I Itt vxtlle %Y, Vol,' XawVI.Wbole Nimber Sis W. ble. rh 'fottpi uww@.a -laIm I %ffl. bop ul fflo MpM. BOL I . t~II¶tNIt~.ts.t,~. Ute tu t he iwil eusMW f . --0 * ** t.* elIlM fr1.4 o 1-ItIoIIh if bu*IV*aI.# UhSOS. iii. Il» lé -- .PlO6h-tt"*géiM J .W %.nby.i'. "' k X ~ )T~Ltfflt KIrg Jh " os' t (t.., .,~., ~ P~#0. ~tt(l*udh 4.h Iq luaa i 4k% t~B 1, littIl 't4, Itéw, tba.iouq'4 IIITIli., (bas daot erusatee ' .jL . nsaaaeeê s a..sid inomim *A . %voeu1vc, N .Ur- rte bw t r.M,,'ic....... oKent. as -7- Ores- Jteeau, e, - . amlmtoc. wu"-= - "~-~r. rj YrîL.y, , I I t- e.nsay u *t "O " s*W*. p e~~ oxusoau".. sacli u ,.agil m 16 -" ec u-in *9 flua Oum Neya"edalaiü flA ok ac m tl r il r..' t Sliihar,îrla ..inmm he r biJAipMd laaiqua, g'- N. i1 n :~:hrl~t <. ' bIs A,.- -- -- - -' _ _ _ _ lssi,~ s tai us mc ~ ~5eta C « lý k . is,n d a a t ei n alangui Utl ct .wtI.t$lWtvf:tvtable,_ --I ~ r. ,.-Mu. I&ý. .L^.IMcita .k i s p-ta.d omafr InLhe W ltIa Ail; tii léi arUp>td ib rthattbé.q ,M) t bttu!ulai cithemteàdbeA a'ri -., uge ut ,t'rati . ý.4x.Î apai n-ai, ami lOBE!. it bm """r-' -r' V, r.~'utt., i.4t.,,. - liv. 5.mitanoametIaql*m e sle s u W» efWi iibo s mi âG IN ' . ; .til .....t .~t i~i..Iey lro< =t asaurota amUuiboca, lii itw * 5ih.eI d»% 'o-,.,., ' ,-* top r aeé Io v» etL"m wa INta ,j li)SKtittal ,1;Z.r<ý au-i csoa. md eemeAnde. vus iifaret a K' 4~t i' ~ ~ LIurtilWya:,î uhr.II .>uw , miéiSm heb IsMy r. r~. ~ ti~i,' i.X tii 'rt ttst I ,rtr ier~ AsILP tg .Bvyi otN 1 tGa , o PAi w 811111it a Ommdu%1a-. UNW4-t. A eli»flCijM «b blis um «*Llanad"ais. titiaflgvni o s a u, m H ir..... .t.rmt.r Mu Vi Port tno, v rjua setus.souklliv.lo liés tlas isintttint.10"r %bahe the Germen Ta1ns. atsst Z bu usil3"0.gia"" i ' l'utas l m a3 0.titl , thirC ou ettei, r-tîtEri:_____.____ ____M d_ av u e s no u <t. t'rr, ~rthre rtte i. U@.u em.Ma tt mA h" vn d w '17-1y. TeseM"* ailus, âa<n -the W m u NEb& Bu" te,,l 1--... a eteLtit tarUtiIIV ta* wuk;CeEE p Tu oeut tel tan' buamEbRU-uu.mdrM vend bé.. tr.nu'm w "r' j."N 140114, Tomho iisgvm et. wo.,ltmduigean-utbutit? it h AW uis14 stRSsM L a.iu Oece.nlm"Ae iuaidu am ~,,' t.r.,.,,,~ .,' - ~ . u aw alnuai eery imos. A es ou. t t91CHA'lK U i m in i,*: .. 1 it1 P.'ttuNI A1) &pJLS-A L t. J. 5mà"eLt U NeeL. ut aprmd sh~.foemynacok-ov iu m '~ 'HK KO.'t. Hi'tKL Vsélsa él tii,. îtouUî.ttNîs teeaAMU.u>a ub'~- w s lt s. et diraisaituti ft aà berauebo, senWbhus m agte NI 1)....N,'It.rhi, A U L Mr" U"liAsps ,u y M sciéuseMW au ut te l mg C um " t a u z. int & m de to he6 nj0 I 't '.rr ni l.b.ata~,,.,.,'.. tr"lmt-t'l.0m 'raàngI a ,pr p T h- uti hierls r'> t it uttrot,.ti Ntr..a,<th i tti mtas itistiss a soImoises. uremmuibaIla-naa a-ao., s. cmam '.1 t..tI 41 .t:. th bb*'tM.OI t il, li' < 49niessem *%bd laNgia..iii AMe w mm Temotrvu pi vei ne mmifor. cem od C h-w aanga iMa Z%_SSU ANC___________el" m bddé dmitber _ _ _ _ _Mta_ hFaituS fu r ~~ __________ n . "etgn, , me 113aAm UNca FMUrS u.t wsha btoit lX. 2é, i ao' ypti. s, la~ il ,t. itagaatur p ts h e nns u A E> '.' E I.paf '.ait. tt«.h t el" --'. t ' iru tt-N .t.h t . 1Anill, . setirdesaisa tuas uyitaau1them. inhm"n bei, hétmom uasihims frqnautythn% tu "dUmz mom tT TEE olliEloo bit&" A ft. tbuet smo.l A. !ai'. ~~~~'. %u%îur%~~~~ otîriS. Ca1saml~~bi Atàîcde ei-- aa.s S pID»Toymli .liTmmt As à affloys s. naa mé i rirrrr«a-E tiai.< N t h ..rt t Yr,'.tT, iue- elët,. atti Dut rIV. ls.OIt<t téottu.-------------------------------i y, ithmte wit aie'*-Y> enellâe Auel,%b, MW ot llict 4 , c m unu enKda = Z. taKen& m. mmii th"r mui li mtehé r "'rr '..rrtttt'a <.9BI>t~ ~'t<IlN~$M'tt'h!.L TrtL<Is5t4'..,ot..uti» fl utrQlig>t 0"iTom urs ie h b a irsci Pae. lâend &koiivui hi m wv f"r " 't, Iit f t a'.... v tt' r.t.tt.tt,.8 ritt. iThé Tcs.et s u aaa.o lil.s . a. o n aitathnu to ed atIs ti etesthedM' fV.4ifi 0 baghtor, <t '. A> A ôlt îN 1 IU, "rri t r' 1 "ý , 4j k t e an. i.rt .r tr = à f t hs a tfiStP i@ fl.ly amae. e t L U)LuS 5 eU a t Ee14 SBasit l m" "aglteai u , ma *0 t . m w ofi ,iM t y« a rr e tof r~i '.riii: it ltiîtt' Et':, - l'.te't" 'ilt'd'i ","--'- EE ' au OlaÎMyAcmk l e muetumimdmam yt'"a va an;mtihe 't r poi clint. ilrk 110V U'MI bt a otte lffrgnly.t enuethart grssam yig vs voya, lovai r'loa ou nit teta . t IbLt'Ill 111 11USA I FU50.bst t l p..., laI ensuttumm. A&Woa n* tendlmaa hamomul n* a u, kMhu".Z&tsy I B a i b i si- rul<.,t tis.T-tes'.t. utsa litJal Us a Qab MBULDIG I U k oci t. do" &&Wnin-mm bgp4 béel oIs. Aiagt gsat In.t t r ' - r.*tti.silttatst fatordsi.s sapCtaitg the,*s iUthe b. o y nm te " T «- I b i, asyug b"ay txuld t lad bond E'-, l,~ I')-lua eau" 1)1 .k*01I k%1.M> A'IUop Gptlnoom.LI~ bCAEC oE.~ Un.su t , mBut, I l anont dotenutié0 "Wt ns. luit.e .tE.rt i. . E i "itta - Vbuias éte tu fl uui.. . bu at. i ,ttepuit. n" a e alte lan belanW", thekaaa uit o NIisat ....................................................ms» «, o m n7 =tiyl é mtnest ýý%; e PovrbK ë: i l ei.' bo()twBa. e KMai lut , ruai et h 'ltfl dir'ysmi fadmi 0v t go *9"mmy. s tediy-c-tua "v ir ..3.)DU F RIVAE FO DS tri tt'ttttitt.. LIii 0 1 U .jRTXIM siwsaa cetymn.sou aOum mat eau, bsa& Mi avadet d e é O tâ,m» h , -monysaier. AIt ufba hgiouisial t inuO Ittirt a trr., îtfRY T AIJK 18 br * ,r t aWeCad4 d 1 u um me. ýb uetni m fos.H dw1H obm a i6-0-aS« Ils lits pm* et lm tiemstt gemlte mi i w"- ~..., i.-~ I I ~,,v.ite p.oeikm Md le goumcanan mm "Pb ""imutita s " t ouiagom; I' I nti 6&9 d f .ia lesci tua og Iè.'. '.'t,0 ".-trt t. ' ___r'a tt _- asl. .. . . .. . .. . .YettatesutSeai Siis it i wb«l inp t in ia I aa Siailo t \ j ur:;ni ~ te-r- tlt tt, .'.t'aiu,~trt . in.tai:uat.liiInterntaiik tttii y.s, uspw mncons- 167 myl m 'd« " r§%'".- poor boy ltoali«i tatay lontue -fontImm dynù, sn . motisc 0& ftg n ce xumia TEban» AN»v "lae»; taa ittw aIMrlW&» a vs. aMd-, "Wlaat@du fr hé bena -10 4lillé.le i4lcF, . . .. C.%0i 'e . TAm" ofO O PA M SréLO TwuaS " b« tO m NIi,aDit de ,Mmuufdi i boAh Il l'Y lZ K tttuai, puac-9ugohirmMt= - t-Md hdphq>ek for ban , 1d il ns toumabig h " i etft't. rtu tmmm Rmistmtte.'umt".. uler. nt.t1 hopltwtte, m ottanS bd. t ut Waajt . ay s tiltasrmty a hé, i M trotend oiu o ;pas I a bnssam si lo ior! . m r I .s1 .... Ia..........a.I rrP K l fe pur oy m& inâneelitisure in m iI 5iva oI i tia! tey Ni e. le RUIAL , Jegrille andumea. itTnt. 9 bld ut 1car, umilibo thobaieau ............ llN.A."MU.DUNluinra AhaantiuantaiI Tée s auai oa y K I)Yb To 14vv, ,1Ih.m lita aul oosecoub"da WUY Md 'Ir mpana Tan"sfor byha it&&. di asth mU s 'E desa m lo ig,"epud 4 fk tttt,(lnt lta eIbrUe 1. = éemh ONT ORmtr it mmuue tSbaALte uludosia Dt4l«R"abm!sssslséctad ri MA UFCURR, ' lg,'i îtt ,v w ..tlsai u me eyseebc-sM..t.y - héy U oo i e I ) i é . TTut. 1>EN T P ula.giRD. C W ALBTRON oTAw . mati."Tnbos kt&b u., mdlii miat ibut. pille ...s ....... sS » 64 P". e. m 1419ATHRR LILTASo!st ieflTesaaiubryauo--~sah3i iii. bulote op 1" .t. atie. ,ttttrrtO'ltO, ttT(Isi'.tr(t I malimU»"b entladé aaa ut u a~ issb daIti .k lb'. suapubua," mii Ssins u . astmebu.litomV oi compbud wbJsdm o - t. d on m- ! it 1wmallait oan f ! . e 't t...,, 0,-...,, 'r'frî tri th..,Eaiaa,,r(thé O s e u a. il(.L .1 b laIt Ibt.. w.'t(îEh..à tittend'. ffyCOstaiOisaS -.te r ri ~ ~ *i,, ~ t.,,, 4Ws Up li atri" "Des 1 S ^ç.,h *tstA @oays a boy ~., ~ a.~ ~r. or. ala LSLS ?I PTENT CHURUS y IJTS miout i m r, u.ndi. Potge fbesime, . . tom cm blt .u "I lai p walim e nt Cat "May ler tête,ît î",cous.u" H"M"tMy. "tn ttg.-ittIt.tumai&'. e, vu altair .ducats, s.ntte suaNti htO,,t.E', r'dîitu.m,. Tom ('îtéo.tU lbavel 1 iSelnosasi,'ltbsmse I ,connuj panbelsvP Tm u aumu, i e- r -' I mF AMrTIs.. aiema tè. twrbm nibffl W àvapanuhnge odWIuityt t,-m îm.d'r (,' a.." I'~.'i, ta.' Yt.kusamha.tut. - r-_= = pii. basmtop sian.T a h, ise atir ii- l s., btu ettinsho MmeofChe aaig 'gD, ,tt'NiTt 'ri S'r T... uu( J'mmttf ea 'saarmet i s hae s.lpusb..Jdmvev. ruaiautc e.mi i"'.'r,.'.i'ttttt if"' .,,.t atrit t '.oft'tm.ti h'-trt9 t acs'tta. l lad nAnuuts.A ut lIc 1 ..' . lu,. w t.t~.tt~rt 't t""" -""tt, ltbl ' 'g E lu' po i u ' Is amli ionise by têst sy. Il t a t émiAi . claes m sh , ésiep e e mi. ssi ,i' trea Iltitr ttE.,t tt ue "t: tiws A I L Y 1 U "m iue y . s lhn .r.bns itysui<aepe u ".-,~lttru .rt ifrttt i,,tCAR i!ttl t t' 4F u ""Io iMaEta&iUe. 5(Stunpu*tlt:Ltai. "rut '. 'h 'tt "tI',-trf,,rtta4 lttI t, a a-iwts a. SgslThlérie ti t eea au tb 55 .. NtIb«a à X ocpil. taid una. r Pe m T n Cus onsIia nu .,a ">. r~tr t tr .0t >Etittt0 tti ~Estmî'at ia tcru se.isine] aa -m styoJ dtta-natic d Kum M thet Iil n am Domesàaiota g taviA htr'.aoSISOtSP mUW mSktsJid p alsts. Il ' né- a*lb ýfu h oit 4lsMouk ty igitgobu CArt Ns *pulitt.mtPt.î.,r tNé tae.. a mif.i. mVladm %cleg.I, Iýth.r ~~t ynW'ce t o ~ ..t !T h"b o . frm " "B e n»t e M 6 t um.ata.,iyususa. ue utmuNi mU m i. u~ - tai ai eutais. a gn y wetSPrbai b...im ta tm h i a- S. Iix th Laeslt ;::7 ATI.T CBZM LM wM %4 il.s]b P: hummd evibOrauisVa.LfhilS t~,e~ ?ma~.tut s Il ats tas.usrmi14tg tun y*mba1 iinié dais C't "Gi, tend 9"an "!chau,- ati.*a l ie 5Sata elli.. mu tartm r Toid b et av% » alus ml sasmes ai seuiiAmih n 1.'*5~ .v~ is u i i m ui T ai u. . ut cg..W# ho. aAsad. n B n Im 1 1 I--0 F I 1), t e I, tul e«athe abom to mo tatS re jO " is tenan imaperc!iMBe. ho lm me,..stu t iUuuldu 1 Who vu - -s-d-a-ta---m ea ,,ttEt..... u eit Pvt(rV.itt, tdiEatelti h. ils a - u Mm h m i wit Md , r oi -am «d u r v e J ug. n j Ixè I.. vi,Wh .r saça, .t Il md«htiôitt,'rt y av=ymgut usnicheutâterspotassaiein ma r!1 ~ai;r. ~aEt% oaI i th, ti . lae.1t. a e IPstopte W*"Abéaf e WAunPettema-uza . ruhahs.t, l gl 111b sut wl Ibo us tu-. Z Wsseuta " »L s e * bteutaw LINDSAY, ONT, FRIDÂT, ÂPRIL 9,1!876. ftau U la amlm~ 1 dm, n 5oes. 1 e tai6vuSi.a t ateZaI ~lam.. ~ Ibm ~Upii~ CiA Wl VUS WD p&.a. un- ~ I bon mi an, Lut mima? Nua ~nb~ a: lié fbyéodiai ut s-us~s ..~t Arum n. e itim M&.hom chu" 3 ba jt aubuEs miabuàod, uhi Judy mm- li t.d= bd hÎ@S mi bs» iZ mau .doim "DBigtmhatl dm &MW wll4» a mi. '-Wéhm, thi *Mugily Do a"t -Ie p.am ligt daxuii " "'uhivumi "Iemi jeuasif a ab dy suadmbugeo t %0a.A.ituA& sueife or#antAMis -a etbo tasq-- a" b . i t asest'. . ... . .. »" r- Iléa - _ t"'îi'-iea t'utp, ttmut__ , bc&; MW .- t 'i rî E1 ai.ais ahsah OS uiSs.'.W Mti ttastsl.é til~hsussh ~'ef e inm ~~ ~hi ~lama tti. 1, ~tir. Il'i.r ta.eli.. ~~4s m. itO litAu5j Ssit. Oii(S pIJteJIt-q~fl.~ A ~' f'7 .~ Il t.ailai ~ h. îî ,r r.r.....à '..,~je ~tà «tl aiesb uase.mou Uie '108i. belabim -1%8.» à»eOMM- shsmt-us. b -itt oeshule Ceboug t"a*0i Graied TaM" " adevot vunl b M -Tm oGolpi uhasmose am tea amp the base bola puoanra.tue ag. PoeT?<DN3MMBTr o 1ounNiro SZqLLL (C"?w. e t tii. dose oi lb. Peâebm'o' Pràt. DY th »V A zeqpümsat Bom@4 (Ne. Y1;; véW)>ttei faouiagperSnt »dpatasesipj -Thuts.. biboumséto b. buti l l 1k î -m at, mlWuqA for s sifb. e tte b. twadCobouum ti. ames mm«et tuas *9 j . pet W.6. *0 - u of en the rmmies ci t*0 am.:boad hum po"ddomm s y» em eA"anm"«uslapotuiis-. saut os- . hundrécd Trmnh fdiîhés ni g. ars, beil iabo"*brokeh.i, b mt ro mohugg l " it nu.li b.. Althoegktitîms -m- aI.S,. éW -À S : . ~ ;twuu s-.1d Ay"m reh lm s is s viàs, 1ss * a ~ c , - .fu mae i XtiM . J. UG aor rm salit, Csàv a., asute i -oui~vemsm j~ caa, oess, u cfs.homs., % on Wednseday ila.t, for $14) lus ia mu matiliyufollos: U. ri sab" kseei.market er. i-Une of ti i uhing bxàta nwu outint lhe tii~ PlaSieà@ i nubuofathé <&@«% mU % Pmism paate% iClbuuig arbuur o. M.î.s luat. The ai laspanng ~ sarenihr,,absunnes, su tue lmla ratiar toi tki&ck at PftiWàtý ta t,. »~m-in. . "souibehéuusloukjobsMtVW k% -Thi e " <of*nt.>Aiitît&g lt.1 (t, whcfly optioal uwthé theCid Stata. wabousm, 4whérlnges.1 rwee, obbitédathi*i m oîhip cdIrr:. INe Camidiaumi, unie lb" llwa < à* ideor pf>Iiflmon 9Smiw- brébý law recoutly p&$" dby the -N[4 k s, -Mtmu"edIos.anad inm. , cou ' or ctiviiiothé ot e t U' 0155ncpial uncL. Punmtm ( OrrmtUD 6111101!7adyat&- or Ost"m bo ha tr u tr'ait OrCuOffloY, -ArehbM opTaisherisahui rra:wd tus b7 tii.o ' suâ.5t1 a" t people. pu if5 i f l &46 or bhéi insubhI ,Oit Sa s=dfor a n-utary ttu,ltrhia The Ottawna vceentproosi a obr -m attie S aginut peli iiofathe patronage , b maé ifaonté cont! st- i nstud ofs;piamos umnesmoréhandimi by way acrptitunby VMbh--a soverthe ié l itt »d aiesa yuofal Nu. . b zaax, éObStgib«t@r%& t uesu Brownwa v.appoabsby thé Dritimi. ? OZ4 ' 'nmmt or otbesyue, -Tb* tbous.nd Isandls farn p- intttt- G(;oViflliib - MOUUIISm tapro";is mngrose oer etail, Md tPi«u)»via, sma piafeut t* de"ilofaia xepuoiy' eibOufr duémsIvta, or esaient& , iig .4 iiOCIt hm baiszt.rdthe t.-tt-, ý r"Fv "UitdM&Aferfatoe, for cithare, ssii th.flivin heby. unforLaettCamptig"o t& th exedtr fmw ieadjbuyiug sad aIlling or buyinq mdieinbttun l oalaetlheal n.fix ,1 baur Mr. PU an d Mr. BEto4Viti thé$ 1- à- -900CIS - > (t*'t755>J ;Ibutk4a aid fiS i? EddThOnab1ogrusij ThegisiéTorontolijo B(1f 1 O(m a roagladraft of a buasy, vcir, >ckm»Efor i ii eaul Dot, Borml " a way t"i duea iiaHtrrA,.,i. ' :;, it xtu bover, naitiS 'pany. pissoomtai mbit aofaiy prùnérdlp, on then o thé IljJanuqary, igfttti-»a thé domuut ta thé S.Ib er oir ct on- j 'N5OpOU uiit .tiAut, bu ds.iucta and s iii,.. houzabohinai ta. sud.aaim sadvi«4,end. not as.& Bilé à traderi for thé pupm ai tiis -The. Adiéii r h&mYC, . ed Iu r-r. üqm . hePrenadst an AUl pérIuo. Cpartn.esiine. »d tredislat wuek diachu.rge.d at-iit I~A) Fiai deaireI the Senati sa etaie, tiret, iO~1i - iu wh héiuuovrtéo bands, huving detcrînuud t., t-,.i é .hétui ii méyaiauldb. m.a t D0 a..uaily .nqm«ed mtnqU itraI, preetaDt production, tiii itt-W aPPretrlY, aiu; second, vhether the draît sMtta DiufaC.uit, gomr"ai«alPulSht or 01 full ammos&ii. %d lqgg:kibc 'tr:i theé sonate usaisepabeor meeed Ibuoi4or itehoballe benu au ngmgd,j -À jointstock c.,usauny o -îtji,-. afiatitia mm, aity, a Bggi and having incurrvai debta as auhgmniz tiBeluvallu t.> eaablh an.' i aie aosiamy eRdeeI.Thé I icihavme fot beubarrait by ti* boWbita hoeurthat ;x t aiti Sieste, in uzscuvemetaau, on the.3rd it5titiut of "tabio., or ptBiibed, 'Thé e iâ :,êe t a au. a:ad ar * Ill of Fubruary, sent tii. draft bock ta thé e manoe"S eSmd ta tradé, dhi.i ép&ubiîbly bu biiit et the 'W,'IiDi1 (' àal. State Deparilmeet, Vit îuuewo to ta' tahb rader* nithun the méaang i -A mieanmt sasdutrtte.i îu the eslintht"atthie propouaul ini ta rof"Ad; but no prooedinaein liqiai. iu anlw-,dîtrGl: ît -'lrtrr euo t toru in " aD t dvisable. T ii.Ù4in a tion s" ahl bu tuken ag&« an B87 a rq andraiW-» ytt aek a s!' t th" i . fact, tii si" »aatam ofethi rejec trader bagad lapon aDy délit or duija ci,.lait Friday, uhhi hu tran, . r.uî' doan, fot of tth tas àstresty shure r cotruntdalter hh liaémod <tairédi. cf ia:dr<. <. tr. . ,, vas nons before the nate, but ef the j - oél ~easrd&itat.ltgu tand @ h Suetought, or Ir- j-A latetuotin A t ai !usw.i nd taond, ateth Sonate oaio r ýnA- Th litrégniar moeing of thts posDouiro AdrictîltiraI i AJ%,ei l,t f-11 fti.(0ta thuI, SOUS aojectàionebytery us hold at Lzbiidge, on T,- uée t41~vO a honvtiué ,Irtty j! . to Seertaq lTai tu modifp ome of rday the 22add mat.Thore a aalarge ta mi vb hl it ý . thés. alltaged obiéedonmble ftes anmd i&teéanSif utboth miniatere and uIdem l, itîvideti tha' the c ,lehtrrepî ta unIt ta thé Sénats antotier draft ,Thé min-ite îf laét féSUlai motiflg wferetti n<>rt'Crrh: vilami y Sud mure unlightenud trou. -raid, mmdE1uPun s.An- m ent <liat thuy' -The. X.,tuitreai ?,,h" il r' '--e ment, now tut thé Sonate in purged aof bu Doti stttained ai 005 ruitbeinaf Itat, rthe Prutzîasia _ç, t.' tOtn - 't nI.. ith Chandiers and *9 hlii.oaiChandler. the mo.ti-)n ai muatained and carried ; ment, which c.ttt. t ,,:: 1 ,.. '. n. A rw zipructty treety, tiierefora i 3fit r- Peattiediasenting. Bev' Principal -Af the latait(.'t'î.,$. I --S, l* of thé Caren , Mrrille, and Kléleys, avm an 5a i OiUateIt unanim>ualy s. hhr 4mc <o brîz', ig.1- '. ec in not finally tréangedl but la under Imouderator ofait igaunerai éembly. Aratrica, mmd itsa"rn.arou.i., purtK>ja thc infinuce a a liiht annmthétie. Thé moderator reportéd repeting the hour. fI in a remauable tac th<at thé very biiicme of a dismiion front aur chmrch -An aid guàan by th, uriéAtI! objectiom.rbùed bY eMtor Xlorffiof'whchh0h.hadgivtc thé Bevy Mr ThOmn, Cufru.y ht-i P*eau o.igw.t.'! ,01Iftr. Verméaut, dnu ti.uomuarasmalaby théeuatuion ADufPresbyw.«', mmd ihetoun utB,,!(:raî" _ W. r- ttdieary u7 d fialgis a pecWs .1 oogaîdicso ui '~adrs.' on <1wbas.,-liît.e ih'î'N orére muaiunaprovWsonanottiurtédin.to thé mo)de t procédure w tiicaothe agufrah-u. or 4't~a..tttt theZ 'Id Mriet b icCnaina va -dotd Rey. Mi. Peattié, and bui Dot aince h,,cr, hearl T O It et aI, but muggued bta31r. Brawuîin,, aid3f. Ferian, eIders disseung on iz teared that ah.,cer ai.t î n- , , godfaith by Mm. FIai ifmé. The thempurý. ai a.regularityoaiproomdtur. ulthuugh nu tracé uA bar hé yct r,,ri Canmdia'ainme r nply tai ramésthé Thé ftsiufltivDa fr. Seutt ai Cam. di,,,,,"m. old rsc.prouatr-tresty, mauggesred r braY, gai nux it sen op. ln exLPlana. r- John E&hart, thé vietitu ira 'hé the trixeningo crtaimnsiup.iaa Mmd tien Mr. Sctt MAdtt hé vaswucompati, rPeterburj'n,tut.< ca 'î.A uther nov navigable air vaye. Mr. led to thiastéP on accotnt of pOutate iii. m g.', havtng,f!1rrîeutiy ree r'r Fiaitver7 jroperly auggested, ini the attache uofsisianu.andthetiiprent Ste pe a in Ctàrt, te< aWa. i ds htr t i [mtpeaeof ai merican indumbrils, thâ aiothie hitt, rut!I.r gaccrdinx af up -in Thtrnlay wu.k shezn 1ý rt the néw treabyougit ta have a vider iiidical advice éiiédtfur i <tra. e. )re<at (irahain wSiihetv:,4 îrýy. ranp udit N flh t.may Ainérican eprieetativei [Ta Dtheé oongat.on Gralam ,' ',,it ,ïs nýmnuiactumes hieh & anov Iargly seré liard sho éxpasiséd the regret triai, andi Echui a t ound 't,,t. nssd inCanada. Mr. )Brva and SirthéY teli ai thé lois uf Mr. $catt'Ss sr- Edsmrd lioruton rotdily apiéd te vice, and thc oning ta thée ena.ofthis relué ti. en ai mdnded mach mnuacursreci.-naion thé7 culd uffer no uppoel- -Ettirtsamarenow heirmt< ,ns,!e t., ' 'nu m. agmicuibural tulemenu., boots and t'on. Tic, fuuther atedéth le regret fl oint stock co,î,ar:y t.' , pt ,'>m uios, o tUapai , pdei.. técoregation <bat, using <. ra téaxcrç rrir.n .. jeans, drillunga. plan sd couonm:ii, being enpplemnittd irîm the littat E(tccil thii nt ' d.C,"a Sieit ritire, SmRimgua, cojQ064aili.,Mielium Fund, and &Win cldubs, <hyA la. e sa-utrt ýi tht ru.j t :kl spikss, lesCoi, tweeds, sml,voudware, sould du Su lhtrletu malt..prt.viaior tfurbat botta taker, îàp ar-! <huret' .-r. ty itoul in as, ioops, piges or roda, shoot- 3h. Witt, but <bey uere uiling that' PrOOPas2t of <bitcite,'-atakt'u'h,' trou smi soep-fron.Thé beuia t t hé bshuuld havie<the u»sef the<iiiaanasonce more. Tbt. capital tt ,vcoiut hi vould aui.-o ta théumanufacturer of and ieîbe for thé summe. Xi. S%,,sComnpany la IUili ra ahanets A -c'In) titis.ae" s u thé United States inr-grtiOflvu tieuamcptéd, to <ski éh ix!dii a féée mrketin a counitry con- e "«%< laanudiately at bas >vn 'argent ru-_ -Thé Truro Su, rtcnlaîb I...h luMainnfour umilliona of people, m"doit.-questaid théescerAi ititrictédto preient ofan Bit tO tiIa tt't .ul, tu -'i' 't naado tévery border.shébre the» Mr. Stat'. cwe tb-the convener ot thé -)f Mu John Ale.t.a'n \% .-'." ' goodeamaemoatly mmuafatured, are 4ed and fIatiran Xiniater% Viîaud. 31:. tea-raiàs Othe chasir rît: a*..-'1i,% numerous mand plainly ta be tren. But Paat' a of Lindsay si.a pp.,uil a ..Sittingt alucbtly t;:,nn., itîti '. if thure béaà finit inihaviug t<hUS ri. eutor t ofs"on, and t, pemtialhe cu- thh. usabout t., tai, ta li hot1-rt r« dlein thé tresty pr>posai.te fiait grega9ion vacant. Re.-. Mettre. Kena. ative hersei Îhe p il*d n-t J ~ dose not reet vinttheCanadien., and nedy and 3Mu:ray sure appoiîared tu h',t citur aliala .eairlliht .,î,-t Canad'wn manufacuarce of<bie mri.- *raw up a minute expr-eaive ,f t..he aitat a.,t su ::ttt., ;;tà% e rf,.'u cles viii iardly gnieve ta loe ti liât Presbyteiv's regard for Mu. tcort aud Theii. tat. h',we1 et, nias t,îr,î. :r stracen ou ntnirely The reasi stum.a- pprectation uf hie mirviu. The nuit ber, uad ahe dieit othe tianE'lu y et Lr bàingblocks in the treeay, bovéver, businesée cas thé r«uantîo i tte h. ident. n-oie ta articles, lumbur and vol. Rev. 31r. Ctoii, uto théefwr*ttaf -Tmert-in la waking .ap, aii1ita t i.;iy sonator Moral dépisted the ii Bui-Newton, and -Nttwcatle. Atter %Ir. tho advanta,<.s t<ohe aere t-r> t., Manuataina afVermont, on vioeSum- Crurs bad becu huard at !éngthIin el- eîoryenn i tat.e're.t, rà mai boeaaac*c aristocratiec beép ai placastîoxaaof thé ctJirltualSaoS hiiber hourtdn&rie. A byla i*t rý-,.'t tbs# State vilciyearly ylcId.their lun.dcm, tbe Pruébyr.try aureéd reluciautly Luittd '-, the, raaupay'r str w le, t I A peril i fesues ai combiug vool, and <tuacSéPt hlm rustgnatioa. 31rCaldur Aril, pr'.tvi-lanLigta à r,,1,ir j2 .U tremblai t thé id. thac tisseprincely of Oa,'tnu ws appuwtcd muderatu t tMeir of R A. & VX , rf 'iée aLaep siouald finIt compotein lathe session, and ta préacli*ho puipits vacant eiauistun ,tiîtltlf~ d ru and r 1psnper alieep ut Canada csesthe bar- uu Stabl, pnli4t Umim. Stewart shop. <bey mle, àgrutkltc <o ta"u rhar-<u dat, viich are equmlly, giftai uit a mmd Calder vêts appucnted t.o dras ait, o .)fteamri re titio, * by tà i 'r uovsaing aofsmbiug voal.a minute -Oiipré e Autthe tet'lingsm -Arau.-inq $,ox.'iii.lrtu d1patreh4.at À mïs çtiyatrabute t. Vemont m-md ilabs io.3f.Ss.t tté!<btalniclubI, 4ave <u Ot,.ritttiî euIoidquarries. Of on- t oana a buildinag for voraipin îuto, u at vuuk %Y.4t1l, r ot, rida meloeau M. ,aai ai amuat indîapenasbui<o thé con-Vept-lu lad ya ry tzi ru mu uo" ana exàstueS of ,ur cauase mi Cubo seireuironaiect bVTho an pra., r 'ýGrsuite, conibudit »;m. A Church iuruaéry huloning <oconsisted A aill h ah 1tre ,i forma anotour group ta orene avrougit the Xehodist body htlien au ffer.d ~ or nuvmroult. In building, thé prso- ia veryreimonabliprise, nichi -.Sotint aty( Md eii'luowdc,tCIa-.! ç, %1A'r, tic. i. t. ss.ad anIsas ta usines fur di. teto aly euendhéuesa u-ti tury. farcie. Ioir phî4uaua , arl i mom bliu oukit e. :u ttil, .eay chciamo e heev tthePr n ta bise ucvriy .',. id"e. te b.t pgnsce t Oume lut. aMy tructure. tery haIt benu licitit! tpon the luatter, <,S clevee, ira tact, thail1.411Vanv I lai net aikely <thalbis" Itierent 1it Vas referved ta the Il.naéMai lstied pruttaaiW&nlstriti. cta 'À rju i té Dusaacuvoud Utonc Couaiîs.t. st l th sas a nt amtumnt;mmd nithalf ru.f r."" aity b. e ut "ssii i1Redaamdstse, grimaI- 1sim ta tho,miemutadyisble. Miss. î,î téOhulicéiy s r4 is tr.nry stase., rbfl, ami ym granta oold 1Rogesud Edmondamrepoted bavinu hch hm treq.aently charactr'ned mm bs bit cet mà mdtoglitoept by ipe-med tch amg t fOàba, thés. shows. ,t cou att canuelbe,, m. hiaply m l i it à twuPort Ferryaisit Princi, Albert aeiaao- o u Jata i .. domse by cmmos cinadienM d saNova tively vasan.Répartiesie uizt ré-'psd Mlugn son" s toeeut. i 4msnrmetings iaving s a 1mai ainer, culi: s The country hma bai emugb, ani bis eïlaiiior seros.emobed, omuit, Ti orpna 1iki>t,Lt cut':. tr metism moue i -" ort o r lthesuabject oi missions or bath uttaii T.npol, ah lI& 11 a.. t t logk a. miâg-oit an mod e aor i Whitby, Ennlsilen, A"iwm, W.>. i ftiçc"*Pl', .. sbdal.adanta lm n it cnsrucio o blf tville, BElavertort, Canagton, (Iris, ritln o h lànll 1 b rab»d ou àeCas.bgy.P>t Peaa,mad P," -U Â1rt,' latthé sas. te slavoyn &iqistheivil. mmd . smai tbat the miihwa of i mbidge, Wiok, LindsaY, Md Calum- lmgi oflrtllls, pajidauiot bam taén jiavIa.iv tssa is.laa c i.bu.Othur oegregao i sithin thé piect idve'ssy Lu îhe PLi, f t. liima. ta puy aIamittribusa of u m35 ' ouadi areetil i t bo iard front. Thi bast u y il ustin the tuuit VFr.,Iu ta 00 pie em4, msg aita mi building Assimbys retapeetlag the change tbheY.îtm zlasreports&swu'm&k'.th, t' 1- mUtssl t lé qma. amalsauton oithéeé li lye ie t.u oraue ut! 1.,W Sg . - -jbsvs atiU .hu a, aa~n. tvith th mvii=raionas y-las ai the village (A (halAisa ttel ampl M=aIIsbetmepiopis aift.e matiosmi ml dde lysao 1 0lb 0,as V»spusid fur thé ptp.teé41 t'litus emit m «uin u *tals mmei- sautai ttii Pvabgt.y dosa dothu aburroai aéuuani ahop ,oi.* e et-11 pdaai ts estin; appreveol i foaauau.lbtsas Chwiotié. Richards atal" e cs Ne Bom ul'm oui fureogu niltmoa oui th"é" ,. W. iarquod %atth ýti ritataLea<ulatia: bat! »d s ni ranit. Na oml ay -li atyas b. mppiaimtsi do f tae aiDoiDur ta paisthe, abate Act. on ubhiv hus iibu e tbe dassaved; Ptuaatasy ut b s.lsy of $1WSpeuarM.the Oumr baumd, sas urse t at <the bu commmtlitmhsietk psa7 m. aomeg sitiJa.las; sudlimitations of tavemu lumstat, 0earemi fa biun @Mte bi laib- oate. tithésongesbl s th*lbbomut hetanature ut polio. rigulat,*n, unit bt@. Mu -homm. e au« " us ib.u iiis asaodan u t m ddsip Io as»Csus .Md aurit tu b..(Aiurul, amme taeisg*9 sbeut t het.amommut ci 13fuirtii oeuisy [MW aileg"a.ton. lna aonisiat sinusa apià.ism .i~i zisftser O h m .b hait iiw»ivs dle.idsdtâte iommée tsditin eil bis aapu, mdl*a otiw for théhotisatahma up, ami aibe oultes neai amttro .îo' bbeaer"i but apt-be amipro- lponthéesabjeu* f-l er Msss.mas«Mo"644 ç ukoetutional î-.r buae tu a~uaty ph"amà fuir boalf in Rome, Load19.1DIm.ysantSat . ii--éipo-i&sdjor m bis mid. tta qqmonnai"tac U. LIax, e» y.r aponag4 a oshâs ae, ctie" ai if"mUoessaa, »i j1 lamaul us f.ié omils. a0ifur alttasu pes tisbjeetIt."reotast eutiey prohibit thé s fsiiaiay article ni.bu apmik. a»M ta ebLuu. msosiqumdaiset. draft a r eport t i Iisitoudes go Impour the physacaloa pissuls t.t. q0 of cTomomois»""dîto i li u tia.ne As&a -41131lueek ai ri ksa omesL et.Ïèsami u me011t-k ameai policy mis gobrailpus. The swmm nsfihWuo.e idilsajainq et Peair hq mns.mp'oaabd si. mi M er .iela-yuas b"u« vo m s utanM te lieblid am Pknrt Py os the thI i MuM o- Puiast tsabdî e athieu t. ~ la "pellaimg'aise !ug ss lis.iema ummijhiss te M" itie nombi..,0# - ~-Dwm i i a mg 9*0 t bi.idiatia...W. D.1 tovuri, as)j mitu uppemmeh 9% hu., lm.fe e t" " of bqwA;r bgretil.