item" immue *Jàdýtnc- 8= aq IA-ý tbdlfdb" la Obulicely M. W"4- Cr, ww, aient %V Ott, (rare. Vol. XV. M016 Nimba 789, LINDSAY, ONT, FRIDAY, OCrOBER 23, 1874. » raz A Lire". SLDOjN Ny it. (étc(>. PrI1041poklys LAW awm sabbob of tée liste THE CHARRIMOL rai or. V.h»týry 0111l", ov" 0. le. itgsN,,RTT RO Tu£ LIVIERPOOL A» IIONE Wbüt «MMU Vabb deuw zy XE& XBYRT WOM. -.8c«oou-aànl> or Hoasm--et iitwi BERTS, 103 M BARý lçcuodo»er, Bro UD m , 4 $0 qq. Albl»ft% Cbufth.) tma *4 &ND OLOU imaàm S»Aary- Il commis" uný Stoddlort; 1)()Ittg RZYAV at-,%I)ICVV OP XVIIIC. LONDON. £NO, ohm. Illotres,, àeoowàtn. îbml% ". conwu& mir 3rd, Jais. &nom q.,levitor NVOIII»Xkm q4fffl. »%% te %bu ow A&VU"«ouMSW tu b"wMr@@Mv*L" -r«oduý 09 1111111» Put fille. mm légliffle &ND ZXM unftimweueu. M»ia»wbpma es" Assied ùay mû" bwM (cormr» rison LM w3m) 1 'a 4bus.- -totiffl. me" of the fermiers of BrO& bave 141l 'Roèu#Mmf» 10 Relleils, zâq., W"b- %, = :M aamem--lstA ht"no« thrShod, theïr grain. They me ail WrU 11 (!.Ni & ItA H fl..!!e vittwe sasselant. D--. ]ÉMI.. IL P.; SI C. Wood, ýKrrî«z, TH19 LARGWff PIR19 IN817RANCIE CW'.'00é"O. HO Vent bUk int(a hie PriV&b TOOMI4 .1% 1' COMPANY lx Tas WO&U. moq.. m. P. , z ý. L m lit i Ch mm-ying the dipa" with, him, and pormatly wall satisfied with the ma; 0111elle. xftqt ý4t"bb. "Par iéfýý Along t1w Umm Md« and yield, but very much diuMinfied neon; 2»d, . 1 Tbeir sirotas =eh; in strarle, thers, ho mat down to " IL Front the GOU" PMP And, las very tiret ho hâd. not beliend the frand vith the 10w PriossI OwiDg tu *0 KKP(llltlt X111,4 A BARBON. lu 2 Ail Iti)AD HOTZL, Kine Stroot, 8 à la Cà»" obu-p oompeütion émSg the purch»m Brown; n"d, J te ho with %bas poët-011106-fiar this, rea- se" Reict Fordoil 'i;;%. the aml»y nui«. .4. X»mw. traousý ornar ici M IDLÀXD RAILWAY COMPANY à aisselle, atmm êt am: had the note bun orally higher thm je profitable tu th, John Campbel si. 141" -1 týst f the Orétérie, Deuil or CANADAI. Thy d"m luvu disellaier. laimmd IIIIIII& - W4. Ai&= one of if% servarts, the letter would unbgquently witbi, l Dranhetiro*ye HoVst1ý william atr»l-4- lesteme compteur. = Mr &.d4 hm belles "0" Bot tu have bUY«14 1>0711119 Bot Att(, J"IA-1 ()AI, offlrga Blok ne uuwme" et lm -il abc" MW ý mah vérellais, friper. rembed if% destination; it WOdd ha" a fow centil ci Toronto priom 12nd, Petoir Au tbIjk.. Ktwwl.-n'e Ne, Infaillible, The Venourffl M" au"#«4# tbb«MPMY 4«wd ut laïusse tu diraisy: with the note., Ho bâti «M . The romb huling te the village, are Y«L-ld-104 1 If e'Il Willibm.tfflqe. l.febd«Y. détion ý4 etabille, Md a &rIsa sommas te w P~ màm#y boum 1- Of tair &W tady bded thi, a doubt m to sitether Arthur Channing in a very bad state just now. la soins purpo»two-yei IIVI lI1*11, et?»% Tou exquuue te MW. Arthur places they am almoist impomble, bu- 1 bell; 2ad, D. 0 RoT]CL, TRE LM DEPARTNIFC" had posted the letters himmu. Oeuvrai purF At. vors ho» faitrodra"d lots CumII4 Thmv h h eigkt.]Rates 1 Nuln: .1h ob= . à rai' mured him that ho hâd, and Mr. Gal- 1119 Pnump&Uy relatif road& Owing te V e(".reet Ilf MAI and V«kbvwp uqinw. Lied- 114%1«0" lent lie$ PMÈ :Mt.P= the nai of the soil, the rofidâ contact Jno. Campbell- 1 venela rropew" New 01 finir" leway behond him- the informa" L, le.Iwbv4 voi, laillimmurs Md W 4" imwý appar uwwm de ; C hall Dr, i#W ttimnore. lép; sesmii;i effl. 1, (Khi" thst the mal of the ièij . aubrolien bc good tiR gravalled. The sooner the ýý13f= .n; 2 el'alé ~y»«Mmmulon. Ilhe ter savu BUP, TORONTO ÀND IJNDSÀY. màn*mmwmw«m% CATrLIS -Xi 14l'.1111ARTIN, 1 , ^w. Chiblitiéry and omt J'il the hm% ellisera. liqum »Il et»». Autant for Li"mv alard Ce. vietireille »Ir a farther confirmadon that ilors, township cousseil givres the màtter due N."try ek,ýWtý.t flu 4 tw réhaëlleille. tà&lrý To memory% touillait sye, leuw hard not Wu o"»d afterit quit- oonid«aUom4 the botter it wiâ ho for mid country and village. dy; 2od, S. Me] - - L, oflloo. Mr. GUo«y pafindy Twoy«ruld hi NI % Il ', Il# i, W 8IL la N ORTHm wInm-=9 1- Several flocla of wild geee% the pro. r, jewplt,*. 1 )', remembered batening down the letter. I. % suit 1111111 Meffl, LirAay. 'toriiofwinter, peu" toward the 2nd, JQO. Hat %1-111VXIII.11, élattornoy- failli. ai oo-%*»d situe mtiroly FIRE IM RAV£ OMPAU . PM UCIID THROUGR RATIO Ho pet the bank-note in, wret the gain,- mon' One-year-boifer rv alewiatiffl poid te %tas ODDS ASD EJD& south ditrinq the haut week. mi ah" it down. Re probamy would ... ... f 0* Mai, Win«. liquoila and D. Grant, jr.; 3 Zof- CMbd*MUM saut las Siv« - 16»e m-'og, a. then, but for the contesta- OurviU&gowufav«mdon Monday. il 1% rela tue. Chéollare 38%&WSW or calt-ilit, J Il. .11101 te P 1 plot(Or pp»mreel= - - Civil rWde-OblWng angwom um th" mums et th" Mme moment in ÈL a light $botter of "the buautdul r." On Touillai morning the roofs IN411y ettbmotxd by r4uMy M illèvellafflors a as" m« commm. suý à» cums vo Mois lo 'eeultillal Ba Beffinaing te lmve--the I«TM *0 atMet, catured by Mad Nattes. LsmUr;e per Sr. of the houses troire covered. borry; 2", Wi (ivil lmtqinlb*qr. t4pm"] W (%Toast te te marnasse in omm.m ira emarres OUI, mum mu ?m Bm;a Luma A grillon groeer--Om Who truelai " cl ho no abadow of doubt, su The Corporation of Canninitton bave Thcarough Brod Ite-t rail, mi quelles, of Ille, UMVir4 pu car. fur m Mr. Gralloway elould me, and no Ilbkly ter ait pointe. Affliettais lit 04 Imas, bembom& :If Ballonna -et ho mied. by pobý lm m ho belioved, thât thé 'a P" ovw ieM sière, abstraction laid this faU sidessalks in many of the Win. Itou. pli 746-11 Amomo Prmiumbr lui ......... IMM vitub 0%;M relle (ela m fur tahint people qqb. hod token place bettreen the tix» of his etreets, for which they hare the hearty ........ The Horn of the Dilemr» fer Týu- thanks of the vi Saitup.-Aq II)ttýK-ýt),14, P. L Survoyor, llt)TICIé. l'hure m lmrm» of jýý la u9mâleu, down the envelope and of hils nfflrs'md ffltiouhar'y Smith; 2..d, J. la tan ....... ...... ...... ...... deju F»wu As-tg 7a daU-The mMWr-h«]L = IL Who bad donc it 1 Of the làdie& The asidewalk to the àtuikt-t%àe Au» li I"ronffl teintée lnv«tud ........................ 'l» M M LAILWAY 07 CAXA- An Ochkadrjudge got hm hm et ",M fay 8, müway station wu very m" - needed. lot, John Ultra, 4911fy lkl, *bel land evwlo"d yalleil. tard oub %ile, Dmtakm 00110% &,uin«. I know boue, lit J. J. Fee. = . lbqwr auwmbvbt le lave" in au"" «> OUP for a entaillage tee. It ils hoped they will extend the Prt'stwor. happened. M ho exclaimed to himself. c.1saith; 2nd, Oàntl" for amurtt). of thoir C&OWIO"Iwy b" 624L,33» Irabi.-biLe. The Chicago Commun Couneil in collia . "4 -161. it Ilaq-114 Wl .t top a fuir 1"1'"tbbbw t»mnwn,-» 0". lisait maille ofat«k in tordon, But.. vm a 'Chas ... ing waa et colloge-1 muet ha" on Cameron atreet to Mr. Edward'a on 1 1 - AnIi for 46. licým zrew ou ad "The Rebben'Cave." the une aide of the villap, and to Mr. ; ewt%-lêtý Jul 14 %KKF»r HOTICL, him permission in a $off moment Mcluduu; 3rd, 1*1.%..,.iý.,.. a A Omemee surustala maker advertîmes glnm Baird'@ on the other. The. overtaier > John irvi». Prom- ALL *M nM OF PWM IbUld&Y, tbt 6th AlgUlt 1874 hier warres ne l'aloi; CIMP... leffllritbla jiow %0 tréveillairle; the "me tu, take that orgau, or I never should menu to have forgetten that it ils ueffl- Iambe,-ltt, J M.".Z 84 fur loir mlu &A la My Omo ,qoatii. mmi MZ04. have doué it, quittins the office didy ! C. Smith. I1.1.1ard Wisté the hm. (levait rotmjv Illé. Ho who by hie bit would risse muet %Ille C,,ml*ny. IA»M --- ----- " tu, crum sumalatimes from, unis aide wà -1ýWb"oradver"." , --and Yorke, in hie indolent emleu- of the séreet to the odmr, for ho hm Pl,.;% -One-] -k. IN \10N 110TE1,4 william st., = 1, f- làn.fuy and couaty Vielortia. ehowlil lie@ 'eb:r" :: le*' a- flair tg ai lie. 9. D. outils PO«. Lime M polilà usine, nez&, muet ha" beau amipiag outaide, ne-glected tue put crominge et the street Hawkins; 2rad, My slar leaving, it in bord to my litho in the office. 11:48 cimiers. Every lotreet having sidesfalkis -"il l-' Hase' Lindsay 12.13 P. M. 7.00 ", liquors suis elgarle. rt"&.egm - This Sullec of polar Jenkim'a &U ton ; 3rd, Jus. PeilsIve ilffltier. parcelx for- c " " à6 T. Ille 12:35 7:2s A Snstfiantly reeurring apci verni, î1tould certifiai bave crosénée& b"f 104-ly - trait" maummt--ý. The touià me nuit un deià Mr. G&Uoway rang hie table bell. It oldl-lat, J' J- NI la. -=ËZ 12. :43 During the lut four monthe, 1 had weedrem 1:10 Sale vwt« wu* amwered by Jeukins. "Send Mr. the plemur e of aireveral fiance visitinac 3rd, A. S. Cali 9. gow ahuper thon a serpent'& thonks Arthur Chonning in," maid Mr. (4&1- I.XPLR.Mt-ilý4 0si larran, ...... the publie schoolla of the village. The' ASSURANCE COMPANY. It i. a. have a touadm *ad!» -Maftepriai &- loway. vWd. J. Brignali; 211 QOIXG SUCTH. lutter division ils kept in the luttera hall, -ck, KeInt Arthur entered in obedience. Iffr. ader the tmmfflment of Mise Forgu- ble Buz.,gy,--l )R. WNI Ni rý 4 lit 1.1 X)N, Adàln'jo Ma IMTA BLISIBIED 1847. A mm in Cincinnati advertising for . Galloway made a sign forh- - - KI t, tiI,.Ir »»Oh. - _Us. 4,4 The lImIr a* "Il -%a m 7:10 oitmtetmm -,,WurkiâmAxom"àaobjeam son; the higher division in the @chutai listai; plow, - 1 roi Wondville Il . 7:40 the duort and thon spoke. "d = m mm mut 81 %M efoi -a- Plough,-lst,' ý.Mf"I0 ut inea, liilite1% ab boules ils under thait of Mr. Marshall. 1.ýt. Ir: With t, *Oakwom *1 .:::. l, "test of Onà à an awkward business, Chan- Bath schools me well organized, and W. bit#; 3rd '.M ly. With the AtWitiomi Salleurity et raboM TII&M Police reports mentionied thi py ami MILLION lx)L.LAU». for %has tx*Wve ably elanducted. The most improveil IL W - W' owlemm *1 .... &.35 10:26 mmey tudiLb4KL! 'IVery bwkward, ind , urt lot, T. Bigni NI, il el lz oering and fiair ettosing. mathod of taisaching in adipted. The W--& :30 À play upon wortin, 3 the firemm P. P«tBopeamvo..::, Ille J '-'»P'-- Arthur, et no hm to undevetand what, village i8highly, f&voured in hsving @,ch Campbell; 2nal, brim É Fî t out midwbmhethm-thulmeimu " bollklotiovl' Mr. C"Iloway allitded. 'Il du not tee -'la t 'li-vil Itw(1,41 slow S'lèaviill oolxa soum. 1 sin. I xi»d. trop ta put ou the illustre. ellicient, touchera. It w.>uld be well if gle 8uM, )% - a( sand 1 thalit it ores possible for the note tu have humeo%-'*tý Ir,, Aqàalne »W of the Composer seul, This is the 1"«# form Of weddinq in- bSn tokais fruin the letter, ex in the parents took mure interest in the ham«$,-lst, *26 rien 18:3111, IL M. pe capture a rWil schoolo4aindvisitthemomuionally. Ifý Ille, N -.1q N. NI 1) 9ýet4e tique the eqie(-Mkm therai the prmi» wisi "ou Xisib.. ita ùmwàmiWon throngh the pont ahfm,-Ist, A. éd. rhi, Ipý Ille bu lit a ili-.4 -ati.fbet" Md véhurtelle obueu«. pewbm. .. . 12:46 7:211, as * Wekmk», Id»rpý, this oreille doue, lx" teachurs and pupilla AlIlirer. aft inyitai Io ohm in tbe«. Lakellarid wdv&.: Somebody cérierves thât Wh«àix 111 taill yen if wast taken from it W GRAIN.-Itu 01:0, A. cox. Nterbow. %roulai be ratich eccuursaged. and parents 0011NÙ 8OUT11. 1 liait. iii»d. venus Wiu î4t deuil to " About diteau, a wuau finira it kft titis office," tartly returned would bc leim lisible tu flarult-findings. i Alez. blel)ý,iu Qebwm Alitent for Fléaltarne On%&M . . I_ boy w" a tin hors le a refuge fer the w«ry. Mr. Cialleway. 111 ha" no relations for C. TAYLOR, i elà This duty of parent@ memu tu bc uni- 1 SPrUR whosd, W X. NI[AROACH, Land Avëntfor FItZD. bd ,,-e A strident; et au Iowa collffl bouded the sourtion. Did yont me me put the 211d, John C ti Il Ir il to P il 1 Il. the voutitir. ut viellolle. & hetaril, And glue- logým Agent. Liadierry, Mutr*t = I's ".::::: tai vermally neglocted. ltrwk W"btlf the t,*Itt"hIk-hool 0.- himeu ora sisty-dive tenu par week and stmfiul bank-note in the letterr Win. Blow; 2h P ii; y Ill) lié) N lié, a'. lb"f uteille. ý - Pm ne" larries. ... 1 4111:15 Il ?:a twmty boum paradai. Beismwmove»Mot "Of course 1 did, air. I wu s"d- A Band of Hope vu ormaitied ý ethi in. *rat egatre connuunm&-at port maire wisa - - lie w&v", in this villagie, lut May. It is in a i let, Sidnéey m( r, et ai" ter a ing by when ynu did it: I had remained 1 %pady è- V.-ilOAL18 LIVRRY STA»Lk% Indus, mm Wut, Itoyal 1 Clusie-The ouly diffillortâcle bettraien 1 fleaurishitag aime. The chikiren Biulck eyed si SALF. the Colomus et Rbodes a" Kinq il» aile VIII by you after bringingyou the neoirom tu, take grisât; dehght in if It met, I Campbell. 01 ter. N.Y.. vith aulin. on Neur York wu abat white colossale wu a th, rSm- *-1 honte 1 J- J- File- RI FOR central %thmd. At millbmk, wfth trairais, for wu a Tudor. 'il put the note inside and futen" '3r"7 two weeks, in the sella- At 'Oit belles m Idifé, là ]BUM IMe un Futubom, 6" Lake". Md Steinlen for strecy Itql&44 on the t..or"r ut rond and William @W«toý Lake. At Un"v vriels Comamklm Crmêdell*s l'MW Quilp, who hm heretofère beau a down the «veli-pe," imid Mr. Galloway, ».w thinks barre rare taieu, t1alm de TROBAH FALIL zUllow. W it.l.[AkNt A. t,41J.Victiw(X)D, ,, ho Town ,, tàodmv,. hall a fmntie a ý,» IL on or gt«mm for réftim rans. itobmygeon, and ait rnive"wt t - - pointing the fesather of hie quill pen et tu oni(ine'-lm Williili ItL and 1 Il Ili on iknAI IL. t"nwdw J1111111113 taon fturgem, M a. mal Chemag Laken. tined to be eu"%4 lu"-Wa umbrella. A" S" emh proimition. "I did ant âeal it lot, Xsu P. el il, 19ý.iliR 4 the ttttth Court. tmiory. A lrmrtpgv irait 1.0 trakeçe 11cr part of -the lenWoudvilte wbh Un route sart Xipimbw Rail- mm whû stolti, la. LINT. - f N *"Il* Aq-eti.-aftt. W.0ki WKMY. For tuviber illartileulars apply le =. As Orillia. with Norclarra Pidilmy for Butte It doém't look »Il, to say the lýau, tboni for the looking At Mail -Nation, laud. Potatoë Jeun Rafferty; 2ud, Jao ititilmt* #hi%% bQI intlont. %0 th, a (a"%. Tisoý.à& RAY. oper, ClAliib"mod. and with guemen W Lake* fi. a Kw. eallota orember %P bave to dirai out hindel"d me. and T wen ont leaving 'l"4 a" and rageniciv Ail 1-ilý-itwu gým""ing. Rwum. J~pb mai Fam Soului. tais revI9vr in ordi uo îes il lais al» lleau for the 'Hardy. Generail purpoire - 14 Cellule] tý- balle will M-elve- M'itipt latteillion. OR SALF4 is - the letter on Jenldm'4 desk, in your i Campliell; 2ui I*tlbbibt«t Wtxtt, r*q.. contribulticia box arclifuld Melleau ; 2ud, Jau McL«n. 1 F vrardé er m time. 1 feraie, minu 0 %base k entau in charze and Yurke*s." 1 Brc»,d Mare-lot, W D Kinu; 2ad, S Iý r'o, Ktmtt. litroifla M. 0. 9&TWB. The only unoccupied, rosi I&Tes, air. I plaSd the letter in the Mc3 ro year tala Cult-Ist, Y-T 0 L 0 A 1; And tc. A. lttwç-. qxtkwtkd. @VOIRIE àivlb gwigzune. ÀDOLP,3 ava&L, J-)hià Carnl)lx-1 pailletaient supL 09 Trý New Tort lie advertieild thalle ...Jk raies thret-cor- -lillan. Ti rack Mi your mont, immdiawy fileter. 1 rmm. "Il le Wv-t Il$ OêkvrîýX1. tt-WR--hip New 81-1 Libll«ý t@M IM HIOH, l'lime@ Anmie. *]Mavnutio». »rel 1--4 in a temeterr. lburt, aad Jetait r4ht fur a D. C pbell; station ,» Lizw X. a.. stiliendied comuy. a - » Chm Galloway; 2ad, Win llcIé"n. Two am emo#. tu mm With ouly oui le= ward& 1 y«r old Filly-lot, Win D Kinz; 2ad, gold wurtzel, K i W. AginwALIý Horse " et-' 1 1 Imow yon dont IlAnd, pmy, what lom acquaintmon 1 Richard Shier. One yeux old Colt-lu, 2-ai, J,,ha lm, Ymwe Sal., Toronto. îlest M Uke hie es& ami 1 ailour he aint çot a purtÉ mal; did yon and Yorke met in hors that lifter- John Campbell ,ai il, 111, 1 I'T, A (Ipriteter fi'? 1 riuN R.,bert MeLerti 2ad, Duncan MCR»gà. M IDLAND TRANSPORTAI tan au rng&iW! and look let 'W earir Butin P, bage,-Ist, W. *;.,t Road and Carriage Hortais-lait, D Car- "Xot any," reptied Arthur. 'Il do, FOR "LE caltàlp- in ng geography lemoin down naîchael; 2nd, F XcRae. F-jal-IM, land- OniOnS, TI 1 not know when the ofàS trais no free Twe Die@14 dt»W Z&M, a Mllita, "td a bov - what,4t«ehellftd in. i 1 Juo McLean; 2ad, Wm XcRae. Ouions, bWk, lasthevei4.,lirawiedth-%h tbe.frumcnilem -iz3 portion whateveren- Dmiel "-hlazà. Oui là 1 Bt:Lii-Thorotigh-bred-Ist, bw% mm, Il A Ouse a.-ille and mb«v.» Neur the Court tiom. Oniv pan do".' bahnm tered it, excepat my brrather HamidL" 2nd, Mars. Pirl in ibn-* ywM in arurirmé indabiom& rue forum A couler Xinz 2nd, R Cowie. Aged BulIýlst, KAIàý DIML ted liquoir comproulider hm ApT. (.%An bepte Iraient the "That'a all nonseum," said Mr. Gal- 1-liat Campbell, 2sid forticularla SPPI.V tu et làwmv mal pwmm mkon versuatit, am ime beau diwut ine th* of bit tante a Donald G tant. Two yeux old Bal rimn, ren t1oer. P. OL xàvn,.q. lit -10 Yon am gel"« to speek m -lit, Mr mrnum conthi tas goil to the ! Wra B". One yeai old Buâ lot runs4 lgll]tàtjm = = = i M .1 9-d ho Mitu ý1-1lyýlùs'ly m Yorke. Belle, cm you î .......... lit 141ill'elay. nt, Dr,,qTlnRY.- tell irho eu» here whec you tours, et Richard ffler; 2ud, John Covie. Buli Riaglan.L Hi lors tieffra ceverthieuled Md rarraisseri whb mwm«md Calf-latt Amhibald McXWan ; 2,d,ý Rogers. Cenu Fou 8ALL SUffl' York» would bc alone then"' R; i C.Smith. Pu N E F M A ttmâwtoý aisal *lit pq bawm Lisaissy and Bolla. An ed'torisal notios of sa womW& «roul r. ab q14%f)9ý à L A, N DIl i YIII eéq "m. &A M" ruelle, ella 110110,111al -- lier mmu« ùe «I2Xo, Yo*e wu nota' Arthur traît 'chard Shier. ibc",IWM. 1.11zleky. Lot 190. il, 8th làavtr« là»"Y ettry montait 84 *W a M., :%d."bO"«own charolais; berindiatie, iss*lue m lier Cows-udehcow-letR8ýliier-2üd'bell;e-ul-Jub, TKII.Til FX'rit,%cTcp lit)$ITIVBLY Aud AI mal bar ppper as bleil m h« oim uni. bem etopped suddenly, :jno Pkaerty. Two yerar old Re 'rad, Cime* as Fmu" F" me et atum» fracéci wbm âer-! SIQUI X lit a Ili) la N ZOT illise. 14. 78à voxcsqslow. »m»rw. &W pecoefflet te Bubmvpm. and bouillotte& Ho did not «» to tell down -let, -J. Suth, WITHOtIT PAIN Im bi are barovily falait dè am nom M". noumint from »Muyp» la sime te coraileet »Ir 'elqui 0*1 OP »Wem, 11% LinduF W" de Ive oiot* »M W Net A fellow who laid leader a sofa et sa Mr. Geoway that Yorke had played old Heifer-Ist, Win Under. doo. C(jek a WA"M LI à BO" or WOMVIIIO Infirmiers Md Pan- inguma Bouton muewumy »Assise MWar Ili" Üre traient ad thM aherooon. Mr. Gallo- One year Heiier Lachlan; 2nd. ITI? 01 T,-4 0 XI ]DI E ;-.týst The soeum in tbis Toute as un. thircy-aw midi« spolia, twice oit the dtxm4ro"en way slow Ida limitation, and did not like down ; «.%d, Win Bm)infield. rtrmf4. N. ut» - heubea &W ÏuoWthm abonderait Umm ci a nuit 1 C-ad-ýist, Robert Mielleau ; 2ad, Win lot, X Sini 1 = = trite la very bme&.im la -valide- kindatesurdya. ARM lf%)Pe SAL& Underdown. F UM &FMLYMM ATU M UUS He wfons ont between the aCt§4 and "COMS- what bave YOU tu COU" 1 Pt#-.,.î--Boar, lst, À McKinclon ; 2nd, Leka. Virgin lett0y 'f thii. PA, tirieller ler, (N'ne*. whn, ». %beau% Dubmeboý,«We Ose W@ the a cla- 13's -ifé You and Yorke held a leves, lien, 1 sup- Fî lit) 'Ili) N. 1 = = 82 Z= ami ho MàL .1 TO posel Tuai-'& the fact. You bad 1 A Robinson. Sow-A 3leKinnua; 2nd man. Pété, foi whil. *"P villial Ili is, oltbefttit« talleth- «*; solath Bar isa 1%. in &d cou, x. Iàtçlud." dale. Cauliti-j tai Léodéai Xv 14*. ble, &mal mua lie dm& m des, coudai, âméd lm Imany chape in here, gossiping, tbat yu &0 Win Unaierdown. 8pring lkar-lat, C SJ.000 0 F PRIVATE FUIDS 0; t q t- t e re 4 111 # % - à 1 %,V % à « fa 11114 x«iposal, Robinson. 8 - 8. -jet, C Robin- Popp*ra4-lat, . h(,»# au am-kwiNt Ille, fbýIUV*. , ABON itri4ý-DAILY LINZ TO bien don'i know who mity have meddled wich prm!z Illet 0» llu"red àem men were out @or- 8I)n; 2nd, A. XcKinnon. D.-.iisy Pittiti IIII.Mb 4% ltl*r 1% b", týebt4iv" qq, the à XIA? i WX1 %mkg«d SIEROCRmrsK-Çoummdngomorabffltbe A the letter; and whea yon were off to #ï. 3I-'ttt M mr4ffl.. sud rmpkv ait ho" es- D= ho*led in ho;» Md tm» hW@. let of AVM hW aime. lâev leu; m the 9&,m- caellette, they etopped vith Yorke." SHEFP-P.Uâ, IsI, À M*Imn 2nd, Mrs. J. C. Sin ab %1, 1 NTY talc, Ir.elt their ubnwt fabhbdio* wu efflIt. the yrmtm Fw tud- P-,tw M-Mt, wbkh pavait with a tir D Riulittais. Yearling Rami --let Jno V-0.1ar. 4.40ilhe.. m", «I'lèlever le èix pair of; Nu air For one thing I did not Rtfterty. Ram 3rd, Mrs. R. 1 têmes, atIq laie, f"titiimèýt, fillarid Wilda Pellt- P. JACM«. TRI IMM Là" STRAMM peint. dttm the ,a. &W mum,,hud,, mm take thet aitruze. i out Lamb-let, Jno Hardy; Ist, Mima E. N «animal th" cestalle. m Ume, Mr. WMium w» there 2ad, R 3lcL".- Two Eweu.-lst. (On il pa"emm--) o a. 1:z 'Gi ol, Fée; 3rd, Mm in n"ýbk-btkffl. Alittleboywm re0mtlY.Prmmted himéelf, no 1 came bLick, 1 was ouly i M, sa 2 ai, J Dc Two Zwe file, riralie fer pilles 111111 VALUAIILIC PARU FOR SALS Il, lit 'I' "" IL lot, Mm D. the I,0). j%~ in a hmhbv,.tàw 1 ý (a. CUWFO'tD. m-«.) awny about ton minutes. a, Limbe--let, David Huston ; 2ad, Jno Sanith. Full ~Iv In il* aise. ont ON pâleveAnte imallIIIIL, wM M"@ hW timides, trites m tbb rouse mierriset "And huit, maay did yon lied With Rafferty. Fee; 2ad, Mr Cobourg every mettaient lit 7.31111, and pers un sait le Torker G"i.,e-F&U Wheffit, let, Tholit Glue- J. McLachLi Np".Ifr 1)()I)R 7 ford; 2ud, Juo Brnce. Sprin- Wheât ILARR R IANCIEL 9 eebnlt for uSbe*ur «mvw«lug ua"m wb the - D. Currie; lit telle ,, leewrert Central 6" £ne amlimp Bar lail pense 'eYorke stepped ont to lapeek tu etarao. lu- un Lât 111 in th& ilth CUL or $nain Jaae must have bison aclantilir a. itu4 befure I tirent to cnIle2e." Minais; 2na, Jiro H.19- Câtilifinver-1stý Wm SkinnS. Celerqr s»f» Iem ter. Paper mmm '00 L 112- bSvv dectorebm&" rira Ik"reiS goanw Il"* &&A" tàM no. -lit,£ H B&Wd. Pqmpki»-lot, Wm Spm.; 2bd W» sb@wm*lv@ et *0 Aum IJ» »ORP ban E -- ý = n= ý body Cam in. aftS "la Vaderdown; 2ad, Wm Skim«. ]RIMS FOR SAIZ &OM te 4.» tome. î es-1âiýD Grant: 2nff. Wm Stephenson. C. se* WlR(it.*RALIRk -W PA lbea*umbffl.m a bythbu»«Ovuyww Chmmm»6 L0Md-eý ".Nobodydicloome in, adr." J. C. Gikhri il m 4 V. m) sulxut'e os "Sy TIRM w»1rý bm gnou" Umm et or Coeoà.-«& We wal &&V«7 weIL Smd Y-Mm to m&» Citro-lat, W.s McL3aa -. 2ad, do. i chràL Ikes eh.#" eremut Md pobw& ouwbo. m twAnm Lino »w*» - amomm ý>f tbe Pmmm ad-Md br Roiend made Ida mw»eeý a peu rrurntlràtw ir» IUM non et L« M M M L" P "M m"Im ý 2,d, 34m M ml - ---- -- - --et@" be abom mieim as uwwwo-tà La the zmm £«Id, Lgak.! babind hb mr, Md a in hi& han& Mim R-),bùmn; trid, 31rs. Ipbemffla. Ist A. Smiti aga cou. et#» IP*wnewp dm." centirg soucheu Gmidé. "more ahow thau wSk r mmu. Chee»-Imt, D Gmmt Hommyr-13t, kl, 11 ré R deqawbà et remesM4 l*n» -les a"d ,,tktl pt*ý omwame les w» Te Aem Cbw«jý $m la Powim or aptaxma RwSmm U"Yexdaùmd Mr. Ganoway. &-,Now! Jos Rnbùmm; 2ad. Rnbert Mowbwm j",l xemmè. onuzio. a C.. Mueh ». xr. Fa- sirt 1 bave bemquendouàm Mr. Anhur Bmý2d-1«, Mi» Molt»; Xm Duccm mom Io amwo tom Lb*«. m bàoftg 1 W« IWO camus alm My m km hi'$ Smith; 2D » FO»W» e%»wý T» Vtooeb x~ »V - -,Wa- &ý.. la . abotit " nDpkmmmt b"- G;UmPie. buodbe Umm wume ~Mneoelhe hmé. vm». Ibý vuyenutom abou bilai. Içom 04 = .,glèmm Co" de him Mr #Md Ikvmg te Omme to Sb ab» Wwb,» àbffl tw» MUM or *0 une, am dekSmined imith. ers) wè»*. 14 em te or ïb» bqmm qu»@Myr, tàm bottom of it 1 cm C« nothing Clnth. lm, Mm Grmt Btnkmà--let beCU& âmem t Metridoo. P Aàm '$È«" abm tu» bem &"m idu; m 1 mum try t ]ILà 2 B- ; 2ad, Mi» Brm& Cj4- ema dom Tomme mis tsh«FV ce rabyli, W= do vith yon. Bave the om YLwnd-1àrý Mm -MeDouell ; w»Y Wm ja» 0.4. Cagblnteby LaM& *0 bouft Xpodme to teR me how Icm spast 7mw 2n& 3fim BmiL Wlute Fbmmt-1*4 ML"; 2m mtmbwg m m«@ý le mm efund DMU. IN Md tua *» on Yrusy aft«MoNc -Nu Hruton; 2D& mins Vien OlutonL (pe--Iy vp Kombeby.) "M *M @8 mutum Th» hm la 0» et au AL CULLON Làsovà«or MEne.-Num in Mi WM quia - IR là» gemmy. Md bu la a "O&-]Fàdotvl--We se%" begm Ro.,ý pLig mm--lst, 31re Wm M.cloewt te x embile bw lumenumw Zýý7 78= =*0111b Md il" = m mZ bama bLimW a" bud, lu f hm " E* p«Vk=ty m,, nom-ema& Shùt--lst, Mrs W-0 Me- PO> buffl- "»;but la bwe ne mànd commaw0y Stim amwa Io î» m My MNIK ma mid mome, *à bWy miba be rm fmm &mm to haw ho eould hi& hà aâwwmda Tam-ts4 Igre Kint; 2,bd, Mi». *«Il. Wb" OwAffl be et là» = 01"& la m M" et ouffumm b Hm j" SrAKD -j[ea on XcUbrqudd& P"work 1» luxe w t» èe, a M - 20d, Mm Ch» GOUO- wt Ot4e Ave se ue - OMM" ftàm DUDOYM, per a" by CM day amthm, Mm R pbmem. Mr ~ »P t%-*mt 'sqàýw* moigaw eý « rbk*tp""è e *mm a" coron" way. C«ntmpà»--let. Nu Kim (.%ct,ýber >i, i.-i iNe ýLi«f? A. Prme "d - *me w4m boom 'M§4, jadmd! perham to baim 2ad, Mm BroxmfieU Wcolm SZU wf» &W Mob$ moisi a ý&& 0 tbik 39M Broomfidd , '-%0. -Mi» 19 lé Lin m au p«ý 1 mumum dbmý te a ý A7wrý» ba» puumui Ubè le Our' mm A XCIEUM; 2md. do. credset- sité cam«m vu 8, -pm*m - 2ad, mm ma"M" et the Cntmnl, 1, wQ* w%~ww- rmmb« thù àr," lot Min sim"m; MM « LIM tW" ýý *e hM«F. 90 «AU» i" AMIL "C%âanimfetchodi M-IL... "P.M; 2à lràux IM IS ML in pwwmmw bu% Md fmm tâms rSm, »d ym WmmotL iramy Krkltun-lit, 000D la qub& mm m*ýuw "f tm IL M ý%- ý -.4. put it in. It wm jam bdS Ne ve» Mm MoIR» ; 2hd. Nim We@W»tt At- rtomdm-.m M m m ý - lielt»; immé wak Um Pl W".-!, m eau" te ùm whdow by MÎ& Üficid FWme-1@4 Mm m v»Mme ffle 4 wý» - PM SAVM-The avm et thon- -Afkr âmr purowd Mr GB,,,F 2SI& ifin mela» qum A twmy vumb @m amMer bý Imme boue med duftg, the ma Obider 0.*-m ha - "After thui 1 tbùd4 dr, y4m wmk CABBIAG14 aà»>ln4 "-Pk-104 qbp e nm mm Mno 160 out afkar thO4 mma gram" Co., Bm"rtoU Hwro»- the Ma -Mm-. Md Moment le be based jw am "M Hmulhm P«d Dmm 80anet; thas 00 4-'Imgy ouevaa "Whoel»ý inr -Cuuffl à nemaien. simis C«ý; lm MA . 1%» L»M"M MM P,,tte"- am P" FRED DEPOT9 ub,*&@-%Uàbe-v;Ulmm; -itceum* be eçmâm& Wé emmena. "I dWt r«mM« M. &Sagone@ maw" . 9- ~wtm~mâwummm go le TUYW. çwia fý qha MW. I&M bmmà--à Bar ne sol % ma MON -b-a-"- --Iiuààmg lwmmm- 1 woma cý in U.«, mi Mop the qum- Rem& bt Md 2ad ý-ft xum"hnl4bom wmîtam Dm le C au -Wmitw»ay, Onuist. 00 0«4 *rff pommil emm "Mm Ant mawx nez& 14KOW mm i waum-ànmm ruant& ak)ght the onh boom as .;.t Sns% m M'ilo il vm Am ILIM imam Br C»ýw 'WAMEM vm£ý a k,ý. OOL-er dmmded Mm Gmtbm4 d lUxbddm, brobe hm, by »,. en ûw fth ù" à OT's Fou SAILIE un in Te fond bw OMA bum9ki. d top. auwi, Io ho P" trb= . - mi thmi2muc, Bu M th" à mmt tf» UxbMp Cumd" wh-v- Irulm Imm à IVI&"« C"Cý VMM «Mime in" a - *Mme% un mm: eut "Wh" a Mr. skimmer be = «st le- - - -- pý bell i Imm thmâ on Tmodop «mmg " naL ne seriter et la sua pý f» àmvèiý- w" wu!' Od ]Wm& 1 a Uy mmé NymWabon, abocts 16, bm te a m et imam swuMM&bml" momm "Ik fa eut" tbu nobelly ImmI ba» 1 ymmm ce by *9 op". RkW Md MM Md *àb" »Nomme Md--w_ *0 bmk-»*ia un ai ommuew wu siows *OMM le" rîmb et Buft, W" Md a" : s"Im. la la 1 E fa dm le dm fm smmmme "m #la Aý hm k= ý MÊL! UZWOOP%90. In &'P Ina vwy àwk. md ùm tomb fa èeo p"« ce wk fS 9.1m #m " A èhga *mp MM et I&M îN a mm" Tm cenffl ad à@M »Uma rAudL] bmm *9 »Iemàbwý à