dWà fivim w«U bave et home.--mm to ny àwwlgdg&; 1 chsme of my am; Mr. Taylor aîmd hi@ do" by ,yu etaimm ma Aumb 11111111>011, le gb dicable mi momý ma am; moid, in ruwm4 yens mm lbow up et my bombe whm cou von Umm, " Mr. Sdverthurz4: bat.. mSI tdu M& 1 hffl in a bv In &Upd ail VibriaBoud,- ho vu mm MY bdw, Mr. MallIF ;! ru--iaed as KitkfIpitl tien T lé MW h3 ý,tz1 met-pen me qona-6 lm tbemtbam or fou tiom; ne tWInd thmu mille a lot 01 Wk &bout the du- lý of the pull, t MM âmi don"; lu b»w Ibdo§Md boN Md the MO" 01 Umm PROI88be M" uffl tbe »bý Kr. G6uowaw bai le gle ou in *q te t-ým, Md 1 Ume th@ý wosW vote for Camum; thoir; *0 dy b,,t, JORN BBBB-rg evamiet tbe simmim ma nebm WM ý ho «p@Md I'woik de Wb" 1 s objecé mm to ponnade lKr. i ift th* DUUiOg lea èk» la de emmot mi wSk of un ;e@l&kj w unvwdmm toý vote fer C"MS ; * muqa 'AU fur t.ttiliieI'w 0w Petobtl le! = Ori..woý Zme-M £bu a ama, ther ot«M toi tracé Un if lu wdd 0. amwwu&-Tz&ly calme. It oeur" le Mm tà@4 me a *W wu h*be- Ilboryet ull e«u he .h"àt. le, quaffléke (4 111t'm 11« M"M . le arum" - for Cmmm; my fathier wd J W m mzumtdebattor to vek, Fà N T IST. mien lum»àmmm*mbm 70" a& i thons; 1 lu ami, ýwffl 082N MW WM wo*. que- biû Pm vmdDw trou, tim Ide Mt twak lm «Nd et MwiS tfied to omme, Mr. Bâvefflt«m for& ehmt tù go _e do* te Napub-lur aw aw !1 --it ý mé to, vote fer bum4 md o"Imé " a éz n mw buk te mi k»w «14 en t4 Btth) ça qvv omw -rbu Pm r* do»m» el ffl @MW te FWM» m dodu&" Île rigu W&Y. Md with mu am 11* aboldd dww dàvàk. but Il, 111* "d k» * b PàfbklW *Omtk-,N ie lvbvffl Io hW rbm vice lie be, thm; 1 toms ab àw6wam t1bb rJrm 0» be go lu b~ tue i Ammàmw, lu demmémi *W, mm* put or à ; Ir ka lbý :::,: ville lm id J. » un M. ý wMk 9 cammeiL a-, altbow* ble et 19. te ÏM ab@" agénm% m; 1 r*ma"m 10 a. 137 Mr. Gà»ý_u[Y f"w k»w omm»üm 19 PO T, riitlo@t bmuty *NI tiotl.Mt,,r qq» à" «.fb et f - %vàv&caý wi*- un U"mw, '--m dimý m.; 1 imme, mt!» vecom M& " ru- Urirâ" m va m I did ; do mc 1 »w Peurg 1 te 11w lob q» l«Ir MW. lui: te, Idb, tuk. mi time fa tuum« odbw ; thm ý a »m mli et %Wmk ý y et Un Uhmbmm's nym rest W" = km t4 4'tifwqe Iff«V a ý' moutp Cm 1 ffl fi P~ ta tbe WM _r lad à* *%mm *um*ef " homme; 1 mm in m t. ho blow mmbw m Ne 0* thellemme, un dw; 1 dU Mt me- -dimq 14#swv t44-Ittt Mu 4-Mél &.ý mbwp t'of ý» oes. I*f i.4b$ ý fflo .114-001 11 VAMY FLOU Imm àw »W = Q N 0&--*IbMbr.rffl mburbý *0 diý ab A@hW@ dw of the, ledge wh"" ,@hW .hh,= , =- - _'q' 49 _dý_e la upfflffl outtbwy. lie tut rub am in a bide bà dm't liclacir whàkey te, i ý""4'j. e." léwhb. fflU obi il I ýpftiotty. #,ý DW&M ut D"k% aumbm 6 10tio *prt. 1 ont* pwf 'iltu; irlia" W& wicamil W" hum unaim fi 4 ia ou lie obi *AM% YMI linde 4-PAWF#tb »(*M ïk ild Pt je« cm»ulr. W. et MW 1, the, 1 -Ulm OQ davel ab" Beau taie or th» &p Milib. *"",Wovwt iq » 1«1."4 #dia, ab nuak ARWV if m sbw dop bdue du dom" ; Mr. g va faver of Mr. Càmwý o rum mm emi, 4mrana, Md fflèce m @@du in fiwS of ML cmmuo§4 Md e6ou-m4 W)- Awm a RAlft Oulu m suan eau ma thet if ma? 0" M" bu daime fS Md 1 rJ4 a- As «M bd> mm bu" ammuth Mt oý vu the bible. 1 mm tf -8-0, 'bu* *Wý *rtwvamlbmd oip.-. *tom*% lh»ý » ammât te ISCI ié; tlm» lm » liquer on, il lm-mu-e bombé a lac sa Ob ouft os UA% tlkwfw be- RU bel the mimbet die, -hsc - 1 mm et te gtve maw w» My me S médît, Imme, pmmba *9 der et tbe 1 Mt- à,;cdý but khimé cither bat or M* 0" *W#M UMM -P did Wb op ime *0 pdâq Ir, ý: