*e fltu-e& oga bor- .~ twOêyyeAU bmago.t. 1 ~~~~~v t as. 4ymu. hon mot humiew Tonm Véry k Tumhi f64 ~BI'e ~V ffi0< 01< AuU 4 »vuzswJs ULINDS? AY.OI U TUAI mam 1,OS. *alsom. lan. n L. B1n(>ix LLfdat « &Wis*Peut### ,AtIO-?4W là ie la Wfi m'e IKentI<mmi OmieS- litto4.ttie. OonvŽant rsA',0c.K MAI _ - Id ltq ae, MM&Mite o B. C<~NWA?~ Pi.pshiev. 1114f IST W.S aocxaius IAaWASN, oeooea~~, a ~ MA~IJ4LÂ, C.W4, blOl Iot.u 1 ~fisa ibm Public ibis h. ~émnWbml~ Pw~ mmd M*vh Fr... N~W.-.5'wi. aid ~wu.Ar saIê WQOD VILLR. J -- _ MUTgL,_Wooihflle, C.W. Anu VOLO4t. c >4mAe- t"i. le **.mrue£P~ mm .1 * et ua t la u ad$ wad" A.Lm r fbe a fe« IIl#.Ie ?.lb mm p.md fqset lin6asmmê TORON TO. I~8$fi$~ CtYMIIflLA~U> & STUIW, Chu Km lasers ~ A~hhIwtO~ TORON TO - ~-- LI0UI1p~n MWiitSolhlW*e, Cnevyame4ire, si~r1. mmd lin .1 MckLea k Ni' mîrses, Toisato. J<~11~f &~AA. VIL MoDOIJQALL. ?ovonso. Jaa~~ 1*01. 134-If tttiet lhilmt mo,<wmO f K-t m Wilitt&'"41q Liits> <lc.Biegal Gaew' mre. t Aiv.tulg EunMsIte Iuhmu Lau, IIOPSfl am Gd«W Mmh vit"ni Po sapI.IW. 144 ~5E1 -1 ---r-- - ---bi 1144t1 '9#,eDII ff-ll1,4rtiio«Mdpri 181.seiq1âqOW -ffl ---- -t 'JA1~~ L Xo1M Ax 0, euxi N nomme~# dom ~mMrV mmdprmly vOr TMOU " lm f Im . jià vi ll Pl g omeil oy" »MmlDr). Fisso, lba fam.u Mdd âo oesflérom UNvu ol '- fomult aridL Tbo aoesmuspoke, d18ide" îb l tile toMwAI pie..of 0< hi tglnai aaistou îl io , uuutltio* an e*"OrspMM l c su Ile uc tîr"sgl htic1ta*le eot N. 46. 1 aw* eau, bmr mox U, l»ue kbmi 1 AIttlâ t"abe mt a toitu. th vasal, oure4lm ioui pM Ie i ho" Of glaehméueïuidmW1 eu, of oeboum tg eh$*u iIe biumu tf W4Il Mw11ýM* lb f*W boa<, M if h. 'as lin- llsion MoMeatary Uf 1cfusM» UIWW upb 1- Mhi, "het gve-s tond br i sw*à.ilWai avocu opus" s oe 1 roplac*d slassal**bo saklr mai doctor. 44No; le uo0M soý"!' mlilliaiara Id. doctor q; nbar lhbono * « vles osa to. eV« ire iaipoileatbut at asg.b. bout&. If vv ers alapavhmdmg pauwMo uhtilsaOWliwv pbose imm*Smle oreur- gwts iaSth*siiuffl cu, au*4modwd ot OIVaeM M ippe8 oit iodàAhiw. Wu a qaisi.u.int mbebej,ïaa iWspais 0<Ibo bous urbM twpaeftaiWu eftalmalvu fat %aa> fro ms, 6 aMa w psmd rufl. qosmr th"t th« doctor ishawbii a t>, a adenrs, A -&, t .tai1 m saneei apatÎé*#l,'vaited ce us~ mil * obtns fmni1 ism . as oui tomest, lmblmg M, 4absâlaêflouibm1k air <e gma000w, aMddit ermular eparhmi Su thé e W ems Gîafadm M lo pposIt e l docter, p"atïqg us teSW i.appet aig ofeh mteo", andi uslg ibm ner on a cli. bas gardes ami, gma lie aoi à Tov ui bssyie% mldm emad, iat in 181-tbu atl val'iou - qe~f, *oe. nasl A"% iww FsauI o à.19 1 1Ièids. w ipb p 1909tupmaisu ip *y »M ia &i *8n iqbill- l*0 haa *ou m the " ma md be&I~osl.?b' su 1 wu t wu Whoehctiý"MW,»m it, 0"! o f ~ y.,là vu. Ifri uail»," ueSd Jev-vhý.- b. a~audl Win Twý m aion îhe spot w lii 4" sf Yeu d00% UKo euramwm 1 ba repSt oni~ ~ Io MiealI M ortier." moi ~ ~ dký louelgmp~ iébhg op. "Don'i aagger. Yeu mous 6 '"' ue, chat; velttien, boxe t uiugo«'*Sitheeoiftbeld0<ibenafa. ~... b.. ~ npts ia vet-IleoilreeeommiMM .bom à-- mi, f Ù&Iaiu, careametaeals sa&fr .Wei on -Mds we vers folaM., Jeuaa on<wgr wmmvuii&d&Y, ihia, pseur ohm, mA"dirtv bols, drainaover lis trovses, 1 ioagi belmighm ae psmsmd ma ter for the ver> spirit of Avarie hirasef. Doam lis beau o0 gmaea irr' 1"Ibeard hi.é My ao'Kuusse!;*1toit ye l ous a&U Mad gramne er mamvi. 'Tout eveiyhin. Bslu s u "q 'i bmus ll.M, eldi îercbcboooaîhe "m..ofi&e urec4*i pouss wa, mbaurah ul*ad mi aurmamed hi me.' " mobit suftp m rit isit ml, mi lu M Fsm Madieiu btu ýîoet" POMML " au 4 ils e w %p ti ad w bewoustawes, tab, u om Or.!an upslmmtée - tos 1 tb mo lyuaig," sali île Jeu ;"ub'y <toit air, berabils i... et-do huaigoot- gou to hfersudiaed liw ben e, &ears. ciiU1 k mu.!bis it him t soi, etiediIl n o e Ie atue esi,'ma e1 singe ubena vîi Our uc;btoepi., ers, brave m»e ho ob ust meifalx Nov, bi olh Muw"ovusr»afer y.. 11h, mai meJeu or gmas atm»bhart jS wvillseae siig Wl. rre <ciau cJ# aller Io.e in Asugm sm usa oo ueoeAe s i n, but beme fibs Imum im-mai $cw euvu av mMn; - lm nmmne ro ooeu 1 loft its v om viti a efflo h si mia hts box té pleces vitt a hiCira. My f Mot MW Dom memrof Kiuler a"d b Jesformmaad1, alîlogh I board a rumor that b. 1aidenken, for several iboummd ruIlm% ,o ioenv 'bsct to Fiancea, Uuisa lady of rmak, vIces bbas.! lsdbeen tW»e mever 1mev a mmm« uafosbe la a votas mat n Kmr- fane, scene or1 ad mi boo rm tfio th" Inmogel. Thêt xmgît, ouItrei begm-ils e Bmiane 8OW Jlamoou, t im ansim tromking cut ita ils euuslmakers'vaebousa. Fr.. ibmis :0= etw i.Emparr m ev 15 vasm SUo~ 1 yul -lm TI fatalroet om cualabegma. %ivery day nue=oragreu ormo and vese.i Wl.. bue mormo& n feb&hNoveuilme, at bslfcrovns, ils Ranimae .ssme Id bwii terly, fer il.>' 1mev vol . wt"m comm. From "atday, 15 <MWvworm &W i Vez- glieer aMd iàeor; Mdi l.e somelaa mSl me.! rosun tibe Azibi roid a phgabmrock «emiLm..As Seet ads gramit>' inbis rmt vir k:-«&la ibisnvt urel ils ara>, 19» & gruat sip tosseilb> a trememiouas UIPesi, "w eulaie ibis vasi wol g ofti..m Md sacu #11 ibat di ci in i rorm riat, pier, guON , awý postmIl,* aie uiaulsil, île voes, ý* is .<1,mo4eumN "e<d& 'mooe tou t, Obslteimit t;6 me sb 0f t te tud b vesacls'to teom m erg u& 9 bu e ffla use<sèmmak19 *ai~bIIbmm4 p% mi e tms.le ib.deeMd me Ibov ulum vs nue lieSses ! i mh.sib Joi~sbmktimgbreailfor ile am .At Oai 4 iMMaiç touets hff OumeUme revsil r bhon, w.waved our 8.gpana&i biyomuts, .sd urrisied edlomg ta the orms. 1 - mi a iiafmiaed m o f mkTilos br gg il dedoors of ils bakeboue uhere ra, dlom vus te be dain-ted. Alazuied ai ibor mmmSn, the frihtne Jeu, sers band)- 48g «*uMpsof i"i.unhakeil d«.b. Hun &ë& of hayonets vere iosùng >in theair, umuhefs vw"s hatgiumr, and -hem. and there mm em osetuR ali sain, ith hunger en domtseps, uibiia @Ws' length of the cmwdi. AU order aWk diWmeie e gene, and amid a group of ixîWW ..dmea Str.ming fer more i brod, seffom wuveren clW ring klod>m ihe mmeni cmmp4bllower. Foremsosi %mg theS, more couwyand ' d importmlte " a ay, 1- ny Kiatizer; he vu mouftio4 ou a heag amller> lorse, and ibm veflstc§6d hoIs*orvem .stil.Conpienous oljet% on liesailla.Re via breastmu., bis va> theibm roui amo.g the eursaag soldiere, the imJeu wvia eIint t is îc airrp4e&uher.ý is& ams versupia. Ibm ar anireamg loi 1* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mtdq -is .coinno.imiîthep à"swotthe savant r' eried a drammer, on uhon bis horse bal irodden; Isl Wdieiî Liat, maar.uafter. Why diddt h. formthe bair " BM4 hm-aeez cursed Jewsl1 bread, dear9 kv.!il.-awreamed out lZraufter, aitenaely wbeeline, ndihboaten&ng. o red r ue'll slay ew-eq Jeu r"-ihuted the sohdiers, teannia'hedoagli ta piecesas the Jov.bakers îhrew ih in gicat uhite -lumps amoeg ihein, fierce a s à" i ghîinc for a bat 1 vus about four nuira fron> Krauizer, and was vaiting patientl>' for a>' turrawhen my attention vwu druwn to the Jew ait te savanî's sid&. He, wusbendinýr dounand iievidentl1v eutiig ai the savani'a balaera 'with a hick,i sbmrp knife. I vu asucinateil vhth ibe sighî; S <saiated tint 1 lait ail thuught of giv.ing the alaru ibougiamuid thé v*i of four or ive Moars voiffl, i i eCponile ihàiary aru I emuid have giron coldav ie réached hlm. Sud&iier 1Si> au beotic1..1,s ald. ail thé Jeu utoop doua md eraul uzider the hoe&mbel>' md im.g ihvocgli the crod, lbmppar doa a sidouile>'. "1 Ilîa,"aid 1 te m o6cer mext me, ai sa feul hm robbed ilatmm in front of as. 1 saw lim uciii ai.hostes." " Cha.P."' id tle oe i m ddressed; ibis as » ùMM t och"fMr mlier. Ber% e, u-- breul, rsad Ol' WaIas b1,ud, Jeu, or Prenu*1y the sins.. m rviKrauî- t r Wnro«vosl8 bmglup of dough, "le ihurMto bgo## Kmmow rLau. "I ddt ..v.t ad ~oe" 'ooofor' WWWfu% -rm du #bna i o uF.-* "id z "Cboe -dlmu aie b ; â p 9 i Ït hM* ag=hi W=iu bm 0 Il' uy muJ~ ik oiP boid&â lial br &aWs ~tz ffl-Txp boasee** OMr Ma of ibm hbsa figmmm 0< ui.-Qlemlep proos. du"r iu visgp of days mai glemimmots of houi ubiel se80 m e aee i0! ont into the V" agse of existence. per-. blaps if rou be- a miser -of moments-if ybc frujýM , ad 'owd ?pod&I minutes, md hai ours, and unexpected ho.idae-yjour cawut -Itanin-ys msy eke you outia 8 fr and SefruI life; aadl jumay die atluti richber in exience thau multitudes~ whose time lsa ai toiuaw. " Bray Pi.ac%"-Tbey have a lile 'toua 'oui vest," wbieh appeurs ta have been oicr- looke4 b> Dickens iad othor Enclisiitrard- lers, *Pd uhieh la 4 ail sorts ofatxrr:n, place" [it Que dal îbmj reeeiýtly had tua street fights, hn a mâxz4 rode îliree. men out- of town un a rai, got up a quarter race, a turkey shootxng, ta gander pêalling,,, a match dag figbt, mmd preaehmng 6>'a Circu rider, Who afteruand ra a fStiraeeforappleje& al round ; and, au if ibai vas ot enou.,qb,-the jud-ee of the court, afior loèlag bis yeU ar's sala>'msingle poirer, and wbipping a person. for saying thatLt e dAi "o uu ensa&4l ibm me, venut a mil ulp ed to, ly»eib grn«Ulbhefor hogmiema4 Mmaxixo or i&.-Tbem udeui My"ho. ogisis imiemîcd heir lors cf matture la>' huir ttwrrmti onsmd appel latioms.Tinsmari> of thii îfnmemof ihe vomen andi men utre de- rived from rari-àus plants and iioee. Thus, Barbara is derired from barberis, the. bArber- rytree; Rosa, froi»t lic robeo; lAnra -front the lanrAl; Lucy,irom hieus, a gtove; Rosamond, frïcm raamundi, îh3 lower af the uorld; Ag- fleeu frai» agnus, a lanib; -Melissa, fo Greei w-dshtifiyia bee: Dorcas,a a mm Pikia leaf; a Sheep ; Jacimiba, a byaciaath; Galetes la mil Cynthia b.o; Jesse, an en;Zi tof a ireetem«" ~a Ciahartwort ; and Chla., a ____ an o u ao e i ead; a apetnz la r o tintowandu hi an if, as onportunitarsn, !hugendati>' bstim namd cam'v cor- latsths errurs ai h verv time uhei ho la trite dou i..ban, a yi a1g 4Not s9% My child ; ve a-e cohstlituted b>' nature for sme. thing else , 1 shall certain>' not ho inju"e, but thtiu art îjuriug îbnseIC ni>'child P Aied show him with gent1. tact mnd b>' general principlu tbis ibis is sa, and evea bees do moi as be does, nor any "ab w s hici are fornied b y nature to b. greg-ariout;. -And-thon must do ibis neitier witÛ iny double meanint, ror in the va> of te- pavach, but afllectionately and witbout an>'van- cous'in tii>' ci i; ad mot 5es if thon vert lot- turing him, %or yei ltamy bystander mn>' ad- mire.-Maoea Aura.Aldmtcnm. 44FooLscàp."-Eod y mows výa9 "foolscap' P:pe2i; but fou probaal>' 1mev 1ev ht came t tha iis aiagular cogm:oum. Wheu Charles 1. found bis revenue short, ho gmnted certain prilegens, viii a Y" ute te- ornai uhemi, nmonntwgte mopùlie@o, mmii ae;these vas il.. Msab«Mfa ofrs0paper, the exclusive ighsofuhlel vschl icula partiesWho gr.vel aMid rON o il woSmmem "a et aS 'S e p une vem oblgeiltu.mpqper. A& ibistins ailU Eagtlalà ebuse m ariim tIyal M. et i ism uoet> oaub~r of Kiag Claies, à vu suds.! &M Il royal am beurenovd rau îhe -qr' Md thatb ils " omp a»dhalb" l ~ Tbgme, -i" r uM»eabs&W io ils Rmnp Paumosivu pmmgmsi; bis P& PEISONAme Ibo N ÂImo oN.pa eqime ues.i.has b u"aommi Cor aS last mago W.uimmai, *" pucomtis «Bat murel woyuld ihi ot have a.mmd eçs Ceamowol> pàimt o ih un"'o % ' à w fl s , -m i ~ *9 - ihatet . pupeu -à ls saua 0 0 e0t1ou là smaàim M4 -3 m ém v . 1 qmpm 1, 1