ibw d*iè i -b 1' 4i, u<. fra the thsuA~sé pevi il... bw.Gramt, ah. iii Po ,Mt Wl rm-bog-s-usg- A L A v gim « r t b ot ni ne .11w d C.PkburnanudSoa, on * - Uw4p lie Irebutùi.4 ve round mm#**io 'A~ht5. W i% a riI' r 0M8.4 ,diaaes.SsusI - th to tetie t is spslrnS i.uo viseein-tbse aa'-r malny s oemb féit tua Atth~U lie k l ftBy theea e gnt eéqnha nu;f omud te umoron -T dableoqaeoisL.al. Ilis eojittel inu if t a s iée t eldeist pOMM ii vey aeiiy e o. CyAtetiIo Pie onaied.kka 0 ba wa tr T e uisbr t@ b inll:e8 ti 'h , &O w. veraumd p . ouaamy eit h.f25eti N T u Th mod ryu, fct rsqaîred, dthp elom.gf <ýo repoh vau. Atli.fmatet ii e tire 2 th < isitran he anss of cMre.d lie iHsc- of Cautarefinent Te-t long, et lb. moaty, ~i8O , duabe t ater a. "l opctetif lig. t eitii 'Te ping tfeueoka mtn t oaeï waters. Tii. e.,mo-ook i àb. a gotbo e - menfthosat, ithM resdt4iet25 ft.J can, s Tii eely vaitmle d b>'ibo Meurs.in .Ieuisel Mt ht ot eUtýi gin.,w4ichvt f uot*-Muiu- t .1e usmie poaor, l builing pai tie t er, u sauebeal Tcb& oal viieoplet I.MG6h . ote tai. t . tr2iliaopuuga -nv<.. tOn .TAtie plocingot smmeh ate irsA lois. ar i a u tin sutfa»i of b a Quai boon mIL t.èu -oesf tle; sud asauoldteauetlo- caeuiet li at er otho* rgucu ls im ra ad- ye do boa toeit ob. averaimato. W. sua-e co, e 31 te er t ru s, elira ti. unor.iieg vad iti lpe tth uto as euur at ieaaopiigporo _________and t leaule ntvsi. >f our oATwn finef ILS. ,i M' Unnu dayvapoo9dd uBmoeiige- loe U stuxx i the yandw*u&p e"borrq ~ Cutie.le et Ouariafuaré & mi paito, a loan irlp tspraaaobiotrtai ~WNSHlP8mentat ins, s re oee Ité-ritexabt 1 omdl, a. m. . A behmas eea - ass1git .a arm qa aio te ir- ileu s tr v indï îay--as st teulilo*rm e . 'i -eoffre e r, i e rfa ak orta hy. l kn ti.e i tilr, ou i a - cog oao. r civ A iao. lle>', ime prc aionfI Ownd * J J.»d n t«Is I Cou n, Eoc , b o e oivaeoia ine fo a ,- e ent liraI lrteua rwmotmefetionékbcon-_9 ra tre 1voI cer- nitir hec a I #M l acéio t e- or*te elletr onfat ba ii, r te y an>' ut :i.g e e poede f otn, menmt fomthe aiiiizali tei Northcim asu de ou .eobur, f ste udietis manbut -a e'io .R .,adequateon b e P b e r o r, I. augeu ou. lJre eamirýto tecarry eut e.%vlihes of tie foym Vrer> ima- W hiield, Sharp ant"i Wilaî comiltes are- preured -la te draft- a pelition te h ii.smaMsetGenerai. Noflb.Ui Issril-Therates. and charges ut&i isant poaen- tamuntr m i puOpeed y MriCookirur semei t l mehas, i.osru tie 1"very satiàwtciou t.i immiho,.pretini lteé vil laget hei' ops0oàdthemeive. vamly in falwrr of To .pply sc- dom5 evau»xtbfthin Inheup"oNver »10forward vIme Webl v155that gpnteiara.oumiPl* v, mentira ago, s Afer lt.eumain busine0s . itemeeting- g r.er lImawiraf, WsébeenfiuisheI, u. Wilson sstha iti for tavel-lis andé wooaId b. o gopdt ime te nglle peut muti of Toronto.. urfriet mag irais.fothe sNter.ToWwn- Nuin tihe hope. sbip.. The>' hué tot, s single L ~.in thre teW nmiaticslliy Toeus-ofetMimala>,Duip., ok5 Li lei Pg'.' iit< Mr u. LiéS mmgmd liai ýtire ppolalment j the muet . faver.. Mfe0» or tva uei. rts is mach Tovnship vras o eat I lrpoS.m". 'Mduainose hussi er e -once * ~ aé mpes v wn e pîtffl ti jýra pie au"mi lafre " mais of tas. il vasinaly éolés lié. I "to~sub's, mbalséi " i.*à t o4 Théï 814àS tv86rodai 'larte in , Iaq p-teIli-lai don&~ l -M hird tîxus mué iy Mi. Ctr4is, idri th e T ,r $9.à5 for i ariris. Mo Dondw fbÈ Mx ýrre lut eau The. Conil mten-atr roui the Chieot riaean fr Upper' tamaa, n.speola v eniin, u oad. À petitl BickweiI, praying te alai for axsiw1865, ena e enovao<ahi$ ", d hiol ."dl Tbt ii. pu de M àeWmtItine st lsuand.-. id by. Mr.- Re!d, .omid1 That'au order for $5 bo pi Dandii, foirbidace of yo ,bwiary, tçe la" a MMgn for the gmo.q-CarWt. à Dominoiy, s eeed4Iy Mr. C balance 0 1 afoi fW 6, 4 banded te, the. Tri.-C :y Mr. 'Reid, mmadbT) an m.dr feO O1M ue h. . ant, for tazm s d e th. third o u i . Duc* ý , 14i aoaM.(il; hy A. McA rthw'r, J. O'Lel *b -Cifie.d. Mu#,d b4rM. by Mr. Cobliins, Ttiat Jmm u( pointied aasemtr forih.pi saury a et god 1paased te appoit .A..w.*,1 .ditoru"m'-'boved by &Mv. D" ýMr. Connelly, That &« oish inspecti ii. a road içtWard ? of the Couxneil, be g.uti Carried. Mov.4 IeyMr.Ci by Mr. Duck, Thet the eux b. rein i t.dtoPatrick Hue.j statI3Ie labour in I1665, lie1 then adjutimed iat h. là February. Fpenelon TOInU Corirwl mot, pull. ta Ced M.nen chrai a paeseti appintig T.us presemil ýysai.-_Oaais r . &u ?ecfg*« h of five doUlais, btisq 1* limai lor liecusa l.oeq (<t'4h leysar185 i b1 cuder îacordlsgl1y,-I Mr.Cntennom, seêpdi l'irat Robert Auvia be i ,fer tîte ybar-18fl, et-a <tolars.-Carriéd.- bMev denan, eue, o.dfbyI Cqpiti>eof the Comrolida pst ýCarmaîla b. ptiseha ifor 'thie tie f lI o ul meel a p i an the Ms-d a.peceiai dtispalei- [rom- Uoy lefti fur Leui., liS-1 iliai suecâedsd in,- mt -Fenia atexcitemaii la% thoùfasa nu4iso e O are,.entrolistifor the rl Go Dorai 8we ,y bu.eCu reudilnoss fur ibiàwditu Wihiefouu*uoü uhici v. clip from » .haieo Q*,ury l yil it i les as à em4 jyot ;a Reboute ad Sve.wy w meeting o et b.Coeuy Tuesday 1»4.inthe ou it vwsu UsiSuhly émr pDm. ,Thme, 4 I13re. Via. *i # rom Artbhur ;' ci el api 'ix AI -*0 I wi ci 'dl e a ~4 id Lod W a* ua t . Qt U I =our 4itak . as m te m M l At t lit. toq»tte.uerd lf 1bpe D: W 4 bot' je wu*wiy-lu~M *,. m ver 1eruah. .The. aegroas reidy Woulé -oçaa.u gaiit eh selWi nof va ,itué. p for th b has *eru rit .k i thé. u loi*M" mesh ue saagly th" Whou.mg" »,, « sei ï ut 0yeeflted tIlu t.tr rw eh. bîà puibtiwuO bYt ~ tyt<Dn- dog i- useay vgi. D'm'WlUa ram .Wli Thas il *uti Iooket allr ore "tx"_ 944 e aW - 4I4iroebêdda àL. of RLighw.p's Pomut, u.ithér i. e as i@ rthpotrtios liabte enniaiI pmmoflù, tu- ph4s Mah~.b'Thq e tri as l ina Ib agniè iome ~pl. r #eutmo héooiIdety of .resiod iiUy~1y 3 s ith ati esar ila M. %e-nderAu .1 lielaerunerDigtl metng; am.Z.?bd w elSouaSmeseiui a tr w edizothe stat- tiîa.': :.et& book, i xbouoasiii ihis motler atvoi otî *Oh. W4v uésae amm niat* eprnémt , rW venutui Whuoi the lau Pli"t rs b VUWdg tamSuI sse-h-1i1 onr- M.hOiJkI etfahe. falles omê Tn, 1rkwin mjim duuing ta And bae .i. the oouecti pintbotw..n n r.thlae mu t the Âuditor' tti otbiaak laitOet.ber~ i'wb. honýrrouly r<h Odtaofie..4à "oitthe * ond aTi .Imud.Bmvs uk"lved, ra4 f esoapoi: Il About fiff ofpxypie op rid.hoid t4t strict u ý> i va"i ibs miatMr >u.d yrMi:au ue4 o omihoreel ba k .dioà6otiOh paitiés oat hL",>t <>with very mmi MW regit.dt stan, am.,tcWd o.tM .e, unau OO5lhi> teh. f«i the Mai- huD",odin rruvub m -on rug te- us its<ier b.ué tis* $sicio teunaud ymW 1866 ., niomber ...ing bd-i .msa lo bai ullêi mt *b.-Made to' suifer alone. He. muorniig. -Last. 4~gj I,. a yarsi ttes de w~sIo »W, td j ubes. riliauoy suddeeeution have. biouglit tok My vifs a"d luIR ' One -smrQd lb« tth. oouuissin -Of CrimehOuitib.a ite îi h mi tva bove tu iii.oirul. l *M veof-ruadeAo t.end ii the.crintinai dock- atou ill by Mr.Cul- (ot0 ~g~ ~1 vri . r. For her first oee, pl ie lJrm oi1.lo ~.,..dti,. t~<, ~ytiû t,..tii nuis oie<'tso lredyhave auffeWD mare thonbe will; -ha#* e rosolithe ycwred. y. t thewSyVil, hbave ot chamactr jcd position, Thai îhey diiinet Pommé. ~' ~ p ii aocietw anti b.-loveof friendoi andithe xlîoib white. skia Ioefp. mard smsh lut everyîbiag'sd sauMbfr ir.. Theoy r#elf-th e werld, sand 41. uhm t ié ~ar b* bete ù. »8îge » o omea ;. while ha#viii bave oecapeti A*hoboy vhbiox J,, . ~{ vhop azY~_n imesint qdeqasto tethe .'pe4 iji. jqakî# ~~~ I~~ii rnty-nine. paseOut of*hpgi- ~ne. sé~~~ivm ois b. ut r Ires, 1as 1I ne aie ppiDe dreti'where infanticide ocours,- tinbafit rti et laqer %odt ugaW bddg'vt- 1e-tit& bout -Psour novacthe cr. îraa1t Iv d .8~Sgo ilsd W.llgt' de veanea bm'n iry and bettaat cm-ie patrt, and jqtties ihtflî4îl juI glxivod Vr e ut de -,Que*" ycen>fu-us; dcaims that hé,- Io, -shoUidattfer.- As thre-and iàotruet exp ti. atrit.e, ve 'ail no." And 411îhey -veriti, sinjç-lau is.ai prosent, il s gtoiai'y unjutandiaponte iia ronto Tes- ng Ctier bys hoir baatpol- à iinequilable, and, until. rsredied, maitb tia"Th tvoeqil poxiéai.d with r a standingreproach ta> our syatem -of jus- (èW75 sucoosa b'4 ý a d l u e i &ai s-ice.,t isbut the ctiTyiilg ont in aw hat ..COgtfclLZQ1Rh i~ ~ ~~~~s mgas b~ %. oeiaieiggave way w tect rla thepro vaieue -spirit of th, vorid, the. cf the Cuwty Cc sie, - pao4Wiias~ okiiee,&capauo .heapintg - p.>n , .Qman ait the, Penalties Jowinoe jntîqi *doue.-.: MW theii d.poiwa, !Dn&a ani nd p4ùiSlmebto hcwhnde . iMr. MrQuacle, lm ""i 811110 i@ iov" ampfi - - dcaried theire aeouly due ici har in pàrtnertihîp Vwth theTia mepy. Gir of Mr. Beal ladm iup 1Ioireir hboue b iuL&s.&ion PUrI.1; Cof jer -guilt. lvxc ~$ in fAvor oftthiafster; Dis W aa brothes uwhod lu te-eay-a trjasde -for se gang vs quietly cre.pwg up.i n -séarc for LAT.ST ARRIV.AL ROM- EUROPE.* ceiveti by limeCi < ~ ~ ;aiuan ve eoaterod.- .1ei abeen; a lion beîng puol, budtadalliebo eWe Go4i -h"-spad Thre steamer iNliw York,.trom Bremen iadd te bisCenot -our lvu.. I hr" uraJ aeeaîi piée &uthampton, has arriyeci. She bas adtww rho ib Ieve.- liraI bhe equstitnera rsiîthaîq thâ repoular Irè ley.' îter. nerwa. 'ts. Cotti?)gh -aoe.6 -b.estâtes, hv bey tecia m i,Christiana, whielh saiIed D- -esi.trà. Browi - aewos in the lai. oil at k ; and iha Une 3 emuber Jet froru London fur New York, rien, Feu, Fi of thos. .call'ng ththele iefriéilài OC1kecî"aff w Areek 'about )oenompr 2<tthJcsnR iih. negrole fu, êiyt tmntd,-urîly ewppLondon andi New York JikOl' t conaterit and astI h itie e,.-who are cnThe o4ice ;Quenipssneswee4 Oi,1. fot, Pcb. Sâté. noeeîod vitJiiJaeica Iiàdr.suiLring hW&y saved by Choi Vaiia, from ~Calcuta. eoWigiunicaliOO lassos, ual ebasadoeing mosurlatiwn h tumlipLnofrMelbourne, No .greatC it et Edouatiidof eMroulay tadY.labos, arlite evictime of foondÏiciet a s.Tvo huùdIiW ani eventy Ne gîreat Ba g Cun> e< Iismiediroctoiphlshupy " i es were tiýt ;eep Of tire crée J'O Ng"îS couilly. cmtune of the Oai"ii.«era Ve.rp saveti. oh t ttolo OUS cIUMIsAL LAW.Tlie.-.Pari iamentary sesaion commeffe $ ilio eait Wsd #1 1.50 ont ohn ýl1. t fFibru.ff Tite new -Refüri~lu-lit aregula nouI e arai (~ Lt Uia'aPOÈ.-bill vas laid beforo ithe Cabinet (in the Ji, a. ari y i~ ~ ~ I bameu<n u .ult of tbg,.babrs of the Commit- buu nlc t 'mae of a prtiji. gulis- baud unaoiti teeappied t. l 114ueite the .question sel nuéld troare the authors of il., Il MoreNeDr smo b r e aptlpmihea, a pfu ailr- îlcu eirduSd<tmrly in the session. là ily ;qn.eriM mae y M« ales té,do &W& W irthe. penalt io--,'PiceChriatian d th. PriSucesHile- -e fgr LCash ib. Jv oUeuueuma.duufoos- v ilii not ho marrïed unit Juiy. .CiuiI Moi- I. Tua tb. isu~ . émdi o ~.-The cattle plagixe confinue ils rayaga nhmv Nô nov a rreuts or seire of Foiains i>y th. Dmip bima fetoialn dr mhma.ycommit- itesoth sigé t Nobl .zpsea unaide eOMUM1W,ucl ih have. laken plae.Na"Saua fli mait te h Ile b" a& alliet by- iiil". .. ur 1 pèloirbas plxativoly intimated tu theVs%-M. acom atod p EsuIy t.~i -theI i*Wmt ouiet demth hore. ingoa Cabines hit villingumestoi vittdra foiaW aréie4.Ibsetoy çIWli>t b s.frern, Mexico al ammy moment on itr bioved byp Mi. ted ic, et vitb lb. iletéI, <operpotratione, côiditiono tWal h. United ti &ae.Goîern- ,a tittle thic.kei i Collines, Tuai anorooOMaPO4 PLiO t i on U, or £tlOlIIiai rUm.trcgazsMarmiliau as Empoer @ion, ota"in Wjrsê. Io bu ia<i teuuaee ure u. F"I14NS EN..ROUTE THROUGH D. ieMW bu .PMalWwt o 140e, o m lis im ussêt. x'u< t.s. arny DMni ilet t on 1years, ai peasiui es..tbn sm v aIt Vb aie kt dAt ~'~ d arw etin Oft* îlm .uy,îehath eiW 4&nf.-itud, whoa nthtw Zab thU. andathWe we bo mmi.~pil b.pit. dumre iaeeaiuin w a iormpoleienis homr'ard flI~ as thmnbeerudle l w v o e il idee o. h . i W.? oialo of tAs.%W 1irm a an di t Fa it u and soupolanti theé'Grat slee pilwaeeXp i lkley Glllogy. h.ap-t ii. ffèesmrtier intlegbt t lar stol i:g cars t oy ento, cf ev r, in sppmtmu USD1 ~i 51 ~ureemmtnnteSrro s .uW îfW Iwo W# to > ,.atqn, terhé>o&hio fi ~y4av vs tua caauc1uuou i xIî lusand th alier tat #lin ùWedSI 1 Cil . ej,hi Gilo, kt44b tth a tei op-uîtibenoaedè.îi'g akîn u ar eaitn, im "-rtanl if ii'iwe. %peiVuprof c, tai W 105*.50> ui tnd Mxi i alem.e lave been îWihrurd to ,t h>ierliendleWitlw oa dte ry - yo 8,b>eierva cmpleitboteln'. u r.nîed »IeslI":lo]ncta.eused u r w neYthe- itWit4ô;!euut a ftiakin o'al iulreipt uri weka te I.W. Rad.- truet l cat il oti b. ma-ý4tie f é Prli, nicttîg xpcot fv- a"ha out tenu, pîîitîaîebyha e eviii '-rmra I Ueprtu e.Fmia Vns »ary a Nô, 3s, b feicé ame némpî a! ii. bât¶isu . INooeblev. uinai n attl ept a:k,ý o nee; irernirit au to e lue tidllar IMfii ti t-it ould mdean> gre of aImtin , q gîtiteavr uecte ure qvobe-ttaing frai *, for ivu day .e oditi b.rm or eerieai sel vilpou r. it I poe i ssiomb e par outhing o clans..u 0 dl8,ýnod.lopt thatietci WSA tëcourt..pU"-idf f i@elie Ae bu a > Ouverum e n p a y Jv i lo s M utw dollrva nr$ ai a ào-uti b. required intt i rïevoet r ii cmm1 saiJeab i,% t okFba ' MW; «qsd jyblbty civil acîieu,a*d fhmtthe nhlypuish- .is 40 bond. ksom il w»e04p Ina oubevun.g elA81 raien thatcel t a.rd dl a.1.plr 85eeOWN311WA VEU>euTo.ada t»Mi LOiMt *p.oIxy ~.tgs dam $ lyJ le tua ii. n aCAAD&large arat»ri piét4 bSf<Tnil t~ e o f procetinre.tiii epc te- Tr .t~éevs~ae~ rsesgio Jmry of Sfty-Iive lions la gresly w iiîbk.TIptton et ... 1otmis'Wb# k« Mr 1u li.dciu o.hitbO .bogî ~ petroal, bqth her. anti abro9 pi, s. '*a il t soue a îluei pivtom ~nei e le edatexroain t pfiAioptm gti.fie 1b> fis Re«* tsbe i. silpveti to seema er onucae. w hile u t h é o n t lydb e c a r màadm t.del 4g l u s m yîf r i e n d s H1[0ny & -of Fe bnaay.caselect, as ber victiua, buire hobas'"4lu a-da id tire publiceamoieaccourir of -Uîrioixg1o;eit th -mest wealth, oeil mecure bis cowuiiots.- l a M l Ithougit et ii- in<ho mater, T~~~~~~~~~~~~~c -1C.A tWs a tiakn tie tdeo g IIus tb;Ïoilmird miaeu viiiboth ay ininaati te thb. predued, Cis the i ths enabisd, wvus le iWiN uy designu tOdiw the. pîctue ramétiralailti.. "i~~avea momy lrto treu poi Iis country iloitetrong, a igla, 'mor yel inay, evoars1. ~f1011 htOoUti tua pnry, 0.10w tahi tw1, len in hiý e oaid0e1uriMo, -but, ha"e RmvjA à eox.sutIbis ç. t»et iick i i s s fflîîaeuaintace vii ch.heouontry e > citmaa.at? ?Z, s ar orahou .qud'01ely.év wo n t te hum mlrepeta Ie t, Nopestock in viilling'to açmuoey in emt Io orops, ai np yove;#very sot -tt sa. whu OBISSaIa .rbaariietbe rore.imnOThe balance d -myi iguxe1 pt in A Tt "d< 0f ob n OOé'téitqiw l é Cuidei.j bopeting.equaltyprofitable amnMreu - ea()a the radtisstoboia U~ 411 Mal - t0 -0 ial" Ihuete lb. eFromeinii' 0 .u.gorée 1î bbf e w.'ilk ,mri u> tiéi, se t4à. 84 ll e n lai Metrimig ruent goOdereb. 11, in dmiw . u *ëfýb S. bonu y lrh t beWh branch o houe WRiSPh r.i.~ai.. honeglu- beit, lihai ilsg 14SaikatcheaanRiver as abogl 3w 1milte. T~ ~ M Zliie .ste b.t euicvlnu aiur.Muah ôothis .euiOls ty sd will evOiM ailii ~">» 'Oi* es Ib pvqoum mt h asabé 1b.de \bltfo ulirratîbu uitl t seachemisai h. u U. oes iamrét li ostvie viiPkS* luit tche o17 I n eric lii. a t b iî kpt, in a" coe.sivily aealt11Imb>uhe tihila.gvu ~.-..-1rasaol êrog. diwpeq t.iuusm eRy.Ift ei am soff iwi e lo reib.t; gv., u ___ Àdaa. -f ie TS OT~PnImunr v .~ ~ yr~:W. M., *,*sqe;D.MN4 Isaatt; esofa hotave a-am eVer tva usa vW ~ot Mu. iseehéShiol -I hur aamber metemm- W.us #o ti te m. 'OST ai.* nrbsiet ofplace v ocul Ç ead lia Suoion viý« o e a Io ýratii «Oxeptiodiour papers aam Lin. l'clSci air Tlutrady thoy go by dm susia eil te it uer, .uing le foioWitg day <Fridayj) but Mt Qffic« o *4 ti.West siouuti edo o i4sdue 99 the f;'t l Û, y lime Posîiarhe e) 11151 Co4L GÎLL-The boit qualiqy o( Ceal Oit Mght, tia Papvs U, )<hO e4IOceJUST R1ýCEIV£D 4T TME NEW DRIJG uPt on4uj Ihai# 3M,4«7 1h.STORE.,-C 1 OitlLampe, Cirimneyi of aIl *v .~bvmIoiedinilkinds , c4ing the uis me jhisa crr nait ÇOpLoeé.An ovor- Wicks id. .m~,C~ tOt n.ay uietagamuocear foirYeats, $tief-ýîON£- DOLL.AR. 4!4u 04<ae *subscribors. hO ver. dis- îmîee~OGNIEIWS I~ ALLOANC.-I5~ur Cl\F.S f oilyuetl kinds. DYE STUPFe ' ýnr gepo t he tbW qm&uly, P1'stasOiIt., V-rniçlieq,. airneit pmocoedingata4.foi-,B'tu rasc. Ai. suies ot Wintiov va. onitmd t>_-»'Mevetiby Glass, ptttï, 4c 1du. liI'fSCiANS' sCausded by Mr. CoilaugIaMa,'wos~ ~1L E rFdiem for Cotpipiiiors ai- 1 -1;,AlI 'ýL. PLA'Ih, mu 50,' iiî$ad -4oftS, ç o auc ls. 43 p oa l. qem C #T-'ita, t 4Pé4'iS k cora.bsuiLI-y on aie yes ant mîsysl tii ltse NEv 1>IU4 zsi'ORi0, or!.Kent iherâi appeavedi:-Yeas- Sst ip-y hanaimd IMcQmate,2. Noa 3..OPSr .S .BGLWS o,' Uck, Buriieti, C!,nden- CVTA&Cunos z - erala, Farreille Uodig»ony E.CAN!Prcip!Txrsa pies Wbtesne ad Thrs-knoving litincou.eqqtikaîo thialimîîe4 stock cf Drugt, -theufls,1 Itpzct.% and learin SaleMe.tical, Preparationéa liis often kepl b>' ankopiSal, ruggi6ts, s'on have le sen ta te bronte tor Wlie ng« supplies. W. ae tus imoboti of respect- Iumbaig htully inlortnitig you luit caut stock of ouch. sale~ ~ ~ ~~~i itgxrie<~O A-1 er> extenliie, ant litvs e mproprmd goinen i S. O.Biglus.ai ail liaes to procurany-medicinesIo mget Oues li s. ChoieM your requiremnents, and ta keep oni stock s s caia~>.r$oiqu>tiprmp ormplets as prussiibi.Satialled it i r- 04pa li »d riç prcés ilip<us slataction v**î.espêtfutty solcil cal.New. Drug atotme, opp e S. .ecoived the velum, et lIa th O. JigeleW'î. COULTJE9 & C.AuAuas.11 Le Pto, Prjeof nt,am Page TIFUL HORSE cammolln, quisp's Piotai.. il Tihers ie notuz t u an coniribule se' aUseal foin>, a#W. sty le. -Il je imcte render the harsbeaulifai and »le- thau of pviff ga?,r, lu umprove hie eogidirau ti i maire heutha ai111 piw'uO n hm ail tha l durail rin g5W0 psgs.beeklés iba index. Arabian .Iléale Ramedy nttt Coîi41ion Medicine -11hàhas t4en uaodby rminy 'per- for qui ilaipemýýanadlBrnck sous&vire oumuisatable carriage and ecrier Oalà'ac *d l&sOther col- herses viihi dmed auccees, aintiau uqIl rcOiy aocm.airy fer us ta s>'eaP4364 are îiîeÉ *kitti îthîtt ibe>'a1ws»yç i<>::hýtY eejilou haiuti~n ee f amergene>'ý; 1ii pulk as ainteligent and - loti once raud tG ai mtimate Irmamild -Mec -We are glad le notice, ibat a: <uic nàé sOin ru o ~uw; llm gîila 1 htes-lesjust 10 timi14 whi1hf Te jof t*0 Onware Cutt' court- a subject in hall« 1.îudy il plofotu:mdiy. Day £641-1 M. D., r.aotved the audii îmYnt il iÀ 1.efare mu'. 1 explorsqil ii; of Lýocal Supeuinlant of etail ils bearînigs--4ny miit i becormeppervadeti oclow <ic Boo. A veiyviiilanioryuew a.nire Tow~aiiir CantlmîtPai.oiD.eÎtrsm" eau apioai et lire magirai ctlct il tm.s in mubduiuig cougmi, -Cnide,. pe urisy,. nhoumatimm, crampe, orai ri~_P3ty. binasof ime huran'ba. Si by afi cih riegre-tti luur absence 34isbue oeMun#n.tie undor ths aboie a placé lu tb Ir. ol of-he ~m LArGE aijisaii si-xs of Witîidow Glaso on'liand and oul ta order if tequrd u by limeIl. or Bladjer Baileti, Raw Linéeed îauery mrsele ~ di ~ Oll, mapet1tmn,al l HPaintiLaf xi. boat ýndiaj su14 Çfflty Ysmltoria ~e.ily ul Ia lId a li q:i l: y,ur itod vdy f«i ipplyiri, i ;KMétr wllbobeldin he aù u hd atthenewDru Streopposite e<o iTurs.iy ventng, S &O iglvs.CWTB ajsa '01«k. A t.1I alermdino. e SAàLE-.Parties ie satch etLof'Y AIES 5, Si.. wil dewlt tociiiThurda>', Fbriiary 9,186 store *hère Mr. Cadette offérs atWal...... $ 5t 11 icoet, Iomake rotnfor Spring Sjring W het,........... t 00 1 j» k1i trgal ithe ddSse. Oats, pe r bush.... ........ 19e" 032 on- ctl iers-luseas decte ta luPeau, per bp....... .. 0 G"o 0 gr. Bîrru, Suar gsonDentlmt, Politos,pet bush. . 00 ai"0O23 Md hutîreoit indaay for. the jey e us...... 0" ~ profession. iiMiothy, Me ton .......... & O"TO Ctover, 1er ton......... I "6 00 Ffupe r............ <00 " o Viait, Frsb Btter, pur lb .......O-.... O 16 ~tAA ~>aad.ri lest:Eggs, peýr 'a............ 0 " O of ,îurý4 64m"....Pou:50 r.'eScm wiIi vieit oni toua Veai per lb. tper qW...... 6'4 txi, il s1ha bopetl that a Rmprl...... 'u"O of o9r Tuecîmers >sad Sehaol' a e b- r0 e rgsou$ t14Com7at, as ucil as Tallow, per l.........0Oà 0 14O i bel lms iule," inlu ducaiontl Cordw"ol, per cord ........ 1 00"If4 bu pt#èputg.e(4e, each................ 0<U ilt the rtendu of edocation À Couaty u i. i neia youra c. F. W. ali bon4dholuîof taPort ysnd »"ios7, uway, took oiice 0 .*0 -Copar ai Port d y ,, i'.o 6ti day 9 V*ury W. CLU1T'Oe? £CA3SELMA . Tb"te- daughw ot John B.rtr.m, Esq., M.rchWpM,' aged- 16 days. JUSRECEVED.1 îVIMICÂL HALL, C ALL AND GKT ONE. W. .TIRKILL. 3R mÂiNIG in lW BUTaYSSg oot 04 Bainais. hin, Wm ~ er« jcobwd onl ant, mDoîmolé Icuait, ~Ima.bala. irvias, Aaè"W Ioiu, AuwI alis. Aloi. JI D MoeaDoa atalMM idon the. STAPLE &YÂETDRY 00DOP at LOWER PRimgshtàubbd .biwhuw. PatlrMljom Mlhd6001 à lariem stortnof Rady-utad.and ua"' téeidér. 9EADY -MADE CLOTHINGO, À large lot of NEW TEA JUil reulw#, %W wiobel wpwould caiii us attention 0ofligua.. sud others. ILiES kLANCASUIRE. lYsai Shop Ad&".s Buildiig, Kent -Strumi.