Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 May 1865, p. 3

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&ok iaôs*$goe dl on "Ia'li la about lime a= .Cobd 9Msté etb hehgefm Club hia. for a -co"estibUst heater have roed a 3r £ansier sAays tu- te b.pmWnted my b. WM. .aIwer, wb4JO Ow skso<iig bu S&tur4àay *50- nî alOut 4»-a.n hemsrstinthe reat oflwWo urtriess.fouad the * bod ft 0" wmim& abad .4 tae oWmpositm io lofti e esi- on the voter. 1Re lef:t i se.aul repurtesi rgises t C1itCy Hait sWlp,aud yesterday mor- il.a I .ning kt wabruuht l. eal d boum e It ba. beon iden ifisd sh.bcdy of Dr. SCôOI, luat wgo hu ben mLisus1,("omtCity' for.te usst an i mosmombu, nn awspt wlI.1 iM lZaktSqurer.-Gïobe ofody him-- Tm Mir ofthe UniItedBSttes -baveeoined. s'in ce they -omtencçd opérations (somne soenty any- years) télarge aittount of Biglit Hundred 9traie- Millian dollars, about onefifth oÊ,the whole mealile eurrency of lthe w*>rd of mbich amnounit 1. $30,000,00,0 las bos deivt.d fron thir *wu, do.-mines, vs ame not vttI,.t mines, but muhle me Ibis- féiel Ibitbey - liii Dot produ ce se- much goîd, Id me e -bave the. pleasure .ofknowing there lua smv- .reiguremedy ini the '"Csaedian Pain Detroyer"l for' >s adoe u wtia, nhs!tm, neursidgia, tooth- gcsod ache, te. Suld by il Ilainhe Dealers at 2à c,,,jentms M ubottie. er wmt-i erk. May a oslod W.M. rUsa ANI) CHILD. bers have to slecpî is -ias alAo been id tua tenis for tice rîmlcliladies amuse. r reat conpoanre; a* sl hare ors- I-t sistua>- cajifide anspire On SAfn.. revil fater and: dau'giter liats ' 'r asoûf thcesI ta1inful and altec ing This iasnet a ver>- unnâiural <ýn the part a)f those dIepend(ent ou 7ii.ation for their tacts ; bt- htii-th einterviewwis neither ut a a latl atPeting -vinracter-at ieat, so far -accused vas miscucrted, Sic ma~s '<réomein' )thei itiîiîsit,' ot'Violent. ttfiý, ig zî i ther Iparent nom aI. t-li )u cf theiitlrkdced sIte su>-. she h!ts t'>iîmeireans îvi-hte'determina- îerSi n 'e. ho hi iîerved hç,r,'el( for. at b ~ ~ ~ t Iîsee ex e îe-lvwondermient ns11 lave (xec,îted Se fouj aàmurider ni. m it iil1i.4;exciepd iv tic se. e ii,.ic~nd forth tic self ne* h ek',. tis itiethat wmien lnspcc- tison road I <r ennîfustun Iefor-e -tic q ~5thi irobîtigePolice Court, S ipas"îoltato flond cf lears ; 31l te Lzisnot exlilited any Iich W0<'Id in the leaat lead a î'erson Oitit a W- s o notorions il crialual, j.m c.f - 3 ouwt Ine Tl'ic p risonI s býrea gmet 'lange it, lier de- nom% ats conmpamnd miii t1, tite miJen titre i their eîstody-. At tin t lime;, tiem désc'ribed, lie was n ch mo(re -oumparatilvely eamelesa, heetles.. J»KD. In Woodville, on th. 23rd fnst.,after a leu; and painfial iiea f.Ae.8eart,_Black- amtagd fu'rty leU5. Dl poesed-rided la Woodville for mn >yas - took a I;romient part in promoting any meia"ur for the. welfare 1f the. locality; and was beloved atid r.specd by- a large circle of friens-ad eatvs. and leaves a wiff and Young fa raily te MiQna the.lois of a loving busl>and and an aflNctlonatoa ther. IIOLLGWAY'8 PZILL.-S*àPUrY Air» CtETAiNqTY. .-This great external reniedy do.. fnot suppres infammation, but expelis tÏhe causé of ii by excre àon through the, pmrs. Heneits radttal cures of salit rheun, erysipelas, ring worm mad other ertiptim' e diseases, Sold at the misnufactortesNo 8 sdtLâne, New York, &nd No.-244 Stand, London ; and by, all druggW~s. if the.resder of Il noticell cannot get a box of kil or Ointrnent from the. drug store in bis place, let hua write to ni. 80 Ma- iden Lane, eticlosing the. amoent, and 1 wilil mail a box free of tex pense.> Mauy dealers *111 noct keep My medicines on hand because tbey can- not roake .ai much. profit As ou other persans' make. 25 cent.*, 2ï cents, azd $1per box. 102, RLelief lM TeO InIute. BRYAN-*'3, ULMolqIC WAFERS. The original medicine Esýtaliihed in -173Mand * irst articllé cf .tiie-kind ever'introduced under the naie ut, IPolinosi.ic Waters," ln tià or any other contry; AUl other Pulmoîiic Wafers are countericits. 'rhe enitine cau bel O1nownby the naine BIIYAN being stainped on the Wafcr. BRYANý, PULMO(NIO WAFEILS *. BàYAN'S ptJb!,O1ýI1WAFERS Itulitre Spitting of Bmobd, PIains.iii the Clacst. BRYAN'S PULMONIO WÂFPS Relleve. Irritation of tho U ulafned Toônia BrlY-AN',$PULMONIO AEI Relie ethe aoeCmlît nTent Minutes.1 Are u.blessing to a0l Classes andConstiaution s. BItVA N'S PL (' (~WA F L R S Are allapted for Yocalis and Public Speakers. Are ln a simple fornii ,d Ipbasa uit to't he taste. Bi YiN'S PULM&)NI C WAFERS Are iLn a iillïle f'orint Iil pleiaint t. the t.irte, ]R1AN'S PU14NIONIC W.AFERS Noit onlv relâ~ve, but efféét. lasting cures., BRYAMS PUL31ONTO VAFER1S 4re w arrantee to gii'e g&tisf.t étion lolevcry oui No raily shclt hle ithout a ItoX of IIRYO N'S. Pi-LMON2IC W'AFERS.- lu the, bouse. Nu Trvelk slold be witliouta plyo iBlRtON'S PULMVONIt' WAFERS ilu i M2peeketý. No l'el-sons will ever oljeet tri give for' XIYO LrUAMONIC WAYERS JOB MOSES, Seo1e Froprîi'or, Roch ester. For sale Northrop and Lyman, .Newcastle, C. W, G Leal gents for the Calidas. Sold iii Linidmy by V. Britton, Knowlsau & Gregory and it the NediCel Hall;-,E. A. Bowe7, ia- wood ; Adntril Cordon, M.Ntuaillgi; A- Wyatt,l Canîingtn';Gilchrîst & C inmon, oodville; T. MaeItOgie, and alot1 neic 1 dcuilrs -2214247 'Ill 1 l G 11-, ATIEN(GLISjIl E.\IELD£. a-ad thîe Si~e. r Jue î' Iand wlien-shle E.ERA E FM LE PLS cmr colt-ctt.. LB A .f ..--EPLS *Iction, villît This inva hînileé'medîcn suftîgt h ithrites 1 aI eiot'al l î1oe lpaintul àanîlda lgerous dîsen ses .riten oe.let- iviesî.uli fnnale e onstiitution-. htractet-, 5lLec .1 idrae i xese n enoe I n'sscd b Mi3s Strnetioniz 'fnont miaeves. cause, anA ida speedy ÇCE KNý È. came imàv bo rclied on., Rie Kent, mîî0 To 1JRU1D LADIES ùffession mit it i.; penn -yStited. -I l milI, in a short th, e, P Kent a ehild brinmg on tile;oiýtl éidwt euai q 29hof June, . etsnti-crd itnruait. l at the Sessien These PilUs Shonld neidt b ae by feinales r exannination. ltat are pregnaniet, duriareg tic FIST TU RE nnand -ap- Nl(NTIIS, ilite>-aeanr abrnàn ic - cnsiehlriage,; bu» I L. veliy.oiter tintan icie' and gtlMn n ailier casv, lime>-.are.pertiec£tl> safe.ý-, sud m. cd-in, alcil ases of Yervous and Spinal Affictionsj 1P case for lte Patin nla si ack and i ii, Beavinieas, Fa- cd as Elizà- f igue on liglît cxertioii, Pîlaincflebat Hole 1 ma'nuse liWS t iîi. lseis Sick Heàaacie, 1h11Bous. 1!Wlîtes, andi al ohranu icsseesot 2Ph Frnct a' .e cy a disordcmed systein, these Pille miii ffec- ni,~~~ FaenBi--scure Naiena.]ai tcher sueas sbave failed... reom wmith me, Full dirctioûns in tieé-navphit a round - caci b. ea Iteli pckag, wILciisulsi ia.rotîlly preserved. near~~~ l.or,-AbottiL co nîai-it 5 us as'ncri ne as lte docr. i's thcoe, nnnéal 5ta-piletanGret Brtla I last Sam lhe mi b e t poa , trefof1 mmmd . potage, a 111e Car itn b nt: a. I use r eut le eIeen .in muer mac e siceaea discoerm 'indow.an rlda-y nigt m iniowm For. sale by gon'thmop & Lmu <ivqk C. W.,iid Aets for thè. Canadas. Soid 3la LidsyrL C. lîittoe K-nsewlson & Gregory, andi at A liéMedica 1i hall;e . meOak- Wood-;c,. ogasM ila_;A. Wyatt, Oaa- nington.; Gilcirial k&,C niron Woodville; T. MatccîtGinee,,and aIl meicine deae. li Uj - An-Mug the mnost ituportant ot modemn neMedical discoveries stands the CANADIAS d[PAIN DlESRoyfpR. ed As s a iilk Meédicýinne, Itit lliandi tarer- d abi>- known, reliivin i tlousand, freinPains lu id btheide, Back and 1Hegd ,Cpugis Colds, Soie 's Throalt, Sprins, ËruiseaU;ër ininthe Stoinaceh il Cholera Menbus, Dysenir>- emlCou.ans lie Bumus, Scalss Frost-bite@, &0. o TeC ada anDetrYr bas nom been li before lte publicetfur a iength oflime sdmtr ever used i a ell tikedy, neyser luî angleèr la>ta.. tegivePermanent relief ,mien tunnel> Tusdd iw. have nus-ve kauemu-a singi. cas oaf di"miý£4%*ere thu directions have debe rpry futrmry, bailX are delighited witii i pmteco 5b aspeàklu 318 1 a GPeatioDI &bd g»àkai es, Lquois c LINDSAY MARKETS. ...~ea............... 0 Lù '8pwg Wbeo............... 1 00 "0*00, Oste, per buM ...........050 0 nO Potatoei, perbuth .... .....0835" 0 40 Barlypr bwi*........... 0 6 0 ô0) Pese,pe bast' .........* 079 0 00 la, per to ...i.......... 13 00 15 00, Eggs, per do.. .............. 0O0y Il, 0 8 Straw, per load,.... ' .. 300 le .0 GO, B ef, per 10 0b o ........... 3 50 " 45-&,0 vèl per lb. per qtr .......... 0,0 es0Il Tllo, perb..........0 0#" o. eo,ookd ,» ......... 1 00 .0.00 Gkwv..utâ ô 25 0 O o0-AUl Turkeys,ea .......40" 0.49 Hop,pa100>lis ........... 450"« à5à TOWN.HALL.I Xondy Ev'g, May 2Stk. Tua EMINENT VOCALIST! After au a bsenée offaur years inà E urope, Who É aie bhad tfie boueur of appýA-ring beor4 the niost select audiences, and pronounced bylte pnublic and the preua of Englatnd, lreland and ýsrotland,,oe ofe the Firat of Living Balled lP9ÔFiÏILLAR thse world-ëenowned ma- gician, Pythouit and Traveller,-begs to an- mne ne is Grand aud Unque Entertalument, entitled SONO, MIRTH, AND MAGIO, In renjtinction with -Madame Millar *nJ Prof. ýmilar's astouis lng ILearned Cnr id Mena Blodin~Theperformanace of-this beau- ttful and highly.traioed iuayBidbaffesal descriyti!on, and nit le secenIto bboa preia ted.ý Doors open at 7j o'cloek. . Tocommnne at 8. (f iSla1 to obid a n> persn or persons pi-- .iDgý credit to MI~ son JO-11N C. NAYLOÎ, Townshlip of Ops, on Mry accuunt, as ImwilI net play or-be ini an>- way held re-reonsible.for debta c'entrcted b> the sàidl Juin C.' Nalor, af-er JOHN NAYLOII (ps, 23îd Yay, 18i15. . - __________ L...rn --~ .'~ TheDut-h PIag Rev*v.ed - NOW IS TIIE TIME 1For SperilIationo! N OTWi.THSTANDING ti. iard.limes-Iliere1 mtust bc monscd men énougb lef inlutlb cou-nt'ry alto are wiliing lu itives3t' hein', Capital te, aduaniage, oulei osse the u»bdrsigncdd a. dresses bimacîf wiieu b. informs: hem that h. lu d(.etuined te raturn to tlic <Ad countr>,and tberel'on'e îsaeq ta dispose of ils fuibowing val- niable lIrQperty slisotld Il bcat a a arifie.:- One tuo stior>-brick, and on. trèame, ionse, standing on oeclo, anseoune tise s.tory large franme hotnse on anotlierýlot adj iningalml fn.4iedl, with every4accommodation and pla sAurtl v sitmd oi- Maîket Street, di ecui - pusýite tue new Market lbouse. Aise, on. two. atoryf ramec building (abois and deliiig- on Kent Street; aut present ecenhnictIb blinseit, a gond gardesi and barna mlubeiwihever conîveiienice for a business man. Andu in vie,' ef bis determlnatlon, the suli- seqrliQcm lias Commeneed te sel off bis entire s ok cf SFIO!> G00DBat- coul .prîce- cvcrytiîing h9 p- dto prove tliii. lime public are reapcetfuily requesLei te valk up te ,theé m"eàt end nd.îtake a '1ew of litssamppleWiudew, where lie lias on eibibitlon *pecfiensoIpfg1 ods iitli prives snarked in plain figures, se00thlit every one May, satiaf>- thenselres uponi lieý ameita o ertile. A strict cash bu&iness la diie, Bse phase bring the. cash villij-on. :Unti futer notice lb. subscriber miii ce'n- tinut sc. carry an -thie Watcbu>aklng businessl as iemtotore, te. mldo lie blas added lb. beàuà- titul art of Engràtvimg. inscr'ipiion-s upon RinlgsWmtchtes, Doos-platea, Cofflupiates,.Forks, SPoonsà, Signets, Newàpaper Cnt-s, or Blusin0es Card Stanipa, mllb. exerued to order in su-. perior sty'le. LindsaY,Ma23,11 Kenýt st, West. NOTICE NOTICE is herehl ive rcuthtthlIe TOWNSHIP OF FENELON! villhé held al at 10 o'clock, A,.Ji., of mbioh ilparties ui restes il iiplease tale notice, and orr W114.LIAM FIELDp(o, music Alto AInluim H VINZ rè*ffl aPl.INOlaàl Street. Kr TrM ade kàov u£piaie o appiai andi 0*«basla weyrgF e amidmci susciti, ami ovlmg totIse l% dUsai acnl w. ~eenabt toafihe gr te ldueus-n apS Nas. Tweed vbave aàlarge diply., *X)S &SHOES, CLOT l, NDLQt0S 0,« -m u iruo sitatollauylg itUO bon in hte trad, 0" 1 reIu..Cusls-baîwe vsnt,alad tou f tock* lu alu eask Thte Geodainsd Prices mil -speak fer themnselgrest *0 Ilbos icem ill b. 'giveti) Ik~u xbn t~,.J. COSTELLO &Co.,. McLnna'a auà a,1-e &mr, KewtS. ùday ROBERT SPIER, WMORTER 0F S-TAPLE'& PANCY RYGOODS GIROUERJES kc., ii nov prepared to o&r 10 tie Pûblic a choie. aessortm.eiîin lthe aboire mzutioued branches. BIlestock consigsawlapart of.- Wool, Union snd Cotton T weedîe; Mohair COatings, Panay Flannels, Geis' and Ladies Collars and Ties, Ribbons, Peaitersi Flowers, Shawle, Mandes Dî'es Goods in. great variéty, Gents' Straw anc-F ëlt Bats, Ladies' ,Sîraw Bats mis Pt, Fptory Cotton, Steamlocu,, Stripeéd Siring, Clieck do., Ticking, h. i uour viI udbyoed comelitien, botli jaqualîty and priçe_-&. ..eseu TEAS, COVF FE PICKLES, SAUCES1 174~.&C. Au. assortitent of Crockery kept constantly ce hoad~ 11i4 Stock cf Readyý.mad e ibiing, and Boots: and Shoqp will b. aoldat costprice, being de- sireusocfretiring roin thos>e Unes etbusiness. BAG SALT AND FIEL» PLASTER FORSALE. Hains, Butter and Eggs lu any quantity taken i exchange for goods. * Robcr0-Sier, Corner Store Adams Block, gent Streetl Liiidea. The Suliscriber il happy te have to announce ln connection with the. fail of. Richmond -the surne fthe rebl amies, t4ellighî cf Jef. Davis, and (lieconfidently hopes) the end cf the war-that flýcottýous have Fallýen .too ! aud that t izi stock cf NEW SEAeoNAI3LE GObDSà la, nom very complete, Conpisînrgh- general asortmnent cf COFFEE, SUGAR, SPiCES, SAI. TEAS, COFFÊEl SUGAR, SPCES, LES) ICKLES, JCES, AUCES, DRES.S -GOODS, BONNETS, GLOVES,* MUSLINS, MANTLES, FEATHERS-,.. SHAWLS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, HOSIERY, WHIITE COTTONS, SCOTCH,.AN» CANADIAN TWEEDS. BROAD CLOTHS, RED-MAI)E CLOTHING, and an assortment of, FRE'H.-GROCERI Est ail et whiie lie ofi'ers for sale, CHE.fP, FOR iC.ISII, or'iii exciange for-. produce, cf wiich in-, teuding pureliasers mil pléase calli antI aatisfy iheminves. JAMES LENIHANt -7Fbolof Kvnt Street, Lindsay. - 4lL-ýTbe supecrior qualities cf. hie Linday -Beer are nom generaliyadmittcd,-miiei .faet seuld be atknowledged in itn ameadment te Duniikin'. ,Tempera nce A e. JAMES LENIJIAN. DOBSON & NIBLOCK, GENERAL GROCE RIES, TEAS, OBcO, OFESG WINES, BRANDIES, RUMS, OLD- TOM ADHLAN GINS, CHIPPEWA MALT; OL» RYE, AND COMMON WHISKIES, ce c Th9e sbribers a.ede.terined Aas aee i heretofore 10.supply -a want long9 &.1lt la this Town, b keeping - onstantly on baud the beat brande of Imported Winès and Liquors,ý Ales an Porter, aIl of.whciit ilb. Sohiat LwstPossible, Pries-fer Cash.' Liaidsay,'May 4th> ThOS. EMPIRE Patealed Febrsm'ary l4tlîi, 1560 Tis.Maehimne le coenstructed on -an entirel>- ne,' prineipie of-màechamili4 p~ossean a> rave ani val«abis improvtents, btrlag been exmined4 y lt.e mot profbnai expets, and The fellewlag are lm eprincipal 6abjections * . xcessve.labos. to lb. Oprator. 9. Isillit>- to giout of ouder.- , 8.g - hio, robe, aMd bon, ttine la re- S4. IUCBpbetty t ,&te e vr- icsptlo5 Of material, S. Dlssgtaeblt m*te the luepertion. u l u a t i W ' * N 5 la &Ibo E~a âa. III!Si1R hm .4 tm5 - ~ ~' Y - DOBSN &NIBLOCK. 296 tf 'Il requires FIFTY PER CENT. less power to drive il than any othet Machine in market.. A grcftirelve yeara cf age tau work it stemdily, wstbout fatigue or injury ta healtb. Its strengt sud wondeiul aimol.ýiy cf . srtin reuerit al'1timosene t ý>geleu Of orderad aGURI oED ytii oin-.ou pAl t entire satisaction.- * W. respectttally invite ail those Who may dle- sire te aupply teinelves with a superior arti- fce,ý to Cali and examine thus UNR! VLED M40HIN.E. But in a more special manàner do mc solidit the patronage cf Merclsnt Tâjora 1-iDres Mài.a e,4irt ana Re.onsMakerg IShoe iUn&rg, Feut and Pantao<s Makers. Xr, Religions and Charitable 'institutions wilib. liberýally dei t with. 1>110E0FpM&cHiiNES, COMPLETE. No, 1.Family Minmiie. 'withii esmer * o o ~ te ,. ... .. .......... 6 0 0 .l7 8500 lie.4, wg fo Letiir... .........100 00 CàaBNl§TS IN EIVERY VARIETY.- Wews*~uasit~l1toyagla tleUnited 8tsss~~usaonCalaxezWoo, central 0,:d .sth A.g$a, were .600 are sietai e sblss4le na doiSOertwi1b ?ammut esét hrough tbe m.~ Aiu0~ku .tPin~ 8~ tod . , vY1~ Lindàsay, 1 Ii May, 1865. ~7I"IffiSbeerRers r scted to seil Mî. o- .tti bilinfermerly occu- Widý s lteOfie Oe ,e t i.CàamaduPoil, ou Liedsay Street. Il h mWeil adapted for a st ore or dwelling, -sud vil lic ooMvery cheap. Apîly,.t1, N O T I C E - _ TO BOHOUL TEACHS. EXAMINATION 0F TEACHERS. ortLindimy Distîlt-mii (D 'X take Place 1ini nNEW SNtJ GuUDAY t MACKAY a in AP, 293air, e THURSDAy, JIUNE FIRSeT,.-2for Candi- dates fur firet clam certn5pýates. FRIDAY,' JUNE SECONO -for Candidates N. B.Candi acming in after la o'cl6ck wll be refused'admission.1 JOHN vICýRS, A. B., Lindsay, ltarc Il M 86. f 287-td. T IM u n d rsi n ed . a s a 4 r los < Acte nia Ço f- I awaiting investm"et on - Ohoice, Improvedý Far'ini h LD SETT-LED t«rOWNSI4IPS et this and the. adjoining 'C euftles. As part cf the monies belong te private ¶ndividuals, toans eau b. negotiat d lu FROM TEN ,TO FIF.;;EN DAYS mter the applications are mmde,- provided. Une Titiles are flot unusuallyý com licabed. Appy, f b leter pp .it ~M. ROCHE. , Lindsay, April 26,'1865... 295-tf. Iced SOda Wvvater, FROM THE FOUXTAIN. At Oadwells Bakery, One door West of Jeéwett's flotel.. îvhicb ta a finetig when used in connection iritît the Soda Fountaini. Lindsar,, May l6t1, 1865. -- NOTICE To So.hool Teachers. - TOTICE la- her*by givern thît thée semi-an- inal Examinia tien cf Teachers for tha wil be held at the YMULAGD 0r OAnWOOl, SATURDAY, MAY 27th, 1865, - Il.. F. ,WH-ITESIDE, Oakmiood, 20th April, 1865. (Olposite Boyntou *s:H/l (OFFERS TO TIE IPUBLIC AT'TRE LOW- 11et living pries, t~h-èOicest selection cf To be found any'ivhere iiitic county. FLOUR, INDIAN MEAL, FEED AND VEGETABLES. Or'.A CALL BOLIC1 TE). . Lindqay, April 12, 1864. 26t WANTE.D. WYHEAT! BUTrER! PORK!1 1 williipis>- lhe Highest Price lu Cash for Whe4t, Butter, Pottes, Park,&CI. d-elivem- cdatm mvstore en William street. U 7.5 citesta of Tea te b. sold aI very 1cm prices. Lindsny, Mn.>- lTtb, 1865. 298-4 StearnL~uat Notice. C. L. BAKER. The Steamner astiI commence ber regtilar irips"on Monda>-, 151h NMa>, 1965, ieaving Bridgenrii on Mon- daysà Wed nesd ays and Fridayis at 10 ar., re- turn'nng miii lettré Lindsaavon Tuesdays,Tliurs.. days ansi. Saturdmys ai 915 m.m., calling at Bebcamygenansd Fenelon Falls. Tbestae miileave Peterbomo-aci mering Fer huIlier particulars as to7 Freigit, &kc., »Ip]y- on board. 299-tfJAS. WALLIS. Asoarded Frat Prize attise.Agrictiltairal > Exhibition, Lindsazy. B EGSta ,inforin bis Fricuds. and the Public tIsaI-fo-r lb. put pose of enabling himself ta mxente ite most perfect rmaner, ml cr- iera mith"il ite hé ay le favored-iie bas niad iiinf thoraughly mequainted witli mi the laie Improvenients lu lis art; and - being spplidmiti lb. beat maters-ls, éeimcals,kc., b. hopea te produoeth. Carte -de Vuste ln as great exeellence as an>- made la Ibis province. Thse Gallery is spacious and l'arerably situa ted in regardte light, anisl prenouneed by jusiges lo e b.remmrkably mcii adapted fer tie pitipoSe cf making correct likenesses. the. Gallery tlllpaisi fer., - We inrarrabla suppi> Mr. YrmnI ith thée pu ml.d hast clibeal li atma e hobtamned, Tei bob him -té le hhoudi ea inited mWIt lmi beautiM art. UJ~ sie uai pieavein eetlMnIgt.1Mr. 1~ssbU~ysrep~to W& iiaia<aIe to Tah ae asdd uI aese"r, nay the best 0ais "I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h etsde he u>ls <1r. Franeba las good aud as t'meaneay Ébâre ever sea la: 1ag 1u , 1 Ibave seU.etelet Lindiay,ý April ltlt, J1Es.DNI Maasfacsarm of Phoiograpkic WUOL&4LEASi»îETM 501 BROADWAY, N.Y N 4% aditioa te Our main businessof. I raphic Mater"Z, me are Hedquarta, Lte fallowing, rIZ.- S.tereo.cop<« àud &ereoaoeps Of these we have au immense asscrtmet îluding War Scenes, Ameriean and Dities a.nd Landscapes, Groupa Statuawy, ke. AIse, 1evclvifig Stereosepe, fgr pub or prIvat. exhibition. Our Catalogue miii sent te, any addrcss on receipt of stamp. PH7OTOGRAPHIC'ALBUIIS. We weree tilrst te, introduce thèse inta tbe [Tniteà States, and *e manutfacture iratuense luatites n geatvarie.7, raugiug in .prie rrom n 50 ftcit.te $50 ach. -Our AL t IS ' a va the reputation.cf being superer in beauty mand durability to any otiiers.' Tlte3 will be seaby mail, fee, on receipt cf price. Fine Albium Nadete Orier, ~ CAÉD. -o-- itAP S Oqft ý-sat1ogüe Dowr embraees overfti lni- snd dîfferent sùbjîn- <to wbihtch dticus ama eatiumly being"Maie fPloirt$ Eacfmi-ý nent Americans, Ac., vuz.: about Coloniel, 10à. Lietý-UCloâela, 250 t>ter , Officers, 75 Navy Officers,,550 Statearnn, 130 Diinca, 125 Authors, 40 Artasta, 125 Stage, 50,Promicent Women 150 Promi- nent Foreign Portraits.- 3i000Copies of Works of. art including reproducitions of the meat nelebralsi Engravings, Paintlngs,- Statues, k. sta- loguca sept ou receipt ofe Siamp. An order fer One Dozen Pîctures from ont Catalogue vil ho filed on lte receipt cf $1-80 and »set b7 mail free. Photograplers and othçrs ordering geais. C. . lil please remit. tw>enty-t1ve per cent. u lhe amount, miti their ordef.> E. FL H. T. ANTRONY à .Cp.. Manufaeturera-of photographié muerie., 501 Baoiwàr, Mmm Yeng. * Tic pricca and quality cf aur good a u- net fail, te satîsfy. SU-Il. FaIrrnersAttention! CHEF? NARNESSS! The sûbscriber desires te inform the. CustoMèes of the late Sim of as weli as the gencral public that he la novw carrying on the-Harnesa and Saddler busine4> 'solely on bis ocm assoua a ti. eoldstad ad~ joining sie store <of W.- B. MUde i 09. William Street, Lindsay, uliere bl ie ii b. e te have a riait front everne int mant cf ni thing in his Une. Working closel. at the business birnéelf, an# emplloyigif noue btit experienced workmen, ac& .iing isinaterial for cash, lie la preûared 1* offker tic following pricé lEst for tbe,,considera- tio;n of iifending purcbasers:ý Good heavy Siert-Tiug larnesa witb heavy Hames..... ......... ..$18 0O Long-Tug do do do .o 20»50 lqok Harnessa........ ............ e1400 Set otlight single Harneau, with rmised traces, round lines, and bip-strapP and fancyBrîdle........ï...... »a A-ood serticeable 4ouble set of-coarse4' Agfines, (guita hie for a buggy or-lighi work) xvîtb erupper. and hip-straps, round ines and fancy -rdi .25 00 And e -verytitng in proportion. Repfairîng executed neatly, ýproumptly aud' cheapir. W1iipa, Laahes,' Surcin-gica, Bridies, Haltst i3rusines, Conmbs1 &c. ke., kept constmntly on .band and, sold vcrv cheàa1sl. A I kindà of Cariage and CuIter Trimmnint doue at tlite Ionest prices. e3-I' A call la respectfully solicitéd! JAMJES LOVELL LidaiDeccnnbr.21, 1864.28t DEtITIBTRY. 3.O'Donell, B.e u. 0FP PETERRORO§, nIGS te etun is sincere ihanks te the Wa -D habitants,-of Lindsay, and surmounding. coaùntry for thc extensive patronage wii us iting thc place, and would aise atate liat ho 1 as opened a permanent-office in charge of Mr. -C. H.,Corbet, lie assistant mi Dr. Dmty, Den- tist, of Kingzzton. Tiiebusiness il l e con- duçted by unider tihe nainesud, style oft ,jà' O'DONNELL a CORBEITJ AIl operations performed-on the la tout *ni- most scientifie principles known te the pro#e.. sion, and. marranted-te give satisfacetion. Until tumîher notice, Mr. Corbett may lei fojund as Mr.iï*Keenan's.office, in re.s Jie.lr. 1La- Course's offic. m . O'Dllonneli WUM cent film his Yisita 55 usual iz:iil-lb.thefirsi Tiursday iu cdimonth and remain one. meek, vb.m bu EXTRACT TMETHWITIOU PM r REFEREJICES: Dirs. Mfart., Andrewm, Benson and Cfgan, M. Dunsfard,1 Solicitor, J. Gillo»n, Deputyý Sher- iIý Oea. K empt, T. KeenaKb, J. Dundas, J. Leni- han, W. J. Robinson, J. B. Kuomis-On, W. rmce, -L. A.-Cadwcell, A. Wright, Esqs. Mr. Corbelt wauld.-ofreir the. following lbIter of recommen4ation ýfrei n .Dan, Dentist, cf Kin,,ostoin, aR0 in addition ste follwing roer-: e n ces, 1"Iaing a goecd,'kncowlenge of Mr. C. Bf. Corbest du ring lins stndies mitii me, 1 cheerfhu1b_ recomnmend Itit te tbe publie' as a Decti#Ç boti Surgical aad Meclianical. . PAY m.b., "Dentist Kingaton.' Rersnnalcss :-Dra Fomier, Strange smi llrown, Sir Henry Smilt, Sberiff Corbett, James O'Reily,ý Esq., -Rer. J. Oemly, Rer. 1Mr. Clark- sieni, Kingston; -MNÉ. LaCourse,1 G. Dèrmer and G. J. Weller, Solicitdes, Lindsay. .Linâ.ýaY, Nor. 17th,.1864. - 8< Wm Ib. sels! ON TRURSDAY, The Firat day- of aune iiext. a t Jemeîî's Etel, ln the &T 12 WooLecz nom, -Ninety- Ilh Arecomposesofe!brol ut m Of Lot muLtber-Tl% trhe i lrmlo of the- Townsblp Of I1J8.n la the. Count>- of Victor,d&pundora« me sale contained inlia M19 g muder MeFadyeca md: M 10 J"m sof et1h. Towsle~ =reter part c7v1=1OJO '0aS e ittl atoa . App>- e Jnsamlbnss Uor AptO 501h1 1*. einiil pWué a =1 .1 ILindsa«V' Vny 17thý, 1865, 1865

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