Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Jan 1874, p. 1

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0.- À&. liais. 'à, àr lu on», am eb =M ,a. eaunirtac bZum m O$Zr n» of solid NO»Pgtkll ilid 01-X" -OOhUffl- Àdverti@imente OMSWtbffl wrtm hwu,041im jourted outil I«bM«. and obund for IIIIIII %la%& Orders for dimngnulir4 ad te mus ho ln writing, Othorwlm this pubim« Win PM la le oponsible. Clunesb.7t,ýM, fiflit ](«Ve ýft01f) Ngmber 747, LINDSAYI, ONT.,,' FI 9, JANWARY*ý 29 1874. BolueLm àlqib quive Md irZr think I un be of bal Unis 1 rofrotocal garde udjoi Il à, C»X»y OF »MIL-IPART IIL M'gb' tro te, look for you, o I" dé ThénL701 tellow; W0,11 mottle thait Tffl Wn vau, ta loup mw. lire in du. ut rocksi JAME4 MR IBBIN, ZRTS, tasse tg=; thinkini It budu fou Our raigum ta 1(ýONWAY Hou", aude'a À ?AMER a 0 M RB E BENNETT ROB Gu th" fer m ta undup Du WSk L Audrew's Charch.) gnu *0 - 1 cRoWN LANDS AGENT._ OIR" in thé %J Liomqr. 0. Coniw bu toki Or MURIC LONDUN Ime CROWN crmia& ' parmm, inoutre your proporty la thst aoyAVýc-.îàù, The 7"md rowlIle finit ItIOT , tirt iinuýp. »w block, £Aiidffl K, NoM of Kent Of. là 1 DÉ ont ta towlit Whieh ho bu amed Op la am obus Style. MoDowdâ biock, Agricul-tural Insurince Co. 11-111-Z Rm aulwm le jouly bol me front » W»t la bals; ;=13&owmmodation Affriolai aient of the la"m. Moum Fromter, j.,w,-& GEO DFJNSPOktl)"d LAW Bc- - the firu à". ow ofi Je fu =My ar soir au-dWmu. Drencher & Trapp. rcommwowlravolbm ta and frond Ast«btcom m aemmpmâtor mie. ad ChnO.ý okoo, o« CI Brium,9 0 R lu, .1 m - Oral 09 a wàé»m modem 19" t.,re, Lindýay. the cars and bouta. f,!!::jI th x rares Properby, tau pimist for the winter mmu- Sir GalahM wu in the "Adie et lut Rodunem C Db-ting Pasolini. we were reccived by the senior putner L)OR,ýlglt, Barriitur, At- I-HOTEL, Mr. Frowàter, a sedate, etork-likO, Op9fil in Chéïncory. Office, CAP1.111112 ', onw.,>. . J. Turver. P-0orktor. CASH ASSETF3, $750,000 00. COLI ÀM DRUR44TR 28 MOIR CEAPM M--ZAW IV. " ed man-utterly bald, except un là, VEITCHIS HOTEL, or. Langton a report eho» over 8100,000 00 de- un ho rusé m en ktNU ci Conter of Sont &ad Cambridge çilirrolle, Lind. P0910d 68 09&ibl Prt t"on ta Csn&d&n palier- M IDLAND. jUILWAY,07 CANA- (contwuaftm im ý" .) ridge at the extremro back of bis hezd Il Edwa"d Voitýýh Propriotur. DA uggéating the ides thât a gala of inâ Aii-,rnit,.q Ut Law, Solicit minchibneerv'iz. Nous hO.Z 00. for the D.1»1-» of Box 9toyeý% Book et. , J. C. COOPER, Prirident7n' and thmuelY au tien ocid air tu the ldbop had new fU'rniture. ho trvolituA Cam. tell, Pm happiÏwu comes only to ut mor- esa auddenly arruted there in the Kent Street, over Mr. ul'4.v WIII find eveiry w»-llmmodatioti. obar ta = , la swift lied wlth the tient wincs, liquorm and cigam. ISA.i.c NITNSON, @«Tilbury. -IAus wmroàl or roses fit, te M=M la flous la tel me% if It lever ectasie et sIll net of barking him. RU --mer vu 73r. P miliquisul, au an bbst, oâ air apdly th aisotrille aubes, i,% y ii frrc i i ux. JOHN A. BARRON. UË1.94 $ho" llad cood utablinu. W&- Ire would rois? Yeu ta ibis fonowin biennal thât au gone while we Ida voloo rusty, hie words proc» la regard ta the ru" IbBitv of the &genuy:- monday the 27th October. 1873. the bonted Diront, hup cm= P-"g ne yet wondering et the phenoutenon. Barrioter, î nail», Rat., Combler Ont. Bank, sawm»,Mle. térodi on'Y carotully chomn--so m&DY Of thella 1,JINDSAY VOTEL, eh tin ît b»MMZVM 29, &ait NotAry Public. uwng about two-WI&I 4u». fty of Wood The Snvictios ut ml hopu aient auch au t to tbs six-and-oight, probablyud Wu. Kmaa, Sauf., Mayor of Cobourg. GOING SORTE. XI»4. 1 t.. do 1) AA It 0 r ri olI U8 ODI i (si pu, TT H' Corner -,f Kent auti 11111 Street, Lindsay, Wen Kuait st... three'd-org cent f.the outurèu Bank, Ont, Titi& lit-tel hm Imn re-openemi seuil etit4roly C. L. Rituels, Eue. Lindsay. 11.66 !a- m au ~ t te m Without the ç r la " trio tbrûl through my hevt, but are ho r@@peoted the acolordingly. new fiiridture, and evorY attention prid te the Tiiiaxmt,4 FAZ, mmur. Ô:u Md Ossanisa fait ta p- the b" yet lita intimes vibrations bad palud o& GSd Morniag, Mr. Fmwater!" Wu W. Full Cobourg Agent for the _M in dut -8. ý6ýL.rOro1 9110its, Clwicè àd«. wiion, liquors and Omom« brio air àruza réitikt« -ri tau - nous ln use. them"Ives sway, , over-watchful eau Barrister, Attor- Ceuntiéi'ofPrlnes ëÀwird, Butin :60 8:46 th, pdm lwied Bunidge, 6ù«riýY, es ho plunged illéo. 01"00- priutor. Northumberland, D.,h.., L of Wood la bàerambg 1 Om vith the wu Up Md doing. 1 had thought of into the room. 720-ly. barbare and VI jwm tinsimouM -m saisi tuommaid - look- firil-k Kent-street. Lind-ay- -Pdl otorts. 2:18 Il during the mmft oold *Qadw: liber my love, of wooing Md vinning, in an 46 Morning, Bir,-" »id Frowstel, ICTORIA HOU.SE, Coboeui;k, Jno. L. M. CATHER, am &tue-BI-Itb'*y ther«lmclabàtr"tway;tohà Attoriiey-at- V Keyx, Proprietor. "tau liest wineï, liqunrâ Airent Lindsay &u4 Ope Beur rton sais mpoomp" witb*ebà 0 ar Lady ing Mistiay et him, through hie apecta- A it ri'Al wu 't Offief, Kyl.1wl.,ns Good stabiliig lind a 00 on Melbourne, Street, third ardiet nouth of l'a :30 Riv: &e, allit chilien alwayâ nn bond. Orill 4 Rose c»nien tfiat My love wu requitted 1«. 46 B, itiwif, corner ut Kent avid Willistn.;treeta, Lindsay. utirefal holttler. Tho patronage lit the tmvelltn a M IE wsted-buùmm tu ptbl.iic*.,Iiuito!l. OLM -thst bad bec 0 ÎlId business, of ooune lit. Entranen, fit ý%door I.si Willimat strout tho Peut Office A. RODGERS, mail. Aocorclins ta du requin-d' perdait applied for. in my goal, and i h&d Oh! th If. Mt,['î'VYItE, Barrister, At- F1.1iLt NIONT HOU81s', William Street wnodville. Avait for Maripora, Brook, Thorah, orillis depart 1:00 P.M. 1 111 thal, Sabscriber ab the Otove looked no farther. But now that there how in it wawng, eh Il' star; gidon sud Mat&. ri &hein ! yon rater to- Y' or ln Chaiwor Ide., Ont, Thoiua- Ptiglixh, Propri ' Belaverton 2:15 ',T',. Uu oF. un »qtm. Bu«tý dawned dit pouibiUty of resching it Cam -4 fýiwIlIy. olfiou .,ce 9) 1, Illank. fient Street. New licw furniture, fIrNvela.1 tocoulmo- Woodville Who never »stand toi aband the business about my wife thai datiun t.ood etailling, and an attentive bouler. iRE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON -Oskwood 3:00 JI M ARTIN LrbwChitiiet,-,ry 71,1-1y. AND GLOBE ISBUW CB COMPANY. 8:20 method of torture tilt, elle bu secured h,,Idot be. Il ufàm M-uom*g ;Iill Id'u 3:50 11:00 la. m. ffl, the undon Il 1 M-, Z; NItitr.IC4 llahlie; Soh. 4 Il I. COU Air a Ur, eclirwy DEUX. and connaît mother, was ready forme. ember now: this gentlemm ýrlliüghitqrmlklàit li ILOTP;L, Omenm :go il* fureur. as te dom off thst III la and irianing," quoth the, me simple 1 W EESE1. .,rmýýriv known m Vaitch't). ô:30 12:50 p. m. :àv P. a. Muttra, > your 1 - )ther, of enu 1" ý1 . Kent Street, (f A -FE Solicitor « imm ras .ti r jE Port Hope régylve.... 6:36 :10 *1 enoh-though, by the by, the latter J 2 dfflire IL" ; job. Kez;jy, me> Il No, rny friend Capt" Bruoe." Il et. bill (»bedollarPer Maud. nt b. is, Ille1m M lm--» -rii.B;A. stitres roâvqi dally fur III. point«. Att,,dti',Yi TIIE LARGEST FIRE INSURANC GOING NORTH. arum in no oertainty for you, yet-to woo and 111S. 3UIKTIN. 1ý j riiiremsui COMPANY IN THE WURLD. Mout, strut; Chariot ri I(rj.ly Mak«, WM" win ne matten of te veryday'oocurrenoe; Il Close u wax." LEX. A. Attýjrney- capital « 410,000,00f 1 P" 1 o $na .... 11,m a. m. d*00 P.M. CA. I SAX Pnire-» and others. but loti know it in pwvorbially rue te 1 À pause, I How la it waning 1" con. C Don Accloucisteil Funds M iswo.ooo 1 , . Il .55 6:10 wed the ébject of lotir fint love. Ttow tinued Dolly. eeut, Au. M.moy ý o Ivalk ('18.Ipproveil iýie. Junetion). invoted ln Consiste,. 260,000 eter 'a 35 7:05 v to id for Lakelle la 2: j are you ta, i2arty 1 What ia your int ;mai Il 1 muet uk you to dexplain,» siblé rares. Vearly Incarne. OVOIT ow,000 Luw., w. oitilie-Volhorne Dally Incol» 18,700 Youw!noe, but thaz;% the main tho touiller, upop whose business m GILOIIE LIOTEL Raies and Premivmt u low M'n offlag romp 10:06 a. -TIL'r-IAU rfte.;- itll.. Soidid 1 Of, contse it in ; B,,ridg,', jaunty tous seemed te iar. ,ANE, Civil Etistineur. k4po"l FT 11.00 Canyoupayrentand I)é N.xt li'n"? ta I. la ntfd. table C(«Pglny. &M ., il Any news of the woman ?P9 Iktoti., xiveil to leilwy mllgi!luorlng. fft.ted and furiaisimed. Pui 1 effet The ngtlement of Ion prompt and liberal. MIlInroný 8 Iffl UM AND CARRIMIE tazes, wages, wetL-'ià, bille, monthly bille, Acoud étable, itriviiig.licti and enelcmied yard. : o 1 Il Weil, no-not in one seuse." 01i, -oi The retouroilà and standinirof thiscompany lord Port 1101,0 MA 00 1:20 p. m. 110 J. McC . KTHY. Prolmetor. tho. ilmuted in it Perfect meultY SPI'lut IOEL Xt ~Part Hïpe with Grand Trunk ]R YeNrly Icilllé, fur an «ýabliahment such as 11 Whieh of the sennes do you lacer, ý,.%tîe.s L)i(;K.4oN, P. L. Sitrvoyor, ye- for a fow reý:wctahIe boariiers.*Q',% you eau "I. a lady tu abatte 1 What in Il 'Y ou are aware shb had been los - -------- Expleg tr Filit and West, mornlng and cran- lit the fi. Il., -.;; ingI and ý,.cao inir dit Da. M. our Ine me 1 Consider. Ont with it Io' - ht of for & titan F, TIIE LIFE DEPARTMENT S I Jet *,Norâemm," lem fi'r the Canati.. Verioallent liuil-liii5c and 1ý1AILKE È H(YfEL, for Il. Y,,eonneetinc witlitMncon New .o. Agent al-o .. 1 irvhti, Propri- gu boon Introduced Into Cana&, and part Miar &,;t2 FÀZ, S_ýiý iv Kent 4reet, Litid,ý,y, John: York Vewral Rallroad. At Linduý;,Ih Rtumer GIL IER, AND PAPER 1 It unforottinately cüled for nu deop fi. glgé 6 yen. the t4ble attention wili bc poil] tothimbranch 01 the bu Inessi 111..v..Ilý.rý, iiiý mi-1 Accident iiitiraiice etor. F.%,t.ry I. toiitiýoà paiti to travellors. tin vatid-rhil t and ather steamers in nanew calculat-Ou to arrive et thA aura V-mllevtient. INI-ýilvy to and with the bout. tioud roomy sta- Éor paricularé and W affect Insurances Ipply 1 iiý,IiConlpaoyfor Funeloti.PalliLand a HANGER. Il $lie hm, hoirever. written froti in" ri The pay of a captain, a il. 1 a4ý1r,-.-Feuldtil Fk'l-. Ont &c. 1 At wooliville With the Toronto and NI= bus- l Paris fur a remittance'Within the lu JAMES BEAP, gaving serveil a full &PPTOntleemmp à h k.)y At blilthrock. with trains for Peterboro' mais 1 am now prepar.-u ta exOratO !F rdon «ýý.ly-muicted£200a-year, and £3000 wdje D.,, 1'tiyi4iciati, lPI8ý4i1,ýG 11OTEL Agent for 1-indiay and Co. Vletorta. ait Lkefildd. Trains Ton by Par* Hope timille. mmutly, obmply, and PromPtIV. RdOzO- - tu a-year of my own in the Funds-it wah 1ýTbo.,,.ght lie would-tho cormorant N KIrkfi 1:1 W. P. -Blekies. Proprlotor. whieh S Twenty Mind; es statuer than the Grand Acinacheur. ollice No. 2, liaker'a Et ery attoittimi pald ta travellers; Gand Otabling À CORRECTIO.N. r tik.tline. Iforta willi- Strut, a eue of -ery simple addition ; and th lu Y. 1 iiog Diftel 0, soi worILmmship cm lie giveni k lier there 1" the Lar @iiIp1Iedý with the 9.0. V have Icet a. timo -)LPII HTý9FL, TAYLibit was à.11 1 lied, and ait I could ever cai- Lapin ha 'l'irail Id or Liquors and Clgars, and the Ir balai; t&l-ely allezeti 'av Sn advertimer ln l , ustdent Supt. l-f ýmh>-. Lindsay. 722-1 culate upon es a certail-ty. That wu 01Vu in the brick Ut-ttage t1illic with th( hcmt (if the gestion. 696 Titi% bat tiw Imolated Bisk Insumaire elair sttft;lý Il.. 747-Ir TERMIJ imisolýqABLE. been *,nàtructud-ohe could warcely b stect.. - Company reýel%,ýd lit IIo-,2,uveýal thoumand dollar» P, bad ; it wu desperately baci. J-JOMINION IIOTÈL, William St., moto prciaitun thau The failute of the throo-hundred.a. in botter bande ; but we have ait yet n 605-ly intelligence et ali serviceable.» _F L. Daker', -tore. licirylrwhi, par marriages, sa, much talked, of once, 1' Rang it!" groaned Dolly. " I don' Il M. D., Pli èmild liqttl.rn and cigare. 'Irmt-clau fttal'illise and ttutative hostier. Parcels for- THE AGRICULTURAL fi- no doubt been painfully demonstra- blalivc j ou tel low am liait sharp. wartioýi ley stage for nnrth and west. 04-ly rilHi,' GOSMOPOLITAN idý, Iloum, and Comml"p Agent., pur- ted long ago It is perhaps to the mer- d,,)t believe III ever get quit of lier lent & most emphatir il.eTE rapid, and pstiuleus, =dtree- tel i-t-;thintre If &orne of the lx)or birds wht f JUEBEC & OTTAWA. Ou8F . contmdlc. -2- #,,A certain, ýye Rive the étatoir paid ta Ï&M »Ille. tant. lia lýroof we qu-40 fr.,ui the &rarement& surle tu CORN& Cali Kt unýI-M&D Lù" v. UtBmon York a heartbreaking thing it is irun IoiiýFaI]s. Joho Swanton, proprietor. jolder col Il hy till, ortieurl. of the respective coru. & Illamb-r - -n's and m tetimontala train portion en whri were taken captive by that specious wonder if &lie would take ton thousan, P, It 1110, M. L)., for tmvulier-. Tho l.llide who have tried Ir. 1-repared ouly by - POWER9 Liceu»d Auc- lure that &Il the commotiun in the pro- t suicide ; do you filin ý-A-. liglilors Always in nore. Oood U'ittilitig &ait pantois: A. G ),N.ý (4, V. S., Lindsay. 730-1; JAMES J. pouuds to commi an-1 Acenucheur, Onk- attatitivu h.1mtlvýrs. 704-ly Previ. roccived tionoer. Accountant îdad Oeueral Commis- vision market in due. ýaat tfiè face of &lie would, Frowater eii't" d' ollieo. Brick 'Cottalio tutoie i,1872. Amta. S- %1()POLIT4N don Aient Colle,0911 1 au0unt4 M, @P@ the publie in oàarpýned against flint 111 miiet beg of you te repollect youi .JItolle we't. lf tilo ilow Bible Christian brick --- (il. Fecolon Fallu, W%. $'SIF.1101 $224,000. tromblon Fiùlà. Nov. Sth. 18M M- draco reluctans the West-enè tradesman, »If, air, " aid Mr, Frowstertwith. awft Imulated Rimk tsa,371,. . H B A L IN G BA L Il Br,. and that OH the w,.)rld co-nperates and dignity. Vilt()().NIAN, M. B. el. D-,ý Fur Vols. Bruises, Front Bites, Corko, 80111lches, SANDERSON, Alictionfler, beSmes il& own groçer. The three 1,11v4vialb, Sjrgeý,ti, and Aetxifuhenr. INIENZIES, Veterirmry Surgeon. F,%R)IZRS WILL NOTE the following pointu: i etc.. oN IlORSM. An entirtly new p &ration M . ker, Aeeountant and Commission mer- (1 l'Il tell Yeu whar,;I Wfeè. Burridgt ABES ý4, UOIN chant, Notes, A«Ountl. Bouts, &0-. Collectai& hundred-a-year fallac%, or any fallacy .te unpe- It il iýf of Mlles - Bell'% flot el, Dowitey ville. 724 prtlared only hy et. qi, ri strated by the lawyer's wrat and (faille -RAT- cl.arges only 75 Qellt,, 31. a. C. V. à Liiiâl%-. âýh? Wholesale Anything entruistell t-O him will rocelve pt and any w*y à proxi to it, 1 wu 111 il 1 watit yot, two fellows te knock you 1. THZ ACUICV131 IN a MANDERSON.Lindi- caresui attention. office in madaffl a = Uuon'b M. POT el )o or Il t.lireu 3 car qalil IK)14cl. I alld Irtos a titi fletr il by 31AU LAOJ %scu.-Geo. Kompt, Emq. long h.ade touethet %nt! %se il, yor ce .4to Littlu Britain. Mol. CA,'filICitVeterinary8lirgeon 724-ly. Druq more. Rom 707-ly. L. Gimt.IAtlatý,e (14 the OlitarloVoierinary ï3choni &njure favotirable policy titan auyritock Co. Noy, and hy 1)ruggibu generally. I klew bit off Mythin-. Toronto. ;t pl". attend; Gao. DOMOr, E-q.. M. P.; 8..C- Wood- the capabilities of £500 a-year ourlent, Veterinary gurgo(,ll ta M. P.-P. 722ly that income wu bazely, sufilicient for my the g..Mtlt ý'ietorhI- Agricidtorai Societ.y.. Office, Looking nt bit Frowalter's denvide Modical Reforce htt.%"il.ïtreet, tiret Street 8outh of Kent. 1, TH AtIitielLTIýItAL Va, 4 for" Live Stopk- n somewbat frugal lvantà-how, ther -hiý;a i," tipp!;ed with a lorin lititisli and Mercantile 1 oý8toçk lied Il The Isolat- ow akull, v. VIo àrItîw11iý&, mot Agent Io, LIv kt wu it tc, do fur two, even with grievous daible array ýIî knotd aný&k11ob14 l,,Ilrantýe Colmpanv. 696-ly cd Bisk DOKII NUT. I cent t1l".1l wott'ffloil.r. IN AND FOREIGN LAN- sacrifices on both, aides 1 1 think you net help thluking that it would 1-e MNIES A. GOING, M.R.C.V.S.E., GUAGEB, M. 11 t% 1t'l' Orailiiato Trinity ! S. THO AORTICITI.T['RAL rIlicy definen Il Ordi. 1 _t i VETERINAJ3yBURGEON. Office Co l iNsoLVFtNT ACT OF.1869. eau scarcely mien the absurdity of Ort IllItt.c, of the Collelle 1 im." The lolated RI-Il doeb net, MONS. P. MARTIN, 1 lu- mont uncomfortable obiect te, Lie in 00 reinovoit ta Ilit flouse ln liai y Liont limite m ri) what Jn, titi souffler of J. the ides," remarkýd Cate, as she ptump- linin with. On that goùtleman'a inir Test Ili Rev. '.%Ir. ëtaffortili thus luavilig roorn for di! PARIB. FRANCE. ed dowu with a henvy thud upon iny the metaphor produced a ditferelA effec I'pi,.ýoatte eterate school articles are insured hi the evulit 09 a tire. #01voutu. m Le ýý.,onî ait the Violin $10 P. q. Dpen ta ab. &OUI. Il, N *!.le liti-gel flamand ln Singing. French, Italien, Latin, À Dividond Sheet bu beau P»Pbud- 1 ho glareil et Adolphus, and half o of Street Lindsay, %%,Iàere lie 'à The raoiated RIIII (1008 not ame ta pay Itq G reek, At.. .. .. .. .. 8 p. q. jalotion outil tlo Fifth day nt J&UIWY» 1874s IIIIIIIIIT Dolly, u!i! boy," I said that night th,, oummanding himaelf said, wil d tioly &lit[ night 1,..urvusWdays. lice, Cla-mtis in singloir. French, italien, 4 p.q, whieil dividand Win bc paid. te, my double j Who wu m Usant loung- Docember, 1813. Af-pital Niedival New I lt4 polley. MRS. A. P. MARTIN Lindsay, Ma 8. C. WOOD, ing in my but, 1: 1 am inferrally Mine- 1 If leu imply (for I confesý-. ye), (%nada. Plivsi- Ormlitale offlie Brdin- We respeettally uk %essorai Oit the Planotorte.. 810 745-3. rable!" langliage in sorae«-hat incomprehonsibi krîý,m t-, .-f litu N41 aild eàr. 01IVICK Il- Intrel Vote rinaril Col- Bakes's Termes. No. 4 Peel ut. :: Bo am Il" replied Dolly, stolidly. wiffiaili stràï. _ INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. . -if yon imply a wish that 1 lâholi leg;, scotland. 697-1 lb- Thât of colline 1 take fur grantemil- Smmune with your friend, I Will Mal Ira«t Jratt-r of W-ILLIAX ALEXANDSA, there's né novelty in that,'and'it dount two observations -L--àt, that 1 sillon reMeft rrny case, xhich là novel.» ý9ta1 0 otatt. 1 ta Ob- inisene leu had hagi ibou«Il. oi ex'r ive Floints 1 'IHAMPAGrB, PRIME giýZ LýTy A Dlvtdend'mbeet lm hm Pr8P&r". dé WL-ta the row, eh 1 Badger eut up piýofeminual advice; and second, th will bc Imid. rough 1 or in it dans or whnIt Land Agentfor Oit SALE OR EXCHANGE. AND CHEAP. whi.h dividge Our aria confela only with principals Lindsay, 22ud De«mber, 1873. Nothing Of the sort-I b te their sgents.?y t'lie vol in t k-ý 111 600 camiest for sale, a bargain, ta clou a eonsigo 8. C. WOOD, 1. %,ný fflire. '»rll'h' Ilolt-e welt of thé union Siphool The gihmeriber wili sol. ta suit purchaxer or ment in lots ta quit euitumen. Bond toi 1 -Pl*' 74&2. Assignés think Lady Iloie likes ine,,Doll) Ait right, th'iu is no difficulty; 1 S.xcballge for an to.W Acreî of Land, within four eue. Cadeiq contain 1 dIG& quarts M 46; pinta 2 dois. Oh! that m" you miserable, dons -nt, Douald. New the utiles of Lindsay, 1148OLVM T ACT OF 1869. aï. KuntSt. 1 - boîtLes et 87. CAREFUL INVESTICATIOJO 7t4 OORDON Co.. M'autrui. it 1 You're just like Dick Footrup ; lie fire away, Frowater ; you can have: op lia tho bo*t À ROUGE CAST ROUSE, la the mériter of THOM48 CORCORANI an, Wall always spooning aîter &.)Me Ouf§--) objection now. Whit " ry are you at. t-ilq living mtes. AI nniern with idne roning, atabloq, xlieds, and qiaurUr-Of-an- And net bc loti sway by jni.%replegentations. J" rent. alwaya desperately in lov prolllptattcntiý-ik. A goud fit lwuzkrait- Are ni laud attached, nuar the Union Ilchool. À o titi lie h&d b,,,, T)onLia 11, sud ho laughed.. gond weil on the lot. Ahlo a ?mme Iloume en N EW The latolvent bu mode an assentiment of hi& lied. manoged to malle the girl cm for & 4 Captain Burrid«e," guped the la lýiiid.-ay.4treet, oppoltite the Queon's liot4il, with cûa.,;EIL& 311AGUIPE. existe ta me.and the cr*Ut-on A" u0tdifId ta, lneut bint, and theu ho wu sick of it et once, yer. Il Sir-Captaiti dge," I mi miable;, sheds. driving litanie, Ouadi Weil, Au. 000111 atm office in the ou flouse, ln the Town of and &taxions to ho off. 'A toit,, take libeity of making two remarka, Agents. Li on mon the Twolfth day of Janlaary. titi . fous. stand, J. D. RXART. Lindsay, July Oth »73, G R O C EM 'y - 1 . in the liteIàin, ta traduire can't butât a desd, fox,' lie uned te say l-t Niant-rt QInýiiiiý (in., (AIbn Lisle). 8.4, et 8 0 fint, that your folle in grouly unbu 1--lted i.ýaiId frôiii,(Ire,&tBrlt,.tiii t.ti. 4nilouly. rillio. PROVDNCIAL INSURANCE o t', of hiéê 10 lie wu nailed st lut thouith, neils lik à; and second, that it in m COMPANY InieZia, Aewnee. American widow-very yellow and hid- what our firait expects or in accustola il IRE CANADIAI LAND AN- 2. ciU,141('.Al,'$.LIVJKIZY STAB el .1 rXIGRATION COMPAS? offer'or soit) 01, Undiav, 23rd Decomber. 1 b eout-and I think it served him right t,--it htirts its professional feeling." A bit!i.4'rltfl.l*".'r., LINDSAY. mcc»wv =mm but I thnuoht von were a different sort il Int very sorryl" èaiý Burridg INSOLVENT ACT (1J 1869 ký )pie of Lind- altogether. I didn't menin to, hurt its ieeli.ligs,- &%týd gond homes m filtre (10-On ri ]LOTS Thenubseriberbffltothankthopet en for ri,@ ilberai irtrontu ce ferreil hèn; go I am, Dolly, 1 hope ; that isn't À SPECIAL FORM OF POLICY :yd &o amure bilent 0 wili aparenulo vain& ta allait province . tarte, lu the County Court of the beg it's pardon ;, but why not have lit a continnance of the §MO. Court myonsestali. I'veonlyjnstbeganto TOW118HIFIS ty of Vkt&ia, Cuulity 01 vicwri& ith Brucel" railor, Williain DYSAIT AND ADJOIRINC think it pý»ibIe that Lady Rose might Pav.ert W, interposed with my unavg AI Faux Fuir titres vean. et thrce-quarters per cent, which 2*0 rit. 0J f,.r theilherièl fat- W" the foli;whil; poculiar tuaturos, 1% me mériter qf fff(JNAS XA l', on Image»' - accept me and if site dues, manner., Il I am quite swaee of yo oil Moi fle thl. ý Iliilb fourteun tu R.14litiol, ta mally Rond roidéfil altuady con- BISCUIT M ACH IN E On Wednesd,%y the t*enty-dghth day of Janüary am I . tu drl 1" professional, otiquette, Mr. Frowater Y, ait the undersigneil win apply ta the Judgeof thé 'l'y he i. 4ill ifel.smïl to promptly joinplutud 16 ruad 4 1 Da 1 Write te lier father. fi ýeii fo ohil inio Ir d stfliltcl- t'le (ý*'m""Y 1:ýt- year rwith witiel, hoi, ývo, urchaud one of the be4 biscuit ma, 0 1 would ho the test te offend against i tliruiluil the towndhip, of DadIc outil Court for a disthame under the "id AcILI tay ho fil y and Harcourt ri THOMAI MAY lotir lawyer, il, L'P't 40- alid ilimierlite vripm. lit-il ré!wfel rite subsribrr la now carryIng on the filon te your tailo- -no- Q.1belling titi a largo tract (if excellent hardwood ITS POLICYISINDISPUTAý'jj'fpj obli'-'l iltémi b Captain Burridge and 1 are cc .0141.1nulit fil Harcourt manufacture of 74". by D. j. Me Park land, sand connectille file ý, Inbyru, bis Atto -moy ad - thing sii-upulleerr." gether, éwd on the most o( âd. Ille, il Ili NOILII with tho. viii:tgo ni li»Ilhurton. The Buckh Llly ie m nat letidinfit direct frotit, the coulity towil Of Penrn 33XM CD«U XvM » But,ýmy good fellow, Im awfu >î. 'iw -Yýýrk. Wg. Againat e%,eTythlnjc exctl)t Praud. aller Itotirance, FOR CASH. fidenti fcating, and es, lie is not mu I% q *o... 41 Pul, il"w. Noor Y ek, art,, thi, ll-la iigtllit,4 lm tri Il@ complutoti thin scir tllltlr inglil additional Ili-lirance. 'hangeof intertetand in. of all kindit on a large scalli, and le prepared to, 511 _rCi BE SOLD « affl ainted with busihess, I believe 1--r 1 iif% Vvx L1.o-1ýày, la th-it Iýity, ,Il blond froin t1ic Conilidésiolier Of C allorderapromPtlY. SPc"l&tteutiOnwillb@P&U The edmick and Uten" lu TMO Of your boules tI1en.;.ýÎ. tlýe by, ..nid ho Weil that 1 ahould undenta uns . ur- the a the bom entr ý the 01M. and. aby ho 70"5 to be libre- *ath aûber étion. nuks Laim- m; but fuem- ation. $peut 0, and aime % that DI the D. Ho id re- 1. Ho à1dWen ýarried West. 2atters ly con- atmost mId be visited eV out dowil. a Most gentle- 3 would r would mgh ef- O'do so. to di'> 1 th.t lie He said by hini- litiolied à did au eh earn- zolighly iptu r1lè, pa"azes Fle frc- ýO Billa lie Coin- nurder" ssed his md said, t ho was ý was a eho liad who liad atouish- [e often aing, or cks and le could rhich ho another, ed him, Iry. rceptible lie incar- ý hi& de- ri eiglit, with au [y seated )r. The ýere well it white, from his wsy of it. Hà rown and )Pt wheu r unpre- xve. the eýçe- Monday stature, masked, m made lors. At ,- the ap- in readi- *eded tu TFrough vithout a ,e nature m utarch- the door To this L atep and or.- A ho 700-ly la life b Dose. Ivery Information famishýid by la rotuming IDOUVA W nu BUILD11NU LUDl-Dbl% --t&'Bo I have, but wlust of thât 1" - ---- --- t , cuistourieras ud the Publie outrage$ ic." ONEY f H eàvy H arum s 1,1 us, (,'ORNZTLtXAGUIR3. KMMUF,. for t1là liberal Il Draw hors of course.» am sure," 1 said, si captain 1 utma te him *u.C»C»Cb tc» Zao=cRo and Liambermn. Wbioh for GORE DISTRICT MUTUAL 4 Put. Tu yun. ons 12 te la " legs. ont." soicinar attio par si ]Casier soid thog donc. Im' not ridge bu not the alightest wish to 9ffi woul tfinme thuit ho thoulud lut. nw" ri . ly ber haïr, and I don't fane Mort exeillience. vit & but ho in a little peculieur and ignoi 011 ý-1 l'es"d nl- joitilà Not-0.4 al, short doutai. irknianstilp allai quality unnot bu V IE !.7.uiirti.I Noted fer Jus spougi g on the old 4dy while the, k= of the world, whioh you, as a mai gag- t,(Iq t. 'S Ilt, r. ('011 t. AI-1-lyto aurpam d Ill 746-à n Il the world, will forgive; and, now,.ng JAUF.4 IIXAP. TO LIVERY MEN lit FARmilla 09 GOODO alivers lit'lleitnr.'t'lý. wibt.mtlll.ç store. In quans ors $et ai Malus Ilituléoli, double afilligle. N Ew Biit il you can't bc sure of being vaste yonir valuable Lune, May 1 u' j.. ii. wouid rooi*ctftàlly solloit il celli, When lie vill tud À2 ber hoirp ' you culn't ho mare of igpougilig ON m'Y TO 10AÏ ý(»; îLEAL bohalbilytonhOwthdâuhbr" an afflutisaint as Boots Shûes on ber after abois dead. there is indoilhope of proving tbie m MYITATK. AT KIMIT PFit VANT. wu over exhitlited In tlils CountY. T.:BIROj&l>& jj,ýW6ll, thon JOY no doulut thaï; the 2 01 overy ciffle Ion-nonufutund -4 solide te 1-rivate Ptinýl*, iiitrre-t pivaliio et 1-Intl*bY, 20 SADDLESt -BRIOLFS. TRUIKS . M 1 . will oeil At *0 Imut r&»M 'à ý6£KUL ewmu 14W TUM U MR won, thon, you micht néver sponge riago ia a souâd one. il guaralitousi In, 611 oueis. hS et ül il, And ho said twa se if di What in to ho done thon P" eî very-tititil, Ai-l'IV Ln K. F). v.,Ntiorys, natiduri, Coulis. &a-, 11PAD 0 Mcg.-Umb. - iront-et. Liladal. Afflis lm Untuse, Fumer% mu jeui. Ce. by *ome l&w nf nature, luivery, ««ted Il We un culy trust to tLe soute, 011ýýe Illovk. Kent littut. 1-111-19liv. In fut &U àpl«wni7 ta, hie klade tàw COIWBIL di MAGITIRE, t% citulons mot muet eitner in en, I x -11 1 of Monsieur Lapin and our other roit.càsll. LAR 'BOCS AND 89018 FOR Lité, lu&' Ce. noubul. fi on-si TO liOAN 1 AL W .19D. fiffli be un the shorteât nonieniburt" =5 thé - JULLIOX.. _y: t âÏlS Imer of blected tOýýilePODging.PrOcm- su 1 respondmts; but I am liocnd, with > notice. thick zea *11 oon bûndëè 'iséhun» and &lard, to the lady, to make, thm remi 10. 0 06 P rivatte F a nd à te Loua xiii îair fnootug.j prideili la vent on, With more thon liane -fint, the in very wary.; second; Catay 'Ireraisse 1 1 UinWon. 46 What bu the old womm ho i, b longer young . third vitl Watt A TV 19 0 X4110B Ii Es. $ctto do -aide of Wilitain mm, Lindi Ob"f TE lier &»latence we con do not un Li JC«Pt2,IGGS' new Shavingr, and blags _iDow 1 -tuny te infatuai bit nèmm- Ftc lier l.ngoqtri mazo ho 01101M alla establishment. Admenov 2" il ellatimue libulai hi. hm addid un igu rmted a e4r ln;àdm% riap doeim coulis he.gaire a Uttle rusty laugh-L a ettor, a flair h%ýlDu un tumwkz lf a plessantry. &I'ply un A q 1 Illocit W thé suculrésa offille. 7" la breaking of h«rt& ouf old vis permitting itte 'l'O [,OA'4 oui Ftbrm pro- - A LARGE IST0011S Vegetib V, 0 Ni iltab for inter lady, w,ýuîdn,, like tist t i hes not au Il Can 1 bc of no use thon Vp I Ain- iongoi a tillie up te I» ogross Iiit, and -exildtro. or à" , aj% &ho 1 Now if ;Çi offéred you despierately, remembering my vnw. oeura 'dib 7,ou mom. totell.mllu si None, air, ni, inonth. -ABBAO& w olnou% »MM si laattiamint, Shoesr 1. PAZP but you May do a illir reindn blit tho and 09 thé TAU Arc itect, Cam would *lu» îtr, harun Il Midi t aigri ýbe Menstruel market, wbioh ho DOW b, bilà that'a dMrý ý%1 AI.., 141viit'n (11114A for lnveiituioub ML Igne and a elfication bought in, 1 AL I doult say. thai qAlwin" illuperinonn - fooke like a deacl-lock." lair il itiiql* nrqt,.titb-î town imworty et low rat«. la *. and il Oum as, a saut front «king her.lý' It suwets the ides, certainly. OU gpn&'O&Bbls origan M ju P. 3. JOUM orr Mi -Es i Ilstin it would be PlIqt m you ]ÏORGE Moop and MALL ÀBVANCE 09 THE NU. [TO Bla CONTINU19D.] Bulkler, Unduy Ont. a" -S Adý' VA". 1 t1du MM MUR ffl conit OU the saume sontfis ce%& faibas prVe about thât §le" yom 1).ENTISTRY. ho bestmmm. hl #UW attention to bumoi4 ukmg DUFM. 80X. ATTENTION fflr profb »jý ýpv1ek Reffm, Perba 7031» right itint if NE1.1LAND MAY W. a -Wu that Mkorir. xxAxnrAVýxs - brume toilîlirit, " of PU PUTO»99- ý;k.1 havraoýrémon tobTier uld Suit S"tmàg, àT Tai: OLD OrAND. fer PDSITIVELY leamuobdbewà« il f TICICTII 19STRACTEU' 1 V. 1» 1 ZCMA-M tàâ» MM 82= q et My salumarusi b*b -MMU ta- ý Try, old bsîy-6-ýtry, iti'yoirý cidy pftr" Our own c âcloba or PATENT WROUORTBEAM PLOW WITBoUT îUN or. Monde ri dialot, sis fer luis I om aise -, end you Thqa ochoolgu in Ibis village eloge fww*d ta order. The orection of buildin a lit 1 lattes Il 2111 Coli 01P AND laolle. 'essai rà*t lu'ilve mm""&g to, uff*rubon yon Pddày, thé exuluinstion b.mg, hel, rot goitirai work thoy 0ilhoM tue r- In te pr4o» to the fâther pit kndW. or , bu ourffl &hm . the mut ;:qýj lqn"bW-yý Mr. XcCuUSha division on Tbup SIJPERIOR CANO 'PLOWS .,&vèuzte CM.ý- p EPHRAN IM INQ ->O" Ibo ýttl"lou dt«mom and in xi" Betîýramd: with advantagiusi net tousid lu aul ethém §"lm 4 liacuL.gL it - al j - 0. là wwyo*, aunès a q»m 'llfflto"FAMweto*oinbàbhmteog Mt si OH N $TON$ @toycdtbigggM«Dr.lWlkm,*howaeglé . i4bbwboWl tbat lie bu Joue iÏmm 014, Mr. 3wàloolýs division hw*oî,6 IÙàý i ', ]RER& aiini-w»Ràod-imt«M - rm Who luvé? tu" lui 11, 020""" touaÜL .1q]cw FUR STURE. degree,é âked me lm- M. ombtlbhmukt erteew" - tan Mill 1 h" CFJLL J; rich' patent hh«. oloro 0 provut-tin " ý'brand» OL et, pmon ý but ut the t)IMbOtlv..;Iànde Mar ib oulaitý@from it bu balle kïvtn 1 lsil sufs. fl toï5 W ltecolvotl hlgliemt frola Avril Mis hm kýtwi&d»cUng ho haut labou»& a te ilbuelà IWO Ilisfusus, and Umiff ai - lit -as mdtlhmimd iài ào many disadventagés. At the si puitursi 14)010tiob lis the ceant»d Of th 71r il Oittatiti oblid York. recueil sboir utiffls yq dalors wo= au h»à" indues- several vailcable ýu*,cEUatiibi pain bu-vu la a subi rr#AW Tèeshb*ùtiftMYtu Wfth F U-R 8 T 0 R ment to hW rit the relquired o») tu ho aà»rdiméte rOTke« MAUHINlid dallé. A'rufiew %Wb alla la p £mm*& Boit My friand vu and &Il. ltinda ut tortillait tmloitumf». fi'" le. &,MI sa Ulm Ilà. *0 papilà of as t«odlms Jolix clauEq]30 .*mlheàdgmo Ir bar Mùdut. Yum&>'ttS",5 to t]u b«t.'m oi*obtulljr adieiloil and pgomptty Illied. in* laffl , a ý-1r = ù the tu* Md P £1ý loi 1 1 tW vu dioùàb"L 4 prm"dby le a leu, -W Ibullet Pr - - -Y chum- 1 gram" Idoles garty day. es dion; ýT". 011111tu ýf CAMPUICLL Sam vuau ro a -or iwamlà i to Tu T vole a ufi»ro FW! IÉOON Ausi M&Iù* ý A , 7, fil et 1 ait, t in reât ;Lh,;ý-, ýfflmý 1 a cap wu Dr violent me, He ne words, ýph»ià en &0 Ialm rendered direct a via to lit %yod, and d: 64 Ar,' Fe do» r, for MOM ,@Ka weré the »Me Lebding, now L asked te ma Whou h ViU be The vmk i the noou CLgh it sup. neck, and He moveil a violent ad &Il vu ýo but for ronounSd ho did not and have ady. He If m bour t: LY Ni. bod Voro. at 10 &.M., VU the [Te it ove a d=

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