Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Sep 1874, p. 3

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ar 1 m %PFa Amwe ýww« -1 ý. __ ý ___ lir-- lave, ý2a= ý II- - 1 ' 1 (11ref ftopifs emodate. ' 1 111off-we coleille tt»#» te dyiv* ou - rowN COUIV(Ill& *-W, t1it il% wlbq"h 1,.%(* je lette Olt %lie Piao, 1 - ! ra0tray nation, Wb" ho lied 1 eall!&Yainthoý PIM& Efithertoý" eaîwss pm hm wb" ltý cop" bmàa. mi mener invemd p ) believe irotild ho supplemient Srvices han hem cm &bbb* in 1 hââ ruched lupha A few mm - van Wh" prevent them, hm being laitheu "W spw Meininir of thle Tom bontis from l'Vu" pardIm"y iota, the New Commdm and the other in and tbm Id" ooadml& Mm rua sa ---ý-- on&§" il, Il" 1 ý - .11 ,ý ý. ý ý ý 1 N ll'"Iqfdk -Itlewil'ekity.--I*M. ot Z 'b'yt', 1 't'Ce __ 0 ffl . . . CmbMl wu hélid Mmd a 1 " 1 e,»d. 1 the Wedeffl churich; hm from this it ý Imm heft ellwy Saturdisy &m., a" p" for the grest séapie, Wh O". as TFIE 1 l")ýt*t" »f *'h*" I-11 l'ýý 'f -»'-%. laslié. Mll. O 1 )d«W »dawe (àt-*(',,.%,%"Ilhmitrdwtowmlgaglé presses the wayor, ;hJb;iýÎ;&;7*e ultime lit ra- ther ware ause yem age, âo thât a ! convaien i emil, C"Nlv.lttt maw thst thora l in ta ha et hau-put " every sabbath , promeds to carbien, P. O., t'Ili eýqý»,,-foh.,I the ~ wq'A .te ab* W; Cabine omwii, jOgrmYj ý wu IM a reliable tirs compaIsy in toliant: in the .X. C. Chureh. module uneil, the foillowang 1-9«Kky goai ce tend. roudt of cm «Mn'@ op«- mom- 414tt-I , Wtobtbm .*4eltqirW &iNd.Ntutheu Uri ý and advocueil ta* re-o saition of ý The election of (h)ldwin Smith bu "Miur, It iè thm t" V'Lot et ma wM Mt In 0 go mach difiabrence ý1 1 A"1,1-t-rt,*Itrm". imleuwnitl t4iRlt«Otlutm»«»«tvQler«dmdlttta «mpmy.md thatli7cionmpoftd'evenmuch»tWaMioninthese parent :etuu%41mvingthm on Tu" y&m in *9 et" of *"a noir as it would i . 1 q 1 , _ remyo forý . h.qti.40 ahýitt l-Mtr Il"W 1*4 . approvild. ý ý . y 0 . . 1 > g -* 'I'. t h* lý.",*p q4 *M lm ,%= t=. r-- 1 ivur,.tcà,no". ý Of àbOtlt tirant "id men. mal they be ; X matter what a man's capabilities me Int itnuBinthm»yebteL o»nmortobyatloiMfI MVERPOOL MAM ITS. 1 ý - 1 "I I paid a salati. if ho in immoral publie f»lin« ehould: Soiturday's 1 Tel* t'Id t'Olt th*# plande on the Mr. 1 % Ci.#itit rend a mminnnieatiç.n: 'the Mayow basid the &Imm on Thum : frown ois bis immuralitien. ý man, My amwer ta the mana cannot, The teuowing ars the uvwpw qugbauv- t,,r 1 blet 4. et- he t*W.1"4 êqI 6.tw »M %40mw bw ý O 1 'r" '9 11 JE UR U , le ý filleul .Vr. X. Demie, P. Lit., etming; a ffl i .Tilton trial! secordinir ,te thq M.% ýbptl . th*% If & bill r*ndem , for "rit (joue ng Imm W» hmrfily ruponded : Inie report of, the Bélecher, 1 tol- preun-t nnsffl um'e, 0" dur et the Pm W«k.- A- ', »W importoleyb Il 1 b Il a n'attabler of thls cnmpmy. ý vith Beecheris own asatemens have im- Imyo the VStSis Boâd &" Oný-U si j- - 'i .- lett i tbo ..tý-t ý,%iq vrellal Mater in - au ilot AI, lb*w 1 ou "nt poète m onos ho imitild sou the Un. Clt,%nDr.1.1, algid thora vers presand this uuâty thas ho (Boucher ý miles from, tha Piao% lima the Tu«- . _ý g 0 1 a-fi ý «e«* Itiitd --f il ktéepmlov,.,, . 'r'b. t*wnl fi't'aba Lt'ftmwhmmtgwtýtth* Voilles »" good mombers of the coin. : in free frobu elrimiuality. It is evident) ý day tossât hum tue tinte I »Wwd ý . ý 9 . a : lie is not a perfut man in judgment. i your letter. How Io 1 1.1i lé 1", - "Ill.» 11.0ttlit« tif the lllind, réqpftetnlt the PMI and sé'me î1éý bad. , ni aïhall. such. a if 3 SR e - - srrit-r". ervm) ,,,",..ýah**Ibgffl4t«tmttsfold* I, , wýHf t4l» *%v #.,wlb lIt le* .$» ýII% the evbu"ebt admi(oi4b» tif onça Alva xallory, elin of ý ý . 01 1: q.:, i Widow Méfiory, t4b the, lemitqIte ; fro 1 C(bun- Jlwytaltvcnmplained thU there : Ho ilé, hotrever, mt-.ther exemple of the; stateuf thingeontinue . 8. D. 8. le. S. LI. O. D. 9. D. ., LI, 0 p I 1 z. "". ,ý4-ftby tb*etblr.lh*" è>w»p $1têt M VU not en ta ,-h hoee Ut& the carte, whicla : W»ktmt pointe beinq tonne. in the ý ý . _ - 2-S O 24,3 24 6 iâ 1 ý ..; .1: 1 I... 1 ......... 1ý,!.1'M --ý,fétçotç.#.S 1 t', 1, M-,»,.,eho. ffl ,>biqpqw", , 1 34r. J. Wright, xa" of Port §top@, 1 vu «lawm by the Mayor Who etabied i gSmeet M" ne bu a feminine heart ý Em vouxf. 1 Fleur ... ...246- 244 ý ý - Red iduftr.. 10 3 99 99 99 99 .6 ,,..,Itlc'4'iv'g', NIP, W, White hm mV ý invitirair the Conneil et, ho prom g&&!ý th"tlh,,, mmm«,à oamthe»rtg, Md it»em bah»wttülnowdi»ov. . Whosà4".. 9 à Q 5 9 5 95 9 4 y ý 1 : White ...... JOJO 104 103 103 101 10 tI1 th. bd"#dý" $.F«*Vlr .,e;t4,qded hy ) 1,0%., th* roception of the (àflverlbor.(Ie»ral, ý enoild bold. 1 ýu-DatheftaL Tâtmýdiowvw"itmd almes 5,&w-xm'L-B&M Pwx Tm , Club ........ 120 116 113 U 3 113 113 l'ýtýint4. 1 1 «l"tPf d-,(ýk 14 t.Klb* ltnd.)",M. , 1 on Thqbr«My. and if de*i" e, in pre. 1 colin. 31àrmltwg Moved, uSaffl for four or tible yun hm bapt his thu-b eràm -àcm mm-wo»zzrm cela ........ 32 te 333 32 3 32 3 32 3 = ,; Plarairr- PWGZM - jý jL pella ........ a 0 las 0 " 0 450 45 0 46 u THRBE DO NI *,44bq té,,, -Xt. J. J. xwmn, of llawý, oent abla addrm-. f«M Watwolle a co. 1 by Voilà. CUANbgtt, th" ths, p.anve, ý right on th" aping, &" thas bu dom 1 n . Dm .-.7 6 774 77 O 7-.6 77 là --- 1, ý - ý i ,l6.1t'. e-"ý ?."et apl-néý,ho tiobhd 9$"tvl l'f th- wilbi»,W Ob OPP"Y »tdmmtof 1140obébA4 j lieptaty ftéeve and the Pire and Weil«. jwMivhathei*" with hua. Th«eà» Frais Un Bellement ludquoien. .... :.« 3 a 3 a O a 0 et .ý4tiealr,4. Illé.-I,4, elWey 4 t.,"%40-. pe. tom ,r4 te * . . . et 6 92 O 92 Ii 10 . ppaebi. for ~ Wtbrke, $van et " »Mitioe of 1 Combiblittels (avilit power to add to theïr somi: trou Who thl"w tao ma& into the ML Green, Who in abats, ruaninq hie Boa ........ Ot 6 924 926 ."'Il .!,I.elm 1 --.Z-- embas ...... 57 6 57 0 560 566 566 se II P. 0" oofwp.d -%14-fbmohbm," thet $1011). 1 ]F «M !me"4%sty> «w-mâl l . 0 a a 39 9 39 9 309 't'otlu(.,C.o"4. ý ý nun*er) and the (,%ý b% and gubgium fruit tbey try ta P»duc% At this pleut is »W fiziffl lait T'un . ...... 39 400 . ý 1 1 ç14,1qwlei-,rý ý Who le th* etitilleth«As pligA,.qt.%-ý-mr Il mrr*rr.)$ an h kkemmistèle ý theïr tabou developâlestit, m " whm hie mM and maddu«Y, ad wilL mm Cbum ...... a a el 6 614 « 6 a ô 626 i "," ,,,ewbi .... rA 1% %leu Wet*t Jt.eh. t*e*,p» Voqw pitaleme p emi the report 1 for the purpoen ot morganiming Mid the fruit je lu" the bra"m give way have it in fint rate order. LINW AY MARKzT PRICE S. rhý".,ý. ".,Vq.,b ,,%eef 'If h4ft dkwq tlebba. let-V h* lit the lfitel» colibénaittel 1 Pire Qtmffl v, and report âs bloam, as and doim théry ta wfth &«sý 80 *0 . Mr. Issu Trip Who veme. tom or M Wb" - Qùo* luu Lu ý ý - #In ... ,%,.,e4 ýtqt4,ofý .Il K,-% pt IV. r lvow"op#ol vour votelloi ý , rooolai- 1 poe«bW-:ý @d ,frak la laet Md the trac, ramait.. B" - fire yeue sinoI, U this £à :: :: 273 ,& ow ý W int*e 1 WP--'k'ý V.-I.-q-Itèe>ltbxi4ýw.tk*l-ly*ttqrf.odq4ý t1*0 havinq 1 Our 100 )44 INI'.1, tiole tif coblibleil beon isi*tnÏçtz -to pro- Tif£ oLla 89LE. or tabse éo desermined ta malle & grut hffld for Mdupm4 hm to lima te .. .. .. 2 os 4 30@ Tb" ho . mm of Tatim th" hé »glmted hie Owa Iriumoum Md a val gied ta get hm». B- PM %« - . .. .. le 00 a. 00 où ý ..,'e Bt*ndi" , - . Ce MIT41%" etswilirm.. .'l'he tttl(>*îvft là»v» an telletinallaite whabroon tel toubed & Voilà CRAiotti.mred, amonded by . . Shera .. .. .. ... 14 00 à S Où »ý. ,4 --»e-,% ý,tý%".,ýý*ttho l,"»80%,',t*ttl'h-muý-itqu ratte for lit* ç%trvIont y~, bel; to reluites Colin. CateiL&,thuperatimionbegive" intereme and là* int«.*tatdhà fémily, % à a cup@MS ma -J.ar, wki re- @ 0 -.-u . ,k.-'..rý-,#V-g ... t'mý- . = W t- b,- :: :: - - , , Alf* . ta have the oid boit on the markas re- and the fruit W» %ou h«Vy Md porte that in lurlobigu- thon me ý .. 560 Ou STA PI ý ý.-P"ý",%)."#,%-gtq.1.4-971 _ el)%$%# ' now - II - .. f» (O 40 1 1 . .. 1,174. . , 14ro 01 motred and penaud »mewhore nou the 1 doireu ho gabI& it in a umm» for a M" 0«01 ma no disons, O ribuwm .. .. :: ou # 251 .. ý . .. " 1 - - ,.".,... A 1 1 ",r4 buta. . .0,* - - 1 1 gr»tý.4fe 4 1.1qkat, A* the. M*~ chair motory in the £mst board, to ble ý womm Io ha- a féminine, ofil II 8 nez& seý lis amumm sa .. .. .- 'a r. -4 ýt.,ett,-In,,,g tý» S'e.Il..,*ýr hoth IM,14 b-«Fv , tenait asl a tire alarna. -e-a-ried. 9»" misfortune for a man to bave such " Su»ràoa it may bla menfw»cl Lard .. .. ce 4 ù ý Aonerai 'w-oeeries ,ý,ý-p-, . libilow .. , ; rIi-1,ýV l'e ýte ,"-,.-bt t*4.* a ,,,Iw *"Il h*à . But I am ponnaded thas this " twe ableau of Mr. NeArtluw, wbo, *1 1181111%. On motion of Colin. Cità,q xii, es: a beart. 1 gm pau, du . . :: .-. 'O' * 12; l,ý4II r'..., ,,I,#.,» 1",e.eýw. -t.fi,% e.ý.""Fel«l holp 0 1111 I% - tîm o Ott by Colin. C,%Hlti, t committels vin put him on ha guard fer the futurs vuu ý tous lieu te EM»94 w" = mmr CRO( . ý t, j,--ý., e.."$ e.,*" ,,b,, ,$4,ýs"i. ,,,$»% tý ý pille payable '. . . .. th p%ý .. :: "- tâ ", -, kwIý ,,, ýt,.,ý,ee «*o 1*1*ýrwt allie le em ho -W 1 rirsabati Wât*r .. .. M) eT(bvu Propony vers authonzed ta and tiallable Who live lm Ymni longS will home ia a dietontented monnaie. and Toit . . .. 0 @ c l' ,,ba;ýý",ý:z.-,II..V, ,,;, ,%Iaeob . . . . . . ý . . lé»]I) bave " hall r«»ved to, the plaisa il&. 1 Ose in Beedm the brok» branch re- 1 talk ci ratumint ta xhmomL Lente p- quart- :: - - 0 lîî O 1 p et t (1 k s ti it#kt" gl.t.lgb -r.,.,»w lAlllc,4 ter tdýribn4y 4".,qttlt- C4,,,,y .Ild pr,,,,i*8 The g m* mm.m* . . . = Par quamr. par lb.. II à ie 4 . .- ,,,,%. 1'. , * 4X) blignalled* , paired and trien battu Md lw,-'er " the 2 taw- TuJL"s pur th . .. .. - .. -J 4 .):S E I.AI ý 1 .. 1 . ; ."#ýtei -..., ', '. V1Itý (".eb ib"Il ,,,%f4él bb*.bwft»ell. 1 . gro before. Thora am pu, ! emLý pua a an. , ý ý -l'., _'. , .", ý coliant as@*, e.qelllttivlp cet wq't The Courtal thm adjoumed. ý trnit than ever .. .. $-Il A 4.qtItffl.t ..l M..t" Pfka àfqd In ý ' - ' battu au.k" Bom .. 00 (,,t l2j ý . l%" et, ýh*«44if0Vb t«,ý't tatoué». julte (,p-,weIIý in Lge,?Ato tif Treutirer for - _____ - 1 $Dm in the ublarid the mo» Ion try ta lendui - -="-- --à .. , . J. a 1>,*Pko. . the ,:O * ta beilq . Sueur eured ývm do .. : : et- @ *) , 1fi,ý1wiz.-t (Inth pri(*Iwd fwr até%. ý ., , ý ", Xlin. ft«Il. Taxeelb . . . . Ilffl ) ý KIUKIPtSid). bensfit themi the leu good yon do the- m the --4 ,Io- Par. leCi Ibn. .. de e 'it 0 O-) (lew-el.1tdicNt Mo "WItl$*4d Io vi«W Cetion ',-Iehtb(bl'rrtè*totxt .. 1000 . 1 Snell is àe "Position Of TatoIL mmây bedly The rye in du DXM Fork . .. .. OO ou -9 ou uu Ir éfr 111,11d r4il (4h« OW 14(*.. "'., 1. S ý%, -.et.fflt lt»4 44 ý*wt;4I» (If ffi* 1 ý J col;rWR- bannapasny boing ïrime .. .. S S,§ l'à W 1 ', ( ý, ,,,,,« ": ý 'O (le 3 140-at-r . . .W «Ait'vcwhf(i-?Otlrlctt.-'Mz Pm - . . a qmntay de il Ù0 ,.a ta ý1. ý ý"+-h .141 t'ý»wde4l, VkIthet oVefW,.,% ý imia$?A le ,en .4elbet, ý ' =ý r&MM by the (lemmý Who * . UO L N ý., 1 .... i..,!, rhette îr-41- 't-4th. 'et. 'h de-t'ý,lwqi ý llalt%»oe (Ille on giravill contract lion orrier. . ** .'. - lit 12 2:1. Il 1 .. , 1-, IWI Ille ffl>ýh ,,,eW@, %,iby pikýt. UPUILL - c ...- batlieil)al ittiali Fond .. . . (Ire Harvutivag has, gone on speedidly and 1 have Mt" in this iocuiity. . . i .3 À 3 ýt5 ý but hereluture, la ý e A Il bé lm .4b". 1 i%.t.teri*t (Ira Deblétabiturelle . . 1*)Ib is natal &bons cloined. Wensver had bat- 1 ý - On Monday lent, a little gM abouti = .. .. -- 1 *1 Il 1 tibtl-il%,(l re4Tý On the afloiriet»,ý,a, ;rIwibnhllbtbt opab . . . . . «) 1 ter weather. 1 lie crops htve been very! ait ar&,wn,.qc.-mmn'.qa- BOA»--Orz i twt: yens old, the daughter 01 Mr. .. WI : *. Jeu 0 ou ý _n 4 ý,:--I-- --elt -Y. tbe fmoý->*.t.,Ié, WeI jot ... 1;014%rbto ,lk4b4%,i . . 1 . ý cotisâtes. V»enl lis ô 00 a ô ou : Iff. IL ,:itf$Yillam.yl ý1,'ý'1d01id 0 i, , .. 2M 1 )Isabey.- A liule rain is needed now for J MAIL .ILWLAxoa3m,ÇTS AUA12q. John Hugbon, malt vitit a bad accident 1 am&" .. .. .. e-ý "'.4 %Iý Ï'e, ...... %. %1(4,ý"-O» o.b. ,- the fwe.1 1.1 Il, ý;,- Iti,.k -,ep t*&blmi4l iit,%rffle ami Bridgu titille j the roow C.n">.»k.,ý ùf«The Pou. by leuraine Her cloches «W*t am ý ToRo.xvi NApim s. . P.S.-Dlon Il folle ý . ,rho - _- durin Ir MothS, Md 1 Whaat bit, par b . .............. 4110840001 ----- 4, p . 1. ý 4ý f, f ,,,f,,ttp4.,lbm!4wlý hkw. etýibtirqouciffl . . . . jîlette 1 The qiiet of tibia hamilet hua hem The bffl m"g han hem ff the absence of lu ý,% 1 t I ý,-ý".-I, ---ý-e.,ý,l" ,.""..,Me thqýy 'r'm tho" (Ittwowr 1 I3sý . 1,12 a t 13 i ,ý,% ,le , le 4. -à J III.Il.-Y -14, _ _ diikttèrbed hy political nisnom Atmoe- Î,vo" y thm LIU fais, W»ku and one Mite of hm body Md fâce avez very l -Wh-&. alertai; do .,. Iý,_ 1 Total sogiusIe; pherie md.oth« dwiltbaum show" ý vary badly bune& She vu MU alive on 1 outil de .............. 0 > a I), pi G IR] . , %il V14Y 34.%ýrrletq..4 8.4 (ltlw4v;-- ' - 0 65 a 0".5 wf ,)ý.h" wi:1. (aglbm.. g Wmkduftll on. ! if the tjue wmther vith whieh we hem 1 Thm»&W «M&M aud, hopu &» entu. p- -,,eieçii#l I%!Iverti§ttlqtl#tf. . ,,,,.ýý,,, . RVI,4 "f %1%1.fýv. hffl e.IItwl tbý 1 . aye do .::::: *. «.,.,., - *. OWS 071) . le .. ..... i,ýtheI'e).tèeer".fflbib, '-W.tm"4t. i poli" Viiiert P$" . . ev#li-..élt) MW mother comet waln = It hem Messied contionsa for sabother week ' t"" of hm nmv«Y- ý Omo" hqp. W 100 Ibé. .......... u -)t) a -) t-) 'e &,e,...,ýII"1.1týý-'ti..'ýf.%v *fe 1,ýltfflt«l III4 "' ; %librke4 Rovemie, .. 254).op ý bas envelle, out thm the app@U-mt ut the ý the JRL J. W. Gilnatiur bu raiselà a hM l délit hmd que. pur th ............... 0 00 le 0 00 ".- '. ,!"ý4ei,ý,,ý4el.,gi.ý.t4Rilwvt4. .., -V -"'. ,4»qé;: ' do ........ ...... 0 ut) a 0 ue % týý).)I)\\1N ý ý 1 vemerparcof the cropeýin" of com thu làows w«derfui fwülhy. 1 But fore qrs- , ù 1» . \V " f,,,,.,ý,Vt-ý,,ý,,I mv*w,, h" I., ý»% 'It«In 1 týtet'Oib'A ý'%(ttlaro r#nta 'Ib. 4 9) 1 P"en votew Court is to throut tala hie par th .......... 0 q» a 0- ... lét.e ,1,.h.. wiie., èk.", - lit upon ý 80«iüu Win ha à&v6d in 'Pimd'dSn- Only one grain of corn wu plmr", in 1 = ';:ýr.Z- .................. .254 0 sù . rb.sý S»n.bâ4ýv ! ('ton - lt*%«4 1.1 Le bar ý1,4).t)(b po*uimto" p and train, ' 13 09 1 - 1 ý - 0. ,- ,0 "."b !Iý, ý1 l- Ige".I,,.# %-,,Wp ,lt,),% r,-teoL. «)%.. II, "P tell. ý Ico, et gtrobin Dmin . . e*).tltb Ibo noirmy as& of politim .u thmerts in a, ditien. We bave had brukm wead- the bill, mi thils hm natal, brimhod, ont D-ka. p- br- ...... ...... ...... 0 40 Il 0 do ý . . .IV f.."ý 1 1 1 i imamuom mana th" mrtom con , GOMIl> emh ............ ...... ...... Oes 0 -» ttàteeet4e.. I.Wr. .gf.bvb Io.,Vple.ir letilla ' Charift. grantm . . I(X).týbi) good " of cur thora ia aliel leu of 1 tant t , i»-y«ser"y mi today--4he , soleil t Türks,, ........................... 0756 1251 Sow ing x achin se ' ., tle:,.., ill.w*.,ý ,r""4IlIty FVI,ý"*. De" W*fbt ".. Ulfflttit, trtbubr. xfflI- buk--moti to malice a noble &h8pý ' F of corn me gMwing on tham. Md an. i 11 - th ruils .... ...... ...... .. ý - * 26 a 0 :»! gh firet ire have land of My Mount "M ' . ........ ý ...... 0 23 ab 0 2l; . ý afflib . . . . 160AX) . tg " Te et perfection. It in i Bu-. '-we -us ...... ...... ...... . t-, bi ",.,.,""t le'. r..»*",Pod tient ble mwet-W ".- Thm'e the remon why Our omudly 1 i promm . i subatur. tch daùy ... Ouâ. 0 e; ; ,ý i . l 1 . 1. 1.1 1I,ý %Jki,ý:. 4-1 ,0»V,ý'_Se'-». I4IIII#,#,eý fflt*".1-lm-Mý'. 0.4. ý T-,wu flail rtIntil . . *).lit) ilisimand inttr«aive poetm@Mer ooný 1 h&Yiag comm9ucuL It ii t0bellOPed 1 aacommmyodowoorz4 butai suit of! wdv4bel!b.p«d« ...... .... ...... 0 là a Q.-t'i ý ý .. ý 1 i ý '. 11, ý 1. '-1 t4, 1 -,.,4,ý 1ý1-I.-IVIteill"..1 8.4ýl.ly D,*,Iwv thf,.,.bh i 1 K-- .... ,le. «Ith ý-1,é"ç4.Q. tý,, ejý4htIý.- .1.1 1144- 1 .%#'Vb fflitiont tal[k,%.. 1 ». 1 9) santoit to run amuck nuuM the C it wih not ho of Img dumÜM prolific ougist to be ' sud. 1 Fque:, pwxmL ...................... 0 12ja 014 ,î ý. Iý I.t Xt , Il ý ý I.ý . ý ý vrits - - Apatille, p- bal. .............. ..... 2 I)o a 2 50 «**ý-. ' 0 ao al, 11, -1 e',Iý,,.# - d.". , i-ý. 1 .... I Il, t!,Ilbf ý% ,IWI . -e*êiab (!4%e% 6,1% hagil . . 3.1%L00 . in the Vtitem'C&bire. 1 doin't thisik belll 1 bu bessa a 7 Potuoe% par baâh.. 1 8» obbattes, par bu§L .... ... ... 0) oo .) 00 -Y plee',II "P .fer W?ýPO the ', ili ïI," .. 1 oet electod. in tact Wn juu maite m- ý to bave a ruidmt minimer, of the i :::: *.'. ' ": ' ". ,-, .. _.q. -,h» $&.%,*.PNý,,* 0'.90bý,,,ýtë»t , ý 1 ou a 0 -)-) us 2ý,,»*b* ,tb i ýrrq-«r% due .,le %lar. ; bernes, and " people of aimou the i 1 TùmvÀniý, par habit ................ VMI1 N ! W'01 PAIT il ý NKW lbbtv (4-oible $Tt 1 'NIA i),elf esý 1 ket fat" t-Ir I.K.I.. K.51) t t9her p«Aitical martyr, and bas a martyr i 1 Enah Church in this plable, , ý doge&" 1, Tunù^ par buh ............ 0 W a., 0.)-) ý. : , 1',-ý,-II,ý4e l--Vý .. 1 . vuled ý Thora, in becoming quitas a i Cwrroto do ............ ..... 0 W 0 06). ý . ..ý,ýl ý"-,ý# vII-M t,.W"..ýft -é I. g wleikov. et-,- ý Our et mm of atmw» WO)UId bill i W" of this ,-&,- oouaty have a :* .... ý 1 j L. J'Ilitiny Markes. enjoy- i for building land. in titis ffl wj% owing 1 B- do ...... ...... ...... 0 00 a ù (4 ,,, 1 ! .h»e,ý ..»ý""ert Iý ýý,#wI"%Iv4 Il te« IlIpy ie.,.ý,tý 1 # 1, ir. 9. Ilit ) r4y I ,ýbln>" NW. 1 thembbélves of the opportuniY of ,,ý.P"i»)D.4k.VLý%:.k I»,O,.>.,tkýbb.*%"to",..@ iks % ekit. reaway being 1 P--i" de ............ ...... , 1 1 11, ()k)tkéw) 1 ý t zut ý" ci. the jarlary of this, mcet d*IW. ' tO the certsinty Of " Cabbace. par doit .................. 0 e» a 0 75 le ji (),r (j (ý g *p # jr 1% A 1« e S 1 *,,, A 1,4 #Iw.1. h-.tVt, ýff;vpd ýý1 *fýt, ,>,> 0w W" ; 1 - -- ý - . 1 -_ iuz na i opmad ta here m. a vur short Ume, but ' ý :.,.t - .-I ý thI,..ftq>"We.,ýfeI,>b he IVid ,Ie.e" ,.,.ý.,,#Ih'. I%.lk rh-e.ýf"% t.l.,.£*),-.I. l 1 VA L y. 2vriA. fritit. it in simpir the priant »kea are tao high. A haut 1 = 07ý:.-:--.-. : - - - - - ............. Is ùù a 21 IA ý' .. f , ,,, Ie ý ...... »b.. I .ýI.III9V ltwt 'q'.Wb «ttl)*,.bý If ;ýtfflýb ýIV,.iro« 1 votir t:ý,tabobèttop rw")M. amobaut of berrible whieh bals beau gattal ! mm ought ta bu sou for $W or M but 1 OSWEGO LMMER MARKET. rellwetàm-«4«vn. M. tl-f«".Mo the &lit" in lunch exem 1ý ýý 11z, t-4 ý,»# #eb- p -f,ý,Ve tel tow». ý . 11, 1 .le, - - 1 ý ý lýlfvwl that a rate et 1 «é ièèilln tacrt, _,rtige*4b,,.%,è_ltI)tvr catir, - lu: P" 'a 01 s- ir c'lm fl 1% 1*àbl tl.-nt"4.1..rt.l»%$, qet(,W.-ýr 'th* ralU ý .4_ 1 end nofth id thÙ pitS " »ýu i 1 ý i CANADA. . . ý -1... . .ý ........... . 1. I., . ý 14S.- -f - h'. 14ý,-44V ,VM e* ettIm at et. T-. ewe 1 "Il tl»ý dollar t'm stnieit rvlb m )TIS . tact ao person without mains for thom- ý th't --.@ 00 . ,ý; $te-9.0111) delle albeitint of the 1 C.Wrz.tx . el. 1 Tbls Vosab MMJ ba» are, full Of !ý Ad.. lait q-È. . n", ....... .. - - !5 00 tg 229 ý,.; e".ý"t.v, ý%1e ",.a ,v4o.N,.ý wile ý,l% t>.W,ý, 1 am , . le W - Z-2 IO Agil.2DdiMâii ...... .... '4 , "ON ,%fflt, ý." et 1~ Irv;ty -4 fkwevt *Wýl tmienu ut The po.t. selves could bave My ides, whate'w of ! dau mi trac of 1 .......... wý A, 600bWIN. i ;-,"",, ; 1.ý,*e(iel4 roll, W.hk.b Witt ro-" . 1 1, ka the» màmàà I dry .... ......... 42 -» Il 46 -A ,'e,,,6,,,,--,,,,,fIýt;.. ttee».itN Witt ý* S 1,P,.M.- 1 - ja'm elx) ; The Oftleffl for the pressait qu~ ý the number of people Who C&M hua 'l ý " (0) - ." c4) ', , . ýetK*#Ii11f lélètell! *4 ý . ý . sabisa withia a quuter of a mille of the ' ........... 1. ý - k-, I Il.. I*11 1- l. t..,q.. "'I' ( .... -fb 9.Il, lebk-N e8tIpri., 1 ift ý PIC . 24 ofi - 260j ...... ...... .... phIeý P"Lngâ, yard "., , ,.,, ' ;"""" 1 ........ . ý»ww-,.Wl li'e- ,."»)-i,,I*t, .... .. p ffiI"ý, t 1 . -__ . ý % - 1 of Lodge no. 639, 1. 0. 0. T. are . &m. ý during the peni month a berrYiOg d&Y ý villffl - i inrh= îe.«"& .......... SU'*) - : ou . . > . ,ý- j.I, ý K-.. ýe ý ý e *.d _,Ietý,-.»Wa f%ýl t...ý%. le Ifg* *.bffl. $3, "R bat) ý J&i»a àlotrmt, W. C. T. -, Rimer IL B. ý and night, There hm beau one cou- 1 The roed to Cobowmk ia i phle, inch mut rua .... ...... 22, -» . ý .-16.)ù .e.,..ý'..h".t. l4. ..4..e4týY 1440V ,tefflI* Ibi-,@-! thisé atteolint td, Ibo of ,.,dùd» of .11 ! good progresse, sail twill. ha much nuit J. là incil *idi 4t. %eWttd ........ 3Oý-) ', -,ý-.-) ".. ý,,W,,w qe,, i,.",. ; t., tI.. . c-ibrti«l fwer 10 nabis i Mottlalicei W. V. T. : Bro. P. Welline i tinno» etream : là inch sidint. mal TU.L ....... = -)I) ', -% .Xj .. ý wham completeil. The truItel batw«u i pée- bo-rds, pud .......... ý - 24) 11-1 " W, - ýP Ntiq'i't'41, ltll.wjkv I)v (14141bit 1 yoar whela thert, in tif, %remi P-«rw.« (if 1 ton W. ,g. , Il,,. W. ja"b, W. P. 8. . . . . hi descriptions from &a lisait- ; Minden and. C.b.m.k Win %il peu " ý Ut. 1 jÈ j Imagina a j p- b-,de. dr--q .... : .... 19 O-):. 2L. .» 1 . -ý.""$ .;# t -ý%é*- IV, %4p f, -P telle leffl Il. ti'-be i wqlrk I.f &ab kxpw.»Atvo subtibro k)Oit« de-144 %. 1 ----- pilote bnude, Cwis ....... .... la où là -)O ý , %,,., 'i 1 4 1. il.-ef"mý.#lK7..!O;thltý,ht.#4.uu? . &bb4ll4t*,(I. j 19W W. Moore, W. C"p. ; 8iliter, , woodle, m-'l' with bis "«U Md jaMP- ' W&Y for thOWJh the . i = piouk, . . 21 e'ù .. %sût) 1 (s', à il a (1 i .1 il ïe O st. ' ;,'. ,1I.,ýlýIIý.ýý.etelq»ç: t"e- *1 4*4& S'! 'ýt*k ' Ytme (ckinn,éitiffl hatire b ven this ami- 1 Keeqm, W. T. ; Bro. Thm Muttàtt, 1 Or to the buay of the lateilit style and .,,;ý,. - - 1 a[Rerm r-J Î. a trille plue. , h .k. = - - .. .. .. *. .-.* *.,.,. . 20 I)o Il -_ r» ý 'III , %ýý là.lý7,ttN,.I>,?,:b,,I;.et"fwýt"-I*W. ! 1 twenty-four miles, this in much battu; pim pimi, cuite .............. 1.5 L-) ': I-i rm $1w, e .. le -11 e.toi..,.. $54III.M ',14: lteevýra". 1 ter t-.aefist conaittertition'and hope that ; W. M. ; Si Pt». 1:1 ý\% i'lýli)%%. ,-;iýel'i' b., le mer K A. 81elbelay, 1. 0. ; . finish. Yes, and p-pleofaimestevery Plue. talri;». 1 mul là inch. Sood. .... 24 -10 ' 30 Où ..e,."ý...t A ýýM- ffl.,t è fi p t)ý' ý Md - ouly twenty-t» Miles. 1 1que, outpil, 1 â%adlà inch. dremoing.. I* L.) -- -.) te $il ,etý :t ý ' A% -,.4,ý ;l.k't 1 'hette fixtiffl Witt be trithift the attnal ' Bro. W. )t&)WM9,0. ('O. , A. C. 0 'a 1 F O IR ý . «i,ýk ,,,,ý1'l'e %....,.,ý, .ý4#, Iý74- Pt . . 1 -1 ,». w,,;,jIéý ##>*4 ; "",: wMe *',ýe icit-lo'b.. liffl lx: r4-41elirtibbout't -If the letton ; joblit thm i ràh*m, ý profession except Editors, Who, I am 1 1 Plible; A«4». 1 and là ireli. eu" - ... 1: ý)0 - 13 O-) lip- Ir. D. . This lodge is ordy yormg, but ý sorry to My. bave Dot fouinai it%,...,è, $'.. b ï-1, ý-I, W,.4,%%%t.$#"It. Abvis...$ 04 te, "t. ,">twltltmten(libb« the I*rge *telle -il combinait bon .................. là ùû .. 1- > 3 a i Fine, clapbc-- ds. cieur .............. '24 tý) -oc \ 1. 1 N'T E 1, LIG ý*.',\'(' F. ý - . . otùt& «,.ý-.. ,ýéý-ý.% tfl0eýL d'Ote, $bua Vý t3;)%ýko'lf»- 1 1 --t $«é,lie) loft llitllmvidtKi for is bas mcc»ded bal - thm at firet Ijont to visit tl a a of ý-. Ch*604tds. pickinr .......... 1900. ter Vol de cm action yet. 1 pi . 00 'w , --. IlýhK.w.b Vý,ý ,ý,%lV'1%t*ý #1.4.e;,.bb*. I. laure m i i ctapboazd!m, Combattu ..... ...... 15 W II lb fjO - /,.*,,, \/j t'ý)11'V %lc%*4,-41"4%-JlbtleN.r4l,.- A 1,10(fal : tant yoler, yotir (:'kttivw.it tthait have ebn%- i »ticipme& The pressait oliturs me 1 and 1 believe, thin Waz a gmve mielàki ý -VIDSU.VJIER GOODS. . oeiun&,imr ....... . lm - ...... - --b EX: 30 J.) lm «canant @ablation. Nye have ,a thsir part, for no pie t p . ..... ý. h.eI-lý."» ... q ..ý%met»mýt elilviVoh t., el* f-IeNW- Iblet 1 gens ,etroblet aspi mrriod ola the -nie or excur-11 1 .. ý Ikiop ... 4u ffl Il ".e>*.,.,.", il teW W*V ,.#,,hts,ý.PY ý4*%eV. t.ilmisibom ter the oéerj»,ratèý,n and as the . 1 rty could ha faself 30 interantinq 1 LightIrWeWok. Con» TW@mb end DrËlle, Barillet ; . coiucàS .... ......... . --go 24. sr 31-1 ý, 1 Sion pat Totreum, Gý 1 Cw:Ve, zo'd .. ......... 28 09 ', 30 .» 1 V , il , ', Im 1 ) M I'-,irt'tbq (Il., h-V sl"0-1;-me.-Iý III, el"- *<»«I*. "$&bel tilno eltIallé 41 44 $*W») .If the delit 1 MOI, reavm tO baliste$ th" owil1g ta obtenu they une absent, oraitord liait èý ý = F= = T= muta% Faille,; Sding, cote. Commua ........ . 14 È)O ', «.* (X), III * hp4,,tfIl t.,le. le, th* wo,-»-$. ý i -ý . , I.. il -1ý, If bitl '44ei-,t,* ,,, 14) i wl,.ý t.t#»,),te hftqt >.t.4* mut# 0W -,.tt.Slt*v. 1 of 1 K.1.. that vihitMioxw4 r»diap, lenuwein and . ranch, matter uPon whicil tO dilate. ý Ribbans, saW amidw, âp_ i iltne, -ilirq, j inch. good- .......... .. 7 00 I* 28 ffl .., , *IUNL ,I.* , 1 1 Fine Cet inch. Common. ...... -2 ..W) t', il., fI-P ( -ht'itp 1 Vour C,'in%»%ittf* ho$[ tri -tilKum telles d*bM*g, and alect m «camola or a pic- ý There are the bacit towTgàiPs -As. d"b, ý' At 9. & a. 11118M~ 11l, 1 è7-ý %W à inbeïa. VZ ...... 22'» -- - - , A.-q et.* d"l.lw h,ý4. ."..>tt, he"twl: i te èbltb.,ttbbt I'f "tiiitateit (Illetie-lënney May the Victoria Reade the "A" of! - A" ceatuc. 9-4 .............. .... 35 CA) 1 1 ..;$ I4ý. telet% Il. . l M"f. «e,., è.h* ow- ".a te,- d'è.le , 10 nie which am boinq dimýi»ed among the 1 " of ý 0 ', .ýý 1% . il--;-v't-eb-1ý4 ltqèý,>;m,#*- 1 lé.ý,,ý.Vt."ýe M4 I-t. 11W. N0. -i lit% hetil at the t-iy-lit -,( the Ckitzbaty and ' ,dvancui»ut of whieh would afford 1 COM-LU CIAL INTEI£lGMrCIL . Ph- fi-La& ý:1-r ................. 38 00 I' 40 I» 1"",,.b.,çippt,,»,,..iý»t..,,ý-s-itNilb" i the, i - teton ,ýrhiut ,rriietqmIn. ytnnqp-pleat pre-,.ttha4 a larp matter for comment Thm thans ex- i - Plue, &-rins. pýkjù,bg* ............. 29 00 .. si) ûù 1 1 . 1 1 1 %- ý 1ý.1_Z .%..l Iietth*t.1*04I«Ithti.ýWl ý 1 Plue, toorin& commua ....... ...... 22,»,: 241 onati.a: te p.reh ý . lu qqtbmttltg this rolwirt yoilr OOM. addtùm to the memberobip Win follow, i te"ve pudm of g" te lituey clad Omm Ce, TM e--- Peut Plue, 41-illé _ 1 test it =h. good.. 35 00* « 45 uù léock ta au li'à. ,! - . ; , -:, i,-,.:II ft-.I,*t 0l. ,éj.fflIýf , ,rk".,,KIl' JKX4.qtjttbjéb-#.ý , _ Laibleur, Sepoulablar 3w, lm PWO, *--'-mg lami 1 1 ý The (,Permiv" , -.tt,é mentit 1114ilitatronty tèrp on. the, Illathas a - It of such au excellent pro- 1 with berties, ý th" a parabole of Iffle . 25 W 1 . - I.. 1 ,:. 1'ý'si-.. "f thk t.w" .q%..,ew4, Il «ýme 0,4,"*ftte- 1 Ine 80 - aime. -2-4nnu. la" il'ie = 0 , : : 1. ý . 1 1 i i.. Vý K w,4 ,,f K .,et# letmt > t- w-4l""I-11"i tfl-t. - %#"'Isèý,r. :bâb le.% 1 ('->IllbkýIt that lige«mity exiating ror the graumam sr and Couizoome», with sa" 1 ne loul produS treille hâs own- Muqi. Plain, tao, q.aty ..... ...... 460 .&ào 1 1 . . .1e-Iý -I ,IIý ý-"ýý..eý,#-ý,(.,"14.t,.býh%ý,, (.."». de'-, l"Fy eit.rrc.ij*iettlwlbwm rUW rconom M 1 lýzftdhtiveIMlg4i& "ne" afraid to Mo" m m , _ Il _ g - Ir. but donyMiM batela Mt Shino-. Pille. 22à quaâty .... ...... 300 à ý i, , 1 I-'. W-k1ýý,U:ýLý, :., >' 1.4-0.4. owýl "Ob «M e4lI.4f;weW*b *0 pli." t(w kiu"minq ils the, ord*r of the day.' shingbm4 spru« .................... 3(»'- toit 1 1VNZ . . t're;l, .eI,ý."*, 1 ýt-fqý 'rh', tw.ý «lie 1,ý,o tite, wh*,f wb 1 t4 idsréitimrati4bil, 04 th» 34%4"iýr«. ý jaut lie might braise, hie inoffensive lima ý basse eouddumbl& A marked declins SI' si Coder, &oeil ........ ý .. .... 440 " 4501 JU"'% ý ý 1 1: - - 1 1 l', K-f t't'ý--'4 ', #K ,; ,',-I-','-k ,,» TýV8tIIIve 7%. Mb *Wl ?.;ý(4.. t., blet had 1 J)kln(litl4rql- 14fbme titillait th" Witt fin" thie ave- 1 TheL thme in the "M maomm of Il . 51ùmý -dur. 2ad qualfty ......... 2 50 j - I ,ý Il.ý,it'e, kl-,,X ,l-ý..,t, od ý11e, >1-19t'el tt-»,It.p.;Ipe, l.w. f". goýý J 9 làkob- , Y(,ttr (loiblýmit4o liq in re««Mud nin,,- (Mt 2&)4 habit ire do-Ilet if mmy ' people comiug and going in en ignaItin j bas Ubm phase in qmqmthy wU the Pk-ietoý pins. 9w.. * If 00 1.1. 15 ý)O ý 1 . Vv le I.Wè. W »,.Fmwl ...t ý'h th* 1 = .:*::: -,It,,,, MAe , ý,Ie,. -. te lý,ýV. , .. (et tâte fairmers will have an thew fiellia able sort of equigr», Md drus, ait sa 1 hu ia the %di-h =&et& irý Ppikkk"4 P.. .tu . Io os 1q) 50 1 . ""e 'týehi...t4onýt-let>.(-ki.»qg.bbvhtýpi-ý ylbwnt op thk, ("tklwiqg actionnes ý.-1 .44!rtté lit,- i 'L',,,.Iý.*V. ,VI, h-,tg t,, -4, o e,.«§ .btefflý*.,o, 1 Çlnt,,&,xr*. Illako, Km kt. Royd ý . ' . ela. pille. lât q=Uty. squitre .... 12 -)O '* 14 IjO! . ,ý.lý,;,, 04.141 . elaw before soute lima sIezt week. busy as mue» m mr1y Mo- unti, 1, AU Of courent &MPPOiu" là the da- L-h- Ph . ......................... 2,-,)::12,ý0 . BOM &W Sbauat ý.. -% ýý:ý ttt4 .#». .. k, N %fl.. ý rhab-wory vottits m Midiand f LA* 1 night 1 hall the pleabanre of ZOÏ139 dewyeve. Then &Uecmof tmttwe! 5!ý0 Il -3 no; iý., ý el'-eq'p $*iewlty OmiIts4b". In tao ars 1 ' a,& with ,ta t cline; but MÎR owing to the hanry «.,. = = , ;:= iýý i.ý: ... -.- - - 1 ,...ý,ýA f tht, %fý ... i', .,N,...ýi-. t. t.he. ldftf4t 1_# 1 ItéodwNy, . . . . . "2 2.4 ý in oue of theula Binding Hevé. I often pitched. for the nighte, ý __- . . -éIt .40 è*ý,0 ýIe,, (ah-,,,, ý%ý%,,é ', t)t,.ýpeiVi",( j NV NL lt-,txuiin, eharity obItIffl Il 0111I »w hély bm and »w niubt beau before ,u=mp»yWg lange tire, where, tes, in xot ', W* belileva theY Win fi" thdz 988@W@ ý ý C. A. uteelt- i ý, ý ". 1. Il %4ý -1 -.,,,ý :,M Iý 1 I_4ýV. . ýt*V ý4 t- il "". .4. A"Wý-,,,emd ntgn"I Kstélisé: tif W. J. ton ; and cau't verle weil -certain in ready in speedy order and obithout re- 1 operations mom profibible thm the lente Il. . V4, ...... II t.,qv .bý'Iti,.lj ý A", Remember the ; Il ýý .., - - i 'Illi - ý - ý ... "Il '11tl"I' nt, , rl. %Iýti P»It-t-'Výýe l'Y tel . ý ý - * 1 - l - .... ý .- 1 1 1-0. -11. : "",:.>",> -n'ý, ,ý0*Vi»t b4,, ,..,IV 1-pI.,f* -If If,ýýnt j riýèrktli . - . . M 59 which part (if the body the ditforence 1 gwd ta oeremony. Tbu beinq over, ' if prieu ua M"Mim& et thoir 1 . 1 1t - . -. ,ý - i ý"..,." ý 1 - ,ib....»Ito,.Iwï.t..,Phtlý,mteý-twmit.,ý. ý (ý Atortini -stn, tinte - i ing in lemme ma Uùs apri- 1.ý,.ýýt..,%.Yý,*ýet),ý"%"ffl"f.býýilt" ' .(, elbuelaing towil hall 2 (m) ý el .es il is in 'the light, for in un&4,uu and kmdred amusements an! mahoiL The yseu pw am m barky . ""' I""" I)abty ' tor oextar sup lied 30 00 hal da 1 bol' O in»Ots ,"t cheir lighr the order of the d&Y---er rath« of thei;-ýý, Wý-I, .t. ,-ý-'4"f*. lit.kie , I-è "hêV Iý,,# ..,th j.ý,#W-fI%4.- ..* 11.14I64 fl.tlt-4ý ý le. ý 1 a hâa hem es mSh. laqpr thm 7.30 W A «F : . Il ý .1 Il. .. %. ýI., 1- ,,,.# ,t,:-ý Il. 't-ftot41 «Ith .hl..h th..epe i. % et, le. ltlwiy for cave am il tor » 1 trou, yeh. .0:07 but as night ta cm the aight--until a tue bour, whan nature i and Ci&" B"Bim welocir. ý 1 r t'n 1 h'1Ioý1"* iI ýq-tý ý10.ýfV«tý I"ýz . . - ý :".,""?-" ",Ihlè*'» . . . 32 t tâoos. 1 have no time ta ton yoté ad 1 1 ber 1 lut yew thM the dMý in pnS WiR i ........... tbI,,g *tW,,ti",b 4 ('@ép%'ý 1%%". etrW la." a- 1 --t,4bgisw hoivie . renuadji them th" elle Mn" bave * ". 1- 1 - I ". 14", I.tb,,;tt. t-bit.ulI'ttt. th,, ,.-fý,,b,-f te-* rf,""ýel.l.i.b ~ 1.0".tt.,twv*q 1 3T. 'ragrwy work (lotte by ord« e -w vibry fin .i due Ilveu on'-t6» pWm s.4 &rmùte and ý ha m.re tha. maille , cm- 1 Au are * Pbnmmntmt a . -p. B«Uw ý ut Team, ettiter in . 1 ý* . ,ri 1 ...... I.., ". - rWý0(e - (* 1 i . . , , e L ih ... . ... b ".# "litýiol1 tel' l'rýe ' 'If Ibbl I't' ý (et sabbbIttilry ltb*pr4«ubr - - bt"uw doille. porbaffl th t ,id this fritrolity. ;,.ý 'e au - 1 -_ --,: fortainu. Mr. $un 1 1 - L, -'. - l"' " ; = way 1 W" 1 titrons warm sad he ; mi wiR en hn, o #".%v - Teint. )Ifb1th» le. flic w(b.tibleill,.%"qsbý - 1 àt, liewto formrvwmmb(iend ý doses vin boa whotim biw Io the Noir, pe-rhaps 1 have writteu MoMrh - BOXV. i -. , ý ý - . % 1 lit 1 ýýN>ý : 1.11. - Ilt ter'mul P"tý K..el"..,.I. %,,Il K,*.fflIv .fi$ jt14 ".*ý, f the 1 av mailb oblewer - - . . 37 PA! pemple of yotir town, whol, tente what 1 on thie nubjeet, but befure conduding j damily communal a zood, figuret en the ;, Lu,,m._,,, ,he 2fth Aug..iu aalibut.jn, the ý ý 1 1 _ ý..._' 'e- r ""ý,ït ,,.,4Ft.eI."*..%. i» the'r.,Wfb et*&& (m: to Nt, 4 m . i , The dry vuther w» MU" fiIm 11 vrift of gr. J->hft I.mehfurd. of a s-m- ,,, ý ., - . ý. 1 11-1 . I.... 1I-ý b -- 11.'t rI.,I,...qý% . h, lIItt, -,# I4.,I.W""e»,r 'I't't. pýqjmfwl»,* B. cew.k repliera %iltgot ý a bave sometimein noticad, main, have a , 1 Weald à-dville tho» Who in the future mommL 1. 1 - ,,,, 1,-1 -I--,;,,,ý le, 1 allusion. -é)m the m. xtré. in Baâburrou, the i 1 . i't." il, ý,ý,;.,I,..ý.,.ý."ýý.èýi»*,,tteww»t diaffliteje Well, Simis cils hem a-berryinq te try! vour" for hunomM but F Il wife #If xr. W. Zukim. -1 a son. ý ý ý .,ý,ý."* I,ý él,..f K-4. Iwl.. Iemi ý%».tte"àg 'elw ýý Iti rat etblepseýy ff'r talon 011il gaied appetite for country trade. . . .. ý - . ,, ý _: 1 e te. I li ved et,# toming Voliser %*,rite - - il M ý tb» goeil &banal Md raîtes the awfflba t and restraixi theïr thievine vwpen@Üi« ý looking auxioady fer rats for ' To"s. -Ou the 22nd. .tas. the vite of Mr. Rob- r4 rtýtlbejvjt,,, ý, .... -, ,,,-,4;t-,,Il.;ý,,, IIl . . ,_,,ý ,4l- 1 Iýt thew ".Itopt.",Iqw.,e. ele, "04,01 wý j à Il (et whieh tg fflpm.tftllty %tihmittte ý iiette elý»Vot, thmi is trit Il. ý -1-, .. -l-'. V "et thsir pentu» Md rost Sspe, Whieh 1 Jouxe«.- On the 2-eth. Ans. in Rokeby, the 1 _11teýý ', 1. - - . 1 , ".. ;,-',ý I,--ý ý.#,I,., -1ý le th...v ý,@,pf-fflW, 4'u. th" N&VO t"» int« J. t)lt,àm,«, Chaimupý ý cladled. ne is followed by tire, binders, ý thsey mey, perhape, sa» them»lr» î ! wift ut Mr. Jý Johnson. ut a ma. .., 1ý 'I.,.-l tl,$I'. V.V lov .-eb*e.,n thwp pý.K."». *II l 1 * "', ' -r ý . ý . . 1 .. ý . , , l ;'.., I-e .11, "; et h@- i (,(,%a% D%44ý>0,.q, in moviait the sdo: ý &#-ad th» they go on mi a g" indkiitg i bath trotIble and expoure tif a kind ý badir nout rdruhin& we W" d the i MÀRRIED. 1 - 1 1 1 ý . ,,tsItl,-,,It '. »Ow .-0 sý ý.,t*-fi-,r %,I'.bý'ythle. 1 ý i , ý1 '-i: t'Md rNIýî, h-Vp .b., «e.-Owltho fflei. tion tif " report, »àd thM the am- gait. ber m cliblooker ; but e naima : Dot mi &R enviable. People w- d unaty ci lard I" gisait : ta-day, va ý momow-au& la the w«wym N«hodit ý , - ,,ýý ' * 1--;",;ý "-t.Ipi..(,;Ir"t#14.ýi, ý; , - .. N,,I,, ,,, Ptt, 1'ttfq,!. t.,, - ý. 4_4 V"l1% 1 ý ý, 1 Il had oaw4%èlly exmWlwd the tl»»- 1 and bibidera, runninq quitté, lively- buse am ahor, tired of ha ' âM ý Churt44 Bobco? m .,.ttg. 1-rth«. tel, the %eV i' ýý .1 ý.ý;,. Il Il'., I., 11 I... 1 el% el..,;. V K ... tt""tl'th*$fP%-ýtl".ýb,...$.ký. .%»»»bl I*btt» . vw« = 1ý belivre the dret hag killing will. te ý Mr. Godfmy. Ur. jamb" xerrow, of Pmrbwormo. te - 1 ý 1 . . - .,>,I..., .1 ý1- .. .... eý ,"f..V'.41,ý,'t'ýI't',e.o., I.,Iý.ý0e1 ý cillai Position tif the té-wil. and lautil $4ribek ' opi««W to, babillai, but hard ta Par- ! uns and hay carriblai off by parties i Fhoqual m& 1 V» FIOM Be& ut 500oldon. ý * .. . - ,k,ýl.,ýt,,, ý ý,ý,,-ý,."!.",I.., . - __ . a mée of 17 illaille tol inest the wffl» 1 turcs. Quite a neauber nt the fumm il day and night--both going north ami î place in. Mr.Bakeet pukim Dryau-Tor»-In the W. M. chcSh. Botimy- ... - 1 . . suple whop«ý, ocv -7%h, Ur' - A VA ni). lit the town, Ho thettefore, iauvxkwe bad te tlr" a day, en m ta M"e Mont ! coming Booth. Md by boýý the mawy ci lui WiR ha il ,-ý-D= . 'te iL= léarée. p Young, of ' ', , ,ý NI'elte: lIvietI. (ýf )lf'tèt-ir 1 . ho,. wop en, &%ý the rat»Wo omourt W the extra bulk wrhwh the deldebave i hem wolùd tact wisja to ha" "eh a 1: iml»vuL ý -ilt. 1 d vérectios a fow days Np m tâte eloge- very i" a" du, frnec eèhw whid4 ilirisý AU th* abové T Britft& IL Md J.!lwuýer- The Po" wmmj«m2" lm ait 1 wi* 14 powbu" fer du worid, dm @«P»" sol apeov«y 010» 6»*Oélw tokéop th* mmtof&ymuqompl& ÀY«MWMM plam we boing Sudemmend by the Md G. 4, IL Andmvu% Mgi-4 obttt tkbwtb or*,Ibi sw 0(4»0*ft~ (4 th* Sol doeoy igVol"d ia aM byF an MM Of «tV«Y, r» SJMY VU lm ma vichmy m an Onatigm var cm. PRICI fmcta Wm bedi« i People Of thie lý Md âdvo«Md a, «rM» ot «oeý*y by " dw«Mw ot bu boutent, "ing an mom mvm terme. TMyý opouly wS bc vay lâge demM ami laver Posées wM ,Mg dommd " jetoew irè &bu 4%wbwfi W" ne "- mmaug exprun on regm»u"»Im by " tâter -nu pwS m pou 0" jý ruis, fS oh" mi bmwwma gamme faw brur *» ML V&VM " "b"& " loft bohin&" nt au to One, a" in tien V" caly, a" X. B.-I am ai$ it is, omsm#y "sesséed anyànmg"Smmymm te, 0- te Ommeil $hO*w nuitmalmtbgehý to the» igt Wýie iià gold, on ne =.M bc j W>-& 1 thm lumbe«ow opývmkm wW b* 0«*- vmt b'r Ot "W" tolm Md 1%0 Wedaym )wk ap6buie QMCCR6 1 = dutyit istn look dwrm& mat- in âteucé, the caw Smd&7 whw . - pwm comm Osw tme it la med.- le; ié th* 0 tIttpitte th*.' ths» pévu th* »me& My pwttoow muL ne m mi im- a boyer se MW ubmt, Md MOSÉ man. comment maisomme ~ Mo" 0» èee Cam Dry G WM V* commama Sue ý 1bonté. 0» bonde hu- cund tu" te thow »bbbuk se Va Broaebsâ& PWW omés wor* bat eured m OU b*Mtffl hév* bout «004- ferW to S» P»u&W» - - I VRD"d plam hille am, V"m t- homme tw mombe, ta Dm 1«» in Ùb; et open. vie, méhS a mm @Wht te mode »Vos i ad. et a rang" mado§4 wi* à gnA thf IM lédovèn» beau tu" -th amid *ou ncSm wook but Smd carpien Io dimpome et ia a mmbat Wh" b"T" aukbm vend ta" mm», *eau m»ia ma, tau mi" m» A14hter ttif(qt Wb kl;iï-îvoj m Ob mm sése M&iwAlequueýpo" bamum Be- àý &km amu aqqdy viâ coms Imm a" Of é*à yun uàtm& Tim, C> d& mmy lm. rmptèleffl bel Cléom 8" un pou Bon tient timyogr. lu@ cou&" clam wSuls baoulm lm th" "» om V"Ved immlicertepu" ut tee wm tmè te 1100, étamâlk. "meh. we mnés. loise de mm sa Wetferi eio *lie b@; 0» (4 »* gemm #bmovwy pw»uh*Mdepob« toupm My wu b-soctifal Md the, tbàfflmb» overp8àdituashmitum #hW %Ovlhm ""y. fbde moissée, «mmu" do* mo»y èoa mont à modem »motbim tient be»ii Maur et the, ogowm ci homé in the Mù* un mm mmeâmL J. cwbr& et 9prtm6 Wowemmvo"t"eý Dominim te h" a g"d»l cé à mer O"ý 1*9"midM Or. ThomW Neiac- (1»4,r 14 le b4b1w, w JOZZ QW. «Deq*a 0" 9-eu ouest tac, 011. bik» »U @à 1 b»d imm yom, and, mat N.44 th@! 06 #bu vieoemét "I*tq le à4W Ob Wngdw debus opmd» malb- As visés Ot m ommmm pemmo, amom ci letters edher omt mâ a bé*w daýd lq4 mi ý; te% cari, me trew wooduftL» w«L qm à pmJý - ..,bar. »L J th. mom not bc tchm m à" *m4 léà, tic, &= a L imom dé«O woit a owa*w fm wttààmw hie motim ili wm Imm a cbavm>-U mas méow Om« (Wré bi4my, le]ým moir Of the, comment ci tâmde, MW zwm mener mener mi mkom opimdbOyww.» IL Coi% of, ~ bwhd es *»owmd th" is wbe lm &*Wb" Wèe wfth tbe on w" to misesse, ùM 2t (.1 g~ (et dw* 1 the comming a dm Thommet. M.'le bffl co wo* gow àbffl » OM gwoo mo»y, mi à" goe mède- addiem Ot û» CaUx« bumcom wh" ooffl bave bons domme bedonnai lm »U» dmmg by, ]Wemi «Rme Md Ili ma L«dk Ti» moire mmert *Mue " Cam ma, a tu- is il qm eam Md elS& .0 O&W ehmélit hm a 1 thel«b» on tille C&W hmd m b W, J. Ilidélud. 1 1- --ýt44 bind O«b owbrwW, ia âme *@»My -VOS on Thonday ommimh 0 thm me- mail, m ume thm h@V ý= « %-_ depim me pou" et vlob"VU6 M élu, boindutdeo& Qwé t4 Iwo aor»»>Owm&i. Vient ft» tu the 00#1 bite, mim kit e.e e 11.1e i0é% -Ch. onopwgl - «««pwpkSagmad"m ahding effimmés ci a p" PM@6 8" b"Il Sb ýtt4,. te,.»* 0" 1 6". Ce ce«. Dem« moved, socomboi by MW m wu 0" a" the. whS% Wh pet fut te, the »Mdb> et »ondins thm fer tàm PWP.M& et bauw mè douce âme, b" M baaaomMMl FÎMW worthm ýée-, eý 40" fm.e -et WIM bu ri bi in me mm W» umimr à à **,*,Ut at, 2114= 84 nky«-ot C m4» dm Ot ovevy mý ew Pomment làkew" 9.9 taitu %ý4k btte & buabý ja mqo"kx% 10hOs fim a damer *0 0014mop ow4veehn te abont et m Md m thm noyai 0" rum et --The adamb 'twenvuuF assa addiýd 1030, ci M" mmft ia bu% = rm m a brum hm fil m ima m iwhh Imm un vntwml»v* mm" O»d ýd@m,'Z lmopk% mb jk oo.. bdd by au m àbmdm «& 1 auk *cm »Ver, to, victorimmilà, te Wb" pm» tâmer a laqp - 36 ci nommer te the mua- mme.- un 0» Umm be se togt lm~ bu mm »* Wmy Sffl la am p" W bapo ohm te md a mm (botemmen. tàm try. Pm- BdomMO& WëàdittamuelL- araouby nopopft«, ý t4 PtAébw autbm 1 ' -W fe-, dd A eN,Î'«7 Utt) 8 P te 'r rabo as Md OMM" mi ma Madid» duiý PAU te thé but va 04 At e4 am es je ow Be Co«uW» 1» M& taadâffl lit Mt fb»ý mo""Y Omo% ma potum Pm- miva. et Mau hem) mombar fur IL 3. IMULA& PMU% 3. y. tram IMH ý.vt- W'yt Ton om forme comme, Ulm et m lampbe %mom id ORAN tON ma 1 MW dos emeilm Vid& lwm in= toaâ- 79 Cm.. po&màipm»e ami âdr Cam ÙmTdiulb Rmmé d" le *@ Çmýý A -4 T te *1 te Yf T" sa mle Ow mwpm* tsîý om emeAtu" te be, be bbtaidubmwbg]L Guam M" hm ta ommu «Wumi **a& dmr* oawmià edm»l) ma iwr- TZM2 ký; me. te, le MZ4»0 mW thmi thom bomme bem a P" wèk Pudu mi L »du», la Oàkw»& br t te ý%*fttb ffll tol. et 'r ky «4vim in 111* ]WOW tzý thm Imm-md»mdw tu nom DO" 1 Omnium, WL ammbm; te homme dame mu" mume &qm MUndmý,d ra"»ImbriLn»nimd mi emýý»tfW 6 ""W o» m* àgieik - lmoaboe"lww.]L w%* ém~dm go MW M» 8" ommb à* *0 ne*. 0-4iý.fmp* = -;«M- aww _14ee. I)m R ýA «'Y 00.8 9. GOZO D s ýAU TU MN IT V M- G 0 0 D S N'à la K la D a Aim nuiving and opadnt a luge of choim thm we have h" th9 Pl«Sum Of tu Our PaUumiý whne the N E 8 TUE PBICES' OF DE c L 11% E WM be ftiRy . by castomers. RAT & Co.9 (Lat» Ray &, Thornbury.

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