w ~ ~~%sua W.e~. - T. l1~EN*T, 1~ sont" 31~UEIA .c~me~miî.a, - ~ 4~ *164 *lit.t*t Is 4 le M~. 444Alu t t* »la e e.4414444iC4tPAq6$4» 4-a* 1j%4a~et SM4C%164*406 <lkppPpIiIIl~~4%4444%i 4444444444410C 1* UG ~ 8u~l~MS4I 4 4'.'4, 44 S.M . pet"~U uIa. 0 010* (Sue 46e âa lm& IW.. bm bmagamm f*u if n# New*aui et eW» 14 w %Pm" Oh.y .l*ni*o tm hl abs i 'ý" tqt*wIf fath a» la 0 'ItÀls. b t f h. a.teslo t.usxLas ltieets hshw f«Joet. A. IIÜ*S OMML V"I lfbmtwt JAtmd 84MinA,. (t e.ùmJe. t1 belMar » out"?~ tae.atLo lhO ae..K N mn, Uetitt .ill sbial.Joux.ld i isua ~heleb. t u li eaim.aesu..d 4.,.' * a i 4. ww--w~ b~W~IUI Mouoy ~ 0sflhU~W*o~ w- ~.i jqa~ a -~-~- MU~4EY TU Lt~&WI ~ P~W psu~ *labtalee. kias u.b b M -w ~ ~ e ~ ~ ai taeml b l~ien~ 5I~ etlebwe& LIsisas. ApilI w. IW. W iLLi AM V0 BLANK 1BOOK& &~K81.#mtal1a isa--l .Aie Wxpoeo., aim Idluborgb Lire e Auruie lhsrntr4W .uI%?aty itre.Isouu. 410#bu V Wîftu.tam, (.c. * lUkaw"ir rautà(e. w.> .bwtOMUNTt>.l.WNauuO a mmt. ,4 mâQftto e i" U4 leu" lai.Ariu.. TAiee J» out ?Ilt.i . W atoh. of Puhu bPsuhpaMa A Mm.4b% ISSU ")1b<um Butg~a q.wki. dAlitkeru. bq à~m~ M.< ia i&fl e.lugai"%Podim &~e~.n...... uhe = "Jog. w"Isi~u ;:rotN*0*1 I I .. 0. - - :~wuTio.BOOKEVI ~IN~ÀB»TOM~OMSTREETSD i mpauta to yun men and ladies a îboeonh and tbis. loise m s ouplet,&Mu exbas" »s e go~ melaa ehuelug W""ka80 a" olarhnsipe,. Who rae, w6ote compba smm t ulwl s~~e siowlatiea t.o *ePNbcisl hfuibuui pa e i. q~ uu~ abep ami sddruafr in I BATES, ~ - lreb uooL. ipeuaW. I ( ab au omi Casa t.Oo Loudea, Dr -Ibtel a.~ vusIII.. layr. orotoJasm Cull.W a1sn Furijiture i NOTHING LIKE FURNITURE. WI~IÂL ~8GSCUbegs te Ieo announe q the ihm tis b ~tq a we b.miamfor thei mfokotlemx, sUAbavus gr"&,om gomUwafs busi. at af Frmtu» rc b e bu at Ait- Kr CV» amAp. seIad sd umod t.e wdar. bit w ce à» MAN1 OU"PLIEa. JIOB PRINTINO-, EXECUTEJ) NEATLY,, PtompTLY,, Ax.D cauLY., LINDSAY STREET,iàNDSAY, C.W. lu aNPrplior hag mentirely *1NEW STOC~K of PRINTING K* XTERIAL1beg muom età tefrPawom A tsu h 1èubIicthatl h, are p eparin 11off&,.fier er .eep~s 9-Pn'abq vli vich 'ley may b. e rd .t.Muu sies~ X L 19IOIP AL IT-LAW,% BLÂNbK%,, REPORT%, &c9 IL, M. WANZER a CO.,S CO»MNTION mu.aglqesuctr . MeIINI if *ueue etI ýÂak Otri Ee~nke.pcr Waan.~ lurâIture! 11151t1 L. a le.peiahl. floO1a~pmn~ T A~<DEOW w~c b W~?~nhe*al vsu viii h. <lita. >~ U.ha. IeeweibleN~ Val - ~Iê* vh.s .h. ~p * laISO <Osais ______________________ haubane kiapa ~ ~. ~ -~ Sobeel temokera hUme. ~NOUU~MSUIN~M~ t'..' o~.twoo AOUNW SOAII *M sué,. uI~ ___~~ AOV U01~p..*I~Oh 8asmhitl. ut e.it la lb. A ~ RAYE yei lAbi @Il? 13I t lseulTm re Cu s ham"e mi it NIil 00 Kulauhal xit"i ut (heU14e.Acueniat.l l.-n a seemasoas ea~ ~ lbema Adi5150% mi- iraseibA. eumi..c.W. mon MLEIN&X fi 'r ~Eu - 'I -- ,Il11di -boeaodb~.u ~ sei YRM Ca, e lum *patb NO ~ XI" la"M05*~STUNV~ &ofLèiý New Tub Ph beIe&owr, at 8momheak bea. Au.hi?7oeg bbwlb ab *6b*mh.Mid mam A~~~ eu" lm ~ aa . bUeh ul&aI Pabihio ami Pnd.hr. I o var i:iY* -WUiEWfWh% eon1 a cwga1 gs o m mo.. The hfiud "esE.U~ If I emlsuA colVa AEIYA~ 0 Bet " Dmù M WTOK NREIS PROSPECTUS 11 arNumbu' OOmoMes the. Tceifob voi- mme t e. ife~ MesraMy, md dvi ces"a Mmok aMu" et McoaM Wscii eatitla hte mariait te. ont amuer etthl MW volnumre " ubhie gimisW«e t lagrueisPee.fy," o te Ou in - WM iaB Monesbas wriMlm le 10 " The Duaie aa u-boa.Ylabut Dla. le vu edisuanes- Iba Clàaimset lâ.h.r oeruie"dmi tarseoame »Wc viues e .taiy et th e ofeAmerica. hall MMMM o eatam sber o.u O"mi-Days." LAgm A» "i e aa.Iremoquent pàperoM Ba Ba a 86, b. iMtlaie tAlj ima bucc ab ldy-iO&suaber. ls eheala, Ahe p ~asbever aeqîre . Is61h aukm"Dem la emey fSm, bave made il a webou» WtS, *wMd vie. .ve* meâË. It dm n abamts, le thee eut daji tt biaiMd baille, 0» Ptet ut6ânebubew te hblâwdayi te ema iW" situ A a te resuriemys ptu Wbut b att Petu. ag.S ishow m meewaaei t. ~ ~ N tht.eu e admu h l lb. jaupaltj IAmwie emab la seon- »lis . m mqou mmeàt imbu et the ibpaglr~O»b e ah.bvse.eu, mst~ue e.apiaa. is cofRfmlii *g» 44 Wbittia4aIet V. & 1e*, çbw I Ar,. U St.ve, , v .1 ,lu ery C~m W~bisss NaÂsh wanPmt . Vities Embit TMSIlev =w. 1 ie.1.butut6Ni!?uhi -.5&-f - bm:m - - JJÂVINObeen qudo y~iu le au Pàtfflo that 1 h.ve»Aa abekuadu ruim.fr .1b tu dé tu Mooe ad, wiW te Dmbw irisy. bG» -- - wa seimpru.th. <tb. 4 7""smidpita fr PO" sohum" lldmS 1inaeoe tl.- t; r Aau Làimy sept. 5,1151. I S 03. - 1144 THE NEW-YOBK TRMIUNgist lau Il.mec rMWin 1 weaytyS cod jurbm à-àmo btanrai both a larger àmm wor idely dias lm a nulai.m h m, aY oallier m p e r e pub- bWL d d iudnAarmi héug it hmsuifere& in emua- jb go am, m u ab eer joumlms. imn the vdlmleig ma ut It Repuba l tcaof xm r cs de of t Oh. ge mm ithe WI.UL (fer hpte45Re Ui.ib heam m im .,,~~ -~ ~ __ tesd Ob ne t demb erti »t eveo acarn o, Pu.nwM. ~~ pire teàNejoura 14" andied tii.reoece O N"f1 the <Tiltbud,"h.bu dly al ul.pram v ehmire' tezrid ti&i ord by their mer AREmIT ~~~-»r ~ Itjeancotbeauin. dxc ert ac auJ un tet Oh Mc.t. tlLeUIi- Gd uea . 4iconeir ra od andat "&AW% OI t~f E hur.i e&rin tit gt~ :rin f te eele b@l .etIaeu tt. mgrlt mkýr t e Ci?1e t:o -Id, brWty mon~~~~~~~~~~~n thaet ihc arat iipiomue eqoal lac'tofhrrn»uut tii ri-tepqtn < n lac, w edgmave 169w"d & eet b -t e adiLeparuiethere'frt>'r miii! forer ua4o et hathr Ilrnevieitio e commited Teffribue" dveert ' rm the un alme Ly~~t &-»04!l pcr la«aesma t or M efX e4,ofTiexandt) te re et .he in te, wt eu-a uireaoam nenurcechi mie meuer <. ir e iA te New Wrelrdanre, I4 th en. mm chat *Lo~1 t.Ou orermealaleyr. cii gi e a in eit ru n'r C nii ", tim ar rn alami au"- Ï6 mw sdaasrOum herryam iewe «aie. upt cte Ole iv,,ra h ti4u d îu'bail,-iv the mr in cb err miheerr ii im im istfie iet1 j treIien. It1-~eai .ri; ae ne bt ei f uik m-T à«m.e l. olth uiMeIp, AND. <ie NriOy T t e e irL th'n e vrtv &n4 rip>nfthie e.t Mde ent c <bt get lr.zLe whHxin ce trustand louis The Woed ciiiopposeail eoepwmisW-chîeh th ar,' al art, a. tire rh e ai-ruik4 .eellm u hare.-sy tohrdivtise lmain, f!eoc eitklnr te'rn ý'eD aeuj ihs& mlnus tb sae gi 4ibug iremeeut;at lThnftt ,'rarrhimthd e hn e ent rv. on wahm tralitsabrgata- f eateandfe&a'i elutv-, e rein L r..and Unon »a ll ' i r e lesf , ilt Oa ucour . ofwau upe <e p mi- te- O.irand ri-elm'f te - r- arA 'h an(r"r ri or c et ec e, mi! ci iogeth m e S tr.4nttd Te-T-bt" eiesaýnir.in al Oh. c a tth apuie.oeUsy chit 'bacu& # it h -e, r ea nd2f 9-j- crtIe t b. ûtinedthon t-> ruurhti4 g.rermeiwexpendkm"eusatsrier theion! < emlraL ' -l e-it>r, ndwh wth.e rare cb»in BeexersedrtemcliDi i ermnty rrlu md e ta tedin itiMic at ui.ad a p7mar Cbiatmm uormhei o, ffne.nse i Fo T .an o EntP. M bu, eth .iemyaeS .bdthe sorhii rnw lavî il ire.. s c!!' Tien it ineea.. arï t r' a p'h e y rt t. gmai ads rvrtelusadmgide xtn i J fii Oth~pae fu te r.r~~utrtito5w ecq-y s"eomntepxet tr s, g. ea. etC.t< 4 ines. e t.. rie.tfli »A and Coin-1 it'te nd trTIUULNE Polit il, A e&Uempoogrile eNjiýnl s ninuIthea, <>te ,.. ru (,( P. ee mwUbrer aia cW îieltheas ii, Wtr- wfh.-.'e er........... e aith e, Scie'ce, and t art 0"eC. :- ~. .. . .i. it» tMtheaueeuüf hea-eyât vew ect th~ e crt e chrrs f _rcc th i* Wuukset pAilcai teCCI"O the. Mim e rei i i 0)ae wce',i1 b ra hrýýz h th e ai U ecet iaxWh"taaL ft ie t+nd e». I Omre -, ;e ;a .2I . 'eresii.4 Japnegy u iptanipartth orson-Ev o. n e ai..............1 Th u eme poiee arLedachi lth. arua u'Ir' rmtr(nree ..cre fsb edsea purleCmaà cacmmpau 4<em cý ir T br>,$~) ~EtrP M S.ibee alc y e a tt h eygo a i y b.fet .h r f ip1e- r ela.r 'h t) Cyc u s cf re ith rce-c pýtà ami Oud .ielpuuuat oude tO iVmnt ofd"TenyCltc(. nerdrss.ueyer ) um a eanis aper a rrur nunte-rAt e 'e pIn. e A c- A ('XPLTE ISTIT F TE WE, r.rerj'y ii b. e, t-b re nty. To riccf he ALI. TUEt NEWS tr en eu Ir-e-~1 rbn iiL et whofn" inythe ay m d tfO1 T .î.front î'ce bt-- TrdBUN1. h.se h Ou W)0 iymai Criei-W ehij edi..............ira3Addrea Tribu ne .) ....n . Nwr. AGRICULTURE, Mmd ta n the depaubments et MK.XUEACTUEING AND MECHAXICAL V.i qW8RY. The WmzX vWoaa., cii oatalu an admirable mae atmy j iig the cmatiieai. MUE DAIL Y IroRLD. The »Ixt.ir Woa iu lbte. mus omplete Com- moedaiami News Paper pbefd in Aerem. Beau.»asnl2elarl me w areerresondeuce ami féreiga MeW-e, as amy teo-eest d.ily, it cutaim a»mue-mci uil eommirelal meus. lu ship NLeci%, Peodwe, amd Cattie iMarket reports, Frigo amnd BouileT .otti. Stock uts. aMi Commereial »m e .bumoS Mua sdo wihout. TEBMS (INARIABI.h IN iDVANCE): Ou. eopy for ene year, <S. Pour copies for eue ycar, SM0 Fer r nlb et tes cim essx"a epy ciiib. seut *or Quse m. TRE SEMI IVEEKL VYJRJRLD. The Szxî-WmmLT Woir-D r a larg quarte dSe@4 MaMnesise as the iaiy. comtirsiug di lIa ses, eorreupoedeuee, mîsceltany,, and edtorials, 1w commeiianmd market nec', ..l entertaiuing salecas aumisaeinmeus renduit. Its emttle umaket Mdi = reports makei highiy valua- hme evms Pmhlfrh.i Tuuedan md ridny. Single copies TWRS. Om eepy tftor ueyemr...........3 Te cegyme% feom year......... Twcepiesta ddrol. . .......... Frmeo ......................... 12 T«ecoï cp....................... 2- for a eiub eftesa copies, fer oaa »mr, &a extra eOW " iib. e u.t ]Ver a clah e1t ty cq opies. a eop et 0" . akl le ece year. Fer a a" bet tue copias, tOu d abeklày, aMi Bsml-Week.y fole yoa er eac lmWEKL Y WSoe KW TIWBmLlr VOULU.ectas le 0&mig d- boidet un b.dma, meida ape .mtay of aiu ~.~aut6. v p toukbm*rt pshlieaue. we.*'~u Iii ixuoLcolin- swe &Me 0 er.Ueemcibl »md Mar- bei ~c saasmigmrlue ulme -m ..... .'... . e........... .00 Tva~bSamiialBm..........5.W0 '-am ha ~ lm i. mmi th -nv 't mhj I~aibu M me Wh.u dr Triun e BJ:'k"re. :M Neh aaieT tia e rmi ilmn heBpcik. el, :ï t i maP<,.t- t o e miSt.a ild. The azr~ e tePla.al wlittem. Wa.rbt ho tendI money by Expmts-. mMax prea. e xpre.a rge*, ce uitc wiIbe de- duftm the. mame. OF lMr A Pirst-CIau Pamily Kevipaper*! Devoetut thse Di.semnatioa of ýSs tîia LiUerature and New&. SIXTH lEAR! T IE ixh (ýene f 4 ; SCOMIIE nary 1, I63, ectis ear coasttuting a complet. volume ef eonv'euient size fur 6indmiè, andtemeh aumber eontaimiag a moem teniniisç adt instruc- tive reateje reading mnter .aleulated Lu mIne. Test acgedeue British orngin. Tire ,kmuiàh Amuerican journal, thougi decitwily smrernathjat le its e&ctste t.proonotu peuce and pro.ieity be- tceea lth e ople efGreat Bnitbim uAtIeriea, ta Yet emplsmically Scottisain l ità e9pious reeord c-I n11 eveatseceuriug in Seodlnd <bat eau be of th. lem#t lateite ma»"V« of t t ountry reMiig in Ameulea; adtotiâ -"mecs frü orine " i'added. weekly, a ssumary of generul intelligence from Englabsi, Ireismi!. «lier parts ettOu curtd. A di.atinguiehin; fattire of thre Scattieh Ameni- eau Jou tt ail'regelai republiestio. rcrbca au. et Ii*eratim, of thre -temding articles.4" of the pro- minent British necapaper' anditotiser riodicala fp= Ou met important tu ce 04ttie ZY. T is (stre la a umqque ., m= abeca Limai very acceptable to the people efthtie Urit States and Briis Xertb America, au iesa lonsg needeit disiderntsm on thse Amneijm Cont4net. lm ref.- rewa thet .editomrwl of tOu SootilsiAmerican journal i,0la a meut signuaut tact tsat tOu Britishs press fze<juentty ackmoeledge. heir ialuiesie trah and rorceby copwosly eimtmg freon ur columnu and deelar'tht m Set Ameoiman Joxurma Amreia. A conciîe c.ekly suumWM7ary a aie a utbe prncmipal iteme of Amercm m ecs, and a a- milar narrative of avents Oanpiringite iou BIFt'iah Proviac.@. la Oue forlbcemintag or ftishe otdphi Ame- rieà Journal, hneicaseit ae iii Le devotei tet th. liosray inateee l u blic'atiof etse-d tales and s*Amvividiy Wnuâtratiux teOu naomis, habla. ea etimesa, mmi geueral characteristiSof e thea PeopleetSollmiem t aieemon.tagfuma Oue peu et su auIser et o.lebnsty. Au hereto(breï, ar eumarul mb.e xerised lae uhobor u .ngù aobu FI, omposai hy cr11.,. etraekn.- Th ad UMertet u»,cV Vlume almae. oum-emeemeMt ofa-isePly Wbotereta -d tala, entili 5aI&mehl Noble." Th ie urn et O * ot0 iTu500.L"g q ea pr et Oma as Eir i aes u ttle. use. e. L. Val a, ,A. J"éame ar s. J. u.& ev. W.. Nir, mai »W. J. I Jebus. DJI>, nai s e.dia.Mue Md Aller aarefmiy rzait8 07 aBiseSIJipri.oK in A* ;4 ~~tÉ47;AT& f 1~. i 4 1 s M-- 1