Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Nov 1874, p. 2

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tbe Mun& solloifir MrS, ci tww ý M àààwwweà fa býl-.d» 110 Mr- LoIllwall vm 11111111illille, «àU#"W- 11111ille hmý r Moi boèm au ili: = Y ollelummerwop" týýU» GRAND 0 P Fà N 1 N Pol~ te ""W #MW «*,mm f*trép Ilim* à" W*" MmWM (ilr-) 0--dilln Ma flosais, M411 md»wmil4 Md vdhp ko" Cloomb kdq(4 vbg adjoint« - mi bWille, bai*& lhe MW Md m i or leem de* O&YO , os lý,« rmu P" le fimabeimè cri goge in viotiorta, M &Y M W* oan, jtnde mmè, filer ompmolm4 but thil, OP@Bmg C ). k4 tb« -mtmp uàw U4 t1illir f«M efs, dori4wl%. ivi Nvw of alocepting tiow. lbw is a grillés coa"Diècleilles égal of is vU bc, ddu-'ed titi OPTIY a'-ghbgl but Avil M VMkýIaw# toireilles, 06 th" golté ew1y the grisai Mill. They intend, 'hm puingarlim Md a tob4lemm look for au early »Uleubm of =.z me» tria Mill adjoin- tLe !» Lew iimâbmmdr- The foillet ltpo* t)w plibligts th« e a . t the = t tt». promm vemil MM ng la a. filiam of the mom ud>, wm«d ttu"«Ou 80 som au 114 "Umm&" phM The W, 36 IMil Mm bathm c1f tN« *11,4bm*l tmwwv*- of tw bre, propeaIn ou telles éle twf bolle b" d-» bY, "Ubl " m"bwaon*&BO 'rool, ot4fflr 1 et n" Lomi 34illisary le 0 bolet biniffinq MM INe W. S to r'E)S . tigre lrilbvl of th" ille, fond t»ivvpip> 1 P, ý«y fleilla buddb« lm , a" ie à* -gm* ! comum lwwtiMl*tim omm it lovidentli PUi»« «d it, * «èse" bug et iu mi» ms«lgà ouftides ji the toiles« in rixe dist, the limier of politioal troiellery and Viti ee: n: Umm. pmsiw» dm e"014 il D" 1 ]NAitio pro- -inuma ukinq Mr tilt Kenu"y, of FOU& M prf4~ Otiliffluwng (I)tlb* R*ftffll 1 i& asse f«Man, of dm »rite is in th, goil. trie- Mr.Jas.-iL.- 0 gkof the the U Ir, boa M würt. on 1failligo soibles *0 CODIM4,0râ" ha Dot Imm and tri MW bmO Tille, tli#Pr*ition nfThm took adv»- ,inty pwfotned hà Ilhofoit %0 %IM e"m o. in the fkAt tme ilégiquelogil conu=tee inghasbm ILL4 ne r~ lqit, ! lmv hffl ait longýlb twp.n ý*tI;Isod. lie ta«,e est ltallg)ween tg) play stbrûla mùd»eùou'oi the bnddiug là, Poutp uezieiit of 2 0 or.%= tt'y this Omenwitiola lwqfd and uvsteem4 but did it in a toilettai iby tâ Ir te - %W JSk &0 t telle triègli of -Imibitie, -1011111i K rival& of goom leso sijle ma b4bly *-k--I*e ;t-.4ma solunvyai I#;fl t(~ t"b, lot L'le olonth of >41b' titt4,d thiett (.Ottlf*, ongts, of doit, trik)fb- i3alume4mqm o- 1-t-ItIllot il, t«Mil" tient, and (ýl,) wlw4lww ý the, 'W mtbt»ine votho tr-od 80011,1', tobiti, CA l: Fi R.V. 19 la h*ly ràiurs" yg lave is of (14wwf>udmt of ()nt*rto, P soleil 0-Ils, t,,bm âTnhdeimbltuilw«ith 311Y Pan Of ïgklow, thifit abolit a «fek afte&, rAY,%t utIDMY. it" to au SncermwL Pt.«mw*hii* ltink« tend .4;-. fi,« exisgenition, 8mte@g "My wm lbl*C*d ew .WOWM, hoffortoi, I)tb,.#qlod et 1*141. flotte-, in irons and in the Rive- Le à tau, sellident oSiln»d, -1 this town- 1 indu" ta eu Md the Poidie -J" Le gra relance ta Md ne uuddg-d bep ta ha flia. 'Cookiý4 9 su le with the ',-tMyb*l »&omis a quoierter of a faite fi 0,01 -bipIa *ýe :Mb Il A Yll»g Th* um ellieloysd ail tberaillmycu, f1desoigon, in tigelle I*qnllltioIi,#." To ti,«,rue Mouro bâtit hem hi* in tbwviflàe, .? ifog, nionth, 0" isse point I)ollxbml Î&*« tO Out M»um on tiblair Way, d,«m," luth th* sansil @lfut uponthe CorEL« of Em t and Streets, ("qleblb*v« Wininiloz The W y ogras 0oaV"ýrw home the homat totait. fright, and, 0111111a: rook of oubu,ý., on Cambride t'.le«bwtl (Witten thef, glogeofi, loir mulbi;ýliieit thol, loofAI 1041bm foi tigelle in Dr. .14rhtilWe okitt«r, which (et the wh»k cou-sing in 001111stâtit n'ilh A law, to »W what the whole" , imi 1~ affilions hy th« rebelle. IîtrW s filiale, doigorocte, geoissa thmwn (buta dis- 'Ir g(>V#5TTboqi fise, of poseller would do. and the reliait on thos &bave de" soi Il M >IL fflýi.% 0V i4lon(4ý in ()theS I-M«,tàt in corrobte. tances of abolit 2(l freiLe hffld f et. H.-i gogid el, fat lois % hf Imus 0»1'tionq, for file wu am newy mùdaa-y. They Mt 1-utivt% (If tb« ibr«vio%4t% tmtilnony. ý imd indanted the grotind threge or tour Whiloh fr4in thfq incholle, wW ho diéed Ou " ItPOt ftQIU', to worlr àébout nolisa '"th a thrOO-iwh, gtI #,Obwgolp 94119 héseé o'gis. les W k4f, lwbwflvt", Tib(mwrory papm thrét am aux- ooucumon of tha, hilaire. IÉU, mdohm thOY b" lpt do EXITERELY NEW STOCK 1 ietlg tels lotrectoigo why ý%Jr. Broisolibla liellit i fer a p, a croforbar wm woU ~te ettiola I& in nibiersint offle, tlwm teilles, toi, the tope ma the pufo" - ro- Jus. pmeb»W la the autem lut.eýs., PUC!,uler,ý bc e-e"e. A peu nole, toi ehoolles te third, ebn4l thoey titres t4i a - cairgatt th* «V(Itit>yutt (10" flot conifs, MM$& By nocla un Tu" y the hok potentielles, follet (witios, ail (lit' io)ft* gtf, gli(nilqi (-on.%iiffrr theg, followinq rf- W" twelore, feet deq), -1. aftw t- or CL L BABIM font (Ir' Jýeel-kf4 of. 'b« Hors. 1.11. Cgl»$VOft in thrssa 1 squibe' bid beau fired of tels Lol filet ervisismefr loft.. tho Cangte at llgoffltford amnxt tiè« 10(ma th* bouozc4 the eh of fo'r , , 91111111J1111là oi^ rigolos criminnel C"rfflrondeme. il lhe Polit. bSt sirq P01711sfille Of powder assa tir tirt4«qiý i-4,tb'tn :,t i o loi% rtiFbe-W-il, tend. for . ignatielloit aainut the hotte qtlit@ r. nointellefor in this iiM,:hborbSd ralluma in the fusé lidtte& and thà, fille lever fox doics, with, the fixer -le for MM Z. Illy 041pmoloq, q en le effet yt4 jwpel, doscided, boit it hagle bekso h&1voit b0tors ý wità unissai:, ce eivffl #fi 14eliffle Aekoll dblo : It4iýit.IltýiOn. glonsa, times bapk Md »v&M am Mt toplumoir" iy. Thýgrepoitw»not MEMCAL RALL RE-M ED. I\A 0 C .1bro4buh 110 fallit. of i.he Ibla;,Itiff. lit *0', yet, Nelle-ly a 1 the chifdren lie- 1 - Ir et le H)o d'station or llfqi. es of t'igor dent the timt*#qnelf4nt* t«%iqri to Joligins in the, sehSl ve., , tond t __ ty inbie ywt" of rock 1 asi;rw ffle*,Peà the Ràmmc>r 8190CK ni (.,rèf4ildng"14 to libnvfblrfq thossi ynti#Isteyl. the- dotis, ewhl W. J, Tal"£LL'S w'TI 0t'ef ta % tester to dose notion and th" cannot have lit 1 Lýnds«y solui the Couit.v of VIcýor':s igafflles-sé of ther 14,fet, tel patl'y in a ý'é' vre illeipplise the avers," attend- bein,« adbeotuwtheà a" p: rtia"y brokm al otban genre *;,ce oiàut:befoýe la ILIIIIIII, t-7" in &a* il after o.IcéýénIl $malt di-.*nx the :0 keep tbe me eý#oý t'bel, insalln@r of liés to lèl)tb,-Ar v'l,, la4t, couple _ýanoqie Ire Pm told, ý couaty la and ib"Itwil terfn in N (,vpn-.k*r, kglo that it efffenot, of ««ke. Aud a folles, 90t cold bY and telsine buzy thois rom of thils W" 1 li«teipdi"I .1etnkia ý-. lftlwlbmprie- suit liei-ig moisit of lt(Wýtqt;ffl. the% idgeoit ils lent tore% cd the wolotto, sen ettrtot:,l bey got bet&« westippoistes that M»y wo; whoqilsi *t0toni re-onb. %%;et lie ennatewhiest mitieux for a WhIla Il Ibrov;nçc théir et.a; %ett and anxioiit F tilt#, le-affioor, il. la toi 41eidill otils-il Jbtiperot Which Imd 00. 01,oy in a, collet Cam p-fJý0w Slutt;àý A ion.,ol tA, lb-inq ont ille, I@Mffýtit Il;-Od Md they have ait desifIges union- Et) 11.0 MANILLAI Itýrs)retefrr* ho V onfil-Y thol, Ilibercw theil' alrtleýlfr, tiq4'Y 1bold thfr Of)- w1y iinder Dr, Vrrtiman'tt skilf.il ire-%%, N«,Iuazr f-,r 1 lie "reeh-id Id" and SuviuP poi tqbybit.Y of Witte tl'gog, mon lnebt, OCee orse, mollet, avidently wu to 1 %I.ltiev o I'ffl i-- a ta 20 yeurs; aw M (ire% hondMI hsord y bletti » mpriottitly glandere.d. loptiffain no longer antong lier fi.on(le 1 r ikiqà (if fIIIII; (W*" Agoïssie, .'Ar it *-Il A the, - 1 ...... Ma ectoir hall tête pu i Ville the hossad and fi-ont of the of. -& liffle %irt iiibotit 18 monthe field W A IN, W& olre..- no.il ýl1r but rellable 400de. %Te -si' ha 4t of 411eh raw; e- roi loi-lorog, tite, lixhter of %fr. -la" Illordan, 1 folnd;ytg tsfbkoLýo% gond care to keep, ont (le ehf.,eC t;J&2 at!V -')U» in ', le ý1)us6 - We d'id AI 1 g a* Thillekikilletivinq day waëb doly tblw*vved ! %tthe'(:Ialgow finma gocd Unek Koseper rour piýrm,,e, a- d WAI mite ow etV" voil IIY of Lindsay, Oeil. 1374.- of thoc m@ehpq of the Inter an tolour -o; 1 aime corfidence. ortho> Th's, Pttk-i-lero Re#4 elielle le frifent ol. f1b 1,41pq"tb , een, hl asseine we lisidielle throligbont Ontal. m.umu MORISON. "r DOA t fore& *0 Sil et -ho Yed'et sa', for rogil fItf loi lits. Wtl lbqvfl liq)! witite,,ffe have %"d missions to le 1-1 'ey -en #,\le" , W hich ;4 fond of hotte ýqiolf* tyanv»othevaitw»not. E,.'ýTIUY HEIFRIL 110&91111, i 3L W. mr."Bolttf gel Io, destotelte tho motel thso, 'roi. - 1 1, .,remi-e. of the unde'-i- 'cd Lots 23 and '24-J Tore dom gresge ai B3tiO- y pelli (*qet, soisorld iliblake but* thintigthas tbuempe wemooW*d thisi o- el, Il.. oblige of oolorbelid likso, to tri #le,. holonfortit pablish, the Imr thu numy etould, indicatois thank. oid. Any parfois proi nT prolimy W,-% l'el N tir t.wf> (W thrf , k4p' "1,:bm on th" lin- fsinm for ellisolla than offol, day. Boit it ffl"«ý 'exponm au boive laisse. 1tti(oftl (ilimtinfbq or 0lo doy re-olo .-..1%« (Ap;,Io Jriry', rmmrka the Il TRICK InCKEY. 1,\%* te Y 'P If K belli,., %lontrml W; to, be, soéogmennt. 01élad"ennSinore- Iltheký ovà,.Ilov *1 1974- 743pod.A NI.- Itritelliela fond othoste- lsa#è lut lie,- more a parlante stete tb» more lie waut&'9 i (lori % oTICF- foq woold (.4senn &Ilot thrt %-fil Y complimmellesti (in ýfosn ut a vmrflie. LN Il Imi W litSrlttlr4 -are, laid in yoller vai4lable palier son». delle ablo i J: affl ldvffdsnuat.4. -fil# 11%vir«.ýold Out lerit pnwti- ta Dr. eur.»Owll, lit will le )-m.olint(>d a4wiiitdiickehoi)ýinI& SitiSthevienalleyý tossa in a (loger daygoj wouki of* ellein, 1 ta- iitkat.h,)kli oli toi gélo' POýlu ilb"bted L- I» te -VSIRAY COW. ---Came into the p--- Q TR&WBFýUF.Y pw n-,js -ror $&LE, «timiti & a Il Ur. aL I isee of the undestensisfond, Lot là, Con. àk Op. IIJ telle 01 (lori thétit tggtm.(lini I»tilt,4 were, talion 1 oo, lie. "ileut t-h1-ooýeh 4 1 b V corgli a gin 'ali iwýnk fin elcriept k* >Lf ils-1 eomlqiNtni to a larite Nve mougtlpone, Md offle explonse. the filles week in october. a RED AND WffrrE qfM jug lit '01 ow;ng ... ..... lo-tio, ihe Dit. IL IIIF-X80.11 cow. about tour yessai iol. Avy persan proving le .. . ...... l go. ogd fin,,. St The ùuwuiuer logis anv a. léý'e t4iI", ý,-l > .. .... Un-dm ltraw.,my Tla., s wil. 'à&.n"it%.Cone 't ;. 1 To, sono testrelold et(, llfbqbI-t. I;k" to, kîIçor-k&rv_ý Xtéont of folklore tibat inieit I* stily)lxw a" paying el t.-wi" for the (ligne, tg te, te in %.YMPtýhy Witte Imibigie a more demha in the time thalle a Peraon EWXP ST" YZD. Tri",Ib»h Aar, Dur r-le eil'I'f him esseote, and wilo, if th" geoilléi not. X OTICIL I.f (lý4flIy*biý é; throge welold I;k« to aokoo-er- 0" cal» generally on a lisser hunt with 'es 'l t le ca4m.o. Juar., in Jum »ri-lut the othnrf4 to the-Ir gelair of strowyed train Gm% PRACTICAL DYFIL tir wititoit d(w. We atil, héler of" Mi perosonst indebted ta the undersiened an iniglit nt léa-1 Ilob, rêt'fistini; thk-» shot% front Ilind Il hemby forbid ta 1-y the auseur t of nay ci-i-, ta 1 (If riffoir oplortiteliqqi toifoi lot, tileffinut, 1 touy persan eucept ta the tenter. Ruok. Liiidýay. IL a[OI.TM teit votte, thos, ae.(!Ilqpd gtl;ltv, have rén. it not ho wtil top aiver a feint of the on,. Fwe lolag-k, .110 ewe whille, ý.d.ogsgg Pin& AILY P." '-ilo 0ex boit, »ntl 11mo, woleid tir ebt'leq t-sit tlbgksý 1,ivinot infia rosi i.... ýh&i, . Il Io" te thoir Bet- ta info-nI the..ut-1,ý A ard ne nageassent the bLekuu oiwwrsto" W-.dvilleý O.L 28,1874 --- 7»X (fiored the, ti-ial>tlbnrtivtq. 'One inelit-CI, teint lie bas Stin-e -uud a Dj;einz a-d CleaD- 0101 ý Wei' 1-8 Muýanliet &'r his t",Iàhle. St, om,-ite ille tI1#,etfImgý Tho t.oý et dients wf" Vrtonoth, and thfr o UFORGE (ý.qLLVE", EsTRIY SH= P. anu le premred, ta cleais, afid Li%-* lýIl Ligools of -kb'-Mlît, tl)êl-ft Fegs.liers, au. t;etIlemen*s ciothel. Fers eleafged for e%1 1 tilt, gi*vnx to linvew lbfgm ýokId. liait q EA VBR 270.V' Cu» into the prenions of the U-xie";6red sad 1.ï.11J EL« baie prutilà a-id ien e3L-,eri.vu: IW ANTIM. -uLlteY. Yom an two port, Fn!ztimh-nl"kin, et pilote au;ýiâ D:ed- rosi sotte Oliq (1*.qlblIty of qele14X.Ik;,l for on - LOT 20, LV THE 12th COX. - MIR11 08.1. la liste oid o; leerl.%#* letblý tl%«jt;ry. joLlo or-iff âEyEylr-"EN MEEP, 1 (igloos kfuttel l'y a 'Ibtlwfqr of'rc se loi \ oie se y 1 AIY--*ItnoTlxo »qin mai shont sa sussantis tend liv a C.AuboiIfl thf, of tinding a (4-,rapMi-int loger the 'enitir -If the otskwoord Puhlic a rnuk on filera. uwner t»" have me bY prov- Ly.-,àgerts Wanted! Ail itktüàeec«Là $5To $20 -onunx ifflpie. of either Corre-Mndemo of Tae Prost Scheel, i OIHIL or Il work for un làtarotteling ama"W 'l lkelosth. . i &jw not lower thau Ces" i,4 p'p«, , P" ig "Mu Pmow soix. iu""e glaire enoveY If leininreil on", blit thelir intplii Tlitirml&y lut wobse gmemlly oburved X.%ÈpnqL ()etý P& in thtirpare mt)uient». or ail the zèke. th&% &IL any- inq l'tif, Hefos frttilli IbKorfi Oses Iqe1(lit(I.. A lriglwAILIR .1ruacudgoL I - thi fi- ïse. Particulière, ri-te. Po-g; tuni t .%,. Tho floiquittit thoger, ;11 net flottille Of.illott-irp have lirnvm oui. lien au n. pliblie hoiýlay. t'l the i Illier the juiiior dubsoil -nI,,nt,,g ai,# oj". tIt but rose totale. Udem G. riTINSOX 49 Ce)., 4A W IM il 8 ri ' ThM Por, Und 14aine. 71JO. 4il , - o 1, or le. "r. biens Iblam cloisied, i tilt, ibt y ý1waktrx r , "",i i s 'i ' 1 1 of Sovember, 144. Calais botte, 'ha preinhes ci the suburiber .90me f -lie boit woom M vie" in broth the pmbytwm on wlbtn the latter was workpd X. K le, 1411, AI r . il# of Y. Cesti Ils: Init. dort ov ehlirches in the forensonn, and in the 1 1874.- -791 t. THE PORT HON .41%N, fltgo Iby one ton, e.gl)nhlp an ther 1 -%ow mwxt3bmýp le Lm a léglostre Cirvu Latiuli. àt-d iIo, ti,.Mtre a-1 excel- rtliew'y or flot% ofilertIfflion ist %V. NL chtireh in the effening. The owner le ratlumted ta proie Pruperty, psy juat U iin- uýdiuu& Pa- iuisiar attention CrtL1Aifaýr-s. Day et publicati' -o-Thun TAOMM JA Mm. auvailte. Advetàming Kbgne whéolf. (lýTtièqemi by t charl,-vs and t2àýe it away. en -lin (ihitt.qti Tiserts W» ré ehootinq Party t)rgmù*-td. i %fr. outplooloil, 2T Oct.. 1874-70elI day. $1.30 pur auteulte, 'IL tient ,Ib"itkny* illotre Wni -3. Lit 24. Con. al Brocis. r.tft Lots. te If vÀ,mtu«l.d of the y-,itut,, fassent oft hi LO RETTO J. B. TRIYIDà.Editor -nd fný_Prie-r- 1 kifont. rho, ilo iè.%èe.ib litésalle : 1 tl«f#,Tw.fr of icctlffld inllt(le., 1 ý*31avil, iiigà eoifiti of thto fanàbtIrs MS TO RIENT. -.90 in et fi gg, Nftet fi dg ifod a 1 le 0«0« )0It-t" fmbl)lf, t'fi iei (4l-ývk.iuLt t1le l", réolontly oblir ose 1 throwi, the, townabire. ri%.oive niolon wktri C O UV ENT F'R EMME FAC 71:0RY. Id lIr Nolloilid elplw-;tt itent. to foilow 1 obis toach'.%itie, liaving NIr. John Ay, 1 am giteais-ed La -eut avoi give immdiate pý-. le mg LUMS ee *Ir.,ns Il ý7J,à ;a- ci. -.,.enieut 1 priselcal t-",Ieffl-3LtLýr %,assis to weet, u'.-b .1 il., nt 1-twol and Ntý:' 1'»rilw.b liq captains. I.,& ha 4", Qui 50 loi ou a4nL, P.1RTý1iER, tiii el 1'. o 1 wili lwIeý-ti tI» relative puise 4 on libelle; a ýzLsù,,1oI It, Ilot Iii.iè out lie IA'Iwf .:o of the Wt)rkod haret ail day. Aiter busino,ý.. te bulid a fao:týr,, acier t,) Lilltlý,v. Farta- ru lw.uldlezeolý in tbeir I"ity %, 'il do weil :UInfitititthéq in elle ovenin-,, nood. adtireu with the uuduiýie-i. -IF NU, W. H. Vmiý tirets Capt. te' gý'ý'Wd my, liE ié-rH nAy OF M. "eerd hundrca the John tiglon 'IL %ide essaie (,if wi-illogers hy î 1, 'l le . .1 Ikfoil, ete The foiquisor (et tlw Toilette a illesjolity. rapt. 'Nril lirowil'«% 33 oct. 141à. ls-.4. L:,doýy. 16th Ott., uriudn Pr.. ou. i et -, thos I(lt)ttinz koïdelpaid for the Witt ho alIilittea withe lat 1874. il Het, 1,411, l'y lie#, G'nvieil was hé,141 fI1tillitbit lie le Tty hoinu - RAM LAM& 'MRS. P. M-ARTI-X -loir, which %graot gi .90 - 1:.. o- %ilould rift liq (Ir lýtfifitIr, l'Zyk4.),t. It. dites 4op io,ý the EsT"l M RIVE Prootoont: -Fliot wqbr. tilt% Horgtegý Attera fêtes hottr'a oujtby,. Lait o. the relief betognescla imetvile &sd Bill- (!Ib. Wei zholilli .11.1 tilt, àý ý I. &-hool Bouse, in ulle, on the aigbt,)f elle léils Semoviltil the lg" c RO= ttdn-, 1 n tho thé, ttt'klvkg, the litoyolity, igient the hoya ail Ipft for hieillies Weil oct , lard 4, Te Kent Street. over Mei-.-ille a kLyman'e Bat Store. %t, Ili'ditv. le $1. (',tIiliitt. Oraibdell, Volet, céshiti, gossellisitied Witte the day's ttprL FU R a-ro itE TàlLi« (COT" O= .) (srà ýttrç loistri a-here thei, istais te teal:h 1(tt'liriuy, Witètoirit, Ordos and Nh - Olir ballot made it.-J serrend and ineituueutal muiu Lid langogagitel, - lie- o. ost appels AnS Assy rerson givinq information that will leud te fore. illey lasa bc scen the--e trolu 12 te 1; P m. 1 Ov fore in iiiiiiiie lessive el ' itsrgéeoev,%ýÎl ie -uitaLly,.,ewardetL Word ma dm, 712-13 venitit,,, and %ilocemively "so. pitit) of t. fi. lie iqiitqlt.m of test goy le ]P bc loft at e.ith. y -#lier inestinut wert, aèid stirr-gý,nfii'ly tteren-tded ofir ment TRoXAS PHILLIM C ) 117 KE rea(t lesol profolinent (if)7.7114. RverY 0960 «"ý 1 IW r pened toi. F.Ir,%,re in the premi.%-à Op*. 22011% (kt., F -1ho ...... . M i., IV. I!, ý,sLé!X surprime lit the W..Iltiëlrflll prro,-rt.u, -tilt ýqq1oXfif>nw (If, týqq.t. rilri riocg. i . 1VUTORIA P.IiLýVLy. vrelleils Il, C. LIAdon F.,r rnmi*%IfIn of thev are imikinq iindev the able tuititil KXT 010R WEST OF LL IL KEM M ST. Ca m p ted Elbows. -l'el 0songe lwt.wt,(.Ibt.lbn '41W Iekf' '4 fin bits t'rtIwm el kilo it héed bolleyb fin. If ;oIr. ewniit tg) bave the or le toi, Ni Ity 'f b14 & I Tlefebit 1 iLiNii,»Av, aiiirajue. "kit. kttiy IWIttto,." 141I.ilblwlt; lq both Miloq Coittioloine stri,« llapp.yfaculty A hi ileuliwe ont filer he.*% The rietworL% P-auilwa ctInspany Weil net pay or t 1 lotit for 6 rémiuiiin of taxoge, T1isa.ý Villette ;1 cach :If the [)Iayera. %feeti-il; (h-im Va ;ety of Fun on hand %el Law Priew for lie mlx)nqible for any % i-unt iiiiieu.such at%ýun I,ý "I, for offrovnit. whett. *.: thoi tel la vouched for nad sipmIrteti Il)- the prenait ordeges Yfblle.fr. with apnTtsK-1t. )n front IsVkoý,' sidéol, atigial, Collet. issatifir *%te léfil in able, i toit renewed effinots te) 1 inteil l'y Uns con*-Y,;end eigncci hy a ren-dble Es, W OO DS BON 1 et.. 4'l. riur, iliatois; tIffl boys .1., 1 rleý(ttof.b4 ile III. Fi GEO. T-À LAW, KSt at, iàncimyl linIbili.ý e-. nt. 1#ý lot i Inl Colin. fler. et-oool repnottesd the prot.-on dtm"vti if. Oser helpe, of having the or-I:rnlI. uý,of. 015m V. M, Lindsay, 26 4X*L, lâM Pmident. P ir'f se moto, I.«ýý:9. Iloofol Io elorf. Im, lr(liii(q Mieh elle#,,;- 1 nmitf t'y thlospoteial con 'ittsq0l g"pkte- bel%. hrénki in the coulesty is gutinq Bave belles appoititroi loge aents fur VIcloris monte soleil .90-2. tionif effet fenly, te tho ego *o. fin% the 4,ranizatinn lit a now lette, cote%. %net hrii(ht« r'. Ta£ ML POS Cour -y for i.m. boy tlbfir prorge iolin Illeffay. Th" wogild sifflet the i XIII. .1. gliv. Pattema met trit'i an The toubacriber respa, V -thmtu 0 the K E E V IE i -ilirpolleg (If abift lot, sentie- irpu-ilttýd fateilly. es %toast driving telorloodim. i adverriai=- public of Lill"i and ,urmundiu Tiom ift our, of tiors roa. lire 0('MPmiy 'l'kitladay rgight. toi the aecident on i4;itlbrd&V' whîch latittlit have C H IN A IT 1HI-O U SE B nýxG 'lit' wIeb,4 why, llyk0qr, lAieffer et Gi ntù:hbotutmxl thist lie hm contraignent the leuloinesto libtlted digeste, wtiilgt le good- 1 Siniosie Street and whm o)l)pI;ýqite t Bill Poting, »si bey otiiet attention ta bueinte -t-le weight, ile tite etillil Doheny*g illiscit, Kent Si., Lindqay. tu ment the patron- y lit and mixtemte chaMes lie wili nod ainsillit thoh, tliritnwn ýý tient k igt estoill, the, htr»ýtoteime im- a3e of the publie Md the aloi ilito lotr'l'A 1itliAnllý 411(lh o1ý. Tb;" one-piece-Sbtet-metal-Elbow îs gtmmut«d «mf4c L8sl4faw lss l fý. le tolites nagea à. "rART. to lie the cýer inatie:-;t ý>ml)ine* '4tilizati.in alle ti hIn azid rail iiiiiolialy acrn--% o. 1 Irio. i "In kpply ai Weette Id Hottel. btyle, Durability and r;ctlnom%'- -soir oeil, britiu*, ntiItwithittaidi-la file hmigorth tLi difoi Tory YOIlt.ll or eii#l it, tttat* lit the britIX(l on Willi- itear"tnn TMpie C,62, o. titel kitiol libr tore net atrom Nt là»lssl* t.Obtillètery. lie and ly Bril. Ajex. Robinson, Tem- &T LITTLE BRlTltm. fffib" misl Clolin %f ils.brèinv h$bl inpplot«, it Nid »lot, [»plity, fin Ttiuday qven1ý1g lut: Il% pritdioj thlot t4illitil ", 'relm pfbqf: t.lè#t nt.ll«r ilqi4lit-it'it that %torov., vIèIIivt%ý follivoi thfS tllnh..Ikvfflbt «Aatmt rélony, . lIrn. Alex. Brojk.11 W; C. T.; Siater MM E sw rkl-,.S, oppoum'.ÇoILTHELç IL a STAMN, crff 'Tl- P- ixc-im MrAcrmw= titte t'foi '-% thfi (41-41eiltb olit-Y Will ga' b li-tovifia the Ibridas tu a V«Y dmg«- firôw.è, XV. V. T, Bro. Thôn« Eloy, Xanuà«urer and dealer in Br,ý- r.llltb, nx-toene mnrod. seonatim hy .1. 4nellunFfr, W. Char., siotter M. IMMI, SITRE TIBLES. SIURECARU3 Moq tiM.-re oit è%-try f«qIifýPfý Vlft in- (10jjný offljwýKitx, tIffl thool lit.glet, nqlrc :Ubr m U , M, W. T., Tim. W. PL, 14, (of 1 1tot I"ý'o4v hOloil let"lllàt nom W-111,M tre-et.. ratir Mr. Liglo's fat,- 'q nàrowe, J. (1, fi". W. Dpwao% 0. «,,Pk ti, .4f-ttv4%, of tit,0O 1 Ildtýf- 1 notry, ho «amilied, Md ottub Mnerg"f (J. Th., Temple maMu *" Ttipaday Ir«tum =1 I!tm,%.bfity jj0f.î. àoulg". 1 -ýkjDýi F"y and 1 (Iltibof -fiiitt.i*4ý Woorwi, en t-4 :>tti lit. npr«*"#Y, Iboto, Mmodoo- tvoliiill. A o-t:ièiti.,Il éinfler the, -lüur Chahý. Pnd a ;.ýe&ot -aeetv Cane end "Moto tefitlIqq **d Motiedy owilt-t t- Ibo 1 ropa,-& " moov %Výnien Se-ted ChLirs. liedat«d% ;ïMod -Matr»». 1,41,illé, t4b 4M hanýWsd ojbodev the diýmlion of the litrotiolit Mi 1%11*picm loi the Teniplti in ammolinced a, ot Ek)-tom Bedb, 31«jc Stoola, aU at 1124)d- liotolly 'of ýttyt.#ieltj foit. tlo en tht, '119fil BIE FXCFLLICD. Qî - ailla a cail and judge for yxotuu -v e r se f, avoi bave Zbe iblorth of yoar ivorey. oilid Il% flot, e4rova .-th o! ibe huýI. fiAliglyA Km% tir Wl%,fP.RVntlltt4. frolm the Rev. Tee 'hl- q ovnuld re%ýc 'e'ly " lt* noble top, RICHARD Emrm. Me-vly thri twlsP. (Iq'iliq, 111(lillorvoi if an Ad- j. f'. and mi;dent (rec à- ,4 4m & tétera obbta@ýUrM and the pub"u. ttu tholy aga MMY loolffll ret. 01(1 tit-MI)Rtt-lb for nAdf bellon pitýbll*hO(t fer tniniséorg. P.,ýý - ed tu excevane cordoit, f-ý il the ;11-11 vr nexc. tond«m for a omUktir of jhoo wnt.tr. et V(4-tl alld illotrlllnpl tM V 2. 1-.79. IWWAII@o Lo- or \twtttnl.k4,f. wiblokoi, in a«vor(ipn» wigie a rimllition pablotic, rt-adiN> Mt*, b1ýF the membuOâ, 1 - - i., qt,.i;tbf, 1 h»R 14,Mývtlti outil ttf%*Ibté(g éb oit tho VÇ,Iltbeil. in hobinq pml)aml. 'ÏU bnu bond In M& et "@m we l'avot, the follow n.-: -fil The' .4.%Ytlq "id it had nnt.,And At the be prSellt. imom&4»lioiw a -ou] hand flio ýdIî,tt% of'llsfm t-It" 111#-qt S, In# dite roprt oIIM Omivieil aurud te aile là *- p. som:. la bmd 4*lltlitioln'tif Nortit is h. p- a W thébt flou Ibo YALL14. 'a U!w 10 h. p. do 1,10o, Ait-I Io toilly york in 010 lfl(*l 114,ýisteq. lloK t'AUT14. h. P. de o.0 11.1 1.1114 4,#bn»f1ýj Imit*C'411 011%d -A il(lero"nrnré (If 1(ffl4iinjt rkil« Colin. MATrttitwtt. 114sbvod, ~ Tbkie-d h. 1% do do moul baud Whkb ha» Jouit 0401 tiots o1t"flon of thé r(Mul ('!Iti(4«o l»tiq (IoItt4,rý liy Otirbit, 1 hoat. tw(b n" hriso 0artâ XUTI#(»831$%T IMURC11-A 890 BLA11T. a P. de du %ývzki band 1P.4rtet Thol Migifite Miltfr lq1ififql 1.)bat toi . tr 1*ýyinfmf ibliboit. hop, boit, pltrotèaN4 toi the obte, nt tho: tire N OTYcE 35 > do do new !ýf@jY TonosTo, 2» 30 (0 do noeud ilttt *011 It-14-wiq Illofvi trielit 4% bfb'F- llbftélei ribr ail I-aqlmot, nvtlr lof) *Impmy. 04inn. Mr. Maleom NroD4ýbiiiWi, ilntil lm. m IL do do moud band ilib4lomor4 thitos Olt Jfdý7'it firer p. MIR. & member of thé frm of IL C. sin" 25 h. P. do de new aient inipplytit ho» orould net ho ll""ht 0.1., torft hm on Mondair. W. MODDS- Trnderthe ah ad M Nation -f Cap, 23 of the 20 h. P. do do Lew 0 TRAM PRINTING. ý M of C-4. Atmo, the tmdwè 20 h. p. do do new l'Y gt.(Wl jiteNfA ilm. OIM will $%Olt t'm cId if) otitlti(Ifq tiokomt (ont OwIr« te "nt of lln» (MOU ,ait ha* hemva connect»d wàk thé firm 10 Il. P. do do "Mad baud allmilq. toid f. At, the I-itilVo%.Y Iiièrit ïlli; in and *-* îý,r MAny Yom, tint m employ» Md r* h* st&Vouaj Eme» »Coud hWl iti #4tlffl o0bd oit tntdtçl tif Ist-mlly t do go new will flots fAke, t-iooktxtq iq0tiffý(1 Iby oitfflu. hoiq no flink« btibinm,' the 0011leÜ t)icn.ne Parmer, and du-iffl hie rw- Lmennuw celâlir 1OUW ýlb 10. p du do soloccond ha" S T E A M xhIP 11 1 that risil bojomw. timS in ?" nu Iralle bu maile hmts m h. p. do do V" têtiotte 14.0 wlwtm «0 au- là là. P. du do lm , Z,* payoi U h. > du ri. - of triends, ail nt volora WiU m doubt sa bu mi a ta, mie. hg, PUUM &UCMW, sa or Woo 1) rrLI.9 h* as enffy tort kome Mm ne W* Oîte. Au the, Departaiena cf crolias Là". un là. P. do dout - mm tho ýrlnk I)rolw*e* te -"0" PRINTING. j1,ýtmqif,4 in tIII4 wtet;ffb ~ t.lt4o silm1w Makolo k* MtIfes *8 ik»torè, alibi they far an he, k»WOO at.pufflt, hie Intum aurai, m 0;1 UT 9 MIM Mr, P, de aw - F Iti4tretht. 'l'Illot MTIMIlqf% «NU PIPA441 M& mmtbiwd ligm te foirèfl an op ]AItition. (10"egxmdm» of The P4.#. rWdomnS will probably be in the chy FM BMCK AND CL&Y "*Ixiféomwl hie of. It te a #>Ilebln M)V« twunnud la th* et Ottawa, but go whom ho may. ha as isoldo* macici, the, Depuumu ruwwiiýg Gao - constandy on ho-id ne $@bamum bm ta tatim" tu hm p « " B 0 0 . 1 11 ltlf** th@ acw* tl'Io thop, lire"h titami lu th« ohmvm» te play Pud himt Amiable Wdé WU be toUOWM W& thet Tim Càxà" Pm %agag lie rmght la this hl the g" wùh« of &U who know poaw BWAM priberW jekse on. fiallovem. Ratine. and In bond ff IF, *j1j ne* bot, rotward«f froM loiffain nos ov«rsputa- them. à ofab"'.? oteàf ', LMMM Pred et or Bar imn PATMIM -0 Km 'A 1%" nt" 1 î4loif-11%. or(. the" le with moeh PIUMM W* Imm Wald1b, $1111, MOH, Noo, -eut Riv«. Ne à hhine Loàp omtw« eotm. Wo May toooo ble pung ment tnobok rAvm9ffl of the It Kwm pr - «Somm the wat«. thmobY prumi- th" thé th"« yonng Mea Who WM iloro à; trio joue to« mwd Io oontatu 70,M iffl Ti" Nie. Witi. gemi" tbuF »Otmmb," My giqet te oar.j oit il 11Y P-id te bel tient dinrinq the Sommer nuder th,,t 111016-4 WAM«I& 1--r WC. iguticom. It in a mule il% W"Wtrrc.!Qn a 4 l'Ittbith-6 ortttitit, ffli promptly Publubo v',11, f eujr of a«4v% acd ca-i ho oblemour! out lot à fw tillll*ol)léq, *,Ibtt wé Mnr. Indtilp tri & wbintori etion of Dy..W MW1 - Minl)Wtttt« tlbf% wwvwwhm. I*Iifmfq le *;Il 4 lot hanl Oght, And "I' 'e nqWýh« et V*'%Wblqb >«» etueqe if Jfr. C. .1. lw»q= haVe @U 76) fw- UWM-FMB a&W Loggo In th* kboba-à. man. w«O »t 'Ainty VMOVM but brok4*1- @nt*ýea Trwity Coilég% Tmmto, water imr the XPI, codmwtd te Pndý Uolm of hol Pm'mll. vid boit Proj ltud WEL ho mmb on ordotrà for lam ediüoàuý Md 1.1 ai te W" &aa, liffld Motombla a. sauccier te rq la the aw-1 eL (7.,eulws. v *th MP@vb wam work p«Mod fit Ohm Mioton thidé MMI, Itiolt wili net laitt alieh Mort% * nt th" t4y am Ilèb,1411le. mtteh c"dit. At tne oolbP ame armm toié! pr*:Ov Md full paý.kulan, 1 I.tt#týtm**tMvitV wid wlito, m"M 08* Abi- k4li timo. &%tolèf»'X* Woft Alv* MI, WU 114 thia way e0cia. thvm wthn)aiibips te be olimir etoi for 00 CE"£ rSj% 'a- Pl- ho lu. -.an" by, mm-ow -X U%. x oor wi, (tyttr MW(IA With - omom 'the of» 1.,lt4lnf" [di fo ~ mraimitv. «Attfl algnm. Il» NIIVM p"#« woolok oci«. auiin&Lljr, as thé, mmuiontu" em&Siaa- TD to-ble. 14 PRUITM By STEM POWM 1 m mb %*hm be*- me if. rmitis ùw efinybmdoni *ý eink fidoly hg Jilottived in prmmting d» tien, whieh commeum nt ** boWn- Ulfem ME sàwzccwý odima*d iathiblir ad«ombavebýmmbla tttli ', bOitte liv,». ami famoij. and. Ma mil weït o--MM et JWr utab- lgèe"&*"riae Laien 1%0 MM. WfO, r« rofst 0%1011,1. mi wo n'Io ;OW, -bon Who - Played *m tricks, OOM1 nicox nt 0490w, Md lut* t» wuk,4- foe &U the b" atvi» 01 tYPOIt. Unkit4g this by fer *0 o, ruema . im. pranabg combat la bible secom 09 the belwA W W1x« tort, Witt dois to N"* dwm lisid tio to Publie onndomm- conct cd the vulwoOlot 8M, 0» of $1 à e rard..iar itrertim païd te IM» forivotin oitté »%&M Md 0» @M jugW carried jlavod. rAm« &mm eur, mil and t»Y thor " Th* "tènit mm in (Imam)» M àà Coýam. Ordebs "-eedully ltqppq*,"§ m IiOOývo- thAffgh r4 («b"W* Pt kritotiOla Md me fIb" m cove te dw_ fints f« coedi mi mmpoutor% Imm Cà* et tb» 0#9" 14*qtl rum for $4 941no hM#y& The th=e vgoumghim IL Filcom Cam D. S&" inow*"d enwallet A" UM»B$r is voum orvig t', JIPMIOMW Ille (4 nffnnwm nov M". thir« if tb@l b" to end«p "q Mff a imdbbte filet a mhokààbip, I"W, 0& 15Mý, M 3PALILa fol*W lol, Ott ont 01 Q11#40 aie to rm olit ba ffl M le 0" W* tes

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