re. ~' t~j ~tx ~J?2 4 ~ ut uiaaUsw l. tient Ib.wmI o et ONfOr wêdxÂh di> ct.4 >e 1 # , , l*1tIîlkbc îîwl d ia sat iubslatb-svdfi ttu< uti ul »J ~leitih.îiuqi i tailt4 hAIJiot4ttit, jsaeïu, h4 d u"0# au' o iii Wu iule txu iama a-4<Tba-eoa<4ue 11*I~guwut-'lato lié s t»stor'i ai t ' -ua.>iqtd <11#s tîsa înu lié W,îulsi»êu.Tlb' - Yuuos'aythe t>ajitasI< so ansd qiit tlîui m ttrett#ltft tr he Iiothoftswenka* * tu*se uJu~l a ismuseio t ta@itble pasbk, 'P fli4xiiIa&&À4 4, oprtwKl iît bUI4 tta ant inr SraftJlt 6 ~;>, suilIuudut utrs iklc~ture (Irthe - - hyatg 1 >uthmtt Ihat ttyhinlm ' ltla ahe él>e1pe kf rutlîiy. Nttua ist 4it Ail mottula I ittu lltitisiibe NSma qui vkl7 owîi4.. si T. t t uift' Ibi" 1',4 tsdruîllt u:. 'I T- i t-eas àitai w at'a ouIOut f curg*touta, ut * auI stvï>s hsuhîi41MOu u 'teos l1U bt> 1hicine2 tiu ti Itj iot-euli thtIe st-tu lliei> ttilmé.s t wI cti a d'imp ti', by 1tilur, toit idsto'i uî îit bot î sr-sîtulor hi Alali-cua, ný and, (ieblt-t~tluuu't ttti d. Itwlurd lit% W<.u:'ui 1sjîtti64Mlitlkss' 0lits briadhititu ft'Itktltt1 t-OVA Inriaeuh g7 baiwu llouk-î't wclou, cou-e au *xe~leds tI tttir d ut ité whtdyutîa io, iutt>1. * f 1lits dttèm A. hti iln Ibou~aMî ic 1%Vtîusiýîluu ltouf->ki)ftor tli ilttiwnt lttiu5 Utîtîia 1>1#, l Cit our <imutotaiair d y liA- t-tIwkti. 11,1s# (i-ni- 4 a t-ittî-y raid l*tw#sÀ bte dits iuîe4 e.uusbt iltit t01, itI Wfitk tii< tt in't s~ ur(.îise l i'lur -u>il cdt. Iw a au i îtiu. ho iutiit'urel u nit'tfiti vutIlit iii u r liu $oî llu .ulut -bluît inf,.Wk 'itst o te t \hu *btt'u i ,0 l <uit ilelîj. ~u tVLý-L 7- à ,zb 4 1U -~ - -4 w-se WL 'r I j ~ ~ ~ ~ is;;E.W~5~~A1 AVE' ~ sud.. tj_ t. wlàmâio efw #». esmsç MUXsq,1 F17 &i mi. sos là theUX64 tQ 8 I'Z &ou IyLL h. OLU) HYI M S Towni et Llsday, On Fidttyt the 171k dai Ï or i uewtai Meh, Asr if 12ocloekNmaps eir ant*bdbjy ia e ra rpound." mmlsaluad lulàX4tr" gOthormal, i" htesea Uulousn 1 ùft q Prt prtiJane Ana P4ltqsn. t he fimed tie 934 UIo, ail raguterunth ule âOl i j M J"M , tti-AI1 h(we eurtalsi 1areus or meti et< lanul amui preitmo stuaeàis lau e asb!p or us lbn thé('otutt?0a Viit-tai, ing c d oe ltm North halIf t LUt 21imbur Tuttyx tut»,i Lot N, la theb. iriýî ct.nt'ersiom ort ho titi eut'.lpO1lp% enlaIg by ail. uîetstr'uç', Tt~-ehubireci Aer&-SW serai obared tmii it Oa vlu Thlier or* on l"t.pasutieau exooal.nt 1"s m.w haanib U 36a a largeuiSw etbwBMrlm7i4 il a liarge"me wtoduabeit, 2,1by 30O1 a' rame utt-lhstiIry. ly24 jua lttr 1 I'lieume, 94 by 30, andi oel-b Idump eutuawlmd eiLlboisos Tite Wuad I# o*lay loaito ' t ipe)trr qualily, amni &h lia aaV*r4slla»g team unaiasanIm"th Te.fuibi yarl.loifr theapply te Uadbb Ju Ae.fl. »444$E = ]hr olliio la i. msg. VIT TXn fttes. WI tuita siag Mthlie. I Ubb #ut o tfse lg~!elo i Ilrimh lrm I l l_-b. aboe sCUS*P »avom ju. Applyo post pasu, 3a" Ur.i 1"m. WILLIAM NALOON, Petubere P. Qi, C. W e 4 Alot: --m .w 5ko# jour bilS.lDe. « 4 . . . « '. .03 b'iai pu W1 4.eut é t4- t-Wf~,>»4I ~ - .91 4«ýf z t - -tt -4 t-A g ! A ~ ~ "' 4itl aa lf et>. u ce.00 e .0>dmA.IO 'i, O; ',9 r utri otos i ià a 4 ua u. A.* .Ot e .0g ~ Lm l r4 v u q i-Z'_ - ».ewsla ~ 'e g~> tc d i to't ia-U~ra ç tîu . um.. . ms1 lo ~ir bd uté,0ilé mIf'Ftq. . ,10»1 ' lie'tm S ilte 340#,s 9. toiIaI* auiAee mr ~a . ~ e r Ir,, aiC- .4l azz " Lim. KIIOWl" ON meLassyouLb1. t. 110-af et à&m lutlut A» Ap*nttl and.P.M*lLKYRAY, dsay.*n LlnUW«Ad and ,1813. 107-ifm" !e.#!P * . SuZ Bk a owthe O etMmuon M o1844i air 0.0. moum &bomIli. i IL (L. ioutyaiimet oba hr.,M Baieute ryDuirsBut Juh Dn l.Lu àSh0et dg Sba, JeI Pqnies . a iru, a . Y. Ciinai~eh&q, et Ilei Jasa lad,, soli;;et eada. 0. Jl ashmtuh4 q, ., 0.. ~2t~lois .18 B"Y OMM ~tint - mb. i f. sa or the Ivmm d mslm.u P~ teotrb«ý'jou m . 2mSin improTeul Parulfer BaIe OR TO RENT. 4m 'dIflre uIf.trI <=% ÏO . chIpe.ç-t te eres tChatd. and 20aous et ax«Ualet limbor Lant; good tub"" tiyuTm-houls., unea. aid 8 b li a&. »"I a *1 r.-tim !1 WI u t 4 qnwg* JAUU EUTTOs, Prujuit.. FRESH ARIUVAL8 0( O kid &" won& Uvu aftmlimt ate i"s = e UBootsa msouaUni ov mmpedb.ssIsovýd mi The Stock oooepdlm âf. ifil> lIIs~~su'andi BOIS, «ALlERSM d BAL- 1 moIlS,> lagutqumtiti... limrout faatidiouas. A C.ti le ani that là rsqmtred t. ec"iMeaJ" i à" wblgteo archase -Buý4sm mg ic.lii CAMEBOYJ h b. pula ]Y.Ee. Toua abave a T%0 Subftuiber has. o m dsscabl LpVfu of OROCR1&'6;HALL>WARE amm CEy, vbith lm vil)ii loffetm m f«tc., N.-B-AiI Parties indehted te &s uuoribu m raqsatato. elau " W& vhthut fuxtiardom*, 0abvood, lune S22" 1803. 207-31» HIydnpul<fer Sale. FoMrding and Gêeai geWtý MONT REAL. A*#for sie of, Pour, MA".,Butter, (l4 donaval produca. Ai.., f e j h Oocrlm C.dpy Bet efflelaai B»s4s. ltag.mMso au o .ws,. QUARTE'rLi ovJiIJ&>u "4» lMONE. 1mai ding fis us. ra,1~Ula- Pýebwwa M -- s L D. CONNOU J li.g e !"eeté m et r- w à . buiw.. . Pukmaaipaiu q- b.bsss t.yIo m .e Md~a n i ' . w uu1300. ti LALUENDI 0r TOWNÇ, LLNI$AY. Tr1Fà tnd-erne , etmrminthaihs tiO ""y liber!atro eho bas asceiveti. begs te. "tei that hit =tabn aMâst11 uplied lihpleu- ai driving U0&tS&î aMt OUI«ES, go b. let un the Met rema»ble tewme. 'u Wi"tar.eomfoflsble, tylish CMUS m»d suLonGs Wit Alwap ho in reaffiness. Kr -2-40»" Humsealwaye to Rire. **Tuaàs lmerai, to suit the limes. rnwolitWOKEXUAN, propuleeo. UD&ay, OLslm 8. -129-tf WILLIAM STREM ,LL'XSAIY. 4md Stable m»d Shed attaee", sauanattentive 4QlIer lays in attandance. Ums",Mmre 10,1863. 192-tf Owxw of .dassaiW W Mau Ses, iudai, C. W. OWYSth pfer the rmeptimof o!visit«rs. Iis Ns... uktceaveint te lte Railway Station sud *iabmtaI*lamng. sud tieS. »-ofrwa Beartea A" i bt stepttet.door. ~jCharges moderrE.. TBEFLY FI>UîRBBPropn.ur. Lblma. 8sqt 6, 1861. 114-If Clvwer of K~ e ra il wdhau1ko., LINDSAY, C.IV. 'M ut. xanmonmto bis TL Ye" d thieii.Tmrmg Publie. that he bas iw.S.d mai e>iv eeraieti hs fonnwer boiud- laeb"M hvad tdeti a nev eint. mmd h. u nov pu- M&aa l-e'.. .vuy eoueaatcate paties gr- M.ku a a aL la seactloa vith Ifi tenfthora i. extensv a"aMtmg, uadar lis e ofu a u experiencud LITTLE IBIOOKLIN HUTEL, cha Iseuqmo md M siiaative 0.1er ame alme BILÂOKHAWB HOTEIL, Adjam"uID 1l" port îHe., Indssyb Mmd PMisbo iypmm ilb. publie geonly, fer fis "st lib" m u.argemaut seceind uri ng Uie IMM lm 7*iM bop te amouue tat h. hm fIttut hm New ernies. viiie".rattention S. d« mfeifor bis»«g 4 sta, the IL.lauet fis but the marketut a",. at 'Oièn XST vaBLIO T. a. BLACIHAIL 1mai.S&, Pm tHom1 C.W. TROMM ASVJEN R'ASINQâ,P'ý a jljý "Oe no attr ed labsat-me Tae " et mat sp 5 SP 14U t ALBION - 'ZIOTJA3L, - lAS! NADEIT ~VA13, T0BO3?~ SÀ ptr-;ed at i?beadkW Si. pgod liii asutWbtal etiatm hubet 1t dhumFu LPLr **âming 130 mat. bau Nb. 22inthei a ë .Ut .. amie&joUti Roai Brgr n ia, rpety ssitate 9"e Mals U Lim. ICb bI-i e on rob', rm 1>eelag Bous. (Mst g taMmd Cook-uwàLateebti flans Bain (àftm). lot table aMd Catw Gnum>, iaaa »dy mi a-lieuse, lie 5 V77 rouiangOrchard of sorne 100trm Lmmd La excelle ale!eter sud Pump. lTe aitove a-il!b. solti eheap for eaéth, cili b. gurea 1er Part otarnortgae, te suit# ehes..TIe. Stock and Faruiinig Impleux Utens r i.for uiale 1>5 i.ivâ~e cota For partielars and te treat alàply ex unis..,ut tu, janua s8, 1863. pae a lInail~- Ifs lum, of là F» King gadm ~b. puIbo=. JOe dîuu, r.u <>1 A,. M cawWpuimtale et om ty *reg ei ta w1,dou baid um af the Flai me ieaun w Sm ina gd s5414 lupreser- te vithin Witet a 25),, aith a go àle =Ln re s *lise ait is-es,4 or time the pur àea Suid bet the pre- JAMM SmiLE, Lnsy 18-tf IUalni t" iLet, iNQ. 6, fi tise lOd Con. VE.tALUM. i teousty of Victoria, contalîing 1 îâ atrss-, o! chics 80 aes arc elered and idtnder a stat& of euîtilration; beési a good L>weiiig- bous. ani Fraue Ba-m. The Lrti k weli catercit. Fer information app1y ta lhe Prq.rieter, WILLIAM BUNTIL Boboaygoos, match 5, i bu2. 139-tf BQE SOLD inînàatelv, lsv Private , a de,-ir-atle Fatria on Lut 1, 11h Con.Masipoa, ususstiiof 5s0 acres, o et a-1 0 aesare iunprovu uul i n a bigh ctate cf ciit*txa- tien, lier. is a geod ll'uec andi sub..t-tiut'al Fs-anus Baraon UieLUt, aud iab-adaui-ao f waSer fur etouk in every Le.d. -4 uiL-e e etrable Farta k ranty el sb. met a-is. TiLte iuditspiatae. Far furthes-partiotlars. apply tu JOHN CAMPBELL Praprietor, Lot 1, 14ti C-un. 3ariî.osa. 135- If Office CLbains F it d y. ~1 3 TOWN LOTR in Lhts<bar. andi a G 0 ar n Veula>-TitIa miexceptiouable. Appty te .DoSOD IUd.ay, mas-eh 4, ISG3. . 191-if ROOM TO LET. A ARE FRONT ROON. in a Cen tral AI pit,?of thes.Town, te let ; suitaâble fur a pro- b"d. Alj1 ly at the Office <of ibis paper. Toelie SoId Ch eap. L OT 'No. .1, inlte I 2îb Concessionof tise ]ÀTownship cf Latterwts,-th, 200 acres uf got 33~ aces of lb. North part of!"Lo- o.1, in th. 2»d Concession or the Tuwmuhip cf Minden, in the occupation of lIxniel Bucki. WYest hai f iLot 32, ini the 9th ConeSbsio! Township tLFdon. West Iar 4f Lot 8,inte7th Cneuim utLet h Towniship et Sfflerrie. The; aborowail elegible for gooti faims. fou-partieandtu treata&l vto Limday, April 14, S13M Yaluable Tarins for 82ie, mu ims I.Aafl Lb~y. Sept. 28, MOL IL.LNaI , 1%. *ben.Certicatoe ilIshow that meý.J. kJ. Tay41o, oi Toiset, bae adeelone.~ozsPtte- metts the Durvee & Pt.- thb'i. .TII, mya in their .Ldvrri ent i.±-aa -«Irf l it r-. e Y;& l, tb'asmau-oz.qprte~d wtetbLes> in th-e li'te Fr* kt Lilti a the :$I'.re ur J'.hn iLMr. Tie -gale refered to ie mot &f the mn3tsd. --yof I>' n ce à- F"t!y;, mt.1 J. J. Tzirltr have zmet ld the~jiEevo ~~m r ki4~.;e eo',onnut wll ee tbat.-:r 5arue are as re- liabés &à J. & J. T.lit.if Dot lx.. ri. fertb. Dm.. & kporsyth MamdaeWturia; .-Co-, Rcfbetter, Nï THlE M,-,TEFFICIENT IEX IN 1STIIE WORLD, BECAUS~E T1I "- AVAiAILLE. T T is th.'e 4t at -elp<Ir ive'i<..1f v'-i- Ling Mil.! ws. !; ~ s.n.~'î A* Pte rý-:o'à unda-, F-'î.. S4 L.,'l'. . e, h . u rate s, t.j.r;!i e~r U, a - te, v 1 -l ý4- ; a hydrtt. ItLtka.ligbt, portable E U EP.3P a lways re.vk. ea--ily- ueà, aixi wil come- infre- orntise 1);-crery Fariner. Mercksnt muid Me.ýlka- nie in, the CoJflUuL . We, thoeuder- mr i cn- * atthe Proeatthe resileuire c-t br. il-s ' aundi It>uer Taior. au-I .Auilillatc-r, kLitwn asVas. -UV 1>)u lPU 1!T, >l eliecrfollte Ici- to i1...useofîioes ini dmI-ny Seru f te io -se L:cc-atnutt Le io- cuxed: - J. QI~.1.PTATIY IL. Tu$>. S. 31. %WA-'HIilIIXL Hjt. S i lLL . Ili.. -,--'1, G£. t. PTi-iLLLZ m . I. J.LT, x. JON Es, 1.A.tl1'rD Bceeille; etcmber 1-1, l'-i. Fro. .4s mra, 4-:- : t Ibis iun-te-nent is e"-n<rjpý- Iit-utfaror i-t!. these , anti u!! il -V. Th --Fre n-,,--- mt-ui.edIv t' r c .- i I ~.t:t et , an. re be'nnui jtelv uo-r p-l--~ iu~i T'aey are aiLso a.k1.teçI azl-,-'-:-î.l a-ie-e tLmns eSt o ,,: - t-u--t î i» u~ xi- ,uia';Tït L-. ýtL;tv itt-(Ii as a n-'Ans ý.f OItî5î!Itk: îre8ý. b:.t u0--' -t-i -a tcr dl-.t:xier t Ir lM S î-' t-- ie ili!e:lept -- a't-- tiv in ei-ery hutie, a-bore it czia bc zi - (iEOFGtE POPE. A--emt. Liindsay, Juin., IS.i2. i-tf ST liITLIflU, BUT 7T&IC! SURVIVE bIt PEIA Sril. Is. or w wme. The bi-t-ry eoft ci.- 7reacst l- ;-fie rinto- -a foflnwing- mry V tale RSkm-wu. tLt-ii ot a hi-tory waritte yon ame ai, or T r smfe d yPi'yate co»trac-L: cieut uetivetifrorntic ;î uniecte tit' -lf, lic centra 125 Acres of LoitlNe, l-, in I the i but e,n.îsits f a!U!.nof tsh-t.hfrouni Cou>. of Uic Toa-nsitip of tap@, in th e Caumty of Vier- the s,;k àf crery cot:ntr7,-a recr'yd, tUýe like t f toria, c-f ahieh about 100 acres màccas-ciland wahieb bas mever been mJ.iece-l in f -vLof mmvre- untier culilvaluon. Titere is a g-ond Fra-né Barnut, very or inmi-u àLa2iiuc tisse ho; noer, 60 by 42, Lo.; Dwelluutg midStables. ua" aC s I11>? n.e-alut pi;o!faater. ICU IMDMS The Seuth-aAt'i of Luot No. 17. andth ie Norti- lI wastîvenfr Èn ti case .î-,ýtX .;c fE Ier, it is Fit 1 ef L«i No. 18,in thlot 1Crn. of tihe raidt rpelleti andexteiinîînatt-,l hy t12;. k er.tu, aui- Toa-us ip of Oia, eontainiug 100 aeres; utibous t W le'-ai> r: iî~îe~,: aeres are cleareti treo frein stuns. There us on iUt I*t- ;,.k-tu,-tthtie fa-stltrhave atsanàdqned, tha ta lArdeTPrame fBouse, Dri-ring Housse adt1 reeort wdh cu,iui e-e 't-' ts uwerf-.larat.biius Stable, Log Ba% MR rchas-îtoftrat bearia" t agent, andi a returatjo-n t tand acîiviîy'will mai s evs--aueagspriaC of! cmr'ThisoIewns>o roat d.t.eme& iiinar. lu theL.abeve Tau» a are itbia abeet ffl 'iciqs ! 1. lurihinr Ta-no! iscay,~ lTe great scourge utthuouatinwetlsquiekly a.eaty ten ~ ~ tg.a cours- te r e s dq.c Plut, sud tihe e- NeutM. 2, in lb. hi li" T.emsip eti Ms tsirelluud ome; mewo ciusri sau*W t under enîtratAa. Ti e htt tel hsterhlandi uuerring reisc'dy Je a loug Ibo@@%*Wami fie i. mwaw **le"en Ibo wçt 44C l the3Mi cm,.etGRIUMEAL -MI1L1TT&u WEAL KNES --àaffp@ý éu'tb 00w acre%, of ihieh, FMM . uateer u na, x orni<w-'jairs". md I a u ar lmreit 16cr. .laFri e1PM etl &Ugailailer signa of a ul.tcaaod livrs, and "ber disc-r- *W 1'*a1 » g~." Jslai h vauiL M nudlbganization of lte tsy-tem, rauuish t nder tis erauil- Oedar, an" thureil a sgond a-en. - eng *inftene &f Ibis ailpue-rful antivepll ad lie South j of Loi Ne'. 2% and the North j of duterget rauy Loi Ne.. 23, in #tas 4tk Çon. of pesak afucusalut SICK LY FEMA LES imalmhu 2-tioa, of aie n ct 90 aie £,bouemla te.n lime in trying a tea- doses of titis ulssti-a& uoe ellral'su.Tia"e w a gei sti guwaaig a"Irema-atimg re, t~ uay Pramn. Rosr a, aMad (Omul <pVstii FrUitShotheir omauiamis au abut taken vim a(*V ~ li MWd Loo)10 hy « MddasLog lidand oter duraiiium;ils efièe 1 biuoav Tare, i mi wmcniqa, ehuns h le ibut mimduious. a- 16e u of *0 toLb. QavaU Judy, osngos1, a<jPilla are Me fra retnedy kuows baamwg ,râOcs).re won adpisfor <et iS TuwmS ,-.g ortefiorig Liaa fer oa., us pMaut c4"liueao m OMI.ty tu- AiLaB**obs musa mslças ~ink uit paromse-. Boa-el Cocapilat. indigestluué ltpauitdnm"si à. ual ap4i. lteb&0Phe-> - nest ..n, i6 vard eaien ~ Oeolvsauo, Limr6à or aita Fue m go sa â, ema sel to hi? bug h I¶r ot %7«00"Sà,etaUkIII -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ FS or1I N W*IA~1 ~ Vti t eA.~.y j4~~4, ~D~ereai14VaOu@.minoI cete flket, trtr t~lie i liais ,jMhad 4- I i~"