Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2001, C 7

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Wednesday, August 22, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C7 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Deaths P R O U D , M ary Suddenly at her resi d ence in Burlington on Saturday, A ugust 18th, 2 0 0 1 . M ary Proud, beloved wife of the late Richard Proud. Loving m other of Jack Proud of Oakville and Jean and her husband Ken Vivian of Burlington. D ear sister of M im a Bullock of Milton. M ary will be missed by her grandchildren Randy, Elaine, Jill (G ary), Jennifer (G ary) and great grandchildren Allison, Jodie and Kennedy. Fam ily and friends visited the M cK ersie-K ocher Funeral H om e 114 Main Street, Milton, 9 0 5 -8 7 8-4 4 5 2 . The funeral service was held on Tuesday, August 21st, 2001 at 1:00 pm from the funeral hom e chapel. Interm ent fol lowed at St. Luke's Anglican Church C em e te ry in P alerm o. If desired, memorial donations to the H eart and Stroke Foundation in M ary's m em ory would be appreciated by the family. Deaths TAIT, Hugh G. - On Wednesday, August 15,2001 in his 73rd year. Hugh, beloved husband of Barbara W alley. Loving father of Janet Kataila and Clark Walley. A Funeral Mass of Christian Burial was held on Friday, August 17, 2001 at St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, Oakville. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the O ntario Heart and Stroke Foundation. Funeral Directors O a k v iew F U N ERA L H O M E Our family serving your family 56 LA K ESH O R E ROAD W EST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors · Don Clarke ·G regory Sidora ·Tina Q uenneville · Patrick M cD erm ott · Tam m y C ook SHELLEY, William Albert (Bill) P assed aw ay on T u e s d a y A u g u s t 14, 2001 at the O akville Trafalgar M em orial H o s p ita l a t 7 5 y e a rs o f a g e . D e a r b r o th e r o f A n n e R o b in s o n , E d ith R ichardson, and D orothy C lark. Father o f D a vid o f N ew Y ork an d A n d re w of C alifo rn ia . F ond ly re m e m b e re d by his nie c e s and nephew s. A priva te fam ily service w as held at St. Ju de's Cem etery on T u e s d a y A u g u s t 2 1 , 2 0 0 1 . A rra n g e m e n ts e n tru s te d to O a k v ie w Funeral Home. Photo by Brent Foster R ena Sava, left, M arcia Lantagne, and Karen W alker are three o f six O akville artists w ho will feature paintings they did during a trip to Q uebec in an art exhibition that opens this w eekend. 842-2252 Funeral Directors Quebec landscapes in art show A n art exhibition featuring the w ork o f six local artists, w ho took a painting trip to C harlevoix, Q uebec this spring, w ill be on dis play at Industrial A rtSpace, 2334 W yecroft Rd., Units 8 and 9, from Aug. 21 to 31. T his group o f six created a w ide range o f paintings in a variety o f m edia, including oil, w atercolour, pastel and acrylic. M any o f these landscapes w ill be included in the Six Views o f Charlevoix exhibition. Two opening receptions - one on Friday, Aug. 24 from 7 to 10 p.m . and the second on Sunday, Aug. 26 from 1 to 5 p.m. - w ill introduce artists Jessie G rant, M arcia L antagne, G ail M owat, R ena Sava, K aren W alker and A nn Kelly W alsh, w hose w ork is featured in this exhibit. G allery hours for the show are 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Thursdays, 7 to 10 p.m . on Fridays, and noon to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. C all 905-469-8954 for m ore inform ation or to m ake an appointm ent to see the art at a tim e other than those listed above. Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! ^ (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Rem em ber w ith a d o n a tio n 1 -8 8 8 -9 3 9 -3 3 3 3 toll free * 2 4 h o urs a d ay / 7 d a ys a w eek w w w .c a n ce r.ca C anadian Cancer Society D Soci£t£ can ad ienn e d u cancer Wizard ofOz' auditions Fanfare T he atrical P roduc tions will be holding audi tions for its annual produc tion o f The Wiz ard o f Oz at the F lem ing School o f D ance, 140s Dunn St. Triple threat perform ers w ith good "character look" are needed fo r all principal roles. T hose interested should com e to the auditions pre pared w ith a choice o f one com edic o r one dram atic m ono logue (A m erican classical), and a choice o f ballad/up-tem po song. Bring sheet m usic. An accom panist w ill be present. A uditions w ill be held on Sunday, Sept. 9 betw een 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. A uditions for dancers, both m ale and fem ale, aged 15 and over, and for m unchkins (aged 10 and older m axim um height 4 ' 11") w ill take place on Sunday, Sept. 16, begin ning at 11 a.m. for m unchkins and 1 p.m. for dancers. D ancers m ust have ballet and jazz dance train ing to an inter m ediate or advanced level. D ance train ing is preferred for m unchkins (prepared m ater ial unnecessary). F or an audi tion appoint ment, contact K athy Batycky at FanFare T he atrical P roduc tions, 416-4104166 (phone/fax) or e-m ail info @ fanfare the atre.com. Send photo and resum e to FanFare Theatri cal Productions, 286 Lakeshore Rd. E,, Suite 513, Oakville, Ont., L6J 1C7, as soon as possible. Rehearsals w ill begin Nov. 26 in Oakville. C h e c k O u t O u r F a ir M a r k e t V a lu e P ric in g 2000 TAURUS SE Auto, 3 .0 L V 6 , graphite blue w /g re y cloth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy w heels, tin te d w ind ow s, ABS, dual air bags, rem ote entry, security alarm , cassette, p. locks, p. mirrors, p. w indow s, p. seats, stereo system. 1 in f n ln T n w n C ar 5 5 $M^ Aut° . 4 6 LV8 , 14k, navy blue w /blue leather, air, cruise, t ilt alloy wheels, fog lamps, surt/moon roof, tinted windows, M A A * ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass.. 6 pack CD. pi, pm. p * pw, stereo. S tk # P 1 4 9 4 charcoal leather, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, sun/m oon roof, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, rem ote entry, alarm, cass., 6 pack CD, pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo. S tk # P 1 4 9 6 E x o l o r e r S n o r t Auto, 4.0 LSOHCV6,73k, tropic green w/grey C A p i u r e i j p u i i igatheq ^ ouise: roof rack, spfit rear seatsb tih, F x n ln r p r S n o r t Auto. 4.0 L SOHC V6,53k, red w/grey leather, t r / I \ 1 111 T j l W y 20,800 alloy wheels, fog lamps, running boards, sun/moon root tinted windows, ABS dual air bag* remote entry, security alarm, CD. pi. pm. J pseats, pw, stereo system, sport pkg. Stk#P1531 · Auta 3.8 LV6,41k, tan w/tan quads, ait cruise roof rack, tilt alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS. dual air bags, remote entry, security alarm, cassette pi, pm, pw, stereo system, rear air & heat overhead console 1 owner bought here traded here Stk#P15077A Auto. 4.0 LV6,59k, medwedgewood w/grey doth, air, cruise roof rack, tilt split seats, alloy wheels, running boards, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, cassette pi, pm, pw; stereo system, Stk#P17220A ; air, cruise · ABS. : dual rear air & heat Extracare Warranty to 80,000 k's · Stk#P172748 J · I ! - *20,900* & . " air. cruise roof rack, split rear seats, tilt alloy unhook fnn lamp* lamnc running n inntrm board* hnarrk sun/moon a in/mnm wheel* fog roo( tinted window* ABS dual air bag* remote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi. pm, pseat* pw, stereo system. Stk#P1517 Lincoln Town f __ c c 1,6,L 4 k - white ^ de^p $J v ,d r % J AA* S #1 / I I || | |a TVV W in d s ta r L X " ' t 4| A A A # | m H | I f v V V f Lincoln Tow n S! Stk#P1528 7 TO CHOOSE FROM -VARIOUS COLOURS 2000& E xp lo re r S p o rt .* 1 5 .9 0 0 ' 1997 EXPLORER eddie bauer 4X4 Auto, 6 cyl., 97k, drk green w /ta n leather, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheels, fog lamps, sun/moon roof, tinted ^ w indows, leather, ABS, dual air bags, _ rem ote entry, security alarm , cassette, p. locks, p. mirrors, p. seats, p. windows, stereo system. *21,400* s 25,900 S i |« A A A | M IH H I I Vr r | .v W R a n g e r S/C ab air, a llo y w h ee ls, tin te d w in d o w s, c>1-. 2,.k' 9reen. w/sr?>doth' d u a l a ir bags, CD, p m , ste re o system . S tk # P 1 4 0 6 *20,900 W in d s ta r SE *24,400* *19,900 * window* ABS. dual air bag* remote entry, security alarm, cassette pi. pm, pseat* pw, stereo system. Stk#P1529 W t a r la L X in d s idi ta LX vvinub Auto 3-8L b,ack w/tan 9^ uatk a u js e _ V6' r g C k it j)t a | | o y w h e e · air> la m p * tinted windows, ABS, dual a irb _ remote entry, alarm, cass., pi. pm, p seas, stereo system, rear air & heat, traction control S tk#1 30 0 1A Auto. 24 valve V 6 ,1 0 0 k , silve r w /b lu e d o th /le a th e r, air, cruise, ro o f rack, s p lit re a r seats, tilt, a llo y w h e e l* tin te d w in d o w s , ABS, d u a l a ir bags, re m o te e ntry, a larm , cass., pi, pm . ps, pw. ste re o system . S tk # 1 6 0 0 4 A Auto, 6 cyl., 5 5 k, gre en w /g re y clo th . air, cruise, ro o f rack, tilt, tin te d w in d o w * d u a l a ir bags, pi, pm , pw. stereo system . S tk # 1 7 1 3 7 A ^ S ab le LS W IVindstar s lta * * 6an; ^ cruise 3-8L- ^ *** "to** win 111d vo a ir SEL * quads, roof racMHt alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS. dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., CD, pi, pm, pw, stereo system, rear air. S tk#P 1446 *22,800 C a v a lie r *13,900 · V e n tu re ^ S 4 "I A A A | I V I1 1 | | I f f i f W . Taurus SE Wagon alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm. p. seats, pw. stereo system, 3rd seat. Stk#P1456 Auto, 3.01, V6,35k, white w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels* tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, power seat pw, stereo system. Stk#P1472 Auto, 4 cyl. ZETEC 32k. tropic green w/grey doth, air, cruise split rear seats, tilt alloy wheels, rear spoil®, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1505 Auto, 3.0L V6, 28k, navy blue w/grey doth, air, cruise tilt alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, pwr seats, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1507 Auto, 3.0LV6,39k, white w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilt alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, security alarm, cassette pi, pm, pwr seats, pw. stereo system. Stk#P1508 Auto, 3.0L V6, 29k, silver w/grey doth, air, cruise t ill alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags* remote entry, security alarm, cassette pi, pm, pwr seats, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1509 Auto, 3.01 V6,39k, burgandy w/charcoal doth, air, cruise tilt, alloy wheel* tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, security alarm, cassette pi. pm. pwr seats, pw, stereo system, traction control, cap unit Stk#P1527 *13,900 Auto, 4 cyl, 43k, white air, cruise tilt rear · x spoiler, tinted window* ABS, dual air bag* J 1 remote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, pw ,· stereo system Stk#P19008A I a Taurus SE Stk#P1359 1 8 ,9 0 0 * 1998 WINDSTAR Auto, 6 cyl., 3 .8 L, 7 7 k , w h ite w /b lu e cloth, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy w heels, tin te d w ind ow s, ^ B S , dual a ir bags, cass., p. locks, p. mirros, p. w ind ow s, stereo system, qu ad seats. Stk#1357 s17,600 s16,800 *17,900 *17,300' *17,900* *19,900* Focus Se Taurus SE t Taurus SE Taurus SE Taurus SE W in d s ta r SE Explorer Eddie Auto. 6 cyl, 97k, dk green w /tan leather, tilt, alloy wheels, fog lamps, sun/moon roof, tinted w in d o w * dual air bags, remote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, psea t* pw, stereo. S tk # 1 373 Auto, 6 cyl, 91 k, blue w/grey, air, tinted windows, VVIIIUUMJ, UUOI dual O air H bags, UQ^J, cassette, V .Q 3JCUC, power mirrors, stereo system. S tk#1493 *13,900* T AA C o n to u r * D a n n e r S /fa h Auto 6 cyl, 126k, black air, cruise, tilt, alloy ! « " _ _ _ ^ wheels, tinted w in d ow * dual air bag* CD 1 player, pm, pw, stereo system, boxliner. S tk #1 34 2 A C A A j T f l / I iW | ( jl p i Bauer A A A ^ D f lf l A I I I I ¥ ¥ ¥ A A A * a'r` CTuise*ro° *rac^ S P*'1 rear seats> lo e pn Gr rfj 5u dr., 4re x4 Vcruise 8 ,7 5k, ro burje pu o .Lfh np e rn r ok Kpepe ILtrf ia . g n dSUV y w /g y,4 (e spd. a th eauto, r of rack, sp lit rear seats,'tH t alloy wheels, fog lamps, sun/m oon roof, tin te d w in - J dows, ABS, dual air bags, rem ote e n try ,« alarm , cass., CD, heated seats, pi, pm, J ps, pw, stereo system. S tk # 1 3 9 8 A « Auto, 4 cyl., 9 4 k . to re a d e r re d w /g re y clo th , air, cruise, tilt, tin te d w in d o w s , d u a l air b a g * cass., p i, pm , p w , stereo system . S tk # P 1 3 6 7 Auto. 4 cyl., 73k. w h ite w /g rey cloth, air, alloy wheels, rear spoiler, tin te d w in d o w * dual air bags, rem ote entry, alarm , cass.. pi. pm, stereo system, sp ort pkg. S tk # P 1 4 0 0 ' · I ' E150 Cargo Van F-150 Lariat Flareside 2* . . rnA 4 ,9 0 0 * 1999 RANGER S/C 4X4 Auto, 6 cyl., 4 .0 L, 78k, ,dk. green w /ta n cloth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, fog lamps, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, ^ CD, heated seats, p. locks, i. mirrors, p. windows, stereo system, 4 x 4 off road pkg. A u ta 6 cyl., 3.8L, 59k, spruce green w/grey _ _ _ _ a quads, air, cruise roof rack, t ilt alloy wheels, ^ ^ jk A A fog lamps, tinted windows, ABS, dual air i m / I | H I bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, W M a V V pw, stereo system, RH pwr. dr., dual air & 1 heat fir. console. Stk#P1462 G rand A m SE Aut0-6 59k- 9reenw/9rey aircruise, t ilt tinted w indow * dual air bags, > 4 F I I All remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, stereo 13 IrvU s y 5 t e m S t k # p 1 4 6 6 A T a u ru s _ _ a Stk#P1366A ^ ^ 4 r I n I V 0 Ai l A im f W V Auto, 3.0 L V 6,5 8k, tan w /tan doth, air. cruise t ilt alloy wheels, rear spoiler, tinted wind°ws, dual air bags, security alarm, cass.,pi,pm ,pw,stero. S tk#P 1470 Auto, 3.0 L 24 Valve V6,76k. graphite blue w/grey doth, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, till alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi. pm. ps, pw, stereo system Stk#P1483 Auto, 3.0 L V6,55k, graphite blue w/qrey doth/leather, ait cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, security alarm, cassette pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1499 Auto, 4.6 L V8,47k. white w/tan leather, air, cruise tilt, alloy wheels, fog lamps, tinted windows, ABS dual air bags, remote entry, security alarm, CD player, pi, pm, pseat* pw, stereo system. Stk#P1526 > 1 9 ,5 0 0 Taurus SE 1998 LINCOLN CONfiNENTAL Auto, 8 cyl., 8 7 k , gre en w /ta n leather, air, cruise, tilt, allo y w h e e ls , s u n /m o o n roof, tin te d ,, ^ w in d o w s , ABS, d u a l a ir bags, re m o te entry, la rm , cassette,C D , h e a te d seats, p. locks, i. m irros, p. seats, p. w in d o w s , ste reo system , chrom e w h e e ls , te le p h o n e . *16,900* *16,900* *21,900* S ab le LS F150 LARIAT Auto. 8 cyl., 4 .6L, 6 7 k, d k. green Grd. M arq u is LS * w /ta n leather, air, cruise, tilt, alloy *11,800 *12,900* *12,900* *15,900' *16,900' *16,900* *20,900* *12,900* *22,900 *19,400* ZX2 S p o rt C o n to u r GL S unfire GT W in d star GL F-150 R/CAB C o n to u r GL W in d s ta r LX J « J · | · \ ; < | ; · J · J J · J « [ * [ « J *15,900' *19,800 *13,300 Sable GS >1 ^ J a a n n f l * 4 auta « L V& 74k. dark cabernet n ith n r n r r ri.ic-o tilt, tilt alloy a ln» " red w /tan leather, air. cruise, w h e e l* tinted w in d o w * ABS, dual air bags, cassette, pi. pm, ps, pw, stereo system. S tk#1 49 8 Auto, 3.0 LV6,75k, m aroon w/grey doth , £ air. cruise, tilt, tinted w in d o w * dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, pw. stereo system. S tk # 1 6 0 0 7 A 5 speed, DIESEL l lOk. white w/grey doth. ait trunk release dual air bag* cassette pm, stereo. S tk # 1 7 1 16A Volkswagen Jetta GL 4 spd. Auto, 6 cyl. HIA, 94k, It. green w/grey cloth, air, cruise, sp lit rear se at* tilt, alloy w h e e l* rear spoiler, tin te d w in dows, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system, sport pkg. S tk #P 140 1 Auto, 4 cyl. 82k, black w /black cloth, air, auise, split rear seats, tilt, alloy whls., fog la m p * rear spoiler, sun/moon roof, tinted windows, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system. S tk # P 1 4 2 8 Auto, 6 cyl. 3.8L, 71 k, spruce green w/tan quad* air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy whls., tinted w in d ow * ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system, traction control. S tk#P 1429 5 spd. manual, 6 cyl. 99k, It. denim blue w/grey cloth, air, alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pm, stereo system, XLS package. S tk # P 1 4 3 2 Taurus GL Waaon Aula 6 c '1 1 " 98,k-to,eador red w,9re» ' loth' a ^ * air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seat* tilt, S^l ^ il A A I # *I m l i w W 111 I I I alloy wheels, tinted w in d ow * dual air k a g* remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, P * pw, stereo system. S tk#1 45 9 5 spd, 6 cyl., 128k, black w/grey doth, air, cruise, split rear seat* tilt, alloy wheel* fog lamps, rear spoiler, sun/moon roof, tinted windows, dual air bag* cassette, pi, pm, pseat* pw, stereo system. S tk # 1 5 0 6 5 A Probe GT *13,900 C avalier ^ S if l A A A A M J a 10,9110 5,k"7,84c 1 9 9 5 Auto, 4 cyl., 74k, blue w/grey cloth, air. ^ cruise, rear spoiler, tinted windows, ABS. dual air bags, cassette, pm. stereo system. V8, 4 .6 L ,8 8 k , red w /g re y clo th , F1S0 XLT S/CAB; Auto, air, cruise, tilt , a llo y w h ee ls, tin te d ! J w in d o w s , d u a l a ir bags, cassette, pi. · pm , pw , ste re o system . S tk # 1 4 3 3 J · · * · I Escort Wagon * £ £ M A A windows. ABS, dual air b ag * cassette, pm, £ 1 1 1 1 1 pi, pw, stereo system S tk#1 72 7 8A 5 spd. manual, 4 cyl., 4 1 k , d k . gre en w /g re y clo th , air, a u is e , tilt , a llo y w h ee ls, tin te d w in d o w s , d u a l a ir bags, cassette, p i, p m , pw , ste re o system . S tk # 1 4 3 6 · J wheels, tin te d w in d o w s, ABS, d u a l a ir · bags, re m o te entry, a larm , cass., pi. J pm , ps, pw , stereo system . S tk # 1 4 3 9 · Auto, 6 cyl., 3.8L 81 k. cabernet red w /tan leather, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bag* remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, stereo system, quad seat* dual air & heat. fir. console & o/h console. S tk #1 45 8 J « *12,800 Nissan 240-SX . * Auto, 79k, burgandy w/grey leather, air, cruise, split rear seat* tilt, alloy w heel* rear spoiler, sun/moon roof, tinted win d o w * dual air bag* CD, pi. pm, pseat* p w . stereo system. S tk#1 45 5 A J « [ « S tk#P 1392 , 9 0 0 BURLINGTON'S il S P U M E D F08D DEALER terrace ford lincoln s a l e s 900 WALKERS LINE AT QEW, BURLINGTON (905) D O Z - b Z t ) Z I QUALITY CERTIFIED p a a jyooi Ranger XLT EXT 5 spd, 4.0LV6,1061c, silver w/grey cloth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy w heel* tinted w indow * single air bag, cassette, pm, stereo system. S tk#1 71 1 7B Applicable taxes, adm inistration fee & license extra. OAC. All vehicles come w ith a minimum 12 month Powertrain Warranty. All vehicles certified and emission ready. See dealer for deta V is it u s at w w w .t e r r a c e fo r d lin c o ln .c o m LINCOLN Tim Faster M anager John Rottnrell `i n l i . v K. ! P K l n n S a le s S le a s in g \ } (35 ^ ^ $ V / SERVING We a r e * H i here! " j H a rv e s te r R o ad ! F a irvie w S t : \<fi. Y F \ ff S' / jp \ Q, IL /U IO Si W ^ P rices are plus ap p licab le taxes, ad m in istratio n fee & lic en se . On th e spot financing av ailab le O .A .C . & SXS& 0^o°o" io

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