OSas' lii Z14 6'14 Diimr. W a Duuq.> anl 8. liun . 114.e 4 glliay, U.plg ,LOI u t b114t4Mwh 10W«aq o l bÏ1la-.ot, LblM w wh D.l otutn mFý umb LnuaI.8 S1.1 $~INCEth.elIe Mr% e, a abwiber hlm hi là 1Ma ldl!hae1uP= 106911- Ihio li oav%. % te .V t al.lEv a tion Ma ad Mttant landirg, andthelb.stage froua Iharrl and %Wtttby gai topthe lb uer. LINI)SAYt C.W4 - riglàrlandt h. TravelligPublie, Ibat be lam tf'ub%.VtIOtantid nî orfit dhi& tomer bmilt- In t%~ avlng atideot a nom wing. *âant i DI om pre- te overy aoonmutalon t lujaoet ir- I o e.en~elo wl h ts otai tiser. la eateui'vu - tlinunder- 1h, charge etoanan plmtnoeo THAOMAR DOIICi1EiY, PrvpWr.t - rnu. iwà s qf £Wos*41irt. lMWes r we qr A celed lo lf Saetigoiles larrnon, Drilles, Whipo, eurs andi Jlrîaaêies. hpt on hanel. If ~Sîm>rlorWnrk en mlilyé#l, andI obelc ,îî%îterIaii oel.Ai vuriwarrantai. Lhieteay, Seut. 5. 1861.- Guo. C. ATEINSON. 114-tf 11 v A Ri u M., (j 00 D M'a Ik4'pN' mnil :do 1mev, Ajr - Init Jt*ei V unk q.. Tho efl",.. L wormièt, e lbutsot blov'1 u.. . 3Mq&ftîn, Laib,, am ti ýa#alo 1I"îMlit. WdWuIhO, K-ad 1sIk.l Llndiay, se L 6. 10, 1. 1148. 1 ,LA RU 4T STOCK oW CLOTUIN -aLlNW)AIY..tu ha founti aI _e JUD0.11 BEOTIMEL. in LINW>AY. to,* foàidat P« DUDIC E hlTlR1I. -IADÈ .CLOTH-ING IN Y.to 1* 1*aI DO0. YoU WANT A 'COAT? Ir YiUU1DO, (10 -To DUR i tg i's Store 11MR pu lll W ~usili > hautnec of the largtcu . Imot am- Ntti e*.î labi ut Read.taati sltxt4ier, v froed in Llndoaay AVINO bwen L oti et by the, laIe fRui, Iwould tribrf~ihoPiio ant Muy arner. ilarwthat 1haivy,,î*h .dI nty hop m Ranta et iMr. 1Thitke*ltaWap hptfirs doam 41 ftuaanr tb*iâ. x9N-0 wopmi-do ibleand&W* faubond out.,d ami W lmbtv télo"tngdcthuan varanst for puaI fav, rohg aoita a a. Udm,4p8,1981. 1144fl ANWW'- IIOTEL, MIîn S booi li Jdw S la-- i#. sqmo., . l .at aBala 1hê vSr.. Eau *d Mos imai4elia I awult.1MW CAMON Boo Md e"' 4e ALtam!m =06»=&t AIR Sk Méut MWateI ive m*aunoa Pâté -a"tiW"e- rA-Il,11-4 tueaw au .1 indi or plainsn Pa"oYM.Vlngu. a I oswr prieua" n t hbu at #416. MANU& MAOLEAN h.toanougeo s t e ati m oum " MdraIsio " DA iuw CAERQHauoOarpw=e MffÂ*BALD à BTIL eod lk #Wtàm (OBMUOoi") t nm s aet M-ruAit' " Att4 UuOnStmm.llc eotra tao.lt-f JOHN M'KAY, )ilaekamhth, AwyIe, EldoI4 mhargea r due.b a.p8 GEORGE GIJSON, ?rovinclal ljuadStm- G vyor, Dmugai»an. Land Agent WUld andi ctbi ent.valuPlana&Banti horptloaa dfriva Up.OJu-E.vero ntiWaodvila. 14- D SUTREItLAND, Tailor, la 1t con.Tiso. hloprtred Io mat.up worh .atruat.d te him in hlilàft latvi a tthlb owet renumalna s iWAxe, Aufptr, and G(eneral w M. BRO II ouaa-Carpenter ani W jolcor, Miwfatorer of apPMproi an ANSON W. BIRCRARD Blachamitis, Th g~ aanu adi Tavubiliit hà*lepre- ue otice , ntialte t roaaonable bon&% Rady*mad. varia eon.&taaly anouh"ni llrn4boaI due vll noaneiaant i tob. Orderedv rriatoti. lae9tiuag purohkau vouit de -viel la sali"antiexamin e hbvaicua agitaihabbW lug ooh.a.14t 81>100E STIETZ BEAVERTON, C.W. T E.b1ove Ilotel iaN, for a numImr of years W. m., k la leb*0travelilag ommuulty ami publie la ge»na, laenov eompleldy rnorlt and fimdp leto ét l lait lIe ocafitntd reuquirn- DAVID GLOVE rqJ'w>ùer. qME E SRI1ER vil in &ateunce -J:aI lb.Town HallBeavertce, .vary Satur- daY, roa l 0100koo, &.m.., mtl a9810' IOpin., fer Ub. oonv.ntenuofaiparti..havlug busilua.te Iras- GEORGE IMI& ro 2lwAp CZri R J.L SON, arrister anti Atterriey-at wht, Ewp.8.î8la 3î. r, .1-If, . j&NOS RA, OeiemiApn4ConvOy&aa. A . tesPInienriae utimenoorMfertise- shlb. oSes aflbiapaP.r0.N.aE.- Wi.p.8o. a6. m18l D -J. COCHRN,LUI lrroohelo,. PulA. 0.Q B *Elolv' nv uidig »ua ty et ' ilbj 'Il Bop -aE O1ENWO> ttru - ilvya. OH., WbêIByC.. W. 5mst'l Whibhy, 86P. &1101-If à C&NIMON à )(AODONUIA jlma ~Cemd~Onaga. t tiu ol0 0884us, Ca. t 1nhreut$*..* se a me et tbe t*. éè WW hi l hasis*h.îi A12i*0b "svSghut1. awý Ai I&hvu M e Cal mt o O*av dm bp* - ne a *6 uh .miglie<oit WU t<lba tte bas. yVilel p véà 4 M..c !bÀm mIel lamO. i.lp Ami a o m wa uétt 1 at in E tbrphe é firtt.n h BilTe.ImM a ntton o h tmug Amihe bWod hl ucan t how l.. rrn Tissu la bore.M&illenaremac en len; h mlmywu wgmaGt atd. yhv 'Wl.. roa vfoltt umn sc egt. (olmeii. lb. bdule olenit b edans.>) 0*1pe Wr tvhiudi slabm q Ila <FrctoaChble v'EY. .gêoauu Aggreis*, lM'àIve m enu ro."11 anggfavat4. m Tis teis a i a lim I sintc hln"TrodSe lo entrlct.ion on h tyords, asfptised &la mni'ickiet c itv yerrone aay:d mm. Rcoire tooardi me vu vter ic lnt tie cetic e udi gao4 foryhe Itr is proha rsn'Y" useltonc.algiim conotion ofiema, tàat k b &iuaian o lnuq ostemnonn îpeeg h, toàrepeebit ur wrdi. The ltangue,% irritaiaie4 i eSrehe.. "- bbt 1e eui! .are 1 houri e" cro.exanne nthetas." Thio mnalabe ta tlha Bac hlt on, tidit 801%, an Prler, usets ligr"atine" an thel .aojectonbeS way wbe. O r a ~ as ig haapena"bies a i e pragree fo mntal sorably."i t lu a barbar h pref-ti onradu o Iltram Aeai hlemchvt n o prouuntmaivnc Iot it e minsa p taoptanevf ee itd itati atiaccme wordé ho umn veWb by isenu ipu gi li ajetivof mar1 u e isa whe lm antlquavry n the nIntmeing ia a u -0er-vice ý - - .Tieu ag ,'57b_- -vdei, Lq~for dot& orbo lm "r>- ing i ab."lau t$b.voutigift, Un mmof*# <i.pi... dsp*hi b. i. huIy1 vap d &out be-y' Wimoi te lsIm Té tbm..qmi"-ID Tb* Word u eà ana Sooh& UW< th im hs~ wilh emer omm"lmgor - .mtala r mi M laee t1 he met i ld Sa, I Mdb Waloa, Huila ugsmt*ib m fit wm m optom .g4s vW"lwu bo heMedet theIdwXak.,On' dm c&ut kh oo: mm 0 4;ùet. câfa from ows@*mmdm*. guua * e. puua-wift* mu , ha~ loti à- i i Lhm long dm loft1.6frametaabe,tise vve e DOMe otre Of thilad mmea ridgonc kbileti chiot uoug OSmeils SaM&BoneI.O y Una green mamitthMapeetatoe, iffod Ovi >tisommd test aboe.tMa meatouds, auià ver% ýt llie ecentre of tMa Brati lies, anti on a ). sum r day locha dovu uc."ltres tisaman F- square mile. ef Iuti anti oeeo'n. Skiddav and 'Snovtion, Crul ad nti Ua 1of1 etor2ue, gros ehian tramaEnglanti aid Vak-e, Soati an a 4 Irland. . . . Theéies o e hâsila an egolden vitia <crie at eue smoucaanti prple viti ateMr ai noh, and, M g<ruas laia D greenas tisa tm oflanlm&The <loua viici e bide thair quiet beaut> amoag MaeLis amr )- iantieti 57-deep gresu v!ootis, ung vitisivyp i. and carpetoti on Oheir aloping aides 57vellel n mom siant friprant thyms; bept vordant -and fun oftllfebhythel"uof ea bunta tmam i. buabricg fmun agtecra&,ant i lling lMisair yVkthilaunac . .. . iuwevile "a.oI 8 iiitea CottégcSrus like a "a in ufruit of tMa F purple isille. Thse fragianceof vi flovera l.Cu c or tneste i isa ibM lnag et a sheep-belle &antha ev rnurrn cf distant eva*tâala.Au kluno VWarind 90 bema- titi vastMa b.flttius btis.p ad tiradIIa Of on etistino inlufuature ta Pro i oaeif abe, enaturaliat, artht, anti plahoeipisr. Wkist ryet acilidh ldplmas dite valoys ha srmade im a botaniat, andI the ff mefeuilla r logy. -Bai, theouma i th.set cWharmfor ) ia, anti lu the Baya idDDoglasnsiedRamia> S e caugit, visa yoi a yeu9 thé isBrui gllipse cf4 titoee ocean revelationa vw"c bave matie Lita famou.-MeçWof e lard Fo$*u. DFAMSTAXMIN HNORWAY. A Ven> oqi cesambe of bout two tsn saut feot Ibgt es oMammoml0 of thepue- cipoée, .i0giag Malmo; àm nvs nu- orgeti rotrhe Ma<mIE> iic hLd bhiietepro. clmwURst miev, aaplenieti PMnerM a poeti upc. *a' At ouiteest la> Ma uSbrn eat of G»4ni% h mmoed h 57 frovniig vas et perpÎb&"ianremit. ]b vatera venutaverueti by men.but h. boat ftise lhmàm,tMa reladebu mteor, or tMa mou"ta dispiierd 1 O O er aonle" ipo ucipi o uti li te», the 1 -*s acoustý meulug os b imotisanti <eut! undalatg, 'vu apparleailothed, vioL ai r7"i nubrolsu urpotet f rder-uo.but ila roslititvu nm uggi ààban«re ls tMa rocks ous w"l vW e ianilnâ . Ohm. dmt visai Oioer *0; 'bat m e oujuhl aiae t t"blumit a uimpomMet. ar- riva t miMuehae t vibr hausgsea cr yeIov. »» se mi Il.theun Ida i Oh. y <bas> uah o v t <twla bon.tbm lacis ~ ~ w Mabrini my < bst in ut. PU oh. a0a«Om. lsa ide issgm pmairWW ginohmo ingba &"ohd i ta o an müIo o meai MW** n lài ooiq mlh oue* 1"6tim Wi »b i p .b. ivayeliyM Immasi 11bmmbbe.To tilaovorth*,' ic et lie vsavun impout; m&4 1 dIa an -W" .*<round but taVOOMe 9i, ve beg mo "ndcvil undEcantiiply mmb -wequ reminei fred upc. tienk- »IpIMc a M"oi mut meve-tgain tkey Onmomsfstiau# motoncemore un croop caeul> cmio. The <roustirmig steadil> aMi àbaag if" ibraiý Mare, wumnodiicuk yh Loosallgoumusroua 'rie. W. lauIýlE- V nM a di m mal and rm- ;ddm t h âaewmàw redýM, iundoubmai ot but 1 et4hay uim «Mi Ibm. The roudi no nuv~iy,pu-mi fWbn*Md I,4by Waiimga r 11,11À. weâiemli b. ahi.os arve viisin* a lmout*,MM ofetle am. &"ysutiam cai e u rotalapgin. uceua r d Ï o a loue aom rélllg fiem wmime lst ami talmiag te Ma erbl'h.tie.Il At hlenâMa4 mMaiwmoment aruivol-Iho dui aiEpt a roc-anibmoimviORe- 4iefoui r"ma n.ylaueur bisN veu 14Wvy rmai cm bua& abm e rock. BUt timie ouot-itbe> are <sn-the ban ros manm duolate antideie.tolMite ver. VWu il semabbo tisai unmittbave ame.fgour reWn i~ ~~e dswu*miig sOeo oeaot? o, vuit a b<Mtiearen pyocbanti mprkllggmev .mtb ye uit vndm euanhldy armOMi itvu~oodrea ra. MdSIMotbe ed r-h" ame giaciia%) iWal pbeena nippi cf thissu 8ev gai Iserois, Mathevo, tMa glacier viic lny vithtin bita 'mile, vers survoyed ; but, mIsa, lavinw4 nothing living coult b.cnon. On anigMahespot vhore Mtis.er laid stooti, a ft reInasblev lu ou i facesonlysrving toi rmuse tIe myatery. But a very short ex- perlense et deen-dtalbng among such lot meupias onviaes oe o f tMa extrairdinary changes cf direction te viicisthe vint is ei ae.A moment befors h isati possibly blavu' mlud ecthe a cnùway diretion, tMars57 <lv- iug 'tise-vint' cf us toctMa deer, vwicla voulti h., quiteasufllcleut put tisom torapi ffigist. Oo completely iiiten fxtr leïr igis Lad -vo bisa, "Lathtsas oaly coulti vo accouni. for tiseir mdden dsappearanco. No footmnauku coulti be left onMahehardrock% and ve coul gain ne dlue asnoteadirection tMa deer Wadtabou. f THE COLONIES AT'THE GIRT Ih bua b... suidthtiinternatonal indualriad "xitilions have a natura tendecy ta de. rvelope at Md «Ugé Mamives vilaesacS8suc ceding dlapay. 'Thse ruth oet uLisremanb hs beiig utrâdtnglexempified by Mae vidempust 1preparatice o v owminag in anl teparlaietu cf acieuce, arts mutdrmanufactures for tMa <nai oveni t fnexiyear; and t islMMlimore to=ciby ihavin l, tMa effibraofthMa colonie, te b. properly, mrpmoeateti in the forliscomiug tilaa. The vaiS point etf MaeExhibition cf 1E vuthMacolonial deparfaneni. As n vSole tMa colonisa er. alOut unrepreseuteti. The notice given vu to seort ; tbe objeci cf Mae undertahlng vu nov, andti e vintion atoci, antifev ofthoe colonis e. e.laPOsi- tion to go ta picS expenze for centributicua. Th t k vuthat, oui et Mae 23,600 test cf Lorimonfal apace allofedtoi te aBritis Col- o"lesip 1851 on!> 6,180 ei vwer. tLinly oc- emlI ise Indian Courý t, k ltfrit, matiea grand di;acf ricit andi gmd aut rus, but Mae protictaandi mnufactures- M ateaia vealtis,* 8 iisofeO ur gigmatie colonialPoe smàovà mavreefe a t uf represeteti or net repremeasti aatLNov, ail thi vil b. chwAugeat iyear-Tise nutS eM tIeorýýo et mg"tualteupment eofhe" BxhibitIondaisvolitam in thMa Paria Eii. tim otf1858 Tissarucolonis net calyap. priciit Oe objectaet M'of th icu, but, vla vu merl importam ntmaeumocti vha Ma> hâd lest 57 boiin simpue re>tpms nomilin 1851. Tieamit vautisataiParis, lat â3,mer. v a f luo aWbalai ay lIa la toumgýit Md 'i, n tiMaE xhIbitio uexi eholo b Mn*a h rsan lu*I r et boom Sw- o usa mi d ntdsimnckss, ae Mihiýg ano âmedste b. volE rpmuletai exi jean an %t piru t Uârm tuMahuai t" bahtMa tome. ai ban. The aa' GovoMmani h. vhE £8,0tavari Mà", loi>; (hime Calotvai Eh*£8,00,laibi buapMW Qam a"i 2,n 48,0& md lBs~à ~ i .u té di o~Oie ecne rytole legaqobt- asts-b iS is *- h bbu ai 60 WaâImu tom à.vu tvlisMbb of mwmetibulnain >Mul«%y"g om .1 alOi %mggags.the hu of me vMr&bu vu mol0 mml clminifor aM- usvtbedo f un, troui t *» mm taMa 0" MMa umpse tetea-latlutom.anmSio. f*m..i t1gg.oa upcent M afube c amid Omnghebudea e.SIàl les <ire. £0,00att nt Maisteun ets adwt la5yW0 ilsplau ,00 "mre ort f m80,000; uas c ts acI ipoarate er Lerta apas oim toMd 1 blorvpobesa theis ExislbidoiapsopSet t alt, n cf Ma prOgrueporbtiet cociy Tur415Ma0a00,0cad0 la18, M ta mortev jme asavoig laIe himore athllae pOlO are Oftu m po mia vu t i t et 80,000;b 1 bax#e sent g0 actes thled ter utival on;h t exer."r of'If000000 el. Nor bpopà - pragruçusarhlnye000,kexpertu. mexet& vale.us 415,00 in01861 uaflya ls importa -S «ObnW larg, um oe tin 4»W,0he arest rt lme arefmte gculvaian TI.clonlbui Nd e tu e Mama er ea try ta Ma rs lan icoria tie.t un m ." nMd eN prtheoe aia osafo lai b me mrenthe P ont Phlllip ofvllos la51 bI m> j, utlbo be etle mopauel.byhe ev Mbagdrai tottlem a t enete rp gouLa sab he decnant as f tentou>utine fter Maty isotitiosingtillteme outTatelmit ove. Ma batiful ndoe.folIsne are mc ore Ma haveý boe clonieteis andpitgera alaer Le am a ranaand ltelrai sto atchesin Maon decedt o Ma tmuktiners ete Buty viseil rep plhirprimtie sMprray antie i Darting ndtil tieotnev an Biita Cflumiai -ra Md anti hoe. Weslandhae ts4nov-ahealut an.Xbtion en eenhadmuged poislu atnia. toriy cf coonil eterprias antiuro heia. ie. ti-eie ovftheasratishtlnes.pat tval 'Butramicmotr easlbancS vesor ting vthe uisep.dtcuilrgsthmie uis. S mtmersare peronga M apMrncantheM >Dlinanti Qo sc u aatBrthss elumbya ne anil an douer' luati Lae ine alia nExe ohiboben timiveilas tetsarek a mil> ýeaceuuntieavcl ooksie L gigan- t tic eme cf MamBrilaCn es. hehi nftetotachean'a sronal abpsarbaceanisa cultivand ioma fflsucuan id t ainvte r firnc t lite Natuo remig a aise nover f ate "o, Oie meful vui Ma onmean- ai, prevdesu its a tfn tte rreplalora noleve s thdeot e veaandsptisat bIseSmthi téapn tL ae, i. tisin o aike pspoieter bt i he.oard enagntire ais. Tie isai a of ontasiio mc ond îhabsora tie ae- e t ours anikre togbu l ana naRlite aor citicu. Motata adso ivii Ma masthèicnex.s uler 5 tahn myot traMa woerm bueth" at bogt vno Ma ard erevate priThetl aiMai %wu'Mi in tuw Me" demui a t vU-M makk~dlgnoeMma aMI - à.s Me u éle hm ihboq, lie ukc<er Iqe mn, be Mr u a buap M aW bm iL -S 2 M vho b« a k nsIUn 6. aiMfwý11 . don,-for wsMeOMM yuhuMIM vu 'Wb DONIKO IUTIU. me eour ammieM le- hO bm ta MW si, ant luit mi a ni mas mMd upaht.at or loy, oh. Mot dt lmvdgs hn cf gmdd- ratae. Le me molt> tiam tie gala. hag of" àcànmhfraian ahov Adi niàrevILb intollectidac aciremsent or éatm oeSn- plhiseut Ava E red*ata"dhcman Ua dose fera&L .Whm aagirjelhuor'IMym 014, ase 01abiacenomto etaseMM regular asinhoelmkol d *le., i -»dto bdl respoamlble for oie Masin aV"siahm purt sPerfiwi, M"L nloihm 01M mg vaeiimg the uniMdpatgog tin -place, churhrg.lveror &dM »m oerang gpar- lors. Tbia alcali u b.e ocuiomaly, ma negleteti visme,. e es" it ca'venieno;i ale stalti commuer it hW dupartuenL Visel ddrtisas ielve, irl. é..ld logisth-tant mmin ga t as *sdis.,;tla odaetal VICTORIA'S FIRST MOMENT 0 F SOVEBEIGNTY. If Mae foloeving relation in rne-mathere in ne reaaon -te doub-the.wu ga on utiao in tise couucientiouuneu andi eary matureceha- racter of tise Princess Victoria, for Mae go" Quecis, vife andi motLer wviielabcshmlui -i iserSei t Ocbe. --d'William tMa FéorOli expireul about iniduight at Windsor Palace. The Arcsblisop of Canterbr, v ih t ers and ti her bigla functiOnal3es of M the do were irn attendance. Ai moon nase@ptreý hati depenteSlti ihlaast 'bru*fth fle King, tise Ânchbisaop quitteti Windsor CasOie andi matie Lhmway vitis iiipossible apeed te Kenuington Palace, Mae nesideiice il iiat tirne ot tise Prineesk-aredy by the liv ofsnceu- alois Qusen Victoria. Re amved long before daYligistannnced hiimueifantirequeulai m irnaediate intenview wvus MaePrinces. 8Me istily attireti hermei; and met.tMa venerable prelate inatMa ante-roota. He informoti Lin of tise demise et William, anti finiE> innoubeoti te ber tissie as, in lav anti riglat, aneor te Mae deceaseti monarcis. Tis oereigaty et Mae most povenfu nation Iay ai Mae foot cf a girl ofe egiteon. Site vas, de jura Qumo et Mae only roia, -lunbdl lor yn, on viic tise mmt neyer set. She vai. deepi> agitateti. Tise finit vendu alto ulereti ver. ihese: i"I ask yo01w prayoe lu n y be alÇ." Tisey kiiel devis togoMaer, ant i Vctorkia unguat iber regis, like tIe Young king cf lariel ilutMa aId- en trne, ýy aaing fromihe IRou Righ, vie rulein luhMa ingdoms cf mertil an under- standing Liant te jue ".s great a people, vito coulti not be numberneti lcounltet for tIe multitude." IJSEFIJL RECEIPTS. Foa RaxonuroTAm ou Nou imou LA8I>.A1 oldi-honeti but <ccd way lu le Liatit theaboiling Peint; alita, thon daiea potatooriwo andi throv la, andi let it&Y flf. teen or tveety minutes& e- L af M e e rON JAMIICSUN) Talion it tGu aew~.la "at. wofflVr-tlr.u m 4 If YOU me youel to