Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Nov 1865, p. 4

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-W. --...--- - s-r--. - - - - t , - twrwh Ii ll Ut f-, . MMMIK AND 4MIIE 4ep At mdiiIS qto mela 'y',~to; t e. I coo t 14Üà a ý1,>biiiu,mathe ca* pjwbam ak. sti,1etho hiche. 6àthe plt.l Thtcornes nearer tbi lme IUap. 41ps.------ ---- "A;ge:ier in.jny linea h ée imd wbin it .so gth iM IfTh1 se-a tm:àbgeaeptim ous Iwll give oei'tw.verno.;lm." 1 am oue ui the beteak said t, the. Cook-, Nov, sfr, your punishiieut slhah dp. end on t e awotues.and .eorreetnesa of éd îOur anfflers. Ispoey« liv. y g rudthe docks V- S-aiI can't go .vo'eai tii. doci without a boat, ýand I h"?t'goel noie." «Auswer me: h4w do you get your - breadIl' PROM >4RC Y114AGEi )BURON, to se loveu hi ,e door. us te win a beart, ta love-Ha L shaniet WOR KING M4N, m 1 loiow on eartht oe bauds am bbi.nm kn wliate'er their lask, moiaton, or h'eAr tIh hd, ithoîr bonet brows Pup andi seal cf GotI re tibeir drops of sweat- d$ insa coronel itthe glory cf all landi. LPASSIENGER. 1.0, before the. secession- I ing tue ta New 01 jeans, I 'ceeusteaming down amrawr andl unpleasant, and te do, mnust of bhe p-.ssenl- em.îelvecs te carti playiaig. muuls erowded al the ta- SOGP iczedti pon ; nti al- Jmg a-alable was. pressedt e, quite a nuanher ware uatit otiters liad-because ed, however, iwhc sceinet fied a place ésorewhere. iwas. ut Iengtli attracteti forin of apparelily. &aZMe- 'an, who, exhteti upon NUs peacefully luinberinçg. up a. Ito?l ons eiler side 'ut to a tck. *TL'e game ed-eîrlre, aqnd as the points th.chalk îapor4 the sleppei-s eenîtd a variegateti ap- iag lte gante was noisily sid gfeà1îknan ïIept quetly' thc players liecomng ex.. ilyut8 wlicIh had aisen ab- nudforgettin t4e vitality o, i adding eipliasis 10 a Il fie ad lai d iov, twougbt. ie -fiý- i: wtbc#isiderable- ly upon the pit the old- math. A ruubing, caver- posittin rec (i et )kinig w'&hla, -ughrer 1' i vut. entetfte sceae. slotwly euoe player andti ie cas-. ýng fls hîeroglypically ad. ttlm.lîcool!>- said, nlincl "Smetimps ut ti b keMi,'and smine times~ 1I Uts 'taters." -"No mpre of your -stuj id laseoee- Uow do yen support yourself." "SÈmetirnevca aMy lées-end som$timi. on my cheer(car. 1 order you I1 àmaus' a Ibques tion correctly. Hqw do yqu do.» - "Pretty vell ,tbank pi, Judg«e; ,how. do Yeu do?'> "I shal have ta commit Yeu." "Vell, youud comnat yourmf fust, that's some consolation," EXTRAOR»INARtY ACHIEVE- MENTé One etftIWIM. gextraor'diuary aehie-ve. ments in thi bunting line basreéeétl.y came witbin aur kn-)Wledge-, Iairlv eclip- sing modern idleas of céhaSe*, and reîurning teo the day. of NirnrCd, the migbty hunter, before gnupowder, rifies, or projectiles be. came knovu.. On Tbursday lait, Wm. B. Gor-don, aged- 17 yeai»s, so ùU er. Benja- min Gordon, ate a citizen cof Oitawiaudnt cri ou f thé old27s' now et he Queen's Road, Ulouce ster,, waiscngaged quietly, pi oughing in a field on li fat her's fari, ie' spieti a splendid buck abott one hundred feet distant, on the edg4ai the woods. To throw dava is reins and mnake -for the deen- wps his firat imbpulse, aidi ti animal -net relishing close acquaintance, made off at that Pace foi wW6ich ent'ore -famous. lu the neighbourhood wàsa ,creek net large iii s;ze, nor containlng -mtuchi vatet.-bet int it as a héibôi- efuge thé,pour buck sprung,. Younàg Gardon fied loni fot, ier'e vitil tie idea -of catpttting such a sp[endid specimen, and furetting thaI le- was without ansy weapon but his'own vig- 0 .rotie arme, sprun g upoi the back et iba deer, bore l'iraclown, and yelled ;for help. A -ycung broilher bear'itg bis cries ruhed lii lte-spot, and the deer vWas almout -car- ried Unhai-med te ' alarge bain, wbere- bis intics in ibe efforts ta escape ritIer asta- n«shed the-»neighbour oud.Amster. of Master Gordon's *hav*ino gone into',tle barn for the purpose ef cou xineg tIc animal te~ ~ i titcs,.mate crie upring anti jumm,- ped elean over ber. head ýwithqUt injgring her in le Jout. The p nng en were i)b- Iiged to ramove the.der inally.te a sml., ter lieuse., bLt -he becane so tncatroliable that late ut night tbey vere obliged unwil- ltngly-to aopen .a veut andi neduce him te venison. This a wer true talc" is nse.. nisbing indeeti, but t i l - ne vertheless1 true ta thie ter. -Ottawa ,nien0. AGE 0F TEPYRAM]DS -0F MahmuidBey, astronoemer the Vice- roy of Egypt, .bas publisheti an interestirîg ticatise, with .lite. view bf proving tbeir dates frein4blîir connection witb Sinius, the Dug.star. relute Vîceroy, SaitiPasha, erdered Whm ta oîck oit bis.prohlet. lHe foandt I te.,exact méeasuiement of the langest to be 231 mettes utthîe hase, anti 146.4f) fi-oui ibe gr ,onnd ta th e apex. Hence it fo lows tbhat the sideW aiceut un. angle ef fort y.one degrees and:.-fort y-five seconds.> 'Mahmud Pasha founti thatthie angle's of- the other three pynamidm, near Memphis, - weîc on ati average inclination of flfty.two tiegîacs. Tbe ta the bcaides o! ibese m0niments are placed pýxaCtly truc te tthc t our quartons cf the globe, seieett point te soine connection withe stars, anti Mohe mud Bey fOnnd Sirius seuil bics. aya. near- [y verticàlly Upàn tIc seWut.l side, iwbec passing the meriduan of'G iÈeb. 1-Het-Ien found onl calculaing backc, the. exact.posi- tiona lte tars oçcupied lu paît Centuries - t ti île rays of Sinuts7were erxactly verti- cal to the Great Pyiamnid 31,300 yeas-s B. C. Sirius was d-ýdicated ta the God Sothis, or T oth -Anu bis -anti heace tLe as. tr,unomer <educes ltat the Pyramida were. huit about 3,00 . C-& date nearly coincutling vitl Bunttsen's calculati oms, vI rixes the reiga cf Cheopî ait tlirty.four centuries -before Chrit. -Loadon 13.uil de. "Gaîrmnif IN LondO[I, on the lOthI u0t., a goads i tis colt i bave trairn vue blow-I wo miles thrnegh apneu- pesfectly u rt matic tube i. aibiut. five minutes. Tise Oulever, as tois4 Dake of Bue-kingbam anti reveral directes your ngebtures "vsehlw bogt n-îesme leng th 6f tiiie. Adilitioul lengthc cof tahîng -as-e n Vnagocan-about ho be opeu'd.. -A.-iàds or fan îwien- ilt Vennro coi( y-tw'o feet in diameter . iade b revolve case t 1 fouiréen- rapidly- hy steamapowes-, and can b. useti vNîtîtud ther fur propellilig laden trajms 1> - t. 5 cf te valts-tilhe 4i rssr e4n h io u Lini a greater ta. ding p- ar ejt h'~o o - -. -. formanitta partial vacuum hefore them1 THEu foloewing: notice lately appeçs-e lna a ivin dots- laLounca:1"Chldren tant ta danse, if agrecable t 6dt. per week, by J. Williams'. who. bieas ýnd'selle old iraa aciiesShutesCleeued and imentist.»l il, ne 5UUel UvDot hacL-uMti0 t-Punch beys 10 rnarry t1*0 wives na »i- -~ i 9U7. to mals-y tweisly làBrighamn-y. Âs4uWoWrd bas fallen hbois- te £40,. JOHN'R A:M THE EDINSRM lflrim 9URAIW OMY -IIUD OFFICE, 22 ýG4d.GS STREET, £RDINEURGHf, MEAD OFFICE IN CANADA, ýWELiLNQTONSTTORONTO. TRZ EDINBURGH ýLIFE ASSIURANCE ýcO*ANY Under the Act of Psdhpqat paaaed tbl# 1èmai&oe< ;aue oowmrdtg lsue to applices borblào beit t Mtlufr Whres aad l àtn uiph t oles are atogether fie" fiom any clahm0te ut ti sêo sedltors, andI enable peoon>tç> prolidie with gwrtaty after their deatli for tltp n;1tenanice of teir amniles. The Edisiburgh Li* 4saurasnoç Coapaity am.psepred. te offer unusual facilities fur this de- scripion of -Iemmrauo. Terma of proposa4, ad every 1Ixtoratioun resp»egt Li* Assurance may be bad at any of tIi. Cowpu QtOuu Oaaa L~JL$&IDCAMBRON, O- iman. -ID-AYID HINS, Secretary, CAMERON& ORDE, Solicitore, &o., Aget*s at Ujnd"y. l'ilandi Wiutr Goois! T E SubscrÎber beg's-to inform hie friends and the publie generally, that hJe llt rfei&vd orne of tIi.muet fashionable stock of FaIl and Winter Gode 'ever im-; ported into Lindsay. The. Taitoring Deiartmentbasbeen-ftted witli hie greateet care; ami as (he has seeured the services of first-laîs wofkmez, bieà~tters binlseif that lie qan iuit the tas tes of ail who imay faveur him» tdtli their Patronage. thé finiest BEAVER- PJ LOT AND.W..HITNE-YS on baud also à fewpieces- of firet-alass'BILOADCLOTI-IS, .CASIER S5DOESKINS for DreeSSSuite, &C. [ForFancy Tweeds, Silk Mixtures, Deeskins, Bedford Cord, there'jr ne'fia'ny Clothinig est.%blish- ment tin Canada thalïas better goode. 0f Canadien Tweeds ha. bas an iùmfmense-stock, and as tliey.are veIl knovu foi. darability and finish, liefeels confident that there will ho.a great de- mand for thein. Home-made Flanuelsanad Full (}leth of bis o-w'n nake alw ays on hand, Faîîcy Flannela of all descriptions very cheap, and a goûd assortment of Sta ble Goodls. sueh. ai Shirt- 111gs, Tiokings, Linens, &c. Now on baud over Mo Underooats, . ...from $4,-00 te $11 0Û.1 Goot Canadian Tweed Suits, 10 OC)te,1 O 500 pair Pant.a ....... froi z200 te 50 1000 Shirts -andI Drawer 9 frin i 100 to C'OC 400Veat.........é.fromn100 to 3-50, Se has &Ws over4,000 paper Collars (uizes frein 12J te 16j) and, an immense assortneût of Clotli andI Kid Gloyes, tilite, Bocks, Rats, Caps, BaeHnkrhes c in fact, ho lias on ha nd over $10,000 worzh of superior goods, -and le bound to e sdithem chieap., U'? nyarInle4t.made te order.antI a good fit warranted. A,,CADOTTE. Lindsay, Septereber 29th, 18e31 D0S-ON,& MBLOCK, Importer$aa ei eale r s in GENERAL GROCERIES, TEAS, TOBACCOS, COFF EESUGR WINES, BRANDIES,- RUMS, OLD) TOM AND,110O1,NDI - GINS, CHIPPEWA MALT, LDRYE, AND COMMON WHISKIES, &c. ý&C. The subecribere are determined as heretofore te eupply a wanh felt la this Towvn, by keeping ceusta ntî'y on baud tebetbreud fIpotdW Liquera, Aiea anjd te rs, a&lof hidcb vili b. Sold u Lowet Possible Prices. for Cash. D)OBSON &NIBLOCT<. 296-t ILtndsay^, May 4th, 1865. Lindsay Furnt;Ore-_Wa-rehouse. T'hisubscriberafferstô the'public of Victoria Gôunty the largest as iortin.ent ôf Parleur, Dining and Bed Room Furniture, in venieus styles, even brouglitite Lindsay. Partictilar -attention is invited to bis, WALNUT SOFAS lIN IIAIR CLOtIH, CAÂNE BOTTroà, CHA itRS, si K»- BOA RDS Di iag TabIes> OKN CORNER WUAý*ýTNOTS'WASR STANDS, BUÉEÀUS, SOFA, COTTAGE& COMMON BEDSTEADS PARLOR, DINING kKITHE.N CHIRS, EtESSINTALS .&c Ail orders caeyfudiy attended to. 0:>.. Oc//ina f ail sixz.easIept constantly in stock. 0:> Picturi ,'qaed. AC.al,[ fri iatendillg purehaseri lolicited. K.eme-DJOINlN.GTHE, ENGILISH OBEURCIH, XE'NT STREET.- 317 H RHOILTOUF. NE W FÂNCY OODS lAt', GEMSJAGER9' KeeEftfl'BIB-ck. Kent:gStreet iday. Ju8 ReelvtIa large qunut of new styles Wall- Peper, suitable fcr Dining Robins,Be1lcs PalesHals &.~al cf whiuhll oset al dace on cost;- Paper Window lns Lookint Glase, and Looking Glass Plate; Pictuto Freies.eud Mentieý OrDaments. bhds C H JL D REN'S ÇCABS A ND0CARRIAG ES Eug-iiah Glue, Walkiug Sticks, Canes,- &c.- vi idteThe diLovera or the Weed"e wil fnd hebest Tobaccos in great- vrity.; Pipes frei a cf-nt, auid upwards; Cigare, of the best brands, and i Ogar Cases in every stylo. a- FINyE OU? ogHyVINQ TOBACCO. SPLENID 1QUÀLITY WMrTE WINE VINEGÂR- Ladies wUl-fiu4 a variedstock offleads,,Braide,. Tatting Cotton,- Berlin Woblî, Jewelleny, WeddigRns> and Fa ucy C 'ir';Dre , g ombi, Toilet.Soap>PerfumerY AIfl air OiL; A lage variatly of Gilt IM! in ga. i Ai is iiliBrig sdBv. Llnaay ~2xd Door Wesît 01 the; Jewett Housgeo Liadayi4thAprIl, I#oO., SVQAIS aid other Gto- b Uy TLAN tê . h4 he oW'etAT 8 PER CENT.. poea ~ IOIVT BPIER'S, O 'tT E OMR Koit ýStrett. - --W-- abrl% Litda (519) te havea visit frein everyone ini weut cf any. thing in hiehUe. Working clesely at the -bitsiness himself, ané employing none but experieneed workmcn, andI biyingliismaterial for *cash, lie is prcpared tR, offer the tbllôwingprice list l'or the considere- tien-cf iritending purchasers: Good heavy Short-_Tug liartuess,-with heavy Haines .......e. ........$1800 Loug-Tiug do_ do .do-'.do, 20 GO Ilook flarness.... ...... ......... 16 00 Set of liglit single Ilarnes-Q, witb .raised traces, round,Unes, and hip-atrap),, and fancy Bridle .0.. .180 A good serv-iceahule dotble set cf comrse- fines, (suitable for e lmggr or liglit w.ork).wit.h erupper And lip-traIp, round Unes end fancey fridle...25O And evcrything in proportion. Repiaiing..exccuted neetly, promptly, and cheaply. WVhi1îs, Leshes, SurcingleQ, Bridies, 1Halters, ilrtnshes,. Comube, k*c. &c, kept constantly u band and sold very chcaàp.. 1A Il kinds cf Caýrnage and Cutter Trimming dgne at. the lowe st'prices. JAMES LOVELL. LiudayDecebsr1, 164.2'18-U-1 lakes Simcoe andCOeUChichine. ?91HE Steamer EMILY 311Y leaves Bell IlJ Ewart every lai'fül day on the arrivai of' the M.%ail Train, frein Toronto, and, cells nh Beas'erton eyery Monday, Wlednesdfiy and - day, et. 3 o'elockr p.m., and evcry Tuesdjay, Thursdey, a nd-Saturday, a t112 o'clock, noon, returning tb Bell Zwart in tirno to connect with t'heeyening train for Toronto or Collingwocud. SThe Eînil~jy ice mll, daily at Jackson's Point, Atlierîey, Orîllia,, and ether }laces, where ihe usualiy stops. At Orillia,. passen. gens cantake the steamner Fairy for tlie Muske-- ka set lemnent, and the SevernU iver. Fanes modenate. IMeais andrefreseiets.on coard.' mai ôth, .1865. ISAAC MAY, Ma.ýster. . 296 . DATS COMMERCIAL COLLEUS <Formcnly cf Bryant, Stretton k; Day,) ]Kh4 street, Toronto, Firat Door West of Wresleyau Book PRoca, U ONDUCTED accending- to-Bnitish Practice, with sncb modifications suited to the n e- quinqinenta -ef the business commuuity cf Nerthi Ameriea., DESIGN-Young meïii tlîoenghly prepared for the dutie of the counting houle and for generai business. The course cf instruction 1embraces Mercan- tieBook-keeping, Band Book-keepiug, Money Brokere' Books ,Commercial Calcuietion.,, Coin- merçial Law, Commercial Cornespondefice, <including the principliés of Englieli Comaposi- tion), Business Pennmauship, Telegraphy and PlIîonography;. Staff of TéacAers and. Lecturera. Mr'. DAY,. Instrucetor li the >Science cf Acm- ceurit8, Commerciaml Calculumîtons, and Cern- inencial Cornespondence, and Lecturer on Bnci- ness'Customs. Mr. B. SuçLlIvàI, M.A., Barrister, Lecturer on Commercial Law. MIr. Bu,<. 1 Toys, Chbief operator in Mlottreal Telegrapli Cc>pany's Qlllce, Tor(-uto, lnstruc- tor n ii'eîegraphy. mr. W, B. TiuompsoN, Instructor ini Phono- IEF£RENCP.S. .'jr. DAY lias m uch pleasuire ian eferring te the fiiUlowinggcntlemie:-Itev. Il. J. Grasset AIez. Lurray. Esq-, .',f Iatt Mîrray & Ce.;- A. R. Ni-R-aatte, Esq.,.of ?dcMastei & Brothert; George MMebie k&Cc., David Buchan, Esq., Bun- siSr Uuiversty, J. Lesslie, Esq,' 1ostmaster; W.~ ~ ~ f ithEecfHowland & Fitchi;-Adain Crooks, heq., Q.C., MA ... L. W. Smiith,' Esq. Barrister,- D.G.L., Toronito; Hon. Isaac Bueamin,-M. .P. R.Juson, esq,, AdIam, Brown EsWuitn Duncan Bel], Esq., I6nrea;W.T ons Es.,Newmarket;14v' Dr. On, We>Il1ingtoit Square, Chairman- of Oounty Board oe. 'ublic- Inttuction, Hlton. -For term s addre us pout-paîd (eAolosiglett.r *S1US ~. DA7,. Practical Meounstant, Torouto> - Of thecse wn-e hav e an immense- essortinent, m'n- cluding .%r-çnéne, American andI Foreign Cities andI Landscapes, Groupe, Statuany, &C , &c. 'AIso, Pevoiving Stereescepes, for-piublic or privaI-e exhibition. Our, Catalogue a iii be seat-to any addnesa on reçeijut of stemp. P IlT OG.RA PH I C -AL BUMAIS . We were the first te. introduce these int thie V nîted Sitcs, and wie manufacture i-nmbense q...atitiés la great varie.ty, ran ingl nc from 50 cents te $50 ecdi. Our ALai.-s, ';eve the reputa tion of beizig supenier la beauiy and Fdtirabilty te any othiers. 1The3 will bc sent by mail, fe, un oep f price. IFine Albumse Made to Order, CAR&D PIIOTOQRAPHS.ý Our Catialogue now embraces overjlre thou- saed-different suibjecte (tut- wlich additions. are centinmîaliy being madIe) cf Portraits.cf' Emi- nent Anicrîcans,&cr-:abp 10Majrr-Generahs, 211Y Brig .-Generals, 215. Colonels, 10ô Lieut.7-Colonels, 250 Otîter Officers, 75 Nzv~y Officers, 550 Statesmen, 130 Divines, 12Î Autliors,, 40 Artists, 1*25 Stage, 50 Pr ominent Womnen, 150 Proîni- nent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 copies of- Worka of art, including repmodu-:ctions offltue nist celehrated Engrevîngs, P.aintiDgs,. Statues, &o. Cata- logues sent ou receipt of Stunip. An order fur One Dozen Pictumes froni or Catallogite mli be fillletI on the rcceipt of Sl.80 andI sent bv mai frec. Plioograjihene and others ordening gôels C. -0. D. wili picase remit twenty-iive per cent, of the amount wilili- lîir eruher.ý F. & Il. T. ANTHONY & CC., eMaetuf-tuers&of lIeor:ui2Pisrs 501BnoriwyNEW Xo[ii. 113The prices andI qaalitiy OfOunr goods ca- net feu ostisv.2q2-I v. LINDSAY AND MANILA STAGE LUNE, u N TITL FURTIIIPN.OTICE'A -STAGE miii bavre Fourniiers Hotél. Lindsay,every !it.wftil mernig aI <3 ocioek, rea.chîing Manilla in tim1ete. contiecb iilithe stage for Oshawa, Wiithy and, Beavenion. .fleturaing-ýeîu Yentons Ilotel, Maniln,.,fter thé arrivai cf the St.iges fronu Oshawa, W htby. andI Beavente n, a rviving a t Lmidsay ai 8 o'cîo.k ta the evenîng Paresr snal;Tlîe propnieter n-ili net ho reslotîsile for pa rcels or baggage miless bock- cd ad îaid for. GEORGE CIuANDELL, Lindsay, Apr!l 1, 1864.143-tf. PORT HOPE & PETERBORO'ý N andI aften the 22nd of MAY) the Peterbore' OTrains will rua as follows: XAIL. Leave Port Hope e......9.55an. Arrive at Pe:.erborotigh at........ 12.15 p.m Leeve Peterborough et......... 3.30 pa.. Arrive et Port Hope eat.,...........s55p.rà. Leevre Peterborough a-t...........61 a.m. Arrive ât Port Hope at ..... ...815 a.m. Leave Port Hope et............... 3.00 pa. Arrive et Petenborouib..ý..........5.30 .xi B. B. KINIBALL,, JOHM FOWLER, îSuperintende>st. Mue*ag Directroe To be Sold a Barglain. The south half of Lot 'No. 18, in the Isîli concession ef Maiposa, containing 10û0 acree, of wi;ich about 7J) acresI are, elenred and un- 1der cul 1 i.vttion; it is wel fened, lias a goed log and aiise a Tramne Dwelling liusiand a, sîneliBarn and Stale tlereouî; thene le al- ways a good supply cf spri ng water-on.the lot. Tiiiîce will be given fer the greaterpart cf the purchanse mnney. S Tille, Indisputable. For p articulars and te treat, apply on the premises te bbc Proprietor, GEORGE LAKE, or te Mess. MA.CKAY & EAP, _8tf Lindsay JUeT RECEl VED afine uoetted stool cf tbe neweat elesgns in AND ELECTRO-PLATED WARP, W. WIIARIWIs, qmil KImg ShIlt v2" Steamboat -Notie-, 1886 The Steamer ili commience her-reg il-r tri! s ôon, a Eyetl Mary, 1-865~, .eaving- Bridgenortfh a1 dayv', Wednes.davs ani Frid *4îvs at liii.r'- turning n-lItleeLdsvnTîodu..r- danys anîd 'atnrdays nt 9.15l.. obagerand Fe-nclon Fa Il,.- et 9 pt'* nctually. For ,furîlier particulars aJoTrgr c) apply on board. 199-tfJAS. IWAIJS IXPROVIED FPA-R F01 SALE,. I1rIE SUB.SGRIBER otl'rrs for.SaieLo . hI la thet COYu. ùif ite 11 TOWNSHIP ()F MARA, CO. 0NTAI,!ý Smitute ini the cenitreo (f a got " tlou ' w i'i 3ih~uf 11r1IREE-SAW 'NIIl 1,A N).A G(R 1T Y:L 7 The Proper1v- is appnt Lou *1gc .d i a d is witiiljof a 111uft lie Thec Land iî of tht BEST QUALIT Î.s: j Title is irndispît1Ue. Application may oinade 10 or 10. the j1roprieor on thie DUSALIMR AF. TabtRver, i. Mare, Jane 2. 18iý4 STE-IMBOAT NOTICE. Daily Cem-nuiiicationi WITII ROCHESTER. VUp 1 L CABI1-X S T E-A MER, CIIIUYSLER, MASTER, Leaves Northi Shore ports for Charlotte, every tIay-(Sýtinays cxceîuted,) as. follows :- COLBORNE, et 112-4i, p. -COBOURG, a t2 PuM. > PORT HOPE, et 3.30 p.m. RETURNING.-Leaves <harlotte for Nor:hb Shtore ports, ci-cri-mot niî.ig, (S untd,:y, cxcelutu r et 8.30 eu the arrivàI of stieciai train fr,)in Rochester. Passengers la Canada frein clilupots LesI, West sud North, b>- Rail or Boat, coaneet with thîls Steamer,*et Pont Hope ànd Coboarg, and, sn- rInve ln Rochester iu tinte for express trains E-ast, "esb and South.* 'imseugers-in thie uniteil States, via Roctîeq- îCr conncct by speelal îtrains widi4this stamer ~m.xand 1 tieasari-ride oven Lake 0I ari . F ; Itinve for speciat1 trains lu Lindlsay and Pheter-n. 7 andI eri)eets trains Eist antI West on i11e ri Truunk,i tailay, irid alsc) for Roy ai Mail Linc ùt- Steamîers. SThis swift andI maoenrlicant steamer iraz 1-ern esIiecially lit.tedtil upfr this rouaîv,mirb ail r Modhern appliances, ean& 12cr saloon antIdk noorna a.re elegantty fauîshed.- Thec Table andI lar atways spîîpied with t "é venv best. ar-250; Dock, $2 00. Baggage at isk of owners, ules booked alla paifor. Fer fariber. information appîy te the Captain on buard, or te --ý % m. BROWAgN', Kingston, Oct., 1865. Kfgîn UN.DEZRTAKLING.@ f-ANDERSON, CABINETMAKEB Rand. ,J TURNERt, bege te announce thet ho bas lu stock acompeteassrtment of COFFIN.S s' hiei Waveroems, Canubnige. street, LindeSAL& litie North of the Market Square. J. A. keeps a Hetarse, andi trusts by mtodOtt@ Oharges andi strict attention te ii 5 uho&'d elsgr ~1th bu; s, mail; iiitîîîi1, as rit sutbreâk, it whjebhis1 !vi i d,d1ho -aeful witlà mays, that mf -et a lo i ai: tkeir boe s, es at once. . 1 1 C ~P&ýateL4 Ybia.r14l1M0. newp$cileet sbaimpfumsung Many aS rar sud vluabie iàxprovemeats, having been TO 0OUR eramined hyý tbe most profoind experte, and onouueed to b. aimpitÜy ani psfecUon coin- ,NOB)J~LE BA N N Rt 1 fiiwngarthe-prinipal objetions o- ged iiainuit Sew'ig Machines TT is 01111tth. deteriniation of the ubsciber 1. ExcuM&i' labor to the operator. to agatsa revisit the ' Fatlier Land," andIin >12, Liability tu get out cf order. îieo v cf the saine bha ishes to BI el d is 3, Expense, trouble, andI loscfurnelu re. boud tc.do se) tthe undermeutioned desirabi enfg propeirî, situeated ou une of- thé moat pleasaul ý 4. !ncepàcity te sew every description of stretaqiindsyv~; -matenial. Oce.two *tory Brick and one Framne Ioue 5 Disagreeaibie noise hile in operation. standingO on e Lot, and one lange two stary 77e mpre Sxn.asiei aempt yrame,11ouse on a lot adjoining, ail well finish-frmaltea PE M NH , cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ,whlg ihgo yrsat vr hbas ast.raight needie,, perpendicular-ac- i eoniodatlon. -Aiso,, that twe storyr Frae tio,rnkes thcLOCK or SIWTTLE $TITCH TELEGRAPHING,, Building <Spsud Dwelling) oecupied ît pro- Which W.111NE) THER RIP nor RA VEL, andI PH0N0GRA PHY, sent by bdmself dir-ecty opposite Browu's hoôck, ii alike on'botb sides; perfouins perfect sewiu'gBO K EPIG Kent Strçeetae good ganden andIbarn attached, ou, every description -of. matail, ifron Leather B.0ARKEI NG vi, vith cveny coavenienco for a business man. tte .fiuait Nansook Mulin, with cotton, lhue; CRRI E PON E4N Thie bnyer is guinanteed avadvantage et once c» tiedfenthec coar et o i fineetO2' tNCE cf 16 per cent on the capital iuvested, andI aise number. a remunemratio n of, et least 9, on 10 per cent. 1Hevin g eithor C'AM nor COG-WHE EL, "TeacflJt ;- rMs thail w cliil&tuYtii thereatter, per yean. 'For ternis and familier in- andth le least possible friction, it ruais as srnooth prçt ' itùybecue ' e. formration applyte hie subsenibens, .0.- 11, -s, uieasglass, antI i ornte A. HUI)SPETH, Solicitor. lEmphatioRa Is oiuseu achine! h olga 1ore( bs nîîîo ~ Furt iot ee.Ibtreqîîires FIFTY PER CENT. Iea$ power te ciudes ev(.rything reýiiisite for.nr iogli a drive i than an5- other Machinue in makt A practical Buisiness Edutctio)n: Book-k-; j. iîg We have still reoeaning on hand frein geods girl cf ivelve.yeans of age en workit sîeadiîy adapted te eveiy kind of b,is, ySi! soîtI cf eoet, a few articles.of Glassware, Cnt- witlioub fatigue or, injury te hezlti. and Double Entry; Steaiubotngl&,, hatdi:u lery, Lampa and Globes, Looking-glasses, &c., Itsstrergîli andI wonderful «impiicity c-f cOn- Foreign Exehange. Forwarding and (junal;ý- whieb viilble esoltI very cliepr. -strnetiona rmider il almosiiimposible teet ont Sien Business,- Menufacuuiring, Niing, ' Justnreceived- a lot of good Gold and Silve- ef orden, and is GUARANTREDby bbc ero-, elianging ýS:,glc î& Doub)le Ltry. watche8, comprisifng best Englishi Pateýnt-Ler- paay te gi-e enhire satisfaction. 1-1- ' Price of coehis lime 'xiilin-:. ers, hutntiné and- opexi case do, -Deta ched'y- . We.nesjîectfully inviteal liese wliomay de-I Twenty-.five dollars. hInder do. do., -Duplex Escapernent andI Ladies' sire ho supply then'selves vwitht a superior erti- GoîdWatcbeà, end a fine assortinenit of g9ld Icie, te eall andI ex'anine this U..ýVRJV.dLED bJi-Books andI Stationery for fuil cio:rFs. 'm) silver andI pleted FobýCliains, look.9 and Keys, 3LA~CHINE. But iu a more specilm oner withatuo a' ulîs eaîet f GoltI Ear-Drops and Rings, and Clocks ofevery we.solicitt thepatronage Icodicet n île came îriniîl 1 description andI priée tu suit inrehasers. Aise, 3feu,ntTaloscores dkrs teonkitgh e S.ane nieats î'fî splendid Satin Room Parper andI window Blinds, a1 c aei sC'orseilakeTs, or Wholesaie Esîiablislrae,ît cit .iIlîng Sain. Gilt VelvetBodcsfor rneatly, fornishiiîîg a sit ýqSleirfMultnsfg I Gqs6iterFitters, tes e all kinds ofMeichaadise, el IEztqt'uk ,tiug roum, n, - ddvrutjs iprt( ietfmN edî sYorkt. nstimiore t and Bosout Afukers- I ShutOcIinders, frein which tmlii tdents, eîîteriîag tins ili di rest frein New I otietrk.jei frt pucbýs.* h Best COAL <ML et pnices defying competiticu. Vr 3dPatimMaes.net. inaeeifitpria- ThLo, - UhilfunhennoiceIli suseibe wiî cn- Religions and Charitable InstitutionsIcii. the Emiporium, tby the Su(îar tinue te -carry on the Watehmaking business be IihErOf l dENLt itS. eOUttE. iltin nr anîhen, iv e hhaeIt as heetofore, tu whlch lie lias added the beau- N. 0 AHNS QP~T. Oiia nradtîyaecîuoe tifl rLof ngavng.Incrptinslîo 1. Fitrnily Machine, witli Henimer -plan of tue pial M lielesaite ho-.- - Rifgs,Watche, ,Doorl>l&teg, 'ofllaîilates. Forks, coînîdete...;................$rio00GOcity. i -i departiment is îîu.h-lrtht e l' SponsSigets N~spîjîr Çît, o IlsinseNo. 2, Sniall Manufacturing, wîhhExteu- Teac.crl-r- lias la d-a lonr, uro~ Card Stamnpi, will be, executed teonder iu su- 501Tbe..........4 fonesastcen iiuatoc - perle stye. N. 3,Larg " " 85 00 workiug. tid for ,p1ciWni of r- Just R.Cecved e splendid lot ef Gilt 3Muulding No. 4, Large. for Leether .. ......... 100 010 circnlarnota iniig çrfliui iafonîî'n CXlIJýTS VIN EVE RY VAP.ETY. 218 11EU.,1 [, & WIGHT - G._H. KEEVE, SENS, e wa nt agents for ail tuivas in the u-nied~ ___ 1,t, - Ken S, est SatsCanada, Cuba, xc, Central andt Lindsay, Sep. 26bli; 1865. 2991-i6r Soth Amieu-ica, where Agencies atre îîot eîreadî iAUAAn JêMLUJI -J LOlley. estabihed, te ,wîîem à liberal dsonî l e 41Uttdr i î c~Li 44-4d , gien, buit ire nake lne consiginentsý. Iarmers At C ten io .reppdcso 3 Fc Orders nmav he sent Ibrouigli thue qt--riodex. c Jdersag.geu~,3~ roday ew York. L E MU ~ C M~~ J.T. McARTHUR &CO., aating luesirnet On Uule ar 33B %V", N ew York.Frai te ~ <kLu T A II) & G OLD SETTLEOD TOWN$HIPS oftioandth wjoi.i:Ca-uni-s. As partý TÉhe subecnfibezdeàires te inforin the custemers Jkamtef4çjurers 6fJPhtoograiphric Muterial, tLe montes bt-Ioig to hrivate iadividuals, ur- of the laie firml of, WJIOLALE A À EAI can be aecratiuted in- - el eel501' BROADWAY, N. Y. RO'M TEN TO FIFTEEN DAYS -afier thre appulicatimns rcre ade, pjrlv;dçAi7ý -as vel ai thc general publie tit le is now 'dditîiOn te cAlr Mn business cf FhWOI- ITitles are iîot unusiialIy conîjlicated. darrying on the ilalrness and Saddlcry bisines - graphie iîtaerials, ire are, Ileadqiiarters for- Aipîly, if by lemier pre-paid, te soiely' on liii owuassoant, lante oltIstand ad> t he follwia, Viz. G. M. iOc iE. f jeing the -store of IV. H. Mitchelltï. C u. éStereoscop)es-and St ereo3c..ic views. îindsay,'Âpril 2c,, 1865. 2~t

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