Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Apr 1875, p. 3

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- Il ý ý ý ý __ýýý 1 Lý__ - -_ - 1. ý - F 'Pl ý il, . ---@916- . 1 . ý ý ý - -------- ý - ý à , , . tu L&*6e la" ý \1 gnm»oobme 1 " . __ý - - __ - ý_. - . ommum __ - - - __ ___ et - . ý - - - mm m - *-Mý"_ ý ý ý umupwbmàpmàk - , - ý . lent . -. imaib ---- - ýli" @1y; Md7âïlM es». toà" W Qw:- INW .mmuv b" W,« f# lm lm 115 wV, oba.** Pm ý , , 1 le, ' il au lww " - - 1 10 ne te, du I"VM ý a " OP Posale - ?1 ý- 1-1 ý 1 mà-»-" 1 "M Aiîý ýw*;V- la veffl --- . ,- -- - mwwmmmm , * ita»«Fbl»M ý- M»àr me empli% . 1 àý o#ttb 1 Il Il 1 1 i la Samar am& àod&]L &. âwàn aisie ma alait IL -rm~w tmilL &mm ëam am& -w-0 - &--mnd_ mi th» optIt IMUM wwMM *88« - Ibleil ai. twuaimmèmdm*"b - üar ma" ah"" ft-buw*,,", tt"Wm - - ---- oeuwegvbmem a-ubul la-Ur i" -ýý*1 = p-- a 1 1 or *mm& romains: 1 - wm - > ni it. As it jaâb»nmrtfD 1WIR ruff omu 19WFOmmt»tgem*g.m«m paý#&-Iklw. *b zî- sels, el' I"fauforelmma"pn» U,,WWNIOMWI 1 1 - - - "m"mann""'"ý -1-4-e Ou,!"-Wq.! dý 04« m a dom ww* Crau 0» *M 1 IV %WMMM % éwomme-obe" M*Wâffl - &W-&L"*.Inl av *bqpm- » lm n" éa sais bc* lavet *UMM mail dette 1 sim» a 1 1 omuUz: mà. od,4 it ils b"9 Comima 40aw « W E . . - - ý wàm Il IN&BUabmai-mm" %ý. moulwwforabamt . l", ",.Ite.ltý* @W wm#hmwpbKwm 1 ý .- » = e a a M- mé, - - " am 32%»_ýèM% ;=-W.= ý--àVI. lilloise == domaisieds. 8«» fralis m "ýww. umb""ftb law 11% m 0 âimm qM ta rame 9 & iblab 0* 1 R lui Imm uhmw - - 011111- ILCM.-C.12M ba»]àubmribr,*A»eow 0111* »»-%«My %Z roi 'U aie «:.gI , ' = £ by . ý -M ,%Wb m- OAKWOOA . -_ - 1 Dalb »Mow. W. ,%. (;O()t)W IN . ft» (4m. --O. L Uffl b»mmw. ne O%*- pýmm - - - - - - _. - - ellue- f» ý - wWh Od»m 11101111,10, leu leu S&ý, - W------ - m inchý ci t" bu in ità" 3tyr «A lef,81P Il @W >** (4 WURM«kwoo,04 Mr - 1 -_ - - amm& As %W (300elot W*e»«.,Prm"ý M. ý b*""@$ fabil, mb»g l!m4 MMAUý br,ýe - iocie" %V; te .tlý,w «4(,> (wéle 4*4"4"ffl . 90 MIC41ý-laibonuffl - E à..;. -.à.,. i;.Zwaeabuà- - - :91 1 batem, a Ikg"g bum"m ia»btm of O. %V, il? tbtb, (»It dtwbr Io ** laew 6 OPMF. r i III: lasse -- ,ib- Viaq MW mmtm4 alho> *O PIMU r-19" . ~ .» Og «Uný,* "11110*11011 ouà*nw--4b"bg téle onb&W YMU»V»Màmumaofantlvablamm me a detbmtm4bkadbes" «»* omdwwlmÊ"" .. id.intothet (lot" ».W - %ý14".= - ut hz. »W$dMllw a= bmbm ammoâ« cd a 01 *ll11ý" PFWM-.~ . 1ý@«A@" at, %mm limadzi, tldMy - 1 et 1 ' a 1 fcIr oléem = = _11. 111.-.,..Wko"" - m W e --W e-- la mansabebtlàmmm bd" kýit» . RW*,V,%'?,.--%Iv. P. Ort$Mm*"d«*"IIeo,**i " .eqbme»»W---" Mat V. lbwý adh f - __ za- 7C.-- L: la la . la Ume Quand 280 scaisil L " $O me.je« We@WM ta gu, il, »M lie wiell Ilm ow « - - MM--- , ,__ lué te laitall, loie, ledffl M z ___ mat rodw. me fa --- Fa -_ 1 th& 11VV 1 N' 1 1 ïf 1 -bN =j= r 14 . '".,tb. @"vlle ___ Il ------ - 4ý M"i- . ia"Qd ,4- r ci, ('ý,ý ic *,.*,r w1kolpo telle loin 1 lýI= = Ollm ý bibeo 0110484 ma Mvs tg pý 11w. pouii»% - -_ --.---- - wm"g for botter prires, ,,O . ý b*Miwlogo ----iiÏF-ib lm le, salait Macolaiti, m lie le m Md Ik" ý &nom 4e-ý;»;ýN*v*é m M: %**Owwm - mai" me Mille me al éclié la :r uý odubim W&Wlà~. mam- blablii. _- elummnabtm tmàw Any persans whe »uU roh» Me for 11-1 ýl pwwwffld%,fln,#.- -1l'» I, -- ----- @=I, la 'Ir th, 't..Ilmb 1. 1 &ý %MM - UN& *;,be»«»Wmbm law -= ý lour et a Ill a Mr. P. S, WALL PAi«ruw,, ILM M -* b.-" 1.p the %Iww* C'Ibt'Ifik'iblili" - - - b bm-bm" Fm Seve emelà.-ar im , M., 1 blâtéw mi lacid ié fur a bqomS pricte de. Imm& lae= ale 1,1111éliksan te swola gasoil. -le - ------, %l#«w4sft rýèqé#. i».", fflN-qo**# ilbeffl. emel, éleLs V-AU b-ci4- -1»- bu a - a11ý te àumr nem te IMI6 ý M=Wrfo . limir lia" au ouà4ve- ý m 1 Itu"mumn" W)RM ctbtkb*.. - - - - ànlrnw. . LILÇWAT MAZEW PRICIR S. lz.*..e."", =,Z"-,i=ffl Palla Zèm S= »In»- . Woubhuma"mdpbammjmmw. a a mdtàý uânàlol6 UM- .- ý , "Sa *::r nýý ý . - (4 oop TA" «~, - ----- do- 1 .%:a- -t'M Im wbm .. .. 91 VicmRU Tht ', ws O&Y-8 yw d low III, 1 81- Pàvm-v% aA&&-ne au" Imrme. -?m mam m bue, . wA FIM " m ý :: p* »,» le . 040>-* VA» lie wI,4v;? «.k ,%.W,%..%.#. - - - - 0~ .r belli 0# bhs tedopv** ;C e= iii :: .. go@@ 2 3*6 "ou **4 ý,b,*Mw ', , %ftag am tom lvk* "ab*» » 1 zý ,-,%M,- ý un I#.-,-ý1 ..W$ rý,W"4 II, o«%, el, th, ý ommb ~ m U-90 »emi» «Oubgpe w"M' @@@&&m& - Y aise 0 (Yb à - - . ý;111,94owilI.1,9PV.»M'teeve **.èwî,«ý,th* enoutu» me In , eautrouLi - __ __ - __ - hum *m la& lusè> Yb.= :: '.*. 9) ce ý 212 the Te« ut Lie" I)t-*P lov.l 4-lo, idtiler, th«I "@»bffl,4 évabieile 111,1111t. bliffl aime lm lm lass *qS C»w&-Tbeemm à&» P« in m imimismeim " C ]tý lis ait ,)"," .. . 8 wee6V.*M . iumm et *"D " ,III la .. .. .. 2 75 3 Oû they bite* -mïm I-f'IIVýýef I.ioiebid Ppi(tffl . «ene",l*»- -V-.F4ýv. -%-,% th* *tu»wy tàn*oq. t a W-11- M*b poqm& ilit, appeý taibu, Pl" rum -Duimtbapm "M,*b f-r"alm" carnainel.. '-4-1 wi» ýlPffl .il% ffir th* .M,,* ý $11 ' 'vam«»Odwm 1101111 muk im ba» Md quitte a *» W" on& On laie pub et Dur. a amportest . . . . . . 17 .)O a 1800 1 rw»vw&-1%6 ainsi in 1- o ubmudaýv alo»%WmbiiuoL deh.-ým = m «~Igwb. = :c illiwIgr fýt 4,%.U$ ffl 3 **,#4t.ý A ,w.lur, %h.wd ,%.mm ý offille. fée. 111 b ___ __ __ - 1011» - ambité, ibbu-tu nivéow. e"!tu-uvg--ýý ?"--ýý;-W--*.I...*. .Vr- abababbiem- élir-L 01I@ý statue c= sboru Il .. .. .. lie ou a 19 00 LÊ# Omo x 3 Io âl M Q. z ý. . » m S" naval »bm - la mumt , fi" te B'.w'y ?ýr ' :: :' -.'. "" " aâââ bool. -umel Auelle or », TWUU"MK-49r. jý 19. Raid S.Mèwiï4-2" . .V"à)" . qe Ô? .,M« «ýrh_. al j .wh.x«%eirw WU by un 01 I, .... , e 1 h- - a wooff "ww**-w* Md . " = 7-= ",«%-,-tj,- - iiZ mmb. étaëi. à. .. tw (-,M .. ,4*wl»v 14*,Ibl,, N$;.ýtbpu. jw-. l'tItýht* e4ýo W,* Matera erdromm t-.,L,,. "", è.,iï.. , - -* -bbw kéo wA" *a Mailwil îatisté. »È»MM wqwe , M, ,,è, ', , tain ëomftg hem of Ur- && 191,111.et . . .. . . 00 35 bp khub t4 W.rk tu 4111-1 rýý ihel, 1= ffl 18ohoirlé. w9fle 1 'init $m&, welémire Md %am kwqne , boom Bahmu màe- CZL 09 th@ 11% .. .. .. 000 40 ,ý.,,,d .,,, M. . : ý 1, ý «UN» - w» kW e ma *M$ w» - A» cm" iravusemi, Md oubu - ou hwh W" bFlbm" Ubnimýc@KRFUM Butter pie al . . . . . . la a 15 1,- o,-»,ý,I rý-ýê** pr;.be»x 1 ý"$ý-,ýW11.1ýý,.kýýýh.,M.b"*,ýý, - sy"xm-ur. Pettigraw, or ig.g> mm me *y Illaile, et m mmaw la - - in- , si* tom wdngte b»uW, "3-a ci L&M examine 0 r wurk, ý ,, ,. ý11._. ý-.l,4.A, ý Fbzim,.""..Impàrb" .. .. . 130 l'O thim dwr." bu£ Ibo - lette, volopm1a tmmm--** ândw b»IW butou tbu - I, 'è 1 ýbmbmtau.v enrbin '1Zý- 1-w» , : la.& wm bile. . osait . . Am m =10, ç ;r m- Tajine, .. .. . 1 AW 09,» lt4o.wrt,4ble »Me, t" I*Mwk . -_ - . ne xamw% owbie alatidèle, W» ow,ýpwm of navi- ta sa - vu- -vint àmàý Abamm ma 4ý! 3!!MM ', ahuum lm VUY dtowm yca rab, por doa .. .. .. là» 20 SUI1111011. le 4h", «" th. tri& *lit t.,.,.,q ý th- will to, i..r.debuv'tio, 'bu thm dwerad te à» charria and sémé __ý -acte tu p * bwwr, A" a ,- lit ,etoplis (ti#wdtdato. ý I ,'.*iýçP4 éiI.",""",i'l'e... Il, 1, l, Nl,.$ý,,-, tépi't'. for. i ,**" te ý ffla OMO- Wb" il wa"ear l'y ý ý - - Il. ýt-,l., ....& oýkP %l.,I,.I,- thle ioepp, ,,,ý, . DAM'tig&M-xr Jý L»Mb» Mainctrout the outbuLàdmp of Mr. aurv am- 9 flu the aphird spicom V«L 0-h .Mpru». ý lime, a Sm" *mIger wbm --ka . %aa- ffao S=pIb pair, .. .. 70 S . Li.dw ?*mm "'lt'..,ý--t ý.# 4f«-ý,E1',A ýt»-[AL rtday .. .. .. .. 00 -----t3 ý ý .,2ýow _1-,»Iýr%. tl*,.* 'W, - On IF ,@.ý" - lm ab» 00~ br allure lom abus-M%»Ma" 'r'M'Ow'f Lamb par quuter . . . . O* 1.1 ý NF OU L(A 1 . , '. ) pl*wý,,t ..ý ma m e*= Owwn«"= e "" ý = Wb" lm mm aum .4,01 ' 11, -1, efflt..»,.Fl .ay 1- ý& ýe*wI, ýe *9 = _ ait à& exceum ý @ 10 revue -il foit #Vi*hdý A thel =PM$C.*:Owml* 09 110& a" 1. ý lbemuv»eemw bm" cdwbmabr ,j- mmém the te of au = = :nIer b.*., :: ': a 4 .-.-.»Iim Io îRkL2 »Il fIrAblu>c*,t ,*X?èelrv ý Tt* fillue. kqbkl* aq thet 11,04411,111(wl, of, Ple *ý fftý%"Afflmlk 1 sociale on Tbmmbw »WA. ouveu, , 'm . bu bm i = An Banni .. .. 0 gl - i'r-PN4,.6.4.0. "F. -eba" ... I *..>,À*4y P'IWfflt-»IE, welv, of * mulefené ants 1 il "touuumb - . - - __ - , bereny wun au p& *111 11 11, la te ibaibr mt"lwau4mum An union in Bac Smuk'd lattait .. w»b4 Wb',* hed hm Cela *ffl Md:= ,r. i t 'Il ý"d Note, fflifko.s I, OW8 ,bf,.* Ill. ý«I».lt K'ei (brd,: 1 wPer VIeiwien'd ho MI enum« ymim-.i..« .. .. (» du 14 .. 1 1 ý4 04 "* "' '.. et«hw-%». Aawl xw ýtm.ri, a. .," . wwS out in the tmmbbtp il lm& - a-ffi-g th- - uî - hl" supreurqâ ý»vm do .. . . ce-* 14. BhW@114 &a. Md 1101V bat h.M bUV»d A" DÛ inouram& ---- - Mi Wb" lave eonmuaùy eul. 'erý.e,: r, ivw4eý-; T'ý*Iw*effl r n*«.. ýetkffl . , 1ý th pur. 100 tbib .. r -'e 0 e UI) .,(ý(. ý V , *4 ýý Lb,"Z "M il pgnobu.lý bon, azt prenfitumi. JZ04 PLURKY. . - - Umm ,-ýo..,.,-,ej,"ýi ý,.,éI,,I. ,.bwwm*, »W.* W »@Pmmm. *" a tftdhW by ». PMU Proportart for tmb'.Prtes bar& ab" cotait 83 a Tbe thm je *uppbmd ta bave or=nated ùý &IM - _ r il ' L= 1111ce Qe 00 ,4 n 50 . F ,&»,ýbb.tè je,. ph, ,,,,,... 84ý 16ýlwi -,-- m& Aft« nuleurs ÇUMIK Md la bafiq lm tb»Y oombubd le ut bat Mi tu the bw* kitobion 4 la ta te = N-0= 11 'bumdawuu"âeril» de «tm iýiM . ou lie * ou IlO1 Il .,i.ý -I ... tl,-ýý b>,et"" I, ý, ,...-.-t 14". I-wbvp 11%,». la ex4o Ira. taiblei "M le latte WA" mal et ta fer she nioL Un ou IvtDe Wbéa hoped thu the emmuatty will huip bta la bu , :: : * w _4cN19 ý 1 K"et.,,,ki-.,,.I.j rýr,*U i the .tw4 $le the Purpelle et *enntou ou couddond & delerw entaille twy wom avant h»Ty 10MS, . SubmdPùm tickm, U 'Ilà Eh, per ta,. .. . . . . 9 Où e 12 -)O ilmally 7 t"tbted; 1 84 bal "eh. muue the boMS ta The ,àUim for avenir. Cmdwoodsoft percord 1500 200ý ý ."*.Jtb-mqwwqthm 8»6-euastwtW = battue Io latté il mbbffl by a Inutiles akew -----aille- building lot nosi l' 74, *ý met-,te hiall phelwalèbe in isbti ý ta the »V chromo Md ta a t"«.in the dùmbu- comwn" bud 1) C«d * * ».» 3 (»À 400 à loatwala Il 1 .7minq Mêler hwol dorletit the Volimer hy ab* bwbm O# 1111e: kwa. Tact b«AWO Proda"d sweh m M .1 VERTOS am efus premaum The Ablî» Company, Pub- t= . . :: . 1 O@ à 1 » In an, W Ç,tW-ý,-m»ý th" he, I.M. - u0let the ý8V.iffl Il# a ý t'htý"b lt,-Iinqooo~y le *V %Iwe »V *"me *dIffl am 9» M".= bd ,_ - * 'Inafty adamw 3a. ââtËý _ -ýwTg* City. : 1 O*& 150 out--,,o&tf* .4ýt.r4ý,tkt#W,ýfrýgli.b *»# ýýeiý,"Oep"= 1 1,!ý-ýh bu Ilwex kmwww apore, luý - la a rhum fite unqý lait intima voswauq Vos, the in- 1 - . . . . »noirwýIL.% l'..l lata t "" _ caimkine. gratin, par fb, :: le& 000 1 i It..lý1ý1.1.,*11 lo ,I 1»,.tsiýl'. to *M op ";"tld.w , O., ,m*-»*v. f tunem 4 *«Illy tweencipeu unm»p mwmpmdmS et I" PUL 1 ý ý ,old tl»1.h,ý,,Id t. ý DO-IÉLYIO2'f NOTML Buib" .. . .. tom fIoil ">.«q,ýiýl,ý,, 1.1;". ,% q.4*r.-ýV..!ý',1-V,»to7z,=. ý = Nw,ý m thott= -..'ýý"I' .&W. -z011ýllIir0 ----.40-- LUW« Cý"&-N&" Ci. - JL eet 01 Inotru, . . hiveme obIt.hi, F- la h»g-"* mm lia** beate TOBO" i XAPJLVIb. goud Ilecusty t mwebald6ý --- --bd» - . là.ts unet, " le 94 moly ýt.ri.Ig w~ .* » hm . m- - =- ___ -The Bý auvotT OMM m ab»t Whari%'ýbâ par base ...... .. ...... Ob et a 0 96 amw . 1 èw, IPAU&'t (* 11, joo =, Zekb *Aý «80«b» mm" au £0" 1 JULILL i. P., Md ibý J. ip"%Em& il. . . W bas. »Fràw de ...... ...... .. étale a a lm oppwb-ty te »Wliqt!it, At th* Malel - ,bý by Je" CDWM&oý Li- mm@& a MM Uom ,@.te% »ýfflb.,g 4etil ,,,, Ili~ *"q., th. f.,, ý rw ab N~ am MPV tbmmv*% = --8C-=ý 1 do .............. 0 Où a 0 w ,!Ëppiy Z. b,ý le 1 l ce"»PouLI m 1 B-ky. i __7 s'b- on-I tw"e..bqffl,%, W«, ,*%a.. rwillai cwk. J il IKIXb"4 Svr- Viltw qbim Li1.«wýjy -The = ,= w2".d a Mm"'. -À MW 1 mî- Il unem icelm hm oea, do ........... ..... 0 43 a 0 47 ; " SALE ý,!"*rI ý ll- il W,.4», h', t' malle ev., oww 'Ir L W" »Id bm 0111,111, A»là»m à3b Pamz"471«.-Abmt ,m pmee& ud la ------ do ........... ô le a O-.b, h* t-opée 9 èb (b@*- ý ý ý= =-â.= kd" Mt ist th, ,i" ty a ---- ?-- dû .......... ... = 1 " chle mwtno et xwm ânto.Odicy @III tbe M" donsua"cou& aye. ... :,** 't - ý'i",ý, #1 W-.,I--» (- th. týýffl-elk».t Weï; ý;4bZ ,&,hop -hm- 4fiý«Ms leillesthmotal. O.-O. 0 ïï 1 ', ,_1 ý-I- f. It le . b.41. l', lbIffls" t.- the, ffl. la la aie oxoeudbýosy ,-F«Wab.e prodnonon. bmw a» IOLIOý . . quwtS ma bau-doi1w Ommd boqi, par 100 Ili& ...... .... 8 Où a a SU $8 i..... eoý;. %V (à, Je *h1»Pv4*Iý 4141 - Par m W* "%Ob JU*40 t'M . PMW «,*$. ý= V eras raid by Mr. Tào"n Fixamm-Ue tout. re- passais am m dreuladon in St Thm». '«" bi q' P"'b ............... 650. .. .-O ý 3à» M a ý.;,...ý.,; K.$,lk».-,e.& W 1"ýlt-ý.,ýde , ,,%94'4ý00rffl ùe(~ . hovea4lb~ a ab , U.&"Mm Pt»M"d àk= Siliez et the mrpmmm of ta» mmawp et BIW. foie, q». do ........ ...... 4 50. note au *mu"@. amouand te «AILU -auadmd notas Pa7ta ils Ponce Mag. Mutten, by careau,.: .......... .... à ùQ a 9 Ob never been aeed. ý .b#ieÀýp (Ifw)»ý1 .4 W. .W j «--l ,,kolle ut tâtu towle "M ý,ib»«.. MA ,vala, Nlé,141C (, !Co ý.ýl= ta.M mailler on aucuM ci dm ChickttLPerptùr .. ...... ........ 1) 4* a 1) 0 ý terme ï)r ex.haffl ý 7. - ý .... .... 'f -ho, %#.%,ý."e èwl. Va 1 t bu Arlet ýww la kw.mb4o and jw4~ "ý , ,oo, wu"@ Vow ý dalle :, k h- In.e..ýwl t4m 1 nIh.04 VIMPAVA"Mkm theffl j'ory bildb.à O" Xume4M.Lam rued. Imp4ràed m rends. e- Pâr MMý ÙM"d Of Ducks, par briaix ...... ...... ...... O 40 a 0 où 1 a.d;-.d, .%IpIý éI'-ý ka...t. ýI# %4»9~ e * J ý%P»t PWOIV iý.ditvsm véhile the . mpre pexutom Z _ ter *é. m= moi-", salariant. *m taisse m- Sm âs formody. G&M. Ouh ............ ...... ...... 0 53 la 0 75 IN.,. Lii»ý,.y, 1), z:z>,ý,., Il '1.--,.11ý I. t"..%*fflt to eiý. e".l t."$ffl I .ý,mtm**.weýmy tý%«Ii = , mimm IM; dobmtwooý Me, - 0 :» a 1 W -- _1 , . , - ==Cr.*. a ,.-b,.,ý.,.>,.,ý...eq tk"..t.f"Ný4ph.e:iýý,th@,.h.ý.t- 1 lt"f.»"" w.,,,'= " «"-"'" ..,..Vmo"m ne . "» .î abois, i..e mm *nom tating, dStý $Leaâk Sa- -R«. Fatber, 013r" , the »w =ý roi.m. _ 1. .......- _. ... - - - - ý .. _. 0 23 a 0 es 1-,%SOLVE.Nl l""It ýI»--;* 'W V.o»,"ý ,- 'h- w-td k ibid ollerle . lIv, 14 the Ithomt ý fer you. A" er @"&= MM-&% UýM bel- - BWMp'of KUM Butter, I&M rollit .................. 0 le a 0,210, . , 1 ,ooart U"M ne 0~ . et %W mý = an 'O _Mgnal, bafoire pgrdag allah Butter. tub dairy ...... ...... ...... 0 224 0 uz IN the I«atle, 4 L ý 1 ý 'i. l,,..ý. ' ,ou olbo have %t "% the lie-sattre ailla ew-qvol* - - = , Z-131.2 bis BrockviUe frissids, vu prevenited tiveb. par il« .......... ý ..... 0 :z a 0 -W 1 ? 1 ý t1ýw1lý 41ed ."of the bella, ohlv- Il# *dvvnb** able ,,buvoh. .NubdIy. i»tdlmmily Md eim"y. ftMmes. -ne audùom bu" add- 0 ,- «,.renr*. %1,4 r;ý,-Z tItt. (!R.,Dql s"ela ile ,,th« roLt.,d the Wvt»S a" 1, Ibb,» àkmg w" tboo-@ý though fimble. expennéom of ed te W" 81,0w. e - p«iLeýL. 0 20 a Za pütt'eg.-ýdeh . a __ *»**'**"* **«*" -- t'Lý.,t ý4.ýJ, et 1% fmm . . -Tb« N*wmarkM gm Appeul, pot je -1 qSa O liu i ÀU V4 ý , t ,%",,èI .... ý .1 , , , ., Il ýý,e. ;... I', 1 Pe. 1 ,,l.%Mbry «.,qb4i eu e,,, gaoan.e "Opè".t the. W,*,,,, ..I« grfflible and 40001114 lire te 1 your â%meptafte W" we the fallu - - lý t"t .. - ...... .... ...... le , O*, que.tell -G .,_è,ý . * ,.,$»b"(1.t 'h*,o%ýo lf fe»W J'%lt%ýo4* bel.119. «Il! *; roi, h-ý- r«--" fa wlu te exmoeuly Umm. frome wir-ght- Md o4hers. ut 1 aocoeqm, jeu . . Pocam-@*, par butta ... 0 UO W -- -b4ý or tè.. ý,.,e ill . 130; Divi" Cowb buh& oýnk'r.. poil buah ...... : * *'.*.'..'.'." *. * * d) '.5 é 100 A. Compt.ýtil. -h-, loýIt"Ii$V S. th" = 4; meut. un aumbl& a 4 Ue cetve .U. . n , @M» Peliple wu otism fa= ma imarbée M« a otw laieins 1M-%ý - ..., ýt.q). f,...,. the ..Nlý'i"..t.b..,. .,('I,..x b.,«f th*& "»ýV did not àt#4 W "ma wé bobuve est, Oo, 1374 mm OS -remum MIL bc T-,Ouum, par il . ................. . ) oùrob-6 P..., f- 'f -4-1* 4 ý *1*1 1 ý M , '3 un- Md ex-MayS Bbys of Borde, WiLl I«moý Mr caýM. ý.ilt ý* e,.,...l "...04 --h 1 rm 'y "à *" - - --".As. ut .u* 11.6-i wwe,+mrd, and ItLL par hi" ý. .. ... ý ') "_ 0 25 ...ýv*t.tho»l ,hall th* Vr'Pat*4# .*,qiý«1 mir ý»P" Ibtoým. (bvL ettâtoul, volante Md MI Intime a- thi. purp- unt'l ý . hi. orr clouer; le. ut nom on mfflmdm reg. 3.w. ; -adidat- m Slewth. Sumois be"« Mr Tcelc do '., -.7. - - -) e a OW' I-t -tL..l at'b.L a* . Il; --4 e.h.. J the 'oij, ýd",.t,«tm..kv4»euýeiimtý..W>a wemidou% M'U heil ut -ucour, ma lait Who baie m bÏM ZOW'40.. of sierles. 31.WL and Pwoffl.j. on Volet- Béeza du . ::::: .....*.,.,.,..,.« O UV a 000, UtK %tir. 14 lkli, tri 1 ... a lmi-h« vxu"dfA.Jty crodu""MW MM ,in Md love in the Pené, MW XCI)OUgaL J'I'f J.r, (,,, « %. -m pIt 1 r..ýqt-e bine nowb melle hbum pu w as == 1 = »-i dent ail, OMIM Pervional de., 443,76ow: raid Put- _ ]&r. Ique p. WIIW,14 Initin Il Fa âclI do ... ý .. ..... ...... O 1» a 1) 0 "' a!awýýr" r "'il bit, 8, wâwlm yen in Ute m ; percy m non-remid«t rciL Illi.m; tout &mm" 0 cauba". par due .................. 0 w a 0 1* '04. -1 Il. 1. l'hi,- 'oeltl i- #',,,ý, le hwrk. j ,,Illý,.«W., Id %bu you =&y lum lie qand ut venir Pnom - '42. ' Linloljý, 1--th MI, ow- ý ýq '. roi"" tu u * wbioh la obi vrilla W«" S ho bas ,abe rut and rersemal, «....«k the .SLC&duain».Teiirtèuiabysthat aîter ! ilanue.) .......................... .. ô -)ù a e, Vl i_ z ', h:- r, ., ý ý U.k., -.%,,ý*..,.,ý,e- ,w-,ý,, ! ,ri" et.,.niosivry QV IN V... Ctra - emupwmwt.ph.9yon. rbmàààc-eu cable. BAsD Cosezw.-Ttie bmd emeort . SCMW ............... ý ............... 9'JO 11 .)U ýW1. - 1 ý " ,,, >i,,,.." ý -, ý ""..t", lo, '-.et. ~III. a Pretty n rrO CONTH . . 1 :ý.,..",.$,t.i. "..l ..ý.. .,>«,, ". ,-. -k."bi", - l'h" ,,,ý..ýh", 1 ... 1% 4Iýrn NI(IlmSbY 0",dvý« by %bis ,,WWWW,. realt et tbe eow#r$uag4,& cum a,,a Mouday night. in the Orange hem m- OSWEGO LUMBER àAR;;;Iý 1 -L UtS lik %41% -4ffl,$. I.&,-Ibi i tod,ýlkb>I (.4111,44 th* ravie - the b" -fé, notwithsunding Il, oell. lo> bhe *léi -puuge» te mi etten Amm " buèà»»» P-M"m abatit face ,%qdim la aunommmm-. 1%e ýýi-g .A ý Soei.d Tetlderl, Il 4.11. , , "f «hwb 9 ,"hl & %,a ffl »Moo»e» elub v:çaid by 11 11& a »UCCM 30 re- ri" in lm q"itv, auLquag ....... .... ZS 00 %O 2S ùe ý day -,I.%prl 1.'r tli 4t'. ý;4.; "'. 1« 1. - "lë'.,-; ,,»* 11-l".., ;è I'»%1q ý> 1,1,ý.e, 1 11, - ! ', "*' 'he ,*Vtll4,>'i",:ï»ergll '-bOdl*aùordw Our ao*» 11114m O" "I'r'a 10 le 1100"UO" *"&, prO 'ting 1-l'offl 1 t 2M69= -Zr-.Y.= 3" ah* Illý ,bal "' " _A.ý ±Nd q, ML iy ý ..... .............. la, -)ô - ý :L- 'JO of 1 ýw- .Pie a V*gb Ifflée. troles. 11w WMMM of *» .no " entwtauwd Mrs. --,Mffl prWded as %lie -The collection ukea up in the Cela- . , ý i '40. -O ,Iýffle.-laý ý * ab v«V bwb ("Il (le %bal. a" .bon P- chuzd,4 namüto i Piue, thrte "Pers, dry .... ......... &Q -)O 1, 44 ùu à igodoi 1 44*4-'b'LMelt-4,(lu-,é'lcxtlc, (IK-,q*rbtirm mund ýma*m wilh tbm en. - friends sud . a. . Plut. pickinp, inpocted. . ý ...... 2b ri ý ==ý Md tien plob= Covpux"ir£ay.-The tua pmeymun Il) , * 31- C-0 ; . 0 . 1 1 W1... ýh.'-,-4 t"..,k - 1 «...,.i ,.Il,ý, fý,,ým,ý ""I,*,410ne il eýýmxuw;*,etwmiem"tustomm " 1 - * . ý e - 1Iý é,, . "". t, A ,,.,,,m..- eu, itri"* oell ' --»,Wrtv t-»-o. whffl au W" en ma'm'a M& «om'md& las ý1:0.zbze.t admum et Dr Fur ewnommted hint ,& . on Swiday ait both warrices vu 81.4U 1 Pit'o* "icà&i,4p, ,4,%, ' - - * * 24'. ' ' . ùù With pûteh 11) x 1't', , e...., ,,, ý,o - I- ,,, t ý ""' ý Fý,n4-1.«,I I»4wh e..J"Nnxmt te, the laffl aalgienue il the cloistirelluluit ýtft.ladrew'* t'hureb.Ehbutthm 4T.10d s0liller, as tbe Elamùt,,n Houde, -n iNemmy ---mid to bc the largim ever re&Uzed in Ptue,' - * "Iý «i ........ -I _- , .,e"" f- '. ,,,, ý ,. - Wh«O Plat, inch 'édi1w, mi] 1 rua .... ...... .. 0 ', - - 'là,to ; 4110. o«Uttimt,,f. a , 1 'a rhýl,,ýhll'ý 1#11-ffl't-,*-Y an e*rtbmkvtaf. 'Ille, dauhw ,et %élib le *» tbad Party %I1101111, visa" able 31111,1wil, durbât *veines. proeium W lit@ 1110virg for ()ri,,!,&. the DOMÙÙOIL i Pue, Il inch -i.liý14, -lected ........ *: (Io .. .jà (Io ; 1>0 ho ,ýmpict«i ., 14-14-t t.-i.ýý% TOMý44tl'ir.eol. 'o. tb» bla twowyým» euxuble, tale peritud, ut Mr. laie. for sone ligne. Ve watt tom et'.. k wt Iiý.... , ýWeb~ %mwi lânwo Wut..144 and ,te.~ reine. . 2,ý . , ,.XI' !, 'i4,t ...... 1 1 Il wore %belle ,Iftnu4o de. tl.B= tuetar in 1 P'ne. Il inc ý -;,Iirýz, nuit run ...... 2ý!.ný' ý ý, I, . v :!a a. m-g ý-, F'l.ý- -i , 1-,ý.,., Ille. et. ..# blim,ý,.,4..edgý. *vrop.. (ýor- ».4>,ffl S., ýhk-h -ho 14veehowy t*.P,,,do& Key». inýundmmty. Nor 11he L)omr ha. bees litre -An «owmimi MrmWe do ; Pitie. pi«e ý,I, ýi,. 4-d ý .......... Me loir «W %elle, vecirs, MM hm WOIL Mmy ftw" ditz, .. ýl:.O, Lbul-b-ce. ...,:hýt. 1 ",..... ,old )Z,ý,,,,ý,,,,., ý....ýl ,le -1. 4 qI-n-#fiý k»Pé, Xv. Ilow réelle. *»»b% th* billet iyou 3br9b" a tbo 480ed W a"* ap 'telliciency a elstpend, for the Om put et ber wedding day belcautte 1 Pite. pitee h, ..,Ie. ýIre.ý> n4 ..... .. I,à:ý0» lit et - ,, Il klo v'lotl L.èýf f-I,ý,i4éq.ý lero» ,-I»týW*»% 89 W" oniv br à bfluim» 00nawgtrý uver and above lac Ume aime. .----40- 1 ew averti, Put.up 30 cents a down, and > "'. pi ,t b-am*. culla. _ ý ....... 13 i.i,..û i ffl 4APrii) et hý: týý.. 1, 1 *b,,ý... il...*.%r .t1uýi tii"ý 119 limulm-buw@o ileU the club .ppmnd ala ait V & hm vue. white t as the *Awa 1 i Li..-,L,*y, and -k-, 1 ý 1 Io m. t*'«*, à. Sboa, «Pouta ,» %bala %vu » tlebl*--adm"d * biemmyyý- 1 ILDOý)-Pi>. it . ïï t". . a-Sm f.r th. .«Ui.g 1 P'in-e. Ppîeèe i"". "Id ....... ...... .. ».il) .. 25 ýlO a -itr&- ltit.wv ,ý%t thev 'Met jamey '4ýt be the mq» . the sembair. And the am glana &.Udkzmly i . Aack. dre-,tttg .......... lý11)O '22-» ýâItnI. HuMI,% 4,Ml- Qrr = y, - ing mâtes md puddim i. Place. pi" plank. cuit--. ,. ... ... . I LI.h Teudilr m -4-*%4,ý.J theIe>."".ý.i.811;"4.t-,, ,f.il-ý,ý,' i*lig@M 90*11el-40P tbb t4êlooge tWy dpolt ýýjý amu" ,. & a" Sagnmuon ça. 4 -x) Md - - ý* I., ,,,, ",_ ý,I,_ I.r., 1.4 l.elý,V.?,.ý$.9 'o.,t,-io4-,ý U, ', kie ý. 'e.,ý'n ýýe*ngi4p(wtitl>pkwb$(Nr»fflrw. rort,à= &-wy -vms »d "Imp. - ý COW."= Malmu -The thirf ou> -AU Iloum CithhS m, frffldeu, ' Plue. eripý. 1 and Ik in-.-h .1rýitp4.. I 2, -» - 'e> -)O ' A th. ý .atrut. ,ýt...ý.".. III W Il. ItI,.h.ý4 mme l'y 'ofko, .kléel ,W4 t-ffltoUr 9(lwtb.ixopio are trwwv inthbw 1. ----.«a- ý4M ut the Ed» Cuund' w» heu at iroodwine .: ý,3,Q . The 1,,*-t ýr I: t»,:)l.. r..,..t A lIhý.(,$-. ..0 'A, Joh. >.«>ýwv 14V »Mll. «14>,mtv mont orthordratrable M the tem day ce luftlà,lâ-.& NL-bws puum. frona the pukit of -Ntgre Dame Cadm- M-.--In-1-dltinçh,ýulw- . 12'ý') ý auç.pt,,%L Tw,-L.ý 9 .l 1, e.."... %sý... âI-4 Ili'.,-,." il, ,,fý ,$,,!.Wd ýntmb-ftbo(x»w*n. we erffl ther wu,,* =. . CA2V.Vi.kyorom. Merý x tulrma4àawlw..tâhmm r-369381ý, ]IL Me- drait to rmd the à[Dairml W-ètýém whieh pi,,,i,ý .,I,, ............... 24,ýù ý ýt-..1I..1ý,k :ý":,:k,..hý,-:#,,.ýý*,ýtýý.ý41 fý.""t-.,tt.ýi,." %p iý»%» 4, là0d." eliew, - câa'wd'4 WuL '&K*@M& moum O' Peurlem aumni t, bc 4'" only reâgj,,o dae lete i-,ý .)O - - - ý)ù ý ,I , ,,,,, "."4. ý »., th t- ý,.ý'. - týhl- ,".,Iýit, 1 constituait. Alertait b3r»r A-à- -=Pic neý-- ** liaripc.a. Marti . 1 . .'.. - . .z, il. i Wbatitubtv IN Cawrwalowv. -1%0 lemm""Mo of lm roin. 1 Pite. "OP12DI)a . .......... ta ,)O * 1 13 Zr. Jic£@"*. thm M ho a"d 'ib.)u - ibu.)o I'*-ý., ý.,h.,.Oil...41 .4 I,ý- ter ,1.-ýtli,ý,4.,t 34? Wttum 11#1 = %ziac in the Deminim P' at. ellitinir. aimir . ............. ... -Nèrh 38le eorgowim &-URML mamno.--la aecordimS &.$"MW Bà"u%,Irderpea" peilleffllu tbe ýeîliT Z, D cking ............... -9 -» -4 laný ý..,.$ I-t1ý---; ý.1,Itl.i".i;Il, %..tý'fll,...Ir,ý.14- 'f k,.rt.,..,Çbt.,.#»Ittt tw(l quilli. t«lm.Wtsuam.hugw. wlth %bu appkàntaw« et the tru.atma "»À ,,am -The Govem required sûr let- P'oe. ý - . :b).») l Ud '. ', fi'. %S ... ý'-i., le" .P', ,;1.,Ilýf e'.ý ý...i.,ý,i,ý,t t., shoeU ho for US. -t'mie& Moved bw the ft-! UD4, ",)ý.0 .... ...... ... 22 40 -, 24 -» t M ,ýý' L ý «- h 'le.. ,,,tl, tant ,%tt4hlav bv 3, laubbile. ýP. ter mmim in Quilles whm the frac, -;ý,.U;,-%;"" .1 1ý ".Y."ýl.t,.." fýlr .,4. , 1-14- ýf ý»"e ho thil ý%ffl Who tiwaàum & .««inu.w»hektuuTveo"yMdàhg4à. Atura ý&m«, th" the mm 09 " be pââd la areiibed pin.: ',%èiiiinu, ,ove. V .1 ............ 2ý,UO .. ».» m .- -_ . . U A ll'h. t -, .ý Iý,.,,,ýi. 1 f.o. I., .ýl,%,-t il. 3k.li"b. for Raid Jobla ditue anime E iâ: .. ý , Pt " - - te W» talitre as te lobera, tbe Donald F-- Po" defivery ni, ehordr CM« Pm. ,,etliug. ,oýê. ,W«2.n ........ 24,)ù -- 26.,ù, - «i.,ýthb ý,h4v% -M bmoè1ý 2. gamkýmfflm «M = = 2.1; lie buils, whi.à roll, -ad in toth Co& lu". Alm. the mm et m te be . « ;rAI) ý- ,te I.,.ef lý# w"i Xe- 1#01:hum »(I hi% witle wf« about thv%» tu une eu févour ut %bel uki eïr». Tb* toý Hugh »ePhwom fer MIu" Job lie «à ge intO OPýtiOM4 Md the @W-km Of 1.6% 1 Plne- e-'-uý- ; h- igu'ýL . ...... 1 !9 m . %e ceilinir,'* inch..ý,IasnzS ....... - , '?-.! ý)ù , M ! "'-"ý I%#r1ý.,%K» -ýT1"1r NI%.-bliNbe - .-y 01ou how» leolet tb* hotbee ~ nmoec Wb" bleue* ta iusendwil tu bu a '-ery flait, our, a" X.PAL. J. ncph«lmb. Cummz"mftr.-earrbL appâewxU had to be d«hne& 1 Biaelv -xi.,* ' )O -- 24 .» j __ - __ 1, ,v,,ý,,,,w,ý,,ý-. Il . Ç- ., , ,- I-1I,ý»t ý,,; h.t,-ý. %Vlý.,Iý tblev ,*&,y-# tffl-k te% the ""ffinq ehoy àiu'4. i inch e--4 - - - - - -- __[ . = *la eI.8eýoqueutty add Muth t., the appentat ut Voved blit ML .Jk-h--, y CD - ýý- 0 It 1 ý ,bb.,t,,.t ,'ý-l, -1 - - -- ... %e, ,il j 1 thv 4e*tl;*,#, the Jo0r had twffl drayne, ârÀ a aver the, 41age eepe"uv m the zèle Vhumu la big thaiit the -um -4 a&-.@ i:ýeej ý A» k. ,%'ilirv4. g,ý'od.... . ,NS W 1 ". . 1 1 t2tel= -lu the Brockville aborti« cm a, t « é. ilýýing.,Ziear... ý ý*.*.*.'.'.*.'.'..*.*.* ' 'h -À), - 4ù -#) ý hi- le -i-hý ý 41t»N 19.4 ffl lohl 4.6,no - th, pjýý 'n& la " ""M U au bu" ' "" bad wil ul luluder hm beer , d ri. . k ne ...... ...... 2-,I-4)"* 3Ùtýù 39 st» ,,-roc"% trith 4 ý,,4« ,,round UM - 25. Ifth CI>. t loi PL j ' 1 plage. 11-1 'rin4, commun . ..... .. "..9 ..ý'...ý'. -?,,, ,ý ý. .... -22 III; .. 24 :I-) , ý--.t1'.o»1 'Ço qb Uht I. ,ebýt"rt'domt thait the tlw je the eh ek aie lie taki lot hei,,np w Go.wmemlL--Cm> turnisa «MiM 11) O st ; ý'.',"Iý ..... ... ý.':-:ý:;."ý,:".",l": ...... .; hi',e 'f th. ,04,.ý:ekbr, ~th In au about «Mý hbi bue moblbý W" il W a ukw"* ta mom tko old.gè.L LIIJou. fur Iïý'O. 1. *_ 3., a" the enumb" thora- "rdi,* «,f - ra- Il t1etd"i' av - %le. llu%,eun.*ý b.,tbt«4,egb.t& M", . Mr. Walb)adeliveredtwt> "n' » t Pline. dni-h uw, 1 uýi Il incW good.. U C-) ý ý 45 -j-) l"'I' *"'*** ', , rý,,,,, k,...,. Il. ý. , - ritd. M-red land emended bir tee simie, thu the - 1 and Il inch. pickinq ,."," 1't ý,IV.oe1 h0f * ,aiterein the linu- antion ýéa " hem une on ThureaS, and amotbie on ,,un A ,ne be p&U _ Mg. in, ,& ,,, Md W. IIGMT04 Md they bave baien [ Plrie.dw.-4nn r. lu.).) i --ý ! 0-4 ..-S - ,.I4 'on 'o'.. ,I,."ýç ý-» .holpr. . y - . D,;a" ,guer ",iý. lin "' ý 1 I, %V, 1 ý ..,.ekrv. a t.il 't'I,,% M'I'su" .Wuuwh" 1 ,Î=' ,Y;ý#vvIàD4 1oýlr a boy Ur. 't'aboeu je lutter .1 lxir in làJ3, irh".i" Jiel>MZU eubfflueixkv perý 1 sentenced Io bc bang" on the 23M- of 1 Si 4h,ýi. 1 and I* i acil, ý,,mm.,u ýý3 -A - % * . . ý., 1 W., â, r 'l' ',ý , ..... .. Il fý..". Illý.,..,., 0m" .0h .. 'Ut., . 1 Shipuit.. pire. lit qu-,%4ty., ý . ...... 4 25 *1 4ao ý AT LI I.1 ,l l l,ý le le . wi, 1 1) i y ý %I IZII . __M11 - . 'Il..?.., _woo ý% flý#»o " ,le 0*1 f.eli" le. 119*-. wbwq the Fauuue rimemeil *el. ! ýwvr. lie.%" ýýD rii.,Oy "en,(= lie, «M 1 foirtanit "il Prodik»d Mh maiwes Sru&ýau for Joue next. , e tnd quýùity., ý ..... 3 ,w) - 375 1 ý - ý 11, I.i;,l, 't'... -; e,, lkl,,t e.lt 1 tý-."hu1V ho C"k#bod fvom orle thlit wbv le the 1 ;«tumn mules, the %mpàm. ut the .»ïon thomme.--Qàrre& Mowedbr Mr »L&mzie. me - 1 ShinU - itine. - c". .,,»,,.. ,..-.ý, ti; ýý.-è'fv t4»k. &ýt troue W.,the, the way t» ýIamItb, 1 'le ý".:. "t'remperuw.-V. la mois . -The Odt Reporter says thait a farl. ý Shiiuýý- 1,; in.h .. ...... ...... .... ,&ou -- 4 -.1.e, 'obe, I. - t-ý,,-,ý., 1 , I*v«Y -'uPid 11-C , ,,,ded hy Colin MeRea, chm'aU dillèrenoeil nov .1.1. \ . 1 f .ý . ,lI, ýV. ..ýý1.1 i* oolood'"d tibelly thqa Ie m""" 4,fflme tu haw m»mumd the. Ma in the hmdoiU* 1 tzwiliiW Inch refemm sa $eh" menýmud boun- -*.hirul-. -pru, !. ý .. ...... .. ý ...... i -),) -- 3.:oj \1. %11.,4i'F qç y ,.,ýý.,ý,'ý-;:",:*. ,... ', ý *,,.,, -,»",,ý"." ,,.,, !.. .ý ý t.Iýel kIeý loi le th. ,k.tl 1 tuer laser thait town bais LOOD buabels cf! ,-4hing:ý.. ,etiar. zoI. 1. 4 lîé) * 1 4 4ù IMXCDM ý., d 'd, i'.. f. , -- ,I 1. «ý,,,b.lt 'o'h ..»Aý.hl,.* - ý 'r theýinx hm IPI tas. -A fusa hoisse, owned by Mr. 'im« in Ekhm lie ýubm=Itd to Ur. EL hiau Shý=iý-. ,,,"r. 2nd qýaàity. _ _ 2 27, 1 1 4o ,- 1 1 ,< '... , I.; , .), ', J., "ý,II .. , ,,,ýi1 -.9 ",i, '40ý j»Iýz -lotheïew.k. Pmtllowl-ukt do Weil %.%bu tounay lacholoi Inspector, and in ,oý W" etato« rahmi by firtait. a Iom to * 1:,,f \1) III ) W V, ý % - r.."ý.,>,ý ..... . ... .,.Iïý,1-,,-.I..".rI.I"% wr,4"ffl ý» týWo ,zmvd 111o ffllokt t'p liltotv tel throw le lblýwn, *bleu% a nul* ~ of ab@ "um vM» burrA the Coant;J Od Picicets, >-ut, lacquatitv. est, ....... il, ùù .. la..) Manu . ý 1. iffiloce, arrange au tentative ot de l'f $m as, lassé, it is fé«M dut heery -- ,,,%!..", .-I.2ý I..".tý II, tl,.,e l,-,,»ýt,,%, 'Ir 'ki dothe. ami (kt. th. P" ý.ë& Vrimq m laet r7b"Ir. la eaught &O about nolmI hum a ,W . 1 1'teicets, Plue. 2na q.latity, lut. ý .... I-i,)O 'l 10 -'ý) ý ferencernitar pendaw.am f4r M y,,.&= Uo' danaime h» beelx donts to f«mmr ptuk.t.. Plut, L4 .1ý-&Lty. situm. 12 OÙ Il 14 'tu 9, 1, ýý ,- Ilý."4I1.1 o 0ý., -..,eu,, ofe te, ,ý,,,,. wielï»b bt#vweeh"madonwb,àpwmbbuSA illotive ". - "m fumituve Ires ýâVqâ, Md the tout gu&.,Cb" mutm;w pr>vide ý ' Il %Il *I.ei-,oié «,80> , ,l ý!"."-.'1',ýI ', - ,,,,, , ,,,, , ritIN'I.0, ,et tbe buddleia parl%> coverolé, by iitýummee Seh Soedon bu 2091111@4 bv regmeiled btur of the stortie of potatou by the »VM frOst (Il Lath. Plue.. ._ ý .......... ý.. 1 , 0 ..... .... .. 00.'l'.o. -, - ý i Cedup,-t.ý. -quare... ... ý ý. ......... 1.5,CX: ,-'là2t.oý', 1 CENTRE Ti ýý 1. 1. , I III ýtIr'(ý?,tni, Titil: t',,r.-,i t- ltlt.wv ,rha ,1ý.,,. lmbl%"ILqT.-NYO Omientmd the day the M-9à« "km ph;uý, and abat the C!eM do thà vdntm ý 4.-ei.r ,;,I - ý.111t-ý. ýW,ýýý..ýý.ý.,.Iý-,ýý-(ý.".ý,., lâti emmin« et Pub. requffl Mr. Rendu te lm 4 dar ta mm the Vdon , _1>-týý*nlunklle,>H).,,,_,«,, 3 30 - ý tîýtè ."."".. ý' LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS. ý= 2,-Z7= -"P -1 Comeil ferthu purL>,oee Edünsiwi.ým --Càrre&L 1 -The && "n" the GoTemor ------- ý ýrIý. Ir 1.'t -. ,»ý""., ,."",.,.r,.," ".."ýt..,.t.;., ".ýl".. 1 a %be C~ of HmiburtaiL 1 9 7 c" P ýt., Jik ,ý - ý 1 1 11- -ýV F-r ,h., 1.".t, 1',,re, - ,,ý -- . 1 ý ..Q%. - tee ý.. r@qU@ý%«l b, tek* the 1,ýVpffl.,rbip I" govedbýv Mrý.XâIunaw. secaméol by Ur.à&:Earcheu Geuml,& Fou Un nalve 3I-l BRIA GES. ý» . , . .ý,ý,ý,., ,1 ...... , 1. ut r@«ýè .ft the 00ut , xi thm ha vraie %on 1 lit UXU4 am. Crrrio.-(Ya the,*%4tb Mafth, et the Wýý.,dýp -ý_týi ý Il e:." .: %.el,é ,11, ,W, hz, h:ý,,:,ý:;"::; DAR 1; 1 11-.111 Il., l- J-Lý.o,.ý "f 't'ýI» roix . . le 'bu W-Odyin* TOVIIII EWI. S. S. X.. i. S. S. No 4. ... h , 1 .ý., .%bdmw Nkwr-40&4 lie z lluwed $4 escis fur q» 1 '»& by the levair Adjutant; (;ener&L The 1 parlon u'e- il .:ý 1, -.oh., ýP». ýhW., -r 0. - ber frewil the ".IL. allet él" -ffl much ilwà.,Mà 12 là.-S -ýze, býth.Rev T.Wall,.r. BA. Mr. JO- &nu -,K,ýýg ent- 1 . . - lit4%Waârt»XIJLIn.p«%«. ý MI by Ur. A-h- ýeoIn," ý,y Mr. UcR,,*.il %«. ".t.1y - .1ý ..lýý..". '! ,,Ilf ýt , f,,Ift Il, P'...ý ý,!,ýe,., ý,,,,i tc"r".Pollleix-o or Tlee Pen. 1 worit as , V.Brangeoilà tu ggle attention sù tim of ýid pâleva for poUie4 bouchte 4 -cýrt&L , ogS» bsTe had to thr,:W &Way SU their j euph Reya.,ki ý.. ý . >.. 1. ', . I ....,ý, 11, .1 . - . m".,.,, il ýý . ,,,,,,,.,f ý".Iý-I.0 »U a= mi coeile do un to Elà"-JMR.%X-,ý,t Spritwf.;&ýit. Peterwr.,. gýrwarer-t. ., ', "t ... --.. ,fi,, tý:.."é.,. , thal theoUla A #6 be païd .Imh*d Càrmicbatd, ! tn ., %I W iè.-4 ý4 ý.'lo.eew , _". ', .ý."f ....t.tq. « IP(Wt,% t_ -The» ta tn bal a lww Po*. Paitz4it".£.nt)ý.q. -ReT. 0. J. Tarlor, j ame, foran, indi-in warftùr--i,îbluirýLU port "il ... ,,Il,], ý, -, J, -- ,y,- '.. I."" ,,, ],,ý.,>, 8.9 w«k prelleutelà by the congregago; wilh Mr. Xe coramiL . It im't regalations ý ,. the, Lý%h ine L bytie. R*ý 1. M. RoIlwer. Wil. - --, - ,,, 1: l 1, ... '. ,,ý.,., , flli ý J.Miouaite imllieefed il, tily t-ýorogneu. ! Weil 1 cael. latterle -tarrm& 31.),Ud bv, Mr. me- 1 to wmr 1 -Uam. x 3Z. ,rthe t.,.r1ýhip ý,f Smith. tu Idabolia. 1 ,* ý . N.-W I, I - 1 , - .ý ý , "... e 0 1 i ; -- ;.,ý. ', -', - ýI- ;*11, 4'. , a ý a pur" tmtwumx èsù Ptý-ttv Iguloi for the Su. ý FAromille, Meothitei by, Xr. ik-K«Zie. thai the MM 1 yon know fS my bat, regalarla 1 third dauzbter .1 Uuvh B.rimm. F.q. . , Il' ! 1 1 I.11: ýw.P'1' ý& It'. . .... ý- ,,..,,ý.1 1, 't't.ý,*. abbd 14" w1w rý.1*. t-% 23ý C'm. 2ý 8ýw»r- 1 oerwLon ut', Au ýw-n%.1 ' i A $1-J ho allouled tu MIM. Fortes, au ýi-ilamt per. ý tbeul. ý . ý ; , - ; ý..:"I;,I«.,ý,ýk %vitt..,.,;t..,.# .. ý, .).., .1.ý....,.P, ... 't,.ý.ý, '-'l,--ýtý::!,ý-)1'Ï1 , il[. m tý> halo ýtýr« -t the ontre Thi. «Ill bu ý 1 CuaL-I&à.N WxLýýx-û%tbe!4thMàreb.at the THE(;'tE-1 .. ý 1 - l ', f - '.. ,, ', ,ý ýh.- r.l. -', , 'O 'AI ýe. a ý",at V-l.ýý@ýIlm.n.e W tht.. tLurt.hiwe ologiatinalont ft Uw. -The villaire h" with de- *-In and th" là>" MeIllote expend tien mm br ber ý -A Very oceurremm, took -"en--.e A *ht r)r.,Ie*- father, loth Cou. Mànp-ý ;,:,I, ,.,:ýil ".. k', !-", ""I'd -,Ir ... Il,- The, V- ' - beeetit. --Carriet Xuved by Mr. Ashman. »0.0d" ! hv the Rev W ' Mter:oeuril W"ý&n Mintýt*r. lie. , ýtI, lý,,,. , 1 - we are f»Ilinq the ettub bittes a tir. air lâilély pa*mt ho the courecil ut Brook hy Mr. Jk»g«-i . th" thi en,, ui $11) bit pââL.1ý f-M C-klIt-IIIIIIII, in ý Vi .. Chri-%'=. tu Mi. Îàliýbeth Weid,,u. aU ý,f ,ý It 1, , . ,ý, , N 1»,ý,I,- tý,,I-IqýIf*.rb#lc ý . ý -,,ý'1"-ýý l, -- !,.!ý,,ý'ý-ý,t, tl,ý,,I,,j , Il ! ut ,hlý ,.ir.1,ý*lIh". ami expMt se Im tb&Ww 011éli ýirtw&V ý ýt»4»QW ont bilfiad and bw4àwle M. 1 plm a few =- PR ,. . ý 1.1 . .....- 1 ý. 1.- 1, , ', etý-. 'o, -J - . ,, - ý1, b, , 1 ,- 1:...,e le X...,.,t.,,, k1,JIý Wmubm@4 an unbum persan. and th" the .US 1 the Township of West Gwüliamibury, 1 Manp- : , 11, lea and impo-iu« a Il, ut#lt»ew»b tab4e. -U-. ho estitendeà by * for bis bm.&-.-.earr" ... 1 Il 111 . . ..... . . "I., ý ,ý_: . t 1 , 1 , ý ý , I ,,,, , h.- ,- -.- 'f r't. , - te tý,,. 'Il. ý m or .hout tkm4,bktb d«. a -VM U* hy-law eu , L 1 - .. t ý i. - ý ý .... Iý ý l J.,ý.I.." h- ; ,." I."I"w - O- . ppre-*4 saloir ,«&-om-m xored by Mr. MeKud» the night of the Mme * Paza-- wàM -la Minden. ,u F 1 ' ,qconded 1 Mr U, Rés i on 2fth. A rem" J= the 12-têt \% ý ott».di*brd«tY butwm'md boue» 14 LU bum. ,bat tbeeumof 'Sb. ; itmic.. bvbo Rev. F bon. Mr. N. Beld. : But lucui i 1 - -,0ý I-ýr .I iht, I,141 '. .. - 1 ,,. * P-d Merv Donald. 3" 1 Young lady, Miss JL 'L Lect, Sillanaitteil . 11, I- ý- .1. ý - J-At- ,C,-,,t,.ý,ý ýo,', a ' . CaMdoft. to Mit» Mary A. -écoad eidâalt "ughtcr ý ý . .. -.. 1:1.,,;..,...e !b, -.. ,ý.....ý,Ê.,l .... .,ý-.: ,111-11 -- ý 1 (J L àt.V À R.1f. Tb@ Votaient have mwatully and rwbi% dom their th" wm- »,CIwi,ým exp«d the ýM» for id& -1, -I 4"ý..o trý,I', duzy: lot ha Dow ein, how the le.)MtL;t. Il tho, vit- 1 sui" by tàki a du» of strychnine. ! A Mr. J. W. Wazt, 'f Minden. * ý- ý1 1 - ý "Il. :ý - __: _,I,ý .,I-.9 --I,,f.ý ý.f ,t« , - ý Lffl*iapmtbitawiatorm Iftbey ben@*L-Can*d. Moved I)v Mr. MeKtnÉe eno. . . 1 Ràýç»,.ç..CoSL:ILNý--BvRe, .%. C.W!Lýwn...a the, 9th lggàtuwl 1 ý 1 ý ', .. 'IVI.V A ... I-Î, Y."t ',ý .: ' .,,,ý,ý 1,ýý.",4 ý., IC,,rre;s»wuwrm»,%t Ti» Poe 1 rffliffl %hW .mied by Mr )K.&Mh.ý. twu the ,ýuM -È i4 ho 1 D"Ppoiatmmt m Marriage in, mâd to 'týl.,4,. !h.. ,,""t 1 I)p@Drsmtty th" obeald uever ai .ai toit a by- rrion, P«tW,»à Idoi, . , 1 X&M-11. in t:ey,.ý I.I.; L Cuboýû". Mr. William , .ýr, -.I. ý >,UCuu 3kike, 1,Ir ae in a . 1 bc *0 Suve. . i a= ,. Mw Eli2ab-t'sh coburn. au A Au.etc. ....-1 ,.. ý'-,-.;,." I,,ý"i ' Tu m étut-X,% De -%Vo have, bm cm. 1 i A ,ýmpitun A 1ýý ý - ý'.- - 1 11 ,hl. 1-,â-- ýýf tl', 1 liait se-uppuý* m-WO #ViL àýOtTew4xwàw,*, in le-.4. hoi- »q «oalan&ý,d uàary a" ,ýoqmmSjgoý_ auted to- il* rauli 1. .k, Il f- 1* ...... Z4, -4 "01. ýe.-P.ý,,iý...,ý,ýý"..ý't..".ý."ý#,tie.,ý, i Ili«t,ýtV lomt In .m'W ý, tt'ali e.al, ),O*r , Moule yurwivu-. %W xink.wmot the G.-Pel. e.rrnd. X.-d by Mr- Athman. mon4ed bv, Mr. 1 _ASMiing to the replert -S -11 ýli.... of the 1 on ýr"R* huin. y th,, ftfý -4- "' W'L"t" ý,ýnýp.fflt.-,,n ýu.1 :,>.,..t,.",". , t ....... .. I.,..I.% , fili %*,..%.."i,ý Roget ý'e» ý gave.1,08. 1 -wake! tewake ý: Pw»e dive a bek9n« aitud. ffle li,àùwebm uw thw .rrowý a t,,, on £ad boa 1 hm 9'th îUIL. ýLL lkey', b)tek. ch,,x.ýuk; Mr ý- l ý tee lot 'lie . Peter mm traite i ai Publie rks. th Roberi Hugh». 1. X&M Janet âmilh. &LI A .41L-rý I. ,,.ý." -', t- 'f.- "..ý,.-tý, I.l ,,I 1 .#*,.% hi. ilot awwed op vlith-blié _-ý - rate- -d Y- dtugb"- frOIS dt- 09 7. «b ,%IL Eldoza for Un-t ho ,jmý .wanma i ChW EDiM« WO e i Lier C;ýmpLun ý - , , 1 1 t)!, Fo.1.4y ')ýtt,%#IrtI, « - 1 sb*ý4ud Lit. Md tbu the coawtordu, U.t cndffl 1 totid w«Ofthe livmàndSnm im.' Àn-7--%,,--",,"G,,-D.-.ý'tonum.byth*Rer N.rlou.,»-, P%. ; . m'robt A Ilervt, wf, le.*:, .'Pen .W6, the am ~ Aurait. ----«a- . tain *me front JO" Ikrmbxpmma- GuraI& -10-d i provemmtm4 «d"ve of the Wellmd : Marth. Franci, ArMýtr .«, III, th. ï'ý'.' , , -y. Epec ý, ,,, .."iý.1, Niý,,ýý. ý th. fl,,,l ý iI-x>-r% , F'ýxb",tl.r. % . (b or ,»%,» .trt4g 1. eIIY.14,Wt,4 hwkvd ap 1. hall a- E. D. *hermàtt. u h..*-,wiL rt"tie. ý> -, ,IL âZ .. ý. . Ir M. ý,o- Ioý 10, , t- 1 0 ... 1 Il - 1 il, 1. %V,- .-- F.,c.fý,o0 [ le - " P f 1 ý,,:';".'J,.1 f ;- 4.;ýýI, ýt.". ,ý,ý., .11 f...,t pntý... ffl UM 0, .rue treult. Wu U ,FE.YÀLPLe).Y FULM. by Mr Aobman. mme"d hW Mr. »eK*nmm, dm ... ýý 1 , 1 . . ý 1 It ,I ,.h".$, 1 ,i.1 il, the rww.,t thI, hubldi,4m; ffl ýIW4- - ()f " &Motlnt ý ",,,u- tu Mie, -1-n Xcl)on@àL A the T.wl»hip.,t ý _ý: ý.:. ;"', .- ..f . 1-1-1- b. -'t ,.,.",%,",ýiv' ' 1 n the wwe t"m in 4à74 ho nwmmmd ta aàipà &mi:. j cainail, is M à 1(),» . - 1 D*hy. ', 1 '. , I -ý-. 0-.I.,tzý ,ï P,4, et.6vie , , ý. ý ý .ý', ! weh ull'okt 40w». âmè lekolt, belles m on tu %bil, ou - ýB un léceomc ut hm f= R118unI , ,, . I., 11.,'t ; ...... J., .."I.,ý 'Il mi coing deaeoyed hW I rhe I.Ichine Cand VM MOBOI 914,- .. .., - ,,, -h - ý .r...t«' -Il . Il-- - - -,',ý- t ' - 1- -rk %V.- I-Ii-ý Ih@ ' e'.8 ",.(.* .îlore. 1%0" ta M. nevra .,#My tmqx- tcon-po"m» ut 1%0 Ilbea. 1 dm --twrL4L Melle . JL-Konge. Meoinéeli - ' ' ' - -- -- - ý ý , , . ý.. ý ý- », (1 p a leu W* bave PM m à quif& pasaseailm hy Mr. udbeebork. um*the R«vmý -ý,,,-' ý ,.,.,.. .1 ,),..O ý --, f . -.1--4 I', -, , - I, %,;.;Çrý".. 1 b, " ihimiuL -On x0n"y lu" ait *a- Cleft lie authortind Io Lm lany a... 1 m ,ow; W'mammbum CMUL 8LU0,- 1 ,#Pt" 30*1roi. 1 DM." .hi.h , ". .,.i":*ý":, d .., , -I. A"., ldl. I:,.ý1 ý t'..I.....l e " = .D= --ai UW;ud*eimwoveuem d the st -.il iý1IIxk.,> :ft- ,Wlbqýr: let, tm #»Mttrmm «W". txw*m. or 'boby. ïIers"Il B". Mr. LoebwtL Ud j th. ýftcFaâuç%.u .. 1 . . .. . _. ý - Y . ýtw. ý'tthe kwit IUwiuw hmmmdotemm. 1 -"'-«-b-y---- 1L__".ýwý1_llr____ - - ýi . à & _E. & ELý f- lýL1z.L eula eos.- q. ý ý ý - _ __ - - - ý 1 - - - - - - ý - _ _ . Il - --..--- 1 obiliip. ;;iii4r "MM.-WM un » cý Mr bmý aisselle, of ce ttg Sda Md boumbou âvtï" cougiel p@mtiveýy cures Cazarrh. 4'. iti. !n -130 PU»Peu IU Awhm Sied Croup. Fthj, cents worth hu. euftd Md de" by thostui, rabse allaitaite mmeît en %W MW YMZ - p-q- wq-ftbb *9 ellis- RXIL il. il crwk in tbe Bâtir tend the "" quantity 'l'ho a& eqW mome orcoek aveil lm bien vu a" our IMTI@b- -%@WhbOM- buk - et Lacune Bute of 0*4 yellen iamodumt. The U" on the assied ltu". eaulm*ç. bel igivm dùeh am am m go MI M aùmmbms. il& ü"M et VR be in agi- foLlowing un extrbc> ir'as a few of %ble, Mauy let- ffler omSmnxwýt ýom X-M d-pr ffl be â>uow" by a MW eticuy ter . - . tO Ilbu lMd rgAwdnu throMb tbm Pm belle, troin, tmdmm ait Pordmilà, Me., ton %bu "Te belèce rectived trous, djRe ýQt Parts of ailette, Ir yelt se be annewue& lube lavvv ci . . tO Càmd& vilicit. we Uùnk. *oWd be ýudbcient te Pffl.-$M. 1 baïve, bom loobbu mm laný the brumdiau of ___ __ htnw"mmw=L J. col 4b Il -h 1,1 1-- 1. « et, --Ï, I:ý -,fumbm la mm te lime, a UUEURIPIý bu the eue 1 bu m,ýu"iulmmly attmed» lieigint, The -la .11 le, in i-Mail for plier OMAU» tmrroqmnmbm, Md ~ Pift-e-P- Ontý.. wM» - tend xisit 6 dez, Ur. 11, le d.., nI P». -v -,î Itt$rmw eh... mille ot hm 4hieu 00 hm le es lm subur.%.m 'taim cremon, (gem- trio Oit. bave wld itil 1 bied trous, vou Md Weil fille? ~% of»Il lelp if bc, elIm I» comm lallllou a ginaw bmumu pwblehmd Md Sur - dur aur bu dmimiL More now: le- u-m Site truly wunègoUL- WMý B O O »MbaIrâ qd4adu »" ir, Il W"% .1.I. béIf t. te weadw SOM lie #vm mi --A Md a" û» of WW OC. XBV-, Id F-'Lh- -rit--. 1 bieil W OU the &.10 thla ýItkM 'ellieille & Il%# ave runy Ilia %hm un alignait lett. it acte litre a chars>-it wu "w at ýo,.%wl oIt ahi, 41bu pelles thatl illite m" cet thimp tammu amim enui at BO-MMM114 lm SuntW the bu but t" lépien, lidly now." a. Cote, of ý.j»-y ý tifflot I*t* a littie uudd" 'Iavoe.,ib the il, :1 ho -»Il lo f A) Votéet 4« t ho pk.bt.ro ~ *y the lewpector ot Liewalivie. the wille. &mm u'ý4 Morywx poil ArgaL-; 'n'ileut, "Pi'me forward 6 dm lhumm' cwum cb bdmn+c OiL lm nalerky out; nesbellig appmmaI» v* mmum» les île Ment ma Égmd âj.,Oý pý,t 2= 4 wP.M Md fwm the MMIM ftom -Thm beâg » by - * g _ fMM BnMWMen to heidd Sta Il in higlly re,»mmend" by thoitée, who of thmP Sb* tàvt L- nue btbwb tb@b OY«. Md lb» « cif my q,,W j am veOI4 1 weute. Who _. &bO« Gý pàe1uwè"àý am it.» J. lirîs»-ýhlw as Il wr, .1.1. Flct.m.w4 H41.8. ce wner«. bumq0m row" momenl W WISIM tbe wo- vicum A the baïcillais - ub" B»Qbgtbmr MS oi Pkqeetrk 9-Ilit. 1 liave ouly W, .-f the «4t'.0ke" ýt. the [*W 34 *$@mm ne wooàw if vibý Sb* ma-eboly exoeurticaccoles Moule. - ta Bar". while a dallent tu tb&FBWREMWt Ibn faqmM on *a body of %mud Knama MW mytb.iug,«U let ý,f et- wW Wouw bolkw hW eximeile, 1NM am lowma" Who maied in thaïe .. dimp.aty Thb pi-«" bu a mwam louqý- NI r (1 Ilfind wi t» vàltlb. elle 011,11, auc, 18 -y be peaulessil je, puleignet muruL Cd ruid" OEHMPW14 vlm, «MR *0 ro. -on M=d -d a "mb»y Il# but"* pmvv&lo- fiw 0,ýý verb"*Y~ i th" the ;= jT. ýq*%Depem wu a mm ou » or- Onl pimmu II, FUMmr% ýi= daur maW, . wnbee--"Smdmmm more açi«- ; Illis mb- Cligt CE gà t@I@MM hOM tàM WMÈ, -M trée OU. 1 hv. "M -4, ptutna 4 -~ Id lewlew, Mm; " hffl to hm oreille ablévy abèbv. ble tend - b-enu op le it ; Md J-h-«*'Bdb-bm&l Uhmml»b@»bM Mulffl OuL Noching t" et ..r b" um bu wam wwk. velle fàv-BWy, "byll» dommi te ommeumàm" ü» selum d" CE bille lille, rL" Muler à ne@& -"The lefflit. 4" tioliblait hut the trusât. -n-W ut tille, F-Wuk or flanelle , 1, tit "Y : a further whieh oIertil-ba. otthebaumr. fom te mp9iy vitbout dti".» Lemoyait. Gibb à Co.. lot, 'f'r. au in uwkm-I. -,aboý die bm.d tu hm OM W" 4 111 Il.wý.'t Whi l', ý.- 11,1. -.1ý PI-- m lb«b*h J--me" w» mmeu6m et a a- filles ou ftfllmisl, toité un &" ut the un se B"Lmoduult. P. Q., wr"-" seuil U* 0110 groft Iod .!:ý 1 wfeiefe be U'UPIOI Cd àmwm&- ]IL Mille te bMI, thoÈ, a rUgbin bà »Mp., Bci*Mw (XL IF* &M illibleille mal Aff SoU by 1M tîý.,, ý,f Pu!»Md willettell, Veut Witt 43$bý ubdu M . re.kir @Bpimm -M mmm Imm m Wb" b* W"d ma llhfeet by a bw-w»"m (bibirr4lbit t'f 4,é b. wu% EýZt:ý= -l t. beili, bt bn «t Off ' d « à T ILPTZ 23b, à = a &III Sel X. T. iewmqwe*mo P" dit, *1 ho«Ubt briloin ce 39@mm mamb - île Om bý , lu I-Kt tir . ...... II, I.N .»It -hoolli ho 1 _3Étý ftwy,- autdue wiammp à LirmA.4 Toroy». orit. Sbe [ pSmjtwna -Kr. Jobe. etvbw bm lm uaw se momm In si» ou eomu,. tboce ho a tà..ebuw Md avogueimm 3". Ille autais, ce hm b" baud albocille sille, bâcelleft ci tbm& Sied te m a itub the Iffler el# he. alleilivet *»wnobul-t ut posta~ = r^. 0, . & j" « SOM &*.etwe Mlée. of IW--Uàtv#lo. ý YOMS ZM 7 j Pm" P"»È-M» PMPNU MI& 'W"'= Sà IPÀKXDIE ky ipS tu. The vu For fine in Lhuimy by & Glu"" IL W. lm, 0 oeil "ýe-tev*" wim -et. of tbw»l & Perm &" C. entt"; in tmkw«d. op the I-elib 'ole- . -f q ella ed %0 W% in tb* evouby ni »bom W-bw br Maient, 8" iw memm et .... 'Ide W- eter, R on Rý loxé Beetier in Oman« tri, T. ]Mt,-b«t; UR I-Il l1o. 1»"> i 1-- -fh4,ý 1 =11; - tbe au" me 111111111L tremistal Failli by Il. S Bormiet Md dti(Xi gritelle. Md t1ilà, = . .1. Fiug«" rr IE : ýr TIMM -»aaii @m is ROMOW wiý -belle hýýP h- itea t4et-allec, one O-àwab- o» Suw am imbu v«»% 1. %-V e, -'t'feti 1 »M Sied lm rub« il",. bu ilbelle, le a 9" J.-Urubbmr*bb" ighe Vw"d tu gabbugmeý . a t-l9&YC k4&ir Ili. o.l. ilon ;==M= 011,11111 ww(ioý tel m Wu a VM Illeur esses ou tu Illie, audwale w'zo VOS, .. ma 1_144-00, of w4ilit'y h-'. I».." pli,4141, ilitille ilevuellet %11114- ' Iwmàm ownimmt" et uqwmmm Oý m Tm castemm Pls6wý wile relie, 1 4rý «h-. aparg r«q» elle th-Wb veil Wb $lie vmrt* se-t au *@ -babhum am mob» bu but &" »M be - - à" et V«Mdý q-m- §OS. DÉ Biliblairs IMMOr. Aulit lait. I&M ýh-ohi lie bl10 bit ,-le* a lwn» -NSI-N el. lolII, blèleti le- thil A. vvmm»4 14 coèm ILJ.gemwtbgatbwwm .. (]hW -,& t'l'IUOIUBMI"d V.11b 1.', ta" 114- *-a etiffle .... 1 "f the* MM ýiwwý Vwm«&, c» et 4 OMM Ilbutale, W t*b@W ne malum De. OU&M *D " bM MM4 bM à" hm awilq»ouo"» ounmy«wm file i..*.v* 4 uml-to"uob "%#W' 60 4 the 1*"ît"fl'*-%ý liloi$' U"bomm% ibum« Ille, Wou M Ille, illescilweh as, tg MMWI" vur *W 0.1 "W.ffltý. o, be "Il I-t the 9111W If Sociale Loui lowIl wf, op les, Q* 1001,1140111, et W& Ment "mdllmm à& v ie ette telle ~ belle, 0 Mm YMMM OMM ple, w6my bute el - 00 beau" m â«M lw y& &a = he b-P tffl tbwý et let e et de t1t.. P tev'txn» ommawýn@. Mille, Umm. avites l Bantou "W- $W bu-nt» " gwein If dentelle el* 1 a am à fmbtmm et momr 'h* et "" ItR.Modo*. 1 OMM am" ý nom wwm" ma mur mm hm% mi thel 01111ve If ~ affl -wu __ _-- ille In. - imatib-- thf hie, holie rom#ht. -a -F. -2 mulum *191 torwl.*bç 104111111, Ole (belle >'olboW IIII& le le os rellielle, bkoo bil Weill ýpgemi offl ut the obre VOUOWW M"mw*ww» illeilible OMM igi,14 eIýet wiew le iwffl wilit t--*» 1140 Winatil» moumlemmk& MUM% -m4 lm Mmdory rillust, IMM a bumr 111, Job » am»»« *0 ma ut ch» de bý bai 1b ww up I" àm@WW la *M ftuktbý»ý W«mmm 0vffl Si, hi- pfwlow.%. et" th" *» " 1 pull. amum t'. teste, .1, 11110 el» hi 14, Mt .8 10. MW 0*00b& dmummu- l i t ;1eller Il# il MFA *.604. lot *Uuvb"ý 111*11111 am&bm y»F ~ - rl,,,e .1.Lma maint. ffl u».t4 dkng" .9 W*V#Ovte in elleu OV»tu* 4» h.. fý4bft lie, SNIF t mmmt tho mbrmw.,-* tmi« om%*Wukglk mm«# biew 8 àmèbwiL ver p itici MU* - -ii; STIAM JOB PRINTING. le> aat.,*Pe wffl to go rbool»»b- ber Mdbhfd wft »PA tk*otlký une Slam *tilt» bien Umm aie à wibb-" h..ý - Whlh e." *mpmw imb 8,10, ** IMM dipàM MIMMM ý;1I %-bb IR lis, çhbr..h" - %%l 1 bq& e,.Ww ettit m *# le Mb 1huble Imuom elle W do lit, au be mm *b« lit di bu -Jqwtlr uwr9be M W %S, Ur TU CANADUN POM tb*t.Itt& levrié, w1ille, 1 111411 stum %Fs M1bMý f. vaý ce bmdw &.&m mu W,, M.. II1111-hev *09 betmo bb dif, le*, am 1 mmqgw m bqM womýewu M# »à belle *Av MC %W1 FMMD let th. elly. ., thait illet, tg tum a11ýM Ow affl 1 le - D" .eh t*".14*.Ovw lw biL*à1qý MwMM amuamw thmmm but rk- 1=é dl--Illk 94 élieil tb MW t» 111011" womow lbumbz wmu leu M -iîi., ;Czcp am M*I% Mm 1 w"iý &0, ow 14fiteft twffl,. 4910~ «M to _â, jk- = Imm un &var 8" bm bnM elle, t4y «ý$e Wb Z 11# *0 ommbbld«moàý - =162. «P WM dam tilt If _9 *à-mlà OC *4 ileill' êj lu mm crue, ow lie r - ý 1 , .1

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