Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Mar 1865, p. 3

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TINt-S -t-.- ...,.4.t. .......1 S.. ............... * . é t . . . a . m u t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........u..... do... .......... -.............. ies........iedoJ«jfjJ.......Aa ........... 40a............ . M.hsellhae.......d . . **. ...... ni. SNdssiw................ ...........àaaIamd-of ts... ..*.. . . . . .. i a" i ka u s Y . . . . . . . . . ç *. s ... . . . . . .. ..........i wkw ujIII .......... dl* ........ CarXing ... . .>aiuo ury1ps*. ~...............MIS..........................d ..... ... y........ ..................... ... . i uot ow u . . . . . . . ..........G........... ...............-.- 4.. .. ... -om" ruaCta............. do . . . .lon ZUWudB. do do ............ .Matthew 1.ei do, do ........ tfogt... *.. Ambba*ILeal, Ea gdbor-ofsar ........... .... ciiJohn igau.........Mach ofthe Mdpessat àpmung ...................... .. ..... jm..............County Brlaw N&: %9. aroiW M*... ÂrsUaa"a MnLug UAjeog S.JGalri& r 5*0. tu. ... -.. -. Jukeil M Olle . . .elingflaquerr gl&iom sIa .... ... ndre.w Farrel tl IÂ.~ XaIt'n...se pw lqur wkoui meff ... of -S.mm Larlese k » ~ 8....... 4 4 ......... 1~. S 0.iIL....... De .... 1... DO ............M... lw.ary 8...C.l.bnwm&bd Wliabsi 175..... o.éh ......0..... 3 D -d .............. lU~1P. do- 15... DO ~miaêA..... ................ G4iob800.......... .J clathe, Hectw >cDoul&a an do. dei >0...... Februsry 2... . lemdtc.Am-biI........1.... [Jnury17....Skaay kmo & lstà l frgus m2e, 77odmage FebrusM.2-7 ....... oeue .. 500..... Mro *2....Sidney Moenenie lo& ,fergusen 2 .... February 20....salFr o n~.F aa.. .1,00,.;- Feàb"ry, 2.....I Do ..... . ..... o...... Febtuary 2 . .jW:e PnsU.. .. ... .... Derffl ir 10 ... ..... fJa a nd . ,ir ter .... 1 0....... Febury 4.....W,.Jhrdnad W L Dick.......... V~îi w soe~l..p~d t. esiijTo whom paiti ov.rby saiti Jaasslc.. t. .. .. .... ........ .......... bo............. . e........ ksilwi*..... ........... do.................. lw.nîy d................. tsndi y........ ....yay............... tta'0i7 e~. .............. .1..a........ ........... eue week............ "ne week ....... .............. Cine week................. oawk.................... Do do fo th w iîh . . * - Xartch fouith.?. twentiy-oue d ............ I...................... .. .. .. .. .. . I.......... .......... Ifuospali, why net? anal goswaI obsurvattoAs. paï- la . 2nd & Sul aOWuit irent ir.etpaid au paiti. Di='IIjrîagàem C ...t.T.e...e........ Pseoc................. ris ... . ... Doý * ............ut.pi do do de de.... .Bod overIo keep the Pus" ......... .. . ... . .... . . .. .... .M Iyet due ............'rotyet due .ýadrnituod lu bail for trial ........ jadmrritted te bail.-for trial .............. Township Tsaet .......... Townihip Teauu.......... Tow.nghip Treaur....... ..... dTiao ebupd opscutor. CeiraIde Ven imTeasurer Promeut«r le.« yet paid. ....1notetpad .JDfsdat lýad Dot.thî>e me.y intyet paîd. - tityet paid. _cogtl tiaieaken frSn Defendain t I crtfy that the. above is a true. copy of -thse tu ra of Convictions ade aýt thi Court of GreriQatrSsosofhePaLorhsCumybI ini March, 186$. t ALaCOURSE 01offi(fierik o! lePae ~daMrI 8~ (2lerk Of- the Peaue, ~r.. ~.i ~ ~ * - * V. Sdinimi J tI.tlh , 4r of ù eweb la L4rylsààtruction, are re41üire4 "niaku ajq. -ciitiun ln vritlig fer sue )ptrpuase, ahroiîghlheii DIantaoa- MUiof e iiDviua nwhertiu '.bey Appieai us laetheir mge, résidence1 poït-doffe. addressand atdivecouty, aud' - trzeemuil with their apl atîiiaertificate rein a clergyman&flor iiiagiâ.trattiinlhe 1locality 'vlaere they lita, as te thèermers.1 cbae'acter. N%% POWELIL, A 1itGseraVnls Offi ea,ý QbcMtch 4tbý '865. nt Toihip of Feueelon. N OICEis.srry %~atht a By#iakw will Nbe iutrouced at tWi inear meetiug utheia Municipal (J'Utsacil ct tii. TOWNSHIIP O0F FNr.G; which wilU bu heMd on thé xotiday, 29th day of ay, . a vioe a ltod ,t presest ruuning across Lots ansd ! ix i rth ~>~e~of thstti WTown- #hi p 4"I'itzueluil-1 li or ecr of the Councit. F. FIl flINC, Cerk. Ç~HAWKE~Stirgeon t>etist, Meflen.. ol' lük pposite lihgeluw's bery Goudâ &TE M.EQÂT NOTICE. OTfl. cat ailiguw tkvtO Steamtr siaete rnneing t to &ster, edo roh 27th, 186e g OND&YI WEDNESDAY MD! 1UDAY M'O)1NING, .ort Iope -- t 9 I0A.M ~bînrg - - 1 10 80, A oibcurue, -- 2 0,M Rothester, arrivi ng tiser. in time tei ih thie New York Cent-al Railroati Wt. - PIIiifitdelphia, Baltimnore, Wash. racIuss, Buffalo, Chicago, and t ehr 4 and WeSt.' rt from tLu IWet via Grand 1'runk w~ii taite thse Steutmer at Cobourg, a6t wili take thse Steamrer at Col- NIfor diehoe.meitionel places, :with te Grand Truuk Railway foi,' Lists sud Wçst, her iniformaitin; Snquimc utA. Covh- 114) e ; Charles itfliut%ý Cubourig, or: rSP4ING NUMBERS!I ,ESLIE'S LÂLJrS MAGAZINË, LADYrS BO, fur Aprii, T% Disfor .prif, f orIArt !rend, Le Bm s b., Maguainu, Porilotil ipapenot tlisday BOOK WQRUi Kst 1 m- I4AY. pa yeur os*ixe4tuf«. A~~ Lhrlofferý ? Complote set o et an sd flila l3Boks for A tiie enLse Gflemmeerciai Course, (Cash Price1 Séven Dollars) wilI bu pri'scnted tuesattita- dont purea *aSint a Sebotaialp in The Tiret Da:y of Ap>ril nete.: lre of Stbbursbtp )fo.r GentsS3ii advancc *Students entering ivithins"id tUnie, wil,s aUlowed tire Od*at~ sur eclub Rues,ie 1a i )s t e . *H LEGE lu thé Province, , ad mir fAe.iiitles f.tr iirnlarting pr*(cicàilmnîùwledge. by fiseans of actaitransacetions .510 tabsue<pflsed. k ad- tilnto la the a'Cs.rwca ra~e.s o erythînt la ta.îght iiloiat trs c»tharge, whîeli la requisite for ebtàiniiig a First 7Claés Certifica t for teacliing coMmun'school. Draw- ing ani lainigsdTkrcjhu lotanbt. Goudeatdeaubg obtained w inrivate a- lies for Twio D,)IIsrs pler wé'ek. For tireuaria otaissog fl erkutadm dre.s pet pai,>3 .JNS 3G LodonC. W. i&A IRa Chne o 'R sale, 38io en Marlteî Street, oppo-b F site the newu Town 91,11ail na Market. ., AisO, Shop a nd Dwel Làu eît ii h keifsd on Kent Street. Ftv particulars apply te the subacribeér, ý9essrs IIUDSP.ETH kMAà TN LInd8a)'r, io.2 80.Lindsa7 J.Hsas reniuved bis Office te 31r. McDonn ell's niew block, (wosite igeiow'o:str, .eusre, -wIsreu lie vili be-haippy -te, mi those desiring, isI prefessionai servlices. -'e w Unid &IBO rui- ['lon has sinere thanlas te those wîo tbave fui- fillusd ~ thefirpremiaus iitÉ dînt lsitice estâb- lishing a permnanent offce bin bis town, and trusts by a strint adiierence.te business Io nmer- il a éon tîn uance eit the. same, nQtwîtbtadn an nut at vliugoppo uirion. Refe, entes by *rai.u'm.-W. C. Adamis? D. D. S. Toronto; Rte*. . iH. xMWaliùa,.ASM. Anrura; John pec-haiffi, A .4., Qahaua. Judge Burcharna, eâsai J. H. Perry, .- V. Hara, R. J. Wilson, Joui Bïglow, eâqa., anti Dr. Card, Wblîby., His Worshi1.lte. Mayor, Sherl1f1T Dougallt Dra. Martin Bensen Is Kenp Fiddler, And- ttss aid kekan, - eRssrs. S. C. woodp Wna. Gruces, Ogelowi, JfGimion, J Lenuban, O J Macékay,- M'udapul . Mail14D Be t LInday, Dec. ,18. . M~mill Huti, anile frIES UNDF4RSIGNED jteGS LEAYt T -Eintorm Ie fiends aud the Travelling SPublic that he bas takite cbo si-n Hotelý and trustsby Stict attention tu businets anti by endeavoring te do ail lu bis po*er fo -th. tonort sUd c onrteaileute of guéaI; te menit aà garof puiblie-patrongeè. Gooti liquers sud itars coufrtable amttaodal.>n fer man anti hots. 'e parttlereitp henstoore st . !hi betweeni thes und.rsia'ueds- undur thi fim'nn sud style Of Tu.AVIUaj.à DoRsoR,,Foundrytuen, of. Linti- sap', bas Ibi leybsudsoleib ymutal con- sont. AIt1 dilâta due liy &adt e ldins have ta bu palti Sp aud le Slpisen Ddbsos, .h wi i ceallasse tisebultassaila il !ta br.aobm; lUPUS TRAVELLE. Inw@I'eat At of 1864. i Brs CMÏ" Pt ai e underalgueti are De'I _fe i ' ett thse Law O)ffice et P. Ai, Hurd, ln the Toia-aLladayy iu thse County of, Viteia, on Tmeda)y te wenty-eighth dAy of March, A. ,J). I NU, Kt tes 'elock 10 thé fore- uson, fur the parjasse o e viigtbsatmt otbaffaire, andfilfùs.*g a Passigne. te. whou oinlemasy uske au -asigneuet, under thée ab«e sAct,~ of th t,%owiahip of lfiriposa, lu1the toiatf Victoris.t P. A. VD Solicitor f6r lmsoly ut. matriposa, lmtVtir[ &* Y ci Kartbjý A. 1., OAUTIONK !aNote.of bad »mde by tUie undersigàd -in fàavour of Wlter Pler'of Mllripoe, for the stin of 4,2. "sMeomh e 14th day Of marc h, anti yaàle on the 1111h disy of April next, as Insg* recel *&a ltie for the satne. ILTYBEN ROCHE. lIatlposa, Xsrch 16tb, 1866. 2891 3L TÉE Oi. B-aUIe and Karnea &Sgnof the Mlamnmoifi Collar! JOHN MIil, Proret or. The subscriber ln making.bis winter an-. notuneement, <désrs, to tender bis. warmest thanke to.biseffrieatia and the public for thé lib- ergl patronage bestowed un bina for maany ,lears and toe infrthertbioat in ufuture b llev nothlng undone to e arit & contunuance ef thek fluerai. He would beg toask ParwuarAtten ilon. to big large adcotrple tock o.ýf DOUBLE AND SIGLE IURNRSI CO4R&E-FlIS, A*U kiaf REJVYHIffRXÈTSý consta ly l n àd, and madie te der, as weil a large- numhct oeSt ch 1andI other collais- madle tp by a Ont atnls maker, al*airu In stock. of the but tater1*1 led superier weiimshsip. Trulçs, Vaseêauù ttpet Bagn in every style, and àt thse loweut prices. -Whips, Whi i siieïgh Ble, Comnba, Brusbep andi Snps at thé 1uwest living piums P.rties wishlug tu eider carrisg HRarne.se" ceau select froin unii hume stock 4silver and l other ine1litings, and lb-y tmai-deed on hav*ing tbeilt gods ras de Up oettte buat ma ter- !à 1, in- t?* most. approved ttye, snd at a re- markably lew figure. EINone but t1soiouely rellable vorlamen euployed, and workmnaldp arranted. Ipày #Pat Oicet1> Prarties indeb*èdýo lte underaignet i . queïted teo l on, Mr. Haisley and mnake p&y.. .fient beforse Sfrt dày Of F brury 1865.. ti Llsay, 2 1 t Dec., 1884. 278-tfi FRANCIS j~.ths imhabitu rounding c4ust*y anti bagaté. Mate Blake. AIIIIROTY] ticularly CA RTZ' pioducliosaort vi p rov ementa of la as loy as gmOo"!l x3w tislIery ase Kent ant i llias Lindsay; aisb JOHN JOHN.' s SrauRv, Lun paroae iti. aVm IbIL to m ilité sincere thoilas to of Lrndosud at tii su- tibir literai1 patrt"te el. now preparettr [ELBlNOTYPE, anti par- VLSITE-pletures, in the totbinestielatest.an aaud Auiurica. n1i *0 b. dopie fçrau~ee Isoa's Stare;., .mrat. bets. 1864.: *2w9- TAILOR. wslim 11 aism lfor itel ri 1 -l 18 W&W SELLIU FFHÈM LRCYE or K 0' «0DBATA CRFC HE 1<0W gaanu.tho m ,tiesovsepurchase vitt th. ready Cash>-tise tfalowlng articles at tht extreme 1v riesàanaèd. 30 paleioti Bdl&niýkets ut$ '6 0 t~aH orse blan kets (ai! *00) Ai ottia I Ts tGd, foi $2 00 lier pair. wooi -re« flaunel u ai's. 6d. per yard splendid *0o1l double Sbawia v-ens ,$8 ý00, -given awuy fnr $3 00 rlFn RugilliCobourgsataIle. par yard Wvinceye (haa1vy) oily9. Prints (fa t cbloitresi) euly 9d. «( trpdShirting friloi. . mantIes (il kiudq),frein '7s. Ad. up Twcsd (ail ufr lb.he 'pricse t 29. 6d. 100 iecs Gry Ctton ehoreti oR aI ene.York Sitlîig pr yrd. Paucéy PFineis wenth*,s.6d. now' soid for 2s.ode Usalider C onts wort h $5' 00, sold a t $3 00. (irer Cuats «$600, "$j F50 Petits Worth $3. 00, gircu away ai $2 00.7 4 dozen Fur Caps sacrificed for 3a. 94. GIqENGRATIS. 360 do. Neck Ses rfa te lie given away te pur *chass fre of charge. CHEAP GROQERIES. Good Ilyson Tuas frein 2s. M4. per lb. UP 130 Ibo. of Rice for $1t 00 pluga ot Good Tobacco Ira quarter ,2 lba.. gdbrighîssagarfor $1. IF TOU WANT belat once a% be intends toe sai off bis lar~e stfck (at thosetpries) lu a coupleetmc. Bring titis list i wa.h oit My bu S'atifflehwiii perf#urna wbat le pronAised, by seltiùg0tifi a ILEMEMBER 79RE PLACE- (~3-KNOWLSRONS fléLCk, -KENCT ST. nie Susrbr5re t.nrb thauiks.te their fiends -and. tise publie for tbe liberal supprt ex- hude t b hsslc cômÉitu lig busine la Liudsay, beg te atnounce the Renoui o hir Hnrdwa're Esta blishment toô - 4EEWT IMD 5?03, whe-re tbey wili bu glad iý havV viô9t fr6aÏ ý1à custonaemsanti lnleuding purchamrs. Partcular attention la asked te ite fM*w'n .IT FAcr Nu. i "hî >fAIEM EOLEY have 6n ,baud î sbeet ouleted snd largext, - stock of Heavy and Eýbelf13jrdwre bi eb. Cqunty of Viet ' * 1 IËACT No. f thaî DRAKCE & FOL EY effer every article ln thoir 1imo at prices. whioh Cao nôolhé utndetrrold. FICT No.. S 'hui DU~Kt, &FOLE)t eau how a splendid lot Of SiKATES in êvor3 FACT Noà. 4 fl ï àt FbLEY baye conlily lunsakks largeaabrtineflt FACT Noe. Thal DRAKEÈ & 1ýOLEY',S . hé spot fur Table and Peeket Cutleri of ~ VOLEy avp i a to e quniof lio n, nsd FÀCT No.-61 a i iy ýM gleigla Steel, orse Nis xs Barn door blages, HatchetB. Batit, ý*res. sawa, Sté!hSla,&. c At N. k -A -& IOLEY tifùrmiuiteverything usually fboanS I At frit ciase Hardware Store, and titeir faclIitiès fer buying«ena be ia te offer goods nt bMonrel priles... . la D517 I8 0 5.1 8 ) ZutStreet, Laadse BÈGS TO ANNOUYO-18TEE COMPLITION OP H18 FALL STCOC 0F ITAPLEAtelN T1)Y OD)Y Wlinh bavbe .,memd wltL greot Cara nd viiib. 6ousd complts inevery departmea1.t .-e voulti direct pticular attestiont& thoir gtrevariety cf Wobet 1its Ska-tingHo d siWoolem Sbaw)a 4, zmt vihuty. OGea *in fWi ld a éboln kt offkacy TweeUëDskt oesTkiunfa*e lbut q"ty did I"t st<lu& lrell dkeeê speblaat%" t o M MrSl :T» KEPT c l' eL b DRY GOTS, F AMILY, GROCERIES, &C.), &c. '~E3BS~UBR b. o bad aco1pmçe and well-assorted Stock of STAPLE DRY GOOD~,FRE~H<*ROC Rle R ER, BOUT AND SliOES, k., t., &Rl of whééwiseia e oetLin Prîces for Cash. RareCb.a!ce foïRHoffekeepers! CONSIIGXMENXT of $2,ooo, werth GOOD TEAS-this seasofl's imprtations-wifl1 be offerèd for sale lui Lots of .51bs. end'vlbs.. for Cash, at. a d6-.;O'uat on WbLo1esaIe prtes; commencing Nov. ath, and wili continue for fburtien days only. S&perial Notice, TUE SUBSCÜUBER begs leavé tb ?equest that ai] Partift indebted to himn for the Iast - two'or hr'ee years would coe. up to bis assistance, and any party that eau sm~isfy hlm that they- are toe poor to, pay, will cali and get a receipt, Parties flot taklng advantage of this opportu- nit7 to seutle with the Subscrilme ay regret it. MIl out-stndiîng book accounts and notes of ha bad'will be banded ever for collection on the-First day of December, 1864, and costs will, be l-in curredthereafter. WT$N Lîadî.ayîOct. 2t3 1864. J -WAW COUNTY 0F VICOI THE. UNDERS IGNEED flAVING .UST RETURNEX> frein' the Ea8tera Markets, in' prepared te offev Io the Public a unltivalled choice in aaU the laltest stylas and fabries of rjrE would espeiaU%4 ea1 attention te lis unasuallyla.rge and splendid gtock of BLACK 1jB JU>.DOLU)THS, SCOTCH, ENGLlSH, A N*D CANNDIAX-N EED's, OOSKiFSý FuLL.. CJLOVIS, &c., .,au-Inspection of which he would respectfally solit. Mie 12reu oods, Shavi and Xa[itle and Paney oods Dwtmenta comprW eafl the Qualfttos and ftyles. tliat a V*itomer conldt TUST ItEcEiVEË, à Large Lot 6f 'WHITE, BLUE, AN» BROWN BLANKETS, e>which, he wilI dispose çet cheap.ý F lýtsH..GROOBRIEýSiR.RvliGEVERY1DAT, nsldatsma»U Advance for CASH OR PRODUC£. [~~ SA LIl~L~ SALT! . Jhut ]Rbeeved, 30G eg. tome and Èine Sait. A Liberal DbS=ot sflo*edt. Parules Piarchaing Whol.aaie. cernlT store, AMacul'Block,£ St.>-Tda Landnys Ott. 26î 1861. CH EÂP DRY GOODST GROCERIES9 Reiady-Madé UIotLïîing, Liqffors Boots~ JOH1N .COSTEILM& COY AY19 JUST lt£C]CIED AT THEIR STORE, A'ND AR~E 1<0W OPU-1N l ut j.larg.eued well-selected stock of 1 plSudiloi ot f plinand faacy Piessa0.. 3ds Savi a héoiery n ICOItOtISTechpsepi ia uton> $heamleoMiis, l. la Caadian Tweeds, FuIl Cluthas, at4in'ztaBmod Clttbs,Overcoatiugs, ILÉnglsh and scotch> Tweed, P ur*Is, Mata and QpdS iwercAnnot buebut. Out tgeis laM"rad cheap, andi w. <mly 88k aa l froà laialks ufy ha.W. have oubaud ove OrneUual."i*d Fifty Overdost whm~ ,ve isi 20d per cuit lapiou, jeorder tht we ifl*ST bu able ta saok a halsfou"giimg ale tbut:bgaaela dtai &iuïe.& W,.wutgoell!2 ui sto 1Ck o<icbry as ~cl iaefl~F~~ bà,galtalfai . Nosto soi~ g*~.pertka f t. £ ~ agorngr" -, M~K~a Ns *r~4 a a t* 4* . Q Il 't. t, r, -rý, ý ý ý ['777-,

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