~' w l*~II ~Uê eha -. ~y ~dvi~t wmL'fBU V.,.ha~ uka miSSIS ~S# h. ~3m ~JIfl4LLT ~aI~US VUBI r e - As 1h15 15 ehs beslUhlmfib ahS~IBIS ahelÈlÉ gW. 1h. .h.ve ** sqas~l.SIhS, LIaém&~, Ue$. RUS. ---i giuiw*U E~~4%. 1- 5 LINDS4Y~ ATtuL~lY t ut-& LIIIJOA U PllPEtH gHÂP May U- 80 i A N t R y b x e. t i s e m (~tke ai YUsa~lt*ei. Kent sttreol, La'i-my, ON. le-It (V A. 3. lu. saJt.Wui. P'uî ~a1hr mi Pr NI.~~o KlraLiiBtent Ma ilm aflt i0et Sapt.6.lsO. 114-1 c. II4UT T. lltit -an. P rovil a Kent qtmt5. LladsaI,0*. lU f E a. 1. t If 'h luIiss tEt. . lun t .InAbUS Gcox HOttes Md onsuaUh . W~WL&~iD, Pw a~ ft M Paqriu1 gliei a i stspep m Mid M r., aI~Auabaud as taseibat Uà ....AI Dd4s'~ P I - & M êA mu a be mll a "os-' 800> L0~RUB ID 10 N l «M-D Um&. 8"L RSM. WOOD VILLE. tel sA.p'-Kti MA eet aba tret (3w I N)à NETGOOD8 1 Lr&OT STOCK OF ta__,lama Tho~ ~i *eMWPubl, e rA a cualas tt du &d Mmt thu hyI N"boter i l= 4fUIte hCMR LITLE ~ OILI'orU cw«uqm A à&M""L u E. QUrit P.v~ue'i<OP, Laum «o lant£> ImvesteaIam 1h. abli OUos<~~té.1 2~b Bmiugdêug t. Eause~WuB; .~L mBam ia N L. 0ssbs op I.cals.- I - Paih~nA.q Ag~ QUEBEO5 ru~geie .nd iêe.ea Ceeu. Z.ud L*dm gam LAID PAINEB. Pueswur~n5ias ebtelambb*a au~~ut tii i,*ia Mails mis ~ 0< Pressa kfta ~atpWP uliovot. p abmi 4Ii wkh sa - nl am et ett ilS adolfIisg; ut4 $utbe.51flti.Toh am » ~slor~oMe",li Wb*,-vu yu*g na luii aet- -baum w bu admade up Ivasuïui4 le wr -m tges4sa ho eut about k villa ,0i mu s d,à nthmesSeshi die ofu uci ogea tsab*qmsaIt gImopm -hWu in tW mati. lia sesloda- bomoni a ieterun peumdr" t.B 1 ils tactr.isfaîbsa', forth. mm renom th w ai ln'i . Sgostiema, or Nu o ertîoiil > Acle by nariug botu coaamuew W7,AtlgaiBbes m et i" ma frequmy m omach ouw heat. aealy leo.gnlea bo*brr 1rtua iejugms m bi o lsyUglady, mai lIe yemsggoulemm ms hhurahy appOod u 1oce wu tue»r.u 1,As the inatierprogreaod, the meeting of <ha faiher sud sam set tI Placs bocami fit <u»<, &ad Ibo mort u*em At oeeumrdt tb mmont*b .toboom& e 1<hausse lhifîr determiaiod i. speait.bis asma ou lb.e!Im 44 alea,;esieh.l«Ibaie irsa afleuwh0,i"a at MWmaTu às< Sto but r*gbt aidproper to'li4m "et vllgood," repli a ha tea ni a ~ep.atbal7O91 ban 0deU. Am spaala 0rot uIw7lDof!leimiol j th. doua. may l maitB. atmeoI4~ . p Mmd samigaiiu ak *. $"w.ma& Cheb a int s't4. it *&tulhoe4loIu; botxbk e ie du%1âifl &'M , Wmb~,oine, ve lm Mo ebt Imm sde MR ngwob b,~ yý- aré al0Uat1faàbi e lia n ,Ma < *Unis 41k à*e mIum ta awu,* n __ trak" 1iir wu, mmieami$atMtpeieY1 r b ý I so h w w a ail, nth* i."te epti olo aou,, cbam.-, the <lo~cu dM«iv% tgaa pa u B.ugoa bthé i imtr?" "Ohm e,DU14DL4it, pnaý. mai ."thetinhib i 1im as Wr îendamne bq7 a rm»W14e tend nov?» ig I. i ' *.mus ilte *y.q 8"uholimumodaptel uad< ,g ara-U i MW O Ni à f 11k7OI.b4 oe biba * agRa ubomih tespitbobytha de- , M#W àank-t e 4Mso eho * b.y-uk L~ ui-~~boa ipba's- ulasp w~bhal0<filP Î awàaâ Resw et Il tF __ -bmp-- -be aOltmiel4fo fir,..dol- &~k .1~s. an ma tre aitue repr"ee theo ii.~eubesr ofthe North. WI 1i I.,e on pll~tm u tf.endlomarouai Ot tuuenaa< am4 brs buiterfly lite, mem ~~~~j m oriijeaettosnae AmqOnican cizm W.yo itn ate fc, su f eflrml the privý<isoeasd harimbip ta0 4 ire ie il , agie saged in thedomay arc-i.e r ~ il vii er remerg e . iqq ity ~ piitrynuviic bk . sta.4 for, mes-B.,of~bajue th me Yl at ài »d Subr . a. bmpg of1 t ubmie atiUri4adyeÏi Net Wby dkl&lam ieu Yorkdance ? The bvus las..litum aiog thé- appointa mesfi uaith.r jý onetoadnce,- sud New 'cr jagesitat l..ptmen b liane for it. tie m nty hàiuff nnj b t fro nt ia tufenit ficoins ahîh. Neovrak -lotbu tb. soldiers eorthe roi4q ic miisltody, &aui thereimi beapa oppgre. gainâ le f elf. New Yrn uu ik sodo f id.repuhuic wvitl cein auretum e jpbtydoar.Sep yorit ppliu t, <le aleraoet lbe repubUic vii enricbed vibi tMriay a tom erefar. . Ti sarh«ý té~auotbrs, but fiis a r.i aine ofprofii tefit. Oun t fU i h. gnev fw by iti w eyli.coioiçhfkpuronesia<b phr, broýeoh smli Oubtueipeiner golà i ller reasels i tim mauSio Tlaerefore thueyiui ma itismein;b. à,Pr, petý« fornf taakifn' urrnatlprSe âya they doûel-ls.lmé TRimGERMAInS1Ë!î ýliE tN1TE The Neok n hdpombw, ïla&àatl emb.4yig esa 'imiambie laormistian« eernag to e uepasg1grt usitai ps ila asCoGrOg*-5, ff4mi lit a~mri ~iwtIy daks aqçt9 0fj Ou. ûB.h . missittife -p& il an4aui Jlke'¶ aGe b~* u #~a~-4a hvaui f.w d âil. <ay- L~- ig!iet u6d% *"va w oba - wÀrIs Vauay, 10 Georgina ma, ee bé j NT»ùib, »% 44 ~,CaM&da eh. utugof Cegreo% a mm5JAU? ïp1w*pin4a pias r rt olve A NKV Doii.zwý« au-Tb. ed s~ im~oe'~ ~ S* ate a"bit q«ontii, .*pe5estof uicinratu tmek, and beiugpo -v iâ &a thg The. of âm eWho bar. reason £0apParMImi, exp" Uffl mp bngmi.Né b. h h.~ ~~~h b,è aorp e pretend tà lieon locomoivhie. Suturaitrdm awe bu been eh.IBIedr, touîpte th-t as eneral sebenie destroyed of laie',.iItiià* myml iii uik of .eaàÉio willI h. reooneuded, the the torpedoes eau blIad mde.tem'uel hla W,-t ~o ladithe moSt favor baing the eertainty of their .oeecte, renir <hem one.of orne ofindemanlf&l 3 loyal siavebolders for the moot efficient appliances or h aring' a.n their slaves, aedemaneipatQg all otiiers witia enemy, by bamperiag its c ommuieatioum md oni compensation. T11e foralicomin; reportsupi- vilDo ddutâtb4 looked for with neomail de- Srrrrs Pjrn» vrra SiLvE.- The Vir- grec Of intgrest by the plc -eetaây-by gi ma CitW (N-ewais) Boa 'i amy, kin abao whhte.as wé& 'W bDak& . iailuely no figure of speech te amy ibat th.atrm* -of that place are paved with ailler, for it ina 'A PÂT-it MZDIÇIN£ DEALER RANES faet tIai they am 7 bousanda of ten of rock, AS A IJLLIQAIRE.whSel in other couctries vould pay wvol toten. - tract the ailver froua, arecoued <o level ai XIr. Ziba ào&t, an aid resident o ew ov aucaài ithe uireets. Rock tuaL ilMnot- Yosf1 ti ~el' t~w ailove £1.1ITI~ an tir-àiithe acem te ~quartz mD SWes - uWlhftntr Cfpatnte.of Mt- arrne8 on te the rosis. thoogli soea ofla *~u t. >~i mi PIoeuz BUet, de n oy ot1aeï leity voul e. onsdeýd e~4~c. Se'ai 1ripie age SentY4Z r il hm «06wàSd hiâ lé New York as. a Tasn GwuA? BasTôr Oucix.-Tberelas a .i1 1 1i, v it ,l a g e b ee n a a nd ua m u ai c al t treiv l na i B o sto n , ýe liailile. T~ va oraguetywe ribrt ocasin-being the opening ef a gxrma4 op 700 bdl%,4m Wm im s bàia for a A fev ulatiaties eoueerning it May - l. <la lS -~~ aiicioene Great mannal, ý1Mpipe;8el hahm-a %a u tlie w met Monsîgong st it I à2 pipes; Choir mmnna], 28pipes- So biW ,U5UA<iU Tiava e.mancal'154 pipes; Forte peisi and 41ano or ~].CXeMd -Jnix Iht pedal, M 0pipes. The. York Caâheal S e bu, *»in edso sbet ybousm of SM00pipes, Yeta. à Botegru M Iemipyed afito» . min vornig lpergan as tis, vbieli ladin soea2MO a( <bi ma pm4 p @]@ <., ffslo Lis sen WS. B. iiuiiber. The great ergan st Um bas amrly * Mt, vaio uM e " s~~o cbool bours, in 100 stops, but for admirable proportions, coi- M d-r1ui~gbsns circalaars treugh the binations, besuty, and punity of tome, tLe Boa. eM ty. The amou g ed jein edicine, and, ton Organ is sai £0 excel amy yct constructed. a f15? a residence in Europe entered actively The. vind la gsthered sud condeused into a W uto1 0 hàfauber's buiness. About thus finie resérvoîr, holding sme a 3 coeil. fetib L4 . fomrce1qr <M.Mfa en ts fed b1 six pairs of bellova, vorked hy a me- I dscover <bat lh. vas maaing nome money;chnhoehelataedb eCcht ev amd ieb, in order to crade their importunities, aie vater. ti rnsfarredti bumes. 10 itheson, adin F 10 EicrTo ~russiL-The followiag- jceumFe ofyean4-, pr«duced Iu immense in-k su extraet from a letter written l'y a gnt core. .prolitsw"m prîaucap.lY inlestedi man wvbo k ut present travellin - in Russà: aa roui estate on Bro aM other streets "&Tii.eeaneipat ion of the serfs is no'a" Ê* sue this, vîll the rpli ris. in te value of sncb but a great and nable reait. carne8 tlanegli prope4' William B. Mollit, suked as a mil- ît a csution and -courage tbat dd equa n5o lieuiie. Tho e omme, however, viien the houer te île bond sud heurt of the Emuperor. 'fUtÏer snd am dimposuLThtis vas wheu the It kn scareely possible to messure the granâdeur I- QU r h~ o ad b ugsbai m *r i ll a b i 4 of tti o efu l re v utonb V v h i n e ad Y and Wu.ed tMieuLh.b ldY Me pmiprW -erni and larýge prospets of future adrantages mie ed for mil tii e ebewof bis f.miIy. BU t ote inobles maiproqaietors of umni, ave MW s uit vus c imeacedsud vau tre4 s . P .sy 41, if staies sbouli corne undér Ilb = I sotemspeltteson £0 accouat ith i s anubmeM Nétatses aci. Tii. euapated <~ be~faUai.Tii. latter claimed that on tb serfs a le miy dkplayiug a degree of intel- pi. ca«"» of île ous leaving for Europe, -îu' nsd iudary liai arprnmos t*forai eoa*yrsbeore 180~ ~ PP4ovuers; establîsking gkels, lmying out board-ý m .th % < Ilyexecaated. adee4 ef partuerabip, ed mo.ey ô* lans &W teneuients, ud lu -<4 vfi hpaper Lad subàequea4llion tto the 55W3 otwrrempote sbo* intell- r" bauds oethéii.sun bie es destrqycd. Tis Md __ w--l j.4 uns tetilkt deniçéo e o us parte a4 £ayIV_______ ÙÏ decision vas aint<bfeu. ti aueL?= ood vet h e gherO,éo su d vaw t, procse ma <it&glo *L..u h.ý 'adie4, a 11:1.ovin a Ammuas KRem Iui.zrxa. p brP o.bi, tule case Lam been finallir, "ffl'ti<o < the mtsl abr trsl i.b a L~Lei . ai tr~>u~1&TI5 ~ hO itefamily maaine inAmerios.More *»as Cia taeu illab.u vmflwod p U~~ ~ o reeommeid amy magisluelie coutomtBamy. ~ ~ -. *u1 -Aitm I o'à u n b 'te à md 1 ýqL 0 t 2m ýwï M4 ýml =m 1 -1 - ý-Iiim 1 '