Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 31 Jul 1874, p. 4

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eue" TEEE GOMMUNBIEB butte iàat uw"a te A illy f~ m «W degam. tg thon- 1111811111, à= thwibim ru mua" Ott". te or. ýWMUO104quul PAO$h" A!ýw illim fairanno" 11111110MW idd* in P" fer and Md ldo»74»V» do" b boum Pa" bv MY of NWAWI *W go im» taille lmdb% lqMbýIrslcM ba» ffl et two thomma bmrembbd temble imme. poussé zm Md m âm eet tbe pq n *MW#"* thfr*" owd go ffiémorstp lubè» te tu as. EtIR Ftho "W O»thommd wu"! ïï amomm et th"W ont la th* am tue W by le" tll PM 4 fffl dunu m fmad mi t" I&M Tm be»%"Hbteg" me qf 48 JW fAe, Md Md **#Y.O» thie §"VA 01 Pm ib@Pueptnau .~ I, M11901,411 Io m4w h»d»d Md lewéaty dc4- lignite ale MM by pubï,»-U-a ma th, e wIf mm l MrqMIS tif Me obkntwm km. jathopu o» thousend 04M hmb- lm Ille y( k4Ib ltt.* v1b"Ile Z41" NOMA WtA qok(oq t4 %» W 1004V-1SIF0, th* mu ot 11111 0 entemil W 6;zkmmwwp MA 'tel, TEIR fwby wu lm gimm dýimtimbareu L Wb~ *P«tk* s"fflý I>mw»d IWO htand»d Md it in in onoutimb dodlm-. la die, Yser one adaiý. in, one t uv»Y that *0 12 a belon 41ý tu 04 in é@.Dtovgmty WM the bot #0 1 1 lk*lt Ve, 17gr z if t».wmtor wié )M"»d Md otxbty-tbvq% ]IMM Doua th* MW Wb thte Viotobu Rail- 1,4MY. th. tlm -mmm = *,"4 et.. W Il bbqbo~ Ille (lob *WVM v»wçokebg* ts, ont. two thomend tw» handred MW - J. illeï- wMau v*oooe8ftr4 »Vieb Ili cuit wbm à 4uma" et tbe Umb« «t ila tàm die- in dm Iwo dollère., tiré ho béi3h m lu" PIRI:. i .0.4. .7 ta %" cmuy. use% ý a OWW& l»d»nmmm4 VbD In4noi PZ, W »Ubb" (4 taoboàdm ta *.*ft*w" po of e stobi hmwffl MI a dis, mu Am.wui, diwo thom, and av* huiedwd éid twolb- 11M coww" bêtasse, a bmketq*, Md ma TEMIR DOORS WIC3T 'OP IMM& R&Y à TELORNBURTS lw» boeiff to dm WM M ES dm. ondw. ttm ào, 411141b", "W- fi» dolléri§4 in the, o»thommd Inter ma memb«,d pauma* Om- et bffl wille mow*, Md étil $No Pm (je. Zb"s bt*dved Md w qis,% dw mi& VAUM pavasm 0011M euh" tlm brinisint " ci bnlmg au wo thommd six bondud élada"Que. la Rodgm te rellâtre, a lm enomt et dm- J . en FOR CAM COLI.4» à Mad jimwem tiote lbuwbbm tyfflg"a cwhm,. ive *» Yffl out, bbm- bw *» ble reaà ent. Rodumj a a date, OUA"Irrua Repawbu deulwas W" hi* e of b» z, *0 O»a~ mum walle, :W ma lir W«Kbwmmm $Dun ùàmimm cd mm Md ttlu«. SIM q"Atttè of rond si" filibe bond"d Md a th, lie natta ma quqpulw-ý »*mmtom 'rie Md' - - _1 = m m va tiut ho extumwbit w0h «4,4t çe*«oo*v. WbFN *@Pm, Md à1i tho» tifflione tif thoi, M .tdgmdo4lm.. in tboymo»tboo 4»90 beimu in tbat linie, illa thM a saissiber *ho i et lmàbmm me now imVâea" à nimm, Md qtmhopo; sio» h»lbdrM and @Wbty«o*V«4 Md vif# ê"ý lut ho bu *Pm& *8 TWW nourtýt cd it IK %1104 lyý rmo (.1 loidille, fond befflen lots bes duo, it te added the brm& mmbffl twmsy Md twwbtp«oioý belote la".. ive S'ho Y«W oué, thomma ohm et DM paylIn over, te the Govennemt el(.Omv. emi1w au the moisey wu& beau »W» from rA à IONSe In lfd4btir. Illumina Md odo)bty-mot, thé, ISTAPLE GROCEVRIES IL)£Dbom mm Ilitéety mm ut 0 J P«erkyw*m V *0 lembnam& Br thom modem à poitiffen'à Wile, te Pm & »Y. liéte O»tivw a lb Ili%%# %kwe, thtmimd one he"»d Md kslop AND 9JUD. Y"r oulsi in bdWved ho rulh" a luqp fortune W tlw Po lit ddine in tbfe «bib-! M» q4(bllwwý in ow FRUIT, CONFECIIIIONERT, M SIS4 1 -1110 wý6vq I*«i4 e4w oètew vm 1WIA Wb* 8111mil = MW vmorwý ý elqllit hond"d Md ewbtyid», thle mm cbcbcbcq 2V1ww9ý ilit a fête, yum ne hm" betgulus, oftmq"t w1boh 1 ý-qno MOI ~ tbl-*, *Wb"%ýbt tif fifty-fi» thoqw"d tif th#» thobisaied t&Voi hfà*drod Md kuoim ta tlm ont" govaummt vhue sttt 9*tfkvW4 In* ItAkw. ma to km* délibibittièrée th«*. fiabby Ur. sou vu et *eh" of tàc, Crova irbiLli Bu iller%. s, - I& elotin4e lie tlm*çwm .4t.. 1 ww .(%in# dolibrez in the Y«r uns, thon. 1 ne 1:"1 VI 1 -4ý 't il ma le lu orxpMtmt tb pans the, @ma ediths bond"d ma ni*My.*A mm CROCK ERY AND G Pàtiou yoeq *00W . of the" thonfand av* huaënd Md 1rh" ho la plupa"d te «*on, Adotd - dont the iluell, toi M"b, pnn~ le; egiohty-fkbuf doum.. in t4 Yser ons: thm. ma, dhq"aud %héSI lwvqkbib of théi mw mm ai»ly.o», t**«*Oe , 't S'et q le #MW*" for ho Md laffl &Oum" of vli-t -q piltt", tho mi M'Y fflffl. pWitym in te de (lovamamt on, C= A -P por. C;A,-Su . mprWod V#Ithià thtb limite utim (if thies, thomend »v«n liquand -le WW4- bh*.W*m I-f -III bWie *ýAqvqIqIt tigbmiw, go faite the Wd etiva andi niemy-pitht de4b"; in the y«V tilit 01 yoi ---W - ffl.bo",w 0. tp.«",tb the 1*0YIKI* bh#tl',lo a n s 1 Me râmm tor toudutemvatheà;m f,,ýth7e soieffl en ffl b4s* lit 1110MMOW 11111441010114. twothe men mill Ott thom baving daism upou thm It 1, boit, J., sooote" Sb" &»Y hale owd op lm 010 MA. lie «*.% %4 il*' **il si 1ý Aftd *h~ the, fotsil bine»M in et* ymr ofils thon. uumr gr.. opposera T» - Mt &WISSI whMhS de àaüffl of *0 L U N C H E O 'N A N D D ENN E R S 1.01" M N-fffle A loir -wl. »h hk t«ttltr(sd faittad mvtbodly by soma tliot handred àlad Pm OPPM Co" «" am 011111101 to îhe publie m 1 »lubmiabb g l.-Ai elqq4b te nfw tela flettle wholti r*tmblqb pm- the mm (If tour thoumd tw* liuodnd not : MM intwenting loup um mmmediom moins, Mûtable for th, d"Wm b, t*». 11CHI l.qm arkimm ý4Ith.te. =« and tdaty-vight in the par one trl.t Mien fi *»Wwwo tlmhwh (4 th* mid ebiti4btw tif the "kt ...... 1 't th-0 Witt ttttkqt*ley foi paytèbe tho huvbdvod»d iNiffly-tour, X. IL-ne BOM Prim 1%id fer DM T. p»Ducz In ý -«Ii. 0" In Mmv e tif fifix. the etim (if tour thoumad five handred AND SLEIGUS. AuRreuLruiuz LABOURRE& p 10114..wi 4%,e Sion tue, dwn 'ut S'y A» thmmvwt dolla", *Vbd the irét~ Md tw«ty.ftbqbr titillant alita OWI have 1 of Memm Thorabaws. t_ tftktb OM bellecq pv«UM ukw4 &$Mm Wé ha» bom uqueubd tu publ" ,wa toit ýýb hein. 14noft as, the mi" @hadj hemmi» lit&* *#W»wd to th*n% ooA" for the par- Pm ille, lm Wb@*. sibit utw»e lm Itl bel, M"* the fonoving où=W:- %se fi>lkbw*. in the Yser ment tif interme m et» nu ma in the, -a- *,Or nom in My. pe« q t-ýtpw et h-'of. q'dty. iloptb%4"lf i, and gay*tble lu tue *49 *» === ý= 'Wb. Theàmvdie«peewiaafàww",iG R O CE R IEIS G R O C E R IE S 14ote ý4k4è. of a Smum." unesher, Of lahourers q." 40% 1- v-- romsomiý« «lkt twilité ttè4btxéffll elle hond"d tend »vm. fflelner hermaither mmetioned. oevàte. il w,,wl"M iptive, tor pelwma, tb»thotet*nd tour 4, -rhat the Mid 10 M» nomi" ith "ili.14 duay film itci.a htbvwq« cent -11 -11 10 ut » helà~ quebliey. 1%8*ruvAmbw la 1 the agrieuit" dam: DOMBON a NM OC1114 Jewellery 1 wed lbifw4y.twNP dollan, @Md for be4r inq~ M the vue of six per " I Wb la m»rw stylo "M wwtawAht Thar "Md of W*. iilew«M tliffl thomb"Il Md thréwilI lion. Il Mr ahvblva trom the dm* th«»t, whieh Ant-elle» MW Momw. Au uft ýnt«»Ma It ii important to and places, for thme 1 i Ihe -y dved tiqibll*Vbý, la %elle, th(Itimit(1 - littenlet s"Il ho payable ymrty, oà, the -*» P-mk- Se bo-Y W-k peciple withont delay, ola thair uli"t Who"b -à Bc" Grocas, »d Wim xtrhu»tu. tir %tPAIM MWIM"=Ity.sbx Ilay îit Dmmb« ille euh a" Parmm a" otbon--o'w""--Iabour- MWIMMIWW. rw-W %ý. %. 1 SM EING A -SPECIALTY 1 wel et et fi'f' Wtwlý wa. Md pommeu« «ODDMModi" r- Beg - sennounes, tbe unna of tbeira ýp11#WpW, (,nptboémvëd («P letindrod yv&r, »q the ()ni&vto jttuk, làn"y. NORSF m tige6 tour and top bot~ 5. -rhat for the piwpo»olt, fmiilie@4 me roquemed to forwwd &P-, Md W& MW debe aitiel the int~ snevéloo, at plielatione to the Iman mincl gw m tm Y*,b miwwb,« %*4 dellani ilt #ho ypar oneb tboubam 14111il, eh* melb tý,rmi dm m SISSI, eho~ boum A Macqe& Au Depwttm»t et Oum, ; M - Î. the foltovoi»,t mmid wo* wwmmë& »"Dg Pous, 0" . - - -k.- ý efn-eq% te'l" 40v. N"Iq t*.Yb«t btý*dwd and «o"ty ilevile kv lapoeild rate (4 thirtm ,müle in the dot. nelàrSt Railway 8 aumber 01 ý1 ItIV14q 'eqllltllf* Pnt %e ' prlqm(4W, ý.t>e thooltabbil six hindv*d, kW f,, ench of tho y»» hmigi4b-o labourerse vauted. "qj"o Hissa eus otobi;cKt, v. s-ýe APM COM ES, LQUORS, CZARS, &c., wâp MIM bit hwh Md t*,P*hty. nitte (1441sin. *rit tébr in- melationeilt and »S tutelle Mwail in addi- sucille, application a vin, Un the sistivai j *Ni' lis-q hielib wiwIf Voit W4*0 9N«* th t,» hoindrod ailld, tkbib 14b all other rISIM ho »»Q»d, r"d' eff the F»mirr»tm4 reeeive m far m prac. Comprhing 16 Fuit stock 09 Choses if % Sb el W-t «. iov ., 11% et%* Y%-4bvl otw tholl"04 *au a ticable, procatit attention. hie».- Wb-tt N thil, èmw«t 1,KIIt %If fidebelle levied and etlWgod tipis sel thla. rate&- 1 kiwIlés litintiéteil nft4i for hlfb lelvortv %vithin thoet, " tom of Thequesdon of providinq, champ, Sm_ FRESR GREEN, BLACK -ý-XD J-IPA'-%T TEAS, Fine 6 :Zfmeeli trAum fort" houelle W fimble« in unât .3f the mij uSln»Wp"ty hminWil» Mm. N()LLI, 014 y sioréod and tisecribed, liètellem e" d*bt "em brtan» ta MW agrieulturist& lmà«@% $&"M COWEM NEW Far" MMM'ffl, waffE F"114 T»t-r ,Llr. (:O,&L '. Il el,(,, 0"11 im*vwr be liaid. ratil := doiu4 the laboS supdy M« ÏIE4 -IL a 1-ce generai amrticitat ut uru,=«. t4lýtittem 1 Pubne ý GOLD FI (ýbl&rtelq In Yfflft»» thotiasbail «Ight bvindwd ami i te lut the Vthole, of th*$" mu «movany. for ubv lib"w Our Iroval, disIllricte ma" be jiimed on.1, Alm a large Stock of 104,11,601% ýlèltbt.« »vmsy, ntflie, fi>r priopipal qvv* thlitlesatid ý exionam le lieu là ma »tL§îactory footing. 1 ffl ot,,Ileh se" elme tpivh# tttirotv«l oxi doliffl nt fifty-five thotessend dollars shailli be = %L pea vm"U iiummoyueaz =Mr!" bhibourers a» liwy to uke V O IRse, Cricke stifilef t-,r iebielégo twi, oit ;; extbended pn, mils per mils on the » Umm. rom whM they locaté. Theïr familien, e.db>ný MIè qo er I*vtià dollèt". tft the' 1 frolin thei ebifit tvhe» le enlène lu" el" hy forniahim douosetie sernint, a" mailing a fun amrtmmt,>t %If wtol «4bè tiolivllef yolte (*Vbe thttloam# pitlhe livive«I k4 of other assistance on the farine, would àU1>:ý MM OLD Po" A» 81IERRr WLU. BRA-'%-DIES. HOLLAND A-",'JILrb TOM GINS. JAMUCA vo,"tl lit. holtel, I, Tz lAty vit to the 'r.bwn eh.$hbe tht»If in 04 11aliborton iib the Township tuadt ASD DEMMAD-t Rt-ms. ML-au âsù sclymEl WHISKEY-9. é;INGER WLIÇES, (&Md and t4ellisy, fos, pm"pal, tmb ý à kçgm ply a »at alsébys. foie 'in ogr'rural dw tatofflt, twio Bots CBMWAM'-ES. Dt-BLLX %ND Lo-ýffl.kN ToRTFE RAW, iXF- ï;u triet& Thisi'd"e, h. . 1 2REY'S AN D DOW" ALE EN KEffl AXD B.&KR Fiàs. rW thia lty-law, shall table 9 GOODERHAX a WORTS, 1".. en, W. ffl, p e4th, lit'i't 1 Si % 1 Y-f-)Ibt.l é. 60t, " el*« 1 ; t1h4,tw*h4t mmen ttttetAImd and ibinqbt kiw-m»b««M a" becom» the muet effec- be I'td Io the 1. 1111.wi 1 trom and aft« the thivty TUDDY.JLXD OLD RYE t.ffl 'ne dollélirs -, in the fflr (,»* tholwand t>itthl i -tint ditylot vieil .091 at elle towme vaste. a t10i= i19_= ý agents we cm hale. WuLqKlu èhefp." 1 F)e,"Mb" 4% the y~ of our 1.4ivid ent, as rm»und ille au S«. of the Luter me à ymn OkL b W" Oqp" belle ý»vbhl" t hK Seo tofoisi hitndnd ibetil for 1»41wipal, The demb" for let, liment *4 and t~ty the, co"OLLT. w»urm in thié mmon. t 1 -%* eh the eým 1 t» jointif ~a siglit h,41%d»d Md »VM$Y far in exeme of the supply, but fur ob. JV DI-ding Furchalm shoqid exauum our stock wâd Pr&.« bdore purebaamgL,,bm, aie Ive boy qý% 90le Mý CAM%§*, tn-te SI- ýt-,qO)Q hein tour. no» remous, application for thm ciam; fortgît, a" in Um but 3bxtet& 1 RON ý(,iR - vý.o , ImlllS" ettit lie. .ý"eeblv. df-11*1*, and for ittebfflt t" et Io Ait bit 84111011111 jVVIE :BE TIX-I)IEIRSOiLD IvI .-V .4foek fwtr#El and ti(illau tt Tho thodobmtmu to ho is Bot lumR& hf4 W . tintéifit 1 Iffl lit il* ymp mw tlw»mmi eighý honvind 1 smwd and illisoed aa attbý*embd &Wl be À condition of permanent; wMols, ,;te étée - ele "fflei, the fvaf-; 11 .40, bnW-e 1, en, le, htý and otvhtv-twtb. ««e penoilbal. tyvo 1 tifib'v«md hy the %Vardm or other hestit Z04 mb ' h tk*ewl %4 S' S' tt»; te ud t' , Tmp»an.cz SONO& thon& MmmPmwd "y a" renson"ble MM GOOM JobbM off at TSlutO Md IRORtrul Wholesale Men th*' : C. lo 1.1111, l" ftA tiend te*tv.»"Im dol. 1 tif tw Mid 11%»Melpodiey tio thorrostffl W" OudOrtl4 la not a lissai= induce. 0090. Alt .. W" >91 fille, Shéb %4 'Il ç01ý1Nve 44etb ý'f WtltI"tt th-,%et* tbb»lt isin. *%a for ittt«rffl, tilloft thom»d five &pMintewi te t4b t* oWinied in afflrd- IUM ment hela ont te, Emi=mte from th. old, lands, but to, bai able to aby, in the hoo #01whwd ýwIeIIn. Mko the ý-hebl W Soit htindr*d &M f4,vty.»vffl dollaire ; 10% et* enoei with th* à1jet incorporatinq thé, èý. le. il, Mo, .,,fi ýffA#»V ý.p Ott MW-e»- ymoi (-»« élight Wttbd«4 aimt mki viett4ia Rnil»y Comicimey Md L-ttmffl ...... ........................ 3e c%@ý Old Connetries, to the Old Colantsf imrk- 44 lèWM 14 wlýr4s 1 MtI hme et ile W" loi prineilbal, tvro thomalèd amentitafflite theento. Im the pre- Pffl, M., ktM, S., "d V'. 3. vnan, that he Win a" on bis arrivail on; bews tý im&bpm hi., (44 In t4*W* WV -bVlukt to o, d4b"141, theng. etft, k n =d the Publie zene. hontinti lutte r4%hty-two (t-Illon, ooods, (if saied dotifflorest *hall by Mid IL ........ M .................. ...... te et& Our shores, r-dy esuployallent -a rea- raiLv th" he bu remild ISIS puiley »4h a XoalI Witt t fflIte boitail, le.-Sight Ilnm and 4"YÀV mimie voit fi" lit N 404v md:tolp ibse"o, swo tboutomd tour Iteiv.ým Trix4ffl lie, doUrkred over to the Vio. (Crw- sonable, wageat,- wilh a 0~ and gar- 'tne ý4," 6n'in é-»ý%%"m' whe hm d"A- and tw*l" dollan . in thlbi yow onte tovia P.Mtway C-kiýmpmy vthm and lest N" làttwTtrA. qmq iîIý Àib;l ý 30 ce& a- eluuld, if Bot suparior, tý thom ho ehwlltml the k1éi,4% éï. Ove,." )%W#IM k.-ffl thollesahd *juke ibtývW«d Md eghty-fmir, potin m the torm and conditiom (if thit 110»% lti uby râtibéir ettboi, Rmba, 1».4« » et& hm to a&ý4 will. remo» a senous Pne, 1 BRAY aby 11-fail, with las t....Ot Song Md 1 for lpfiwpol. 9*0 thotittaitil fivv: )btb». Ily-law 1bavo lxiewn oomplisid with, by ýthe Objection, te, Emigmtion,.Md wili denfil andi .1tur CrSkery, Glanvm , M.-iker m Md au the, Th,ý aie, mid Viotorts, "Iiray Cibmpmay. 3»0 cesaL bis, . et.. b4 wý-f-t 1. 1 domlle km Wbeho t', bote Ahottl, kt dollvbv%ý and toit hà M-1iin et in lewd tb(btlgam two hondwd wid P. Aibé tg ie forther mmud by the the «perimmt. linq lekti le VI 00 to 64 %*W~ , tom e6fil, 1 loo theh; p,,, lie. polballe 8 rewey ........................... .... eht »ý» dollèvré the YVISSe oféo tholle. 1 Mid f*uvbimpibi corporation of the prol We fflUW4 %im th« qvPý 4m« and timug, la socte, of our aidricte this subject, STANDARD GUOCM IES = Ptah# htbvwlod afid ésisthty-five, for ý Visitivial Cebowy lit libliburson that the (7luk . ........ ................. ... 30 ils r«Mring partid attention, and farm- Ur 2 ficme p 1%0 living Wawm Song am t%,Wt% ej"X 36 euý en q, f-et.,re tr't weefet «Woo mbqmw prIAMpal. S" thévtifiand Lbix hoiOftd and i itotte tif the elootort id thoels, Iptbrik«. ttyou%*e&Vubwio». suqadq7b«w. and emeoym àreresý corres. rnu the publie be we" my «MMe>tYý »vem ami fivi, %,ftt«w4, (If el* Mid la,1bibieipality h*rM»bdo» ................................ »ct& pouding advmtaý«m ebeaP they wih to buvr. b wý blir d twib theumad tb» htndi*d Md -vul> ipmtkmd Senti (WoMted bo lait,#» on Addrom J. 1. PVM», ffl ew"vtsy. X. Y. It ii hoped th" a numw go intimately Their calib they only have to, pay, 'the -'t thilt, ý,I- vilieile ow't 1 - Ceurge ELu-twick-bee the buy. X.-Ilth , î I"h dollit in the yveller ib» thotfflbd thille Rir- law m tgbtkb*e : (ils, this, conneetéà with the P»Pmity of Our tw lit h.4 eee" wide 4,411et tinhdftd albd t>igb>ty-ttix. for éviii. We «NOS i~ a ilew book eamw lesdinc industry, wM heicofbrvard re- He bouchit ble gouij.. thetrugle 1 1 our uIýhîiàeý,' MPM and ref»emlb oui el A - S Tbe day hetore the tit». ay, TE34rirRAt;n bMueike. bhocit, the itnt 14 %ph-.L ceive an the siteaution o1j*lý tçw> thEibqaiwt t'Wb# 1,n hieh it Inerits h*14"tg dollars, and for iobt«tet. (il* 0» Ümm %bd tntht huadred and 11=1=271:121yi S" 4'u" %b@ wanu of "emý M the limas of our fanners gemmüy. When cýùvercment did theitrae* lay. the wts W,.,t Il e mgain a laffl number (4 WOU To boy Lilesp iâ nu erique. hi h%. %qNo ýM*4w eu Il m. the hour 04, 4 p efýq.,bqh wný,w loti 1 tbotlm»d Ur. R Richardson, a adepte from in, el* ymif aillette tevloelt In the flb»r«* YOUT ftd h6 shep on WUI!am ýuwt, ke., . ibi** hoved"d and forty-six i» and clowim tivether wilb a ehnice Ç4,dwtkm ut ibew ne le*, the -xamond logieultum Labourew «Je ton ytIt. làl« ýo #%0- kt tor %hi- w«It by ilay., na"s, la LLadstvâ coble výwn. f," yoeoiq 1'0%* t. il. m the hotir (if file o'elook in the aft«ý ai, N"ef; %,I «Ntkipw. Ville wht hýind»d ébréd for pritimpal, aywi.Aw weet kDevm autiovit. union of Eugl»d, hm imely arrired in k«P§ telle -eýre;:enteel and lieu. itt90 iIW hhaf A. in Alé t" the#* thoiiahd *wd oijeht foit, fflvIS (if the mmel (tay, aad thaïe. the re- vole Ne one or tum me ttown. ",le,, turbini for "nt the Mid ler expreffl, t"? ýr , .50 per destift. »em your chup of a number et famiHeii4 more; "WNOk*b.ho voho bel onwrl esvi.v. A. we hall sa theu lu the .dm le. wiu follow. Au that je vmted to m. once 1 ýaY, étil, 4hf, h*Oetv týit«t and «Iàbty. fîtres (jollilevé , in et* yter o» Mmd. ,4ent, pool-pud, un r«M" of".& omis. Cam m inersaiselà ilseuleigration Of quýck. yï- Si .0y t«Iýew IPor the, Ttbwnskip of8noirdon, R R A*tre", th. Tour mon" I)m sure voi-i ray, -m- (.Vol' thottligýd hm 0iýghtY-qwiXhé, , viery dm bem mited for our wants, in To Mr. ciorp aut'ick. ho ?,O.ft t.teýt, fi Nýttihib, Nt the hoism (if 8tophen, Xièaliii PETERS, b fý »te*l, thv4* thousand 0" hon- fflt 50111, eh-1111111ray. X. P. tx !;;4ý) the mmmS t good arralogment, for, th t :, t b Ilkle 0" 't,ç» tetff, thi. (14riqad tdvhty. ni" d4)1hSr*ý and fi'f in- the imu»diate employment and nation- I[M.nIhe. wtofét W.1 Re th* pf Mt tens#, M* ttw-»Meý Mx 1 hondred and Vite the gborth"sy tour 00 comfort of the escigraints m they C'tif hmth ffl.t. %)W.ub Ob ffind wtfo Wi ,,Ili tSf.SI(ýfb 1-f S Av#, (101l'et» ; in the, Yf*lf (b» tjmibtimad i Vtwbrlpe Main, at hi* hoti» -bigla .3aistinq. fi tleb et, Wil tbitt"4p *%-ftt Soit (ott f prift. on lebtrwmty. one, 00nofflieim l,ý, ("ta. Xié et vo 4, t ho oight h»6dmi and eghty-pi». fû _ .ale are, chiedy from the thhié e thoetimad thftbe horiedred rend batir"fit. lock-out diséricts of Enigland, and me, «Iie), 1 ." hIt C'MOIV wMh the Il eleven onnellesions the creuse, of the IF-urjibb qgiSltunl, o'y e*vtt,# ile, *wS, t*.%.M»"t &WI koew dollars, and for interost, 4,ie %-X -L73- JL ile 1 4 104)? the blouther 11 INo'thIq'Ib lot t, thttè@,aod t(.Ur kklibd"4 tiod, thirte*in' (if (limaor"n and the wSt liait lit, clu& thM *S thf" in the ymr me thfbb*141W Mr. Richardson ils hi@ 1 oight XolNmeit1ý Charles %Vay, ait the hoii» rhir Plesaea hond"d towl ibinoty. for prtt«ApNI, th"*, (if stamettel Whittak«r, ()a [lot twffly- vith our country, and with the condi- 1 bon we, il' ttw-ýto"d Ilveç btindr»d wwl Mghty-folir tive, 0(>D~ ïon ai%, Olamoiffl. tion and prospecte of hi& peopI& on i 1 bhoq t. wlhitt pû 144S and for in#~ , "" tbo't""d rov thée met hall of Mkbm»tioth, S«*- hà return to Encland ha will be able to two huiledoil ttnd't«n dollar# ; ift the Utel aigobi«. a# hi* hone, %,et let thirq. *Pmk with anthority on what he hm # h-8vilium thý%b ne hmè rie ink, 40 IV" 1 et tir thntl*svw tdbt hondroil Md board Md léma to hiSe fellow-«Skig- oftmouth, TIEL . eb?,v rd..h*4t-w D. D. RAT, »Whi sk,» ('t the @Md %*Uqnwpmity. in addi- 1 'le ed 0 '46,Po" CARROT, CAULIPLOWE1:1 & BEET 3 MDS,; %Wn #0 mi cléw Mt% is thirtem imite le, ilittib»rto» xnes, si w»kly who h" appointai bint. He Imuched r1l'r hW C-vthlh» oW. in ù* (101w. foif MM of the teffly th fSth abm» dmtnbu Munet Mr pffl hft#mfffl rAnwa". Ynwat sud the »wzag*mtrate, in wbieh 1. wIbleh Mid fint plablieulm is oit 1riday homtt op filer lnettwtfflv Fle. 110 it thffl4ffl f4moom by the th* 2uh (lay of Joly, 1#74; Md th" both m» deammd in tbe mout un- A choice amortmmt of 74newpo 0(n»vmk« of the pmvkm* the Vot@e of the @keffl of thffl, POV6 lit, It kem«. qtnw" ýt (IF tho %» wo* 10 tb* Ma"S"d t«Me; à" the»wm «SSly t"en huki -1 10ehft la Ommy or Ra#b»«m6 #hm it $1tot time of S4 MM Provwovw ematr of q»" - by «wy TSy pýy-w=,,.IFLOWER ÉLEDS, BULBS & ROOTS' 1: wlirk fol ilo bhffl. wwq 0, Md »Y 4 twt*l for t4m pofflons Ot litliborten th*wdb Matimm 8" dé- f»m cou md ci the ProvirS to i tk the Wd mnvbk4p&lity, thM le go #%y the other m the produebea of a verit" on =met it .10 W4 0 *" hom.:", MM (lo»Omx*. Il Mm* mited vmil be talten thwenn on - IM"md %rmr Kmt »d WMI&m q~. tamimy t, thj.. 'tt>wm»ýhipe of 9bosýdm 016MOVP& It h*%to (if, t4ýibtu" '*14. ýý ' 801, RDAY, TiRip. gliTzlgxTti - Oif Bdom joucum, ma aut i»ý of the 1 ?*mmnntb ibyl diwepute into Wh" the Ontavio G3v- mttfnf4 XX00t " whv ON@ Who «, ethf le (leilifkrd. àwtmm Mi fflktor, mà MtIL dww ova bf*tte '-vm tplo h#'4 efflw evefyzrt enmwat bad faum eym cif th$ lrow"btp of 1. bt;e coqMmel»R nt th* heffl of situl in the ad elmug 84 the he4w of frbmd& Bow bienar or oth«ýw» tylog @a* of me 0 0 1 forectom a the litde ehoM in quwim euwtbffl #flom Md 9411*pný ma Vive o'elook of tile M» day at the propm" te to, bu te Xrý Nommes W. tl%*f ho .4a %tp fflimed. toý,tqw *Dttt of tom ldlowwf» fflweffl ~ ellj« plu» Mentioviled in 01~ ni» of in 6hef qfbffl tt @fou tm »d t4@fv@o, Md MI tho» p(bilý. ibov* true-oopy of awm" P»P«" -mtm"mwh"pwplewùlm"-ny AGRICULTURE WAREHOUSE, TEM "b W, ~ foum, fw q" indiffinue, but » bw "twiq b« - ]C Bud to èw a poWto itamvmom- Kmt abe@4 Lbmbw. at the MUN au TM PILOUGU. Seul en bud ello4er, of ùW ltow»btpo d MWM and = = ~ bn m» u* NN lylbo M 'f Mo MW bel. (Q m zwifflthis fittemth de of le ho bu IMF4 bo WA F* (%kt, Mr)ýit (*;ýw sw«My md twmty. joil, me thmund W*t luliNd»à Md ed ette*, it in oaiyfàrto Mr that thm - CXLC»IWMM ahM16CE 9MI32acbtmzvl ieuh"darmdyexplam*omi. W1-w&ý j= Nutm. An the W" stylps nt té.. milirtidom On"(46 »Vemytou. the Marke it tg k»wg tàý it def»W md MI> FWd mg Gudm $bmb et &R ki" jSt anind fmm the E mwjù PMV41"m oomsy of figài um DOMMiOlLe wM th%%, jud", how JO vmi b"vp el et. Mlm of the d and c" blm» - the târ faubed ne *a* bu~ . à-, the lot* Dranin" Dbuw" lm au"wm4 th" balle Do elqMI. BOMÀng 'nd xowtng where. dos to the IMI4 ma thÈ the editor FAP@bs ou bmd for &à 1-im, of Machinu thM the Farmer wantik w» biuma m mphmm to *0 odsm F_ 1 1 YMRAL AND lr4Dl^è4 MIE^L wmxl«ior oth« of #'%0, «M 1 Ipsos M es JACX IQErAL IF Nor fivKM R «miuma nim Mr PUI4 hm liw* or - FLOUR, 0^ M~ #Y, 0411 mi» My noàd*v qbt 1 ». hýg" d b»pW Md gSy M" Ma ubMumb-ÉrM& CO»WSDb-ot:t.-M la 8" 0911as» B P-r- tn 1 h(q" tov*wkggà b.04b t=deî-ý pu$ wu. don &qbmmm a M* bu diàmg to MSunt for. me. fer 1 te be »dambL - W $m* mm (4 Mr" » n»Y aupucuy et WU& on »bjee4 it ir but pro- »w boom rer W »qM#« Mr f» = ffl km 8-:0 =W411011. UWA-m«F of %hm o» hutuffl do mA, au fet Pm t-, wa in Sýq»ne NIPISSING IRON WORKS @me* #»"dw4 la the «%NWL the mf*nnt of d" ý "Ob@ m " Mad maehim-mj * la otW On-@"m ]ou" up M- vz Sw» of ùw Met" ?«14 " %âbw" cumw comma WOODVDUMI ONT. bit *wée* a*** Of tiis W" (tu lËL- in M 111 W» ('t wl»* armývbk4w ommy of alibur- W :a 1 T Ir-à & B IR 0 . hft au" approvid of his &P- les, WA m# b* by the wwd«1ý àm»w rk Md-tbàwwýctNB fibM mg ba» «mémUv m bmi ici of mm Idn*Wpmfty. __ý*ubcc4 bc* m mSug of bu JEACE W$ "Umw am vu img aqmi. . 1 , fb « by M& M%« paltes (4 Pm nom VAZMM cv VOM imm HILVS PATENT PLOUGHS L am amava PMU* 9 «M fi" P»«*" fw vu woo"rhmoamnouwm et t%* Md nom dm MW MM» énu, ovnw»,, 1 * m to MMF"jý SAWING MACHINES,, WETI SI 1%0 au b4mm b* tamw 0* »»&v 8" ivmm«v. »bunim q te duni" m m à WL 1 r m W m W m fti tu! & w taq Mwàbm S 1 Il a ::::r8ff3pý rêt" Dm "wr ompte owýb, la tâs W»M"I. Oý». on *W" buuumunemý tmmy, tg C comeet vw wn»àv. »uwuw. "-*W *W la- -Il il - ý n à mm *m @%W 0 #Ar or »Ma. vwm" Amum Mu ta umwM tg O&WOO& Mt " w alomm low ww la àgww MM M ZWÊW 86 8» 0011Wb bel f owa cacuffl de*wl *Ar ":% = m ý Umm, *W ma fw Zw -_"T RWAMM OIF AILL KUM NELTLY 'MRPUTJW, Mill ffl ww vmqè*»& cm bomm mime mom ebwbý me bwb au

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