Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2001, A 3

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Wednesdsay August 22, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 L a k e s h o re W o o d s b y M e tru s D e v e l o p m e n t s in w e s t O a k v ille Man charged in peeping incident A 30-year old Cam pbellville man has been arrested for allegedly peeping into the bathroom w indow o f an Oakville apartment. A ccording to H alton R egional Police, the incident occurred on M onday around 9:20 p.m. when a man w as observed parking his car and approaching an apartment building at 2385 Ontario St. in Bronte. Police report that in a dark area o f the building the man approached the bathroom window o f a first floor apartment and appeared to stand close and peer in. A fter returning to his car, he left the area. Police subsequently stopped the car and the man was arrested. M ark W illiam W ilson has been charged with prowl by night and breach o f probation. Mega housing project should welcome first residents next summer By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF New residents could be m oving into Lakeshore W oods -- west O akville's new developm ent on the form er Shell lands -- by early next summer. "N ew hom e occupancy will probably be likely early next sum m er," said Bob H ooshley, vice-president o f M etrus Developm ent Inc., the developm ent com pa ny acting as project m anager o f the 327-acre developm ent for landowner, N ew Province Homes. Blocks o f land have now been sold to a trio o f hom ebuilders -- N ational Homes, Rosehaven H om es and Aspenridge Homes. "T h ey 're all GTA builders," said Hooshley. M etrus is one o f O ntario's largest devel opm ent firms and has developed properties in the GTA, N iagara and some sm all devel opments in Burlington. Lakeshore Woods is the nam e atop a striking new Lakeshore Road sales pavilion that should soon be open for business. "The new sales office is expected to open in the fall," said Hooshley. M etrus is proceeding with site plan work that will get the new subdivision -- to be called Lakeshore W oods -- serviced and accessible by an entire netw ork o f new roads (28 in total) so that new hom e construction can begin early in 2002, said Hooshley. "W e're gearing up to start servicing," said Hooshley, noting approvals will be sought this fall from the Town o f Oakville A c c id e n t v ic tim r e m a in s in c o m a Lakeshore W oods sales pavilion has ju st recently been com pleted and Region o f Halton. H ooshley said it's hoped to get a con struction start on the servicing o f a first stage o f developm ent this fall -- some 400 units o f the anticipated total 1,430 housing units to be built in Lakeshore Woods. The entire subdivision, located near Shell Park, spans from L akeshore R oad to R ebecca Street and east o f Burloak Drive. It should be com pleted over the next five to seven years, but Hooshley is careful about making assumptions. "W hat sort o f crystal ball do you have? It should be com pleted in five to seven years, but not if they keep laying people off at Ford," he said. M ost o f the first hom es to be constructed are "single family hom es with some townhouse blocks, as well," said Hooshley. Inform ation packages on the designs, costs and artist's renderings will be available from the sales office w hen it opens in September, said Hooshley. A nd though each builder has an architect designing their offering o f homes, Hooshley said M etrus has hired w hat's called "a con trolling architect" to ensure the "them e for the neighbourhood" is met. A nd Lakeshore W oods has taken its "them e" from its proximity to Lake Ontario, the surrounding lakeshore and existing neighbourhoods, he said. Some aesthetic aspects people can watch for are the absence o f blank brick walls edg ing local roadways. "M ost developers don't pay attention to that kind o f detail, but aesthetics are very im portant to us," said Hooshley. The lakeshore theme will be picked up in a unique undulating w ater/wave design in fencing and other landscaping. "T he housing will be traditional architec ture, V ictorian, em ulating som e o f the designs already along the lake, in both the architecture and the m aterial," he said, adding, "We want to pick up on the best of the Bronte area." Hooshley some advertising has already begun and there is a W eb site at w w w.lakeshorevillage.com . "Things are clicking along, w e're ju m p ing the hurdles," he said. T h e Sept. 18 o pening o f R eb ecca's Street's Radial Bridge w ill pave the w ay for developm ent o f Lakeshore Woods., So, it's not surprising that as the finish ing touches go on the bridge, so too are fin ishing touches going on the new sales pavil ion. The opening o f the bridge was am ong the last large roadblocks to developing the land in southw est Oakville where one-third o f the more than 300-acre developm ent will also be saved as a w oodlot open to the pub lic as trail and creek walkw ays. Besides the bridge, num erous other hur dles m ust be m et for the developm ent to proceed in an area where traffic gridlock already exists. For instance, Rebecca Street, between Burloak and Bronte Road, m ust also be three lanes w ide and the B urloak to M ississauga Street portion o f R ebecca will be constructed in 2002. By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Twenty-five-year-old Scott C oulter has not regained con sciousness since being struck by a car while waiting in a Speers Road bus shelter a month ago. "It's a sad, sad situation. W ho know s w hat's down the line?" said his grandmother, M argaret Coulter, o f Oakville, on Monday. According to his grandmother, C oulter is "com atose" -- his limbs will m ove and his eyes will open, but the m ovem ents aren't in co-ordination with any conscious state, explained his grandmother. He rem ains at the Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, but has been moved from its critical care unit to its neurological intensive care unit. His family, including M argaret and her husband, Blair, and C oulter's father, Bill, o f M ississauga, maintain their vigil. C oulter's mother, Judy Bridgette, died three years ago o f leukemia. "It's a long wait. We keep hoping," said M argaret, adding, doctors are continuing their neurological assessm ents and testing o f her grandson's brain activity. Occasionally, the Coulters receive telephone inquiries about their grandson from people who rode the bus with him. "We don't mind the calls," she said. O n the afternoon o f Monday, July 23 as Coulter, o f Kent Avenue, was inside the shelter waiting for a bus when a 1991, beige M ercury Topaz careened over the curb and through the shelter, dem olishing it. Coulter, a survivor o f a childhood brain tumor, suffered numerous injuries in the accident including: lacerations to his arms, legs, face, back, and a severe concussion. The shelter was located on the south side o f Speers Road, between Fourth Line and M orden Road. The driver o f the Topaz, 18-year-old Ibrahim Kesebi o f M aurice Drive, sustained minor injuries. Kesebi was charged with careless driving contrary to the H ighw ay T raffic A ct and is scheduled to appear in Burlington Provincial Offences Court on Sept. 5. W h ile th e k id s a re le a r n in g c a n b e th e ir A B C 's y o u y o u r O n T h e S p o t! CARPET CLEANING SPECIALISTS Since 1952 le a r n in g 1 - 2 - 3 's . 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(Entrance from both Lakeshore Road and parking lot off Church Street) "Limited to 1st 35 callers 2 0 0 0 (J u st E a st O ff H w y. # 2 5 ) kD iam o n dW in n er AWARDS 8 2 5 -4 2 5 6 :F r e D (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -3 7 9 7 A SEM B E >DANCE STUDIOS* www.fredastaire.com T h e B B Q G uys DYNASTY BATHS THE NAME T H A T STANDS FO R IN T E G R IT Y , HONESTY A ND VA LU E R e s to r a tio n P a in t in g a n d S e r v ic e C a lls N e w B B Q 's & p a r t s Restoration nWetmake a9 9 it like new Inspection N a t u r a l G a s L in e In s ta lla tio n ...w hen ijou visit out showroom at: 4380 South Service Rd. U n it II cD y n a s ty * 39 . " $ point check Baths Tues. thru Fri. 9-5:30, Sat. 9-4, Closed Sun. & Mon i F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a ll: 905-639-8409 (between W alkers Line & Appleby Line) (416) 8 2 1 -5 8 7 7 w w w .th e h h q g u ijs .c o m

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