WT1T'1. "4 fl41555181 ha atbsatasu t. il -~ ~ sss~1~ Il Il v~ftL.I SI u#n u jqis &cu-. .ý,flS. .4,4 Oie. la MoDem s-J,"- g hue aa4~ by kYL-vb~I I kalfl4 Agea Qê M * loue, I4W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ m m~~lI~ t ~ 7005udetasd botany icibecome ..skwu. s ~-4 voouas s<v .i1e ob iiiiji t )Ww ý> 'ou a t ~uan a ~ma.san 4e-f t;- ~ir sas mzpw a -t-a - 36-ycu-a-q é s, e as *4jî. a. -n t t. ý,M u k sm)w»« i1 LAUM? ý tw,~ loti tft JU< UVOro&"wa wlma s- LM il*ulw, f14 WMM , 4 là = t, t5~4 Uuiaspe Sspe4sU. 8*SD A I mas, w2a orre~wnoea - Iu~ ~ ~ *ogp~aidhI~ia~ *b.I ,~:4fter$~v~ 25~I~T~ ~zag~n~ed,~t Là~#a fin~'fÈaId1 I s~ ~i~Iw eower% àý,-EXs ýmb plaSsd with bwr eay nis ë1eslyle Io m cW icu' l tha Yaib1 J-I. dvsmà " ueuktk e -rz. J- . bu IyLià U, i bap ale a coaswenidi 4P4VÀ bot l <~~ a~p~r ft lma up~aêi~bs latraga benc. lwa gm evu S sdy vafted tôward me* ou uI drew «Tins sue IMt a 1e," lidFred, "vbIel k%%«*Wçwsd bu»; but vaM m"si lou or bhW àmbeaoud wthse osa,- mo %W l.1ber 9ij ù~ad ~Pl"ciex- Ofhberuaioatbfe.: sIng Ieft no ~ .olqyus nsuatI , moument, ~ P.Juwwv e~Çi4.aoi W"ssMloeer PbI~~ 1 t' awuâge ,vhi cvufriiia ~ deeas anr lb ~epwiSa. ut q1dl rUSJ~M su tine~aabq, ti~br 0" *a~yrq~dt~ a. prtast etdoshmpI 1,n=tf. là n jswbtWwe enteréd tic copi émb4u uiI w Is ut utue i îI w171.boM&~lm 1-4IQSg1I& *s -hd-been the et '~ ~u~h* eyé g" -w wm Ichvou ..Èze eppeim taobeajpcbar mesuingin "Ida⁢ wa f ".81 oe .b lm mbe p~Ied, "b.ê-Id~wbu~wt~gaIiecd the UIboai~po.dv~( wibsi~ Ian- s**e u&f ïit£ tnddaI~iàg lb tâmut a w im-)" ". m" e Rm- Mr. Abraqhm q&ae, asent.over the Emri ossrau~'sâteeN Icil.eunoty of #a. îebw4uh éfi uf u Iý r.e4 -,f bwd màuq VA dkOo"ty-ef KIîbeny, bue bsn mmY wwe qi. bas accus- to4eý vusta b j3lum a I.,Q o. XbeçwAdy hi ~ ~ t bt àb.iipector bthe oadf 'bof brad.Tb* accouait saubetht s. ~, ulemp e.asl.b.. m ~isIM". 'J -e.-lad .roted sud eloquent metbodislWa- 6' Give your bert to ttlw Lord Jemn Chril4f so ilsgo teamwbo ubs-1ritL" FRANCS. PIW WTtd é cfefl0'nsur bus~ IIà .paunosof tbejid,moent (irenjln-opaç fistousp bei QIthe publiemh1iser> r p, "4ftir bei re.i4s by theoerqI~ . 1mire vorda, asys ibat the Cu& NWpi~ *hibail chisuala peut cupublof 4 lb la tbmtie d'.ntlu Feeochlaw te probibit ao4mîboie plie"l freai m*rrig'-iehilg o eho# at by en"eit( intb bly.ordets e Ibme bis quality or %t "àa atizené. thathe. orgunmic 14W en phbiic ~w nipofem" j Xisru aiet mthe 0"deupea h-ibi pon9rtaht poWn. TbsA wbeu d* ie lu isai'et r uto pSn of the d»ty yf jwIdei t se"kini uaIaJud moligimasoom ihà ri'iu0s thé (dcor or r.,the X&,ot Who re old t- tae"i tï i 's-î«a - *ag f %o ,de Bqou Lauriers, the priest, =vith Xfi1rA z- ImIt h Pitemags, te Pl meedcfl nce mmpto- »L form the cere;nony, an4 to registçr the coq-, tract ta-dae forui, A cutrim: a 4.4 the doctrine sauctione4 by thîL0e moIe jjud, 4u toa #td ý îepublie mniqdug.u- havidn, been pMu y -@6d O- ) ,Porta- lis. I îhirakMA à t aid-ol raeoif tipower urihprieste exeqetwer iêbi ** fe#sional, and consider how danoeeMu it would béo te peaoe of famities if ', kisbolute and mdpriâùipl4dpée -.bonla b. b 4'v ereasé that p6*er vhlra view of geiàag à vit. 4o hianseif.Such cntlition oay pouably hié ibought tb militais againal I"esysiem oT auricular confession,, but metevea île- gb5t, name of P.ortalim s n persuade anybody "la îhey eoattain a"y shadof .1 legu agumàent.- 1ROBBEUY 0F A GOLTI ESCORT IM AUS11WA. A gpod 4mai oÇ exeitenist bau Le«en gen- dered.troîoboult th colony of New South- WaWsê by'îhe ex ploits of crne Gardiner, a bush- -ranger, vw" s ucees bi" lIir to place abs aitrentare f-Diok Tà1tisan in s h*&b.-For sme miaull Pau tIbires. bhm Viliiia parîy defedîthe attempts made for bis csj*o The polic, both moonted iid "ot bave beSu upto l6e seffldlct ouqp1uied. G1iaer'a ,ang cousinsof sous &mmnîhsperaloei and iii a omonry III " a bat " llthsy lahi, -ne daIny populated, viâ m mouatracta sof f. remt, il usnoe eay uatter to effet their capture. They are Illi provided vita borses, lire-arum uouy, t&c.,.lainaîloa tIovbick îhey bava fera* eislaabS Mandsth7leyb., ut à we% dcii 11. vbaWef t ofm um 15e- robber mSoacly appiku, or rWm sr m ak tera suffiaienty expre-nre; tbey mom mre séaethe 141"asbr4jsaq- 51 ie b ,l- ea aumu"j at ofbIiMaL 1ý tahsaqsvee.» e. tway splofit e +î i o m~ 1va cpmmlàtug m oloseC t.i e àd e, 'din oeveyed t.te 1ss 1a be-marnaswu LUI ii p-: PUI , fýý 1 ., ýiý 1 V I&M ý thm" -ànlm