- . ý 1 1 . . 1 . - . . 1 1 1 1 mmwwqm dwouml 1, 1- ý1 la- l 1 . 1 - l . 1 . .. me cellâce mi NIWMM .. mm eut"-de . ý 1 . . W"U»"Ct ý . ý ý . 4 - ý lm salait sur thoin. Th . . ý . Il could du mure bq.ium 4 ý . d&-AL.& Mat tient tifeber W.I. me &Ld& & ý ý . ho wooki icty oebir« ab 1 ý 1 th" thty hmi ia 1puet 9, . ý ý lewme, -nd pstIld a. hikh m g ' . . 1 the lègnier. ln the rem ý .1 . 1 - cholly »b.,uld be..,r- lCr,ýý . - -et indébwk"iy, acelà Il ý ý ilt ow* ' i ý 014 nicipahty of .Y.Mwlk, #IL Il .. ý - . - - - pIllupie .f Whithy W'd 4 qîb eaàýV 4ýbwp. au 1 je# 461her on lâtl -hm'eul ý ý . . . ý - 1ýII tomýi 4 j9r. 1 - . » - a leý.6;* I»eý, an.j ý 1 1 1 - _ __ ý crýiC fur %ne tu,:,d relan, - - - h*f-,rýc th,- ,,i,:..,.".,. .%Il . - _7 - -. . -- - _ 1 . - - Term, $1.50 in Advance. th" 4 t'»"" e .,p 1. nirýis..itW-. %.à 41! iý,I le, Vol. XV. WhOle Nimba 792. . 1 LINDSAY. ONT., Fp.iDAy. NOVEMRE 13,187 - .- - - _- -_ ý . . - . _._ _ ,ý,, l e11tý ý . ý - ý.--, 9 U-411- ..fh te,,ýl M iste. - - __ t.M. -10 111 thý blI,ý,ý ý; ý Il ýý __ - %&u n& A Illime ff« ri" edzz»gt&x au 1 - -- --ý _ __ - ý mum'Le «Iý'..".". Il, ,,,ý,,I eý,.,,,. Nfiýt,,t. 1, tlIC.". ICTT » JalititT$, - ý -, _ . fr,ý lý,rt!,.:,,v l., WI.0 r-, ----- - -1 ý 1 . IL [PO" paria « au Mithmil coudmim &ndr* 1 'YORTH FIC I"RIA COSTRO- Mr- CAMUCIL 1 th,,rht it ..,dit b, WHITB Y A ND PoRr Ppu Ri, x v ", -)ý.ý..., -. suei_ - MID"-nD R&ILWAy Co»,&Ny sot. tîme O-qrh lb tell hm aiter ho MW TE-VSIIXY lu IL ië! Y. Abi»,r% CUmb») t'M ske M . RAI.ÇDRIM lq, à«ûomm, Br".. iffi CI& ý frig.RTZD EM UTIOX at)Y.£,= ,eIllýUY,ýltbl, IV311C. t»NDU,4. ne, OU. hW. ^00"bu" Md connain" Ukaý bu jors. Nou".l CxciIl.ý. A th,,I lIr- I. Il - am& Who boa Yom solâve flèneq% 5111COND DAT. - 1 t.,I.! th It thl,. r,-l - l l;ýj #*-Dbmnçn (.0 weille lArm. »« ID " *W S. j8o1fO11ý àee»*8g4 lwatik, am Wi. or C&N*Dà. ,asmmfmkhesmlhttmltý * - the questiom - . . r--ýI ý la '! frA. YIý) Ir ---. nd To &» tête *rm àunnl",. Mr. »WTO M& CAMM'* nt Oificer vould, .;...ýpb.Ef!,,,> op ,Il" M., :, I.:* _= 19 cw«uta4w»44«b. oa»innuans» ý . - ý -14 but the ret-a-i1 offered to be ZXPEOXT*Tiý4ÇL4"IUXUTI--40-IMXOeJ'41 0M.'41 S: f' ' Il "'-"ý :ý .4,mbl»S.-t Churvbý lem. Xvbom ta &,,Fvàialý mteueud se " vin ------ M46 1 - .W $&il& awummm-îw!>., Isis, maubbm wiwwmlm »»"D CUBSI14 RWOrDe-1 liv'lit at Dot tam my vote. -I.M h- ý',',,'i ý1 Lw, ce: 4> VOIR, «UV wwtb aithSw bâtir. wSaviue inaction; vo" for Matu- w3L A»Iwm-&'Ç, BWOM,-l Mt L %e, XEL Ja.ý$. jfoLDzýx'A_-j * '-",I,,Itý.,ý ,it"., W è; Go., boister. £.q.. jup. OM T . a. #;F.#)Kkiu 1 lit. 1 , "et.; di. ret.'n - ý 'tu 'ru'ýx'r'ant 4x.t. 30. j', D 0 . 7 fi >,.-t:ý. ha ýj-A thý1 Il Il. _ý. m YM . ,uvrida,,fuý-'ýnlg -1ýshhýiepi-Iraýtýt.;,,,fhý.-&nt 1 lis, _uI.-y .; ,,, .j", Ilititis. ___ _ Twu ORW dm" W= 0, .hitawe, . - j r - Il 1 I ý , I. - ký. .!,. , a 21%. à. P. P. _71.elly. = . - -rr. lu, wl., je': l "'. 1 ý ýI ý,ýý,.e 1 - ,,, - - Thmiab Frelù t U tes ' â»; I did a" preVioUgly proinfas Mr. CMerQn'& apat est Hartley Under! Ote.- A thL Whitev a,,.I: ,r, 1 . lýý:ý:ý1-ý'r.:.,...1ýý--,iIý . . -11ý.-- -- .ý- - . - 1-ý- ,-. - - . «:ýI,. ne l'.. I. i ýI.ý ý.: , ý __ , t Iglissam . . . iag odicer ý ýtli.rI:,4 the -1eimt,,Iet) I.1 reit- - ý ý; ; 1 1111hme ofibe huit, fle whom belleil say'llote; 1 igum@;dlthmemreaqou»iÙddaloon-'»'M&dd w.fidtthl',Dtha.4.th.ohrtity, and sair Itinffl»d ; Whai,, . .Xtlýliý.11ý'. leIý ItAILROAI) 110TEL, Kini etr"14 but ho coutil not Rtaiknoglimtd liait a vote, l att-i-.1-lu- ,a, nu, ." Lýý- " txl,,tý'i; ,I't , ý I.. :ýt'.I.I . ý 2111,111, ut the ' . :IreaepDtu-s&-ýn= ; 1 vent with c"t t mlj,,Ln elletrautin grum toc (7h,.",..i"., full ý,lIlrt _., .4.., ý,,.fl t,.k.ý 'I'r ' , 'Il. Lilny 'umio% . .. Cufflo 111.11-n t- ;,i.,ý.,. %, le tee M . fwt" ' Sinciair tg Hardoy and, Kirkadd; 1 ho intsmied ta vote for - Ririglanad jstid j pr1'tl ý full e.%tIr-ýi.n .If ,,, I AZ.= (:h.,I,# ý1qU0N Md owur% = TER LTVZ"SL AND LONDU 1 mil" at tome hausse; 1 got 11m the Joax Ut:T.àooim, swara m te, Xr. 1 Mr. II.LL't.-4 'W.th file r,ýp ,,re.ýi illI 1 ll- -I' *ýý.bQýý*Wf:jcýfý1»#.- I&WIJP , TORONTO ÀlîD3LZM Y. FIIRR' 4T Ilt0cer, Witt" gt - . là» @LM co»A»Ir. . &y befom &O elecùon, to hm taisins MRaIelannýe veto clairned . f>..I.,r. le M) : ', , ý' 1 . e.-,. 1 el- 40'. ..Il _ -. . I 1. ..; :. ,,-in M IMEL I*Pw⻫»m tumemimatu A" admire Bum"%L Md lx&Umble& 9 by Mr. i Pn-e-,Iedt.di-eexi,",tu,, js,,ichý:..I.:,rOO14 - Irba Seugazurs lsum ne, gimy led, wmmdq= ,- puten. W il 'iý:u4 a Iý,n- I"e.4.by U., - ,le-t'de 1111"". P-vrte4er; ]Film A l. and, Ray My expenses; 1 Pau one aman, Clameron to be lit I W.ýýIhi he fa"'Mble tu . . Xow H.U,.e ,.Çw 041DIture. ent.eu» 1 lammvadupwmftbL Ambie MaDoulgrall for hie beami n 1 M«,ME,,hutmdt, "Upaan fIr thý,.ýt. Il. ,n-lý,, rIý,,- - : , . , - RIM C» paid a mm numd'Ù--Nabb, 82 for hie ho wantud U-n; he whier.,t.,,d - 1. ý, .Mr. -...iý,p,,.,k,, r..ý« ' .,.,. dibijua (10(4 .%.bl;g.4g, and »attmsivoeoeboumaniwe, Talc LARGE" ]PIRE INSIVRANCI bà vote, My ingg 1 , ý I ..ý . ý TiM lUGIR RAM . 1 i A that t.wm*hip, -.-ý .., - ý. lisailvé Co»ANT ln lm£ VORL». Abtoodhubwtbbamiel, ,cf', Ille vote for Casserole » I - 4h-..qce ho ,ec,,ttwý ' ý . .---.» ..........................- ý ý 1 BU am traboiez lm du4m ft-*% testai; 1 met him. on thef mil; 1 coutil ; Il. -1t, 'Ir ', - ý', ý . vmbeo»M? fou" hà nainsfon the liait, but the 1ýu 1 The warienet the cl,ýjrty -- lý_% MW.h.n ýe-r Il ý;i .il. i-Ir - n. f . ,.",:. lomitrr(;ktý,, litilrmi-4 .; Br sueur a rumi le- -qml 'If til. r.-J. ,etui ., .', th, ue,,ýt'y t ', 4 IL .ýýýe« --, M«M.b.;.È i get no edm tums; MoN -* bàh"r 1 lusi been marked acrou it; the rettim- i aud I: .- ýilý r-.ý,,i Ti,. rýil. 'fi, irft" , .ý,,,' Ir:. ,II.",ý': e- IF curner ,le f.#-% A"d Cambelitufs ellieileki, Lkud. *q1b, .sdl; - 010118sisse la- -1---lacètuýou;ftdcbm,68u; la poivem emd leil L abb , à t,"'r.*4,,, 1 , , I'. : '. àjý*@"» and, bratilier mme; MCDOUPU wu a inx Oificer lýfU"d the Va&@ in Coast- i bu >-Iiclýi tLlt the r.IýeIýn.te ,j @;eý , _ I:. Id - e Irlte;r My. o,,%ý rýtei voill0h. rropri~. Noir . 0 M& IMI ý Ton mmeý a bo4 debruimd be@4 M e, _ , .ý "I- bo; i.ookou Lmulr--W lier ont. Te whi, a botte ta " ber àn& voter; ho votes ait Fouelon; 1 sa" quence; 1 know Xc£wb»n in on the 1 -Sý't!i.i' -1-1-ý,,;i fn, r-, -Irc -11;1ý1,1"by ,f, -: 4 il r;.ý:, ., 1qu'ine &;;d .,*.» fulo-ture, The br*%,Olltýý S- - oeumam assistent à» c&mm m - ' Il -y . - milly viU il..d p«Y mesumodui". = 18jeý . . . . . 1%m co"omà»wý ý rmnm»lnmr wiffée kèr lm ait. witu bar la go ma& Archi XShad#& for hifs teaux; 1 en- north hlf of ,ilft in the &th concession Il .riared, ý,I.i ý, -'A trie t.ýý,,ýi,.I. A ý-t-_ Mr quirielà yfith thlé hoils wiffl. 14offl Md gieffl. A" ~ sur lents laitu ill,, hall a P.f_ài ;,.r*rýieý ýIt Mr ficis.,n,.I, p -G. - ,'.,i ,-,4. 1 ,«àhàùw. ;= "pd hint before the poltiam I -il of IM,,4 &,d th, ," itif of 32 in the 1 file G:'ýný Tr,- î; I& . i,%,, ull ne ý..j th. fiIl,.. .ý. ý,ý, ý ._,,__ý ý. 6" lbmw*àum"dWuneý *9 k*Mà» amm . . , ý, 1, ."h --,zI:, ,f,ýt.l. r, -.-.....i S." ý 74elly »Mmmdf Illilme »lowmu »WO*W asmeil 2 ozube * -m-by-agmu" YgDoupU the day bdore poUing; t9ele 1M ,,n," ,, &ýuý':'ue'n""ýl-ýll'h4'-%zý",h;ý,zth.t;rýtTr.,ek 6' d(il X.L., Ibo flottent, MU bu propaitait go situ Puitu Comestefu: . la totem duk the woodý UMW. , IrUA do thIl, 'l., ,.I ext.,ld tel. ý,;,I. lie "hlit ! ýa, l , . . -r4uu&- ---- W. liamil.flit ADOLM «MEL. A" &ta W" mingi" cbm& axer _I ,&,rtoi ho 1 I.,,,,et uj»:lyt -ý'1 'i l*z% % qFM f» mention Md m Mt 1 wete the only te«»Iengaged; I re- Tý M., A & -r', , , i,àll(*..P.bw J K.»% -11 *18 , . .W- 1 ho Wh cý,y and pý,rt i,ýrry ilte _ t;,.., - tb"%. ïý.îq.,tlhýN*»r*lo *'SI%= %boe Mun" in tg pluisât àems, - 7« pregAML -à-- tumed, e but Si to Capet Sinclair , th. t.ear.ýtt,àii tu ,onut til. C&IIWý.ýI eý:ri.ý ý -. W. & Il, à- 'l -W rIr,.,%u,@. W'd ovoev "W" l w» the avaler of the property by hel W"h th.eur.ý1.1 Trun'.. T!ýe ýlpic.Il fftýt!_l:- L ,. 1 - lýi -,-. ý-ti.,In Ir, - mi-a pow le the - , ý Iram muffl ,qm»% moment. hm" kept thà for my ultra expennu; 1 did ,îw lbw*. vi-ýes. t -W ODIA» PULW,ày my; 1 never examined the tide; ho ai- : hall f-t. tftIltu,,"Uiug t,.;ýt t ', . Il ., ý ý Çb"Ille = - THE LIPE IDEPAW XM T là. . ý TOU ' ber wu - liil-n-1 Tr,.!,â t., -ý 1 t- ,ým.1brt ý,tg.,.,.I. Vb a" OF CANA- ab of brumamd, not te to Kennath rie'$; 1 poid Capt. wsty, lived tholle. 1 hclp'hm witil their lino. but thêtr.letld ., N :11. ra.. Il ,!,,."il'. - 71é-lyý p-l'-id-- 024L sinciai.-O M" ; ha did Dot pay evect Tu X& C.imnao.ýr.-Re hm lived on , th",'Iir":tiu bI"Li le-lt ne!;, thý trade .,.. .,t"ý', ... IL .. ý'!-T 1 , cIwarý, x,îî*L4,,ý $tdelug. ý Pm am bue I»WOÈumd lu* càmekbl Md - A" -Z- -ý imminent ewthe bond, .Il 'L'ý*-tl-- -ý--ý - 1 auuwm WM lie P" te "bumb et tho butasse . imam wabimmilb. -iô liiez u» wüd reàoiw . ltý-iret t., f-Iýf, ,,,, -i1.ýà .ý,.,;,l . , > 411_, ýL. ', . i ý I - !- t : ý., ý ý ý vam num es - yestre: no other - %Ui- i hy the WhIt! >1 a" P- -et 1»ý,,y ke"t.ý,,,nln, ý "ý.",ý-,-i %, - :ý'. OTZL, ý jw PMOOWM Mit le glama bistimaisa qilliut . &M bwwud prisa mdgm»tbe mlR4 for hà m" ; ho gave me the money the lot & "XI. mâlay , - 1 W 112. .. Z. tisse ezpmau, 84; 1 May bave Mr. il .,Ic,.!.eý%t -', Lit 1't', a -:II ýj -ta il lt*mm » vol"%). le Il 09 pâtir braite bxb@W r ' : - ,,, 9 Il Il,, *LI OU reffaira, to pay portion hm occupied lit; 1 am certain ho I .,_, -,aIlý_i t ý il, 'ttx*% 1 To, hême rwmwu tissez, Spent Il of My own. I tlia nut me IL -ne-tlý the ýlýan Pa i'ý'IL :el'ý"fjtIr',": .% là.-t'aort*1114 ? Iaf;,Iwlqby. tb»deuwpwday. JAMU sur, Thwà"y, un ab à, lut ànd tend ,fond emmS ommillet daS14 .. "" 'l' -.I:i.,ý !I1, . .1 Il ! ,m,. ý.iy lier ait poifille. AUMI$» &am lker Limitent sud ce. viellevait -)w» lot 32 ice the 1(kh confiscation, be- ' in,-ý et. gr. rýph,-j F>-*;,A. ïr.,., W - 14II t., -.: '- 1 , . ý, bffltlov%. ý efflck Som . 1 ffl . uamm. jýr»1, « mdbm*mcemmkin& IC te, 1 do Mt týlîl 1 ýqwke to him ait canse 1 saw the ,,&,le. Il ki.aenhur-.t the -txtý-,e. flic ý.1. -,., nPI f'V,-,týe ý t- 1ý - -IIi, ý ýý - - 1 -- ý ý - - ý, a1t. . fr-,ue t;rý'.eIhlIrt tII T,,rintlle, ý,ý thl,, .N, .il ý L- G. W. -'%Lw.Ai4 tomuhip cletrir of itI.I.Y,-.ýi,,.-I,-ý*.,;,-ý . ,C,." . i .,aý.I -;. ýý ... L(1119 110TY 1 " N O'tT"&R," . *45 à. m. 3:4& A",%emiàmu"ucmwrb" 1 -_ il.; nI4 -,.lIe.lII,ýI,ý,li ..; 1 ' . . . ' 1 ý fi . c&!ýr*-"t:: lem .. ,«>.33- 1 Awmu mzwmml.. gwS%-' »duý Bidon. aw-r»,-i . d'puty _ ý. .ý - 1, jr 4ext lb,.r ý- itum besoin m etter eu"! fttUrU- 'antýze -434; FI.Ilý :n fýw,,r,,i ti,, %% n,,,,v ?.,-,. ý. bite W---- . entente. - .... ,,.je Il. eu ... stood Melatym w» mnvu"g fer M inz olîSr est Wecdffle as l" el ý ,,,et thý.%,rhýrn. t,,*-.ýi.. ..tC,. publie Po"'*?ýP cW iNff T..Oo ý the ce. i 1lQ.ýn-Ie un.ulIt.,, 1.1Itý." lrth. 1ý, , @%WI8 OWd tkèfl h84- ;&'('b'sbom% mmil b' sow FIRE - IIU RAM c- - -I .... .. 1 fit . &, e.I.'l' 1ý n-., . ý 1-_ he &" »4&Md Y" Lbl"y » - - ikil ,,.,,,,C, Aâm-«Idàblellrlýi*Vl , Mt à - :::: 41, p Il uza; sny brothS D-&U àûW-11 tion; 1 kww XcKkn.@, and look his %cg certsi, Parti" -h-, .,,4 - _ý.'-i >.-,,Ifý', ý, - -, ý f - o , 7ý;" ,4 J. a, xÇCAWTHY. prelprieller. O! brAdbeer4amý ,t " on, _ .... mit :: 7.49 . ODDiS A2VD BYDS. 'I'd Dot go siong with MO; 1 bOmweè vote by mintake from; momory and with. ý file - "'un, f- ý-1 will, .erI,ý r,,ýwý t., >"",I. ý , ýl. , _ I..,. . M . . 01111 m ** .... 1.10 « 8:10 1« 250 ùl)M 1 dis. 1 ýiv- fille, a tenu -If ýeArý lý, ýaI;,!t_ ,'J' -,ý- 'A i.. ., .ý .à. ý. > . ,,,t mr a fait rellepècliable heàf%ýonlu - - - .:,ý.ýi- CI M a-ntys ancl 1 Pud 'S ,,,,t Ilfrri,,-c t, th, poll-book; 1 ro-mi at thi»Ire 1-ýjLjrI, ai tný ,,ý,,, 1, ,.. ý . . ý . _ ., _ k flli Polly submertbM by mmilly la ,,ým oe,.,rsm .... lm :: scile II. -i" IRý_ - "ivideu billit le omia arerve :::: 2:30 , lkt& .. Frai" in axe t»-& ChOffistIt bock; I I" " site hm par my ,ovsved themtkWoretb,, m-, toit , etfi'. Md thlt tIIeý" -, l ;- - ý-., , , - "s.ýj. KT li()TICI., m . . , ý., ,ý. i ý . ý . 1 Il - ,,,,Vfflt. I.bmtmv. John, Ir«». prom- cap" te ha 1 @ML et ! hun=1 iniil;ý,Iifc.t,,fi"eI?"ý. . _'. .: Il .. Il . l. - gVory .Le '. 1 - .= . 001» wum- ilbijL lu&". UIOney. the stand, on looking ait the essessuffer .tý.ýLýil : -lý; etl'r, Il -"lt..,» vagi t - travellers; the %&hi* ett'ence of the V« ýý Md importante, - À me nom---o» of a thousand dok DUNALD ]ÉC&MLE, uworn,-l ma- , 11rry Sun.1 ý'Ld *jý lL thjý In'.IIýý. ."..-t.., . I ýI -. . . 0, 'iloil *itlà %lie ho*- ooad roffly me- .2 the pire bumam. ' . roll. 1 foun(i ho vu &sffl,.----l fur fw1y ! l,-, .il ý,à.L.I*.,. it tIIý rzý .ý..,e't. ý . - .t Il. .ull 74ely àm"nt a Pragium sir &,$$ a. m. lus. vaisied fur NeLennan; 1 wu out one #100; 1 told him ho wu Dot entitled te ! Il ý,ý ýfI..1d fi - ý ý_ Mi. o t»"!":::: L t'O e: ., a. 7:10 :, .)f..t,ý Iý 1.ý.LI14,1-ý,-ý P-, l< 1 >- r, ýý h!l,.W.,%O. .......... *[.MM il e,:,ry ,,, . -1-ý--- .. Il Dmps a the water-À" Md hot aight besicles polling day; no one asked lise vote ho had r@CoMed; 1 recordent a 1 .ý.ý.Ii.r,ý,d, ý -- I- - 1 l I,"!,,,-- t, L... J_ý, LI 'l' - ' ' WM .......... oa.u&u& WOO&üw « .... 4..sa .. )oý ý 1 William et., 1'lup *h" M i - . (4 pumimm .:40 »ýltiýý-et t'l.r. "Ita me ":.:,ý,,,ý , . - '. s!tîýîé)x is(YrK ., ttoury irpm, . *Oak - " - .... 4-20 'l' 8:1Î10 'Il It.,I*ý J.. Wàker,9061010. ha lètrz ut ... me Wh" aide 1 veut& vu" for; 1 et vote ehrùY aitervard, to ahus, the ý 11, I-là- ý. Thr- I,ýýrj,-,- ýj. rle _.,ý_1"ý_"- " 1 1 ...... ...... ...... ...... $M@" .. . M*Chmim in the . -1 _-L. . ý I' Il , - -el&» li. :: " .. le...àet 1 t', r- týý,fte rp.",.. 4)tt.-%ý ý,,j ,-.,,,,,,. 1 .,,ýl Pelpl.,t.,f (ýýý»g i.lifflri w-J cigare. riffl pugul» inventait 619113.201 ý W" . ý. *ttoetivo le-tier. Pomt» for- De à1ý 6nïiý" iiýý;ý,.::.* * = , ** :::: 5'.00 Ils" for no mOMY; sol talkme illest Out; na One' mistaire. .tNe'l'..,( 4...i ., 7"-Ijv W= tud luitit Uo.@» 35 bunkm. . %bc .In.ýltCýntrý;,al.1 . .. il, Il, 10-2à :: asked me te take my teala ont. Mr. To MiL Aamom.-He in a labourin ' ý, -I. «,, 1. iI , , ., .ý.Wf il, .t 1 'l' fi'r , ... r1ft. eta't W"fi. latter amnim in invra"d lit 0km-e1m»ý , 9 1 tùIle U..I-rnný .tILi. Iilýe - .. ?I., ý _.: ý . , . MÉVO..... 1 .30 Whowevm aman mw«tb4 th" @"n Stuart did Dot sPouk tu me; 1 did Dot mm: 1 think that lis the only proporty trai. k'ý,,,e %bi. le, t . cansi" fur -wuntv of their Cao"" - :::: e':30 :: 11.4à -Pli r e ï, .. 1 1 *1 .1 ?,Dr$ liffl 1. ý ý . 1, __ __ ,m WY lieu. .. -0 P. M. bu " r4b. rI .d - -,Uii. .jjj, et t . . ,Aock in Louata, 1 ,ý -,ý',-- î ... I.I. I, -.:. 1ARS ma" of taek down Donaid MitabeIL ho in, mumed forý. îý"h-I . _,ý I , - , *ïlisait. - lëls.10.0, br 43. or amiy 3" pgr jýý - GOING NoîtTu. liait. situent. Mmddem -aid-The kiteh- girl ont w. XAMe«, , i le. a -l'i' 'z liýjim.:-. ;Tllý , ý*-.r h,;: , - _' - ' .1 . -1 Il- . _. . , - ý _-__ý'- --.=ýý= _ _ _ won4-I voteil for r joff-; Mewzm ,wom m te, the vote: ,ý-le.-ptàeýI,._-- .i,...I,,ý . ' 1 . of tue&"& . - .h.tt . -... :, . - ,I-it,,% it , , ALL IUM TM OF M M MM -:: 10.30 a. m. &vUp. Xcrêmn*n aDd took an active Put in ýf Robert (;r,à,m-1 wait wrutineer ait êo = _ , _j . . - 1 . ý .4, Adam'* illock. Kent -m in &»y oghie &,eeh» @I«k- :,"D= d"rt 11:4& *« 6:30 ,e* ai- II - ýn-ter tr-e il, .h.. (S i 1_ .,It %i.t)o, -r 1-ý numhal't's bbabe. 84 sa Io* Cote* GOOd Plu» illir M&teh-maki2Ot--8 the ellection; 1 canvamd for hi ý u9ý %Wý l'a ,.,rL&I.c.". i t ri. î;î.111.1er.-1 ;II,..,. - . M .tr'ý,t.'I.iIIIfIN.V. omit (1 enspany. Lomm pmmpgly itheut retovoiens Poterbomý Ilà 12:4s P. m 7:2S ,* . m two XO. 3 pulling division, Feuelon; 1 know til-et ý,t;iIti-.1 ' %O L'nd» 110ard. Pr le L"O&u .mv&::,:, Pb- qelap couvert- C: -!a -':Il.ýI.ý. ý %.,I ,,-,ý,,!. - ., . . > , Il étrx-l,"w 1'?,-;,?tut"r th*Pbfi*wellýuPPýWd A. WALLI& 1:29 *1 11:06 .. days befère the Victoria Boatl RI.)berc Gràbam - ho hm property there; luuýýr , . r.ýj,. l, ,xi leI, - '1.tI;ý L ... ýilj, the W%,:I'a...I. ,If Win*%. liquum VKI ktga- - ý The latest Irish f»Um ils a home- ri . -2., .: . . bd ty. = eMý ý8 OUTA W»ffli4 ne 4101se surim. ý?u; 1 cauvamed Fenelon and Seimer- 1 was premmt ,;lie, ho rtoo.,rdel his ý ce-fu lv,-,;»-ý.. -'n tý.,A !,Il , 'A I-- !' ,r, ... twela, Limiter. là ý ruelle bat. ... L wý ,i7ý! Ilçý"; 1 - ý t ltý * Ite - il 1)4 - _ ý, , - - 1 ..:,.ely : N"L Ile hm » emim. ., nom---Rmý - - - le; 1 gent te Minden 'Oit Isait Mr- vote for Mr. Cameuron; lie wu on the ; Il AniýrýI-.Ie !,m,,..r lie Water millions the rolite, whinkey thie » E' k and 31n Harde; they bad had a ,,,,t,ýrup nu; ho hm billon .., 1". 1 t n.1 le"; 1 . 1 .. - t , . -. and liait frts.six W= " "::: - i 4:1à «Il a tenant of 1 tý4e 'f 2i -le! c, en IL, tý,-,r -,lI.r th, ,N , _j *bain# O. ffl " À 6-2s Il, - mm Md ticht b»»* the luelle. . 1 ý . - _'. , . - - .1 - miré"" .. .. .j fl-us .. 4.210 .. 1 -ftti-9 P-'ýiO'àlY and bild --ffl d -Ne. 22 in th. 3rd for munie years; hià EI'ivn-ý hl ýl ti-ýt tell ni - ,n . h-Jý .1',:,,. - , = port affl vrim. ý 8.116 .*36 lied and eail to rille wM ait rIll iý; but ., t.,:;,; ral Il ý !, .. i - fI . Il ý - ,.ý l -L ., __ - __ _ _ _. .., .. - lu zw1y tell, . ' . . % , ý ti"xpil Rit;(; Md ý ffl latta Umm - in don,% utnwùl& 1 every th'ng OatisfaàOey; 1 undt'T«O"" vote was; reitued; several votes hazd tt:h'èt.,-,tth,:rI. ,,.i.,I.I, ý, ". :, , 1. noir 8havinz Wraît be - ,:.ý«I!, NIýýj.% 1 t : r ý. ».. 66 tee 1 Mx. Etatiffle iras Scàvaming ff)r Mr. Xe- 1 been recorded viien ho came fil, ta ton. " ý'1' ý -'Il 1ý ,-.II,.,*,;..- '11111.'l ý. 1 ý ASSUPLAI pâl Nn tIt--- %Vlý.L;,ý .. .. 1. (01 ile,, L)rýýIIll 10011-bil À%"Mlt Zz t .., -_ It is VM voit - 1 p IL P. ', - ý , in .. 1:1 . . 1. M . CON le" ', "a te My, !ý!PP & i L -; ho - -ne Of Mr. 3leLeun"'*à 1 der hî& vote; the returneing oifi-zý-r .;ýtid, ,,,*,!t.,cý. Mr. >,t.,..w .Il, Il . - --- .tIl -.- ; . . _ *"Z..n.l. 1elà 9 01 . ýiý ý __ _ _ _ - , . %bey eome;» but qappose tbey débit cune. . il., i-.f ýI-,. r,.f,:ý-j t,,,,;.e.-,,,ý .1 : ESTABUOIRIRD 1847. terý X. y., en»"Sim, Vrillât mm Te* 1 Which are the four incet corpulent 1 supporters; I malle steme littie arrange- 1 "0h, 1 bave forgotten ta appoint a cou- 1,lIýt',ýcýi!,, *'le r-,.t irla .Vht-.y - er,. I*.-r -,. l' ',.."; r 1:Iýý ,il Coulait amboe& As . Witt tmi" fer ý - 'tat:'I-' feu' lt -, .,,,..ý.1 i , I,.,ý,ý-1 Fl.,Izii ý . ý, .11 ý. ý tiosigts.s fards. alphabet 9 1 menft m tI, ,who- he abould see; I gave 1 stable; t'Il swear Yeu, Gr:iiam ;" I re. ý' .I»ý'ryý it le, ý;, ., lIe, ,'l: - 1 r. ilat I ý, . ', t'.. , Il, . . 1 . 1, :. - - - . ' - U' Un ý Mai $AM M VM fflorbero- and LakoftU. »M stemersfor Mony 1 titillera m the . 0. IL C. T.. iobesftv). ___ - Lake. AI làadmy wisb Commodore erandidrali» ' teint front. $20.tu ffl te meet expenses, - - - - - , , ; .ý %1, . -, ý, 11, , . . - _ý. - __ We Snd, to, our batcer for a sweet- l . 'le t' ,'. 4 et. - :,., .:j"ý.., - __ oi M«mm fur Fur.*" Faut, subanmo, Md OU . a ne wmý a êwt- il 1 mcustrated irgainitt hiz, swearii-, him 8 'Il 3 r .1. -.1 ;- Vilb the Addisk-0 arturuy et about TURM pýi»U on Seurgeon. p, «s mut «O amut co Our ý for tentait, and tolet. him un or no en- 1 " .1 - V ... %fi !. 011, Land gent for ç= imell Cheminot Laiton, 1 = and I autà lie hall recorded his vote; the ý:" - 'e 'Il Iý ,,, ,ýý,ItI, ý,,->.ý-l-, , :- ý:ý' - 1 , - r- .. s'ý 3111WUON DOLLARS, for Ibo &Uhuâvo , .; il t , -,_.ý,,,I.lel - l . ý I ý te llieilid Vit it Woedville witb *a routé »d'qipiaitur ffl- 1 ý ctimatanSâ ta @pend money i rettirninq otâSr said, lie knew hà own , ýýI,'ý I ý'_.I e1" ý "4: " .... " . 9ýC(;A «%oMb, Drellawo ellexi 1>4r- Protection et Amurers. F. ,:il Il ! 1. f-1: Il t - . ý,,:I,,,I Ii,.-.: '.... c",ko.lez. 18~6 W"% 4 the t:sbiutl&-b(ýoi - iiray. At ttrillis with lierthm IWI»y fer Borde . He Who bm got nothir« to do in this ý his ultra personal explimales; and net ta business, ad wu net ejnq ta ho Llic. -_,,erý -., . ....... ,;ý,l,1 ,I'. ý ý 1 i ý ý ý_11!_dItn___ anîil Coltingwoodý seofil with Steauters for Lake* - a __ fi, - - ltr iý NM Souvid. tated te., I insisteil that the vote shoulIl " 'If ýl2 -- , Il, l, Iýý..Y l'...- j.., , ýlIý awamu, li-qeph aitit worid but omw-o bimftit bu lius the bardent job ý hire teun on ellecuion day, as 1 conàcl- 1 ""' :ý _ ý ý * . . (;UNlo.%L"d L lm - 1 un baud 1 kww üL n- 1 r -r *..I, r-,.:ý", ýý-." ,Il IVZRY ÎÎTAULÉS, M È 9 % %r= bý Pur' . Hope lime, which le Twenty i croît it was ille.mi tu do w-ý; this MODeY ý be taken, but the returaing officer re- fe!l * _r, aý.,, .,.-.., 4 ý. ýl.;. . ýýI - xin"» eloirer %sus, the cruw Tmmk lime. VIM in. the ditTerence bi tween a ý 1, L..L.,ý, '.:Iý ,' I, ý 1 . lý)ItK &T11891. tll«MXV. The eontinued prosperay et tbe Compmy wuý ADOLPB IlUGE14 IL a = ýORiMhm, = t W bede 0»!Bbardupand i ; was Out Of mY Owu pOcket; MY liveTY i bised tu tak-ffl it; Rnbert Irwin iras, the "' 'Il 1 !Je A6I, "- L.,e _q', . ' . ý ý . f»%. lit the "Pftutim th" the pregident crw expeuses were about ý",_4; and 1 spent lie lives back -)f C H ,il* ' Mr ugp,"-W.lrý I., , I'. prnp,- LI, CI- 1 about- 26 in dullâm; 1 coutil net travel ý bray the S il ..ý I . ý ý . ewelorUbio,-.,n.*"nm and Voed bar*@* on hi» be,,g.. matfg tenum !ýý_"_ -rt.«*$MOB& 707-17. ý . élèglAN fèt:141411.19. -mi4mý Md tablable - Il À barber is no langer simply a "tnir- , - - Grabata wu sworn in; I aid nut 11'-ý iîlL-ýý.1ý_ý-- t-,,r leer .;;,,., j,:.ij!jýj Tý , . 1 11, Rb rea, ".hl@ ,aie%. Amuftrq am invilled le "» in %bu&, : wich my teaux for lesa than $3 a daY; 1 ý ag&îý bring him nie, ta vote. - (. - . I 1 "ýý--' - ý- '_____ _ 019) A COI.ffl-,,býW, Illortai udsf." ne LIS a Il prutemr et cràaicultuW êr.--TIýý il.: ý.-; , t >e - , I',l 4., >. I-- , . . . . . W ILj.iý%.NI A. SILVERWOOD, xtai egatit. - .L.cksion Md crwùUI0qicý1 trilisie 1 did net leave any money ivith any one Ta Ma. -#ta-xoriL-(' ,r4harn tenipred ,I,,,,;,,.jý , - ->tlý'ý", ' .. . . 1 FRILD. C. TAY A Rumian proveib say*. "Before , at Kinmo I, I.1 trý.I.,,ý%;a,:",., t-- ,.I.1. lý> ý.I 1 , . unt. or at ,Minden exctpt Mr- his vote, but the retumiag ., Kýý1.11 of the qixth tllýi.i"n Court, IDIR, ý ý . ,u, . , , , .. 1 C,.,ènby il# VI>t.,riab. and Lècenoal ADctkebftll. would , odiver wuuld P.,, f'i-:r, P«.P«tftliv --titn4te thèt ho l - liqu'Ide so (10 a Gen- 7&*-$M 1 AuM. Lindsay DèflWet. çt à Lig- ta war, pray onte; LlIýlre gtin4 ta seul. pray .ý Hartle; 1 did nut give or promise any 1 not take the vute. .2 :., '. _"', W. -4 r:- a' ' I .1- ýILI j ' 1 ý 1 ý . M-00-U-M-1ý_ . F« - = ballotte gettmg marri. d, pray three uuàtmý" ý money ta auV te IIý pr,.!,ý, .ýl .i,4t It 'h, "I ', ý!I:,I-'... '. 1 ý ý 1, elat C,.,Iioe.iiý,)c bMi avencv bu*tsle*s. AU bulinffl Il ne at SuPue-'ille;,Aud ý As ta the vote of Thon. Bell. which ýi,,_I, -ýý,, Il ý.. i I.,ý:I, 1 pt 3', l', ý, ý 1 'I, , ,, r.. 1 . à . , ,% ý . , 1 . . «Ttr%è,itfIý ell heni ,9111 Po ".I" pelrupt attention. A »U= Iwo Lm What in the difference between a man ' gave no money ta any one else ý 1 . Off. E11(t., , alfillatin . whojLy.= ,ý5 I, , ,- ainied ta put on, doca- U.Il.r,,,e&-eý ku.111y pVIAittfKi PA Il. C. WU f . %;ýnd the neimman f a ven, C-,L,ý i 1, ,..r, - ý . il ,ý,-, fr,!ý *iI.,*ý:__- __ l . ý ', en the corner of Rond and W.Mm Sèreelit, r, and the uüwr *'Zert lu, : Harde; 1 did net aak Mr. MeLennan ý mentary evifience was produced ta shu w .- ý.,.'ý, i.r., rj, M. P. f... le. K".it. Y'wl.. ghr-elt. 9-ind-my; Itroins ý _--__- - - ..-:. _.._ý.Z,ý - .-el? ettet Iýý . 1 --ý i ý li,.-ti,, ,,ý ,,, IL. -- in the Tbwa ot Lindmv; bàà a trunutite of 50 Di. en liait. . , i , 'u , _rý ,% lt,,Ile,, li 0ýlnè,1.,ný;_fel(9 xý A. ltowe*. ()ait 'Id ý tor money, but ho vOluateerud the 1 that the vote wffl good. a;il:.,ý4n' -.ýý' ý I.IPl i -: '. ý', r, ý , lý .1 ý'!, I1ý, ý. , ne.i.1,ýt.(" firle, h."qýv W@.$ .t 061twoed, To...ý,; 'ýj 1 D 14 A X. D TRANSPORTATION william st. am lit fi on Rond st, fflwùte juàd*s . .L COMPANT. tulM . ' : . l i ,If 1#ý.,ipè,.»: -'.,Iq,.bv ne Victoria. - À mwtpp anU ho laisen tor part of the Il Don't believe there's any mie in ý 110unt, as I suppo" ho thought 1 wu i As ta the voteuf Adam Kerr f-)r Xr'ýle - ý.. T i - rý -,j, .> ll, ýrI, ". - I'r -, 1 1 .- ýý.. -I ý - , 1. -- ý 1 . . . - vaccination.» où.1 a Yankee. *1 llad a eh;71 Vu. i spendinz- it fur necemary exPenfles; 1 ý - .ýiinan, irnr)týachtd by Mr. Caiuer,>n- .%, tIe ýj_, ý..;: *I,. ý, 1 : i,ý- !. - ., 'ý :'. ý. .% I i - . 1 TUOX&S RAT» 01- ,immed. aled lie fou out ýt a wtnd,-w utàl d&Y mit I -un net awm that there were y su ý ' 'Oeiglu" .- Te TOUË aü lom âft pue7"d, "or" """ Yo go% killed.- au b- AL).ý,m KFýRfi, sworn.-I live on the hc 1-- ,-1 a -.,-:-ý :,ý- l- jý , I.'l >, , ..,r,:.I ' ' ,ý 1 1 . .ý 1 wriptions at Fereluit, Fada or any ex- ; out hýif.3j L.,c 4. 3rd 0'.)ncession (À El- 1-ý N r:.ý.!, -, .1 :- ýl.',I ',!I _- . , A lady in a men penditure- there wu notlàng said i lion- and am aà»&ýed fi ' - i 'ý!L'C ifl ý l' ---- _-:- ... - _- ý . ý w-. - ý_ . . . FOR 8,&CL"'P or on lime. i sere, serie Wing wked , ý CAPT. CRAXDILL bepte lotion tbe why the loclowy semnel the elophant ,utth ber i . therefor; my son t.' - " . 1 .. . Pb il 1 about muney ait the committee meeting ý has, tite leawýý. 1 have no 1 .1, in, 1- .11. ý_ I., .. ', - 1. --:ý ,. . 1- ý . ! ce Limiter lairemic Allib »WICILUJVG, - ' ý 1 , 1, %% - ,,, :r -I 1, ý_.. ýý ýý - -1. and oý eftbffl quemauv zoà. &"&* revied thu " W" Il loukLog for th 1 . ease; wu work - t ý!:--, .. i . ý . . ý . 1 149W BUILDI»29roalzainelu.vilheuàrul% = a telle crunIL" ..there, I did not engage any teaula ex- ' the 100 aores tI)4etiler; 1 uaed to rent P',"'r'. 1- ýý 1 ,, 4.I III - ',, I.. I_, - .. 1. 1. ý.1 "ý . - vrr4im ý sioltion on ltipimdw IR. &, q*m" Country. a .1. 'Il, 1; ,:I ,À .,.. ý 1: ...; ;: Il . _ . . ý . . - . ý Il la litat your effspring, niadami" * cept for My uwn Use. ý it, but twu yean agu 1 gave up the plaee --..,I Bus" bm &"* simme. ' _ ' f f i ., ý1 ., .. - . âme bue overb»kd WA ftrww" triste addtu" W. asawàulý aked à Xl&,-ýuri Jude* -( a warmen Who bad h,ýi-L ; CYRU4 DCRELL, (.Ienum, 5WOT14- f tu, hilu. It 4-1 1 ý1-- - , . , 1.i : - l. 1. :, .. . - . 1: . ý. ý COMEMU, Md Witt ply boiteuse LuwbV and jt»W 7-,&tt lm Vouge st.. zerclato. Roll sa of a suub-bmed hoy'à ha élit. -No. sirl" à" re-. I :- - 1 ý l I.: 1- Il ,, 'I'. - ý, tý i. j., 1. il . . .1 . . 1 ý * . . 1 C&J1, WC-111- m UR". plied, "tigoit myoUe-.4 boy.» I live on the Victoria Road; I knovr ý T,) MR. AsmorF--[ have no interest - il. - 1 ý 1': : _ I'ý ý ' t-vint Land-y effly momin as m a SALE CHBAP. - . Htiwh McKinnon, and savr him j- ýL; ý ";'l e lýý ý ý f . . 1 ... ý - .le place linder the leue, nier by Il' ,ý l,-1ý. r .I ý., -'. ,., 1 . . l Une of the Creedmolor mwkmnm hàà ; ait the j in t, .i'.. %% :.,1,ý Collot et refflten Pub MW as murnom pwm;uzi Fm ! - . . . - . ý Isis sküt. thaïe lu hm hum en- i 1 wurk alung ., -ýj_ i .1 D' T" néestremeild 1>'Ihng Place ut G"fànum ; I sait bila at ý a,ýreemut with my son-, . L ,ý . . . ý 1 ý. . "tiwriti- - - ,ý, ý, -i ý 1 :.. @00»*rY. Md Prco»d" le îobmvteoob. - ý euh Consdence in - .1I.ý.1 ;:, ', - _. lime le Ou~ -irl ta ýý au Hartley with a good many of McLeu- i j7jst the si, ' - I11- F11-11z- .ý; -_ . .1. . 1, Ffflurube orm »Db@%Y»» in daievoring ta gelt bis muther . ý; W C>«VV IW ZAC>W M I apple, opale bar Imad. &" lot hm shout at ý nain - à anpporten; I aiskud, -3leKinno 1 me as when 1 had a lease -. he frcý':ýt ý,ll.1zIl;-- , . r-, r! - -,.* ý ., * .; 'ý ý,* F. ELA N DS à X, A Y , -à. &-m", --te ï- eé bléloté, tmin ont Pm deals with the produce, and acmetitues i.i,-,r t:,ý,r-i, j'.ý---, ý .. :ý- -. 1 - I ., - .-ý - . .- 1 - ý Po or WIodvlno juffline Md vis 14 mmr Ibo Court Illouse. My Pm do Il A rieh but paraitanniami nid gentl- 1 fer whom, lie wu going ta vote, and h.. 1 Lce. ,, - tIlrm,. 'fý:ý,ý,' , .., .:,:, . 1 Difflis". LINDSAT. »Y fe- Tomple. ille entemy in nut . takI.$ My &IV; .. 1 , ý l , . ý _ W*1%32 in tâterre Yom m mn@M lauabumt& Fer fwther nous. on babg taimen ta ta-k for hW Im'*'tO" 1 said Cameron, we had quite a talk; I ý - - il,- fa:ý, _-ýý N ,It:.. -: li,.ý, ', - ý :.. ý, . > 1 ý , , ' . * ,ratTiR gxrk,%(,TxD POSITIVILT rivalled ; Md " I«p la " bmieadal le taraude, Pnw,àmwy $O amoi. ellid: *1 Trait, 1 doult qive inutile, but d you 1 . CHARLES STEWART, BWOM,-(It Wu K:, 1,te.,LIIl fi..,. ,,j ,I, -, ý. %, -.. I_ . l. ý.. ". - _ . . P. 9. NAMN. ,I_ It hm 1 tire àu"bn& Fm ý did not knov anythinq P&I'tictllar ; claimed, by Mr. Cameron that ho was ý,ý1Ai.. A.l; ý- k, - r I, rt..ý,ý, !, I, _ _, , . ý ý. WITHOUT PAIN - SEA» afp^ TM M ATNMM Ulu n" Barrisier, &O.. Lindur. = du% .= .v" W 1 about money digit day; thouzh 1 sus- 1 Pemnated by Ma son, John Stewart.) ýh,:1 ,%- r1 ý %%*IIýtI ý , p -, ', - l! - ý - r 1 . ; . 1 1 .. 1 iliv 'Iritte ces OP rer tumer parueilleme Md rt,'*ý-tý,iu,. Tvc ..,t,.,,, -, , ýý ý - . : 1, Iv .: ý ,. . ._ _ ý. 1 .. _. . .ý A titille girl la Boston, only sir ymn 1 p«ted a little about money; I told him ý 1 live oa I.It 7, Ilth concession ut Et trIII!,.,lr t!I-- - c , , ,r 1 - jý . ' 1 . , NITRIC ,cPT.e&týýs. FOR B'L' - OI&Mààd tobarmAb««O dzy, wbmte= '- j tu Votefor MaImnart and 1 Wou'ýd give 1 L.Ik. Sllu ,, - I.A %I _ ,,, ,I-.-,, I., .. ..X1,4 OX IDIE Ln"y. noir lob. 1"4.-?@&« - : don; 1 went ta the polling p" , and I tel "i thl, (l,, ,rI4;:,,I 1;ýl,. - C.! - . ý 1 - . . - ý -ýLLAUOUýixo GAS.1-- . oit ruding te berthe kaefà aumber ci the 1 ', ý rý . . : - 1 - . - I 1 iý , I. . Il ý 1 chd" ý1 - j t t;.,ý,., -t ,_ __ . - - Sontà BarLot 1% in Ud 00allie 1 1 W» "W",ne . churich a Ultl. beal.4 , t * . 1 . lât 190. 1IL 8th cou.. 81011311,111113rWille., -No. commun. dîm% rond me tout L*= ' î him twenty.fLve and ho âùd ,lait right" 1 vted in the afternoon; My bon WaS niell-etra.t% .%tta, ,,:,... "' ORA80N 1874.-DAILT LINE TO . And able rond te i»abeu the Bucher Cam. i I would net be sure thàt vas the Word; there; he did net go WiLh me, but 1 ,_ ,ý - fir 1irý,n a.. ,.; I- Iýý ý. I.: .ýý ll ý ', - - . . '. ,ý r:ýý. * 1 ROCHMB&-Coammergbg on wàbmtm - ý% 1, ý , .r.l. l - 4 ýI .- ý '1, J. ,ýqwb»tl., white in 14W YArk, saade &,-Peel* Zy- 1 eli, .1 tI. -, Ir'ý , ý . :, . - , , ý . ýtt4,ly ,If ýhi4 0. luider Dr. Culture, .h. Wit. the or" IsA cet Apru. LOT Xb. 14, 7M CONCESSION. 1 A wifé wu enjoined by the doctor tu i ho went off tO the WUing Place i saw him there. ; ..,I,.!,11,,I ýl. '1ý 1 1 . Thm lota am hauteur Umber" and M" IM& l;- J, r. i.. i ! , ý i - ,r ,j;-.,,r .. . . I_ I:r.,l, wlio eV@? w4d fi in Qxtr"tinla foutu. U@ - ulve ber busbmd un the ddkaiu es could - 1 lie voted for NeLenom;- noir day he 1 W. A.4H.,« ix, sworn,-l know Stewart ' Ri.rr .iý,, tu !-, j - ý ý ý ýt .'r, ;.II,.. ý:,ý-:-, - , _ . ýý ý te ,,ýWiiýhn»»%.Wv.,Wdmgely te that 1 ý A"-Ioý Oum as thora, tras no pruqw« of ha remverv , 9 11-1 _ . ý 1 , I*. . ».,.aý.,#.iivýarthrAimilèli,.t.»Mtittofm3r= THE 1FIM LA KI STRA3= WÀRRIM L. am Said the loving attente: 'Ilrbea what% tb* u»'à came UP tu my place; lie did not come 1 am nat very Weil acquainted with him. 1, i'It, fi, i.-tl:I -ý '!I'. i. , *:il, 'Ir 8--f I .1 .1, , . ý 177-111t. . 1 I . i W ý, i i' ; ,t ý . 1 ý . ,. vý. ,. twrý.".. Ileh.'ut m," brudrièt'Irtailikre. t)d-kmb = rg dainay bils. apon, fûts. if they éclait cure 1 in and I went ont and salir him; a litt e 1 1 wu scrutireer ait the Bartley POIL 1 -'l " ne'I'. l4 I' Il l' IYI t :"rl"-:Lt .: 1:e '. - . - 1 I, . Il ble, ,I-0,,,Ciýeil ab the,-Mo@ 01.1volotelle avay ', N 0 R 18 IE M A6. x 91, ý 3,:Ii-.Ie Ve,àr tu trk. .4.,I'., i RI.*jý i',.,.I-l:ý-i . 1 and R»rty MI ha" fi- ý . thit trolu hc wa,ý àtiýi.,,., i.lr:.tt ,tjrl,.-ý . 1- :', . .ý t. al'.,tIt 1-3lmb ý*rq"1l. ý l vas said about money; 1 gave hi- 250 ; , did net me him there ut ait,, but salir ' ' ny ,- ý ý ;,_(S. C"Wpo». nuw.) " FOR " L'L - à dergyment .ho ffathS 1&« ,j.ke, ! ho sak.d -. if thst _ aft he wu go- his son there in and a I W & il fil fine T ij.ýe . .-r, ýl,,,tit f.,rý i 41rtl«.e.ill.fir litiml.%,.»tiam.ti.n with the remait. 1 - Ille empged to rend tbeurrteutorabrother ..1 ut during the day. 1 ,I,,!,,I,, -«tatî;IvIý-. -,ýi.-,, .,.e ,7,r%ý,I,, I-r,,-- I l' .ý 1. l, !ý. . Il ý *hý -P la sitped«oxd. ffl WA» hW roulotte Utelle on thie route herbu "'- ý inq ta ,get; 1 said that tras ait I agreed 1 The vot« ore polled rapidly ait the i ili, -r 171;;'ý «.ý,ýIe u,ý,.,, ti-, r: , ,,.'ý. i,,;,ý ,.,,., . .)II, 1.1 .- 1 .1 .. 1;111:1111;1114,witibelly 881041 with stold on Or." = 9VOI7 mominfil 84 7.30 &M p»If Repu 84 i :_ 1 ý 1. ýh, 1,ý.;: J ýl viple Adifleial teeth itmorw(l *btvb look= on Sunday moniin.g. A tri=& atmk bv telle un- [ tu 44ve him. 25, and lie look- it; ha did 1 opening. Stewart'& vote (No. 43) milit : l" tirI. m-l'l" tur- - - -t- ,1.r-L-,-ý' .., I- .: ý '.ýý , I l' , for âweheoffer CfflnftMg thffl Witb the 3p"d inquivuL. --Sir , , . ' ý,c-,t,-,ýid.it,.i ýt P-t Prrl, iv - ,ýl, . . l X"iPooal order, wby'» ti»tý " ID net seem te bel very anm but wu a have been polled'aefore elleven, o'cl,)ek ; 'n-ý",iI . , hel «,l 4.,.e.$%%I.tn ma-tiuati.,n. sow York Contrat 8" mrkle £Mt»" for au polegis . amd ho. .. " ho ari. r;;è May ;ý»d.- . , 1ý-l . 11, Y -i 1ý ý ý .r mw. - 1 ý , _ý .ý.t'r., , . ý ,ý, 1 I!. 13undud Acres. porepe» et i in the morning. I wu there ait day , 1 ýý l-1-ý1lc ru,,l.'t;l,'t,,rc. Il Krz il,,:., _ ý ,ý.1'. A,,ý%--ill-tet:,rqmmtilnt-,r elal* for P?860rvÎwt elaille. local Md qoutb. *1 little put out ait firet. . l ý ,,ý- ýý ý 2= = The gallant vecretary of a life insur- I Ta 3Lp :Il-. '. the t....tl,...Ira.le. in SiAurreilles viii have Cbwnotsaý (Pm et Roehm ami in gond stue off cultivageiL mu et, _ ARxorý a,-It wu à!,.- _,u.' -1, ,il, ýý ill'r. pwk.nic --ý,;I-I-n- 1, l,ý ' , F (!hbuý,.ý..Ivvbte. _ . ýn,,. ,&!,.l.e tý ý ýý ,ýý,, , _ - ý, I., ,. I, ;:1 : »11.hý'1te-:ý âtma" wi Il On the 1 except a short time wheu Bradmore ý .Niý,,,r, Egr.,,!: lu p ,. rork dà"y &% 9 0'o'ock- PI si- ofienVil simurd"F'l' The» is a gond howed leu boom hum barn, mpmy, heing ln command ci a platoon d -r- ; Victoria Poad thut 1 flaid I vould give ý tol my place., 1. ý1. 1. 1, . il ,ý ploit... C.:] ef.rlv ne the, ý4,r. Whou ilho Witt l»VO sit 2 p m for sr4bien. A" mg the tue un Orieanl, *truc'% ,, h I4, wIiiii.i Il, ""Ilu;"ý nto %Il!..-_!ý, b-", > md«ebwdoatbepnmam For turumr partic- gtock Witt ft d t I 1- Vert, .-.a.t th-le ý,, ýý..;,!.ý4 .îI.,..ýI,...ir :!l aws.wy ta =11r't",ýIr,ýit."= hira =DO,. 1 wu îr iing tu 11r. irsrue*s; i joil..i Buzmjq44BIji, swomp-J wa fit P", ': , *I.. __ ".ý : . ý , jtje 1 a p, the gun of ut ta fire on , i _ à ' t ,, .f- 1, L ,,l ý I. ý _ý.1 OF#'Ifk, NP XT 000ft 10 S. 4 O. rrry!ýjl .ýivIi lh!l:,:-,y. A.i k»J ý - : . - ; - "S K. P. JACKSON, I #" as-, vith the -,.--i,,D. .. Duwt $bout there were two others prettent; I . ý . ý P.ILO»18 $]'ORE. T071t 8el2-pd. (On the prMintý) làttle Brib4a P. 0 " him IWVO uni a policy on hein!" "me Il the pollin.- plue and did net selle ' f fý-;ît!- în Wàtth... il r la ý,% ll.,i, t,,,.ýr. ,- - -I, . ý ý ta say it because 1 genemlly ask peup .âlItýl 1 à ý,.,,-iý* ltit, lýn'e ..I.1 c I,.:t-: r. ý_ . , ,, 1 Reineinher file plare. ré; le Charles Stewart, but saw John Stewart " _,-, , .1 a. CRAWFORD. pove :à 1 -. ilever m" a vife for wealth, inen I'f th. Ifc..Ilt C-4l'In, .a., -r, 'Il- ;;.I. 1 ', ý ý. 1 1 I', _I J. li),,b?.I.ý-iliq, I..".%t, IIAROLri MAT. L.D 8 1 lie. - r. p le mi. V ALVABLE PROPERTTioiL LU love," " anoblýminlted father,, _.,, ___ .1_ L.. j.oingtovote-. hedid; his son. If Charles Stewart hall bcen h -«L,; - ,i -1ý..- reai. *:, i;.ýIý.: ,ý;! ýr, ,. -', ilitýnSÉIRIRIýievv __ .1 _ .__ýl _____ ! _, _ . _ 1 ý 1 - - - - Il - . __ __ ý . 1 - It 1 mg. remet. nom and hi& father in writing W*C aul"rh.,r.lh-thýv halle air. ý-i, Cli-jrmi v*p&imt and pétatemil. 19. & POWM 03 EAST TEIM . 184; va didqpot agree for 83; 1 live in i £VOTICES. '%d W) interest in anir of the bo Mit. W-11-1 il-'t %j, lY t.. fi,- Imm; -lie Lower Cm-,deu, about twelire nùle* froin ' nelle, h 0 PZ .1mob Irurninu 1 1111* icom nuit et L« le, M the the poll. 1 tonk my father and Donald'perty ux4ept thât ho haà7 wrought lot, Li th.,.m r 0-nie witi %»%nain ilibill au c4m. *Ir the 74bwmbtp mi tlie mlet lljjj.ý %iý "L th't Ni F: NI li. MéDonald to the poil, mil not go any. home. rtai airmllamiy btieli toi thm, -qm. Filait. he»eet»; we loft about seven oclock ! . il In às» COXFORTM.-*'By a thoirough knowlad6o i W To Mr. C,&.xziReç,-Witneu had bar. A.t.-L.-Molig th.mt :)r the land, but thll- deed ýIq. -a la -44;sm-- 100 àcn@l Vth 70 ACM Cluu»dl 'Itu of the UtMl lamina whieh gommera the opomtiuýantsloont in th morni=, andgot back aboutîgained f woo il. ý - = 10 oulm hom Lin"Y, en the ludira digldýu a"nutàtioua" il, . i three or four oclock; Fraser did, not 1 malle out fur bis father; there U a 11-01 ti;e Md te recellata rail& Tm Viaorts pulway MW ebotoqrapbv. la", whie et " fte properUes of wel -4ellecteil tom. Xr. tell me tu tell any p" cular Persout eromiw ir-.im bis father thw ho shwotild lai w"h" - 'Ù" of the l' Iplm'b» providied unir breckhA tabiels wfth a del- 31R. Dlttif,.It hel'! %lth Mr. ll.Itbýii. A. CU LLO N in " Witbju mou three miles of the )Ud»d ela belrer.a"ir but &U who wanted to vote for Mdan- &va the land. The procelids of the àwtvmr. l'be ma la of tw best qumâty. IILM la = yd U._ mmýi, MIL. IIIL;':S, %0 Inbrm bis Mqde Md a log h- and lot b-ft on the = 111011v peu". non; thm wu nothing mid about my crops all ca togeither- moisit of it had 1--ie. À.- À 1't bop Vap»UWIV sémon givez, te dé lui plought«. bringinq father or MeDoiWd ; there been paid fur out of bis (wit pallille SbU ho b» wwft!L"JiLw 'CoUt ne»ý labour. i-m ia,,,iir -,È Uff IOL 9. 0 lVh M. TM W OF W U L-dm- " no other toms in our noighbour- WM. J-190. HALLIDAY, liVM in C.b.- RETUR NEDItONIS OLD STAND con c"s. ' r* upàtiruim oir Coc0à.-m-1 1 we will bond hired for McLennan; it was a conk, wae on a committeu there as 4oc- (VOIFIN1,11i W. 001111111111117.) stalle et cultivalimilà. Thum Ftbem le one, of »w wille Ima alecoment ci the pruines adepted bv week before the polling thst Fraser rotary and treasuSr; therL werp *Dmw or bolt am% mrtu in *0 .7ZZ, -Il bas a sessà. Jwm Effl & Ce., Manufacturera O#dLet«ie --' J'.rt, in tàll, ý-rth' the tém"'. i hamirtl eo . lIo fil wdeles, ait tbeir worts in the Euwliimilm Resd, Lm- spoke tn me about the team; thon 1 vas :1 fund&-there vas about $3.75, (li PXOTOGRAPRIBRot 1 Augh- tile èr,ý,it. i.m.1 lie IlbMen Md Caffl» don." Camirs HOMAON C-ade. i wool-1 out tbmtim %0 twr hwy«om famille for Mwhéd, a fralimme boum wd M"Wl orcharIL in hils shop _aetting my hones &bu& ter)- tham; vas IIIII the muney that vas ne 8 somma ta do bu plongbinu giv« % My tuhm". Two Fomz& -Fint, to liait ahe"ty . Id h3ý rd#-Ob" 1111,00,11. Vtb" empm be C= S oi j» W~ e». in %» latmath ci -pper f- the plmure «edmud d= the Jàmili K-NIGHT, Cardeu, sworn,-I required out there; ho hall $peut a little 'l", -i,ri.,' 1 exelllltl la Ibo pillovit». Au a su do »y WW et briet tinie ft le pIlamming "wu tbe throuý% know Patrick XcCandleu, who lives mure himself pethixpis. Witneu hall nu A-1 -),l-t mihl'e wlaew W%" xrý (Iwmby Li0qoel. 'Ca" Illime titla te *e above m ludiqmbbl& pen» of a wbole micht of dîsturbed simp, &M a 'iLb'. Ater mit';,:tt -.I. I'l l mp"ftt hie %là* la elleme, of 9» bw* la in the Suvainc. &,ma& le tryall about four miles off-, ho aokedme for i vote. Had remained ait Sonterville all thm-, t a.: and 10 à ehoklyapl% prialler Md ligum Appli 10 JOUM lueuww, e.-Z-99 la militante fur rhoumaumu, PÀ» Ive whom. 1 vould vote, sud 1 said Came- day, and hall apôken tu many voter% but f..,e :"lýj wt'. g. ,il Z iýl:n la 80>,nd go no" ilb the Ilhwir". lu In *a bwk md dil«. oouzb^ enids, vote on had paid no money; nor prm)miâed afty wh;o1m thy Il m- t-, p AlIllie will din Weil by hVip0Wr4 *W voilà balleilsi sa elles-elm *Fi& pers pu". Am. loi, la. 4. LORT ai balaie tr"ug the Il ron; ho said, 1 Iwhy don't you il. tjl:. wa, - the . il.l. -ille teille ely4wbwoý the otherside, and yon will get soute- -DROVIBIONALcori-NTY OF HÀL SoU bi, »U medicine dulm et money. Wil-nm bol spoken ti) one to Buvy fwyl and Xilà oms* a JL ll"Ton. 25 ets. pair boW& thing worth voting for 1" ho mked me Hamilton Boycte who askeil him for pay- NUM ý Oum M UN on 1 Mit LàtbL.%% deire-1 tly hear whý- Xr lire. Titousàmm or PupLa an noter eue- te, comme ont and zet nome whàkey; 11 ment of money ho (witueu) owed him y pet ima-1 t,> tv r.-ia,.i% -- t, th: i rtl-l*m 11N wmw ormilemalle. espisi. or bdi, lob. A mil eq«gh #IV Kamto& - 17 d"ft 'h-wh the i dici not go out- 1 saw bint at the poil and ho promised to ey Boyce, or Ami Ait pay ý Xx. I)K.tpr.it repli"I that h. hiéil . ..... t- imbmy qmptom of connump#oit. under the hat uuîtterý In c,,iàtieti.-gi mmilh 1 dbwwar&, ho did not; my anything hie taxes fur him. bail, occs- fetimirel a Iwo §W* ou dduton uà% twy us tratabied W" nothing 1 1 ý tr.-I mmore ;" le ne t1ýýt the L.;,Ilý : mm dios cw&'« now Memewy la 114 then mon to me. on to be dealing with the farmers lit '-, il,;, .1, in.lijl f- tiý-- "fb"OIAPM or ce autim Axe àwf Oum femil ab ce emillitieilla d swuiemmt SU obo" blé CWM W hm Ita lacipliency, ý -reýmIderatim,,n the oi th. lA the LIATIM 1 13ATialga 1 i'arymà Two orthm witnesses lui to corrupt e finie of the canvais. Had spoken .M J[joTs = OMarltiela uned tu gel; Ild et tL W. a P. Ill. R'Iv,ý.. goali, *0 ý_kj. both on businem and electiun matters. ' 1.1 Wdffl* win prelletices not being promut. the îortiun M& "DLAW hether' P.ýh cý.wrm and rom VIIIIIIIII, Molil-ffély. lew z"ute% mal by theur inficieince bu == Thffl te »M -nui wilms au à- -2 "-P-- of the eme relating to scratiay o voit« To Mr. Aimora-The -- that vit- 4" IMM' M M&M TM M n.,t -'t. ÎWA A i:., ir, AIM"*"O àa& résiaits bel dip"--bu. lhey " b. lisais taken up by Mr. Cameron. It vas nom bail promismed to puy t&xm torhad iiii, m th». " by au Dnulm ad Suntrr arrempti that MaLenumq on one aide, voted. ML t),itài»ltit preunel that allrly,,,h,, erý aware mm fqw. 1 uf t '_ ,mihy -,f the m»ý-,i -m, la a*Mm Io mmy Sud nub @11sue om- émièm Priutsemup«bm ir'm- 1 1 -rt P.rr, 'l, t>,-:, àonu attack ton votS and thon the Q.-WeU, whom. did ho vote for 1 = àic ir tle the two q,.ýhetme, t.., e, »offl a HOMU sàv».-w-The livu of thon- ûvbi et i ,FLOU& aummt un& cd bý bm beau 1 dwim the puit luthier sidel abould éttwk bon votes. ict. i IL ùb: 1 A.-Ho voted fur Mr. Cu»roi%. ir. a et budimw .,u£e premred ýnd >ubtiitred"by tt.. ym, ad *@ crom in d» to mm Duisyla ccladitim, As tu Donald MeKiný a vote, (Laqhter.) mil-juncil ni Piekering la favuur ljf a hoTiu, t-) th r - 81RIÉ& e eu là" fa babg«Mmkwdr Mi a" emieils telowil un witnom did ùnta rv, Central. Fnt h ita-eli he * oukt d-, al 1 In vin-- gamutum. Vie 00" B-- Pt4Pa-- Mr. Camieroix producoli the vot@W Mr. àmous-lweul th" 1 hie power iii tavoitr of the extension of thu w. à PE R D D R IMO T Md ludbu bont the ommr temi ci P4$mý Iceabtw et *0 kuaà hm «« uch, Mr. Cameron. P. P. Iûme. mm Sun 'ràý 'T. nu, in which there vu no miclI 0ame. not &wo» M -Il. Li T. E., b--io!!" -qao" "W vmdStuui». -couft, - gi- -* un- i A» to John Rmg"d% V004 whkh mi4&«W MW* C.WWM of cre» ad mallabe"l; tteMM ho @qUiU$& W* CMODU- 1 G30. MCFAMA-,rx-Had mm Halli- t Mit. H-,LDMNdùd that Mr. Dr"er bail %u«*ýted 1$., C. Motogl, 111111111ella OUM% ewmu Mr. Couleront appeulemi to have added hat the t-. -chmmume. bc i"udel in.um; by-ia-w W obi jeu m bujIl 011111111111, 4111,1111111,11w écom train T "mur - it, Md w«M advi» au Who almi -eemi AI«" 00 NWA Md IIW " 84 bom am wooum 11111,11twy. . à S &Ileged it day about the election timme, and board icire the ce. C.,ut.il. *ira borcle tu keep a »Pply et it M 11111111111-411; Mr i to the list, froM whioh it WU dw-14 up hâd. beau ùfflopedy omifted, ameaud of the Boyce affair; it wos only heanay. MIIL DILAMR The camotmm the ne wi oità«A$4 omi r" VAMIII& bier Us âme, i domm» ou Burd à PleiLýriiiic. 1 -ili h4j;je thrt %ýlAt 'lir. Y= Limait, To.! for 84» . RoG».î.-LivosinFeuelont iý true aimut t"'m. 'A pi.k..ri% brcxwucAlp Aus, ilive ama, LUTU peiii ý;ý î07% nubl;; «Zftý twomve. àWd by an Joxx ]Rnrot îwD, avorn,-l tac- and is a fariner; ho hm always lived at rtu.1y tu vote in faýVUr .9 the oxt,.".n ýf th. lt"z.. coni4mgAgý @tom M M" am la *8 omw» in am odwels. rendal. " ""ýlv de»d a vo* ait the Rardey poli for! home with bie father; voted at laisit elle- W. & P. P. laie. ýt->i»;ý tImo TOW N LOTS FOR SALE Tm Sroxàcn A» M DMUYGR- 1 U.,EL Mr. uism Mid th" Mr. Draper in il, wma.'ýý . . I. . el th.. ad a,,&, ., Mr. Cumrm, and it vu refused be- j tion for Mr. Neclauma ; it wu about be surpr6e ât the 1»ýl>ie -il uýhaws art 1111U& CAela ]FOR limm 113[ ville ab 'VIUAGI 07 RALIBURTON, si@Mb se, mmmwy md«ý ilm OCÙ"tB- Cam my nom vas not on the list; 1! eleven c'dock; ho voted on lot 14 on 1 ing uplmu lh. f,,et A th. ýA the 1"1!"Ji mme gmzmralhuilL Wbmtbaimd 1 i."Mtly fiésue to Lindsay, and Mr. the 6th oouo"on; ho u Mg. ý ýXK.ml.L..r j the ~- il* i cmmmunme ilid nýt k ouil *,ur- h-1 a il.) emhl -ý.-.mbàe De 1 did not ovin the the yropte A the t.ý*n %et@ nut t. b iýru- 1 el1tlml'tý Md alu am galba& Md w7abling ma a milà it wu @4 good ale, the ho vu 24 yem of ffl England; ho gave a ourtificate land. but voted on à ; ho rented it in -lit. Whataver the Su-me & fieling oi U-è-pint. f àrý ner j - a ý M met.tw"thorebult. uymumo»ee «t" uwmgoedmdh" Lffl. (ProduSd the leam) Tholos» ling lh -Mâle. Md «Chmumu M 1» the of ýi have limmeu a luxe .1 mime lý » W rATIM camm M ta un mm*Amm! belles omitted in error, but m à vas vas in bis father's writing; witneu and iuteu'.-zwt ouly lýf the tilwit A"whi«bý Il tt illemmi, i.1 'Wý' là moý-bamb et" bâbidu&L Dz Wbuimu% Comm- morw 1 Suld net Ut baoJk until the a brother of bis elonducit the farm ope. th. militeront mu . Uý, --Il mi " " Md eu" JAK à 1wýw of Fbuvmm Md c"i mawn- prequet. hy thu ditlqttè.tiý ij thm, whith; ".I-.y lmý bwvwm MOI&M té MY PM cet elle 11111001, mi Immmrt perry, "twaý in .14.- gmt '.'-Y. ho %Id: tu Lbwlmr. mi ok«& ratioo&4 bis father duing little vork D'el il V. LIL la "Out the place. th-si hall thi, -lu brad ile. b.!e 0 U*t l Uk le, TO MIL AIMOV&-i 1&"Van"n db ýý;wî au a ý'é, tcs ploieint compauT liii a lu" mal tna ma bmg %W aisel, pr4b 4-A an Il, 1 M It %I'M K.-I 0-.q. . y N 1 Ti 1.4 N -q tb,4itbo ërivarite ronde#* Ltmah tbet vainly 'Iroirme., SI1.0(lo OF PRIM E FUNDS I t 1 .1 ":f y, I. UMM" N PKK SK 1 N N NIZ. Glazicr and Paect Haller, . ..... Il il the J.âm A pkqt.li,. liait. fRuirot. *"f umow" 111111111011., *4,ý~ mie Oum". 4».. VIRemes. 7?4. Re MAX. W&Wew, qlblieilor, (,Pu" Alto" et *0 Sb mom Ili k la-A el. 1 m %Ic K 1 a 111N, (lu' M. le-M 1brffl. Ovol' »V OUWI'» bo.% M W. 1'l liq Y jI)é" Il, Xe t IJ ae W.,W» $é r.jow"t,*. IR im IN %M)'. ;\tt,,flèoy. a m, clvil U )NI j:, IV N.1)1»,k, W X It a. ri Kn ....a .4. 'IrI 1'l', 4! lit. Orwl tubte V Wr, (àrýI-C*A the i a a at a- ;*r calibi 'f ..0 in- 1. Applv Iform Lhe --d A th.. týt.el AI"-IV 110 ÏM ON F', Y T 0 L 0 AN. -1 AND fici e.,II 14 litbyp. le i.it;vmqel to the 1.04., A Pm#,bý emi mttmtènllnt ýA Ilvl h., l.g. the 1,%I.ilwm A 0.11 11-1 ý".l 1-V trid *Oeftttl,.n %0 0jg',ý l", e,.,tq,4 tq. ltx-nt th* e*tr(wt. rrv- w A MIAI - tf Apply et )r#m*o dt-IOL $1 m) pop et» ;boit *Nom. 7t4 *6 mltffli faim rbv*%IIY 4411 sus- fUR OÏSTURE.1, cAu pAis roi amo-un OUM of àtlý.1 *IÇW mh bleil dm a b"1111M M bbeu». sud *P Md *I1.1 t'y lit E. R Amis a lm m wilýGIAM wr.. 4.1#rmv« 14 PoI.M. *tel p.lew» inko a noël: of, 1114» Mt ob»,i 9-ffl twtbqdffl amlet,14 te. isou embe ilitt- tête &M» tl*etffl* WA ad *à île as mm lit If tv d', 0w.