Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Aug 1865, p. 4

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t. ~SL est- Sdiremà4 $ d '4v+e,'ring date il for theb. cý of arrears of Taxe duec u*es.day. the 3I procçed tb eli the said lands or sùoh paa#1 lo pay such amrars, together with a»I .ho r acn paj ; alilof which lanids are iýpetu, the trown M0W:N lu w o0 they beeoen.Mes.. îng, Bankiua and- Coini MUning au hl coure$1, ont is furris [of $,0, as OurY f&vciu L~cm W. 1- gl E. 1-2 10 W. 1-2 10Gilr.NÈpt2 ~jFrontiaig on Guu . 21I Li I. An 15UV S &tudenta, are are Books ofi ýducte4 en th~e Jouse& lu the. xe charge cùf a rience in bhui- ima praetical f wrftiug and ion. .&dre8a 1,propd.ttoeu. mbrie,! tes fs~txi 'bIh cor- mUs or rU#WEXV ent on~ Chpice, Improv@d 7armg, in tht> ' LED. .TOWNSHIPS jiing Counties.'As part of to'private indi ia1"s, lanS' bnegotiated in TO VFTEEN DAYS tions are uxade, pro'vided the isually eOnplicated.' letter pre-paifl, to 26, 1865ý. 295-tf. ndsayi s at Oý icon le uhzrs as W. 1_2 W. 4-2 Pt.- W.1-2 _etroec ruingE . Pt. ,- to 1 F'egat, ., e .Ws- W.. Pt. JAS. W ýllA:b 10OVED ARE OR SALE.' C~on. of the' ,OF MNARA,'CO. ONTARIO centre or a goc tci niiand 'within. 3 milus ofj MiILLS AND- CRTST MtILL. is approoachof-I1,-v -g.Od(1 a4s-, t -witiu i oa mn7e'of t1ue- E N TR tE - R 0 A. i . ,- frthe I{EST-OUALITY, vixd tbp 2. !8C-i' AliepecfSi A F, Street, TOI70nto, 20i) 100 200 100 197 g g 4 4< g g ~ 4 g g 4 09, 107 106 140 <4 g .g* g '.g g' g '.-< g j 4 '4 4* g ~ g Zarê, ~4Amt. :due. 38.6 28&67 47.89 36.8à 49.74 45.71 TOWN~IIIP 0F E»QN.. tS.p.W. 1-2 IE.i-tW. 1-2 W.W. 1.9. N I.Pt. 4 s 4'4 g g ~ g g g g t g g <~.j g g g .4~ 4< t S .4 11.01 6.21 2~96 16.53 51.87 S0ET TII 0F PORTAGE ROAl), ~LI>QN~ W..p 13 ro 14 - 3 16 100 24 10 51 8 W_ 1-2 o S. E. 1- 4 16 S. W.1-4 8 N. 1-.2 of N. 1-2 14. s. !1-2 of N. 1-2 1 -S. E.1-4 .14 N. 1-4, 18 N. W. 174 N. 1-2 Pt. -N. 1-2 S.1-2 of N. 1-2 13 14 25 50 50 50 50. 0 100 50 100 g g g g' ~ j f g g g ~ g -g g g j g g g g g g < g 4 g g .4 L È t g 4 t ~ g g 0F E1~IILY. ~643 36.47 4082 25.92- 4. ~ g- g 12.25 -~24.'53 6' * 825, < g g74.72 g 4 . g - g21'.68, TOWNSIIIP 0F WENW~LO~. 17 25 1 -8 10 4 10 20 ;)1 75 72. 100 100 100 170 -100 1le 100 g g g <t g g j g g g g g g g g f~ .g g' g g g a g g g 4~ g............g j '4 g t .4 - g g g g t. 'g f g. g g 'g g g g-g 'g g ~ M 5.47 4- 2865 . 39.47 50.7 S. 17 5M.16 : 54.87 - 52.75 -4 26.11 28.49 FENELON FALL~ VILLA.QE~ S. Gf BonIdSt. * .1-2 4 bâefeisa St N1 -2,8 N. of 'Fircis ..St., fli. l2 , e. - 5 '58 g g C E g ~ t g g g g 10.12 9.28 25.6 g g g~ <4 - TOW N 0F LINDSAY.-NORTII WÀ.RD. Street. 1elSt , S:ot th sidc-S. pt, do do Do do ])0 do 1>ond St, $otîiE, E.1-2 * Sb~ di. f Prh 8and 9i .Of- AueaiCt. alid N. of Kent St. .D.Wcst. of Adélaïde St. PjertvBlock IC em ~ f or ,i t,,rn i,ý - ]w hohz- PIC -e a llt frc<ta flie traveýlling con- JAMES tIOKR ýney to Loan. ISb i.lad1 t te ng to privrttc Iasirdu))- <W. Of Bal EARS, TuIurvdFrs in nmotint.S te Fit icpICfl a 1~ -OF ISTERES-r. 'partlctularg uapp~lv t n etes-of Lard fi)r îide int the Ontaxleo, Petcerboroligli, %ictoriak, ut, Esspx, .Grey, Mddlesex, Pecrth, uDties. 't' JUS eftPted atI modterate rateF. ert, rc>0,1'4 . rpSl I& London~ LIpi *ay, '1,'0 kd bl LiaCoin- Lot A cres. '59, 6 40f. front 21 1-2 leQs 27r. ft. .16 1- 3 1-2 2 and7 1-07 2 and 1-07 '60, '61, '62, '63~ g g. g g g. ~' g g 'g~ - b g g ~t g g g g' 'g I g 4. g g g g ~- t s 64 .mt. du e. $53.24 5.54 30.99 g. 31.40 27.20 -- 10.13 14.78, C .95 9.84 6.83 1 .22 SOI ITII WARD. it. Arr 1-7 3 26f. frant 4- 1. .i 1-4 6 1-4 7 1-4 2 1-4 E.of A Ibertl. Deo .faet Sub. Div. 6f. ritrk C F. of »0lu, St. 3 4 5 4 6 7 Do. W.of HfihxiiIten St. I 2 3 4 5 8 1-4. 1-4' 1-4. 1-4 1-4 14t 1-4 1-4 1-4 31: 1-4 .1-4, 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 14 Yéers taxes' accrtxed. '5'6,'57) l58'59, '6'>, '61, '62,'3,'. g g g g b C * g t g g g - g t g g t I t g t 'I g g g g g *g g g g g. g i g g g g g g g g g c t I g g g g t 'g .g * g 'g 4 g 4 4 g g 'g f C ~ 4 .g> g t g. * I t g 'g * g g g g g. g 'g 'g & i - g g g g b g f . g g g. j g I 't 'g ~f ~ g ~g 4~ - j - g £ g- g g .g g g g g' C g I C g g g g :i' ~4 I .~ C' * i g 4.. f * 4 g-. g g g-. g. g g g~ ~ g t f g g' i g 4-4 t t t' t" 't t ~5 g g g - g g' -g" i t g g' g g. g g 'g 4 g g .4 a g g g 4 4:. 'g g' g & A - t. $ '4 * 'g g B38 4.16 10.'73 8.0 g 27.:6c -~27.51' g'2703 26.67 g 26.26 26.26 Z 26 26.076 27.30. g 26-4(i g~2-7.46 27.4 ' 11.211 * 27.42 a. Pt.. t14 a14 4 1.4 S0t front * 1.4 'w 'il Il A .5 g. t t g 5' <4 ~ 4 t b *6 t. £ ~. g g * g ~ g s t & b g~ g c* g g g ' ' g ~ g g -g .g g * g g ê L t g g g g g g b t. g ' 17.04, 7.46: . 5.69' 5.25: 7.40, 4,90 * 12.3o' EAST WAUD~ Street. ~dsst&, N. uJd.. S. éidé Insseil St .)> udW. Pt. GleWeg St. EsAm, N. 'aidé S.aide Me lboume St. , p 'id Durham st. E., N. aide MxiiN. etPt. S.t. Lswreuce St., W. aide L aside Huron S.>W. aide a.~ide Street. Sinsca. St.î , W. j< E. aide' Georgian St., W. aide Lot. Acre&. ' 20 1-6 26 1-6 23 1- 24 1-6 i leu 28f. offW.s.' 20. 1-4 c2f 14 2 1 7 1f frqt 12 .1.4 15 -1-4 16 1-4 9., 1 -4 13 1,!4 -2 loft. fronit 2 30f., next N.of 10f. 8 1-4 6 1-8 1.4 89 1-4 Lot. )Icres.. .5 6 5 6 F, aide 9 Ki ng St.,W- of St. David's St.iS.ridel0 17 18 20 23 King St.,E. ofSt. Day-id'a St., S. e. King St., X, aidé 7 13 26 42 25 27_ Q9 .36 44 45' 52 59 Lindsay St., 'N. E. aide i Caroline St.,wW. aide I 15 F_ aide.,14 ýSt. Paul :StW.. aide 7 13 14 -Do. É. aide.-Park 29 St. Patrick St., W. side Pà 30ý St.Daid' S.,W. 'side 'ali> E. !,ide 122 St.GeogeSt., W. Siile '10 E. side 'i St.Jamea St. W. aide P k E. aide Lngie St. W..aide pk. -do. do - do do* edQ E. aide .do do de' d RtaaaIl St.EN.id Gienelg St..., ýN. -aide Sub. D)iv. Park y. E. of Lindtay St. ,W.:of Duke-St. E. of DuokeSt W.of Wolfe t S3à.1 dIv. cQf ParkG, . - E, .of Wolfe Sit. ,W. ot Sioux St. F. cfiSioux St. -I. of ILiver st. Stîb. div. -Park 11, WofLogie St. B. ofLogie St Sub. div. Park H 1 B of Lind'aay St s of Divition St Park J 1 Sub. di.block FF Bab: div. block H H' s ah. div. block 1Il Lot. Con. 12 26 6 p. 12 1' '14 15 4 7 3 4 s 6 I 2 3. 4 5 6 1 3 4 s 6 i 3 4 5 G 1 3' 4 5 6 3 4 I I 2' 3 4 s 6 13 14 15 13 15 7 1 6 Il 'I s 1-4. 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-6 1-64 1,46 1-6 .1-4 1-4 i-14 1-1 1-4, 14, -1.-4 1-4 1-4 14 1-4 1-5 1-4 Acres. 2.2.00 3.3.00 A-4 1-4- 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4' 1,4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4: 1- 14 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 -1-4 1-4. i-4 1-2 1-4 1-4 0.-35 0.4.5 g g g g g g g .4 g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g. g g g g g g 7.76 ' g ..~17-57 g j g 15.26 2-83 -4.25 3.02 g g 244 t. g ~ 9.09 00.46 6.47 g 14,17 -4.41 3.47 g g g 15.07 3.76 3.52 g b 9.99 ' g.~ ~ Z 207 g g 6.18 ~' ' - 6.78 2.06 g~ ~ g g 1.74 '60> '61, '62, '63, '64. g g g g g *g g t g 4 g g 4 g g g g' g g g. g £ g g g i g g g ~ g g g g g g g g g *< .g 4. g g g g g g g g ~ g g g g g g g i g g 4 g g g g g g g g g ~ g g- g g g g g g g g ~ -g g- g e g g g. g g .g *g g g g g g g g 4 g g g g i g g g t g g g g g £ g ~ -g g g g g 4 g g I g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g Years taxes aecrued. 59, 60, .61, 62, 63, 64. t g b I g g g g g g g g g c g g g g g g. g g .g g g g g g g C . g. g g g. g g g g g g g g g 4 g g g g 4. , , , , 4 4 , 4 g g i -' g g g. C 1. ,. 3 7.0 3.63 3.63 00.49 4.43 9.21 7. ê6 19.6.2 3.47 s.7ré6 .5.76 f.68 4.09 4.09 4.0 6.17 1421 24.38 12.90 il1.82 3.,27 2.18 8.41 * 8.415 4.64 3.47 2'7. 1 20.95 15.95 15.22 i à 1.03 1720, g 14.52 8.31 5.37. 8.38 11:61. g 1.44 6.73 -10.97 6.73 .11.61 6,73 6.75 8 .26 -~ - 1.26' 10.76 1&.76 10.76 g - 8.60- 10.76 t 10.76 8.17 g 10.43 10.43 11.0() - ~ 10.91 10,763 '10.7d .28 6.00 TOW~.<~IIIP 0F M4UIPOSrA. 1-21 142 18 21 22 23 ICoco. 1 io fdi froni N. 1 00t. orfLotuiIiu -hcoM. 3 100 4 100' ~ 8 100 5 )OD WEST, EAST OP EDNA STREET. WES O iDOý TRgo 1920 36.54 26.85 a31.63 3.63 .73 3.71 1 N.Pt.f1- t. OE 1-2 cOI. 3 6 .7 8 9 4 ~rn TOwr<slrii' ~ Teara taxea accruej Ace.'58 '59, '60 '61 '62 '3~4 40ý 100, 20 g~ -00È5' 4. 100) TOW1'ÇSI-IIP 0F S0MERYIL~LF'. g C Pknt range, Broken- Broken W. W. Pt. E. E., -W. 17 19 22 25 26. 27 26 g g g g g g g g g g g g g g * g g *g T0WN~3I-I1P 01' XF~RULA LII. 2 200 1-2 N. E. 23 25 .21 23 10 15 23 2.3 40 100 100 10 g g s g C g g t I g Anas 28.4~ 9819 27.52 Il6.9~ 11.2e 28.71 9.95 '~ >44 >:<> <., * >1' E~9 w 4.4~ * >4 "4 4<> :< t... I ~ s; 4-. '<: 4..; 4- i.' NEIL McOUGALL Sherifi'- ofice,, LincsntJib , S 3larnfacLurers oPetg<j~L ~'LI1I$CiDafjiq« ha m:01 LESA L ZAV N.Y 7;MPPIERI:L TN addition to our mnainzn >u of I.-..2 .tL.\. 1 ilj: g raphir .Matra!s, w e are licadqzarLter f *. ' l. ;, the following, i - - H ., .. Steeocops nd Stereoscopic vmi.s Of these we lîavt n hnmr.-- aort, rf. -- - -. ' . - Y. cliiding VWair Sceies, Anmeriéan 1, cities fanà Landscape-. Gra.) ,a . ke. Aise, »' vcclving Stere(<-:o .o i . or private e.Lhilbition. Oir C c'i - sent to an addresg on rece' '(f s,--1 .t- -o- We.were the first t1 i<r ~ . United sititeF. snnd v:<i - r, . , - quantities in great r - . . from 50 cen*ts te t .--- .: . the reputation et'biîU: . î>-' duirtbilit'y te r -i < . . . . . -.-' ]Plie A1.>uins _iaide lu OrCir, i <1t CARD PROTI"ý'ipJ'IS'. - '"~- :,.i sa'nduff... .- - - -J ta%.: .1-o r ti nrit Forc - >.lu tii-. Engraviî.sLti:st.s, .~*'--, .OneDùze Picture,: ,.'tC«. :::-<., . fiî1Qd on the rc.-l>tci -f' ksns.5ciiT... . Y f f-ce. '-7.ar iis ( t 'W ': l0. D. wili jIt 'I. .t -t IL T. A - - flot fail to Etix.2'.v,ý>u .!Irv- ..I t ,(Fornmcrly Y h-a< .vritn ~ tv>i. jFrs Dolor %Vt-st of fl<.!.rnvo-'*R-- <"i <j?"7is >--. . C 5 ONDUCTED actc " o X P-'!' i. with such ni-.." in : I tj'~> ~. quirqmeu--s of t1e"-u -'. tt < O .Xmetica. -: ~- t DESTGYN 'Yi;-'" " il-; -_n r?!t<,ý : ,n, T gernéral bii~ The- caurzecfT in ri -n ýt' ,1 :1 -> ., Brokers' eh ,> -< .- merciai Law, e.*r.-A f..'~ . -4 . . ' (includir.g tfie-îrd t Y! ,. -.À ... - Phon1ograpi,.ý% Mr. DAY, I t-s'tu' merci, 1 Ce:-r.st.i..'.'t)1I 't .Lt<. MN.r. R11.L mrv'. M -rs,-.L.~. Commercial ILaw.. t-Sr ,'.ry chea'. r<Lt x Mr, BIE. . Toxr.Ctc tcr.f th. _ î;>i.c- < ic >c f . Telegrti epar'z01_.l4ttt._1-r 2, ~I~*~.t ~JZ. tor iii Telegralby.- .: »-: frSt>' 1 ->. Mr.'W. If.Tu>:,-s,, T Iiluii-m r irn ':t. làti' , gr.h.(1nIitc t'e 1Uie fol Io-tig Ifhtr t c . 11 .1- ()x-s.I-. in d Il Alex. Mtirrav.y :. t .<:l-t !: A. IL.N. as Er. I.> 4 \i'<.. ., - :14J Georgè Mis.hie &- C9., Daxil BlM:tc. E- sur Uuiversiy; J. L>-.i>.E ', y-, -bu sol a :. ~ TQtCtt C o e l u-n y' W . F tc h , tiî. f Jl tw l i W! A V u s.co u A .0 -a si - h - Y r c of M .arch , t - Crooks, E.zq., Q.C.. M.4.N -1, . . W 'i" -'th Esq. Barrstar4 ?.L e;tt i..-i - "OEJ'DTI i)!.I Morintre-al; VW. T u,,E-q.j. Ne mt!-- t '. C &' c ti D. Green, MWe-ingtnî 'ty-u-. Ct '"' " h f 'r ,,t s.'p ~ > Couinty 110 -f et' Pcttt-lr.str:ction. i ;Cct:e-..e.& p1w ici; y C2y 9 j. - 280 t-ata i i- ut Tr-e<e, LINDSAY ANù ~IL ~a ~1 rorînrix c' Letdnn .c - I 'N T : i -ru -TNU!N~ i -Lakes -Simcoo arld Coihicifi--. <t>.rs>i4t'l- I !1 e Mail Train 111t t1 ->no, c i llrz t 'ts. ail ' Bcaverton cvery NMofica,, W.-n'1Ig.arvPr- 1< V, d-C! returning te Bell Ewart i me I6to e( the eveni 'ngtrain jfor TOoeite ce Collingv> <."!d Tl* .b.hily Moy olIs d.îiiva Jîký.R.\I NV - Point, A chelce-, Urllia nI Otiier 'It '. gers ean take the stean r )'5gj?1 for the M sk',- wi 'ras 'liia >s eR ka set ieuruen t, and tho Sevrn iî-R .-M Ii Fares m odera te. Mjcets ad r-rueî .eiPr t1' board. ' e otI ic p" ... Arrive t Pcý or ope nI.... .. . ~ PER ENT.t-L.e Ptebro gx a'. AT -8PRCET rrive at Port Ilope-t ......... Rparticul ars *apply toIJeve Port Hope aI.-.----- '>- LÂCOtRSE & DiRE. Ai-~C Petcrhorough.......t Linsay Jn 2, 164 Solicitora, Lindsav'. B. . Kl-MBALL, JOlu F'WîE 234-tf n21S1654up- ra fendent. Vil"'~ î .5oi BROAI-j K-114 Pl il-1- 1- Til i ýý

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