Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 May 1865, p. 1

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POLITICAL, -DI IJNDSAY, C.W. ATI AL A)ýýND FAMILYJOU-RN'AL Good Statie andi shed chtiDed, and an a tte tive ostler always in attendance. Frree Omnibus to and -from the Cars and Boa1 BoARD Oxrs DOLLAs PER.Day. W r -. BOYNTON begs to, informn the inhpa W.tants of the County of Victoria and sn roiunding Countlies, that he hlas opened ti Ho0tel où Wiliam Street, lately ccuipied 1 •Jewett, anld as he -hashad it fitted and furnisl ed in &irt style, visitors will fi nd every conve n ence WieLiur nd Cigars of the be qualit. An attentive ostler always in attendance. Lindsay, Dec. 1G, 1864.29 (LA&TE NORTH AMERICAN) WAjL7UNSTEFET, PORT HOPE. ]ROBER T B O EProprieloi IS àvoriL. telh 11ing en lbet fcan commodation foir- travellers and the publJ gnrally. Under present management n g efot vill be glared tat will conduce ýto th e fort of gnleste coThe best of Liquors and Cigars. -BEAVFER7DON. The subcriber hege to amnne that hie lin leased tlie above hotel, whi.ch hlas bieen furnish ed and itted uthrouighioutinlthe best of sty 4 None but the.chioicest Liquoirs n a-i b,, kept in the bar. and his table wl e inniëll edi rth all 1i edefi l eqe Of te caCIson.nas pi Beavrtonjan.Slt,-s1:fiL Diming Hall and* Restaurant C H U R CII S T RE E T., DinnfersfromIHalf hialf-peiit twelve to thred ,i nors &, of the best brandms. JoNSMITII, Propretor, Torionto, Mlay, 1864.--4. Furmture Warehouse! Down woith IIigh -Prices ?? The suibscriber begs to inform the inhabitants or Lindsa4y an d.suarrounding Country that lhe h as lately oýpened out a large and varied stock of hCha irs, Bed SteadsBeasDressingland, which helill11sell at much lower rates than- art'e lieretore been askeýd imLindsay. Chairs and Sof in Hitfair Coth. . tFunerals Furnished.- Jobbing, will re. ten 'Rues nudit er. ..... ..........'5 AL,òve ten Jinles, first i nsertion, per Iune....... Each subsequent insertion ...... ...... ."2 Professionait arid uâüàe.l siax linosad r, orà per aunnam, $3fieri.&sio Froen six ttu tu ten kînesý 0 per annju M, p-Mechans an othrs-cs cotr i ra certaim space, with the privilege of having new matteriiuneed ath ud of e ve ry t h ie oubo'fvgbe en scal odNon pareil, land charged aéî " ingi y. DJA dvernteet sentwtouwrtinrena Pah seran Son v. -wWas.we see eM. c. amanenan ochcin.ete.othelré, afterwards, and the fourth step creaks toMy windo, on the other. Thle thead for the people of England to forget that ho abommnaby, so be careful to descend with- then passed through the helle Iadboed na )rang tromn the samefaednadspk REMRY.out noises». the wind-Low-sash, and wgas then made falt to the samne mother tonlgue.(Hahr, .Tf ighit was boisterous, and miany a'. in ky. -Under-the key I placed the h Vhncimso hscaracter are perpletra- Auscaa.wmdow.and door shook and rattled,so that the -box, yo .u see ; and over the key a' a ted. the public mind iii apt to faillinte gloom1 4x alight nois,e we made in descending the etai t?, prevenit ils being dragged uip more thai'anl er ity, and'hb as arsnticamse al ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mn' -abtae MLyMd lae el T nawal wsntstcett ave alarmed the Mòst six finches. FEach night, beforeIet oit isas ignc n fth as si isof the HEatweryEXLawndY hmhearva fTsoeofa f rait, kerouearleer. edseie aothe bed,1- j ust drew the string tightadfse-con equeee of suchanact. But it iis our theMal Tai frm oro to an eHeatf Th' a e bs fi alt stnd foo, e e hepantry, andten ed iltin the yard, taing care to fre itb- p , m ,orasue hm ud r n Bheailrton evr ondayoo,Wnay andi- Noht orits g u dofaodnl-it ing peie,-ty still, devotedl ourseh-es to fore mornnso as to keep the plan a secret. unreasonal l a1 pame or despot4mecy. (Ilear, ad ay a 3o'lok, .m, ndevryTuesday, Dark with tmistletoe ' çn'fi hn, aMani, or anything above two feet liear.) Ausassathe oïrldhas wnee ch ae Thrday, a nd tud ay, iýP..9at2d'coknon Nt o te ileluodei-na very few seconds. we heard a graàting hi2ah, walked up the yard, theithing w as tehsoyoLtewrd Illno-rfent rthurniy ng d el Eatry t1in time ck otwith Thaot pr éioli ale elow 'l oIltle Eshutters, then: an interval otf preseagainst, thekey was. drawnup instances of remote antiquity, alhhengh , theevein rai fo Toont orCollingwood. Notior th ite ilies.quiet and a a noise,; presenitly the.%win- shar ply against the bar,a( i the string brokrenaciethsmdth¯otmmrbee- Mr The P m ay J4 çalls daIlil atyackson's Tat ean the fragrant hede flow was gentIlyraised, and agam .ailllaswhen the key, Of course, .fell intu the tnaml o hs ndenesdar at ifis tae- Point, At dyOrillia, an ohr lcecoquetting all -tywith the sunbeams qit Tens.ofahayveil a s omkingquite noise enough to wake me.'- mnet to tec-. unn tad enery f ot gn whr h tp.At (Orilhia, an- ndstaItt oden etige ;- > ing the house seemed toa fford an opportuni- ltinunediately the string or thread broke, il tieen pCSrese nt.Btpevenliethe sl scr er an take tbe steamiler 1ity for the .. - Net for theaplad, ty for a moGre decided effort, for whaile the would tall Wte rund; and the person Who ltìe f esar dof iidnot rpiitetere kaiwdem&Katid the Sefn River. Wherethe.bright.redberries 1rest,: rillte of' the -wheels was loudest, -a crack, hait done aillthis woild itot. have felt a tablmoen1i. estmy ofhscontryeBtin moe rt Fares moderate. Meals and refres hments on Nïor the pink, nolr the pale sweetcowsi, -sudd rmt hte, an w culd errar hn M e itnc engsÀhgt Imoderntimesr, whwhoe ifelins we aru, board. ISAC.AY aser teemieth ttO me the best. that thelbolt was forced, for the shte1wsmton*Outld have preferred horse-hair mr aiir h r nmtdadifu n-h9A May5th,165 96 oce adaglttl bothroved. , threal, but as it was, the- latter answer ed eied ythdeame moftvr ecnleessaso rsev It ey hala tlwre dark anddeepti, stir tiltl1I-do, and hoâld your breath very Weilh I 1was fast asleep vwhen the key II oetdaho w eocmn er Ma tl 8)j I th e ap ofthat.dim oil fr n es p ' if po.-Sib.e,' winepered my friend in my ear. l, b ti m daeya o e n a ig I *. of France, and the P;iace of Orange ts. . He lieth in peace asleep ; ' 1 tound the latter a ditheult reqluest to coin- lanitern otside my door, lighted it,, andcm r osiuu lhsrtoao hsge Light asL1a -ý.ý the down of the hste.ply wvith, for my. heart was beating wath ra- to you, folr I knew that a- man only in thfe tut.T 0t eat t iloetwu Freeas he ind that bllow, Pidity, and thupinig agamilt my nibï in the backý-yard could have dropped My key. Sn eodtears oteCon n x -t We ~~~~roed sthereth eatfu umes- m, xcited wa> tl sodqi. ndnwyusehow the burglars we're trappedprS upion my own lart, and I hope onthe - - hesmer rlogag;.trse t ytredd-frloinoal terstn'part of every imember:of'the Housîe, fee"line- 4ý:0It :But bis feeton thehills grerwéwa ry, - Atm could be more cautious thtan the " ertaîinly,.you suceeded, and so we o rteted-0 roon smptywt 9 a. O M ^ And, one of the autumn eyes, ~proceethugiis 3o the robberq i the shutter ws oughIt notto be critical,"werpid"Butheten.thentdSaestteu- 9 2 E & -I mue for my littl bohe .luhe iact the most slow austady suppose the a nee by thie fi-ont win- tinely end of-their elected Chief. 1 vwonid ~ wlaes nne adteebe ee elPe Womtado ytebck o hn? ntsnhnany. sentiment of depressio i. bi- ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 a ..3C .O Setyhspl am odd oiIdutwehri wl haeibeen " o u seethis thre a, h headgan I -t'idrathe-r take this opportumity ai ex- r- ~ 6 t, v OJ y ec in a meek ernbrace, iaetfag tintervals there woas a rest one that was near the doil ;" pll it." awfpr ets omyfetriaenthoe tatfomulthens he •:s * As the light of immortal bean yrorn work, evilentjy for fthe purpose.o f lis- 1<tidËso, ad imedately a tin hp drop- aflyaso ra h aiu ouain by a t s. bilentlycovered his face, eng. anidtuino one of tite robbers 'Placer, ped into the hand-bIasin. .o ot eamycm u lvtd h- And:henthe rros1ofsunetlis leg acro-s fie ithewmow-sil, and ghty "That thread goes down starsand -is catn .min iiitat, accumlie wis-y i-0 > Lodged in tete-osbigt iseddnthehepnr.Ifastented across thefront window; bait 1 brol opder: nta icpie nry st c Ue ~Ilefell ln his sainit-like be:tityTenh, vnotof (doors was verythat off as1 -eetou fmyrosita hhchayn;;nfn a oly acquire ina .2 0. Asleepbythegattestof lighit- ;ark, andia tef oreiwerle so two! o meemy 1jouirney dw tar rotraclted and peno'uirugg:e. Thea Will e ~~~Therefore, of all 'the p ietnorer was as biack ai 1Erebuis; our formstheefoe Tus 1 could al onice tell: whether a .mari' eoe o..maantmeeytesm -tf m Tl ne o t e in n er quite unkiniushable,ëandthe eonlre asapracig hebakdor rha e-courseot powrer and prosperity fur the g Theoeeth the best oldfl chance -i di,Ctovermng us was by to)ucing o a tere Iý by thie frontwid, and in'eithIer case ne. al happmreu fmnkd erha. Sémtith etofat earinig US. 1hkIcol ae a.uedhm"It is with i le feehngsi-, >r: that 1 now se- he ns bigarwa sonfollowed by a Smicthaceanlbendopted in. cond Ilhe address LuoIthe Crown. (Loud and gcoid gg i:L Icould hearthart' e le nte ,b ci -trameans lhadprove eerlceem. rach Piieoplen-re ually veysl, continlued .A PE'lROLEUM Mll.LIiNAIRF. 1 - 1 ý 1- 1ý ýý 1 ýoýW e Trapped -the Burgla-S " et -ý iglt up,,' said,[number avvo. our fruid, •' when they ,hear,. or tinik they iy-n-tye, ly u u h t e hatr t ear, supicous noises at night. Thle fist Th2 followig is an extract from an article ic livife my a Temcebat th e ha viich ie or ile g r bie k-seen; i te l g c n le. te srfacuse Journal. lThe widow bM e- oi e Tb -dve p o l tL nonfy tae :.-s- l' ',i n W t a a yaer i .h e h a y - n u i eta dn t o ckle b o . Y i v la s aro f a nv e r y h e 1 ol a r geu l e io w n e r o f o i l i t e rrg ei -u e a f i t t e ri hesu L.istric oflte îdty fr- we weïre withm . Te s mtler wvas quietly pushed tu, and be0en bal ardmnu-,t escape ; thien they go to.in i City. ShIe died last week --The & cT0be' fivo rrilem 6f Charnaj Crias, and the dark both robbers màoved away a few paces fromab'Onlt Ithe hone Iwith this canidle, and mnak-e mostof her property widow McClintock will- month ofDeember was upon ues. Robbýers the wiudow by which they had' entered. By a great noise, ýo Ithat a man may have plenty, ed tu her adopted soui, John Ste"le, oir hadben reuet i or eihbrhodan te uit ayvaichthy ale, t asoftne to gt raor to hidetrimself. Ini- Jhn Steele," aslhe is usually called, a. -ino less LI .an bree h<uses out of tale ten fmev.îiit that they were enther without shoe 1 ste.id of thiis,,if a ronweri tlisten Iin- 3yo1u n m:nnovwity-one years of age, >of the.Terrac ad beent entered by bug tr i: <arbercvng.Of their sizeltenitil, oh able to hiear ay ssp- ood niatural ab)ibte, bLut utieduicated as tu eandirobbeud, and yiet lia discovery had taken of weaponsl, we could sdee nothnlig, afnd 1 be- clou; nises di rcly, and decide uipon the.r ho.w toa ipp'y tmem.Ilie had been a teamns- . plce. 0 aby, aw, hd th wor ei ..uy;;an t> f the pstonwsa ase;thent, as 1i >cm ubt know h isownmel ter t Oi oye i the hils andi through the gul- Ryested funlds, *-$1,000,000.been accomphished, that in no case.had thie ;agleeableo, asI asar( oIr n ir au a rolar, lhe is beatoff of the -» is of Oàdomi, %when *tthis tek oc inmates ben alarm d ànd t as not untiiswold, a- weapi. ,Ihowever, 1I knew i1ow .inIlile dark ;adM aigandh:-cm nnna. nd a uhw f s lhillyinmelof titeComtl.any, S$12,000. thle.servar.ts tdesendi.ed im the morning thaittou u,e ;: whilt of mny friend's meatri o.sefse a uitaoeehsdor*e n fr ie_: n'tlJiateiv r pdth ins h-the discovery of the robbry. was made. Iie i :d defence 1Irinew niothfoli. wait and listen ut.tÀ tie robbers'ale i.« ld and p': og-ieoe'-a tso far-- in wo ut f !:ethre cse, a enrane h Jo log o witfora eift ws ong about, when h, e E) akie ha saud liz ai-:.elae Oitllifeaill h- thr oman inGratDrt.in y 20,00 ad been effected throughi a panltry window, -e yo eot nneitl,.and sm)se n ay lf ever y î ee - Fu. r i me, it is said, Sterli ;r. - ~by remnovinga eofga'.ad nt1d- l .e 1en;ybgtd up fialte were -mierely tu >lan wiuit was to be &d i- m'lhe neli t : i ah aladTaof instrele. n nsrace n vey ecrptono poprt mall hole im the shutter. Th wm1 wwasam uitm e, iwu :esd 1case of rabbers enieriing he hon an anua ,yBodwyoedypesa eected at the low,-ýt remtunerativeIrates. 'on the1grouind i-sour, and ecout.!deaAily be t l-a bitemi, and tlashled Ithe hght 0:ithewr ocr a hs h cae eme are ,--rIcrae esoe r.Lose pi nmeiaey n oo.reachedl, hleorei1 , fo otsde, Linthe face0 h uomna h aetneso-ibr ruol eto<tnri: nthe diveen.qiIhwmc eak- MM "^ thir robery. n u ewindw wasenter ingice mule o a Lvolver ponstmÏig towai,,sucesto aprceedling to be popuhir or icI_:he wal u.' e ne ad 130 A gent for LindsIly. ed bymeanls (Ja k e éàwhich liorced back dihem. prifitabie, n hsmgtblgvnaio iWergu·~am auled ot , Oftre in Kemlpt's BrickIMock. tohe as ening, anldtof.course allowed the ssh Ifeit'ier or yonin lov lptacu' fmore bl-tmaso baugah eho1 muta I itote (driver jumped, -~~¯¯ '-~ -~~~~~ i < s hun s.ud ìy fendas h pla - sothatreàiy e àma-con ero re e o .in l'or .a ride. 11on.z had ride enough, and ,o x .Sapidly hizzthelise rbeie euree h aka.nst.thle wmfduw by .h ave (donie te ommiunity ai ai -huge a benefit. tak mg a tbisnew to the aleiver, he made him ai Lgggg IQ[ mg g in giggy. that thiewhtole nigh -,borhlioodwas a;led ie imen : J iet. d ,"Now drop that nnnnecpaeoeo hs er a rsn fdeeetprhs.A nte fihe pohice shook their heads, and loke cowba,* ntuconitined, im a iuef autho- those whtlo ai low terhues toa erbelum ea«-t have purchased the Con- 6 gå g gL , knowmg, but dit nolimg:. d whiat %wa n ";: "dw eil ; aid Y(tn," esi< o thipnty eprdz !ei neihburs' inenla -t-i m hiladelphia, in auiltrv much tod be lame::ted, fai.led o1 idan :- '- hplopnthenur adsoutafopoprt. " 1 a. ,1 n1.ak. IleHg. in bled with John Morris- ' '%ITE SUBSCRIBERn OFFEF ORSAEto the robbers, who, they aftithereaîrne tm ePolice.",i sad fr-h e at prices varing ifromt $.'lto$3.per acre. asserted, were evidiently not regVular ecr.cks- 'nida hti ayetrained of aV ALUABL IRECTIN e. Sn. rh fihe foliowing lands - men. burglar is', tht. hle la ntùf iu zeexnsvii-Ii.le.h ldnmers , In somlerville-L'ot 4, iin 9th Con.,200 racres Aflahibhad ieaebied such a a 1gè.thlat uve stretth, and dann tn ggra t si, 11izei, extltgi e nsv escapehim.nli hashad nuerouslé te iin i thCon - o a ct to i eep i iia. revolver coet> oui -;.n encourm n tiiuilalte any itmod(eiate man. the followingdrtonhwtoatteralo:ewetbyNwYr-ndPide bedatiride wenwehaee d to have a 1end\\ e, he use h.ht leve.iled Ithe fcspúdwh.ch every o eshould -carefuly phia sfirpers. h- eajutnwn n ) " 0 in7th on. c a who camne to'stay wnh u ls afwdayS. Thli andtformiscof teme1e1a apudorStudy - :etemstu kniow. Somne Say lhe is dead, but z4 " Il 18 in, Ird licon. 126 ien as .an old j.ungle-hutier, adwas- humble sl lhuhn a pugiht1, yet l famnfit p.e i lto i e will probab:ytr1sm a-ehp 18 nelv "yin .- g rarfürt yMtt0ieb%- which theaii t! e r am..1 able 10 defeat cotler of them t fit came back, andi let im ,alonte. again a teammeer. On ~ ~ I ulIve,"2 R 89 nmai creatiol n mzht Ibe -capturei-d.lie %was to a Malte:-. h ;an ms wn t the 2 faypsni wlwd rn n Noiriilvrt.h-estday 7 12the s i re anaîlvent i etpaleQan ,i a oish i e 's lotfithe men were stantly haf a glass oi cool water wvithaha- AW . the laI. sitting of -dhe Strat- . Soc wllbetaen rns part pay. i ent. tey were more thia n mte.h in cumnfor -u shout for polhe'e lýi ,rt a re ;r vrasr nta ori 1 ee ldi Mlr.¯-tt tat ed that post pa id) rato ieï,apl'vamta easue ta tws n totherv s tiidu . b as-0013i ecrtbtlo iesm dopt il.. It was but eight -'-G. J. pF. AlCE, axiom that an accomplishled rgbber cou % ef- ws pomnted first at-oe. swaz.rlf ee o .toe %lt10 poionemayrsIo rwem.pn, dsonl:sum aqat--handt&hldofand - ~Richmond 1Hill P. Ofe nenrneitrayhue;inthtw de.dbsolin hn tteoh r nkswal o thwhtof o l e otw srwe, o dd co(Snsmeartantiahalf oiema i'Richmndhalill, May 1l-1,84. 258-tr isimnswere used oI sucht a natmer., apdc, ne obhmerinalu otesforong atfe, heetw dn!.(snatn. iesugstdfh l __ _ - ..- eut jholes in doors w i Sut ni tue- a'so he w:m onee t em doe or a gr ..f Il t4c;ler um ro pR:- (une rt' at her hii to Mr. R of>ats.fMr - that through roobi i sk • ~~~~~ina , m ct, fthe -up \; nta.<twe and a ltcie w le s th nadoena. iei e u;i kon oarss: htatr " ueeto n : O O O f.s@(SMe(chimne 1an 170i aund.. ghtsown hfadteen tuiont rriid. AInfrominon oisam iheavntaef he r ialways at alarmngco-umptonf li emust grate- -' n Clished I ,,ai p %water sponts, lan-acltom - day s previously, exainied Ithe idetail by and; f not, a pmt of sweet oii, or lamrp on, tubv deci ll t i e h nour (Laugcfi r.) Mlr. r ' H UNDERIGNEDIS PREARED eindd hek erthe -best .wliil e heienhad effected antentrane, or 4 drippmgn,"oi melted but r r1,aeHrneheieJehe oacPL the munil toleF nd money(oing toS'privae ind-fi Ill • onfi were very lucky to hear tegosbttteseiee tithey von't ticent offe, ro heCunl.e thvigbe vinl) rnen rgmn ws:atabig-reseilyo uc tigt"sadte detee- <0iki. tated that there art: fu-ends àof the mother im 5SUSO 20DLAR twas.a man on the uatch, who t ook ad van- uve, " vhen once they're in they move like, 3. Thei be.st lthing to stop thle bleeding of" Lwer Canadai, Mr. Sullivan moved taatth, ei, s ingas ep nd n- ice Me kow hem; ad iexpct heylla modenect ilnv. is to: cove r it-pro- Cierk behin tstructed tu proceed there wiithit, And uwrdfromt three tofive yena s usping"bu,' ad he,, 14hlt rmy iss-get seven yea-s." fsl ihcbeo la n alhl n idaort dte. The motio - Rate of Intemt, 8tlcent per Annum.tliei>ter alo eui or n l he mil %was ü>tcorrect,- for one,fthe. and hiila! .was fnot seconded. lmneh t-, the satisfaction - due wa r becaseathouh mlairbg ldr- o f er,, was senttenced tuo sx,- the 4. If thie blood comes fromuna wudiyo teclra n e brcildremamns "on l'lThe money can he lhad *imediately, on asleep,sMil , 1I shall hear hIs approatihiad'ol thertoli,supoear, pe no ude. jitg1 flet n lrs, becro h u wldetetw. and~~~~~~li Lfefceatmdrtrae.As, hm"sleep again to-nighit, for it is thre o'loc," e!;.ie a hadrhe-ooeya.ndner1 cr 1kgu h eginhsbe iuniLi00 frtCtë i rea a ua l a d Alh u h w w r o esrn"f-a ig id teAInd--h ar eiee h o nda dt ehe r iin o om e ran h e orso i a ouseforas-S. o 1it Solicior, 4C., time to be most guardevied, xxt G for.that.no-wise b itle lfws sympathty of g nation .approaches thiose ten- Fa szGrioRED.ACOrres n LinesyC.W brgar ouldrobwhn.e as expected,; are, te an ihrqider teelings that, genemaly speakin.z. are tient of theNew York.//crald says:_ t is De. 4t, 86.. 27-f eideht y-e si, y aent had" a windy cre thern o r a ur met toe-supposed to be ulato Ithe indmidual, stated in thMoirtatCp.Msfth mgh ye .in, when doors and windows and to form the apprvilege of private French war steamer Adomis, had arrived at F • ratt~~le, and the chimney ruMbles, thi.trob- velt n smlct obndwudb ie n hkta hsi one of thema. Matamoras, with despatches to- Me-iafrom OÛÛÍÛ, È ,, bene re s fetd otdnevr n n ri o Hear, hear.) Untder ail circumistances w e Marshal Bazie tisad-- ora AT stracge noise is audiblem-thus, heo saidlheyuse nwrdvrywl. hulhv bewadled the catastrophe at pat-fthe despatches or ti not say <lid noôt give uP hopes of yet hiavingsm- "N dutaottat"w'ele Washmngton-under' all_ em:umstances, we that the Frenceh Governet had trnsporta .- thng to sa to the 'robberiesi before his visit . el ow om u o, yoo >h soldhveshderdatte means by tior prepared for the embarkation'o igt KENT BTREE, LINDSA Y. terwimated' contiud n e h paau. which it was accomnplished. But,* m the thousand mnen, who would be sent orl ou ONFECTIONERYSwem e ruIt@, ual ely lep v erihtl, andteefre Wu entered his room, and there c.osebe- charcer of tebic otmandmtevr c hefrtitmto fo asa aan Tes Co*csCh , eat, dFruta wk e radl uo rg a tapat My side his pitlow, was'a tin boxl in the bottom esriso hsamotltst Moments, there in regar to the intentions of IlheUnited Pi ea, , hic ToacesandFaey edroom door duringthe fourth, nigât Of Ourofwihasaky' is somethmngo homely atnd so innocent that States towards Mexico. Mk & MM ~~watch.« It was my fiend'sé voice that an- hsi ery l h paats"h.as it takes -the -subject as it were. out of the- awered me, and we were reque'sted to como"n u t o -icaon tra asee othe ' mrp of -history and Out of the cerimonial of Duiaiio the fnrlcmouies. of our- la- -eat at once.tkey ; trace-that thread, and you will find it ilmc, ttuchles the heart of nat ions, mne re:et nsvrfdorle . Linsay20t Ocobe, 164. •e."smoonas trike a Iincifer-match,i pse hruhtatsalhoeih. ah•and appals to thl' domestic sniet fciisah oored citizen*oe M a 1gn pld'tromra there it1goeSo down to the back-yard Mankmnd. (Hear, hear.) Sir, whatever ed an'y ace iu the go " onsense, man ; aliht willeithannoyowllcmredmva. may be the variouanvrygopioso they wvere the most selvere MG s LO&W whole thing. Coe mth drk; on a knew htn tncu pral akthis hiouse and the coutttry genleratlly fih "In. lr eoa o t rc oto AT 8 PER 'CENT.-esngw adyu oosea oe rt Of the.>houseithout coming up the poliyofteaePres;ident of the UnVited m'nas the b age, and to deny them the - R paticlarsa t I a son prCiddmashe ishe, ad ad, which is only four yards wide. 1ISaes, of thisi 1think, all-must be greed ; .*he orseOf pyg hsls rh . LaÀ O SE à DORMERt read to descend the stairs in the dr. teoete deste yrad at n r alwhhora orit'ite u a yrgat memory, l is énel LindsybJou21tm oi Ék il et ed. mo a qu ity ahold the*oirit of îrao b .y Nota Publie .'id toChancr )k. Kent Street RRISTERS, & AT- Solicitors in Chan- noee, &c. &c. Orner erüad At- C'hancery, &c., Lind- so- ""' RGE DORMER, Attorney-at-Law,Sohi- r in Chancery and Insolvency, Notary &c , ýc Orric, in eD nella new ock, olposite rong il -G -,isn's ay ' *P _ _ _ _ .1,8(;.- -- V,1. KEMPT, C. M., Graduate of M[cGill iversity. Medical Referee to the Bri- North Itritish and Mfercantile Insurance nies Odlice in Mr. George Ke2 - f ER LUKEY, Tailor, Williamn Street, idsay. Garmnents mia-ile up in the best adi at the lowest living rates. All or- ýreceive prompt attention, and a good anteeè.279-17 MAR T 1N , eseneand Ofce1rc tatge, . mea, , n8ay.. CitANDELL, M1, D., Physician. Surgeon, & Montreal H.l Lnsre:3-AlUcalls hals profession p<mp att'er dtd(fto. C. FAI1R, M. D., **t hi LtON, PH11ŸS 1- .CIAN, An, ACCOUCHEUR. Lattely ,geon in the Amierican Armny. Oflire-- ord, Manvers, C.W. 20 W. 11,ýWAESurgeon Den~~~~- tist Aeonl' block, oppr Pil ry Goods storelKentMi" DE ý.îJ. Civil Engineer and Provincial Land Siieveyer, RussellI Street. B.Y.Civil Engineer and P.ovincial ' Land Suirvevor. Offee in Mr. Kemipt's Ming, Kn Street, Lindsay. C,W. 168-tt- 71[L1U1ÂM KAUFF.iANN, Arebiteet. 141 .\ ine all, Toronto-Street Toronto. IL. J. DA ŸEYPRT ANDREWR SilrgeonArach1 , &e. LITTLt.. ItRITAIN. 110. S.1; L E' .s ., Coroner.l i4r fat the VICTORIAJIMA, LL.trcee rsW M;f-.·, ato' Storp, Kent Street ud a ,Y.tApril 194. 241-if eeneat alr.1 ritton6 nfor l. S. Williams' improved 1 UNIE SG.LNLICENSEDAU- TO E iLiinha.v, C.W. Partic.il'ar at.. ion pahl to Caer and other LahndSales. ree-0.J. facay, Hariser.James , dýio.; G;J. Weller, do.:.\Mlsrs. Ilzfterson1 ty, and1 .\f e ,s s .Camero n, .\ Il.\ lhael& 1rbii r risýtevr, Toronto. 270 10\lS K in T ContyAnctioncer, Di- vi n Cort,. Etate and ura Aent. lt <det n roetulr n-s proinily imade l ce etStree.t,Lnsy C. W. 1,4ýtf seeand IUndertakeor - m - <t ie ngswt.(FiEnd) Wovil.13- IIN DOrUGLAS, Guenrn \gent aliI ".. otos « de. 1 25-rf ,reI. u indow .a an ,1 P pframes made i 1-1 S~~~ ~~ TI..'L ' TEL. Corner of Kent and, William Streets, L;,idsay JO iS ,STEELE, Propri etor. AVN eaelthe aboeve well-kn-town een. trail l>nt el for a termoof. yea .rs, and haiV- i-ng thloron gbly iefitte'd and re-fuirniihed thf Sam e, the prNtit ill be glad to ha a rfr-ou. tetaeln ulc The Ba r i= fuiri.h edf with the best winee, linors and igr Pleny ofhedroomandexten:sive stabling un. der thie charge of good lIIQtlers. 27-f sa sr. wherre he isprepared to makle u a meénts m thte la test gtyl a le djat v'ery reas,,nable D - Iria ndm Ln, e, h una- a w- n 4 u rn nant Cà.a ian IcoPETl &MARtTIN, n e Attrny«atLaw,'& ,&C. sliaorfo tre odrioBek.iTOolern kr t tthe ( -e icof the rie:. in Keonan'*s ok Kent :,treeýt, Linjdsajy POst will rceive Protmpt al enltion. ")Ules r.P. . MARTN' Lnsy Juy 3t.i . 255-tf 0001R AE, L L.11.Barrister, Couin-, Crow,%n Attorney, has' opened a Law 1 Pt rince AMbert, in addition to hlis Oflice-oppo- Prince Albert Office~- Iack's Hotlel. Over Mr. Holden's 1 offiee. --1 rceive prompt -attention. ' il i N T TAILOR, &cý, BEGS RE- WUW IE .tfully -to inform the .-habitants 'of 1I o \VM. rWH a fie, . ind surrouinig country that hielhas Lindsay. Februiar ppsie Cow5Lad 28ie. ed the above business3 in all its branch- , y 86.24 Pns's block., WilliamSt.,whlere hehe 1is , WNTRHueSg n ra asqs workmianship, and strict attention AmeS Wl-PITERS, GHouse, PSpgn an Ona- is to mert asare of patronage and anya anelze ne on moderate- termis. *Shop on Will aimtreet., y Augns;t 82 ,968L. 60-findsay, 6!th April, 18c5 29 JOHINSON, TAILOR, Wiliam,-- :Er, L', thankful for the liberal • b 0-U E n ebestowved on him for the past 14 • ys to ray tht hle is still prepared to excute all or'ders with whjich heimay- The south. half of Lot No. 18, in the 15-th d, in the LATrSar Srvi.ts, and at Mon-. concession of Manposa, containing 100 acres, tica:f.239-tf -o.hchaot 70 ac res are clea red and:,in- der cultiVation ; it is well fenced, has & ggood (D ER T AKING, smalaarn°an'FStable t eron ;hu e a ala. wasagd s 1plyof àrn.wte nteft ERSON, CA111NETMAKER and Twi i ibe ven for the rtwter ao theo. NER, begs to announce that hielhas. purchase moniey.grarpr e complete a ssortment of COFFINS at Title indisputable. For particulars and to ý Mis, Cambridge a ret,1 Lindsay, -a! trea t, apply on theg pretnises to the Proprietor, eeps-a Hearse, and trusts by moderate oGEORGEsrs.LA AE, ad strict attestion tormerita a of 8 r to ess ACA ELnsy y A LITERA , ýIDAY, MAY,26 I, 65.· l [TOeMS:st.oo A«ance ROYAL COMMa4 07 SURGEONS- op LoxÜox, BLANuD 1nantiA.te in MElifery of «the Royi Gold Mdit nMidw ,Medicine, frmrv . eni Majest 's &cein Crimeae du Ï Rtssi-anfWar, Ofc-LndaySt., two doors North of I ' Deasie's residenee, 288 KENT STREET, LINDSAY.

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