el~ ms, anq h un t - a. i t * geai., nalltq .lmm~ Bols.' t~4T tIicf .iuwaytua im tbas hocemêt a poruiio 1 ru.3eve l'~a »n mi.l ir. uy aitoia aPu b.mrnteltu t Sntieeg nibm ntk ia uaau.ri i- . os . 4W l ihetl tIt& oeh imah.ta>1 I vierevoii buttt sal*eAi o%*&M- -ailsm itumo of thea mrera laiil mmdetreI*ala a mablutt. ma. L. W %PI 6101W4if«te th h*om tit v' ie ~roy i~m 11tPa. 'nae dIQ 43 usmvt. bmn~ mi t. 1>tl."t i tt~ilt Yoa Dr le W Là ii.esl ~R -Tmî'a- ~IimuisT. p.mc Uted ,,1. 11-tf at th luvet prieot.ti! J ~î->~UU '.4. e.irulA ta-mt anal j ~ ~ ila tirutrma uIbruml.du» < PeStoot, L&"Vsa. Nhr.O '0t"17 Vp IG kenau mrnealoui theîl at, r, ~4rotii litrhirtltIs Wa o 11, iruodo=r Int or i Tth em MQail, abi. u am ardB ~tesk lMas.ae op tho dwnNuwdIo " a.I- tusa m ivee p ai ut eim d asotu» oi ouk gtIO~ tlirilsay Sépe.é»,.1861. 114-tf 8AIILERY EBtABLIBUMENTs A otaetas uia mabMP! à CaC.li laON VICýTOIIA 81011 e 81014 AL1Kin&daof' job Wuédoaio Revuatm cIlatwt.à.aa PIPN Mdho ï hae in~ U~U imts sdGlesPpaL PpSm TAOtm Yi dnids ITAUSIS' 1. 'im~ auto tanwe4i OD LIQ Mp~;51* bai ___ QAfWO O». Steet~ Onlmwood WOQDVI&L~5~ dations hr neuu hig uet Sà mmIohet .a» teun ç.llpzi l n eelhdla a. j ff0em ldy TelaTA m4m " SIOC?*Ia,. m«et b sasýentibsLm Wth Peïl*à am&*pf»t WC au W* tiiott"hon .vl heMr stWiofdibll. »iAret% « 'vyIM l WoohlIe, Oct 91863. LAW ll>ARTNERSFITP. ke~. me tnl"i the uniMdtwuet tNo.qega m e-' .tOllN e.AWU. MdIJOU10ALL. TAiato, J.a486. T A5~ataeenm orI&W I"Mtlo à ail *0 f a4i. à ao1*an ss.I &mtu .sau.sd't~6 Claim sbate .Depatuant cf Cyva L.ad pat taet pnaaau& W ê the PllOW is MM b ta 2 E..Býwum id l«u W A gaZ#& T. . b. -IoS Gouigo SlBma.. a"-mti A. £I., on . a C hrS( Couri f 5s»--, Fot &ora QusDC H~INUVGRISÀ fi <7 *0 " - eut' abwdd bb eblieUt. Lot 'the leela - m nt (EtI. 14à 1*4 Li Lai th.ù- baiL aSe 1&&MyS0.> *.iýi ir be "» tà le Y7 Lt Ielit mli. A\ri a lo rrçn Gi ,u.-TIc preralemîcp ma~l.2rwtea4 gmat.Tt.They bba l ike ücm- amdo tt skinm glivO'. 5bêt mOaa4 uIClt i it the*â.al4.at i'mr anal mhmimtthinla.UM set d sirt abs;. tu' apanltoa 4v.abthe . a u tîimie are aupha nletlitre a vittif dweei&Iàfi rwot.d a" d xee tWhi$e Iou *s1iteb rlux bit hu (rom semaI paitn. Jaupr o..- Ia-amiàt lhae doseIbis ilam! mdho aisrdilWa Who koav vhut Psrm»oasmy do tilt ahe. are tried and te"[iîml Niai unor y4i.14k ti. oaime h.t at emlu I duw an&W hewaultout M *mi ils I " ai tbada motw la met imitface t. . vi ile~sw.Sp oer masela eairl, mimai~ ~ ~~t heir alv'lnlaery "14Lord, ua%*, r' ow Thr wst vs e. tem *Rng bli 441eah m owd W% e ub-,'e. Voeutilt.ym umuncams, au ut.rdo e M wi t1 li W Th t àly h or n the imdiSes5 hase.of Esoum u.&anLa.The, aglagirl sMt"i ct iAthon Oeul er h..' mig IoMrs in ,"ÏuW"amenti, ub" lmtend to detelope and Imumoideanlripe» ahe boallly povers 8h.~ ~ ~~ m uiar alidie, aidrvs atpem u uni.' susdiepe payal~s j310sl la.'>, le.'nom pr ewiqqi. et' uiudtie a-hletom ~bervan et la'ts Aeth Wb" à &,-a do-te ai vwst endt to a-licas ls2* t6A"neh ai0 e.Ietah nmu ipom abi« oiosvWalie fao Wd. Ire t< tM r 'ý prtei. coj. daim t ah voaie W .P"n~ ex m als e d u kav miserIn t. ex#ibýmebla Uby aha"*arig t ho dW iit afler d'b)' u; lict van it thiOnUQ i vs'he anar tiid "i1t w aogemiu 141vbicb <iii tbe 4mt heL Wy. it nav knowmto caty ,UaOfliicB i sof t il'nWrtdrUnke;db in aer dwttaie mes nibe %ve been at col le sod ame the ogàl t 4 titparesas- rarni.-A maguIar moy'eteal of mu oas cureuehaa ctt. ulin LwAubji in Ilst. A Mrlpu UîomlTite to the of àfm l bt na gi r l l ad aW agreil ddocieM.. 8he. vus i.in t<rovu imte emnvu!uros ba, hlimted It<mmrs. The nexa day, tbreu more girls vere uvîiito sitular convulsions, mimdile f:llv dalys ixeot. À î.hsianun m omiifar 1-t bfore h. m"Yi- cd 23 girl .4 hâd et s.ie' Ilbthe mue, m&Wa ine MmmiuWho hua I bmi e t.'cdLa hidimm: th.ud.riug ù6tir ita. 'l * rk ia th ac-i seau. duienia> bas i imtoiffeeaby a bae ut' ctomiv icia lad rcth ~uuew4 TI4 b..d mme»,' em ai but 111e tms, ver; impeevi tuit. Thedsata oe a.'so Niklieatu> I ltre tour or fiie phrmenst. prevent the mnu r ont mii ahliîiteir bem'isageinu the mmml. Tlle duoa.'béahordât lima cf aryiiig the effems ùfedotat mbcam.anal-the apilim-n reka>m unnfouy snceemful. As -nso a fiw 1sd beemi uleîed, asii tie dsoietten alita shous to ho a nerroas a$'vmial. ensily Ima". n otiS-TIi bute R)r .Ruîlàr 1111,iii one al.-eoa tatail. ele < Wat. -iii iib umeoebiiteMaile o ausecI. icnaice, memi cas anc anena44bresiasa. m i ant, mn lul me s a t f ah. eWatrynIva siim. Cam i junor0liisptoth mai t a ga1re-pi oau itîa hwynar.iihuan.hinsa aliI f lia mp 'a voie for epsauhenaîdiatIs luna t1 i mIsvtéorboma, i abe ud tu1 wc m"ialasuie ao!ane.analtme emata t voof lie oa Ültureîs. No one nlh-d ml e men thsiaof thei: uid eai I Nu 0M ea1raawaauiomi rendu' 1lai ni xm jor àimîer', alalabout toeteitamh thon inmvcbly in'iii eternal as ti une. alê41 aiatltmmson illul nu-? No, aiti.1 e n uaiedâ e:aumat iii.sdu&mî; sdia eut thuam ktaalaofl for ru, te aun4h. iopeae #tbewe Ilice iai the GospeLl" lias beMi înrnch aucatgcildusansdsayMumg ipipe ou;hi to a b Ise.)emiethimi. about th..-tat btyarekeemly olmsVant. ,Fcv îbiaags oseo abir noie. 1TbeY aresoen- thing lote tint anystie le*g aolonor by dis Rlebucu Mee, aiaid eduerihoal1ins a abelig .»Petla. Poifnqkueay tua deev t ,yoamag. Albey umie s %ts tai a ecois ,"knaavs10 aionlii adU stleabouwi .. - n h imieu t *1 aven;" but o esciN th« itissudtfaal veay iing tù,Su le a in ilai le, îhmti l . vevefpaml% oiIlte cfz a . êa% Htnern éipme venIle00el 1401111% tut liapate o th boum'o pesiast m.amaoWep airi fr4i, nc féulmrtt.u hnIiie Wiâev --'j' ot~ A. v.ati.r1*Si~ IN*~IL~ 'e#*qIhl p~p!b. dAm win~ a~'ibm~ salis-pi mM4~ ~ a Um*~ iii.. ~ tels qaa~ ~ saisI vil gu.v aaol~ amI uer topies- ). tà&teinua» tb --asnLotdoini"à' om bis eâma*"hoa aiate A dala ', of »» es ofte *7 8"." in u à mite Cky; .vulte eosvmamiomthp aer. lma sah. salare, subidhy ed ops hi Seter Wf" a e taela intoti làa&ee isi UOiU4 ta bL o pau vli b onu I.Ni iethe e iother ami iwu 4 iomiea d lve ann eu"al M er è. lmel. cMnaSM i a. evn at -theUait gyLof Bidco," lie mfoeaed a cotsiém t unrt henentaes- aM olite d kwiod Wma1sae ayWUclet a kimcaerdi" »ttae a ý umcf bs mtr .Aw me nie Te kinudi ofcWblmubseeeptï i& bmi,-d niste tit abs vels tu irln IlAavivia»das 'ah. «Ci frai," lieI 11wYov Neflvask in, v±ah. vdvtt le " She es1pgd n pt hoc for a nhe.parer bfl ,muid aiol n iiaeber tt e en- ais mid ive omifrhall i. n rdea ief ihnt mdiupvoved bo tel.' nccWnIoan Iïasa thenmblb lonia is parlorer bnt Cou look.ý eti a ter a sii al bnnteueal to. "Sehanom IouN i. tm t ih.bpumlor b.. ait< beraoe fie anl 6«iilmsa, thco " nwo thi'aey smd hmcv part.ber aatmh.fbut ei- enine ronvuerme fcor yb.',surmd aied maa puismo net o nr enuamiai. Veu.ag .enid.van id- te e pnsue eu inl w.ie avay pliee, Iosplyhomdeonviepuomntheon dre Se u4t bly Ip lvsafn s h aSom -Iutc.'cbnnawd f îioaeetl rt@,ah. hletas ui byr ade tc iss, andl k.'tteUteS h v ain ali boum" vam e <e novemmoed aihm ihat ute, uitepart. «enturf Mof itbatr enmi. ouvea -«W onMrly h. suner fom wvlanm foloeloe. A i pulutm 64m aInwu analo c imape e thot'amoe i iboeuld ,.f be oeme munecos o WM ly h Iean e <'by ns"t vrubr lundv yo oc wiv er aie oeinud rete al t er h.evaud ho nan ti*almt and Borer M.yemauedabout d humcyman she tho, api4aed tbr4s 1 hosme. MIThm flaieuvionov vuaeti n hn er, aàd itbt)aemuof money uilier. Ioa 'qiber !mev-makspuf e epenihai ber ofrI viali -th emi mm cr.A aisp Iu-et meSo-o b 6Aitals frmo ke.e pin.WMin 4m aevp nov-ar huneablime laIenvmmin he boliantI efr ahomm, dw <eiuonaly, am h Spe. a e amd for hmvdam oe; e m ii #à*Iei i aIwr; e. almor.ther busnti w hou dot ailitani vbe m ahaiedund eas. sudaime notad1,aiiivh eal utfber .1 borneix. iThen ortiu Omaet lomeheopeit laae n ork fiber hoshaai bufomdolt for the coudel ananal te el long mm OedI4*- I i i I a t I r r h 1 la NSmim As--&à BOTY-A» >As A1 TI .Y oUaSIM gPMA.<u ws meuh..' of Ibo priseq»"Cmaimoi n ~Ce& fore nappoinlus a aat aiWoutPoint. Te eu o u nad-u probaimy il.~ ~ ~~~ »k fovtm J't4# ~ nifor nu odueion et Ibo pulls epee. Usppee- t<f*l dté Umm ersde ,14 inthe liao. ho ~ ~ i wuthadil 1 nl hseu" sb.~hd aho.iakeedsté 1 otm *talt'sagpuustse h oéo fêa- -4 aIl mal't'., I. ~ ~ -r -~ -i r t ~t 'r I I. -j-. vi t. a, h 'i ai a 'I t' i ai o I meet Lqsu ot. -r- A UauS h joue im*Y ~il - gee"ait 1M-ij -a-- ~ ~y,~hesn we- pnhLangi.pu It hafrboat%, »d, gA té tbe r1. c Iuperhng naoi Imun laiuwd a. taue ituerofleu, f.d <e <e, hed uuad munt hem bseh te e ft W g ts. p -- t . * -6 u h b d u o heing hooornby reoeuad, 1v» a banner to m "a S D U T .f. Aa fln W- A r ' r e c o m-- mai USA?!~~ON L copletely raqni lebis resentanent. on. Of blm «aMsever teruinld 00 M& lob. Snyu~7.0" ib aaig a elimoa intCmni Iom epp, u THEBÂCHELOr~s EXCrSE. n~~gn-ee StIeinsumi 0< ls au J"-, I amktaus a generul ruie, îe bacbelors Wib 00 dihombWM l i MLNOv, il -ah. confirmeal haclelors oe-re weadmirera mPpe"4 " O9te aa b lXded 8~" cf ah. 'fkir mex:and ri«c r«evi l'hI ave O- ,.*.d farone o tah. Heldhberg,-%<bore vms mermred old bacbeloas endaure the fretfulneuuf au, it.. apecimea of bunmanity, but tebom ld44wbeu fat bers vouald explode in a th enebit uponuas oue of île eleet. st...uof paiol. Perhflapbst'sh.oee Viec ho "mutelbis "ticket for soap" le bacbelors don't bave te. o iald il ail- the aime. mo te B edig, nid souing vere lIÎYW T is jst ovita te whinis cfcOr fair tyrants. the oute speumon cf a layer, h.e --' 1Te bactelraput up viali incomrreioce, h.- atraigbt t. bit oses. 851d Is- Icamm tmeir ituraldeun but trazsitory. TIEy 61F rudhafinr' mie voues outil on thelni bitside, after nl "ITii.doemyou aM; il MMtbave bom a , antk voe, tantesIbo .uvngbu d amros unm Iba diittd yWu" sot get iniexicateai l wla la. Andl, aller Ma," "iToU, ýl'an drfted, andl vint 10 50< OUL i. el it h.adoration of tbeichst M*s " cas'i Match. 1r11pa, Viii.ausomany bsehelom .Ne out vaut@ tomiP me- ".Very wvol" I ar onstmntly. No o cameauocpy ail the The svalo proceued dte ah. office ofthe lmine a.contemp1anoma of berAdy, or in ah. Comnmioaier. jemjoyinent of delightfut recrcations. Mono- lie," mualid tWbnvyer, di"Ce imert tony begetas sty. .The. miicin t h.or- 1 bave gui a mm>utetp." eeti tires of th. nightly ucenes whicl de- Cumo6isiomer luokeai et the vbeezy speci-light the .ver-cbnntin-1 audienee. TIe Stare nmm fuor %ame time. driver, ahe conductur, ah.ealaat cet1n ",1He vomt du; cg*?t bmrcb.'die cf cmi. amial ith e enes uhmel apie "But be nmuât do," bluieted oui the layer, ah.esmi itraveller vith .nthusinsm. Fani- anal.Èomkav ha ut.tm11i iauity, inshorat, breeds coutempi. The bu- "BHee at narth. He voo'ido; and 1I cheoe.'appreciaes abemnever-fuiling -râles. casa tale lin." Re prefens toc eandi appre omen in lber Tis vus telat or suaasefriend abl t. liedmbhumer, hlie mlhîn,«faee. îHe hinks abat " ne <W& " ehr','tg, airber would l ilie goiuio th lie oora &.N àoh. Snt." eVer7duZ. îaikin L,,breakfast. d wrer.maid supper be isdre4ld, and at'sObeexempted r' oraspemdug ls life ou inaa ïzàu vii tI-t The Commsioaer loolcd t t il lavyer fori b ut roses. &bout a mimnute, f ben regardedthetI fat draft. an4d wisbout speaing a a-oral, OCtalCItaoff THE WEDDING BI. bis mume. W. emmendti h. ftdloai-gextrsct, ent fros a Quiney <(U. S-) paper, te the notice cf 'île Prous Association as a méode) for ah. (cran- ai îon cf a style iii nevapaper comtrverme- The editor cf île Quiney Whfg iao uePbllip @eydo.', by amure a scoundrel, ly hal aita al umniato, by instinct a conard, Iy inclination a iumorted villain, ahlly a-rites himamf d an md boaste s i f of tihe cisasterof Profenionda Liar'! Tht.. word. are aot te Phi i toutou ps wte un tIen; hua ah. loy- n haca illais lies d asartat abis les m. elle-s am mepemiSutlr, at me l ave Dnechoie .8 h to t plaue hlm lefoue is Repuhlicast triemasienài àtinomabs. t mm«'t b. ex.- n peced-if i i, tIc expectatou a-fît le d"sP»& pOinteal-taaive sl"I dahy follo, bin op anal mouvee ini detail bis infomai linsabout the emde tor et beilevau .We bave amthebeil il -ias io do nu, and if vo- lad wvoeoght mot thos ila p ouspn o.'r rosu lso Y eCaMsnMg a PM in car' pape.' viii lin. l a l4spape.'f hmaieemiug <lis Pro&emiem-J ,od Lier ciargue liai a-e asttedefeal nds ""M de . uastitonwaa. PIlip lies.No uel vamsu. he .dlorrwsânwbd ynas la ale MMn rlis e oearges <lai vo hU ~ ~ oottaZot long ince Iccaus anebi paea for liberty. Pbilip lies. W mor.'lef i a pasmee t ingfor aMy mcl Us hageamia>tI p eucata bave "do nouicai n opjiy fr istremonabe i sida.." Rere puirti Yn al ln. Ifeswca' sami a denocuai abat bu denoancedl s, or daa r. id alsasume sefr My MMununsn- Mvr. Ho charges (unIbe. bet " k&aumtislde- cu"tsbaveviahdravmt tîaéir paroa"n »fao im BOr Ihbemmod ms Io aie"bPhlie lir" upd. : .)b enoomt u - asviidwmavlms ,a. e a mot dd m ommsrt a h.aud hai amy. dmoer4 autmgd ord,04patatvn pitclyOrpeinl r 1fefrm a ',mP *Vhàém A& A r uimiiwd* eihlSso1 - lo eai "4* lhhuaA li nïiids e -to t -~ ~li, '~7W ~~~ - -r - I titi n~pse w te folloalng rossons laveree. gironfor the proprlety of thlecmon- 1. 1-W m bwiiituaning a ring foarer nd eme ho fouastio tseah love cemmeed by mur- 'rie aboulai b.enalles and -perpemtal. .2. I'lat as thec-ring in mande of pure geld, so, did t beayuhoiccoftheie uy of a h. tar- rabunion. 3. Tlmatas golis eeed the mont 'minable cf aillnietalu,80se <njuagal love s ancre r.lmaab!e ia a ur <aer emauhlr sUr- tion. 4. That as gold i j ihe matit compact cf art nielss, 8s oulal it si ëmaify the cloitenesa cf aui*. love. 5. TWta asgolm i la impahmed in ah. fiery ormk fi. tah.crible, anal lumes nealdng cr ils value, m love, Inllowcd by mar- nage, ued fbar no triai, bo ver terrible. 6. Tlaaabemrge ringis perfectly plain '-temt l, no chamea, raised or artileial work -ppeams mlas urfae-moad boul itla*a'Fy tInt the. mrrage uum vu brougbt about hy nmCifice, but tIc plain resttof ami Imnorable &r.d reli-_lants&Ih.tin. 7. Tint agoli in- corruptibleo, u sbol le ah.balloea- )love of man anal vile. 8. Tin tbah.nipriage rin.- exbibils aotimgtle iaaply pre.cminence cf the ame party ove.'am.lber, notilbhmiaadig *Ma the vir 4on!6oi?"l a applical te .lady rather <ban ah. gentleman, yet the gentlieman shouhi #ver uocollcct, abat n in comâts of eqiiathe pam ini a ppeur with I"deean banda,"nm lbfr e eau lay any claita, any righit Incoin- nasaior ah. vife o e nderamy aiiwim10 obey, le muet remenibor ubat test cf love sud sineuiy vblck la girem in he IcSculptwuts(EpI. W.no u, bowver, reusul, tin thel ring i.n ogran<mentisari" cf the aar- aflg eeoy The Act cf Parfiaineot ps.nd in1837 coustituies murlag a civil Sctnemt; ila dom met, boevei, prohibaitîle me of <le ,img, am h ina aemmeu île abroge- tics of vhlcI mmd poolonu m atura"l le- $mf Ocourse, vies tbe umaUhage ceuemony Ï4 piforedan theme bm,ibe ring, or Pome- inmaruaagsmbfori te giste.' <vbicàde net exmea a ft4.oe " i aitcfibe marriages in gamîlud and Wiil atis e au beonaitteal; bft4in aser Ininq¶, le 4alvnys Tho as uivtook ~Tvua iMW mia ;but îe am-, bm pob wlihe oa , rerebd smlim&g«'À" aL4 q« i. f & le rIng ijgh b d oq eupdn& W" M.W _ _ _ !m ' Pt~~~~~~ea mi5ha5Uià I5Sl f . ';; ,-~ - 9 ~1 z-. .1 ILLEI~ ~& lIROTRU &u. AUw.em.at-Lefl. IiImk- ~ e~, ~s maman'. Ue&W>mg. u~ C. A. Wnaa.ma 0~, S&s.~ I ~ S&L IUL 0.NallitA Eul.w Bl1i.Xa Ja. vie fl.tL e ~ TICR lUit P11M4R-D l 1 ý.ýÀÉKi 7,ý w>* 4#4