Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jan 1863, p. 4

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Tite J at, ok IN71 Lanj aW*«WPs*«$ar Rural a"d Puitlisited at lWçhestw, Now York, By IL J» T. WMORS. allte essesthla of à firat-elas AarTictxl. tunal1:. on iellIÉt lUter4ry A" Nevs o na by bohipress & = 1t ý =-- se 6stofitY%'au Iityir11w1Selato, Cdff aak..tro esading or peularl t slte MoST lusaPuL llOIEiJOURNýAIL AlaysloylFaticl miprogresiv, te -toatiand ioved ia loti tlova sud oountry. Ile ample pages cenxsb. departmenm devoied te Agrioculture, lHorticulture, Dc.tmticEoenomy, La- dies' Ronding. Rural Arcitectiure, Choie. Miseol- Iany, Sabbath Mttoe s, Rodiug for te Yer.ng, Educalien, I..rts and Sienmes, tieneral News, Mar- ket Repu-t. &c., inc1î%4iug uuunary of War geirs, Nunierons Illsratlone, Tales, Skteltes, Mohe, Poetry, Enigma.susid Rebuses, kc. *VOL. KW. FOR lm6, Comamenciug in Janu1qo villbc publie-hed ti Sa- Perior StyIe-NBW PE, cocci Paper, kc.---al least equal, in bot oonbtenansd appearance, tb ster of ils îredocessers. Tonn-$2 a year, in advaace, sud in Clubs ef bon cr more, $1 MI pr eopy. 1rI-rJuin the Club nov forming here. The ",Rura" ta in double-quarto font%, conmprisiug o gitt pages. ESTABLISIIED IN 1831. TUE "GBNEESEE FAILlER." TE£FARMERS' OWN PAPEF.. Oheapezt Âgrcu1tumI1 Paper i the World ONLY 60 CENT A YEAR 1 t3- IWAu is the Tins, t. S1u&irlite! P) UPISIIMiFOR OVER ';0 VEAJiS ..in one of lte limaI wheat a& ut ategions of Amorea, witb et'rre'-pcndents in nearl'y evet, Stite andi ir. Canada, il cqntait, informat.ion u* great it- tleotmsd hiuprman e ueves'fametrgandener anti I CAN AFFORD TO BE WITH1- OUT IT 1 4t cels çnly aurty cents a yeu I and ocutaine moure agrîuietu rai and borticulturai malter tit 'or cfthe bau-doUer veeki ies. ACCURATE MARKET IIEPORPTF Î(f lte oPoNe York-. Phiiiadeli.hil, P.u"buscr. IlulTalu, Chicago. Cinvinuati mli Toronto tn:îrkcr- axe gîventi each nurîuber. Aillite It-adîrg ve; aud American itinrnals are reeeived, a4t peu aisretaken lu gir. te jtent and îmon rolihable Mnfai on in eregard bu the state o!flte "Srtps home andi ahnuadl. A eo1yf theo aper sent freutualwhe viph o cnume il. Addro:s JOSEPH HARRIS, Publishor and 1roprietùr. Rochester, N.Y. àlZ Agents wanted ev"byvere, 1tavimom lte muaI,- 1iberai offer. are mrade., VOLUME VIII.-,XEW .8ERIE. MOlIE Publishprs af itisq Poritiar arnd Clipar: L -Illu>trated New2paper lieg'tu anuuutuwe It!ý on te rd of January riext a liew volume will bce cqtlnoued. The journal willibc issued ir inte sqzme fonn uand si7e as itcrett'futre. but a ai li e,,ho afip of tie Pubiahers te reutier tho coutents4olte ~a~cr attact re andu-'eful ttanever liofore. UW19 at.eunrumouî irierease inu tie prii.e of Pu' tioï vape, the Pubuiciters arc, lu their regret, 1opc[c t herea-e lihe subseription price oftce "Sementille Ameican ". t $3 per annwn lu singe subscrtberm. - As heretofore, every number o!fte "Sciontlfie AImeniemu " viii hoprufisol',- illuFtrated ajth lirs- clan original engravinra o! mev inventions anti sclentiffe disco-.eries, ail uf whicit are }'reparrsd ex- pttm.iY for ils colaums. lit "cenifeAmerienu" ta devoted lu lite inter- esta of Pouluar Science, tho e ehanhe Ails, Manu - fam4% I nventions, Agriculture, Commerce, mnd the. ýIdustrîlipmsueiacnerally. and ta valtialile And instructive Dn u ky h inte Workshop audà&&- nmikoli. ,but &ain a t e aehold, icitrarym »ud lte Reading Reom. TO TUE INVENTOR 1 Tht.4 Setentifie Amenea *»l. isndispensibie 10 ereryInventer, a. il' oaaies net only illus-trted dMuipteàsof eanly ait lite hua inventions as t.y camne, but oaci aunther contais., au officiai CLa etna allite Patea ined frein lb. Ubid StaSe Pae tifr.drlag lte vek. previus; Raisgivà a orret itisbory of lb.prii- psdamvemlaes mii.coautry. ARC«MTXC, NILWBGUTS 1~i "'e4nliicAtuetieuaïrwn-b.to»&*4.Mos asel journal tlu hema. ,A»l tc zrMW diseoyrnies ilu tt. mieue'c >Cbctxislry are gZiron in ils calumnt, «. LOBE. 7~èu r *oegdm or M uns A WIFdy M Zi Wbs&wouldr m-- tim f am 'Foeb.nm t4rogi-tiî i maa~ 1 re, me,-Im.e. f*ib<a i h By iiii> i6ttwe i. mwbue t*d)ta d a e. r- ~i~&a -j t>I 4,ne - ~~~.- malgh, hy ingoo mI h~ ~1kd16 emawMhevewa are uu.xcuqpionbI!4mk cale ttoiclen u byar ~p.y ~ oevertth e à s, aad myi a~ee ii h. haqm i tý.i e h oK. r y d a' l " w % t t U m -~ .P, end w ffl . GOLU DISCOVERIES f1 EnE « <1p1~tcf rde." d beriden, l <Jet wus. " WI. h '.d tme 7W " kor. "I la ltai" moit he, anthat hit.laOui ciOser -for. a e«"Mammte mid PMaster flai how < amelia bus grofn. .4 eg , VwI his motberi, "b6ut doe'î myr49 oder; msate"c." At <h. luer table on q ihfIlng <lay, Harr aalud fh wti lake m a."o hu.7ié snid lj«isr '"111i ah.mis eu. "bimthr leined bock in hoeéir' dies w epw met ~ y Wfra iai4u0~ia snt; a yemg d0oto and' haî né 'fcurlui . fetpate sud asa> o(uober; t».i ,th11. - 'Yî.Awesternpapolr mayt <hat1 -aavlaeh ",Oes oounly1 JIan editor became 9 mluetn wihh ibharma cfeayouna amd haudsomeg rftp.clb.p% ..beau huebont i he.,limis 4y~ ~ paper, i pearsmse.,date. and làt, uMiX oo .tte"'ý ef Wth di çtmbu il ed hh ol %17 tid bis TWi lady, tisent of lier nivé t he 1aile. Iparisian ttbe'fore iNebraka Territory le icb ini agricultural resources, and P ihese oit i. tube added. Me<. E.ECreigli- ton, Superintendent of the Pfacific TeLegrapb .Lino -ai Sait LiL-e City, saw smre lwe ty pr 'nswhohad jueti arrived (rom be new muIýI.ng region ciscovered i the iioîthern portion of Nebraska Teîritoy, about, the liât of September lasti They, had witîh them about -jOOin gold dot, whîi :htey out of the mines wiîhin a few weets. Mr. iCrilgbton brought with him 1to0Omfo hia mbouî $b,000 worth of pold-diitý pohod fromi returnedý miners, .wîIcheho ha.f«,w"rdd tu ew y aasye. hIt 18 muppiçed that thé dust wil I assay 'ai kai $18 to the ounce.. The newly-di.wcovered mining district commliences on ýWind River, about 400 mile. west ef Pprt Laril, mad embraces.. an, areaW,4 go0 Miles i4 lenth by 100, in breadihi 7%, depcoitm d @coveredù ta this wr e aie of guleh gold, vMr imlar te, appearance and richnem. te <ls. -of ibo. FeRther River mines d1 CeIifpnûa. The miners who dis- téedhe senewdiggiigseweireye tt:> ta, Sahit koftwom tlg BE$;î bot Vle7,via ibm ýSouth Pseut -Md the« nunielu tIi. opiniontuai îbêl wiII jwove fully oqual lu apy eVr diftovmid on the cont1nent. Thbý distance (rom Omaha tu, the Wiedi River Mountains, ai the. baseo f wtiich b to fint discoveries we re mýade, laabout 900 milem. meit cf a t4 C g. pet," muid ar old men, «et rttre i cfa hofdof thegaDowo, upon whik it f h.Ir1 sav aoaneman be1 g lu j 9.9 sud ttii he Irua w.Id Vi,4,and ulfl Wa. mid, 4'If you bave anytmag tommy;, vil Ii~ ii peak now, for ýycou bave on1y five moup oitn, o,<o live..'Theym ns theead.udhbie M$ 4 4. la~êda oia for * baeeWa r» & OM*, bU eood «" - et*$e maIcl sdPa4 t~ . .Uà..J. y. mer. MAÇçOW.4LD,7 lhelrN.Y. ToroS, sept. 30,181.1194!f ,steame.rff"hmIJy~fv o! Cnada bavslIL Eui alky onm te ativ*l o! oMra>q Train. frein Cofilugrod SDI Tor- e ý. s» bb& U"a ri forte on Moaday, Waeday, ad nld ay t* SM**" ea t t q3,04' k itd .T»e .. ýJoly Ille. 1t STAO LanEd, U TNTIL F1URER NOTICE A STAr-b ai le*" Pues »m Ot4 Lians, oery e1dZok, ýréhin Mauîllia in b1 a fttuy1% oOFentotcg Ouhava. auBoertniç, amvin at Lni ma7aS.'CcOkthéeveulnX. FARESIEAsoN- ABSLE. g3- Tii. utoos ieto vii st b b.role fi* 09-*r1 the FEE»EEJOT. lOHE, ArNT, rrHB in, ksuai evey Eveing r Fà "faifme 4 cutai ail li t h ï A"d a Compendium Of lit NEWS OF THE DAY, EtPjying Cau itof more tban d'rnb1e6 , aputee* w Wef, tTnint, *fo* ai i.t mium fui Avertising iubecilio -85,Puy annum in Adrance! ImotnYewx utitboD.Y Eitrodai,.Toie M .mailed éouriberm at OGNt DOLLAR PER A«t'WM IX AI)VANCE 1 SThe. WvFÈtv TîIU tLGeotm*bsd T. lý. MeILiTOS! k àCO Puibliahers of thte "Eveniug *mmeqs PROt~l>IiCTUS FO011 1863. for parce.!. orbage, utbasbooked and pai T îksuow aeventéen years since the irst for, r GEJL n ~r 1 iftie paper wmeio*i1<1and dtnrJn Àte :butel f tat lime thergna netln r L'ndsày, Atti , I 1 6ï.3ntT commrenl- tInsseen Vf-1 lini view, naitiely:- te &Uïtbly v bdieS4fOW liteura W -ttffl e ~in 'a fi ldi i teBIuinzf14t, itnd tô le.tfy in fjvcr 1R.oÂ.L Air cf"'ail±4 tiat igupod, auJ îgains ai thaiievil, in. T EAVES Whitby daily, couueûti tÊ ~iîhteeoinhwvr rwltgetrrmnn~ lu N jagorft M. .l, 1 e r ensud ment e ,wntitýro! Liedui.7WbM% th gtaàcftbpii>l oute I0" eItý&rli 445b-mlelz"Soe front Toronto te elîber étite above lacmq. This urdcnte tles>oorayoter.a- sgo e U à ogi 4.I¶w eobave reaced. oat adwand rriem lu PriceAlbrtti weekly; hut whien a liheral (iv:rnment offered te 0 for the. sû%ag ilg nortlt. Bettirning. eivoi carry newqr ape rfee, It appeafed noeeuary tO Prike A1om b~sS b u at tt b. NtbermStaxe itae a. e«t"" &*f advmsonta boralir-on the am, um a uWhltbjts orlt tan ggg rt or fihe.It W&imed twice-&-week at itemano > ë#eaubeforoThoesole quivalent n (ba gso~uist~tt sd esoblîliing A>r tt, ý douMé 1,ule belag'-" strWnte adi.- ;b <mi"re. rane: goasmb sare. ltéapàeh. or epiug me- Sept.5,.,U. ~ W RAT.PnorjsvpiO àBIer k y eioea usdded; but a il- bsitou opeured any cemisderaile Circulation-, i ýioet readrs proforriug lt.esouii.eekly. Two atyea"sago laut sommner, a dally tetion wau cou- mnoed, wbleit bas sinc grown loto a very oet-n . 'I.L. &àB.RAILWAY. lu ils Prelert " poln bbh, w» holtee, sands a (N su fetbà2 m dé. anti until fur- o7 mrà" 3*iý 0J ioti , Tit" *M irua »s felle, U. U îly tdleieuidwhy e al *GtUar- otasm tlhfeb rUdamalter titatapos~ rive st Post 0"e , îr lif T Moikits theb. sud «klyds1&aicedlb M LMpro. portion, viii onue0,"asnov p.50-this price for Ti.aA.,eaOf 1 ps belg$ on ote thatr 1~mgr. c,~c eul eekImwIpmb16 pages a b Port Hoxms.,1leu .. 114 t! Mzzz kola. Ifomtante a gmotasuotdaily -informa tien about bndmW*o« cfuieh ea» go hâte - m~~iter v ~>$I il be ersivoly mup- 1. %!4I.~P QQP~ oin'.. ~ 'The. »ady it ewî raulates, a ât abeleca ~ MGO ad 6000 t lb.so-WooIy Vo mONDaI1 l. e #âe tm?4> i PJG Thun* Ï«i. lià jww *j~'l I.fi4t iii -i~r St I t as ~ê t I ?#~ [:=:OuPumblb M %mrat% &SPt. 2, 1862 illo l*.bit. vu, e nete o wib WuilIM IL VN T4uELI.. i?&a*naMM. Jouaioy, FM"nt St, Belleville, C. w -*THE HYjoRtopULT WilJ, y the powoSetue"àu.titrow water at the rate Of eight ga84 1M*PMln.Ute, fM7lyfOot hi;h, ~owned lI;evry elwa7 veay, eayefl~ mmmliictée lfr fe. TESTIMONIALS. W., lthe umtkrsigned. -bit aIstte Preet the raiud.oai»r.,Bry and Romer Taylor, and *hmifig wilueed te worhtagof a 3iaiture Fire ,eerfay tgýrtq ts useCunem au aprsiug Oires, paftieuledI, wheamter ie smee., 2S the orm di" -y morn i d th e 1e gin. cannat be îero- cured: J1. QTN l XCIHN X. PATTERSOIN, S. IM. WASIIIIUR, a. 0. GILLESPIE, N.. McARTHUR, BelleviJie, Soptember 14, >16. Frorat. mria. 4griewfrùru. Titis iraptemtent is omlAg rapldy, ito ftor 'rith the Public, and well it MaY. They a&m recoin- me4dby our ciV -lire Jýýnot, sd are be!ug *doptd by oui Publie huldtngo le. They are aime buing udopbed anong-stual villages where ltes. is aregr ire Departmon.Tal-i- îng into accoïnt its uWitly pot only as a menus of extifguimhing âres, but aimo a4 a walertitrover for varions purposes, lte iutplement is worthy a place in every bous, ,wher. it eaui ho afforded. GEORGE POPE, Agent. Lindmy, JUOe, lm2. lz5tf STAULMNoeBUT, TillE! SUR'VIVE '.OR PE'RISH. The history or titis gmét, remedy la lte Mtaton-; lérfui medicai revelation AmI lthe orid-,baser er knowa. Il ha nul a history vrtlen by oue man, or even derivedlf a t x.n.oe !of n*nation, bt consstaor aco"til(un ! emlmnonilafroni the, 0"c of eWery Oeumab" nread, bit Mlle of ritiebi inasnover hocu adduoed in favor of amy re- comcy or invest-inf e, rnehg*a. in vitever f"',w. ib..attacha Utc 11r, lbtai epel-c ai .U.sunald h tiis earchiug, pain-' àw sud irreslmlite curative. Lot t. sqiek wvom tc faoully bave aitandonoi, eerlth â4oo le tais poerf 1 anluiiioua néeî suMÂÂ Jrlnlubdt u = aelMty vin! i. t. unvaryip* rmett. Thte greascoxurgeo! Ibis onhi-neut yields qutkly 2 ea ît couefthoesatiseptie mei, anthi U. ie- *0 gaPU aie' mmeuod te theIt pr ltc; mp mallor lu wM b o hepthbs mora !diseas. AtgU d vb dses 55 i »wcftMd V rti amisu auIu14ltuo ig* hR1;ià ûiaful4t"llimopMýete I.leomrn.rsu4. -ver beCKIYrn#ALESML jh.a'et Nil ait, theu aree-=g the tiwid for t/te fclW*~gé - Awneesof Sphift, 0 d " te w ithth th *ai a »oMeinedgo titat tbe sub&rjký en cco f0, receirehbeir pape,, and ., ri* lu d"tY. when ttc aj- Samplo copies of Tîa POiSent gratis Wten NeX. 3.9 Walmut Street.pN. 177 GOBEVS LAIEVS BOOK FOR 1813. GEXAT LITRARY AND PICTORIAL YEAîý THPuhioher o!flev L>d S taw te that public 'whieh 61a enal,4t. hlmn th pubuieh a agzne for the l3ý1 TH, THKF.E years of a lre efulation do-. qn America, li amde an arraigemLtsat xLà j.opulr authgrefsini Ibis colit uu- Autitorese of "Alune," 0~idoP't Side," -"Nemesis," &Bd i :> auLLr, "0t Wini f umi>ba stîry fo? evýry -. f- Lady'a ooifoýr ISuZI,.Ti- ,ps t" t Lady',« Book in lraiter-ary p jiot u(X vîiw ,r ,of ny uther magazine. MaritD !lltlanis- TIR BST AND CHEAFST LAD's 3MAGAZINE 1-i Tir> . THE LITERATURE ia of ltaI kir-ithat eau ho rejlal.t.d b> ttc:. circle, sud the clergy in iimrlenz-e nun. : 'uhecriheri for th é lkok. THE MUSIC lsan airiginl, and voulti c(at 25 cer1t:d" of thme ButAi> in the. music sturef- -but 1at-st coltyriglited, and caumul be obi îîned ex-qt ,t1 OUR STEEL NRV î'. Al efferts tu rival us i h ia ba-.u c aîa now stqud alone it this deî.;.rieint. v1rg -.w ",, ;;'ny nmore and hoffuitely hettcr f. tlite n are pouisited ia amy u1h;*: wrrîc. Gi)LEY's I3MNED01BLE: SUEETiAII Ccutaining froin fLie lu sei-eu fuil~: Fatihioins un meiplate.ifthe" . utiiv tWqo. FAR .tIIEAD OF .INY FA<: Il *N- 1N menc latef. 'ut îv are s: O t. t- the wonder uofptb and rs 4O iL- of which we ï:ve î'v;:e or thr.-c t'n.t- any other -e-zne re .ften '-1c.t They are e atr mu1rl.r twair * ed111 I:ELLJII T-ý arosuchascaî>be G":n'i ni. . <" *Ttîl2t-tho anrvtc: LATIIES, .R. This depirtmniu4er c t"xt- MOI)EL * Tt Terras to .Subscribers N.2-w é, Y i Omne upy ûne yeur, $3. Two cuj4cîe' *" týu Three copies one ye-ar, s6. Fîvo copîi e Dyear. .and au e.m.-a son 'cotilti t e hil. dtr*" -,- At these Itr¶ iresbei.ribe-,. in tlic P î> Vî V, have nu Ailtericun p'uege t'>)y îy. SPECIAL CLli .Ut;NC; t1 U 0', lik-n Ciodey'« La-dyv-flu.Xanai rt11;îu--H'! ' lxth one year f-ýr S3 50. lhdyaLzzJ's 114..k andl îîarpe~r. . - t'ne ye-ur lr $4 '.50 tlodev, H-trper, nd Arthr. ..iIIl f 4i u-nivear.nre¶L'ui]tf $6 io>. Tri'asury N--t"s andi Nýbte.% of all i,% taken at pur. Be rarefti anti pay the poetage run: 323 Chesinui Stretu~. ' B 0Cili TA T10eNEX ESTABLSHMENRT. OPPOSITE T1i O$.>q'e~ AT lte "n Mu« su ali a wranlt ici hasbeen long île" w r -i of tle CanadianPo" have p, hci 'à CO'MPLETE Sti MOOIS ANDi STATIM>EIRV, Ccenpniting SCHOOL .U3EîfKS .1 all k zA- BBLES, PRAYER BOOKSsrtI ~'l"l Book-SI REWARDCAf, TI'UM . TOY BOOKS &c. &o. In STATIOMNERY lbeyvp " largc :4 F'rench. Eng1:.h and Ainirecn .' P'e Tarlos f-zeg i 'i quaithus. tip wiieh tt I the attentici t of rat' i fthc mebaeaiCti lt.a"aiSoties o4 Reading- jthouf th. £,a=- PO mo-ltes ' eonlegrp (b~y.Boos-,.-Pueha, Peu, &C. .tc. ~ ~it5Zll b. oet aIustauUy lkw A ~ A nov e aud'required by anY mmoemlea»rwIb. 4iunàotely, and for- ~ CAsm, al5d5m kaà.a44 ~~op-rmr- "tekU4 'a, bu- llpsodsy MO0ImL ~a* Ço., aI Utais OfrO ~tc.w. - 1

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