Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Mar 1875, p. 3

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. _ Il ___ - _ ý ý ý . - - -- ý----- --- -- _. -11.1. ýý ---.-- - . , . ý . M -angý ý é à, - ý ý- . . ý - À fi . omm $dollbw lm 1 amom.-Mù.'Uûmàmu. M., ricum le-M terEdEr. ibid Md rama'ii, ý ,-----,- Ikhh"iklmb 1 , àr:;e45= =t7 te.m.mz.t "C"» bw mom" *à= t... mam . h-Un *0 &W ý - _-, l m lawotw*eqhaommbwu" illus ratt . m .- mieme»"J - rb.om-.m-w.aým--- lý ýiw wi* Mde poimw céla the %» M order, AYMM - --- re* fa mmb" buirm" mmmmim" - oa" - - ý - el , * Iiiii tain amoeux. -a»im au t« C F"j 11111111111 0" 9 W . i !,qwranb-tlctl, Owinét tu the uuhff«6 mi ct th* atc«Mr. i monà in v e , 09,10 ,% Wwiewt,ýq O# alfho SP*Ui» kaý= mmumbmda.pmn Tm ambubd-by iiiiii, ommmut wThe te ýémoMph ti- »Wmmt O' am 1 *am a ý - am am 'b.usbewmwmmmmi. qwmtb.bmâ.m- tomWam. T"y hall et> able WWMOP 6" oellaquar »obv.wbbw cIty.-Qzw*«Co% = -Mr d" wuk. ,Immw, - Md SM"M - naWS ýtj " bleus boUM fer cou" NSâ-wm . Nll li- '. ýi-llm . le. r.,.%.tr.i PMI. a# *"lit» Illasit P,,bpt.* bouillit Doncuurt ?bas hm" pouriffaucuiséaut se, t. saut hbve t= %rwmu la owmtzu Md fille coman»Mm ot$L AmbuvCh-cb. mm 1 b»%C: - * ___ _ M =>. lis seilleului Illutiolla S» urmp alti Ibus - 1 'l il a fila mdm UWIWD _ - - -t z flordinIr advwÜud fer tumim for la j trialle -elai-le wil. ha iiiým *hè.b the %il» O# %4'06. tue ,.eu»» 09 Mm V» xepbu»a m - ' MOIL : la % WM , . verra au, .Otblwg.l,.,» , Md on, rrwby rneme. Mit Foe, ouol hm la -blm Vo Xàn&-Wehmobed» Teramo' Gmy w@@ý Tmy bm *» Mt 1 j" et Imm ce *@ womb et RIM hi». of uhntm* ="&« terrien Filet Tiée ri Il *rKla, tn be taliaquilla la ad. 1 Wu. os atise. »wu Md Som aube la i-mus-m te U" #Wl"" âm dw&md»damot*e »,,,,&.-Dwiïw twpm*tm mon" mi tw afermilfg et *0 à" atvm 1-"Itlý*#N ('#[ G 0 si 0 , V.Pli-tox.. I,,.»-iýdý% Ili. ,aille 1. il, *KrfVUMMO 1 " nu"ol At ý 0, - »? J:, 'bu- "-,- II- mm" tritala Pt %O lu »Caffl entourer - mu""Iu"mww ' imr bu" fur " «aumb hum Lgàe supader tD Vant . 1 ut " 'di.1 .,ýremI,4É âÏlIl = elýerzz bmvzzr» . ,.Snmmbwet _a% chair lablé ------- -------- Il à@ un *m hm hem &#ma a '. lasant - ta "--nl-" nl!-".-MMg _ flou 4r.1-111;i" Im.1 ý.1.l.11.9ý.",.,I.1:. ý,Ia,ý,ie- It la ,MI," % = =ýL . .= =..ý eýmý OP-U»fflf ý ...m.qp dur «P", ; 1,41 turc, tue, imm d bd ta b ySt OUI 0 r, sumwo ; eftwo as ,ia"'ý fi ........ , l' dU.ffl = = ldt««&*. Md »* - tn"pbSmedwmwanmdbmiwm ýar 91111111, tu" fer *" pmbm w a" Parleur Papem 1- -,I",t ",.d,ý,.ý"IÉ,),.,Q"et ý tortillait the Viau éla th-v We" 0" $"Uwu lb - , nul&-W* bue to, dimk «M am boom lm k rom The .. lm for $117,150; - .. Il , . ;; ;l ï, - Il 1., ý ,... l 1 Iý l l'el »rusa Rici.1 %Itie. -4KKL, S-roittlat. -JuM ý WI Th. "ellint craititinuitud bar ovale M 1110111o. iwbzu-m su mugi» *M mu" filmes *0 te Cm" Cramit for I ý I I. , eý. , . , Il.: , . ,,,"a- 'Il, q., IJI .1 Irait, l'ire.il, llý"., Ti,.,thy Blfe Pndeý Ma the un» umubw ffl _ , . .".".l ý% ý - 1 whýlip,ýrqu*r3k-amý&"4%bOnmprý'. V'z ";:= M,ý. ý ma «aim étir a ge-0 èok"e et " ùmd dmumu vels aboM n4 mfim Wbm ý ý - t'l., ýý.ýi. s".1 v.tý.h., ,%Iý.,. ý;&?-W-u. mla Il 1 -a'.1 t'y .the taleth ý . ,,@Bout" 1*&POOe."ýýl* u«ý %nui lbila -r"u6m te bi p" nallevanim, aur lâcet, Cam Lqp*at. Mr. 7hmim fat mmmmu ~ " 11112»Ill. A hffl Proportion of th's N- Iý-.zI-,-d " oolJý %I: k,,i-tý -,,.,ItýI fur-au ,lolà. pulla. M. - ýýqud .'ulfft. prolmtw l'Y AnlýC"'%ý%, The - , , . ,tatar éqllS 1 Il " B" Bivir in the warf* vm, bmg pellumeulibli 11111111114 Md nousý& 1 . _a, ý,f thl e,ý,i,,, ,aiý ýpen9 In rtvtt"i-u-- " t-obelý.Z M-i . -11. iIl.t..ýIl .4a.tf ý a the au onnée"«Voulm = r "d p@@èiýj àl" Illeffes, of the wum bed billets korl haas !ý,g_. --,,,,4, and -1iq-. tua the Paria tach'r' ', imamdrhma& nowbmm&-,& -apm of Ll .idnity ce W, i Md -Z ie 1 1.1- P A P E R S F--,,. FI Mr. IL". L. »a _-iý 'rhe .#ait eu * Virrpîýe- su,(Omklý à" m ri« Sb-"h th" W@- 'te IN muth-Mý4 apicy" 'ej, ý 2" Wi* et J'alter il 200 de M »=e »..I. .1li.I.'tý'..I,.tý. 1,'r. ". ki, -j'l'il, If 'll'he flloI gussaut ýrfoit ce .Iài- .'4elherwm Il M» wbb> Tm villa tank et *0 1 = d.it-ý lle vomg haow abe« commu tu ho wedL The " b« on th, 1 IR. .-I.,t;.li.r Ir,.%tI-. .111-lit .0-1. -:1 1-fýi",!d la'.. .__ --«a- , Md a étatir , = off a," .= i.,ý film a. rid& ou j ....... = Wlab XW BLIW, .ý.";. .ý ý ..... .... ý I'f. 1-1 -4 -týl (traite tu- ý.,I.1« ýli.i."I. i".",4i't l.. I-.lIaý, rail- fil,-' ,& boum lunttetà . W. ý hummbm* saluait; bar am lèle " k fré Ibuk lioant" line woold of 00ý kru Petit et the ý 1 balft Var Pb@-MY b" q36 . , , .,-ýrl,,.e,,t,,.,. :..,,ý,.,.., it,.ý..ý l',ý-,,,, 'i-Vit,ý l)Bi,'A YGdt).V. ' a r «d= laffal, larlaille, b«M = On the Fmifie Raâ-y ý lII--ýI "..Iý .4h-i ,P'l..,h ,%,a .ýb', ft-Illý e... total W the ,"« et SU o& liait bobu à - ý ,% ý.,I.,,. 1 tru, ý)_ »»ZeAL -Was M a' te 'mm thÙ ,» " m'MW" W ."" m semâtes a a lm *m tD "* am&- amu, *0 ambeeb in OMMU" inthantu r. - ý a MM ySt p d4r, au thW bled billes- 1 "' - ý ý 011. O)t£oxu . PRIM , ý-,Iý.-,t,.i . Ckt,%%*-*CILY.-.Wickhm 1- BrO& Ille. F#». ,wiscla hm hem ffl"«. wu, &" suie. ! O" M" 1 lamaidowgý- --- - - ý ýý ý 1 .1. ý .. - j',ý". Iý, I, ,,,.-Iý. G-Nar K it.i.),.I,. lait 'rhttmtay la D&WM.'I»,W l'.1.1l.10.9 neu& ý_ hmow tunisien :"h.Y= Z "]». *a= ha, leing i"«& ces ý abqp*omý ma te mm m" *0 wqpam li- WM for estimait l ICI ýt-.-i ........ , -z , , ,,,, ýl_.tt,,I,,t, .4tue ,aial,,:..g t.ri...,f the Imm tu, ho sold bý &»%',%iou m le tuathe up hm th" 8>9 Voulumq, Banal am -.. - -1-1 ý!-- ts, -I ,1ýr>"",,ý't, C. L, 1- If Ira- tauSll»r ý;M = ý0«1= the a». . b@M plugul, M" à" ets, m'm abmâ tweaq-tbm manu nw& mm m va m W ocaubmebon for ý fr, ,,,-.l , i,ýll.! A Il- ýt t,.ru ,%iteaL tilv LitiiI% 'rha*!-»,it Piateâfuwd&ygqnctb"wu , a yowig mm Who b"aâ= W " ; ýýý fur a allait dhuum of W-mnkn& By 1 9» il g th" froulet a Po" et five ymný and &B Govera- se, rc»-tc> Irira m om L«,",. -l1Iý ', _ ,,, l i. ý . , Ilý",. .l1.1ý.iýIr- ;,,lrý hd h, W todu PI the riaticencur twmuiy (ION; I.ý1. , 'fi. . »,Dtxoln,#rv for OW. TM pn> VI istoz -n- m& il P. wlr.&r4 a toucher of vomi . ý or a lame portait of *- et'.1-et"ln- zum enflammes vould, bel palud fillie. ý Ii....lý :%...ýlý.,!...l 1 tir Pi«i Dr. Zwbemhemabe-.,mý es ,unie, ouble batais frucatit B-khm. -Md vant: M> m et Mr *ffa am lessu T)m " . f-;ý. l?.ý,, il.,, l'.. k -I , . -ii, -r'. ý,,ý"el Ill pimniiie ein accourut lit - " »P , erd r for 1.1 e 1 .1 - I ý Iý...,.11,ld il, ,1- .,.a ,.,;:, ..ý".4....i If 1 ý:t NI, (iriuz4luail àpluparal for pieu Il -14, MY nua"Brattrotras ýo bu ma" th" ho »UU Wu a =- the» contm b il 1 .1 .11 1,.. .1-1 î pe2pm et m- wbàkâqk mur hm" prum . T H E -%i kir.p., t'o%%F-îrIllîý %% inulletinif ,,,,,,.,,, Klb. _4 ,ad " lm oreurrod à Cosemr vm htdd hm on the M parfaite .9 ".k tit'a vilb" for "s' Sl am ab»M in a 4bnu *M , mi for woodIffind abattu 11M , : C. lu u Ft il, p R A m F. S l" , - - , , - Il - l ' 1 . ý %.. !ý.:ýt PI, l ::1- ll!&(.!! b.,ýt iiým, 01 eun"y ta -""a a qalffli occultant and on ho* ther . - - ý . .l c il . - I.- ýI..ý,, , et.. limiter the ampiS. or U àndmw's Cumb 1 taaffl Mr. Wym nuy kW --- -- hm bmq PAd Riv« md Fort Pelly the le 1 1 a of Illierm Pm mille bemIg -- % ;l. , - ., , Il - clumallity &bSl. ,Wh" wu promnnSd the amala 't They would obmve Il - ..ý.I..,. ý ýý . ý- ,mlIV.ýi-:l>j.,.,.! . but ha dm't appeular le é,VIýl.:_,,ýjýt Itýbllmarý,%bogUeoibun a bout uýL«I - - by mommt " m»m of Zab and- about azt»z ý . ' ' ,,,ci -,Ut,.de the ho by & -co-M &&'Puttbt tante euWhOidin the - »Cenfty.i - bit imâniK ý . ý I.;..,. lý i -;,.,.l, p. ý .1 Ut, - ,- ; ..:":»',ýIl ,% .l. .. _ , .: ý_,Itý..-- .j.?»,wd maillathellu ý .= Vm Wm Tkelud&IoMâM ý ,.*moi thet the - they baud efuterred upon ý 1 1 l zl.. .-. Il -.- 1 - il, - -. I .'.fi1ý 11-1 ..ý,.,,,ý a--ý-ýwr -4 théu notui- Th- bala"Illa lied Tha a4t-d- - V*"!:=ig u1ficiela ""W*it= . 1 1 ý ý l ý -- l ,'>';., i-kl»I%ý atId the .«tleittnt" -vers pieutait la ho turned-awav. the hâtif aot I, tIsr bute, DO PA santicipastory trou ii- :- 1 _ i .. . ri, -_ýfIe,, 1Iiý-h. mit il. label un la. On the! to actýmme" thm Mm IL Lè. Bouteille. Var ý *a blest kmd, bemg mR wooded and vm :le #S mu»ýF à %lý.):,. C- - ý..-i,_. M. %%'. Nfiti- I4eýý'1 lI ý,ý-p ri Kstk,"i.e içimpm.à.,tbe Violés. a und-",Y- prem" " the piano Illarizag th* uaý arrive ; - àrtûe. à* am lem M * Md du gra, ine O" thet au aliontriatré whicha 19; THIE CX . ;'ýl! , ,; 1, 0, Il, /Il Il I iý i', 0 J'I'l' ' ; « Il ,.m) ýM -,il Affla W"& litue âýidigayndtwoýolmwi---- iwhei"d&rNmt%- Tm US»2mtrloy 01 11!1111 IMAM- a wherue yef t-Il be de- . . . . . . . . ý ý ý, . Il ._- - l, t -I .... .... . h- ..Lfat liffau -Iltalli t&ke à M-luthM -_1ý ý ýi ý,,,,, "»:" taun thm alti mut ho ferralotteura for eam sim in .. , 'a . j 1- C. -. L .t,.. .. , I dimb leur. Vu dWaP Of rente hâd b"P'l'd ýO de in 1 . 1 1 lu, > , Vitýnî.7%;..-,y ,,ý%.t t.l thei,1,1,.ant aurai iq ulw principal lady voclI parrarlent DIVEUOIr Lam ý of m lestamit ý Md and brought te afflurtly. Ilmy 1 . ý ý . . 1 : 1 . : . - . 1 l 1, ý - , t , , .. -, ý%,1 '4h. - 1 .. alti, Mise Ratio . but te Snuwt vith the caumatmaction 0-PIF4 ý fl« ý % ý., ý .., 1 Iý l: J 1 il, .,:i Kd . . .. - ý l .. . Il - ý. . -- ý.-i.ý , _ ....... :,If ,,I,ý,,Ititý,l >f the 4iivýi»,,.,tà. fin R'Abuu, et = = 70;nmtýùned tiroir Mr. BEW motion for a Smmât» of tu tho peuple of à . ... i , ". '. ý . ý . - : , - - ýf I,...iý'! .., ,Il. ý,,, -.ik,,. .I.ri.unucIý lit, .,rit viù- j ' ce Of -_ - rond au on atibreme Wh" Il - i, . 1 . .: -1. . :il '1ý14, .U,-i!ý.:.!! udv 1,11,1161 gentlemen V-lywiet,, calme atw with .4,I ..lt4Itt.t, and ,ha crtlu, with emM credit. artai teillai icoldam o= the W" , toi Sllmidl&P the 110011dàM OINM nout illiov " i in utgiD« the -M - - __ - .......Mm 1 - .1.1 1 fil;, -lliý;-l 'lit ""t-thý,It.8idinati .'try .tt»ný for là& reulorganiffation of ties smetimý, pSbU te bel afécrificied lm a lomlhy "Picl et mm »I ý 1 ilý,% lýýI 1 a, 1% 1 aj l i: CIA a.. nu . ', . ý-%_l1I, ý,Ik, .tant exiiimd en Mturclay 1 ur"L à vm msénailùzw "il amuling fe"UM lu . tâter ---- - - 'Il ý - - - through which il, ppàwd, Md PUI9111111111l " - , 1 Il . . il, the elloucumarle proceediffl qum tasI readino bur Was plat Il" canýW OU the folio ' FUU@M W zusww t@ràtorý 1 . . - ýý ' . . . 11 . i 1% ,ýI.;, Il : ... il.,ý..ýýýt:,_,.hýýti,,Dmrn&rmommm ý i dit in the cheffillaIl »tUe M OM 0 ti lte 't'etiý)le ,,> (il.im(li(là1t. %a,. 1 , ', . e:. ý , »m IL, M. BubouI truite 3&m.Ikown " wh" di * * d = thaty mi« dm= thm *9 othS sied in the ree %_ . - 'ý: 7l ý. ,i»'ý, .'l. t_- _, ý:,_,,,,,,,!,,..ýtýk%, widreninvedthýteft a 1 villacun - it bemy woraw est pom unu!»er. Ai ho hallali stated ý 1 Iýý I ý ý , . , - . - l l al, lý .,lit h, *1.,ýtw.,tthesrffkmitv. ! The gnancial reýult, were, lire tions ne ý:ý ".. ý . L 1 ý . , .. -'l., .,.rI, i.I.ýý --le;. threw th» audience * auto eu villa Ir .If lautifiner. 1 " Dot a à - comernü,m va" tour th" affaitardait M» et the VU7 à" j = l ...; 4 .. ý - 1. 11, 1 ýl:....?.,t '1 .... .. il 11, 1 grat _t the umnâ«m taierstand$ very 1 the motion, while mmy Bdormm vot- 81,10%M by mkpdag IL Serions eh. I on former ocý ons, it aPP-'ed 'a, him L .......... 1 - -., '.. '. - , - - l 1. .: 1 ', .:....z :. . 1»,%I)I.i b'i-iI,ýb'ý%*. --Nlt)u(iay night lut dytue 0 -----**- T he Cash System e %""' " '-, 1 ' ' """-" '"""" j ed againet it, mahing the majozar int j«üom hod belles takoà by the Hou» j ý ply imbuau- W- and Oulcld&L te i- .I', Ir- !Itý,._;, -1.1, à ... 1 ite.ew aurait tuatu bielle. :-z ;. ,ý,,iýlIIlý.1 l', :,l,ý,ý,it ,t"m. ,,il .n.«. - 1 ira favor very close Il C" BRA y. te maMmct-mg tbq rud frotte lqepqoa 1 lay ont contractât inthout any know- ý Il, %1)\ %'\I' a4jK ý > i ». 4 a. ,,. lu, z%1ý:, - ai% S.ittl-,14)' t vk'tt- a. %; l,.ilt.,4ýtiI,.,,,IIe ,lil the .,Ili-,t tt,,zt-tý 4a YR»-Xe.n àrddbM& barran, Bardait, Billeilla luillu Th Bây, effet of the u- ro- , leudgas of the 00=*T or &DY SrtaintY Il .1 . !,ý ý: ý 1 - il, ý.. ý ý ', .!Il ý",ItVr. ,)" ,ht i.rtIllj.., I.,ýýht, 1'int (Coneq>ýrxWnS ut Tbe Pm. 1 Campbell. gion, of JAke .VI * ' throz M on- i m toi the «ý,@ut of the work or the ý CA . Il . ý ý lard, Bauter, Blake, Smueu, lk)wMIL Puteangr ,. ,-, ý , , I . . . , i .. 1, ,Iv 1 V, ý ý,.t,. wt&,, ,( ithet,,ý,liý f,ýr the alIir-rý ,9.%I-ý Ditý%Tit. -Surelly in the affaidât ot Ufe, earmieuttL carterricint. colley, theVA4 church, ý -terrifiait. Th RIRIAE :. - .. '. ... ., il . a 'ý,. onflostirf, and omm ballored to 1 &Sculùm to bus entre, liii ý ; - * .. , 1 ý> 1' R Il A Il N p à 0 F li S I _ , . .1ý"i' - - -1 , il J...",I, %I, If--,0,ý ,_ ruatunimac tr',tut, Ilà.nev 1 wu are ira deuil. ou Sum"y morning the 2ath ' CockbwnCoup&4 euhnt& bitension, DOCOM')% iliz, .. .. - 1. 1 ý l' .- II "' -"-,,',,.,h ,, :,--ý;h ý-j 'I' aýh- lie rtý!tled thejiFeh. thý?%,)Umehohief]ir.,J.lf. U&M».]D.,IMýi Delorrat.Delit. _', . Geolutriaus, Dy- F't-ý Pl- I bel P»Wàmây impottelibie, of mulemmt, [ %ÉR adhmd toi the polie of ut oy 1 . 1 , . . . 1 .'l.ut JýkI- larl. !eftrr ,tarit. aussi imtie ý.. - -- III j 1 Il , - - -1l." ,)ýý", .1f, Il ý i vimtet hv lieulh, Italien hi, tný1), son was t>kenirm Fournier, Galbimit!,. Gibýn. Cdfie-k. Gordon. El&, 1 Md et an évents, whe*S thaif; thould , the -atm -,àumum" on et SLEIGH . 1. , 1 l 1q.. ý ý 1 -'.1 .. - 1?;ý! 1. ý !...i.1 iý,,è, ,,l rll,, the ,, e -- itl-ý--YMln B.- . bain slýt eý,, bu'% tre-alhefone. Ela nuance laras car, Bolton, Morton, iluatineon. frr. m& -101111les: 1 . .1 I .- .. , , 1 ,l ý .. .ý ý i _. or Bot, tho points, yeti they would endairavour toi j-.. Il.. ilaki - -- ,,uif t nulle Il týlIf-Illiqc ltilol Vante: Iqýýrtb. ù;>re Hart andins age OlLeytw4" jodoin. Kili- L&*MM,,. LairiL Lajote, Lamier- - be ultintatialy ooustmaetad Which for ýl« ; : . 1.11 , ,;, "" . 'il -ýt li-, .. ;- ', ,f - 'l.. -s':IuK'ýP% T-Il lauck t»,;i:.l'N I- Ilu il', lZm4klit .If ililo ý rive munalbâ. The flattant surairmacului .nul prouched un kilL ak-Do--en ttnveniem). àk»Dougau IIEWI polky of the govemumi V» tu Imyo ý promd with the va* m r&pidir m the; riewm - ,Il lino it tu the ý . 1 1 ý 1 , Il iý , K', - ý: ,- ;ý - ý . ,Il 'l', -, :. ,t. -vil tliý- I.-lrila sith dl it,, horrura, artut dutà"y eveninglatur Four. Mr. %st,&CJL.tmm »M"uek(Luabum» x,àý,LiitLàt (montreui)ý Me- rý Lit ., , ý . , :iý.,-, the ilit-,rtt"etotriver. dourdw fiaient ho i j«, tbm port" of the rSd -m ableffl es àt cà=mdanm of thO c»»Û7 190111ald POIL' i cw -I .- 14, il,,,, %1- -ý-, -, ý - çt 2hd Kingeý toi càI MW Mit ,recule, Lormu.aa, neermuv. MLl)-upu (Reneýwý mein- ; ha. .ý ou **"" ýý ý .1. 1.1 - %a. "d'Il ý'..., , i Iil, 'i ý Il 'I - i..". , , I .ai. ý p -On Saiturday evening, the 6%h t'", M"f' ý . . , ý % ., ,, li. tueur, .N,..t, t. k.ep thélarla tni» I.rt.his« i ",. " Y (Colchester), X.u:am Mille, ý prment, mi procSd MM @qch intatiffl. mit Alter foiffluit gaffra" ru»rke alpou , ý « . - . ,- . ". , , 1.11 1IIý- V.",.ý." fi, allait ..rue flic ---tzettind.ýël trAL -tint Mou, Oliver, Pattersion, Pelletier, Pouillot the wh«» for the em4tme" of tàe 1 . ý ý ; , , ý ý I_ , ,ýý '. I% t . ý ý.-i - >ýI 1 , - * , 'l« " , ý ý . . li'le init ,l,,-ý-,- et1trt tmiet »rhe -tio,ý; in*$. a ÉM ý»Xuorred tri -table Md daïvi 1 Pozer. Richard. Rolus (Middlesex), a. (P. ' modiste forrattrâles m would omble dum .. - - t., .. - : : .1 1), i "- I 'n"'Il. a) 'y ,i,,,., .jýIý ,b.,r,ý -t, ... _olý fet .1eet. luilli it .aa ' boucle of Jurresl J Vrillait. and tg W» arith, ut, -an' aval Sanl Scnver, ,%b , *». tu rentabilisât Sixmunicufma by land or roffid, the roffid, the bon. gentlemm ro- 1 Don" on the IbOr"" 31 ýr.» _ ý .,, t.,-ý,., liiuul,ý,u.h m,ý ;ýlýe,ýýý -&-z.te ,11o- t inca taxerficune tha they Vautre able tu roulette frama ,Il*- Jean, - ffl y mmed hà mu amid tend applauffer. 30- . . - . .. -, the 'mg 1 Vital suardath a pid). su=[4, L. . 1 ý - "ý .', ,:". , : l __ lil 1-l". pj-ý water ,- -n the Vu he. , the ttuneý ha% hormes, but tharre walui 1ý4)& truand a Tremblait, rrow, Tco. Touar-î , - vater urm the embamt m ,ý ý au ..-- -- - .. - ý . - - 1. - 'l il i l ', -i..;., 'I.J: Il,? li.,. .,..k - t,ý flic ti,,Ii-l,,en in, P.t. ! liait r ,if natiècellurd ,lloltra a rar clial, - uw,-ther with a &by utriMI4 ,»Pouàble. Lutqdýuffhehadz.,.hti >. . . . -- .ý '. ý . 'Phial ý karilt quartity ta grain and égrictaituarla impleumtý 1 X&T&-:'Xeun appelby"kvhu«' a - a t LLND" y MARK= PîUCE S. CI il, ýL ' ', "rfvr, Ill 4ot hl% ravir ýt. Dig6ar, Bbu4 Bourdon, Bowea, Bnwulý allaient adviwjàe to Obésin adi» -, ,a----,:-- i ý . ý ., :,ý,.-'Iht . urticant ai . 1 . . ý ll j;ýl , I ý " LI el %Ia' I>iifaly, a allait ý ý ý ,,Ci beau% tý, fraleaut., audhe heucaraite Iltliteililý-apa. , The'r'm am haI inaturatoute satra"; 0 ý th Surissait. Burp» (SL JudaI Burp» (ftRbur.r). re --*'T, frotta the mouth 1 ria Who" .. .. .. 0 lie @ illa - çà o icii ý, .. .% .:- . fl--t.I lek.zae .IlV ý,,?iI. estertilln, Io are talkaosin. -loon. L-.P.i.ý. clortainual. ci- î" 1%0 bon. 1 SpÈM Whou .. - - :- !-'.. K,ýl carrure. c.w.n al; 0 75 @ 9 le ý ice , 2. the Il ý ý .1 . ý . ý . 1 ý 1 '... -. - , '. ýhI, ,a, thl» !.Icht ,lire -. âald -,. ýfter Ove -A party of femida - Ir c.mpa, étamer, Diaprais, usant. of .î, épigon. River, matw«tL Plotir ÎI par 100 .. . 9 00 ?a 2 36 1 ý . , , ý . , 1 . i ý . . ý - ý .1ý l;ý 1:1, 4. ...ýý',llt, I.I -II1.11ý.r.,iIi't h-11lý-uIrIed a- Iot lait titi". ý SrRpiuý,4iR PAam -Ott Md film- ville * Fa-W, Pourrit. Fleà«, Forboi. Fru«. Gain- gentlemen thon promeded te gj" the IP our = ' 0,00% 2 Où - , 4A h .r,- ,Vote plat ,,ai the raýýht trauck .., mut .Vit -iýhen VI th. P.%. J. IL 8, %ny, mut au-OU& dot" of" wmloradon of" portion, Flour Il.: 'lý 1 iý 1,ýi,, 1;, II.ý Il 'il 'net at hi- home un Vondel evenainfil tailla, wb« dot, Giumtor. citerait Green 1 :.* .*. 000 212 ,h..ll;, dle., .1.,IIeht lie racachcli thelitâtre. lie r, ý ' ' , _ _. , ".. 1ýý ,il lery pluatillant alternas Wý ýpeut. At the Vieillir Kirk, Lanthier, Liu . MeMdlati, MauwiL 3k4W- Il , - I- -Iý, fr"IIVuý. ille Aot boulai: truite -Iùl 41auVe iumý meDouau (cape Breteuil 3LLmL Xcquade, of the routre, swting th" it vu poilai, Il Oantand il -- - ' * Z 'O O' ! fi 'fý ý. ' A - , ,ý î '. a ptýrM .m plute«Inted te Mr., ,Zwgt lair MusýB"k»- ý c.mmul,* .. _ .. 13ip-ira 1 iý .1 . 1 , , ý . ýII. ,,I,.,ý, lie ,,t U.iIte,ý's...t tu lait r«.Vortild.- aith X or. .. .. 1300 a 0000 1 1 1 ý lit Mr. licillert .todâtt premiwd*a venu, irait&- 3Ltch9lLMea&4]goau .X'>"*nmlý urnay* Ne th" might be able to athortam it 1 Bilan par ton .. ', ., ýl- ".1,.t. I" SII nu. 1 qale, -- , Pal- , PuIM, Plekard. Plait, lu .. 1.5 W . 00 15 1 ý ý . 1 ý., ý ý ý . . .; . ;L ., 1 -11. 1', . bliaýddlre.- Which luffilla replitud, to by Mr. î , Rootron, Raille (Duham)ý 'dorabir, evm if th" MILOuld ý sierra .. .. ý. 1 .. ý, ý - '. -40- . .. -_ .. G M 't __ very coum il . 9. 1 ý . ý, ý %S l V ý 1, I. , , 1;%1-1. l'lit! tll,-Ii&ý"-ra 1 PE.V£L#).V F-1,LL.%f. - t% ,,h the peuple ut cambrai, have for Mr. zIcou ý î1îley 1 V.r"bblenamm.r. duchamming4howstholuvei ut . , £ Skinner. Surialier. Stalpillention. tend ill th. va, of the montmi Ri, ý ;27 m , :: :: . . 0014 6.5 ]m 1 . ý - l . .. ý. . . t . . ý , 1 4 au. TILo and h.uwdt.,Idý 1 ý, ,ja (Carillon). Thouq>i)n (". or north of tuake 2NipàM«, and cours ý 'J', .. .. .. .. 36 @ 3? 1 1 ,ý . ý .- -1, -1 _ > - Th weâkndk W&ib" (Içurà)&), i '11111une .. .. .. 60l'ur &5 i I.. 1 , . . 1 , . . ICý,rc-l>,,,-I-llI-.Oof The n,-$.l 1 faire in your lm tu» th" you Butter par S . . . . . . Ils, A ý . . 1 -- gond- wali.te (.uberc), white. Wuo& Wrigm (Ourisavai douiref, the Valley m oàubmny intendard. Il 22 ON FZ JY . : L , ý Wrilcht (PD[ttiu.).-74 La - ut 13,44 14! . . . -- - 1 ; tillac Lwotýkiv 1 have hem lctwk in ý. - ý ý ý. 1. . ý " L im% ý> . 1 F-;-lbtt"lýiii. -X. Caillai, surtairchinaker, . ::ý' - ý. . - , - , m&%iredIý remind me of mydutr' ami voit sayeut ý "' * He mentiouffid this m«ely te show that Wiîýw :: 7 i The ballacrue A my %tuU . . 1 . ý ý . ..... Iý - ý - - ý -. 1 - ".. ,ý.ý,,-,,ý,,-il.."ti,.ýilk.11ýt.ý,t,,,tzmý*iW'ýt,."i -or%- fer aultaisay mi hauvemi 1 ,4c3fx"T iplArd. thoeeverammth" ginm the closent Mm par dos ý . . . . . . --O à !5 1 1 1 ý - ,.; .:,.-. !,.ýl;., -_ 1, 1 .. . ýý . ý ý. l' - :, ý.,M I "Ill.r....t .,Iiit. the *tterititin 0j'h, ý'h. - you Wane not, = 12; Efont. Mr k5Stt hm mtrodumd au possible attention tg the pmhmumry Mekom par Pa& . . . . "(8 35 i ý ' ý ý ý. :', , .I,,I,.,t, ý,# -rk .In .II-Iio.ti.,a. : ý nuaruy -,t),er-. .tuà in amow luttait i ' - - - ut i 1 ý. 1;1ý,ý.l, l ;ttm.tthiswinter. Ru"areae&Myll"=, tr..ý -Ut providm 1. lý.. - . - , - , _, _ ! _ - si- _ g for mm mmmuy trial «Udu"on of the W"tL7 PAIMM Sun ý 1 1 ý . .ý .> 1 I .. ,' 1 - .". 1, '.ý ' 1'. Tin, nnulm itre - 1 ; . 1 V«l .. .. .. 0 @ 6' . . witiL thilà Génatte l:tur Illa .. .. .. à (O -L - _1 - 1 ..11 . . .lý - . - % lu.. grairatly im- , au,-Iullt of the ïretut amoutala lit lame, Winch hm f accu»d permets in c-t" mien, b- l view in addition te the ma 0 01 aumuu& cul 1 L 1 .. :1 1 -- - . - P. ,. '; 4, ý 7.ý. 1 - % 11.11 .;,il;. ý-.I,ýt Ilie, l'eure . Wftk au6;, but are ettu , eticainfutriatlust -il Citera. and we have bilan raireriving Il W&Y 3UrM * 1 Lamb par quuUr .. 4 cmwm z a Pa ý . , Ild %'. , IiI. . Ila 14 41faal itup,ýble to traitait -Ilit in y irre4cu"v for ,lance time Inscrit. the th .. @ . TOILW CU6,111,31 ý . - 1 1 ý otir mails ver i fére P.fice or StipmdimT MmdebUm j îýýL%èw Shebondowim to Lake Su- j Turkeys :: 7 il! 1:ýe * ballet et 411, .... ... - ",;".!,[..t,ý. thue ,ui.l. >,rii.,( jalt lem than four fool, 1 tràixi.,ln the Midiand àtàl*,at, havinàr belameancel. ý in Ontario. The Ait clodm thm mqr ; poriatir, and frum Red River to Rat Por- 1 lb.. . . 5 lit ..:.Ii.lpII e.týtq.,Ob.,lý"lèmqb,&%Orý n ;L*.,.. 1. . 0 @ il ta e ý ý .1,011. 1 fll',.":,.",ý , ,a,.- -0 ,.t ,I « a "' - i-( nrillu; 4ý!lkr..,Iat.ty % rew . . ý led aurai the UMLeamed by ei«etmm tàiuimy tau ý ilitralles with péwer to trY, un hà 01M j taille, in aU about 160 mitles, they had, 9m.kediuma .. .. ..* (ait, ý& ' ý 'I', .1 ,,, six sEw CAICR * ýýl l", 11elý1i ý r., 4 ý l4-ý . - ý - k., 1 - ý ... *L':ý'1','ý 1 %.ýl' . 1' IZF:I.%I&zt,ý-; illit. eLll)r.-Wbrk * 1 emvt __ . i consent, any accused, persan Who is lia- muk correct surveys of tho interve Il -11A ý1l l . , I.%ý-,ItIýt)(,týè% Iýý .1 . ý ý à - 1 - ý. la j rang i Suit*r curait, mvau do .. - ý 00 Il 14 i ., .1 . .111 .1 ..1; .1 ,.4.,$.I.éay lIt's.t of ý 1 % 1 1 ý ý: %. .11 ý .1.1.7, _ t il. . l', 1 1. 1 ,ý, 1 % - lu, thè, Pl...Pot t".I% ý ý 1 , , ;-,ýz--Icer, r.1,Idty in retu#n,,z the .iidg,. ý Hy-ar.,çrAL-There V» a marrifiger Riv- ; Dussuattalui 13ouc- par. 100 Ibi. 1 "b lq ýe 00 ana -laver . 1 l 1 .ý . 1 -, M. : - J'I'L'.I' lýl'ýIte;' tg, ,lard ,t is 1 celulorallaud in tbià village on tiretenatla et Febn.ary , ble to be committed to the armerai, - distance of M m" bet-Illeu Red :: 0000 a -li 50 .. . 1 , ý%iý,lInher lui arien as %vý,r t 160 j ne" Fork - .. .. ,î . - ý ý .-Ild J..-.%ý l.'t. 'a.., J,,$V.l tl4o .', , 1 t.t l t 1 Iwcle.pie.i b.9illu, the Ilarlotac . hm been aegi,ýeted, brut sionci of the Pastis Md be trW und« er and Lake Superiur. Abou 00 -r'O . - L : ' *l le "L' 'ý ;- ý; lIl L'.ý'ý?",:'Iý^1':' Il.. % 1 trait, ma a,,,,tia,% ,If lut hIeb th du extra iliime . . - - 00 00 -a , -d lý-- ,.ýPi,.Vélll'#.t. thu, " " fi1-tl tý . arlaieh mI ret b- truc - -lit ut pleee m ewh an,,.,. .1 . ý A ý - -1 Il . indictinent, with S vithofit a jua:y. miles bad beau minDyod and "Il .ert.n, .. .. .. 9 tuu) lit Io ý)ù , I: -, - -, :; .., - Il l", 1 ai*",.. IVil.p, ýqt 1 itner,ýtitg Lait lhelv elent ilèver àa; excitait w IL _;L 01 C.ýwood wft perCord .. .. 20I 2e_ýi il ý Il - , ý "a li.., - . -. ýt !%.%41 sq.41,tqtri. - :. ,.'. ý .I . , ý m . 1. -:1 %ý . 1 - 1)]ý1,1l>,î Cot;RT. --Fouelor. Divisioliýz.ýtehg,..dfýli#4&Ùdetjtt%"MUDiathe,ýýthis- ,Xnd, further, lit empowers the " dm hisaï hem mko Cordur-Voli huit » Cord .. 300 Q 4 go i . Feb. Il', le- ,ýý,ý ý a .. 1 . 7ýý- 1 ._.: '. 1 .. . . .., lý . : L ;ý Il", t*,:irI -I, III-M beri- -lit the lIth ,,lýt . UtI éfunor ttir> ,If CiinIimy>. The riLuyi;we wa. etrithratied triste te pronfautance the md« of thM distlmS. T&W vould be .1 ' ' ::t.:M= 1 1 00 1 . ý ý 11, , ý. . .. . a'?, . 1 z, ,- - lýý,. i.,.;,ý, i)..a,,e Ir,,4,ltiI4 ru,, -mi .Itinb« if lit the camula Pmtvt.rt" church bi- the Raie. 1 would bave ballon plumai in that court able by the comatruction of two chesp î L= :: .. .*. 50 a ,1 ý,- i 1 1 %, , ,ý,,ý,iIl" ,n îl- t,,ýi old bIer,.,PmiuItýýIX,.Od ý J.uweRik-etl$,,,%%, ýh,>iitùtunîim h.Wmtrimonv .1 . - 1 - ý 1 Witt" BWatt, eidý, t -ri oi.uenanatr'Fair millui, loobm&tFort W'dUam to obtain from;Calf-ki .Zrunpulb. .. le a ::, . T, ,:ý - - L ý ý 1 .ý..I;.. '-elloit l ,,# NI-r. 14i."t.",l and %V,,ý,té.-unC 'ai Lmdv flowever, if, on enuquiry inte the mu, IR c . .i ý ,- e- . - ., r ý 1, % %li-1>,,I.llt.,,f* Feutellni Fail,., W,,ral the .,#a't; Ournaturatte, tu Man .%ai', Flirabarth Berkeley, tud-at the OMM of justice fi" th" it in of . DeteL" .. .. 1 .. 00 On mi 50 1 1 -% .",ý41t vereté'e proist in 1)%,I,.., Il ai,; IIN Pie 'Zetitt ý1fullI- ' :",ýal Zlltt,,,,m palettisait ,lu the -ýýtýiln. ý M. il BVrkete,* Vitt.,ria Mut,, hem. Rat Portilige au mm pted stellaire, il. a , 1 Il I., , a la 1.'l 11, I..P(,4ýta Vil oula,: , ..: > I., ý . - 1 1 1 LI ,% .- .. - .1. %ý'l.I 1 ý "e-,tlýe..ý,ýI.- attrait ,,p f.Ir the ý,-à.ion, am was snob gravity or iffraportance, thât ho in navigaltiont of about 2M milam. They «SIBTHS. m I.. I . - , - ý ý --- ý. :, 1 :'-.ýj k'srr.i;,r.%titr.%-r.-,rhupetipioafthis w,#Iirtlltýdb)'theirt"n%,trii" awaquintaiu- not r«ao" y justified in dealmg vith b»Ded witiun two yem or twill yestra &%&",-.on sunday Marsala rth the laritur of IL P 1 ý. t'..i -iIliv liait. -u Fra . Il -,Ingr.ituluiotu evimSd. it, ho May und it op fer triai, provid- and a hall te bave the .. . . . . 1 ý ý . ý - ý 1 %I, % la ii,'... , "Il ý,,-. "It".Iiiv il, hou,,. ý'P'lItllzbr entmain. , Velawh. -ereliighlyw4hted with the match, aut ffl W&y fildghed S parvaI LicI of a iý)n. . , ý'. ý - - 1. 1% 'Iý 11.1i. Il _.; -- r..ýnI 1'. Ill, si, dal. the t2th :mt. , thérir Warrut v ALt the fun-,itý.,I.111. t--é"-t 'Il "'ýtnIawital trata.ti. ..ImlI,, ' iliesoi the'.1lage.ere repreisinted. &W 1 tmv,.ý, ing the defon» hâlit Bot boguiL We ends, no MA BB 1.4 11, ES. 1 (Ibam p ii ý 1 ;ýý. , , , .1 ., _ ý ' ,Il il - .11 .11, -iiZ i ý et &M Eastern and Western I Ut em».-SxrrEi.-lit the Kevl. Hotel C,ýbuconk 1ý -- . ,, ,ýl;,. :ý Iý, l ... ý- 1 , z. .) '. , . ".a.1.119.,ýrecisatui'n"t, 1% I, 0%1-mtei t-,'t; - ,t V: tirait à mourau du,,ler, aie pair !lever lusalit ,loch "beau- i prostitue dut the intention ià te take thist vith the» and the locks ho MiD TO Titic ruialie. 1 II. "Il - . ý 1-1 ý ýiI. k.,I.ill-.i Il ý., , 1-11 eut- lie,&#"t opera. tannin, There %a" leill in ý certain offines ont of the Asaism Md tionsal, the lathoule dW»S Which ooolld , latuhe "Il. ine. by Rev. A. c . *WILý)a R.Dert a '... 1 . . 1 1:1 ý 'l 1 - 1 q .. %il ; I.I, h'ý , , Til V: puivrewr. -A inelarting of Xr.j. D. ""'Imwýýtý-ýýlýýý,illzpemnwt.arxlînm,:htuth ý uý. Il . - , Illars filai. t. Miý_ Jane Smith, ait .f AtI l. .I l , 1; , .. .I, i.. ý - %I, 1 ,l, Il , 'I-,ý ý,.I.,i.-, fril-Ild- t'Il I-le IIIIII f-ir the ilIlrlxý" 111 happ, h,,ti.ýý-tIi ut Mr. Berkeley. where a guod ce- u thm. tact, nu bel ra erud in lm te INTC:É a %tirer cite ,,ervmýny w" uler 100 repaired tu the j ý'4etMons-thM &M OW Mot tO - n t W t V th= tell! R---x*Qs--C.ec&à.-Inth. Keyl*au lu,),»,-It--' .1P. l 1 - ,l -1 1 M: a il), Iýý,- 1 1 ; on the ground titillait the policier en the ýth inat. ky Rev.A. C. wition. William Rata- ý - , ý. 1 . 1: ý .1. J LLl ý ý 1 ý ...Ir,:. ý"..,ýi,%,,,l4 the'ill, ?,,,Ie.al «ittI the pr"teýt en. pll .a,ý Inulid.i. and a lI pie&ýaut e,,eteaug willa i muffl.- or twelve dayls, could, bas fzaveüed in ' -ji Au.ý,at. ! , . i . Il. _- IIý i. . . '. ý ý ., '. . ;, .,,'.Ii ,,, ,%Ir 'Lia. rý..".ýýt.ý,.ý,nýtý'Ittý.,..,n.i.lineý,f ,petit, artt Immy t te i triste is ettoicitmtly leun" in the law ý wu Eýq. tu -ni- FUmbeth Cobufs. &H 1 b*.% m 1 1-Y (.RoCrRirs, WINES ý . , IL 1,; . :,..;. ýt. A. XVý i the ýandaN,' of _b rapped 'ha"i'chn t&Uta'tt. '"e four or fi". This lino wunld bas amy WILLIAM*-.,julbk.Lt,î.-In 31. c!,tmh, ý IEDAL .-Iý. 1 1 %11.,,,, à %V il;regvrahi, .;aý% L)i,ýk--,et. . L rýnitl-pirillý, trait-ic. The bride 1 il, dettermine them on the a" of accemi by the Weüem part of the, or, tire -,th tuf axorialid, SILVER N El . il ,,,,rI %Il ;ýlffl-I %,.,.l Witt îu,,Wtý waaappalin. . . - _ t, and ; L. Wiiý, a, X.th-j- 'ORS, -'! ".0. I.111'.. t., .9ýj bt thetir ritieuberý te taille 1 reteiedý1'tr4t ami') b" u&týn i "Ild V pýtlv pro ý eýý Ellui, t-, Mi,,, $4 ANI) LIQL l'ira; ll-I.ýf ,%, 1,111,lu iItiilliêl* L.-Iii Attellocher the While proceurdi -.1 catteil . thlls »ve emPmm Of the OdliteOurt'4 province, by way of the vmom lake; libatuantauter, ' 11 . . 1 1 -- . 1: ; .. . 1 .. 'ir .'l., - .. .... fi ,I,.,, ,,, -a, Ilenvite-ary todelleurd Ur. Smith 1.ý%,.Srw of IýnIod fustlftuaîcý'anaà .huerait hl-w lutrthy i loma of tùm and often. lengthy attend- ellyn &I Lutterworth. .ý . 1 .101t'-i. . . 1 iporte. He then refured to the arrange- on Thuarlday. the 25thof FebruarY il. 1 1; I , :. ý - , . l ý 1 , i... ', l ý 'i d Z -I . ý , ý1 ý, I'. ý - l - . ,ga 1 l I't 1 I., . tire happy pair Wàkýui the umv i.tluim for 1 autre of wituemin, who azo put te gratifié; 1 ment contemplateil by way of the Cau- %lic. ',ý%ýNIITit',14 PtbgtTg(),i.-At thielshe . 1 inarbiniveniencule. -a ý, ý el, , ýý 'r iuture hapixnoý May a oi- the bride'- tacher, bý the el - Il ri ý Bond the li-,t btiq- , ,, 1 ý. ,,, ý . ý 1 1 1 -'. 1 .., l. co m "&il te «ch ulthm ; adit Centiffil -for the à froulation of 1 ont ý , Il K NI i \ IZI 0 - . - î 1 ý ý 1 1 il 1 ... 1 . ,,i..ý.-.,Ii %Iur .14mith. in the ,lIir.l ,if a hurler adý ' ' 1 le Skuçe,'buth of OPI. ý Lb4)JU.'ÇlljS Titi-1 1 ! ý 1 ýý ý -, - 'l . . ý. ý.: ,, l , .- ý. 'Il ,Il, I... ý , ý 1 M M part Of 1 tu xag.w ý% 1 l', - ,I:ltlIl lilýýt lie hall ,ý,etti.luýllý "bare,ýt ait ------ a- P-%t.livi4l RAILWAT E"lýAl.f.&TION& the étiez, in thl: Eastern a Kerr,,. made b) A. Harf -11 -1 - ,ý11--- .-,.--- _., -- _ ýl - , ý> ,, .1, ý,, , I.. 1, 1 , :, I, ... " Il . , fri,ý-nIt. l'l'a ,lllmrtem tu ohiturne the rate. 0,&Ný»VI-VUTON. la Committee of anppiy au Friday DommoiL He roferted te the explor- j DIED. ilýb6.ri, n'mit til, a. -Il ,. ý'L , ,:ýl'-,ý- "' ..,,,l,.ih 'I',ý.ý ,,?r% ýtric% -,lie, and --illuld, tm htully ,ce made hý IIiný;hm jý..I uot exýý;itIt a ,,ý,, .III nghtlýv ,Ir ý -, , , r Smàrr-Qn$undat evuluitag' Thom&ý infiant ýn LaoIg . - , ý % . , . 1 - 1 t I - Lut, - 1 atiun maudle vith thisi view, and the sub- 1 of B. P. Spfflt. Linimjv. 1 Aý% al clipoutr'! autkc%*.) 1 (j l ý ., , :ýý . . _ ý. il ! -:ý.'_ :ýý,,:, ,.,I>,,-,,I.,, h;uf tue. leen ýtplr.mhimt ý IClIrre.-pondence,,ITbe fm.1 ý . m d tire 6th ý Blair, oit le. n,»It lit L. 1 41 il 41 d ia il - ý-f*1 O tuit O ý,- -,,ý, "'. aý, , r, i". __- , ýrt.,%. 1-l"I - Rou Mr. MAt-KjL;ziz 'Il ha wouM ' - qM ted to the Canada Central 1 ý_. . , ", l'il qui, ýI l'ri %, .,.ri tu 'fil - ýýl,,,e the Pm 1 = ý The gM tW»gVft t. tber.ad l uzaalîl Lu"y, ,,n Sat" Y . 1- -1 . - ý ý _ ý . . ý "' ,ý , ' ,ý ý ', ..- il%. l,-ý wnttil il, il.. 1-li l'gertrý ami Sxow But7-iD.-Thee«@»ej-did net now maire the explaffrations lie hall pro- - Mr. Ezra muthewe' &Ige'l u9 yeaft.' ' .Ný%-,I- ý ý ý ý 'il - ý. - - .ý ., . ;ý1r 'Il liait 1 D-ý. S- 1, LlI ri, k 1 ý ; *1 11; " :,I,.ý , , .-.,,' ý li-%. ,,,,. -.i , 1 4,I'rd ". .-m hall, ."a,. that 1 cratiffeni in ref«en» te, the Pacifie Rail- 1 tu confatruct the litus front. where the ' ubato»L,çeo.,ç-un tho 9th inst.. Eva Malcacist. 'Utu.t ' e j . ý . ý , % . \1 I ýz ý 1 l, .. I. - ý 1 - Il, ,%, . - th. , !, l.1 il, "Il -IlI 1-rl-k,-,, th, I- . ,Int chat the, 1 1 .ý fil- 1 hiky-live 1 da rive .. t ,, ý , ý ý . -: -th -1. :1 1 , ý,l- -t l, --ý Itiý!:,.,,,i rhtly ýý miaslui 1 8L,4ýà&rLi.-']U âutbw etortin, of Mon- j imy. Last year when th" bud ma& 1 Governiment lino fratated, eig uzhter ut W. , J. Robinson. Lindsay, aillusi j III No. 2. - Il ý ý ' ' ' ; _ , , %; ý, 'Il .- Il -r,-ý,iititet, l'lit lie , 1 "f Februan 1 . , .,.a, -%;,I%-ýý4ett the trusla 1 day ýf&illtbloekèd the nuîIw%ýb tru»JL )faits did au eatim"e of r-.wooS, thoy -m 1 mii» affratit of the mofittil of ichas irouch l 111 Dk».wý I h, 1-ii- H. 'il i-, 11J, \ N Y. , ' "'. ,: - ,', ;:,.ý, ,l:ý; ,ý,ýý;,, 'i';l , i "" ,f l- flil'lILil;ll.l. 4 the 1%."u'a'ai-lý'Il 'If' 'lot -rafale ýI1 Tue,.Uv. ý -------- -: EILýwurth IIIIII Man. the ol'IY and bý1-ý%ed -In - 'f . MA&T-Àtc.mbmy. en thuc t3ch 1 . 1 ý . 1 .1 L - ý - , 1'. , , 'h.. "Ihi,,j.i... ,fltI,-,--ýaIt-t. the% sc ati-itisr -A bevy of ladite, àcSm- î tiffactertain m tu whu ' , River, «uwud te a point in the vicint ý 1 .ÏT CAILLETU.N Ut ý -. 1 ý 1 ý. ýl ý... -1 1 , Il 1 1. I., 1 .: - . 1 could ho made with Bàt" C.C;71um « i ilky oit the Village of ]»uglm& The 1 Dr. il, M. uair, euw 1 ywàr and 5 al -rittl& I Har-t Btiie>., ruade 1 ý 1 1 1' _I Il i . . . ý. . . . ,,, ";";,Z.,.,ý,ý>,t.,ý,ý,,ýý,-:ýrý- .1tli!i.,aa Iý -rIv am -,--itIle @al 1 - ri ta ate-ar!string Bà»d.,Iuriuînýod the on Wedne-da%* the firth înýt., Edith, . FýiI, . ý . . :-i l"', - li.1I rualouriralf lapon ,va e- m nuculýtàlamiav e,ýttinu àauchey They P-po«d, if au extension of tifne ý àNordLeim Ct)lonùmüozk Company were ' Btltlt"w*-- ýý ,lýý. , ; ., - ,,,ý,,.,.,1,1,- tais. ti, ai _ : : ZII!, ,il 1, ý* M, i ý Sarah mllant daughter .4 È palmer -Burr--, Fu, b jalialluile. uI ý ý Ilt...,;",.Il, ,ý"% 1lFl:Iýf ;et"":4. 'lat, Illeule ira leý%iuti 4% theïr re-.titar aveuI meeting. -e the rem - ^y.Lý . ý 1 - 1 ý . 1 % l, Il Ils 'i4)ý II., 1 1 , 1ýý - . ;, ýil , i'. i :1- el ý ý ý ' ý wu granaterd, te proctered, et cam with 1 givrent the same privillettes avaler the roRd ý .r,ù wiLi leuâ% douce A Dr. 1fsàrrüýllt Wil . , l h, ,,-.,ý ... .... è', ' 1 ---.40- - , ý uetreýhment., were proVided by the latin ' eut, and . a ait 3 O*Cý)&. , . L'audire Maýhint, fouille a,% î ý . l - r - II. % I 1. , - l. ý i"i,..,Ie."I'I*.I,, ý'. rh'. ý.,,..,ýi,-t,"'ý,0 ý JKLI)#).V. 1 totale bv the band. .1. Vary pieutant esoninic aurait, ; the work and m thM cm the amaituat 1 m the Canada Central wrould obatain. ' ba- Street . Chmpt-,ta, uiadc by Br,, . ý l 1 V 1 ý , i , quent iý the hall. : 1 required vould ho very large. Thm 1 and whea the KingM= and Pombroke 1 B@II1ý ObI*0, meule IIII, L 1 1 1 ý ' 1 rater, ropoired and lerir much taisplussaveai. The jurai- ý aw&r% fMIen throffigh, and thoUgh alti- j the Mme privilegille. The courait wjucb ýý1 1 , ,, Ilý.,, I i;,: t , l. .1, %, rýI.-N il %il Il %j-, ýNft.. 1 ctt-%I-IL mziNt.ýrKýt-- ,jhe »econd soo. R".tiu.4.-The town hall hm lately ý arrangementa baud, - » memben ,artiste ! ruad wu built ý . .. 1 ... .l, - - j ,ý,,.l;,,i 1,',,I ' ïIý". i il-,- b.'Ill,,Ia q,.,Il,,l-;l Ilal held ait Wý,ýtille lilrle;urtaim it,.f the . lýubtie,%-hý l i.. tauglit litre ý ý ý 1 . . I.. - ý - , 1 l, l - l, ý. 1. ý 1 % , .. Il - -, ý:. Il . - .l'il, a thIa,ý ý anately other arrangement% hall beau i h" been =««ted by serieral zontle- WIL CAJRB» o . . ý .1. 1 ýý .. .. ' ýý -, ý ý, LavArcaruarts7.ýl. 3jetil4ýlireýt.,,t The ultillireur, are muels allure cumfortable thau T ELE GRIUT FEMALE REMEDY ýL . 1 'l '. 1.'i - . - ý, j,ý "I' tý.-",. (!.."ii,,h;I.1, .%.hIII.,I. Id.F.ir'i.,I, ; ,a>. -Vie latit-rt 7 made, tbefte wu nothinc te justify them ! mm connectouil with the Xularthsm Colon LmdMy, reb.:. ..5. 1:1 ý . . ý . . 1 . I.Il Il.. ý.,ýI;,ýl, ý - - - ----- ý ý 1 - i . Il -l , ý;I 11, "Il -,.,.,..,A, ý%1,.kt"i .%I.,,,ý,àl,ý.v, ýt.IIt.,I.,«,,Iýýt,,i Cautu:ài.-The only church beil in 1 in reflicing te, uhika snob preparado" imdon Co., and by sev" members ý. the village as tbat lit the Metitudist church. Iý,l.ll 'I', . ý This * IMI mi,-ht be needed in the surtout ofthoir of ParBament4 vise te follow the Otta- Job losef Pui& d P& ý . ; - 1 1 . ,ý . - '.. >.. , i. ,ý 'f ; _ r', bl NIr Ni, F.ý,,,i..-,I. That the Civrit dit et lum, nu. bell would no li-mils be of VlilevenienLe onthe ý - A ýr , ý ý . - ý 1 - 1 1 ,lit f ,il tir, ai ï. hý-I ,.,rl>,t.tiit-,,. Ektora tuaue the 1 allèll . athfay sucre it rumait 1 , coming to terme with thait provium wal River on the northerla " unI This invm" O modicine Ils tmfailing in thilla 1, . -., Il ! 'il 1 1 . I)urýet=Uv al the ippoui L ' Il op- ,iI.ý-,,.t tr% Vr;Ituý lu their $eVtiýn tu deplotit thoir ý tel lutinais; but the irreffilarity with whicilla ait il, : PrWUCa y the recult Of lent y«rlà Oppoffite, the mouth Of the matawm , cure 0 au thesur lustral &ad danzmu> dlft"« tu ý . ý % .. , il 4 ) ý l 1 . . ý . . ý ý - ý1.' I -ý l"p', ý- - 1 tl.1iýimake.it a disarrra"il, to'the lino as j %Illich Ibo fecSule ,Quuitutiûu la eubJect- ltmXiie- ,, h-,ýi, ,Iltil the «rý,ýý.,hIp cierk. ýý pr(,ýid," for by 1 -rg-,-ti-. ý eratit;m baud, beau the expenditure of River and thence in m direct a nuo and r«move* aU labautructiolis, and Il .ý . il', . 'el uLmàýe* tu éhurch woing psalliote. The . rates an exc% 1 1 .1 L . Il ý ý , ý , _.ý 1, "..a Il l 1'.1I, the ,t.1tIIt" C «a,,I'.1. jjl,,eýi t'y Mr, el"d"Inau 1 Sulà Zatiffluls ouglit tu m* tu thilla at ,lace. *W ,000 upon larmille in conneurdon wu pointillais te the mouth, of French Ri"r. illuelaircuie MI ha reliait on. cWiap . . li . ý ,. ýý 1 1 , ýf - III, 1 ý 111.ëI . ý-,.,uIIv,1 Il, NIr. NivllUrchéan. Tlul the ,IIdi".Iii ý explormoury and inaîtrumental survq& But the lino hum montreal would thug i To Married Ladies, . ý 1 -1 l' . 1 . ý ýL 1.1111 ... .... - ,' l I ý Il , 1 8t - MOOL Hoc-N P.h. -The troistaillest of 8 1 It ira pouculiarly boitillai. It Witt. la a short rame . ý 1 1 . 1 ý ý 1 A % . ý . l 1 1. ', I.,. F,,,,ll Il, le elwIl.Joi lit 21alm il% tazihail out He would proceed te ive .l . .1l t S. Xu. el Uvm-hip of Br-ek, have lit lait ,Unclud;ýl gxve a mmmw7 bave blien sonte twenty miles lataer and oa the mont ri With rwdý,iiaritv. la . ýý ý . . . ý ý , ý ý i le !ý, , !, "id, , -", 1 l If M 1 - 1 5lý tý4rriM. goved bv Mr. Mc. 1 tu initial a brick schI h,,Use. The ýIId bourse hm 1 of the Yeuses operations in thst direc match mm "nà,m thm the Othor. -prim #1 . . 1 ý - l l .1, - ... . ... haren verv j mul, condemaried for ,-me venais. The ýomtraý provient couriterfutitlt. . Il . . 1. ý 1 ý Il 'f 1 1 Il . ý . %i . i, ý , ... ý 1 1'., .F.,....ii.t,. ý--I-I,,It re, Nir. A-hSau. That th* Itins ,ý,1,.mi trit.ýWeý,,i Cat.ni4,toiL are aise itakinair pro- ' tion. Zarly in the semon a party had ! He would outlaw reffer to the e .tu j pili.,h,)uid out ha taillera by FemaLes dur i Ne w . , ý ý . Il ý . .. , -- %, --, ', %j,ý ý,f 'v, i', J.il .I.,IuI.Mll>temi, ma trattiairent persiS, : parcationala atéla boitai a ,%-hSl haitalle, which AWI ha i beau dea" eud te ma" an «Kploratuy whwh wiffre bung loi. They.would sa First Thrft montib et Piegiancy. z.ý Ghury 1 :. . 1 - .. ý . il 1. ,i.,. j--ý,- ,,,., .fý,,ý;.1,ll*.,,ýý,m 4,K, Io, Mrs. âhaw. *Who remiti" 1 an - ýnurmis lot tu the village. A partition là go- 1 survey fralm Lu La Hache ria Blue bel Jet " moutjL It wu as matter of 1 ýe2zI I l , . %O tort a à mi4carriffle, but ait &ni ocher 1 . '.. 1 L'L;lý,"ýi > , Z.,..,?, -,rý 1.11i. . ý . J.Ihl. .;U,.,a il, le (ý"Msb4i-t-,ner. inait the menait this, week ýk>liuiting ime thov arte = . . TMOMMURDÉLI 1 i1.11 ,ý,,i....t 1l'v'la.t, , ' ýi.Ij %ýI-,I-IlhV%%I, ,al F hen.ýetotfdedhy ý 'ha 'r'L"e" 'Il 1 River, toi the North Thompeoic4 about the gr«tut importitactu to get into Fort .. ". _ , f_'_;ý;, ,?..m a'. 0 l Il Îtr' tuit a numinç; of treehoIders and houteieholderi, to ! in au mates 2 m ramons Md spi" ls«tioný 1 ý ý l .1 . \. 1; ý, , , , . b.,i..I, That thl ,iina, . of luellaccing a malar ,lutta, au; -ý \1 . . . 1, ilý;... -11 I., ,,, , %If Ni, f$4I)!"'IuiIit-,rsickV- ,,,ýýidr th, iâtimintity the centre of the Columbia region, with GkM with a lino of railway ta b«* 1 ý 1 1 - .I:ý;ýI -1 , ,.ý;I..,, il 1 ",!. ýt.,I, 'I'..Ir IL .%ntý,tm'l%[. ýa., Î.Illouar.: ýiI, -M ý cite Ilirellent lino La vaury tow. .. m swa " Fait. in tý ka" rjml» Fatigue ,ýn ,aght ex ý : L ' , a view to alicertain whether or not it pouffetible. Owing te th@ fintrandeul de- ý entaille, Palpitation of the suraîtral. Hy»utie» and .1111, -1111, al, a) [174. file s»,,biIt ,lit M,,Ib.,»Ud"ý -lait zI. t'a Wilitee, theule Fille Witt @&Klually cure, when &Il ; % %t l ,ý ý- -'l -:11 [-,,,t , iý.ý..l li,,t,;,ý'.1tl'ot"",Obepaidu..%rtaýt,.,,,as i PiamiL -On Friday e, 'î 1 - l , Il - NI .11-0 *; '. " , 1 ,çTaTio,.ç. reainu ý leu piracticable tau eut of the ~ bond , primilou, the àm in Manitoba h" ý ,rallier meure bave faillaud. and alibough a 1 ers un- l .. ý, ý - 1 . . . 1 Nttl'..it l.ý %lý.%,t,,,ýw.,.M.Iý.le'l hyMal. Mk-FýrVhen ! prisedtheirlUtilLiterwhoLactivmturned tri) lu em corce tn a complots, mtmdad& ý ut remedy. do not contain iron,1, 1 ' - l'et. cerried. i the taisaturaytertant e)'%Ctevwon et " value un,.1 . ý :;L ., 1 i:tti.ill, il., .rler ,atelt Nih ,4-,Vetaemr ! of the Lm La Hache te Wh , atmek A cou- j piùM casoule ait . . ý 1 l.1 J, Iý:.Il1.- 11,it. a, i me ý ' aid7ffýJo.iortio»t of a - lino bom St la direttions Lu the taimaliblet aruutiti tracta il Ill-11 -d a,,. -qua .If ,ý_'0 hl- I.id J.,hn )k-Arthur fil; 1 wedd mat trip in the wII whin the iuUuw . In Z 1 the ThompSn River, by ghû:ing V- - ý m;ýk .>r anything final tu \\ ,% l'""l , 'l . .. . . . :'ýl'll L'f ý--. ý ýlý?ý-1,i,,ý.,ý,tt.e.«,thý--,IltFi-t.litztitiçr,%. 9%1)tmald. , drolou waIl, Pft4ent0d. =OMMied Il ,k- _. 1- _- Ci .. ý- 2ý71ràl'hu-! acrom the affitille endtýwd hv, tlha 1q.11*1j; ý _ . - - __ ;, ,. i 1 ý . ý ý: 1. . 1 ý 1 - l'.. .. 1 ..,:, i,ý,,IIIli ....... I,ý,. izin , .am oli U.,ý-1 all, u- ,I ý --* ---;---- - ----a - - - - - - - j 'i 1't - ýK 1 'ý «' le lo- remi elle mill thiffl fîme auxi ted in this dirmâ 1 - -aii. -_ - -- W --- 9- - ý "M'Y wwe Bor, ....... pat--ji. Ont talait thr Recýe do attate the, eurporeilles, 01, wu àiMpjy tho mu of the Y wl out del&Y.- Lmwy». Gable, à Co.. to be deliv. " * hy Mr. MuFArchen. Couxcm Xixum . -The BuckLwhut4 P. Q., irrite- seuil couna nut Zut t. tho m 008@t. Wbi& lm- gal«tricOU. WeUdittakowolLl-"àjLfdby 14 r Ilowi. t hit t he Itim of twenty &S Gleerne on Mondiely. Mareh la. pursuleurs an à& ha uth BruS bad - flosab" F a mm" ébussie, Thar to S,,« the expenditum % ILOIL .aIl Sb* member. Min uld, hoirevu, obtein a 9" Of 100 momber for 80 mi NORTURUPS. &X. TLHYU)LàLuî. PTHomaLomn»,,;.Oyn.t., . 1. S. The MeV t1ir, ýi 1 jni.l Diel, for rmli johdo" journment mette to 112 fêtait to the claile &Bd thm verts the pap« m to la Slerd by lm Ar . t7ibD'mý utelliet prv%-ii)us meilleur resdaidapepurookved. %I,-KeeItio aied Th" 81» fabettat fifteau MU plâced a question on the a" Electrizaïad. F, k III. Ill r. rtiten. ne; est hy Mr. R"ik, »ee-rtded kiv Mr sa tO thst P-W- cource intended to be p le %il %Ihullive, That the- C.Ulwil do"tiol c.,IWct..r lie allowed t tilleul lu rew Fur a" in La by IL Urtov,>,, 31. W. Min- at Wixxiville when týll@d *sainte tabler, -viv @M: aliew, matiàbxwrv vIuchent, SI We tion toi Bridah SI C. Brinun -, in Olialkaroud, by 'f Il, elle lIrer'e. ait beenýproduSd*. Edward k1eldhoise, taites, *-Y" Columbii HI, roferréfî thuz» fla- Panerait tg ghs OWY«PondeM pqbb&W in re_ a ýýButIer i,,Omn»,b,,T*Xattbett;tný B O O T W. mium Klanneth Iatthewýýn. 4tto: Wldow ne- difficulties, in the pomp of *ë Fm" Flaité ny L B Botte" auci, J. nug«&Ld 1 j te*. -Carried. Mnved by Mr. Smilbson, MODUt" eXMPt thOOO OW t i to. the 0 in Colicaccau, by W. B. Grandy end G. à B. Andre" 1., 1 im 0 tare, ferecS propomd" trau lik v ii,,( IVj liy Mr. Moyalaits. Théla John attellerai lie ai- MotgnoU frout MgtleMM4 A Un V 8" ths CýWs1ilMout hsd ffly- oweel th. ýu.Iî of thralle doilleffli taxý ledit in orru lier (À14À. . 1 1 r' hâtai beau made in tarder tu compalve the bitradol,4 as K v lel, - I.:Indthat. talc Petièvegive hi--wd«for the-eu. - 1 there wu nothing to artai- NI, ' ach halte MoRoot fftbrtz carried. M-ýveeI hy Mr. ýwSnded hý- Mr. 1 probable out of thille vaious Possible traits a t varie quite Wit- t' il, i, -Ur. Wcal. lie and la 1 dite new bMck r,%ý: gea&I rhala the CoIW rellaites in Britiséa Columbia. Thýj rissait ."(a in th, teil, &.il il i', a ' herelly relie iloitued tu *I4Itýct the Walite of taxm hug te lmve la M IDLA.XD R - 'a' II InomwIl le - tlnI.,. p I wu balai red oed 1 In the roll of IzaTý4, and thàt the ellid collettor de Io Ili the 'Al huilding whieh LI l Zy .711= Wh«b« the "Id not, -411 WAY OF càà*ià- veulent the toit un or bellivre the flarlit lilial, of 'Poil ý vouldo - ._uýI fot Thi. et-tion dcétirve. t«%.-Canîe& Moved by Mr. Moyne%. mmuded i viner *0 drmmmbnm& afiscelà the DA. Il"r 1 rk.1.1 b.? 1.19tina op leuelle a fine boildine id albether the rhlý plmtm th&% lire am & very enterpriansf pSplu. hy, Mr. Rmn% Thm abc, fellovinet ovation and ac- 1 Presepe fbvcmbâ tum thM OMU'be expectold. Thoir qe4mam wmim3jmp. 1 ýf= IviàL joller Littioton. -tuuf» iab" 1 route survc-yec4 au fiwý in shortum ci violer@ hà Lord,4 hd in very atimý&qflll lafflial, Wu e. Francis Sykedo.*4 distance, and in eaùnm of gracle. go-ral adop TAAM aprm 11110 'rit,, criait illill in (loilit: i stici il.., Se tèd, but ho bad v4ggeabd efleme 'Ili il, il)* the Meth..11.11; peu- t*tta-. L"t D. Bierr. phmng Audit-ri, ]Report. *W. " ép w-ý lier --iai -ý ýu,,ee-fuI 1 the Il wSunaa Io lie puid ont of platir rate: thon referred ta the mumffl Md ex- tbAt Maht be donal. It vould bas te- TUadU, tM 1M Dwm bS, 1874 ,-r> *aý. Th.- Re'. %Ir icavsa 1 a. L'tè)-mm for eoma for A. nutbewýon, 0; IL B. ploraitiollas Made in thm pordon et the w»mbered tho*, withont waudt"g ZU-LNe SORM. I Ibn. . àliiLek. Mr A al- relui a 1 relatait for allenficine file Kelly, èS.e S. IU-*aby %vIrk ,Il file' au ! itutry 1 toirards stelles 1, U%- 181,l. tel il k tu extelwit 'a) as. auti out tatiller swe aý-.Ima for & nathewýnmý 41.10; ud laits M lie 00 Y'W *e 'United thommly« to lhquimah m the atumati il. ,SI «ý. M th Pt! Th 1%0 Word%-tlle,-hoir gmulya> on >. rogion Imm h" offend taille botwom end ci " maw*i, the tiIi, q1flafin lielnalle extellens roulette. Wh" M@& batancla enfant, nortla of VanceinvS emmb" the i- -.4 aie, j,ý terommiespeillaitien -Cudul. Soved by Jir.2-gi, navair from Maquiacult to omm» «« 12:56 a. ....1 iiiiii, P. Maë 7:25 mitded by Mr. leuvilloi, abat the petition of IL Umd Md Fort Gougise, W " be. .00 ML _A soutiself of Iafsd to proffl' With it et Oum; 1:15 V. NI;. lIIq tel the 344rii-om Voinivil ww bolet alla tbe te" hall. Cligr »king fur a um4w et the niveau hemm explored, « »R m ceveral passais thst wu I" ywS, and " they vould 1:38 j oie àkndav. Warh the ah. Purulent %0 zmutud tu M" XOL*od, Md thu abat a"eve Md throu-,h the Conseille chaîne but no m. ClOrk Volant th* DOCOWMiy lqertifitalé ý *110111 M Sbla urvm on " Mawand wmdiue ý.j llùrii#twns. Ait 'the mrmbm pruent. The aWimat compilés with the of the tirély Liverable route basé beau dhwv- m vas owuàmbmt vith 2.30 Î5 voin thochibie. The law.--Carried. à lanées lailialbefore the Orgha arrevre, ...... 3:40 ai, a@ Mar. John Clarke lacloved. me. the Courieil hy the Rearai U&tiDg sba% afin Mau III The route rdund te in mi. Mt, m Th" h" furdm I'n'v'm PU -G-O130 %%'il c.balle nélr mititalit l'y th" am petillon Of the mal tbroue %bit town*!R am atmM taispeud. baud to àpmd a mm of not lm thon 7r pi«aing-amport»No. 7, m pmba, S.. 6, pMiug the Quin« bit. Moved by Mr. Moyaieil, seconded by Mr. .............. lacletton bly the i*orfeat. »Uhmg the hiad of P.M et, el, la- III b'..iaw fier I.Minli: debmtuffl, t'I the qmihom, Th" m Un Mau Il. 50%M par maum vithin tho Pko. Tliv .... .. fil -ri in.V. allib"Illet lit f.Ir theurortil not a IMM .wbonl in a beait laccete 1* traVei .,B "Sourit ce the North Bmt" arte. It hm sictil the, rofid vu finimhe& 12:1» le il,,, honle Mel'eiàlmt g prItyllir f the Matalle, tw imterga"ivecil disait Mr. »mtgma lie overaaaawl ballon aü àurpeyed, howevS. m il graute.l. CýrriVd. feu. aleu&rm tell, wÀta tenu Imm Mt Smidmed, bUt *OakwSd «« 2:17 «« Wille Valait flaitt. évond. sud thinl lainée ard Md roïde batvm La" 10 Md they SWd nut pronotansa deddedIZ the - vu ramd outhe Point Who" *Càmbm 1; Il.v p, .... j,ý 'Ir Maieiliparti. JohuCWkemWVm Pukisme. Mr. IL am" lie ««uw for up-M it. A bad bom Lbw-y Zio 19:10 a. m. 1. Illi. 11--levre III- ý,I. hilt 1-1t, 1111Y.11, Zld The mm" ]& JOIM Cook ormuum ur!z:m -m authSizod to offw thom &*50 a,; '-el, j"quel. fri.-IldI l'O .11 rh'. .",a,", l4c1ý Ill il,* 0 appointait tu *xeus $1.» 01 the WAÙI route datant im icachaldaý hsd thora. 10:50 0 II:ý t" Illèle a thiala vieunivilleil iImiè (und lm".@y i ho 1*541XIS bon ce 12 m »W fond Sol (lm bouadwy and tb« the PAm i to circes *q = a 1 Rivw, or Piao Riv- or BOL- xe*(Xr. 1 mabe«k LZ mot, P, V IC T I i the uIwn#hlp fiar 1874 roporbed leil ficalleute: Taillas ai, tron"w refuse »Wu" F" agiter, fa &Z se. or P«N. «L b"«u *e grod UMOU@âçm to lM, termine, %11 ttIi#NI wille hile the Mint-Ser Sait j hm Md on Sée lm catit. L% »deu«"OwmSte aumrbuteumr Places Bhw. lmmtmd, Pssa. tz imvimg it tu Bd" C." bà tg eoffle the, hlIlIv amie, rom4trad 17, cavait la I.Rjd 0- 161- k . - SOI, it " mat& tumed 09 tel be 1,ý il lie 111" A lwlt- 140 .11 liait rolla 0 fffl Wl". avait 7' imb" tbwàt a Imité Ç«II .1 a, k, la-Ivii, I, The hi" aud tu $100; çu S" *Wu lia"Ille be4w«n " 10 Md 1, M& Md the lgS& PM« "be ;I; teillait allie I,% aller aile ImltI *qui aaItýjç,I. %% Whffle *bM. feuillant a, nw fi" &b"lý 2w laisa. Pair lie m labeair da *Dam WMUPM au-4 wort %lotalpIdilly ..Q, jud haeau, Ill', roci, 4800. on S» M"h ONL lots . lawmdd for Sable Um «* aumý abc" (Ga 0 t the lAkMUUWIM.. Lits lm 3 lbé, tuer albout 210J rleeb 84 es-illa PW raid. Ilsés; on »W bmd et the voýý êtrough Qum Boum 4 lb& sth ai%*, îem of le il- Bétwa. boMir« a , = IM labla ét W" wut be commet Au *6 ethorte Tous me .. ..... .".a t.4mlo-ef. bvido alui aithw-tu votait Me. tota. il ýU& 08 te iroidddivow n",P" Lmw*e motion Ut Mr. wobmer, latioccaliad >jm lit. z, ka affl bu ow en th» lem »MW% *0 ro" VOUM bu. ...... a the reliors W» reMvtd =4 molettent. and sbouiw> Ur- e ndmouto% whm it voeu sI âo The tý fisally Am»Pbd lui iv le 1."Wruete le I»Y the te IV ibu 1, - vue 11:19 f,ýr tg emw %& Thor 7.111111, .. 1 SI, Nicw qq.èlt)tbt. Héiwitic q..h.wbl çtmdi" *l»Inluieu wtth the by-law. ()ab MMI#m of se. ad «q»mmd tbà imam" of *LjWdýM Par »UnaL m. 'ilke FU i te be Smplated chortly, »d tWr= t>iarke. Ilecondocl ý Mr welaiter, a by-jaw levot, in- conna la *0 M ,M W maum d»BU bit coulmuw&-At Uffl wilà OUM Trou 4 !111j;:;:ýll-j A ad. re . pokom. etoutce l. la- filia"est contails advwuwmmbue tint et thon hévaï a ton" of the Servelue lad a, in A" wtoiý »Si ýQ& Xaù Lioà, a. M . .I. :, Md, - M'. tum chma frqm tho pýom -AW Ubla- *0 Pmmm of Ba" CWMb... i borne**- &W&lm 84 SI latata"SY 00% WQ& bàw- imimàdpeâe lie laccartal ont te TIMI fer Rodm- .. ..... ... ..... III .a ýjaI t;.,tN:t4 1p"ýtT. .9. Weir, tavais (lit gaeï, -am et élis lie Fm ab Débort -M paprukýe> dm lu- OSIL fuil , z= Mr. plarle Lme moiedý ne. br Ur. Court ce @ab" m Iliver mu*- Np«& " to fiffléa " rulwav ma fur. 19. Tiinerannoub c wu U" on mm Tork am am rffltud Daim as *8 ettatio M» m O*W verd. Piratas, the warzaction et tkk geotmm têtrocel, " Province, Md omatud tni» for m. e-1 m M» apiai "It Il Wowlots *IF otdw IMM ta les" a on ommmd it avacs evidmt do'nWam te , vilt imaumd vical Se, ilie, W«4ý te Stoppait #M MIS Oum - du= for = " *III; @Md bobo in gau rwaon &i2wý abo" _ W~.-Câu§NL 3lentbribý Rmnlm4 grantar Pm" of by *9 - _:ý -Midftlim 'S.". ".%a -ýVàvrwa- Oh »*Wm of lerle a D. ville. jooad" bu Mr. enum ïEver Peur 188% b"jý» agbm"m et tissa id 'Amm = pur gobuaMI4 Md au D ry G ood F.-r'.f le le, la illeilliao twlokvud for gait, RW, $@@OUA" by »- fm Ison'on Sso tu-àl@Rbt udbbe intwoomi 11votala w1hefthebeau *bomm e@l4 p Md Malaise buw bm *0 umblm lui" to rm ttmmlâ,*"fl V., Se ax-ýittffl for whwb Mr. willer humi Imm rd hmmudr Islam. dwm vc th tous& et Mi» Pnom Ver ta. ý freine hi. @%W=- IIIIIIIII Of villa* Marteau. me et tg Mr »Oms m talisman, ta Pmà»MM " deddm m- = - UOM&wftnwgmmol Aft galwea. no, Md JOM CIWISIK M WWOW-»Wkt". mm of J. C.ý -C b& a*,[..% tKý_ nmr 4w hi, la 1 clank Pm Boum Ma a si mi ack thm te &I- oangwmd. mi mu auý star Imm ralletail Ma fiétala bu WAY au 1 q"ý a; 11ace, subu" jeaveaiL 0; Jdm 1W mmu ÎR ti» WO«k CIM aman" enepwb M ý i pu" @@ma& tel', 0. al.i ble Netmèn alleuter au" th*= gagen 1» 4% IRMt On MW" 09 nt. Cbut% §@coud" IUAM im m mm"ý lîk tu ineuv Iov nierwe. S jubrAW the cwmW« *q&«~ W# wM e M. Web@W» *0 Con" ladjouraaaaala te me ldk wbbkh" beau muk *roh m- IaIr Md fatterte WU passe »-*W th àP*bg *9 èjcvý ou IL a *TLO116 Wistio. re-lea". t'ý,qhtr. salaient. WEO rtoiolbt oral NOVI, mdftmb" m tmmu" a et lma ommivo& LA

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