Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Mar 1875, p. 1

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ý 1 1 ý 1 . IMM11111111111111, ý . 1 ý - 1 CortLi J., iý; _'I;ý.%r -.& ý ý 'Vfob~ 1 ý 1 1 . _ý ý îé-__ 1 ý 1- - 1 - - - 1ý- -WÈEMI-m- .. . 1 Il 1 . . tiAutit tv4sxgfiblb" . 1 . ý + z (190*9 t.iktell* Aed" feu la Ille, 1 1 . (leuveb bf,,*,*, l'ind.6y . d&-.dàk.& 1 ý __ --- --.--,--" 91. W ' klb (4m). I)IIN$tr()R» I#àw . - I»d tle,*,«*Py (Xký*. n'ff 0. bo$tffl% . . - 0-le- , li,,,,I.*v ... - . 1 . . . - 1 - ý - - -- ( ; 1.!, )I, ' 111K I)tbnIKR, ltarrtqtor, jks. 1 . el l ' le 'ý l'aw 4«'I i"e#'t "' (!I'ý"I'*Fv (bnr*' K-- ,I 1 .... e"y 19b it 1941tetm ïtit 110# f4 . ý I. . 1 . 1 1.1-ViNtèýtlr4bx. 1.1. fi . l4rLlri#t*r. i ý . 1 ý ý . . il , -ý,-,% I ý:.11 ý III , éý;.I. ý1 ý it.-e Il, t't.ý.b, 1%. Zé', . weil ! - ý -7 ý' -'ý-"""-'" ý - ý - ý - - - .- 1 --- ý--.--- -_ - hm , $1 1 ). .i , . %t..i ,i ry itr, iiiiriAtt'r, At. ,....l, .""., ,,ýI,.ý ""ý,.""ýitýýl,,,9"..".ýly.ýqbt-. j'Vol. XVI. Wholé Numbet 809e . LINDSAY, ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 12,1875. 1 ", , ..'tellk, oq,,,k. K,,,,t liteloilie le. . Il, . 1 . 1 . . MIN ý . 1 - - -1 - - - - - - - - -_ - ý - --______.- %Il)' bi'm". It-tert4t.,r. Att"rlq"l . « I -4 JI WA Y. - ,-, * ,-I ,ý",;.ý..." ... (*h.",*fv IWFý;4 #1101111rart, 1 FU EFE& bwLt ce, à ut ce a vhukiom Mt toie -Tas FIMUJU& 'R A cAà .., I ,I.,.,I.:,.,.;, l*.ý-'q.]. 0IIi ýu ii.sit. b » I al O&M ,-4 - . ý Kf..,i ,tttffl. - 1 - - _ .- . - - ---- ,__ý - > bgm M" et athm-, *mu be *0 thiaff fuir ý . ý I , . ý ý - 1 1 1 1 __ 1 ý r . 1:e FS~udw«tw mu ChumbUL» ]mu or A wimm MM-T» Pm- WM» IV la , \ 1 b %,It il r I)mt.lcrail, . Ic. itic',Ç,'Çlt'rT Rt)ltfp-ItT-4. ý I>ROPIT.'4 ABOUTTO Ï]iDIVIDED -. AM IO.2%0.6% g. :».. -% d 'Tiïru, W" bu yen ho soin noir à» Pao««MOFMM»&D. wnàr Ir .. .. - 1 9'c.ý P.'. -.1 --r-, . a llIbfV»"iýt 1-0 ý%., e-ý'I (!hI-f",I.)fv(It» the i - -z. omw Md »hrbk sein . Il ý r danumied lbm»tm Pb@" re - ci Ibo IW«u làbmLj VIL et'. IIýI ý.I, I.. ý ";;,ý Ille., V. .... ,,ýl Illieillek I,:I,ýI. i V l'Il .%l , .ý.È ama . ý. l".; .' 1 , N#.àl.u,,..",%V."Iý,.,Élýý,ýýt',ý.ýt.l.ett.,tbotddl" WM luov id-amu ga ou 1 Te " es lit PUM& it, ý,# K*»ý lt(ly,%.,%( 'r'ý%li 'W 'ill 4IV 1.0-49to.14, ICNO. 1 1 1 ;ý Tba = trots tils, i sol% -0141 -au TOL --Ana& :Kmwhb"mdinu the 0" »Vuûy J= . ' . 1 - - ; '4*1e..,dit ('Il ,,, - el 1J,ý 8*t..).Vlt. f. ru"), leil i Tue$ ah" ý . . 1 et the = viutw,*» VU& pu- of future PEWM .VLIN. 141"riqt"p. .'O,,Iitito'r . ,*ket!"II,ýIt.,Iý.,et .... IldI - ý.-e-I..e*1.1.q or ý->It> . 1por eveil Md «« tw low om Imm bd Chumu visi touscit Mr mb» f«Md ri» et tw Vmbada Bou- tàvl AIIý.Ib . le - ýIlI, I -- %ét..".*" 4-1.,,k.,f ljý ý t,4-i«t gel, I elle ý..It,. . ý-ý.,,. el . ý etoffl 0%r die ewmwfti Mr*. abSit it, fer ma thins - but 1 kmw à ý"d11o7 I*ý . .. ";; . ". . "I'.., ý , , 'Il 1 - eh"t,.""".,r, "_ __ rbr avelle Md erw the a"Mil ras ý- __ ý __ 1 & We lud a !;vit ý w" MW "M *9 bqMnàg. et do ma dosage amon, ýl . Yi ".. ý. _., D à Lin P&& m hm bluk hM ud bum phi% .... _.; 1, : letic Nira Il S. lll;"I.*(b twbqb il, !ý CA N A - dils Md nuit et *8 chou- vu"m hm bases by m assises illiaisi. O&Mgim Id - _ , M (, IR-111--te Il. te". i.l.- 41-1 Aloifflelisle'. ý'f ý CUM M D» ARTXM , a" à bu on M. 141,1#1 il tà'i.è.,%Ity. %tt-,rlè0yýstý ý---I-l1I eIi.,I.,.»I,ýt,,-, ý1Izte le , OMAW-4k. robruwy 096 M& M= rue jb= pagelle . I.,e ,,. - 4 ý >.. . è ý ... et. . 'b..". ",*:,.ýh" I; ,l 1,& Il 'I'n"ý. X"...,ý,I.... . ý.'_" Il te, , le el Il le ,.:eI,ý.,le: ý ý - niqw. som nottes, *Wü-m d him &M t-- Ilopea.torputoi" puâlw. , at, the Il - - If ii.- II.i Iv.,iiý.",t, -,> I.I...ý:oý.,e. ý IIIII.I, «. ,ýtw.g.ý- 1 Th$. 1"ýtue" bavius hm Wà»Lsslm nt A«"rbw Dh-M - àmwbma lavoielle. ma Pm lever, mm «W un uffly muchu whïuhelmal m capl ïadtheyhue mmm7, and bddim batelasse làne hais, hý,m tics . _: ... ý ý 'Il "- 1;,,,;:ý".- ftrmw collette, 12 per cel m il" Killailciltat . 4 auch dimett« . ,et '....., ýb il,ýtll', 1-1-tif ý%I'f*-, IM7. el.- toute -§or@ ounm,»Wd ail the dauffl et J. iolum". p4n«u«"»7.11: soný tmdL moiser hem el lis ut t6 boit, ou ce a Smuw" Pm" cd ira -;- 9'... .11 wý'I_':";I.1,;' -le. ' - Il ' , "'.- m Dow comp" ý ý il %U I)I)N' - k;. .il, 1:.,.ý« III.- qla,,Il.i e the rarl.% Iifaile, ,If ammm»obmpwâu. go a" tre. 1" ,iumn 'NIe.1,4".Iie . 19>6&8-intti. ý . là& comwàumàmw et CUUM& on the W& mehumbu teed UWY - mmay doist W , . . . .. , Il. t 1' 1 i 1 ffs Auti M AL m mu ý _ &Md udwooý "Ylhat a 1 11__ " joisagisésir ho me dàtdbu" zaM.v fer éhe mil& boeulaing et 1' ý: ý 11,ý '. - toifis. spolient .0 *le basés, of pellespil -, - "= *.e= m M giv mm " lâche 01 JaDUU7 of églial, holà fui N 1 10 I _ , - ;'et; .":,.,*tý,,, 1 ý - - - -Il 1 m" have bom !" mil Mi BY*"W. .- 1 K-,,,- 'I,,ýl %%,.:,,,. ,,_,ýt' '. __ ý b lýýe, geai eà» . 1 ý .. ', 1. . Il, IIII IzI .qbcb bullèneme. Meule PERYM . FSwwww««*Otffl hmt *4111se bd M" to au a, "«* Md Mt Fm the Ctmapuw have lied = Mtm for it. %, 8 1.1111J.11, 1) 11011.1., K %sV gtrket, ï l'elle, týlaýl*DY.ý 34(bgbtitATlt BATS& 'O." téss finalisera U'er WU dites, dzm it ilp, mi àWw it ;i- i;_ WM cm hitudred. mm m wSk a..«h ci die Io lie kmW l 11, ,; % 1 % lz, 1'l'ý. 1,.%". (:i"",.,.ýr'. -bo-1 1 11ý11. 'l...ý-.I, .?- IZI,:,,ý, tt.l.,Il,. J. N14u,..1*1. tituti.q. l'ile whilette Advantalle. ago»twarpa«W V ALCABU PROPERTY for SMAR Fer over axed ever Uuuqb doi mi abouil. (Rialrier--.;_n !am salienscissaisi pointi md tirs à» hm «bM, and w 1 . 1 .. 1 . 1 b'.. ..,. . ý.. VT. ..;- -le, - .;.le, ,r, ..,Ia%..eir, t'IIll'e..»Ii.: ;,% ..., I-0err, And VIdaigb the fka tb" lit Alangheas Y ,-Iwr« «U hm of@"& hait Ili lutXil. él'in tbga Tmdngthecourml*tbelommeauqui, -,ý-I: ýý .i.,ý.!,..f I'. :". , '-il fille fieilmi .Ir Il the, Lib . "" a 8b0Èý Toit IM' hem fi" y kx" d m àr m Habbue à bu bagne ab ,:-hî., .,Il 9:...ý..ý Ili, e ..".i .,.....e :1IIlý , r t Vomlq»ble* in Cmwà& la 0011. ut renelose. «= Uhe m AW ,sr Il i . , 'Il. *lie# éteI."I.albdTbbwft VI reW Mareuf y= &" duit m *9 brosse dunes. sonsièmer PM et the VI ut Ur CAMBI .. -il >',I",ttt',., A., t Pb#" a"T, 8" e1w au ý lZa.- "Baâ«! pou kww WàM 1 me@m4" taille twmtY-âffl M" futhm in " mm sied keep 1 ý., 1 1 lig),IF. w lit .,.,.»r te, 1, ( 1 1.1) 1, ê. I'T'. - ,;ý.!,ý,il M toly ,if the Volupâley'. (]film :"A= - - *4 110011011rey ut cousu idelusym Tbà property t'e.,ý,.ý .', - I,,ý. K.-0 ý1 J et %I- q'.rtb,%,' FREI). C. T'AyLoa, Aile- MU Tod, tubly. Il" a bemest or direction of ib alfimme destination in Pite lb mielà l" Ni ,ý 1; % lz 1,4).X, 1:ýt-ri.tt'l-A. 1"--[I..,%,ý.. e;,ý,,lýl.0-i-fl. W'ý- ýIq'. ý MV I22 as, wouilvine juuu..%. Ill ,-1ý 1 i..,,,. ý.ý .. .. ... e.ký"",tl.,. ,1#,z ý,týl, 4-.-I O ;.,,ý --el ýI,1IIý ;-le lý , - _ _ , ý ,11,11111et- ý Ami. coulil vietterb or te . M CHA.NLIXLLNGB. amauddag of " ace% ad dIýZIie à up *0 OtU» Valky. Bwtween Idodwq bd on t" bu Èye M. 8 e Q' Il. - -ITY'ta. »-É-. Lm"-V.---m-4 ,ý . , - -11 %I. ý - W" à M& mi Vingt: Md ho in m mi Wmýt tbe a»v«nmmt bu the advmtffl 1 ,;,ýIl*, ll.ý..k 1 \ %I 1111.b*il. 1101,411tip, \,I(!IgIrl4 RI.Il ; lt LIVRRMit)L AND ]m ME& sa.lÇaIr WWD. M'mwmbe~ inm4llSn- - t" a boum of ffl S par &ail% but in almoU & el. t% 9zeý.,N ý , 1-_ .. Il. ..- ý"'I.I." 1-I.,;"i.t.,r '"ho! AND UL"t INURAM LOND014 Folt t3AL& .-.t-,ý % 1 (_ Il - Tu D»A«. - da" Tod.4'ldoietý what Île ýr *" moum bpbw north tif éhe lut,. Pétiole Boboq -:-, ,,, ..Il ý,.I.:..I"")ý,)ý.1.1-ilýt,ý.ý." ...IoiueIl ý - ?-« M r. ý Il Iý %I. .)IDN ýl-l). %tt.I,,.,,y I...,.e - ,l, .... .. I,1ý,ý..f"lp,..,t*.. ;-1, 1 A ,NL D IlF-E. CHAMER XXXVL "Look hm !» «Kdaùmd »7walm ter Plam r.» OMM bu yeé boitent souk. venons othS ,V 1 . -i FEUP. 1 lot xé. Il, 8* ourÀ.. sm«wm& : .. ,, .. - '" I ý-, . -ÏI-Rlt 1- And aieto (corm u» mon "ft WEM) atwting from hà nidm4 a Of Ogum Ét WM lie ettrmdr didiodt, P Illetance oonts 1 ý 1 ' I briOt idu Il ý, ý ý. _ 11, Il. ýI_ý'.'ýI",i J'Ill»,>:%IIIN II )tt)l ."ýM, \Viiliétll. ,4tl*tttIt, Tif£ 1-AR(Igt4T' II,;S1ý,RANCE £OT.Y.. 14, Ith CONCESSION. lait msuly.m l& . 0Surred to hiaL "!ai as ' *0 mm . ý . ý - ,ý, I.1 't'.1.1 le', 1.-IL;ý_e,ý1111 ý::ý:'I lzi."..,.I.I,,P,.,...Ir;: Tbffl loi. me heillavie simbond .Mai wood Wa& 1 am of m piles if not umpnadbl% for *9 Company tu ý, - ": 1 , .11 Il e..".,."", ý 'Ç...,> - f_ 1 "e -1,41 4I, II....I..ýIý.. . - " rm, Nothin& ci mokimt ommqumm ta . -nota a 8hmtý Md appeler to him ! mry choisir âne throce m ainbont m. .di of the in 4.,.-I, I...,i ý..,,:_'. ,,,ýiIl'.1.",t,"Tt..",I.r. Capdées - wkanu L. ýA% ,romdhereuomrmdforwme»ebatoýTbu vouU lie gkdarsi Tt vouu inhà obed »o" cd country ail am »y! asivicaticla - 1 1 1 ;, ý 1 ' ,' et ' - * le,1411,11 819.000Z.0et *.7i.« \I.,.,..",""t",., ,%Amlk!te.'t.- 1 . \ ru 1&0».O» - lm the Channing famîly, or te, thom ma- give him. pre«»M cd frigh& fur the from'Kinmoimt tic the Ottausi Rivé known thât it e. _I '... ,,,,ýi, lý .I. *ý, )lt),I,,:I., ý l.IIýIZA1 W cýbnwllb - le . Is = .- -zen ua-mgr .11 %ý.. 1ý ý . . ; i I.. 1 A -- Il. I -j", W IZ'II:ý ý'I', y«Ili) IgMesta. ýVIV Il Il Il '».Ol* J)MIRABLE M IDENCE FOR nec" with theme. October au» in; Ume, Md Do havre withl GovwmuM âd, m they am d( l . .... i . i - . . 1 i . I.,: ". et.. ý Ký.ý,, "....ý, f",.e. ...ý,ý,,i l,.%',IIt,.t."). 11ely [bW.«M . . . Il &011111.0110 8ALX ... The ttavl-tlielàtiy ilitua"d lattes: àZad in a fow deys vould lie docicted the - If the 1. ý I., - ý.,. %,--,t:,.".," --'-'I.-.;-ý I IeI.,tI'ý- Ili ý . 18.710 ..--...&ý'. Iliq,3K, _bup bâd auddenly fouad the impact Jolothing in the mW of kul bu> ý of whicà * il . . - i 1 - ,,, ... ýf-, , ". 'Il . il ', ,Il , --le, le,:, f- lit I--tý \ti,.4.,ý,;,e - aie .. W te Preleil (»,%-UPW by r. , iamtm* of the uniorchi Phib-phws Moneý it elle mumiy 1 uuo4 whwh alwaps render a" unpur- wm points un .. 1. ... . 1 , t wzd ieavo, , PM" Md Pfogtwm m lois M te "Y Oum recoqe . or mb à b"xm& P. Th@ boum effltaliviii, 10,20«1k%. lm» am the clouage on have bon4ed thons no mach plemum m sent aid to raüway liý pusing througà 1 lm ouen«uq 1I - 1 ý ,bi' \ ý \ V. 1, I le, i 1 >:,.,;"It,,&ý .I..il - - 1 -- r,_1 . ý *hW C604laiel tellar.,ýuft Amilter lit kiteluen, mule Pbluilý on the weR settied " on& They eitp«t, row winding il , .: ý "ý" "* r, rol lu M ýý ýý ,Iý_ Ill. Iveý.I.." ýKKKI illb't'Fi., . L Or" ývitl*Fýwat telle In- pnmpt ,otit 1»,,,,. Trwre MM alite'douit -rymaven"». thè fifth; Md uxtà the MW did this id*& It vu recoived vith &oh- . . 1 . ý 11 .. I.11 .Ni >ý.e,>, -.., I..ý.ýl,ý,.ýl..t."I"",..e"irl. , The M-I%#rt"(' au" ýtnt-il"'br"t th"""'nP%%Y léfOrd ,Mr kirellen and vN>le.ý%b"W'kdowb :èlbd 'h"%"% -'u'8- " or would bc appeinteci. The h«d dued &honte of approbation : the ouly however, to ho " tu illaceure a auverts. i làkelets now ,-, e:I>-.ý ý'..ýý'ýLlý;ý.lýiI."ýlý'ýlýý'.ýý'lý."..19' IlI. 'là.umdýýeillerf"t".Uit.,«aillxtiom ý . F.rterr..Ppkvt.D. t tate haïd given no intimation whow murmur of t * &îd of the no-thern pur. hilla, and nov .1 Il ýleý:.ý àj,ýJIi.-ý,)Nl le, 1. -;I - __ J Mt vervieu. pArrL,4«. &,. là,"Y, robruray Mos diasal to lie board wu frous Mil grau m ý èrk,ý,.r, - .I 111 - 111.11.11 - .), le'.. I.,ý,t Iý.,,,ee ,,I.". *- .. 1 . ý .. . Il , 'a ý m Il t"q&--:îý-& the gro a the in de ... IL ý - . 1 _. , ý.i.. I. 1 I "; ! TFIR LIFP. I)F.PART.NI)P.NT - -_ eller tu the school m to wh" of the Pierre, »nW. Pierre, grambied thaïes " 01 the Une un a ci ce it r of reedy . 1 . . . I _ýI Il. 1111--_44'. . . ' delle hem ýxtrýtuum lut, CAMI, ..I A (iOOD t)PPoRTUN-ITYieufferéd titres mmors would obtain the pro. it would net lie Ilhaïf serving hime et.t." not onýy a "oulo" tioit" ruad in every fail . al; attracti . 1 ý'. 1 ý., 1.141,_ - ..- e;,,ý: 1 ) ,Ï)NIM ION ttt)'I'Fl., %%'1!1141ýl ýtt., .ýttoiýth'«ýtitt*"idsutht.im , Pluilleular A"ý1- Ut PârtW W"Ilbg tô-pur,.h,,ý, .ý,,.s,. motion, and discussions cm Me opinât 'lyse, it Win", ikd aywager. 66pî«S am» of the terra, but thM it aloo forme 1 thelexctirè-,ui . . 1 ý :ý!, eh.1. ý i.:;-I ;.ýt,;I, : I ,,' ý , Ich lIt the b» (VO" ,ý-'.. r,,r pfflkmileulle, abud tu .U«t in.uvaum blil . . - 1 )Jý j;1, izI"I,\ýý ' JI ý - , '1ý.,: Iý ""*.I,,",>"" for%&"'@ »W plv&ý&»"! e"tua" gwalý)'rtxielbt'e the probabilitie&--*me opi»d it ,lt ,.;,.,ý. _ , , , le 1 - .; . ý . - te, . amllý'4"'tbuthTi%'ITWToWNUPLINDUN- The vould senior " bc the ghost : ho top@ a& all 1 such au Important OOUU«tmg link in ing thât Linde , (. .,ý« .,r t.il I)r - _ ,_ I:ý Il' - e', - ýlIý. J.1IIII1ý le, ý, . ... 1 et lý ".. ', l -..; ,, ... . . 1. .,,.il -.1 -é .'--i 1 JAMIC helleltt, lie 119 brtek;ý'àd "&"19&itw ýel«II Z-I-»-- kieil.a. bc Huntiey ; nome, Gerald Yorke; ai by a he«L " the raüway systemof the Dom" n tory villages ý 1 'ý I Ill . le Aimnt Ille Lit,.I..ý,,ý,,,ý,."Apv,&e.ne ', 411-1t'rileue. Th.re i. a mw»i.hei wpll ,,là pu-P. very fow, Tom Channing. Couaten- "Ilurst in m tmà.m Pime »Dior." th" the oeuntry et liffl ommot fiii to sortise while il ý . ý . ý . .:- ... > Il. Il 1 )l NC %,%, 1101 -iK i.ilýýi.:iV 'I'ti...t. , , '4 cet '"Id lequ" &ni A telt týý- Pbated ont. a Illibat bels not,', interropted Pieroo P-fit greatly by ite cunâtrucclon. colletterai of jila 1 . ( 1 ENFRAL IN, t'RAN('JPý.$.4;ICNCY tel-ile' IMM r@quiftxt down b&W,,",,n tirer &ý inay im " " or, Who wu coudderably mulhfied The achemne of the Company is to i th wam 1 JI; 1 ( )') 1 \ ýN Iý i 1 ,l , M 1 'Illa ) N ý , 1. ý, 1 , ý. , S. .: , .,,!,ýý,,-,' l., l--t f t* âwllfflb M-11%. Apply ý. Mr. V. D. iliait p'n. ' bilan t, Tom on . 1 . ý, , 1 1 " ý' ,,Il I , . ý el>\ ýý I'e. ;,ý0-- I*ý.-1t - P«Otor t!&,,taDaàx flower. . . W&Y, - - 1. *:ý >, . ý:. Il II ,,W-..tt .1.1 .1, . 1 .. 1 'l , ....... lIeeý OfA ,.",, -ý. ;,ý,,ý, souris ; but m the prospective honor boing alvarded Slmnwt the very Important raillval 117& atelier ý 1..1-ýl, .-, ;I;,lI 1.111l"'. . . . I:.1:..'ýý : Fi re, Life aind Accident. rl'M'() lioU,'4F-4 AND LOTS FOR essence of the »Mur ho him. &6HuM in ans mach ahuris the 9 ,. :. e . . tu tom Snveiiing on Lindsay vi the coud d" for -11 - , Il . ý, , 1ý-.,I. f- t'L',Iý'z , JI &,%I.F, -je. the -uth ýiIIe ut àtu..ell lit. ba.t. idlyl M ocua=», tips of my elaissi. Btiddes, Hunt in fat ; lumber mens of the Iý ý: l JI. Il Ji. 1,;.,..I'.ýo Cell. 1 1 1 ý ý 1 Fine OFFICRIS. . . 4%Rtrierý..re lit Land ti. «eh honte, wilb trood 1(shough nut very mmki North aind the: ffl o»üilue ,z ' ý,_ ý 1 àl'eli li.-i % Il II)Jle:1.. l , hi» place would have hem unbmr&W& and un»vSàawafatgho,àt se, Ottawa Valley. In titis W&Y it ww bc ,ý The, aumitudi 1 1 .. .111. -l ., i. 1 ý ' ' ' . 1 Atteint, weil Allait puemp.; t4 bý,,.. M,. ,or3;ýMM"- Ili - yý 1.1 . ý , ...... ý le -1,i , :, p, ....... Il, lh.t il ý.1ý11ý1- ' el 111 III., le . --, 1.ilI.11.1,! » 'Tià![% luedg Illich llttlhen- ,btt.,hW - Falintati vith hem% Hantait atteliscielà to hm cumessalcy, du- ellexulve you MM m le - ; .e,,,.,,,!,. l.. -i .,.ei...,Itrll% whicv leil prive. *SW cache; unýthiw down tiée in Guild Stmtý and mi op et net mocked Bywatur. Grand Juacùua, and thruugh, &hem " weile and 1 ý ý . le, Il f ......... . .'l'i ý 1. 1 1 - -le ,le 1- : t.I Iho ý C a pital ............... 111111414 . .. A new tuilier to 17i I* Il .. i.: il 1 JI, il . *»AM 1"84ev ilà -ariv ,M)..«t d"Il ý1 -Il I Il ,,, 1- ".- ý.p;-I, ý.II1 ,,et vielloria ,%,Çtgtw, oa, ,S as u" in hià liedruoac, m the light of "A fow-4a picturale. Wretched nid Toronto and 2Nipàniug and the Grand liait tc the toi f il, . et ,.,I'.." Il.'l, ,,4ýl,, wl- f..-III,10,;,..,ý Ili.'iý,%ý,,11,ýtt,-.I"..,ý alieul ly te J. W AX£ ..Il ý ý COUXZRRU M oif. APl n"M' rYr,'h= k-:Ubtke hà S" e tondfied to J"th'a ey« wumowa dwy alwop me, wilh a code- Truck, wW ali bc inùnmwly oeun«t4d the Most Mopti, 1 . 1 ý Il 1:'. . Il I. 1. ', "'I> 1, ' ý 1 , 1. -Il I el - ý , . Là.tdmy. »T.;Jàtl. Il .1 'I,ý Il ý, I;I1-ý.! t-i,,,,,,.,,, 'elle le. - nt I il 111)TKI., til,11-i.qeritI, :,,,Il.,. f.okpolaoo.... . .... ..,..*§p---.--- .ý,Mur tned bravdy fora utt"oz4 And veillons hm and lantun joies. l' With, the pro railwap of the north, ,1 »M not ouly fi . ý l ý PARK IA)TS tried in vain ; ho " d gel; nuthing "rh"'s the romm ySill do no ,oeil, sise (I"iis " y, and the lisalbering; sublessatial. ind .M , ""Il, I , -ei .... Fli.. v- III. %.It"I,. 1w »JALý un "You are m « * ec l. Linduy's &t I., .. 1 : 1 , , Il lý ,ýZI I.."" 1 rt:Ir».ý,.hfd 1 V mlpésai .......... ; ..... on»».*» aïven su himý-nobody »er»d wilimi Pt«S," md Bywater. sud m well m a goud A ',1J1ýf:\%-I ý 1 K 1I:ý m ý 1, 1. , ... ý . 1 , tý III,ý XI 1ý,ý:ýl'I'1-ý'.-I -i. .1.1ýý.., -111::,_ Il i.. ..".ý ý WÀ&MUM ZJLà1'ýý to saisis loin on. There w» iLothàgfur thin m a French 1 a ý 1 . %e ..... . ', ', I..,.e:.,.,e, 1 1- ..,..Il, I. ..I."..;,-" --1 11-I.t. , -- herring, yon kaow, deal if Ir na fersaing tend iyinR ver, a" froc L"... I.ý 1, 1 Il I 1 Ji- - 1 ' ". . LONDOif ,àsIUU SC]g o e t 1%. .hot* or Part tel WfeIlt h»lf,,f I.M.Nu. 24, in th ud ha çngth 1 et P" ai a south of the : m a maway 00 ,..! ', : . i.-I'. -. ý.ýý,ý,, , 1ý >:,I'-il'...t .t,.I.l"Ig -'l %,; 1 ho 1141, cellek .1 trý MIJIII tie, town ot tà»"Y. il. but to, wait in hop" patienS. Hg wi a y and a a Iý of ý ,torth. of ý 1, . . , . ý: e- 1. à, - ,ý-.I.,ý,,.I ..., .L,,Il PORATION, Teti-jir,.pert)«ts lpwiy.itu&t@d.ft the river. took theorgaadaily, andoopied et, throaLl' Ottawsi By the building of the Vioil j neets it directel: 1 . ý, I.. %e.,,ý'Il. - 1, - 1. - erwnàw. &&.,;t . * 1 & Ji: .,\I'.1 ,1,:.11*1,.i! .1 1 . ii,.,.i I - ; etpitg ............... _$10,m ow . ý . ,Wiý. Il, home, the cathosciral. rougir- éoi@Zý;; pm» the d«btffl compli- torils Radway un projeclors cWm . 9 'Me. C Il ,.17 Il K..." le. .,::I.l"Iýl,, 't".I.t.. Leild: ý NICCK)IV'.Çrl-.JUU., wils finding plest favor with the lui ment fiatteniqoy, absurbed m the hm the now corapâ" voly ! Il i , Il ,;"fý'.., 1.1 Marrister aud.tuur»y.at.lgw. . . « valuel ý i if impé . ,lm il; le propolied , l , .. , ,:, , , ., ,il. -I. . b:ýl"."l %,,,Ii, . i"..ý",.,.t,., \'et. LIFE OFFICE. -ubwh. 1875. ý -Of Canick-but jeu will heur more vista of aumbief , to him tion throngh wb" ' to 1 ugh the Gi Il. >. "..,I" Il..;".. -A .- 1.i,.,iet,"" 11, 1 ,111«.-" 1 11.i - __ "Ont thât tl "Row " 1 ut myx IT - be- Nipiés 1'11 - ý. 1,ýý -:"I,.,e.,,ý l'il, elle, 1 IRIiT CIA88 PâRag FOR SALIL , Jeakine green, P, BjîIaý r ma it Wili spftdü to a ý Il -, 11, - 1. , '-ie. ;ý.I,ý.i%ý , , ",*,!.,, ;I;,I,, ,-, ,i,.., - Il I- >-le ruera fike a = Ly by, day. Bc. Mked bille O.Mpàmùy. j »%U" la. 1 1 ... ý'. II .111-l'!I,-.i --h .ý, ý;I",,.,I.",. lIlI..",,MIl -.,ýI1., The Cana" Lifoq F ýý South j N-, il Zn Cor, 4. melon, toutaini becoa» a W and donnahZ P&«"% Il trh«o mmr othel -7ý-.ý.ý-1 ý MMMUV4 I..",%,k., * 'Il i e ..... lt4ll",v 1 .ýK-1e 1 100*um, ut 'h:lh 30 are elle-Illid -M I»d,, a land Yorke vent un in hà GWVOY "Oh, lail in white, of Oourleej*p ail of the pro . . The ooutruction of 1> thme linge, 1 capit,01.4 .................... el,111M IM ..MW 'licultil'atim, r@UWW«XKldbsrdwoud me, f»Won. Mr. * xr&- Bywuer. M(Illèle 1%) £0411l; 1 plit 1 le: 110Y % 1. 1 PlIKI., FltItii,%% le ]MI. Thorearoigowtumbuildiffl a scaper me _ the lino we while it in la progresse, the Grand Jum , %Vlt)i:e, IIIA, fat". ttll.l.,Ilt4ed Alivinrity, and mi couve Ch--%.l Mut home news. hopefui and 'Il know a bov in our village that fondait the ilunsigm ta. - 1 . "t.ýý,,,ý ,-.11. ý.f [Ili, ?.,itt,, %%". l,."tVr-ý gond WeIL-týmht.bamandhou.*. Thef'nârmi.abýusa not enly ens ý ville, Stirling, b*.ý.iIeý ', d_ 1, ii,,. ,,,,S îi.".ý,t,,.r Ih., ... ýtI,,it : IlIb"e-9.1111-ht Z. the fa%,,rtte, Lia, li.uram t'y qmner ut a mile leu Om Kirk, w,ýýin.: more heupidut from (zermany. And they served out* ,ý 1 I e \ i. e D p 1,11IN te 4; iller ,-,,,,, Il Il. """,- - eu, .,"..I""i 111,ýt.".rý ý ý Init nelle Ir,,,,, tbunj,"U*Iàlttti" au, 1 likst th&4 j wp-d ý ployassent whemver their own affaule do ý wealthY Mdpn 1 Il. ..I'.. ,.ýýýý."ý,,ýý,.",:".",,ý,,,,,,ýl,,,,,,,,,,ýl'.ý,.",ý,11ýýi:,,l"*I,.ýi,ý."" ý , FIRD. C. T.4,YLOP, exelil.elit ý,*býII loue- 'r' l'ý'#tveuiellt tOalI 1 ChadoY, nulucky Chadey, had managed Bill Si-- , who vite a oceurs lad, and clos descend their attenti.,n, but a whiche that lins , ý ; -, ý -. ,;., II, 'p't ",.i ... Ur te loir illartieular, I ".,!,.ýý, , ýý', - ý -. 'l ".ý". ýI-- -,I I ý,II,. . 1 Av't. ýJ44yt-%éK0. W 34ILLt ille.-so,-ýL . 11) 'They got a i roédY sud Profitable market for ait thair tinally, wheu t] ý' ý 1 1 1- 11-1 > I: . , ... ý1--11-1----'-. ýI- .elI- ý . IL Vr. . to gel into hot visiter wath the coliago buarded et Flela ' 6, .1 1 . . . ... - il II-ý I,ý,.ý,.". ý 1 l -mun-mumumý ; ' . . - ýý ,Eý_ oTEL FOR $AL ! éche-01. e, il ý . i EOR TO LEASE i' grilles big'tunùp, aud.wooped it out and farm producle, and in the sieste and other , Victoria Rail« , - 1 I.& 1 1 p i ý,ý 1, % ('Ilr:bt'4kýl' fIIr ' M 00R. 1 : ,*& 3lacksoithtoo. il Tel.% .ell kib'..ti mal pý,ptit.r .,taud, ý Thuis, nn«entfiillyi lied pliassid the made st Into à mm a face, Md put a lumber they cm fora" it. The mon- ' plMea fers, 1 ý - ; - __ _ »Va» »V=,, »IMXVVM.a 1 MSth of 80pitember. OctobS wu now light in" , and stock: it on - pont ey @peut in the oonnùucüga of the; oome the "Mc - 1 1 0 - : ý . ;:..ý, 1 ., ý I...I 'l' I'e, - . - -_ The hellevi à# ut brick. huilt thrve %.«n z.&n . . 1 - ý II. - - h. il.., I)I.ACK"41MITIIIý"qo. . le. aut,,,ý. . in, and the sixth rapidjy .. . where ho bail to pose et ICe Ho wu roud will of it»lf give a decided, stalles. 1 thetr"e of tâtait -Il -Iý Il ý jýý -%J-)IIeet*ý 1-ýI'II, - ý,k*ed in yard. .%k.,, eými jarn, adj, I.. #Il' % Il >ý\P)qbN. ýIi,%iè,'ýl'iI,(.k.,Kt-it 3 tawle. I$mnu;,-,xxi bria «ta6t", 1llýJ.q" 'n. ý Wb" With the mmrt"ty leu tdetioM thaïs hm -lied tu$ to the varices industrie@ of a new Ontario lying hi ... ý - - ,. -11-1 M ;,.I."",. 'týI. % l.;.1. 1 1-d- ... 11.1I,,,, ý linuibc, -di the si 10 gk- - ý--A:--, -,; -I ."..:",., SeIl, . ..Ije,, 1 .. .... ... 1,I, S'iei;I,,--,",,-Ill-,-d çl«ft"41 lanti, willeile reluit ham. there iie a twver-tud. ý cý r __ t-Crm ?' eiwala" Tod Yorke. »ttlement, and wh« ifi'à rSd je nom. ý Vallv, vin Po, Il .1 i 1 - 1 ý ;,1.eIIý ,,,,,.,)".,.,ý11,,.,à.1".f ,,,I,,ý,..,.II..""ý,Iýleýý,ý A .C U L L O N ihcur«kltèrotwbuwfumwW***Xi.peng-itb.: whi 1 djy vouid "Ho châle thouqhý" repeated Simý pleteci the facilities it ý sa .,I:% 1") 1.IliN Il" lè."%I. - "k'vt- rt-l-ç,ýtètètýy.t(ý inform h1e fg,,.* ,M gb, ten" or kmbmd tor & tom (et ý-MU-4. ---able and a litille privasse inatter, u which 'Thor knew Ili before for au awful uttl@r for relâchmq outicide mariretc, ; ty, and umy ,%l . 1 , 1 - Il 1 le ,,Il 1-1 I; "M:\ l' tel elliv that ho ha. Jtbkt*i DUVEY, t)OWIieyille. suum few, wSe enterine, 0 little coward, and they did it tc, bave and to the cqiuhu for in ma. but, like au l . . 1 %lusinois (eard.s. 1 Pille. I& 11147& - ýl»éý. . , schoul bal juat then a buy «dud «- some ton ont of hical, Ho didn't my chinery and ethez, ' kiniffl . . 1 ý ý 1 . ý .. 1 ý,;, ý . i le . . lippumm to mm i mpicuy, bu a Il J-iIl,,ý,. -'. RETURNEDtoHis OLD STAND, SpLENDID ; citing tires .if it, aur d"g et thé time ; diciait On minUI& lumberissi or rmnufamtu,, appmrmS, th . , ý . 1 - . , , - ý,.,..",. 1 K ý . «» M al Il . 1 > -q - .,II"" 14. %1%1Z44 %CIC I.Alid Alzelitfor . t,4bnber,,t 1 1 Stillebelle BYvater ut in cm of the 1 or my thing of tâtes ; but dter ho got in, will more th= compeamte for &oy I the prêment. 1 ý . . -11 -., iý il il#, , I le. Il 'l". I -11,11., 'f N Il t..ýil., I.11t.li., I11.1 1),lr BUMDING M FOR RA LZ i niches tif the etoister14 a pde of books home ho wu taissa ill, and the coe loml deprondon incident toi the stitpl. i laid ont witi : .1 .. --1 1 ý, _' Il 'Il, ..Itl.I.1:".kllý.., ý'. .-t ,If te." t".i.""ýcý,I,.,t 'b»f* URd Cftffl i» M@4 UN ýý 1,,,,-I..!, , ! by bà aide. Arnaud hm in variant dey, ho diedle My wu onts of the ping or compilation «d M o = work am- ; while some of es 'i t,ý l i I ý 1.1) \ N - . ý . F.-t W.ni, t.iI.ý,,ý. ,thevil, ete terfli id".ý ho 3a* ýM114- Màty&tlmmlY. attitudes were wAhered seven of the jury on the raquasse. Ho vu a little I ploying large nasalises ý 1 rumd alonq oi ý 1 ëli)ilt;b: IX)l ý.1.I\"ý,ý, NIANI1.1.ell, Uet.I4"v ilind'ier re*q FAIert let LAIt Nel. fi. Southot Kent Street havint ý mt»t tmubl«on» of the tribe.-pîerS 1 chi with no father or Mathot-ile Fullewin the lisse of the rSd north ; compare favori As t.4b.4btb il 4 %,ý",, ýýI,'e- . alle-lut a1lý fert frontaire il-1 Kent8t., Aille jÏe tram. . 9 ý: Il,ý'L 1 ýII "I;*II;;;Ie eý.I,.I, Il ... 1 George Brittle 1 ffl il, the country begins to ý titiller town il Ilý ,ý - Il !ù jqlZIrý; ,,I;. JO ]LA C: x sex x irizi buiteliast tal I«apied » the Wud« oiens amor; - Toi York» ; i plaine boy." ot Fénelon > fb $0 4.4 vait- reflet@% foi, 1.41aeq ,...,ý.1 rf 0 '»brt ut AIAA se- 4- ieuthIt Kent strut, bu-k ce 1 Prod Berkeley; ]M Sinum - hf,,rk "The but th* if il show signe of docided i : court; Hou» UA #btle ýà:,#,% 8'týe-t . 0%. I- ..... . ýf le.,ý.,. , i.,ý ý "".1 él)1 t'r -.- 1, ý ý in Kr-t-viaý" ý4je lu, . the omette allait. M , 7" won %ce au" improvement, et Ilý,,; lIý %z i , ,;ýýl.,eC ý ositur pruverty un Kentstreet wili ,jea, bu MoIIL ý Galloway ; and Rares. white ha' .T " cm 4udged 1.111,1I.Ry .14TI%1>1.8?-,4,. . T*rM*ub»ttavoràble. .4lylvce d now aghà@4,"»kLT Yerke, 'ïa to get a I«M au lu un the colin be * ý bvith very fice 1. 1-10., , (1t;Nl(..ýI.",ý . meme, y ft>vVsq% a"d Mai .urk a ,ellewishty ! loft " choir, hot not the Shool. Thor tin piste fait ol-"t and gin, and ut it of, irisais covestred with mow set tao av-' courant, Dow 13 ý .,%,. . . Ir ý ý "ýELL J... 1 Met, and wrap yow-lf -und inth enwe del of four fem Jaz 1 \1 ,\I:i 1 1 . yýo.,K ýTKe*1,. I.MISAY. ý W MeDO' .Ii l'Il J'il l \ ý , ___ _ý*uuAc« ' were bel* minchieL Twdie ovuý ecieli le-lý'ti.lity 771.1ï. . *"M sa"wler Md Att gnuy.at.i». 1 bang tàecloimm, the autma , * shoote and hold the plate au thm U thé vonds. inchels in ý a very decided i ,.tt-,,týtt ......... le Ný.,,,-,lý,.,tlt, .... 1 hý,r.v..,,tI hire, ý mammuqý., ------ iNe fi» U"Q"O» Ob- i LM".V hm -ý.JJ0 OF Pý?IVi'rE FUNDS ,I-.--r-Iý ,.f", ltmlN' OCNIOIýV__ , 0 9. LAND"! " NDs -' FOR sehla - wesle growing long. and " wu ib i fiaine, Hein op your lm& Ir« nevaier au-v" in this " on,.,the litde hi%! doing &.Mmpw .1. ýlý' 1'l"'., 1 ) 1 et 61 lýý,'Ç'I*'.-t 1 - 1 NI Il, Il y, vieâcli'-A.qýI) --.21111181 BààgeAm e 1 glemy oae. Haïf au heur, At the My MW MY tbing no ghutir. 800owd-out ý cevered with black tilleuls, hissait, and ; àxli PuSer, u le , l' X eý K, l'o-, ý 't,,ýt t ý ý 1 ý -ý,-ýý, - - 1 . Il . . - four hu4zftd Illerr. in Lbxw%-. coubly "f'Victort'f' ' lisaist, = hi, bn_- hem gâcherai the» i Peb»aubodL!» - compele, and interveumg no"@ fined e ment and propri 1 ý ,, .I-..iý% ,rvý, bei»gtomp.mi ut lut so. 12.'tn thel-'Iuiv.,Iý - ýi.,ý.ý,,, F:."", f el. ,,ýl- 1l-.ý el."", old %',.' - ýNCAx-C" Rx & C(). Î_ c- , t smoe . whuo4 holding a court- ' 'Il Suld bring a ehom \ý1 1 i:>ý Iý-:'I_ f , , ', : I 1 Il ,.."ý.".Ii, J.1iý.,-, hiolesi & C Dt;Z 25 Ber" 09 which are cicared mal fonce& Th" 1 dl of war in CoVert ton". 1 off -y bed," 1 with large, thrifty lSking selves, would . Barre and the P . 1-"e. ut hMtwood senlit ,tailler valusselle t : @Md Bywater. "Thmwn aver my ' mrt" Ngmt the existence of good Mr.J.Cooperoc ..1-1.- - -- ý m. e,ý,,,- J., le, , , I ýl ... :, .;,-,,,,ýý l,ý t).,ý ,ii.,ir k, ý -Ir et hom e 1 vois, t . 1 ell. le ý I1.1 ý 1 I.- - 'l'il (1-l.. 1, II,.ýI.k".I-t"iýy i I= ilqlle.el.. AIIIIII). lut No It. in the Jason. i &4% d ont lie etaffl be, by boot or by ! they'd ffl ;= .,. 1 lon-li, Wh-,e'ther ille in to be fouad tmder: , Illo ý,ý,Im1. '. -. I.. 1 - -IPTI.LtF, ***«I-PurtiYimPmvvdý Th*aboveý&jAIAMuF,ý1 ,", -i;iti '110 *0 . Îati. VII-le , ý . 1 - 1, ý . - 1 1 1 e't f« $2Itw tir Ieý, Ir ,-&.b..;,Ibd am ateliers 6 ý crook, 0(mtinued Stepheu Bywater, . i my aurplice. "A" if----" thosnowornot. A short distance frocu. XIDL 1, 11 1, t 'é ICI 1 R ý,\ à CO, ,'ýtt-e-k neilet illem Victoria Station. Teroute, aw -iipi,à., 1 who appeaired to bc preécleat--d..ta&. 1 .1 WhOegLng and OorghLog Md disait- i Mutations me the Snowdon Ixion illines, le ýýIl 17!I.ý.ý, ý Il ýl--"* 't- ýks ,:..ý l I 1 1 KI' Il; 1I..Iý %ý.,-I't-ý"r',-kIt..At_ L U B R I 0 A T I N alutroil .$&wu, in oui, iiia« ,et Illoiellever, il,% No. ý ing mo» than bis W»fre- . tu ý ing of keys inberr pied the prooeeduà@L which, it in mid, ouly reilied reâway , &ULWAT EXPEI .1 , G 1 111. han M #»». Thor# ils ,en tille, 1.9 a wagon jumi ! I6111fie wO-t is, how la it to ho ýý Il wu Mr. Y&etct4 mailing to lork op --munimtiew with the laits, shore to HAP.BOUR&-T lie ... . ....... 1 . , -i'. . ý ,»Mffl 'huP, 48 lellet 1-14t, t'XII dwelitiV hous* i on& !: - , l,; "ý I 1. lý IIIII. . "."»RN*. ý ..-ýý-ýý-ýl- -.-ý.-- _.; ý .ý. ý. 1. -ý . -, r , , 1 ud.44Ire -m bu g htsp, ftrtieý huywit oan t dons One mait wellop hù&n, , 1 ', ý'-' - ". ,le Il 14,ik', ý ha e:,Il fü%l e i the eloktaiL As the boys hall au Maire theux extreussiy profitable, and if ý -àx im.%t4i,.ç,l ý'... 1 1 ...... -', è;ý,,, 1- .10.. .. tel e O I ]L a 1 emsi;;ý-tIIck(rdtvýlx'àL« and luimber. ruer -&ý4,t W&Up biM!te ce 1 X 1, 1 rimr lefflicula".wy Z. pouted ,ýtlýtitilbeel,ýs. , ý - . Pierre, 1 stand to be fogtemd mthomdves, they ý this bc trente, it m ont et ail unlikely : [Corredpui . ý 1 1.1.1,le %I ý SI Lv li'l, %%'()t lit), 45 -MM m J. W. FOW le "Mur, Who wu a bad dàpomt*med gathend op thoir bouks, and waited in, sisal other villuable min«m dep.,uts, It is now ceci . ý ýV . CERS PER QALL01111 Imm . __ Boh*,V-?M- Icint b m a . : silence, tilt the porter wM close ripou ,lý-I1? .f 'I- -11. Il."".". (,>i'rtý 'z - wa mi«Mevioua Ime, MaY ha fouad in the seule region. This, Pmlwai will r '00)1:'Z'ý-Il, ýý,,-lI-I.'-J, J. I .... I., ý . 1'...,."ý.!,%,,I-ti..,I,.,ee 'I.,11.1 1 - PARK BUILDING IAM 6t e Mt' PMY I" .- i them. Then, with audden war-whoop , siseins tu bc an exSptionany Sld part nommer, and L , 1 Z , ý ', .* 1.1 ..l . - - 1 1 , , "', ,- .-I -11,11I",, , .a" . 1 1 1 ý -1 ; ý.. . . .,le ... , - il, . ý . ..... ý - ', %le .!, 1 ý"t,.,.I, le, I.-el ofil. Th,ý oit lie ('M'elocliNity dumble and "lm "- tyt to May good,'9 scid Bywater. 1 th's'Y q3rauf petit him, vOrY ueufY Mm- ý Cet the couctryt a thermemeter in Kin- the snowls of as . . 1 , .. , , " ... ', ý ý, - ,% j.r,.,It.t .tt,,it,,,eI. - ý '1111111P %Il im-l- nu, r'r 4un.. I AN n I.1 muet with sisal; dellicats face Of hW 1 liug the Old M" Out Of hilî Ume@, Md ! £Mont et onta time this visiter indice, ' groul 3fidland II. "1",:.,.,I"";:.,ý,,,,:, ,, .ý-':.,e:,ýý "", ,,,;,ý, ,.ý:l,,!", 20W Mwam . 1 ý ý . : 1 1 , .1 t., Il V, levevil ë:ýIl.. - ý C»129»OM 1 . . . . 1 l -L' 1'..,ý:.. :'Il. %J i, . I. J'.., .-, , k:,.I, ýý,--ff. I.,I'.1ý.ý. 00 rav«"M lwný les hile beatitit a girL " i milli'à fôrth frOm hi- a borné; of hard, ! ting m low se fifty below zm, willest outre sound of il . ý ý 11ý ,ý,:»,,,, IV C> lm ý 1 '1%"'$ trxw " -«ted BurL "."qo, . worda. 1.1 Il 1- . -el. Il ý- - 1 1 e, - ', I".],I: el il ...... 1. ,,,Ik" -'. ne 3 c X. W, m - ' ý 1 1 the mft=rY solidified in the bulbe; but ,are aie aut un . ý . !; ...,. I ,- 1 ý '. ýV - .f 1 416 Il 'l"'f. r- t,,eiit. V4 u»dMýp" hm beau uexuueted t. titiller for! it von't do to go in for balasing - soiqht ' The sebove ocaverulition, pliwiIs and .- Il . - . ýI r - ý 11 1 1 % ,.,,,",. allemid ho ivitial-a il. i ml* the IIIIIIIIIerieur excel t it à» a weR known fisct thait the ordiu. serve the P" - ý -_ . i ! ieblîrllý£:-o ot Lindlav :en% propffly in the nota, 1 break his blouelle, ôr *.mothmg. el cWt «bool-bol" m it may MM, wu deve- 1 «Y thermousetera me nuit altogethV ment to, lines ol - ieý,ýi;I(',lý- '111il 1,.tiiittel..ý. 0 ... *"-"- . 1 ltl%»rilt ". wq)RtK% - . rIý beautifut lIuiliis« lot., em'inients ' 1 tirait what'a the ýgI,,jd of thosa delicate ' tined to lesci to remùts,&U tou impor... ý tmtworthy whon tholy egw Orrwit 94 log 49. Fut , ml. «Miatimw 1 il ibere: se ter raorg sisile, to My the liý.il!l ,.lilýt %l"Ir.1111110. 'rI-,ý>,It". Il te. J)ra«, Il II J pârk \.,. et, ,,aeh: hoint a mtmiiyýiý'."»', 1 .âge putting.tbmnlwlvu into, a uboui tant; otherwin* it w0uld Dot have beau ý thau thirty-five below zero. Be thi. ale thon choisis of the Il )i - - % Il 1)ý lý Vi :.; 1 ý . 1 . r$ltm. 776-11 -ý-ýtA .%,4rtstnet ý ý 1 of this sûrs. à pamnIs in the Pl" relu" herg. . le % ý* I, 1 >% II, Vi b 9 i v lie - . - .- __ 1 tsl--..# -ýý-I.-. ,_ __ . .- .ln8 ý se.. eh-. -..-%.ý _- - - Il . .. hi, è4-le Wan Thi. les .ou Yon v«F likelY m&Y e i-s M&Y it là nos m ilà likelY sites either them âne remise 'JMMW&Y. 1 the baby. as Chariey wm -uS osne& gilsd, their rgip«ùvj lit liarbru and »addirq. ýTON i hnabancla walking ait the entrance NI LLAGE OP HA Li ]RUR it tire Suldnt get where there ani, (.hurcrw:ý tnd vmted en --et th p- this 'Keyé if ffe l wu eh-27 left t- the noircies, f the a fils, rode in the rosir uinfortonately Dot "Ply thst M Not omtent with . . gitud pua" uur». . sa they palmied Deméth à tree that hi;à itrewn at the i "FF: ::,1ý rw Tuwh hm, crtat 1 srted Bylmter. did .07 &HOP. and MW Milh, hoseL., ýtre.. al,. she inte, trilly »Y P" 71W Xâtoh him pmeticany, beau oamcht balf felleil lait autumn ll, 1ý1rV Aitwrell tvm TIirmio hy the Torms. & Nipting i the other tinte, and ve muld do - him Yoling imagumbon the os pu m cm of wind tibouk it with auch violence sweep of the M That W-bold Dot @W» the YOUM MOÈM of OLoab4 dream§4 Md such lika su tu cww ita dwodgmmt it fa, 'Fil, let Ximien and Hai.lIurt, Zw H&Y' rtuht d- dýct.s. 11-AtISLEY 1 P,,r'turther illeforcinétion appiv to - .?ut, lookmg hm up M the don> abam&tàei Bu4 foc" se Un, know, affl the ahqffi4 auikmg buth the wu- i rmuluing the p ýRrFD fil 114ý Illif ilf Bite 41 hi- rrrofmi- and the Insuw in wus. à" iLomnuD. tom thom tu ho. th" aille mt the lm bord- men, àm"int the sieigh, but tbelit héi, hiw týninàem"i b"i.effl in the , l'ortrbercSigh. &.WWwt i fortu l'ili. -.Il,' Or to ALRX. XlVéL9 P. 1 t, add Thd ble to a chilifs vivilil ùmù»û.ýL At B"Y a" iniming the châdiim Dr. of the Mes. mi L orke- "HWd ho desd of hight bdom two, cri thlleà, or four yeste old, it in a&-Y, of Oàui@4 was imme"tely upurt hm Cham .10-ly moraine, bois W mortally atWàd of; enald ..FI %ND M Utw. abolm" to * qnlumiam ; wd sont for, who, - mmmpmm:i by Dir. beau, him., il h Cêtrriap y :W = Yy = by, . mbSS Stews,, "-d at the place iiibout two tion of pw" Si teille. , Fop- ' L a Umm, tisonnai àl- délock on the fDâowmg m-t ý'Afraid Of what r CE" Byvoiter. ùnprem»a upois à Ding. Mm te, it, ud l fin r ...... lio l"ek, ill ffl"ý. eflill I.itèttT fkARN, cm. Truak. ilimil vailm. RE suu n LITS ,S gh-w- Ùello il Méow un Most W" geaw lm& Lot tbe fimm Dune» Gddm@4 tbongh budy bruinait mwkod and emi ,ýn ül Finit il t., thoit adtmtm to, ilibout theuL «Fa ý"gl .1, thf ý«, F,.wem liewm MW$. othý IN THE lie lare, Dot go toi bed in i cou ho amated in " terrible about the book Md choulders, wu ni* H Mr. ]ffub«ý avaU ami in-;*a nly wiee.&" darik for féar of the M te, Md Dm a W" à"" cm harêt. xm Donau GIWUW&, mâ»y,, Mr. la V 1 T09M of him a-ýý,Mtberba" -M endie" the, MiL 1 »Um ruh« a m othm hmd, vole finaud to ha» aruuum ci Pt A laýze vavwy whilQ. 1 Paffl of Vino tu de thins b;;d »"vM soch se me brtwlm,4aètkiudt,, br"ebea> 1 A» ALM amm broka cm cif my dû injurim M to rois akhty-»Vm M à ilitil a luigs elhIck l4 Ma»kue* let ma d"M ne after uignTmu--- Embe, thm poisomisil ib fik yolong i dm hm in &U pmb" tF ab Min" fer Who imtipmd 1 NV NI 1 lit r r ffl Pu hm ltegabfwr. n« um ai %L îhe ritition S tiekW 1ItI* wigh twunem and de«patet à Sà W. Waubu» am" 3 issue ab, if am mowim te prolite EMaL ho lwadwd tW ho vos beauc. Syvatw lois of tij» the wSk vu 'Hm dmil vm I&M bue tu the ellitout Fil nu, 1 I-LIMBXR. SHISOL98 & LATH. ecitel wt.,t forues the pla»-,qkm .4 00 pmarma '6 3sim soi W«ft-»Om i opold -»t nadmeimd tbe boinq «zWd mgbuhm.lh d~ «M ut Veftub*o ffe«L '»W l. -8 lm fffl trow4p M a« ci entrera iaobm4 du modp boing trio&- M-M Pwry *M VI-M V. Co à&& lis bom,*aaý% Md 'tahost&" Red Byvwmr mm a hm bukwmao bru the mimbid wu dm on mm wmý fulir in a ut Lil STUFF Culr lro* ORDER. fi» lit Viestillille paàhm, -Même dm tèMé Irm Cbmah« dmk mot Mmdi MtDiewm à imp"ble izelot thons W Vans f«W uniF hlm 811ROMW IMM PW bâille hem the bât lm ammum it - ce tu 1 the apimd odMu, WA àoi bonus sud tell 1 1,0 mi S«Utnm hm M Imm Md lu ut edgiblo f " à loulou hâve mapd hm et W" of. this Imm pStion ci the body, and NM SowW ""OVI"Mt 'IMM »Vw wanis dom woog 111«= M W mm yeý 814 b»MU ti» dwild vu hW Il fS hem the râs dowawarch, wu comi, efit te the nonsit 911110081escillew. Ceffl-9. pw>muùm-u aqm~« M ýe 'o-um M long se -yb-ly ma Ip-mbw, Vu «dy »IW.» àkm" - b, clos, p %à" Emy lit m M» flsot i@ W there in a rotwb-ma delleiller. Pt" 8" *W lm roft th el, MW h..ý whos "'M» mtufbmb mW mot pplied bum» -S T . @eh- of piloses ci Wate of' modieul = o sui w» a a lum la hf : ttite rit» ,W sib".ow *@Wood*@ elewbu= xwem ter. il Stouer, beà»e in aqai," thiM qlle lit, Ontisq, ----i " ab-nkmg tumaky wM l bmettt md, m br su ve cm poil to the lem TbA 9ub«Xb«ý thaWAtbi for P&M COMW b" am de #AM IL "I et K-". ,p Ite*l» tlffl> bffl la latw»» silirs le thm mulbmft bM lâmemblit nu& Wbu a un Uwweb4 thm Fd b"es Ibn" * l the fâces Vithin, >1 Imin, lm om"m in looked uffl by oort" doum si b., hitt -%umwotw frwnd. %hm File hile 0»» M« $%la itgeým et Wbat a doumq yez, Moi, hie ava 1 BD &M Mé- ta bu 1 hm âwedical, os bwy Siti- eh" it ti, hm Mé. afttit hf Witt bu b«Wr «~ -So 0" illiume. tete" boa M ICIII,,,W il t" 1 et. ou-N"Nrl. be in *@@tu Mt S am baght! ML Te M" " Matelot uddw, MML 1 M illis se a 1 C»wT=01118 aux VO 1.1 2', Mt Bbýý MW TO& &Meir Ibio abotre boil, vIR bu offl ta pumb fa Mis pluti fiier. b moW »t bouts base yow Gmmdet bâil noir ami" amofflu bar Lot dis, gowellau Obi"M i roi, if vu lacimil bizo. up boust mWmý to, mm wM a mm ce miedvis in Cienk cla thé der to abil Bu 4 *»y njt» cd rom ragimplivinq et La lot mamit, et fer a mghtt m daidd ÎM bm dud in Mm-. 1 1111111M va M& ignuansý, b * a leu hW littlis sa zwit M t'. thoel, ton lie th* tbib 01 f foi. rellât r-wýM ---! wbmlmmm te les; mm chmmdý obum thet t" d&U J., trtifk.;.ý th..tt.ffl m'no but** hillit, ile»*. ont etamammw~ et W" ba.0 ehdu sono la imm Tm effl= --- veau a VU tm homme was mady fer tbom Tb*; If lKr. BMQ hm Md qoàlmwy lie M&qrmg tu hm in M the ,nttbnd efflt), F'r lbw, -Vve-d omvtbm la 111111011> M imancomamble amii" bas «M a imang of mmb" hdhum V 14 fil! 1 IS* zbýý mme q- --W bilait: b@1ý Iwi 11114,11 itil 0.ý.1 imi *)« , bq UNUL -Tm M» a 11131111 huging làs mmo" et un B14jhý sa ors to publieh (-Ixwtivr ho j liées OIN4 Tod !W à ID ammiuv% ' mm-% POM -a- Umm ses mr3; oui, tbs _îý du atwomba almoinuet the» m dwp of tbe i naturel ad Fi V l, 1 4; Wr TO LIVUY 3um" a hwum% am illImb -W -s! .4)1i, W% Ir am-é 1 d--Nb -epa» emy in -0 Mq mmmw-, cellit M et Wî , W il for of tàlir ..ftàwbt l « j «Omm la ritilith, ifè rittio willit'a rmpmfuýly a van> wbM bu de@& = kmw," thu »M-t- -» hW î= saugm hamir. cm cow, eme TU& île du woulè 89%, 1%6 1 duges, in a =2= ý.fl tl.,bt il@ belle:w %blit le me laffl M à qmmoây e dry "Bot bwe bed a umW BWW ce Chubr Ou> bzzy Im àm an! la mmm mm* aâww iw)ath endamié- dectioly on hi@ m -lidwi, l"ý rof Ow tuiFbkm vxtvffli.* et wM lotir exumted la " Coouv. it! on bie dois Impe I%,wi. Tom »ioný maim poèl% rnemMU&ý bons bWdmi " id«w, mi bue mlm»o6 Wbm 1 ing tint pro"ty, tbe limbal, Md the "rin-, am de &W 11, the tle-% cf;fwê;bý #*Fffl* IK%>Amb embow Umm il àgwdm--" lisse *0 in% conce; Mt 1 livu et the U»ehm We owè".v bwbow Md its 1110,1111, illaibu une" wàm U» »W hvàq thizik, a ý bw »d foi. «M»@N mý l Vàt»». mu4éle». COM& Md llývaim età W" uww-4wwivq eu- Au xim a Oum Oulu M Mus idmt% à" mm ' ' Ch- Md 69 Md in à Men- hommý, lot la blet la = W tw» a ia Mt àà au Md %te b* ràltè't*CàM COLIAM& bu 6WUMI& Umm tbm wba m- 111*611111311111, Lolok bu aqnmd by de» o@oëRwý W 7:1 -'d, o'tr" aheffl).M. h* M"M "à ta hMlt omis Our.pt" tom bâIL tol soiad, Pa» gode td"w» M M&L bel au Wh* m'p ma àmin" apm bw sol, & f». tel h1k »bý)-ty fi. wM% go in br reebie, iwod it vos] bitellew lie, 11- re, ille» %T%.@refflý *M Umm awm d"M ma, un PDA@bailvi, »VM» the Moicer te b" Am. M un a" tmmàig le quisoci. &W wbm là a" nos ligote la 93 Mt odim ml topwù" toi

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