Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Aug 1865, p. 1

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AN - FAX'I'Y 'i0- [Ter ms: LODi t uAvaIcel tatou -limes, $8 per anmum. U-Merchame and otbera cu eitcet ÛW.a ceraiW b e. wtheo pivilege of haiar anew Mnriiimlt ot ih deevery Ibrec OM,>uths2 u vo*Wb rii mse dadvertisemosa n-s MO ult d by a>) D3' dver~aeunitsent witboqfl writtei xnseried unlil forbid, aýd charildfWfll limeS. **,à No CasUal adverlhsemçlit »tae d ae"~ il miane. Mer ota iuil le cxpected itepsr 6% ffer s fy.UA ývrliagutie»wue ibc.-P%ba her wffl Bmi bcres C. ]U.ft RoMioa, PnbUisher end Proprk to KENT i.RwÉT, IDSY eOSd &tabe> Md sabailSia htd, ffld ni nattenl- tlve ost1kr a1wayik n t nduce, Ttee Oraibasto and frgun the catrs aidBoats. BOAPtD TNECD1LLAR tE 3Y tLiday, MCel 10 -1961.. 12t Hotl o W bli gs ,tree fty a *be iLby- toay fVctra n ur- ence Wiats, Liquuu md Cigars of, thé bei;t ýt Prince Albert, ir a adition ta-bits qaly xtxeostler always ir atateaidane. (ý e-n attenti29-tf offie-Oppa- Prince Albert Offliýce.Lindsay, îDec. i164 Office. hN& OD- liA-iZSTEIS, &AT- - TNTEÂI1C) aIINES-ATLAWSolicilors ln Chanr- wLo2~T Ot OE otaries andi Oouve y i inee r,--,& c - & . 1- ' - L LHS A Y - >lEiTJRODIEI, Proprictor j"OFICEINlu. Waiim'<BiS * IIETQflCAMBION, I ru~Jh1f 14mIc' tebving rbeen iatuly cern- - CIJARLES. B. (TIDE, j t e e navaledi attdJ thie hestoc f tic- ___________-- ~ icott1ti0dteIo>i for i.'ct lle.'nta ana l lte1 pu lie- ,Ci)JURSE', Bn nist-, A«-rte9tdaa, jatraly. UÙder, resetimanagemnt îno tatv4aticr,k&c. 0Oýice--Kenn'sBric1, efrrts-xilIi bcc ijîred tiat ýÈi1 couduce bte hý s, i'lent stareet, Lidsuav, CA. cornu-rt or -gu.e-Stqat Cga 11~ -i4-tf U -The flcbesi of Liquîi-.anrs as ___________________247-4yv .téETi&BROTI1Tir~ri,-trs anal At- -- rnes-a"iaax, icbasas in C lutncery, Pubicae CouveyWcers, j-c. &e., L'tiai- lic ci eaa' Ilk eiSaeb l'aev er e ouse, ay, J'il. 18t32. B i&!ERtf - V GE, D0OiýME1, Atraet-aSo- ThE smbscriber brgs to qnnonac' tlit i e Itasý ka OFa'cE~ inMcI>ottaefts e t o tkeb0amp liotmelJ tl le i- o tl _____________ - -ed-wd it a ili dlircic c t i ti M.~~~~~~~~~ oneT M «-alcmeo Ncii i i Cmaref"at - ,ltab iin a nd Csî vrs ut w illa Sc. ic e lu) 22G1trge <.- ipr's li t i t he baroui. Cl ii , tcilbea i2 mck, ~ ~ ~ ~ u Lirdty.- '39-t --of - 0ilie~rcie -ft t-m otîf inim a v ty. M 1 eirgrs n t ec - - cîle -iTii th11Bitie1Cetige, bpro-icfelit. U. 13 M XII t Jan' 3h. D. o'et' 12 ite tiat 1860 t,2-uv. inm Xl-audSITl ao1nt tstay Yiaruteatst.-i-je uîî fu chu lest j rI lereproup. 'xl ', 1riagiA S1 b .' - :L attee'3. front l 2?'f-Iy '>a- - (LaitevDe tamah) e 1,Ut- Suite-oArn t-icmc u ioin Ami.1'ic. r; 4l. f heb-ttr anÙ taraxe 16, 1865,' 2- .a"Gi-me~i" h-exeaki"r o - U EY Ta1or - --- --- II rl l-tlf-ra crm ifiatmiv i" »JKJ'~Srî~~c'i [tai if ~ agTornuMamgy, 18t04. xlrftni'~lai tt MitTnthisiac-'~ 10" ~'i'~ i ct-t i 'e~' Ili int'in<'ai 1 , iv ri r gic' niPa !-1mnt 1-- ( Y , j LI?'TL~ JIIIAINJjOii ttt,*,St 7 in-theuait-;-, : t tralEfAxLa b, i (X 7iareC'onivý litlI ,lYt gliîl VJro'fiIA1kte5iitrcef HNR HUGHES',- 1i w C, ivpil'ita11- -u - 2 t 1, li-t'~- I N E , t i i Ket IlO P H' (mt (xý'stnt c A'v. faSretai't'c 3hueîilCn ü'-tttztmc adune cFrh on's ,, a. tt~iA 1 rfHHE N FZY Uo'C-.1-1 'aiu irxcm -. ofl, Mc.e ja-îapttt ttio a Lima Ni S E' ~~~~~~ If, NIIf1.1 1, ri) Xl'- t" Atn.-1,i ,î:iî:,Littl-.ea f. imîttc-!r mt- nc- hIii- ~iait,('ar la-remalcala- t mi ai'.U" ~-O.~: :ic!:m i - tt'rti'tcr;- Lini ~ a -'51t CX].Wu'lir.tit. 3c'-<s. tîlet'smt a'fa li 4/ u r amuI~~~~~~~ ~l"->-.(îmcii.X h tlie lcici'rIe- c ufri h'iut'L'iart - 'h'u-icitiaù.- 201 icaf Ia - ,I v e - :r'an.1c t iocnuat. aii a S Ni'(,h\" O'tt arr tt-r 4\j o il , i ;-rtr.I X nl \ltctl tti'rl <'tïutîin - la Ima ti; ' '-ïaII iit i larg"e anald ial;ti C'- hf lm ai',,aivdSlic, Oi t a-t tnsirig a ual i. thî" 'a-Is Leîkam <l:s3ee, c~, miiofj 'le ~' i' i' li SO-I l mtua-hIwer rates thItn tmt~ ~~;ý liiv ,<r- lienri tofa'k i1111-Wtlia - t f tc'.ao! Sien tilizi 'ch ItîlVAN Aua'VLluu a il htiiiia', îitciame, O Crota'n Land 0fOtcc. 2Z2~t ~li'd CIl A xN'r TAILORI, L&a', hiC,S iE- -~ Lttad-ttti- ttl T-tum'iii:lorg CîîV-ti3 lit ac1omf i l'l: ay bli'ti, WtE m iiSt-- Wt t-,-lailiiluis ict'tiî~ taa rt, îi'i tttn:tiî - it :t't'ît-t 1wr. a ia tsl'a1) a!ti ct muttcumt l ticii or Cw Cam il Voq My u'un D ya s al W oL -lmh ti oo wtd 'i it' raI xLtil , h:. 'a~t ie'im hma csj;irl tlntt mi t JOIINSON, --L)U tlia 'T'y Lt>titetV, 0lîiiîit-ii f0:i t iii' lîa Ilîra 1 iaaeac ou i ln î nam ia t 1 to iza ta lant Ili'53 11 h îiCltai lia lte Lres ' StEvvilicmil I ua>- in 1 l' -uts i1. Sia 1;41 i trac -~it i7t, (.mttî li;pr tie'm , \.sIt I l Ator1,t-rý auilyfG - ~ ~ ~ ~ 7A A,îdmx AlTHE1, 81.L(0i - ~ ~ 1c Of :~hcy - é II1 T în 1aN'i "LC u" IN à M r- 1iiIS,'tArLlu 'ajlita.îS-ircc': t't' LETABI.ES. ade <p te i-ir, - - - a AItn il 1 8. i4. rîcixîal- nma tai-aQu. tiGles- es t AT SON, CABI)NETIMAKER and, -- R, egs10mas-rmuce Iai ti' i 'ONFECTIONVIZpY, Sweeh menti, ýmpietuasssormeîit Gc oFF r lel aIs t-1Teut,£ofes CieTobaccos a aitmabriage streeta LindSl, a pite hst ýftlie Market Square. 1cigars of-te tBraid. 1 4%ilear-se, anxd fruisp b>' inaderate 1. liio rltntuo t nenat sbire of: Cal 'at Oadwll's! -~~~ -.. t ; 1'~' < 'O iah.' C'C4. KD AtD tual Fancy ýLifrpool and L noa ié ie A rChancer'y, Wary Publie eLinadsay,, é. W. mfttt iionpaid ta Vbaxieezy Ksiitess.' tilson's Bloeck Kent Sireet. 4totwîevs-at Laiw, &4, &c. Tornic Jae~ 5, 863 ' i)3 Th ie subscnuber desires te lIex'rm- hala fu'éidS te.1oitcil- - lanoe a 11 Ta' i u-ucfs xv .:t~ -av- Ilî Il llnsl hmih ones --------------a- 'nd. tbe putlic Ihat ho ,cninaies te koep the a Seeit au pii bost à hrse- naaest mad xnost confcati'ableom111cf the ist iiiiltieruia1 aîm'il recij.e (le- h't:e a tme 11 ' t' rt.imea 1rcacf 1tof min1]soim efg ri i~pyn Càurniages ma h uggies, eonàtaiatk'.'oùn tand' f&r bator-s, andi!t'.îo volumes o1Ids a M. ' e.scattout xx'aîaîld l ýie t likel iy e aur 'î is nemcx liSe. in'-- I j cys cf toecuru-atisnaiti fle piivingIca fCor tacd spé;ee he '.obeen pub'i t i ot- baîhc uic l ui"cî~~i ientbal Ifnîary !-lbamy J'o rni Trma ext ieel <mudertite. Erald and this calînlny. Hi-a pctia llcst oie.. itireaup tici roni APPL'ICATION will be mitd - ariret_______________________ vroihy of raervatieti I l a.ndKA carsanate lil i s il.atmiuicrs ii aaeyte x'îd a iiapst t ere a:ued naftfllv -ii'ea vclasteedsllr aiil texSassldn to le'gatize lmIffe w abI~ad.haià yteatounreçl bk'Ille cAwetr- j h y in cpîausec "i v are f al ini- rne.alîah xhc a fatdeneddl- i1, ýjà.sof lhef orpramtion of lte CuiyTJE Oý4KWOOIY HOTEL, ican Encclcpoedia <te faltea- f ltlaecO I out li tti;isxlen à ia cis mxvrr't:urj,13beckof asnagn-eian lirfestate, atiartlepool,, cf Victoria, aleie -ko C'fne;osbeGovrmn n h i*ismeiy- 'lilïf o. 0prcn. i hi tid upie o e1,0--er le 'e I--iwNo. 2, ciilîuled a ly-Law t'ar,9 is Win gtreet awoCW:0fn2usbl o'rmn h ieBiiîtItoI Wtia-rulL t l e'cii. i ien t4captd ab ,0 ePs0<,epe 14wav ocfotunTwent Tlaougand Dolam - AJJ4NE YRX, 'Proyri.el(r.Coloiee.?Illus reéord as a staia'smnai],, atfaveatu'onu iilio;jatieti ceeus o! thle- cîass tlîey oa Fridlay morning. - Il ivas fùîmnd in Apriî - ll'-Law No. 5. entituled -P By-Laxv te raise wi htshose, attitualeo.,.u ar ik! a r : ~ iîaeconilit asada b anAuru t ithe hy xx'y of Loami Twenty Theîasand 1Doit aa. 'fpREProprieler désirés 10 intianate l ts ctepu a cnaaiît hmevc a aebct aac enue ihi -as fHrlpo Msuaa hit ie.i i ib-Lw sa 1~ xaWîeiaBy-Ltw tn'amise jfricradaanal the public îiiat havilig pi-CieIxîe -c5pr.îo'yfonlite d >ars-oge trctied olAiîoun afdvisit.e l .th ly u'yfLoan Twncrty VTheusandilDîtlais, c'î'ased lte teW.hotel laIely ocipieti li citas. havn genjoyed a- opportuatity of lisicuitigthevi"n rp.1tO',,fOnte àaetatdIi Anadýl I-.bua'w No. 38, ettittaled aIyLt1 lail-:on. lie is -preare l -teoffer. theest.cen- teonu of Ille rst ntbeter fl ay. clatne b-yiscet-, but fr-omu te tact titat pro- at nbteeizurio hch arg ttupposed go raisehi brsy of !eGatn t atiunha -f 8i-xtýeeitThon- fortaible aIccrm, ' od t 1 IWho, may fIvortrs'io sauti Dallera t - - lalin-àt0a ale0'r.--Detrit xrper. per attemntion lia.s net beera gîfIle e to favlbeniralced. b>- #OmoeVistt l b And t0 declAre the Debratures msaied undor -The best of Liqators, Boer and--ocosyoug lay -'<j.b, -r3ta-tiîi cît z ,ould il îlot be beten fer mîîseitmon Til--r5daYi, xhu wer xusOl te, salia1 several BI-Laws. bindliknd um alid Pttoiou yu ad i Lw mthé l'armers te give more oi their <attentiion teIo Lttifrein NewavCstle.- a-onl tesaid -Cororation,,and fer sucb ýfuid _____________________ r'aMarn era chft y- ti.e ý'cP fati1clttsc . e lter relief Io the howerof 8aid Dateatures a eî. rp~hui:ohrbace ! giuuse as feecl- în'dtnstry andl pesey,- I nay.6seemmeet. g T-DrrFID~ER " uui!O, o ugxratgr!V, ira mi-e stock, dta gtawia of tobacCO), . c n uipnalefraCOSiiBn f&i y) fýo l11 X e p r enagerie AMJITt'>N, enettara Dated tili F'rtomth day o -n,1865-. SUrRCEGLV_ IN) TH1Q 'eAQL, and lep, anJthe nakifg.o> l r- C-4. 1 Cl erk and Tre -----'COUË'Ru uCitURM-Preîîy shop girla. alsc, about to be established ilM mdowV3&e Ih coitmore to bormiht Jbn W bey. F wjpo Ak LITERAet 'Vol. -bI No Or , **.»a,4 %t M &ýA1!_ ifii"a*#*tI tLO US. j -. -EC. . where the fartners willI e able te seflt Ili'i ___bl_____._____ r09 ý__. ý "ýý . ý nilk, or a large portion of i, and make mnore ..".ý ý - , ,ý ý; ; Lý Aý!.," l. 1.- ý---- -ý"K9Rrn Kob" I'he nder>t'of the fro-m this systern than b 1tnm 1 g butter.. * !m w fýa'otiib A00 acrs 1 1 %DE .T. 1 -BEl. Lno rePresniý . fJ y2t!,IToruch credit cannfot be- given tothâ bi e &w* , « ý .A r -c e r d a d u k B o w b l esu it a p ri vî1eg e t o zta m 4 w rile s.a1fo li-wi v h o lta it th se tb a nn ura c t rie s i th e c o u n try , : ,.ti 1 1ýswiU rncd, bs a.o4Beside g-dyngsiiî?ra lied, .. tThe ancie: -t capital," Wih rereerri"cebe as they- are aften atienîled at -ist with cil- leg ë,d bs àË m «lin ku*se, a tb deires Ito e m b!tý3t.r"a a nllilrts remw-eIfl, C ar k'aess lan d lspý-,Lel--fh1e ha ý lowed. ' eiories o enai BWU~&~ bU~efi; hee a iThIIe suuscriber lSl M o h 1fli fvew f Cr.aliis lnfi 1 - iderable ?xrense and tioneîim * 1os,-uili wayst &gbod sup~pyôo*rlg wateOiOn Uha j4 g te.ae1zo uc, idffy -renblnt ar mnsis& - .* * * e pro'esthe power, of cl,1týtia.hu ,r -d'n1 t'zry yearsai* l hi rame wtll b. giru orthe .gre tar path - 4- Ttrianpliin hejawa-of dat.I " rtn is RretwaKa e"ecr he 1fily farn e ebedtacarryéthrnosuch ble 1 p a rcau m ô n e . e t î, W MiJ,&l &,: .y5 f> -m'eip ere %e n c e.wl 'T ort&-o1o ï1h o h alv e nd to îon1 r * ',e1wotn-b1i emea. O , peIap , ]Ut ý nat irVei ix a triatl K g sseaon I vwould ay, ~ ~pa~nur woldvsit êome ofhe dietricts were il iat pre-ý 1ý- E OR E J i carryltm on the Hdrness âý & itdiJ1 yb4sinck't Or deem tîbat earth lias a tght te gire morlth, tîwo huirdred and ftyyer aosî t rwi ard .fr -slvs Got or te Messrs. M&4UY&HLAP, - e, wr 8m00 ttandid-Tocore4 saefr eavnlybMs Car--htched his tente uat il e aof ek 1, S1i4adaayjml*ng the atMite Of IlC'à., ot shed a tear cirboive a sieb, 11 ha anp etký V9.fiel1sf' *imîGodhaE.Me W illi.am1 , .Stre . t, Lindsay, ** . b. . Wih.ndlee-gl6ry drawing nîgh? te.oc o-w ic îow1n ,a1heIies 'dowVale Where there are mrnethirty acres, 4 1ýageà ý from eve* - . f ay 1 - ofi th caah e auodft areîc. t. 1 hchwa . * o!% 1F ranceb h ouit; .'l 1 to àte besdpihe cec lieieàod - 1 as .1 .p0rsing%,n pst rprig' on n o : - , ý 1 . , ý ý , , ., W b e e ra d yin d h t e r ,l a v .1 ! r t g . . 9 > -M . w ti a î î y a p e rîo u r n i p l a n di , t h e r e ç a l u d e r o n a tI~A E 1*ti'V Z1 1pdW11, - liane.in.th_1Ytu.,.? U derOne ipieeof lea sod wherethr hdne ee 1 DMng WI*c ) ispi#Pared Itc ,Whjle deih, 3îood,,w,-itchir,,zfor bis pry- Si fx e.ý oI[T.-Rl'-& Aýtreb.f0ol0ýing Pc 4BIilktfûrt te considera Whinhr.bûr1 p-y;1ho. Iîdu . an-£c i, £ , hcrop ecxeptgas d i atfudenÉe6 îiwo a taing pirýhs.r *Were joys rio mottai ton-ne îight ,aatd serîan. -xe-ba.cd fý 1 detnIC a ý lycn xeI ,e-eea c01ta ~PO *W4rded Frst Prize at thie Agrcul1a Good beavy Sbort-Tug Uarness with 1 11 . e culiura . 1. ý . - l . . 1 ý 1, 1 l liebe-tlthi" î --,lïlrt3 frowning eIiif., und 1* ,î,h ý duce nirrc Ihn ie best 30 acres of wheat S-heavrY llamee......... .....,...$J8 S 0- O.n Jorýlati*. storrny ba -S 1 i ~a 1-4,' flowed1i-C xxajér d-\î a - :s i iiîýePt-vae oa îtefrhe olt .. 1 'ýi n în s y L ong-'ug r do- do d o do 20 o f), W ith hiippv xoicc . ' w h ,tred lii, I 1 1 , _ te. Uok aes.. ...............163 O0 And,,yearing r"ile etter air ,, 1. bs Oh a o . .ndý cuiyo I l .n nt .e eiht uhdo S. ý] t]P t, l set oflghitsingle. fla nss,, wilh raiseéd , Wais rcadv at flic . oditu go; aadsixiy.-iiv , ht Jar* -.Lk l'ýtts Coi. Much:e .i hete you ili i ee @orne , EG S 1 0 n9 1 ai F ie da an .t e ub ic trae - rtinid nes, 'and bhrstrap, f- - . ier work -ra i] cloue, fihe fa th Weil , pr udI- . .. tel t'i .. ta 1,1 oi t he R VeIýO1 a r. cf fi ':. It nav1e LI ol. M it E tet-'- r u bis îp ds nd bl l mn iog-1 , ovi -h Plîief.A - ud . 1 -ce1 14 doubl ser ofeç, i .. and fane.y Bridie . ....e...!.......18 O() Ste smiied wh.iiie adi.rolind lier wept. ,Li - ah3rmpitroi. 1 r ý îi il 1 i esi1s h' irr. sîerd.fr1asm. e teoexecute, ianthe ost lefctn ai e tilI or- fnes, 'itbt fur a buggror i'tit c o3ksvîibii sel ed o i,Élt ý ý ý,ý - p r"iâ1i - ea e b c- i dera~t lier îf Aie ,.b floed-e asan gv g. . ~ v 'à!.a.,n. 'ithi; sanoke from iihie rornl, ýZ LUil, ec's , vpeati i or sever i asbc, - deh,éIftowoiqtycuan e bis 1 r) wthcr. pet and hip-straps; t(f ri-1itlt.Oî i:liS5. hr- I c't i d oliec 1mm.i. \ .'h lî 1 p~xi - 1-nih tii te.nc'fLcopîtr o n made bknielfthortigly aquaited ith l - rouind linés and tiicy B,ïieýt .. 2 5 o i) M uattlihave Idoiic? whiat pgoodn',s.- rý,il? c.-zý .t.h .1 .lleiýi* t - h n n !01 4 ?ae l)urovements li bis art;; uand' ciu * A tigve- 9.îg .npr lortin - ý ...ic roli1 (,h rai1e!Bigît i , ýi FO' *u piedW1 Ililthebest uaterials, ciiemîcals,&, mivcin ptarr lot. t.e- i -in:cil . hib.ùi'ns. for pro- hz filil rotcîh 'aý é a~i ep irng *exieu±ed neatly, promptjy alid BIy '-e 1Ili j : îiL mtlatt ua.ma 'liifrrnîe 'a-fro 1teum ttOb.ý r.1ls ft1 deae w gr a x e l n e a a - cde titis p i nc jc 1 î sb s.r.ingý îd e -ltit ; St r1rra i -c i j l.e 1 * . f liti !c ed m c a t i l 'o ceîî m Ics can -e s F Ju i c i ih . r I l e , e t an i mples -of ith !; l d ia re lit, e s t o ryis dp c e the Cfa oal ly esitu t d tu îes o bl & c, k p sa 1t 11l y "A li n aIy t e b i .c La:. 4 0 i ly l tî im e ] i " . ~r t a e a p e : i - ti î u U x ira reg rd1og tan i -rno n1ui yjdg s l îî sîc rcyAlm rS', M nt_'r ~ i 3 î'.ct-x 1 1. 1 . -. ' .'ho o" eto bexclean eaab y tidped inth ~p ~ A iîso adg dCIe rmnn Ia vea ' îcîIarotine.fr1îi.ci . . ai-t- i iO 'tirkai E;:! cal . t hUtin I :î u VIreianld wFîher w st. 1 le ,I ic iGallcry pý;laxid o. XViv,-al st-tel , 1..1Altc ît; tctt o bi) tiearnd 1 ,lîn-îbeý :1îglŽ la . . .-a . . b famer-unde IiJA1eCGM âc -. E « oS tai sýl' 1 ' ltRI- a' un 1 . hltîI, :1 ' 1 _ ; tecnrnî.'grru OlM ii en e&1o 1 - -1et ry 'l. V inrcmeî .: fom hcirc-, i o l! in« i .,ý . à1 A t . A a a rn ma,;ray oht 'r p!D ulc E x-s in rgar cliglt, , Dis criuibii,2I, 186ges1 2:3i .Laî r -Ie si. ti' 1 e f lk. Tes-tim on 1i1s. 1Utt U hJv nirte-~isýni i .' -(' - elii,lîi :-.2fatc ft w r.i icmntLtr ae Irsqiatte b h âan andn sold7 elpply .cran is w ih t e rd iie ii T.i. n t.I 1 >~ I : a ii' o h ean Ai-I; ,a ndif t e ' inA e v1 o I'1' 1 a i ll sect, at. i A r, u n d b . urt h r er vesrt. n le a tob u rka b ly e llk1ealt c f o atrps ýd, ýia- ' To n,t 1 - i a"t-c, i rot01 t' t t ana-x. c!I s nc . ý d flu .e dro ' ý * .r 1 S2 i s hurtîces-6g i. ' , l A l.kidso g .rdC ter Trmnii c, i .,1 -' ' . .o î ikd i corrjey c t li tu b .. ître-i aeua uý- ' t'tl:iiiZ ýered It V . np e eitm rünfeIl: 4t1aii~" ' - - , xx hU"I o % eu i :o th~ne v ry r u ee dso - . W - SOo-'e -a t fic OiW .ed T:ares. .f - - 1 __ - I r. . :ae he . neh h a y at. J 311G..-E. A. 1 Ui ha0ýifve r io pee uresira ctrtf letiug t o f .1..Sh-- ai t- i; l a .. (,e iiltr ~te. d-1al.ril___6P___L___-a__Il Froaïciis'ss abieiiiltys iii reg .ard sra gclzi lii ', ( ! gere bisi l bio areng abIC o 15 tretO Thr -u de th a le ryoo ti Ilhc a id fr . npIas.. ý 1 l 1 I . . 1.. 1 . W ho3Ž boL' î"'c -'--1G c1 , _ . rsM ou.i1 '- . t T, P L 2 P .L R A S ~. ., ý . .jid I ý I' u l -1 'h mau. . î - l S x ' î r is o k br aýC, V 1 - C,: ý ,a e ,fas g on ag.-hve s iteeif~ n u ,r' (4 e. . 3 .- ý . .- .Ct.ý :Ir i1 , ýian I t p.'l 'l e ycm -l. I' E g1i, trx r1 atti 1. at o'frt-tre chebes Galere, v L . f ,'.ý- n , lalQ 't. k ICI O. Ei'à : -.:tn!-î'. ii ihca1- -. i rAtS a s and mang thr laesI- Hooale t e1 . o ra pu ioacao, tiIt~- l . T c x \ î:xTl, i u:(,* a u:- a t.i, J tjw'1t'Sî t '-'n, .I .. ut a z s T t aiî i i e tpc . . 1e -, 1f)sixt ..ta g o n- a ûs tuc as any 1 ht .. e . - 1-_ . m.I i j ' ý-,' D 1 (-t te lil > q a JAM ES.. 1 B. 1 w M.CI . .I1' . li tai , - : i d, n hih - lsi I -ù t' m ns an i-a' ndui or i .S.j i i 1.lte .ta'î , aa . c î- iiî xp ri en M r . F r ; a y ,A p r I lh t h e ,. 1 . 5 9 l - - l' , ', " , , o b . s l1 a n w Ih ý I eu ar l e b ea r ittihttit. tnanasd natimecaligsl hafi anbht nlita teci v i/a" "r1 -'ti t, . 1a1, rtin v - -and-1,-"!o -ccir- - - . coiut 3- la a 1a;-' iL ia g' 1 nv-tt'a-i < b it ci i îi'*r- ,,I v. i lu i i e a c t- e ist re te na rv!s l ,1ixa7 .'m , a- f- :.tel a -- ut eq iv le' t 'ai. 1 'ad.ers-on a nd b es lnxtvIf Iîln ac i fo lie th:ciu.ctt ttit iy ttic' h tlolïtttàl ei x '- *i1 .: ,Il t';e1 . .io--1'as."'t .î-Il-k.com ar on 1c k.-ild jecî rierîtheWe o i-, c e n i a d - e a r t b h ' & c 'i:r t ît t- an a, a u 1,j ,ti111 il .m :1iz ý) iaal oiat .,i--,7 (li l c;x', ilie I : tcl' n e ery ,u ce is -î- berc1 1 1 t. w ,L ', c d 00 i4 o 1 1hî1 olio'.'1,aa'ý i x t- ' 'a .p îtry 'i ' ' i b t Ciî<ýih p ei ott11, .ume1.t1g1ace-t o11 .1r '. r41:i j' - e a'e t a G n u tox- *a p ss tg r r xe: n t h s ra e wI'p lac'],aîi, ir r-aacciîrood thV, - 1lù tr ,!À .m enk', .I l ait . . --U t r .._ 1 w , % . Vt , i C, lml ii:i:'s ý% ,_r gos,,- utot - disîîV.i-A . .f o o1an t er - i Il K _1ý 0 % 1V L S 0 N & -ý .,G R Et tG O'P lja la c tl o . îl -e t 'SM 1 t, d a e e u i A i lil s c ' es t. i l t.ly - a i l 1 n ~ ,m ,nn J e ý 1 . ý l 1I 1 _ tý 1 Su e, -- t a .m stîa 1 . 1t-- t l t',.: -14 î-1a '1 . i ci gurcn a ti i a'b*tiily int regard. - i c'o'btis !-eet-na -.,b ait Il . .n 1 sý,- t"" anc cn 3 j-eatna iaîca ;î t IsnS i --ssti c corther th cf - - -- . - 1 1 t o cmwre evny ôi Mý e 1 :cnVco a n r it ci'j eiiiIti }lncttcl1 'U tflt4rttc . 1 1 5 ti 'A l -.-i-ius3 . î l ý , - v nh ou as uij a sn:b eoid ofou or, & . -4ck cf-114> Gl , 1t os ntc-j. e: .. t lir."tvth a - . -f -îîît u t - .ÀN CUITI'lE.t- 1 a-i.e . ic'd1ws.uc1 i ' T b e -r i e t t i r e t a k ex cL y M r .tr.iai ct Ii, t i f L it idt c ,1 . 1. . i l.,1 , , . .I* 1 . 11e , , ' r l i l .:t 'ý i J i i ,; Lî' * h a t f t ys ayl are as agoud ast 1 haveî l scteai1 jîO fésirvn a l - Tl oLl .trcf /i. / -. a aj- t1l;. e diPlig x'h-t. 'sc-eci fee 1. - t' t - t it i. - rn î1 îîFî.:C, ;l s :1li l O " ' ý ; . . . '. ,,1 . " ' .c eti am c -tc r i .@e ' n ei s top,'i: . rexn l t yr tire b est G illerie . ý 1 - i-rt » 1i. .ba ouil. V Vlilit i'.celI ra-i.itieuy , . ntfi, . itica nik --R utainlgî'aIL c, atttaPX :ts -f'O: b lng l, rc0 riit-cT t 1 - au. ami i- -cfbOi et 1s a i . 1 rs f ý . . t. a s in a m d- .t s lm . t- Ino y 1 s i 'Ct, r e , t: - e .j-lela s- j :,' 1t h: i t ' a i iji ilt.i '- " - i u a-c 1.ta"m g. î is iiiî o t "/, - il-w m- -Vt'm- t.c:anJ be ta" i a ! h s r i , a b e d o . ix w g u tli st pp ict ions at ly a pioint , an l n ('In.ci -titi. 1 , ' i' i .1- *x. 1 .tcci:;te1 ora,)ir'ira atm- -1 .i t . - i 1 a ra d Ih ffu ;li f f or t ero sy a . 1p pu n 0' ll itt:t ie 1eii t1-i c' . t '2t ýe cri C)'a!ve -t e ,t'v ,e;tî. S. o oia îv Cia rgited , an a v e s sat iaintie , of mu ui ilea t. . eu S-W 9 t - - .L i .,i o 11(Ii j ,z l i ý( W - ýf 1 l;I ; -ý ' ,1 l jý 1 c ù i ih u s a ù t ,. i i w y .e w e .lta nftcr 1 . ' ,iý- eibrlhciSiaii mcaIci LO I Te- ilt., 11 çrtneama ln t1c tctitt. a x-'£, ms SiCal it' lon i i; -"lfta ir tt',l- 1 fac', >o ,:i. ca .ti-:5nx inl,- ats nirit caef. - .- 4 t !t..- S l- hi rty il h day of eptn)be . 292 îw raa't1 S -aen 'i' ltejAN OOI GiAM- xx'a3 Iaîi1tîl, p ' xîhici ai tb. r:mie-- îai watil'O itieutlst t' OutIlOt tI I 1 y .$C iO d wila ui ai1a - - .;,! unze10!I ý I xI:I h IuaŽ W sttc nC:naia htv'"o:ý h txn s a - ir e 'finî « . - e. t . r tI i t _ _i , b - - ,- __ - -.- -- ira TIIE i)i a.- G :- . a p t r n i e T a î îip w ' tî nI re"t!iit om ce a wc k' na raTai __uu i"T, paf- r T 'N-I',fr ta . %n~D r oU b i ai -L i 1 î. e p itou 'm o a m ciic tt , ;'it'la x x-re1 a :eu l..tetal n y' a :i St c rI n e ý i , ai 0e CO it ;ý: y' e': xx-ori A -- xxi!I t e ai nCriile lean r hi;h"ajha îteToxn o Ljisa~',ha ht.Couît~facua u aîtlmr twnuij wît b clti i S.hu~-~I~l 011ic"n~opp&iîe a1~-î ~*lv lict i~~ \Ias5r, G '!'rl. r & Vot t, t lts m E1xxr:iLvîon Btm xxr, ilt itistio. a .s-.on-ll ý'v iýba 0 -11- t - 1 . l 'lV uiO-1 a c'a l, n t toti fe y ac ds te aban on dih . .-. litCOZ . 1 - --eIaî 'r f't îo P r x - nc li ei U t 'air i tý i 0 t-t. - i in ct i tl c. l t- l e .ia e f 'a ci lu ih n t . Imi d îIL l t '. i -a ,p -l iv.r al , ,r n -c -k : c tîîm om ;î a crt-t, tlts ne r th "e e o - . 1. - A. GRA11N..T, é eG i ed I E Y U G B A ,i I lcto, i lrare a n t n a <flIe v iici. tl x'Qe . v.tl.n o; cn te hi '11 1iilC i't'.a i;'1. -. - - ex ros- . -" i, 1o ý ý _. ý1 1. LS 1 retti irî t titc- uid -wiil-y-iiiim J iiia: ier aii lm C11 ro îg tiOeWGlER, Om sck iî'cdJute 1ds1ose - 302-f t fiai is gicct L't Im lI lr,m_ - tai t a a.nCýTttar i ngt'at. t uis rt lP s tue ~ ~ ~ . 1l uîf ia'otiia edrt tk liai j~ -J.O A N cri o elafe xvtts a anettîbon cbf ina1-uk11et fo-r l-i saleof tinCfibar e aI iia:' poxi e lic ix-o e r iîeîiny-ears plit ofha 'seni it d- mir. a eBil pximii 1t tiOtt.'t rli, M e litr maui iîntii 184, oîh'it1ium1 i 1 - aott~ i.a- hi hn elua l 1 - a ' î e af nee vmillv i icu1fi -tetanissit u !tilt~.1 asc.f. ,duatrs oaiut ie o rt' A E GI P R C-T r -cso S 'alailA uti 1 li 1:ïavaéi Ba- iai', e iî ' -lzcnb 1tn .s.. lt'. ta- ,ia grn . mellartf S , rle s i n - P L ta G. tDOtory i, - t tiil mems oMi age, fret-t ail île ilcvs cf1 s.e.,a- .ra- itl .lot rca'iv 1riyfauîtt1r.ao11ccf:1li fîtîmre 2d-l f "litt 11;1onL.fliefrst raltoniex'enlaid ma miazes ui tu sjaiuî1inanduid xx'ea'ictg du'pat- r1s tata comueî:c' lui peuudluis am it proéeetiisrgr lu hua c~~~~~~~~îaee. .iiuu2saon oe ùt, io2-, w;si.)> l rg ,eG3 l,- a itt ai ? Sm ,celimatic Laf n lIi i 1.-1m tubscctriuunî athxumet - c e tutI 'Ie b ila.,dsung a cs m A 1, CeEr ,R y, -ï fp1e1 o ia, -d il, - .< u. I .cî' .ti t înt]. 1 i 1 a«l n i-- h ,d. î'eîlu ,rl , ,3 of l c- r a y rd--îîm c fi y oll IN, To'ojt-I tEet, T n t, --z_ - a it xiî-- iile e cmi rec frta, i he Co t a3sa t il, l te I., 1-t <'t1 1c:tittt .f ht_ -scx. , las b1oe .. iiatf' olcb r. tsei. îlewa-lo, -attý 1 -a 1a 1 r iEn off i(-l> lmga' sbire c i:;s :ud (ifIm-tl-catr v. f Ja'i:c2d ii I eimanoitd pea as a sue ieg- orneV~ lîftS ouxeneait a b&W ns s Mid. olli' 1

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