Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2001, Sports, D 1

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Wednesday, August 22, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D1 APPLE AutoG lass UPHOLSTERY... SEATS, BOAT TOPS, CONVERTIBLE TOPS... 1033 Speers Rd. 8 4 2 -6 0 6 0 SportslfataiH / ·C UISSA I [LAFARGE C A N A D A IN C . Concrete for the homeowner's outdoor needs isTiipmimcicMiicn "Supercrete" for all of yoar homeowner needs. OPEN SATURDAY SEASONALLY. OROERS MUST BE PtACSJ BY 5 PHI THURSDAY Collect gour Mr Miles here BURLINGTON: (90S) 637-5607 MILTON: |905) 876-4728 GEORGETOWN: (905)873-0254 A n O a k v ille B e a v e r F e a tu re Editor: N O R M N E L S O N Phone:845-3824, ext 255 Fax:337-5567 E-mail:n n e ls o n @ h alto n s ea rch .c o m O akville's Laura Pomeroy and M ilton's Jennifer Porenta win gold and silver in 50m free Oakville's golden moments at the Canada Games O akville's Kara Lang after the gold m edal gam e O akville is having a great Canada Games. As o f the half way mark, the tow n's athletes had contributed (by themselves or as members o f a team) to at least six gold medals for Ontario. L aura P om eroy continued her torrid swimming, o f late, w ith a gold medal in the 50m free event on Friday in a tim e o f 26.040. Earning silver was M ilton's Jennifer Porenta in a time o f 26:700. Pomeroy had earlier won gold in the 100m free event, after barely qualifying for the eighth and final berth. In the 50m event she left no doubt, also posting the fastest qualifying tim e at 26.690. goals in the tourney. Lang is a m em ber o f the U -16 Oakville Angels while M atheson is a m em ber o f the U18 O akville Storm. O ntario's top scorer was Bram pton's Tanya D ennis who plays her rep soccer in Oakville with the O akville Storm U-18. She scored nine goals. A lso on that team, and who suit up for O akville rep teams, are from the Storm U-18, A nne O gundele and Robin Gayle, and from the U-20 team. Emily Stevens. RO W ING O akville's Tyson W hite, a form er m em ber o f C anada's national ju n io r rowing team who will enter his second year at Princeton later this summer, picked up two gold medals. He won gold in both the double (two guys, four oars), and the quad, (four guys, eight oars). For good m easure, he w ent on to the Canada Cup in M ontreal and collected another gold in the double. CYCLING Sue Trim ble earned gold in w om en's cycling, capturing the cross country event in a tim e o f 1:26:54:00, alm ost tw o minutes ahead o f the silver medalist. She finished 15th in both the criterium and road race events. Special m ention also has to go to Andrew E lgar in m en's cycling, ju st m issing a podium appearance with a fourth place finish in the cross country event in a tim e o f 1:47:23:700, about h alf a m inute short o f a medal. He fin ished in the top h alf o f the field in both the cri terium and road race. BASK ETBALL O ntario's w om en's basketball team settled for a silver m edal w ith a 69-59 loss to British Colum bia. A couple o f players w ho helped St. Thom as Aquinas to an OFSA A silver medal were in the line-up, including leading scorer for Ontario, K atie D onovan from Kingston, and O akville's Alana Juzenas. SAILIN G C aroline Kaars Sijpesteijn com peted in the single handejJ byte class but final standings w ere unavailable as o f our press time. (Special Olympics) A lso o f note in sw im m ing, Special O lym pian Bill Hickson ju st missed a podium appearance in two events. He finished fourth in the 50m back in a tim e o f 41:590 and fifth in the 100m back in a time o f 1:34:860. SO C CER Ontario easily w on the gold medal gam e 41 over British Columbia. O akville residents Kara Lang and Diana M atheson were members o f that team. Lang, the youngest m em ber o f the Ontario team, was one o f the top scorers w ith five O N TAP TH IS W EEK M E N 'S SOCCER: O akville has one repre sentative on the m en's soccer team -- M urat Sukru. PADDLING: both the m en's and w om en's O ntario paddling teams had week-long train ing sessions at the Burloak Canoe Club in O akville under Burloak (and O ntario provin(See 'Oakville' page D4) O akville's Kara Lang and D iana M atheson celebrate Canada Games Photos by Graham Paine F o r ty - fo u r y e a r o ld p iv o t l e a d s `H o r n s t o 9 t h N F C t i t l e for the last tw o w eeks o f the m onth and then rev back into w orkouts in September. ed by ageless 44-year-old C oach M olnar conceded that he quarterback M ark D em erling, didn't expect the L onghorns' ninth fwho picked up offensive play straight N FC cham pionship -- really, er o f the gam e honours, the O akville an am azing string -- to be such an Longhorns w on their ninth straight exciting, crow d pleasing, nail-biter. Northern Football C onference (NFC) "I expected to beat them handily cham pionship 36-34 over the visiting -- 14 to 21 points. T hey w ere ju st M ississauga W olverines at Bronte surprising, how w ell they played." Field in O akville Saturday night. Indeed, after squandering leads as And now they'll try to defend their great as 16 points (30-14) in the third national title, tentatively slated for quarter and 15 points in the fourth Sunday, O ctober 14 , the exact tim e quarter (36-21), the `H orns, ju st past and location to be announced. the m idw ay point o f the fourth quar The 'Horns won last year's inau ter, w ere in the position o f losing gural national cham pionship last fall their entire lead. in W innipeg 42-14 over the W innipeg T he W olverines had ju st scored Senior M ustangs. another m ajor to cut the deficit to 36Coach Tony M olnar said the 34, and still had their convert attem pt `Horns will com pletely shut it dow n ahead o f them. BEAVER SPORTS EDITOR By Norm Nelson L H owever, their tw o-point conver sion attem pt was rebuffed by the `H orns defence, in one o f their few shining m om ents on this night. T he case for the `H orns defence, really, had only tw o other exhibits: O ne w as an absolute bell ringer by Chris D ow ns on a W olverines receiv er in the second quarter. T he ball popped loose and w as recovered by the H orns, and they scored a touch dow n on their ensuing series (to m ake it 20-7). Actually, the call could have w ent either w ay as to w hether the receiver had possession. The other play was the usually (S ee 'Horns' page D4) T he L o n g h o rn s' D ave O lsen uses sig n lan g u a g e to in d ica te his te a m 's n u m b er on e statu s. Photo by Riziero Vertolli cnnflDmn \ tire / 0A K T0W N DUNDAS & TRAFALGAR ROAD 400 Dundas St. E. SHOPPING PLAZA 550 Kerr S t^ e tv SUMMERWISE INSPECTION ECTIOt . 15' r 2 5 7 -T I R E 2 5 7 -0 4 2 9 SERVICE HOURS: Mon. -'Fri. 7am -9pm , Sat. 7.Tm-6prrr*H*g.; Sun. 9am - 5pm 844-0202**"STORE HOURS: Mon. - Sat. 8arrv10pm Sun. r u 9an>8pm jp r > 6 p m

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