Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Aug 1865, p. 2

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w the beu#,bp- emed 11 bt ipof hilrnui'f. À ïk he h o craent ofè MMIoengxhrd bu the tai th e mal way a' us sibi.. W taom t h ni of. the ?avofeLind., mud. sucb puaisevri>' sn cerne ferwart t liber- e Society'*. Prize- List. Smercheitte, rmechaulca, entical ; -and everythiiu; r alvaneement of Agi- Il' to tbe beetit of al acommut>. W. feel is requii-ed but a cen.. t ho ah.eraixing of asimd. wu; and'we wonld sl tiat oui tovuspeople haîtd vith thte vjew of itile. 10 take charge of a Viho v ti ale th final Lrrest of ýThiev.s& ,k Wesley sud Sartuel ns andd esideuts of the en, visiî.d Lidsay, and- -peregrnaiostêoalled"aî te in the eveing. -The aiesvoured lu- ascertain- abhout aruecessu ad the t bccuoing purchisere. or otite,-Mr.' Cadotîre ssed, and en goiug Io th. ir exilho m ised sevoral , wheh ver. bhanoi aI - I t- - D of, thre shirts wero fouud on aid tie ocher îwô -on tbe pro-i nuei, vhoie-isa umarried mari r in the neigibourrootl cf Bal prisetiem's vere tto'vect b [ho saine evcning, and iatrded reul charge of Mr,. MaHugi. IITTED FOR TRtIAL. thle hefore tnentioned parties before G. M. Roché, E8q.,J.P- sq., J. P., sud W. H. Deane, rien the charge of îbcft vas n tbe eviîleuce of Mr. Cadote, N ugent aud Douglas. The t hen fou-ta-l>' conuimittedt t 1 at tire next Court of Quarter eanvrilo, lie>' aeu-e remantied own Councii. - meeting cf lie rCouncil vas lay eveninig'the 211h cf Jul->. tes Worsltip the Matyor a-id rite, D'eane, Dolien y, Guace, ulensn, anud Spia-tî. - esznie. Bel] ahd Mitchell. ýs f former mcctifi-crati and Ir. Duheny, cecondted by, M. tr.Cltik do g,;aîit a- te-* C butcher ho-Id i it stalis in tic for iheitrerou in said mtalI-s un- lovemberu- ext.-Carried. rus.- Brown, - Dohiuy, Gusace, Spratat. -- iru, l>eane, Steplaeîsn, 'andi ih Mayor. afteror une discussion u thle - -Lv di~-1esd without rtheBRov. Dr. Burns. rie suljet- "-c;iinotI tai vg cone, especial>' tu he tceffots îrow t- rie lite Biitlst Ainei fedeualiout. Du-Y Buri àlr'iity, va-net1 exper ew..- -I-iâ ahilityas -wel[ kuownr;andv e maunler un- w-lticlih realitig question i l tien1ne, will weilircpý 4to lulim on Mudi euerabi. Dr. a cu-wdl 0 W. ri deman, etît i ai in loe- t- ms a- me lue - Emathi U-"oyosr 1795. O he. iîg noîf thewarof1812, Taci4bâ, qwiof17, eurolled bimeelf a ImmnwIb S'< sLe. Canada militia, anti muwt.ti tie&owàr in deebS.-of ah. cnryOi. Eiaering " ua Lisigu, e >vas during the- ar pomaoed tq a ieulensncy in the Ca"uma C hasseurs, aud tn thatî capa- cil>' bore a croditable part in »moeu-ai engage-, motiit. On tbete«minatio"n-.oft tic van he retireà hem liteemilitar>' service, anti pro- seontosi ther study of Medicine, In lte Prie- tice of vilch profession bo vas engageti unii 141, v.- e êlected a member of the Provincial Parliâment, lu 1847 hé vras uppoinled Deputy' Adjataut General, wbich position hlie lti until. March 1848,, vhea. h. *ntered te Lafontai ne- Bald4witî Admninistration as Commissi oner of ýPublia Worka. ln 1819 be - wa-stransferoci Iotahe Reneiver Gcunerilahiïî, wbicbh. relaineti uutîi Aprl, 1856, -kwb e .waselevated le the, Speskership- cf lie -Legisative Coun- cil, (a body of%,1 rbioh h. had previousi>' been Muade a member), whiclr pnsition he toQk on -becoming tire head- of the. Tache-Mactidonalti - Goiornme-nit. 'InNov. 1858, lie receiveti the boont of knigitibod fi-arn tut. Queeni, le bourg at tute lime - aI Winîdsor Cétje on' special invitation. la JuI>', -1860, ho vas appointeci te th honourary rank of -Colonel i -b Brnitinsh mmm>, sud7att he-same lime was Muade an Aide-de-camp te- aie Queen, in, vî ieh e aparity h., logeiher* with i Sir - Allan -MeNudur, upon vhona like hon*urs.hatibeen conferreti, atlended tire Prine .of Wales 'in hie progrese ibhrougi Canada. - Fron t ue tinte h. eniainec iàincomparat ive, retireunu until last year, wihen the. exigencies.tie po- litical situation, tiat, -Mach agair.sl hi&- wiil, ne was forceti by lte appeals ot.hIe frientis le agaiu enter actively ihialo politicai ife. RHe was calieci on Lofornt an Admùiniiulration,. andi aitl the sesiabancecf theHon. Mr-. CampbJ1l, suceeded -i btinging laboexist- ence tire Cabinet wi4i.with morechangea, continues te îWe us yel, sud b>' vijilite gravesl t.rtaiaqvfôs&bdi adian policaba"bous ,desh-wiii, Bal ib -burden prov.d toc mach fer him, anrd in the midât of sortions labours, h.e -been calied away. Ue died i h ie a eswoa-kirmg ltire ver>' last on behalf the Co'ntry >' ic, wvilea yel l i is teene, hlàe ént forth like - a brave. ma-n as b.e was, ta. defcnd.-ilarn&. Ti-mes. Union Sohôool; Ageneral metin& of the Sciaci Board was heldia ire wCoudcil Ciramber, on Woti- necidsy, Auguit 2nd, 1865, at 7. 30 p.rn. Memnbers preeenl-Rev. :J. 'Vicaàra, Rer. A. Etivards, Rr. Ji. J. Lutze, Dr. Fidier,, auîd Me1ssrs. Duudas, Mffguire, Maitie, Snilhtliriuluel, Veîci, -anti Woodc. Absent -Mesmrs. Ada-nu, ea-p, and Lang. -Minutes oi ast. meeting veu-e read asud aduiptd. Applications far' the~ situation oi Teaclien tu-cm Rev. D. Wright, Mu-.'J.ies G racé, Msee- McLennan, Nu-ent, anti Fui-vis neu-e laid before ihe BoaïtI. Moved by Mu. - Siniiti, secontitib>' Mn. Mattie, that thiý e acheu- be a ppoinieti b> Tic ballottiruesaltcd in fa-von ci Mu-. Gruave. Moveci by Mi-. %Wood, secondeti b>' Dr Fidier thtathe saia-yof Mus. Grave be $*80 fou- thre-remai-muer cf te year.-ýCarried-. -Movcd-by Mu-. Thiinkeil, secontdtI y Mr-. Smith, th-al tie lues fitr thue Gaman Sli.ocl hi. 1aid quarteu--y hi-î atvance, insîcati cf oth> sheretofuriýe.-Carriei., The varions Tourne and. Citiethuougioutý Canada are îro w evpjying ther aunual holi- day ; ;ld ive scn -e!reas.on avît>Litit- 'ayshould bé singu Ia.r- n hi tsrespect. Aitn ca-ny daY shoulti be fixeti, ant ionedoubithue -Mayor aili prou Iaim a, ialiday., lVe'püb- hisi a letter ithIis suabect in anraller columîr. 1etructi've Fire. Abont .30 am. ou Tuie th ie Lindqay IS a Fa-cl ou-ntiAs ry vas dicovered Ite b. on fine. Befare.tie- Fine Ennuie ar- rivedth e flames bath compfete mastcry cof the ýbuiding-, and thee f ithe Firem.en -a-idti - ere-c lluecledi la- preveut tie lire spreadinglto tho n.iglbaring buildingsq. Loss ù.stimated at $1,000; ist irueti fou- $300. The -rine ta uppisetila h;lava fgptd bu h SoIap fumnce. The proprietors hape le re- sumne operiqsivuts n la short limne. av OA-lintRousuna.-OÙt Wednestlay e ven- in- lbut, ,a- lau-mer îanied Wma. Grîaawbo 1d resiuies on lie -ist con.of Ops, lefi -a apsu cf hom-es asud buggy-iiilire uîlis Aahclt l te Qu eco anti Montreal Holtel, lu this iaown, e- andi on rel ifiru, oui>' three quarters cf an ,"hour sfio; - discoveret intalis uaouimnet mv îh.aîtbey hati been abmaIe. Qis, cf Ile orîores waà a bay,15 lhande hiigh, thecîtheu- f* a <u->y 151 handii higli. -The h6rses anti ni- bziggy weuuvahtel ai $420. As 'y.îthonsi - hu bffl u clue, le tUs tiief. from vite. se t" é#.p« On" ute *br M. g0amilws apr.eda mwopy, 'Of il(ves. 'lmm 1bopôe, " ir smuil.I Ba>' tre. lIive, shia >' aide, #aah the oakg thé mudrona muptbe mapwse. Tiere lhe groom. beau. m, t. la q<y leheand tie hî $«,sceý 4Ju Iu@rly tamet than the de.,-, gmasepoea l.msimits, asud, ac-. quers-e boldi>' puisse ttsekî dangeoes, avo ca-hou. Tel, wvo anot tome onurlsi1ami snob pleusiuig reflectios, liter. are subliffer -vision@a vhiob- mate.aadurable iutpmeaion. Andi we nomnetarly rejoice tli th. G.y- sers vers ducvered Ii op doligirtul a re-, gioni, preseuting such ia- vs$ety of 0scenor>',r witisnob afrehseuar s armth ofcoicur-ý, ing. Betore v. brave deeended lte moua- tain, befc is-rsiM-ii smu nphur breaks upon the car, ave hea tho shu-ili note*. of the stean hisîle, and ise.&e vasi 'vol- ume cf va-por, wttichsâaioad te a'-heiàit of, bwohbndodfieet A tsar -approaci dtli- closes t tir Dtvil'. Cainon,"' snd thre vole* au-ca of tie far-faaued îGaysena. A -hhuneanti catîdrons, ever vhieli one imagines.,witci- e pies ide; sud a wild conusion cf-souruds, lie ebrilI viile, I-be gurgliug his, anthle butbblinggroan. -A.thouesard curiou.amitne- rai substanîces, and f Iormations, fro thtie midst o( which flow streama of.1 riiky bitne sud black as the-waters cf the Styx.,Ar vast laborlo ca inly operaîing, suad.ex- perimenting, m*ending -forth Ihos. vwaters. whose-mediuai' prômperties strengibenitle tveak anci relie vo the rafficted. Nior are ve aîw aym e alisfied hst tissconuSiot~Inmerc-y. superficiai. W. are startled by periodicai thunéders6, led sthe explosion- et a -maga-. zine, viercrhako the earth and nimble along le the North vest util 1h.>' die away in tire dixtance.- Who' wotiid nelt iahi le moud thé: blutor> of Ibose vonelerful1 pheacai- ena o et liairetai-kable loc;iity. :Whal kMight>- convulsions tbeu open ta t romauliéa gog;vit extuaordiuuzy a«encios brougi togethor liceelemruts of.,confusion, -&las 1 remains lockeul up in the goologica l"_ob tentu of . ePaè*ifto lope.- O The. Maiposa. Town4bip Council. meets next Monda>'. BAsxRN xASIG.-Oft Saturdsy iae une of. tre* largeat Bar-ne in thse Cosut>' va raliseti on lie farte of Mr. Wmr. ?aukinaon,*of Mari- posa. Althouc heb.farmer.aveu-eaIll on- gagea! ýin -cuîîing sud eecuuring Iheir Fait wieaî, the vowre murethaut oue hundreti men present le aid in raisiug bteé immense frame-w'ork. A genlemt~an wbo as. pre.- seil says a-n-obiér galherhzrg of heart>' snd sbrong mien vas never seon., snywhere. .Thore w»s no vhisko>r or altpr intoxicabing -liquor on lb. gronsirandu ler. was1nu a-cc i- dent.. Mn. Pau-khuionmade liberai arrange- ments for the camnpan>'-initheieway of ne- fusirments. - Thie largo tables faiuiygroanied betucathiheir loati of delica-cies janti substan- biais, sud. a-t! -veo roU -pleset. PAINFIJL ACCxna)FNr,LSt Sanida>', as Mn. John Mactioati> Insurance Agent, ýof'Thi-- rab, -ras proceettincg le chtrch, aeconf ,uied, b>' bis.,vife, ire had occasion tfi gel out of the waggon to open a, gale. Ma-. ctonu nid aîter1 npîed te drive.the hou-es thru,-lithc -,ate, wherî one cf the fou-e wheels eîruck tig a 1in8ti lie gale post, tirowiiug heu- avili greai violence against the- fLee, sund il-it-* inga aldcep eultlin-ber, beat. The urîlortu- ait effectual warniitg to evil-doe-e. LjctritcoN CÂLUuiFoi .-The Rev. Jas. A. Davidisoii's ixîitiatory lecture on M4ontay eveiig- avai replet. vitia inlou-esting. tacts and figuàr .e» respecting 'tlîr9 "Golde çAite," sud ils purncipal cities. W. believe îiat il is Mu-. Davidaun's intention le . lecture tirougi tie principal citiesandti owils of CanaitIa snd lhe Ua'ited Sl&te.s prier bu met um- ing to Caullourn ia, and, w. bave oui>' tesay ltai ire Iso el qjilified ta set iefOre hi. autlience, in a pi.aahtg and4 pracrliodal vi' iui parair.lled Wpç2Weà4 -mrsucs'asd î gu-at nîstuisi ltU4*5-iM th. pac$4c hopu Th*eooel#ra bad almoat eptirelj etiauing lu Constanmap.. Tii. uhm end of th Atlantic Tc vas laWd.d, and the sumotige Mau the land instruments, ms the 22ndn prescue tif a large opiolirme ûof, psoý Tho M.aW U apsrathat dii leittio" .betwoeu the EBriith and <3ntverntocaaa w*1 b. v.suwnd ut a date. Il is. underatod that the. Gos oÈ Brazil bas aeopwtim he latbes "i.othe i.British Cabiniet.. Breadtufr.tend -dowuvarda, -ani eësxier for fleur and:"wbeit. The. 'c favotirable fortIh. oropa. STEzAMERBurxcs.-We regret1 liat -the Seamer .Vçmvlty owned I Bayd isq.,- Bboayg.eonl, bock finf wha-rf,. BUobavgecî timd wae almôa duraroyti. ie mploeembelongii boat were. absent at the ccrn-uencq Ie flue, but on ihemr etumu they atel>' uctitled. the steamtner sntl by savodthe b. ull. -PZRSONAL.-Tie uuimerous frient Wm. Kewin *will, learu wihi regret dieti on Tuesday last, in lhe Town Wall.: Dece sd carrieti ou business4 h .ime in Linea>' as a genéral meral .haue l'y" e s xteitsiv.y.eu9gage< ber! ng.operaàtione. -Iast year ho vii tope for the benefit of bis helti, but did poal derive any permnaieitt at fron the trip. Hoeavas an hone teul; Prising businiessa n ~; kindt and ai those wili whom- ho carne ini couutr bis early deti is inunuec by. a Ias" cf frients te .wllîom bis mnany enigagi hies had endeà red imr. S. & a BGîoow stili continuei a- their ,Store, Kent St reet,- the mosi Ici of new Mandles and Jackets evèr la t-Lin(ta>', aswcll as boaniflti Hasand Dcesâ Okotis in greal Tic>' baie alese Hoop Skirts frein. malkore, Parasols, Féatiere, Flow Genlemert's, Clotitsand Tweeds al hasd. 2I>Y.have. beaides morne' C011tîdnT'ýede-làad* :cfgein atîcitrarrinteil.tô vear wei-bo Wh would cali prticular attentîion. .4 TRL4nTY WITH HAYT] The UnitteciStahe.s have jue ceu, trealy 'idtb Fîyti, sys the .Philade qu'irer, wltich wotild have been impu negotialion befare lhe eetiuof Lincoln. These Iiaytieýur blacksare re as a 'po*er npuîthle earth, nd' t] ý made with tem les-'imýilar le luiose wl 4een eestablished wti tie most fs-tou-e Th lytiéns. ca-n cerne te lirelunit aud engage ln business, and 'Ameni 1od-thbsmrnfIayü. Xti.tuaI rights -tte irIibunals cf.liaw axe stimula-ted. Aunerican doctrines liat -lune. hips n: goosand ta natural goda, nt coi of wâar, upen enemies' vessels. are not r conflseition, are entered Jnto. Eng au-e made for, the extraditiod of, crn tËat. auy aytien ut niggcrli tan cou] 1cou.ttry andi demand thépo-snof i black 'man who bas, wronged, himi ai lte assistance of Our tawe and officers HOfIRELEtACcîENxT.-Tliree lad 1 rtîtuhedtiiludealton lie sita-mer -0,ii lime- Athr. vhile ak;ng a -plea«.ur sicit 'taPut.-in-Bay,, piprIrlau-s1 are, furnnisliîetl yhy cSntiduurýky, Ohio tejr "ýTiie shail aiflire.vere f4ame eltecai inches above the mi A y lis e Laih-t6i>.number'un Jîhus me tic Upper HouljmreuéucdtiiiE De Bunaujes,èbelieve, was lte irI~~~. ccivueat vealth, oîuuu a mnütai f pgen olu ntical a: -AvyiiAiT- À G.- N. SÂI4D£R5'é Ha Montréal *ourespodui i i te, Gla lixat oui tSaturda-uy tîtibt efore ler the lieuse of{.-. banjdera was vi hi& son-ii-law andia. fuirid., - Ti SâMedcua a-id fa-siJy absont onla vi m-la- we Wttti - l.cellar, ani teý mentvontcaleti. Mlic grappledi vu ani caliedfor he,I ,but îliwy escap copattin int-Ie parlai eaàruig-.1 '0l leyar, vee ovs Be nurtir ufuetu, tîd besten scee poéuible, s8aui' the Gadzettej, tiel lue tio, u Sândrsta gain dItIO 15,000 objetote leviliains, via' *11 oeap james GCordon Bemut tha P.Ait folr li Bfî* M4ouPI lot.. ~~1~A~Us.~ ARIVAM g>~ urmtho. j- ~pj cl I>if ide te b.u--ed airclg la p~Iso4 1. t~.& o - oui .~ 1,, ~ 45*8 mudere créait os it 1 N pOiZi1MAIkad A K-~,<F srouud ii. ronier êt"u ôethecooe-' , Vr> of vobudei ofl"lartorhhthNEoainePi d tamsudeva deyx et ekilld ly prce" the ~b« ifostiols ere BlOTS X& to lie.S»&ala ortkiprie1. amitbh e l i St temcents, "The l A sios and e to R CEYvry cbeap biSwtltebY u ui.wl at toî hHb.rsidd;si un rsma Gefa Brasa o a SEÉ k5 oss", ý in thAig111t, 1'0at. nerte oi.nomore cota" killi t e 7,UKLIDDAÂNS TEF885,utllVSthêiBidCOtintyupopr- iLLICoton & LNo. IiR~ couuty auft a a d y lee-hengs otd cieof, tand ilkcalpu T e l r tsok I PoUa lb s. Edior cfwsd cawdia pR. t saf Indatheucb S o Pluenarkili-Ln taselecAtî. 4, 16. r @ W" tho i ,ov. aof " moeis,1bWuod o neter 'ofjhnthe grinttgof this u nty, dolasfor CHTuE SGREAT PIT R )C ASE ùbt disslTth ba i foye ehbu av eti 11 as4sage ch,.iniratiin.eférkle owpie' sISU d cam t>. la a io , ow e r, a lo C n- i t~ h a t e lii taeonc e o tl . tl h r - A a gel .fCR C E Y v y ep elegrap iîacorerated whea wth as mcholutioce"l re. O r ae cauîborkis havecaeu r ialiD~Iî:lsrd IEihr r t,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ib4 th ndi dsrutve nsed fben aode.CJathe esc onceve sr Fr omldyilcanemaythe tl tr.ePuIthIrd ai èANvAS h edeee thet ntelienc, a avea he niress f urtu elythmebagtebuiib iel r-rnitieuf, s« nh i nt uumpprodaeheîlp iw Braha a uucipli YOiuasbrpiiof siWi uii is pi aty at c1 mei g t ahabei a thap Ie~IIIS fhma skdîe~aJci ilt g %gii o :o adIdin htllc iuida a il i newa'omeu cl îide4,'186hand.orn r.rnntenî Ti. Tova or mdaay bas operiencec hé petranuwo e o'tthatio imnpye Erîha dwîefscuut yIim niaî li l % a+ T o - ef rii h ma en , b u o sstatthe li itsofthe ,o I I E G5î b REbATî PRITCH I AR C t e ta a ,. t hro i, ard itEtff i ouwtnt s1 u 3 prîcm un in ' X 1twk'pM1. -ea rithat buthae seen th Ithrounds o th pres o thes-- f u nh îaIrslet.uiaemuaîm t. y di la~-- fa- dis -v e usfr Âî àp£&xlmsl 'ur tum is orordent iàith e pflo ple hsuave a icmon u a-n iO lu' e w uslookenlur etsb oug rîut a ratherdé i iach Ou)Iprsaction, Juw e aîers d wlt i - 1 amthe îidhe lý ' o ety C mmsrenio atce aruhhad.t orr Ttîe îdoemle neon but etreuunul- uy Ephhéuu:y"hae h! n- tiîvmaînesanti gulronari addrthe tiens. the:u ch rcerst cuui~ f T îere.* urg at e auhin ti bUhare so mete ralonf. ha e Pi tha rdb îtab ihr titr& ore inpet, d b ltsre* as a b" ac ht Via'nthi ortallyh ebencttta pp r hu. T mtWsoê,vr.liLfI0. b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h leain resedigintemen rarey reavegon te she Jateven iothuuarespwo ide md iof byM angefrougroueftnlt For rui theanduuu' t eof e remgs aewokoabsduyulinu eeasre fapa ii u acumlaet eil o frmr easi i r- a- tn oasnet 0orfur insan, roui h harg eof reg :-dcîèl y i ei~o in ather stuce tucilh ti ith aci o emgat ed p t, . mctîiig t unre. he onire houie n h.ae .. oîue r ,IshId tunhe otiom LIJJehpsîdngany it eourcesorbuntsc uat tabe ofd Dr.n.biy, "îr{'kuî"è r i aSptee a letic4, )gPI te eisaio,.u 0sr .n t:erveu lît udees n " i zrîhr .ntb'3brum ;u> inu s, ited 'ëclettut tuea ,sinrah 't.t là a d futloiucheas. lie d J J ro eplmnt of hatinycultIae e hereisae- hun's e ly t ni recgnihe bu- tue 1ïf er m fnceb- ahteih r À4,ubîiiaproc t i rein- im ed- enit neolaiceyo'ea r n hitri;o lbl mle f ra srrs ta ndr wenanurae uu nintoet aa t he staltifa urnlusig, uipîf: r- 50dit na ic ongryit a uon s nsdiveti bodycf ie f heComt a crirs of thabit-rf chl a rkhefatttswreasp- it ins u mncia fbiedd otbea In uut aa f uairpdur o f Bi eali ;.e nintz. .ookiel îoiee auJ ný i ug.', dow~longbefre tis ime;ant thee c-nandi woer , fas ia l rze, ý adait u ch~ la fM. TowjUn obfthindsayne ise proelr e h ieere.tehuateoudmel iu yih aet ~tme-l~ .r, Pj"I il hepersruoifobu uh, r er , hutk-keanotdrf ecdn puto ot4Wi eu euir u wnd, ier- tha h îpî uJat eere on mmfinbeiîno y uhrd at en Fru t~ vth mà- ooue tonh libatpuzlvedt tu fnaelai tetts h w aL Cernr.uten hcù tepepehaehi mahrron atrnaiouder ewue niletueree teaap earo i h l'e c a' o formome lomo1h. dimaacketofib seàessoiu atead cf cfuni iant but seltulng forth. geoti ai hue p et , helvet * th te îdia s îth 1an&mude rn ihùs, aind ofartc e îvhieh is mlar(ba rely in,-e infl ou, ,.eit ow-Fthrs reisi aes, nd, e upu ; rn 1c lh imencneiion, a n - hers ofeuch a 7r acucu ns cf hae aînk -t th 1auuer t ciiian reriltie.a bi-hatherltioin taud haved in, a! ~ rnu~ lbiea tien& Eu- cab l iry of auiveterms. OU1cS oef ka m isr-ntdt. Th dcaett- lîce ea , Jlcp.nrd~ lr * il seèmm these aretheeisure prelude 10 blue'Theamit ivîageufeto nti seove, ansia î urbrc citlielave refnComisIonper b le hn iuLn nd lentl r- wh btit ertieenfon preîpial te lI E timm- n e ran& ai a uhsaaey niiîds - srt lue rull te f lrru&ogv.IÉe :1n~Y fiable ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fr s îî jiosehadlmmjieu esoii cnimiuîatee t Ie i a ode f .arfre s 110 eatinb er e à ris u. o f unrperne"v w)'a ic ; ti. Asteromgnet aif or s upouu h presénltiq- the dpaars Uatu tarereu ti it t h e c ar - ae u t me sîrontf1v y téteunlw i 'l rr.',I ait brlEfte wih a rog tte uiîesaite tiig, aso unt fcrusl uaui-hey may hne re 'DPitcalsad houtiue a- i-vebrtl, so r'- set o n ei la k, - if h acs nul îtetiied î, fuut l vv niheudsindsvgs tI 'gse~sir upco i i ctsé li qutal rcucleopsngp i~ in lie atiil, t use a v erv puw cha tîc aiwaInhîan l~se i e d ark -v rt - eipii ar ina ofd tue fanuhîduuu'Grosetttl aîtig a ocig usdscritin f ther rtiu ,i 'u ari ec';l t c o t.l it hé ' leisalcitant ad d.t wiy n herearduig tît cut. » nthe9hrsîec sî'tof s I tý .elemandetera ant harse-th eves,' butth ra , i e, wh1-en l lie s ld 4ot il.(li r>. ,een rofhî ua nd.>' tisp ia, et maethe motî l~onèîswe ati. I-ld tis jdicius oîîc ho-maks no prereirs laiscrhe iiainf-sreeefreru he SLio o r imarme àyï. -P, di!tiireo as3enewoud aveb n e zè,twp'ac . a pe ununth uretr cIa,-ande te tvunbulhiîv ut' h ls eourr eunc r.!7 ihe bes t nis ahe efer o escecfspisenth t Wr5 sns f l re rasidfaun ini l itecniy ia oîe!hismueyfontrs godo ftht rtcedy atbls e atm. Th ere EL a si l uc r 11s19c sput waninch uc p aidful effe boda o i the imite, f or krp roesee't uys libeksart a se dauî hslî . tic,ur.: Iways on ouil oaîd cld h, avbra i e beku. le fountd. Drlefirss tU ie u ote com it- aôi à e, a .llis; u n rs o , - >ile dow slongte r e th atnilme.;at o rue dis- i t - ratkst paih ha li B-lwmen by olie tht he h r a EIihes avedr.veu llu, lethme noe aa1 iS n oue., adThLa, Srtc e dinu e bt the shief oft abetyau ee 'twîtste ulcsrte ,btthy ho4 lieI.alnyrd n-tng rn r- dcli~wa theyryreuset tadciW01,10,itwas ltercd. hut ai r a-id ta ardjinicatether wuu peroductin. 1 MndiecuO i-n vi u r utes, s îhe hv e was ti'r« s u nariop ~mtt ab arr- Ahi bishunethereveue vas uffriu~fro bylîtu reo~vig uon te dstrutio cfacri. l t k slf-possesioni t. u it tut, and aterediei o rrupt in eia1 fekdina h nbrued iow v thi . leru IUsLc nhî an~" -ofryrediarenqweer pacefleh the uco.! e bcijci a rîwu or o.',rtr I ' cluded a wilhin tue pund. M dt orltr flai(itheievmitix pi-'o,'.uFLeremadro for m ,fnth iswp a y oro dainsi n us d c, s l se in lecasscfIae asi Iwhuî n:i.' t'c uceai-s. M>: ~sIbO fteIe cf or aninfor ationcf lie sam ,tile.s thiated, ury c e ! , . ' ta i-u. Cfesniluchtc neesarn o fure tthbegondd of. Souter îlern îuvî ran!v.vent: Abrabam mo eie a arcetha inos d tileuusi - jupr- ad hle. ,it(,î- .e et ' C1 - . Tlr- cîedaJ rvt *'vnv theïr pi it xas r;a.te upeir' -Mn.;. nt hin hhav tsolvead taie t a me lier iny a w ont * eî nîU acl. rdrat ae-îer e:'.fudu uf n v Thsben screi aynib-mmuily a, toi u en fat-k p ail noeIhI cstd Sti ates a W of abusave tugli that he ios 1 a ýi exasp eu:t o rea d ta.o Tnhe stihit -I . it n eevtLaiuitire venald iei cudy (tr ie ercu nseë 'may e r tiheunc s ured haeue a-tmet-Ca ment it iswîîsî utlnîgc n i f~ crl o l e C;b tofle a I nlx harmoious ase, andbut t re er o met thel ienty aciretalaCut, si jl e r anBle, law rthr inc iia'nt whakby lthiei oalaéins ei iteut;he imbu- i mded lUe Çs mcmrîisorsa o! lu-ettb andt tu ainîc ' rV -. A en e us vetyiitr u'î aeuitly- aited;rrid t t.anyd etpooeraidtresom l:n - i lii ne.1u tofp!iere:,. -ed 'I4. îubec ta de'laed Xii lîema l~, 'rdcorrsq ît- thun te uier c nteir moeord.' f r (or tUe * r i nu ogiu n cuuryr- - " la ,t v,-c, -agenens -hy brde hu peuplewilt tre îutei's autl-;ai ~ic t u -et e d mcflen, uin , *hos-Cap-wrs ha e put i urei-ont'. n., - tnu; î. ' ' peint h1: -A atrneo f fhee u e-ac e - Te tq ie-t th ae ou tr uiî seuîupaithDn. h rrt cha.to rd'U J -tne 'wat , L,* ' - then as, euit ne omprmiseho at-iv th îe tvciui iofeveristiaiu shoay eti Lt- Icw. ,it 1.ir Cu-o>- iwr filsu.uc ug iti ,aqleiimetî fuu c t lle d, tace-" on lsa . n dthrthelar r i r ipi iuiesoa, v c tr alecuew-eneiîîstn' Tocna de a l ocunank l, tduîseadc ail-Ical shras Cr"r oit-rurv alwi . i aiet n el ,dr te lti(o' i ïR n I«î recsuit e orucling pteimei th emauiî'il, ta ,e e r u e r Cancr e if lUcr e artiL xs\iî acet. ,enaa', Cuo' o, r nZeut-. '> veîl ul' kaubrt .h -, c filso ha ters<pOésitherlIlt e - ulesr-e po rtyrurltermîdrîr e xcr i~ eamea errt ethna uJ ii ue rethut tus - . . ullî-. le tîe 'eve rnurne xa ' ~ , p , buOte e ta .r,- - ai aiî1 i i -a Ite ufuon nti pro,- ey moe ua-ueani hutuUîtrypliy.iri e trnp'i- ra: eefatc b i Cetir.u, s Re Sowis boke ais At. the. __>__________________ ti .on th aers bier of aîn- nti I1 .aird -l'h bx i reLsid Il o t vd "w ,outuu~. er a Uebor lra igul lo iu!ed e e- - trnîn diaîey trmet i ausai st lie r xv-pecd th chae oit badi Ju, i L ce;';,. ieati )Who, ral i uîihiprevmous. Brut Wu e t- 4-s'tre deait. ll(Ilt I i C* L1l, î,o, tesedlie cae Iefouira shun mldietaitu-ial îvrntis, l Tc trVP i- c1be-n sr-lwt 1)a pecîtrnen cf vwit"r tcitiiutiîi i o tit'tC Ucuhu qiially batnete pilier Iufor fticiîs opi.u ma llu iuiiu-hutk'tuilv.f1imltC ltrntcu, d Lunvcie sarîcr ~' a i Itthé lrepalpable tiesire, tte t u iieotr fSuiiyLuk.h ltt' t- u u nt bettiatelypesinai aiiuutsily ur-etrî hu nîut t I u'vt-lii--arl' uatfuelrriîu >(.t u'nfeileine.l à lsIfr!îx - vére eveîy -means in, tIieir j'ti rbia-atil 'tuli ita)Ill rl uuî t. iwutr -ius r-w.ur tr i i e r u w î q w - î à î - n l l u a l a r i sek- W nîtt î t l u i t I V e î k o n t l r tr u tt d flu a i a r i ' i f o r ; v . l i e r s t - t' - 'or . M r y 1 î >. ll ! - r- , l: 'r 1 rite .par- Jnur ntepl uie ~tr iui a suC - cînpnis abolit ' g'r iii ilite -,ork ' rnu1 -.hi-un rrîNSurîîc rl vr ui r e u rý ire îerfuge res'ontteil i)asa mt-au.s lIshut upthe- lrs-elssrtrr-retsc-tLemre.l" ,attie: iýi iasdazuu- ' uiîtu-murket, anti b>' se duîliug ctiail fi-cti eu2hî - ;-aru .niicr N- 'Oi o onue 'fdt>Wlb s.'s.n -1. elti fh Ioterinii îhi,,usauîd doullars a1lbtîia i-it (eihi ,eiVe the tonal, WitTilepope faCtî a GurtS t ua Ltnoi ivutta t. de -t ilt tiurta u l'im,; tOc;-i'x to roi i ýpumrtrîîet.eîk0',IDS.v Pa Anrlars.IlOW li itir' nt" - ia-dut for neli. fhefrs vsual nit Ile iie, Tioru res. î * t ii icx-~. is ,-ttiteli ti 10 -D'nr-.iitnuh'uî>.t 1 e('t' c uir tliut Jere id. a stnikil;u rouîmeîilary oz)Irelextn.lenipt'l. andtifahsèeiuutt- veau-sousiiîr- waireÉlt ;urned i art:;î-of hiim who avowuri ift, ad tire wl ri au'krS eïcaetmi&I manrîgees is cork le-g itjîh aippenrarZrt. Pln'îslt'i.iL -rC attd vitl i ri. 1f is Je re tvas tu tire---l skiii --Vitkaln! , ;;iy, ru'yIlcilcdi rI I unanu. 1He 'u rr,t i ur.-das a;% - - sîro hue mnikt~t, lUn tht- nttn'puusrr- baccj I.1vE we a gaid thiim for a clidamong ilts?ubiîgiih-,trena-nl rermt.> fit.Hon tethatk i-ni fr tavirg l. î>' rui pnupo- 'yes, 1- nsi>uuhnaiîic Waiers, 25 cents a hbox, -viser oft4elIeprrrser-utl -' rtnini,' tinouciuf tl'e autiourit- 'ed nil-«bove. I hi t'wî it t i orhus t àicugil ueî,p u'- r uoI.a r;idu ff dait mrket lit* liait beezî fairIy ant -h)ietiy five rniueý, andtihval vontr crUrnt- an a - ttt-saetcrîcihI l ûltlave 1p id for itsoît, atmi a.ver-v short tinte. Try tluem. yîstt Cu r1 ytu-al- mil.o, a yirîa ,ecu Ir. .îhi. le .1 tginlheaeimu.u nr ' , haein nor.buidea loiu tue- rple. le 4î cd tyluile - - 'Tourslruly', w' o0f PiiîrX , cîltrnWere examried l v.s l'ut resoitie n liter, a:rd tay luiv-ie.T us rt-iopn.Ve tîtîl ' )p paant iunatimriilîî'e ilial,- tt t I 1îie-roî 'î-l"; a lieid uri ta fouce. A SUISCRIBE4. pt e fitu-'.ft Ouaby teteî.anI le îepoitrait-S of Cicero (i vte uunbers cf - - - ~~~~ i te hiboer a girl t f 1ict, fle latter ei jet-, buti ns Cicere is ip-î icitlt huri e oit. Mu-. -A novernenl jouefoti 1ii N 0 w lO -kta tiîi.dy pretty. ,She bor-e Tup vei u i criri. a rnD-.Linîilt-j tin, Ieettirrnruiuedîical ji;rilpr"- oseurestabhislir a seamnship ihue btuu-n ta j1f ' ai sn urc-m tue qisimsput luer cali!y -rti trent- e-'l lire kruet uIfs.. Z- an la. i-i ritol, Euigarti -Fouir ve wrs -e Ilt dititictîyblt laniute Vt v îhe wUieit to etle jVieille f.ix-brtirc'eki ,sez'iurnc a- nd-es-be balil; 8,000tloui acî, Ipl it. r11 e. lxu 500 un-brfelb- rad ie ~ - hose-owereuuiuuo, îorkug ivo ~îJr~- AN insItitio)n fuor le reeeptlî-J if femal s( hi.'ty i -w gae vidume a t- witcels and îwa .screw, Propellu'rs, 8u tUaIlutaîtdicied'&le, iýIÉnîteuinei emrptwLettemi tpiîau Xrt- ut uLli vtinoute is cul of ouder trie chier ' %ol oin cîtiitectîj:rrî wilh th4'ic îuut-e o ting rnrins bearirîgouite e. tle newuu' tusy ~esi VOss 4 at t érr 2,00L e-citte n A si r; hi. st, exîirmnits upon rabhrts bvrea!Ct r o'eiok ~ hi vanittîhe îa~, ai ~, e, d $;5. ;ueeiitio:tu esrepulaiatetîl.;1,0intirateq aré t to t Ca ela cu~ ae.PtrrO isteigbo~4ais are lu be iuînuië'tîýI el lîiàrtl tUtu r-uine oaIlbel1l - r s enny is ulwnrfed in. appea-;lcElr nti.a ey lit sa ur eîuîn, udtt i suze aticvetltnlvr*lt> --crooîked spitte, but lue lias aie intéIàtmr.i ac is.it tna a:àa-n ettr ipsd T'e el-Cit or tot, as lie j '114sTio v esika-e Ia'u itfarcLeati, ai. ire tivees evxit- îund-1w exeooltl nnuot1ic va*uugu>111sV entay$. SuCiN ÂBS nS. Roch-sIlately with. a clenuruuess thtat caumnol bu sirPa:s, >11 tea -- -- --- --ia ymuîg mati frointhticecuîry having aji A thmpiiei ai one ship-yarîtseýn tile ISt. Chairles Nrh Nîuta -ail volage aan zed. His The poçuuinticui of Rieinitihu ucras t'--îrk. suinte- idlors on the pe 5me nri tB-ckvle niC->i~- ise, weiut ed -50,(W iitea Iieevacuatiuîi, andiut the i muses asketi- huma if uhe wouid lot teurn muike CàaI Oil have beeti discovered. iled b>' a 50,UW t1111wil% re, cite liait ar -ýru îlnesi Mi(]ri tre.mnasetirofhitu, ant inirreturn they îvould î.-il id a goct 1portion of thecither hnil'ýuit ke2 gt ir-d.No -rddle uiiy as. I e abduc- Applidsi tion wilI be uMade tt-the inexI es- &ent tItan iheyseizedtt 1he poor .fehhîw, Il At the reiticice cf-Jeseph'i 3îgeIcv, Ls -ws lte clottu -hie pavîcuîl la atent fu- aitt au ti-aubel i hlm yer uititcoal bar, braltieriPr ed. te-incorpurte acompanyte builti a'ri ï --bnao iibesbwî iupain! Port -Perry, cf TypiitiFever, MATuJJ«Drt fretitRelevilie tg Mau t, bl way of Mati- loesp, andti ti hu te a bull', bark, on wluich yuietsauihe ile 1h.te Iirn aa $650,00oU -; ulr a grauuflpblic todiD aid inti tby marcluetihimi rotind the yard, and fln- Mlary Bigeiowy, of this îowa, aged-i yat th hrwaut.oL-'al ln o u .hi n ibé stre, 6ofl esîand î23 day. -

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