Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 29 Aug 2001, c7

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Wednesday, August 29, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C7 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Local musician composes and mounts own work B y C arol Baldw in ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR M isha Aster may not be another Mozart, who began composing at about age 5, but at age 23, the Oakville musician has composed a theatrical concert that will go on stage in Toron to next month. And it's not his first. "It's my own adaptation. I've taken two works: the opera Wozzeck and the play Woyzeck, and have translated and adapted both from Ger man into a musical-dramatic tapestry," says the young stage director of Wozzeck/Woyzeck, a 100minute presentation that combines Alban Berg's opera and Georg Buchner's theatrical production. Aster says he chose that combination because the opera Wozzeck has always been part o f his life, since he spent his formative years at rehearsals with his opera director mother. Dur ing his first five or six years of life, he says, his mother worked on a number of productions of that particular opera in Europe and in North America. "Every time I heard the music there was some kind of emotional recall. I certainly felt a connection with the work," he explains. "I saw a production of it in Salzburg, Austria in 1997...and I had mixed opinions on the produc tion. But more than being impressed by it, I was struck by the possibilities of the piece." Despite its possibilities, Wozzeck poses a problem for many opera companies because it requires a 120-piece orchestra. But, when Aster was studying 20th century opera, he discovered a 21-instrument chamber orchestration of the well-know opera. "That excited me tremendous ly. And with the thoughts still turning over in my mind after the Salzburg production, Wozzeck became quite an obsession." Then after reading the play (written in 1837) a couple of years ago, the young musician, who has played the violin for almost 20 years, says he realized how powerful words and verbal expres sion could be. Music, on the other, has more emotional resources, but is simplified, he adds. "As a young person, I like articulation. I like ideas that can be communicated through speech. Expressing myself in words is a very important value to me, so I started thinking about how Buchner and Berg could be reconciled." And he set out to do just that, claiming it only took about three months of actual work, although he could see images in his m ind's eye before he put pen to paper or fingers to comput er keyboard. Once the work was complete, Aster still had the hurdle of trying to find a company to mount his new production. No problem there, either. The young man simply formed his own compa ny - Theatre of Ideas - and set about having Wozzeck/Woyzeck produced. Photo by Brent Foster Misha Aster is composer and stage director of Wozzeck/Woyzeck - a new "musical-dramatic tapestry" that combines Alban Berg's opera and Georg Buchner's theatrical production. "We have a board of directors and an artistic advisory board. And this is the first production of the company with the momentum from which we hope to parlay into future projects of this nature," he says, explaining that his interest will continue to lie with the relationship between music and drama - "that tension between what can be said in words and what can only be expressed through music." The orchestral music in this first production of his will be provided by 21 musicians who will be on stage rather than in an orchestra pit, with their role resembling that of the chorus in ancient Greek tragedies - "a constant presence that comments on the previous scenes' actions and foreshadows what is to com e.. .pushing the action out into direct contact with the audience." Along with the musicians, five actors will tell Buchner's story of a delusional barber accused of murder. The story, says Aster, focus es on the relationships between the different characters, although the playwright died before finishing the play. "So we're left with these absolutely remark able sketches which, in and of themselves, cre ate a masterpiece. But it is an incomplete, nondefinitive work," says Aster, explaining that there is no set sequence of events or ending. "They are very short scenes of tw o...(to) four minutes, in different locations that move mon tage style. It's not your typical drawing room play. Life goes on in between all the scenes...dropping in on different characters all the time." Out o f this, Berg fashioned a three-act opera, with five musically structured scenes in each act, and an ending. Each of the first five scenes focuses on one of the characters, (S e e `W in ' o n p a g e C 6) Career Training IN CO M E TA X C O U R S E CIRRCULUM - During the 11week course, students study the basics of income tax preparatin including current laws, theory and application. SUCCESSFUL STU DENTS RECEIVE a n H&R BLOCK certificate of accom plishm ent and the opportunity to interview fo r e m p lo y m en t w ith H&R BLOCK. However, completion of the course does not guarantee employment. H&R BLOCK KNOWS TAXES AND HOW to teach them. Our instructors are expertly trained a n d a re e x p e rie n c e d w ith discussion sessions, reference materials and instructions using regulation forms and schedules. CLASSES ARE FORMING NOW. Enrolm ent is open and classes begin Sept. 12. A choice of morning and evening sessions are available. ANYONE MAY ENROLL. APPLICANTS need only th e w illingness to lea rn about taxes. Visit our website at:www.hrblock.ca THE TUITION COST covers the complete course, including te x tb o o k s, all m a te ria ls , r e fe re n c e g u id es and r e g is tra tio n . An in s ta lm e n t p a y m e n t p la n is a v a ila b le if desired. FULL DETAILS ARE AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE Just call for complete details on class locations, starting dates, tuition, etc. Act p ro m p tly as c la ssro o m sp a c e is lim ite d . E arly re g is tra tio n w ill e n su re y our place in the school. YOUR INQUIRY IS INVITED. Please call us at: Deaths C H 0M IC A , H ild a E ls ie - (nee G lanville). Peacefully at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Monday, August 27, 2001. Loving and much loved wife of Maurice, dearest mother of Jane (Jim) Reid, Oakville; Wayne (Mollie) Chartrand, London; Glenn Chartrand, Toronto, and Larry (Atefeh) Chartrand, Calgary;' dearest Nana to Lisa Webber, Oakville; Jonathan (Shirley) Chartrand, Burlington; Cindy Chartrand, Calgary; Candice (Jason) Pelletier and their daughter Kaitlin, Oakville; Step-Nana to Michael Day and his son Dylan. She will also be missed by her brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews, and the Chartrand family. Friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, on Wednesday from 6-9 p.m. and Thursday 10-11 a.m. A Funeral Service w ill be held at the Ward Funeral Home Chapel on Thursday, August 30th, 2001 at 11 a.m. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. As an expression of sympathy, donations to The Parkinson Foundation of Canada, 390 Bay Street, Suite 710, Toronto M5H 2Y2, would be appreciated. InM em oriam R E IL L Y , G eo rg e- In lo vin g m e m o ry o f a d e a r h u sb a n d a n d fa th e r w h o d ie d A u g u s t 30, 1996. T h e te a rs in o u r e y e s w e c a n w ip e aw a y, T h e a c h e in o u r h e a rts w ill a lw a y s stay. Y o u r lo v in g w ife , E ile e n , s o n s J o h n a n d M ic h a e l a n d d a u g h t e r L y n n e a n d g ra n d ch ild re n . Funeral Director A O A K V IE W FU N ER AL H O M E Our family serving your family 56 LA K E SH O R E R O A D W E ST O A K VILLE Funeral D irectors · D on C la rk e ·G re g o ry S id o ra ·T in a Q u e n n e v ille · P a tric k M c D e rm o tt ·T a m m y C o o k 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Remember with a donation 1- 888- 939-3333 toll tree 24 hours a day 17 days a week 1-877-229-6112 H&R BLOCK In q u ire a bout o u r Septem ber school and receive a Free $10.00 long distance phone card More Employment... METR0LAND P E D E R S E N , J o a n - It is with deep sad ne ss, the fa m ily an n o u n ce s the passing of Joan on Sunday, August 26, 2001 at the South M uskoka H ospital, Bracebridge, Ont. Beloved wife of the late Jens and sister of M ary S cott of Mississauga. Loving mother of Paul and Bruce. Dear m other-in-law of Dorothy and Sue. Will be missed by grandchildren Ron (Janet), Katrina (Daniel), Shawn and Lisa. G reat g ra n d m o th e r o f Rachel, N atasha and Kailey. F riends w ilt be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville (905-844-3221) on W ednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service to be held in the Ward Chapel on Thursday, August 30th, 2001 at 2 p.m. Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you w ant to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 www.cancer.ca Canadian ^ ' Cancer Society jd ' m Societe canadienne du cancer Advertising Sales Representatives The Oakville Beaver is presently seeking Full-Tim e Sales R ep resen tatives for both our North News Edition and Retail Advertising departments. Candidates must be highly motivated and strive to achieve results. Be a part of our team w ith a highly attractive com pensation package, including salary, commission and vehicle allowance. Your Responsibilities Include: · Servicing and enhancing new and existing accounts · Prospecting for and acquiring new accounts · Preparing formal written and visual presentations as well as face to face and telephone sales · Establishing and surpassing personal budgets · Selling advertising into special supplements Your Qualifications Include: · Keen desire to succeed and advance · Ability to manage several projects concurrently · Good communication, organization and teamskills SILVEIRA, Maria - On Monday. August 27,2001 at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, in her 81st year. Beloved wife of Migeul. Dear mother of Joe and his wife Bernardette, Antonio and his wife Lizuia, Lawrence and his wife Maria Manuela, Augusto and his wife Eva, Manuel and Maria and her husband Edwardo. Loving grandmother to seventeen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 5-9 pm. Tuesday. Funeral Mass 10:00 a.m. Wednesday at St. Dominic Parish, 2415 Rebecca Street, Oakville. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Tender Tender REQ U EST FOR P R O PO SA L B id d o c u m e n ts fo r th e c o n tra c t o r s e rv ic e lis te d b e lo w , a d d re s s e d to th e M a n a g e r o f P u rc h a s in g S e rv ic e s , 1151 B R O N T E R O A D , O A K V IL L E O N L6 M 3L1 w ill b e re c e ive d u n til 2 :0 0 p.m . O a k v ille T im e o n th e s p e c ifie d c lo s in g da te . B id d o c u m e n ts c a n b e s een o r o b ta in e d th ro u g h th e P u rc h a s in g D iv isio n o f th e C o rp o ra te S e rv ic e s D e p a rtm e n t, s a m e a d d re ss a s a b o v e , te le p h o n e (90 5) 8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 , e x te n s io n 7 0 3 1 . If lo n g d is ta n c e c h a rg e s ap p ly, d ia l to ll fre e 1-8 6 6 -4 H A L T O N (1 -8 6 6 -4 4 2 -5 8 6 6 ). D o c u m e n ts w ill b e a v a ila b le fo r p ick u p o n a n d a fte r T h u rs d a y , A u g u s t 23, 20 0 1 . T h e re is a n o n -re fu n d a b le d e p o s it o f $ 2 5 .0 0 p lu s $ 1 .7 5 G S T . U n d e r n o c irc u m s ta n c e s w ill fa c s im ile o r la te b id s b e a c c e p te d o r c o n s id e re d . L o w e s t o r a n y b id n o t n e c e s s a rily a c ce p te d . H a lto n R e g io n relies o n th is a d v e rtis e m e n t to p ro v id e p u b lic n o tic e o f th is b u sin e s s o p p o rtu n ity a n d is n o t o b lig a te d to n o tify a n y p o te n tia l b id d e rs in a n y o th e r m a n n e r. Reply in confidence to: Daniel Baird, Retail Advertising Manager c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON., L6K 3S4 No Phone Calls Please STACEY, G arfield (Gar) - (Past President of Oakville Legion Branch #114 and a retired 36 year employee of Brewers Retail). Peacefully after a courageous battle on Sunday, August 26, 2001 at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 71st year. Gar, beloved husband of Shirley of 47 years. Loved fattier of Dan and his wife Vanessa, Bob and his wife Joanne, John and his wife Karen and Mark and his wife Sheila. Dear Poppa of Carlene, Dustin, Brock, Zackary, Natalie, Holly, Jackson, William, Laura and Abby. Dear brother of Deloris and her husband Jim Murphy, Norma and her husband Dennis Smith, John and his wife Eleanor and Brenda-Lee and her husband Jim Hart. Sadly missed by Ethel, George, Terry and many nieces and nephews. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday and 3-5 and 79 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral service 11 a.m. Thursday, August 30, 2001 at the Church of the Epiphany, 161 Bronte Road, Oakville. Cremation. Those who wish, may make memorial contributions to the Oakville Special Olympics -Marlins Swim Team or the Palliative Care Unit, Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. 0 1 -P -0 1 0 SU PPLY A N D D ELIV ERY O F L A B O R A T O R Y P R O D U C T S C L O S IN G : T H U R S D A Y , SEPTEM B ER 20, 2001 P. MURPHY COMMISSIONER OF PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS w w w .e tn b id s .c o m w w w .re a io n .h a lto n .o n .c a /b id s A. MINDENHALL, CPPO MANAGER OF PURCHASING SERVICES

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