Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Nov 1865, p. 3

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({j~ n 0 ICOOPS bouts furtberI %var.-- -The pro"gres r>' tlisais liis beau Sbravezo f the kf an ùijsoiiont-- impyorait, and, vata--es gaiijed ectation uiay b. iuily terrssTtaate -althotigli utitsieus1 )e 1dowinwiiI Sfatigue2. ed 1 iglt and day for ras never dteced as- dail that bis acoounti ila>-, t'ite -tb int, , Mercîant of a dauigl-. UED.- thse Bridles Uncie, inl Çfvffnber,Ilsyliter. IWin lule -MissJusla Anu ter cf George Pillesl, Thssî4diy,Nomer-;185 .... . $ 1 2.5to 1 40 t,..............~ 13 ,- 1 2.-), uS]......... 2O'-025 rnî.......... 0-00 O 2 bushis.............O0 50 0 55 s r ton. ....... 6 -O i Ts erl .. .... O0 19" o l........ 4 50" 6 ( per (Itr. ..... 00 5" 000 lb .. . 005vo 140 W ù0 2 ) 03 ' ........... ~ ' Z Brick Block, IZLEY iIerous triis sand tisa liaI le las-rnuuoved bis >Icture -Gallery- is rocuns.lu in vso' q ej up for tise uuurîsse, 1odli onut" ally lu tihe Ciý lire- t - les- et tise ýtng donc oun1the a '-1' 117 eS*P730 NORTHftEWKif~ JPec. *ý4 8 at Noue: ulde o mecôil eai aMttM ber one0tlathse TMtlrCon- il taaad edcultiva led, cast Dwelu, Mrean, mle Snuased lu .a MPrtgage. ia ..t..± * ,. 5hn..1 E0~ -A 'd»PAROYlis lo.tywnbi t VS dvbl* * Civet asti *P8. rrom RuR ii>ê&& uv' a nas wit ýýzeap wAsé fr i * Thea $Suth Three'çsart eo t -i "C inth "eenhConcession of tIse Toni a l Towlset ssmd s'Yy Hamtilton, contaiuissg 1,70 acres, more or les 'Lots No. 4-sud 5 Southet RidOtubt ..ue4 being A 'vaiiîtl)le ciearad Faricu, with good Log thIe site -cf Jewatt's foruer Botl)t consatisîl o! Dwelng, Prame Barnc &c. i two-lfth i n oe III LoIs 20 sud- 22, luhrth of GleeIgStreet 0c"s Uinder power of sale containe inlu a-Morîgge .sisiâùg oetoe u qitnememebi.9 riey. JONK u 't e1eaoaCn- Park lots T-I and C2, Lindsay EBut, conai*t- TiseNoai' HIt f Lt u~sbe Twely-ueirg cf 5 and a af acres Fasb. The orthlial of ot anIbr Twntv-ue, Si! bai! acre lots on lot 1.5 wet of Ade1lde in tise Se'eutb CC(esien cf thse To";ssip o Ç1arke, contabipg 100 acres, more or less. c la . aigOtAeateat )lobSe T~he abovq ia 4 rery xaluabl rm, 1ha vin; P o r articuls lappiy lsý about 80 or 85 àcrei cleared a#4'.foàcad,, ini a MÀ4CKAY à BEAP~, igis sttcteýfutivation. nd weli walered; The. Barrites. liduangà edusist oftàa aexr raîme Houâs,_witi Lindsay, No.7, -IÉM. 32 back 1-ýatoe1t aud good stoene*.clitr, good LQg - hcuse,--Iwo Frame Baus lrivlnË-heuse, and ri> L B R11E Tisere la ou the fsrmý an orchard of 10D cisice gratedtruit trees, whichbeatrs pièntifully. Tihe-settlers- and c*tJiCF farm is situated in il t-allhy ilocality, surroun- ed b.y respectable settilers anad close- te a good12 0 crs 1Go dL n chooh Are-fGodL Ced, ofetsale, ïcontai ned in a Miort, O ES>V NT E from HIENRZY- i. AlImiu oN te -above'T wasiU ip of Bérl.y. Cmpany.I -- 'The EastIlIalf of Lot unnuber Eighltin-tiseI - Third Concession of tise. Toivtslîip cf Cavaisj, Thare..i.ssôe excellant Tituber on the o nta!inin.g about 9JI acres, more or less, about, Lands w-ell .wortisy the a ttention of lumbersuen. sali au acre of albove Lot iaiug been reses'ved Prisrqiiglusfo auigjtoe or schl utip- eeaedwould do weii te examine thse l ands, They This is ari excel ent W*ell Fiàe arm, witb wvill lia sold cheap. Titla unexceptiena1ble. good Log DYijlisng, Prame B arns, &. }r fuitisar partiiulars-ecquire of T ItM S LI BÈR A L. W. J. THIRKELL, Tan p-er cent. cf tlýe iuschaase money toe bal Médicail Hall, pa id ilown atthse li me of sale, aud teans for tise - -KeIZ Stret Lindsay. balance will thu en emadO knowa. NovmbeCiO,18655.32 Deeds, Abstract cf Titie and Mforgages, ýc an- a- saen aItishe Office of thçe Solicilýors. o ut t theLito L ter ibîzCè of sale. L s 'fiétr Furtiser information 'eau lbe obtaiued -on ap- EA iNn luhe M&usr&aPost Office,. liestion ta lthe Conmisioners, Trust and bean u-No ti, 1 65. - Jonnsàny cf lTppel, Ca nada-, Kingston; Mesars. R OADOAIDPAI'N MCLAL, e~.Avery Jobi M1ruAiez MACOr iNAtD, cr1ýî0N tba-ssndersiga oli-Byrne Michael - )[Fladyn Miss AnaL citors Kingtgn ,oCamîîlcllnderlieed.r - eKunnon Neil FRANCIS MURPHY, -Cflmplei1-Alexander MeDouald >Miss Atsn Auctioneer, Port Hopr Cunningham James 3 MèLeari Ilugis Kungtnn, Oct. 28, 1865. -3 24-3. -Carmicîsuel D'un MooeaWsn _______- -Curriè Alexander Igerruion Thomasu IDavy George Mair Thoma" Ilarrison ,'chn Norton Mis H H ail George Osborn James Judson Misr- -SmithJ L Kiiiainey James - -'Picipson MissaÀ - MeKecîie Mrs A B -Thsomas Josiais a cNMillaunJon Treenseer Tis -1ea n Johu Wilson Mrs Mary - ~,-'i44~-31JtcKinuon l ector Wood Anson ~ 'i ""' cnnis John-.. - l ersons calliag for thie abov il les. s il u.îusf - ertied 1etters.-- -w- Stoves! Stoves! DoUIL ÏsrS' Thr subscribyer bas juast recceived tise la igest aud- - tuîoit varie4l assorttieut ua',stbvcà eCver brougI)t int Lindsay, the wltgok 'f sihic-h lté is determsisi-- - ailto 2el - -At Astofflshing ly L"w Prices! 1 SI ERIFf'S SALE 0F LANDS.ý and parties intending to purcîsasp will finil ilte - tîsir idatg te inslect it unvii-allcdstock Couunty ot-Victoria, UIL iesMa te 4îefore calflixg elsewhiere. Look ah tiiese figures lse To wit: V C -oturt ousse, lu. th Towns cf Lindsay, on TUESDÀY, tise Tiir- Cooking Slaves from .. 1 a tetsdyc ERARA. D1) 66, at'the, Box Stoves Irorn....... 3 tl 10 liutr etfNon, all tise right. titi. and interesto Parlor Sîoes foîn....... ~ 8tiseundcrrnentioned deftdàntssiluansd u lita Parlor 4-0 ..8:'.following litanda assd lênemaula, vYie: Ail- otiter artiecs-, iot e nuunratad, at 'puiceS - ti - -Pes wiit 11wili ataImi.aU htie loyer. -ls ecuto0uuo TisItieSt pic a aid iu Caili for jPte eCl îu annah MyGale, Plintife lil kitdS Of ýshippinag FturO -Margaret Kenney, Mary Kenuey, Elizabth: Sls~jSkusjun Cw-Iuds.K e Isu ty, 1,-Ier- Kenssay, and Marinl Aildèsrijtiets f Sauh î~î tcs onsauîy ennysthe, Ie yotIisg&, by- Martin Ken- 01n liaftd. uey, tisaeeider, thi at eing guardian, - - ~DAVID B RO WN E. e.sts L!ndiav, Nov'. 14, 18G5. 1 jTise Easst hait of lot numb1er Tan iu tise- thi id ___________________________________ cuorsiotihe Towabhip cof Gps. THE NEW. NUMBER in fthe Court of Qsseea'aesc OF' THE -JohnO'Learýy,......... .........Pat l Cl 4~ MYFrancis <VLary efnat ?u~tubr XVVcona' .iTie Souths ltàlft cf lot number Sevetn lutse. \u lf X V.fo)r N vember, s IintS concession of lise Townshiip cf Emily. PLXI WOD3 N BiLICL CITICSM.a - NËIL McD01704LL, th llte v. F. Il. ScasEEI M .-serifrs Ofrlce, Liday, Seff CiitlS Ci-UR I AS: Ax O)xrnnu rbSfOst. GdlNov , 186t5 32 -CutrXI.-Triue Grand Ctuesoain [Fîràt-i-usertioii lOti Novembar, 1865.] 'ÇUL)onu)RNIo-or L ETiE ~Pv Fraunck ' Leox. I o e _ on -AIE',- P' tie Ilel E. L-. Cuys, B.A. *btESuîciers ba~ve instruetions freinp-n TTuE il 'V, f.iOMOF IIY[IATI,. T> vwrte individ iuals te iuvest a few titusanl- 11EL~ Mt'.5 - tollas5 u a iasesabie rat-e of jatere t, on.im- SK E * CIII - IN TFIE DBSERT. No. TII. Bypocdfimroar.. île' 11eýv. R. St. JoihN ;Ti iwîsrr. -lIA A OIt IISTORY OF TUE ENG(LTS E idsy 3rd Novesuber, 1865. - 32394 BIB hpt er XTII.-piiring tise Bible iu Pari, anud ise Five V'ears'-Faculty. Cihai>.- - How rd.T R SýL TIE FBVER DISTRICTS OF LO NDO0N. 13 Two Improvd Form a lise ReV. J. F. hun-o. T DESERT INEIiITATIONS. B-y A.- Il. - RfAI;T, IN ELflON) M.A. ( WiSsli iIll t rat i(i bu1Jý D. lVutsofs.) TIETNG West haIt Lot No. 15 iunlise 6tis con- OUI, LRIA-CXt1V the EDITOR. j>B cession, contalub.g 10 acres, ot whieb 8 Tise Norwiýcl uri C ges-Aclbiho'-is under cultivatien, and a good Log Houa. 24ý ot Y6rk's , ei-ton-Nts Gon the. C-ongres$ by 1;r 08, aite a stable arecledt iereon; also, -Tise la te Mr. Oakle-Jouriali auda Coresîoodnceuit Mis Ierr-Dr PusaysLot NO. 23 Soulh Portaga Road, corntaining erryýr. Puey' over 100 acres et wbiels- 35 ara ne titvk '~Trtit an(l Office oîle Ch.ur.elscf Eig- lon a1adÀ.goLg us24y1,age, la(, -hisi -'liy new b aint, stalles erected lisareon s good weli, "Tie-Ofod sen, cîilcd'Chis Chirli c.Ties se eill z~e n-d thue faimry j)siys,' progresses iwell, lnd is evideutly. frorn eirab(yfted, bg iaes of iy 2 ils tic tise len of' eue wlso as îcen ila résidence s lbruttsinisgvlae t fkli u tbat ancieut univeîitiîy and bais seauitls lus Baîsover. Ap1hy.o - own cyes tlitelife -wicîjitedsils o plea s- OQCKRÇRN &SON, ingly asil-so tritly. TIse înaunes eft. lise coîsîri- - Proprleters, bu tors o te pap I. i esuachso-as an' ub.rl. wor liuie fa dres.iei toattac1hcid members GO OMR s. cf tisa United ChurehoftPEuglaud. sud lreiand '105k~ m ouid bc proud te dislay;',-ckeltenkamà TisseS.Nv8165 e- Ldsy 1865. tONý'DON,: 'AmEs boa &SoNs. TORONTO: WV. . Cu[Wz'n' & Ce . IONTJIEAL -DAWSON BROTHrzSs Mid 111 Bookseller8. Juil receved atth e i acai all" 800 gai- ions flue Bweet Culer, 4y the galào or bArrai. ISSUER 0F IICE C=i MANILLA, C. W. 32 -\.BENSON, PisyWaai, 8urgeon andi Âo- . Mcear. PeRe-ÇoursiWilhIamsud IRîsaoli Streets foemly ocom4e4 y Mr. q. If. Lenon. 5.~ ~ p« o.okEO, .M D.~ 4 ýWiWIC FOR SALE. Thaoul hai o!Lot 22 Wl U 'h.e_Çigzhlicou- w'ONTARIO,. Oqe Hond red Acres Î4w a i. tIEËL.OG FARM-."9 A -yy aluabe proparty"'ils gosâbuilings. ëApplyt Risr'office. Octohar 201h, 1865. DORM ER, solidtor, 4e Lîndsay. A LARGE LOT ni gey and wliiie ý9BLANKETýS-fer sale cheap at ROBERLT SPIER'S, Kent Street.- 'Ext enU.siýve Land 3aIe. Tob. muid by PUBLIC ýAUCTIOX4 at withoût rësýrve, 20e00 acres-excellent bard woid Land; situ ate, iu the -Township of VERULAM, ini the County of Victoria, on SATUJRDAY, SÙth. of DECEMBER, nIbeu onpsd of the following: me Ot'.m con. LOT. LOi East -aIt 2Ô East hait i21 17 lie SWest liîlf 20 4 - - 19, 7, West liaIt 20, 1- West litf21 ..4uy partiesdesru f prcliasitg by'private sale cau do Bd at any time b)fetlise iluîeion by apply'îug te the owner'.11. T. Wickhaam. Esq., on the' premies,..Qr te bis-Attoruey, Mîirtin Dunsford. Tenus one*-fourtb dovn, antl the baflane in four eqialiaunaiinstalments, with six lpar cent interest thereon. M.:DU'NSFORD, Solitor, 4e. LilaNoi'. il, 1868.3 IS 411 » DAILYJOURN'tALS for 1866, At Hay's Book* Stere' seko Vela. NEW BOOKS, At Hys okStore.ý Orders solicite d'for any, Ma gazihse or Ncwspa-ý pa. 1w' Now ig thse lime to'subscribe. 13u Be iii lime te commence with Jau. ,No. JTAY's BOOK STORE. -Cas>sell's liu strated Bible, containing- over 900 At 11;1Y',1 BOOK STORE. LIST -OF LIETTERS R RIMNINVG i theh.-»osas' Post Office, 2nd Jtrsdy'Piilip 'Mabiony André W Cdf Peter Masson LUC Daly John' Xorrison IluglI Giadman Tbos McDusirrickI>a't Graham John . 1.Gratb Terrence. Ilarnlto)n E dw rd: M Lennan Ke uetb Iloga n MSrtin Parkins 1 irwin Jiýmeg S mith Mr -b r Kennedy. Alez Tomîilkinis Jamee Lee Duiic R Thonipson Malilda- Lindsayz %'.WWakr sA Little Martha, for ad,'crtised Leters. T. R. ADANI, P.Mf. LaMPS!I Laps!e ~~t VUit*yM IOKIVE. Cltig ?11 tan su ojy lb. iobi..s tspl.o~1ot.wiHe tfl.gëtIbscot , Ie« cýWs,'yn da, d. eeùon jusicenbu onbt ae ineuse1q. W.lil8b& 1, r ,wW*h Oau&Eodia T eeds fof8s Lup id syand C Oi'e -oa-ic, oria Jdth, 1w ?t 4 z ir yn Tie ainan hof, a fam-ily adâs, tpe al sud wýleand hapy. cosseers m it b.owIlt caMshs ou beu ded upon jnsiic ben n ' thea yeiie4 o 1to Ur ciil for gooasin yil biswmo ' Bok et trt Tuhego1 d 8oeopindsayLandsa ad on o Voria argd h ýotpr oe nenrlly inanifeo and Iaw-fthiding. Tbeir indastry bas been eewardfed'thi3 season withi fine crops, fluer prices, -aud g od demand fWrall kinds of produ.ce, stock, &e.., ihich enables them te bu$ their FOR READY MONEY) -At JAMES' :ENIýHA.N'.S îsAho, las now on baud a compiete assortment of. uew and naaonableý .enibra cing"a large variecty of Ladies Dre3s Goodi- New SIL4 J; L&, Neuw' RIIBO.s9, iew COOURGS Newu, MAN.ýT# ES, Neuw FL0 IVEIRS, '~'WNClS. New11 VN 7SNew FFAlR, New LELAINES S" 1'INew (LO VES, New PRIN'fl.L New CAPS>, New 110,1 ER Y, New SKIR TÎNGS N'w £'LOUDS, New. JIOODS, New Vidorsnes, C'anadian 7uwced.s and FPull Cloths, JJroai -1thq, Ueavers, a nd, Dreskia, Blinkeis,. Fiannets, S/s <eliags, Sirtings, 4'c.. Ready imcsde Clotlsing, Uis, Caps, T7ies, Colars, -Ma.flers, 4c., and iilFIE S Il G11OCE U Es! mlat.t1îexost reatonable pricues........................F ah ny The tactthit teir chii be-vera.gèisLiusdsay vAle simd Beer ila-of itseltaufflcieul prooft tiit tisae are slr-sioliriety ,is.cotd acive toho alth. indiustry 1bri ngs.wealtis, pruideuce leadi them te bisy for rcady ùionq Éiliets thiey eu gel good value. Tbc attention et cashs loyers is spccialy iuvited., P. S.-Ail. orders fer the Lindsay Rrewery left at.the7stor' wMl receive-prompt attention. Lindsay, 30th October, 18635. [2]J L NEW DRUGSTORE! 3IESSRS COULTER &CHAMBERS NVILL OPEN iFJRST CLASS:IIRTTM STORE. ON LENT STREET, (opposite S.40Bgeo', -- SOn. Frt.day7, the 101h of Nôîvember.1nstaut, -4 ConqSisiu1g a.carefully see td stock-of getîsine Drugs, Chamicals, Patent IMadicines, Dye Stuis cf tisa est quality, Paints, vils, ail sizes cf Window Glass, Statieuery, &C.,, &C., Stock very litige and wiLl le sold OrerfCHEAP! GCHEAP!CHRAPM !CHEAP!! arr from Pîysiciaus, Coutntry Drasggists anud Sisop keapers wii le promptly -attendad le and puplîied at tisaeocs rices. «Ph sca srcriptions aud FaniilvRacceints ylVrecaiva lise persoual attention oft Mr- 1l. CI as»hers, who is a Druggisl of ability and exp'riencarteee t sud pâ id for Timothy $eed, La rd a nd Fizux S estlssiusiadlr17siYetinuut l'0--siciauisAati teshifr Dindsay, Norember 1.1865. ( OUSEKESPEI1S -would find . it Io llir advantagc Io insapect~ the Factory, wvhite Sliirting and check do. -W ROBERT. SPIÉ-R'S, Kent Street, 1 T HE -COMMNERCIAIL UNION INSURANCE COKPANY. OserOrcr Lrondo0n, Il Cornsilil,"E. C. SMontreal,221 &2 23JSt. l'ai St. Capital-------- I,0O0 DEPU.SIIT FUNL> IN CANADA - $50,Q00 General Aets for Cil.uiada. A-lare~ stock of Parlosîr, Bed-room, Han»gîng L iýILNDW TSN O and Sida Lanîps. .The larges& aud, cbeapest assortument., Tihe îndersigrnedliaving -%ceit apointed  ~I »est of tihe îubove iirst class Englisis Compasny ce t..C e p [ 1for tisa t',6îîtyý of Victoria, is préîîared to etllect oIler oua inI4n.ua. ve>ry:dt'sriptionofFire and Lif I'&israuice ai tiane inLidqy. the ion-est rates consistent with le'îrit u rs- t:Y-A Good. Table Lamp.for, 50 cents.- liectuses, &c. ,nsy be fiad on application te Parties reqîiring lamps foir Cliurches wiîî l.JAMS IE AP, SuÈpUed at véry lwrite*,15ly Agent, Lindsay. -A large stock of roi-wd aud ovai ChIsmucys, ShadéesGlobes, Wicki, &c. O ILT soieto A gôod stock of OIL a WàYs on liînd.t A, :mrchants anid Ilteel-leepçrs su4'piid - Witb tiio ,Flu.wers, Featlhers and. qisautities of Ironsm t 20 galionsat reduced Trimii ugns,' ot ~raa5.ROBERT SPIERIS, JUST Z~~J.~VJ~jLJKvnt Street. A -sipply cf.,Ayer's Ague cure. Afinee pjy of the ceiebratedl Cassadian GRAPIE WIl1 ý pectedin la few da-ys, .bigbi-y recommended for NOTIÇE MIedicinal sund Sacrnueutai purp-oâes. Med*-ia all, - où- lTeachers W. J. THIR.KELL. THE SEMI-ANNITAL, Undsey, Oct. 22,1965. SHERjiFS SALE 0F .LANDS FOR TAXES. ILL Lots. remainlaàg unsold ou-tise 3Met day Af ~tOctobùr isI wii ha offered for sala ou W.D l~5 wh1ob daMy> the fBle fb iseby EXAIýllATIONfortisaER -wîili la held as (ollùws:, For-Firsi lass Certificates: 'rhiarsayp- 1701 Doc. uext.. "For 2nd and 3rd Clacs. Certificates: :Frldny, stu Dec. next Tisa Ezaminlation wiii la, held in, the Scisoûi haie, commxnciug atIQ1 o'ciock.A. M. R. F. WIIITESIDES, Chairman. ~TRAYED ITO TIIE-PRiEMISES OF THE ajubscriber, Lot 16 lu tise th eo0ncession . 'f Ope, *bOUl tsq 141h of Octoh.r, a aumber of 8HEEP .Tise A wuwe au "taiesm away. -by ,Provitig prpériiy uud pamng erpesa. Joux XICÂRTOUR. * ~ N~5.322-S 3221 NOTICE To Scho:>l Teachers. TIIE SM-NI EXAMINATION OF TEACKERS for the Lindsay District, wvill be:heM d(Dp.V.) as FOR IlSt CLASS VERTIFICATES: Thursday, the 2lst, Decomber. FOR2nd& rd CLASS CERTIFICATES: Priday, 22nd December., Thse Exanihiation wili tic leltl in UnionSclsool Ilouse,) and neo candidates, wiil lie admnittéd atter JOUX vICARS; A., Chairman of Board. Lindsay', October 17tis, jISG. 320 lusolv .ent Act of 84 COtUNTY 0F VICTORIA. Inthe Coun-i ty Court of lhe Counly of Vietoria. lis the Maiter ff JokhBr eene- and Josep. N OTICE la bercby giv'en that on F-RIAY, tise TWENTY-SECOND DAY of DECEM- DER, A -DM 1865, at 10 of the C16à kintbefore- ssoon-or né- soon as CÇonusel cai haeaenrd. the, îîndersigncd will apply to tise Judge.of the said JOHN BRENE. JOSEPRIBREFNE.- rosidiug initis týownship of âMaripois lu tisa Ceuuty, of Victoria. golicitor for hnsolrents. OM sh.eby giro btutl.um ToWNSÉIP- 0F MARIPOSA, 1bbeldu Ok on otisa 'wasgy-ial dayof Deemube nit, a By-iaw ill ib. pias ta ua&biUsah&LINZ-Of ROM)D twu VO"e wiéb kosnls th'aj.waaSe.ftr road in rearod Lot KX& 14 in emumalsou B, itbIe aieowan ce for. rod ta rear o Lot Ito. îlu làonè"on Csinlunid Towf ship.- Uid road hêving been sorveyed"sal hi n y W. Qelbraitls, P.L.S. Te'wnshii, ClB., Daesilt Oakwoodtiti lek.sday. of-- OcWt 1865. 82" ,The L ivrol LIndo tNSURAN C E COMPANYs. Daiiy hiicousa of tiseCompany, $12,000. Tise Pire Premiums 'received. by titis -Coin- painy d uring tise year 1863 exceed those of any other Company lu Great Britai by £2001000 -Sterli g. Iusuirances on every description et property effeeted at the lowest remunerative rate%. Lomsés liaid immediatply ounjîrof. Agent for Lindsay. J. 'Donneil eB. .8.9 OP PETERBORO', - BEGS to return uis sincere îlsnks te te im- country foruie etniv yarnugerrgeis iig thé place, sind %vould also state tisat h. lisopented a permnment office ln charge et Mr. C. H. Corbet, late assistant wiith Dr. Day, DatDe-. lis%, of Kingzstos. Vise business vill ha cms- ducled by under tise ame a-nd style etf- AIl operitons petl'oruud on tise Istest tan4 Most scienttshc Ibrsueile known to the îîrcea sien, ansd wirra nted.to give'sati.sfaicîiqn. Un-til furiluer Poti-ce, M.i. GerbatMay be found at '.%r, Keenans clice, in siti ofMri.&-- Courees offil'. r, tJlonncli.-W Il, vont muis bis visits as usual, vizi on lta tîsî Tbursda-y lu .each mouds sud remainuoee k, wben à* will EXTRACI TEETIl WITHOUI PAIN. REFERE4C-ES, D rs. Martin, Andrews, B'estson and Coga;q M. Dîsnsford, Solicitor, J. Galuon, Depuly Sher- iii', Ceo. Kenspt, T. Kcenan, J. Dîsodas, J. Leni- ban, W. J. Robinson, J. B. Knowls-on, W. Grace, L. A. Cadwell, A-. Wriz-iit, EsQsI.. Mr. Corbett -vr-culd cter tise füllowing letter et recomusiendation fi-cntDr. D.ty, I)emtist, ýof, Kingston, anad in addition tisa foll ing refer- llving a good knoticnge ût Mr.-C. Iff. Corbett duririg.bis sttodies witbsnme, l cbeerfully recomnrend hlm te- the public as a, Dentia% bôtb Surgical aad Mechanical. B. WV. DAY, M. D, RrFERE\cES -r.Fowler, 1Strge and. Blrown, Sir JHenry Sinith, SlierifCorbett,Jamu 1WReilv, Esql It'v. J. Geniiy, Rev. Mr. Clark- ston, Kingston;. Mr, LaCourse, G. Dormer sud G. J. Weller, Solicitors, Lindiay. ,1 Lîudaày, Nor. 1'îth, M84. I 11E.public are bereby cautiosncd agraist Pur- chasîing three PROMISSORIIYNOTES drawçn by me ini fa%,our of Fraincis ColiweIl, dat- cd Carden., Arîgusi, 1865, iand' maturiîg -as foilows: $50, due 1st Jannary 18G6; $50, due ilst Jaruary, 1867 ; $,50, due ist Januarv, 1863,- as I hbave never receved auy value fur &&id niotes. ROBERT COWAN Carden, October.2àtb, 1865. 322-30 Insolvent. Act of- 18-4. la thse ma Uer -of NEIL BRO lIN, an In- sol cent. TIIE undersigned lias beau- appointed Assip.- 1nec in tisis malter and reqîsires dlaims ta bc fled witbiu TWO MONT î S from titis date. D ON A LD B ROW0 r iniiglthe îowuship of %Iariibos%, ini the Cpunty of Victoria, Oakwaod 11.0.,Asiu. Mariposa, 28th.October, 1865. 3224 1s PrBLtSIIED Daily andlveekly at Ottawa 0O exens-e is spared b the Proprietor la INobttininz eariN- and reliable news. lu thuaý respect THlE 01,1-111.1 CITIZEN bas ai- waysbeen far abead of its contenîporaries. It bas correspondenis iu al ibe principie cilies iu Canada, sud ltisé Tuegrapli is frvely îssed for ibe 1 ransmission of, ail items of l'olitical, Commner- cial, and Genertil intereýt. Ils:îsroietin Cdr- respondence is admitted te le seconid to Ibhat er' ino other îsewspaper on ite Qontimî-nt. its Edi- tIsare ftic,ro)dutCtiffl)S Of Lale lherary men, and its lieiOrts aire fsîrsislsed liv first-ciasa "àrtIiiu îriters5 h ist1îe c, 'est estàbuishled anîd -mo;z extensively tlrciliLteti newsî.aî.er in, the' Ottara- district, and lias corrseqiiently tise best clailuis ti) advertising petrossaî-- tOttawa being now die Seat, of Goverlimelit, il 15 tthe in- tention or.tise Proprietîtr to reuîder the laper Nvorth y the position it liais attauîsed of a.nietro- jîclitan journal. ilis efforts and succes ilà*it Ipasu are a glîî1aitr.te for tihe future. n77e'trtissof Subscriptiou art: ITuE DàiLy ~PEli, Per Two oils..........Si C Quate...............I150 - "Baïflftcr ............. 300 "Yeatr.*....... ..6 O pàysihie surictly ilu advanee Tue WXESLY i>At'R,- Per Year,declivered to subscribers in tist City,.......... $1 50 If cald for at tièe office 1 -0 Mailed to sabscriters ili the cofnulry,if 1îaid strict. hyin adrance..... 1 tlcrviise. .......... ,0 Dated, 1 at1 day of October', A. D. 1865. 319RTsorAî-u'st: __________________________________ Ail sdiveitisenien's sirecbitged for the fluit I1IPOR A~T N TI~JE insertion in lise I)sily lýapcr sut lise rate of Eiglis ?ORT Tiý OTIM Cenits a lime, aud lis the Waekly,_ Ten Cents a -HESubséribar begs lea ve to retu ru tsankf fine, uîsasured isy soîid minien spa ce:;ua" for lu tow sud acis -subsequeus inuseriiou i is e Daily Two T"1 o hU leiisany friands i o adcountry tansdiitsewelForCnsa 'for past fïveursauid ihviug borne tisa waig a Centa lne, da ntuon us mule ourhes a o cfa credil b usiness ferý mine 1yaars, bas cerne tl e re t a d e t s n ; ; t a l b l d s o n thi-concinsion'le open uüp a Cash Tr.sde, corn- .eacssiavriig u ic4dson - - n-gonWilit halaîowed te thosa takig;a, given space - maucungontoi a lau-gth ot time, or adve tsl'-lity ti)c y Car, Tuuu leOT nar oirOCTOBER, 1865- af ytar or quarter. - which will b. cioseîy abeed to .for 1aU lea%ý Ali aincuricments cf Blirts, Mat'riàgtesi, and fiva mentis; te enable hlm le saIlle lup bI4 ac-' Deatitstire chaîged-at tisa rate-of 50 censts cacis. conupt. '%mherelienotice o et is isAccomPaism i -u He- weuld furtisarnere beg le lufbe utises.an -intimation cf lte day offtu nerai, au aàddifibfl" parties wise baye beau undebtedto izaf IýoM.ai 60 cents isrequi rad le le pasd. - Ibree-toefive years, tisaI b.fgrýl Professional sud business çardssupysl NEEDSAND MU uugeil1~' lng forth the nigme, addressi nd ocbslJa.lue .N £Dý NDMUT IVJý,MO',uiv! thsa Advertisar, $8 a year. . B A LR sud, as ha bas hieped hiSssalog itbrqsugistisa________________ pat ba-rd limes by givng lisons &il lb. credil E E ED 10pee they aakaul, ha trusts tisey wüt fs'auni Ibe cern- U ~rO < I)kpINT at frorn 1JOd - l* pumei"by-preaseti la.no*duiparu yar-atiIs- fiOn dso ,ey, a tiùatetaboe eastuat hase il. - .,p r OBieRaT SIR LiudsaySept. 3, St .Ln ~o -_i

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