Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2001, A 2

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A2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday August 22,2001 You' l l L o v e Our NO C H A R G E D et.-Sgt. John M uise (second from right) o f the Toronto Police Service, hands over award o f appreciation to K erry H alcovitch o f the H alton R egional Police C horus for the grou p 's partic ipation at a special victim s com m em orative service. L ooking on is Fatim a Ferreira, CAO for the office o f V ictim s o f C rim e, Pat W ildes, chorus m em ber, Karen Bettesw orth, chorus m em ber and D eputy C hief G ary Crowell. P O W E R T R A I N P R O T E C T I O N P R O G R · Available on focus and Windstar · 5 year/100,000 km Powertrain Protection Program A H alto n Police C h o ru s h o n o u re d for Victim s of C rim e p erfo rm an ce The H alton R egional Police Chorus has been officially recognized for its perform ance at a spe cial victim s com m em orative service held in Toronto this past June 10. T h e o ccasio n w as the S eco n d A nnual Com m em oration Service for Victim s o f Crim e held in Convocation H all at the U niversity o f Toronto. T he cerem ony paid tribute to all victim s and their fam ilies. The H alton R egional Police C horus w as invited to provide a m usical inter lude betw een speakers. Just this past W ednesday, Toronto Police Service Det. Sgt. John M uise, currently second ed to the O ffice for V ictims o f C rim e, told Chorus m em bers how m uch their participation was appreciated. "On behalf o f the O ffice for Victims o f Crim e, and m ostly for those we serve - the victim s them selves - we are grateful for your fabulous pro gram at o u r co m m em o ratio n se rv ic e," said M uise. C horus sp o k esp erso n K erry H alcovitch expressed gratitude for being included in such an em otional event. M uise and Fatim a Ferreira, also o f the Office for Victim s o f C rim e, presented a plaque and a $500 honourarium to H alton Regional Police D eputy C hief G ary C row ell and C horus m em bers. T he H alton R egional Police C horus was form ed in 1984 and currently has 20 m em bers, consisting o f both police service m em bers and civilians. T he group provides m usic at both national and local events. T he C horus is actively seeking new m em bers, w ith a special need for m ale singers. A nyone interested is encouraged to call Kerry Halcovitch at 905-825-5051. · Windstar 2001 - 0% financing over 48 months · Focus 2001 - 2.9% Financing over 48 months · SO deductible · Includes all benefits under the Roadside Assistance program (extended through the entire 5 year/100,00 km period) · Benefits are transferable to all subsequent owners at no-charge i ft A r e a r e s i d e n t s a s k e d to b e v ig ila n t (Continued from page A 1) V e h ic le s M a r k e t V a lu e P r ic e d T E S T D R IV E a t In s to c k F O RD LINCOLN O A K -L A N D w w w .o a k - la n d .c o m 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville attheqew . 8 4 4 -3 2 7 3 XI 1 The W ellspring Cancer Support Foundation was established in Toronto in 1992 to help fill the void between the cancer care system and support services. At the Oakville Sixth Line site, cancer patients (today there are approxim ately 450 m em bers) and their families and friends receive com fort, support, practical inform ation and much more. "People come here to feel better," said PerryBrinkert, who explained there is evidence the house was being used as a place to drink at night. The first incident occurred overnight July 27 when a pair o f black Victorian urns were removed from the porch. Perry-Brinkert said each is about three and half feet high and very heavy - so heavy that tire tracks proved a vehicle was used to haul them away. O ne m em ber feels so strongly that she wants to replace them. Last Thursday, someone tore dow n all the flow er boxes along one side o f the house and a deck chair was found floating in the adjacent pond. "I 'd hate to see a break-in where dam age is done," said Perry-Brinkert, w ho added that some external lights are left on all night now. "It's lit up like^ a Christm as tree." Wellspring has also had flyers delivered to neighbouring hom es asking residents to keep their eyes open for any suspicious activity around the house. To carry out its m andate, the non-profit W ellspring House relies on money from corpora tions, individuals and in memoriams. W ellspring's expansion from T oronto to O akville was met with the unprecedented grass roots backing o f area businesses and individuals. The M etrontario G roup and M attam y H om es Ltd., for example, donated the construction cost o f the premises worth an estim ated $300,000. S u m m e r S i/x le rs This is the Sale! P L U S ... receive a $50 rebate cheque D r. M a ria M o n te s s o ri s ta rte d th e first M o n te s s o ri cla ssro o m in 1 9 0 7 . T o d a y th e re are th o u s a n d s o f M o n te s s o ri sch o o ls a r o u n d th e w o rld . F in d o u t w h a t W illo w g le n S c h o o l c a n o ffer y o u r c h ild . N o w A c c e p t in g A p p l ic a t io n s f o r S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 1 ·CALL US FOR A FREE DEMO _QLI SELECTED RATE PLANS. 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