Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2001, D 4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, August 22, 2001 `Homs to host national final Oct 14 (Continued from page D1) innocuous second half kick-off which D ana Segin, o f Oakville, tumbled expertly into the com er, and than had the added good fortune o f having the M ississauga returner boot it out of bounds inches out from the goal line. M ississauga never even got out o f their endzone, giving up a two-point safety (which made the score 23-14) and turning over possession o f the ball to the `Hom s. Obviously, it turned out to be the winning two-point margin. Leading the Wolverines gutsy com eback was wide receiver Gifford Rose who last year suited up for the `Hom s. He nearly cam e back to haunt them, and he would have been a shoein for M VP honours had the Wolverines won; perhaps he should have been anyway, even in a losing cause. But after the W olverines had replied to the `Hom s opening touchdown with a one-yard shot by Chris Grant (to make it 7-7), it was the Rose show as he caught the next four Wolverine touchdown receptions, all o f the spec tacular variety at 26, 57, 68 and 35 yards, respectively. "Gifford Rose had a heck o f a game," said coach Molnar. "He's a one man show. He's a terrific ball player. He's a CFL prospect as far as I'm con cerned -- no question about it. And the Ti-Cats were here." Said Demerling: "Get him the ball and you see w hat he can do. "I mean Gifford's all-world. I know that. He was catching my balls last year." Oakville's offence was ju st as impressive, although more spread out. Demerling connected on three touchdown passes, the first two to Colin Alie (8 & 25 yards) and then to Photo by Riziero Vertolli This unidentified `H orns player finds an opening in last Saturday's NFC cham pionship gam e. M ike Dingsdale (a nice 81-yard blast). Two rushing touchdowns were both punched in by M ike M allot (7 & 1 yards). The other scoring, besides the above noted tw o-point safety, was a single point off a missed late second quarter field goal. Just for the record, two touchdowns were not converted. "W hat the offence did tonight was absolutely fantastic," said coach Molnar. "The defence normally does the same thing. But not tonight. They were on vacation. I don't think we forced them to punt once, did we?" Leading the `H om s attack, as he did all year, was M ark Demerling who seems to be obstinately rebuffing Father Time. This ain't Sunday afternoon flag football, folks. Some o f these guys have pro potential, and the hits don't need to be miked to be heard through out the park. And all the un-retired Demerling managed to do was to add his fifth championship game M VP award to his mantel, the other four com ing in `2000, `96, `94 and `93. A dding yet another all-star ypar to his future hall o f fam e resume, Demerling, this season, set a new mark for efficiency in the NFC, completing more than 70 per cent (.702) o f his passes. He threw 21 touchdowns against only once interception. Those numbers never w avered in Saturday night's championship game, as he com pleted 14 o f 19 passes (a .737 percentage, if you're counting) for 297 yards. But Demerling proved not only to be able to generate big numbers, but also to make the big play. `Best game I've been in in 10 years' · Dem erling A nd that play -- arguably the play o f the gam e -- cam e with 1:41 left on the clock and the `Homs, still nursing their slim two-point margin (36-34), facing a fourth-and-two in lousy field position at midfield. In a gutsy call, they w ent for it, and were successful with Demerling hitting Stephen Moore on a seven-yard strike. The Hom s then m anaged to run the clock out "That was the play o f the game," agreed coach Molnar. "T hat was the game right there. No question about it. We needed the play. We needed the first down. Mark (Demerling) went with something that we felt they weren't going to cover. It was a sur prise play. And it worked." Demerling said he had no hesitation about the call. "W ho can you trust if you can't trust yourself," he said, after the game. "That's they key play o f the game. Cause then we've got the ball back. Had they got the ball back they would have been at midfield." And ju st needing a field goal. "Best game I've been in in 10 years," summ ed up Demerling. "They wouldn't stop, they wouldn't give up." The two teams had finished one-two in the nine-team Ontario-based league in the regular season with the 'H om s at 8-0 and the Wolverines at 7-1, their only loss being to the 'Homs, 38-7. "G reat game, great effort on both sides o f the field," said M ississauga assistant coach Nelson Martin. "They made a few more plays than we did and they earned the victory. "You know there have been games I was very disappointed with my players -- after gam es that we won big. And it's like, coach, we won by 40 points why are you so upset. "Because we didn't play well. We're lucky that we played a w eak team. "Here, these guys left it on the field, and you can't ask for m uch more than that. You're not going to win every game, you're not going to make every play. "B ut they played hard." O akville Skating C lub 2 4 0 0 S ix th L in e O a k v ille , O n ta rio L 6 H 3 N 8 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -7 7 7 1 Elite amateur athletes always appreciate sponsorship (Continued from page D2) Learn to Skate Registration Programs start O cto ber 9, 2001 / / Kidskate Parent and Tot Canskate Pre-Junior T|^ V , bWin ^ Register in person at office located in River M on. & Fri. Tues. - Thurs. the O.S.C. Oaks Arena 9-3 9-5 A t the spring trials, w hich w ere for senior only, M ark m ade the finals in all distances -- sixth o ver 1,000m, 7th over 500m and 8th o ver 200m. "A nytim e a ju n io r can do that w ell, h e'll be ranked pretty good internationally. I m ean o u r senior canoers are now am ong the best in the w orld. " So again it all depends on w hat kind o f ju n io rs E urope have this year. Som e years, it's tougher than others. It's not in his con trol, really. A ll he can do is go out and do as best as he can." M ark, m eanw hile, is in the m idst o f his last training push. "It's really hard training for the next tw o w eeks and then it w ill ease o ff ju st before the com petition so that y o u 're not too tired out and w ell rested," he said in an interview on W ednesday o f last w eek. Basically, his regim en includes tw o p ad dles a day on S ixteen M ile C reek, and w eights and running every other day. T he ju n io r w o rld 's, he said, have "been a goal for a long time. "I think a m edal is possible considering that C anada is pretty strong in the w orld in canoe so th at's a goal. I think it's possible." L onger term goals include the O lym pic G am es. "M y fam ily has been involved w ith them. So it's been a goal for a long tim e to go to the O lym pics -- 2004. T h at's a goal." Speaking o f C an ad a's strong canoe co n tingent, w hich Larry Cain has left in the w ake o f his com petitive career, M ark said he had the honour o f recently training with C a in 's successor, S teve G iles, the 2000 Sydney O lym pic bronze m edalist. "I was actually ju st in N ova Scotia train ing w ith him for about a w eek and a half w hich w as a trem endous, am azing experi ence. H e's been on the top o f C anada for about 10 years. So that helped m e a lot." Incidentally, sponsorship for these w orld class athletes is alw ays appreciated. For instance, M ark said the C anadian C anoe A ssociation is funding h alf his trip to Brazil, but h e's actually still trying to make up the rest. Tax receipts are available. C ontact the B urloak Canoe Club. S ee F riday's Beaver for a preview o f the u pcom ing club national cham pionships. O a k v il l e H o r n e t s Rep Team Tryouts 2001 Team Novice Oakville athletes in action at Canada Games (Continued from page D2) Date Sat. Sept. 8 Sun. Sept. 9 Time Arena River O aks A River O aks A River O aks A Ice Sports #3 River O aks A River O aks A Hershey Centre Hershey Centre Ice Sports Ice Sports River River River River River River O aks O aks O aks Oaks Oaks Oaks A A A A A A 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Atom BB Tues. Sept. 4 6:00 p.m. W ed. Sept. 5 7:15 p.m. Atom B Sat. Sept. 8 10a.m.-12p.m. Sun. Sept. 9 10:00 a.m. PeeWee BB Tues. Aug. 28 5:30-7:00 p.m. Thurs. Aug. 30 5:30-7:00 p.m. Wed. Sept 5 5:30-7:00 p.m. Thurs. Sept 6 6:00-8:00 p.m. PeeW ee B Sat. Sept. 8 2:00 p.m. Sun. Sept. 9 11:00 a.m. Bantam BB Tues. Sept. 4 8:00 p.m. Thurs. Sept 6 8:00 p.m. Bantam B Sun. Sept. 9 12:00 p.m. Tues. S e p t 11 8:00 p.m . Midget W ed. Sept. 5 8-9:30p.m . Sat. Sept. 8 1:00 p.m. Intermediate M on. Aug. 27 7:15-9:15p.m. Tues. Aug. 28 7:15-9:15p.m. W ed. Aug. 29 7:15-9:15p.m. cial) head coach Scott Oldershaw. Burloak m em bers on the team include kayakers C ourtney Kirkby o f Oakville and Ryan Stepka o f R ichm ond H ill. Burlington's M ark O ldershaw (son o f Scott O ldershaw) had to give the gam es a pass as he is a m edal threat at the upcom ing junior worlds. ATHLETICS: C olin D uffy will run 400m and 4x400m. T E N N IS: Ekaterina Shu laeva is com peting in w om en's singles. W H E E L C H A IR : M elanie H aw tin will com pete in 400m and 1500m. Saturday night twilight run helps cancer support group The first annual Bronte H arbour Twilight road race will take place Saturday, Aug. 25. The unique start tim e for this new 5K race and 2K w alk is 7:30 p.m. The race starts and finishes at the Royal Canadian Legion (Bronte) and takes in much o f historic Bronte and its harbour area. All proceeds will go to the O akville-based charity. Rebounders Canada, a grass roots sup port group for survivors o f childhood cancer. "T he w ork done by this O akville-based charity is m arvelous," said race coordinator Brian Bidwell. "They are a new and little know n charity group. Anything we can do to help their cause will be more than appreciat ed." The Running Com pany is a m ajor sponsor o f the race and according to store manager G reg M cKinnon, they along with the other sponsors, are going all out to make this an exciting evening. The prize m oney will certainly be an incen tive for dedicated runners and there are more than the usual num ber o f m erchandise awards for each age category as well as lots o f great draw prizes. A fellowship barbecue and refreshments will be available at the Legion Hall. Advance entry is $25, $30 on race day. TShirts will be given out to the first 250 regis trants. Early registration is available at the Running C om pany, 118 T hom as Street, Oakville. Play ball O akville Special O lym pics is hosting a softball tournam ent Saturday at Trafalgar Park at O akville A rena on R ebecca St. G am e tim es are 8:30 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 1 p.m. River O aks A River O aks A Ice Sports Ice Sports Ice Sports Lacrosse all-stars converge on Oakville O ak v ille has been selected to host the 2001 Z o n e 10 a ll-star lacrosse g am es at M a p le g ro v e A re n a on S aturday, A u g u st 25. E lite p la y e rs fro m B ra m p to n , O ra n g ev ille, N ew m ark et, C aled o n , M ississau g a, H alton H ills, T oronto as w ell as o u r o w n O ak v ille all-stars w ill be c o m p e tin g in th e ty k e , n ovice, p eew ee, b an tam and m id g et all-star gam es. T he tykes k ick o ff at 9 a.m . an d the gam es co n tin u e all day long, w ith the m id g ets p lay in g at 6 p.m ., to end the g ala event. R e p re se n tin g O a k v ille at th e n o v ic e ag e g ro u p are : E ric C rep in sek , B rad G illies, A lex K ruse and B ryce M acC rae. O ak v ille novice h e a d c o a c h K en G illie s w ill be b eh in d the south te a m 's bench. O a k v ille 's p eew ee-ag ed all-stars th is y ea r are: M athew B ertran d , A lex C rep in sek , Jo rd an M a cin to sh an d A aron M irsky. T h e b an tam H aw ks ca p p ed an ex c ellen t seaso n w ith a very strong show ing in th e p ro v in cial fin als last w eekend. F ive o f th e ir p lay ers m ade the a ll-s ta r team th is year. M ark T h o m as N ano w ill be play in g goal fo r the south team . Jo in in g him are team m ates T h o m as C ritik o s, Sean G illie s , G a re tt In ce an d Ju stin W ilson-K irby. T h e so u th team w ill be coached by O ak v ille b an tam co ach es Rob M acD o u g all an d T roy C ordingley. T he m id g et H aw ks, w ho m ade it into the p ro v in cial `A' q u alifiers this y e a r an d fin ish e d n in th in the p ro v in ce, w ill be rep resen ted by all stars Paul D aw son (in go al) and run ners T rev o r C olm , P atrick F arre r and A ndrew M cM illan. T he day p ro m ises to b e an ex cel le n t sho w case fo r th ese sk illed p lay ers. **AII girls trying o u t m ust already be REG ISTERED w ith the O akville H ornets** T h e re w ill b e a $ 1 0 c h a rg e fo r e a c h g irl a t e a c h se s s io n . Fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n , p le a s e ca ll 9 0 5 -6 4 7 -1 4 0 0 O r v isit o u r w e b s ite a t w w w .o a k v ille h o rn e ts .o n .c a INTERMEDIATE AA TRYOUTS Monday, August 2 7 ,7 .1 5 - 9.15 Tuesday August 2 8 ,7 .1 5 - 9.15 W ednesday August 2 9 ,7 .1 5 - 9.15 Ic e S p o rts O akville, 2 3 0 0 C o rn w a ll R oad $20.00 p e r session, perm ission to skate required North Metro Girls Hockey League WNHL Affiliation For more information contact Peter May 905 844 1890 A n all-girls skate event and com peti tion is being held this Saturday, 2-6 p.m ., at O akville's skateboard facility at Shell Park. There will be plenty o f com peti tion, dem os and w orkshops. C ontact Jessie at (416) 668-5377. Coaches and sponsors needed In creasin g reg istratio n , esp ecially in the o ld e r age grou p s, has ch allen g ed the M in o r O ak s H o ck e y A ss o c ia tio n (M O H A ) to attract ad d itio n al co ach es an d sp o n so rs to su p p o rt its p lay ers fo r the u p co m in g season. P articu larly need ed are v o lu n teers fo r the b an tam d iv isio n (both red an d w hite d iv i sions) as a m inim um o f 22 team s w ill be iced this season fo r th at age level (1 986/87). T h ere are also op en in g s fo r co ach es and sp o n so rs at m any o th e r age d iv isio n s. For the co ach es, the open in g s are m ain ly at the 'w h ite' level. A nyone in te reste d in p ro v id in g coaching o r sp o n so rsh ip su p p o rt is ask ed to co n tact the hockey o ffice (3 3 8 -9 2 2 0 ) fo r ad d itio n al in fo rm atio n o r to co m p lete an d fo rw ard the a p p lic a tio n fo r th e M O H A w e b site at w w w .m o h a .o n .c a or e -m a il at info @ m o ha.on.ca.

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