Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Jan 1863, p. 2

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~he tI 41t Dewoy s.w. .diffl for Ski àà wbich U 4:.,; v, v' e. L4,4~%1j¶ ~: ~#»~y. u V i "g .& f1 r v~ t>2 i ý J .z~eati.d rtmgIheenerhyý GeL U~~9Ç, '*ved1toward s I5.,,usbrowh.upardaof 45~O army deGe.g, tpl witt~n Oe obeIatcy pra1 b a oe~bq~bekéd*i ôupiid ~I~~ ' pe"m.i'n9 of W ie. - sot>,One klIede I ac ouw,l000 JTe oufedettOMikàe iandt 4*1 £ rul bwoe l ilu b 'o le. miias cietedà era coet oon. I~IT~I ~uiy eme -ad bàd, 7~~rt% d ây twm arm6a hahlitilm this feearful cotest« dependsli More ~V*hè wer ,cf the sviord1 ~ ~ppeQf sretinion jnust hajr vsnisbed frm theibrmst tii. Kanleipsi Ehetionu foithls'Ynr twugh- ~ t~wn.-The csrdidalea ~yrç$ >j o~~ia en 4&vehuisng been no opposition o&fred. Tii. former Coundiliors in-the. BaauWard bav? benare.elected> namely: Moe~~ar~~ 'f~ndBudy.Owing î~ i~echage, ip tq boVuîaryJln.of,!tbd en o& Wrdâs, tIi. pumberof eleci- orsl n uk li~tdAvp$een dimihv liîvCoqnciîîor. Iisa:a ýo l.theecandidates broughu forw~~é~ieét d clamation, numeiy: jMwqm~4Ieb,~izohgey sud Clarke. 'AinofI àm W"e l ýe m b i.out-,in, the.Couneil,.tiiii but.miW&4t4,tlau a si saie ears ugo,1 jk UV n * i iured Ire. tIis faelt tat ilu iê~uumili ev E.uilirmthey ba%'o givei ý'lv»îPg t i.escSt iivisloaf auhe Wards,. ~be I*~Ws4;bureceiVed an acessfion of ffw Iloodi -itd Ïha iucned energy la dis- #lip'!by bbigg fornrd,,thwoe nev candi- - I,,ýTbqf*t.rnr embers of Connail, ftomi W&. W«4ql ,ere Me3ts~. ThorobUl, Bell and >~qr~lJ' aiss ti.oppoSition caui idates, as at ppttaprt5tMy called, owin-toi te; -45te of"ÀiAOvYto, sare Moast. Ilrowne, Hop- .".tw4ilViot. Properiy speaing, lhe for- ~rtCiu1ilor ater.oly two 5ininuraber vith 1f. ellner voted eurepuing> ei th. nod of Mr'. ThoborliLThe, people of b~otgWbrdi-bave, mot beeu blin'! ecMr. ~~~~i1'uconduci fWr the ptai e&r. 'He ,kýMaboawn ihauthe iat.rets ofbs.v'pôokei weea fatea.vnidetéwt btthu IV*bve ffre recoUi4'4.tr bW4eed aà pcried4 ail ,eppuý ciwh ng thai bis public duties oceupied mc mach 4f bhim tl~7~qi~8anI7protin t i 5Ieyès 0, ifig staod ln fayor of the oid trio, ois they W6~aig îtrla l'~f f e 1ndâ(as 4giq.l n.491 W4ea3 ~o~g oomncd ~*1,.u4b pooit wa* 4ppamm ltiatêb on Manday. IowevçF, they brougbt ,lf rqelé f~~~ad Le~ ~o~<1 t4d: r W' ~~~I to 'r ap .e casiiy AMm wýd1 dî, ~,~ç r LKn wrill, 'a aius,Ï9. apfrnaç lys libeftera4" tiluie ile after-lg u'clocký ,raoniu~ f*e i4!4b~v.;.ben burtd1.4 ji really î1boqUbt la* M. MKi tW.~8 OUled bla "Owmt,' sýlbes.e4e diig as uaagfiço' îpýIb. QpuI4 lnot have sîoeely detecled #a 1not te i çe ppd»ctapI QîLpa. cf$ ýo1Sec$ioa Sq. 1,, Ek1qai, aaa ld on Wedoea.y the B31*t Demb.r, in p>reiee -of th Truste.., a large namber càf th. patenta of iii. çhidrn, nd go~Iynnntber aof' other* - visors., ýhia ja- iihelargest Çhool iii Ibis par ofl th ue utryl a4d&oCouquen iy the mont difielt b reduce. b a pIiber Set té of organi- galion. Tihe order jnd dlgcipliiiie exhibited that Mr. ÜcKechile, the. leadLer, la a master, f1mprofeaion, sud refincted eredit on bis nwtirngoeüêîié ar!eai. ' AIJ tirouvahout, the éi-haal"ieemed ta be u duirably .tondaicted. 'the. exa miîuattoq I ,as eCaducted by Mr.'me-. Kechule, amstaed hyb eser. IobertGunmu and Niel 0iilIH eaeiers; nid the varlions classe [exQnilamé acuitêd itenaselves credit*bly to thei cvi aplesoto Btudy, as: vel as lw tb. skil,ý alility sud aptitude of their leader to tench., The hiStory,ý georapiv, gramnuar, ariîth-metic and'algel)nn lasses, aere mentiolied pàrdenla'rly liv the eX,ýamineî's lu du credit ta a4y SC401l or colétge.. At the close, appro. pria. addroemea- vere deiivered -ote i.seolars ltter gÉentlmiua, superior lu mnîy, bas thé b'appy, faculty o f auitdng biàword4 othie cape. cities -off ohildi on, aud of ilLiataraiug bis re- marks by many -iffprésaive marais. Aller statingbiLs approt-al of the order r.aintaiied, Ixe traetPon tihe tealebe1 x%s &ties, viticix, ho said, ire nult tovrti ltaruing fnb clit. dron's bouda, butt noia-la rs îînai wcuiid - n uai doivulnt. stàte wîhin dicti; alA~ lastly, directed théir . tiîçgt8 to, il+> une thing needf4l ý,a kipuwovled Gm .d andd hi yîher atacment'tbtb0 teaietb~'prescut- ing 11,01ni a te clse vitlta Bibie sid a photo. gtapa o~ ~ $nod Canada Pr*»byteriau Vlaroh1 . Qe o. îe eblre, Duticaik Ré. lutyre, lu behaf of the -tet rend' àn addr0mâ to te teachber, te vhlé tle teaeher repiied in ta tests. Wq!"grSîbes va csnnotllnd space Ifor bath ad3rem~s, -s i hey aluow an attach. mniit bml»ýw eebiàîidjâWp*ll s egetýloi man, as Uttadit*à-onbithe"ebool !aerr pkfu4peed im n kw e vao -;t~ v~ on a pond tpeur tb-%ii.Pbyeiatô4 ceavowayt aud'i îL e re rdrovxted.ý idt ~W PUlV fmed, mmte2 ,4p Wbi.gt mn NwIth.but l 4. v..;La .qn severe ezow aîorm seilàu, sid to>a ûe.ree;â, Banika 4 a aIentýq iluMJ"»ýht cormqpgndbugprdo mty,~l ~ iug off îsmainl]ti-bae 0 b ug~aao~ oAericiiii silNer wicvht eèj Î' nçir- GetBlital aad IW»ln&pocî umam of Canpdùlkn ps ibr hvru~ whîch laàtnfeuô i ~tw ils tribittm e.Theopr tite1n tactureiEýxtend Ovýr ward "f ,0'a44, miles, and gv m yèt~i~ki A Ralif&-z ladya ithieoe.r of »Me o*ltage, prpryiiiLauenahire, wb, ii ôrt1îiûr~ timlsç yIelda lier np ,»um. X 1i ogýt of' tbe whoie amiunt, - Lts. monîh ( elq- ve r)she agunvstdponb~f~~ ppo fcollectiug. ber xoisdroiq £OsdIwbich â o tâa Ia apst on 'her DrÂoLx~u~Atcr;-r. jswxe. re~, Dixois Cor-ners, toavnship of Matildu, b'ba> pairof aery-fine grey nmares ato1aëa fron bis StIbie.'oa Chrialmuat e ve. . i i?rescgtt, çm. t4e fcllow;Itg day ïi, aargh -.o tbewa., A neigitýnr puasing,, trougha a mçe Of avo nFxa neftr, 1. ~iha drlIss iscovere leanmiwU hè 1 broats' ut.- Ted.graph. v mr. 3o'hn Sit!, ib.e We!liý'W d tdcVèedpî in' Chinguiacoucy, basta -en hi cfo19win1 preminasfr . tock, uring, e2 .Coîuntyo tion, "26' prem-hms-42'NeW York; State rIxhibition, 1I li ni'um-.26U",Torona to îwnü Ship, 22 preÉaium--$5ý' %Gorý of Toronto, 9 day, to t' he eetet îlot an aita ~ià~n plac e * ntlie'bi-rh-roàd de&aSrWSt4 ymn *L v ivç, * tuaI ie, eçpey à tx4ujm ite - bicW ',atdlu in Ls deatl. t vP -Ihl, d * -g'.Ïed iwias diadvln,' a an t er'A ri: bis IbFotler., b'4 ÇWU, osf pbr. vvvviPO M îLe ir eliiun Ipthiwoie wlhof tii ', 4ý.1 t "S f. . àor 'Alibi fp lu ' ýfI YzpIl&~i4.u ouirs'n 8ifteq b-whas i*potfSto lave - commtted ~*a 6sI~ *ad and1 cold. À essor wvo, lying on tii.bedelotbes, 6.Ov with blooê4e. BJhgl big right ccJuidrsble quantlîy bud ru oit t.e floor. 1 exaanined tIb«ýww; a vs, atout 30 veut. of age. I siw a woundin. the-Ieft aide of iii. thraat, about midv.ybetweeen 'the eut and esIlar bons4e b4 siuprdthe jugular' veia, and one of tliupst igw of lii. iraches. The inciaion wMbsaewru,. utê*eaniy made. 1 am râf opinion tbat deaili resulted from hemn- orrhage. ,ad muat- iiWvè,taiien #ce rapidly after 1the jnjur»v,MMédl;II eonc to tbave -been inflicted by théý razur fomnd bar ht li, and frorn il. regular .g.ndse mud,- probabi y ut tii. firut effort. The. jury renqnW bkia4hhr :Wé.di,.t, thal: "deeeaed had o~o@thit!déith from a wouud en the. ibroat, ebMiAitt'iiâarazor l'y bis own band whi4hIbelag. nueïa fit of tern- porary iamaay."-Leader. LA-TE' NE ÈW S. WRECK O PTMt "qAdLEDÔNIAX" AT Q~ECOD. ARRUT L F ?TBE ASIA." THE TlMBS,,ON THE, WAR. FRANCE 4D #NNTON Boston, Jan, 2.-~TbeBrit>s teamship Cal- edomn, t-r~ovi sgc, t.via Portla nd, for New York, went sabot on tie iit of the 31st uit.,, on Peaked 111ii wr Ce& rd. $e la liard lud fast. SI,.ig U f81 Fw«Ar.. er ca'go la fioatlugý out. ..4neffprt. llkiei»de at low tide to' aava qr.ceïgo. Tlie sea isvry he&ixy a nd the ship inhora- very badly i wrcck. b . " ~ben ber ak and thbe tide ebba aadflows linlier. If the weather' sheuld b. -favorable, Lartof ber cargo niay 1;-àýiVI n i tu agE& dition. ei. ~ Yqj nekra.on tt ~roaqcls1» ~ic%~~îraîulte: the:~î Qýtdhe te8a2da Ta1hiv, - eR~5~i~a p'iIiit l believe vlIa cIeairrp. Ieto h.his rl 91ariia ~~ ~ var nov rç --Avgermor prevuils thal Frauce iutends - Sobpefi.l mu* ti- had.uddimnnd their epetitent tI ~imiulum u~aArena ,affsim vThê IotiW trght the %Suîhhad a -rgiit#8c*çIs1audreconuended recognition. rd~dth Solih'mvt tte top er- r ia~yasud ulogisedtiie l 'Seh jpuw 4 îlte 'aftir'of ibm MAb"&ia w vio- "lthe ii ýrévctwould suebied; hbhad n vision uliat ~ ~ ~ o Uu'b)cntnn fAn*eaawonldlb. Neariy ailthe .Landon jodrnab iid.tauli Tii. HautuioiabIot- SosîhamptoalaaY. _4k r MP Pur ,thapas sûooas. th( rx.nc11btain Hyill decided stipess ila exioma c-f ifbut niflblIng Serion s hai m ri fI l 'y' y' 4 ~ ~ W-"'gt of the O*Ib.~4,dàfW~6Sigthi emy at.* b" Our form. e u e itu h"adm i el day ini in te mhuMAff ibe .wboM Bich- certain. 1 =T -,t»bl.Our ing of iupwUiin o 4 ."té 4aeven- NashviUe. a.&-r from the battle4-eld, f learn îlia on Saîturday- nigAltdoru-.3lg IIciUâg9O16attacke"d out men in tbi'r r e Wgd Tliee SM1~~Y egel point. Un Sç1ndaymOlàP; t aJe'bl' ente" Âïâ".u *f*. "-' idp i>red The reto b eli Uid , efr wii sisd oel officers. - Thmgdm bw. mgisII1oé* Coifemte ed, ý 0 it pOWnd 6sen retreated-te-TWffimho&'.*Oir, i re tern. Itar department: ~'~~Ioo, an. lIs. - We ssiied the enemy at Th' ~1ig~sdafer ten houts' bard figbing bave driven hlm from every po. sit ion efi4pt -Ma.extrmItW4, wbe» 1he has auccessfuUly resisted -us; , With the exçeption ofthIIs P,9119 ie oecIupy.*ý wbotpfipId. NY« captofed 4,000 yriomt ner, i* ing twc bigd1e-ge~raa,~l e~e d rl$lby, and soiýqe400 iqaîgffl ansd teaMIEý y Qr, bas hey, but that of the ene~Wtka" -Mieter. (Si."ed,) BRÀXTON BAGG, 4 **- -Geai Coemndià io It le SThe inventor, who isa a native or ri"v--m4 IV«tio th int jmt great Powe, ig inPwi, b cmhom h repeated iiistaii. in's l pocket, whie Np~r,,p~ cver h cla vvholder, ay vitbe. waîtr, w ieria".îtà, r .k ',tai' ~ ~ uffst' f1. îà* Dic-de Gramamont Caderoums. 'no -e cently kiled à-Bri-ls n amed iJUm,, ~ w~te laibeFt*pch journal Le Sport, lU v duel, and vas aàcqiied, as usuai, Ly a 1Freiàth I# , h#s jast been eoudeinned Ia)y the ciu îrlbiVla..t pay eo tke motl&ti ofthv decew-ed, -wIo as dependent on hina, 3.NoU fmans ftur expeuses Of ftieral, &0., and aýs0 ant anuuilv Qf.360Q frfflci.fur ber own lie, it tte- èquaifn.tpr.4xiud- Of tbat sum, W h er ~tj ao~ w'beae oflod. am lutnaiRa. Mr. Smith, a reporter on the Norfoik Mir- 4&»,ebaviug faiied tlu 4upply the -t-port (,f; meeting ai a proper trime, ar V«.IflI4:tS wiîli b',tise anb-edfor, Mr. dd.po.A éle~tio .ensued; lr, Woddeî-soon avais lwovoli-ed, and threateued if Suith lîu*xeýttù a ~,raiufals. staxéetit that lie wùi.dl.ç hiai âd Ï81 K «- nxftaSent, & ý n 'attt -vn. and a warraàt ,as obtained -agaitiat Mr. e Mv;~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u Wodrpothc rsaur'a t esmate of greatexitenetit. ad wbi!e conluiti., bu., died 01, heàrt-dsew.-C. id Cbdde6f*tý t i ~3t. -- Thf Betfnlbeam Peîri1 rei ~1,~îas onroe, bhadw. The. sehoma Slma TutUseaplumd by a -Yoecruimer, sand put in caga prime coew. bas bilnrecaptared.Pjtoriri ei ccieaý a =em7'--w6 ver eonfÙlsli"lb ourd. and talion bao.kt6 uit Iirize crW as pioea A A11,Jr*aI te thékewaêkv-iî'rumor- intention, -to tù ake,. mi'! of tha iiy lai juat beId',an old =un aaned. Thomas Ltvl wvéobarged vrtb a groàs eriminai, out a a child. There vas ià - doaibî wlatea-cr as :c the iuIt ~'tbé 1prsoner,batitrorfi thé lznpoë- aibility of getting evidence frona the child bu was dîsclx rged, and, walked out of the dock evidcîiy much surprlaed àt is escape. - L) aa bis way home tuu Eollingbourîie, a y:- .*.l-, about fOve miles distant, he"dropped dca-J ut, the road. The surgeon who called to sec hini believed ibatbIùs dcatb crase Ira.o ple E»glsiPaper.- The Alabama is likeir ta be aid"I soon Lv another famnous Cotîfed.erae cruiser ai hLZI aS eaeaped froin a blockaâed SouUheru port to prey tapon the commerce of the -Northt. liv advices frona Havana, il appears -L.at t1àc steamer Florida, otliernise sud better li03iïo as the Oreto, bas succŽeeded in cscaphau fvLUL Mobile witii a crew of elle huudîved Mecn. La-, inu~ rua the gauutIet çd the -bluckade n. ta v dat-huess of thfe nigliît. This vessel (al ie two uthers rcported by Cfapt. Starrütt. oid 11:- slip Lizïie Soutisard, and Capt. Wcaîa tix t - the bai-k Marthas Vizeyard) xvili iiîetea>v to four the taunaer of Coutieate crafia flvw 6cGatiii,; te seas for the destruction of 'ie richly-laden argosies of sbe North. bARIUAUK oï TRE PîUx<Cn OF WALES. ,- bi la ' cfficially anmouuced hbat the. marriage ofi îl-e prince of Wales will mL-e place at Si. ct. ge«s Chapel, Windsor,ý and aiot-accordiî.g to predLtt-aItbe Chapel Royval, St. J aies. It la added, that tfie Lord Chiamberlain batszt- ceia'ed the Qneen's commauîds titat tle clviî- nîonv sImilil h ceiebrated with the UtxnUS!I 1:1Ua iience. A lintýisa1.a given cf the Lou,*- hold of the' tutus. Irines of Wales: ille s~rIiies ol' Carmniai-t ndJtiae ct ,lie deý Greyare ta ho the de-i-aînav. Loý.d hiarr is vil b. at dubc-ad of iiia»(:x vst hold of the X>iraes. ýo date is g\n a.± ia.aderstoàuitai t li.évent wail tahke 1iaie earluer tiMan the tiie oiiliîa!iv :e-} ox.Thi e amrage, in mll prthabiiita'. aiî. be v5lOmwi@ed in ta îe arly part ot MarAl. Tie-P-ritiee relsi-ëd to Eii* d n theo .îd vf UDèember, froua Calais. md bwo I ~ ?, 1 r4J ri som W&4 D. M 1 inz1m um pd he re

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