Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Nov 1865, p. 1

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f ~ ~t%~ 1' 2 t ~b I ,~-. ~{ .~ kL K&h flUiLi iou ______ UNAL. ______________________________________ - I fr7;. 1865 Ihiua: SU~~ la Aavaas. -qo,'with the privilege o<hhig mcv utteraaslke ~)"AveyiaeTea:semi wixtiont wVkilu &5Wuvecom atoIdma id O..meharged fali 11tite. *% Nmé. amavn.oea mSS Wdin1, utherwm e Ic Fire rW o e Publnher and Pgpge.of 'i G oodLigable ad shed attached, and au atllai. *kFmI 0Qalm tu and f iutbe C&MAsraitBoats. aBOA» 0» osiO DLI4S Cia D v. Li ndtsay, Maroh 16, 1863. - 192-t - ITyN. YMTO-N hep h hifuti ltutabl- V tasaeofthe COoui'ty 0f V7510515 54>4 51U- IrouxI&g @.utbo4 ahtat b. -has <geusit týe amy* HeuI au William 8Sý_ ' -lsholy iocupksd by ris: itt.,sa andahhasub*d il bfitteasd f111 .b- L.. infn i l, itrswlnd every conve»ul- un-i qualaty. ýav A attentive ostler ai*sra i attendauce. bsLindsay, DCe..îo- 1864. 29t (I&ATÉ MORTS'.AZZIÇANI -WAL'N S TWET». PORTI'HOP-E. JIHlIS foite <ilote1 iravin,,g ben lately cern-. -K pietoly renoated, çàff0td5 ie best ba!-ac- comomdation for trasveUfXS and t'hé Public genirally. Under pmeslit. management nu efforts Witié ijuared t ti i tuo ss ethe eraMfort of guests 1WI grThe. best of LiquéOtt&114. Cgars. ick 24Y.-17 I-t Jevere f'luse,i At- BEAVERIU<N. Tesubscriber begs to ann0un ce that le bas leased the. above hoiel,-Wlirich bas becs funni-sh- LEK ed and itted up tbro-îîglç iti5 lb.beat of strie. f 1<oe but tire chelceat Liquars and Ciaswill Ai eketu helrad iis table' will be ftirniah- iryý e Nvth li he ,Itcaciegso! lb. sesoie. . LU" Car-fut and abligig Ostéirsalways.iu WXl. PA4RKIN, -Prapnietar. i3eavertett, Jan. 6h, 18634 -- 8 --(Laie Doliefti'8) Corner of e-ntî sud William ,Streets, Lindsay> JOHNSELEPrpet. JA YING lens e-1tire aboes well-knoyfl cen- trIal Ilote for w tom-m o! yeurs, and bav- ing thoroughily -refit te! aýwIrefuru labo tire saure, the prooiri-i4or wil ho gid to hbave a cal] from, tire travelling pili lie. TheUkiriaforliri- e! with tiheat vines, liqllans -nd cigauës: l'lenty o! sheci.ruent and extensive stsbl-iig ui- ders tihecharge oa! gd oi!lters. -278-if (LATE i.PLATT', Wet.oti street, Toroi aie - .bave King -Steet. lMr, M uflscttj,ý& iegs tii tutiynetqi to 110 entds f sndthe public, tlav ainglîesed thre ab- --ove central premises for t-terni af ycars, lie iras reflîbo! and refurnisire thrnougliroit, sudl1>. ill ho gind ta bave a caI front tbbc-traveling coin- niuuify. - k1'* Excellent and eitenst*ve .Slar1)ing. JAMig'S CIIOCKER, - Toraurtu, July 1865. --35t &lo P opposite the Muket, Kent Street, Liii!- klsiy, wvienslboit ptt-pured.tlu make up Gar- monts in the hatest stylé îau! nt very tcasoiiàble, charges. Cutinig donec cleap anti on the slîort- eitaoice. - Ja»itiy, '1865. - 20I H ENRY: HUGHESM 1- È - ED I C ~i'~- - - IO e n Lard Caose n iris - .Agent., RF.siDENCE:- - Kent Steet, Limita-y, t3"Orders loftist-thtie -Office aoflire Canadiqn Post viii receiv e prompît at ten .tion. .t --Lindsay, MuY l3th. 1864. - -255-ti CAMBRAY, C.W. TfIHE.Subscribet begs ta o n- rmis friendtz -- and s h l. tiblic of Vctonua Cotînty, tirai hi hsopene! tirebo- iii.Ctimhm-ay lately occu- jidbyMr. MCl -sdas lie-lias h i bft. inisbed lu first style, visitons iill fini! erery con- 'venlience. inLs, tiqions an l.cigafs ai f tht. boit qîialiiy. Au aiiruhii-e Ilasiler always iu uhtteurdauce.- -wm. DAVIS, Proprietor. C axubray>,Sept. 18G5..361 XXM.H IRST AILit, William" Strnet, W . -LindIsîy. iitiamy>Unifonuutis,1 Cicngy- 1lYell iurg&<Caps ruade- up)ta ardr-t. --Clotbiuig ccet an od turne!.. -Onlens> res- and 1 'i- Lindaay, J.iine 9 85 -It et LNd O E Y TO LO A N Builer, -- AT EiGlIT ]PER CENT. calefullr i iPLY tai G.DORMER, urgeon, PhySiCiatn, a-ni Latel>' Surgean in the -B~~obaygeon, C.W. 241-1 - -308-tf (ats -Oranist of Tris- Toatclirnof tire Piano- Sidence atuIr.Brnittoan's S. Williams' Imiproveý 4Orgutis.- LICENSED AUC CM- Pa. 1>rticular' ai ýr and otii erLIand Saieq ýkay, Btrriter;, Jalli 1- o: - M rs.patteri Ina' titans .Daous fraines adý t864 272lt -Lindsay,Sep ly&iciitn, Surgeý &te, & C. age, haci o! t on St. 1 e,Sin and Orn ýe, Papernl{ang( lers careftilly t'il oni WiIliiumStto 292 Bargai Soliciiorc :R ANI)ERSON. )AlWOOD, (airaI opposite Mn. A as oid alose,) tbaniful for tire huee é bestowed on hlm -for #e o psst tu su>' taI ho la asll lprépared tk :mtQ &II orders viihvhii hle ma i5 atlrelalest StyleS sumd aI the lau 14 'y u 3 1 C s*iîr*lur,. - rs. Vrosb-e Brady. ilAVENQ ented ýa PIANO' la esinous ot ou akuug pypi qat liar residence, RusscE Lie rt Term8 mmmdc knoWn on.application. Lindsay,, May' 3, 18U.26- SAGood. Farm ..For Salei 1 ([01BE BOTJD CItEA?, tire BasI Itaîf of Lo 14-luhie 9tlrcosCessiao O pa, c-aidalue( 100 acres of wviâl about 10 aéres.are leste( an oast10s rneadtiluloi,. Tis fur-mis vithii 4j mleof !Liridsmy anuilles fromi Ornent. asotdistance ftram lb. railma>'. -L ga0 loadsig oad us i pat cfflit-olut. Sinuuediate possession. ITublu'ldtsputabbto. on , Tuus.-A portion a! thre môuOy dovu; anr ým the. balance ini 4 yeara.For furtbêr particudar lnj apjly te lie or-uer John ltqa-as, Opo, or tle : ~Mes3rs. MÂOKÀY ïk HEAP, Ksr~w Subseaibe fe.r the CswAwAS Poulte bu 11 Pm la thé Ooimi.vo! VeYi e Nltatry l'ai W. to, Vban Kanttreit, r.hke. ONFECTIONERT, Swsetmeats, Fruits; n thiild av tebrve- -, ei If' (J es, CoffeosCOboicesTobs.çcos, snd p< NFianoo!saeltebav intrsi flPipes, - b er tearq, lamentations or'pmayérs.' Maduess Cigjýs oftbe est mnd.seied hlm, and after sune days.its <iedý Cigar ai ie bet Usaitbut.truiy ire di.! ouI>' te avaken tasw must ( at, 8 OBw.U'S ! 'loniouslfe ut the. iigirt miii cf Go!. lHe g inuy,?Otb Octeber, 104. ae!, but ihisetu w iliiliv, froin genera-, ----------_____________ l ien te'generalios au! Niil be venenatei to1 Furnitux wareho>u 1 tireemït! iune. Soancir- mater>'througr,ý etuiunan! youv*ihl Wl dne action monois, iu> -d - )awu uef~Nigh-PriaI! udSiablimue tiras tiradeet cf tins simple- ad ownlWàietPrieuinmde! emith e, gemîbacir., t is eas>' (or of 1 n sa la sffo u wm lontry habat pe op et ie1 k î .ied or M artin& o,~~ ~~ oa utlypnaut sa rgo sad va riedit ock Cutius, the higir spiite! Romanyouh- d- bas Chairs, oit tne , 5WAi5rDiesiug aud --but t. qe te ssorifietire ,baody 7viti tb. ôgIr tstands, Ito*g Ctia.se, b. ilaf i oraty à( 4os014,sud moroovor beig obblg- id~ ~ ~ i vhoriewn t Stugit lever rates tine! o irait a d"saoùsetemrbi>y avful, dung bv rrtfol' e masIidln Lindsy. feanini boniw n!d -îiat la to dis Bot Cm ha w &AM<8a- afr fOix once bMta thflsmi lim., Ai" uc~a KJ' FaussaI 1uW& JWdevin o- - îsuititefo! &getdb4h 'y. tOiOprmtl"- nait iords te^" b iis unoust 7 WL ITZN l-i.erbho ROW t0 a udaé la te prpven tbqmor-tarM' l e t,"- theotcuita15- fgoou Idai hmucudl ?r Stae tu&dCndsfrbeasS eibat At*Te, *e$tw&Uni«cb *%la .- ici% ai*waépklso - - t efPieJ* > a iSzs f[fcolt haeeldeit ,*M6a d tuxei; >'<ý-u &Uw'mras *Id bczs af, andMineto - 1hes Bll:arefitei wk YkaStadaMdli lia" pke eds o0W dt Crshad oî,eoa t. fig1e5.if 1 O" leanei clo a ibresa a W^ç khhi No 30Dy T. 500Tpx r igtin f P 16 --4WÀ d -nd 18es7ofbturg, S vlae lie! aedat, vrer u 200 " 22 eamoOn.oo-oti if Cuttuow teenljapcoula o utuas ..Sh , ad Ï ý,oÏ Ûe . h,&s lu ti.ear iuroand e ! genthe h, i Lits cf Aae,Étt êathY, Fie-oadid,É ls* nal en suds omo ving asemb u 4.nl&d oitrctBel. wl pavfor4use . as friai. .igroeigilae sta1tt in la I-Veigdj>riceofleIle.4,i1angu>g s aneda cs olàngwitîeul!bppus i -, . -s 7 *nche 3'71. mswuhsrouecotsaeanaa-In 20 fi -iiu6-mie,6"taie ihi sai good ature w 75 IL 16 94 18.75 b01 116la i is prsene n! il waa ual advisublnta 450033 1la60 25 0 ~0 ahat'eanyig e de with hexcown et tha 10 3 2()10 0 37 5018 0 rapen asse. - a rmaveoiio as a 20 60 - 22 42 0 ,200 0hirute àco i nte a rltiSpringlOr cf b on - ~ -viir ue fi uighbos, I know uit ai 2000 58 ~ - ~î60 52 60lane ! cae -and rig a ienoobledaIi List-of 6a - y,$teambat, Pi697<>0 grat, mon, o vti ah-rciILS, niit 3)0<) 6.A 5Bell$, <> -835 <> -rot thpoe as! ri hedyilli g igdv 4î)00 69 îooo -00- 00, 100 Oc angurie agtcgti w t s oldu rsti i Larer tzé m ie a ete .15 rs. e C; of >'he! rne n ctr a seigi ro, wba wa s th ; î-niufr ie/eaoutsîri lto jng clien, btra bs oie,h"gooddHeavueswl chasiug. houli! oe l'aila nov bel vit - e tire dg la ina S1 gi1onb>' oiu 69n w le-8rutes are. -oùfrthenarase an outcr lThe acnit was i i th Onden 1mayesent Bvo Gù ai. -00- pcss ciman! i, . iea.rmed us t irs arsg ,oua 75ô 49r 1Auaur88 ) B5o0di2,00ovmstod e e ite ont yforg ancene ue co 10(o4k.5QlDOu4vZe2tire fai e ol vithout pin rngthbof.-He lu~~~ ~ t case Bellbreakesuertheepiraton a 14C0 5a0s n 3e, 0 00o tp for 00a9. o h cit of hislnigh an! ,, idno nt o 11-13 '.55 4M 00 60 0 .,5,oN. Y up ati h feiatienfrina o . i ia - -5 5( 0620 Éé ù aitedozuameoutagces, iro ateit dcliv- otirr t *eaghli-ihare ii ise sen!a] üà* 50 0 8 00iloofS angtent, and as.ho saw tsheanis- uiro il 35) 66O 875U00I87>00su>'6cfirisicoleeigoursdan ~4wardd Firi- Prze ai1/to gricutlhie'a of ire scae utab. eonin liareC -izsma oodsu cs e r--- ' nesay sd ne aieoea. Certhbuinly iriws bathw Gù,&ÀNTZ.-Al MI ý sld t th ab ci eelpaotie acite, bohthebis ye spale! s U' FG S ta înf Wais fntds sud ofie r-ub l ai itrd vinet a, an! anieae t nod eslan i gtanb ex et urnn h eoe iu t f ine arosei » try. h otw e tl o niadei ma s et tho r ugh theuainisd vit fi str nc fic e n, tl ne s e î,foarnn.auto cati tir lao iiprreuent -la da rt;sudbeig vuqish tre t ut - ta o one c o uaId a York.c u> h ettaeias iour 1s&.-leave.cdth ae rca ilu, sua I in i retira thé-ca neellnea n'miei hspoine osmk1yu aae~ tii, iermakB.ywel dpteOD ,or heprps ioopreîèdteh.rribe cît se n "Wiîh os jfisiu 34; Dt ikt e y Stmt - rip l c-edtLin ro ntithe- an! ireush.! up- on h si hie Glieryliii <&ad o5. gm-uap , 'andas 1113 hie tavrtire fhoof. - O:~' aisfatisig'isnfu orrycae, .<3 thepoi, viral o- rib su e fisovit T iren Teittu-u~aIs -- umannefrhiea l'onteed te iii. oss uiWe nrarablysuppy Ms Fracs vih îL an!thigrsoflmade mi amibytre bteoulda - pucat nd esbcreiiCaltltaCt.l h.obt in d otlo ndh hi b oas.. ed a ri luie etire i Awiib -b i rsiutiful arU the - - - ua I nsue , hc*iire bel devn villu a ias>rth ExhibitnWLOnd&GREGOY."isr 5ofpthe huitrace bowlý in re nuîd a- "Ihaemîet lasr l.c0- fy l n aira oaoa eil i,es ail 0r5 rote l X.ani'saihtF uRANC- IS bigal acee alot>l Ms tire flng bir ees.alfsrtled I "Thepictnne ts-en-b Ms Fracisai it h tein, iiè ig andi doorate: en u. Sine - E St mm ar nafgod s 1 h esendfrtmesianyli psns -iro t ie-sJog tir o th is w iews tii.itut eh, the utcifueloGo!, vira l viii becon- ried.aiai irs boitil, lenh ie myb aoed.. a -niae hmsel thrWu,Mgl cDOanted ihal." tr. bravOe 11nf one amtir? o e n a thean idr Iepehegi bs rat;'! n.ancS Weepanqiste bsunet!ýng, t peopetur-i as I the nî astneia uy Iheever scs m- iort moait anedtrorlveu liehoiestoprouc tleJartMets.UIte, "Bas iet ut>' fridted,!o steend an me," ,:ea. xcllnc a ay ad i tispr Ine. d otirt- Do nat tiai e, o aeol i~ a eadt ihadi-pooicdb ugs*ieith ov itesd om ruy tefor me tut T) ai ubcvmbetr1ikeesset sfom frenI î v i d t hcasith andie rusaref shah I sud itiepulenolieta tiues e, leepon -f1h oint i ou t m e o i i ua irn i Ilbesi ae,nl at for.d a tonotbe on eT' - enan> uIlé cii~~~~~~~~~~~~gu araend b«~,esp*l shsi e ~ dsheaigitt bthe fworoiece bin. stsato vni vý-Ce- ast-eOh hat trribleavtrýgetaufoosicfhe T.~ateztrsmdp&akr*e ris iosl ston Ho lie ià isova-b ~. fol.MAN ads vo.! it ong uphoe us, limsà a ,wu__________________Mr._Fancis_____th .ran d tir fe svihe r mi>'tuire Wou ituma i Fa mily ton as;!lleh, ailes silek>' 'ssud solomutin regardplotiitg iris *ore. 'NaYr ra c .1 .i - I- ---R ,U , . - ' - RamiL REfflDS. TUÉ ,WaFIaU(')Éu W AMA L elutth gsdag»o Wu, no a,.b r4rIEAAT l08 IO îll*,sheeto..'35000 Pole 4 -AllluC r JI î la .]4olinakedstelle. OS 07. ir-«aiùl Lodon,in whieh tIwu- -The. bogioninaofet the otbr«kh.i. thlapde- af .-o 0b W1% àait oher do- ied :Onthe 'Tth -it ws.1thé the.1 neii leham.8: loelaad, ýin: 110001 e er gretay enragoui , ÎOeià11et a s~iauil.r d. aran atet. SàemyaJsusd, Md Mon NS <kBeathý lt 1ansd the ma dm -atea- s Y, tu 0ak9, ta y5m4watt the r 182 144Y7, ntd agin l. 17$ ve te apit haeLP.Ioa msia wuai ty;: 1&,.Lodoa7 a nb psiino eehMenightbereaîUmtbiao'f Lon ten s gne eWt tfredsrib~ted by ad musa mastoi grutos ha@&*.b ý r _ th Ixo i peran vee i aiwè than b the îe ren Ca pt . rant.Sd mn ani--ih ly*srvat b the Chre &ew.rain Anglstheore at Sumrie osdaýisedt.4at$" uneaigsieksan hsagiroeoiS oynyo auneiauh ouner i 14991500 p dradasul IZ Landondhat, rôte uWdedy hc theday ol enry.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~»O VI n ri or rmvd10Cli, o h ssin. i a taq liitre th, 1611,200,00 p i In 1t79, hgmo e. 'clock, sd . Maisraevereabut e U 645heGet lge ald8 r a-reie orrirsnnî,w the a cryof *vo-e xi bene naemebeedfarxe cM " «!W.ear: 'erthe peo»e a x note6 perlons; eoe ietirn me st ornin'FoCah Lnos fh cut )0,000in.y,"lusf a," 1r 8ethe, afcor-gsatioso .cud ep reeda ri ons m teb of- W .e W realit, "paed teoSce romngthe wom the main shoot te tii. Ton n leis ti or an t ci.gae h e neathyis gi! hungUp-outs redpsod th olegsros, The odters, gj ith 14ut15idebrea fulhe.dLadon r;the and e timpaîl bried on t ii.court 'ep 'ia l nd vas Curt e m into a epuýClhe. frho s " ,T à-loAl;as trai. ugtrnp he le ýj7 drnkn e an d aeu an xiri o f aoces and th br istri al neers.ab o c nve 1t1 rieaW,0 eai h-lsItr e. awyc'caio te otrateu eo da a, 1644-5 i th GÛîiddle-of Septeeru o-re or w*ute d.rleh éns hnacy fs 'A )] an s 2,000 pepe perneredii ne week; Thn am-e a momenethey pepenare <e1 pensg ; Defo esans <tie, unb ne t Cire mobrhe hefurioudyo th an Pu a 00e," - lu 0000 isehl iepau. aligciimdbe lrii. asaiatu nd an ofi Itealled fog r y s eb itrss yful."«[n ire ehntîree t r ounters hi!suc-nB herâiy ;p1tedmdin rtein ua1.bidn u assedà i c RS.the e: ta wor la barr ice. ttyioIng alsu th, i) hegrae th yt haihychid ungu - release h potrateaf Si Carls M pwelalf j îTthe editrdbé of the eld Ialdh;tant.ro ih nleraantiwhochtuhthedifceur-h luga be vaubl rofue ino i secpl- and hosc. h cl s reihtrate nid. vtey ý, 12e, ta the apreiî grs out Cleveland, as oie -wh ou hdreu am b. windormwàs iln dre en anday ad eîhing in e-r. eeivnd iîb bullets, viricirem retred I îîf- u the homiyn, ad he l.tript. hus: The hal osherde w wern .fnes, but b h Ulaet. , inhe iy irdlsof Cevéian a1 mr n e rwinou r alie ae 1h cut-ou. hopels_1 m» O rieu bu îeri e a n ewel.; llie.c a e astra e tredpase-aen d idar n d an i i h 0 er meula. e y at inthre-the mb sle . lu tiso uonthe ah mlet - er hve ii .meal hsearlyhasana ubeenvolbea h ourttredt besape as he ouhd, 3rid, Thut0nd0 eristd er in es, aud .orai liraI te , vluntes and art d.fend- %ea No . 6 gaîlra.1 en, ot or e d ha iTot.beaae t r ée. nthe oo vas ne 4h.le tharhee ight inlelign .1uoio theo on tie tthe residnee of tire Res. le,.<mdalwys o invirs i rana, cae daaing hroutig inttheuidisgwond- 5îr.T~y lay han h.getlme îrg ir îieîdir iaisr l g ii o . Mr. i rOF£ gGi. he etsIRhLS.e cr;see orge,îcitlbiaofthinpctr ar~~~~~~~~~av threîh h o -bcuoilsIe "Dortrcaiet oir rufas m luetirfe g Thér leo-of thékev eand he i ,a- re. plac aprative. Mr. icCotheaek vc a ig ee-pii olea nypaousein his 1m. i--astos. o o ru he e t viii a aven!,ir 7rt t he i.-ws prth irsofwnevadrhes islite m ob eout o, tNov oswe haeairu 8tb, hey nover tu ea a terfa tils in e ;rihd and afe haing miatho eturedl acitoth oronelhunre, and li y oeiltuda, The oolo woreagoin ai laées~crl, but bt Isi havenel irls on airelrian*aisnste wiv oralimeooded, theavîng l.- Tire heir haioibtte, - lWlU ,ogeof l e gsrya als, cul eut <md iresp 9tb.ý They goutu eau tireeyngbldayn! Brun'safigrs ore miait neatied The A re for d c "pe relsl e ), d." vountheeà er Inug ht v confan i oea ai henrt- lO hetir.ir nyer eu belyen as o. - o No w he Ztit read os or Inas ecoui. 111ht. Te r i ou l e urid Avitoe shos me crel foteroit tias ist- F lr. Tey viii ail arny volrbui. suan dvrets. h e vutrý h-è l3h. Thei re briiteligeb. britd The slorm of iAth rseeon the Rth [îiu lgs, foneorluicdanea G str.-ricfthelVat, lrysud new f tre alto- 14:'SH. aThey ougi't eephre rlaii thfnctoircer. asicon mîîed oonrrie'. bGret ifebanîds awaffagd i hent.ain.' ncme ans f rugshe wanvei atKagtn. 5h. Thy a-s ep ner mosqentlembnrs luth t .ndy gire t heou.as ai te'linwt h by-eas conve ent.t f d lu ilcaenuhe orofve and cua»tel- l6îrir e e mokeci e fe. i u aksde ad imgrtirfue. reCnrmait as a s!. cIu do cbamer hark- al.doei n amed t ieeineascatnn ir voers an ýpi7 tlî. Theynaie . tK. theb.r rveponsdbontywithad lb.riaed ani! cstesccedeonholigtr thr by 7-hTRAf N EP.-- ws hi w adpcifra wistthat locality tii. foloving daepMth Tire. isailîh iffrenc isrirewond in enirasfes. Tvegace.urthuapel- in Sthe way e hanîeàrheop.-Soniosîîeep se adam. Te vomen are minl.oed nhentu rei,1 neer euon te hrë.ad f the ôudsck- boe He-reops. gun-ltboatca ldbu i ilsase an! îhen hoadsitea ta hanime soffieHoian Bay. do flot a le. e ~al1aial, e rsheluamoïrt.ietueopshe erya a ut ou 0t.scnteofc tni cf heep nd ea ail,yugab withad conusin sdreitrcemt rapdly as ilîle cosîd4perts s dag(vid ol vur ounbîers irîlat tire Gendverahrye! tathi c ui o th.Te in. Nocon-seat e aheph]rd s.. Toe e irnds or cf thesixîhd ~~~.'i1i e eecahasi~eplTi ol , sud Rayais a riv uea igslan front ein-lei ho~~~ ~~ vtlet anerinhc sarinedeo ve 'hown rdireihbansohalce eie akea hee b the wlegail a sot muIr eîr u aii nolita-otneratap 13tv.ry docmasîen woIkeeps goad ahaand vfiunteofr viothen raviii a nread hefIifo ihanie ltira s ew eulItltire>' a okrie.th altieWad.veiaofste a cul a.tý, hand e wéItultir irbed in fr i1leued ir MurntheBa>', i m- onet.Arident f r ea irsa pi s a vFr&ertni amian. i5u1m a.iid drefutetle hpa eoarvd ah nc te. rigirl la almosî assgueii as a awound.ew.oB rbado anfor llo il aveh heatiarité cfé an f iuudcakes orty W o trefuge. The inadbentsa ane vd, , .~ftebeatcf viricir is . hnegred tnds bas opoic eman. vhfand- 1etho! jpr ai . ted y ivir e the scapeof 1 ihsoh. eelleader, u Vermoh. M. Haînont hu in is sieep Boye Ti olatr ha e surpnisodtmoslwh ~1d log, lendr lthtapeiugouIquit knw b itlrth vas alaa osidei'eit asi iri, ad bs bs seepso eilinanie taun pacoi n!vial la bis chaeracrhen.0fas Tera! is ai eiraoien b.n tegosld ine obelod i, rean.Thll e ut sid liena mardn h wihtie lie dsirs at, anan! aefct ver! snibe su'D o>e oft'oie sunterse pmdiu1 animal, or sexasaia irebsony ltheir actavftr oal ceset tee thci o 'otcir oft Iis eptrnd m a atrb .shep onfasoandmbeocrensa apýa lbe fe osidéraion alsads perfectdoin pur- à Geeaithoanor witet hal Catainhe suino a oi N ows lmte ut ha tfnera uner Lk ace pnPotMtne xet wihe ehi,-et tch is eaii qiet wol nu- ingta fiud g t Keiebesto foe, bût found n 'olen mlo anno.e 1.sirenep a$soe! oppsithin agbota îfhov lee foun'i thu vrin lmhM .pas wa pe rai of 800, m stiy ouen, loyedis0et ace, n-a sh uts ils eyees anti b cîne quet. ln ir. ta i r h gaMm.id t? , foain laEidr upockils- ier d ii ot a tteunpt ho CptisLkewa odrinteam ad ouit hrer is 1h.l scet a e d tavtey ic a th Rocort.itirer. a àocetho orl. be hae with tir oe.if en ilty d f miante dtYireae ta GolAdentGrom Nfi-w. JeýSig> Ilar ail colins vricir consiasail - uiaking fbein iMi hie furun aithesunerai cf ire denomination they represenmt, as 1, 2, 3,- I, 5. B>' tiis davice.ail1 confuîioii ithre Use i)l the coins, e7veti iii the darkest itiglit i ll be ai-aide!, but it is a que sliiîwihe-tinir e>' 'xou Id not soolit punch hales li the pooket. A rrw. veekao a cdfisb weighi; au.. ;Lod a half st( ,C vn ~ isso~~hapIn ')f Spectacles, with brac-s frames, %vas caLgir aubout thiroe ruiles oif Flamboeruui M es!, Eugland, b>- a ti.-herinan. AN Englishirmon mii iJ,*s sneOdéd-la 'îriakilig a Sheet ai mu se-*0thin irati il e- ;uns4,800 of thora taotriake %a Winl rîîckaess, thora offuctually beatiing the 0Pat.- iîrg l çm-c~kers, vira made asels - ia. irai il teck 1, -b«ttrntt m .a au i,,am!Ohaltti.gd ail Engrian! u bL a Ifyaa ier b@tin'SO6U1oe sr. at dos .,et youm-s e raflCOU4 - i - ITERÂIL xP -w~ô1. go 31* -f LORD PALMERSTONASAOIQ4. SECRETARY. It vas ln an in4&eradent cirrator hiat- e made tva rom-y able- speýeie--he irat Juns 1, fl2)) an ont fereiga relations en- brally, tirs second <Mtaz-ci 10, 1830> en tir* diaîts of Portugal in pam-tcuar-whicir ai uée marked hlm *eut as ti exprinena ef a' ibetal foreign - policy,. efore le. yeam - in wbicir 1h. latter tpeech was deliiere! had apinod, tire Whigs, wiîh Lord Grey aat their tead, fous! trnseives usexpoet*d< in iower--zand t ho ipin shoul tire seals, the ereign-oflice be onîruste! but ta LotrtP4-i nerston ?, He stoppe! inta the pest as -un"- [ustîenabiy thir igirt mani in tirev righh placé, ad dem-mg lire 10 yeais' run ef paver which, he Reofri Bili gave to the Whigs ho stod brai> as tire most brilfiat mexubà W !tii.î' 'abinet, 1h. mas cf men, tire Ministen -of disistons, tire type an! tiré glery. et Eraglar.d ' ru Englisir Min ister over allainêl o te . 4w- 'oft %vide farne tiras- lieacqu ired in these ut subs",equt1 yeurs ofotffwe. AIIa0ver tle lobe his-name wus invoke!. us tire svmbol ý En-giislî gerierosity. andt Engiish amui po- enue.. Tire Bedouin et th irert nrrcogni- ed ln Pdlmers-ton Pacha a being whiin liair irat endowod with mono, 1h41 i >t ower. T-he negnoauolte Guinea Coaet uîiew tirat Palmerston wvas bic, miend, as!i rorked day au!nd grî,t 1ag,7aiàqti slaverv. nown in the baekwvo taof Amrenica, oriai îe grardleus afSiain, felt ihat lie la!- aau lu- ailible safeguard, if h. had- Pâinerston's afisparit tcshow. Palmerston. iî was imna- mie!, WOUIC r ove thir vhoJe force ai the nitish Empire'. iii order liraitlit's Bm-on- livj, RanMianus-migh-î ntbu- defraudeit of is Worcester sauce ami! the ice of Sîbetia, îr of irisý pale aie on thie bMerptaias -of th.e toua., lie coul! do aiiyîhltiùïînd lie would Io eie;.ything. -Natin- gratwasaccomn- )Lisirc witiwut býing ahti ibtt> hoc hini. He,-* vas suppose! ho have his 4poeket full of eau- ttutir ahave a voie iiibalfihe a! ies of 1*urope, té have raaiarclhs past reèk- iîinr un, eil îhmb. li-e hîuibled-îhe Shah, )atronize! th~e-' 11nlie a-olished hho Mo- ,ni, hie conq':ered the Evother aftire Sun. le operied ta -tue world the empire wh ta! beau welled -arouii! 1>n c'euinuriee b>' n peiab!e barriers, hie défied. the Czar,- ut- lite Enuperor aithie Frenich feit safe rites he received the assurances of the )rilliarai Foreign Secrelary. THE LANGUAGE0F SIGNS. Tii. folioxing inlerpretationt have been» îatented, aid May bu reliei ou:_ I is a gool ign la see a mas doing an act 1 f charitîv l lfelows. lu s a ha! aigu hu h<qar hm boa siig -of il.. It s a gcodi£rll nto see an h ôuest mau. s'earia)g oui his ido! ithes.- Il is a bai! si!rnta se e is filin-gthe tales in bis windoivs. Il is a good Figa ta see a man wiping the , perspiration frein iis bmo-i. lisàe bait aigu ta es *hlm wýiping i: chops as hie cornes oui of tire cellan. ,t is a good aigià ha see a wamau dressing witir test. and nealses.. - Il is a bail sign tta sea lier,.huaban! suet for lier fiuery. It la a good aigu ho see a mas adverliîe in ire papers. Il is a bu! aign tbsea tire sieriffa!verttse for hlm. hc i a goo t igu la se aàmas sen"iig hi& ciudren tu schaul,. - [is a bail si.,n ta aee thie lucated ah - free erening classes on lb. sitlewalk. Il is a goou i ii (a beniefit to thireoye s.ght, in fact). la see a imaii puy !or bis paper lu-.ai- vance. The St. Joihn (New Brutis,ick) NVeuw, says :-11 It is voilt hai the Brii-h Gavern- ment andl al[ pal-ties iuitemested in*Cotifede-r- alias sironi! kîîow irai whiio lho uîajenîty ag-aiôst htie schine thiroughaut. tire entint province vas onîy some f'our lkuudre! irote@, 297 of Ihat rmajuriîy xas miade up of iulegi votes manufaettirett by the Freentait luin 1 panisir alonc! ! !-votes wlich have -aine.nc been pronaounced frauduient by thueRévisor's. Court !- klow miaany mole uMay be discover-. e!, lime viii hel." PaoFiTA.BLE, BANKIrNG.-IWe Observe tirat tire Rayai Bank of lrelaîtd, at ils unnual meeting of 27th, Sepienîber, shbwed a net pioi for tire 'haif year of £56,'00 on a Papi-. tal of. £300,000. 'Thle final. half-year the>' paid a dividenit af Sper cent., and tire je- cônd cf 10 per cent., mak'ing a hoal dividen! ai l8por cent. This msust certainl>'be reiy grahî'fying ho the sshareholders.- On tire3rdutit., a statue is boueur cf, Ar STEM~>k iotota in Ch& es, Ac. &o. AMBRON, B 1. olWE, -Kena'sfrz ,rriaters a nd A incial emp's ieor lu ce-64 lock, 4 at , iii. -te nota and ihancery, a's Block, 'sroney t Lç d principal w tbe borror camore té und.nstsd Iatya" -up st lisit ýto e çlîOSt 1111.- hum-t thora, t yuwil sooir ire on good tern Asth reo, imeyGnrl.ad vith. tiroir keer, an! su persan ahould ho airer officiais were about ta louve for *here aloed t go m mn- tire ftock Who is o hi rsnevsrequired, tire Wlerivet gnle o i liis tantc f ie sir . noeroipree b ahsfgo oadtel- 0/i Farner.-pmiors but ait martial law hat been do- ____________________ claoredwencé tirey caine, ihey ieeadr An Englishmnan and a Yankee voe dis- oit bac k - te ie trio! thete. Tfile whole oi puting, viien tire former suecringi' omn-Surtey' Couni>, exiiopt jKinlgstont,iras been lied :-s Fortunately lte Ainericans cou id go placeit underoi 1w Yn e seib r ti a ti . P c ebat.." Tire A Rri xx 4 de o ibet -as a printe , ha& Yanke srathéd ii pralific bmain for an instant,, and! thus -replie! Wiry, giod been.t senceit by- a Lundon oriteinal court clou l b.y ie ire !ng e ela g Ib o ivetve m enth ' b ard labour for haviog lu. Mewotts he*y a u d amleîn ah. amte*hcpseso lts aoesdie ae W 1I Iha! a. bItter frora m> ousniraWo -e mpato meade ae io living tva hundiait miles. voat of tire la- riali, tjIQUwhioirwoe ongraved flRussiai ciflo â4UreeI» notes I« tbo.p&Symot of flfy roubles eaoh - ý3ý*. êsamr-iebonds of thire 1 To"Ijisir WIa i Eiar ta geo.t agt intouc a sysem of consurniî,, whc h o ins oe'o o- týIi. pnàkè o!tir. locomlotiffl , and. îhoteby7 Islr~s iu~d sud aa vor e8udfab.aim~.,ai me, mnfactue oat. n.oes5m-7 - g~as foS iwetng ti mts

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