Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 29 Aug 2001, c6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, August 29, 2001 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Scenic sketches Right: Arlina Bellmore (front), Cassandra Beaudry, 9, Gabsy Evans, 12, and Olivia McGuire, 13, create their individual concepts of Oakville Harbour in water colours, while Kristie Mitton, 8, below, paints the har bour from a different vantage point. These young artists were part of the Art School this summer, run by Oakville artist Dawn Angela Seeley and Hockley Valley artist Joan Skura. The would-be artists tried their hands at acrylics and oils as well as watercolours, using only the three primary colours. They also used nature as their subject on many occasions, taking their brush es and paints to various outdoor locations around town. Win a trip for two to Vienna (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e C 7) ATIONAL Bridal Show September 7-9, 2001 International Centre, Airport Road C a n a d a 's first and foremost wedding show! FALL Visit over 150 o f Toronto's to p w edding retailers under one roof Show Hours: Friday ................... 5pm to 10pm S a tu rd a y ............ 10am to 9pm Sunday . 10am to 6 pm Fashion Show Times: Friday 7:30pm; Saturday 2pm & 7:30pm: Sunday lpm & 4pm ADMISSION $12.00-PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Photo courtesy of Reportage Produced by: ( g g g g M g g E jj) a ifis Were pminu tribute to the Fabulous -ills with a musical ceiebiation at the explains Aster, introducing "all the important musical motifs of the opera...the elements of music...developing the harmonic figures. It's utter genius," he says with obvious admiration, adding that the opera was written between 1921 and 1925. "The very ending of the piece is just an oscillation between two notes that just sort of tapers off and then stops." Aster, who was bom and raised in Oakville, graduated from the Etobicoke School of the Arts at age 16. He then set off to spend a year in Berlin apprenticing at one of the world's largest repertory opera houses under Goetz Friedrich "one of the five most important opera directors of the 20th century." He says he did "anything and everything" from running for coffee to coaching French, and ultimately learned the decision-making process as it applies to a work o f art, which stands him in good stead as stage director of Theatre o f Ideas. Oddly enough, Aster went from complete immersion in an arts program to the London School of Economics where he completed the first year of a bachelor's degree in European studies - "an interdisciplinary course." He then spent two years at McGill University in the his tory department, followed by another two years at the Institute for Advanced Theatre Training at Harvard University. "Oakville has always been home," he says of his return after five years of academic study. "Along the way I have been involved in different productions and projects." His Wozzeck/Woyzeck production and the the atre company that is presenting it, he explains, are the ultimate test for him - "a culmination of all the years of study...and an important aspect of my professional life." However, he adds, he doesn't expect to make money from the Theatre of Ideas, but plans to produce and direct operas around the world, returning on occasion to his home and his theatre company to experiment with new ideas and new projects. The company's first original production will be on stage at the Bathurst Street Theatre, 736 Bathurst St., Toronto on Sept 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15 at 8 p.m. with a matinee at 3 p.m. on Sept. 9. Tickets are $28 or $18 for students and seniors. In conjunction with the Toronto International Film Festival, A ster says secondary Wozzeck/Woyzeck events will take place at the theatre - a symposium on Sept. 10, a screening of the film Die Soldaten (The Soldiers, 1965) on Sept. 11 and a concert on Sept 12. The symposium will feature a panel of com posers, directors, playwrights and scholars for a discussion of music and drama, with a particular focus on Berg and Buchner, followed by a recep tion with the panelists. The movie, filmed from the 1987 Stuttgart pro duction of Berg's opera, will be making its Cana dian premiere. Die Soldaten has been described as "a multi-media thrill to the senses... Wozzeck in overdrive...compressing a complex web of char acters and histories into two short hours." The concert will include poetry, painting, slides and chamber music "from which Berg and his Wozzeck emerged...perform ed by musicians of the world-famous Vienna conservatory." The orchestra in A ster's production, presented in association with the Glenn Gould Profession al School of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto and the Wiener Konservatorium in Vien na, will also include musicians from Austria as well as from Canada, the U.S., Great Britain, Russia, Spain, Israel and Japan. Tickets to the secondary events are $12 or $10 for students and seniors; and anyone who buys tickets to one of the three secondary events'will be entered into a draw to win a trip for two to Vienna, with the winner being announced during intermission of the concert on Sept. 12. Aster, who considers this trio of secondary events to be complementary1 to his production, says, "Part of the mandate of the company (The atre of Ideas) is more than just to produce inter esting works, but to place them in context, to make them available to as wide an audience as possible, and to discuss the content and signifi cance of these works by surrounding them with things and events that can heighten awareness and appreciation for where they come from and what they are about." S e p te m b e r TABM CLAND Don't miss Canada's largest Retirem ent Living Forum ! M eet E xhibitors o ffe rin g p ro d u cts & Travel Sin Sponsored by: Ontario Pharmacists' /Issoclation -//Isso. Metro T oronto C onvention Centre, 7 & 8 255 F ro n t St. W est. at th e fo o t o f the CN T ow er 10am - 6pm Presented by: Admission: .5, Let's Get Batk to Sewing! HUGE SELECTION Simplicity HHMtBinamaPT a n d serv ices f o r y o u r lifestyle inclu d in g in fo rm a tio n on H o u sin g , H ealth , F inance, Travel, In su ran ce, S afety 8c F ra u d A w aren ess a n d m o re! F re e W o rk sh o p s 8c S em in ars, Live E n te rta in m e n t daily fe a tu rin g T h e C lim ax Jazz B and 8c T h e T o ro n to All-Star Big B and. Better than Half Price/ 9843 HERE IS JUST A SAMPLE OF WHAT'S ON SALE: Special Selection! BROADCLOTH 115cm wide, polyester/cotton. Assorted colours. Our Reg. 2.44 m NOW 1.77 m Special Selection! BRUSHED PLAID SHIRTINGS 112cm w ide,100% cotton. Lots of colours & plaids. Our Reg. 8.98 m NOW 4.99 m Special Selection! WIDE CORDUROY PRINTS 145cm wide, 100% cotton. Florals, paisleys, textures. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 6.99 m Great Value at Better th a n '/? Price! Our Entire Stock! DENIM 150cm w ide,100% cotton & some blends. Choose fro m several weights, em broidered, some prints, stretch, in blues & black. Our Reg. 14.98-22.98 m NOW ALL 33% OFF Our Reg. Price Great Prizes, Samples 8c Information! Scotiabank S :ng products & services for your family · Live concerts featuring Lenny Graf Saturday & Sunday · Information seminars on Family Safety, Parenting, Financial Planning & more! · Non-stop stage presentation featuring a Back to School Fashion Show, clowns, magicians & more daily Ride the Mini Circuit track Prizes. Samples, information & FUN! Special Selection! ARCTIC FLEECE PRINTS 150cm wide, 100% polyester. Huge assortm ent of prints. Our Reg. 19.98 m Special Selection! 100% WOOL & BLENDS 140-150cm wide. Classic solids and men's looks in 100% wool and assorted w ool blends. Our Reg. 19.98 m NOW 9.99 m SAVE 50%! Special Selection! FASHION PRINTS 115cm wide, 100% polyester. O ur Reg. 12.98 m NOW 3.99 m Better than V4 Price! Special Selection! WILD SKINS 150cm wide, 100% polyester. Many skin designs in plush fur-like textures. Our Reg. 29.98 m NOW 14.99 m SAVE 50%! Special Selection! LINING SOLIDS 150cm wide. Fashion & basic colours. Our Reg. 4.98 m NOW 2.22 m Better than % Price! NOW 8.99 m Great Value a t Better than V? P ritel EXCLUSIVE MEMBERS ONLY OFFER! 3 DAYS ONLY! Entire In-Store Stock of September 7th, 8th & 9th Toivnto Meti o Convention Centre $7, Children under 12 FREE, Grandparents/Seniors $5. HOURS: Friday 1 pm-6 pm, Sat & Sun 10 am-6 pm 255 Front Street West (at the foot o f the CN Admission: , Sponsored By: Tower) E3 M utual Funds BUTTERICK PATTERNS ONLY 2.99 ea. No limit, while quantities last. Offer in effect Aug. 30,31 & Sept. 1, 2001 for valid Sewing Club Members only. Not valid with any other discounts. Family Pass $10 (2 adults) Cheerios the^ a y Sale in e ffe c t A u g .2 7 --S ept.16, 20 01 , on selected in -s to c k m e rch an dise only. S o rry, no specia l o rd ers. M o s t ite m s availab le in m o s t s to re s . L o o k fo r th e red sale ta gs. Sale g o o d s s o ld as-is. A ll sales fin a l. Please no te: the te rm " re g u la r p rice " refers to Fa briclan d's re g u la r c h a in -s to re price. For Further Details, visit www.prem ierconsumershows.com For Exhibit Information on these events, call 905 815-0017 or 1 800 256 3673 OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V I L L E 844-7728

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