Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 May 1865, p. 4

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-' ~ r &Am. Tuu emwàP le. Pousu" lgivon oum l of cfOtohemr. Apply t. w ,1. J. R I K L dl, 'GI ~v.r'i 4 :.- ,tal Atens Ward yu pleaze about the Iady's igger: but 1 Galty, if' she bas for- àa -the figger is ab- Ls yon-can get il. r-inore beauty t.han n beiress, Who al- ompishted, us hy ,aorne. One day he 1 de,", ugly as you ks if yc>u were pre t- a, My love, W as the :urn ihe complimenut, )U are-, 1 l'ove yptu as vr DiJNNUic.-SaiUlJonces ýxfoedGounty. N4ow Samn ormnous ealer; il haplîened Wy he wae haplirng a aJ D the nearest village, when got stuck in a simd bill Sam fret andi scod at bis inad iswagon? Nothle. ,oolfy took do\wni bis dinnez te 1 oad and sat down and eu blis oxen start-ec off' witl fthe toad with.ont any fur there is mtsioiinthe %vord 1the wearv tu'art lîke - m the garden of Eden twrheart fieels a iili of ih ineiody-, Il irFtture's sky bc emS fit by an anigel's smile a-le took place a few-davs a mairie afflite Stii arrondi-sse 'an-ta. Thie bridegroom, ai adl indlus1riotiu' - locksmitli e regisier, rn:îrked an -ýÀ eon-Ile contrmtfy, aithioug g to a poor fi-ily had ni )n excellent- education. - les, w lientlitue pen w a to ber., slie also signed The bride sinùid, a formt liorw of- the bride's, lhavin ci" aionislimert, tho y-our lied, "Would you have m e My hlmsband ! 1 o-înurro, omn'flttmysulf teauhtir ëad -1(i rjît." - - !ng the water. When the paire !a, #pIte et4Iite-d, 1thpn r»m'e .thé, ekà, Ï adry part of the fklded ahéeil, wul after *vashing the sopp fron3thi etean warrn water, and wash aw.y the ,sp. 1I4hen Tub - itb -a dry t owei 1oth aides of the,. matériali -¶dý bang it up bdry. Ihomld thepa ut be dry before usig the soap uand water, dip-a bit off"aueIl i spirits: of tipîpefltlfe, rtibthe mmmtaiilltre-- moied ; ihen waih with emp and warm water, as objectionabJe as. te mtain. Someý cotours are so delicate thab eap might àlwn1e -tben. 1I bave reéentil imove pat-ifier many days wîth turpentinej,washed o>ff wîth pure warm water louet as 1 feared the cbrwudcag with the appjiouiion ôf soap.- , n -1 e bu~ »le ax. durlng il ror S&U Lot NO. 9 Co. 011MRIO' 04 .stuemmi.t, std of A G RI T MILL I . 1by good: -Rc'sls Mlle of ithe ALITe. u a11 The Land Dr to s Wrm ji Mas, Juuo 2. f000D PUMPxu IS.I a good and cheap 'way of -making - O puitpkin pies, requiriing. but ltulle 1 QE sug.r and no eggs, as 1-ll >s.., 17in * Was h-clean, cul, amd stew ,a. *mali- ed sud unIue sized umpk 'i'then pare and soîd in îwo »P gaeOf uarts fi ,sweet apples, purcolîse. Tt of whicbh10' ar adid to the pU-m n %Vhen soit, and on. and wm lle -Stew ail together until dry as eazi be î&ho Lot Xe williout buralingy. iftthirougi a'Toiensbhip of E culeuer;fId oe abepôOnt'utof Fo r partieti %ug.ar to fouir pies, season, and bakti 'as ordinary ptimpkin pies.' The LBday,& above prepýaraion may ho b dried andý kîept for Summcner's Lgne.-Mra. iE. Ni A. Smitha. Lu' SALfic.- Cut î oz. Of wiîe é For Bal wvax i nto very smali pieces,4- and put inb a mortar standing iin boiling, sitblfor Si wvater. Alfter ti.e Waxc as meltcd, remove themortar from' the boil1ing CoOkHl warer, and add bydçgrees 20oz. of* oit of swct monds, beating it. with- B -a peetle maiîl .oi, and thèn miix in ~-j oz. of rose water. To cotour it riub iui a lttIe carmfiine before Voitpour ià t0 h aold Ma1 imb the wax.- PIcKlEgD eGou.-At the season of STVEE the year whlî-n eggs aie ple ntiful, boitt- lai - ,oLie four or -six, d07k in a capaci- O aa Ouusauc-pa, util- îhey become Cas h. paid e quîle imard. 'Vheft, aÈler, earefully Copper, Sretimoviflg the sheli,, Iay, iliciin irinWiliaM Str#4 Slarge- moin-ihed (jars, and. Pour over them secling vinegar, well-season- - cd witla w'holo ppper spice, a feN r--vsof g!ngýer, and a fë,w c loves!UN orgali. WI)n. cold,.b , h1.1 a-ow re t que. Werend cggs arnt e ' j t tiful, 111e above piekie is byomen t'xpcnsive, and -18 a:relishîgttsieom For FIVE 1 Ipan iîmen-t îo- cld meal. BAT\vi,;r A URiHST .CuIt tlree lbS. For furtte oif tice multon in pieces. about h- m oie f walnùts, î-laee t hein in a stew- -As~f, , aiif th.e melat -I& not fat, ad-d three out)nis of )n - rforons of freslî btilter ; putt Tambton, Kc .th a-1 on- cacolfln',and let at te h. th'neat sîew tilt qtl-ile brown, ut pINceRAN - nôt burna, ànnd -t1rÏ2fatî is a 'cra OïlI, whiclu yot iliill easily sce by as t11,110111the panl on one, aide; then Staliek out the peCe of nMeat with ia hanl irJicr, adp ltt hemn in aST& ~alla fry ihlel a nice brcqwfl; theiti &iy 4 ýW the pcsofinat ovcr,_a dd one or n W) mmdflsof pistachicis, the -suie, Wî oif c(1rr11tS, a teaspil uit ( if,îiX( - --nd- 4 f ,ther -est nec mIia ùalsovt;i P. U r oni the preinimes, blo River, Iaa.. I roit -AXEL LOT NO 2,,ON. 4 iofFenelon, Cocunàty .of ame SLxty Acres letir- m. This land will ho s if desired, to suit thé rt Cotslns 100ae, i ànd alog bous~e e- a*mtely if doslred. . -. kide of Portage Roadi- Mu:y Vic6toria. Le CE. Halk.Aiso a of 'Tesr hefirst of<March, si Oe W TIN $HOP, WILLliiM S-T est Coal Dil-p - &C.ý &tc. at lowegi retaîl priCes. for 'Sbeep skias, Calf skin*, old EDIVqRD McFEELY., et1Lid$yJan. 26, 1865.. 48 ciney tW Lon 'DEISGE la. noie prepared t o- e~nd $5091000-- ging. toprivate u udariduais>, YHÂRS, ou Iînpirored Farnsi l ill ni-uueind to suit -aplpliC5ii-t., Id ata OF PIiLeE . ý -... -r partie-niars apply W b_ -JAMIES IIOLDEN,- -- - Prin Ip fOlitat b, PeterhrQugh, Victoria,- SCES ctTected amd modemrte rates, lert.,Min;l0à 86. EBOAT -NOTICE- fast saiisg new, Steamer APTAIN.GXErNWOOD, nmence -rtflitig to Rochester, oni SPRING AND SUMMERI STOCK'-0F BIAS ARIIV.D, uesprising all the Lateist Styles or LADIES',-GENTS' MISSES' BOTS, and CRILDREN'S WEAR, wh"ic ill b. bond ER FCOMPLETE, and at AT XTREEFL Y LOW P CEFS 1 PaWtiel attention h diretedit heLADIES' KID, GOAT, AND PILIUNELLA, CON- GESAND CHILDREN'S FANCY BALMORAL$. -~~W J. EBTR Fr NITURE!RNTRE ftry»escr tien, Add*Il# Prsc.es. rcE SUBSCRIB ERt OFFE RS FOR SALE THE LARGEST' AND DEST E.Solected Stock oif LOUR, DININGt AND-:KITCFHN BUREAUL&CU1>BOAR>S".J 'QUALITIES,SO , -COMMON BEDSTEADS, FOOTSTOOLS, &c,&o., CAIRS,- A. SABEAS, MrATRESSES (IFVARIOUfÇ Articles-ofthe beat sud nieceldesiga always keýpt on baud, and xviII be .8GLD AT IHE LOWSET RIV FOR. CASHIi! C:4-Alorders carefully ait euddi. <-> C4ffins failsizea kepi constInly in Stock. HIIHLT 'RF DRY - GOOs, S SCIERnlbas on hand acôtnplote and well-nesorteà Stock of STAPLE DE GO0D.7, FRÉSII GIFOGeRýitES, CROUCKER't, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., kr.. all whichl he will Sen nt the Lowest Living l'ricvs fur cash. Rare Ohauce for flousekeepers! GOSINMNTof $2,AOný wortl G') ES-thita sengon'qimpntations-wiU hiýe ofrèred salé iii Lots of 51b)s. and 1lîha for Cash, nt a dis';Oùftt on, wholesâle prie" - eomfiericinclg-N 8th, and wili cn.ti1ue for foitrteeni days ûmly. THE S UBSCRIIRER b'gs l* :ve to rOqtuest ilhat nil Parties itidebte(l 10 lm fo r thie.1 twvo or threé years would coTflC rp 10 his àiftiStAO, and am, party that cun satîsfy hlm thiat ti acoo poo -opy, will eaIu nnd get a rteeeipt. Pagrties not ta.king advantIage of t ic, 1ppor nmity to.-1ettle, wit the Sîbsreiber may regret it.-. Ail ontt-standing -book nccounts atitt note, bau-d *àilbe hinded ov'.r for collection on the First dAy of Deccînher, 1864 andl costa wilihb etirred thereàfter-. NEW fÀNCY-,GOODS I_- At î,A. ToLLMAN.-T wa>young 1 "le i-l "Y" p "- ' uqintiîiiîirtber noticeAfioes -- wei sl tpu gii wo quat Indian , Vl(of cold vater o e ddcfficient si, VERY MOIBfitWEONESDAY -1 MD 10 1 lie bgg boniîton,-put Il, e ve tepan, and ce- FRIIAY MORNîNG, J I i:krdrv ug trgy y ii- ic- ent round -il -With .1101117paste, -so as Lcs ing. Port lope * - - at 9 i0,A X.. 1 ;ý riig lroiliIle o kucip tue s!Qan' îfi) . put thé pan onCbug,--- 030.A.M. Ln ionabie avenues, tliey con-fl" tht' hrt , 1- ë tl :il ougently uii CtorO - - 10,M itrth pank rond. -Wheil< tel(t-idkn-boreIdirect for Rochcesteirurriving there fin tirnê 10 C r h l h Vfieo hýýl(tî s'bob(- copuet with-uhe c derkCnta'l IRailroati planlz roud Ithey went, aud - te a~~oftecvr, andtnrn i11e 1r -erYork, ?hldelphimi, Bal tfimoro, Wash- -nlrng -briskly alorng, Ie y cne th le par-icarefully onl 10àa ilgton, SyracOuse, Buffalio, Chicago, -snd ombier ktely rrstei y t ontenb t shai evofiisPl apoints East aud West.-- Ide nl ib r nr ed-I) bIie to1lwlI t d s , n s r e. h s iad pas ,engers 1rom tthe W est ia .<ranti Trunk per, w110 d"eiadt- heis . very pe i( : athe 7sigt, -n cë"X- llilros.d, sl tale lise Steamer 1 at Cobouirg. ceesiingly ilp1,easivd g 10etue palate. fr mtile East wilUtako thie Steamerai Cû1- man a ad 1hrs',r eplied - _____________ --~Rtnnn cetse-stiTI-amoue.- -will leâve Rochester thengel ui tf AueLITTLE- S 'lOO MUCH. overy'fuesday, ThurSday, and Satturdsy, ai Si8- i - - - ~~o'ctocli, A. M. for the abovere etoedpae Tegrl and a mare."' Gel j uie vyuieaéetcneting tiiheb Grand Trunk Ràil*way for' nyt 1n WY h- W ,very 1 ie !. aid-Illee Brook ttue orfîrthe-r informu&lncqico .Cc tue~~~~~~~ itù r i-uiettOIt'-Bn. -me, Port Hope; Charles ElioittCobug.o --And tie' Bank va sil e nt, andt he j; Keeler,- ColbourilO. - oro ________________- Book~vaîe ls ade ilttuee'ttlî Cobourg, MrcIi- Ith, 1865. 290-tf.-L K. GOGI) CHARACTER. Imelted a-way zand thé' soda loaed I:----~ ý ur - - clown liteva8- pas- r~fl Muvc afry'ISp j us a IJ îtte mure, a.very ulitle parish noied.tn- lreland. H -more!"p>said thé, Brook again. LNSYAMD UAMILAI.A GE UIE4, ian Nwho ,ishc(dfi, e aoÎn NTl PUTMR NOTICE A STAG E ue aue.nî ion tIoaai lpg-.- l.w. týàtg s5tt Qfud li wll eaeFournts Hotel. Liudsay,every in a addes.I li q1ad àid lid'ýlieà ba-ci 1 afulmorulgal QS oeok, reatlilg lila lu anaddrer, ac sri :- bn;an lidte ba.lun e tlu c.anp'ct.ith the stage for. Oshaiva, - - Misse I'ho~vrty, yo înu(t Jusi a itte, littie Mère," saî&d Whitby sud Bosvetoui...jeunlgia s, voi n muI. die ! Arîd yO1i!'the 1Brook again; -and the idening Fento's Rote!, Wsullà,a fter tb. arrivai cof thé s linigan, must d ie ;JC5es, îreýati-advanced N 'itla fieeliforce tilI, StAget froIUt * >whitby -and Beaveton, tt die Adrrivi ary ,- a t Lindsay 9ýt 8B ocoli-ntihe eveniag-ý dit'-.illistdieyuu, .y ý yèe tt ioV e, wihand amresrson4able, The proprietorwil not b. y-,I uaus i;~s~h wcre borne away, ln the torrent. responsbl orparcls or boUageounlesa b06c.k- élièheks, and ye-r foriver run- "Als! -cried the Meadow, 4n ase i d for. - er tht' galiq nt Doneybrook tiie 'aler cosed 10 on il, etif 1 I ad GE0ORGE CRAXDBLL, inst die, And 1 binui l(le, nuln.geîciheatakonny bank, LindM,,,April 1, 184. a3t P in pastor of the' parish, iTtusi y newudnerhaebnd-- e, Wve utai. it 1e. -Anfd stroyed ;but now mv .p rotection S FAg I 702SALE! nutze 1e' muet give your chir-- gone, and 1 am. rIgùîly served in be- rH V.RBRofesfrslo ieZ~reGoduss ia heoiering îtirned (rom a- fruulful fie1d lu L ibeîraa., the West hallof-'the Esat andI (looýdncs will say tu me a walery waate." - half cf LOT 27, lTIl CONCESSION :OF elt, Father Muirice iaüfl-arty 1 . - PS, sud sithib 2 mi>e of tii-efloursbing youranis of fordrtnken - - TI geat enstion in. the Eru- Town of Lindsay, andtheu Bobcaygo od 1 Wil Ba-Itt prfflThere are sho t 4.0 acres cleared, sud volti -adIwltsy'Mighty- pire City a -peûet, i,% thée Rev. Dr. teed. Thsoil le day, antieli watcred. ~~r*And then Goodnest& Belo0ws who, Sunday aller Snnlday, Apply to the owuer, ou tihe pro .mises, !ay, "'And, Fat her Mui rice La tI'- - - tterirug i thundenirag phillippii JOHN BATESON. 110V le ipiu'ib O# fo thav-againal the reiiniug luxury and 'ex- Ope, I4tlata, i..- 22t -I!ak.t ins V, and 1 tra1gnecein- ladies' dre-,R. -The -M NTT ON and '~~~udfair iones of Gothiai flock tu hi- byE OLoA411. 1M Me I'r bundred.s,and liee opaeîy ~ ~ WV RVT * ê r- 'i- Wit whe.m Whii le denSonces "aar44ouS e-upoeiFrn ru - ~Ani, ather amaitticbets, hoop sk1 trIs, ate drag- .on Im mtvebOFartatuuut iitÇÀýN did your par- giing traizm ; but they.baveý not latheI 4~ MACEINNON, -ttiiSt*,r d a slightêsl intention of abatîng the ex-,k, - s tbir.parel. XK 0 l1Lnsy GEMSJAGý"ER'S Xeeuanà'" Blook Kent Street, lindsayo st Receiveed a large, quautity1 of uew,-syles Wall Paptr, i-itable fcr Dinitig,ÉRoonis, Be-Il M) Ar:ocs,' Halse, &rc.. ail ofiehiclu i ll ho oid t à amalI rdvatîîce on coat; Paper Winduw Bi nokilng Giasseis, nti Lotiklng:Glass'Plât(t; 1'ieture Franies and 3Iantie..)rnàmenit S. Enlih ieWskigStckC'Aes &c 11w zLveô8 or the Weed" -t ....*u.~l~tv-Pipes froina e, sd _wd; Cigiî- f -i hé nrt o, it I of t i- of in àd Ladies Wiil finti a vsried stock of Beads, Braida, TAtting Cotton, -Berlin WoolsJwa-iey cýdding Rings, anti F&ncy Cutlery; Dressig Co slt SaPrfumerv anti. inOt V ioli4,.Violin Sttingeand Ilois. -2ild Door W ô l te Jeief-t Fouse. inia,4th Aprii 85 A -VALUABLE OR TO'LEASE!' 1 B.ING th.e s lafoit t . o. 1inlatie 6th Bý Concssion of FEBNELON, .coutalini g100 acres, ail of tb. ýbos eit . o*4 dabnd, about, 60 acéres.of whlb are cleareti; situa ted ounJO I'mk of tOie Scugog Ri*yer, vil a goodSen- boat laudiugp, sud jos- 21 miles distant lin a stralib direction fromix thé Couaty Tovni- of. Lidndsay. p,îs;îsl on gieà en nditelY. ir T Miti diip t tl - -UC Appl'y t. thse uudeslgiled. )J108 ., SOWDEN, April1885 - -29>-8 Al», forsl rtcaa lligM cie about ne-w, for haifit is ie-T. à. S tuu. cor"IIP st orthégla@bIe e Nil, t.ry SchooL (¶ANDIDATSS for COMMISSIONS la -ib~ V 8ERyiCE MILITIA, desirosof obtain- iug admission to either of tise Sehools of -Mli- tary Instruction, are reqnirýed to, make- applil cation lu wnriting for sncb purpose, througbh the Bmna.&bE M1ues of the Di.vision whereiu t.hey reside. _Appileastgmuaisste ëtheir age, reidence, post-offie addïus sud native couuty, and transmpit with their application a certificatd troua s clergyma&n or.magistrate, la the loostit: where tbeY live, as- b their moral char-scier. W. POWE.LL, - Lt. Col. D. A. Gen. U.< dQliuibc,Msreh 4th, 186s5. 'w tg p IL Tii. sbsecler es te iuform bis fr-tends sud tise public bs e contnues to keep the. Les b ise, estan sd ioat c oifortable, carags u~buggies, constnil on baud for -~- ~ H. WORKMAN. AT MIuT PXi CENqT. PPLY to*. Q. DOR=IE, .v .u.22, 1863865t kom ee I. A WORD YOUNG- MENs E msu Wl wonld prefer One dollar to wo, w0nldtby common oôunsent be 'roted aie a.nd 'roid of good seaue.- Tet there Idreda of 'Young men working -foras a- fTwo Hiudred Dollars, Pud e-ven, eus, eigbt by devoting a. foe montha to ob- g &Business Edoeation, At sa mali ex- lit theaSlves for Situations where their es vould command tilce or thrice that t The pisce where sncbi au education- e obtained. ai s cheaper, rate than any- e else ln thie Province, le LOMMDN -tCOMUMECA OGE ifre IMM fftsJgasp A WELL- SPR1NG 0F HP FOR AL L CAN BE FOUND, IN BEOFGOûOD CREE, 1'BE SENINIG lMAy BE SAVED-?$Y THE USE-Of tIBoocks sud Statiouery for fu course $10. The &ctual' Buiness Deariment is furnish-A LL pslt ies purchasiag My pillianad Oint- eti witb two Basik wilb a capital of $1,800,000 Ament for tteir several cemplaîintSsart niý condnctedon the sam e pi-l iple as- our favoun- pectfülly *ai-ned 'gaIimrt ;jnltsmg, itir ite Bankiug Ha(use. A Merchaut's EnipQrnm tpilla or (Mutinent purpoi.tirtg tu et- nun or. Whotes*le Establishmuent contaiuing sam- - allons that have a United S Si-tampsînluli pies.of allkinds*oMereohs.dise, Rosi Estate,kce- ithe boxes or -pots There iss'Io Trt5IYr betiveel froin whieh lb. studeni, oterîng Ibis depart- tePol fheAae n Il im ,po ment make ubeir tirai purchases. Thé Books, tePoleoîeates ýanti 'ide l Govet keptin *mentor uher -aforanmnmlcTu Stare 'O stni) P kept ~ ~ b luthemorn, i l Studentssrej teci my preperato .Teeaen tRîP eighl l inMb.r« tire of ýwiich- .are Boos0ofupon my Cana itii styleutPlIUS or Oni Original Entry, andt iby are conducied on thei comiug frnthe jnited Sttes. 1- i- TY<id plan(i thieý principal Whoamlel Houses W the for protectior go thie wait marnticbor City, 'This departuieui-Li ouater thie charge- of odirections arunuudeath boxr orpat. RefolitO Teacher wrho bu abd 5ln xOlnel u eî eaOthn e.ia teare nio p.S. ttom Doasa ssuffleieni guamanu oft- i-qprxctiçoal upon the Box aof PiEs or. -OuiC. 'nb wvorkiug. Senti for speclen of -writing sud nouiýie ibat ha"e U.S. stamPs 0ou ,circular contaiuiug fia iomua. Atdresa' T. RLLOIWÀY. 381~~»4 liaY»po~à . aiw a4 lié *O-tf a ;r lu eV the ra& thi Mc l mi TF C( r a tel ILi lin si fe JAXE S WATSON -1 su tè ty ,tua1 Buitness D.partment iioiiow'ay's 0.nimeît.ý Or TMltSCOLE0I% practisedl noiehere ebre, audby itthé student obtain a thoroughly Pjraetcal Knwl-dge of The history of these great remed les 1la tIitil ery kind of business transactions lu: one-haif most wonderfal- médical revelation that tl,# e ùne mreqtid b"'-ny other meana. Tihe world bas ever knowu. it establishes the ail rpriet6r bas determined to extesid ti pci mportaut fact tbat 'where'rer, and lu 'wba t. esutages enjojyed: by ihose entering efore ever shape internai, disease exista, the dibinf..rt. e latot-April, tô ihoser who enter during that ing, sarchini and, healitig properties of lthe ontilso.> Tberefore alpersona PUHAS- Pilla are fuly equsi to !ta nhjeeion !and crý ;G SCAOLARSHIPS bofore the FIRST of sud thai, with thé Ointment,they are Ay, will ho presented with a Complete set of TREGLIE AT AMBÉASSAD.IORS 0)F EXT aud BLÀNK BOOKS for the ENTIRE H A TIT A LN YID OURSE, (Cash Price Seven Dollars) - or for s.ddîtlonal, a friti supply of Boolks and Sta- ihis lu fpot a histery- writteu by on fin 1or neëry. Full, instructions lai Phouograpby, even derivedfromn the experiences coue tnion..j -swing, P:inting aud Telegraphing is given I oiii faemilto ftsio fh rm s vety îow rate.- the sick of everyconr-nuiel,~ ,Good boa.rd can bo obtsîned for Two Dollars record, the like-of which has neÏer been ad- er week. duced lu favour of auty discovcry or ivnil Fuîlt instructions are giveh .wbon desired-1-since time hogan.. These rithout extra charge) iu ait the branches re- MIGHTY TIEA LERt$, WORLD KNO WN, N- uired te obtain a First Glass- Certificate for :WORLI TRIED, ARE A B00Oý Tii TuE bachifig common school. SICK. advauce TISc want f a sterling mediinal to nîcet the, le Schoiarship for Gents .. .. $31)in a jus ae.n d ne'ite f h îîfnngpn-icx do do adies... .20 do huinatnity,and i- etlrely Incefrc m u-rai Dr3- To aiiy one sending us postpaitl, the ad- and other: deleternis partiiclS, ii a- z ess of ten pe.sons who -would lke to eceive felt till ibis Il powerful muedicin û w » ; w- circular, wc will. forward foul instructions into the world; Holloiryslriavb'e PiW- aone of tîe mosi Pleasing andi Use ful Atrts of bec1ome the io"hl eeyoL ail -n - be présent age; one which will Lbesa ommon Their attrihute las to j.revenas a -eil as t ource of enjoyment and profit, thev attack the radix. or rr.r r-f 1 .i < For cireilar or ûther information atidress, anti thus, hy rem-oving m rtr -rr j-w ~disea e re-iitflgor te aind --r-- PricialIroî ONS, energies f the sysem.w- - t1 ! 9 2o1 n d o n , C . î S î R D EÙo f I T R t ' M ('i IAY'S CO ME30 IXt.COLLE 01 ;flh-ct iInitiate ailthefi' i--h. - (Formeny ofBrant, Statton Day,) to send afi 1-oisonedlra ,,~ ! i-c- (FO'méri ofBîyait.'Str.tio Dit,)' nejs <rfcirculationl. Nrw. ai t.4r Kin- strect) Toronto,) o i h Pi? hycta~eîeteicI F'irait Daor West of Weslen O*c0k R'1011, gtonltahe iir, N n therentr< erurt r OX1DECTED a-ccording to BIrt-isli Pricticrx îihrniglithe secretive eexgans ?fl'(-ii iil- ~.* îth ncb nodfcai-<9 sitirL.rl to the ne- lîseif. change the siaiite eof lune s,( -r o: inni-- quirrnients t-f thIi bisincss c-rrm-rtr i- Neai: ess t10 hcalth lhy exe-rehinig a sjf nîr i,-ý DESIGN-ýYrWlngliCui-.thorougiriy prepuen-ti WOMN IX A..ý.LLIIEf DIFFICULTIES. fon the duties cf the cç>untiing bhouse andi foi Is invited to test the reguia t:geri rr'îrni.c ~cîîralbîu~ncs. -powers of this hartuless hut rÎP-ctivc - The conrn;e of imstruction emnbracýes Mercan- -ion. At tue two epoclis oflife in w-hr t11e 3o oki-kepin, Bu Bo-cci Moncy female system undergocas lit(' tmos' '-'--' Brokersr Iokis,commerciui CalcuIlait.îný, Com- - anid, citical changed,.lhe I>ilq il MI priv- a 1,mercial . Iaw, C~ommercial CorrespondIefîe. positive safegîîsrd agairist -cil oîqr-: ý(incliiding the principles of English Coln;-osi- Tliey arcise confideùti-y rciîied-iî 1 t i o n , B ul s i n e s s P m I n n î a f s h i p , T e l e g a p hi v y a n t i p e e i f i e c i cn t r d s o r ii e r t o w i c li f - a : shoiogra pof. - iLlsIandvc-Iy B. E iT UN\-)EPSTO(GD. Staflf Techer a»d esMiera. That the aboçe statremen-- caln t aM! Mnr.' YInstriiétor lu the Scienice <of Ac- ieikd viieiritr i-s oni Cl - coun-;. CmmeriCll-retitonfa, einr1 u I rollg a qua.irter of n cetui-n>ti)o f isevît f mtei-i Con-es ponde n ce, and 1Lecturür o 0--1 'rs fiinimpeic i-ilile u-w--csü nesa (ustonîs,. BILIOUS 3AAiS.i Mn.r. . ILLIVAN. MAit r:seËn, Lecet urer ciin lit Nwhatevcn f-nni-dim ci-t ti.tcrl- ,- w: Commercial Law. utIliýzrrpilcd andi~tWllîI ýMn. ItE.. . Tors.Chiefoepenttor n uMoni-ea!i-e î-îISat rentn eu - Telegraphi Conipauyvs OfficeToroute-, insînnîr- jolrifiseint , bilions ;nil-rri r'- t i o n i T t e I g r al , r h yi . - i ti a r n - r! r c l riC r o f t h le r - î n g a r - * t r ' r Ti. .B.'lîNictso';, Lisu t or t n hi- "iu1'tt ta in tL le ngi- irrM' tr Ir-î c: : - gnri-ply. - -tir rý î-Li nss of the wlniteS <of ti r'- - n- ItEFFREN i-S.nez> Andi debilitv, &C ac rtnir~ MN. DA Y 1a% in leir sur hiree îfenning tc inoi-ed l,î*tihe reui-eriv. w-il, a cuir:r '1, - ihe ollîng enen --Rpv;I. .J. (tnazri-m-t rnb hie si-dli-r(- sanrd iitfr i. L- Alex. %Murray, Esq.. rf .s$BtM i. rra r .tC (o. : trr ii-k. w-hotu ic fi-cuire1,inen'-fi George Michiie k Cn.. David i Bucian. E-. o-bilions i-a'-g at e-îiuinietK 3a trUniversity- .J.L î-Es. 'n--ur i c*,;citv wUl .1e he, uii-itres1u-t- W. Fitch, Esq-, ofHo]îi k Tiieh; Atiu xiP-5..D .flhIîX l \\'ii Crooks, Esq., Q.,, ..M iIbD.L .Suii. h terleiOriiit i i-i - Esq. 1>,irnistan, E bToronto.: lon. lmani iaaccieDsppî r a ic BIuchannanf, M.P.P 1".P Jtoson, E-sq, .ttrni-hi-tic lils. Tjiarh-rvcorn.tjýîf -.-r- 1I--.fl, Esq., Hani-ilton- Dii-ocan i-k-l, Es- -1iivsca rostrition.nenronie-ci M oitreai: IV. Tient,,F -q.-XeNwmarket'Bi 5ps-~afcis i <tt-'~ t~ fl- r. i e n l lin g-tro u- re (luir 0u hof îi cis onrp1t , i aci-, ai t i-rr- ' ,Colit v iBoard i(f Publ ie: Tnstrueioni., Hall i~- i ns î-mi-iac*C e-rc' î,~ e Yor terrns atidretsepost-pa-îd (inel-sinricittenfr ir.Il.r ît,~i-' - ii "x stamp. r. ~ ~~~~~cary reine1-' sanîi I i , 4*11incs DE the disorleis connected -'ihijr. or grw:n Practicai Acconn.1t'aî17- Toi'- of liCte ePitIs aIT ulwki-" li lc miil 1% 280 b~~FrienIvof Lo-ndoui-il ngiitf ,,lri v iOni-er ucrlicio ntin-ieCi iîin. -- --- - --- - - as iterly fîiieti. '1OLTrWAY~I-LIAIUE 'Pli-E iIF.i<F 1W- EDY NNOWN IN TIIE W01MA>Vr î, ý-i F ()L1 1.V1NG D I.SESS Bowela opan~ ulie W f', (tstii-enes' . Ljien iîi'!iu D ihU ie, ec n ;d C ravet; venîiîîl Aiti - eucerea!i!ti - v eniaile 1Coml)aint, Wonof ttî i h If the rc-dcr.ofthis * notice-tr' box >of iPilla or Oiinment frmihi1 i$pla ce, lot li himVtv to me .tr' anmo mi-, andi I1îîill inilVa box rtfev ît Nlaiiyde-.Ierts viii mot kùw' ni n- liand lîcause thci- cnno -rniake as, arrý 4 i-a onlotîer -persons' inake. Jr . Noue are genfaineno lesshewrdî .zNeww York-auîiLn-I n are' dttcerr-1ý é ila-ie-rnsm'k n e -fry le f icle ni d ýif. A 1 N ýD . -C R R A G

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