Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Mar 1865, p. 2

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morio Ur. Jout,ad, d'moced by uiM dollars»oeh for ibeir official *at Uvàe s ilo bUs .awnfer lîtj<h. suns Or four dollars. <s# w. am#ut o." l10 me Of but.PMOp.sY.balugg 1eu e mi Con.-Loat.- l Ut. Dosasr, u.modby Xi.. ,aa rtoiv4, ita ti Imrsb ufedai . uypswo u r ovor-*1) mssmtfo b. e46-car...-à m-., tuuuqW i'58ell sA, sup and Ry ktlopisd. te 1.g.lit~ 0f no< listing ~8. Y kOUELT P) Uth btaMeS, lieu.. Mloyed by Mr.. Bhinat, seosded'by Xs. Megenzie, Thai îhsCli.k -ba inoactedl -1 advplisea a y-aw lu clés.a mmd alI pisent running cosa Lots Imc in <th concm of Penolon-Caîrred. Movstd by Mr. Jordan, s.onckd by Mi Clenduoca, Thtt: tsfolowiîg peisons bu exernft Essai taxer forIbh.year 1864, i, Timmm ufugla;s, John Kempi,"MW .Routly and~l Mrs..Patton, i bal lte Colect or -be insrucied ast tb coletth. same-Carried' Moved by Mr. Clendenctu, eoîuded by M r. Jordan, That Sôhool secmtion No. 2 bu refutided lte &M -of: $71,eing mn aver- charge of sohoul taxîeé for 186landi aima S. m'lion Nn. 8, b r tfontied, M8 bemg a oveýehauge for l186-Ceuriet. Moied by 1Mr. Jàrdani Osecpnded by Mr.. TurU ikal Mr. Podta. bilifor furash- mng a romt for, holdin-te 2nd 'Divmisio Court in i4ï-County cfI Victoria frt6 ttc iyeaII 1862 up w~ 131h Mirch, 1865, h paiti, andi tiiet the Reste gîte bis «rdir fer the, sat Carris. bliored by Mvt. Clendennon, secondeti hy Mr. Jvrdan, TiraIt te suni f $50 hoallowed forMma Kur&rman,: an indigenit voman near Ca mbray, for th. year 1865, tobe paiti quit- tarly (mas t he1lotofJanuary-Cairiod. Moyet i -M r. Jurtan,.,seconýdec by Mr. Downer, Tha.la ày-law auîhoriiind certain, perdons <o prosecute on betaif of tfiài Court- cil any party or pstL- tiwdýpxiig of itoxi- cating liqoors -in Ibis u innîipalill, hs nov - Moral o-t id êti ~u ~waigu o iahich1 addiation k '0hitr laite itie col télialandhhlu the >ksto the wlh ad <h. W Iuie tiort ,;char anàie riti.. cop sld-itnïsatia expowsel ite thop atntiyhaè pubitarmot ind tho jraail aen. ra e piityan, n'eu out.d Uîat .->rn lfui her a.im uindw pthelc15 liteig sut-a iiIý Ibs gat em neyhi:eer c to l ifice euudvito 4pied. m t empioyotL 1 li ti attel 04.o*Ver ýin of nublisia-. ouw woruîîîly lmeti on - works -,htougrh ~e hareh anti deuoi. -j end (IeputationiA ta .drfatic iustitiitilai;. Uanug Our Whoe are pecuiiarly rails of lte dram- W -çutuerenéees andt. ývr they cao bu lieu.) faucj of the arîlsî avor; the pàIpit an.1 ýte l aiialitug presti tployod satlite gond , aoordifig ta his ca- flhig is giveu lào-do; mtade th morenuse-, ete.) wth.,ergaibised M er su soanîmt iultk l aoder e!o Chi iitiaichariîy. f relig",ion. attife 1he7 )011 the. cosigre ýamI8, îhumait buitigi who" thoid o a i a saied ou- their auef-aaacriti.ing wr Ia pedation withm- ns bein daiue by thiose md rinistters, whome xaishadose, illumini les& clduty pegrforme(t, A of the gooti sewiard te du bis Mdasler'a, y the mu.- reati anti pao#ed-Crriedi., oedd >y r. Moved by Mr. Clern not, aecanded by S1URVICE MILIIIA.- e .pîvsion deUt. Dr. Mr. Jordan, Titat te C lerk af thia Counceil ~r xeiayl.CUuadti he e ,ut.v- casses..Witt b. hopaïdthUt.sut pi 810, as part of his salary -ha$e unaduarrantgements viti Hie Et-el- id on. accourit of thé rate for the yeur 1865,- anti that thi.. Reove cive Ieacy the.Lieutetani <Ghoral Conimm-uttiuîîg i. expelienta olessersthIl hîs r L tecorinr 1 CariB.er Mejeery'a Forces i British Northa Amuer- a& ad b. it reuutled ihat Motet) by Mà lsdeunora! aecorided b ica, for th.e o-itbihemesal of a Scliouof in DuWdu anti)4r. Clark Mr. Jordior, Tha itte <ôulilInni-w cm.- MiJitaiyy inutruritimiu t Moistreal, iii:con- jtsum tunîitse ladi Moautday, inMay 1863-.-. necti >n vith Ithe Rifle Brigade; ni ,Kintg- Wood, eonMe by Mr. (Caried. .soi conneelion witte Royal Cana- laient, titatewhileth is tiBourti - itadn fle; antia, aniîsiio, î oinate- uervmices cfMr. Clit , A-- wvth <11h 1Regimuent of ler Majedy's éon, tat fli te &ltait Opo Townuhip - êùÜà. Forre,,for te parpeo 'aablistg Offler - Tit. sanncihie s9uflCAi cf Militia or catiîdtate, for cmu i nu wi<h7a id tli te chair- - aoU tit,.1865e. the Militia, ta perfeciihesel veain a knowýI- tui ee Mr. Clark. anti f TeCuii:me:ttis dy.Pre.snt-h.IleIe lge af Ihoîr Militu'y duties, diii andi dis- Mmebtiitactor7arane-Reete, Deptity .Rççeo,: ud Messs. -'Rei chane.schuls-v be 1 opene d .fo- t »r.Cllinéi antd Con nolly. ti*reep1o 1 cratialse Tus e h tliedu. Yea-' -Lttze, Ma- Môveti hy Mn~ Connailyi.neondeti by Mr 28th initianit,, anti Ris Exettil.ncy je p iueased ;miut, Tiirkeli, Veilvit ait Ducfr, -ilat an order bé. grawted ta Patrickite, order tIleisllouwing- Rules ami.)Régiala-, --Dundas, Fitihir anti Lang Mat:bhw2 for $2 for tva day-s statuts ]&arotlions lorthttc guidas.. of ail iinîaerned*ivia: 1. Ait Candidates fer Comrnîists in the - douaiii186 ctu 1h Est hat a th Wos 'Snt0" Militias, vitb. requt..) bofnre- 'Onnhlp cour e hn.o 'lNa ,i lt t Ci-arit.-a psent. ta obtairs a certilae as here- Muveti hy Mr. Cuno1y, tecondeti hy r. mltrmertîou5eti fromitheb.Com mandant la 20tls day of Match, 1865. Reid, That an- order -for $51 ho giveit Mr. o ieo b CIOSe itay-Isu c ,-Messrs. Culti. -White- Haut! for pritiîîg Auidiura' Report, - bond- ei -an n1rsu b jpiitdo - protanle o th l, tnkof Field O tuer in, the knuJ. Diudai. . billeî, &.-Canue. Srtie.";o Mil itia vii. aba ltitbave ob-: of th. Reevethe chair vau Motet! by- Mn,-Dgiosconde.) by Mr.,taitida Il firsi olasm'-'certificiste. - », Dpuiy Russe. Roid, Tirat te unt i $30 W hoapjîr'opriÀe 2.A hiat cias Certificatse shall ho f mostognaLinu pprvet -ueetalmlarappopîialan y <o Mni-given tt ihicanrdidates who g hait have,- t etigrelad p re o eta inia ppoeiilun y h Mn-prôved Ihemuiselves, tlo tise sutisfaction ofitier aWhilieide, seconced by Cipal 'Coutil-il of EinilY, la be OXPendoet on Commaildanî ailte $cheolo,'f Milita y lit-- 4l Mr. John McRay, Col- te Eabtein hoàûndary of Ops, aiuuig lte 2th structiaîum hie ta dril ati batille- a Bat- Ithe fohlravng 'abatemens andi 131h Concession. &of Ern.il y, anti that tthe aioýn an tii. fie d, anti vito shah Ithave ec- iloya 1, i etle- Riteves of Emily anti 0Pq superirîot- lte quiret a competent umiinslance viit .the 41 orYe ue itnd ilitrnai ecotiiOo! fa ailin *experîdiu rur. fte sàame--ýC tsetd. 3.- A "'Second Caus' Certifict. shai I h. roll $63 90 Moved by tir. Côonnlly, secontio.i y Mr. giveus ta litas. Candidates wvitoshah- ' have . . 800 Collins, That thie flloWIin#aa ntus b. ýP" Ved îhemelve able ç~ma.daCm bok udsttin-peny s! Batal iota iil,:asidto diril t" t -i à- pa.eed, viz , Mirire HIayi-bo n sain pany's dill.". BW-. 6 93 *ry $5 45 ; James -Hîeenati, Coitable' foes,, :4. Ail t niaesfor admission-i ta te - - &-ariei.c houte of Miliary Instruction wiU ha r e- r.Whileid.,ocandeti by Moved by Mr. Reid,, se htdet by Mr.. quited, hefrie admrisoqioei, tuat i4ly a Be &rit <t ~ ~ de rh etege ioti u, iîiircompetect t ruhé position oalbu(m' ILI hé Reve ive ls'o . DckThal"an-order.b. givon James Mc- misétioti d officers of the Militià. inlvir tof J. Mclay fur th'o Daniel far $5, eliriy-C-irriedi . Ne<>eisrdidate mhalh b. perrutitd ta te- hlm or aai'ytsC<tOCti 'soved b Z~ir. Reid, seconded i:yM r.miia alo ieSitos tMitsi a 1101$ie. aDck y note legaills r. na trinCtinhl aller hoe ah.» have obtainetl. a Duck* Tat n ceer a g ite Mi. S second" t- certificate, vithoul tise- arii1 ~.Mçrnld .cudd yPovers for $10 twr ï b upport a raprmsio h ie oaiur rinChie. T!4m t.epettiûaa cf ichoard -Orpitnchild-Càrrie'd. P06. No certificat. ni oiîher ciait;ar shahb. eNoble, piayintha - - Mov-ed by Mr. Conirolly, secon dcc by Mr giten tinay Candidate vito ie nul ltimself ken froua Sctool section 8~ perI ectly tii le.) as a -pciite entIier. tcol 1i ne, 11,at an orter for $ 10. he -grantet 7.:- No Candidat*chal b. permitîtédltête-. choc! Mdiioil No. 11, be Wm. McCullagh an accotit of indigence main ai - nyv ai ithe S ùolafr a longer 1. causeti ij the laIe fiîés-Csrriè. POet d tisan thres eseadir nnthe férnt tse Wbileld,, ecoudti by Côoicîî atijotirnýtiuttil Satlmudy nei)1l8th -8 ii rv~îgepas' falCtd al Mr. George Paxton b .Teraehn xpne foijý&lt teoncî egh d1lr~fo instant. dates .iii com nrat ù, and rpluring ta- tieir1 teappof eigtdar or, > Opls. Satstrdtay,Mmth 111h, 1865. homtes front lte Sb.bho bupaii.l 1864, hh er t alîioh 9. Ait Candlitje on otaining -ILAi o.- by hi. tenants, for sii. yeur 'h. Catncil met ptursuant -taadjourttment. cniClI-." Cortiflsto. shaf hé paidite Presenl--the Reeve, De sty - euve,anti 'umo!fîlydlas ado barn siht#d~iescnit 7-Messrs. Ruit, snd -Collins. Abs.nî-Mr. -44Firà lÉm etfctteftfrît u faýR-vûr ) v. Miorder Moei- l it. Raid, eooded by 4Mr. ci)l' ý10. Al Candidateis-for Commmmsbns ý infavo of .1r.MoKa. 0 viIe attenllîxi; lte Sehnol, uhall b. on- -ý fort a tht ces forthlit uase utnitus, ThitMr. Durit et anra dràfor $12 10 imeei for ail purpnaomsotdilîl aitidde. a. 1 cnt amarn ~sidbypay Wmt. Earl aJ$AmuelW Jamesomn fur pîlrte ta b. 'attactIerftn th. Regimetit which ais., ~ ~ ~ or talvro LD otdone on the. 7th CÇon.linej, t aa sa osate t hSchoaccofai - Inatruecti lu ,&Winfavor of C. B. No. 8-..Carri*d. Iniiliduh .cspestta omne 80* iira Clef, on a »0 otdofravO the Coin- f« riiag Slaw.-Car- Mr. Conu'oily entereti mut look hiesuat., mandant, ta mîtitse ny-Cadiluidate from théb A Bylau u reareasghéb.ùaJdîdiisins. Soho4 for mhsepdudt or cther safllaient rMoDoaii&d,.eeoted b>' or thé Muote lab«r- luta apoini Pstimas- au*e.- --te lr cù h ôm- r,Pu, tesud Finos-vlewomr , Il. 'CanîIidates 1w for C miaions, ia4wite it te srersta t" SheriN fur 1h.Yeair 1865, as Pa.sM *- binÇte Mabf' fftIt.Retuuntvich r arearis of taxes h. N. halE Aigu, ua By-ls14 pgMttol*lte sale ai ira- mhtait titmqte s 89l in. t Iis township m, W Iohicttihig iquoera, Th tc f iît ov g o aiersaraca isted uts lu Oak wond Umst, as fol- Moyet! b>' Mr. Conuohi>' seondeit by-*B.ariofEaitr <e amfrmd wilor Si.Nos. 11, 17,21, 8U& Mr. Cphr1s, tflbaî J. R. Rli es anai J.- J. ,ion nI the pbw u» * imhest h sftimW. D"u;o O1 on. loi , 2%,Brovîte, t b. rasa t a -dusfor -$4 ma 1'h4koeLyrnan, .AssI Uffl & b . 1$ 136lg,..- oaceas AQdiior»s for the sen t ya- que bM « . e - Carrled. 4Milltlm. r - p 5s~sp~d b> Mla 4)ted by Me Coti*ti,msout<od b>' Mt. ~Meheo be. Po" c Wu,, &vart CoineU, Thtl te mati e! a.v y-Lve 'conaTh ri boIsw. dw MW ogbat, muiice4 t.. ce meount or Kingso. Le iidMaý $ aimd . b>'him <o awhtaeei' i 8hoo à( p 0!J. H. MoGllt-CWtttd. uTa.olK* !Id b mm $ 6 Md u -0 forauhla Zut 84 .,Lladsay. 'Clit ~a I 1~S~-~it. ens Cuà a tAe, Omemo., lî pur d !y autborize,#.agot, and wiUi rectite Leuh- soiptiOtu, an'take -eters fer job prill.ting an.)avrtsn ortke CANAàDiAXPoOl!, in the tuwnethips ol Emily iauJ Vortlam. ]ýi)zn.t No tice. SUBSCRIBE-tO THE CA.NADIAN POST GREAT INDUCEMENTS 1E In order ta encourag' e ie+ 'yment . of mu1habripiionà ta the VCxâuri POST, the proprietot begs la aanounce tbat ail new subseribers vio pi-y 41 50 on or befote the Sîsitdae, oai leistit , iii hu on- tité laa neiýaud, handioma .cbart -cf Fnglish Hisory, valued at 75ca. >_The thar Icoîtains a liait o! te monarchi cf Bruia, titeir gsnealogy, when they begar -ta -igwhn they dieti, andi the promni- nont 'evta a, n escitnigs, aiong vitis a - try interesting i laeillnm > Tise whole broughtd1own t otit. ear 1W5'.,No-Cuuni. try. Piperin. Ca'nada bas evet madie'a morem hiberel ofiuir than' thia, anth ie pr 1o. prietor truttt h remuit viii ho a large acesio iqn oues ta bis already large auisriptiotilisI.. by mail,the chan rt ili hodelivered by imail free of coeti. Danet*,lu ta enti4 on puos mpéney- anti ieteive a chart lat Englis 1 i History, tb. best locid paper ira te Couuaty, ýa11ti'a mupplent overy Iwo veeks, for one year-al or, SI 5M! (3oUMiY "our t -of uo Ss- -Wein.uay, 151h Match, 1865., -Btroaz Rus MoricaJUDan SMITU. LOnk.ASyV vs. MlcrkuLY. Tihiswen a W~i0îl ta recoter. wages,. Verdict for Plaiin- tiff [oir $125 50.. CAmeron -and - Ortie fur ,Pif.ý; A. Lacouise for Defeuîdandt, ('the Gzrand Ju ry came mb oCnrt muid Te- urîti ".No Bi " L isuR.'revallai, . la> MCCARÎTHY VS. CouR'oR&TÂvr Tior -'r om- DP LIDCA.Tise Piaiuatiff i is ii.cas claimedtihé,t sut of 0199 as comnpenàaioîî rat Plaiins, Specifleati-#ns anti Estiuates tut- utiiti dby-himlut te Couu il lort lie. ne Markt Ê , ilig. -Verdict fot -lie .Plam.ti' ÈOi $60-verdiCt to carry cas te., Gea. Dur- mer. aind Hilecor Catnermit.1.rPlaiiif ;.G. J.ý W eller muid A. Lacoursu fur D8feitdàil.' .Thu.rsday,,l6tit Marei, 186&. JUoos .SMITII PanSI ING ;Wrn.Titarnhill, Esq., J. P., hati o seat auntite beach. Ttc-. Court restauet tItIS Mortiing at 10 GR.%NOcai . INTEL -- This wusan Oc- tion for aasaalt.Thte parties were formeil >' taeigitbors anti no on lteé best bf terme. A conîiuuaion cf Ipeny eudayarasts on hotu aide evouituatetin_ idefe ntant,"asssauiltirig Grarager, n eothe. action.> Verdisl for, Plaintiff and S$20 diaitnages., ýA. Lacou raie amni, Hector Camneroûn for Pli 9 O.J., MeKiy- for detesiiua't. The, Grand Juiry camte lutta Cit wâhthtle The Grand juromrsof uîr»piy te Qiceai on their oti reat.-- 1 ave ex-. aniiititheGel ua1$ lgtuyfounduti lean ant i art>' in eéver>' pattibàWla.as fat as»lte Te>' foursdlite otof moteof lte celle- in a tor Y batsmaté ir mt epî4r. inisamniie au tnhey ca nnao . iqcespasior shut oswvehieustiy a ndi they semm eid thati lis moaie depi b.taieteairttistheir repait., ta dut ualt te are mot ai>' prisolleî-s cQis- fine.) in I:îe Ganl., ititer lixiritl or. under- iaingpiîîîisteiîsant i. hîiiai bt hé timtue-ionioreti cqumanthé, <-Shériff of the CunaIy: 1preinthé plie4psitiu ud.wt a patr o atite çioëies viilb. allen repuOitt i-ont COtant>', a. ai proof 01t te lsst-aiding dipoition cf C:Ur peplag. WMu.TTaroasz.,Foreman. -Grand Jury 1<mrn Ehè. mÇGa.ula, appellant, vs. lAMasFA*- muLi rmpoWdatt. Tigis -un W ppea froaid î ovictloft mai. by r.spotdonl,-Reeve aI the o*rxasip o!t'4 apehat Moillio,.on a chargeof »Whit4 tiquât vhhout lkenM,-The fisse iemaad vau $2, or in defait of PsY- Caern ae* Otdle fo« appaihaml; A a «mmurefr roqsu$eht. Ilà m oi s scertainaag roithe Coonty t - <th.,.e n..o mmbilWsýafle Grn OJurya their p(t ou ie M e .IreuqW .fo,'th fflo o iibom suposti u t of battu e the vas vil tsi y mno a o imela peowl17 au the jam1*' of hr~sssfco ~.6lan4Graut% hrues0 <asap tmig c Shp4e.~4j~li03tuo4t*1b« vu &B *m oet dis oa dcIawwa rivera 0o1n the bel"qà., f Virguida vouhi in- vol Ve utes asnd.smof nthe ia" DlnP .'etes s- bcrg Aud thé P"10b *V*eliout of Iich- mo Tl 1stbwaq- awook et'la- .t4atherfoe, probably btsg 'n eWs oEfa uiosljiporaalcharai"r, andi probttbly Ibo. ,aiqs ta inh-Ï 1s4 withlie exceptionl thé artfoI a mbs ail mving - o Riho&andt eoutti hey get WiuAup- po.tog btaa~6feach. oflîu, <h. lait mut Ri#uxind iiiontb.very far.diistantlu i wýuîitî hm ef.v lines, wtteare, id curse,1 snaware o e "t.stutgh atîi d apuiiou o.i n&aurebattuigbimn wsl),held %frlot re >lam format". vinit - ha. Ouate, the uichanun soemus tu b. ini avor ofthlie i,'derais.' -To. ft;lùuwitàg ieupatélicai wuuld 'seemn t New York bMareht 20.-Th& Tri bun,#' .9f tol ite. Fottuna cutàe«idtsti,ut ilu i6i éas: Ai Ves le si4uirve will lîave a- Short but suvàeecampaîigus. lu askw iayès a sertei of Coiluolti wili havebeguti bu- lwemu thÏltgrttaruss hl icaube Pro- f6uud- wxeà .uWilît tbruugh tise Nuffth. Ntew Yurk,'Mareh 2uý. The Tribune:s W4&ùlin±rtws apelijai aays ;tuuîn uu, Jrom Sherzddllu tu-tiitl Says hlie it on oit -héWJs patla àuud will isSn be heard Iron atgain, in- fviam uch pti.iabnient on -thefue Secrearï Slaln, Irons lite front to-dat ayr Gant knoW-w vtlLesi usaIoUt. Ir XRXNTATtOX. .Lun t bonda ove iîng a numrber of young inen, rnelnbers of Mr. D-. B. C-amet-on's singing andi Sabbith Sehool (i,.presentedit with a handsornely bounti Bible, *andia, golti ptn with oliver hclder. Thtis was nt) more thani Mr. Came- ron ideserved ai ibeir bautdà.% le itoufor a lerig:b ai ime,asîd with the moat pains-ta kinig regularity, tuh churcit music la a layige clam, *ithont asking or, expecsing fée or're- tvard; -.hile hia services as a Sabbalhî Schoui teachèr have -been above al p r5tise The p resentahion look place -inthe selîool room.ntinthe prer-ence of a nurmerous attendiz- nflu -!ae--un-in - .1. te .iwtheAt assd n te t.tant,ým îlel a. uto A.Malo rdy isgu ,oflmer 44t- Chrimtophsr, uémot o60111 tm Ils~1a miPort Du- Bsq., aged rd, m 6mutu imoutn p me 114 ates. Ab Am tu 0amend ithe Consurb-ated Statutem rcal Cu lt boi'gteCowt Of ichadcely.- An AtII,t<ioooat h Daoncand Gait LIXMSY MAUVmm. Ratway ÇozPmul r. aal 2lu&. An Acit, ncrporaI. tite Grey sud Sim- FOX) Wbeait.......5t0l 08 ce.bîwa Cotaiy.sprint Wheat,; ...........S0.75" U Au ctl0r. tepuustmont cf persan&solI- Oats, per bush ............ i 4" 4 lig iqe *bb i nd. fur other I'otatoes, per bush.........* .à Porose tein tmeituned. . 1Barley, Per bush.......O60 " U o Apu ~ ît musv tte poceeirge le Pro- Pease, pet bah...........Q A 7 ci o0v1 hib tc n s rieOf Mailidàiu& injjp. a",Ipettonl......... .....14 0011,16. per Caau . itlu, e r............ 4 «ou "4 5 "A An ctato abe the Truàgee"of he w r i ute.per lb.. ....... 0151, leyait Me Cnn.t rc il#inCanada mure, I ,perdot............a 15 0. ftelyto an, .e,-an- ti>uâe.g T"t ro Srwpeload ............3'00"'o0oo pernies. mng ni ipoofTs r-Beef, lier 1TOflbs..........360" 41 AitAt t fseliat te cn~cto ~ Ta llow, per lb............ 0 08 1; 0 0* AitArtte aclitle he onicton ndCordwood, Pei __j...... 0 OU"_O0-0 .Ponituhmentof Persoeunti eîacg Mer NMajes- Geefe, eacb..........O251, o o0 îy'. giucti ae1e0 yflîe g n service TU.rkeys,.eacfr........S40-U O 45 caîtrar tuthe rnis of thse Foreign En- ilogsPet 0 a.....4 50 à 56O hiatmetit g.__________________ An .41M ta amend-ati esfaîedth ti eri B la nte of a !a ter th ity of tha C (' rioijiale i P c s Staf rit fs for Upfper Ca iêl(t, iltitud Au Act 'S ciat Not f~ Aa il 1fur t oî~if utthe Ottawa ad OLOAxSOsTniTDAAon Iu~ L Prek4g 8 Raiiway Cotiàpauîy a i. for uewing vîEs.-Bew.tre of- millerwlfoiutments. Th.y lteé effieient wurk ing iles Railwa andi for drive -extersual ie .eae-jitirfthe syâee.'in U Other put-poses. ugeî auir~yvgrbe hopJ 1. Ait Act le legahize and cnfirirm an agree- e-xettsaîg cause (ofinanmjo tspu. ment maietheî-weeu Ille Grand Trunik Rail. hioi. Utite i te cicatre* it lestes beannt, wyCOMPaliy otCanada, ie .GreatLWeM ern-il hére lurks urno cMeit foi"t. Sotd etiithe -RaitviIîy Company ant Illt us rthî"le,1jRail- mantifatuhn'iee%, No. 80 Miicen Lane Neewý way~~~~ C.npuun C tU ri t.: he 'r- Yo*. aJ Nü . 544 Strand, Lotib n VutdbX r n ) pa îdead -for other purpruàet there- ail diu- -ib've itu selîoned. - Sold at the rmannfactorie9,No 80 Maden Lace, Ant Act te aend<the 'Act respecting At- New York, anti To.,244 Starxdï Loziaon ; audi hy torneya.alildriîggists. If tlie"Tad4r oflInotice"al)lmt AmrA giraîig tu e Mje cer- get a box of'Pil la orOiteî rmheru tain cule i.qo ney required for dfai~~Mî iii his placelet ihlm Write to me, 80 lit ceriau . jexpeniteik o- IlleCivil Gotîé:tîîneigt îkLane, enèttusîng the arnonnt, andl, will mil for he e. 185, iîdfoi ertin siter ur-IL box fire of exIelnse. 3iar.y dealers wili Dot poffl cownuected wilb Vite.Publie ser Vice. ke v tmy edicines on h n eauthe s. not Make as ntiich rofiItsonroir îso.s' ..... . .~m, ake. 25 ceats, 62j cente, and$l per box. 101 1 riLftyr tlJ l Ut% lJ TT '4 V IJIV. STA TE. - MILLIONS OP DOLLARS 07,Ti1 itPOPrtivr - SWEPT AWAY. Walertown, Newv Yoîk, Man!h .17.-Ye- lerday afterutoon three citîverts andi abcuî a mile of track %cre waa'hed aw«iIyatd a bridge displared betweeîî Va telton:n Ogdiensburs,by feh~scwdb .dli thaw.* A culvert anti sinaîl Portion of thse track of the Potsdam branchi areaisd -zone. 1'igoraus measures. have beetu taken to ce- pair lte dammges. 1Tise.roat is al[ riglit front hem lu Roine. The New. York Cen- tral is badiy dama,,ged, and lte trains are flot running ini conaequence.. Franaklin, Pa. àMatch i17.-%Ve are having îhe gr eatuct floxd ever kîîowib iii.this region. Thle brittge nt 011 Cit auud Fr-encht Creek brid ge al Fraîukfst are. swept away, Miles of Rtaiiwîsy traëk gsiathieteia'grapii liuies Ont Oi Creek art> washed away. H tank,', barrp!s fll ansd 'batres euiç*y cuver Sir .Janes CEnrl'g CEL.EBRATED FEMAL.E PtLLS' TI.itinvaialle ineàicine is unnii ing in the inident lu tise feilaie constituion. It mlerales ai! exce-,stes iand remGves tmli>tb- struct lotiL, frons wbatev'er 'causse, ant a speedy cure sis'.berelied on. TO MARRIED L&DIES it isipec-,i is ny uited. It wil, hbla short limhe, biizg outhernimnitly perriud vwit1hregulasrtv. - Tisese Pulis idsoîld nul be.ttaken by fe-niali, thât are pregnant, duririg.1he FltlT TIIIREE ri-lge; but at eVery otiser tVtie, ansd i nevery tler case, thtt r.p 1Xsysal'e. ,- . In alt a-s ;uf.ervous ai)dSpinIAl.ffectif-nq, Paimi in thé Back and 'Liiiibg,, Ileàvinesi ,Fa- tig:e on .)gigte3ertion, PaIl 'itit lion of tishe ar, L,îiwiàess ()y t is yteriesq, Sick- Ikndtnl:, W hies, andal al ottier painful diseases occasion- Ied by a disordered sIïteim, these -Pilla w:U etffcct a ce wben aff other means m int il-d. Fitl dirertions in the nempisiet arouad each p.ack1age,, sviceh ouil he ctrefaîl?7 preserved. -A boule caniaining M50 pus, .îrs4enrircled witil thtGovernnsent stamp nof4Ore.l Britain,- ýCin be sent- post tree for $I and G6 -ostage I. r -t -s tli'0 Ji iJii ~5~WdIAt .5 LI~kiitIiiU th~Ite river. - tla. réak th prseti ati tihal beon ep!secetFi,, -aleet'y Nortbrop kLyman, Newcastle, mak Ih prsesiaiot hd ben ep seret -Loss estimated hy ts Ille inut. eC-. W, gtserl Agents for the Cauada, - solti Mri Canieron waa tlaken by surprise, b9t h. Uia Mh1.Th airii 'aevi- iii Lindi-ary C B ù1wer -1 Uica Maeh '-Th waer' .i r ria, Kuso.wlion A Gregy, .niapageti, in suitable berme,taté taarîk tise iiî ahrefo ihrthae.rbfr.sd. he eic iatE...Bwsttk îiwi tiorors for tîteir val uabie gifts. al Wood; G i.l'îîhs,3nla .WaCts- -- -Thse cis work* are effàctualiy stopped,.ail jjngtou; Giheuislit, ca ertin, Woodvilie; T1. rthe flres are ont. and nuo gae cati bc furnirih- MatcIseti, Ouczne, and alil edicin* dealers. .~ .n Cnada. d for tlays taeore. The iran triJrvý acri-ms AA. lte river, ul by thse UiaatBalî BRIDGE# AND MiI. V dAs CARIIIED buili -c ad ýUft. Relief in. Ten-Zhinates. «- jRailru ir uparadwas arriett at .y about Neèaniy ail 'oui excitangef; brin.r us iutel1i.- ,l o'ciurxk. Litle Faliis ri te fùrthsi BIIYAN"S PUL:'RîNîC IAÉEiIS. - enceu of.lte de8lr.actién of property by Ille point reacited1 o-iJay. -Thece are afibout -twu Ttoigîa edcn salihdin!3ac halefrehet.Il ppcas, owetr, isaIthemilesq of teieoeraPh pnie 1aud, Vrire ,d-v:s Iis i î aîtî.i of itlekind ever inriauciuiç ianiague estirnaltitliii Wesuera Canada î.s Ride of Little Faille. The exteîni fhie dan- jtite wiime 435 ' Ptitnac Wafèrs,"'istîsis c-r arav noîhng lte tse wde-pcead .devaliratiolij aga cast uf* rtial aIce is unknoaî. uuI~Lt. alobrlsmncWtr Tht' gitvrf -s.cino bt knovvi bv irons tjiLO saine.causeai IlleEasterni Stater.1 Ruciieer_ NManda 18.-There are titree IeiuetaYNbugsaspdnîeWfr -At Beiaver«ton, Lakte Simuicoe, on Wednes- fo-et of water in tise Arcade o-f, the BBiuffâto UBRY.iNS PIT3tNi )IC W.VAFElR daymnraig, h.Beaea-Rier ~efluedStale Excisan> e Frtont sjj itf reet* are'Rleeasîi tuiur-fsoiiIrcts us~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~. ba.s cvnn ts icsat var izga iabiergeî l oa adepîh - of frem 'îhree ta levSîhinutIoPansn11eCe. schoonter out agaiunst thé ice iii -the laite.,- fiveffit, anti sh enhire wsten(Pi r;aîn 0f Pains in'UtheNC WAFER wa$ fearcd ihat lte brid,gti andtiltiiidmn tn. P mc î'tr TeN' YikieheelaU Y nt teisauid oi the viflage wlould b. tlestroyet.Ièdw' aralBndown vnln 'i {&'sîUMNCWFR Osa tire mail roule bAtreen LindIsay and j uts rrig, and itle srumoûire i haît four - ý.i2Vc Lte:Ibut '.t uu-1111ii1 s in l'en> _Minutes; Bualvertouî lihe moatiin cai'ered wth %valet atii.- iYN tMNCWF in many pJaceistét he depth ai two or îhiee ______i____Are a bluessiîig 1 &Il classe a" iCossi.lition fet. -- L'R Ly'sTia.rr-e eenlno*- » N UtîiCWAFERS We have hourd of no lainage on the $eu- 1- Lnrd Lvptne. in Eiî.ilaut wae ap'i.di#tise .r d1tdfu eefsen Pbi~îae go .Parliament i' uMr L aaif.'r- e prt. - r e inat'N*îU~ u J F:~ At Part Ilupe ttc farce: of water carr4ed n ît.wi oetaiovh u eI.tct InîSP:3<N VPE disrc.ln. aîbt îhi.uLch nr-Lynne hmif Arrdu a s iîtpiC tîrtu an! iîit-ftsaîat !- t4 f44f. away a bridge arid iwo af the mii latts, aad jajliein tt-îlhs zlofh i4u-g, «itse syÀ111«îwNi:WAE tias itiundàted aailte buildiagi its ihat -Afisc-enit Cà-a"a. "fil' ",-0')il- (f ut- M" m ' 1 ' oîy t 'boli t«cv .ia i cnoc-ahiti. -Ill - u f tt) l- h;tA NS Il u L mi. '?wAkFl its The. bridges et Caledonia ad ntiItina an 1b Il- ai e aicraied ihet mi on,. vear lias tde-na- -cn the~ Grand iRivèr havebeen ca-ri'sàd- away as fes .flilles! d'a- rfous ntnee.Uni 'et 'i'h NFas.! sssii i'wtotatxo Weil a'i te bridge betweeà Premlon ound racr"tTrtil was not sitrpt-iing thuitliii AlïNS 4LitNi V1 hea th had broý.i'nown. anifaor the p rpet1iiol A.ES Berhisa. - ~llte GcVernm"t îfdrhnrc-.la r""' hian î<, dir- - - îuteboe. cicle wlisett.er e wouîd return to aqllehsn."tOnm oiuece )oldb ihu nîy - NAVIGATION 0F 1865. - or no." I BYNSPkdNCWtR gr inlilûtîaocket. - --TEî-RIBLE Fletetas nv NFw -'RIZ. A If, No pessons will cicr tsb>eel t give. fut Tira prospect a i tue fight-carrying parts t(et wriler ittatels tihal ttss> cmi- 1~ sî or RUN- U~tNCIAFR af the :tannrage(oui lte iakeà fotrlte coin- !let fis-tocare m* eai"rfitvi-n N-W V'rk. i. Tet-iecn.- ing s"nu, doe flot promise ail'pr-ofit l ai stes h, iîeitit ssra' 1BM s ole ProFrier, Roc/IepMer. lias hipovner, oson accouit oaithe ornafl wrnpeitrt For osaleirprovihsihv ls Ihe - I pe4iienlî. Su-te Cr bTr.kdg i 'e. o al y N Iih frop the cyana-deas îc. quaîtiîy of groin slrcd, the deéppreasion i ofait lthepaie'tit s f»nt erir<s * ,O srlAeî~ o h asdi I rtea timaimaret au &ari Ipora-onasC. Uilton, 1now6tun k Gregîýr! titubr antrket <'tii mmli imortaion It bmkot. Thse »prrece of tIe-,peqtil..nf-e aussi ..ù tMedical Hlul ;- *E. A. Buwes. 4-àK'*- of - gomis-ti ipr*isg. fieigitiawill h. es8 je 1 tnihntl rita tWe rsdpi entiditlaan o(it ad - dam Gordon, %snitla; A- Wyait. If aîsylhillg-ilian liknt. yeor, wliicis cîtased i îenoment hbous*.. Ovm.r 52-,M ~pIé irve 'Cannington; Gilcisris-t kCmrn od loaîsg uaprofit ta llite ahipowier, ant iniij undefrunsut i iin X'w York- lt ei!rhtv-fivP 1 T. >tatchett,:Qmeneee, and mallier rnedicisis -many cases a large tieficielme-y in moechiig snqarnthsin a leniempt ofit os. ear theS.dealers. 221t-4-è vetels epumss.WeOmteratand uîaayI icolsar -tI pr1ns- T4uv urpnns toi- afi l Itare Vsesviin fit ont. unti1enset onm,-P[4-t-hi ren.lt. 14annth'.r there iErAmang the wast; Imporant of m&lerf te fali itede, t#ire boing "inghjuf léw5t'.aie nji'îv-e«ixrn<lm-t'y M, d Tnerom-- b .j edical discovenies stass4s the CA'DA nait tem icitr u Q eA* n xcpuwleua tiei-tulethtiittherpe- fc wpt-i.,five filmrnti TPAIN DESR__EM. llaey carsr iue.Ts rhh tot aes a mipox' in Neork~i. As a Fàtniy Medicine, il ie areil aedi favot- orie (rata Mostreat wilhavre, lacositemuti viit.ably hiown, reliering Ithoisando froin tlAllin f ttc, G#imatiTrurul, cttacis u carry goodo Twoi en, .r.u.-Fir 'b, b. cal a à, .arf v xnp-thse SidO, Bâ- kandiIead, Couglîs, Coids, Sore su very la* raies, Io point@ confioint tit r fo- thp ptee.urc 'csrini ltriisi te T15Oiit,!ti>,BleSCtfiSî h-ona, 1. voter ecrmmlîîicatiot 1. It us kusswmml hiol<lia ct-jet lme l e yeinoe y, l sp flîrntal,îtiriMrtsD-enrBwiCuIiiti I Grutt Truumi Ralrod Copauy hve ccu-uha exp'nm nia - -lii.'iti~î n .hsîn Bu.Brns, Scustds, Frost-bitèe, &c.. &c. f racleti Wc cary gua.)'. irumu Mantreal to i etepp.vnuif e wpaltrv w-akinirnthe bcmnm;nL. ;The'Caasadisn l'ain>t>stîer asnm-be i Ltiton I rae Deta do t uigive ie ienii r I tt entisi st ibeurthse public fora tergtsoflimes,Rand wher- 1 âina iefa efntt-rv i h ipltgliteitn e t1en rils dtis -t ieinsefiigin a single lire'nafosoh a cent pet tontpe t mite, o. amte. tit i ihac atilIPo. i lmnetag-epnsnn5rlifnenîmy afti ulctn rrtg, -ile u ov-ios 1 ole rme.srmrs.baiee usedl and sce have, never ktîown a cinglW.case fate citer railr.ads chargete t pay expeise, 14eInte trving tlssCaéalî Pain Dlcst'-Oypr.'f of diss.stisfiidtiofl, Whvre tIse direciiousshave test toeast ace anti a hall cents pet gesîle. Tu F Wd by ail Medicine Dealers at 25 cents trbin1rlty iulltîwed, but on tise contrary &iH Turnatu lte CGi Trunit Railwily are oitarg- ote.aede tiied with irq operatioîue-and isp.aklu ng20<' peu 00lSiât1c. ola dituej àigô Tw< tise Iigtsest temsaiSô! ils Virtues tand 3Sigîca Iilîg the locndwlumerchani etnaideiable lith.eîjetr women. twnrîhv voien.'livetd a We peak irons expenien~e in titis >masterf ndueutsaas t psrchae a Mntral. l -f ipurit-Y ud worthh. Comms-nt! ti.% l- taving îeited Il th.srossuy, anîd thereflfre tîuse te pî.ssener bumnse a gacailshare of ie:alIs' r<, u!ncrit d me' îo sifeis rs> f t otîl5fm imei may bu exporred,. parlicularly easlte' Pailra&eiWafem .which t<J.fo-ue ui sr<suin fur whiis lit is recoumnded may dcî,end- t'ienos ,has of, boats îîovr oiLaite Oiatie -m e ry eîi;<rthu ailt nreî.,ss-re thrîcal+ beiig iSoverteigîs Rensedy. raitPoior ta witat base beeta before ao it e rine-. â ce Oui>' 52 cents a box. -Thse ssshnishitng-eflitascy of lise canadian Pain Parieular attention bas heens paidt iis wiel-F Destroyeri in curiig-tise diseages fI;a# hiciîlu ter la te ciaisifleaiion,*of versmis, bYltn-111. On Satld1>y lagt th. Gave ron t ener.-t , reessmusetsidet, andi ils wsnderflst necein astb- sctance comipanie. doiag busicess in Can- aftet listinz a.ueseted t a'sntimaner of bills' duiîsg.tise îartsirnpi sofRemtiii anti ta,. atis.) ta ýuonof . fisterotu' -.lfcts in retievia; NerronguiAffectiots, lez,5jhit i t i vitiet vere muçh.nWoted, as-many kmà MPrtgieti Pariamintpro frma. santl teligt tansk ini tise lisiof reaisedies, ftar Ibesa ('<fs> aioe. rôom Ut. Î'_-oupeteney aiflte mate. - 2h cf April. -Parliamnent m-es just twa plainis. Order& aiec onsing iha frotm ledtieh>C -Nô iLestraice eusnpatty il) liais4feesoialaite îsý~ssio.fesi8rsa i arts of IW touîstrfo ubr - cc fuin voss.Sè ' Uwted. - mon sa bote'- TcCnnt,e-i- hi' s leS and eestetfig .as té the ssnivftSi Fd tal " esais c0 Wane i bynsa ber 1%ailnerattiha h *çappointes! satifssclian h igives. oe ei,.e fist 1chasseoh catl t 1 b. e thoyoint a e .Non. John A. M*f-ifnnald tietiant- jThe Canuduan Pain Destroe eerfi&1 safet>'%aroaitisiand more Cnles.:I an Itheuattatiit. liâIit te Service give immeduate Irelief. Ail JMedicimie desiers a sos Ceujianisa.-Globe. -keep it. Ptwsldamas arder anudue 1 ndn edems lu<hipaict i Bllbasbime.m y dt is mithout -faier Oeumlr.yiait L Mr. Donkin's Temrpeîance Bil h s 4ih Fite ncèyly 25 cents pet boulIe. the prillh orMoniml, wi1rlAie.addremsed tu Montel c:l, AIl ndesNORTHROP& IfM1~ 0_.H scbl &C.oo ust nue iKlts tihe village af-t. Tanneries, Cote C.. ,sul e 1t0555 1 tiio aui'IV " S.Pul t ivtr. mld~, Celle Si. Antoins, laidw&'e, croca;. i a_ Portis- the - , 5<eW~~~YiI#I*Islnia.oatudo '13W .,yità avr ofprohilait'g t.e ale fGrega>,an dlh isîE m ,b te *"*me id trinbs m. 134. do O.ktaod; Gt... N9"s aniti ymt *" tb * *W WIrum a 4 ~Cauligon.Gilbdi &t 0raw Mil- aliet<mOa. a Pu

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