Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 May 1874, p. 1

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*Wmtml. tutu. CFOW4 -%tk»ffv ('bof% 0V* e-k A el k, Piývbll rit, D*rel4t,.,. lý rit UK île A#FPxmo), Mt 'i Il 1 N rý itk., rIt'l, ýIb le ,î IlJ). lê, i:. V, Il il, i: Il 1, j'. lit bol. 04, 4-r ttk, for la I.,* bbvý à* f;ý K i. 1 biv (lit 1), kl T» pasmo jauge in m W alom the ut" $tan lard month Lewis, vith a fil 01 the Kingdon of the Book tif - eux Muter of the 1 Portrait, sud à Motrement; Thg Our Opigortuni Vol. XV. Whole Number 7« LINDSAY, ONT., FM AY, MAY 29,1874. Termý $1.50 in &dyallee Territories; IL Handsome Moi of the he, rio Airim aureim *0 val Oàà by one the Brotbren FKTITiovs FoR A PROBIBI. aptes, voit theïr sprigs of overgrem ripou it; TOB Y LIQ L-OB LA W. Tia &-iasci crésil May &an- Ilial- dav*-; hm Md -i ipu«»D, dear Brute glecom put 2. itsý-ÎNITT ROBIMI% M ENLAND F.AILWÀT OF cm&- "bý bu -. $» FM" fa bq-L prois tu odd renocrIs C"RpmioL in hurd , Md the voice of the yo'mml' Th. ,àbr of signatures to petidom xâàgau»- Am t , fer a probibibory liquoir hxv portance of pui Jtez e'y et P »VMý LONDON. «oý Ibo *m sa" mes POUM cmw. _12v *rom* Mr libuvy 1 opoud a vehm mudom etters the and dirge Of prumted udslbm.lb- »osào"ls bêliez *veil ab. ILWMIO of the wisrAm Udd ellows, odbed te cargils, duit to dust, noh,» to dmiun the proigent ma- to H«Ith; COQ Aurkulturai W&I#bofflo, lie. ï@i;îqý b las" Il «it7uZ-* IL jambu, Md pU= ý ri3. «heg4» tO P&rli&mmt K. %vit m iram goum et W" lit a 1 vu wàrprèmd f» ffl a verv Md the dour 01 the vauit in cloftd ; the sion frong, the various Provinces hm «ft; HuM an ,4tfflt t4it# sugeoeusab m AM iusam q cbwmm4 homon to M."; boula m iouowe:-Ontuio, 84,831; oý99 ý 8" Umm ru -týy pibuut liw sbeil whwr mame. &aumnmy, u» léth Ape M = = =91 I;z*am m New Bmthrm rotum to thoir Sumner; 16 Wu ký 4.(. t#ew tluf4bbuv» nom . EML . Mail .a -ha MID auz, Do murs with the depu" tilithe grave bec, 12,5U; New Brunswick, 13,w6 ; Dissout and il va .1111 lit. Albany nefs ffl fin te ruogwm lx ité se ahint, finaud go our &hall Sive up its deaAL -%Ove SStiat 13,4W; Prince physiolog, illi nuuwuuy os oppwu Edward Ortler, tient Umm Who do Mt amierriand lis work- 'rpoui«»U porchin bout of anest bland.3,3W;Bd" Columbio4 Habit» E 1 send th" r[Ikilt LIVERïaWL A» LONDON ec rind mute insinua by jour muW roulent. white cottage, in Ponnaylvmi!4 ait an Total lrd,8174. Bu" the», petitions Wo-en c;DmPai te cor. JU compmioa. aged pair- A algade of " eu in tue., have been p- ggted front municipal mid fer Adult New JL AND Oum suwaam CM AWW. Iliffille, caw 9-& My ànum %*W 1%* trè"»èý1 eom. &%Mme. »chose. Islew; The night in a gkmmy ou& LOMO ing upon their félitures, for they an bodies and coutrities repremating a pop- with Receipes lit ibb4 fv*v,.v rite bar »M une *0 mm and Jo»w Baruyard; Wh il* th Vu, eý# Wliffl. eklftft und 19611. ]M IRE doillés au huxriedly ajring amm the thi-kin of their youagest bora-their - lation, of 410,OW. Petitions, have gli lýe« e :M IJIMP, voudrait, 1*00 *10 Wé Md to k»W. 1>1 in- Complote List elle aky, and the bright atan are to me bâton prosented frein the Canada PrS. eIt THIC LAR(11LT FiRit ixý%leP."Cz or" In» ma kuoi bwum we loveil INIKAY klarrt., ço»PA.*ýv s4 imr woa». lama. "me se unu levelle moux, vmbla. Thé Sad winde el autagna me I fêter byterian Church repreggenting a maux- Water Cures i rh.. 0,40 Ný 1*#e, kq training a guelancholy dirge. Their wûd nx boy, benhip of 296,01%,; the PmbytM of ot or xl taxe kr 4 Kout A'.1 *11 *n*%. Lnuty. À" luctr :Z"to.. m »M m &"Y km wigeme buru m nentil -tir»lv célnlél whille, hq* »A Bar aft qmok% MO&nukçM 1111114ille withià the dumben of for Whou lut we board et hign ho hall 31=itoba; the Grand Division of Sono ât4ibtlý-1- luill il. the Afflifflé 0:0 *;ý, 4.Jpor. &4.1 sibv"wt ni Camulit, wmdvme d'es 7:20 » is W4 Xwiotto. pro. anche». ov« y heurt willing edwes, for thme euffled in th" Caban expedition, m it of Temperance of the Privince of Nuva WEUE YAN ty riva et ute *Ta*, My the Young Moula Christian -4à- tu theé voice of gloom And apon, Rmh Veil wifé, 1 have my axial suciation of the City of Fredeý;cton )KI% 190C, th Free Christian Boutât Conforence R"02 &&W% and Pembýom un wS m la My oaw Mqgus nulle, a nicht m thie, whien wailir« windâ also; for ho joinod that secret Society K; I ýt'-pïiçt -r Tte, ?wM liqu(kr. %gible Company. cuit .06 wick ; tÈe Professurs and The Peterbc *» Il. ra" Say Windows and ce arogmed celled Odd Fellows, contrary te our de- of New Bruns -J 0, 1%0 et km pro&%" and gu«M Mààpm wbm lord pine bmue 61rerY cerner of my dweUing--a ideht sirei4 and 1 feer it has led him into Mlis- l $ttidents of Knox College, Toronto - the Weeleyau tho èr%ýoiW4î 1%0 »nnuft» Md gba"totot "Ompuw âmes 001. 0 ý»o:; XL»d. À.Và Il blit-8 hv-mnd ta 11, perlert, vilcuity nuatmit leing. Botr Sb$ wntgru au m M" collier Whou the voices Clef the depy.1m tom Objet fer it is the 'unfmitfùl Weil of i the Brvekville and Ottaway Riilwak; held et Lake to whùqm m my ettil inght whez, dukneul May Gid torgive hingt fur C-1. -, the Naim Church, Stra no, Co. Thtartellay of lu TUE M". DF.P.&ItTUENT Jet eu him âtre, dear, fur au such pain the wrinir ho hm dons." i Wentworth: the Sonday, School Aigno- ltev. J". Bruý Pubrbow lm -u Wh" W* emey gille or nits, no -Ur :1 " Tru;, but ve must il judge him i c-atinn -if Dindas, Cc. Rev. J. %veSI4 14lut heten intmdbm lut* curette. un" &11 Il, L"489W NR*M.. talus suricd. lergivect b" il cantal Like a h.,ujul gentactil et L= Wu loves neige. ion; %I,,hodiât Wu appointe ro# paotk-utm MM so q4ffl lmumam %wy Quilité soc". 3111%1111. harshly. Re hm goue in the way of' Dundu Tempersi UWnentworth ; the a r4ght whm chül PeUM7 18 d-li= einaître that have enticed him, and il; Epiiee>W Church of Canada, in session fie- &11 p-ta The MM" hi*A. MY dw2& N"Ilit Ik.q t.. j 'le Agpbt for lu tan ut joy"m tirent unin. the houn of the comini winterl and- ul ho that ho will never return, and if fit Strathroy; the faculty and stiadents (if sent, and une Illemoix « Ne » eth« Z;;m faini e-etrid= P&UP«ism in r«dY te ho dom net my poer heart wilt ho fiRed ;: Victoria Cuilege Cobourg; auLcLthe mem- nital riteetinire '00 .. Va alymps WIILL 1 ý4hIQ» tri, W., poix amie arinve, court the friendly nid of t with glorrour, fur thon knowent that of; bers of the' New Brunswick Lea"ure. appeared pro, Oivtil a, Pm m" Wise ortitul We éhéà r" cattu vin am Mil etber. ho gmve--up- i obi rm au 09 tL-le Md apm; on snob à " t ici r Young oven- Wé sigien lirgou un vu hier «Lh uther oom. atamps its im- latin yean ho would not yiold tue Our 1 F FIRE INSURARCE M PAIY Suu., et bam. la effly pacte; tQ heftt. But why thould advice." i THE OÀrIIS' BILL. for the iiiiiiii 0tLoudonand %týwdeoi%. Ký%*MiNhSî Isa la- il b"ur. le. Ir.. wuht»i»mpm The emh isfun ut muauqn% ield te "due« 1 M-hy abould Ill fur God'a podehment vin rest Weil exainined Ko- t tnIi7t. J.,hll trvinu. P04.mlbclr tY Act ut parliantent. te* ceatnù iwirerA *1. with Rgemmr Whieh lutre wencle te anit frît; wi%,$ o'erabadt)w the &oui 1 apoa the wayvaj-J one, fur lie bu griev- 15ome queer facts have coins out with ledge in thell 0"« at«mm hI qav4p. 1 un Mien, fur nu joy whyl 1 *%th the hut. (k.4 A.k.ky Z. riffly ..4b-Vfltml Ille lacerly ne Whou, tu F«»" puis Md Wh" = - k»«. usiy sùme&,, e reference tï) the disallowance of the were satiitied lu 8 mited. vtwb 0» Tormso am si C-uvernmon-. wurk. TareE et Ill A. W=-PM-Y While el is dark without,ý and gloom Obr 89Y nOt $0, 2N"&than," sigluge the; oatha' Bill by th,.- British t travelled und Z intiv. àt mubumit. Wu witUn, let us, kind readerp ait beside 1 fond mother, as the bright teardrop That step which was ir'ubmal P,, tio leetetrd t.. kî tmb).eie ilk ««we. Il» gain ktmý ah. my dvdnt. no satisfactory t-) 14.,wo 4 %ho illý-wet4t iu«uibtW am t*k@MàIL Treize rm by ?on liffl Il Xy buve-1 coum iiiiiIiIii-..Wý-illiain, 8t., 4 &&%il " wÙàdow, and wakh the menez thât dime her aged ores, 'l fur ho in our Sir John Macdunald waa, it wili b, liait g:reacheý bt»ilW4». wwm la Twenq voumont« A4wk4lbt k4 rrmit~ tor M71 ...... #I.t4t2R 9 M w»y bu. '»Y Pau O-r our " mirror." We gue yuufflst, our I-)vt;4 and I fel spoilt remembered, taiten on the advice wil .......... 41.3u.134 ADOLPU lmp:2;.t a. a. rkTLM+Mtm W* My dis Md mirier m «eh ochi uPon its surface, and, m the mât durs chU W* dýted on hm He was the the Englisix law officers ; and those mention, and Th et Dès wille no tigne te dire le t- 4, rth .1mil '.et ty. il q1ý ýho*144( gerfflieffl 'sIffl llrft dttWm away, moignory carriels un back te daylx 1 joy of our aged bearts ; hi@ brothers Canadians who ventured te sug ............. ...... ...... ...... Aby àm th" ~ guartit am tàimd - gent that 1 Cauius preptel. lit loniz sinon put Look 1 and his. &inter% idolized hing, and " I the law oflicers were net til thert flueus. ..Ve.tr4 ...... .......... sMt.-.si le were 1 evening T" et whal; tbey wiu nueLute h lauçr aliu-uit ï. ivvew lu firýq.eb»*. Who Wthicg a digaly lighted room, in the vol nos autfer if, ho cominits wrong, 1 howled againist sa being guilt f au meeting led h 01irW0ý for -mý-tèritv or thoir t'auWitu% ptilty bekt. Ilkis om lm bide, ira= . Mile Second story of one of our western ho- Rather let un forget hi& faults and his offénée httle short of treamion. X Anctionfor, 11ro. urý. 14Ikt mze. Ime.. wm ai rM »V(;g TICKM atlo.wututu The "Id telà, upon a tour coach, Iffl the ferait of foibles, and gray thl ho may bu re- now told "t three sets of opinions was a ;,,-.-,dly te" xt9.tO.o for 9à. or ne*rtv m perventes. promises. a Buff*rOr. His eYes arts. elosed as if in turned te us. were giveu un the bilL First the law âetnbly of pe ýALL offl iprius tf PROMITI MUM A te O*UWOUM Wu %he ODDS ÀI.VD steep. The brig 1 se*siý)n was le 1.11tý,litt . lit heede upon hie ether. -1 But who is that inquired the old i officers declail it unconstitutional. lx a- tow mt». a. in %l'y other fttýt-cia» Moeh wiân We cheek tells us that a slow fever man, pointing te one appruaching front, ; Thon their suc,:emrs, two ocher Crowil ue- K.,,uv.. 8 kq. retero» À ma#«-ot-fact old gentleman thùah in contiuming hùiL Hie dark hair in the village. "Ah, it in John, the, law ofâcers. declared it constitutional. 1 steward rend X. P.; 0 %%""'kt: 1. W A Lul lb,.rýmçr. à as»I4 ho a vary m" lume lied tint; cm be caught rown back; anl reveak te us bis brow, ver, and 1 doublet ho briul us a, The two exe ting law odicers bave hall culte %litIbt fýIt L11.11,0Y and Vil La SWÀMM th place%, wit»; N tItvid ïét Xr. K ï) tbr,40'ý otléce. - 750ISY while hie (Ill short bruthing be- letter." their tura at it and doclared the bill 1 en, Md finis À Gecqda paper prom" to publish, 1 apeaks a tronbieà @jeep. By bà side It in, m the à mm suispeets, John ý constitutiontal. Seeing that thelle Wise hàà beeii ait te tztil "Wmg e«md.' Il. roulette wilL pmbokbiy guaite two strangorix are Sitting, engal Great Britain and 1 au oet of il. _ il in inth a letter. The aged, enuple rise, doctors diffier se mtich in opinion on au'! 1 rartiom lm. Ur* ;7111 proporty in the i low whispers, and ailixionsly watching and witIL eager bande resch for the what ought not tu be a very didieult awmrnWati( M; 14%LX. by Question for Bard 14 Cm irou gi" mey mb« mm fur a dùea cj-»Qý the f- Of the sufférer, who for the firet epiistle. The father pute on bis gglassm question the inièrence un draw is that lied il lw c>vv iv ACRICULTUR-Al. INSUURCE CIL 09-116uFI,ý ,A7, -» &M le iree, à uÈr6aw. ti- for days has fallent into sInmber. If is not our Bonimin's band," he 1 the le--ùlatiou if au important a body &"In Ope. eh., V-e. 011l'e. -%0 tir r. J. A ttfo»bt compait, #i1"ýy diev to=riitwoett. 8»Abo"r. unducy. Pum- vmbtre le Md fer -7 ,& pqffiàüe Iriahm» in gndmdl l 1%o in the atricken one ? All that is m" m ho look* st it, -1 it'a a strangeïs. as the E liament of Canada should n(;t was '&")m le, 1-It mI pud.iv. fflubte et rance g bmni knywu of him is, that ho started fur the letterge be leit ait the mercy of an) cite, persona darieis of, he,2 t ..le e "d te overtIo. iguelle the peu-* on au lint Sb i But what means these eurious . . . . . . . . . Wig'renwked: "MMMLlmbwp the am sonth--I»r for Cubé, perhaps ter pply t-, »#1ý %ý% eV. on the Plu. 1 veet" - i 1 1. 0. 0. E' 1 Oh., they an the caba- in England ville, guay chance te be tom- 1 if thcm had 1 rfe». -. (e t.. Q"SON 1874.-DAILT ]UNE To Californie, ;ý=t diseue futened upon listic letters of th" wicked societv. porarily the Crown law officers in Eng- , and wili bc w, W -A, Dr. Norris, Il 1 1411ffl-1-11, c 411 A,4,,4F.T% 81,000,070 274 A Pmmlv" vite hm beau outting him; thlthe sourht to ratura to bis Why ehould they send a letter te me land. We have uuoodl-wyerainCau- IcIb. ut et &"tL et ber huabw»J% Imes bectune, lie wu tenaient eus, .le e JA14 lit. Mr. tAngtkýn - report show* ove? #100.0u 00 de- ; ou a loved home ami the hilla of Peau- 1- ùpeu it-4r may speak of our boy," a" alle they me likely te te, and ought PearS, if M 11101--iffl ille "PU&41 #Irý beethité W Cm"" rWicy- ri=w'dm~fa b«UdUmubWýe= ,:e & fuel days &Ylv" ; that hie «rev*h bas faile& adds the mother, as elle gam upon the te ho quite competent te du our OWB delegates te t 01110 ém'hierg. Talc NXw LAKE STRAMM ., "If, y- a tu be belli il éteaki 01111ci: for gelle Dminwe et ýI "id him, and ho cm go no fillerther; that initials of the unhuly societ balai lieu withont Îhe interference of ar y important re 1 h hýuld »uefýhéé»t rmp.. oleço. 1011- trut. J. V. Ut)(brza. bel XuiWm4 yen >UU dieriièh tient feeling .1 those who were with him have pul The fether ope» the letter, and two London barristers. -Net>- autýtwawme bieh i ou, a" loft him delill with diglesse, resde- te the Confer i.swrou". wuUM en law low b- Cp r W* WOUW Mt«."t4 %0 dule RgloWil t»UMOU to the mm of strangen ; that 4a hi@ de- Hell of - Lodge, No. RIV»ýp0 Br., TIO y Tf.) TIIE F( 1 Z -4 A 1 4 1-lé la reil %0 the »ap4wibittiv « the m»Val - intu two pal P. b'MUM. il V"wr OUI. Deux. A lru" gmfflemm, %glRnalemb urinal ho hm murmured nommbing Ind., Jaly, 18-. WEIST. wX. K aigu. 9*0.. X-ayor ut Cobourg. odge, Odd Folio Linaita. and aum-1 Jâ il Brethren. XB. -It becomes ý'A 1. (1 >. 111 à E'l TOWN LOTS è4xxx. roo.. unelli Botte doyuu de. 'Do vatr Ilow du This in &à thst in known of him, as! paWui duty te inform yen of the deJ The statentent of the Premier re-Luling the r te'. sWek 1W.,0111. W. J. rq.. uu"y. on Lui.ýU3, the -e 40 th* b,'eý %Ir. Wu 7. bintàý coheura. Agent lier the (a. CRAWM»» àbaw.i there ho lie£, but thils in enough tu call of one Benjamin - - It in $uPnObed, transportation te the -North-west is se il' louatim et Petim gdwW. 111lamingle. wia puits luir logubar Selm ou " 31r. Piruck pr 0,1ý*19-7.,'-upilki hy 14ths.peth. r.ý&. E. to bis aide the two that nour watch w" frong papiers found in hie trunk, that ho important that the facts coutainect in it o,ý:, te «Uup à Ille .!il 4 re-quimi Xovihtmberlalwj. bwbwia,, unsérie c 7.30 &" port 13 your son. Re came tue Our citY with tieurve &à the proinillence which cm PbwrbtýW ami Victoria. 0 tuentair thme lu" rubber sup whkh bu wu invecticlit wlum lqq« York tnattai a" Erge la»p tut, un pomb au oid ml% en-Wmed* "lie, »; it wili »ver do- au See, a amne--4he fint fol- day*--at" two others, and beiiig too unerell te Pro- ho given thora. obuý WC" 4" 0au8b. le" rubber duit wmU tub ou an the h;à et, i 0or bis pallid futures. Whience that ceed on hm journey, ho vas lots by theul Ameule là»"Y "d 0" auturbine wilà louve Cbavwte, (Pm et Boehm. "tu" &W lengtwkt% In My authtou ci let. The contnetors an bound te 0*» on xdbou» stnex. thud Miges math et -X tially SI 9 olulock. P. ML eu-ela amurdvs oquator.» 1 Mile 1 Ah, 'tu the sick man's dreant at one of our hotels. He was delirious avry passen-gers, and freight frotta Thun- Mr. i..,wle, the p?(*% 01bie, whffl ilhe wils lu" m t p m ggar orwbtoaL gar was piok. of home. Yes, it mus- ho that. What when left, but in that delirium ho sfid ý der Bay to Furt Garry, and rie, c>rxi, 'IlIr. Cottitigi nerie" la M«k viiii "a uxis the chegaieme a" A lit" -minded 70glufflIt dmdâw tut, else but the thought of his own, lond amethine aI>ýut Odd Fellows. The during the season 18-.4. A. ROD(;IpU% mffl explutritous regalle te Bmtua, Mbmy, New *il uP wer* over th W for Y»rtpm. 1190". U«" . York. ew. m 111t."h litue týy ; 1 home- filet wu made knevu te the Lxige of Cý, r,4 t %lit) e. om ths, r.%Ier ltltbit tir WX1il cil thiiak thows ammy la hicl 1, 1 k»w there tg, Thà- bleuet where dereil bis jadm and Moduler- which. 1 am Se-cretary. A . &-i 2a1- AU Govemment property give uul and Pett Fer tenter laý Wdmwý lul I over for the uns of the contractera muât .1 V e; airV,0ýV opp -Iette the IL CIL.%WIRIIRTP. par 1 tymiloweïk a cent Wbm 1 waa, a grmduwd tite th ulu Jr PROVINCIAL làNslu"xcx 73f, exiger dl i-ils or C. IP. --Sj:dd point upon the vala festaron of vas immediately appointed to visit him, ho kept in good order, ho subject tu ýhe 1),c Ç039PANY old . lady hecring tha a Young the Young wanderer a smile ào Hâte an -il te attend to ab hie wants- He had cüntigl inspection of a Guvernment ab ilway, W HITBY AND PORT P»RY ICX. le sectijrl himd lied loin lù» plaSenw,%Amt utam>demm- Mi.-el'à 1 Dream on, poor vanderer, but few lucid intervals, but in theng lie ELgineer, and be handed back " wc»-vw zý iaem bor»«ain"..R» v«eawr! lieux, imence '. 1 ý 1.0 1. t lui kt tel* t*.$-4nýwint toell ut TÇX8103 RAILWAY let made known te us thaît ho was a Brother. proved " ait the el,,» of the session. ' sP' A by-law wj A» on awomt ai Mile pestimâler ! Wou, weit, ras and i#%.Iulrt of obud tg Hia mind vas net etifReiemLtly clear at 3rd. Passengerâ and freigflit are te f 4 zoo une. th" thewlà arua a womm m F»Wy lier -mi-1 pintons -presd wide, il. J. à SPECIAL FORN OF M Y de 081M 44ECIMIUL» *a boum ut,ý's dL&cuhwà.' any t1ilte to speak very connectetily as leave Thunder Bay and Fort Garry at v., 'M't if. and open te thon 211 those joya thy tired A friend ait our elbo-z mye ho thinks týd un bi %hi" Y"V». as thuseqmrtm for cm, Wh» beaft m fondly desires. Let a te bis home or bis business, althotl;z*" leut three times a week, respectivelv. jet)n suiâ.. hm the mlo*tr« 1,-çuhar étaturine. tg jue ni reprirbeluitiée fer womm la get Sight lely the word II mother fretiuentlY and if necessary there shall be a dailv COW--dlw XQ"Y. Mur 11818111. 1874. lécing Se ber mm go cet tWht by wbiàkev. Il in. Father Il eer thee with Wk ut del L-l up)n hie lipe. departure for both freight and pamn- = MSCM Weil, it*.UmeofiourpwtituWl,: CJ THAT SPACIOUS VILLA sirie.4m]cmt " oeignaul" any "Y. Men gumuy Pt t4iht, MaIte : My pour boy,! would,,%I Suld have gtre from. buth terminL v-14 ecoqww» C. »*«*.) lis limitant, Md recette il Ucht *Wutu atte. for :Ë;d the dreaut in P", ma thou been with thon. " 4th. Passengers are to ho couveyed RUSSI:LiL STRU T. BAST, Will mète a Vaikv Comantim bmwem ý Thirty-seven yeurs age, Sir Robert shigIt awake, thÈ mi-ry will ho acute. 1 -' Be resiped, wiufeý" reelies the bus- throxil at funhest in ten or twelve VOLUNTELER PM girmented a illerestierla qui: with two trou Hist! the lips of the aleeper moya band, as ho takes off i Tho lui migh. teint net 3 gtu-3, w; PoS days, -freight in front fifteen te twtýnty, 1 and now tw alklIn4ondi iuwmlý--md he- LI NW AY à PORT PM Y. km . t le Uth Di . ... .. il K«j. vie. etýv" QI Imum'd. os hwisqut rtvtýh"e the &Iaile bàetma 111>311 bis face, and: them and his " , and thon restitues -. and the contract,,rs are te make stich ex- ùùs illignillighten- have tmriIiriii 1 MOL ew*= we au be et Ome ho murmura the Word Il Muther 1%e i He, had every attention Paid te hi - arrangements that delay &hall not -be lx le orgotcd) as 7. o'clock, "Mc et Pm aSv« et 0.&) ed oct mi"» thal 'bey two watchers approach the beanide. that could have been qiven te say one- caused ',y acâdent or plant And seri al e-rt ftrry et Il oleim a. 8"0w* Where am -11 " fftbely inquires the Our best physiciens waited up-,n him, canilington, >mt t. lie 0' ce% ;.7;owmýing wtih traisi. W Il bu>. wheve eau. 5ch. There muât be at the different fuedd Y, th, Fýqil.li> 'rhý.ru Ill balle m%,u" will lie maille veule 0. T. tienne Bain and À gentleman riding on hSwbmà corte si& aum Il This in not ing in a muet burm home. Oh, I and seule of unir ministers prayed with stiti-jns, hous---q =4 tenta, in g,)ud or- le 1401% atýhpl. ror t'y th@ VkMv»yl. au4etýcor. 1 thonght 1 had reached Il home. and I him and indeed all. Le.iaýVJu. V1. Th.. i. the oally INlit ut h" - Wh" am vite ftmdng -V whteh tiorý nole leuve Port rem «Vary tky ai 1 UgeS au Irb&mm wbe wab fent wu d1-ý- that der for file atemimmodation cl[ passe el».. as LirAlmy unit Mmiend CO cl dûviâe-;) 7ers an eais mus be rovi ed run, of the Z; "etaII& %tube ï8k whii lie Y&Y %bu kwik nu ?» ho alkeki. " à heïd et cattie wu in my MothW& arme l le aud the Ï7Znàshil) and Love ni t dm t p il n' 11118r - A 1% À I)l MÇ t) AN ti, pis-, Il* bbmia Bâilway "us xýwth Md South. etarve te m thai ImL- l'AzA swe. i teM gobild frout bù e yer ho»r.» replied Pet, buiuqt te kal i gt y«. it vas in vain. He wu nueGýnonou" very bigidy t the pour bamm out av ftý Fur a few Moments silence prevails, most of the tiuo after ho aril here fit oust tý,r -%le ou Il 1 reigonnable provision must be mémy te Toronto, ... ........ S 00 à mm vent inte, a batellerie @hop, unbrckan save by the gobe a the sick matil just bef-ié ho died. A iew minutes mid,?f,,rpamngtri be;n,!-c,-YmiIjrtable pearanct: and ARE LOW ER mîmer te Port rom : .............. ...... 1 se Md. ftding the wille in attendal in flie abom-t mua. hefore ho expired hie mind seligned per- at the digerent mq ' places where bave b«Q ut RATE or ber bu*âo& thouzlit lie VoUld bave a je" as 41 Ton are mil friends," tter camp th )l 1 F-Ak I? M 1.ý huluîtr te Port peTrý àýà Vieil .... ...... lie ber expelliaut. nuit mm.- *Xmlaniý 4n yen supply me agý" -ont. fectly cleigir, and with the words, ng imbey Io Port Nou;er .............. ..... the-y stav #pver Sýund.-%ys. acadien. (lit% niauly il tue 09 proporty thait thoute et othar Port perry %0 Port lifflVer ................. 50 wu a varù ut p«k!» ,Yen sûr.- im sie, 'àad of the watchers. Motherr Chrigtý home," lapon bis lipe, 7th. 'the sale or gift of intoxicating 'a %hm tliruing le à bey, sile added: *Jametý, Sive 'tFrien 9, " M the au DY3ARý AND' AN"01111110 » SHIPS gnqn l'or% rem te Nri Hoover . U ikiend ys Thiâ villaý VORNICIL 4 1'mk«s cau te* obuined in Toîçato Sa the 0. T. X. th" 9-1-- - W* 111110 fforer, ho breaxhed his lut lilaors is in the mýmt absolute termà Thert: are sol Iif IàKe,& si el t'W* waté. Station. m ho extends fais atzenuated hmind. Thank God fer thons words of enli- prohibited. A Young mm Who wu marrw in Dew Yen Yu tu be ercettu and Brothej-*," replies fort. My words worte nos in vain : G; Id Sth. Ctýimtractors te *h,@mW cou. rovide pil ,ores ait, MOM» Inm Md femme Tichets et Redmed vue six montés me haâ joigurd in the dWeuwàm .4 mýtst have hourd theul sobbed tte e,%vers for otages and waW4otm, US well as ,l 's. et,-, A Rate& the queuies of hmigy emamy. but hm utile cou. 'ho ':"or' as 1% twinbe fulelly alle"d br m MIVMW*r la rani" gSng by this route W UiLii;ï i. tir tmm.ýid. -ieil aMI)ý4 whicit kit pirates gel, Tièxesa rE , noel, the mother as thoés words of ILOPe feil 'o'. el, l:Irýýo t,ý.kt If ewellont hul.,Mni TU,ý 1, P%.f that the ltl* IW-Unreu trmhgcut*. 'Undernand bow il te %mm it eux, m u'ýý) ilet tàct,.ry tk eh, in ma wu My 8-rut, miq)u" b« vaist on Suri-jav a her ear. ,.Zh'. At &Il stations proper non C'gavaay rwq;Iýçd eu leiI, the Dévro mutïuul titan net& Mid au il woum theu, eut to lire 4reuld îe , m ho Up,,n the f-ollovdn4- day bis body waes Prench and E-itrti.ih Illi p,-et theo- ialt: t,>.tb ý4 1111. -.3 a -eux, mm MW l'pend iiii am am tmwy thatgýî»giviag ta GolL A few hi rried ci 'our S "P* thil 114V 1 -r &J Le àk n 0 l e_ 111 -r j 1 ft jl 1 i là W- RI- à -M .1. h-- 1 bon tbe rieur. ep)sied in the valilt. in miterv, givin, tile rtiLlatioxis. rateille Iii tril 14;7Z liakt opou we't'hought &)--iety*. buâh ifi fi nt Bein- about t!àirty yud And au be W »u by bremkbus sablm*tth a del. the tuMbO and mentinenta an", m I;n,;e that P., coultisl a QW64 wbo aver Md is in «SMOAW t»UL - ne ieawy Ikvoeud bavenwe whieh MMY sort us Many tookagij One 96W I»mo«ait te biU'ýCîri1 àlerrier GisStte. Made and graves of one et our western coma- but ' that ve are --Iaà' lie did-that our (ýtf, 1 od aim ait hi& budy thnmgh Waffl . texiste A f"s breeza in just dirri a" all gone--týhat we spoke the bush, and fired büth bar-th into and in dm Yom b»W wi Beihm Water or MIL Mèth pwk« e-r N mfrtbýW: Liad*býv. July M lm na 't. wili potbous visbout m evoulent orfaure. la labuffl - --Jý £Pm a ru.. the Icares of the few abrutis trou evil of them through ignorance ; but The meu then cal!e-1 ont. - Hé- is ehot N, r"r I.rtirlllmv- to GORE DISTRICT MUTUAL chut leu rivu a Ibo Ozu et soclam à Mr Chomm Leu" » U» inconnu, Md mady BU bave no. and in Uftine thù now ire will pray for them, f-)r 1 by he is shot :' Others cried' 'He h vf 'boll'q KY. iwt"Y 1 Now for menno mtimmeum wu *0 M.UvyAcru» oir we vS liq Tlx 12hal= tcar -mte' theY merit the prayers of shut another mon, toù ; let us gro tn ie«pwwm«L eau Ve ou acbom of Sb$ promet adoptw br mImarked ýy serm,)n. litre lu" wu pu m a MW polo. JAý Ipp à tu. utweumsoidicum of nome $te- aft the goo& Go, huaband, and tell him I di-1 nut see anyr)ne " êhý,c Il,. is-to re l 'ia"lo*bmm« et Vâeàr wSlu iý' moma Boa& im. put" one. Here a plain dab, almosé; them thât one mother, at lestât, wüt ask ut hintI, but 1 saw the li.)n*s tail erecteri dmý" CUWir# monwàwld ouide. hid by the had of affectioni marks God, moris, and noua and night for in anger behind the bueh, and turnin,-, raonths. A, --aus propavation lor Mie fer postes Ibo Et 00 $eu* Md gou tu a boothy eloseu. VàLva or twjL-Lite bu a* vaine ex- whm the dont of modent vorth re- blemings ci% their baud." tu th people, seàd, , Stop & little t,ý,, 1 The aviA c»IM ZWIMi Palimuemadb"»Vm ý 'l ourvoubierfer potes& Thors the gorgeout, mari)k, load again.' When in the act (J ram- lur IL-1il eVý la rouralou moulte to hi* plus» 0" étale te the dur. euriels ý__ ?ur- wilà. AWM Md for 1 ~Wàpffl »bbd the rub1w re %ajS tjy 1 sculptund witIL a hou" phrase Md SOMRBFILLIP ror-VCIL. -ing dc wu the bollets, 1 heard a!,hout. the rx;ks. .6 Il"* OFFICE NEZ? DSR 70 8. #a Jac Velue ce the - cm@& Foin De- y - Starting, and looking hall round, 1 ,, effected with er %ho tibomi COMUL êt »Cwmlt ££OR,$ STORE. Ro la bu the twuntur palm et rhum. ., fumeral d«iS ghtteaing in the raya of ringi thlffl£0 Vxwmlo(t u, Iiii» the ma. points ont the spot where aleepu The Municipal Co.med 'of the totru. tle lion just in the act -f op nu uDon The bridgt C. nemmbw 1111141 Pm- boum auvre bons the tee. ftr a" L'y mu lm the wmlthy des& Here atm& au opeu* aMp of Somerville met ait Rettiols me. 1 was up-)n a little height he i hed n.)w or twoomuyamlw& Prim2semuper La. vza1éý mA mur it the bi«ý a sure. May 16th, caugh ho spranir, and' Wj- Qu h-ud, %b fflual. ý r«UN y indi- School Roues on Saturday, t my shouider au in Much. bafel 0% T IF- lusrnà'-'Ïcv. cx- tre, both =ie to the çin)iinct below to- »d "mmn lrlbm n ti» ellition. thst t" ever YMMM9 9m" M purstraut te adjournutent. The main- The lakes dm ointe ispuo*b ;ttoz;z. -V. *bout tO Vecrive 81010thOir TLUUL And, i bers all. prenant and the Reeve in the gether. Gruwling horribly close to my runaing bat the nomté of a moumfid i chair. The minute% of 3.b=h 21st and tar, he shook me as a terrier dog does a Falls. Bots & shoes le auw, corses a funeral, throuit The' 31ay 2" weve remil and approved, and rat. The shGek produced a stupor oint- and the Mu] -Nlw uuuum Le"" ma "cm tins raune syr" absence of womm mark& vers laid before the i ilar to, that which seeme tu be riage in c.)rsâi ALL CLASSES OF M M T ofit Wdl ltw it ais a Mme accoants to. AL Cu"»% Umm c IR A 1 IR FACTOBIL a y contenter Urà«Wa fmâr&4 vhUO the T&M ILUMý Comscil. Un motion of Mr. John Per- mouse *fier the tint chake of Lt bzau wttt.Wl 84 the towut NIO& à imlffl =. dàrebi Me -Xelsoi et 4% &IL MWM com4m à xà«l» , - bwàmtbeovviaioý = battue bar of citimm clad in tbep«uU-ladge 1 due. Sconded by Mr. Elliott, a by-law It coumd a sun of dreaminew in wh'.cli C-.Iiil Laku W] rroz CANADA Li" mar elumqumay it of üdd rénotra, tenu thé a B-thtià te, appoint pathmasters, feuSviews and there trac. no sense of pain Kou-*%. telxk*y. 00r f-ling, ti,,n in the MMM"" nà3c£ J. & R BEGL]FàY, corsa in tobeSmmnm to toitab. JL C"P"Ir MLL um the à pouatikeepers, and te eabbbah the di- of terror, ihough quite Suscious of all '.'%Ir. »» ich tiew te that wu happening. It trou like what ta Ma- me" Pm et M. »Obbbs% ww mobue Bëamu gàv».-The lim of thon. theY " Pm thilà w*Y Iot lu jOiR thim," vW vi; irh their du me be, ' lut séimit, ý%tath". - - tonsont - ý ho- hou --es "È-t the - and to valait. The. performed within the township of Som- patients putiady under the influence of In.*e up f,)r Xeeps the 1jead e.= leur, md*eemat le dm la "Dwltylicbadwm r»du Md Amibien BMM lm a 0.. lbbpeqmk- coma in on the the Broth- «ville for the year lirt 4, trois reed and chkroiurm describe, who see all the to ship hl* al tu tir Umm le wm«wmàvdy wu& "dummâmman lm f- theïr MY" circle aroustil iL pume4L On mo" of J. Elliott, operation, but féel not the kade. This The votim *0 bub" P"& metteur et Ille hum hm mm sitar the acon atumu à Young Z-Z- 1 i ïeom&.d Dy Mr. G. Romney, the fol- ainxular condition was not thM of any placo un Fiý w«W 1 M bons suit muneeugUerglývamb mûs of »PatUM lotinq MMUnt» @galant thst Muaf rendy to pexfxrm the rites ci_ mental prucete. The shake mùbilated there is no meon- 2p *bue 8" wu" un for plity . pid:-E D. Bond, 82; f., and sEuwed, no sense of horroir in evor. WBOI&lmà= à IM AM ýbwm»k» a W et tg ne bud-49 There -pmm!!. MW He @Pm" te th*M of the omnim Dennàtocm & Hndme*, law cogita, J& lSking round Let the beaim. This bothoý fflý M MIL lemmï- P«u* only bu a fur eh" 0 l "Md Vehme& bar the mue, sud m 1j damab» et Bud à bu «Bed them tMhez,-of the Noved by Mr. 0. Ramney, seconded H« statu is probably produced in al, as auttied-au, en.. le es «& balance of! animah killed by th cm rit, and, ho a ddý of the atmag« Brotber in a; by Mr. J. Perdue. thM Ibo et ivo if AU Jab 9ruraing dictent Imd-ofhis a" to rewh ha- unexpendoi --y appropriât» en roule so, is a merciful provisiun by Our be- Cuoici, FUM AND Gom xm- nevolent Creator fur lemning the pain 44 -#% 1 TIM Irrmaer et pohumde tint ho might die la ki@ mothWe arme in Ird 3 be expended by the sonts, c Quâ 0*:t«fA sa"f gim,* ou ma". Int- 3. a IL 11111M&W. vadmîm -a hà total buhmty te fur- m"omm afflinted laist yeur. of deata. Besides cmahing the bme tlM 9990-»J Wou" *»wu$. whoré "Le eawdw& Md --à- - MM& bu recul hà dolin»t--e La Incid W Carried. NovM by Mr. James Mliott, ho left eleven teeth Ecimund "M 0M boy ob , -'L bkl"-U»&Ud wheu mou Lto= upper part of My am. corrospondec 1W m lincom IbW but, dum &q tervahist lid beaudebùm&k»wu &-muffl by Mr. George Rammey, thM Nxw emmuez ]F&ROA't sw m a BrothS--ef his fisith in God, and the' ofL S. S. -No. 9 get m coréer A woond from this mn;mal 3 touth re- lui W m Giles Maffln la [ ple are talki of the Umm of hom» thst cm his on the Tromm for 0150 on Rivinc -bl-a à oMn Rb nt trocind ; it le gene- i derful chaing MW the in IM ET %bouanil bme a ym. »mimu mm*m et ma, "mg vWcaL Be bide his Brethrea evS note mfmàetory te the Rerre and rally foi!owed by a grent deal of àlough-,ý over the uniima __ _ . a lova fur m Oeder whoses se- Tr«mS« fer secturin the repsym«L 1 mg and dischiffl, and pains are feit in sulerna, if nù et lwbàm Md qwa- î-m*--âw 0"-ý 1 nova M d *Mbebuemmmom" Moý = 62161b". watom wbm Imm inces thm provo its professions trise-- -CarrieL Nov" by 39Y. George 1 the part periodimây. e-er attemard3. tu have reS ibeedma MW" «1& am br sur show to &9 w«M mot the »m- Rm»y, mmubd by Mr Je& Z&ott, 1 htod on a tartan jacket on the occasion, of spirite, su ]FOR M DES dise 'f - virécous charanten but onst bF-Iaw No. a by4aw to groak a" I believe that it wiped off aà the bility bout lilst batre «M vith pars M& h* bosevoience aiti tu *0 Tù*orit nalmy GOMPMI vý from the teeth that pierced the beau o*ccm'ol 7» bwmo «* Psées, pot for mpsai au his, uqh notbubAon. lm et Ulam -enw *« humudm» vitIL thoir high to the amouat of Tm Thomud Seule, for roy two ce 1, itit t b , who, = m m, dedimfieu--Md MCIL, laits, and te provas fer the payaient of affmy-who were bitten, th 1 jbtly, tbaý ý t0à" the mm in tvmty yezz% ma te mb- thwh and the- other en the shon la *0 mother-in-laý Me M'o-- - - mit the coma, to the vote of the rate-! have both sufferete (rom the veculiar, Her Majesty %b- Wh«e M& "à t" lm m Àw 1K-ý bu*. »»Mmom be mow le" a int Ptim,ý whge 1 ha" est- 1!itý onlv into publie 1 &mixe imw PAU» CRURMS 0" Md fer am la raemom ý 1b M the ineauvenience 0] a faise Joint m m UMIM un tête vierry sinve et ngbt Carrie& BY4&w a ânt tîme. -ÉMzm et km lait. Md the na.. » -;buumamb""duse" lbuvmmwym &Pm 1"4 Md "à 49 " bB0yý SbLvmv% Ifféved by Mr. Jdm Pierdue, »maded i fialh. The ý whose silo -ýl.fWd th. emb bmmbmm se4w uniffl tu& An ofilil 1 1 as = t = = .. Éît by Mr. imm Mao#, th" this comma i erouestied show" me hà vo à«A»W@ý mahft ýmmen __ - , Lmeýtbe- tei.- imerea b adjouris mon the %th &y of Jus% tg é4y foulât belsh in " came uk»!) = b7 depui Madr *q »é» *9 elact M" mm at ess ý rkm-41M& si *0 ionwing pu., Ibt)tb #"'et Il Il tr t'et bltlt le 1.1bau Il F P FUNDS i I, P; 1 ii;;" 01. lit be.si IZ 10. Ota of jl., Z-I J. If. Witt itqit"ýIP ANI) PAINTERS il IlIIIIINVIII. M.Vll rit, AND rArKa il jýNlkFR. Umm* W4 %kmuby. follow bWiffl »bWý% DbWW *M 1Iqý b* pw m Ilbe *&lie. TOLOAN. %pul, V.

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