Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Aug 1865, p. 2

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i le tirr thl.v.. good tl ald la hq ef, andiLon, 3people, t >. Il ha Present &y Dpny Roal ded ovar>' tel>' mon mid hhat a 1b> titis ef ail -the Vif] .. [ISON, m'il ra il r 25, 1865 o 1appreheu.- M ýv..» The. of unsXery, tee h sand ewing an 'me tuend popel), as yi 1 f aee lb ia- a lange ta boit mespe. M «Orne ev, Pi r Caada tlai nh mmri shah!- h ny poison -or lappreeord; Ay, an> per-.in orme or marem 5ch ravard b icipalit>' on n ,bnviction is z ed a'bili to E ves -lacive snd te abol- t is frequeaîl>'9g ýysternofe- di vos vas net 0 facility fer of eut of lie»st~ ichangel»n i e ratepayeis Sc eonco on tlto-fines s ut Bfe.. At proscrit the hip are in mat'> casas hit tie people in oaci le4ffth nit teir luvri- uo Reeve anti Vepuly te Avé Couneuilbuts 50 syster» aU-ithe. rate- >ave net a- veuce in ml jealous>' uttei keepa- f the. Ceunei, but e ven tun&d, ,4"iog-rolli iig" anti( Mocu n& ay>'provent hi& mt>' Cdunni. W. tutuk 951& bUh veuld be an im- belle lhitwi vli become LaL'tork, hn& untroduceti thé dut>' upua ail »pper' a of Iavying the. folowing 3>rï every biteli 3 montis kejA Uy oe oporson or la- ver-> atditionai bitai, $5; )t exdeeditrg tueo, $1 ; and thIitwà, $. The. oveor 9 value eofathe et, canniol b. hip te b. lia- Tdegite sees r0f ait>' dog inei 62j renits Jog tu live, a(- mn. appeaasd ULnos the lae 8oderick They ware sont ,inai, and a4 auch inçre.- Jtrdge of the Barrie £.van- ýper was ssued on follo-wing> te fiud the sie and comemmtiv. of1 Wr'dlafI. etlumeil, avii., KY." The. lines in soIy i4he sauin-net a *ord vident ihat the Exatmier, >st, is the . "viçtiim of mis- e."e The soarng genis wii .hisil' oiinal" effu.. ient pIagirs-. $Ôi.lthe ic ,ontributor. We kindsly soppros. th* nain.e oflb toIy, Victimized us, truting A hi# mnrs and bis mo- éint in the futüre te clint irowd Plumage. -W. bàt~e reeSd ith* numiera of the Port Hop nal started [oi the purpffl Iting- a neov onetary s>.- basd upu» thé value of ttie Province, and hearSiâ rtiun to h. vraýiea whichi ug.d tlwreby. Itia an 8- ig conuted hy T. Gal- -Wi*Ib te MeW Ontorpnidio the ,i1t crei- I e I E -I fluomam uet)nt voghl fouwurd yuà s bu sbou à «tUyW kDm m adiffere of th* aM" qusie. t cý«W ujq, Que" Mdu miaVaA.t e. ~ Md a .rbI.*ius4. dsWviod t. P'. n.<thu ~ ..â ~hlm a e,*40»ste71 ..,lppevîeste,. b. to-"evy .eê muw Lw *o' lauu*eet a by s N4. Gâ..auMo..y *fternoon, .p isqt w gIe e 1. de Dot u a yma"sh.4dubumce dow tea nqtem « « a RemdTh ai ~~g oo, et whiolu Ooe7*g wu gel mp in <1g t ou f~...i ati.la belt'îi ing Mis.W.ku*um TeàoXW lh. oar vas di lm,, 14. expaeu <of the Legislat r OUId yLWU suI th vice- Walý LI b. .#'r de"yjin flif Cb8Wety >o 0 of '*i -Mample oro ei t whh cmooq ,ill»uld b. ea. bekmsais * tirteva u.wpl bhm beei rnid a isso il tiiand ~Changerwg"04by tw mp lb.viesr& .sd~~ qarg wt~outy, v, utuet nti)iquoes wo . «<M»mt'quty, sud .-pt p»«jbT,ý*MWab undant), auincliombuuIlbe "ieth of Ber ma Uag againt iL . à aTory pllrobabl bat Maeetyt hqoue," vhiicàwu drunk ulghtta r asastrs vii ornemieopiàt~o. IyaIly. The. Obairmazt next in ae umata jeu W-antd cpitentry qpechpropoed -the idal 4, Lake IBuo6a.Ralvey v.ih béa'D~" -of7te gu 01of bit (1098r« tt ix sudTnu& ibioretii Rilway cern- at ihn l i tcesmdhprosnIi =d Tr4 em. blm h ai Who osilt mifets4 ew~rs 1 lu rauterd ud the .nov apheveef labour ho wus about te -o not &ces i Io sud ua& the promoters e01 thaîeoatuaruiwualhehn ~ as. ~ t. ~ ~ ors Sng-" Fer be's ajoIIy gooti(le. On Friley Mr. QVHa!lorýji - look occasion M.OD1 eioddn i se oihn mat Ile remanka ou lii. report eof the mariner, assuiug the campa" that it gave m imetiina.ho~Ibeven n-hum mnch pleauve le met gomany oft- hie. L if ud e sie Whoi antel hnitieen hiiifriënde' on lie ocecain, aat ho foit prenrd of ff and Meli hteadCrieot e h ooer doue him, and thât ha did ntl bava -4c of Auttexationý-hbo sbstane t avI0» hoof ~~The taebvietelgrahot le iiLeaer > yday. vithout féeliugeif regret. A n,#rn- muc (a Quebeo corresponident of- tbat Journal. ber et toast&anantpeeches foliêved in .rapid T r. O'àl aaid ho vas net in, tie babil uceso. .Th é anhi hypleused.su bosting of bis Ioyalty, butth d gi-von wt h real.aase a hçhti Dtage& for hlis gced 4C ndut thél.tountryp t ok u abuttho we ra d inuendedta do hi. duty faithfhiy. - A t évenligyuW as sé' boum, ayant th. tva),» and venEiec le sasle ime ho vould na -b. deleret, iat ayacmi ,honover lb.evoiture of Canada d9émandoti Onô lie voi qetThnrs-aythe,171k boau aet a change in ils poitieairelations sionîi11,Wile Mli#. onbe. Lk. place, frin moving. an àdduis s to er liipad oaraçler, oted th. promisles et.o e fjety, pieying liat saewoald allew tlii.s o teesn i Mrsu oomn n rovintce ta lak lie ceuni e bot adapledta »smva isr.l ovsordered ouint i swell-bèiog. Mr. White:alaise 10k oca-MocKenzie left and in a fev minutes tétun- garl ion ta dony the imputations caet upohi. eivîî~<n eig-é'el ho.hm B Meéty.. oin otnaniJ .Mci Simpson on seeing bîir4madie forhils houîe.-t mu ehmee iGýçtsu adl. 8.eacd ngandi closeti the dooar. IMKenzie thern vent altear F, rehmtt:ai-uru ip îét Liedoor ant i red e »ho t, calling'.on il ir opposition tate hCabinet,, antihaveSimp alucorne out, ase ho hat nuother làde recent oxhiionsk t peen anything charge .ini bis g»» aud vould -shoot-Ihlm ,t creditabile tiený. However, they -do, should ho h. bangeti for iL. Afier &m@n rt appear ta have-.more tise a baker's do- reMKuevait nsd-rdaehn _: __ ,o rs s laIliita.-wIlsî it somre distanc o kotheb.boum., On Ïkely te prove aI aIl dusastrous te 1h. pros-cmlitawratvsiéol nii a sols t theCoaliion.arresteti-on Satutisy sud bught'b.orQC The mrnbers uofthle .Upper Houmo have -bnin tiJ..1n.alt of eonuetiei, Ver etrrned frein their pleasri-lrip. le lie Sa- h ascmitted tate .gaol iêWhitby. i ýuenay, andi resumnedi their .labeurs on Tties -____________ la. Etdngiel tiadresse were deliveretid~ ~~>8 ~ w niz i G the char-acteo thle hîe ifo-memibers d that hedy vie ha"e dieti siico the at Among tho aotlvely cennectod viitii; ession, viz., Bon. Meîs. Jameu Gerd ou, sabbatb Sehboul cause tbrougiiout thé'PMv- toBeaujesu sud Sir E. P. Tache. Tii. lit ince, ilion. existed a ery eycrerai feeli ng in Tu >f Cruwn-appo>intedl- Couiciloers i. being9 faveur. ut hoiding~ a Sabbath School Téaoh- sdiy hieptiér%.Counvention et a Provincial character, anti cortoîpondence hasoelicsted imany «epres ste row is the "a.e to Seon YoUr siens ot approval. Tihe main objecta sougil utt - W'eat'tu bu ôlitr1uOtLi aie- M e scuriiig e01t act& e"a îy - salstc' rel ating talthe prQresandi present -a The advanftage te the farhi erfu selling standing of the, Saibati Schobis in lie Pro- a nai ealy ii.sesoncas-scrcey o over- vince, anti the discussion vf practica eu- ha ,stimatei. - -The. repeal et tho -Ree'iprociîy j itboanlng upon the managemient anti ork-h freaty-of vhich lItote-lm ove ry prospect at ii tShos lbsbec» <Icideti tobhold ineeni-illMure or louaseio.uslyalec, iii Cnvoetinini thie ly pr ~h h rj very intereil in -the Province, and noDA te 7uh) et Soptember, ai Hamilton, Delegates. .grenier extent tuai thle agicuitural. Inpa their.tare te Hamnilton, and ill.i1 be fut. -L v theo f tie.imnportane utgeîting lat isetewl ettificates pi lhe.Conivention P grain of the ceuntry ta. markol, before tie wlih viii1 estitie ito -arelurn p?»ssnge hç closeof etnavigation,- v o vend rgve on eV- or i.vrçu alàsfee. .A p fize th et> trneriéli. eun>' i ti~ wsilu$20 iibeuoffered for tiehe essaym.on raiethe. highest puce foi thé. producis of 1h. "Boiut Mii.oetManamsing -Schools, -afid vas fild ith te Ce:uncil ,Chaiiber onSal-i uu wnr- -aiOd. Mvt y Mr. day evenùrg lest, ai hait-paît 7 o'clock. wîesodtiyMiJrdiiaa M embers prosent- Re!. J. Vicars, -Rer. g yddiav te levy taxes on ail the real and pet- J. J. Luize, Dr. Fidtier,- Mosan. Adasmn,aunai puuponrty in tÉi.- municipaliiy ho nov Maithie, Thirkelli Veiei anti Wood. reati and-passe.-C&rïied. Meveti b>' Mr. .Abent-Rer. A. Edwardî, Mous. -Dua- Burruett, secontiet by Mr. Ciondennoni liat -due, Beap, Lsug, Magnine ani'Sihiit. iho Sulnutf$10 b. gratteut of the gene- Minutes of lasu meeting veo re atiandi raifundmte renpai the boundar>' bel neen 9,dopteti. -Fension anti Ope ocroe.the 1îti concession) Mr. ludspeth vas,.éailed uponte make te mneet an effet of",me Township of OpSia nt some remantks. - tintthiii. Re v-iv hie enter eccordingi>.- 1e.J. V icars loft îh* roem. Carrieti. Moveti by Mr, lurnet, secontièti Movoti ly lie'. !J J.LuIse, secondntl- b> by Mr. Clendeniion, 11 lie smm ut$16 b.. Mr. Adam,, liai Mn. Wootddo àte .grantetite repairthe bowmtary btwuaFou- Chair pro- lm.,Carnià. - on anti 0p.sros th,8tlrc'où., oro eltan Muveti by Mr. Thinkel, ueconded by Mr. eftofOaCoui.-CwiiL . Mv.d by Matthie, thal an eider- . dýrava on the Mr. Buuiet, econdted by Mr. Clientennon, Treatur-er in faver f Mr. R. Hudape'h -for that this Cemucl grant lthe sua» of s$30Wte;- the sur» ef $6, de*. i for:r-i. J. Clark'. par tii.bounay b.twoen Feneoeaa nti pa Grarmmar Sohool Aft sdning, 1863. Carried. aoroes the '2nd cou. of Fa.nelon, pralviding.t litaI Opa cuneil -ilgi. »a bif amatiet Press AmSOlOion.EIXCUriOfl. lie Ieeveof e eson anti Ope te .beccon- 1h.annal xcusio etilm PrM À- isajoners te expeni th ie aame.-Carried.i ciation et Canpuda vii tae place on the 6i lIvt yM. adiecadt >M.B ot Septoniber, and it is deirebie ualEditers ei httscincl<v osmu 1 wio iiiteeti beiflg1 present shoul t aI.onçci <triropair th. boundaiT. betveen Fouelon sund1 Voruinm freinbeuveoti otta9.5- and 26 Souti Terit 11etii Serear>, M. J A.Cam- o lot g4,*providing the Vetniam Ceunoil bel 1, W hithy Gazette, go tha.t hiey ma>' re- ylgveali1eon;li evi ;tF ceive tho nacessary -passes. ..The.excéursu- elon anti Verulari tu be cemmistleners'iteox- oui te *îhl *1.11 Montreai, Ottava, ]Kingston? &c.Tii panaimeein vii b had a pnd thi e am.-Carried. Moeiptib>'Mr. Brock'ille, vian thiei ent*s'Il! suies- Clndennion secoiided ly -Mr. Jordan, tint veut t idake temelssoalanihapy Fitzgera1d'e bill of $9 12 tori gedu et'lii PrisAssciaio Diner Alarge itipplied te lins. Woods, on W. Jordaq's __________go_ orei nse ifi by M o eu, hitlit uttentituce is antic!pateti. odrb éd.aiit.Mvt t ST AR EWSv' nuaM.O Sabbath firal 'CoanéiI sdjUur..-CAernd. - tue 27th Aug., aItie usual heurs, :divine- - .. . L. J .. 1..~ fkflU ~ P»AWtRtu iir in lUvoun r p tng,* idWeil for the teiliug multitude te t.- àehw effSrts occaiealy. ,A&litho r-est, ve "eues,% ai lnreneo»ro iii inonde, melhborsvil -indtu heigillts'. ymet, and betuufit Us ail fr .ds .g of incun*ont duty6, utii. fuit b.- of thé oM ipro>voib. at l'"ail wOtk-anti la takes 1ik-a dm11 boy," ii phe-PI of Lindisay, dtirrinotion lak ing a- heli- sud as ac.coosequenco, MonUdai - last -devowté 'tePleuvue mnad recreation. day ire spmin iii *nt wasy. Ab- one hundreti ant ift>'eimteOittism -k anuageof th. libeml: offler, ot Captain. ilis anti betook.tieme te the. Stoarn- Me day vas very propiuns-ntaeioc, nM ýn«on ecoIti-anth te pbaasuro-seok- - vi«re l imte boetofhumer viieri liey hiiSturgoon Point. leri tue boit re- ined for sme tino la erder te iv. par-; an, oppoitanily tu lunch ini pic-nie, stylo teé heantitul <nove tonrviiich lie lecahit>' Meus. At Baheaygeon the steamer r- ued 16r abouthaitanier, gVgue atieeined an e ppor-tuity th1o4tke a rua. cugh ah. village. N o incident voulu>' ut îce, ocurret during lhe trip, ýexcepliiig* eue et.0 Ch. excuraioniale, Wvie ad been ying bie dàevotie ~tco frqnou tly ah tthe ine ut *4 iti Rye,"- wourdpersist -in tak-' xcol cltihin the waters e-t uuge.on ce, much te thmo alarmnof hie frjo.nds anti cnvenieaco oft hieCaptainanti -crew. ke 0gemah teache4'h er whart about 7 ,Wk, landing hér pas seugets .mafély, ach pieased w ,iti heu rday's anîusemeît. Tie Cathoîl Pic-Nic waaao- bat decided cces.. Over 1,000 viisiturs viere un tié uuntiai one timte. ; Tiie pruceede, in. ai thel building-tundà oethle -Chuicit,, wii minite about $W5.> A number et Pro. tantâ miueo ith heim Caîhohie neii-h ira on, .ie occasion, ant tok pari in the. es exenWtot t.ulves.lu- ootipurpuse id as the resiti eft heir e outions eVery. ng vînti off, hike ciuckwork. Tue- vatioul mnes createti a geai deal of am.asemnent, eloy wo give6 a liai t fthe.afccessful coin itra- Bes Rac e-lsL prize,:T. Iîickîe. Hurtile Raco- lItprise, I McleMahun. Sack Rac-lis prizo, J. Towxhy. Hep, Stop & Leap-1st prize, IL O'Lear> Wheeibarruw ragce-Isi priz., P. Far Lo6ngr.Race-let p rize, B. Bôyelon; 2ni rizé, R. Wytin. Tii. Linddsny and Opst Bras Bands atidel ér>' mnateri;ahîy Iouthle mnny attractions a le Pie-Nifi. Agrand: Bail in the Town Ui 1 broigl te holidày te -a.lermînation. Lieary ices. 1 & L vy's FRizm.ý-Phiiadélppia,, Dea cen.&" Peteusoft, $1.50 peu arnti'.- "Catciug the Butîarily"1, is the leaditr te engravîng oft uSlr'rEraîanumi fithas ta:vourito penîodici-ald a ver>' une ypictuîê it J£4. - 1! W*lrUrmn narriy of'tC lys ot their.chuîdii.bod,,whneii:tbey roaýmE oljul eptciiig buteailies-anA saune- pe isayu> tiink sàdl-y thaI msince,îhE ame <rovu lu riper, years,: tire> have-bef )rugaget iniinoth.inýr more inpoitant hau tlu ng te catch sncbi otier butterffios as w .ea], ud.pleas-sre andifaîne. Tiio,.seal fashi( Plie er uhis amber i8s ihandeome as ii 191 ant iospert 1ing dr-cas iii il sutneihiing [ilte peeiiar. WVu suppose it, is' the w« li the EMPriSSE Lîrgerio ùant heu lai Jrois, viocn on t îiir iipartuig exlisiorls. LoÉ£ gl'rYahe"ig'apl ty-wo oumv yl'L*Dy's BoorY.- Philadelpila, L. .A Gofdey, $3.00 per -year. GobET for -September 'conàtainh a 1argg numberof jllustrataoea, latterrs, lseful Ré, ceiptoi &è., vith a variety eofinteretii aeles) suitable, for ifamily reading. For sale at. the Lindsay ok Store. Tr. S.- Arthur &'C9. 2.50 peratinur This periodical. ie eu .e of the. best issueg rront théerai press. Its pages ure en e ched by the. choice writings of Mr., Arthu aud Virginia F. Towusend, a sisted -by nuie ýerous abie contbutors. Fortsahi aI thé Lindsay. Book Store. GRZETrEXcITEXMuT.-The cîl nssgions- Penesylvania are. uoted- fo.r their richeness and the rapid: fortunies mrade -by thoise Wh have bee.n ,lucky onough te secure inièert in e iol- territory.B> reference tei an ad -ventisomenit,, iiancthwr ecuumt'il i ii s»en tit -an, opportunàity a reented toen :terprisiig Cattdiant whereby they rnay m , ute att intereet. iethree voillafor the uxfl - arnt of$410,.- nW haiiey. the promnoter the uudertaking,is vrell keown -and i Scharacteirie a &uffiien t guarante tualt ti yuwil b. ne chuïwlliagîn ~the rmalter. Mai et ur shrewd husinuimeon are takin S.-& O. BzoI.Low sgifl continlue to sait at théir Store, Kent $treet, the môst elegai loto ew Mantles sud Jackets ever brongl te. Lindsay, asili as beautiful Bonnet Mats anti Dce.8à Gud" je great variet Tbeyhave aise Hoop Skints fr&om the* b makers, .Parasols, Feathersa Flowersi & 1Gentlemen's. Clotis andi Tweeds alwaysc hànd. They have. besides mone aVery f Cott 'Frweeds-inade ut the genu lue anti, and, warran tet te ear *el l-te Which. the would. cali partiular-attention. AGIeNT AT Qtiiic.-Pitiù t haviiig tii .actons viti au-y of *the Départmne Qqobec woul d do woli te ontruat their bi noet with. Mr. Hoigy Grist, wiose cardia 1ponts in- anoîhercolurno. A long expei eoe enablos .us th may that frit.G lei ;hiable, prmpt, anti p&jestakiiig, and 1 ý odially reoomnioud hi= te auy eour rn dore Who*taareqit ecom ôpt i (af4ttfai seent st the SuM of- GOoeruImOt. ëd el- ~t. er. y va) le ,er ImrmOSLtANTSÂLU.-We beg, to direct -at-. tenalea te lime sale eof a valuable Ievn lot adi- vortited -in anether coltira. . :The propert>', le niest ce'nvenîinty silatedy . b.ing only a minutes vali fir» tue centre of tie leva. A beiter opportautri 'lseur. a biulding 1oI lu saueigible s- iocslily may net igaia occurj for mci>'yYeatsa. 0 Cazcrn MATcI-The return match. ho- tven-hie Lindsay and Pont 'Hope Crickett Club. wit1 b. phayeti on tie <rounid et tue tirmer, noxt -Monda>'. Wickets v'iii ho pitoietiai « 10.30 A. 'u. ,ÂA.spiriheti anti vel i-conteeteti <an. e, s nticipsted We ire glati tlu notice limaI thé.Bowmaa- ville &taiavaii commences iseeenth yaetpublication g<rye> niarged 1umii fi DOWme ver>' much lupnovad lnappar-- suce, and- mente, ant is ~trustw euve, a liberat anôreaseofe patrinage frouthie peo- ple et West Durham. Siavxci.-Mr, Dougînes, et En*oxColiege Toronto,,wilt piesch (D. V.) iii. ýCanada Pies'byterian- Churai. Peel St. on Sabbath BARGMNS, BARGAINS, BARQAINS TU*E flem PAID FOR MAPS BY THe MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP CÙOU4CIL To tAc .tfilr of Me. <tzsidkaPott: Si,- If tb. report id lia pruceedinps et cmlvCouuuil,int' oissue eothle liii ns., hai co" , 1 s ai mount ef ver-k je siva for $ or$l3mepeiéîaiion, but s arge au- omeit et . hundernin and imanagement, nul te, use stengai tOruis ,As Ed#tersare suppoaite kmev everY- t'tiiwiyetit um why ont Counicil payforl04Zr for (v o llsections. we»av îivtentnrThOOi Sect1o1sWhynet Use ail alieAi, Irocoileet, Mu. S. jr-vn, 1 amn toiti, drew peuansd ik sketches etf the boundvigeofethie tvre sections apoken et, anti Mr.Ifwiu muaitl gaI5tien eo ut Council. lun ocent Counnil ! Tho>' migit have a eio of Tackaberny's <toMa- màpesiowing Lotsù Cenceston owalip, anti County, ton les. than haîf ithe mente>; anti thon lb.>'on- 1>' paiti Mr. Cunainga $20 for a unap etfithe whiieowevnhip, vby not pa>' ai the, sane_ rate lte>' pird Mr. fr-in, or tue raielte>' paii Mrt. Cnnininge ton -tiiving comior-labl>' arounti, hast iminter, plasterig up notices et the. Eleotion under tue Dunkin Bi? The>' gave about $40 for- elevatinlg sali notices witi Mr. C.'. name aIlie belloin. ,Tii> should i gve at the mrn rate the>' gave for oaci section ho Mt. Ivi-i oulti uni>' ont -ht .te, :7.- est ke. on .« an- isu- 'a'- anid To the £ditoir Of thte CMndin Pott: Sxat,-Not having ben-a. subascriber 1I dernod it an intrusion to otrer an opinion1 relative te tho MathematicaL Problerna which1 bavýe appeared iiiyour latIe issuées. J ar Of1 ,opinion that teachers -wutxid like lu ae&.o the4 course carried ont> ai. the introduction of scI tritiflo problema will prove intereoting and 1 useftil andti end tLu cultivat. those kirnlly_ feelings which lu men engaged in the same4 profession ehould be reciprocali. 1 trust that sheuld any ditlerence of opinion arise as te the correctus f rsults *btained t'acher Wiii not .shlow,'the ùaseibility of temper t e asuîe th province of reason anti good breedig ; and tilat no teachèr %iii propose tit which ho, cannot h imseif cleverly ac- Coui for. -Answeri.ito problerns in the aà- soncer.of caleulationi if roquire'! should, eut. h acceptable, and also they should bc solved vithin givenlimtitationsi. I amn, Mr. -Editer, Yor'o-tservant, J. RUSSELL, Gps, S S. No. 6 Aug.- 15, 1865.- Teacher. To NINÎETRCaS àm LÂwyza.-Constin t use- of th e hings suresi nures them. Bryan's Pul- -mon:c Waters canbe- carried ln your pocket, 1neat, handy and soothing ta the irritated lng. 1 T rYthemx. 25 -cents a box. ded b. did net think it right for théo newspa- pers to eall the Hibemiana Fernans, as lie knew they vers: net sich; nor ctid he be- lieve there, vere any Feuias intaCanada. But if by Fenians were mosit those who obtetethe -oppression of Irelad,- and. h te England in.consequeuce,-there vere- tthose Fenians everywhere.. Ho lcnew tliat ine IIJI ni=edStates hundreds 'of iîhoumands of people were banded together for the pur- pae l berating f relanid from Eng! ish rule yfor-ce of armas, but with those they lîad-1 no right to interfere, as their organzalion was nu longer a secret one. S.0o f- tie bishps (ilhrees or four) had deniuned it; but others thought' xl hetter. to leave it alone and- letit rue its uwn course. Here in Ca- nada t ho people had a right ta b. aatisfitud, as we had the beat and'freest govemnmett in the world. ,Any one who felt dissatisfied with, it could easily. transier himself toth othor aqide of thé liste. Were Canada, hoW- over, treated as Ireland is, shse would not stànd il. He matde allusion tu the, tithe and tenant grievances by whickhoh. nid the Mdolevee prosed -as no other people vere andif 1eniaisam existod the tact muitst b. attribtto0 laws that oauaed tho destruction et hou the oul. and bodies-of tii people. Special 'Notices. Relief in Ton Eutes. BRyANS PULMONIC WAFERS. The oeiginal medicine Estalilisheil in 173n first article of ttie ki-ndever îuI-trOduce. the name ôt " Pulinonic ~er~"in ti ' other cou~ntry; ait- other uinne %t counterfeii. The g-couiine Ckin. !te kuvew thc-namc IZRX Nbeinig stiliipecd un tl.U Wa . Rilieve Cougbs,CollsSore .Thr ont,Ija i BRYANSI'LOÎ AES Relive pitingof flood, Pains 1.1ic the t * IRYAN'S Pl' c N Wt -IFEUS Reliere Irritation of tke Uvla u 1tid Tt RRYAN'S PULONIC-WAFEP.S Relieve the %above.Conilaints in TelitUt BRYAN'S PULMONIC W ' FEIIS Are ablessing to. Al Classes àaed Cons tiiti- BRYANS PLUMOXIC WAýFER3 Aýre adapted* for Vocalists atil Publie Sti:en Tr BRYAN'S IUL.MONIC WAFEIIS, Are ini a simple fQri aud- pleasant Lto he ftad. BRYAN'S ?TJLMONIC WAFERS Are ini a simple 'form and picasanitoL th.c~ TO MAFE IM')X FOR Gîillios 4& La -icashire NOW OFFER TE BA LNC E OF Tki ,;r. SR&WL at cost price ))RESS G OODS t eost p'rie. TISSUE 14ANTLES at cost ppnce. JfILLINERy GOOBS at t îpricet ($NTITATS k PSat cou pric« 1511 Te BDA LAOT Or ver>' guod at 7j per yard. Our Groc.ry 7Deperùtm. GOMPEISES ÂLI. TfE fAMILY NEICESSAIES 1. ç.GI VE LUS A CL GILLIES« & LANCASITI RE,ý Lindsay, Aug. 25, 1865. -I cost $250-ar té Mr.C., but nerhape the~ - --- naz cxi aanîngah l ocîciA. . orshpfai bd>' theugt (if orch bodiies do -CONSTANýCE KENT. thinkylict tie surn given r fou plitting rip the A matchoifeikot beiven1h. Canning- notices à nd tho aum given now nmaling ah- A corrspnetwteleieLeaMr- ton- anti Suhleu clubs; vas playet onuthie out $60, wbulti doteor extrais for atew menths, cury :-" A )yung lady ueeidi!ig at sUut:r- <rond t ie nttron Saurd>' ml vichforet i.valuabie services of abat extraordinary 1 ampton Weill id echool With Coneia.ne Kn gïnl-ft élataiteryfo Sr ani tlon b>' 18 enanthie Clek. Ou peuple, L'id nularthe 1 ' ude.Tu a Ke ynt reans.i ina itr e.annro yI8f wta hall ans éminenat Civil.. £El- lady- cf course exciteti much curiosivaroî rune. gin.ers andDraughtemn lu Ourver>' midet, 1her hscbof Ilos.Si.wseei;i-nl' ~~~~~~~ ~~~~àanti tti>' shunit ho brourght out snd aired hycorut niheavsnL-pertu.- thle Council. The report aiso sle& host omurder %vas ofienih fe subwet t u-vrs NONSENSICAL F4CTS. - are lu have one rmai appropriation eo ut eourtitin-anti dispute sunung -ltae pupils. o $7,000_ et taxes ihis yeàu. but itise te bu on day sorne îhem obînineti poato,t uf -To ilà Fditar of the Cutadiai Pot the town line betweet) Eldon anti Mariposa,! taîîce's pocket-bouk, anti the DaÀR-Su,-Wtefl I atdreseot yen I or- viti a ,entloman frein Eltion as th. Coni- l ook ini il was toc -strunig ft:1.e ,f pected, te have anj-uothnnity oftakiug a miot înissioner. -Have wo nu gentleman ti %o granti-daugîters. Tiheeutiiam -t thts shw hoauge a uestýaesitiNorth capable Wolai ; 1r liad aiways been an ady cîtIu nous ie -cîucuiating taise sîtaments as le mn>' ?_ tstancuti'@in nocence -ir ii bolklutei tIt crse onthe crection eoflia Mariet Buiti- Pir&ape s$25-tgiven ho.Mr. Tuvîn usa 1 contintially îaking ,place reApectrîa îLh.~ inga, but that1 expeclation quikly. vanisheti partial payaient for lases during hie absetnce 1 tr-lous criee.nnd oin hii ise &lie i oa einghletbter ofthli Deputy Peat- frein duty. as Loa ueitnaltringi her schéooifeilowa fur looking it, tile pvckt mastter Wviiela itely' appeardina your tnient :'oflte -year sme tur. - Ifelot ie book." Sie futin ntaflerward-4 Ileaic,- coltine. Couco b. ljhtai I&tanceKettai an Jistening ai tkn' jý Unîl!hie ubliatio et um blervilc - - Youus rul>', beu nevocale, anti aller lire> e- the publiction oCotistanceevash cccy ede- han er- muet ho laiton as in tho. spring titi of bis FabClMes.paConstance as uetieun e r tgin j literar>' powersi the flaput>' erjoyedthe ut. .-ioi n asse lri ers[J paI.n.cf bhoinz*tho kingeof bhis cage,l'ut MaripaSe, Aug. -11, 1865- - Very chien cle, otild gel up e.r1y.-:r' he opemned hi. mcclii ani 'eitrg more nan ing.anti assîsit hi young tuîendà a.i ad- lieueiagn-canal, enuugi efthLe lion'ssnPrteCnd.Pu voÇaLey in *orkinugr ai enîbruider',ý' Ioppd sate10nveal. -the teast taste ut a. PRBI1 tU 1. -A barut oitou12, fi. long i. lon apmia~ite his paie,,vici thati ith- jusi breken in rtre centre b>' a veiglit utof 00 WHEAT GROWING 1.-4 Lowr:t(.. er1 ti cimdidl docalt. Io. Tefilwhist weight vili break it ati2 teel t eldIepesr Isen et- Ho eneeti nel have tolti us Liai rnen's liter- trom-titi centre, andi 2 foot from u.-neé.uof is cither resultof good 1arming in --n- a nryprouctonspuutta pes-al charactor, ende, viz., onti nseeide from theocontre. ta, inthîe sirapeolahatiu f We as nu cloarer evidence of tint .ftad couti!11 - aqui'te ripe, from tira farm t ii ..~ bo atdriced. than thé epistie under cottsidera- Psii.M2.-A beam etf tirnber ton te a9.Te asar Wve ~eil.j hue~~ E ;blhaDeput>' an>' idea of inice pointe long, (idU>aunitideptli irnaterial) ini jutaniihutasnlfaî;a of brmour, any regan-d. for us reighbour's broken in the centre b>' a weigltt-cf 399UtIls. self is ae fine as cari be. Their-r ZW - character, or tne reputaion oftîhose intusteti Requireti the ilngth cof arolien benm ut île yards of four- feet in length, anrr r wilh fini ,management of Town affaire, holieieton nihxne htyluî stands up aestiraîglî,,it as reeds. weuitiLiave reiractid bis statemoirts or given break wiithils ow weight, if we ashow the of busheiâ lu the acre must î' e '1V up bi authrit>' Lu be dtie it rh accoutiing venigit Of thé formuer. hoanuItu be u si 1,lb. TIs is the recuit u 'o- a -.--. luO treir meis,. insteati of *liich lie accepta. J. R. drainling. Tifa greater part of t, the part uf Factot nidtîgteprto a, by nie experîditure ui iri h> nridehratefi th l'«ofti Siaa- INTERESTING TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES lai anti si' ed labour, niznt r. gem"l coniceale lhinmel f behitid a rarnpart otf--suite, and have ant enormOus e,. --11;;-r eotrgertes or nonnsensiral 1'f.jcts, andi thue T0éCourt oft Common Pions, by the Hon. unit the lime le fast cuming %N,.- skulks front a conte-st hie conduct pravpked. l ohn 'Wilon, reç-ertty delivoroti jutigmerît.ho fonnt ite 0,1>' kind ofta îàîrn Ie says, I iot hls confidence ini 1863, titis lin an appeal cf the Chief Surperiuendent for pa>'. Tth e~.ai.sse ~ c itlI u rnucih ili h soundicg fudtge;* te be le- tUpp, Canada, agateat a judgment uf the much puevailed wiiigoourrm g 111d iiproportion tlu1 ilsimportance. 1 J udgretethé .fliDvso Cutu 1 Cc-until aa.ndte il 15fUrI r tw Shoult ver>' iiuchu regrut tée buse the co'n'fi- tl>oT i.>', in a suit I-lgg rs. Rogers. Ine ondteLuthe meafla of livîngof lis: dence- ut an>' ratepavyer lowever humnbe, t 9scase tert i udvratieedat- I .3'Iotreal iazeî'te. arnd my regret mut bu e ep indeed te bue ed 201h FebruarT, 1864l, andi endorsed -Rate te con fidience ofau exatted a personage as, Bill,- 1863."1 lie*question innilveti 'asjAD VxaRTIsENT:-S.-icpl -thé Depuuy Postinas, whowhile lecluning vietler Irustees have -the. r eru-clet a sfran'eîeinn r iront hi-stden about publie ex1,enditure, liastrates on an As@eessment Boit ut a previous mnh niî fr2 l i Dneveu owned one inch uf puopeut) i heyear, wieench'ratéeshave been. luviot Prior t $453,1-22; irjes.S19,74 r towa or pyaid one cent joui its coffers..Ti te lhe cumpletion andi finalh revisiciofu t he ký574; Wrd 1ttO;EejQP- *ei htîs sreail positiol h i t~t~roll for' liA uhen o.iient ycar. 82>4 jCuriieycrlAvti pint nr-om n h ha e @rouiri viewT c mati, Théeoriginal îudgmnent vas giveru b>'the;jeurnal f-C mec oi ters ant i iuse vin for the timte bein- are eun- late judge Wilkes. vwhu hyld tint Lie Tutus- 4,7;Epes is93 LI die nthi r ad mni sÉration. tI s ti oulitihave wauted fru the m ki gan d ti pe i Youus respectiully, complelion- cf Assessumient Rol-uo 1864: andi - Otey, $,3I;iv W. H DEAE tint the colctor receiving a Warrant in 1864 5,7Arn>an - Juo- - y- .for tie collecin et a rate baret upon thc SeiQntific Ameur ,$ .1 2 Lindsay, 2QntiAugu8i, 1865. rîo 86,ia etlgîl'ntorstl _______________ - VITORI AGRCULURALSOCITY.executtu suci warant.-From, ibis docision , ~ ýfCTrtA GRCVLURL OCET.the Ciot Supeni-iieiurdent appeaiet uruder tth ennnîraun To t/e £dior o 1/meCarmdian out: pruvisionis of the ,Schuool Acts, te tho Court uof e eiin tIetv.înenn Commue Plape o Ile18h ds.nem1parents of îîree dluni "rî SnrtTu ybu papr oft~ lSt, "a îem- r Micàeima îermthe-caqe wac augued bilities'y ai a' b~ih:atiawe-ý ber" of the abuve tscret>' bas addresxeut)-ou for the appeilant b>'M. idgnbut onitithe-ie m fcîinr Wi er- »: aleuler respecting il, whicii, althonigi r it-- respondent aftrad ppearine, il iras post- eli--- ,ton wîth.evi-eteulguoî ntentions ru mn one ponedti nl iliiv trnu wheitil %va. re-aru- -respects calculacd luoriiiead. I viii no- eiM. - -- making five pledges 'il ovtyW î;rý- edM.Hodnj'ns tuý Èe appea1, Mu. Samp- o îrm oîî -are1- . fiee lus rennarks intice oder tehtusgiron 8 ofe, contra. !Bar-f -lheni. - -Ti-resýu!t has beuru the sustaining-cuthlie Is.Ha cureplils liai ne annlu report nppeal, an 1ldthe seiiu:gat;ide et the judg- Evn8u S"v-rîla.- -- a ~a stîbmiftt tu thre arunuai nneeting, but. a rcu ttcDi s' er Jtg.tcCu - Caian Pain l)cstru(Ver i f. ---- a promise vas matie one wounrld be presentet en toiin htTute ua e> ni-cine for, tie instant adîcr~ r his Icollèct rates whlinvra ucien a- îeypain froct lhe systenocicvet. - ~ ~ ~ ~ h as u inLmeigotc theowflcs a 3a general alteri ienbe 'y us unp a tc* tee, aneis % ac Ilda ce the dtre s m c h 'k it exp diernt te d o s, an dti tir i the cause oftihu dscase, ard r'.- usui pachco h tc mucity.h i tie dt>'sudrates ntrt ii ail cases ho bsed uputuaction- of nhe svstem. Foir-ul-' ut lte SeUoelry ho prescrit a report at he an- h tI éî c tin" reviieLl aisessm-eet roll. wlricbil is recomnniendet, criaI muet-mg, but iis le bucomplet-ehould r Were in-olherwis-e, for '-vmenthes or moue ut 1, i s a idgood uig.til L. enhoy lme epots f li ~rnchSocctir.,a-year, 'ru-tees m'iht be unable te ev>' an>' dealers. -anti-as i1h.>' are oaty prepauediin the puev> riteIala«.bvoarseuoIt he tact tinttihu assese -_____________ uns week ýte the anetial Coun>' meeting.anti ment ruutl as yet incomplet. or uniergoing - »Ietim- if e-ver corne in cîiitthai day,ït il iilie h,,puuceqs of rovision. wiîtla fiom non-cern- BR -- 'bu evitlnt thaf in -pra(Itice il vouildiy m ptitance witi tho reqîluuemmiet teIv ofs:y natra' the lOî - g osbefor tie Secroînu>' le do that wiich whnrhcuémupels theni tu muet crtain Iabili- iouMr.JesWtsninrcrt,.-i-r "AMe-mben" centplan'oftbis nel doing.j lie wiiti a prompt 1ev>', tfino>' igit ]o in- 'o11.JmsWtn* e.lI to: gud. Tioro have nul beeîî an>' seed.-s dis- curri ng persoinal r-cspori ei il itios îviichi e At Lindsay, on tire 23rd instant, tihe a-f tnibutedt Iis year as s4ad., Permit me io cotul i roi othervisa avOil, as iii the case ef Angus Cirhisholin..Esq,,cf a son. se>', lie distributio ut seeds grats tu mere - an arbitral jin h-eivori.Trusteesasid Teaciiers Sbers is contrat>'i ho iespirit il nul hl 1w viero if the Trustees fat]-jm ompi>' iiior 31ARRIED. É,~ relating ta Agriculturai Societies andt laI give e ecilt te avard ucit le-btrr, for -AtI Lînduay, lic tie Rev. J. R. irB.X*- eïl Oui Society' hoitie a-letier, frmî o anti theîî13mli ften publication, lie, arount st. Andrew'sbu-h Yriu urirn ~ ..AguriculInreto thnt effect. Ilais irrefure e-tero lna ue nf4urce aaainat thenu indu- Fendelo, te Miss NMary L. Jaunie, uori, à:", ti-el>' wuong te distribute sectis. vjdtally by lie warrant utfIle aubituntons. lita ce. -- lUt h gud. He complains oufthe morue>'voete S0 sien s, anti wveriever annew " lnLst ne -__________________ w. tie, doegaiest -e ho PîrùyviejlSh-owandtinri Vi4edasseamntnt lr1* oit" - - Cofoceiat.e Iubi qiuile cencur witi .iim. No prelioti Tî îe-emust 1evy Élnider it, but unlil that delegates tvé verbhoua paidt tt1iknov 1ime île Iast revise.d assesmettral" tien- cf, anit as fatr as, my persotral experience as l i tg nsthe rc p'e one fou Lher ta base -LNSYMZES ila debegate lest yoear i. conceuued, 1. heard Of their loeve and caiculteth îeir raie, upan.- F L1rI ÂT, Ariguai 2. 5. ut nu tour dollar-s paî(1te! luiein ; -ne fat, i le <eu, mndT»ev a iet....... $ 6to C OI 5s, - wiolé expense restýti ovyerop > Uni> piîgWrat------- O 6 O lic ui an(;.un>' excelierut colloaguri Mu. James , în.pa-tisn........L' M:tbterell. Lagre in -t sugetion ttBISHOP LYNCI! N TI I BERN Pota tacuperbuSh.......... 030 tho e',or taiidéchueal, Ietitereoun I-bo HigAN~S A .N' MFIicael'S. Cterl ii irtn...... G@ i- be~~ ~~~~~~~~~ sdttc ate.lolerhi..............5c ~î- l ý 1 l ý 1 1

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