Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 31 Oct 1861, p. 3

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tell VIC9OJA »" vÀ 2$ov 1lm' te infu the bay t a ote wyI mdLJI-* WA*o No. 4- O00, g i*0t m twu lb 'thQuaeb um ft ;MW 40 th QuartW Ranite ht nta or a Eltioui toath coaSd» goww bum un, ot Eduat* tin.omth.r om idarY!4l do;lin.totou lie sother .udq-e Xe No. -.To bu om id . aal par or EIlon neth b .Vut ualrb PaumA lthe101hday o bm Ot .i1. <Sigamn) DUXOAlÇ MORAl; .. ARGlua RAY., l>. U.rk. In favor ur IIARLM 8 . JBWM e ow ns r Fx'rty-tive Dollars eaoit, "vitbmtroost et ln.p cent, dated -Pickering, »utti gues. 180, aMdi cil nesoti b>' EILRMNI UCIUELL, the omm »Y"al thontorJ"=1, #91%, ad lthe iler "tb d.e Jxnâi' 10, at lb Pol uI..l«« lalage ut lrughauC.W.-as thé sald Notet cere ob- talnod b4yfrauti, anudI-bÀ%vo recelieti »nu e Ibefr * IlBroighataiP. , O.W. Droqain Oct 121861 lM-6 T11HE 'uhxeribor Pffpma for. SAL.E, TWO 142~TO1lXY IIIAMB ST0R14. tb %*if ae p <f kutiattsèhed i toeaQh. T4.bttifflp e iHtl i hi th rlving vilIlage of W4XO»vu&9 oni tire ceil elculae a oe u b ia i#WuIm. - YlTl. ~I.EN, Wtitile, (XW. Marti"&-, out. ..Sù. 186L. r 128n WILLIAM TQISN 'Who la l)èoilnfg Buàiiinn ati a bu mm*Ott t willim -$troet$ CosT PICE 7011 CAII OULYO A Large Lot-ut A oapltal Stoà IIEA»Y-MAI)E CLOTIJINO (Meaes anti lie>'.'), IIA klDWARIM ~7al, )~res ii.4ti a ydBu. Llda.Ot. 8 01861. 1ntf YV1ICTORIA S8TOVIý STORE, X~A. ind!4 of 111 Worh doue on. lb. I'rtotinit,"î àtetermlet June-S e tinh hsi cvr bea e f~red 1<'th. publie. D'sI1tim, Ii itt unl (I4liw,4Pipeém, $&êve Pipas, antiTi*,- Moeunsand Ietler' ntý i duoeli té calA aa4 examine-14>r .thenselyom befor. plur@ealadm-e ;s 4lcE iherol givpn ta tepais; t' ner> île e teteor fbsoflagb.tco *h. c l'lyt'r. wt>tiig. tity ditemied by mmail conee DuuW1 edth ig- 3rt dtay of Jtuly, 1186L ]KUW. PLAXTER, x». Wnr. JAS IK -EAP. AS~MAR1T Y MAN, SevYenteen or .t1,t;~ 'O Velf AÀi, taman A PYI14~TICE '.1f. à KunaK, Wîfiauumttreet,-Lintlsa. I1tt;SEAND LVT 'OI AE 11111E ubserion-lffirs for Stile lot 19, * i(,Iftue, 30 by 20touet, with thée pluimi.."d âp- Tertuf-15-Ul hla&rs dow-the bralance Io b. me- ýt&rédt-b -ltrtgxg orfut450 dollars and titterst, payable i Ilite. iiniI tlunn A~god Tllegirnd inmumetiate oseit Ajq,17 lu IAVIII hIlIli. LIND>SAY -AND' BEAVERTON O TAGE LIR IT NIIfiithe.iatie, -%âtge wll-leavs t11rfltiK nt 7 wt,, .reaèhngMa24*"la li.te -f"nh ivt cilthe 8itaige- for (hihaàa"tiWbttby, lttav,s Workiuuuuie, ibtel, Ueirer"t tI>eok ýNtllà MndafteÏ te aa <'f hie .stage -T(ro l~,'uAlbert, at'oeoîlila buSteok Frree able. .'lePrfMt,1r elcli toibu u-.fui,I0fr îareols or baggae, nuniiohi 'taRoT~ V ioa~ ,qTIATIOXXIM Ax» 1<' ifiraule ho titeir inyna> ou etutl iviia Wu4 fournit ,ft et ci evr>'desoiptios IlIak Iue ofut v.rý deeiptlon Wrilia, *bd, in an i diWw applg e. thrse «'<'d* bing ai&H eur ocu mmaufstne, ce * ),ji < m ain ac r p i . h a h: i p ct <r 1 lahbvel MOI tb"tsi Ibm hast et uma la musbe = WeAwato W. . ay puielwAllotionl to mýVNDENTAVN ~ LV.. i~ou Ansia* du nedff. bI AT mII THF HEsfâb,«,rber whmlimCtefb*ihe ,nideu Lindsay Stok lri auitliseh, fur qmèlbaliun eepum kuat o.4 indê TbaUodsavi~baiaUlbhiî<ftîel~uwkliria Cn&doCon- lidal laauura ahrulet ihatLe eu do pueb. by mi .>other oueina tb. LI PT FÂSHIONS la à ÂCAML 18 RESPECTFULLY SOL1CLTIED. $169000 WOEIL. isol.1 Rq1. BROUGIIALL, white annotîncipg bhim new Pautner.bip,.wtmld here- b ye br is thanha 10 lite nuinerotis ('in-tomers thal have given him Iheir lilberal patron- a-~~. tIr tm. Ouiioei u r w'Mr. Gwauw bhm juil re.tuuratetifreinte E. (11ISH 40 LKtecre b Mletei tiPison, cai-eful>Y, lteiogt eh' caid vreiS~kh v MAUEpsi 'wo re beI IaeG etI> trou hw. i or aul otite coutaîr>. lTe (1o0à have titis groat advaatago, of teiug puerchaithe b.cieapest houaca lin litt. FRENCH IEIUNOES, WOOLLEN PLAIDS, SHAWLS, MRESS 00005, NILKS, MANTLES, IIIbUONS, COLOREI) YARNP 'FLOWERS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, L US US cannot b. equalled ln Toronto or Monta'oai for pri-o. 'WUOLM~ALE IIUTEIS viii ho e oucatbt sterling luvoic, 4and d si a>parcel aeatmladrae. THE -ifIL LINERey ROOMS are again superintendeti by aý compilent Milliner. AjmI eT t mi.Aoi . - HarwareStore. lIAS, REOPENED in Mis. PATRICK'S NEW BRICK BUILDING, oDpom s Msra. W. L. M'Donld à Ce.'l Cbep Cmii Siols, lENT STREET; and te PprietOru, ielaeving tht o 1 tNo recove«tr b 1oy l *late:Is lire i. SUA LL Pli'tuITS sabd QU CK UÉ aLsZoc eler 611te . St iea"or i ARWAREJ BAND, BAR AND HOOP 110K, INAILS, CHAINS, PAINTS, 011.8,,PUTTY, GLASS,, *SAI>DLERIYansd al de0cripliom b0( SHELFSMd IIEAVY .IA RD WARE,4 at wmp ke fmn "'# e d awougf in 141.y. Coumtr>Mochats cil firad llu ther a&~a . o Ma «H: b i efoio pùrehasing *e). ho tt.m * Item mbOr~-40- RAIa £ToLm. -4 rej ~KABDE 1 "Wb ! *i S ofas, Dwmag anMd Common c OFF IN st oIf au -a .u" warw-Wa qualities, ulvaju à%ba4doruma&to ouder. 1 àj Ali .1 t- I ti ." eauncV.iur Wu- fl u.Mi OwEVfi&ObY, h.bu-wo a eau ms a hamnbjeci.heomê1emab"XIW ' Lid m ,sqLI se1$ liI. 8 ETULi TRO)US 116-tfY I NQRTH SIDE 0F KENT STREET, LINDSA4Y. 'RE to lfb.theiabitants tof Lrndaay and the counly of Victoria the> stili occupy th. BRICK STORE- BELOINGING TO DAVID BROWN. f t i ni.i$. mbh> 1h18 a m Ban alcaswgutudmf. a", MW *0 = uh.eHborotd4 rmmi Fi- 1 mons ab"ut to pl1t re.om iez' frenM uM MO than gto lb. lfrloraq>m wleBTo Made oc uaplal. FALL &WIXTEit'GOODS,. ' emt*ng of iu Owâi. Grocerles. Hardware Blouts ad:2 s eaymd ~bPceat Notcitha4audia*0b. ibmla *0 P, plof Te"s, the1 aredeterabieed ie b-t en s aBd, a usa, a frst-ciase article, clich t i oeil Uat the loceat uaunérative puces. Tbe.' feel satiefted that theïr Boots sudPoèe Wit i re neasaifco, as tb.y hoi jirtyfrot e u fbatii. b.st tane. atr eaa paty euem et.mitlel can ania hm- y lac f oin M . M ecm uednau tk ~ ihox havýoe ataof juorla y .1 judg. liwh Tarehay wau <lkr aouns.etegl. abtat The Aro anidileborhoodi6ntethaeaIlb itatte ef scira lle tdil partie.othey ha tenteti Mu ofuevai obel'. houprt.. he a ore etMr. cii ave Miel -bau I &-dL =, Stci o ue bfeyi Wbabe, he." 60 iha of Dînelau ema; aief abovoh th e iin u--' " of owM ou U o Failles e n MUrln teir arb eu.pya u Famirelis ro6.k ris, hiYeu 4et Argyl64o e udilil., ciii 0. deC., wither a ,AMIot rast lwamne ilh "tIt i h ot iea Woodilh Oc. Sl~41. 19-tf fJqHE8iibSerber hsavinXg rem ovad ho t';e »reh. Campbei. Juldnini lm bis Cioeple Mdh the public, that ho ha& rfteive& ,a" lei, from, lime Io tinterece . agml Stoeh of IDRY QOflSW, GIIOCERIE-S, MA AVI AND SIIELIF -RU»,.- WARE, CROCKERY, &e., aa Inspection of vhioh ho soicita tintem tigpucae. Tb"d as ld ebei mat.1,or t fr e ir=, ominda, oeacountyini e . reatlie b u rctley e maieâ th ta they bave mot ony a larger stock "ha ever en baud, but eren 81ILL LOWER THAN EVER WÂS 'SOLD 'BEFORE IN LINDSAY. Ravlag j ui reterned <rom Moutreil, they have .dded over $7,M041 ortb of godistg their alreiy large stock, an" now féel uamurd that-they oui offeý rndueenets that have never be- fort been olhred laib is lova. Tht>y have a larger stock and greater variety than any other thme mtores ln tocu, anti for eeapuem and rsuMiority cannot b.Lsurpassed even in Montreal or Toironto. They bave just opened, and »o oer for Sae, a IlýAIrge .4Amslortmnent Of lDry (Ek-ods, of anl descriptions, vhich for goodns of quallty and superiority of finish,ý cannot, ho eqtaaled, ln lova. of aUi zes, Pamlras, aW iQualiies. 1Uqu.nGreeri 8Croeker7 EIu'hae. Letiier, and which they intead tb seli et extuemely low rate$ for Cash, lover. they believe, la goods equal quality have hitherto beesn od t in this lova. la the DRY OOODS DEPARTMENT, niay b. founi Silks, Satins, CoLourgs, Delains, Merinos, Çiinhans liand, Nankeen, and Muslins; brilliant anti fast color Prints; Ladies' Maille C2kth; Square and Scarf Shawla in SiIk, Brege, Delaincs, Cashmere, Stella, and Gruan adînes;- -Staw andi Millinery Bonnets; Head-Dresses, Parasols Ribbons, Plumes, Feathers, FIsw.ra Giores, Mitts, -Hosier, Hair.NcU,4 Hoops aid Veis; Muelin Collars, Habits, and Silecea; Cbildren's Iootis andi Rats; Trimming1>k k e GIIOCEU'Y DEI-4RTMENT.-Tea, Sugar, Soap, fandles, Starch, Elue, Rice, Tobac- co; Indigo, Pepper, Mustard, Vinegar, Raisins, CurrautA, uts, Molasses, Syrup, Suf, Dried Apples, and everythiaag usually kept in. a ge'leral. store. LtiQUOR DEPARTMENT.-Port and Sherry> Wine ;'Pale and Dark Brandy;- Holland and, Oh! Tom. Gin Toddy and.Comnion Whiàkey;i Porter, Ale, kud Ilum; also, Beer by IhE bariel. LEATHER IDEPÂRTMET-pns Sole, Upper Leatixer, Caif Skiu.-Inspection As tb.y are cou acequip.nted vitb bb beat mairkets, andi have agents coîstantly on the lol) ont or br;ais atwhoeWae, they are vdrruanted in assertipg that they cannot ho undersol( hV an other hum in tisa>y, a atatement which aIl who purchase from, îhem are enable bo endorsè.. Git e thcaa , 4aud'they vill upare no effort in securing your costom by giv in, ~oo value for your mouel. do notquoe. fhe prices oftheur gôodu, preferring o atisC' ndeaiefo thèeIevf, la which Ouàe if goo0de aid pricea cg-e nt saisfactory, viito)aî need not buy. particular attention isj directedtu, the Whoieîale Lepartmneut whick la now eurpIte, ani goods eau b. purcba"edat Ibis store cea"per than they eau be had either et Toroito ormou, treuil To tbome perou <eapecialy to tiace frora the eoxntry) who so generously aideti them e th. day of the fiu'o, lb.y begr mot respectfuliy tb retuira their sincere thauks, ad assure thcr thant their aits of kuadiema iai neveu be forgotton. Bop te oeslab ewm to stIthe genoual publie, tWiat n eeqvene. of the w~xM aof bhs former Premies aNd G0"dby the laIte tible calani ty, WEST SIDE'0F. WILLIAM STREET, LINDSAY, OPPSITE TE CR0 WXLAD OFFICE, or GENERAL 3vý mgma- rds --- -- --£; =7-; 1 1. ao E ,.. WILLIAM STRZEET- Foundry and lMachine.Shos. PLOUGH09 CULTIVATORS, UP.EXTIACfl*8, <-ÇRURNS, TN THRESHING MACHINES, FANNING MlLLS,ý MA 0"i AGIUCULTUIIAL IMPUar on f h ~Ud ~ B lIO 00A6Or ALL »UIII'lDO fPT UB C*lIt Po,,eidbe uA. J. UDQINBÂWS TAU&I$Q- wto*0PIEs, usu.puto4 t. b.loeubmi qdd *..L g~it L.L AJIBINOG5M5Jt lit MAL »mmoiltafut o aewt. m mOte iemtetstyle DRY~ Xu i~ , elme, au uh> ab n. 1~ ~Cotton Y e ints, C b r Es olt iet pua a . tol u -is Etensve- m. Ao ý=u rtot i 8.ý ~ kmGùi, Vinegair,k.. lot Oroebq JAMMXCEL HIEIIMY SANS E. J. S.- 1IAITLAND, HENRY CHA.PMAN, Emq. J. IL MAITLAN'D, Rxammex EEmWî * TEE BANK 0F MONTREAL, BiANKM". AU lu...are paU iCam"da iâmet rdebm*e 1. *b0 Roame BoîwL lmM.iateli onjL citowt deduo f interemt or' daseonUZ. C> e-( bua» me om de" mg bui.n Cam"d or everi Iusus*ieS oa eeryec=u fpropeut ami ~deeted linlthe above t-clans Coopabye at Cin -efftposaibée rates oes it ciAi eiy. Appliations 10h. cide te JAMU ES AP, Àgent for Llndsy anm ce. victoria. VEBTERI ABSURÂJOR OOII>Â OF TOBQNTO, (.W. CAPITAL - - - -- 5400,000. DIP.ECTORS JOSITUA G. BEA,,,RD, MARCUS ROSSIN, ISAAC C. GILMR.ITHOS- BAWORTEL, J01LN McMl!RRIC , ROBERT GITLMOR,. ROBERT STANTON, AND GEORGE MICIE, jW. HENDEBSONEosL Secretar andtigmrame, BEISARD BALISAN, Solicitor, - - ------ tus MonassoN, Bankers, -- ---- BAaI Un&RCaD. BENJAMINS8W1TZz1, IniPector HEAD OFËFICE-UIIURCH ST., TORONTO; If-ik Age,is al - e A.Protiac.- rr The Business of this CompaY couiDeti c- elusivélyto the Flue.Deparlsucnl *Assurances effecteti against lons or damage b>' Fire, on ail descriptions of Buildings andt heir con- tents, on faývorable ternis, aid -at rates of premium as loy as thal of any other respousible CoaupanY. 1PTermes of Application, anti ailneOeu7 in- formation, lu b. had un applying to DAVIDFON à GORDO'-<, Agents ut Beavertea-. Toronto, Sept. 5,1861. 25-tf PRO VIC IflSUt[KlNOE MPIY 0F CANADA, F'OR z'IEE AND»MAIIEINilwE - INCORPORATE»BT ACT 0F PABMLIAKW. HEAD OFFICE-TORONTO- 1- President--Hon. John ihlyard Cameron. Vic-Presidet-J. S. Howard, Esq. d DIRECTORS. Hlon. John H. Camýeron, ILeuis Mofat, Bq -Hou. George Crawford, 11Gorg uggan,Esq- d Hon. Malcom Cambi'pn, John Cameron, Eeq. . P. Colton, Esq. IAigus Morris.on, Esq. J. S. Hloward, Esq. E. C. Joncs, Esq. d W. L Perrin, Esq. ,e Manager à, Secrctary, James. Sydney Crocker, Esq. A-eistant Secretary, - J. J. Woodhouse, E2q. Insector ot Ageicies, G. B. Spencer, Esq. 1. Solleitors, -- ------ srs. Duggan andti ures. Banliers, - - - - The Bank of Toronto. k Fire and Marine Ins.*ur-auce business transaeteti d y 1w is Conu)Pany at ils vario'us Agece I scl ats . at the Ilead Office, Toronto , autfair and average v- rates.-e "T.Vo " Lvy « FIIIB ING SAES A.LLSE. TUlIPE o'f the Fire King Saesnanuffc- i. ueiby the Duryce & Forsq'th Manufactur-, in- C'o., Pvochester. N. York, iwere in lte latte tire uit Lindsay, andi by thefooiu certificates il .wîll<ý>o secu that thcy have7 proved to ho Fire-proof Lindsay, Sept. 27, 1S61. This is lu certify that 1 have had unoif the Fire King Safés, manufactureti by the Durye à- Forsyth Mànufactiiriug Cc., Roester, N.Y., cwhiclu Sale was, n the great ire here ýJuly 5th, 1>613, full of Blteks, Notes, &., chih came out Ierfct, aler being in the tire for six houri (Signcd.) W.KEWI-N. the Mantifactry utDuryce &- Forsyth, vhich .tood a ery .trougfire in a vootiçu building at 1h. late donfl;gration here-eontentâ, Bookzs andi Papers, were foiand, altercards in a goud state of 1,rez-r- I L LNG, Mayor ot Lindsay. The above ('ertiicates cift show that. Moeufrs. J. kJ. Taylor, of Toronto, haVe made crroùieous qtate- monts regaruing the Duryco & Forýyth Safes. They tay in their Advertisementthat a bSafe of Duryce k. Forsyth's Manufactory prveti corthiesia the late £r. at Lindsay, ithe Store of Job* Heat.y. The Safe referredti l is net ut the xuanufactory of Duryee &k Forsyth, and Messrs. J. & J. Taylor have mlot hati the privilege <of usinF. .Healy*s a*me. The ccmmunity cili se. that our SMae a are- liable as J. I J. Taylor'., if not more go. - F. 11cR. MACDONALD, . o 5de-Can-cdiam Agent for the Duryee k Foriylli M=4ifaotuting Co., Bacehestor, N.Y. Toronto, Sept. n018M. 9t THE "TORONTOEVEMING IUNÂIL," i$ DEVOTE» ,TO CANADIA-X UTRRATUPtR, NEWS, POLITICS A.N» 4l0mum& C A NWFEATURE is nto8Bcein jE'on- tom of adv=rtinn han'= mu et bmoi=u7o th bio. Advertlrameute vii leimutâdrrThffle Per unelu erticu. am iw noCoam Pm. tilS mea put&Il ho ha& to, My la lv.hues, tir» ehargî<m o aly KinCebu 1 The TRI-WEEKLY EITIos o ef lIt ura utTwo Dollarspe« aaa pim mtothy, 4attY, or aunuaiy, tai latdead ifbrt - »aI oit e la4hk The. .ndemgzd mI~hl~ the Mwoud itebve1 rot hmpecliom, aid h. .14 anti Chet~ima~ Trhe (A POST.OFFClc), mso-tf HIoucse WIlLI AM .STR BETe ky bois Md CNCkCI7m IIOLDAN a»REAIL .STO]R E,]aU sud B~uuetS, 111 1 - lir.soW @IdhSO'S01Stand, II'lkuneffs IMeh, *~~~~ Oo nr.<splain F<gtwea ai mse pria go aui. 4o IROIJWALL £ 119-gN The o. 40 WHOLESALE ANDARTAIL d .1- 'i lu t i i de. O~CASE PMID FO EAT.g s'roc~x~ 1194<f M ERIJIANDI SE, &OODS, 'l 1 1 ý'. 1 L 1 p 1 1- 1 1 r ým§m -m . -- 1 1 liait*,, Nvinteir. or wlme bu )m opened a

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