ambf ei. *heo mu& u~.~I'-I. WILLUXIgM LI îUeoqedad mi1 b~ - ~ ~ -'- suwn Urne 7-71, . z q - Nu. ~~ff*0.~ 1~I* mml flppilu4 ~ M04 - - 4..bly r.d shut tb.~ W~d .frjblabé.syc. émir. ~I.gdi..Jmiutydtb.5shSuv. usol él1.U~uinê IsaIuohdbtuo. M1 puIl10M' s~u~mndaoruJm.d I~ ~s Uv. Uouuu.~U*e lid,< - aIskÇ7l~lsu à.Ususshuah.hîh. us. 1ua~~~eJ.d hta~fuu- êaudw UWeg 4 *mdy ..,~" i t -: u.s*,i~u~ ~ * Id.., *5 t, Tb. c , I il 1 -9 U s"aa r. 1 vas. ah- rgsw Le .,uai 1Ml~ ~W" vuw -w qoo~ ,. - usmoe - ~w -~ Bsm~-I~u~g.qsiq.64 ~ I il. U.~n Bémol '.% .8W emé pimmol te be - - ~ e' t F b ca : teaos1 M on eua- ,~~~~~- MSp U» IIUNIYLtI avelv warupbdwieroli., lile Mgt, tk oy. go m ue g Iy0 « busibulo f h r aj mi , - w .*m e. otwprd.a S W.B S.UIUçtCP5d to *ag nbblaie We en- a fau m-m- t#0sespi the por, d.fmbyshFsa. Iobdgqi Tm GmT 1 m w ne.&u» aie ~ ~ Wm 1I~,ass m Emdet ah. f Iv i~r~ i suw .. * k4toil pi #t * le ma 0Sm * M le......4.74 Au Whea, ~8v1ng... * in ~i*iod.1~.....18.13 in ai10. CesuhisaN e J. smlr <Suosm. olb ite dï.. 000st 01:z Ae$1eensietIl?04uo i>e HOpe 1 Papiehm vay, Gmor , "On iUnlm aNoa ho boi uta00"ue 94 au* Ae- eomalga cvhodavnenliW e»>wubu iewsao hD m.Ti ut.asalpr L~ey, Do.. 13,1861 EIUEAKWWILSON. ALARGE IBLACK MORSE; *h m whvite orr dol.4flEWU =eu. Ai. rtlafroutf&etne jesa 14 wu h l onb. oii.Ra W «d Abat Lv moqu a opb)aotrgYedor vus mli.. se hem . s i M.r. . Knwl1aa, a Md h on i e i Land or sie. jlKING th.e FMt ut Lot. N. 26, cm. M 4. 6?ovasip otYIreism4 ulyVW. T.uhpwe, Cute Timbra w lyt. A EP Solleiler,«&Ou Llmday et Fi Mr NaIAD ho mammyg e.~leq8t. lait "Auto* PortlO4. dised iy -Vl-i~oeXXIII.,#Md XXIv. qM¶11 BOUE »01=3 Efo« 104vii h. ie mhtW4 bla .0uunom"" <hall..dîstb. gnmod Si fs lb emusang, ii fRGIA S Dltlbm.e Mm o'l.Up i~ m lm .îztho 0--a **,tes an l'à ~ lmhaoabh w co pa m Unk M7-tf st J.v.tts Au w j"~ m teal maa"e qoued te MIZ 7odihZV"met ta Lhehay, Dot. 3, 1lu& U7-5 STRAYED fresa Lnsay, abmi 3 mentbe ggaYELLW CPOW i*. standg up boras ahgevI hi m b qt s er face, lv.e vi.. =SabSom.whjieon kg=,and whitie i.eny. Sb. vas glvina ii hen blut Aay omma~~uI snb Iformation te the. ubi- ler m overy vM ib. sutb ly Î,DbmgDo&. à&180. x. BOY». fr'HIS SCHOOL mili he RE -0P EN-E D ça T~URSlY, 76 Jausq, under the taaag~uutof G. YOUNG, B.A, andi WILLI itM ix!ntEtulITHf, Norumil >choo1 Tendher, Aeaittàn4, tooeth.?mi * of T uhersa"i Ithe~ra CI *$I.opaIa& my Ze ,,o - = Du* the s1yensthe %biool hho.» envery =-,ov ina e Surbihing eonditvon. Puls. Ishnto Ment <heru»to a goed uhul, vbre vi1u hpmain lrosst lte vin. eutviiido vo soaffempomdng vith 1h. Puiio a booi. W. IL MeLAUCULIN, 80.oty. Oabvoo& Doe..2 IBO& 230 TWO or THREE Respeetable Prsn IL «aeoemmdat.d wyul BOARDWat xx R. UDGEW& Cêswabut hret. ay, Dee.. 3189.,2303 03L TOWN LOTS in Lhrdmay, and a Gooti 00 a-PMU neubm-41t1.unpo$nb APplY.- limdsay, Narel 4. 1803. 191-If lauda situa Ila th. TOWNSItIP in the Coetyet Viotoro da, i h Gbmp a~e m uby Taxni% Tu bdlbMa8of lmule 14, stur pt et o mm1, t eK1&ÎSTomme1, termN8r istor, ae17 7". hr he la. IelBdEh. fliHESanbueua oes» Wrueb 17<1.eir ae Lot NX=or1'wos-vs b otbCre dmuerb" T.vmdip iUe,..p1 ON£ PHUNDRICD ACRES olsarmi v<ha las Umm.mi 22=mmu vuIe a gaîdrAmâr o«0,14 mehaif Mt"$ e - mi. c£AMW.. o& Ummm~ -~ -"m'à 4- mmd IL - ; eW PhÔtor wadrwt aUry tc, ho la. hprapormb b -9pool usmasi ILIL vS * la <h. ustmout nm o &iv.matls- STeruni. CI w M BOI NNTO< I eg1s to inforu the in- WTh.baoeft1h. C4moq ofetVictoria a6" eur- rondiagconutes., 1h e buO ho e e *0Hala «u William street latoboeep by Joveti, andi la hhm ba h ati tted a" igfrihetin fint style. visiteu vl) lad eeLo.ieme. wines, li- 13Am attentive ostwe alvays in attemdnace. WILLIAM STREET, LINDS-AY. Good Stable »di Shedi attache&, andi an attentive 0.11ev alwgp in attendance. Fr.. Omnibut ta"udfmm tit. Cars and Boats. BOAu», OIE Dow.Ai ruaDar. Lindsa7, SIaruh10, 1863. 1920-tf HÂTNG8' NEW HOTEL, Jiit St., Part 14pe, C.W. TROU"S WARREN BAIMNGS, Paornurot. 'Zr A Porter vi ltudtbo hSt.amboata andi Cams VRot flOP0, Sept- 5,1961-. 114-tf Kixo St. Easy%, Touoxro. JOHN MIiLLPROPRIETOR. House i mtv e.lareedaid attentive tistlerit. N.R.-Eas-t of the St. Lawrence Hall, on the op- poite aide &f Lag eet. Toronto, Sept. 5, 1,S61. i -t." MONTREAL. 1. W. »1ECKER. Puaeirea. IS pleaantir situated at te ead of St. Paul i.Street, amonrt lb. largest vroilabouses, ii i .cty. It bas (uith busness mm gemerally, andi eecay ith 1h. lest Merbants of bth Pro- vise"s). b s. o gpetit a favourito, tiraI il is nov açkmw ogdte la THE Busin» Os ote9aimon- treat Te. nt e b.eztensiv imoeses uring the. lut yean la the, basinessof Lthebuse,1theprpnie- tor buna ilt a lrgeaddition. The DinigRoum bas beau ex mati 0"maie Ume.; Lucre have blen torsleleda nam ving, a great number f et v enliia" dsleoin.roea, antheii Bou" tIbroughirot hm been reflbted, ati ,nov con. tains many slupruvements and ti onpeee «hitherto unkirn va t * Uos««te.TI w" of bave, aI a greneumobo.n .i.lkNRW îAw V ite propnetor expects Ihat hy c- 1r~ 1 manaemeet oftheb cttc.r, s Th AIsoe lte y-<h. lent of ili conimu .b.* Il upv ls i, tbolasDm£aanti * Base HO"&u .CM"ia. I-ti orna <>a~, LA0, 1 coVUIIl I&C. mmumt i k WSt. Paul Et. DEPOM TEUXI>IN CANADA. - - U0>00 Gona" Agesfer Canada, NÇO&BANDI WATSON, à C. Tof d i"emoi mot ;"ý bo ped tâe Coay a Y ~ JO i t=afect, oy de- lIreuae s al r i t bW st ratas onim",vt<h qsorlty. rsetsh. may b. lad" msapplhob le ~. I,7 -- éA Tu MLIVERPOOL &lail NFmN A» Liii MUiUioe cMuol. Dm Para- »I UOvaxam uUS, £67,S9 Suann IÂmduàygs-d .w&Po "à»u en us 13A3& W ref O? JNTJ FUETHER NOTICE A STAGE ha,.,MM Im You@se otetlLindm»,. very lavhi~.~get 4S .'déreaohi*g ManWla in by d Bvrto..;rot r-l.aveo Fenton'. B084Mann- the= efheStages frein OdWhWitbLr8sud Beavertois, arrivûme aLid- pekor h.eag. un* and paid h3- rANDEL, Piroptorn em Toroato ither Of'<. bvepacs Ti âtge baveaserIy*uwo Uhew fry mrnn(Sun- da]s .xeeptsd) on 1h. nri et 1h. trins rut «Ms &Wd *est., 4adarriesla Prime. Albert la tii». fer th. stages going nortb. Rslurning. lbaves Prince Albert on th. arrivai of the JYootbern Sta*#. mâd amvis in WhUl h aIm. fr<hi .a -i-going «Eit and vomI. Good afcommod.tiom, »d oeefh, obliging drivers. Sept-. 5 1861. - -W. MAy, PROPRIETO!. P. Il. L.& B. RAILWAY. 0 N and ufler the 22d inst. anud until fur- ~Jther notiee, Trains villii a s ituUuws: Mail Train vil lenve Lindsay at 9.40 a.m., ar- rive at Port Hlope at 1.10 p.un. Mail Train viii beave Port Ilope at 3.00 p.m., ar- rive at LindsLav at 6.40 p.m. Tihe above Trains mon ini connection vith the. Grard.Trunk BRau!way. T. A. WILLIAMS, TIIOMAS-1 RIDOUT, Port Hu1,e, Ncv.. Ib6. 14t Norberi alway of C~anada. COLINGWOOD ROUTE. ON and aller !MONI)AY, Isut Deceniber, lâb% ,Trains vilii mn as ulw TORO-NTO. LAE. E.ARIr. Mail . ..7 201A.. Express; 10- .. ake. .. ..4 10 P.x. jMail . .. c 1 v- COLLINGiWOOD. LEA VE. ÂRrTýVE Expes... 530Â.4.1mail........I1 $¼' i.%. Mdail ... 2 310 P... ï 9 . .. Mail North andi South connects tvit't Lake SLj- ccc --teamer. andi Ouen :ý.id beat d tily. Chicrago steamLers- leave Ci tLnwmi eiery Tucý - dtav, Thurday, and Saturday evcuuî-;' Cr%ý Bay stearier every Satur.Idy ; andi ste.m..vr ' 'rth :Shore and Sault -$te Niaria 2n Tiiurýî.z Through Ticketâ tu be h.iu at -the -Nortbcïj l'q- pot J. LEWIS GRANT, Y. W. CUMBERLAND, AIanwgsurDiirector. Ixoithe a Railway 017ues, Toronto, Nov. 30, lI.12. 132 STAIRTLI1MG, BUT TRIEÈ! SURVIVE Oit PERISU. -e- 11ilh;. The bistory or tis grent recmtedy if the n't t wf-- derful medical eelatiien that thue wtt Id ha- ever known. 1: is mot a history written by one inan. cr arc» deriveti trom tire esperience, of one nation, -but coneista et a conpilation ut testim<,nial- frorn the èick el erery coutry-a record, thc 11k. of which bras neyer been acl-Paced ini fuyur of,,any e- cuvery or ini-ention sixuce time began. BILIOUS DISORDERIS. In viratever tort» disense attacirs the. liver, IL is repelleti andi oxterininatet by titis &earchiing, pain- less and îresiâtible curative. Let tire sick wviom tire facialty bave abandoneti, mresait hconfidence le tli8ipowertul autibuiiçit agent.Manie metovation le hesilb anti activity viii ire tire unvarying result.1 I)YSPEPSI[Ae Tire great acourge ettitisecotinent vieIds quickly to a cour». of these antipeptic Pis, auJ the di ge-r- ir rasare rest6ed ita threu1pruer tune; -' mLterlait hideous iape thishytrauf c.-f> exiits itselt, tirie seereing and unemring reuîed- disperse.ilfrouathe. patieW.Vs systemn. GIEElAL DEBI LiTT &w E.% K~' Fmra vhoever cause. rowx-rs s r i-vs.andi a&U airer signa et.a diseased limer, andi other disor- 8aizalhe ot the syslsu, r"ehsiummer lire radi - esiag imlluence cf this ail) poverfal antiseptic andi detergent romnedy. SICKLY PEILÎLS Shemult lace no lime in turying a few doses of this regmlatiag a"tirenovatiagreinedli; vira tever uay le tbieompmt* t aabetaken wvkh safety t»n &U ensi«Imatiether duaorganiuatioms it f$efret nilabu iraculeus. Rloqsys Pla are the beat remedy. knwyn in the w fo r btàeoUoeisg disc ases: Ceugba. Influenza, Udae Inflammation, Chest Dlsoaso, Inward Wcakuess. C-eotieaesLâirer Comnjdaiu ta D7spepia, Lonest ut Spiris, Dronsyqtone anti (rarel. Dobrlty.Soecndary Symptome, Pèrer anti Ag».- venorelAffections, * Peai.Comlaite. Wo.o f &Iil' iai. K' AMTON !- None ame genuine unies.tire -o* HaUvo'.,Nw Y"T u d sILoudui,*are dbmsaffilsasa Water-mark in everv icaf of thre 'bol et direction *roundi eai pot or box; the sa Ay e"Baly «ORby koldsg theleui to the UeAtA huihme reww* 4 vlU h.given le andi cas remerm uchizr i maüiosas amy lendt te dtiobocion ofamy parti ai' partieouemrfemtiug the. llaidas o u~db 0 ame,-h.,lug lhe lune sad at. the.i nt roâo folbowav, seM "L»114 )4wY**I, edb7 aIl respectable. Dr~ida.e Damola maMoiein Ilongromut tho UvottaaonKkesrlhoi oti a boxes at 10 bte. os e ami IOme. ~ ~~ft~8 5 raingby taking tire fer * guitisne e o patients la 83~Domnola r 1»Il mou« me4ieil@Seau *ia b. -. *L st hegar ~ddi nlm 1 ,e~d .w ?Iunde~ MusI~ u~uts~.sauu ~ Ci., g *011 qLO~lId.07, V~W, ~.o~y4 '4- - -v AWOOAO M" ion jims aumd