Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Mar 1863, p. 4

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S iv'~ ~~mMdÎle puoms, ~ f- un 'Iwelie n"Im Omm n"- medonuci »0s muit wfler of et tu" ~ie - - WLSisIrenele »Mllo vanm md re."c m enr Politi cal, Agricuhnural, and Com- mercia!,easweil as in Liteira- taire, Science, and Art. Ti.he dt mmest impotant mo evus onLodèn' Pmêbs. Tcris,!m byna, chhlW catiformis. Japad th *.Anmere rcorrespondi- suis" ni.t l a s. eM MO~sIcuS ame suaew, t. aie rarieus1 &rMoms =fàm ; m &ae-ompazy lieu niere- dajr ta la e héIfr eî fthuile xdogaph A COMPLETZ Iu*5TOIY 07TUlE WAR, f.ou day I. day and <roui menti te mantin. inI Lb. WeeV &M dSe=d-WeekIy edfitioni cf the yl arge spaoe w!ilbueivoe& AORUCULTUIRE, a"d t auaidmb. ipartoints cf JIÀNqUPACTURIXC AND> EAXICAL INDUSTRT. Tb* WmzaxY WoaLrn vIii 0o0t"a asdMirable aANu WIA7, *5 ~; mai <h Vieteuie. lU-ff ~ u82TL~IS .~ WUW*TAw 1A 1~~AbA. t. t 'w albrt end WM m leuro.r m ganyhmgàhot, b.. 000fo Iiùw toa Cho ~ -The-nn#1Y bo siUn obt. ~~ pou l onk atblt piiuthot bit *w'u la POor«u fiffu be 1bb.fuflà'but. l'lt~uearufil I&iT prý 9srofat olJs~ ii.cltimi, IIowr.ios .a. ed klin id Ides.capoki tioits cd hm t u e îdSI. swer.it ~~la eliiiraitheail 0 ie lWUv jvsiunles ed vW111 esy wtîbanl.,4om'* teyy «y ttor s s ssuh r. à whe bro& lmhma"..<1" a Loewllp o î ildàiw umfm4 fi LW» A Ta mit yus alà«#o ut« un 1whuqèsoaie 1. 1Dm. <sos #rve k r0h tii otifi btv.t' Shr Who àm,lAý tu U nu apêrsI MAUd bt ii ftîm1wolu ro ubshaelte log oabïlW mtUU. m lis i tiwl 1$ l*.but thet ti bus, wuald cure the bite of a mttàll ont kea'olq t fiw tmld <a» any Ih wlImrtýupîii4on of ley klnd, tut 11 mran and t'-ut. 1 ihin knn fiumgîp ahouuld 18* wisbuu a bwile uof t ln 11,14 ,lémoe. Tht'pathtnt iues 'ako fi m'O ful OU' tîe and Imati rni1 tc wa"dfur a. retl, To cure a boms requitî . cilave ues s. i -4% kt "l a#Min. -flore fi rai' tony tf oor i ho mom matreiUr&!ti.ca.w. tir aske.bhol In<bits netgiaborhood; elowye n s otii.s ommer, Wixtre teCi ad lkil m oer thily diay.' Wrtllqhg, and #,bu ppilent hiati len 51 yen up hy lits Iîhyloinu; 1 lward à( l h, W 4snteb i 14 gavehi-u un OOZarul %'Iîlcti a curae. te lit fn aui Jo. for anic o s trychu dîne., fI wil Mm blat la catt.e eau"e b e toIo Irelt . fe*h etliver t' hwihttmusthe stgi#tf &àà elidort, or ,othe rhInseets; suad W;vlt bi e uopomme Who hovo #"* polsoo.d fil a tniv, mulagvins$ MENTAL D I)rvLOPM NT. I., .4 i r, FurriVor-e! Fý urniture! WILMX- UXCZII bepUka" to lu8 uuv.uip o.s~ia e u PNED <*u- LARGE SToRE cmKBlfS- :wro& . = 4 ày.1. WAEUOmMa W. 31 .vmpurtiw a, atil o fb'o ul; UDRTAI&tNG. b.~ ~~T h&4f ou hustuu=ru lia fl besuât" W WO[»a r?. 1% n 1 hiie' 1.'F EXEICUM X EATILY, PROMPTLY, A.ND CEPY i4I&SAYSTRIEÉ,_I: NDSAY,.W Tho Propd#ou havqaiu .m.ikNe1y #VOC1g or ftIW ATAp ti uanm»e te th.r Patrom 4 l b. pujëaet bye - à 1î it*u i v d~eoripî f priîiuj eiilh hiet h a .fiuvrd o'h0A#eeAbtea XUXICII'ÂL D8TLAW% - 34ANK% aEEoars, &<, ?he logs ,im hpv.r aVEKk .5 ]f R UoU fin1,11110 *su n B nUl leexile BEimptmA u waamt grzot r.m I% ftm <a Mannq0 l rmiuking ;"-4»400 M 'Iom XIus ~ Ui4usuorithe 14 ~ mm Sat Mental devekxmenu 1à ith e r.»e (aitgs eward et ln-ee ntai l,«. destry. The Il, lad gruws bVIts own - fAmo. otïiou. Ite eafottlto &0u ai Mioare orealai tiqus» et <o hguIl moius stte ndivf&wr. A. votA mI t'uy tta s»men ïte Icrused equsas 1e t a M I5lu muy ma& a soovsvrh oboas.tab.Ail the tat. dhtue c 1 hu1 mraq obsrualoan sd iil haif mturai fomoa-boooW a 'ualeiuluIa . a4&au.If pfflou11 haphihs.-,-or that fWtt M I0À* AJU01SILAMB! csmks woet- <S Tevmd r et mmt Mi outlà patw e ev 4.ms a * Wi "b inudlstie abef. Tevasilp.. ro, miy "dom, -qvuate d , -bu"i vla M s 0e.a~5obimedsihu pilvu. esterp ilbee onsl.nej rai Tnu m MToas le 1s usil oe, hiet elr by go euvl lit et theT?" f terfte et tI iýftritt , c, leninn 16e middle ofUppet Canada, Pt.onwg a* tusoit amira climat. uanaurpMseai la ils healti- t'a eecs pa.bie itmatna"e. affurs.supafler atlralloms, amuia*0 lb. etenmhs urapid progres attr orby Muer(p*mii VRMEIC T. PROGE, AMKi be. Iue, oouo VM ILFU~RTHBeXNOTICE. 4 STAGE hMlave 1eul' iet El, Liadmy. evcr lawflmiimlm6L Soleok, rembnuz Muain iIsvemom;the rufi.eayeg fenma mkbswaiWhbuai»&oePARarrasQ' irbeooprgw fl pt le reaponaible 01».CRAN.DEI4Prenetoe. Lbdmw, Apm1. lut 1.t LEAVE Ziky a3n, coneetin ,with the I. eshw#d< le*peLroute I W OO 1 c 0 i k ive p u tces. Th.ý 's-liatlsvesyumwag (Sula- «Ma4ue~ amWu anirgelu aPrM=. Aubeit iL"s foiWb '4*"for-b. t>au«goiu 'esste prim e mnedath., sti essob.emg Sept. 0,3861. 1411 Issu lmàvaý2 THE DMIL Y IrORLD. Te Damir WoxLxa in I. e st cosuploe aCet. ner"ia&Bd 1qes Ppespublimbuin um rotc laides s ain Wspu& me .o oenespedenee rf origu ey, . , au amy Ino-ceol dCtiy,, ai eoutnius aa mdi foalle, culmew el nn. its $hip Ne», Pmrduee, aud Catile Mabe rpotn Fi>roige am" Dmolle Yuuupoabau. $tok Liste., am" Commercial mena, ne estass e»sdo nithotit. TEINS (IYAEAELYIN ADTA2iCK) On.e "Y fer s"»7M, $8. Pour copies ferS"jeu, $SU For aselab t ta eopw m z" Scpy Un i e seut fer om» yer. M~E SEMI WEEEL Y "VELD. The.Ermi-WxaaavWaà.a 1"-,-e qnarto Mlet. mueme Si. ially. eumla ng. l ils r eu m m » % misesiiay, ami d tr ao, it"s cin ammid et mena, md enftZliaing ehioneainiuasu dmr Ils eaite mariel mmd prerbis. reports neis St igiiy r.iaa. lIe t. esuffieamer. I q a a - te--.. - - - . . -. . W *RA, moaxuou r~em ~ai s En7.n810001. Ire -. ami w ~ D 1~4 I L. &_ELW Al MRupttlff P ?. et~bi oSir maqs fe m fui mil *Ie.. m Sier feta TU rf=TU à et dut kiai lhat . em eud"aoionauthe. fl7l - ami6lie elury ta'»u..... anmbsrs are «là Beill bi lausim toe; but Mut it l e,~~td, amI caumat Ile obtaim.d *exoept'a AUl efto te miûas luimbis have ceaae&d, miv Moer atuab laes.lu is depalei giving, as w do, »"m oe mi lhînâ* boitter enmgvjag asaep2bliaeuli ahay other V"a. ý '.GODE?8'* Cmummiu S e.Lvbset fveful length Ckoed Pusihas os ca* )mte. OSier maazie. PAR AAD OP AX<Y ASHTOS IN EURtOPE Oodey% ils Ltheoly verk that g'-T5O hes. irn fleme ploue, ami they ait mach as te have excite lb. «I uof pulimbens and the publie. OUR WOOD? ENGRAV1NGs, Of nhi2h ne gui.twice or lire. tinres as mamyas amY oSier m54 m ae alen ma-n kfor stuel. fThey ar e far sn1.criaoelaaîy oabers.* OUR RECEIPTS» areu'ucb as eau Le forud ucwboe. ai,.. c.ips in ail ib XuyCieLooy-i.Nz»ry--4h* LADIES' WORK TABIL. This dopart-.t cmprise. ee ipaw &"m mde- anipbim ctevewy article tlIa la4 ueWrs. MODEL COTAGM . Ne ether nag"m ue bs ne pu~at. TeiMa go &bsctibers is the Iyiiisk Pro. Ou. OPY Cume Je"-.$3. Tv. copies eueyar, $a, Tlwce copies oe e ar. $&. re copies one ycar. andi au extma cupy t. the re- - son Fendiez the. clubi, making six copie.SI 12.. Aîtleeprie"s subecrbrain th i iuvbàm vl hav n.imncan postage te pay. SPECIAL CLXUUIg IMMOTEEE NGAIZINr!r. GeieY'aLad. l ook snd Artbar' l Ume Mqnin bcth one y.rnr for $3 50. God.Y's Lafé'. osk and flairperb Macazie kLII o» r e &#r it$4 U0 <iodeY, Uaiuermud Arthur vii ant tIre. lesent orn yemr, ca reWept< f $6 00, Treasury Ne" sudamitcbs ef H ai ovcntbaazks tabou aI pur. Be careâd Md ansyl amposugeOn jour letter. AdUree L A. GODE Y, 31ChutantstreetPlelidaIphiaPa. BOO &STATIONERY OPPOSITM TUE POST.OMFF., LINDSAY, C.w. T the t neq ml eofamu et àe,- A~-emum Oemgeutlb.Cesa, amuite supp!y amu nhlib bu es om utL. Sa*0Pvopmtors> 0 0»"» poumlm l's" bas. pamebasei à COMPLETE STOCK 10018AND mTIOlEtnY, Cu qwwzmg SCIJOOL US.î et u mil&ai. E3LLS, PtAEr b OCKS ABATimI-SCIIOOI. BOCKS. xrUWAIDcaRDS wxIS nuVmX, TUT MOKS, &0o. A>% ba SIATINERth" bave a argo S" tek Ps.meh ag*uhli ami eulosWnting Papers. of ragions tàMd. "I «Angles, 1 vih thej inrito- lb. aftentC>u et Mrdsul=sq TOWN- O<vrl. mi.ùvd aDend >y us u v -laid Wi~ m~PT~:~edalmb * le L*OFAPEIS. fri(a~ -au. iomm kWi, , 1 loti. 1 - ICA,

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